Fic Talk > Updates

Rose's Update-palooza

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LMAO it's because of our Siamuse. Didn't you know our muses were Siamese twins?

Mine is Bob, hers is Billy lol.

lol ooookay then ;)

It's scary.  We share each other's thoughts too.  We were reading an update on a fanfic earlier and discussing it in IM, and we literally made the same comment at the same time.

We were even matching each other chapter for chapter on RMTW and GR for awhile, until I abandoned GR and started a new story LOL.

aww that's great though. Scary, but great! LOL

What Julie said. It's getting a bit frightening how our thoughts match a lot of the time. We do that a lot, chat in an IM and say the same thing at the same time. See, I have a theory. Julie decided she was fed up with her apartment and figured she could live in my brain instead LOL.

And LOL dude, at the rate you're going with CC, you'll be back to matching me chapter to chapter soon enough.


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