Happy Thanksgiving!(Brian and the Group) by Dani824



It is November,....November 1st to be exact this year, whatever year you are reading this in. The Backstreet Boys are celebrating together with their families in Kentucky at Brian's family's place.

Can Brian and the guys take the pressure of having everyone under one roof. Will Nick help this year? Who will cook? How will they make the turkey? Grilled? Fried? Baked? Marinated? Or Order in from a local store? Will AJ cook? Will BSB survive this holiday? Is there any hope? What are the "surprises" Brian saw in his dreams? Are the guys having nightmares and dreams like Brian is? We'll see.


Sexual content just for BSB fantasies, nothing past PG-13 rating and even then like 1980's PG-13 rating. All background wallpaper courtesy of Backstreet Boys, Inc. and their permission and Dreamwallpapers.com. I don't work for them, just telling people what I used for my photoshop art.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Group
Genres: Drama, Dramedy, Fantasy
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: Backstreet Boys 's Holidays 2011/2012 Series!
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 9109 Read: 28940 Published: 11/08/11 Updated: 11/27/11
Story Notes:

Some cussing, sex fantasies, mild violence, and the true meanings of the winter holidays. Enjoy, it's all in fun! Happy Holidays!!! Rated PG-13.

1. Chapter 1: Novemeber 1st.... by Dani824

2. Chapter 2: Work, and work harder. by Dani824

3. Chapter 3: Fake singing for a parade. by Dani824

4. Chapter 4: Thinking of my hearts and KFC. by Dani824

5. Chapter 5: AJ gets bored. by Dani824

6. Chapter 6: Cooking lessons from Kevin and Leighanne. by Dani824

7. Chapter 7: Dreaming for a girl. by Dani824

8. Chapter 8: Moving in. by Dani824

9. Chapter 9: Getting ready. by Dani824

10. Chapter 10: BSB Thanksgiving begins! by Dani824

11. Chapter 11: Having the turkey. by Dani824

12. Chapter 12: Biggest travel day and shopping day, yet! by Dani824

13. Chapter 13: Thanksgiving DAY! The Real one and Charlie Brown too! by Dani824

14. Chapter 14: Black Friday and other holiday problems. by Dani824

Chapter 1: Novemeber 1st.... by Dani824
Author's Notes:

It's Novemeber 1st at JFK airport, NYC, NY.

"I can't believe this!" Kevin yelled. "I stubbed my toe!" Kevin cried. "Dude, it hurts." He whined at AJ a little bit. "Well, it's not my fault." AJ replied sarcastically with a friendly giggle. As he turned around and went to check on his friend and co-worker and partner behind him at air port.

"Take it easy, man, we'll be fine." AJ told him as he gave him a big hug,  "now take off your shoe and sock, and see if your bleeding." He checked. He was fine. "Dude, we got some whicked blisters on our feet, it could be worse, you know." I told them. "How?" Nick asked "We could be fighting demons and witches like on "Charmed" and "Buffy" and in those really bad movies AJ seems to love more than anyone else in this group." I told them with a sigh. "Hey!" AJ shouted back. "I watch your Christian movies, I have for years, Brian." Alex replied. "I watched Howie's Westerns, Kevin's action movies, Nick's Adventure movies and Teen movies, and on movie night," He said with a small pause. "..." He said as a joke. "I hear applause here people, I even hosted for you." He finished.

I laughed. "Alex, I love you, but more than 10 years for you can seem like forever, you know and we're headin on 20 years." I told him with a laugh and a little hug and small pats on the back and shoulders. "Take it easy." Howie told him. "It's the jet lag, it's making him cranky too." Howie told me. "Why are we going to your house for Thanksgiving Brian?" Howie asked. "Because that is the best place to do it, and we could have the families at different places near my house. Since my grandma got sick and all." I said with a sigh.

"Ok, guys." Our on road manager said, "We have photo shoots singles for all of you guys in New York City tomorrow, then we have Howie, Nick, and Brian doing their solo ones, then group ones, at the end of the day." She told us. "When our are P.A.s coming?" Howie asked. "I need to know my phone confrenences?" Howie asked. AJ and I laughed and it spread throughout the group. "Do you prefer us or the people running the labels and entertainment things that boss us around too much?" Alex replied in a bit of a joking mood. "You guys, fans second, even the meanest ones, give us kisses and hugs when we're sad." Howie told me. Then hugged us.

They all hugged me. "It will be ok, Brian." As Howie hugged me. "Tell me what happened, Brian?" Howie asked. "What do you remember?" He continued. "You look like your stressed out, about to be sick, and about to cry." Howie told me. Than I fainted. The on road manager was about to say something. But I heard AJ and Nick shoow him off for a minute and try to move me on top of the chairs we had been sitting on earlier. "Poor man, we probably should do it, through."Kevin spoke up, which surprised everyone a little bit. "It would make him feel less alone and our kids would get to know their true family friends a bit more and get more comfortable." Kevin continued. "Then we could have a BSB Thanksgiving for just us guys and the do ones with our families and hang out with Brian some with our families." He finished.

I don't remember what he said after that. But Nick was so happy. "Brian, guess what?" He asked. "Howie ate too many gummy bears and dough nuts again?" I joked. Him and Howie laughed, as Howie ate an unusually big yellow gummy bear. "What am I supposed to be scared of this one?" He said boldy as he showed it to the group and ate it. "It's not Halloween you know." He exclaimed as our crew and the guys, just laughed and laughed. "Well, we're having Thanksgiving with you, Brian." Nick told me. I nearly fainted if Nick, AJ, and Kevin made sure they were behind me and near my sides and Howie dropped his gummy bears to grab me. I was speechless.

Chapter 2: Work, and work harder. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Brian and the guys work in NYC, while Brian and the guys discuss their fans and things they wonder why they want to change certain things. Why they treat some fans better than others. Brian is still depressed.

 November 3rd, 2011.

"What do you expect, AJ?" Nick replied. "Think about it. Look at how handsome we are. We are supposed to be with models, not normal people. No matter how sick they are of the ruling classes dictating whom celebrities date." Nick debated passionately, as his P.A. helped him put on his expensive blue shirt.

"I just think it's wrong. What if your friends with us or someone like us, take Britney Spears for example, she had boyfriends from her hometown, been friends with her since she was a child. Since before she had her singing career, dancers, managers, and so forth. But it's ok for you to date a prostitute your fans don't trust at all, not even your 2 longest fans from Ohio. Who go back with the group 18 years." AJ exclaimed. "I love her." Nick argued back. "Really, then take that one hot baking girl on a date and stop treating her like dirt, than she might go away." Alex replied sarcastically.

"Why are we trying to be editiors for "GQ" or "Cosmo" and please the press like that anyways?" Brian asked. "Because, I want to impress Donald Trump at a party." Nick replied.

"He is impressed by an ex-prostitute but not a baker, whom does the best photoshop and computer art work on the East coast. Man, he lowered his standards too low there. So your taking her to the place, the baker wants to go, but dating her because she reminds you of the baker, and you evaluated them on sex?" I asked.

"The baker was right, your family was wrong. You would have done better in Ohio than L.A. with that tramp." AJ told Nick and all of the other guys. "I agree with AJ." I said.

"What about fans, that make those posters?" I asked. "I like them. Then we know who to not let bring in with posters, and it looks awesome on camera."

I faked being happy, I knew Kaos was making a huge mistake, but his family was too greedy, selfish, and stupid to see it. My grandma was sick, that sweet baker was alone, with no one to date her, because of Lauren being a mega-bitch meanie. Which again, I don't get. She thinks every place is Las Vegas, NV apperantly. When she has everything she was fighting over and cheated by winning, I wish she had never meet Nick. Or had sent that porn photo to his e-mail when he was a teen.

Because that baker and those people in Ohio didn't deserve it, even Sandra didn't deserve all the bad things Lauren had done to the baker and her in the media and to both of their things and realationships as fans, friends, and costumers to "The Backstreet Boys".

I wanted to hug them and talk to them, but Nick would have nothing of it. Threatened to kick me out of the wedding several times, even AJ and Kevin too, for even considering being "fair" to either of them or making management be fair or making the media stop defaming both of them.

I was starting to cry, it made me think of all the times my grandma cooked casseroles and different fruit and sugar pies, and my faovirte chocolate cakes as a kid. Since she couldn't make them often. How she was there for me in my teens before and after joining the Backstreet Boys. I couldn't stop crying.

"Nick can we talk about your future?" I asked.

Chapter 3: Fake singing for a parade. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

The Backstreet Boys film a pre-taped segment for "Macy's Thanksgiving Parade" for 2011. Their songs, "Don't turn off the lights" and "Lost in Space" in New York city, near the art district and centeral park.

 Novemeber 5th, 2011.

After telling Nick how I felt, I felt better. But Nick still wasn't talking to me, he was giving the silent treatment for a couple of days. AJ kept hanging out with me through. "I know your upset your grandma and how it affects your family, and Nick making stupid choices." AJ reiterated to me.

"I know Lauren is one ugly, skinning ass mistake." Alex agreed with me. "Even AJ isn't happy about it. He liked the baker better, she cook, clean, and repair things, Lauren has to pay everybody, and she had to sex her way through college." Alex continued. Then gave me a big hug.

"So what do we do?" I asked. "Let the hot baker, tease Nick in her fanfics since he is too lazy to read them or to recieve her art work by e-mails like a real friend." Alex told me with a smile.

"Donnie!" I said as I gave him a hug. "Hi, Brian." He said.

"Now everyone face the cameras and stay on the trail in the park." He yelled. "Ok turn on. "Don't turn off the lights", 5, 4, 3, 2.....1 and 1/2.... 1 ...0" The producers yelled the 2 of them. "ACTION!" The director yelled as a we danced to the song and preformed the first half of it on the famous Green Bridge in Centeral Park from alot of different movies.

"Don't turn off the lights now!" All 5 of us sang, never mind Kevin wasn't on the track, he still had to be there to get paid and to hang out with me. "In a minute we'll be feeling like NEVER before." Howie sang over his taped vocal live and then the whole group did. "We can make it alright, now, alright now." Kevin sang with us. "So don't turn out the lights now!" AJ sang loudest. "SO DON'T TURN OUT THE LIGHTS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIGHTS NOW!!!!!!!!" I sang my loudest for the end of the song for the broadcasting later in the month. "break it, break it, break it down...." AJ finished, lightly.

"Ok, now do the live version, your half of the song, just in case, ABC is sensative about these things." He told us, in his heavy brown coat.

Then we sang it live and better than that. The whole production went wild after he yelled cut. "Now, we got to film, "Lost in space"." He told us. "Now change your clothes, and film it for the web." He continued. "Talk to Janice there she will help you with making sure you get your money for apperances. Thank you." He finished telling us as he shook our hands.

She was cute, a brunette, brown eyes, and was wearing a suit under her winter clothes. "Hello, boys, here is your information you requested a few days ago." She told us. "Here is my information, have fun on your mini-tour and rehersals." She said as she gave us all hugs. "Can I have an autograph and picture?" She asked. "Of chorse." I told her. It was fun.

"I hope it turned out alright." I told Howie at lunch in Nick's hotel room. "Him and Mrs. wannabe went out for lunch." Howie said jokingly about her. "ooooooh, did she do the waiter now too?" I asked sarcasitcally. We laughed.

"So what about Thanksgiving?" I asked finally.

Chapter 4: Thinking of my hearts and KFC. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB goes to KFC in NYC, as they go to a studio in NYC to finish some songs, before flying to Kentucky with Brian in another week. Brian misses Baylee and Leighanne, and begs them to come up to see him. Their managers surprise them and fans do too.

 Novemeber 7th, 2011

"Leighanne!" I shouted into the phone. "Honey, please pick up." I cried. Then I just let go as I was bawling on my hotel's phone. "I miss you and Baylee so much, please come to New York citi' Leighty. I miss my chocolate bonnies girl. Please." I beg and cried. Then I called again, the 5th time. Nick heard me and came into the room.

"Leighanne!" I cried into my phone. Then Nick grabbed my cell phone from me. "Leighty. Brian is busy, I will help him compose, choose to come here if you can with Waylee or Baylee, whatever we're calling him this year. Bring the lil' b-rok with you. Get here, so the big one starts being nice to me and stops crying." Nick said into the phone. Then hugged me.

"Ok." Nick said, trying to re-compose himself and his thoughts. A big nervously, trying to hide it too. Then turned to me; looking disgruntled. Then floded his arms and locked my hotel room door behind him. Then sat on the bed beside me and gave me a comic book.

"See that, that is the most awesome super hero ever!" I said. "He is awesome, and he rocks, and I think he is the best." Nick said. "That is what I think about you, so why are you not talking to your bestiest best bestie friend in the group?" Nick asked.

"Your a jerk and Lauren is a big mistake." I told him. He sighed. "Brian she isn't a prostitute, ANYMORE!" Nick exclaimed. "I know, Nick and that is your choice. Your an adult, but you don't know her. We have known so many people longer, and you simply can do better than her." I told him.

 "We know people with zits, broken limbs, and disablities that have done better than that." He told me. "They don't even jobs or careers as amazing as ours, most of them!"  I replied as I excalimed and grabbed his shoulders, and hugged him as he seemed a bit shock. "I'll think about it." Nick said sadly, with a couple tears falling from his eyes. "I need to stop being a jerk and a bully, huh?" He asked. "Yes, you do." I told him as I messed up his hair by rubbing it for fun.

"Hey, let's go to KFC and see something cool around here or go to one of the sports things around here." Nick asked in a statement. It's hard to explain.

Kevin knocked on the door as we left. "Hey guys." He said. "Where you going?" He asked.

20 minutes later at KFC.

"I ate the most, you owe me the next meal dudes." Kevin said. We laughed. "So Brian, why have you been so sad. I miss my family, and I am worried about my grandma." I told him.

"awwwwwww." They all sighed at once. All 5 of them. "She has cancer and heart problems, and the whole thing is sad." I told them. They all sliently nodded, as I could tell Nick and AJ were trying to keep psychological notes on what we were all thinking and doing with my story.

"It will be ok, buddy." Alex said as he gave me a huge hug. "We love you as our best friend you know that right?" He asked, a bit worried than usual for him. I smiled. They were going to make me cry again if they didn't quit it.

After that we took our cab back to the studios on 8th and South ave. in the Bohemian District in NYC. Not expecting anyone to notice us. We got mobbed, like crazy mobbed.  We ran into another building. Did we time travel again and not have anyone tell us? I thought. "Omg!" Kevin yelled.

"Did we time travel again?" Howie asked. "Am I in one of my kick ass fantasies?" Nick asked. "Is anyone doing anything sexy for us yet?"AJ asked. We all laughed. "Are the police there?" Kevin asked. "Where is Jesus?" I asked. They all looked confused. "You know he is due and all you know." I explained. They just did some slient sighs and just tried to stay focused. As we hide in the building next to the studios wondering how we were going to finish the album.

Then our record engineers came in, and gave us all jaintor outfits and hats. "Wear this and come on in, and give your accessories to your manager's people." The guy who ran the uniform store said. We thanked him and gave him some money and a number to the record company to ask for free stuff or tickets from us. Well, Howie did. Always Mr. Business man. lol

We came in. "I got something for all of you." He told us. Larry, being the new guy and all. "It's an evelopes for all of us." Nick said forgetting he grew up over the past 10 years. "Then now, Brian open it." He ordered me to do. "Please, B-rockster, we haven't got all damn day." He said maturely as he asked.

"Tickets to my hometown in Kentucky." I said shocked. "Leighanne thought this would be best, she said she has made some personal plans for you, you all would find enjoyable, since Howie and some of the other guys made some calls reguarding the upcoming holiday the last Thursday on the 3rd week of Novemeber." He said sternly and seriously as he walked around the small temporary office room, we had also rented out there. "Now, get to work and call if there are any problems, gentlemen." he said. "Thanks" we all said at once, a little bit in shock.

Chapter 5: AJ gets bored. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

AJ is daydreaming of being with Rochelle on his honeymoon. Brian visits his grandma in Kentucky with his family.


Some cussing, mild sexual content.

 November 12th, 2011

"Oh.......Ohhhhhhhhh, Yeah, Oh!" Christina Aguilera sang on the CD. "Ain't no other man comes next to you, ain't no other man, does what you do." The chorus sang. "You got soul, you got class, you got style in your hot ass." They continued. "Ohhhh-woooh" Christina vocalized. "Yeah, ahhh" she conintued. "Ain't no other man it's true. Ain't no other man, but you." They finished. "Ain't NO OTHER MAN, BUT YOU BOY!" She kept singing to the last 2 choruses finished. As I layed there on the bed dreaming. 'Poor B-rokster.' I thought.

"Thanksgiving and he is all alone crying about his grandma. I feel bad." I told someone in the extremely nice hotel room as I took off my shorts and tight black T-shirt. Showing my rippling muscles.

"It's ok, AJ." Rochelle's sweet perky, happy voice sqeeked out in a happy trebel clef tone, I had grown to love and her laugh reminded me of a fan I dated that was now trying to date Nick, but hey, not easy to do, even if you live by the man. "It's just I feel like everything is going too fast. I mean the employees get treated well and get an awesome Thanksgiving, maybe we should do the same for him." I continued. As I got out her colonge and sprayed myself. Then she came out.

In a tight top and skinny boy shorts. That showed those hips. I was floored. "Wow." She said with a big smile. "Your not even going to try today are you, I thought you wanted me and to do me." She hinted. "Maybe?" I suggested with a smirk. "Your not trying either,mayybe, darlin', I should check your hips to make sure they fit that soul of yours?" I flirted as I kissed her neck gentley and hugged her.  I gave her my fun-double wink, which she just loves. She smiled huge. Then she kissed me. "AJ, aj, aj, alex, alex, alex...alex." she kept saying, then I felt someone spray a small squirt gun with water at me several times. Then pinch my hands.

"Howie!" I screamed. "You fell asleep, come on, let's get the menu planned out and get the flowers for Brian to his grandma already." He continued. "You fell asleep in the lobby of the hospital, what is wrong with you?" Howie asked. "I miss Rochelle, she ROCKS!" I told him. "She is mine. D, like Leigh B.D. is yours." I told him.

In Grandma's hospital room.

"Oh my goodness." I cried as I helped her brush her hair. "This is bad, daddy, well she make it to Thanksgiving?" Baylee asked. Now my son is smart, but I couldn't answer. "We'll pray, if not we'll take Thanksgiving to her as much as we can." I told him. I gave her a hug and left her a card and some magazines for the hospital for her and other people to use later on. Then left the flowers Howie got for me. Then told the Nurse's aides to make sure she ate and helped the doctors with her cancer and heart problems.

Chapter 6: Cooking lessons from Kevin and Leighanne. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Kevin teaches Nick how to cook. Nick ruins a red velet cake.

November 17th, 2011

"Nick, here is the deal, first you measure the milk to the amount on the recipe." I explained. "I am bored." Nick argued. "You love your future wife, you love BSB, you love your family and God." I stated. "Yes Kevin, I do tons upon tons." I told him. "Then you can learn how to cook the stove stuff for thanksgiving and a cake." He explained. "It's easy." I told him. "Like so easy, I mean you can even add red potatos and I know you love them too." I told him with a small smile. "No, I don't cook, MEN don't cook." He yelled.

"Grow up Nick, Howie cooked 18 years ago and your going to learn to cook now as a duty to your family and God and country, and for Brian's sake so he stops crying all the time about his problem." I told him with a sigh. "Fine." He said as he grabbed the wooden spoon and hit my butt with it. "What did Kristen do to you?" He asked.

We made stuffing. "So do we add milk?" Nick asked. "No, not milk." I answered. "Eggs, no, not eggs." I told him. "Dough nuts." He joked. We both laughed a little bit.  "Read, Kaos." I told him. He sighed.

He did ok, till he got to the cake. It was red velet, which is pretty seasonal in this part of the country. In winter time, big time. He put in too many eggs, mixed it with the beaters too much. I tried to help. "Kevin, I got a hold of this one." It splattered, he had it set to 6 and it was beating too fast, it ruined the cake. He cried. "Nick." I told him. Gave him a big hug. "It's ok, I bought 2 more boxes just in case, so we will have enough cakes." He told me. "But your making the last 3 on your own now." I told him.

"3 cakes, I am not a baker or cake decorator." Nick told me. "I know, but you need to focus instead of partying and sex all the time, and stringing good girls along all the time and your ex-girlfriends." I finished. I helped him get cleaned up. "So relax, give your ego and ID a break. And learn how to cook, it is something you could really challenge yourself with and prove to your family you can handle life as well as you say." I told him. Then Kristen came in. Beautiful, her hair lightly waved and pretty and blonde and hot as ever. In a tight skirt and top. "So ready to visit Brian and his family guys and get out of this rented kitchen." She said. "Kevin, why did you and Nick rent a kitchen?" She asked. I forgot I forgot to tell her about it.

Chapter 7: Dreaming for a girl. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Nick dreams about his dream woman. Howie and AJ try to get enough food for Thanksgiving. Brian comes to Kevin for advice.

November 20th, 2011

 "I love you Nick." She whispered into my ear. "I think you fell out of heaven into my life." she cried as we finished doing it. "Make me yours!" She cried infatically. "I need you. I want you." She begged me after we finished and as she made my perfect breakfeast. "I love you Nick." she said. "I don't know what is wrong with you Pancakes, why won't you ever wake up on time." She told me as she walked towards me. Then started pinching me all over and tickleling me. "Then a slap on the face should wake him up." she told a cabinet. As Brian walked in. "Nick WAKE UP!" Brian said crying again. Poor guy. Then ran away from me.

At the grocery store.

"Ok, we've got...." Howie said. "Turkey..., peas, sweet potatos, plain potatos to mash, food for tacos, food for burittos, and nachos for us to share with the guys, Pumpkin pie, green beans, mushroom soap, friend onions, corn muffin mix, cream corn, whole kernal corn, stick butters, instant cookies, pre-made mix cookies, and everything we already got for our wives and girlfriends, and wives last week." Howie said as he finished checking off the list.

"We forgot the whine!" I whined. "You can't have the whine, AJ." He told me. "But I like whine,..." he said like a teenager. "Alex, I love you as a friend, but your family, mom, Rochelle, and fans would do bodily harm to me if I bought you that or if you bought that, so no." Howie told me. "Then what can I have?" I asked. "Coffee and tea." Howie said with a smirk. Then he grabbed some carrots for Brian and some one dollar noddle packs, then some dough nuts and hot chocolate. Then gave the Hot chocolate to me. "And that." He told me. "H.D., why do you keep doing that to me?" I asked.

Grandma's hospital room.

"I won't be able to make it this year." She told me with tears in her eyes. "Will you be here?" She asked. "Yes, of chorse." I told her as I gave her a big hug. "It will be ok." I told her with sadness. "Brian," she said in her thick kentucky accent, "Will we have thanksgiving here?" she asked me. "Yes." I told her. "You promise." She told me. "Turkey and all." she rephrased it. "Yes," I replied after a long pause with saddness. "But tonight, you got to take your medicine that the doctors gave you for the pain." I replied as I watched her take her pills. Then a big hug. "Love you, grandma." I told her. With a quiet hug.

In the waiting room

"Kevin." I stated. "What are we going to do, she expects Thanksgiving and what if we fail and if I fail or the guys fail?" I ask. "Then we can't have it, and Howie messes up and Nick can't cook." I worried. "Dude!" Kevin yelled. "It will be ok, just relax, one problem at a time, we still got 4 days." He told me. "What if she dies because of the cancer and her hypertention and heart issues?" I asked in fear. "It will be ok." He said with a hug. "God will take care of it."

Chapter 8: Moving in. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Kevin talks to Brian in the hospital. The group moves into the farms and family home that Brian grew up in with Leighanne and Baylee. Leighanne tries to teach Nick, Howie, and AJ how to cook. Baylee prays before bed after an interesting day.


Mild cussing, yelling, and basically, some truth about what BSB doesn't see in normal people and fans and their families too. I won't be too mean, but it is the truth, even on a holiday week.

Novemeber 21st, 2011

 At the hospital

"Hugs. I gave him hugs." I told Alex as we finished telling what happened the past couple of days. "Then what?" Alex asked. "Then..." I said. As Kevin remembered hopefully and told Alex.

Brian started to cry uncontrollabley and broke down again. It is sad how used to a hospital he is. He surprised what ghosts are there don't say "Hi" to him. I smirked as I continued to remember and tell the story. "Brian,...brian...Bri!" I yelled and gave him a big hug in the waiting room. "It's ok." I told him as I gave him a hug. " You still have me, the guys, and that weird girl from Ohio  Nick is secretly into." I told him with a laugh.

We all told her we didn't like her, but the truth is, we did. But a whole other story there. Otherwise, why wait 18 years to kick someone out we could and legally should have at the 11 year marker? But I regress. "Brian." I finally told him. "We love you man, your our wing man, your our friend, we're like brothers." I told him. "Since we did our blood swear back in 1993 with those 5 guys; you think I would leave you when things get this bad?" I asked him. "No." He said in a sad whisper.

"mmmmmmhhh" I sighed, 'as if Nick hooking back up with Lauren when he could've had a baker wasn't a shameful and disgraceful thing enough. To his fans, his family, and us. Never mind how nice she was, she was beneath all of them, and yet we called ourselves Christians for that. The baker of all of them.' I thought. I only do it when I am concerned about him.

"Brian, you have to let go, you have to realize, you love her, and that is all you can do, she may not make it to Thanksgiving in 3 days." I said, as I gave him a big hug.

At Brian's family home.

"The group moved in with glee." AJ joked as we both laughed. "But..." AJ continued as he remember and told me what happened. "Nick was getting a drink of water." AJ told me.

"Nick" I yelled. "Help me with this." I yelled. As he helped me move movies in. "AJ you know how many movies this is and clothes?" He asked. "Just move it or I am slapping you for making that OSU girl cry." I yelled. "Well, you wanted her out too." I said. "We asked the fans on our cruise in 2010, after we lied, then we lied on liveus.com through howie to do it, so chill." Nick yelled. "I hate her." Nick lied. "Then why you keep lying about it?" I asked. "You keep getting that look, like you know she loves you more than Lauren does?" I asked. He gulped.

"What is she better now?" He asked. "No jerk." I said. "I mean what is she going to do write the truth down?" He asked. "Yeah, probably or send it to a magazine and make us look bad or just in a comment column or 2. Your mom is a bad judge of character." I replied. He nearly punched. "Kitty kat book" I said. Then he calmed down, but of chorse you know that Kevin. "Then Howie put a whipped cream pie in his face?" Nick said. Then blinked out of his anger.

" Brian will be ok, stop taking it out on the girl." I told him. Then Howie tapped his shoulder and threw a bannana cream whipped pie in his face. We laughed then Nick threw vegtables at us. Then leighanne came into the room. "Boys?" Leighanne asked in her southern ohioan accent, even through she was from Columbus, Ohio. "Ya' boys wantta know how to cook?" She asked.

In Leighanne's family kitchen

After we cleaned up. She made us clean and chop up the vegtables we had been throwing. We made a kick ass beef stew with it and fried onions and red potatos and beans with it. Of chorse, we made the cakes for everyone. Since we're having Thanksgiving tomorrow.

"WHAT?" I asked. "I" being Kevin, me. "Thanksgiving with the group is tomorrow?" I asked. "Sh___beep!" I said. "You mean, smoothie?" AJ asked as a joke, then giggled to hmself. I hit him in the chest you know what I mean.

"Now tell me what really happened?" I asked. AJ reiterated. "Leighanne taught us how to cook suckatashes." AJ told me. "Then.... after the fight, we got dressed and Nick made a mess of the veggies. I don't know how." He told me. "How?" I asked. "Simple, Kevin," AJ said with a funny pause, "he's a spoiled brat jerk, hypnotized freak." AJ with a hard edge of truth.

Nick had thrown the vegtables at Howie and I and told us to cook for Brian, we said. "No man." Both of us replied. "Leighanne said "do it". I am special so I don't have to do it." Nick paraphrased for us. I hit the back of his head. "I am special, my friend is sick, I have some crazy ugly girl in ohio I need to make feel worse about men and herself and her life, and I DON'T NEED TO MAKE VEGGIES for people. I NEED to show LAUREN HOW IMPORTANT I THINK I AM, SINCE THAT IS WHAT SHE LIKES THAT AND TO KNOW SHE CAN CONTROL ME LIKE A PUPPET." He yelled. "What the fuck?" I asked. Baylee was right there watching.

I understood how he felt. "Come on boys, let's make a cake with Baylee, so Brian and Kevin will be happy when they get home." Leighanne said as she hug us. She hit Nick. "Nick, stop it, and stop with the ego tripping." She yelled. "What does that even mean?" Nick asked. Before shrugging and going to the basement for a pool game. I hugged Baylee. "Baylee, I am sorry little man." I told him as I gave him a huge hug. "Your daddy will be ok and grandma too."

"I am going to pray for him, he will be and so will grandma and she will be happy again." Baylee said naively and sweetly. He was a smart, religious, spritual kid, but he doesn't grasp the world is anything but easy, happy, nice, and sweet, and rarely hopeful enough to be fully counted on. Which is why the guys treat him like we do and with as much as respect as Brian expects. Like he is there. Anyways, we prayed.

"Dear, heavenly father God, heal my mom, my grandma, my daddy, and my uncles, cousins, and grandma, and 3rd uncles Nick, Howie, AJay', and Kevin." He said. "Forgive them for all of their sins and make that mean, sad, girl go away, she is too ugly, and wanted to cook for Nick, and Nick only deserves to date people that are their way of "nice" which makes most people cry alot." He said, which made me cry. "Amen." He finished.

Chapter 9: Getting ready. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

God hears his pray. Brian has a dream about it.  Brian begans to wonder why he is dreaming that and what big mistakes BSB has made his Thanksgiving holiday week in 2011.

 "Let me read this." Brian dreamed God saying in his head. " Ummmmmmm?" He said as he thumbed his bread. "Really?huh?" He thought. As he scratched his white beard. "I hope everything works out for you Brian and Baylee, and BSB, since you dumped some good fans, I don't know if your egos can save you from Hell." He said with a sad shrug and began to cry.

Then Brian saw tons of fire swallow him and everyone he knew. Then he woke up. "Leighanne!" He yelled. "Is it "BSB Thanksgiving day yet?" he asked. She turned over her head a little bit. "No, Brian." She replied. "It is not." I looked at her in shock. "It's still 21st." She said with a sigh. "Go to sleep, honey." she finished. "Did we do something wrong as a group? Did we sin?" Brian asked. Baylee jumped on the bed. "Is the witch coming back?" Baylee asked. "She isn't a witch is she?" Brian inquired. "So we did all that. We are as fake as the Kardashians. Even Kris Humphris isn't as bad as us. Lauren is as bad as Kim or her mother, Kris through." Brian thought a loud.

"Daddy?" Baylee asked. "Who are they?" He asked. "I don't like them either." He explained. "Too bad we got to meet them at some business party in 2012 for BSB." Brian explained. "I hope God heard are prayers and answered right." Brian said. "Now you relax, focus on school, and being healthy Baylee, and having fun." As Leighanne explained and gave him a hug, and so did Brian.

"Love you." Baylee said with a hug for Brian. "Love you mommy." For Leighanne and a hug. "Night" Brian and Leighanne said as he went back to his bed. As he heard all of BSB snoring out in the hallway.

Chapter 10: BSB Thanksgiving begins! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB has BSB Thanksgiving, and prepares for Thanksgiving in their own homes.

November 22nd, 2011

 "I am so nervous." I exclaimed to Leigh D. "What if they think, I look to short in this?" I asked. "Plus, AJ and Nick fought last night." I explained as she helped me into a simple causal outfit.  Leigh hugged me with her pretty chestnut and caramel brown hair. Then kissed my lips. "How" she told me. "Howie, sweetie, relax, you guys have been through alot together." She told me as she gave me a huge hug. "I will take care of Thanksgiving here, you just relax and you and Kevin, just worry about your families and Brian." She repeated and gave me a big hug.

Since the women would be helping out too. This was sure to be chaotic.

I saw Kevin as I came out of my room. He had started on cooking Thanksgiving dinner for all of us. As we had been staying in our rooms with our kids for the day.

"Kevy, you cook?" I asked. "No Howie, I sing, dance, and tickle Nick until he cries." He joked. We both laughed. Brian came in there, and started cooking with Kevin, and everyone just stared at him. "Brian?" Nick asked. "What are you doing?" Nick exclaimed. "Making dinner for you guys." He said.

"I think I missed something, not just about the girl, about us, we screwed up. We forget about people whom love us too easily and that STILL FIGHT for US. And how LUCKY WE ARE, GOD GAVE US THE LIFE WE HAVE." Brian explained.  The group hugged.

"Ok..." Brian was about to speak. "Nick this is your fault." AJ said. Nick sighed angrily under his breath. "Havin Thanksgiving twice can be over-rated, guys." Howie tried to calm them both down.

"Nick!" Brian shouted. "We keep kicking people out for you and your family making all of our families paranoid, their are like 12 people in your family and Howie's. Why are you so scared of stuff?" Brian asked. "Not every fan is after you to do whatever you and our goofy nutty managers are thinking." Brian explained. "I NEED THIS BUDDY." Brian told him as he hugged him. "You need to wake up to reality and stop trying with everyone, it's not our fault for everything you do, and you shouldn't be trying to have people control your brain 24/7 either, or try to reprogram your mind to fit in or to forget bad memories." He continued. "Your more than that." Brian explained. "We're family, another family group of friends. YOU NEED TO REALIZE THAT TOO." He finished.

Chapter 11: Having the turkey. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB has a "BSB Thanksgiving" with the group and their families. Brian and all the guys decide to prepare the dishes they promise and to eat them and follows through.

"Nick is the peas done?" Brian asked. As our wives and girlfriends chilled out. Lauren got up, "What did I do?" she asked. Surprised by the cold reaction from the group all of a sudden. "Make our fans fill bad, tease them, and mess Nick up, and become a bad role model to women and celebrities." AJ said as a joke. Well, a half joke insult. She frowned.

"What is his problem?" She asked. No one would talk to her. "Here is the green beans casserole and corn casserole." Nick told Brian.

We all finally sat down to eat. I loved it and Brian began smileing again, knowing we were about to pray and eat it.

After the dishes, we all hung out. I loved my fish, I got to eat. YAY! Loved it!

Brian was happier. "Why are you saving some of the meal?" I asked. "To give to my grandma want to come Thanksgiving day?" Brian asked me. I nodded, "Of chorse, Bri." I told him. "Guys?" He asked. "In." Nick replied first. "I am in too!" Kevin shouted. "I am in 3!4!" AJ shouted. We laughed. Brian felt he knew his place and some of what his grandma was upset about. She felt 'left behind' by his life and his own egocentiricies of his fame, through proud, it was still hurting.

Chapter 12: Biggest travel day and shopping day, yet! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB goes home and waits to be seen on TV. Brian and his family prepare to bring Thanksgiving to family and grandma at the hospital and pray for a miracle.

November 23rd, 2011

"My flight is for the AA225, mom!" AJ yelled into his cell phone at the kentucky airport. "It is, Alex." My mom said as she wrote it down. "Did you pray and make sure to pick up pumpkin pie. Rochelle, gave me this recipe for pumpkin pie that you'll love when you get home it is so easy, and it's mostly pumpkin." She said happily. "Ok, be careful, angel." She told me. "Ok, ma." I replied with a simple smile on my face. "Love you." she said. "Love you too, mama." I answered back. "Be safe." she told me. "Bye for now." she finished our conversation.

"It will be ok, AJ." I told him. "But Brian is there alone." Nick explained. "He is not, Kevin is staying with him and his family, and brothers and stuff." I explained. "Plus, if he needs us, he will call me and I will put you 5 on confrence call, you know. Same thing with Kevin too." I explained. "Plus, we got to get them Christmas presents after that big sales thing. When people won't riot on us. You know?" I tried to anaylsis and explain to me. AJ just nodded. 'Love the man as my bestie, but he doesn't always make complete sense when he talks. It's a bit cute and funny, the way he talks about stuff.' He seemed to be thinking about me. 

"AARON!" Nick shouted. As he hugged his younger brother, now 23. "I missed you, bubby!" He shouted and hugged so tightly in the airport. "I am on my way home to Cali to see mom, dad, too." He said. Nick looked at their tickets. "Omg!" Nick shouted. "Check it dude, we are next to each other on the same flight! Yippie!" Nick shouted. As they walked to their terminal with the other travelers. Now it was just me and AJ.

"You coming with me to Flordia?" I asked. "I would, dude, but you choose to move to Florida to be near your mom, remember?" AJ reiterated. "But, I gotta go get my cousin down there at the hub there to go to Cali, so I am going with you." AJ told me. I gave him a big hug. "I love you too, buddy." I told him as I gave him a huge hug. "I can't wait till we're on TV, tomorrow!" I told him with a smile.

At the stores all over the country at the same time.

"Ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, cream, eggs, pie crust, peas, potatos, green beans, pumpkin mix." Leighanne said to herself. That is all we need. Brian was keeping a watch on Baylee.

"Easy cook Turkey, stuffing, onions, greenbeans, mushroom soap, frying oil,..." Kristen said to herself. Sighing. "Mason, I hope this works." she said. "I do too mom, I love you mom, you can cook for me anytime." He told her happily as she laughed happily before a simple stressed out sigh.

"Cranberry sauce,Chocolate pie mix, Thanksgiving Enchalaidas and burritos." Leigh D, said to James. "Your lucky your named after a sweet man with almost too many tatoos already." She said. "Daddy will love this." she said. "I am glad Brian was nice enough to let I and Rochelle to go home a day early before their BSB Thanksgiving." she explained to the 4 year old. "That is why we left so early mommy?" He asked. "Yes," she explained.

At the hospital.

"So Doctor Doran," Brian asked. "Can we bring Thanksgiving to her?" he inquired to about his grandma and her conditions. "It may help her improve a little bit and her attitude as well." He explained. "So I will leave a note for the nurses that your coming right after you eat this year and watching "Miracle on 34th Street" here. Since that is your family's tradition." The young african american doctor explained to him. "Good. Thank you." Brian nodded.

At the chapel in the hospital.

Brian took down the elevator to the 2nd floor and went into the small chapel they had there. And wrote a pray in a notebook again. Then he went in front of the altar to pray.

"Please help me, God, please. I love you, your awesome, amazing, even some people in the middle east aren't doubting you like in the past. You do wonderful things for my friends and I all the time. But think abou it. Please, LORD, PLEASE GOD, PLEASE, HOLY SPIRIT, PLEASE. Heal my grandma, please help us to have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, and please help us all be happy. Amea'n" He said in a thick accent with a tear or 2 coming down his face again.


He had begged and praised and kept praying for a whole 15 minutes. Then decided to pick up some whine for him and Leighanne for Thanksgiving and the Sale days after, since him and BSB tend to cause riots when they go then.

Chapter 13: Thanksgiving DAY! The Real one and Charlie Brown too! by Dani824
Author's Notes:

BSB has Thanksgiving day, Brian and his whole family visits grandma at the hospital. The wives and girlfriends prepare for the black sales weekend and to go alone, if they go at all. Nick has to cook for his family with his older sisters and so does AJ.

Novemeber 24th, 2011

Howie's house in Flordia.

"I am thankful for God,my family, my friends, my awesomely, amazing career, the fact I am on the Macy's parade this year! My sweet and cute cats, and The one fan that won't stop writing fanfics about us.  And the most awesome wives, and fans to ever exsist, and for all of this awesome food!" Howie told his family, as they all went around explaining what they were thankful for at the table.

Nick's house in California.

"I am thankful for my family, friends, God, hot women," Nick said, to which all of his family giggled. Since he was crushing on a normal woman for once in his life. He giggled too, and it was so cute and funny, but I regress. "my dogs and cats, BSB, and the awesome career that is. All of my fans, the food, the fact Leighanne and Kevin taught me how to cook anything. Touring, and for Brian, and all the friends and fans that still love us." Nick told his big huge family. "Oh yeah, and all of you people, and Aaron, whom God gave to us by mistake." Nick said to his family as a joke, they laughed, then stopped. "It's a sibling rivialry joke, relax." Nick replied as he toasted his apple juice in his whine glass.

AJ's house in Flordia.

"I am thankful for my Mama." AJ said. "BSB, fanfic fans, they rock! Music. Touring, learning to cook, I love to cook as a hobby, you all know that." Alex continued. " Howie and all of the guys of BSB, and my other friends, my family, you guys, because you always talk me down from crazy stuff, and Rochelle, whom is the "perfect woman for me". And to the cruises for letting BSB work and good movies this time of year. And all of my "unofficial nephews" and real ones too." AJ continued. "Jesus and the whole trinity thing, because we wouldn't be having Thanksgiving without them starting it." AJ finished.

Kevin's house in Kentucky.

"I am thankful for, you guys my family, God, BSB, fans, all of them, even some of the crazy one." He said as a joke. Kristen giggled. "Mason, because he is a good kid most of the time." He continued. "My brothers, our parents, our grand parents, my career, which is paying for most of this, and... Kristen who is the hottest wife ever, and whom even helped Leighanne and I, teach Nick, AJ, and Howie how to cook stuff." He said. "And for you guys for all being there for me too." He finished.

Brian's house.

"We thank the lord for this day of Thanks, and for this food, amean'" he said with his thick accent popping out almost humoriously again. As they released hands at the the table. "So when we going to the hospital?" Leighanne asked. "Soon." He said, seeing that the time read noon on the clock in their home.

They all ate their food. Then 90 minutes later at the hospital.

"Grandma!" Brian said with glee. "You seem so happy." Brian continued. "Well, I missed you too." she said. "Well, I thought I'd give you some pumpkin pie and green bean casserole, and turkey from home like you wanted for lunch today." Brian explained as him and his whole extended family went into the room, the 10 of them taking up the whole room, as Kevin and Kristen arrived. Then Brian's pager went off. It was all of the other 3 BSB memebers on Skype.

"Hi!" They said as Brian showed the video phone and tablet to his grandma. "Hi boys!" She said. "Next year for making my Brian happy again, I am going to make you all my famous southern peach cobbler and stuffing for Thanksgiving." She said. "Happy Thanksgiving Grandma Littrell!" They said trying to be cute. She smiled.

Kristen was looking at ads, thinking 'How am I going to buy this stuff for Kevin and Mason and not have them notice it at all?' she thought. Kevin knew she was thinking something sneaky for Christmas. "Babe, don't go, there will be a line of 200 people there, you don't want another riot and have fans mad at us. We'll order most of it online and get it while Mason is at school." Kevin said, "remember, hunny." he said in a thick accent, in a sweet, gentle, deep voice.

"Yeah, but Mason wants that toy for Christmas." she stated infactially. "It will be  ok." he told her as he rubbed her shoulders and back. She smiled as he kissed her cheeks and nose. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." After which they both kissed on the lips.

The nurse came in. "Grandma will be released next monday, the doctor said, her cancer has cleared all up after the surgery, and her heart medicine is back to where it should be with the aspirin." the cute nurse said. The whole crowd and BSB cheered on the phone.

Rochelle in Howie's home in Flordia. Watching the guys smile and sing, "How great thou art" for Brian's grandmother with him on Skype and "All I have to give" which was one of her favorite BSB songs. Sighing as she looked the ad on the counter. "Black friday is tomorrow, nuts." she sighed.

Chapter 14: Black Friday and other holiday problems. by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Rochelle goes out on Black Friday and AJ stops her. It ends up on the news.


Note: This is not to be Rochelle at all. This is to show how the over-commericalization of the Holidays and the Christian religion has gone too far in this country. So all violence in this is from news reports and my experience over the past 4 years in retail of customers frenzzied behaviors. Never committ these crimes or acts, and don't blame me if you choose to, you do so at your own risk. Some cussing, violence in this chapter only. All companies here are parodies of companies and not real. Just made up for enjoyment of fanfiction and entertainment.

 Novemeber 24th, 2011 Thanksgiving Day! in Flordia.


"I am going out to shop!" Rochelle yelled, realizing AJ had just fallen asleep watching the football games. She kissed him on the head. "I'm going to get you a video game from Purple Mart."she told me sweetly with a small hug and small rub of my foot. I was so sleepy from all the cooking we both did for each other. I went out like a light bulb after talking to my friends online that night at 8.

At Purple Mart. At the big box store, that was painted purple and had a cute little Heart in the middle all in white. There was a line, as they shut the doors to control the crowd and had about 8 police men. The police arrested that person.

The parking lot was packed and traffic went all the way around to the turn off at an intercention and round abouts about 4 miles back. But Rochelle, being beautiful and her, knew she would find a way.  As she found an opening and parked the car and joined the huge line of people out there.

The store's were 24/7 but they had all of the Black Friday and Black Sales- Thanksgiving people at one door, letting them in, after asking what they wanted and having the cops come in to watch the stores both days. "Oh My God!" Someone shouted. "They have a TV for $200 and it's a 42'!" The man shouted as the store opened it's doors. Then someone came in peppered spray people over getting the video game consul, AJ had wanted the new Wii and Xbox Rochelle promised she would get for me. I am sorry, sometimes I go all dual on myself. Poor babe.

Then she sighned, picked up some hot chocolate for us and some Christmas stuff and went to "We are Toys" store to pick up stuff.

At "We are toys" store.

"We got Xbox360 and Wii plus for $245 each a good deal on them!" the store employee said. "Come on people take your number." He said as he gave the younger employee numbers to pass out to people who could get one. Rochelle was lucky she was number 5. She had a chance, AJ was going to be so happy Christmas day!

but then before she could get it. Some person stole her number and tackled her out of line, then started beating people up there. Rochelle began to cry wishing AJ was there. She didn't know one of AJ's twitter friends saw her and took a picture of her crying. She went up to the person that did that. "I hate you, you ass hole!" she cried. As she ran out the door crying.

As the police showed up. This time the police chief called AJ's home, since he saw her in town to let him know that she had been at 2 black friday incidents and it was only 1 am.

She went to "Electronic buyers" next. it was a big red store with a huge price tag. This time. It seemed normal, she might get it. Then I and my young brother came into the store in hoddies and and long sleeve shirts. "Roch!" AJ said with a hug. "I woke up and you were gone and the police called." I told her. "We don't need this stuff." I told her. "Yes, we do, or you won't be happy at Christmas." she said. "Do you even remember what "Christmas" and "Thanksgiving" is even about?" I asked her. "Yeah" my  younger brother said. "It's about getting food, and Christmas is about getting presents and Santa." she said trying to push ahead. "Come on, let's go to White Castle and get something to eat or better yet, go home so I can make love to you." I said so sweetly with a hug to her. It was starting to make her melt right then and there.

"Your not safe here, plus people get into a riot or freenzy when they see us, still." AJ explained. "Forget the video game, we'll order that online. Where people are more safer tomorrow." AJ's/my younger brother explained. "Please." I asked as he kissed her on the lips. "No." Rochelle said. "Why, hon?" I asked as I tried to hide all of my arm tattoos in my conspicious hoodie. "Because you won't tell me the meaning or what you want." Rochelle said about to storm off.

"Ok," I said as I held her back. " "Thanksgiving" is a holiday about being Thankful for family and the blessing God has given us in life, and we celebrate it by eating a feast of usually home made goodies." I told her and then kissed her on the lips. "Like you sweetness." I said with a smile. "I should thankfully making love to you." I told her.

"Christmas?" she asked. " "Christmas" is a holiday about the birth of Christ and all the people they have converted over the years by taking over once, pagan holidays for winter and making it about God and what he gave to us through Jesus into a day where people give presents." I explained. "Like you, you were his gift to me." I finished kissing her. She sighed. "Ok, you win, let's go home, J." She told me, as my younger brother Tom came home with us.

At Brian's home.

"Thank you lord for all of this. Amen." I finished praying. 'Grandma is coming home tomorrow.' I thought, 'This is going to be awesome!' As I kissed Leighanne good night.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<333333333333333333333333333 The End <333333333333333333333333


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