Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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When you first started posting this last summer, I read the first chapter, then I wasn't around much for a couple months, and once it wasn't on the most recent page anymore, I kind of forgot about.  So glad it's back!  I've read the whole thing today, and I'm really excited for it!  Those "behind the scenes" stories are some of my favorites!


--- Quote from: emilo on August 19, 2013, 11:54:07 AM ---When you first started posting this last summer, I read the first chapter, then I wasn't around much for a couple months, and once it wasn't on the most recent page anymore, I kind of forgot about.  So glad it's back!  I've read the whole thing today, and I'm really excited for it!  Those "behind the scenes" stories are some of my favorites!

--- End quote ---

Ditto! I had to re-read it too.

You know you've got a good story when you can re-read it, actually read it, not skim, and still enjoy everything about it. I found that out last week when I re-experienced Here We Stand from Chapter 1 to 9 (well, chapter 8 at the time hehe).

Didn't I reply in this thread? My post went poof!

LOL again, thanks guys. I'm sorry you had to reread as that's completely on me. Hopefully you won't need to (unless you want) next time I update. I'm flattered by all this compliments though, especially that the story holds up a second time.

lol. I thought I had seen  a post too!  :shrug:

All well. Yes, this is one of those stories that you could read many times and not get sick of. I left a review for you on AC. Sorry if I hadn't before!  :o

This story is intense man, I feel for Brian, but I feel for the others too. It is their 20th anniversary after all  :'(

It's okay! I'll accept feedback in any way, shape, form lol.

I think a lot went down during that little trip to London last summer. :)

Also I posted a new chapter.         


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