The Wild, Wild, Wild, Western NKOTBSB by Dani824


Watching a Western movie-a-thon on the NKOTBSB, the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block enter the old Wild West of the late 1860's out from the Plains to the California coast and even the Organ trail. Can they save the small towns of Pensville and Jacob's drinks? Will they get home? Will AJ get married when they get back? Will Nick still love his favorite socks? Can they survive a showdown? We'll see.

Categories: Original Fiction, Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Movies, Fanfiction > TV Series Characters: Group
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 1212 Read: 3606 Published: 08/26/11 Updated: 08/27/11
Story Notes:
 Brian and Jordan hold MOVIE-A-THONS every two months in their hotel rooms when they guys have 3-5 days off. Somehow the guys get stuck in the old Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild West. Inspired by the song, "Wild Wild West" by Will Smith, Songs from Howie's new album, and from old western movies and books, and legends from there. Any and all material used will be cited or mentioned in the story. Some cussing, some sexual content, mild nudity, and lots of fun, for late teens and adults rated P -13!

1. Chapter 1: It was Movie night, and the feeling's right. by Dani824

2. Chapter 2: We are in what time now? by Dani824

Chapter 1: It was Movie night, and the feeling's right. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

The guys are on tour and decide to go see a movies of Western's in Jordan's hotel room, while on the NKOTBSB tour. They watch the beginning of a movie and things get weird.

 "Howie!" I shouted. "Howie!" I shouted. "What?" Howie replied back. As he slapped me back on the head playfully. I giggled. "You know it's on now, Brian." As we tickeled each other a little and play tackeled each other, for almost 40 year old men, we still act like teenagers alot.

"What is wrong with you too?" AJ asked. "Donnie hates when you do that you know." He explained. "So, when was he a Backstreet Boy?" Howie asked. "Brian, you are the healthy for all that is wrong with ya', you could be better. "Whatever AJ." I said.

"Are you guys going to watch the movie as we realaxed in their big penhouse suite of the hotel, it was furnished with the most popular everything but paintings, and a painting of an old town like from the play, "Our Town". Which is of a town from the 1890's and people's lives in that small town in Ohio. Anyways, Donnie came out with 3 Western movies.

"AJ we have it!" Donnie shouted, "ALL THE WESTERN MOVIES YOU COULD EVER WANT, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted as he put in, "Wild Wild West". "YAY!" AJ shouted as he gave Donnie a huge hug. Of chorse the whole group couldn't stop smileing. "I got a surprise for you guys." Jordan Knight said, as he opened a door to reveal Kevin with nachos and all the cheese dip with popcorn and tacos on a huge platter plate.

"How long have you been here?" Nick asked. "I got here 10 minutes ago." Kevin told us. "So we set up all the taquila and fruit drinks and milk we wanted and drank and watched the whole movie, then Jordan put in "High Noon". Within 15 minutes, "I LOVE THIS PART!" AJ shouted. "BEST ACTING EVER!" The group giggled and compared.

"Dudes are we this boring?" Nick as retorically. "Yes, we are." I answered being the smart alec I am. "AJ what do you think?" Nick asked AJ. "I don't know." Then a bullet hit that old painting in the back of the living room and people came out from it and grabbed us all at once. "OMG!" Nick said as he ran. Then someone knocked him out and me, all we saw were shadows and little purple and green sparkles of lights all over the room.

"HELP!" I heard someone shout in the distance, and I prayed and I hoped my family was ok and so were the guys and Kevin too, my poor cousin.

Chapter 2: We are in what time now? by Dani824
Author's Notes:

The guys are knocked unconscience while watching Westen movies in Donnie's Hotel room. They wake up in an old west town and wondering how they got there, near the tiny town of Pensville. Near the Organ trail. AJ is shocked that the guys have no idea what is going on. Nick is wondering where the people went. Jordan and the New Kids on the Block are trying to figure a way back home or at least a direction somewhere.

 My head was shaking hard. I felt like, I knew I was hit with something hard on the back of my head. Like I was in some bar fight or club fight or something. I didn't remember.

"Brian?" Nick asked. "You ok, man?" He asked me gingerly. "I am fine, Nick. What happened?" I asked him, rubbing my head on it's bump. "We were watching movies of the old west, and appearently we're in a forest by AJ's house I think." he told me clearly, feeling a little shock still of his own psychically and emotionally.

 "I don't understand." Nick told me. "Hey Don, yo!" Johnny said. "Is AJ and Kevin up yet?" Howie asked Donnie who was watching us to make sure we got better health wise. "We need to find people or water fast and a place to stay." Donnie told us. "Ya'll are lucky Howie likes camping." I said with a small giggle.

"Ha Ha Ha, Brian." Howie said with sarcaism. "You know I hate camping." Howie told me. "I know, but you went on trips with us for man bonding in the past and with God." I finished. "I know, Brian, I know." he told me.

Then we realized. We heard people shouting and we decided as soon as AJ and Kevin woke up, we were going in that direction. North West. "Dude," Nick told me. "It's nothing but plains here and like 2 hills, I think we're near Arkansas." Nick told me. "Your kidding?" I asked. "Nope, we went from being on tour and all the way up north in North Dakota to somewhere that has good odds of being Arkansas." Nick told me. All of us shocked.

"Ok, let's try and find a the nearest town, then we'll ge the authorities to get who did this to us and then we can go back home. I hope." Jordan told us. "Unless we're in Howie's dreams again like 3 weeks ago. I mean you think'd J and him we're born out west." Jordan said with his thick massechutes accent and a cute laugh. Donnie slapped him, as the rest of NKOTB came to and so did Kevin and AJ at the same time.

"What happened? Where is Rochelle? And where is my cats?" AJ asked with a shock on his face. " Follow those people shouting and stay close to the ditches and bit of forest out here. I think their fighting over the land, most likely Nick told Kevin and AJ, we'll catch you all up in a bit." Nick told them as Howie and him tried to calm them down. I played the "Fearless Leader" for the moment. "We'll fit right in here, Kevin." I said for no clear appearent reason at the moment, just my male intution kicking on as it does occassionally.

" Run Jacob Andrews RUN!" some men were shouting. "GET AWAY BEFORE THE SHERIFF COMES!!!!!!!" He said. As we all hid in the trees near a small mound and some hills. " We got the money form the bank and they'll make this part of North Kansas and South Kansas soon enough, it won't be any state of Arkansas!" They shouted as they ran fast and furiously through the trail towards the trains and north. The sheriff rode by.

"So plan A is out." Jordan said. "What about Plan B and C?" He asked nervously. "We're screwed." AJ said, shaved head and all. Nick gave him huge hug. "We wouldn't be back here unless we could do some good." Nick finished.

"See this is what spending too much time with Brian, Howie, Kevin, and that Seer chick in our fan base does to a person." He said with a nervous giggle. I just smiled a small smile of hope.

"Ok, whoever wants to pray meet me by that tree real fast then we'll go to town." I said. The whole group was behind me and over there in five minutes. While Nick and AJ were debating what and when it was, and so was Kevin.

"Guys, come on. It can't hurt ya'!" Joey called them. They came and we prayed.

 "Heavenly Father, We love you, please help us figure out why we are back in the late 1860's and please bless and protect us and our loved ones. Help us survive here and fit in. We love our family, friends, fans, and our employees and manager people and want everyone safe. Please bless this town so it works out how it should for your plan and your will and history itself. Amen." I finished leading the prayer. We all nodded, gave each other hugs and cried a bit, and then cleaned up and went on into a small old western town known as Pensville, population 250.

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