Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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Updated Divisions of Reality :), so enjoy.

wow. another update? I think the snow is affecting your brain!

LOL it made my muse happy.

My next goal is to try and churn out another Born To Be chapter.

I was looking at my profile...and realized I've been writing a ton lately. *gives muse lots of cookies*

yay another b2b chappie 2! OMG I think I just fell in love LMAO i joke... yesh yesh "new reader" I have read alot thru the years just never posted actual reviews.. badddd krystle.


LMAO so I forgot I had this thing, till I saw Julie's update thread and went...hey I have one of those too!  :P

So none of my older stories have been updated. (I know, I suck) But...I have a new one.

It's called "Remember Me This Way", it's different for me, drama and angst. Nothing strange or supernatural :). Basically, something happens that makes Nick realize he only has one life to live, and needs to stop wasting it before it's gone. Can't say much more.  ;) So if you're reading, hopefully y'all enjoy it.  ;D

 Oh, and of course "Song For The Undead" was updated recently as well hehe.


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