Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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I'm happy to say I've updated HWS and finished it. :).

It always feels good to click "complete" from no to yes.

So I've been really bad about delays with this particular story I just updated. But know I never forgot about it. I just have a lot more material. Thank Nick's book! LOL.

"Divine Intervention" has been updated and I SWEAR I won't let the wait be so long next time.

So while I have chapters for both Undead (half written) and Divine Intervention (started) going, neither of them are the reason for this post LOL.

I posted a new one-shot from Nick's POV called "Family".

Enjoy! :)

So...first off I haven't forgotten DI lol. I swear.

But I've always been that writer to need projects to switch back and forth with (outside of collabs). And I got inspired because I've been watching "Firefly" recently and forgot how much I loved the show. It gave me this whole new idea I promised myself I wouldn't post until I was at least three chapters in. Within a day and a half I've outlined, written the intro, AND chapters one and two, with a start on three. I figure its a sign lol.

It's AU, and it's Sci-Fi fair warning. But it will feature those brotherly moments if that helps. And I gotta go where I'm inspired to write. Hopefully you guys check it out. :)

Yay ZDR!


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