If Tomorrow Never Comes by MonkeyAbu
Past Featured StorySummary:


Ever since his brush with death as a child, Brian has lived every day with the fear of not knowing when today will be his last. When the heart demons of his past surface once more, he is faced with the struggle of realizing that tomorrow is never promised.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: No Word count: 104232 Read: 86847 Published: 03/11/07 Updated: 08/15/15
Awards by MonkeyAbu

The Awards

(The following are the awards I have won to date for "If Tomorrow Never Comes". I am proud of the accomplishments that comes with winning an award so I thought I would share them.)


Runner Up at the first ever Absolute Chaos Felix Awards for Best Unfinished Story:

"If Tomorrow Never Comes" by: MonkeyAbu (Ashley)


Winner at the Never Gone Awards: Season 2 for Best Brian:

"If Tomorrow Never Comes" by: Ashley


Winner at the Never Gone Awards: Season 2 for Best Novel:

"If Tomorrow Never Comes" by: Ashley


Winner at the Never Gone Awards: Season 2 for Best Author:

Ashley Large


Winner at the Absolute Chaos 2009 Felix Awards for Best Novel:

"If Tomorrow Never Comes" by: MonkeyAbu (Ashley)

The Nominations

(The following are categories "If Tomorrow Never Comes" is nominated in at other fan fic awards, along with the addies to the respective awards sites. If you feel like I deserve it, then please vote for me! :D)


This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8337