A Little Taste of Sin by Mellz Bellz

After betraying her trust yet again, Alyssa finally gave up on Nick. She moved on and began a seperate life far away from him. But there are some people that life just won't let you let go of. What happens when they find their lifes entwined once more? Now that the stakes are higher, will they risk losing everything they have for another chance? Sequel to Under my Skin.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Not Like We Predicted
Chapters: 61 Completed: Yes Word count: 329529 Read: 178526 Published: 11/13/07 Updated: 11/12/08

1. Prologue - Never Again by Mellz Bellz

2. Chapter 1 - Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson by Mellz Bellz

3. Chapter 2 - Jumping the Gun by Mellz Bellz

4. Chapter 3 - Six Month Itch by Mellz Bellz

5. Chapter 4- Hey Jealously by Mellz Bellz

6. Chapter 5 - Saving Grace by Mellz Bellz

7. Chapter 6 - Rise and Fall by Mellz Bellz

8. Chapter 7 - So Far From Where We've Been by Mellz Bellz

9. Chapter 8 - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words by Mellz Bellz

10. Chapter 9 - Coming Clean by Mellz Bellz

11. Chapter 10 - Spring Cleaning by Mellz Bellz

12. Chapter 11 - Curiosity Killed the Cat by Mellz Bellz

13. Chapter 12 - Wake Up Call by Mellz Bellz

14. Chapter 13 - Survey Says by Mellz Bellz

15. Chapter 14 - Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me by Mellz Bellz

16. Author's Note/ Disclaimer by Mellz Bellz

17. Chapter 15 - Joy and Pain by Mellz Bellz

18. Chapter 16 - False Alarm by Mellz Bellz

19. Chapter 17 - Downpour by Mellz Bellz

20. Chapter 18 - Reality Sets In by Mellz Bellz

21. Chapter 19 - The Power of Goodbye by Mellz Bellz

22. Chapter 19- The Power of Goodbye (Real Version) by Mellz Bellz

23. Chapter 20 - Table For One by Mellz Bellz

24. Chapter 21 - The Greatest Gift of All by Mellz Bellz

25. Chapter 22 - A Sterile Revelation by Mellz Bellz

26. Chapter 23 - Denial Is Not Just a River by Mellz Bellz

27. Chapter 24 - Just Hit Static by Mellz Bellz

28. Chapter 25 - You Can Run But You Can't Hide by Mellz Bellz

29. Chapter 26 - Emotion Sickness by Mellz Bellz

30. Chapter 27 - Girls Behaving Badly by Mellz Bellz

31. Chapter 28 - Going to the Chapel by Mellz Bellz

32. Chapter 29 - You May Now Kiss the Bridesmaid by Mellz Bellz

33. Chapter 30 - Damage Control by Mellz Bellz

34. Chapter 31 - Hormonal Overdrive by Mellz Bellz

35. Chapter 32 - Flirting With Temptation by Mellz Bellz

36. Chapter 33 - Too Close for Comfort by Mellz Bellz

37. Chapter 34 - Sweetest Sin by Mellz Bellz

38. Chapter 35 - Still My Addiction by Mellz Bellz

39. Chapter 36 - Family Matters by Mellz Bellz

40. Chapter 37 - Seeds of Doubt by Mellz Bellz

41. Chapter 38 - What's In a Name? by Mellz Bellz

42. Chapter 39 - I Won't be Home for Christmas by Mellz Bellz

43. Chapter 40 - Naughty or Nice by Mellz Bellz

44. Chapter 41 - Giving is Half the Fun by Mellz Bellz

45. Chapter 42 -Another Auld Lang Syne by Mellz Bellz

46. Chapter 43 -Fallen Soldier by Mellz Bellz

47. Chapter 44 - You Know I'm No Good by Mellz Bellz

48. Chapter 45 - Coming Home by Mellz Bellz

49. Chapter 46 - Hot and Cold by Mellz Bellz

50. Chapter 47 - Your Love is a Lie by Mellz Bellz

51. Chapter 48 - The Waiting Game by Mellz Bellz

52. Chapter 49 - The Hardest Thing by Mellz Bellz

53. Chapter 50 -Sick As My Secrets by Mellz Bellz

54. Chapter 51 - The Truth About Lies by Mellz Bellz

55. Chapter 52 -Wake Me Up When It's Over by Mellz Bellz

56. Chapter 53 - One Step at a Time by Mellz Bellz

57. Chapter 54 - Bringing Sexy Back by Mellz Bellz

58. Chapter 55 - A Change Would Do You Good by Mellz Bellz

59. Chapter 56 - Blindsided by Mellz Bellz

60. Chapter 57 - Getting To Know Me More by Mellz Bellz

61. Author's Notes & Thank You's by Mellz Bellz

Prologue - Never Again by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa attends the wedding of an old flame.

Prologue – Never Again

I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green
I hope when your in bed with her, you think of me

May 2007

It was the perfect day for a wedding. The California temperature was warm, but not too hot, and nice breeze blew off the ocean, letting the smell of salt permeate in the air. The scene looked like something out of a movie. The guests were seated on rows of white chairs at top of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. And there were many guests. This was big news, the wedding of a Backstreet Boy and a well known entertainment news correspondent. There were photographers everywhere snapping pictures of what was sure to be in every celebrity gossip magazine and shown all over television within the next couple of days.

And in the midst of it all with a sullen expression on her face sat Alyssa Martinelli, arms firmly crossed across her chest, staring straight ahead. Next to her sat her best friend Isabelle Richardson who had her one year old daughter, Grace propped onto her lap. I can’t believe I let Izzy talk me into coming to my ex boyfriend’s wedding, Alyssa thought to herself in disbelief. Furthermore I can’t believe that Nick is getting married period. Was this really the same man who she’d broken up with a little more than a year earlier because of his problems with commitment? She’d told him that he needed to make some major changes in his life, but Alyssa doubted that he’d turned himself around so much in a little more than a year that he was ready for marriage. She had a feeling that he was making a big mistake. Not that it was any business of hers anyway.

I would never wish bad things, but I don't wish you well
Could you tell, by the flames that burned your words

“I can’t believe that I let you convince me to come here,” Alyssa finally said out loud.

“You’re here to show him that you’ve moved on,” Izzy tried to assure her. “You’re over him, so why would you care if he marries someone else. Besides its very classy to show up here with your head held up high. It shows dignity and there must have been some reason why he invited you.”

“You’re right,” she agreed and sat up a little straighter in her seat. “So, have you ever met the lucky bride?”

Izzy nodded her head. “Only once or twice though, so I haven’t completely felt her out yet. She seems nice.”

“She’s in the entertainment business and she’s blonde. That’s enough for me,” Alyssa snottily stated.

“She’s a correspondent for E! News. I hardly consider that to be of celebrity status,” her friend pointed out. “It sounds to me like someone’s jealous…”

“I’m not jealous!” Alyssa insisted. “I’m just interested in Nick’s welfare and based upon his track record with blondes that happen to be in the entertainment business I see reason for concern.”

Izzy just shook her head. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I found no reason to really dislike Shayla when I met her. She seemed like a really nice woman. She started off behind the scenes at E! and she actually worked on Nick’s reality show. That’s where they met and it kind of just went from there. Then she got promoted to working in front of the camera and before I knew it they were engaged.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little funny though? How fast things seemed to progress between the two of them? I think it’s a little too soon to be thinking about marriage. I mean I’ve been seeing Sean and marriage is the farthest thing from our minds right now.”

“You’ve been seeing Sean for only a few months now. It’s hardly long enough to consider being serious yet,” Izzy pointed out and then shrugged. “Maybe they just genuinely fell in love. It happens like that sometimes.”

Alyssa just scowled and Izzy continued. “I know you don’t want to hear this Lyss, but maybe he and Shayla just have a deeper connection than he had with you. If you’re really all that concerned about his welfare you’d support him and handle yourself like a friend today.”

“Says the woman who stopped talking to Nick for a while when he was in his destructive phase,” she muttered under her breath.

“He’s changed so much, Alyssa,” Izzy tried to tell her. “You’d be so proud of him. He’s really become a better person. He’s dropped a good thirty or forty pounds and he’s all into living a healthy lifestyle now. He’s stopped smoking and dramatically cut down on the drinking. Wait until you see him again. He looks great.”

I never read your letter
'Cos I knew what you'd say
Give me that Sunday school answer
Try and make it all OK

Alyssa just ignored her friend’s description of the new and improved Nick and went back to her sulking. She could still distinctively remember the shock she had felt when she’d come home from work one day to find that fancy thick envelope with the carefully drawn calligraphy on the front. She’d just about died when she saw Nick’s name linked with that of another woman’s and she realized that it was a wedding invitation. Why would he be so cruel as to invite her to his wedding? Was this his way of throwing it into her face that he’d successfully moved on from her?

Underneath the invitation there was a separate letter addressed to her in Nick’s scrawled handwriting. Not having the courage to read it she’d held it up with the intent to rip it into pieces, but then stopped. She didn’t have the courage to read what Nick had to say on the inside, but something stopped her from completely destroying it. Instead she’d stuck it between some books on her bookcase where it haunted her for months leading up to the wedding.

She wasn’t even going to attend until Izzy had called her up wanting to know if she was going. She’d recently talked to Nick who had mentioned that he hadn’t yet gotten any response back from Alyssa. Izzy finally admitted that it was her who had given Nick her new address in North Carolina in the first place. At first Alyssa had been a little upset because the whole point of her moving away was to start over with him out of her life, but Izzy had been persistent and after much pleading had convinced her to suck it up and attend the wedding with her.

“It might be good for you to attend,” she’d pointed out. “I mean if you can sit there and watch him marry someone else then that just proves that you’re completely free of him. Even though it didn’t work out between the two of you, I think you can still be amicable to each other. You guys have shared a lot together even outside of being in a relationship at one time and he just really wants you there to support him. He’s changed so much and I think he really wants you to see that. You’re going to have face him again sooner or later Lyss. Especially since you share so many mutual friends. Besides, the last time I saw you was Grace’s birthday in March, so you’re definitely due out to LA for a visit.”

So Alyssa had finally caved in, but she still hadn’t bothered to read Nick’s sorry excuse for a letter trying to explain himself. As much as she tried to put on a brave front that she was completely over him, on the inside she still had her moments. She’d come to realize that perhaps things with Nick weren’t completely one sided and she to shared some fault in their demise. She knew that she had her own issues to work out and she had definitely been working on them. Moving down to North Carolina had turned out to be a very smart decision for her. With her first year of teaching just about under her belt, Alyssa had learned a lot about herself and was definitely more confident in her abilities career wise. She’d made a few acquaintances in her fellow teachers at school. She’d even started dating again, although not very seriously. After a few disastrous first dates she’d been on during an experiment with the wonderful world of online dating websites, she’d been ready to throw in the towel completely. When her mentor and fellow second grade teacher, Linda had suggested that Alyssa meet her nephew Sean she’d been skeptical at first, but not wanting to hurt Linda’s feelings she agreed to let her set it up. It turned out that Sean was definitely an improvement over all the internet guys she’d been dealing with. He was a marine currently stationed at a base not far from where she lived and they’d been casually dating for about 2 or 3 months now. Sean was definitely a nice guy and treated her like gold, but there was still something that held her back from getting too serious with him. She tried to tell herself it was the fact that he was two years younger than she, which although she knew was completely acceptable nowadays she still had her doubts. Deep down though, she suspected that the real reason she was afraid to give it her all was because with Sean she could see the possibility of a relationship really going somewhere and it scared her. The only other guy she’d ever considered getting that serious with before was Nick, and look how that had turned out.

Was she bitter? Definitely, but she’d never admit that to anyone else.

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere
It was you, who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
And don't say, you simply lost your way
She may believe you but I never will
Never again

Izzy’s voice interrupted her thoughts bring her crashing back into the present. “I think they’re going to be starting soon. Look, there’s Nick up there now. He looks nervous doesn’t he?”

As much as Alyssa didn’t want to look she couldn’t help but not to. Her eyes drifted up towards the end of the aisle until she found herself gazing at a very familiar blonde headed figure. As contradictory as it sounded, in some ways she almost didn’t recognize him. Izzy had been right. He’d lost a ton of weight and now she reckoned to say that he probably was at the thinnest he’d been since she met him. His new appearance took some getting used to, but Alyssa had to admit that he did look good. Even his whole face appeared brighter and happier. Maybe Izzy was right, she sighed in defeat. Maybe he is much happier right now with Shayla than he was with me.

“I told you he looks good now,” Izzy smirked, as she watched the stunned expression on Alyssa’s face.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” Alyssa just muttered. “Maybe I’m not as ready to do this as I thought I was.”

“Nonsense! You can do this,” she insisted. “And you will. You’re going to sit through this ceremony and swallow your pride and be happy for him. And after the ceremony you’re going to go up and congratulate the both of them sincerely and civilly, because you are a mature adult.”

“I have to actually speak to him?” Her voice squeaked at the thought.

“Yes, you do. I’ll come with you if you want for support, but trust me Lyss. This is for your own good.”

Alyssa just sighed, but didn’t say anything more. In a way she knew that Izzy was right. She needed to face the fact that he was now completely unattainable to her, so that hopefully she could be completely free of him. Then maybe she could consider making a serious commitment to Sean or any other guy for that matter.

The two women were quiet for the next few minutes. Alyssa amused herself with scanning the rows of the other guests, trying to spot other people she knew. She and Izzy had already bumped into Kevin and Melanie earlier, but they weren’t able to find seats together. She spotted Nick’s sister’s sitting up near the front and she already knew that Aaron was in the bridal party. A huge grin came over her face as she spotted Teri and Tricia sitting a few rows away from her. She assumed that both Howie and AJ were also in the bridal party since there was no sign of them. Just then Tricia turned around and spotted her and nudged Teri who also spun around and gasped when she saw Alyssa. Teri quickly waved and mouthed the word “Hi” blowing her a little kiss. Alyssa giggled and was about to mouth something back, but was interrupted by the beginning chords of the wedding march. Sitting back against her seat, she sighed as her fingers nervously played with the hem of her dress. Let’s hope this isn’t too painful.

If she really knows the truth, she deserves you
A trophy wife, oh how cute
Ignorance is bliss

Alyssa sighed as the bridal party began their descent down the aisle. She had to admit that she was sort of curious to see what exactly this Shayla looked like, although she could pretty much imagine. She always used to tease Nick that all his ex girlfriends seemed to resemble each other and how the hell had he wound up with her when she was the exact physical opposite. It seemed stupid now, but Alyssa had really thought that since she was different than any other girl he’d dated, she would be the one he’d wind up with in the end. It hadn’t worked out with any of them, so surely it had to work out with her, right? Looking back, she couldn’t believe how wrong she had been.

As it turned out, the picture of Shayla that Alyssa had envisioned in her head wasn’t very far off track at all. Alyssa critically took in a good look at her as she walked past her row. It was hard to get a clear look at her face because of her veil, but Alyssa was just able to make out her sharp looking features and piercing blue eyes. Her blonde hair was coiled up tightly on top of her head. She was a little shorter than Alyssa had anticipated and surprisingly healthy looking. Even through her veil, Alyssa got the sense that she was beautiful. Her and Nick probably made the quite the couple.

When she finally reached the other end of the aisle and Alyssa saw the way that Nick’s eyes lit up when he saw her, a pang of jealously ran through her. She could remember a time when Nick had used to look at her that way. Now those days were long gone. Putting on a brave face though, she tried her best to concentrate on the start of the ceremony, but she found her mind wandering off. As she watched the two newlyweds she began to wonder how much of Nick’s past did Shayla really know? Did she know about Katie and Serena? Did she know the details surrounding Alyssa’s relationship with him? Did she know that one of the many reasons they’d broken up was because he’d fooled around with her younger sister? And if she did know all of these things, how could she be completely okay with them?

But when your day comes, and he's through with you
And he'll be through with you
You'll die together but alone

In a way she almost felt bad for Shayla. According to Izzy, Nick had turned his life completely around, but had he really? Alyssa found it very hard to imagine that he could possibly commit himself to a lifetime of being with only one person, so quickly and he’d only known her for slightly longer than a year. What was one year compared to the rest of their lives? She didn’t mean to be a pessimist, but she was already willing to take bets on how long the marriage would last. They were both in the public eye. How long it did the average Hollywood marriage last? Three to five years tops?

Izzy must’ve noticed her zoning out because she felt a sharp elbow in her side. “The least you can do is actually pretend to be paying attention,” she hissed. “You look like you really don’t want to be here. Even Grace is looking more interested than you are right now. Put a smile on and suck it up!”

Feeling reduced to the age of a five year old, Alyssa rolled her eyes in her friend’s direction, but sat up a little straighter in her seat and pasted a fake smile across her lips. To the average outsider she looked like she was just another wedding guest, genuinely happy for the new couple, but on the inside she was seething.

Nick Carter stared out at the sea of familiar faces in front of him and felt a film of sweat growing on his palms. Who knew that getting married could be so nerve wracking? And how could Shayla appear so calm and collected beside him? If someone had told him a year ago that in another twelve months he’d be getting married, he’d probably have laughed in their face. Marriage was the furthest thing from his mind after his breakup with Alyssa. He was unsure if he could ever have a comfortable relationship with another woman again. Then Shayla had come along.

When he’d first met Shayla he had no interest in another relationship. He’d just begun filming House of Carters and was finding that although reuniting with his siblings was the first positive thing he’d done in a long time, it was also emotionally taxing. Naturally, they had plenty of issues to work out between each other, and there were some days when Nick wondered if agreeing to do the show was the best decision he’d ever made. Although he was instructed to try and ignore the members of the behind the scenes crew, he started to develop a very close friendship with Shayla. Whenever the cameras were pointed away from him, he could usually be found alone in some nook of the large house talking with her. She was a very good listener and that’s what Nick needed at the moment. She listened to him when he needed to unload about his frustrations with his siblings. She also managed to pull out of him the whole story of his break up with Alyssa and how he regretted so many of the mistakes he’d made with her. She’d kept everything very confidential, and it wasn’t long before Nick began to suspect that he was developing some sort of feelings for her. Still he waited until after production on House of Carters ended to act upon those impulses. He didn’t want to drag her from behind the scenes to in front of the camera and he definitely didn’t want all of America watching as he attempted to start a new romance that he wasn’t even sure he was ready for. Once the shooting was over he took a chance and asked Shayla out on a formal date. Then it had just skyrocketed from there.

It was hard for him to compare his relationship with Shayla to his prior relationship with Alyssa because not only were they two very different women, but he was at very different parts of his life while he was dating each one of them. When he’d been dating Alyssa he’d been a mess. He hadn’t known what he really wanted in life and he had spent far too much time struggling with the recent events of his life. Their break up had been just the wake up call he needed. He supposed in a way he should actually thank Alyssa for it. She’d told him quite simply that he needed to get his act together or he’d wind up losing everything he had. Over time he had realized that to be true. He began to make changes in his life. Besides the reality show and developing a closer relationship with Aaron and his sisters, Nick had definitely decreased his partying and cut down big time on his drinking. Once in awhile he’d drink socially when appropriate, but he definitely learned to do a better job of keeping it all in check. With his new outlook on life, Nick also decided to tackle something that had bothered him almost all of his adult life, his weight. He began watching what he ate and working out more which had resulted in a dramatic weight loss. Alongside all of these positive changes in his life, Nick began working on a new album with the rest of the guys minus Kevin, and had even worked in time to film a movie. For the first time in a long time, Nick actually felt good about himself. Things with him and Shayla had been going amazingly well. She’d stood by him and been extremely supportive of all of his decisions. It seemed crazy to many people, but once things began to come together for him, Nick reached his decision to ask Shayla to marry him. He knew that they hadn’t even been together a year yet, but she’d been such a source of comfort for him the past few months of his transformation he felt positive that she was the right woman for him. The man who had shied away from anything that resembled commitment a year prior finally decided to take the big leap.

Now that he was standing in front of all of their family and friends and about to make her his wife, the enormity of what he was about to do hovered over him. Why are you so nervous? he asked himself. This isn’t even your first wedding. That realization sort of saddened him. He’d had a brief marriage over five years ago to Katie, a Swedish girl he had met while the Backstreet Boys were recording Black and Blue in Sweden. They’d sort of had a mini romance in the six weeks he had been there which at the time had almost destroyed the beginnings of his relationship with Alyssa. He’d chalked it all up to just being a fling and had no intentions of seeing her ever again, but that had all changed when she’d arrived in the US and tracked him down to announce that she was pregnant with their child. The news had devastated him and at the young age of 21 he had no idea how to handle that kind of responsibility. Alyssa had tried to convince him to petition for custody of the unborn child and he’d considered the idea. Then there had been their disastrous trip to the Bahamas which had resulted in Alyssa walking out of his life for the first of many times. Nick had handled the situation the only way his immature 21 year old mind knew how, with alcohol and a woman. He’d called Katie up and sort of proposed to her over the phone. Looking back he realized that Katie had to have known that he was obviously intoxicated, but she’d clearly taken full advantage of the situation. Her visa would only be good for so long and she had hopes of staying in the United States to raise the baby. By marrying him it would ensure that she’d be able to continue to live in the country. Next thing he knew she’d arrived in the Bahamas and Nick had no clue how to tell her that he hadn’t really meant to ask her to marry him. Finally he’d decided that it was his responsibility to own up his mistake and marry her for the sake of their child. It had been the right thing to do under the circumstances.

The marriage had only lasted about three months. Nick hoped for a better track record this time around although the circumstances were clearly different with Shayla. He certainly hoped that things with her wouldn’t wind up in the same way they’d had with Katie.

He hadn’t realized that he had been zoning until he felt Shayla nudge him in the ribs expectantly. He focused himself back into the present and realized that the priest was looking at him as if he expected some sort of response and he noticed that everyone else was silent. Oh shit… Nick felt his face flush like he was a student who had been caught not paying attention in class. Obviously he’s waiting for me to say something and I have no clue what. Figuring he’d go with the most obvious response he could think that would be expected of him he answered in a proud voice, “I do.”

As soon as the words left his mouth he knew he had the wrong answer by the horrified expression on Shayla’s face. He could hear a few snickers from behind him and he immediately felt like a complete ass. “Whoa there, I think you’re getting a little ahead of me,” the priest joked. “I know you just want to kiss the bride, but I just asked you for your vows.”

Nick turned bright red as he rustled through his pockets for the sheet of paper in which he had written his wedding vows on. “Oh yea, I knew that,” he tried to play off. “Sorry I guess I just zoned out for a second there. My constant ADHD strikes again.”

There were a few more chuckles from the guests which Nick took as a sign that he had handled the situation quite well with his touch of humor. He felt Shayla give his hand a reassuring squeeze letting him know that it was okay and finally he began to relax. After getting through a mistake as embarrassing as that and surviving, he had a feeling that everything was going to be okay.

The rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch and before Alyssa realized it was time to head over to the reception. The ceremony had been hard for her to witness, but she’d gotten through it. She’d been one of the first to crack a smile when Nick had wrongly responded “I do” when asked to recite his wedding vows. The moment had just been so classically Nick that she couldn’t help, but to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Although his physical appearance may have changed big time, some parts of him such as his short attention span had stayed exactly the same, which Alyssa actually found refreshing.

The hardest part of the ceremony for her of course had been the ending when she had to watch him kiss Shayla. It wasn’t so much the act itself that had hurt her. She’d seen with her own two eyes Nick kiss another woman in front of her in a much more aggressive manner. It was more of what the kiss represented that had gotten to her. It meant that the two of them were now officially married and that Nick had officially moved on, something that Alyssa was still fighting to do herself. Maybe Izzy had been right. Maybe coming to the wedding and seeing it happen before her eyes would be just the push she needed.

And to think that the most difficult part was still yet to come! She still had to face Nick and Shayla both and congratulate the both of them sincerely. Just the thought brought a sinking sensation to Alyssa’s stomach. Thankfully enough, right after the wedding ended the newly married couple had been whisked away for pictures. Maybe with a little luck they’ll have so many people surrounding them at the reception that it’ll make it impossible to talk to them, she silently hoped.

She’d spent so much of the cocktail hour worrying about talking to him again that she’d downed three glasses of champagne before Izzy had forbid her from taking another glass. “I know you think alcohol might make seeing Nick again a little easier on you, but you definitely don’t want to be tipsy when you do see him. Besides, you’ll be meeting Shayla for the first time and you don’t want to give her a bad impression, do you?”

Alyssa curled her lip in disgust, but had to admit that once again Izzy was correct. The last thing she needed was for Nick’s new wife to think that she was a lush. So, she steered clear from any alcohol and quickly switched over to soda.

The reception started without any excess excitement and Alyssa was delighted to find that her wish seemed to be coming true. From the moment Nick and Shayla arrived cameras were on them and they were swarmed with other well wishers. It wasn’t until after dinner that the two of them appeared to finally be alone.

Seeing their opening, Izzy nudged Alyssa under the table. “They’re alone now. It’s the perfect chance to go over and congratulate them.”

“I don’t want to,” Alyssa whined. “I’m having fun right here.” She’d been catching up on a years worth of gossip with Tricia and Teri which seemed a lot more productive than going up and having to act all happy for Nick and Shayla.

“Come on Alyssa,” Teri urged. “Just go over there and fucking do it and get it over with. Nick will appreciate it and I promise that Shayla really isn’t that bad. You’ll feel so much better once you get it out of the way.”

Alyssa grudgingly stood up from her seat. “Do you think we could make a stop at the bar first?” she asked Izzy. “I think I could use a shot of something before I go over there.”

Izzy shook her head. “Remember what I said. You don’t need alcohol to do this. I promise you that after you do this you can get as sloppy drunk as you want, but you need to at least be able to get through this sober.”

“When you get back we’ll all do a shot, okay?” Tricia suggested.

“Yea, to celebrate the fact that you actually had the balls to be the bigger person here,” Teri added.

“Fine,” Alyssa agreed as she let Izzy lead her over in the direction of Shayla and Nick. As they approached the couple Alyssa could feel her stomach begin to flip flop.

“Hey!” Izzy brightly greeted the two of them. “I’ve been meaning to come over and give the two of you congratulations, but every time I was about to somebody else grabbed your attention.”

“Thanks Iz,” Nick told her as he bent down to give her a friendly peck on her cheek. “You remember Shayla, right?”

“Oh, yes of course!” She turned her attention to Shayla. “By the way you look absolutely gorgeous.”

“Why thank you,” Shayla answered with a smile on her face. Her eyes looked down at the sleeping baby in Izzy’s arms. “And who is this precious angel?”

“That’s Grace, Izzy’s daughter,” Nick explained.

“Oh, isn’t she adorable!” Shayla squealed.

Alyssa hung back a little, watching the scene feeling pretty much invisible. She wanted to speak up and say something, but she wasn’t sure what she could say without sounding completely fake. She didn’t have much time to think any further because she was immediately pulled into the conversation as Nick finally realized she was standing there.

“And this is Alyssa,” he explained to his new wife as he locked eyes with Alyssa.

Shayla’s eyes lit up in recognition, so Alyssa assumed that Nick had told Shayla all about who she was and their past together. Shayla gave Alyssa a warm smile as she took her hand. “It’s great to finally meet you Alyssa. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Hopefully nothing too horrible,” she nervously joked. She critically examined their exchange of words in her head, trying to decide if she was being sincere or not. When it came to Nick she was so used to other women being overly sweet to the point where it felt like an act, but she had to admit that she didn’t feel that with Shayla. She just sounded like she genuinely was happy to meet her. Although she was searching for any small reason to dislike the woman in front of her, there was nothing she could find. “Congratulations,” she managed to stutter out. “It was a really nice ceremony and all.”

“Thanks I’m very happy that you came,” the other woman answered exchanging a glance with Nick. “We both are.”

All of a sudden a slow song began to start in the background. “Hey baby, do you mind if I dance with Alyssa for a moment?” Nick asked.

“No, not at all. Go right ahead.”

“What do you say?” Nick suggested, extending out his hand to Alyssa. “For old times sake.”

“Uhmm, sure…” Alyssa answered, awkwardly taking hold of it. Talk about bizarre… Dancing with her ex boyfriend at his wedding after just meeting his new wife who seemed completely okay with the idea? Not exactly what she’d expected at all.

You wrote me in a letter
You couldn't say it right to my face
Give me that Sunday school answer
Repent yourself away

When they reached the dance floor and Alyssa slid her hands around his neck, familiarity set in and she began to relax a little. “Since when do you ask for permission to dance with another woman?” she teased with a smirk.

Nick just grinned. “Well, I am married now. I have to be a gentleman.” He paused for a moment. “You look good.”

Alyssa bit her lip. “Yea, so do you. I almost didn’t recognize you. Izzy told me everything that you’ve been up to. I must say that I didn’t think I’d ever see the day that you’d be getting married.”

“You and me both,” he nervously laughed. “But really I have you to thank for that.”

“Me?” she squeaked. “Why me?”

“You gave me the wake up call I so desperately needed. You told me that I needed to either shape up or else I’d end up destroying my life,” he explained. “When you left, it put everything in perspective for me and it really hit me that I needed to make some major changes in my life. If you hadn’t done that, I’d have never decided to do the reality show with my siblings and I’d have never met Shayla, so I have to thank you.”

“Oh… Well uhmm you’re welcome I guess.” As if things couldn’t get any weirder now Nick was practically crediting her with leading him to Shayla in the first place? How ironic is life? Alyssa found herself wondering.

“So, how are you doing?” he asked. “I heard you moved down to North Carolina?”

Alyssa just nodded. “Yea… Back last April. I got a job down there teaching second grade and so far it’s been working out really good for me. I have a great group of kids and everyone has been so nice.”

“That’s good.” There was another awkward pause before Nick asked the inevitable question. “What about dating? Any special men in your life?”

Alyssa bit her lip unsure of how to answer that. Yea there was Sean, but she wasn’t sure how special she considered him just yet. She shrugged. “I’m kind of seeing someone right now, but it’s pretty early on in the relationship. We’re not even serious yet.”

“Do you think it could get serious?”

His question startled her. “I don’t know… Maybe someday, but right now I just don’t think I’m ready, plus he’s a Marine and I’m not sure if I want to get involved with somebody in the Armed Forces. I had a friend in college whose boyfriend was in the Air Force and he was over in Afghanistan for awhile. She was a wreck all the time and I’m not sure if I can handle all that worrying and stress.”

“A Marine huh?” he smirked. “I never knew you had a thing for men in uniform?”

Alyssa just rolled her eyes. “Oh yea… That’s why I fell for you. I used to find it so sexy when you and the rest of the guys dressed up in matching outfits.”

Nick just laughed, but then turned serious. “I’m glad that you came. I kind of was afraid that you weren’t going to.”

“I wasn’t,” she admitted. “You can thank Izzy for changing my mind. She insisted that it would be the polite thing to do and would show that I’m over you, but I still support you as a friend.”

“I take it you never read my letter then?”

She looked away. “No, I didn’t. You have to admit the invitation was a shocker enough. I didn’t want to subject myself to any kind of half assed explanation for wanting me here. At the time, I really thought that you sent me the invitation and the letter to ease your own conscious.”

Nick looked thoughtful. “Maybe a little bit, but it was mostly to thank you for helping me turn my life around and that’s the real reason I wanted you here tonight.”

Alyssa realized that was she was speechless. She had no idea how to respond to that. Before she could even open her mouth to say anything, the song ended and Nick’s hands dropped from her waist. “Thanks for the dance and thanks for being here for me.” He dropped a light kiss on her cheek. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

She just nodded knowing fully well that she wouldn’t make any attempts to keep in contact with him. She turned around to walk away, but she felt him grab her arm once more. Whipping her head around she turned to face him expectantly.

“One more thing,” he started. “Don’t let what happened with us prevent you from getting involved with someone else.” She opened her mouth to protest, but Nick cut her off. “I know you told me that you’re reluctant to get involved with this guy because he’s a Marine, but I know you better than that. You’re afraid of getting hurt. Don’t be. Go for it.” With that he dropped her hand and walked off the dance floor leaving Alyssa standing there stunned.

How does he know so much about the situation between Sean and I? she wondered. Had Izzy explained the situation to him? No, Izzy doesn’t even entirely know how I feel about Sean. Was Nick really that insightful? Then again he probably did know Alyssa better than almost anyone else. Perhaps he really could read her like a book.

Alyssa spent the rest of the evening getting trashed with Teri and Tricia. She knew the next morning she’d be stuck with one bitch of a hangover, but she needed to feel completely numb. She’d had enough emotion for one day.

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere
It was you, who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
And don't say, you simply lost your way
They may believe you but I never will
Never again

Never Again by Kelly Clarkson
Chapter 1 - Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa recounts the craziness of the past year in her life.

Chapter 1- Here’s to You, Mrs. Robinson

July 2008

“Welcome home, Mrs. Robinson,” Sean Robinson whispered into the ear of his new wife as they pulled up to their home where they hoped to spend many happy years together.

Alyssa smiled as they both got out of the car. “It looks perfect,” she breathed in as she surveyed the sight of her new home. The pair had just returned from their honeymoon, a seven day cruise of the Caribbean, and was now about to settle into their brand new home together.

Alyssa was so in awe of the new house that she hadn’t noticed Sean come up from behind her until she felt herself being hoisted up off the ground. “What are you doing Sean?” she giggled. “Put me down!”

“Uh uh,” he argued. “Tradition says I’m supposed to carry my bride over the threshold and that’s exactly what I intend to do.” Ignoring Alyssa’s protests he swung her legs over his arms and carried her up the front steps setting her down in front of the door as he rummaged through his pockets for the key.

While he was doing this Alyssa was already over the shoulder grabbing contents from the mailbox. “How exciting! We already got mail!” She frowned as she leafed through it. “Junk… Junk… Bill? How are we already getting bills? Aww… We got a few wedding cards it looks like. And ooh…” Her eyes lit up as she caught sight of a large manila envelope. ”My new resumes just arrived from the printing place!”

“Only you would get excited over a stack of newly printed resumes,” Sean teased as he stuck the key into the door and turned the lock.

“Well, now that you’ve been transferred out to California I’m currently jobless again, so I’m going to have start sending a few of these out. Besides I’m excited to see them since I had to update my new information,” she explained as she tore open the envelope as she stepped inside. Taking one of the fresh resumes out of the packet she stared up at the newly printed information at the top. “Alyssa Robinson,” she slowly read her new name out loud that was printed in bold letters at the top of the page.

“Still sounds a little funny, huh?” Sean sympathized, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Yea, I guess it takes some getting used to. I’ve been Alyssa Martinelli for so much of my life that it’s weird to think of myself having a new last name now,” she admitted. “But I’ll get more comfortable with as time goes on.” She definitely didn’t want to give Sean the impression that she was having regrets about marrying him, because she definitely was not. It was just a little bit of a shock to see an unfamiliar name on the top of her resume. It was a little unsettling. For a moment she felt herself wondering exactly who Alyssa Robinson was. She didn’t feel much different except now that she was married and had a new name. She shrugged the feeling aside for the moment, realizing that she was making a big deal over nothing.

She sighed for a moment as she realized just how dramatically her life had changed over the last year or so. Right after Nick’s wedding last May she’d spent the next few days sulking around. She couldn’t understand how it could be possible for Nick to be so over her already that he was marrying someone else, when she could barely bring herself to get involved with another guy. Then it had finally hit her. Nick wasn’t the one holding her back from another relationship. It was only her own fear of rejection that prevented her from letting go. Once she’d digested that fact, she thought about the advice that Nick had given her at his wedding. He’d urged her to move on and take a chance with Sean. Finally feeling like she had nothing left to lose, she’d agreed to take her relationship with Sean to a more serious level.

There had still been some major roadblocks in their way that Alyssa hadn’t anticipated. In beginning her relationship with Sean, she realized a lot of things about herself that she needed to change and for the first time it really hit her just how deeply the scars she suffered from her past relationship really ran. Obviously those were two huge factors that had a very negative impact on her and Sean at first. But unlike many other guys who’d run once they realized how damaged she really was, Sean had been willing to confront her demons head on as painful as it was for both of them.


Alyssa lay there silently for a moment as both her and Sean stopped to catch their breath. Since Nick, Sean had been the first guy that she’d been intimate with and she was finding it a lot harder than she had expected it to be. Maybe it was because she was so spoiled by Nick or maybe again it was her own fears preventing her from getting too comfortable. Whatever the case was, Alyssa definitely was able to get the sense that sex between the two of them had seemed a little strained.

Maybe we’re just not compatible in bed? she wondered to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of Sean’s arms snaking around her bare waist and pulling her closer to him. She turned her body towards his and could see the frustrated look in his eyes that mirrored exactly what she had been feeling as well. They both seemed as if they wanted to say something, but weren’t exactly sure how to go about doing it.

It was finally Sean that broke the ice. He reached over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Alyssa you know you don’t have to be afraid of holding anything back with me, right?” His voice was calm and gentle and Alyssa could tell that he was trying to approach the situation as delicately as possible.

Still she pretended to act dumb. “I don’t think I know what you mean.”

She could just barely make out the rise and fall of Sean’s chest as he sighed. “I just get this feeling like you’re not giving me all of yourself. Like you’re holding something back and I’m just really trying to figure out what it is that makes you so uncomfortable. Have you not been with many other guys or something?”

Now it was Alyssa’s turn to sigh as she realized exactly where this conversation was heading. She shrugged. “I’ve been with five guys my entire life including you,” she answered honestly. “Two of them were stupid mistakes that I made when I was younger. Stupid guys that I hooked up with at bars because I thought that they’d make me feel better about myself, but they didn’t. Another one was a very brief rebound relationship I had while my ex and I were on a break. Then there’s you of course and my ex…”

“So, it’s obviously not the fact that you’re inexperienced,” Sean pointed out. “I just need you to explain the reason why you’re so closed off to me? I mean I don’t understand. We get along great in every other way. We seem to have great chemistry. When I kiss you I definitely feel something and I know I’m giving you everything of me, but I just don’t feel like I get that back in return. Is it something that happened to you in your past? I’m just trying to wrap my mind around this.”

Alyssa could read the frustrated expression on his face and she could tell that unlike other guys who would’ve just given up on their relationship he was prepared to do anything he could to resolve this issue between them. “You know out of all those guys, the only two I can say that I really truly cared about were my ex and now you,” she commented.

Sean’s lips lifted up into a bit of a grin. “I’m really glad that I’m in that category, but I’m just curious to know… Were things this awkward when you were with your ex or is it just me?”

She took in a deep breath trying to figure out the best way to explain the complicated relationship that had been her and Nick. “The relationship that I had with my ex was pretty much an emotional rollercoaster. We were like Murphy’s Law, anything that could possibly happen did,” she started off. “He was my first serious relationship… First love… All of that. I met him through a mutual friend and we seemed to really hit it off at first. Then not that long into the relationship he cheated on me and being young and stupid at the time, I took him back. As it turned out the girl he cheated on me with became pregnant as a result and it was just a really messy situation.”

“He sounds like a really big asshole,” Sean interrupted. “I’m really sorry that you had to go through all of that Alyssa.”

“Oh, there’s more to come,” she warned. “We were on and off for a while and then he went through a really rough time period and I was there to comfort him and get him through it, so we kind of became stronger than ever. All of a sudden things were finally going great between us. I really began to fall in love with him and I was finally beginning to reach a point where I felt completely comfortable doing almost anything he asked me to. We were going to get married… He bought me this beautiful ring and I really thought that this was it. Then he found out that his parents were getting a divorce which really screwed him up big time. His family life wasn’t the greatest, so this really sent him over the edge and he decided that he needed some time to be on his own and figure out who he really was. He’d just come out of his first serious relationship when he’d met me, so he needed some time to be by himself, or at least that’s what he said.” Her eyes closed at the painful memory. ”He took that ring he gave me and threw it in the ocean.”

Sean looked shocked. “He threw an engagement ring into the ocean like it was nothing? What was he? Made of money?”

“Money was something that he really didn’t have to worry about. He was in a position where he was definitely pretty set financially.” She purposely kept the details vague, not wanting to divulge the fact that Nick had been famous.

“Yea, but still…”

Alyssa continued on with the story. “About three years went by and then we wound up bumping into each other again because he did have a few of the same friends. We started talking again and next thing I knew we were beginning to hook up. Of course the more we hooked up the more feelings I began to have for him and I think that the feeling was mutual, only he had developed such a fear of getting involved with somebody again that it prevented him from fully committing himself to a relationship. Finally I got him to agree to give us another try and it really seemed like he was ready for it. He even found me a condo near him, so I could move closer… I really thought that he was finally beginning to change.”

“So then what went wrong?”

“The thing about Nick was that he was a really attractive guy and he had absolutely no trouble getting girls. Very rarely were they the right girls, but all he had to do was smile and he’d get a swarm of them around him. I don’t exactly know what it was, but he was one of those guys that literally girls would just do the craziest things for his attention,” she tried to explain.

Sean just rolled his eyes and snorted. “Oh, one of them. Yea, I know the type. Guys like that make guys like me look bad.”

Alyssa just smiled. “Well, as it turns out I think that you’re way better person than he turned out to be. Anyway I started getting a little self conscious because I would see the way that other girls would openly flirt with him in front of me, and I was always afraid of him not being able to resist them. Plus, I definitely wasn’t naturally a wild person as they were. I have to take baby steps when it comes to trying new things. So, anyway about a week before I was set to move out by him, I decided that I wanted to really do something extra special for his birthday. He was away on business and I decided that I was going to go pop up and surprise him.” She paused for a moment not sure if Sean would be comfortable hearing the details of her surprise.

“Go on…” Sean urged as he noticed her hesitation.

“Well, I just don’t know if you really want to hear exactly what I planned to do for him. It’s not that important, I’m just sure that you don’t want to hear intimate details about my ex boyfriend and I.”

He shrugged. “If it’s going to help me understand you better I don’t mind at all.”

“My plan was that I was going to sneak into his hotel room while he was out and I got decked out in sexy lingerie and candles and the whole works…” She felt her cheeks turn a little red as she realized how dumb of a plan it seemed now, over two years later. “I guess looking back now it seems kind of like a dumb idea.”

Sean mist of interpreted her blushing as a sign of her being embarrassed at what she had done because he grabbed her by her arms and looked into her eyes. “I don’t think that was a dumb idea at all! If I were him I would’ve been so excited to open my hotel room door and see you laying there looking all sexy like that. Please tell me he didn’t do something to screw a surprise like that all up for you?”

Alyssa just sighed. “I wanted to catch him completely off guard, so I didn’t even call him up to wish him a Happy Birthday. I was totally trying to play it off like I’d forgotten. Which again is a mistake that I really regret now. See he thought that maybe I didn’t care or something like that, so we wound up at a bar and got plastered and picked up some random girl that had been flirting with him all night. He decided to bring her back to his hotel room and they pretty much just burst in on me, although they were too busy undressing each other to notice I was even there at first.”

“Wow…” Sean looked shocked. “That uhmm sure explains a lot. What an asshole! He had no right to try to score with another girl just because it was his birthday and you hadn’t called.”

“I know and I totally agree, but it gets better. We had it out and it was a horrible fight in which somewhere along the line he blurted out that back when we were engaged my younger sister Stephanie gave him a blowjob and he allowed it to happen. That’s why me she and I don’t speak anymore…”

“God, you weren’t kidding when you said the two of you had a complicated past. I always wondered what the deal was with you and Steph.”

Alyssa nodded. “Then he turned around and told me that maybe if I’d given him head more often then maybe he never would’ve encouraged Steph. Later on he swore to me that he was just angry and wasn’t thinking about what he was saying and he really didn’t mean it. I honestly don’t think he really meant it, he just wanted to hurt me, but comments like that just can’t be erased from my memory like it had never been said. That really hurt me and took a big toll on my self confidence. I found myself completely blaming myself, thinking that maybe if I would’ve been more affectionate or maybe if I’d been like more adventurous in bed or something none of this would’ve ever happened.” She could already feel hot tears stinging against her eyelids at the painful memory.

Sean looked at her sympathetically. “I think he’s a real dick for putting you through that and making you believe those things about yourself that aren’t true. You can’t blame yourself and wonder if only. It sounds like to me that you could have been the biggest freak going and the outcome would still be the same. Maybe it wouldn’t have played out in that exact way, but he didn’t sound like he was ready for what you wanted to give him. You would’ve fallen apart eventually. But to see you this upset over something he vindictively said to hurt you makes me want to find this guy and teach him a lesson or two.”

At the moment, Sean’s words were very comforting to Alyssa. She buried her head against his chest. “Since then I guess I’ve just had it in my head that I was dull or boring and not enough to keep him interested. To do something so special for him like I planned for his birthday was a big deal to me because I was really pushing my comfort level, but I did it for him because I trusted him and really cared about him. And then he just treated like it was nothing. It really made me insecure if I wasn’t enough already.”

She could feel Sean’s hands stroking her hair as she spilled out her true feelings. She’d told this story many of times, but never to this degree. It was the first time she ever really opened up to anybody the full effect Nick’s betrayal had on her confidence level. It was no wonder things had felt so forced between her and Sean. He was completely right. She was so afraid of letting go because she was so fearful that she wouldn’t be good enough for him. The revelation stunned even her as she finally realized her problem. “I think I now realize why things have been so awkward between us,” she started off.

“I think I know too, but I want you to be the one to tell me,” he urged her.

Alyssa pulled back a little bit so she was able to fully look him in the eyes. “After what I went through with Nick I really had no faith that I was attractive. I really started to think that I was horrible in bed and that I could never compete with other girls. In thinking that way it became a self fulfilling prophecy. I got so hung up on what I thought others thought about me that I wasn’t allowing myself to really be comfortable. I had my guard up so high because I was afraid of rejection that I really sort of closed myself off to really any possibility of letting someone else in that closely again.” She took a deep breath amazed that she’d actually been able to verbalize all that out loud. “Wow… I never told anyone any of that before.”

Sean grinned. “Well, just the fact that you were able to tell me all of that and knowing that I’m the only person who knows that about you is definitely a step in the right direction. I’m almost positive that you can’t be bad in bed if you really just let go and I’m sure it’s going to take time, but you really need to trust me. You need to know that I’m not going to hurt you… I’m not going to judge you… I just want you to be yourself.” He paused for a moment. “And just for the record, it’s not always bad to try new things. As long as we trust each other, you have nothing to be afraid of.”

Alyssa just nodded. “I understand. I know it’s not going to be easy to trust somebody after I’ve had trust broken, but I’m willing to give it a try. You’re just going to have to be very patient.”

“I can do that,” he agreed. “I can be as patient as I need to. It’s all about baby steps here…”


Patient was definitely the word to describe Sean as their relationship progressed. That particular conversation had definitely helped them so much and without it Alyssa had no doubt in her mind that they wouldn’t have lasted as a couple much longer. Sean had opened her up in so many different ways. Not just emotionally, but even persuading her to do things that she’d never had before. Almost immediately their sex life improved ten fold partly due to Alyssa finally being able to feel completely relaxed around him and partly to do with the fact that the whole trying new things idea carried itself over to the bedroom as well. Not that they’d gone the whole whips and chains (okay they had experimented a bit with handcuffs once or twice- It went into the whole “trust” thing) route, but it really wasn’t too much longer until Alyssa even noticed a major change in herself. Sean had completely turned her negative self concept around and for the first time in a long time she actually felt that she could be sexy and desirable to somebody else besides Nick.

With so much that he’d done to change Alyssa’s whole attitude, Alyssa began to seriously consider if he might be the one. They’d talked about the possibility of marriage and she knew that Sean didn’t want to wait long. Being in the military, he never knew if one day he could be sent into the middle of a war zone. Like many young men in his position he at least wanted to attempt to have a wife and a family before that could happen. That’s why Alyssa hadn’t really been too surprised when he’d asked her to marry him just this past Christmas. They’d known each other only a little over a year, but Alyssa’s feelings were that if he had helped her through so much in such a short time than clearly it was meant to be. She’d also hoped to have a long engagement.

But of course life doesn’t always go according to plan. Only a few weeks into their engagement, Sean learned that he was going to be transferred to another base out in California, a little more than half an hour outside of LA, that summer. The couple had been faced with a decision. Should they move up their wedding date? Or should they both move out to California and plan their wedding there? After much discussion, they decided that it would be better off to get married right away, so that once they arrived in California they’d be officially starting their new life together. There was also the fact that if they weren’t already married, Alyssa wouldn’t be allowed to live with him on the base. It had definitely been stressful trying to pull off a wedding in a mere matter of months and unfortunately in doing so, Alyssa had to sacrifice a lot of the elements that she had always dreamed about having at her wedding. She’d originally wanted to get married up in New York, but due to time constraints and money issues they’d wound up having the wedding in North Carolina. The reception hall was nowhere near as fancy as the one Alyssa had always imagined and the guest list was relatively small. The ceremony had been simple. Her bridal party had been comprised of only three people, her older sister Meg as her maid of honor and Sean’s younger sister, Karen and Izzy as bridesmaids. In fact, Izzy had been the only one of her old friends to attend the ceremony. She’d have liked to invite Teri, Tricia, and Melanie, but unfortunately their budget just didn’t allow too many non family members.

Unfortunately, she had no way of getting around not inviting Stephanie. Her parents wouldn’t stand for it, so grudgingly she had, but she’d ignored her younger sister the entire night, not even blinking when she’d tried to come up and congratulate her and Sean. She knew that Stephanie was hurt that she was excluded from the bridal party. It must’ve really stung that she’d included Karen, her future sister-in-law over her, but Alyssa felt little sympathy towards her estranged sibling. Maybe if she’d have learned to keep her paws (or should I say mouth?) away from other people’s boyfriends and then not lie about it for three years, things could be different between us, she’d thought.

Then of course there had been the question of whether or not she should invite Nick. He’d invited her to his wedding which of course had been a much grander affair than hers. As much as it seemed like the polite thing to do though, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. After confessing to Sean how much he’d hurt her, Sean pretty much had said that if he ever met him he’d definitely have a thing or two to say to him. Besides the threat of an altercation between the two men, Sean still had no clue who Nick really was and she intended to keep it that way. Somehow she got the impression that their wedding would not be the place to reveal that her ex was not some spoiled rich boy living off his parent’s trust fund like Sean had assumed, but someone actually famous. So Nick had stayed off of the guest list.

In a way Alyssa had found her wedding to be a great disappointment anyway. Maybe it was because it was so rushed and not exactly the way she had envisioned it. She’d been so worried that everything was going to get done on time that she couldn’t relax enough to enjoy any of it. She hadn’t even gotten to enjoy the reception because every time she turned around the photographer needed her for a picture or someone came up to talk to her. She’d barely been able to eat a bite and every time she’d get a drink, she’d take two sips before having to abandon it and then it was gone when she came back. By the time she finally got a moment to sit, the wedding was over. Both Meg and her mother had assured her that this was normal and explained to her that a lot of brides don’t really get to enjoy their own wedding, but Alyssa still wished she could do it all over again and just really take it all in this time around.

It’s a dumb thing to be upset over, she’d tried telling herself. It’s just a reception. Those things are more for the guests than they are for the actual couple anyway. Besides, the important thing is that you and Sean are married now, you love each other, and you’re starting a new life together. There’s no need for a fancy ceremony to change any of that.

Yet, still a small part of her wished things could’ve been a little different. Even their honeymoon had been less ideal than she’d imagined. She’d mentioned to Sean that she’d always wanted to go on a cruise because she had never been, so Sean thought that he was giving her a wonderful surprise when he’d announced he’d booked a cruise for their honeymoon. As thoughtful as Alyssa found the gesture, in reality although she’d always wanted to go on a cruise, she didn’t see it as an ideal trip for a honeymoon. She’d have preferred to go someplace a little quieter and a little more private. She’d just gotten married! She didn’t want to be crammed on an overcrowded cruise ship where it was nearly impossible to find anytime truly alone. Sean had been so proud of himself though, so she didn’t have the heart to tell him any of this. The cruise had been beautiful and she’d definitely enjoyed herself despite it not being exactly what she had wanted. But still she would’ve preferred something else like Europe or down at a Caribbean resort.

But all that was petty in the grand scheme of things. They’d just gotten married and were fresh off their honeymoon and had finally arrived in their brand new home on a completely different end of the country. It definitely felt like a fresh beginning to Alyssa. New name… New home… New area code… Plus now she wasn’t far away from Izzy and Grace, and Teri and Tricia. It was comforting to be back in the presence of old friends.

“Hey…” Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Sean come up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. “You zoned out on me for a second there.”

“Sorry,” she apologized, setting the resume down on the table in front of her. “I guess I was just thinking about all the changes going on right now. Good changes of course.”

“It’s okay, but how about we stop thinking so much and get into breaking in that new bedroom?” he suggested, his lips tickling her earlobe.

Alyssa turned herself around so that she was facing him and grinned. “I think that’s an excellent idea.” And as she leaned forward to kiss him she really did feel happier than she had in a long time.
Chapter 2 - Jumping the Gun by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Sean delivers some unsuspecting news to Alyssa prompting her to make a big desicion.

Chapter 2 – Jumping the Gun

Alyssa quickly found herself adjusting to married life just fine. It wasn’t as if she’d never lived with a guy (she’d lived with Nick for a few months while they had been engaged when she was younger) before so that didn’t come as a shock to her. Yea having to worry about bills and managing money was something that she really didn’t have to worry too much about with Nick, but it wasn’t as bad as she had thought it would be. Being in the military offered Sean all kinds of financial assistance and Alyssa had been able to get another teaching job fairly easily in a high needs district. Even though she’d been teaching general education down in North Carolina, she was also certified in special education, an area that seemed to be in high demand in California. She was hired right before the new school year started as a special education teacher dealing with a blended class of third an fourth grade learning disabled students. She wasn’t sure how she’d adapt to dealing with children with special needs, but after only a week or two she realized ho much she loved it. She had a class of eleven students who were all sweethearts in her eyes. She had one student that was a bit of a behavior problem, but was manageable and Alyssa found herself actually quite drawn to him and his quirkiness.

Besides the excitement about her new job, Alyssa also became friendly with some of her new neighbors. There were two couples in particular that her and Sean hit it off with. There was Callie and Steve, who lived across the street. They were about Alyssa’s age and had known each other since high school. They’d been married almost six years now and had two children, Carly age four and Richard, age two. Alyssa couldn’t imagine being twenty-eight and already married for that long already, but if things had worked out between her and Nick the first time around, she’d be in the same boat. It was scary to think about. Then there was Kim and Ian, who lived next door to Alyssa and Sean. Ian was about Sean’s age and Kim was only twenty-three, but they’d already been married a little over a year. Alyssa couldn’t get over how early most of the couples around her age had gotten married, but Sean had explained that in a field where the future was so unclear, many young people involved in the military wound up marrying and having children relatively young in their life. Kim was pregnant with their first child, who was to be born in the spring.

Alyssa found it a relief to have some female friends on the base. Yea, she wasn’t very far from Izzy, Teri, and Tricia, but since she’d gotten married she hadn’t really made plans to contact any of them outside of Izzy and that was mostly because of Grace. She’d kept a low profile from the other girls because quite frankly she didn’t want to run into the possibility of running into Nick and Shayla. It was almost inevitable that it would happen sooner or later now that they were living less than an hour away from each other and they sort of ran in the same group of friends. She hadn’t yet explained to Sean that not only did Nick, her ex boyfriend live in LA, but was kind of pretty well known to put it mildly. She knew that the longer she waited to tell Sean, the messier it would be when he finally did find out, but she just couldn’t come up with an ideal way of bringing it up.

So, the first two or three months of marriage flew by rather smoothly for the new couple, but of course there was bound to be bumps in the road at some point or another and they encountered the first one of those bumps one evening in mid October. Alyssa had been in the middle of making dinner when Sean walked in from work, an obvious look of concern on his brow.

“Hey honey. How was work?” she asked him, standing up on her tip toe to give him a welcoming peck on his lips.

Sean just shrugged. “A bit of a rough day,” he grumbled, looking very sullen.

Alyssa immediately seemed concerned. “What happened? Is everything okay?”

Sean just shook his head. “I think that maybe we should go sit down. I have something that I need to talk to you about.”

“All right,” she agreed as she followed him into the living room and sank down onto the couch already getting a bad feeling about what her husband had to say. The news certainly didn’t seem like it was going to be good at all and she could already feel a heavy feeling beginning to build up in her chest.

She watched as Sean settled himself next to her and laced his hand with hers. He was silent for a moment, probably trying to collect his thoughts, so Alyssa took the moment to start the conversation herself. “So, what is this all about? What happened today at work that’s so serious?”

Sean bit his lip. “I got a feeling that this might happen, especially because people say that they ship you out to California before they ship you out of the country. I just didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to upset you. This was one of the reasons I wanted us to get married so fast. I wanted you to be taken care of in case anything happens to me.”

“Sean, what are you talking about?” she interrupted. “You’re talking like you’re on your deathbed or something. Are you being transferred someplace already?”

“I guess you could say that.” Sean sighed. “I found out today that my troop is going to be sent over to Iraq. It’s no longer a matter of if; it’s a matter of when.”

“Oh God…” Alyssa’s hand instantly flew to her mouth. Iraq? That was bad news. All she could think about were the thousands of soldiers that were killed or seriously injured over there within the past few years. She’d always known that there was a strong possibility of him winding up over there at one point or another, but she’d always just hoped that the war would end before that could happen. “Do you have any idea how much time you have before they send you?”

Sean shrugged. “Not really. It depends on a lot. It could be months from now, but it could also be in a few weeks if things get bad enough. It all depends on the situation over there. We were just told to be prepared.”

Alyssa sat back against the couch and sighed, trying to digest the news. She didn’t want to think of the possibility of Sean getting sent over to Iraq, especially so soon into their marriage. She’d be devastated if she lost him. Now she understood why so many women were hesitant to get involved with men in the military. She certainly didn’t want to end up a widow within her very first year of marriage.

“Alyssa there’s something else I want to talk to you about,” his voice interrupted her stunned silence. There was more? Alyssa wasn’t sure how many more bombshells she could take.

She swallowed hard. “What?”

“I know this is a lot to take in at once, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking even before I found out that I’d be going over to Iraq. I always considered the possibility. You have to in this field,” he explained. “Anyway I started to think about my future. About what happens if I don’t come back-“

“Sean please don’t talk like that, okay? I don’t even want to consider that possibility,” she interrupted him.

“Please let me finish,” he begged. “Like I said before if anything happens to me you’ll definitely be well taken care of.” He swallowed hard. “There are all sorts of programs that take care of deceased soldier’s spouses and families. I don’t like thinking this morbidly either, but someone has to.” Again he paused as if he weren’t sure how exactly to bring up the delicate subject. “I know that we haven’t been married very long, so it’s painful to be thinking about these things already. There’s just one thing though that I really wanted to do before I get sent over to Iraq.”

“And that is?”

Sean licked his lips. “I really want to start a family. I know its way earlier than you wanted. I know that you always said that you’d want to wait about two years before trying to have kids, but I might not have two years and just in case something does happen to me over in Iraq I want to leave a piece of me behind for you and my family to remember me by.”

Again Alyssa was stunned. She could totally see where he was coming from. The two of them had discussed the possibility of having kids together in the future. Alyssa especially had always wanted to be a mother when the time was right. She just wanted to be fully settled into married life first before even beginning to try. But now with Sean being sent off to Iraq, things were different. She’d love to provide him with a child and fulfill his wish of becoming a father, but she also had to look at it from what would be best for a child. What if something did happen to Sean in Iraq? Then she’d be a single parent left to raise a child by herself. Would that really be fair to a kid? She’d want to be able to provide it with both a mother and a father and a stable home life. Could she really give a child the best life on her own? And then what happened if he was in Iraq and missed the birth? It wasn’t like with Tristan and Izzy where he could jump on a plane and make it just in time. She’d seen firsthand how frightened Izzy had been during Grace’s delivery when she thought that Tristan wouldn’t make it. She didn’t want to wind up in the same position. “Wow… Sean, I mean this is a lot to take in right now,” she managed to get out too confused about her feelings to really give him any solid response.

Sean looked sympathetic. “I know it is and I realize that you probably need some time to really think about it. I mean it’s your body and I respect that. I don’t need an answer right this second. It’s just something I want you to think about. No rush, but I’d like to start trying as soon as possible. I don’t know how much time we really have.”

Alyssa just nodded her head. “I’ll seriously think about it. I can completely see where you’re coming from; I just don’t know if I’m ready.”

“Fair enough.” Sean stood up from the couch. “I’m going to go change and wash up before dinner. I’ll be back down in a few.” She watched him disappear up the flight of steps to their bedroom.

Alyssa sighed as she lay across the couch and stared up at the ceiling above her. She definitely had a lot of serious thinking to do and she had no clue where exactly she should even start.

The next evening after spending the whole day weighing the pros and cons of trying to have a baby with Sean at this point in their marriage, Alyssa decided that she needed the advice of somebody who had plenty of experience when it came to marriage, her mother. It was very seldom that she went to her mother for advice, but she felt like this was the kind of situation that only her mother could help her with. Taking out her phone, she dialed the number of her parent’s home in New York. The phone rang twice before she recognized her mother’s familiar tone on the other end.

“Alyssa honey, how’s everything going?” Patricia Martinelli greeted her middle daughter.

“Not so good Mom. Actually that’s kind of the reason why I called,” she began. “I need some advice.”

Patricia’s voice immediately rose with concern. “Now don’t tell me you and Sean are already having trouble?”

“Not exactly. We’re doing fine. Great in fact! We’ve just gotten some upsetting news, that’s all.”

Her mother sounded puzzled. “What kind of news exactly?”

Alyssa took in a deep breath. “Sean just found out that he’s being deployed to Iraq. Not right away, but it could be soon enough. He’s not exactly sure when it’ll be because it all depends on how things are going with the war. All he knows is that he’s definitely going at some point or another.”

Patricia gasped. “Oh, sweetie I’m really sorry to hear that. I’ll keep the two of you in my prayers. That must have been very upsetting for you.”

“It has been Mom… We’re barely married! I don’t even want to imagine the prospect of losing him, especially so early on in the game. He’s all talking about ‘in case something happens’ and it’s really freaking me out. And do you know as soon as he heard he was being transferred to California he got the feeling that he was going to be shipped off to Iraq. In fact, he told me that the real reason he wanted to push our wedding ahead was because if he did wind up there and something happened to him ‘I’d be taken care of,’’ she confessed. “I don’t know whether I should be pissed that he had his suspicions and never told me or if I should be touched that he loves me enough to consider my future like that.”

“Well, that is very responsible of him to want to make sure that if God forbid he wasn’t around that you’d be alright on your own. That’s what a good husband should do. It’s his job to look out for the best interests of his wife and family,” her mother explained.

Alyssa just sadly smiled at her mother’s philosophy. Her parents of course were very old fashioned and they respected the fact that Sean acknowledged many of their ideas and practices. In some ways, Sean could also be considered very traditional that way. He definitely had the whole ‘because I’m the male I should be the breadwinner’ belief down pat. Even though he never said it, Alyssa sometimes got the sense that after they began to start a family, Sean would rather her abandon teaching and become a stay at home Mom like Callie. “And to think… All this time I kept thinking about all the things I missed out on by moving the wedding up and he was only trying to do what might be best for me in the long run. I’m a terrible, horrible, ungrateful, person, aren’t I?”

Patricia just lightly laughed. “I don’t think I’d go that far honey. I can see how you probably feel guilty now that you know his true intentions, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting things the way you’ve always imagined them. That doesn’t make you a horrible person. We all have things that we wished we could’ve done differently in our lives. The difference between being ungrateful and wishing things could’ve been slightly different is having regrets. Do you regret marrying Sean at all?”

“No of course not,” she honestly answered.

“Do you love him?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then that’s all that matters. Whether you ran off and eloped or had a small, tiny, wedding, or even some fancy million dollar wedding none of that would change right?”

“No it wouldn’t. You’re right Mom,” Alyssa finally admitted. “I just wish I knew sooner. In a morbid way I think that might just be the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” She paused for a moment before dropping the second half of her dilemma on Patricia. Finally clearing her throat she found the courage to blurt out the problem that had been eating away at her non stop over the past twenty-four hours. “Sean wants to try to start a family before he leaves for Iraq. You know in case anything happens, but I just don’t know if I’m ready yet to be a Mom.”

She could practically picture her mother’s expression softening on the other end of the line. “Oh Alyssa, I wish I could tell you what to do about that one, but that has to be your decision. To be completely honest, you know I’d be overjoyed to find out that I was going to be a Grandma. You know how Meg can’t have children on her own, so it would be amazing to know that I’d finally get a grandchild. You’re married now and granted you haven’t been married long, but it’s still legitimate. I know that you would’ve liked to wait longer, but the circumstances are certainly unique enough. You have my support no matter what you decide to do though. And for the record I think you’d make an outstanding mother Alyssa.”

“You really think so?” she asked in a small voice.

“Of course! You have the patience of a saint and you obviously have plenty of experience with children as a teacher. I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t be. You’ve always looked forward to having a family. I’m not sure exactly what’s holding you back,” Patricia pointed out.

Alyssa sighed. “I guess the main thing is as much as I understand how important to Sean it is to leave a piece of himself behind to carry on another generation, especially if he doesn’t…” she stopped and swallowed hard. “…make it back; I also have to think about whether or not I’m at a place in my life right now where I could handle raising a child on my own. I know how much work a child is because I see it with Izzy and Grace, but at least Izzy has Tristan around to help her out. I can’t imagine doing it on my own.”

“That’s completely understandable Lyss. You just have to know that God forbid something does happen to Sean, and I certainly hope it doesn’t because you know how much I approve of him, that your father and I and Meg and Stephanie would be more than happy to help you out in any way that we can. And I’m sure that Sean’s family would feel exactly the same. You also have a wonderful group of friends who I’m sure would provide you with a support system if needed. Before you reach any decisions you just need to realize that you are not alone, all right?”

“Thanks for the advice Mom. You’ve been a big help,” Alyssa told her. “I think that I need to do some more thinking, but it definitely helps to get your perspective on the situation.”

“In the end you just have to do what your heart tells you is right,” Patricia wisely explained.

That Alyssa realized was probably the single most valuable piece of advice her mother had ever given her.

Later on that night after soaking in a hot bubble bath for over an hour mulling over her mother’s advice, Alyssa finally felt confident that she had reached a decision. She waited to discuss it with Sean until they’d slipped under the covers that night for bed. As soon as they’d turned out the lights and Alyssa began her speech. “I think that I’ve finally reached a decision about the whole baby thing,” she began a little nervously.

“Yea?” Sean rolled over so that he was facing her, looking very interested in what she had to say. “And?”

“I really was having some doubts about it until I talked to my mother on the phone earlier tonight and she definitely eased my fears. I was really scared of the possibility that I’d have to wind up raising a child on my own, which is something I’d never voluntarily do. I feel like I was so lucky to be raised by two parents especially when so many of my friend’s parents were divorced or split up. I’d never want to put a child in a situation like that, but this is different. It’s not like you want to leave. You’re doing something honorable for your country and this might sound like something out of some cheesy World War II movie or something, but if you’re killed, you’ll die a hero and I don’t think that would be a horrible situation for a child, knowing that you at least died for your country. It would be something to be proud of. And my Mom already assured me that in the event of tragedy she and the rest of my family would do anything they possibly could to help me out. That and she assured me that I’d make in her words, an ‘outstanding mother.’ So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, let’s go for it.”

“So, you’re positive about this then?” Sean asked her. “Because I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you into doing something you don’t want to.”

“You’re not pressuring me at all,” she confidently replied. “I want to do this. Not only do I feel like I owe you this after everything you’ve done for me, but I really have always wanted to be a mother. Why not now? It’s not what I expected, but that’s okay. Life doesn’t always turn out the way you’ve planned it and I think I’ve finally accepted that.” She grabbed a hold of his hands and looked him square in the eye. “Let’s make a baby.”

She could tell just by the way Sean’s eyes seemed to light up that he was ecstatic with her decision. He gripped her shoulders and kissed her slowly and tenderly as if to show his appreciation. Alyssa returned the gesture savoring the moment before Sean reluctantly pulled away and smirked at her. “You know that this is going to require us to have a lot of sex, right?”

Alyssa just grinned. “And that’s a problem?” Without waiting for a response, she hooked her arms around his neck and leaned in for another kiss.

Unlike Alyssa and Sean, Nick and Shayla’s marriage had gone well over a year without any major problems. They’d joked together that probably the only reason that it had gone so smoothly was because they had both been so involved in so many other things that they didn’t really have much time to fight. Shayla had been busy covering any entertainment event that she could and had just recently launched her own weekly web series on E!’s website where she’d go behind the scenes at Hollywood’s most talked about parties. She was currently in talks to bring the web series into her own weekly TV show with the same premise.

Nick had been even busier than Shayla. The past year had been one of the busiest of his life. Not only had he finished recording the Backstreet Boys latest CD, Unbreakable, but they’d released it last October and completed a world tour for it. Somewhere in between all of that the movie he had appeared in, Fast Glass, had premiered and then Nick began working on something that he’d always dreamt of doing. He began to work on starting up his own record label, Kaotic Records. He hadn’t had a lot of time to focus on the project, but now that the tour had finally wrapped up he could focus almost all of his time onto searching for new artists to sign and developing those that he already had. Since arriving home he’d been pulling long hours in the studio to make up for lost time.

But no relationship could go perfectly and it wasn’t long before the two of them hit their first rough patch as well. It had all started off so simply too…

The night started out like any other normal night. Nick arrived home from the studio after another long day of record label business. “Hey babe,” he greeted his wife who was sprawled out on their living room couch, seeming very absorbed in some kind of magazine article. “I’m home.”

“That’s nice. How was your day?” Shayla asked almost mechanically, not even taking her eyes off of the print in front of her.

Nick frowned. “What are you reading that’s so interesting? More of that tabloid garbage you love?”

“When your job is to report celebrity gossip you need to be up on the latest scandals, but no… I’m not reading a tabloid.”

“Well, then what is it then?” he asked curiously as he peeked a little closer. Before he could get any closer, Shayla had swiftly hid the magazine under a throw pillow. “Come on… What’s the big secret?”

“It’s no secret just you’ll make a big thing about it,” Shayla mysteriously responded.

Nick rolled his eyes. “If you’re reading Playgirl then go right ahead. If that’s the kind of thing that really turns you on then I won’t make a big thing about it. I might never let you live it down, but-“

“I’m not reading Playgirl,” she huffed as she playfully threw the pillow at his head.

“So, let me see then.” He reached to grab the magazine from Shayla’s hands, but Shayla had rolled over so that she was lying on top of it, preventing him from getting a good look. With a mischievous grin, he dove on top of her, grabbing her by her waist and tickling her. As her body writhed in laughter, he was easily able to wrench the magazine from her grasp that was now horribly wrinkled. “Parent?” his voice filled with confusion as he read the title of the publication on the cover. “You’re reading a parenting magazine? Please tell me that this has to do with some sort of research you’re doing for a story. Like something about what’s in style when it comes to the babies of Hollywood?”

Shayla snatched the magazine out of his hand while she smoothed down her hair. “Don’t patronize me. Maybe I just like reading for pleasure.”

“Ooh patronize… Big word there,” he teased. “But seriously uhmm is there something you need to tell me?”

“No… I’m reading a parenting magazine,” she replied. “They have interesting articles sometimes. Its useful information for whenever we decide to start our own little family.”

Nick could feel is stomach drop. “Uhh, say that again?”

“For when we start our own family. Come on Nick…” She looked at him like he was dense. “Don’t you ever think about maybe having kids someday?”

“No,” he quite simply answered. “I really don’t think I’m cut out to be father material.”

“You’d make a great father! I don’t know what you’re talking about. And you’d have to admit that we’d make some pretty awesome looking babies,” she joked, but then frowned when she saw the scared expression on Nick’s face. “You really don’t want kids, do you?”

Nick shrugged. “I used to think I did, but now I don’t know. Right now I’m just content with doing what I’m doing. I have my label and there are so many other things I want to do. Kids just don’t fit into my plans.”

Shayla’s face fell. “Is there any reason? I mean does this have to do with your parents or something?”

Nick looked away. He’d never told Shayla about Katie and Serena. Look at the job he’d done there… Since that experience he’d been very wary of having kids in the future. The only woman that he’d even considered the option of having children with in the future had been Alyssa because she was so great with kids. One of the reasons he’d felt so comfortable with Shayla now was because she was always so career driven, he assumed that she would be the type not to want children. They’d never had the conversation, but he just couldn’t picture Shayla as a mother. She was too high maintenance for motherhood in his eyes. But how could he tell her that without hurting her feelings? So instead of the truth he found the closest excuse he could. “It’s just right now I really want to focus on my career and I thought you did to. No one’s going to be interested in watching a pregnant woman waddle around to the hottest LA night clubs and interview celebrities. Your network is never going to go for that.”

Shayla sighed and brought her knees into her chest. “I guess you’re right Nick. Now’s not the time to be thinking about it. Not with everything we have in front of us.”

Nick couldn’t help and notice the defeat in her voice and somehow he got the impression that this wouldn’t be the last time the subject would rear its ugly head between them.
Chapter 3 - Six Month Itch by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

While enjoying a special dinner with Sean, Alyssa bumps into the last person she ever expected to see.

Chapter 3 – Six Month Itch

Alyssa was surprised to find that actually trying to get pregnant wasn’t as easy as she’d first thought it would be. She’d always thought that it would be fairly easy. They’d have sex and bam, she’d be pregnant. She’d quickly learned that it didn’t exactly work that way. Since she’d been on birth control for quite a few years now, she discovered that even after she stopped taking her pills, it would take some time for her hormones to regulate themselves, making it a little trickier for her to get pregnant. So far, Alyssa hadn’t gotten too concerned though. They’d only been trying for not even three months yet and with the holidays, things got a little crazy and she’d been a little stressed out. She hoped that maybe within the next month or two things would be different.

But at the moment for once, she and Sean were taking the time to spend some time together that didn’t involve worrying about conceiving a child. It was the six month mark of their marriage and Sean had insisted that they go all out for it; since he couldn’t be certain if he’d be even in the same country as her by the time their one year rolled around. He’d been very vague with what he had planned for her. All Alyssa knew was that it involved a drive to downtown LA and he’d rented a hotel room for them that night, even though they were only at the worst roughly forty-five minutes from LA. When she’d pointed that out to him, he’d just smirked and said something about how they could use a “change in scenery.” Alyssa had just laughed it off, but maybe he was right. Maybe a change in scenery might be just what they needed to conceive a child. It certainly couldn’t hurt.

It had just worked out that their anniversary fell on a Friday night, so after they’d both gotten off from work, they made the drive into LA and checked in to the hotel they were staying at. As soon as they arrived at their room, Sean announced to her that he’d made dinner reservations for the two of them, but had remained silent about exactly where.

Alyssa figured that since it was LA, the chances that the place would be semi-formal, had to be pretty high and she knew that you could never go wrong with a little black dress. And she’d just bought one for this occasion. She’d actually bought it the last time she was down in LA, visiting Izzy and it had been a total impulse purchase. Not only had it been ridiculously expensive, but it was the type of dress that up to about a year ago she’d never have even considered wearing out in public. Even now she sort of doubted if she’d have the guts to wear it for Sean. It was very slinky with a neckline that plunged so low, she’d needed to practically suction cup it to her body. It was the kind of dress that she’d only seen celebrities wear on red carpets. As soon as she’d put it on though, she felt a strange surge of confidence go through her, and she grinned just trying to picture the stunned look on Sean’s face when he saw her in it.

After she was dressed and her hair and makeup were completed she opened the bathroom door a crack. She really couldn’t wait to see Sean’s reaction once she stepped out of the door. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door wider and boldly stepped out into the bedroom. “How do I look?” she asked him, with a hand on her hip.

She couldn’t help, but grin as Sean’s eyes traveled up and down her body. She could tell that he was tongue tied just by his hesitation to speak. Finally seeming to find his voice he crossed the room, so that he was right in front of her. “You look amazing baby,” he managed to choke out as his hands found their way to her waist. His lips pressed down over hers in a heated kiss and Alyssa couldn’t help, but smile as she returned the action. “God, that dress is just… Wow!”

“And just wait until you see what I’ve got on underneath,” she teased, moving in to kiss him again.

“You keep talking like that and we’re going to miss our dinner reservations,” he told her as he reluctantly pulled away. “In fact, we need to be leaving about now if we want to get there in time.”

“Fine,” Alyssa finally gave in. “But after dinner, you’re mine.”

“No complaints here,” Sean assured her as he grabbed her hand. Alyssa quickly retrieved her purse and they headed out of their hotel room hand in hand. Alyssa waited until they were outside of the hotel and in Sean’s car, pulling out of the parking lot, before she found herself too curious to hold back any longer.

“So, when are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she begged.

“You’ll find out,” he mysteriously sang as he began driving up the street. “It’s a surprise.”

“Oh, come on,” she whined. “I probably haven’t even heard of the place, so it’ll still be a surprise.”

Still Sean shook his head. “I don’t know about that. It’s a pretty well known place. Lot’s of celebrities tend to frequent it and stuff.”

Alyssa sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, pretending to pout. “Now you’re just being a tease. Can’t you just tell me?”

He just laughed. “How am I being a tease? You’re the one wearing that dress. If anything you’re the one that’s the tease.


“Fine,” he finally gave in. “I’ll tell you. Ever hear of a place called Koi?”

Alyssa could feel the color drain from her face at the mere mention of the name of the restaurant that Nick had taken her the night before she left LA when she’d visited him over three years ago. She found herself thankful that it was dark and with Sean driving he couldn’t get a good look at the expression on her face. “You’re taking me to Koi?”

Sean must’ve taken the disbelief in her voice as a sign that she was happy and surprised at his choice because his face broke out into a wide grin. “Uh huh… I take it you’re familiar with the place?”

“Yea, I’ve heard of it before,” she lied, not having the heart to tell him that she’d actually eaten there before with her ex boyfriend. Sean looked so pleased with himself that he’d surprised her with such a fancy dinner at such a well known restaurant that Alyssa figured it would be better to tell a little white lie. “That’s awesome.”

If Sean picked up on the sudden lack of enthusiasm in her voice, he did nothing to acknowledge it. The two of them grew silent on the rest of the way to the restaurant, and Alyssa found herself staring out the car window wondering if she really would be able to block out all the memories of Nick and enjoy a peaceful anniversary dinner with her husband. Little did she know at the time, that past memories would be the least of her problems that night.

“This is ridiculous! I’m so glad I made reservations,” Sean grumbled to her over an hour later. “We’ve been sitting here waiting for a table for an hour already! I wonder what the wait would’ve been like if I hadn’t?”

Alyssa sighed as she placed a hand over his. “Maybe they’re just really behind schedule tonight. It is a Friday night. Just be patient. I’m sure we’ll be called any moment now.”

Sean made a face, but didn’t say anything more. They’d arrived at Koi nearly an hour earlier and even though they’d made reservations they were still stuck waiting for a table. Even Alyssa was finding the waiting a little ridiculous, but had kept quiet, not wanting to make a scene. Sean on the other hand, was growing increasingly impatient as the minutes ticked by and was doing little to hide it. He watched as another couple walked in and was seated almost immediately. “Did you see that?” he asked, sounding outraged. “They walked right in and skipped ahead of us! That’s bullshit!”

“I think I recognized her from like a soap opera or something. They have more pull than us, sweetie,” she tried to explain to him. “Are you sure maybe you just don’t want to leave and try getting dinner someplace else? I’m not picky. We could find like an Applebee’s or something?”

“An Applebee’s? No. I wanted to take you out someplace trendy and different and really do something special for you. We’re eating here even if I have to pay off the maître d’,” he stubbornly insisted.

Something about the determination in his voice made Alyssa smile and then giggle until she was full on laughing. “What’s so funny?” he demanded to know. “Why are you laughing at me?”

“Because you’re so cute,” she insisted. “You’re willing to do anything to make me happy and I think it’s adorable.”

A small glimmer of a grin came across Sean’s face. “Well, I only want to make sure you have the best.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m going to go see how much longer the waits going to be. You stay right here, okay?”

Alyssa just nodded and watched him walk away, not at all prepared for what was about to happen next.

Meanwhile Nick and Shayla walked into the crowded front entrance of Koi hand in hand. Not only was Koi one of Nick’s favorite restaurants in LA, but he and Shayla came there quite often and today they definitely had reason to celebrate. Shayla’s TV show had been picked up by E! and would begin tentatively shooting next month. She’d just found out the news earlier that afternoon, and Nick had insisted that they go out for dinner that night to celebrate.

“It’s crowded tonight,” Shayla remarked as noticed the waiting area, stuffed with people. “Are you sure we’ll be able to get a table?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Nick assured her. “I’m here so much they may as well just give me a table of my own.”

“Well, you see what you can do. Meanwhile I’m going to stop in the ladies room. I’ll be right out,” she promised, dropping a light kiss on his cheek before disappearing from his side.

Nick hung back for a moment, seeing that the maître d seemed to be busy at the moment. Shayla had been right. The place definitely was crowded and Nick wondered if there was some kind of big event going on that he didn’t realize. He’d have to ask Shayla. She was good at remembering which star was having what party at what night. He began to zone out a little until all of a sudden his gaze fell upon a familiar female face. No… It can’t be, he tried to tell himself. The petite, dark haired, woman sitting a few feet away face was glowing with laughter at something that her broad shouldered male companion had obviously said. It definitely seemed as if they were together and a gentle hand squeeze between the two of them seemed to confirm that suspicion as the guy leaned over to tell her something before getting up and walking in the direction of the front counter. The woman turned her head in his direction and Nick gasped once he realized that he hadn’t been wrong. Alyssa?! What’s she doing here? he wondered as his eyes drank in the sight of her. She looked amazing. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was a certain something about her that made her even more striking than the last time he’d seen her at his wedding. And that dress… He found that he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way that it clung to her body in all the right places and the way that it plunged scandalously low until it ended in an enticing v at top of her rib cage. It was the type of outfit he’d never expected to see Alyssa wear out in public, but here she was right in front of him. Something definitely had to have changed.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt their gaze lock and just by the way her full lips formed into an o of surprise, he knew that she had seen him too. He pushed past a few people until he found himself standing right in front of her. “Alyssa? Is that you?” he asked, still not completely positive.

Her face broke out in an excited grin. “Have you forgotten me already, Nick?” she slyly replied.

She laughed as Nick’s face reddened in embarrassment. “Of course not! It’s just, wow you look different and…” he paused, swallowing hard. “What are you doing all the way out here in LA? Visiting Izzy or something?”

All of a sudden Alyssa was very glad that she’d had the guts to wear the provocative black dress. Judging from the expression on Nick’s face and the way his eyes seemed to linger down the open area between her breasts, she could tell that he was completely in shock over her appearance, enough to forget for the moment that he was married. “We live out here now. Sean and I, that is. We got married in July and he got transferred to a base not far from here. We’re just out in LA for the night celebrating our sixth month anniversary,” she coolly explained. “Where’s the wifey?”

“B-b-bathroom,” Nick managed to stutter out, wondering why he was getting so flustered over his ex girlfriend. “I can’t believe you got married. No one ever told me.”

Alyssa was surprised to see how genuinely hurt Nick sounded. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you know,” she apologized, but then quickly remembered she had no reason to have to apologize. “Not that I was supposed to or anything. It kind of got rushed along a little faster than I expected and it was a really a pretty small affair. You can ask Izzy if you want.”

“So, that’s Sean huh?” he asked, shifting his gaze to Sean who at that moment seemed to be arguing with the maître d. Alyssa sighed, once she realized the impression that Nick was probably getting that was completely false. To someone who didn’t know any better, Sean probably appeared like an impatient asshole with a bad temper, which he was anything, but.

Alyssa nodded. “Yea, that’s him. He’s really a great guy. I guess I should thank you for telling me to go for it with him. It was the best thing I probably could’ve ever done. He’s changed me in so many ways that needed changing, and I’m a much better and stronger person now because of him.”

She had to admit that she got a small piece of satisfaction in seeing a shadow fall over Nick’s face as he realized that it took another man to complete what he had failed at. And he’d been the one to push her into his arms in the first place. “That’s great,” he only half heartedly replied.

She was so busy trying to make Nick feel bad that she didn’t notice that Sean had returned until she felt his hands on her shoulders. “They said that they’re booked pretty solidly and they’d try to get us seated as soon as they possibly can,” he reported. He looked up and for the first time noticed Nick standing in front of them. “Who’s your friend?”

“This is an old friend of mine,” she quickly introduced, purposely leaving out Nick’s first name afraid that he’d make the connection to the mysterious ex boyfriend Nick she’d told him about.

No sooner had the words came out of his mouth when Shayla approached the three of them. “There you are Nick! I was looking for you.” She stopped dead in her tracks when she realized that he wasn’t alone.

“Shayla, you remember Alyssa, right? From our wedding?” Nick prompted.

“Oh, yes! Alyssa your old girlfriend. How are you doing?” Shayla greeted. “Funny running into you here, huh?”

“Ex girlfriend?” Sean suspiciously asked, already beginning to make the connection. He glared in Nick’s direction. “You’re her ex boyfriend, Nick?”

Before Nick had a chance to even answer, Alyssa interrupted. “Nick this is my husband Sean. Sean this is Nick and his wife Shayla.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Nick stuck out his hand to greet Sean. Instead of accepting the gesture Sean just glared at it, making no attempt to be polite. Realizing that he wasn’t welcome Nick slipped his hand back into his pocket feeling just a little awkward about his obvious lack of respect. He was sure that Alyssa must’ve told him enough stories for the guy to want to practically kill him and then Nick remembered that he was a Marine. Marines were pretty handy with guns… Maybe he better get on his good side.

Luckily the awkward moment was broken by the voice of the maître d as he recognized Nick for the first time since he walked in. “Hello, Mr. Carter,” he greeted as he approached them, completely ignoring Alyssa and Sean. “It’s good to have you back again. If you want we can have your usual table ready in just a moment.”

“Actually, do you think that maybe we could get a table for four? That way my friends can dine with us?” The suggestion flew out of his mouth before he even realized it, but it seemed like the right thing to do. He knew that Alyssa and Sean had been waiting a long time now for a table and he knew on a night like tonight even with a reservation they’d be pushed aside if more well known people walked in. In his eyes he was doing them a favor. “That is if the two of you don’t mind?”

“No problem with me. I’m starved,” Alyssa agreed. What could be the harm of eating dinner with her ex and his wife? She felt secure enough in her marriage and herself to be able to at least be civil to him.

But Sean seemed to protest. “I don’t know… I mean this is supposed to be our anniversary, so we kind of wanted to dine alone.”

Nick just shrugged, knowing that he had been the bigger person just by offering. “Your choice. I just know how busy this place can get on a Friday night and it might be a long wait. I thought I’d do you a favor.”

“Sean!” Alyssa hissed. “We’ll be happy to join you and Shayla for dinner. Right Sean?” She purposely dug her fingernails into his arm to show him that she meant business.

“I guess so,” he finally gave in.

“That can definitely be arranged,” the maître d assured them as he walked away. “Your table will be ready in a few short minutes.”

“Who are you that you get such good treatment around here?” Sean asked the moment the man had disappeared. “We’ve been waiting for over an hour to get a table and you walk in like you own the place. Is your wife famous or something?”

Alyssa could practically see the steam coming out of Nick’s ears at Sean’s comment. Trying her best to keep the peace, she answered before Nick could say anything in response. “Sort of. Shayla is a correspondent for E!” She paused knowing that there was no longer anyway to hide Nick’s fame any longer. Still she tried to keep the details as vague as possible. “And Nick works in the music business.”

“Music business… Wait a second…” Recognition lit up in Sean’s eyes. “You’re one of those Backstreet Boys, aren’t you?” He immediately turned on Alyssa. “You dated a Backstreet Boy?”

“Sean… Let’s not do this here,” Alyssa tried to calm him down. “We can talk about this later-“

Just then the maître d returned. “Your table is ready.” The two couples began to follow him through the crowded restaurant, but Alyssa and Sean hung back.

“Why did you fucking lie about this to me Alyssa? All this time you let me believe that Nick was some trust fund brat and he was actually famous? I can’t believe that you’d keep something like this from me,” Sean argued through gritted teeth.

“Sean, please now is not the time or place to have this discussion. I swear that once we get back to the hotel I’ll answer everything, but could you please just be mature and just suck it up? For me? You don’t want to ruin our anniversary do you?” she pointed out.

“You’re the one who insisted that we sit with them,” he argued. “Why would you even act the slightest bit friendly towards a man who has broken your heart like he has? Who’s disrespected you and treated you like absolute garbage?”

Alyssa sighed, realizing that he did kind of have a point there. Why had she been so polite to Nick? She had no reason to. He’d hurt her in ways that had almost completely destroyed her. It had taken Sean months to break down those walls that she had put up as a result of Nick’s betrayal. So why would she even be friendly to him at all? “I guess it’s because I’m trying to be the bigger person here. The old me would have completely snubbed him and maybe even made a scene. I’ve moved on Sean. I’m with you now and I’m completely over what he’s done to me. If I can sit and have dinner with him and his wife, then that just shows how far I’ve come. I know you don’t want to hear it, but outside of the all the horrible things he’s done to me, he can really be a nice guy. I wouldn’t have stayed with him so long if he was all bad. I don’t know why you feel threatened by him. He’s married now too and from what I hear he’s changed a lot.”

“I’m not threatened by him,” Sean insisted, frustration rising in his voice. “It’s just I can’t look at him and know that he was the guy that hurt you so much. It makes me want to hurt him for what he’s done to you.”

“Sean, please… I know that you’re only trying to protect me, but I’m asking you to please just let it go for tonight, okay? Let’s just get through dinner.

Sean sighed, finally giving in. “Fine… I won’t start anything with him, but you can’t expect me to be polite to him either.”

“Fair enough,” Alyssa agreed as they finally reached the table and sat down across from Nick and Shayla. There was tense silence between the four of them while they immersed themselves in their menus. Finally Shayla broke the ice.

“So, what brings the two of you here to LA? I thought Nick told me that you lived down in North Carolina?”

“We did,” Alyssa answered. “We moved to California right after we got married. Sean’s in the military and he just got transferred. We live maybe half an hour or so outside of LA. I was just telling Nick that we’re here tonight to celebrate our sixth month anniversary.”

“Six months? Wow… I don’t think that we did anything really special for our six month anniversary, did we babe?” Shayla looked over at Nick quizzically.

Nick shook his head. “No. I was busy doing promotion for Unbreakable and starting tour rehearsals and everything and you were out of town covering some awards show or something. We probably weren’t even in the same state at the time.”

Not wanting to make Shayla feel bad, Alyssa quickly blurted out an explanation. “Well, normally we wouldn’t really do anything big either, but Sean just fond out that he’s being deployed to Iraq sometime in the next few months. So, we just wanted to do something special in case he’s not around for our first anniversary.” She wrinkled her nose as she realized how bad that had sounded. “By not around I mean not in this country,” she corrected.

Nick’s eyes sprang up from his menu and showed genuine concern. “Whoa… That must really be rough to find out so soon into your marriage. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be so far apart for so long.”

Sean glared at Alyssa, not at all pleased that she’d decided to share his news with complete strangers. “The distance is the least of my worries,” he coldly explained. “I’m more concerned about coming back in one piece.”

The conversation hit a nose dive right there since nobody knew how to respond to that. Again Shayla made another attempt at rescuing the conversation. “Well, not that it’s the same thing, but we can kind of relate. Nick and I joke that we’re hardly home together long enough for us to ever fight. We’ll be married forever because the secret is that we give each other plenty of space. It’s hard being apart for long stretches of time, but there’s always phone calls and e-mail.”

This time it was Alyssa’s turn to glare at her. How can she compare Nick going off on tour to Sean going off to Iraq? she wondered to herself. They were both entirely different situations. Shayla knew that after a tour Nick would come back home eventually. In Sean’s case, his future was unknown. Alyssa didn’t know if he’d be coming home intact, with a few limbs missing, or at all. What gave her the right to act like she could relate? “Actually, no… You can’t relate. The two of you go off and do your jobs, but in the end you always come home to each other. Sean’s going off into a war zone. No one knows what’ll happen to him there. It’s up in Gods hands, so yea… I can’t possibly see how you can see how it feels.”

Sean kicked her under the table and smirked at her as if to say, What happened to being nice? She noticed the look of surprise on Shayla’s face and she instantly felt a little bad. She hadn’t intended to come off as rude to Nick’s wife, but it was the truth. She couldn’t understand what she and Sean were going through. She was from an entirely different world.

“I’m sorry,” Shayla quickly apologized. “You’re right. I can’t relate.”

Luckily at the moment the waiter came by to take their orders and broke the tense silence between the four of them and Alyssa couldn’t have been more thankful. Maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea after all.

After they’d ordered they were met with more tense silence. “So, uhm are the two of you out for any reason in particular or are you just out for fun?” Alyssa tried to get the conversational ball rolling again.

This brought a smile to Shayla’s face. “Actually we are out celebrating something pretty special.” She turned to look towards Nick. “We actually found out some pretty exciting news, earlier today.”

Alyssa’s face paled as she exchanged a look with Sean. She had a feeling that she knew where this was going and the thought made her sick. By the sympathetic look on Sean’s face, she could tell that Sean was thinking along the same lines as she was. It wasn’t fair that she and Sean had been trying so hard, and Nick and Shayla who were barely around each other for any length of time would be able to get pregnant just like that. Swallowing hard, she put on a fake smile and pretended to be happy for the two of them. “Wow… That’s amazing! Congratulations to the both of you. I know that Nick will make a wonderful father-“

At that moment, Nick had just taken a sip of water and he looked so shocked that he started to choke. He coughed as he gasped for air, all of a sudden looking completely horrified. Finally regaining his ability to speak he managed to croak out, “What?! Did I miss something?”

Based on his reaction and the shocked expression on Shayla’s face, Alyssa realized that she’d been completely off base with her prediction and she could already feel her cheeks redden with embarrassment. “You thought that we were having a baby?” Shayla asked, not being able to control her laughter at the irony of the situation. “Not even close. Nick doesn’t want kids.”

“You don’t want kids?” Alyssa asked in a surprised voice. “You always talked about having them when we were together. How you wanted to do a better job someday than your parents did with you.”

Shayla frowned and Alyssa wondered if maybe this was an ongoing issue between the two of them and that maybe she should’ve kept her mouth shut. Shayla looked over at Nick expectantly waiting for a response.

“I don’t want them right now,” he quickly tried to remedy the situation. “I’ve just got too much going on right now. I just finished up the tour, and I have my label now and I’m thinking about maybe going back into the studio to finally work on another solo album…”

“Your label? You started your own record label?” Alyssa asked, knowing how important that idea had always been to him. “Nick, that was like your biggest dream! I can’t believe you actually went ahead and did it. Congratulations!”

Nick blushed a little. “Thanks… So far it’s really small and underground and I only have a few artists, but I’m working on signing a few more. I’ve got a really diverse group of artists in a lot of different genres, so I’m hoping it’ll be successful once I really get it off the ground.”

“You will… I know you will. I’m so proud of you,” Alyssa told him with an encouraging smile.

Picking up on the moment between the ex couple, Shayla quickly interrupted. “Anyway, unfortunately the news might not be as thrilling as a baby, but I found out that I’m going to be getting my own TV show on E!” she explained. “Isn’t that great?”

“Yea… Great,” Alyssa echoed, wondering what kind of woman could put a TV show on the same pedestal as having a baby, but then again maybe she was a little too quick to judge? “I don’t know why I jumped to conclusions and you and Nick were going to have a baby,” she found herself rambling. “Maybe it’s just because I have babies on my mind, so much lately. Sean and I have been trying for one.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Alyssa wondered if she should’ve kept the news to herself. Again Sean kicked her under the table and Alyssa realized for the first time that maybe he was uncomfortable with two total strangers to him, knowing so many personal details of his life. There was an awkward pause, and then it was Shayla’s moment to act overenthusiastic. “How exciting! And so soon into your marriage too? I guess the two of you really want a big family, huh?”

“Actually, we were planning on waiting a while, but with Sean being sent to Iraq kind of changed our plans. We’d really like to try to at least get pregnant before that happens,” she explained. “Just because you never know how much time you really have together.”

“Oh… That makes sense,” Shayla quietly responded.

Again there was a brief silence, before Nick finally interrupted. “Well, I’m happy for the two of you. I couldn’t think of a better person to become a mother than Alyssa. She’s amazing with children, so she’ll make a great mom.” She was the only woman I’d ever considered having a child with, he mentally added realizing that in a way he was almost a little jealous of Sean. If he hadn’t made the mistakes he had with Alyssa maybe he could be sitting where Sean was now. Maybe they’d even have a few of their own children by now. It was so funny how life worked out. It was then that it hit him that this was the first time he’d had regrets about his past since marrying Shayla. He’d thought that once he began his life with Shayla it would mean that he’d closed the door on his relationship with Alyssa and no longer felt guilty about it, but now he realized that maybe he wasn’t as over her as he’d originally realized.

The thought literally scared the shit out of him.
Chapter 4- Hey Jealously by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Tensions flare between Alyssa and Sean. Shayla decides she wants to be a mother.

Chapter 4 – Hey Jealously

The very moment that Sean and Alyssa returned back to their hotel room after dinner was the moment that Sean began to sail into her about her lack of honesty about the true identity of her ex boyfriend. “I still can’t believe why you lied to me about Nick!” he thundered as soon as the door slammed behind them.

“I never lied to you Sean!” Alyssa insisted. “I’ll admit that I withheld the fact that the Nick that I used to date is Nick Carter, the Backstreet Boy, but I never lied. Whenever you asked me a question about him, I answered as honestly as I possible could without divulging who he really was.”

“Why couldn’t you just tell me Alyssa? We tell each other everything! To my knowledge we’ve never really had any secrets between us, so why start now?” he asked in a hurt voice.

Alyssa sighed. “What was I supposed to say Sean? I don’t really want to advertise the fact that I once dated a celebrity. I have an entirely different and normal life now. If it got out that I used to date a Backstreet Boy it could interfere significantly with my teaching career. I enjoy my life right now. To tell you the truth, I was never completely comfortable in his world. Shayla’s a much better match for him. She works in the same field as him… She wants the same things… I just don’t see the sense in drudging up the past. Besides, not like you’d probably have believed me if I told you earlier anyway.”

“That’s not true! Why would I not believe you?”

She just narrowed her eyes at him. “If I’d told you in the beginning of our relationship that my last boyfriend was a Backstreet Boy you’d either think I was some kind of psycho teenybopper and run for the hills. Even if you did believe me, you’d still feel threatened by the fact and again run for the hills. So in either situation I’m screwed.”

“What do I have to be threatened about when it comes to that pretty boy?” Sean argued.

“Obviously something or you wouldn’t refer to him as ‘pretty boy’” Alyssa pointed out. “I don’t get why it is that guys like you are so intimidated by guys like him.”

“I’m not intimidated by him,” he insisted in a macho tone of voice.

“You can fool me! That’s why you were so defensive and rude to him at dinner tonight! You refused to even shake his hand! How is that being mature at all?”

“Lyss, you know I’m a gentleman, but I can’t sit there and show some guy like him respect after he’s hurt you the way he’s had. I don’t even know how or why you gave him the time of day you did! You should’ve told him to take his table and shove it up his ass.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes and snorted. “First off, don’t you dare tell me what I should have done. I make my own decisions and because I am a mature adult, unlike you apparently. Yes, Nick did hurt me. He hurt me very badly, but he was also the first guy that I’ve ever loved. We had a very strong connection at one point, so I just think that it would be nice if we could remain friendly. We’re both with different people, so it’s not like I’m going to run off with him or something… That’s really stupid! Secondly, don’t go all ‘Southern gentleman’ on me. You acted like a jerk tonight! What you should have done was be charming and polite and if you were so intent in getting a message across to Nick you should have done it by showing him how well you treat me. Instead he probably thinks that you’re some hot tempered asshole-“

“Why does it matter to you so much what Nick thinks?” Sean bluntly interrupted. “I mean who cares? You’re done and over with.”

His question made Alyssa momentarily freeze. He was right. Why did it matter what Nick thought about her? Why did it bother her so much, especially if she was very happily married at the moment? She thought about it a moment before slowly responding. “It’s not so much that I care what he thinks, it’s just that I want to give him the impression that I’m in a better place in my life. Up until you and I started dating, I was a completely different person. Now I think I’ve changed in so many positive ways and I really want him to be able to see that.”

Still Sean frowned. “Yea, but why is it so important that he sees that you’ve changed? Why does it even matter?”

She sighed, struggling with the best way to explain it to him. “Whether you like it or not, Nick and I have a history together. I loved him very much at one time. Yes, he hurt me, but I’m over it now! Part of me becoming who I am today means letting go and putting the past beside me. The old me would probably still hate Nick for what he did to me to the point that it would make me so bitter inside that I probably wouldn’t be able to truly trust any guy at all. But now the way I look at it is life’s too short to hold grudges. I’m proud to finally be in a spot in my life that if I run into my ex boyfriend and his wife, I can handle it and act completely calm like we were old friends. I’m done hating him for what he’s done to me, so why should you? That is unless you’re jealous…”

“I’m not jealous of that asshole. I have no reason to be. I’m the one who wound up with you in the end.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “If you’re not jealous then why are you referring to him as an ‘asshole?’?” She just shook her head. “I don’t know maybe it’s an age thing? Maybe it’s something that you just haven’t realized yet? When I was your age I felt the same way about him. Maybe you just wind up going through a stage of acceptance in your late 20’s that you haven’t reached yet?”

Now it was Sean’s turn to get angry. “Don’t you dare pull the age card on me Alyssa! I’m only two years younger than you, not ten, so don’t talk down to me like I’m some child who doesn’t understand anything. I just-“

“Then what the fuck is it Sean? You’re not jealous of Nick, you can’t still be pissed that he hurt me because I’m over it, so what is it about him that bothers you so much? Is it the fact that he’s more successful than you? Or is it the fact that he actually ‘went there’ first?” she finally exploded.

Sean’s face reddened, giving Alyssa the impression that he was boiling with rage on the inside. “I just don’t like the guy, ok? Something about him really just gets me! I don’t trust him.”

“Is it that you don’t trust him or you don’t trust me?” Alyssa’s eyes narrowed expectantly. He hesitated for a moment and she realized that she’d hit the nail right on the head. “Unbelievable,” she sighed as she grabbed his hand and forced him to look at her as she spoke in a softer tone of voice. “Baby, if you’re worried for one second that I’m going to run right back to Nick, it’s not going to happen. I love you and we’re starting a wonderful life together. Hopefully, by this time next year we’ll have a beautiful baby and you’ll be back from Iraq, and things will be perfect. There’s no reason at all for me to go running into his arms again. Besides, Nick seems like he’s pretty happy with Shayla as well. So, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Sean looked away a little uncomfortably. “I just noticed the way he was looking at you tonight, that’s all. And ok, maybe I was a little jealous,” he finally admitted.

“Well, you should feel honored that you have such a hot looking wife,” she joked with a smile. “But seriously though, I’m glad you admitted that to me and I know Nick was probably staring a little. I really don’t think it was in a sexual way though. I think it was more of the shock of bumping into me, especially dressed like this. Let’s just say I’d never have the confidence to wear something like this dress back when we were dating. Another good thing about me that’s changed that I’m glad he got to see.”

There was a pause and from the far away look in Sean’s eyes, Alyssa got the impression that he was thinking back on their night so far and he looked disappointed. Obviously he had gone through great pains in planning this night for them and so far it hadn’t worked out at all as he had planned. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I know this isn’t at all how you wanted our night to go. I shouldn’t have taken Nick and Shayla up on their offer.”

“It’s not all your fault. I acted like a real immature jerk. We wasted all this time fighting and it’s our anniversary. Who knows if we’ll even have another one? I don’t want to fight tonight,” he confessed.

“Me neither,” she agreed. “You know this was our first major fight in six months of marriage?”

“Not too bad a track record.” Sean smirked as he wrapped his arms around her. “And I suppose there’s one advantage to us fighting.”

She looked up at him, knowing what he was getting at, but decided to play dumb. “And what’s that?”

“Make up sex,” he seductively replied. Alyssa just grinned and just like that the whole ridiculous fight was pushed away as it had never happened as she felt her husband’s warm lips pressing against hers.

Later on that evening, on the other side of town, Shayla and Nick were just getting home from their night out. After the awkward dinner at Koi with Sean and Alyssa, they’d met a few friends for drinks at a nightclub, but hadn’t made too late of a night of it. Since Nick had lost all the weight he had, he found that he wasn’t much of a drinker anymore. Occasionally he’d go out and have a few drinks socially, but it was no longer constantly to the point of always getting drunk.

“I must be getting old,” he remarked to his wife as they walked in the door. “I’m ready for bed.”

Shayla just laughed at him. “Well, you are going to be twenty-nine next week. Damn, twenty-nine!” she whistled. “You are getting old! That’s only one year from-“

“Thirty,” he finished for her. “I know. Please don’t remind me. The only thing that makes me feel any better about turning thirty is that means that Kevin is pushing forty.”

Again Shayla laughed. “Well, if it makes you feel better, old man, I’m kind of tired myself. Bed sounds really nice,” she agreed stifling a yawn.

The pair headed upstairs to their bedroom and began to get ready for bed. Nick headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth, while Shayla worked on washing her makeup off of her face. Finishing up before her, he headed back into the bedroom and stripped down to his boxers before diving beneath the blankets. A few minutes later he felt Shayla slide into bed beside him, the silky fabric of her short nightgown brushing against his bare skin. She cuddled up next to him and just as Nick finally started to drift off into sleep; her voice brought him right back to the present.

“So, I think this was the first time I really got a chance to speak with Alyssa. I mean I talked to her at our wedding, but only for like a minute. I didn’t get to really know her.”

Nick inwardly groaned. Seeing Alyssa again had been confusing enough for him and he really wanted to just go to sleep and get her out of his head. Unfortunately for him, Shayla had other ideas. For some reason she thought that right before bed was the perfect time to talk about her. “Uh huh,” he just kind of grunted, hoping it would discourage Shayla.

“Yea, I’m kind of surprised. She was a lot different than I thought she’d be. She was actually a little on the rude side to me,” she continued. “Did you see how she almost bit my head off when I tried to make her feel better about Sean going to Iraq?”

He rolled his eyes, knowing that he had to say something in Alyssa’s defense. “You compared me going on tour to Sean going to Iraq,” he pointed out. “It’s not like he’s going to Iraq on a business trip, or on a vacation. He’s going out there to fight a war. A war that many guys around my age aren’t returning from. Look, I don’t think she meant to be rude, but you just can’t compare the two.”

Shayla looked hurt. “I was only trying to be nice. I didn’t know what to say, so I tried to sympathize. I guess I was wrong, huh?”

His face softened as he realized that his wife was in her own convoluted way only trying to help. “I think that Alyssa and Sean have probably just been really stressed about the situation. It has to be very sensitive for them, and in the midst of it all they’re in a rush to have a baby before he leaves… It’s just probably a really complicated, emotional situation for her and to hear it compared to something so trivial, she probably took offense.”

“Yea…” Shayla’s voice trailed off. “I guess it must be crazy for them with how fast everything is going. The whole baby thing is like wow, but I can totally understand their reasoning, can’t you?”

Nick frowned, wondering exactly what his wife was getting at before slowly beginning to answer. “I guess I can. Alyssa’s always really looked forward to having kids someday and I suppose she and Sean want to start trying right away, so that they don’t lose out on that chance. I know how much this means to her, so I’m happy for them.” He shrugged. “But why are you so interested in my opinion?”

“No reason in particular,” she quickly answered. There was a tense silence between the two of them until Shayla grabbed his arm. “Hearing Alyssa talk about trying to get pregnant just got me thinking…”

Uh oh, Nick thought, feeling the now familiar sense of dread in his stomach that always formed whenever Shayla was about to bring up the same subject that he feared she was about to. He knew exactly where this conversation was now headed, and after the night he’d just had, he really didn’t want to go down that route with her. I should’ve pretended to be asleep the minute she began talking, he realized. Now it was too late.

“I know that you aren’t thrilled with the idea, but I’d like to become a mother too sometime in the near future,” she continued. “What I’m trying to say Nick is that I’d like to try having kids.”

Even though the words didn’t come as a surprise to him, he still couldn’t hold back a frustrated sigh as he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. “Shayla, you know how I feel about having kids right now.”

“I know! I just don’t understand why. If anything it’s the perfect time to start trying,” she insisted. “You’re done with your tour. As of right now there aren’t any definite plans for you and the rest of the guys to go back into the studio. All you have on your plate right now is the label, and you make your own hours with that! You have plenty of time to fit in starting a family if you really wanted to, so you can’t use the excuse that you’re too busy right now.”

“What about you Shayla?” he shot back, dodging her question. “Your show just got picked up and you have to start filming soon. Your producers are not going to be thrilled if you turn up pregnant halfway into the season. It isn’t like a sitcom where they can just cover you up in baggy clothes and strategic props. It may sound cruel, but the harsh reality is that if you become pregnant it’s a sure way to make to sure that you’re show never makes a second season.”

Even in the dim light, he could tell that Shayla had a hurt expression on her face. “Not necessarily,” she argued. “I probably wouldn’t get pregnant just like that and by the time I did I most probably wouldn’t even be showing until after the season wraps. If we plan it right, it won’t interfere with my show at all.”

“Sometimes you just can’t plan things like this,” he replied in a cold voice.

Shayla sighed. “Look, I just really need to understand why you’re so against having children Nick. Maybe if I understood where you were coming from better it would help me accept your decision. Like I said, it’s obviously not a time issue. Is it because you’re afraid of not being a good father? Is it because you don’t feel like you’re ready to take on such a huge responsibility? Or is it something deeper than that? According to Alyssa you didn’t always feel that way because she seemed just as shocked as me to hear you didn’t want kids, so what changed?”

Nick bit his lip, for a moment actually contemplating spewing out the whole story about Katie and Serena and how because he had failed them, they’d lost everything. He knew though that Shayla would just shower him with sympathy though, which was exactly what he didn’t want. He supposed that it was more than just Katie and Serena though and the unfortunate circumstances that had resulted from his first marriage. There had been his own miserable childhood to consider. He never wanted to bring children into a home where there was so much dysfunction and chaos. If he ever did decide to have children he wanted to create an environment where they’d have two loving parents at home for them. He wanted them as far away from the entertainment world as possible, so that they’d at least have a shed of normalcy in their lives. With him and Shayla and where they both were with their careers at the moment that would be nearly impossible to provide. So for the moment he was perfectly content without having children.

“Was it because you had such a crappy childhood?” she continued to press, almost reading his mind. “Are you afraid of ruining your children the same way that you feel that your parents ruined you?”

“It took nearly twenty-seven years and countless therapy sessions for me to finally come to terms with my life and realize that most of the mistakes I made in my life stemmed from my parents fucking me up so much. I don’t want to put a child through the shit that I’ve been through. Besides I’m probably too selfish to be a father anyway.”

“Why are you so convinced that you’re going to do such a shitty job as a father, Nick? Maybe you’d be different from your parents. Maybe because you don’t want your children to end up in some of the situations that you’ve been in, you’ll do everything that your parents neglected to do with you? Why are you putting yourself down like that?”

“Because I’m a Carter,” he muttered in defeat before taking a deep breath. “Even if I did agree to having a child Shayla, who is going to take care of it while we’re working? Are you going to quit your career and become a stay at home Mom?”

Shayla just rolled her eyes. “Who’s going to take care of it? You make it sound like a baby is nothing more than a pet dog or something. And this is the 21st century. I don’t see any reason why I have to quit my job. We can hire a nanny to help take care of it when needed.”

“A nanny?” he scoffed. “There’s no way I’d let any of my children be raised by a nanny. More than half of those kids who have full time nannies wind up seeing more of them than their own parents! How is that going to give them any better of a life than the one my parents gave me?”

“Well, I’m sorry that I don’t want to give up my career either! Why do I have to choose between my job and a child? Can’t I have both? Lot’s of women do it! I’m sure that Sean isn’t making Alyssa give up her career to have a baby!”

“That’s a completely different situation,” Nick tried to argue.

“How is that any different?” Shayla challenged.

“First off, neither one of them is famous,” he pointed out. “They’re jobs are demanding too, but are more manageable with a family than ours are. Alyssa’s a teacher. She gets summers off and all these holidays… She’s home usually at four o’clock the latest. I’m not sure if she plans on enrolling her children in day care or not, but that isn’t an option for us.”

“Which is why I suggested we hire a nanny,” she cut in.

“Is a nanny going to work thirteen hour shifts while you’re pulling double duty between your job at E! and then hightailing it over to cover the opening of a new club for your television show? By the time you get home you’d be lucky if you could spend enough time for one feeding with a baby.”

“That’s not true. I’d make it work. I’d figure something out.” Nick could tell just by the passion in her voice that she was trying to hold back tears.

Feeling bad, he rolled back over so that he was facing her and cupped her chin with his hands, speaking in a softer voice. “Just based on the way we’re arguing over things like whether or not we should hire a nanny, tells me that we’re definitely not in a position where we’re ready to start having kids just yet.”

Shayla sighed in defeat, hating to admit that he was absolutely right. “I just wish that you’d start to think about it Nick. I can wait if you need time to get used to the idea. I just really want to have kids with you someday in the future. I think we’d make great parents. Maybe not the most conventional parents, but still good ones nonetheless. Just promise me that you’ll consider it? We can iron out all the kinks like careers and nannies when the time comes. I just want you to be okay with the idea.”

Knowing that the only way out of the situation was to agree he finally gave in. “All right. I’ll think about it,” he lied. He knew it was dishonest, but he really didn’t want to continue the argument just then. This way it would bide him some more time to think up more excuses the next time the issue came up, which Nick feared would be all too soon.

The next morning when Nick opened his eyes it took him a moment to recall the events of the night before. His conversation with Shayla before bed last night about children combined with the effects of seeing Alyssa again had affected him more than he realized. He’d had the strangest dream which was obviously a product of what was going on in his current life

He dreamt that he was staring down at a baby’s crib and inside was a screaming baby. He remembered looking down at it helplessly, not at all sure what he should do to pacify the crying infant. All of a sudden Shayla had appeared beside him and lifted the baby out of the crib. She’d bounced it on her hip, trying to calm it down, but its cries only seemed to intensify. She proceeded to try several different techniques: making funny faces, rubbing its back, talking softly to it, but nothing seemed to work. Finally feeling just as frustrated as Nick, she’d set the screaming baby back down into the crib and exchanged a helpless glance with him.

Then out of nowhere, Alyssa appeared, wearing the very same tempting black dress that she’d been wearing that night, and approached the crib. Without saying a word, she reached into the crib and cradled the infant in her arms. As soon as Alyssa lifted the baby out of the crib, a miracle happened. The baby immediately stopped crying and as Alyssa began to softly coo, a happy smile came across the baby’s face. All Nick remembered was how natural Alyssa seemed to interact with the baby.

Of course the dream really didn’t require any kind of deep analysis on Nick’s part. It was pretty evident that he was having doubts about him and Shayla’s parenting skills based upon their argument the night before. And of course Alyssa was on his mind because he’d just bumped into her unexpectedly and the fact that she had announced that she and Sean were trying to have a baby definitely could explain her care for the baby in the dream. Nick had always known her to be great with kids, so it didn’t surprise him that she’d been the one to calm the baby down in the dream.

Alyssa… His thoughts lingered on her name for a moment as his mind replayed the shock he had gone through when he first laid eyes on her again. He had to admit that he was amazed that she’d been as polite as she had to him, and he was even more shocked that she’d actually eagerly accepted his invitation to eat with him and Shayla. She’d been nothing but cordial and friendly throughout the whole meal, and to someone who didn’t know any better, Nick would bargain to say that you’d think that they really were just old friends. She certainly did nothing to acknowledge the way that their past relationship had ended. Then again she was married to someone else and had her whole separate life from his, so he supposed she felt like she had no reason to hold a grudge against him. Still, it was a big change from the woman who’d once jokingly told him, “I’m Italian I hold grudges.”

And then there was that dress… Nick found that he could still perfectly imagine the way that it had clung to her body, accentuating all her ‘better assets.’ Realizing the tangent he was going off on, he shook his head as to rid his mind of the memory. Pulling himself into a sitting position, he glanced over at the spot beside him and noticed that Shayla had already woken up and was most probably downstairs. That would’ve been real awkward, he thought to himself with a smirk. Having naughty thoughts about your ex girlfriend when your wife is lying right beside you. He’d have to watch himself.

He slid out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats over his boxers and threw a wifebeater over his head, still continuing to think about Alyssa. There was something about her that just seemed to exude a certain air of confidence that he hadn’t noticed the last time he’d seen her at his wedding. We actually seemed to get along pretty good last night, he realized. Better than he’d certainly expected. He kind of wished that they could’ve talked longer, but he knew that Sean hadn’t been comfortable watching his wife talk with her ex boyfriend, and he suspected that Shayla hadn’t been completely thrilled with the idea, although she did her best to hide it. Sean… Now he was interesting. Nick wasn’t exactly sure where Alyssa saw the attraction. As much of a macho act he tried to put on, there was something about him that gave Nick the impression that he wasn’t as sure of himself as he tried to let people believe. For the first time, he wondered if perhaps Sean was actually a little younger than he’d first predicted. That would make Alyssa a cougar, he thought with a smirk. Was it wrong that he found the idea kind of hot in a strange way?

All of a sudden he wished that he’d gotten Alyssa’s new number out in LA. She’d switched cell phone numbers after they’d broken up and as much as Nick had begged Izzy for the new number, she’d resisted. He’d been surprised that she’d at least given him her address in North Carolina. Not that he was planning on making a move on her again. She was off limits and so was he. He just figured that it would be nice if they could get together more often as friends since she was living so close to him at the moment. She could probably use an extra shoulder to cry on with Sean being deployed to Iraq.

An idea popped into his head. Maybe he could pump Izzy for some information after all. Since he’d gotten married and Izzy had seen how much Nick had changed, she’d definitely been a lot friendlier to him, and their friendship was almost back in the same place where it had been over ten years ago. Maybe she’d take pity on him. It was worth a try. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed Izzy’s number. The phone rang three times before she finally picked up. “Hey Nick. What’s up?”

“How come you never told me that Alyssa got married?” he asked, completely ignoring her question.

He could hear Izzy sigh on the other end of the phone. “I take it you finally bumped into her somewhere?”

“Yea. At Koi, with Shayla. She was having dinner with Sean. We wound up eating together and it was rather awkward,” he explained. “More so for Sean and Shayla. Alyssa and I were fine.”

“Well, that’s definitely a plus.”

“Seriously though, why didn’t you tell me Izzy? Don’t you think that I have a right to know that my ex girlfriend got married?”

Izzy didn’t answer right away, as if she was thinking very carefully about what to say. “I never mentioned anything to you about it because I figured that if Alyssa wanted you to know, she’d tell you herself.”

“Were you there?”

“Yes, I was,” she honestly replied. “I was in the bridal party, but before you jump to any conclusions, you need to know that it was a very small ceremony. None of the other guys were invited or any of their significant others. I didn’t even bring Tristan. He stayed back in LA with Grace.”

“Still though,” Nick stubbornly argued. “I invited her to my wedding.”

“Did you ever stop to think that maybe she wasn’t in a place in her life where she felt comfortable enough inviting her ex boyfriend to her wedding?” Izzy defended Alyssa.

He had her there and Nick found that he couldn’t do much more than sigh. “Well, she seemed pretty comfortable with me when we bumped into each other last night. She seems like a completely different person.”

“She has changed a lot in the past year or so,” his friend agreed.

“So, I was thinking… We were having such a good time catching up with each other again, that by the time she left, I completely forgot to get her number so that we could keep in touch and I was hoping that maybe you could give it to me?” Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration on his part, but a guy had to do what he had to, right?

There was dead silence on the other end of the line as of Izzy was very deep in thought. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to Nick she gave him a simple answer. “No. I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

“Why?” he whined.

“Nick, I love you to death, but even you have to admit, anytime that you try to become a friend to Alyssa you only wind up playing with her emotions and hurting her in the end. There are some people in life who probably just weren’t really meant to be just friends and I think that’s true with you and Alyssa,” she tried to explain. “You have great chemistry in a relationship, but there’s no way the two of you could be just platonic friends.”

Nick had to admit that he felt just a tad bit insulted. “I can so be a platonic friend to her! I’m married now! What do you think I’m going to do? I can’t just forget about Shayla.”

“I don’t know Nick… All I know is that Sean is probably the best thing that’s ever happened in Alyssa’s life. She’s been the happiest that I’ve ever seen her. For once she’s getting everything that she’s always dreamed of, and if you do anything in the slightest to fuck that up for her, I don’t think I could ever speak to you again.”

“I’m not going to!” he insisted. “All I want to do is talk to her! Don’t you think that I should have at least that? Besides, I’d say that it’s up to Alyssa whether not she wants me in her life or not.”

Izzy sighed again. “You’re completely right. Which is why I’m not going to give you her number. If she wants to talk to you so badly, she’d give it to you herself. Until then I’m sorry, but as the one in the middle of the two of you, I can’t involve myself by giving out personal information. I’m trying to make my friendships with the both of you separate. It’s for the best this way.”

Seeing that Izzy wasn’t going to budge on the matter, Nick realized that if he wanted to make contact with Alyssa, he was going to have to go about it from another angle. “Well, I guess if that’s the way you feel I have to respect your decision. I won’t ask anymore.” A wide smile grew across his lips as he was struck with Plan B. Trying to manipulate the conversation into the direction he wanted to go in, he casually changed the subject. “So, how’s Grace doing?”

“She’s doing good. She’s such a ham though. She’s always dressing up and putting on little shows for Tristan and I. It’s adorable! I think she might take after her Daddy and become a musician,” she gushed.

“She’s got a birthday coming up pretty soon, huh?” Nick asked with a smirk.

“Ehh… In a few weeks, she turns three. Thank God, because I don’t know if I can take much more of the ‘terrible two’s.’”

“Do you have anything special planned for her? Three is a pretty important age, so you should do something.”

“It is?” Izzy asked, sounding surprised. “Well, I guess you can say that since most kids start pre-school at around that age. Tristan and I were thinking of having a little party, but we’re not sure yet. She’s so young still that she doesn’t have many friends yet, so it would probably wind up being more of a party for adults than her.”

“Nothing wrong with that. Give me the date and I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss Grace’s third birthday for the world,” he replied rather enthusiastically.

He could practically picture Izzy frowning on the other end of the phone in confusion. “Since when did you consider a three year old’s birthday party an important social event?” Then his plan finally hit her. “Ohhh… I get it. You only want to go because Alyssa will probably be there right?”

“No… Grace only turns three once and I don’t want to miss it, but if Alyssa just happened to be there since she’s Grace’s Godmother and all, I think that’s just an added bonus.”

Izzy just snorted. “You’re really unbelievable Carter… You just don’t give up, do you?”

“You can’t keep us apart forever Izzy,” he pointed out. “We’re bound to run into each other again at some point or another. Wouldn’t you rather have it be in a controlled environment where you could keep an eye on us?”

“Fine,” she finally gave in. “You’re invited. Saturday, March 14th, my house, 2:00pm sharp. You better bring my daughter one hell of a present.”

Nick pretended to act shocked, even though he knew that Izzy was only joking about the present. “What nerve! Who’s opening the presents? You or Grace?”

“You know what I meant. Anyway, I need to get going.”

“All right. Thanks for the invitation,” he told her. “Even if I had to fish around a bit for it.”

“No problem. Just don’t do anything to make me regret it, ok?”

“Who me?” Nick asked innocently, before hanging up the phone. He had to admit that the idea of possibly seeing Alyssa again filled him with way more excitement then it probably should have. But he’d have to wait. The party was still quite a few weeks away. For now, he’d have to focus his attention elsewhere.

But as hard as he tried, he still couldn’t seem to get thoughts of her, or that dress completely out of his head. Instead the memory lingered in his mind, haunting his thoughts.
Chapter 5 - Saving Grace by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Nick finally get an opportunity to talk things out.

Chapter 5 – Saving Grace

The next few weeks flew by for Alyssa and she’d pretty much moved on from her chance encounter with Nick and Shayla. She’d chalked it up to pure happenstance and even though they now lived under an hour away from each other, she didn’t plan on running into him anytime soon. They traveled in two completely different social circles and outside of a few mutual friends they’d probably manage to steer pretty clear from each other.

Before Alyssa realized, it was the middle of March and the date of Grace’s third birthday party. She’d driven out to LA for the party alone since Sean had tickets for a Lakers game with Steve and Ian, which was kind of a relief to Alyssa. They’d been spending so much time together lately to make up for their time apart once Sean was sent to Iraq, that Alyssa was beginning to feel just a little stifled. This would be the first time in weeks that they did something apart and Alyssa felt like it would be good for the both of them.

As her car approached Izzy and Tristan’s home, she could tell that a lot of the guests were already there just by the large number of cars parked near the house. Finding an open spot on the street, she pulled over and shut off the engine of her tiny Jetta. A grin came over her face as her eyes grazed over the large wrapped package on the seat beside her. Izzy was going to kill her and she knew that the gift she had brought wasn’t exactly appropriate for a three year old, but Godmothers were supposed to spoil their godchildren with over the top gifts, right? She’d bought Grace an American Girl Doll, something that she’d always wanted when they’d first came out, but her mother had refused to buy it for her saying that spending almost ninety dollars on a doll was ridiculous. Besides, she had pointed out, a doll like that was meant to stand on top of a dresser and look nice, not to play with. Whatever, she thought with a smirk. I’m going to make sure that Grace can play with it. What’s the use of having a doll if it’s just going to sit there and collect dust?

Grabbing her gift, she got out of her car and headed towards the direction of the side gate which led to Izzy and Tristan’s backyard. As soon as she closed the gate behind her she was attacked by a strawberry blonde headed toddler throwing their arms around her waist. “Aunt Alyssa!” Grace squealed.

Alyssa bent down so that she was face to face with her goddaughter. “Hey sweetie!” She wrapped her arms around her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. “You’re getting so big! And so grown up looking!”

Grace just nodded her head before very matter of factely replying, “Well, I am three now.” She held up three fingers to illustrate her point, before finally realizing the present in Alyssa’s hand. “Is that for me?”

Alyssa shook her head trying to hold back a grin. “Nope!” she teased. “I decided this year I should buy a present for your Mommy and Daddy instead.”

The toddler put her hands on her hips. “That’s not how it goes! It’s my birthday, so I get presents. Not Mommy and Daddy!”

“Of course it’s for you, you silly goose! I was just teasing you. Why don’t you show me where Mommy wants your presents to go?”

“Okay,” Grace agreed, taking Alyssa’s hand and leading her towards a table on the patio that was stacked with presents. “Mommy! Aunt Alyssa is here!”

Izzy appeared a moment later, taking the present from Alyssa’s hands. “Hey girl. What’s up?” she asked, placing the present on the table. “Thanks for coming. Where’s the hubbie?”

“Basketball game,” she explained. “One of his buddies scored Lakers tickets and invited him to go.”

“Fun,” she responded, rolling her eyes. “Well, come sit down with us and have a cocktail. Melanie and Leighanne are at the table over there.”

Alyssa looked over in their direction and spotted both Melanie and Leighanne sitting at a round patio table in the corner of the yard. They looked up, spotted her, and waved. Alyssa waved back and followed Izzy over to the table. “Margarita?” Izzy asked.

“No, thanks,” Alyssa politely declined as she took a seat. “I’m trying to avoid alcohol while I’m trying to get pregnant, just in case. I don’t want to find out I’m pregnant and then freak out because I had a drink before I found out for sure.”

“One drink at that early on in a pregnancy won’t kill you, but whatever,” Izzy shrugged.

“You’re really taking this whole motherhood thing seriously, huh?” Melanie asked.

Alyssa nodded. “I have to. This might be my only chance to have children if something happens to Sean.”

“You’ve been trying for a while now haven’t you?” Leighanne chimed in.

“Since the end of October,” Alyssa sighed. “It’s getting a little frustrating. I never thought it would be this hard to conceive a child, but apparently it’s not as easy as it looks.”

Izzy smirked. “I seemed to have no problem conceiving at all. Grace was a complete surprise to Tristan and I. She couldn’t have come at a more imperfect time, but she’s a definitely blessing.”

“Isn’t that totally ironic? Here I am, desperately trying to get pregnant and can’t, yet you had no problem.” Alyssa sighed as she turned towards Leighanne. “Did you have a hard time getting pregnant with Baylee?”

“Not too hard of a time,” the older woman honestly answered. “But the more you stress about it the harder it is. At first, Brian and I were trying so hard and just like you, we kept getting frustrated that nothing was happening. Then it just got to the point where we decided to let whatever happen, happen, and that’s when I became pregnant with Baylee. It’ll happen when the time is right, but you need to relax. Your body can practically feel anxiety.”

“That’s easier said than done,” she muttered. “I’m just so afraid that it’s not going to happen before Sean leaves for Iraq. He wants this so badly, and I feel like if I can’t get pregnant I’m letting him down big time”

“I’m sure Sean won’t be disappointed in you,” Leighanne assured her. “How can he? It’s all up in the hands of God. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. If not, then maybe there’s a reason for that.”

Seeing how upset Alyssa looked at the possibility of not being able to become pregnant, Melanie spoke up, trying to reassure the younger woman. “Don’t feel bad Alyssa. You know how hard it was for me and Kevin to get pregnant with Julian,” she explained, referring to her son who was born a few months after Grace. “Everyone kept bothering us about when we were going to start having children, and the worst part was that we were trying, but nothing was happening. We really began to think that maybe something was wrong with one of us and we’d never be able to conceive naturally. I think it’s still a little early yet for you to be so concerned, but if you’re really that worried about getting pregnant, I know an excellent fertility clinic here in LA that I can refer you to. They helped us out immensely and I don’t think we’d have Julian if it weren’t for them.”

A fertility clinic? Just the thought of having to seek out professional help in a fertility clinic, made Alyssa feel sick. She didn’t want to accept the fact that perhaps she or Sean had something wrong with them which was preventing them from conceiving children. Melanie had been right though. It wasn’t as if they’d been trying that long compared to some couples. There was no reason to panic just yet. “Thanks a lot Melanie. I’ll keep that in mind, in case I decide I want to check it out. But you’re right. It is way too early to blow things out of proportions and assume the worst. I’m probably just not paying close enough attention to when I’m ovulating or something like that.”

“It’ll happen for you when it’s supposed to,” Melanie assured her with a weak smile. “Leighanne’s right. You need to relax about it. The more stressed you get it’s only going to screw up your hormones and make it that harder to get pregnant.”

Alyssa just nodded, realizing they were absolutely right. She’d been putting so much pressure on herself that it very well could be affecting her ability to get pregnant. Why was she stressing so much? It would happen. It just needed time. Things like this couldn’t be rushed.

The conversation somehow shifted to Grace’s developing crush on Baylee, but Alyssa found herself only half listening as Izzy described her young daughter’s pre-school love life. Instead, she found herself gazing longingly at Grace, Baylee, and Julian, running around the backyard, involved in some sort of game of tag. Being the only woman at the table who didn’t already have a child made her feel left out in a way. Will I be a mother by this time next year? she wondered as she heard Izzy’s voice far off in her mind.

“She was so funny! The moment I told her that we were going to have a birthday party for her the first words out of her mouth were, ‘Can we invite Baylee?’ I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I had to explain to her that Baylee is a lot older than her and might have plans with his friends that are closer to his age. The poor things lip practically started quivering! If Leighanne and Brian didn’t bring Baylee today I think she would’ve thrown the mother of all tantrums.”

“Aren’t they related somewhere down the line too?” Melanie pointed out with a laugh. “Like cousins removed or something? Because that’s a little sick then.”

Izzy laughed. “No, actually they’re not really related because I’m Kevin’s cousin, but not Brian’s. I’m on the other side of the family. So, Grace is cousins with Julian, but not with Baylee if that makes sense.”

“It still sounds kind of wrong,” Melanie snickered.

The three women continued to laugh at the prospect of a future romance developing between Izzy’s daughter and Leighanne’s son, but Alyssa seemed oblivious to the conversation. Instead she was distracted by the rattling of the gate as it was pushed open and she found herself gasping in surprise at the familiar figure that had entered the yard. I had no idea that he was going to be here, she thought to herself.

“Uncle Nick!” she heard Grace’s voice squeal as she ran over to him and threw her arms around his legs.

Alyssa watched for a moment with a small smile on her face as Baylee and Julian also flocked over to him. Nick spent a few minutes talking with the three children and she found herself surprised by the way he seemed to interact so freely with them. Was this really the same man who didn’t want to have kids? He’d make such a great father, she realized as she watched him make a goofy face that made all the children erupt into laughter. She wondered if Shayla was disappointed in his decision or not.

Speaking of Shayla, Alyssa realized that she had yet to appear, making her wonder if Nick had come alone to the party. She watched him as he left the children and headed over to where Brian, Kevin, and a few other people were standing on the patio. The move surprised her a little since she’d expected him to come right over to her. Had it been possible that he hadn’t seen her? There really weren’t that many people in the yard though. She found herself frowning for a moment until she realized what she was doing.

You’re surprised that your ex boyfriend didn’t come over and say hello to you first before two of his best friends? The thought did seem pretty dumb. Why should she care? They were long broken up and with two different people now, so they were now most probably reduced to just casual acquaintances. Still though, he’d been quite friendly with her when they’d met up at Koi. Was that only because he wanted to put on a show for Sean?

She waited for a few minutes, expecting Nick to come over to their table, but instead he got himself a beer from the cooler and continued to talk with Brian and Kevin. The minutes ticked by and he made no motion of approaching them. Very odd for Nick, she noted.

“Alyssa? Earth to Alyssa?” Izzy waved her hands in front of her eyes. “You’ve been way too quiet all of a sudden. Are you okay?”

Alyssa snapped her eyes away from the three men and refocused her attention on Izzy. “Sorry,” she quickly apologized. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure honey?” Leighanne asked in a concerned voice. “Your face is so pale you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Maybe I have, she cynically thought to herself, before directing the inevitable question at Izzy. “How come you didn’t tell me that Nick was coming?”

Nick stood rooted to his spot, sipping his beer, as he listened to Brian and Kevin talk. He hadn’t seen much of the guys since the Unbreakable tour had wrapped up, so there was plenty to talk about although Nick had to admit he was only half paying attention. One eye was on Kevin and Brian, nodding his head as if he were genuinely interested in what they were saying, but the other kept sneaking glances at Alyssa sitting in the corner of the yard at a patio table with Izzy, Leighanne, and Melanie. He’d noticed the surprised expression on her face from the moment he walked into the yard, but he purposely hadn’t gone over to her since he’d arrived. After much thought about how to handle seeing her again, he’d decided not to make himself appear to eager by immediately swooping down on her. He’d been the one to approach her the last time they’d met up at Koi a few weeks prior. He didn’t want to make it seem like she was the only reason he’d came to the party. He was only looking for a friendship and he was afraid that if he did acknowledge her right away, she’d get the wrong idea.

Nick’s plan was simple. He intended to continue to avoid her until finally she came over to him. Yea… It did seem a little juvenile, but he wanted to make sure that she was interested enough to resume a friendship with him. It was a two way street, and he didn’t want to make a fool out of himself by being the only one working at resurrecting things. If she approached him, it would give Nick the indication that she still cared about him enough to at least be friends and that she was definitely no longer angry with him. So far it seemed to be working like a charm. He could tell just by a few glances in Alyssa’s direction that she was confused as to why he hadn’t come over to her. The bewildered look on her face caused Nick to estimate that she’d probably approach him in a few more short minutes. The avoidance trick to get a women’s attention was something that he hadn’t used in a long time, but he’d mastered it well in his early years. It had never failed him yet.

“So Nick how’s the label thing going?” Kevin asked him, interrupting his thoughts. Even after he’d left the group, Nick had to admit that Kevin seemed to still have the ability to tell exactly when he started to zone out and pull him back in again.

“It’s going really good,” he started to explain. “I mean it’s a slow process, but things are beginning to come together. My first artist is just about ready to begin recording and I have two others right behind.” He went on to describe the artists that he was currently working with and how he was currently still scouting out other possible artists which was proving to be the most arduous task for him. “If I have to listen to one more bad demo tape I think I might scream…”

His voice trailed off as he noticed Alyssa stand up from her spot at the table out of the corner of his eye. He smirked to himself as he saw that she was heading in his direction. Keeping his cool he continued to babble on. “I mean you’d be surprised with how many rich kids who have no talent book studio time to record a demo. I guess they think since they have money they can buy talent? All I know is that finding potential artists is a lot harder than I expected it to be.”

He had just finished his sentence as Alyssa approached the three of them. “Excuse me. I’m sorry to interrupt you guys, but I just wanted to say a quick hello. I completely forgot to come by when I first walked in.” Nick watched as she greeted both Brian and Kevin with a hug and a kiss, but seemed to ignore him. Is my plan backfiring? he wondered.

His face must have given him away because Alyssa turned her attention to him. “Oh, and Nick! I can’t believe I didn’t even notice you walked in! Izzy didn’t even mention to me that you were coming.” It was a complete lie, minus the part about Izzy not mentioning Nick had been invited, but Alyssa figured that he didn’t need to know that.

Bullshit, Nick thought to himself, completely seeing through her. That’s why you kept looking over here the moment I walked into the yard. “It was kind of a last minute invitation,” he explained, trying to remain aloof.

Alyssa peered over his shoulder. “Is Shayla with you?”

Nick smirked, knowing fully well that Alyssa had noticed Shayla’s absence the moment he’d walked in. “No, she has some work thing to do.” It was a half truth. Shayla was supposed to be covering some movie premiere that night. He just hadn’t mentioned that he was attending Grace’s birthday party and that Alyssa would be there. “Where’s Sean?”

“Lakers game,” she replied. “A friend of his managed to score some tickets to the game tonight, so they’re having a guy’s night.”

“Nice…” The conversation fell a little flat for a moment. “Can I get you anything? Do you want a beer or something?”

Alyssa just shook her head. “No thank you. Can’t have any alcohol.”

No alcohol? Nick’s eyes widened. If she couldn’t drink that could only mean one thing… He hadn’t expected to be confronted with this, but he wanted to kick himself for not considering it. She had told him that she and Sean had been trying. He swallowed hard. “Wow… I guess congratulations are in order. I know that you’ve been trying, but I’m really surprised it happened so fast. I –“

“What are you talking about Nick?” she asked him with a frown.

Nick could already feel his face redden. “You know… You’re pregnant right? Last time we talked, you and Sean were uhh trying to have a baby…”

Just by the painful look that crossed her face, Nick knew that he couldn’t be more wrong. He grimaced at his blunder. “I guess I was wrong… I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t be,” she assured him. “It was an honest mistake. To my knowledge I’m not pregnant yet, but since I am trying I’m playing it safe and avoiding alcohol. That’s what I meant when I said I can’t have any.”

He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but he could swear that there was a lot less excitement in his ex girlfriend’s voice than there had been a few weeks prior. “So uhh how is it going?” he awkwardly asked. “You guys are still trying?” Again he winced at the way the question had come out of his mouth. Nice Carter… Why don’t you just come right out and ask her how her sex life is?

Luckily Alyssa took the comment lightheartedly. She laughed at his obvious embarrassment. “I think that’s a little bit of a personal question to be asking your ex girlfriend, huh?”

Nick uncomfortably shifted from side to side. “You’re right. I’m sorry I asked. That was inappropriate.”

Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Alyssa felt guilty. She hadn’t intended to come off like a bitch or anything like that. Giving him a weak smile, she broke the silence. “If you must know though, yes we are still trying. It’s just taking a little more time than expected, but it’ll happen.”

Nick still didn’t buy the false conviction in her voice, but let the subject drop. Instead he took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to suggest what needed to be done. “Listen I think the both of us have a lot of things that we need to say to each other that we couldn’t necessarily say in front of Shayla and Sean, so maybe we should go inside somewhere so that we can talk?”

Alyssa was taken back by his suggestion. Where did that come from? she wondered. Since bumping into Nick a few weeks earlier, she hadn’t really felt that they needed to have a serious conversation about their past together. She thought that it was pretty obvious where they were in their lives at the moment. So, why bring up the past now? Especially when she’d long ago decided to forgive and forget Nick for cheating on her. She now realized that maybe it was meant to be. She was definitely very happy with Sean, and if it weren’t for her breakup with Nick she’d have never moved down to North Carolina, and never met Sean. But maybe it was different for Nick. He’d never been one who would voluntarily face conflict, so just by him suggesting they talk Alyssa got the sense that this was important to him. Maybe it would be good to clear the air between the two of them. “All right,” she agreed. “If you want to talk, we’ll talk. I’m sure Izzy won’t mind if we sit in the living room where it’s quieter.”

Nick just nodded and they both headed inside the house through the sliding glass doors. There was a tense silence in the air as they both uncomfortably settled themselves onto the living room couch. Nick was the first one to break the silence with small talk. “So, are you still teaching? I never got around to asking you that the last time I saw you.”

Alyssa nodded. “I taught second grade for two years down in North Carolina and now I’m teaching third and fourth grade special ed here in California.”

“That’s a big change huh? Must be tough working with special ed students,” he commented.

She shrugged. “It’s challenging, but not as scary as it sounds. Everyone has this stigma about special education. As soon as you hear the words you think mentally retarded or behavior problems, but that’s completely inaccurate. I have learning disabled students and they’re the sweetest things. Once in a while they act out, but it’s mostly because they are frustrated that they’re learning at a slower pace than a normal third or fourth grader. Instead of multiplication, we’re still struggling with addition and subtraction. It’s not so bad though because they’re about the same level as my second graders were, so I can reuse a lot of things I did with them. And it’s nice only having eleven students instead of twenty-five. It just takes a lot of patience and you have to move a lot slower, but they pick up at their own speed.”

Nick just nodded. “That makes sense.” He’d forgotten how passionate Alyssa was about teaching and the way her eyes seemed to light up when she was talking about her career. He finally could understand that the way that she felt about her students was the same way that he felt about his music.

The conversation seemed to fall flat at that moment and Nick realized that since he was the one who suggested that they talk, he should be the one to get the ball rolling. “I’m just going to cut to the chase and say what’s on my mind,” he started off. “Seeing you again at Koi a few weeks ago stirred up a lot of old memories in me.” Noticing the startled look on Alyssa’s face he quickly held up her hand to allow himself to keep speaking. “Before you get all worried trust me, it wasn’t really romantic memories. I understand that you are with Sean now and I’m with Shayla and you seem really happy. So in no way is this me trying to squeeze my way back into your heart. That ship has sailed and I think it’s pretty obvious that we’ve both moved on. Still, situations like this, where we’re bound to cross paths are inevitable and they’re going to happen. I just don’t want things to be awkward or anything between us. I don’t want us to have to purposely ignore each other or anything like that.”

“Nick… I don’t find that things are awkward at all. You’re right. Our ship has sailed, but maybe it was meant to work out this way.” Alyssa took a deep breath prepared to give him the speech that she had rehearsed so many times in her head for exactly this occasion. “No offense, but I think breaking up with you was probably the best decision of my life. I know that sounds cold, but at that point in my life I was a mess. I looked in the mirror and I hated what I saw looking back at me. After all that shit that happened in Australia, it knocked what little self confidence I had in myself completely down. It wasn’t until after Grace was born I realized that I needed to make some major changes in my life in order for me to be happy. I moved down to North Carolina, got a steady teaching job, and I met Sean. But you know what? At first I was so doubtful about myself and afraid of rejection that I almost destroyed my relationship with Sean before it even began. Luckily Sean is the type of guy that saw through all that and once I finally got up the nerve to confess the way I felt, he helped me work through my issues. Thanks to him I’m a much stronger and more confident person. For the first time in my life I feel comfortable in my own skin and being able to let go like that is such an amazing feeling. I just wish it was something that I could’ve done earlier on.”

As he listened to her confession, Nick found himself feeling increasingly guilty. It made him feel ashamed that in as many ways as he’d opened her up to new experiences; he’d also in the end been the one to completely break her. I don’t even deserve her friendship, he realized, and for the first time he began to have second thoughts. Could he and Alyssa possibly ever go back to being at the least friends? “I’m so sorry for the things I did,” he tried to apologize. “I’m not going to make excuses for my behavior because I was really stupid back then. I never intended to hurt you that way and I’m sorry that I put you through all that. I know an apology is too little too late, but I really hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Alyssa’s reaction was not at all what Nick had anticipated. Instead of throwing her arms around him or even getting mad that he’d even have the audacity to ask for forgiveness, she did the strangest thing. She laughed. She freakin laughed! It seemed completely out of place to Nick. “Oh, I’ve forgiven you a long time ago!” she replied. “See, the old me would’ve held a lifelong grudge against you and would’ve plotted a thousand and one revenge fantasies, but now that just seems juvenile. Life’s too short to be angry. I think what happened was for the best. We didn’t work out and I met Sean. He’s who I think I’m meant to be with. I’m happy now with him and that’s all that matters, right?”

“Yea,” Nick echoed sadly. As dumb as it seemed he didn’t like the idea of Alyssa being with another man. But you have Shayla, he reminded himself. Still though the thought brought no consolation. Although he’d had relationships with many women throughout his lifetime, in his mind he only liked to think of Alyssa with him. He knew it was a double standard, but he couldn’t help thinking that way. For the first time a horrific thought fleeted across his mind. Are you only with Shayla because she’s a second choice next to Alyssa? Maybe resuming a friendship wasn’t such a great idea to begin with.
As if she were reading his mind, Alyssa immediately zeroed in on the doubt in his voice. “And you’re happy with Shayla too, right?”

“Yea… I mean we’ve kind of been going through some stuff lately, but so does every couple,” he explained, trying to mask the hesitation in his voice. He smirked. “Actually I guess I can blame you for that.”

“Me?” Alyssa’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “What did I do?”

“After we had dinner with you and Sean at Koi and you announced that you and Sean were trying to have a baby, Shayla decided that now she wants one. Personally, I don’t think she’s really ready to have one. Neither am I right now. With Shayla though, it’s more like I think she wants a child just for the glory of being a ‘mother.’ I don’t think she realizes that a baby isn’t like some designer purse that she can cart around on her arm.” He paused for a moment. “I haven’t told anyone that this was going on.”

“Ahh… I see.” It all began to make sense to Alyssa. The couple’s strange behavior when she had blurted out the news of her and Sean’s decision to try and have a child was clearly because the issue was very fresh in their minds. “I’m sorry about that,” she apologized. “I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”

“Not your fault,” Nick insisted. “You didn’t know.”

“Well, just so you know I wasn’t lying when I said you’d make a great father Nick. So, if that’s what’s holding you back, please don’t let it.”

Nick sighed. “It’s a lot of things. It’s just a complicated situation, but we’re working on a compromise. That’s the secret to a healthy marriage, right?”

“Or so they say,” she replied.

“I missed you Alyssa,” Nick confessed, seemingly out of nowhere. “Not in a romantic way, but as a friend. You’ve always given me such good advice. You always manage to pull my head out of my ass when I’m acting like an asshole.”

Not sure how to respond to that, Alyssa decided to go with a joke. “Well, it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”

“Seriously though… We’ve shared so much together, both good and bad and I feel like we have a really strong bond. I was just hoping that maybe we could actually be friends. I know that the friend thing kind of backfired on us the last time we tried it, but it’s different now. We’re both in very solid relationships, so I think that we can pull it off. I just don’t want you to be a stranger to me.”

Alyssa slowly nodded as if she were in deep thought. “I was trying to explain this to Sean because I think he was a little upset that I was so friendly with you at Koi.”

“Sean was jealous of me?” Nick interrupted; secretly a little delighted with the idea.

“Not exactly jealous per say, but he couldn’t understand why I wasn’t giving you the cold shoulder. Sometimes I think that because of his age he doesn’t always the think the same way that I do just yet,” she explained.

“Exactly how old is Sean anyway?” he asked warily. He’d had his suspicions that Sean was younger, but he wasn’t exactly sure how young.

“He’s twenty-six.”

Nick smirked. “Twenty-six, eh? That makes you a cougar.” He laughed, finding the thought pretty funny.

“Shut up… It’s only two years, besides not like you’ve never robbed the cradle before. If I remember correctly Stephanie was only sixteen when you hooked up with her.”

For a moment Nick inwardly cringed at the mention of Stephanie’s name. She’d been on the main reasons they’d broken up in the first place. Finally having the nerve to look at the expression on Alyssa’s face he was relieved to find her smiling. If she can joke about that she really has changed, he realized. “Okay… So I walked right into that one,” he admitted. “On a more serious note though, how are things between the two of you?”

Alyssa just shrugged and looked away, not comfortable with the topic of her estranged relationship with her younger sister. “We don’t talk. She came to my wedding, but more because I was obligated to invite her.”

Nick frowned. “But you forgave me and not her? I thought you didn’t hold grudges anymore?”

“Blood is thicker than water,” she simply replied. “She’s my family and for a member of my family to do that to me is simply unforgivable. She knew better.” Seeing the torn expression on Nick’s face she immediately tried to ease his guilt. “It’s all right Nick. I’m better off without her in my life. If you can’t trust your family who can you trust? She’s always been the black sheep.”

Not wanting to press the topic any further, he changed the subject. “So what were you trying to explain to Sean?”

“Oh yea…” Alyssa remembered her original point of the conversation. “I was telling Sean that as much as he doesn’t like to think about it, you and I had a very serious relationship at one point in our lives, and because of that relationship we share a very special connection. Even though the relationship is dead and buried we’re tied to each other in certain ways. You were the first guy I’ve ever really loved and I think I’d like to say that even though things didn’t work out between us, that we can still be a part of each other’s lives. Not many people can say that they are still on speaking terms with their first love. I admit that the old me wouldn’t have been able to do it. But we’re both different people now and I think that we can handle it.”

Nick’s lips lifted up in a smile. “So that means we’re friends?”

“Friends,” she repeated. Nick was so overjoyed with her response that he enveloped her in a hug. The embrace was tense at first, but Alyssa slowly found herself relaxing in his arms. It was a very different sensation, hugging him as not a lover, but a friend, yet not totally alien to her either.

Neither one of them noticed the sliding glass doors opening until they heard Grace’s voice interrupting them. “Mommy sent me in to get you ‘cause we’re gonna open presents now,” the toddler announced. “She also said that I should check on you and make sure that you are okay.”

“Thanks Gracie,” Alyssa told her, sliding out of Nick’s embrace. “We’ll be right out.”

Grace still stood rooted to her spot eyeing the two of them suspiciously. Alyssa could practically see the wheels turning in her little head. Before either of them could ask her what was wrong, she blurted out, “Aunt Alyssa? Are you and Uncle Nick boyfriend and girlfriend?”

The question threw both of them for a loop as they both stared at each other in bewilderment, neither one of them wanting to approach this one. “What makes you ask that sweetheart?” Alyssa asked. “And how do you know about boyfriends and girlfriends?”

“Wellll… The two of you were hugging and you were in here for a pretty long time!” the child innocently explained.

Alyssa exchanged another glance with Nick trying to hold in her laughter. “Uncle Nick and I are very good friends and we haven’t seen each other in a long time, so we came inside so that we could talk and get caught up again. You can be friends with a boy and not be their girlfriend. Your friends with Baylee and you’re not his girlfriend, right?”

“Bad example,” Nick snickered.

“No, Mommy says that Baylee thinks I’m too young to be his girlfriend, but maybe when I get older, like six, he’ll change his mind.”

Alyssa just laughed at her goddaughter. “Well, it’s okay to be friends with boys and sometimes you hug your friends, especially when you haven’t seen each other in a long time. But honey, Uncle Nick and I are definitely not going out. Don’t you remember Uncle Sean? I’m married to him, so he’s my boyfriend.”

“And Aunt Shayla is my girlfriend,” Nick chimed in.

“Ohhh yea…” Grace finally seemed to realize. “Sorry. I forgot about that.”

“It’s okay sweetie,” Alyssa assured her. “Now let’s head outside because I know that I bought you a really cool present that I can’t wait for you to open up.”

“Okay!” The toddler went bounding out the door ahead of Nick and Alyssa.

“That was officially awkward,” Alyssa announced trying to still hold back laughter. “Where did she even get that idea? Izzy would never have told her that we even used to date.”

“You know what they say. Out of the mouth of babes,” Nick just responded with a lopsided grin.
Chapter 6 - Rise and Fall by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa overhears a very personal song written by Nick.

Chapter 6 – Rise and Fall

Although their last encounter at Grace’s birthday party had ended on a positive note, with both Alyssa and Nick exchanging numbers and making promises to keep in touch, Alyssa had yet to make any motion to contact Nick a few weeks later. She definitely didn’t harbor any pent up animosity towards her ex boyfriend, but on the same note she didn’t exactly feel that they were at the phase where she could call him up and invite him out to grab a bite or eat anything either. She’d agreed to a friendship with him, but in her eyes she saw him as the kind of friend who if she bumped into she could talk to, but not the type that she’d really hang out with just yet. Based upon their tumultuous past, Alyssa wasn’t sure if a close friendship would be the best idea, so she intended to keep things strictly casual for the time being. If a closer friendship were to develop between them over time then that would be one thing, but for now Alyssa was perfectly content with their current state.

Instead of harping upon where her friendship with Nick might lead, Alyssa decided to focus her energy and concentrate on another friendship of hers that had been sort of floundering in the last few months. Since moving to California, getting settled into her new life, and trying to get pregnant, she hadn’t been as great as she should have been with keeping up with all of her friends. About two weeks after Grace’s party, she’d received an excited e-mail from Teri announcing that she and Howie had just gotten engaged. Alyssa had felt a bit guilty since she really hadn’t seen or talked much to Teri since her marriage to Sean and she realized that she missed her bluntness and sense of humor. She realized that they definitely needed to hang out, but fitting it in turned out to be a more difficult task than she had realized. Special education required a lot more paperwork than Alyssa had been used to and with annual reviews coming up right around the corner to suggest where her students should be placed the following school year and what services they should receive, she’d been pretty swamped with work. Finally with the arrival of her spring recess from school, she’d found the time to contact Teri and properly congratulate her.

Thankfully Teri had been pretty understanding and had suggested they make plans to hang out since it had been a while. In fact, she invited Alyssa to come with her to look at wedding dresses the following morning. Alyssa was honored and had eagerly accepted, looking forward to seeing her friend again after such a long time.

It was weird, but the women of the Backstreet family seemed to be divided up among two camps. On one end you had Melanie, Leighanne, and Izzy who were all now mothers and definitely on the more conservative side, and on the other Tricia and Teri who were much more free spirited and not afraid to speak their mind. Strangely enough, Alyssa had always seemed to dangle in the middle of the two groups depending on her mood. Lately in some ways she seemed to have more in common with Melanie, Leighanne, and Izzy since getting married, but the whole not having a child thing definitely made her an outsider at times in the group, especially recently. There were definitely things that she felt like she could talk about more comfortably with Teri and Tricia, since she hadn’t met a topic yet that they had found too taboo to discuss. Even though she’d known the two of them for a much shorter time than she’d known Izzy, she sometimes felt more comfortable confiding personal information with them.

So Alyssa found it a relief to be hanging out with Teri again. She’d desperately missed the days of uninhibited conversation. As they searched through racks and racks of wedding gowns, Alyssa realized that Teri valued her opinion since she herself had gone through the whole wedding gown search not too long ago. “Do you have any idea what you’re looking for?” she asked her friend, trying her best to assist her.

“Sort of… I want something very sleek and simple, but still sexy,” Teri explained. “You know I’m not exactly the ‘princess gown’ type. I don’t need too much decoration and beading and crap either. I kind of have a picture in my head of what I want.”

Alyssa nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. “They say that once you see it, you know it’s the one and I found that to be true with my wedding dress at least.”

“What did your dress look like?” she curiously asked. “Since I never got to see it.”

Alyssa’s face floated off into a far away expression as she recalled the description of the dress she’d only just worn a few months ago. “It was kind of princess-like I guess. I know not your style, but you know me. I’m a total girly girl. Strapless with a beaded top and an empire waist and sort of flowy, but not really poofy. And of course I had a ridiculously long train and my veil was attached to a tiara. It was really nice.”

Teri made a face. “Not exactly my style at all, but it sounds like it probably fit you well.”

“It did. It was one of the few things about my wedding that went exactly how I wanted it to,” she mused. “So, finding the perfect dress is essential.” Alyssa paused for a moment before changing the subject. “Have you and Howie set a date yet?”

Teri nodded. “We decided that we really don’t want anything huge and overblown. We want to get married within the next few months, so we decided on October. It’s six months away, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too stressful. Like I said we don’t want anything crazy anyway.”

“Sounds pretty good to me.” Alyssa focused her attention back to perusing the racks for dresses for Teri to try one. Both women’s styles unfortunately were very different, so most of the time when Alyssa held out a dress for her to try, Teri would wrinkle her nose in disgust. After much persuasion Alyssa finally convinced Teri to try on about three of them, but she could tell her friend wasn’t crazy about any of them. “Don’t feel bad Ter. I must’ve gone to three or four places before finding the dress.”

Her friend just sighed. “At this rate I’m starting to feel like maybe it was easier finding the man than the dress.”

Alyssa just laughed, but continued her browsing until her eyes seemed to land on the perfect dress. Upon closer inspection, Alyssa realized that it just screamed Teri. It was plain, white, silk, strapless with a white sash underneath the bust, and very slinky looking. Its simplicity made it fade into the background among the other dresses, but off the rack it had definite possibilities. Alyssa knew it would look great on Teri’s figure and it fit her personality perfectly. Teri wasn’t a typical bride, so Alyssa couldn’t picture her in a typical wedding gown. It seemed like the perfect choice. “Ooh Teri… Look at this one! It’s positively stunning and just your size too.”

The moment Teri saw the dress her eyes lit up. “Oh my God Alyssa, you’re amazing! It’s perfect! Exactly what I wanted! None of this frilly, bubbly, flowing gowns or anything like that. Just a simple A line dress.”

“Well… Go try it on!” Alyssa urged, already pushing her towards the dressing room.

Teri shook her head. “Not yet. Before I try anything on I want to take a look at some bridesmaid dresses while I’m here.”

“Okay,” she agreed, following her friend towards a display of bridesmaid’s gowns further back in the store. “Any idea what color you want as your theme?”

The future bride pursed her lips for a moment as she looked at the dresses. “I was thinking maybe like a plum color actually. It’s not as traditional as like pink or blue or lilac, so it’ll be very sexy and I want me some sexy bridesmaids!”

Alyssa laughed, remembering exactly why she had missed Teri and her outrageous sense of humor so much. “That sounds perfect actually. Plum will look amazing, especially if it’s an October wedding. It’s a great fall color and like you said it’s a little more bolder than you usually see, which of course completely fits you.”

Teri just nodded. “I want something very sleek like my dress and absolutely no chiffon. God, I think chiffon is tacky! I want the kind of dress that all my bridesmaids are going to like and not be embarrassed to wear. I also want something that is going to look sexy on even if you aren’t a size zero; something that’ll look good on everyone.”

“Good idea. In that case simple is probably better. The color will be enough to make the dress stand out.” Alyssa began to rifle through a selection of dresses about the color of what Teri was looking for.

Teri joined her in her search and a few minutes later she heard her gasp beside her. “I think I found it!” The dress that she had pulled off the rack was simply breathtaking. The deep, rich, purple color of the dress shone brightly against the satin fabric. It bore the same long slinky resemblance to the wedding dress that Alyssa had picked out and had a halter neck with a plunging keyhole neckline which was just low enough to show a bit of cleavage, yet still be considered tasteful.

“Ooh! I love it Ter!” Alyssa exclaimed. “It’s exactly what I pictured in my mind.”

“Try it on.” Teri thrust the dress into her arms.

“Me?” Alyssa’s eyebrows rose in surprise and laughed nervously. “I definitely wasn’t planning on trying any dresses on today. This is your day.”

“Oh, come on!” her friend whined. “I need to see how it looks on somebody, especially somebody who is going to be in my bridal party.”

“You mean you want me in your bridal party?” Alyssa’s mouth hung in shock. She definitely hadn’t expected to be asked to be on of Teri’s bridesmaids, especially since they had grown slightly apart recently. Besides, Alyssa hadn’t even invited her and Howie to her wedding back in July, although the circumstances had been different. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure!” Teri responded with a roll of her eyes. “You found the perfect wedding dress for me. I’d say that’s a damn good reason to include you. Now go on and try the damn dress!”

Realizing that she was defeated Alyssa finally gave in. The two women headed towards the dressing room and separated into two different stalls, promising to come out and model for each other when they were done. Alyssa quickly got undressed and stepped into the dress that Teri had picked out. The color really did look amazing, especially on her. With her darker complexion, she’d always looked better in darker colors than in lighter ones. She had a feeling that it was exactly what Teri had been looking for.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard Teri’s voice from the next stall over. “Do you think that you can help zip me up?”

“Only if you zip me,” Alyssa replied as she stepped out of the door and zipped up the back of her friends dress before turning around so that she could do the same. Finally getting a glimpse of Teri in her wedding dress, Alyssa gasped. “Oh Ter… It’s perfect! It’s so you!”

“You think?” she asked, critically eyeing her appearance in the mirror. “You don’t think it’s like too simple or anything?”

“No way! I love it.” Alyssa answered honestly.

Teri’s face broke out into a look of relief. “Good! Because I do too. I think it’s the one.”

“So go for it,” she advised before turning her attention back to her figure in the three way mirror. The dress was not skin tight, but did cling nicely to her figure. She found herself wondering though how it might look on her by October. The wedding had to be roughly six months away and she was currently trying to get pregnant. Would she be sporting a baby bump by then? And how would it look underneath the dress? Would Teri be one of those brides who would freak out that one of her bridesmaid’s had a belly? She’d heard about some brides who would kick their best friends out of their wedding parties’ only weeks before the wedding because they’d gotten too fat. Without even realizing what she was doing, Alyssa arched her back and attempted to stick out her stomach as far as she could, trying to create the illusion of a baby bump, not thinking about how ridiculous she probably looked.

She was interrupted by Teri’s laughter. “What are you doing Alyssa?” her friend asked, looking at her a little strangely.

“Trying to imagine what this dress will look like if I get pregnant at any point from now until the wedding,” she confessed. “Maybe you shouldn’t have me in the bridal party. I don’t want to ruin your whole ‘sexy bridesmaid image’ and there’s nothing less sexy than an overweight pregnant woman. Besides, it’ll cause you all sorts of headaches because I’d constantly be getting bigger. What if I don’t fit into the dress?”

“Don’t be silly!” Teri insisted. “This is me we’re talking about. Do you honestly think that I’m the type to go all Bridezilla and kick you out of my wedding party because you’re having a baby? Besides even if you got pregnant right this minute the farthest you could be along is like what? Six months? You’ll be big by then, but not huge. You’ll look completely cute. Yea, the dress might be a little bit of a problem, but it can be altered. The important thing is that you’re at my side on my wedding day.”

“Thanks Teri.” Alyssa sighed as she realized how ridiculous she was sounding. Teri had said that she wanted her dress to look good no matter what size her bridesmaids were, probably taking into account the possibility of her being pregnant by the wedding. Plus she knew that Teri wasn’t the type to be so shallow that she’d kick one of her friends out of her bridal party over something so petty. “I’m sorry… You’re right, it’s not as big of a deal as I’m making it into being and at the rate I’m going with trying to get pregnant it won’t be a problem anyway.”

The other woman looked at her sympathetically. “It’s not going so well then I guess, huh?”

Alyssa shrugged. “It’s just a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I don’t know if Sean and I are doing something wrong or what. All I know is that if I’d known that it was going to be this hard for me to get pregnant I probably wouldn’t have waited as long as I did to finally start having sex,” she joked.

“And then you’d have had no trouble conceiving,” Teri concluded. “It’s just life being cruel I guess. It’ll happen eventually, when it’s supposed to.”

“Yea… That’s what everyone tells me, but it’s kind of hard to be patient and stuff. I think Sean is getting frustrated too.”

“What makes you say that?”

Alyssa took a deep breath. She’d yet to confess this to any of her friends yet. “Like we’re still trying, but now its starting to feel like sex is just something we have to do. It’s like we’re not enjoying each other anymore because we’re just so damn focused on creating a child. It’s like; okay we have like an hour or so to ourselves; guess we better try again. I just feel like we’re trying, trying, trying, and instead of getting closer its driving us closer apart if that makes sense.”

“Well duh honey! It sounds to me like the two of you are just stuck in a bit of rut and need to do something a little out of the ordinary to spice things back up between you. It happens to all couples from time to time. The two of you need to create some one on one time where you’re not worrying about your jobs or trying to have a baby; just where you can focus on each other. I might not be an expert when it comes to babies or anything, but I’m sure that once you stop consciously trying so hard, it’ll happen for the two of you,” Teri advised.

“You do kind of have a point there,” Alyssa admitted with a sigh. “Lately I’ve been very wrapped up in work and I’m up to my ears in meetings and paperwork and grades. I’ve been lucky to squeeze in time for a quickie here and there, but truthfully most of the time I’ve just been too tired. It’s just that whenever we do get a moment, it’s like right down to business. I can barely remember the last time we engaged in any extensive foreplay or anything.”

Teri looked shocked. “No foreplay? Oh no, this is worst then I thought!” Seeing the frightened look on Alyssa’s face, she laughed. “I’m only kidding, sweetie. It’s not a problem that can’t easily be fixed. Here’s what you do. Plan a really romantic evening at home for just the two of you and do something a little extra to surprise him. It sounds like to me that the two of you have just been letting so much other shit get in the way that you’ve forgotten how important it is to make time for each other as well. You’re off from work this week, so you should concentrate on making a real conscious effort to spend some more time with him.”

Alyssa thought about her friend’s advice and just nodded her head. As usual Teri seemed to be dead on. What she said did make a lot of sense. She and Sean had been letting all sorts of other things get in the way of their relationship. Between the fear of him being shipped out to Iraq almost any day, trying to conceive a child, and just the daily stress of work, it was no wonder that things had began to seen forced between them. Maybe she could surprise him when he came home from work that night with a romantic dinner followed by a nice long soak in a bubble bath…“You’re absolutely right Ter,” she told her friend. “I swear I should start paying you.”

Teri just grinned. “I’ll gladly accept any kind of money, but seriously you know how much I love this stuff.” She paused for a moment catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror and realizing that she was still in the wedding dress. “But anyway we should probably get changed, so I can see about ordering these dresses. Then maybe you could stop by for a bit to hang out and stuff.”

“Sounds good to me,” Alyssa agreed before ducking back into the dressing room door. She had to admit that after her talk with Teri she felt ten times better about the current state of her and Sean’s relationship and much less apprehensive about not being able to get pregnant. She had every intention of taking Teri’s advice to heart and devoting her entire evening to Sean.

Little did she realize though that her evening was about to take a very different turn than the one she was currently planning out in her head.

About an hour later, the two women finally pulled up in front of Teri and Howie’s LA home. To make things easier, Alyssa had drove over to Teri’s home first and they’d taken one car to go dress shopping. As Teri put her vehicle in park and shut off the engine, Alyssa had already opened up the passenger door. “Is Howie at home? I want to congratulate him on the engagement.”

Teri glanced at the driveway. “It looks like he is, but there’s another car here too, so he probably has someone over. It’s okay though. I’m sure he won’t mind the interruption.” She also got out of the car and the two of them walked up to the front door and entered the house. Surprisingly it was quiet and there seemed to be no sign of Howie at all. Alyssa followed Teri into the kitchen where the door to the basement was only a few feet away. “He’s probably down in the studio working on something or another,” she explained. “Every now and then he likes to go down there and fool around with some possible songs.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t bother him then.” Alyssa warily gazed at the basement door.

“Nonsense! He’s not working on anything really important anyway. He’ll probably welcome the distraction,” Teri assured her, already pulling open the door in front of them.

With no choice, but to follow her, Alyssa slowly made her way down the stairs behind her friend, but then froze after only a step or two. Teri turned around and looked at her quizzically, but after hearing the voices below them she gave Alyssa a sympathetic look.

“Okay, so let me hear that new song that you wrote that you couldn’t stop talking about,” Howie’s voice could faintly be heard from below them.

“It’s not exactly a new song,” an all too familiar voice tried to explain. “I started writing it like right after the Never Gone tour and then kind of forgot about it. Then a few weeks ago I sort of got some inspiration and picked it back up again. I finally finished it and I really want an opinion on it. I think it’s probably the most personal thing that I’ve ever written.”

“I’m sorry Lyss,” Teri whispered. “I had no clue that was Nick’s car out there.”

“It’s all right,” she assured her, still not knowing what exactly she should do in her current situation. Should she just walk downstairs casually or forget about speaking to Howie altogether? Her and Nick were in a sense cool with each other now, but Alyssa still was unprepared to see him at the moment.

They were interrupted by the sound of Howie’s voice again. “This sudden lack of motivation wouldn’t have to do with seeing a certain person again would it?”

Alyssa gasped when she realized that they were talking about her. She leaned closer to hear Nick’s response. She had to admit that she was now curious to hear this new song that Nick had written. Could she really have been a source of inspiration for Nick?

Nick hesitated for a moment. “In a way yes, but it isn’t a love song. It’s basically a song about fame in general and how it can change a person and lead them to make a lot of stupid mistakes. It’s about pushing the important people out of your life for selfish reasons. Basically it really describes the person I was a few years ago and I guess you can say that it was really influenced by my whole break up with Alyssa. And then when I saw her again it brought back some of those memories strong enough to finish it off.”

Teri tugged on Alyssa’s arm. “He wrote a song about you!” she hissed.

“Not about me, at least not directly,” Alyssa corrected.

“Still… Don’t you want to hear it?”

Alyssa had to admit that she did. Silently she sat down on one of the steps and pulled Teri down with her. Nick’s description definitely intrigued her and she was dying to hear the lyrics. It sounded like maybe he really had grown up and was finally able to look at his past mistakes with regret. Being able to reflect on his wrongdoings definitely took a great deal of maturity and she was anxious to hear how much he had grown.

“Sounds interesting. Let’s hear it,” Howie urged.

There was silence for a moment as Alyssa assumed Nick was probably setting the song up to play. After a moment or two Alyssa could hear Nick’s voice kick in beginning what sounded like the chorus to the song.

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

The chorus repeated again and Alyssa was a little surprised when once the chorus kicked in that the song had a bit more of an R&B type feel to it than Nick’s usual more rock influenced sound. The lyrics immediately grabbed her attention though. Combined with the sorrowfulness in his voice, Alyssa found herself drawn into the song immediately.

I always said that I was gonna make it,
Now it's plain for everyone to see,
But this game I'm in don't take no prisoners,
Just casualties,
I know that everything is gonna change,
Even the friends I knew before may go,
But this dream is the life I've been searching for,

Started believing that I was the greatest,
My life was never gonna be the same,
Cause with the money came a different status,
That's when things change,
Now I'm too concerned with all the things I own,
Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,
I'm beginning to lose my integrity

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

As the chorus kicked in again, Alyssa realized that this was Nick’s song about his path to fame. About how he had started off in the music business so innocent and naïve, but with the more successes he and the rest of the guys gained, and the more money he made, the more and more temptation that lay out in front of him. She found herself leaning even closer, not wanting to miss a word of the second verse.

I never used to be a troublemaker,
Now I don't even wanna please the fans,
No autographs,
No interviews,
No pictures,
Endless demands,
Gave into vices that were clearly wrong,
The type that seem to make me feel so right,
But some things you may find can take over your life,

Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places,
And there's nowhere left for me to turn,
Been caught in compromising situations,
I should have learnt,
From all those times I didn't walk away,
When I knew that it was best to go,
Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,

After hearing the second verse of the song, especially that last part, she could already feel a lump forming in her throat. Clearly this verse addressed his entry into the world of endless partying, alcohol, and random groupies that she had discovered him in about four years ago. It was the second part that struck a particularly unnerving chord with her though. The last five lines had actually given her goose bumps just by the way they seemed to reach out and speak to her directly. There was no doubt in her mind that the “compromising situation” he had been singing about was the moment that Alyssa had found him bursting into his hotel room on the night of his 26th birthday with some trashy Australian fan attached to him. Still the last line puzzled her. Too late to show you the shape of my heart? Alyssa wasn’t sure if it was a direct question posed to her or just a cleverly placed allusion to one of BSB’s popular singles. And if it was, did he mean it in a romantic sense? Or was it something more innocent? Maybe I’m just reading too much into this, she tried to tell herself.

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

Now I know,
I made mistakes,
Think I don't care,
But you don't realize what this means to me,
So let me have,
Just one more chance,
I'm not the man I used to be,
Used to be

After the bridge of the song, Alyssa found it nearly impossible to hold back her tears. The song was just brilliant and seemed to explain everything that Nick felt about his past. She now understood exactly why he had told Howie that this was by far his most personal song ever. It seemed to speak directly to her towards the end. She could already feel hot tears stinging her eyelids and afraid that she’d start bawling and give away her presence she stood up and ran back up the stairs, furiously dabbing her cheeks with her fingers. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Teri giving her a concerned look, but she didn’t follow her. She was smart enough to know that Alyssa needed her space at the moment.

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall

Rise and Fall by Craig David

Teri appeared back upstairs a minute or two later and approached Alyssa with a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry I made you go downstairs. I should’ve recognized that the car in the driveway was one of Nick’s.”

“It’s not your fault,” Alyssa sniffled. “I’m actually kind of glad that I got to hear the song he wrote. It just kind of hit a little too close to home and I needed some time alone to really process it all I guess.”

“It was a beautiful song,” she remarked. “I have to give Nicky boy credit. I’d never expect something so deep to come out of him.”

Alyssa just nodded. “I think it’ll probably be best if I just go now before Nick realizes I’m here. We’ve kind of agreed to put the past behind us and be friendly with each other, but I don’t think I’m ready to face him right now after hearing that song. I’ll have to find some other time to congratulate Howie.”

“Of course. I should invite you and Sean over to dinner or something some weekend soon,” Teri offered.

“That’ll be great. Just give me a call and we’ll arrange it.” Alyssa grabbed her purse and paused to take out her car keys. She was just about to start to move towards the door when the creaking sound of the basement door made her freeze like a deer in headlights. Shit… This is exactly what I was trying to avoid, she told herself.

Howie was the first to enter the kitchen with Nick lingering a few feet behind him. “I thought I heard voices up here,” he commented, approaching the two women. “How’d the dress shopping go?”

Teri proudly beamed. “Great! I put a deposit on a wedding dress and I decided on the dress I want my bridesmaids to wear. Now I just have to take all of them down to get fitted and stuff.”

“Sounds like it was a successful morning.” Howie’s eyes focused on Alyssa who considering her emotional response to Nick’s song only minutes earlier, appeared very well composed. “How are you doing Alyssa?”

“Good,” she responded, going over to him to give him a hug. “Congratulations on the engagement by the way.”

Howie thanked her and then there was an awkward pause as Alyssa found herself now face to face Nick. Neither one of them seemed quite sure what to say until Nick broke the silence. “I didn’t know that you were going to be over here today,” he finally managed to spill out.

Alyssa shrugged. “I was looking at wedding dresses with Teri. I didn’t know you were going to be here today either.”

“Yea… I just came over to show Howie some stuff that I’ve been fooling around with. I needed some opinions on some new songs I wrote,” he explained as he nervously licked his lips.

Alyssa pretended to act unfazed even though she knew just how important and personal the song that he had shared with Howie had been to him. “That’s sounds pretty cool.”

Getting a sudden burst of confidence, Nick locked his eyes with her. “I haven’t heard from you since Grace’s birthday. I was starting to think that you fell off the face of the earth or something.”

She could feel her cheeks begin to redden. She couldn’t really come up with a good way to explain why she hadn’t called him, so she used the nearest excuse that she could think of. “Sorry about that. I’ve just been super busy the past few weeks with my job. It’s committee meeting season where we have our meetings to determine where the students are going to be placed next year and what their goals are going to be, so I’ve kind of been wrapped up with a ton of paperwork and stuff. I’m on Spring Break now, so it’s the first time in a while that I’ve had to get caught back up with people.”

“Oh wow… That sucks.” Nick grew quiet again before getting another idea. “Hey… I was just thinking. Since we haven’t talked in a few weeks or maybe you’d want to grab some lunch with me? If you have other plans or whatever it’s cool. I just thought it would be nice to hang out together again.”

Alyssa hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t sure if agreeing to go to lunch with him would be that good of an idea, but on the other hand she did feel a tiny bit closer to him after hearing the song she had inspired. Maybe she could summon up the courage to confess to him that she’d eavesdropped on him and Howie and heard it. She was curious to hear what he had to say about it. That and the fact that well, she was hungry. “Sure I guess lunch couldn’t hurt,” she finally agreed.”

She was taken back by the way Nick’s face seemed to light up at her acceptance. He seemed pretty happy considering this was supposed to be just two friends grabbing a casual lunch together. I hope he’s not getting the wrong idea, Alyssa told herself, but then realized she was being silly. Nick was married. Happily married. So there should be no reason to suspect that he could have any interest in Alyssa outside of a friendship, right?
Chapter 7 - So Far From Where We've Been by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick and Alyssa wind up spending an unexpected afternoon together.

Chapter 7- So Far From Where We’ve Been

“So I was completely shit faced and for some reason I decided that it would be a good idea to try hitting on Teri. Now you know how Teri is. She found the whole situation hilarious, so she proceeds to purposely flirt back just to make me look like a bigger fool than I already looked like. So she was all over me on purpose just to be a tease and make me look like a bigger asshole than I already seemed. To everyone else it was apparently really funny, but unfortunately for me Howie didn’t see things that way. Naturally he completely misinterpreted the situation thinking I was trying to take his woman from him and next thing I know he’s going all Puerto Rican on my ass and he just decked me. I swear I didn’t even see it coming! But the most embarrassing part was that he actually left quite the nasty bruise on my temple. We had to lie and tell everyone that I was attacked by a group of rabid fans. Then I felt horrible once I found out that fans were getting upset with each other thinking that I was pretty much mauled by a pack of screaming girls. The rest of the guys will never let me live that one down!”

“Howie hit you? Sweet, mild mannered, peaceful, little Howie?” Alyssa asked in disbelief, trying her hardest not to laugh. Her and Nick were in the midst of eating their lunch at a popular diner in downtown LA. Since they’d arrived conversation had flowed surprisingly well between the former couple with Nick doing most of the talking, retelling some of his most recent outrageous experiences like the story he had just finished. Alyssa had to admit that she was relieved for the relaxed atmosphere and the lighthearted conversation. It was almost starting to feel like nothing had changed between the two of them, all romantic feelings put aside.

“I swear to God!” Nick insisted, crossing his heart. “I’ve seen him so pissed in my life. It’s true what they say about those Latin tempers. I’m just thankful that he didn’t try to knife me!”

Just the image of Howie wielding a switchblade in Nick’s direction was enough to make Alyssa completely lose control of her laughter. She gasped for breath as she tried to quiet her giggles. “I think I’m going to have to ask Howie about this one because I still think you’re pulling my leg. I know how you love to make up stories.”

Nick just shrugged and pretended to look hurt. “Fine. Don’t believe me,” he sniffed. “But it did happen!” He paused for a moment and then turned serious. “Anyway I’ve done enough talking. It’s your turn now. You usually have some pretty interesting stories about the children you work with.”

“I don’t know Nick… That last story was a pretty tough act to follow. I just don’t know if I have anything that competes with Howie kicking your ass.”

“Hey he did not kick my ass!” he corrected. “And c’mon you have to have something. It’s been a while since I’ve heard a good puke story.”

Alyssa bit her lip a smirk already forming on her lips. “Well, I could tell you about the time that one of my fourth grade girls got her period for the first time during class and had no idea what has happening to her. I had to pull her aside and have a talk that I really had hoped I wouldn’t have had to have until much later on in life with my own kids. But I’m sure that’s not exactly what you were looking for, huh?”

She watched in delight as a disgusted look washed over Nick’s face as he inched his plate away from him. “Eww… Yea I definitely just lost my appetite. You have to give me something better than that. What about any really bad date stories? You had to have had a few before you met Sean right?”

“Well… I did sort of do the whole internet dating site thing when I first moved to North Carolina,” she admitted. “I was alone in a new state and I didn’t know anyone, so I had to start somewhere. And that was pretty interesting… Met some very uhm unique men and that’s putting it nicely.”

“Now we’re talking.” Nick rubbed his hands together, looking eager to hear more.

“Hmm… “Alyssa looked thoughtful. “Well, first there was the professional peer bong player.”

“You mean it’s actually like an official sport? I thought it was just some lame drinking game played at college frat parties.”

Alyssa just nodded. “Apparently there is actually an American Beer Pong Association out there somewhere complete with their own annual World Series of Beer Pong held where else but Sin City itself, Las Vegas. I only know this because this guy happened to be in training for this very prestigious event.”

“Training?” Nick almost laughed out loud. “How the hell do you train for beer pong?”

“He’d enter all these tournaments at local bars to practice,” she explained. “Every night of the week he had a different bar he’d go to. He told me that he could easily make five hundred a week just from playing beer pong, but I didn’t buy it. Nor did I buy him offering to take me back to his apartment after our first date to ‘teach me how to play’.”

“He actually thought that would work?” This time Nick did little to hide his laughter. “Teach you how to play, my ass! More like how to teach you how to play underneath the sheets.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Exactly the reason why I graciously turned him down and then never called him again. That and the fact that I was kind of looking for a man with a more permanent career in mind.”

“The only game he had in mind involved a completely different set of balls.” Nick smirked not being able to resist the perverted comment the moment he thought of it.

“Nickolas!” Alyssa gasped, pretending to be shocked, but was laughing so hard on the inside that she could feel her face actually begin to redden. “Guess some things never change. I can always depend on your mind to be in the gutter.”

“Well, I didn’t want to disappoint you,” he replied, completely straight faced. “I wouldn’t be me without a dirty mind.”

“Point well taken.” She paused before continuing on. “Then there was the shy guy. Shy guy was actually very nice, but the problem was that he was so shy that he’d only reply in monosyllables. Everything was yes, no, okay, cool, great etc. It made upholding a conversation a real bitch and a half. After coming from our date with a sore throat because I had to do all the talking, I kind of figured there really wasn’t much of a future there.”

“Yea… I could see how that could get to be just a little bit of a problem.”

“Then there was the angry guy who again seemed perfect, but halfway through the date he cursed out our waiter because he bought him French fries instead of a baked potato. We never made it to the movie because he got into it with another guy in the parking lot because the guy stole his parking spot. When I chimed in to remind him that he didn’t have his signal on he turned on me and you know I don’t put up with that shit. I left him there and took a cab home.”

“But the biggest asshole award goes to the guy who actually turned around to me point blank and asked very seriously, ‘Say we’re in a relationship and one night you don’t feel up to having sex. Would you be cool with just blowing me and cuddling afterwards? Or are you the type who only gives it to get it?’ I swear to God Nick, I think my jaw must’ve hit the floor. My only reaction was like what the fuck?”

Even Nick looked shocked by that last story. “Yea really… No wonder this guy is relying on an internet dating service to meet women. It’s probably the only way he gets laid.”

“If he gets laid,” Alyssa corrected. “I don’t know if there’s any woman that would work on.”

“You’d be surprised. Trust me,” Nick responded. “But seriously it’s definitely not the right kind of question to be asking any woman, especially you.”

Alyssa frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked in a voice that sounded slightly insulted.

Oh no… Now you’ve done it, Nick chastised himself as soon as the words left her mouth. The comment had seemed innocent enough at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized how hurtful Alyssa might view it as. Hadn’t she nearly broken his nose the last time he’d made a comment about what he was hinting at now? He decided that the best course of action would be to play it off like he hadn’t meant it the way it had came out. “Nothing… Nothing at all.”

She looked doubtful. “That’s why you were so quick to answer and you look guilty as sin?”

Nick sighed once he realized that he was not going to be getting out of this one too easily. What a shame when things were going so smoothly, he thought. Leave it to me to fuck things up. Taking a deep breath he blurted out, “It’s just that you aren’t exactly the type to just hand out blowjobs for the hell of it… At least you weren’t.” He grimaced at how badly that had come out and braced himself for what he was certain was going to be a very angry response from Alyssa.

He did not just go there, Alyssa found herself thinking to herself in disbelief. Her first instinct was to tell him off for making such an asshole comment like that. She could already feel the rage beginning to ball up inside of her, but before she could explode and say something she regretted, a voice in her head immediately instructed her to calm down. Nick was probably expecting her to blow up at him. That’s exactly how the Alyssa of a few years ago would’ve reacted. But now that she was a woman, she wasn’t supposed to blow up at dumb things like that. Instead she decided to give him the completely opposite reaction. A slow grin grew over her face. “You’re right,” she answered. “I wasn’t that type of girl. But things can change over time, right?”

She couldn’t help but to grin wider in satisfaction as she saw the unexpected expression on Nick’s face. She almost laughed at the way his mouth actually hung open in shock. Not being able to resist teasing him a little, she playfully thrust a pile of napkins in his direction. “Here. I think you might need these because if you keep your mouth like that you’re going to start drooling in like two seconds.”

“Very funny,” Nick responded with a pout finally finding his voice again. He didn’t even have a moment to think about a clever retort before their waitress appeared at their table and dropped their check on the table in front of them. Trying to avoid further embarrassment he reached for it before Alyssa could even offer to pay for her half. It was the least he could do after practically sticking his whole foot in his mouth.

About ten minutes later the former couple found themselves out in the diner parking lot both reluctantly lingering near their vehicles. Lunch was well over by now and there was no reason for either of them to stick around, but still they awkwardly stood there, neither one of them quite wanting to leave just yet. Their meal had gone extraordinarily well and both Nick and Alyssa were a little surprised by the outcome. They’d expected plenty of awkwardness and sheepish apologies on both sides, but it had been just the opposite. In fact there had been no real mention of the past they’d shared period. Just two friends, joking around, and teasing each other.

Nick was the first one to break the awkward silence. “So, do you have anything special planned for later on today?”

Alyssa just shrugged. “Not really… I was just going to go home and relax a little bit. I’m on vacation this week, so I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Sean comes home from work about fiveish, so I’m going to try to spend a little quality time with him. We’ve both been so busy lately that I feel like we barely see each other. What about you?”

Nick nodded, trying not to make a face when Alyssa mentioned the phrase ‘quality time.’ “I’m off to run some errands right now. Shayla’s birthday is coming up next week and I still have to pick up a present for her. I have no clue what to get her. Any suggestions?”

“Hmm…” Alyssa bit her lip, appearing deep in thought. “That’s tough, especially because I don’t know her very well. I’ve only met her like what? Twice maybe?”

“Thanks for the help,” he responded, rolling his eyes.

Alyssa’s eyes twinkled in amusement. “Well, I do know one thing she’d love, but you’re not too keen on the idea in the first place, so I guess we can toss that one out the window.”

Nick’s brow furrowed in confusion for a moment. “What do you mean?” Then it hit him and he realized what Alyssa was hinting at. “Oh no! Although I’m sure that nothing would make Shayla happier than me telling her I changed my mind about the whole baby situation, it would be a complete lie.”

“Haven’t you even been considering it?” she asked curiously.

“Not really,” Nick admitted. “I just can’t picture the two of us raising children together. I like kids and all, but I also like the fact that I can always hand them off to their real parents when I get tired of them. Maybe I’m just not father material.”

Alyssa strongly disagreed with his last statement, but didn’t say anything. She knew Nick well enough to know that the real reason he didn’t want kids was because of his own childhood. His parents had screwed him up so much, that he lived in fear of fucking up his own children in the very same way. Maybe with a stronger woman he’d be able to overcome that fear, but with Shayla who seemed more interested in a career than raising a child, it only added more anxiety to the situation. Still she was curious to play devil’s advocate for a little bit. “What if hypothetically Shayla were to become pregnant down the road? You more than anyone know sometimes these things do happen unplanned.”

Nick just shrugged. “Then I guess I’d just have to deal with it in the same way I dealt with it with Katie. If it’s meant to be then it’ll happen. I just don’t want to plan on it.”

Alyssa just nodded. His theory made sense. As she was learning firsthand, sometimes planning to have a child was way more stressful than just letting it happen naturally. “That’s smart. A lot of times you can’t plan on these things. It’s a lot harder than you’d think.”

For a moment Nick looked at her quizzically, puzzled by her cryptic message. He knew that Alyssa and Sean had supposedly been trying to have a child since January, and so far their efforts seemed to have failed. He began to wonder if maybe perhaps there was a bigger problem going on then what he was aware of. Was this Alyssa’s way of telling him that she maybe couldn’t get pregnant?

He knew from experience though that a topic so personal was not something he could pry out of her. His best bet was to drop it for now and in due time Alyssa would share it with him when she felt comfortable enough to do so. Changing the subject, he refocused the conversation on his dilemma of finding Shayla the perfect birthday gift. “Well, I’m back at square one with this birthday gift idea…” Suddenly a light bulb seemed to go off on his head. “Hey! Since you’re not doing anything this afternoon, would you mind coming with me to help pick something out? I really could use a woman’s opinion.” For extra emphasis he even added a little pout.

Alyssa laughed at his pathetic expression. “How can I say no to a face like that? I guess I could go with you.” She really couldn’t think of any real excuse not to.

“Thank you!” Nick replied. “I was thinking we could take my car and on the way back I’ll swing by here so you can pick up your car. Sound good?”

“Sure,” Alyssa agreed, not finding any problem with his plan. A few minutes later she found herself sitting in the passenger seat of his Escalade, almost confused as how a simple lunch date between friends had resulted in her going shopping with her ex boyfriend to find his wife a birthday gift.

Unbeknownst to Alyssa, the afternoon was about to get weirder.

Shopping for Shayla’s birthday gift proved to be harder than Alyssa had expected, not because it was weird for her to help Nick buy something for another woman, but because of two simple facts. One was Nick’s obvious obliviousness when it came to women’s fashion and the second was that Shayla was simply overly picky according to Nick.

Every suggestion that Alyssa had made had been shot down for one reason or another. Any kind of clothing was out because Shayla was extremely anal about her clothes and always hated anything that Nick or anyone else besides herself had picked out. Shoes seemed like a good suggestion, but Nick wasn’t sure of her shoe size of the top of his head so that was discarded as well. She had at least a dozen pairs of designer sunglasses according to Nick and enough purses to fit an entire closet. There simply didn’t seem anything that Shayla needed.

By the time the two of them found themselves outside of Tiffany’s, Alyssa was beginning to feel just a little frustrated. She seldom shopped for herself in this part of LA because she simply couldn’t afford it. She found herself a little annoyed that Shayla seemed so picky with so many possibilities in the stores they had visited. Alyssa would have been ecstatic to receive almost anything that expensive, but apparently designer labels were nothing new to Shayla. The only option they hadn’t ruled out yet was jewelry.

“Want to go in and look?” she asked Nick. “There has to be something in Tiffany’s she’d like. What woman doesn’t enjoy blue box?”

“I guess,” Nick answered in a defeated voice. “I just feel like I always wind up getting her jewelry.”

“Well, she doesn’t like anything else apparently.” Alyssa tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice, but failed miserably. If Nick noticed her attitude though, he didn’t comment, and the two of them stepped inside the famous jewelry store.

Nick immediately set off towards one of the glass counters, glancing down at the fine jewelry displayed in them. Alyssa lingered behind him, trying not to appear too awestruck at the glittering diamonds and gold. She’d never exactly been what she’d consider a “jewelry person.” She owned only a few nice pieces of jewelry, mainly past gifts from Nick. Most of her jewelry collection consisted of inexpensive costume jewelry since she had a tendency of losing her more expensive pieces. It was a wonder to her how she hadn’t lost her engagement ring yet. Still though, even she could appreciate the beauty of the rings, necklaces, and bracelets surrounding her. For a moment she secretly wished that Sean had the money to just drop a few thousand on a diamond tennis bracelet like Nick could easily do. As soon as the thought was in her head she immediately felt guilty. She didn’t need expensive jewelry to prove that Sean loved her. Now Nick and Shayla on the other hand… That was a different story.

A saleswoman behind the counter noticed the two of them perusing the display cases and approached them with a wide smile as soon as she recognized Nick. Alyssa wondered if the salespeople were trained to act extra hospitable to celebrity clients. She wouldn’t be surprised. “Good afternoon,” she greeted them. “Is there anything that I can help the two of you with today?”

Before Nick could reply, Alyssa answered for him. “Yes. He’s looking for a birthday gift for his wife.”

The woman’s eyebrows rose a little in surprise at Alyssa’s speaking up for him, but she ignored her and focused her attention on Nick. “All right. Sounds lovely. Did you have anything in mind in particular? Or do you have an idea of what she might like?”

Nick shrugged. “Not really… I’m kind of having a hard time finding her something. She’s very picky, but she’s also very stylish. So I guess I’m looking for something that’s very popular, but of course not too common either.”

“Hmm…” The woman seemed to take a minute to digest the information that had just been shared with her. “I think I might have something you might be interested in.” She walked over to one of the cases a few feet away and pulled out a gold pendant with a row of diamonds that curved in sort of an s shape. “This is one of our newest designs that has been very popular among married couples. The diamonds are supposed to represent the journey of your relationship from the beginning on into the future. We’ve been selling quite a few of them recently.”

Alyssa cocked her head to one side as she examined the pendant more closely. “It’s really pretty,” she told him, tossing in her own two cents. “And it has a pretty special meaning behind it.”

Nick nodded. “This one is a possibility, but I think I’d like to see it on someone else first before I decide. I want to see how it hangs.” He looked back over at Alyssa. “Would you mind trying it on for me so that I can get the full effect? That is if that’s ok with the saleswoman.”

“That’s perfectly fine with me. If you’d like I could even help you with the clasp,” the woman offered. Obviously she wasn’t going to tell Nick Carter that he couldn’t do anything he pleased.

Feeling put on the spot Alyssa found that she had no choice but to agree. “Uhh… Sure I guess.” She couldn’t help, but feel just slightly creeped out that she was being asked to model a necklace that was intended to be worn by her ex boyfriend’s wife. The situation seemed completely taboo to her. Relax, she tried to tell herself. You’re reading way too much into this. Nick just wants to get a sense of how it’ll look on a woman’s neck. That’s all. Still she couldn’t help but to feel slightly uneasy.

The saleswoman took the pendant off of the display and held it out towards Alyssa’s neck. “Just pick your hair up for me dear,” she instructed as she reached around her neck to clasp the necklace.

Trying not to wrinkle her nose up at the word “dear,” Alyssa gathered her hair away from her neck in her hands and twisted it up, so it wouldn’t get caught in the clasp. As she did this, Nick caught sight of a stream of brightly colored stars tattooed on the back of the neck. That’s new, he thought as he continued to stare at the bold colors in fascination. “I didn’t know you got another tattoo?” he found himself casually asking.

“What?” Alyssa asked, distracted by the randomness of his question. She released her hold on her hair and it came tumbling back down over her shoulders. Then it hit her that when she’d had her hair up Nick had noticed the new design. “Yea… I got a few new ones actually.”

“A few?” Nick looked surprised. “I remember you were talking about getting another one when you came out to visit me in LA, but not a few. Where are they?”

Alyssa couldn’t help but to smirk at Nick’s sudden interest in her new body art. “They’re there. You just have to know where to look,” she mysteriously replied. She turned towards him with the diamond pendant glittering. “What do you think?”

The chain was just long enough for the pendant to lie perfectly at the top of her breasts, drawing Nick’s gaze to the area. The pendant was simple yet still unique enough to draw attention and he had to admit that it looked dazzling on Alyssa. His mouth went dry for a moment as he struggled to formulate a response. “It’s… it’s beautiful,” he finally replied.

Alyssa looked at her reflection in a mirror. She had to admit that she liked the way it looked around her neck, but quickly reminded herself that it wasn’t a gift for her, but for Shayla instead. “Question is will Shayla like it?”

“As soon as I tell her its one of the most popular new designs she’ll love it. She’s a sucker for things like that. As long as she has whatever is the new ‘hot item’ of the moment she’s overjoyed.” Nick turned to the saleswoman. “We’ll take it.”

“Perfect! I’m glad that we found you something. I’ll just get it boxed up for you.” The woman disappeared for a moment to retrieve a jewelry box for them.

Alyssa reached behind her neck to unclasp the necklace, all of a sudden feeling very uncomfortable with it on. Wearing the necklace that was intended to represent Nick’s love for Shayla felt very wrong to her and she found that she couldn’t wait to get it off. She was so impatient that her fingers fumbled clumsily with the clasp, not being able to manipulate it into opening.

“Here let me help you with that.” Before she could even protest, Nick had stepped behind her and swept her hair over her left shoulder. A slight shiver ran down Alyssa’s spine which she tried her best to ignore. It’s not because it’s Nick and you’re still attracted to him, she told herself firmly. It’s only because you’re not used to this. Still though she couldn’t help but to draw in a sharp breath when she felt his fingertips against the base of her neck. If he noticed anything unusual about her reaction, he chose to ignore it and within moments the clasp came apart easily in his hands.

“T…thanks,” she shakily replied as she handed the necklace back to him. “Shayla is going to love it.”

Nick just smiled. “I have you to thank. Without you I’d still be struggling to come up with some kind of idea.”

Alyssa just smiled back at him, but deep down she knew that the smile was completely forced. All of a sudden she couldn’t wait to get out of the store and head back home to her husband.

Alyssa’s hopes of returning home to Sean immediately after her and Nick’s awkward moment at Tiffany’s, were squashed from almost the minute they’d stepped outside the store. Nick announced that he had a definite craving for Starbucks after all of their shopping and had asked her if she minded stopping for some coffee. Alyssa gave in since there was a Starbucks only around the corner from where they were.
After ordering their drinks and walking back to Nick’s car sipping them along the way, Nick had one more request. “I know you probably really want to get home, but I actually have to stop at the marina if you don’t mind. I left some crap on my boat last week and I want to pick it up. I figured I could do that now since I’m out this way. The diner is back in the other direction, so I thought that we could head out to my boat first. I’ll only be like five minutes,” he promised.

Alyssa chewed on the straw of her vanilla frap thoughtfully. Truthfully she would prefer to just go straight home. Sean would be arriving home from work soon and she had wanted to set up some sort of romantic evening between the two of them. But Nick’s theory did kind of make sense and she really didn’t want to sound like a bitch by telling him that she really did mind, especially after their afternoon had gone so well outside of that one little awkward moment. “I guess that’ll be okay,” she finally answered.

The two of them were mostly silent on their drive out to the marina which lasted about fifteen minutes. During that time, Alyssa found herself staring out the window wondering what to make of their afternoon together and the weird sensations she felt towards him back in Tiffany’s. Was there a little bit of a spark still there between them? And if so, did it mean anything? Maybe there always would be a bit of chemistry between them, but surely that couldn’t have an effect with her relationship with Sean. Besides did she honestly expect there not to be any awkward patches between her and Nick? As close and comfortable as they were as friends there was no denying that there were still painful reminders of their past together as a couple. Those reminders were bound to flare up every once in awhile. The secret would be to learn to push those feelings aside whenever they did come up. She figured with a little practice it couldn’t be too hard to do. She’d just been caught off guard this time because it had been the first time those feelings had really hit her. Granted she’d loved Nick at one time, but now she was in love with Sean and he was her soul mate, not Nick.

Finally they pulled into the marina and Nick parked his Escalade not far from where his boat was docked. “Why don’t you come up with me for a minute?” he suggested, opening up his door.

“All right,” she agreed as she stepped out of his truck and followed him in the direction of the dock. Once they reached the familiar sight of his boat, Nick took a hold of her hand and helped her up the steps onto the deck. She took in the sight around her realizing not much had changed about the boat that Nick had owned as long as she had known him.

“I’m just going to go inside and get what I need to,” Nick told her as he came up behind her. “You can stay out here if you want. It’s beautiful out.”

Alyssa just nodded and watched him disappear into the cabin. Once he was gone she made her way to the stern of the boat and looked out at the water in front of her. It was heading into early evening by now and the sun was just beginning to set, its rays glittering over the water. Nick had been right. It was beautiful out. The air was a little chilly forcing her to hug her arms around herself for warmth, but otherwise it wasn’t too bad. She smiled a little bit as she thought about the many times she had been out on this boat with Nick while they had been dating. This very deck held a lot of memories for her. She’d come close to losing her virginity on this boat, probably would’ve if it hadn’t been for the fact that Nick was leaving that following morning for Sweden to record.

God, that seems like forever ago, she silently mused to herself and for the first time really beginning to feel old. That had been what? Over eight years ago?
It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life...
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right

She was jarred out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps coming up behind her. Whirling her head around, she saw Nick approaching her with a backpack slung over his shoulder and a blanket in his hands. “You look deep in thought,” he noted, coming up beside her.

Alyssa just shrugged. “Not really,” she lied. “I was just thinking that I can’t believe you still have this old thing.”

Nick laughed. “Can’t bear to get rid of it. Too many memories on this baby. It’s followed me all the way from Florida.” He paused for a moment taking in the sight of sun setting on the water. “I had a good time hanging out with you again today.”

“Yea… It was definitely a lot more fun then I thought it would be,” she admitted. “It’s just so amazing, you know.”

“What is?”

And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool

Alyssa looked thoughtful for a moment finally feeling free enough to express the thoughts that were at the back of her mind the whole entire day. “If you would’ve told me two or three years ago that there would come a time when we could possibly hang out together after everything that’s happened between us without killing each other, I’d have to say that you were crazy. Then to top it all off that we’d both find happiness with other people and still be able to get along? I think it’s just amazing that we’ve finally gotten to that point with each other. I have to admit that although it’s a little weird, it’s kind of good to see you happy again with Shayla. You and I just weren’t meant to be I guess, but I’m glad that we can at least still be friends. It shows how much we’ve both grown in the last few years.”

Nick slowly nodded his head as he thought about what she was saying. “That is true,” he admitted. “And makes sense. I guess it’s funny how fate works out huh?”

We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain

“Definitely,” Alyssa answered. “I mean look at me! I purposely moved out to North Carolina to put some distance between us and start over and I wind up meeting Sean, getting married, and moving out here anyway and seeing you again. How’s that for fate? Almost like it was destined to happen.”

“Maybe it was,” he mused. “Maybe he just needed a little bit of time apart to figure things out and make the changes we both needed to make in our lives.”

Alyssa nodded. “I agree one hundred percent. After we broke up I was devastated at first, but it forced me to change the things about myself that hurt our relationship in the first place. Sean helped me work out a lot of things to which I’m sure Shayla helped you with as well. By the time you walked back into my life I was through being hurt and angry anymore. I just had no reason to be. I had Sean and you had Shayla, so it wasn’t like we were going to run off together or anything.” She nervously laughed. “What is that old saying? Time heals all wounds?”

“Something like that.”

Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool

All of a sudden Alyssa turned very serious. “Nick… I have a confession to make.”

“Confession?” he asked in a bewildered voice. “About what?”

“Teri and I came back from dress shopping earlier than you probably think. I came inside with her because I wanted to wish Howie congratulations on the engagement,” she started off. “We started to go downstairs not knowing that you were there, but we stopped once we heard you two talking about the song you wrote. What I’m trying to say is that I heard you play the song for him. I heard the whole thing.”

Nick froze for a moment unsure of how to react. It had been a huge enough step sharing the personal piece with Howie. He hadn’t counted on Alyssa hearing it, at least not at this point. Yet, again fate had stepped in and Alyssa had in fact heard the song. Maybe it was meant to be.

“I’m sorry,” she immediately apologized. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I just-“

He held up a hand to silence her and asked the only question he could think of. “What did you think?”

“It was beautiful Nick. I honestly didn’t think that you could put together something as introspective and personal as that.” She bit her lip for a moment trying to muster up the courage to ask the one question that had been plaguing her mind since she had heard the lyrics, earlier that day. “It’s about me, isn’t it?”

“To a certain extent,” he honestly answered. “Obviously you inspired a lot of it. It was my breakup with you that really forced me to look at the person who I’d become and realize that wasn’t who I wanted to be. I didn’t want to be another fucked up musician who crashed and burned in the end, and that was the direction that I was heading in. I’ll always be grateful to you for holding up that mirror for me.”

Alyssa looked back at the ocean in front of her. “That’s another amazing thing. We’ve both changed for the better in so many ways and I think we’re both better people for it in the end. But below the surface we’re still us and hanging out with you today proved that. It was like even though we’ve grown up so much since the last time we really hung out, there are certain things about us that are still the same. It’s kind of relief to be able to see that familiar side come out.”

And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles, and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
-Cool by Gwen Stefani

Nick nodded in agreement. “Yea it was kind of comforting in a way. I think this friendship thing might actually work out between us.”

“I had my doubts at first, but hell if I can help you pick out a birthday gift for your wife and survive than I think that says a lot about the friendship that we have with each other,” she pointed out. “I know now that I’m finally in a place where I can not only accept us not working out, but I can feel comfortable around both you and Shayla. In fact, I’d like to get to know her better. I know the last time we met I feel like we kind of got off on the wrong foot and I’d like to give it another chance.”

“I’m sure we can arrange that. I feel like Sean probably didn’t get the best impression of me either. Maybe we can arrange for the four of us to get together some night? Maybe we can invite you over for dinner or something?”

“That sounds like a great idea. I think Sean was just a little caught off guard finding out who you really were. I think another chance to get to know you would be a good thing. Besides, he’s going to have to learn to like you if the two of us are going to continue being friends.”

Nick grinned as he threw a friendly arm across her shoulders. “So, are you saying that you and I are like officially cool now?”

Alyssa pretended to think that one over for a minute. “Yea… We’re cool,” she finally agreed.

Later on that evening, Alyssa walked into her front door precariously trying to balance a white cardboard pizza box in her hands. So much for my nice romantic dinner for two, she thought to herself. By the time Nick had dropped her back off at the diner to get her car, she realized that it was too late to really cook anything, so she’d decided to pick up a pizza for her and Sean on her way home.

She set the pizza box on the kitchen counter and looked around. Most of the rooms were dark and Sean appeared to be nowhere in sight although Alyssa knew that he had to be home since his truck was in the driveway. “Sean?” she called out. “I’m home! I got a pizza down here for dinner!”

A few minutes later a sullen looking Sean came down the stairs looking annoyed. “Where were you?” he demanded as soon as he laid eyes on his wife. “You’ve been gone all day.”

“I’m sorry,” Alyssa apologized, reaching over to place a sloppy kiss in his cheek. “I guess I just sort of lost track of time.”

Sean ignored her lame attempt at an apology. “You lost track of time? How long does it take to look at wedding dresses?”

“Well, not long, but then I stopped back at Teri and Howie’s and had lunch and then we did some more shopping and some catching up with each other. You know we haven’t seen each other in nearly forever.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. She had done everything she said she did, but she just neglected to mention the fact that it had all been with Nick. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was that held her back from being completely honest with him. Maybe it was because she could see that he was already obviously upset and she knew that he already wasn’t very fond of Nick. She wanted the two men to hopefully someday get along and if Sean found out she’d spent the entire day with him, she was sure that it would make it that much harder for Sean to accept Nick’s friendship with Alyssa. She hated lying to her husband, but then again it wasn’t lying exactly if she just left out a few details right? “Teri asked me to be one of her bridesmaids,” she announced, trying to shift the conversation away from her.

Her tactic didn’t seem to work because Sean kept on ranting. “I must’ve called our cell about twenty times today. Didn’t you hear it?”

“No,” she answered, looking surprised. She truthfully hadn’t heard her phone ring once all day. Going into her purse she pulled out her phone to check and realized what the problem was. “Oops… My battery must’ve died. You know how bad I am at forgetting to put it on to charge. That could explain why I didn’t get any of your calls.”

“Well, I just wish you would’ve called or something,” he stubbornly replied. “I was worried about you! I got out of work a little early and was hoping that maybe we could go out for a romantic dinner and then snuggle up with a good movie or something.”

Immediately Alyssa felt guilty. He had been sitting at home planning a quiet night for just the two of them, and she’d been out hanging with her ex boyfriend. Some wife she was! “I’m sorry baby,” she pouted. “Maybe I did screw up dinner, but we can make pizza romantic. And we can still rent a movie. It’s not that late.”

Her guilt must have been genuine because Sean’s expression softened. “You’re right. I’m sorry for being an asshole about this. I just miss not being able to spend as much time with you lately.”

“So do I,” Alyssa admitted wrapping her arms around him. “I promise I’ll be better about checking in with you when I’m going to be out late.”

Her resolution seemed a good enough apology to him. “So, action flick or comedy?”

Alyssa dramatically sighed. “I suppose I owe you an action flick although you may have to keep me awake. I always tend to fall asleep during those things.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’ll be much of a problem at all,” Sean promised as he dropped a light kiss on her lips.

The rest of the evening past by uneventfully with Alyssa and Sean camped out on the couch with slices of cheesy pizza on paper plates, a few bottles of beer, and the latest Bruce Willis movie. Alyssa found herself thankful that she’d managed to avoid confessing to Sean who she had really spent her afternoon with. Hopefully he’d never find out the truth and she could slowly begin to warm him up to the idea of getting to know Nick better.

Unfortunately Alyssa had forgotten that she was had been hanging out in LA with not only her ex boyfriend, but her famous married ex boyfriend. And although it appeared that no one had noticed them, people did talk. It would only be a matter of time before some type of word got out.
Chapter 8 - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Tabloid pictures surface of Nick and Alyssa's afternoon together sending rumors flying.

Chapter 8- A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

It was almost a week later when the shit hit the fan. A few days had passed by in which Nick hadn’t made any attempt to contact Alyssa and she hadn’t tried to call him either. He knew that she went back to work this week, so he figured that she was probably overwhelmed with that at the moment. He had to admit though that he’d had an awesome time hanging out with her that afternoon the week before. He found himself loving the fact that Alyssa appeared so much calmer and relaxed around him than when they’d been dating. It was almost as if she was finally not afraid to be herself around him for once. Too bad it took two break ups and for us to get involved with other people for her to reach this point, he’d thought to himself. But maybe this was how it was meant to be. Maybe Alyssa was right and they were just meant to be nothing more than good friends.

Still, sometimes it was hard to think of her as just a close friend when at one time they’d been so much more than that.

It was the day before Shayla’s birthday and Nick was struggling to come up with something special to do for his wife. He’d felt a little guilty recently because since her bringing up the whole baby thing, things definitely felt a little tense between the two of them, not that they really were around each other very much to notice it. Shayla had begun filming her television series and there were many nights where she’d go right from her job at E! to cover some Hollywood party for her show. Nick could see it in her eyes that the stress of pulling double duty was taking its toll on her. And she wanted to add a baby to the mix? It seemed like she could barely handle everything that she had on her plate as it was. Shayla had definitely been a lot more irritable and cranky these last few weeks which is why Nick was trying so hard to come up with something special for her birthday.

So far, besides the necklace Alyssa had helped him pick out, he’d ordered a bouquet of flowers to be delivered to the house that next morning. That was pretty much as far as he’d gotten. He was just debating on whether he should take her out for dinner or plan something low key and intimate at home when he heard the front door creak open from downstairs. He looked up at the clock that hung in his office. Hmm… It’s a little early for Shayla to be home already, he realized. He stood up from his chair and headed downstairs to make sure everything was okay. He hoped that nothing was wrong. The only reason that Shayla would be home so early was if she wasn’t feeling well and Nick hoped that wasn’t it. It would be a shame if she wound up sick on her birthday.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he spotted Shayla rifling through the pile of that day’s mail. Even though her back was too him he could tell that something wasn’t quite right just by the stiffness of her posture. “Hey baby,” he greeted her. “What are you doing home so early?”

“Don’t ask,” she muttered, not even bothering to glance up at him.

Well, that didn’t sound too good, Nick thought to himself as he came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Bad day?”

“You could say that,” she curtly replied.

Putting on his best grin he let his hands wander up to her neck and gently began to rub her tense muscles. “Anything I can do to make it better?”

Shayla wrenched herself out of his grasp and spun around to look at him. “Actually there is something that you can do.”

Nick was a little surprised by the coldness in her voice, but he had no choice but to play along with her. “Sure, anything.”

Shayla walked past him to where her oversized Fendi purse sat on the table. She was silent as she rifled through it for a moment until she retrieved what appeared to be a few pieces of paper. Upon closer inspection, Nick realized that they were some kind of pictures probably printed out from the internet. He just didn’t realize what the pictures were of until Shayla slammed them down in front of him. “You could start by explaining to me what the fuck these are.”

Nick looked at the pictures in shock. Spread out before him were pictures chronicling his whole afternoon that he’d spent with Alyssa last week. There were pictures of the two of them laughing together in the diner. Another one showed her climbing into his Escalade as they left lunch. More pictures showed the two of them walking down the street together. In one particular one it almost looked as if they were about to start holding hands. Fucking paparazzi, he silently cursed as he continued to look through the incriminating photos. I didn’t even notice any cameras or anything. He should’ve been more alert. He should know better than anyone that just because you didn’t see them didn’t necessarily mean that they weren’t there. Some bastard had to have been following him and Alyssa all afternoon and snapping pictures. They even had managed to snap a picture of him helping Alyssa onto his boat. But most damaging was the picture taken in Tiffany’s which of course had been perfectly snapped at the exact moment he had been helping Alyssa take off the necklace. On camera, the moment appeared much more intimate than it actually had been. Now he understood why Shayla was so cold to him.

“Where did you get these?” he calmly asked, not even bothering to try to defend himself at first.

“I’m a fucking entertainment news correspondent Nick! It’s my job to report on every scandalous photo of a celebrity that comes out, especially if it includes somebody else than their spouse! Luckily one of our producers found these photos on the internet and showed them to me before they really got out. By tomorrow they’ll be all over the papers and will probably be one of our top stories.”

“I can explain,” Nick tried to reason with her. “These pictures are not what they look like-“

“Not what they look like? You’re carousing around town with your ex girlfriend, holding hands, buying her expensive jewelry, taking her out on your boat… Which sources say you were on for quite some time. Did you not think that any one would notice you? You’re a married celebrity living in LA! It’s only inevitable that something like this would happen. How long have you been seeing her behind my back?” she asked her icy blue eyes flashing with anger.

“I haven’t been ‘seeing her,’” he insisted. “We’re just friends.”

“And since when do ‘friends’ buy each other diamond necklaces?” Her voice was full of accusation.

Nick sighed. “It wasn’t for her. It’s a long story, but she was just trying it on for me.”

Shayla placed her hands on her hips. “Funny because in some of these pictures you’re spotted with a bag from Tiffany’s, so obviously you bought something.”

“All I can say Shayla is it’s not what it looks like,” he pleaded. “I can’t say anymore than that outside of the fact that Alyssa was helping me out with something.”

“I’ll bet.” Shayla rolled her eyes. “I just want to know when the hell this whole little affair started. Did it start back in January when we bumped into her and her husband at Koi? Or was it going on before that and you’re just a good actor?”

It was at that moment that Nick began to lose his calmness. “Affair? Shayla, Alyssa and I are definitely not having an affair! Like I said before, we’re just friends. We grabbed some lunch together and did a little shopping-“

“But you hate to shop,” she pointed out. “And that doesn’t explain what she was doing in your car and on your boat.”

“If you’d just stop interrupting me, maybe I could explain! We took my car because it made better sense to just drive together instead of taking two separate cars if we’re going to the same damn place. LA has enough traffic as it is. And about the boat since I was out that way anyway I figured I’d stop by and pick up the blankets and stuff we left on there the last time we went out on it. I wasn’t about to make her sit in the car and wait for me.”

“Sources say you were on it for a while. Long enough to-“

Now it was Nick’s turn to interrupt. “We were talking and that’s the truth. It was completely innocent!”

Shayla rolled her eyes at him again. “Innocent? You don’t know the meaning of the word! I should’ve known better. You have a history of being unable to stay faithful. Is there even one relationship you’ve been in where you haven’t cheated?”

“That’s not fair Shayla…My last relationship was years ago,” he tried to defend himself. “I’m a completely different person now.”

“What’s the old saying? Once a cheater always a cheater?”

Nick looked at her desperately. “Since I’ve known you have I ever given you any inclination to doubt me? Have I ever even given you a reason to suspect that maybe I was cheating on you?”

Shayla glanced at him warily. “No, but that was all before your ex girlfriend popped back into your life.”

“So, what is it about Alyssa that makes you so convinced that I’m cheating on you with her?” he questioned.

“Hmm… Well, for starters there was that dress she was wearing that night at Koi. Not only was it distasteful, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off her boobs all throughout dinner.”

“What?” Nick looked perplexed. “That’s not true at all! I think you’re imagining things-“

“You were having conversations with her chest! Then there’s the fact that the two of you are supposedly such good friends, yet why is this only the first time I’m hearing about this friendship?” she continued. “How long have you two been hanging out behind my back? And if you’re just friends why couldn’t you just tell me the truth instead of sneaking around?”

Nick had to admit that she had him there. Why hadn’t he just been honest and up front with Shayla about Alyssa from the start? He should’ve mentioned that he’d talked to Alyssa at Grace’s birthday and they’d agreed to take a stab at being friends. Instead he’d kept it hidden from his wife and now it had came back to bite him in the ass. The ironic part (well besides the part that Alyssa had really been helping him pick out a present for Shayla) was that they really hadn’t even hung out together all that much to begin with. “You’re blowing this all out of proportion Shayla. Trust me… It’s not at all what you think. We’ve only recently began talking again like last month. I bumped into her at Grace’s birthday party. Last week was the first time we’ve hung out together and it was completely unplanned. I was over at Howie’s house and she was there visiting Teri and it just kind of happened. I had no idea that there were any paparazzi following us and that’s the honest truth.”

Shayla placed her hands on her hips still glowering at him. “That still doesn’t explain the necklace though.”

“Oh my God, would you just get off the damn necklace already!” Nick threw up his hands in frustration. “I already explained to you that it was no big deal, yet you keep trying to drag it up like there’s some mystery there.”

“Well, it does seem rather mysterious when pictures surface of you helping her take off a very expensive necklace, yet you refuse to give me any sort of explanation outside of it being some sort of secret or something between the two of you. Is that it? Did you buy her off with some expensive diamonds in order for her to keep quiet about the two of you?”

Nick sighed as he raised his hands to his temples, feeling a headache already begin to form across his forehead. “For the last fucking time… There is nothing going on between Alyssa and me outside of a platonic friendship. But why am I even arguing with you? You seem so convinced otherwise. You want to think I’m having an affair with Alyssa go right ahead! You’re just going to believe what you want anyway.” With that he spun on his heels and headed in the direction of the stairs, eager to distance himself from Shayla’s painful accusations.

How can she think I’m cheating on her? he wondered as he pounded up the steps and down the hall to the bedroom he shared with Shayla. He still couldn’t understand exactly why Shayla seemed so distrustful of him all of a sudden. All he knew was that the argument was heading into ugly territory and he could feel his blood beginning to boil under his skin. He knew that if he stayed there with her one more moment he was going to explode and say something that he would later regret. I got to get out of here, he told himself, grabbing an overnight bag from his closet. Almost blindly he began to throw in a change of clothes and a few essentials.

“Nickolas Gene! Get your ass back down here!” he could hear Shayla’s voice yelling from the bottom of the stairs. “This isn’t over yet!”

Ignoring her voice, he zipped up his bag and left the room, making a stop at his office on the way. He approached his desk and opened one of his drawers where he had been hiding Shayla’s carefully wrapped birthday present. After he retrieved it he continued back down the stairs to face one last encounter with her.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs Shayla seemed so upset that she was totally oblivious to his overnight bag. “Not only is this extremely upsetting and humiliating to have pictures of my husband and another woman plastered all over some tabloid, but because I work in entertainment news it’s ten times worse. Do you realize that the minute these pictures leaked I got called into the executive office at E! and was kindly encouraged to take a week off? Which is putting it mildly by the way. I didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter. And it’s all your fault!”

Nick just stared at her knowing that she was nowhere near done. He decided to let her vent a little more, finding it almost entertaining how with each word her voice seemed to rise higher in inflection and her face grew redder. “And of all places it had to be Tiffany’s, right Nick? Can’t spare any expense for your precious Alyssa! Meanwhile I have a birthday coming up tomorrow which I’m sure you’ve completely forgotten about-“

Finally Nick gave in to his rage and lost control of his emotions. “You know what? I’m fucking sick of your jealously and insecurity! These were the reasons I broke up with Alyssa originally, so what makes you think that I’m going to grovel at your feet when I did nothing wrong? But you refuse to hear that because you’re so insecure that you have yourself convinced that I did do something with Alyssa. Fuck this! You’re too busy whining about some stupid necklace and do you want to know what the most ironic part is? That damn necklace you’re so hung up about was for you the whole fucking time! I was trying to be a good husband and surprise my wife on his birthday, but apparently that’s wrong in your book!” He took a deep breath and threw the neatly packaged box in her direction, nearly hitting her in the face with it. “So yea… Happy fucking birthday! I’m out of here.”

After that announcement Nick pushed past her and headed out the front door ignoring her pleas from behind him. Her voice sounded desperate as if his angry tirade had finally made her realize just how much she had overreacted and just how wrong she really was. It was too late now though. He’d completely lost it and now he needed his space while he calmed himself down. He hopped into his BMW since it was the smallest and fastest of his cars. Right now he just wanted to take out all of his aggression on the road. He started up the engine and peeled out of the driveway like a maniac.

After driving aimlessly for a good ten minutes, it finally hit Nick that he had no clue where exactly he was headed. He knew that the door would always be open to him in AJ or Howie’s home, or he could always show up at his friend Chris’s house for the night. But Nick really didn’t feel like being around anyone just then. He realized that he’d rather have sometime to himself to unwind and cool off. He was just entertaining the idea of checking into a hotel for the night when suddenly he recognized the direction he was driving in and smiled to himself as the idea came to him.

About half an hour later, he found himself in another part of LA pulling into a large condominium complex. I haven’t been here in at least a year, he speculated to himself as he pulled into the narrow driveway of one particular building. After his most recent breakup with Alyssa he’d find himself seeking solace in the condo that he’d bought to rent out to her, spending hours within its walls just imagining how life could’ve been for them. After he met Shayla his visits began to grow less frequent until he only popped in every once in a while to check up on the place. Still he didn’t have the heart to sell the property and even though he knew that he could find people who would be interested in renting it from him in a heart beat, he couldn’t let go of it. To him it was comforting to know that he owned this condo and not even Shayla knew about it. It was a place he could go to when he truly wanted to be left alone. Like now.

He got out of his car with his duffel bag on his shoulder and bag from Subway where he’d stopped for dinner in one hand, a six pack of beer that he’d picked up from a convenience store on the way in the other. When he reached the front door he set the beer down on the porch and retrieved the extra key that he had hid in a flowerpot for instances just like this. Once he opened the door, he settled himself inside on the living room couch, spread out his sub, opened up a bottle of beer, and turned on the television.

He sat there most of the night on the couch, drinking beer and trying to erase the memory of his heated confrontation with Shayla earlier.

Nick groaned as he felt incoming sunlight begin to sting his eyelids, forcing them open. Already he could feel a dull headache brewing between his temples which he suspected was a result of not just the empty beer bottles sitting on the coffee table in front of him, but the stress of his fight with his wife the night before. He sat up and realized that he was still in the living room of Alyssa’s old condo, sprawled out on the couch. The television was still blaring leading him to believe that he’d probably passed out before he could will himself to move into the bedroom.

He sighed as he realized that it was a new day and as much of a relief it had been to get away from it all yesterday, he couldn’t hide in the condo he’d bought for his ex-girlfriend forever. As ugly as things had ended with him and Shayla, he knew that he’d have to eventually face her again.

His thoughts were interrupted by the chirping of his Sidekick from across the room indicating that he had received a text message. Dragging himself up from the couch, he made his way towards it and flipped it open. He was not at all surprised to see that the message was from Shayla. He was though a little thrown off guard by her message.

I’m so sorry about last night. I was a total bitch and just started to make assumptions that weren’t correct. I was way out of line and I apologize. Please come home. We need to talk.

He stared down at his phone for a moment, unsure of what to do. The tone of her message definitely sounded as if she was indeed sorry. His mind drifted back to the moment he had walked out their front door yesterday and the urgency in her voice as she called back to him, begging him to turn around. Maybe she really did regret accusing him of cheating. Either way he owed it to her to go back home and talk things out.

Letting out a deep breath, he stuffed the phone into his back pocket and started to clean up the mess he had made from the night before. After he was done he gathered up his things, locked up the condo, and hopped back into his car.

About twenty minutes later he found himself sitting in the driveway staring at their house aimlessly. He knew that he was just wasting time and he couldn’t put off the confrontation any longer. Finally mustering up the courage, he got out of the car and headed inside the front door.

At first everything was quiet and there was no sign whatsoever of Shayla although Nick knew that she was at home because her Mercedes had been parked in the driveway. He didn’t immediately seek her out though because he himself wasn’t sure if he was ready to forgive her yet. He certainly wasn’t going to go crawling after her. Instead he poked his head in the refrigerator, looking for something he could munch on for breakfast.

He froze for a moment after he finally heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. A few moments later Shayla stepped into the room. Just one look at her and Nick knew that she hadn’t had a good night. Her blonde hair seemed tangled and ratty as if she had been tossing and turning all night and her eyes looked puffy and bloodshot. She was uncharacteristically dressed in a pair of baggy sweats that looked as if they’d been hiding in the back corner of her closet and one of his t-shirts. The necklace that Nick had thrown at her the night before hung around her neck, standing out against her frumpy clothing.

“I’m glad you’re back,” she finally said after a moment or two of tense silence. “God Nick, I’m so sorry. I was completely out of line yesterday. I was wrong to attack you like that and jump to those kinds of conclusions about you and Alyssa. You were right. There was no reason for me to think that you could possibly be cheating on me.”

Nick closed the fridge and turned to look at her. “No there wasn’t,” he agreed. “It really hurt me that you don’t trust me enough to remain faithful to you. And quite frankly it kind of caught me a little off guard. You’ve never been the clingy, possessive type. I mean when I was on tour there was plenty of opportunities for me to cheat on you if I had wanted and you seemed like it didn’t bother you at all. Yet, pictures pop up of me legitimately hanging out with my ex-girlfriend innocently and you automatically think we’re having an affair? It’s just not like you.”

Shayla sighed. “I know… It’s definitely not me, but I don’t know. I’ve just been really stressed out lately with work and I feel like I’m barely sleeping… I know I’ve been a real bitch lately to pretty much everyone. I’m not thinking very clearly lately, so when those pictures surfaced and started to circulate throughout the studio, so many of my coworkers had their own interpretations and they kind of convinced me that there was more going on then met the eye. Normally I’d never doubt you, but under the circumstances I let myself believe otherwise and I’m sorry.”

Nick’s expression softened as he heard the tears in her voice. He could tell that she was being genuine with him. It was true. She had been working an insane amount of hours lately and he could tell that she definitely hadn’t been herself these past few weeks. He could sympathize firsthand how stress could blind you and make you believe things that weren’t true. Wasn’t it the stress of touring and being apart from Alyssa that made him believe that she had been cheating on him back at the end of the Never Gone tour? He’d been in Shayla’s shoes and had actually done worse, so he supposed he couldn’t exactly stay angry with her.

“It’s okay, babe,” he assured her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her towards him. “It happens. I’m sorry you had to find out that Alyssa and I were hanging out that way.”

Shayla looked up at him, her face tearstained. “I just don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me that the two of you were still friends in the first place? If you’d have just told me up front that the two of you had hung out I’d have been okay with it, but the fact that you chose not to tell me is what made me suspicious. Last I heard the two of you hadn’t talked in years. What changed?”

Nick turned his head away guiltily. She was right. He should have been up front with her about his friendship with Alyssa, but he was afraid that if he had been she would have gotten the wrong impression. Now she’d found out anyway and it made him look ten times more incriminating. “You’re right. I should’ve told you that Alyssa and I were hanging out again. I wouldn’t say we’re best friends, but I do enjoy her company. We weren’t out on some secret date. She was helping me find you a birthday gift. And the picture of her wearing the necklace? She didn’t even want to try it on, but I made her because I wanted to see what it would like on a real person. So, if you want to blame anyone for that, blame me.”

“God… I feel like the world’s biggest bitch right now! The way I carried on about that damn necklace and how it was really for me the whole time.” Her fingers traveled upwards, playing with the delicate gold chain with her fingers. “I guess I probably deserved to get it thrown in my face… Literally.”

“Nah….” Nick replied. “I shouldn’t have thrown it at you. I was just angry. So, now do you understand why I couldn’t tell you what the necklace was for? I wanted to surprise you so badly. I probably just should have been honest, huh?”

Shayla smiled. “I appreciate your effort. And it really is a beautiful necklace. I love it. I’m sorry that some asshole paparazzi had to ruin everything you worked so hard to plan. I think it’s cute how stubborn you were about not giving up the surprise.”

“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I probably ruined your birthday.”

“Maybe not. The day is only just begun. We have plenty of time to make up for it,” she said with a smirk. “And I did get the flowers. They were a nice touch.”

“Oh, yea… I almost forgot about them. I’m glad you liked them.” A thoughtful look came over Nick’s face as he grabbed his arms around her waist. “What was it that you said last night about being asked to take the week off?”

Shayla looked at him a little suspiciously, but explained anyway. “My bosses decided that it would be most beneficial for both myself and the network if I took an unexpected vacation until the pictures blow over. I can’t exactly report on my own husband being spotted with his ex-girlfriend walking around LA. And everyone’s attention would be shifted towards how well I’m taking the ‘news.’ So, yea… I’ll at least finally get some time to sleep.”

“Hmm… So it takes rumors of me having an extramarital affair to get you some time off work?” Nick smirked. “Good to know for future reference.”

She laughed and playfully slapped his arm. “I’m pretty sure this excuse will probably only work once. Next time they might decide I’m too much of a liability or something and give me the boot.”

“I have an idea. Since you have the week off and you’re really stressed and we need to do something extra special for your birthday since I fucked things up so badly, let’s spend the week at the house up in Tahoe,” he suggested. “You love it up there and it’ll guarantee us a lot more privacy than here once those pictures hit the tabloids. Besides, it’ll give us some time to spend with each other, since I know that’s been lacking lately. What do you say?”

He watched as Shayla’s face immediately lit up. It had been her idea to purchase the vacation home up in Tahoe after they first got married. Originally, Nick hadn’t been thrilled with the idea. Neither one of them was really home long enough to reap the benefits of a vacation home, but Shayla had insisted. She’d spent a lot of time in the area growing up and had actually learned to ski up there. It was much too late for ski season, but it still offered beautiful scenery and a tranquility that you just couldn’t find in LA. Nick supposed it would do them both good to get out of the city for a bit.

“I think that’s an amazing idea!” she enthusiastically replied. “A trip to Tahoe definitely is exactly what I need right now.”

Nick grinned, glad that he finally had done something right. “Then I suggest you go upstairs and start packing. I’d like to make it up there by dinnertime, so we can celebrate your birthday.”

“Sounds awesome to me. Thanks so much Nick!” She paused to give him a quick peck on the lips before giddily bouncing up the stairs to begin packing.

It made Nick feel good to see his wife this happy and he had to admit that deep down he was a little excited too. He’d been feeling like he was sort of neglecting her lately since they had been so wrapped up in their careers. A week alone up in the mountains, miles away from anyone else, sounded like pure bliss to him. It was the perfect way to hide out from the inevitable media backlash that was sure to follow.

Shit, I better call Alyssa and warn her about the pictures, he realized. He could only imagine Sean’s reaction when he saw the two of them on the cover of some supermarket tabloid. And would the pictures being released cause problems for Alyssa at work? He wouldn’t want her losing her job over something as blown out of proportion as this was. It definitely would be best to give her a heads up so she wasn’t completely caught off guard.

He grabbed his cell phone to dial her number, but then placed it back in his pocket. He still needed to pack and he knew that Shayla was probably impatient to hit the road. He’d give Alyssa a call on their way up to Tahoe at a rest stop.
End Notes:
Thanks to Teri for looking over parts of the chapter for me.
Chapter 9 - Coming Clean by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa tells Sean the truth about the afternoon she spent with Nick. Shayla makes a not so veiled threat.

Chapter 9 – Coming Clean

Alyssa sat at her kitchen table, staring at the pictures that laid out in front of her in disbelief. She still was baffled by their existence. Was there really some loser out there who had nothing better to do than follow her and Nick around for an entire afternoon, snapping pictures? And the worst part was the way that the photographer had spun the pictures into something complete untrue; making something so innocent appear so scandalous. It was amazing how the person behind the lens could portray their subjects in any way that they wished. As artists they could skew reality and have their pictures tell whatever story they wished. These set of pictures in front of her clearly told the story of some kind of secret, adulterous love affair. If there was anything farther from the truth, she sniffed to herself, amused by the irony of the whole situation.

The amusement did not last long. Glancing over at the clock behind her, the harsh reality of the situation came crashing down on her. Sean would be walking in that door any moment now and as much as she would’ve liked to ignore the situation that hung over her ominously, she knew she’d have to come clean to him about the pictures, which would mean admitting that she lied to him about her afternoon with Nick. When she’d first gotten Nick’s message about the pictures being leaked, she actually almost didn’t believe him until she’d went online and googled them herself. With the proof right in front of her face like that, there was no denying it. She was going to have to break the news to Sean now before the pictures wound up in some tabloid.

Of course she’d considered just plain not telling him. She’d be able to get away with it… Maybe. Thankfully in most of the pictures she was wearing sunglasses and even the ones where she wasn’t weren’t the clearest. To anyone who didn’t know her very well they might pass the pictures by without suspecting that it was actually Alyssa in the photographs. Sean would be able to tell, but then again he wasn’t the kind who read tabloids or who had any remote interest in celebrity scandals. Still Alyssa realized that she couldn’t take the risk of a friend of Sean’s making some kind of comment or him overhearing any rumors. It would only blow up in her face and make her seem guiltier in his eyes. Honesty is the best policy, she assured herself taking a deep breath.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. The noise made her spring up from her seat as she watched her husband step inside the doorway. She tried to gauge his mood from the expression on his face, but his face was blank. Afraid that she’d lose her nerve, Alyssa met him at the door with a light peck at the corner of his mouth. “How was work?”

“It was all right,” Sean answered, looking at her a little strangely. “What’s going on?”

“What do you mean what’s going on? Nothing’s going on,” Alyssa quickly replied.

Sean still looked suspicious. “You never meet me at the door like this unless you want something.”

Alyssa sighed, seeing the perfect opportunity, but dreading Sean’s imminent reaction to her confession. She knew very well how Sean felt about Nick and he knew he’d be pissed to find out about the pictures. She wondered if he’d even believe her, or if he’d buy the paparazzo’s interpretation of the events afternoon which included Nick buying her a diamond necklace and then the two of them sneaking out for a secret rendezvous on his boat. “Well, there kind of is something I need to talk to you about.”

“Okay…” Sean now looked concerned. “Is there something wrong?”

“Not exactly. Maybe we should sit down at the kitchen table,” she suggested.

Sean still seemed puzzled, but obliged, taking a seat at the table. Alyssa took the seat across from him, gathering up the internet photos before Sean had a chance to look at them yet. “I have something that I need to tell you, but you need to promise me that you won’t get mad, okay?” she began.

“Uhh sure…” Sean answered slowly. “But why would I get mad?”

Alyssa sighed. “There’s something that I haven’t exactly been completely honest about.”

She could tell just by the way that Sean’s lips tightened that he was already dreading what she was about to say. Still though, he remained silent, just looked at her quizzically, almost urging her to continue. Alyssa took another deep breath and nervously clenched her fingers together. “Remember that day I came home late last week? When I was out looking at wedding dresses with Teri?”

“Yea… The day your cell phone died and I tried calling you like a billion times, but you never picked up. I was worried sick about you.”

Alyssa looked away already feeling guilty. “Yea… That would be the one. Well, I wasn’t exactly honest about where I was or who I was with.” Already she could see Sean tensing up. She imagined that his mind had to be reeling with possibilities at the moment. She wouldn’t be surprised if he’d already jumped to the worst possible scenario.

“I don’t understand… Who were you with?” he asked in a shaky voice.

She bit her lip, bracing herself for the imminent explosion sure to come. “I was out with Nick.”

There was dead silence for a moment, almost as if the information had to process for a moment in Sean’s brain. Once it seemed to sink in his face immediately began to redden. “You were with Nick? What the fuck Alyssa?”

She held up a hand to interrupt him before he could go any further and start slinging accusations at her. “It’s not what you think Sean, so please don’t get angry. I bumped into him at Teri’s and he invited me to grab some lunch with him. Then he had to buy Shayla a birthday present and he asked me if I’d go with him because he could use a woman’s perspective. We shopped around a little bit and then we stopped by his boat because he had to pick up some things from it. We were just hanging out and I should’ve called and told you where I was, but I just didn’t think of it.”

Sean sat back against his seat feeling utterly confused. He wasn’t quite sure how to react. The whole conversation was not making sense at all. “I just have one question. If this happened last week, and it was as innocent as you claimed, why didn’t you just tell me the truth as soon as you walked in the door? Instead you lied to my face. You point blank, straight up lied to me! Why?”

Again Alyssa looked away knowing that she had definitely been wrong to hide the truth from him. I should’ve just been up front with him about this, she realized. It’s not like I had anything to hide. “You’re right. I really should’ve been more honest with you. I was just afraid to tell you that I was out with Nick because the last time we bumped into him, you made it pretty apparent that you didn’t like him. I thought that you’d be pissed to find out I was hanging out with him.”

“Well, yea I’m pissed!” Sean’s voice rose. “I mean I think I have a right to be! Suddenly my wife is mysteriously close friends with the ex boyfriend that broke her heart? And she doesn’t even bother to tell me? In fact, when I asked where you were you lied. And now a week later you suddenly feel compelled to tell the truth? What am I supposed to think?”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized in a small voice. “You were already mad at me that night. I didn’t want to make it worse.”

“So, you think that I’m going to be any less mad tonight? If anything its worse because now you’re keeping shit from me.” He buried his head in his hands and groaned in frustration. “I just don’t fucking get it! We never had any problems keeping things from each other. We were always honest with one another. Then out of the blue your ex boyfriend pops back into the picture and lately all I’ve been getting from you is lies!”

“I have not lied about anything else concerning Nick!” Alyssa’s voice all of sudden rose in indignation. “So, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Let me remind you then. You lied to me that he was famous, you lied to me that you still kept in touch with him, and you’re probably lying to me when you say that you don’t still have feelings for him,” he accused, ticking off each lie with his fingers.

“Get off the whole fucking jealously thing Sean! You may be my husband, but you have no say so in who I can or can’t be friends with! Maybe I just like hanging out with Nick because he’s a good person and he’s funny. Not everything has to be sexual between a guy and a girl.”

“Funny, that you’re the one who brought up there being something sexual. If you’ve noticed I haven’t accused you of there being anything sexual between the two of you. Do you have a guilty conscience or something?”

Alyssa could feel herself begin to lose control over her composure and could already feel her infamous temper beginning to boil. “It almost feels like you wish something happened between the two of us!” she pointed out. “Sorry to disappoint you, but my conscience is anything, but guilty. I told you everything exactly the way it happened. If you’d rather believe that I’m still pining away for my ex boyfriend then go right ahead, but don’t think its going to stop me from choosing to hang out with who I want to when I want to.”

Sean seemed unfazed by her response. “You still haven’t denied that you still have feelings for him. I find that very interesting.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked glaring at him.

“If the relationship is as innocent as you claim then you shouldn’t have a problem telling me that you don’t have feelings for him.” His eyes narrowed in her direction, challenging her. “Go on… Tell me you don’t still get that rush whenever you’re around him.”

“This is fucking ridiculous! I should not have to prove anything to you! Are you that insecure that you need me to reassure you that I’m not still in love with Nick? Come on Sean! Listen to how pathetic you sound right now!”

Sean grinned. “Just as I thought. You can’t do it. You can’t fucking bring yourself to say it.”

“I can too,” she argued. “I just choose not to because I’m not into playing your little games. Believe me; I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve been the one questioning and accusing and letting all my petty insecurities interfere with my relationships before, and it leads to nothing but trouble. If you think that this is going to solve anything between us, you’re dead wrong. You’re just making it worse.”

“I’m making it worse? Alyssa think about all the things that asshole has done to you! Think about the number he did on your confidence! When I first met you, you were so damaged that you were barely able to let your guard down for me to really get to know you. I had to undo all of the damage that he inflicted on you, and now you want to go back to being friends with this guy? Why?”

Alyssa sprang up from the table. By trying to make himself look better and trying to remind her that he’d broken down all her walls, it felt like he was only trying to pin medals on himself to give him the upper hand in the argument. To a certain extent he was right, but he hadn’t done all the work. She herself had to be willing to change and it had taken a lot of work on her side as well, which he refused to acknowledge. “You act like you did it all! Yes, you did help me regain confidence in myself again and made me realize that I’m worth a lot more than I realized. But, in the end it was my decision to change and just stop giving a damn about what people think. So don’t you dare try to take full credit for putting me back together again! As for my relationship with Nick, we’re friends. We’ve talked things over between the two of us and we’re both very happy with our current partners, but we’ve shared so much throughout the years that there’s no way we can just go back to being perfect strangers. I want him in my life as a friend. I choose to have him as a friend! And if you don’t like it, then that’s too bad. You’ll have to live with it, because it’s my decision. I just thought that you’d prefer it if I was actually honest and open with you about it, instead of being sneaky and underhanded. That way you can’t accuse me of having some secret affair with him or something!”

“This is being honest and open? Telling me that you hung out with him a week later after it happened? Which reminds me, you still haven’t explained to me why you only picked now to tell me about it?”

Alyssa sighed realizing that he had her there, but if she showed him the paparazzi pictures now it would probably only make him angrier and think that she only told him about her friendship with Nick because she felt forced to now that the pictures had been leaked. But, she couldn’t not tell him either. Knowing that she was royally screwed she slid the pictures that she had in front of her across the table at him. “I waited to today to tell you because I found out that some paparazzo snapped some photos of Nick and me last week while we were shopping. They were made out to look way more scandalous then they really were, so I knew I needed to explain myself to you before they get published in some tabloid. I was trying to do the honest thing now, while I still had the chance.”

She bit her lip as she watched Sean rifle through the photographs she’d printed off the internet. The hurt expression on his face only made the situation that much more painful for Alyssa and all of a sudden she could feel all her emotions swirling together as tears stung her eyes. “I’m really sorry Sean. I wish I told you earlier, but I was stupid. I never meant for it to work out this way. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“I’d say it was a little late for that,” he muttered as he crumpled the pictures up in his hand. “I need to be alone for a while. I think I need some time to think about all of this.”

“Okay,” she agreed in a choked up voice, trying her best not to let the tears flow down her cheeks. He didn’t reply as he grabbed his keys and just walked back out of the house like their argument had never even transpired. Alyssa managed to hold her head up high until the minute she heard the front door slam. That was when the dam finally broke and she finally let herself break down. She’d definitely fucked up big time.

It was close to midnight when Alyssa finally heard the front door creak open from her and Sean’s bedroom. She’d forced herself into bed almost two hours ago, but found that sleep was the last thing on her mind. Instead she’d laid their wide awake and crying. She had no one to blame for her fight with Sean, but herself. She found herself wishing she could rewind time and just tell him the truth about her hanging out with Nick. Who knew that something that seemed so insignificant could wind up causing so many problems? She’d never seen Sean so angry before and it made her wonder exactly how he intended on resolving the issue. She couldn’t exactly see him serving her with divorce papers over something like this, but their fight had gotten pretty ugly. Things were bound to be tense between them as a result.

But what bothered Alyssa the most was Sean challenging her to admit to him that she had no feelings for Nick. She had already established to herself that she didn’t, so why couldn’t she just humor him and tell him what he wanted to hear. Instead she had to stubbornly refuse, which looking back, she had to admit had probably just only made things worse. The truth was though that she just couldn’t will herself to speak those words. It’s not because I still have feelings for Nick, she’d told herself. It’s only because a part of me will always love him, but not in the way that Sean seems to think. Still, deep down the whole situation had made her feel uneasy and filled her mind with doubt. Was there a little something there? Her thoughts drifted back to their encounter in Tiffany’s, and those unexplainable feelings she had experienced when he’d helped her remove the necklace. Was she only fooling herself by thinking that they were nothing? Was she just in denial?

Between both the actual argument with Sean and her mixed emotions about whether or not she still had romantic feelings towards Nick, Alyssa had tossed and turned for what felt like hours, wide awake. She definitely wasn’t looking forward to getting up and going to the work the next morning, and for a moment or two she actually considered calling in for a substitute and taking the day off, but quickly changed her mind. That wouldn’t be fair to her students.

She listened quietly, her breath caught in her throat as she heard Sean’s footsteps coming up the stairs. A few moments later she heard the sound of water running in the bathroom. She rolled over so that her back was to the door and clenched her eyes shut, pretending that she was asleep. She wasn’t certain what mood Sean was in and she didn’t want to continue to argue with him. She felt a sliver of light flood into the room against her closed eyelids as he entered the bed room and then she heard some rustling noises which she assumed was him getting undressed. The bed sank down a little with his weight as he slipped underneath the covers beside her. His next move shocked the hell out of her. His hands snaked their way around her waist and he leaned down to leave a light kiss on her shoulder blade, right near the strap of her tank top. Alyssa froze, unsure of how she should react. It was almost as if the entire scene from earlier that night had never taken place.

Before she could further analyze the situation, Sean’s voice broke through the tense silence. “Lyss, I’m sorry for earlier.” He nudged her body with his hand. “Please, I know you’re awake. We need to talk.”

Alyssa took in a deep sigh before slowly rolling back over, so that she was facing him. She knew that her face probably had to be streaked with tears and one look at Sean told her that he’d been feeing just as miserable as her the past few hours. Sean gripped her hands in his and looked down at her guiltily, as if he finally realized how out of line he had been with her. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way. I just was really upset that you felt that you couldn’t tell me the truth. I don’t want to have a marriage where you’ll afraid to tell me where you are all the time.”

“I don’t want that either,” she admitted in a small voice. “I wanted to tell you about hanging out with Nick. I guess I was just afraid that you’d automatically assume the worst. I should’ve told you sooner.”

“And I should’ve been more accepting.” Sean sighed. “I’ll admit. I don’t like the guy. I probably never will. And he might be a great guy, but I just can’t get past the fact that he hurt you. But I also can’t exactly prevent you from being friends with him either. You were right. I’d feel more comfortable if you could be open with me about him then having everything all secretive and suspicious. I promise I’ll try to at least be polite to him, okay?”

Alyssa just nodded. “Thank you. Honestly I don’t expect the two of you to be buddies. That would be just weird and awkward. But I really would appreciate it if you’d at least just accept him as one of my friends. Nothing is going to happen between us. I love you and he loves Shayla, so there’s no reason to worry. Worrying and living in fear that I’m going to cheat on you is only going to drive us farther apart. Believe me. I speak from very personal experience. When I was dating Nick I lived in constant fear that he’d cheat on me, so much so that it prevented me from letting my guard down long enough for us to really connect a lot of the times. Then eventually that distance that I’d created caused him only to cheat in the long run.”

Sean just smirked. “I guess if you can put all the blame on yourself for him cheating, you really have forgiven him.”

“I’m not putting all the blame on myself. He was wrong too. I’ve just learned that people don’t just cheat in relationships to cheat. There’s usually something missing that they’re trying to fulfill. Most times both members of the relationship are at some degree of fault. Someone who is perfectly content and happy is not going to cheat. They have no reason to.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Sean reluctantly agreed. “Anyway I acted like an ass and I’m sorry about it. I’m glad you told me before those pictures wound up on the front cover of US Weekly or something.”

“That was exactly my reasoning for telling you now. I still can’t believe that they were taken in the first place! And I guess I can’t blame you or anyone else who takes one look at them and believes the rumors that they’re trying to spread.” Alyssa sighed. “They were definitely taken at the most inopportune moments.”

Sean nodded his head. “That’s for sure. I’m rather curious myself about the necklace one. That looked pretty straightforward and intimate. What was really going on there?”

Alyssa felt her cheeks redden a little bit as she struggled to explain. “Nick decided that he wanted to buy Shayla a necklace for her birthday, so we were in Tiffany’s and he saw one he liked, but he wanted to see it on somebody first. He asked if I would model it for him and I couldn’t exactly say no, so I did. He wound up liking it, so the sales woman went to get a box and I was having trouble undoing the clasp, so he helped me with it. That’s all that happened. Trust me it’s not in the least bit scandalous.”

“I’ll take your word for it. And I promise I’ll be more trusting of you, especially when it comes to Nick.”

“And I promise that I’ll be more open with you and I won’t hide things anymore,” she swore. “I’m glad that everything worked out between us.”

“Yea me too. I’m sorry for reacting the way I did. We really shouldn’t be fighting like this, especially when the future is so uncertain.” Sean paused and stifled a yawn. “Anyway I probably should let you get to sleep. You have school in the morning.”

“All right. Goodnight.” Alyssa snuggled up against him, trying to make herself comfortable among the pillows. She closed her eyes, but realized that there was still something that she needed to say to him; that he needed to hear. Opening her eyes again she looked back ay him. “By the way, I don’t still have any feelings for Nick. In case you were wondering.”

She could just barely make out a little bit of a grin on his face and she knew the reassurance was exactly what he needed to hear. “Good. It’s comforting to hear that,” he told her.

Again Alyssa tried to fall asleep, but found that she still couldn’t relax enough. Now instead of worrying over her fight with Sean she was worried about what she’d just said to him. She’d promised to be completely honest with him from here on out, but even she wasn’t sure herself if her last statement had been completely true or not.

It had been a few days since Nick and Shayla had arrived at their home in Tahoe and Nick had to admit that the impromptu getaway had definitely been a good idea. Since they’d arrived they hadn’t fought once. In fact, they’d probably spent more time together than they had in a long while. One of the biggest disadvantages of being involved in a relationship with somebody else in the entertainment business was the fact that they operated on two completely different time schedules sometimes. It was very seldom that the two of them had any downtime at the same exact time as one another, which was what made their current situation even more perfect. Now that he was back on another hiatus from the guys and he only had his record company on his plate right now, Nick could choose to work when he wanted to, a situation he wasn’t exactly familiar with, but had to admit that he definitely could get used to. Now that Shayla was on “forced vacation” Nick had the liberty to take the week off as well which was very nice.

Another one of the advantages of being up in Tahoe for the week was that there weren’t very many people around and there really wasn’t lot of things to do. It left their sources of entertainment pretty limited to movies and spending a lot of time in bed, which Nick had absolutely no problem with. Recently it had become increasingly harder to squeeze in any time for sex since Shayla had begun filming her own show, so the two of them were taking full advantage of their surroundings. It almost felt like a much needed second honeymoon for them.

I could definitely get used to this, Nick thought to himself with a smirk as he stretched back out against the plush pillows that lined the head of the bed. As if she were reading his mind, Shayla curled up next to him, her chest still heaving from their activities only a few moments earlier. “You do realize that you’re totally spoiling me, right?”

Nick shot her another innocent smirk. “What do you mean, spoiling you?”

“I’m getting so used to this that it’s going to be really tough going back to work on Monday. “ She sighed in contentment as she buried her head in his chest. “Can’t we just stay here forever? Screw the rest of the world. We’ve got all that we could ever need right here.”

He just lightly laughed. “As tempting as that sounds I’ve still got to go back into the studio with my artists next week. I’ve been slacking a bit with the label. And you have a pretty fully packed schedule there yourself.”

Shayla dramatically groaned. “Must you remind me?”

Nick gave her a sympathetic look. “You don’t sound very happy with what you’re doing.”

She just shrugged. “It’s all right. Just a lot more work than I thought it was going to be.”

“And you wanted to squeeze a baby into the mix? I guess you’re regretting all that now.” Nick froze for a moment, realizing that he’d probably just opened a can of worms, but then quickly relaxed. If she was this overwhelmed now, clearly she’d have to see that a baby would only just make things worse.

He felt Shayla tense beside him. “I’m not regretting anything. In fact I still would like to have a baby. I just need to get settled into my new schedule a bit more. Once I’m comfortable we should spend another week or two up here and work on making that happen.” The dreamy smile that had been on her face faded as soon as she noticed Nick’s obvious lack of enthusiasm. “You’ve been considering the idea too, right?”

Nick remained silent for a moment. He had promised her that he’d kick the baby idea around in his head, but it had more been just to appease her. If anything he was more dead set against the idea than he was in the beginning, seeing how stressed out Shayla had become with work. “Honestly?” he slowly answered. “I really haven’t been.”

“Nick! You promised that you were going to consider it!” she whined. “You mean to tell me that you haven’t even thought about it one little bit?”

“If you’re asking if I’ve changed the mind, the answer is no. I still don’t think that the time is right for us to start considering having children. As of right now I don’t want kids. End of story.” He knew that his response sounded harsh, but the only way that she’d hopefully get the message would be by being blunt with her.

Shayla let out a frustrated sigh. “Can’t you just give me a reason, Nick? Just one good reason why you’re so dead set against the idea? I just need to understand where you’re coming from better.”

Nick sat up and looked down at her. “You want a reason? I’ll give you one obvious one right off the bat. Since you’ve started taping your show you’ve been barely keeping afloat energy wise. You’re getting up to be at the studio early in the morning, and staying out to cover parties until late hours of the night. You’re only getting maybe five hours sleep tops a night. You’ve become very cranky and I can tell you’re stressed out. How the hell are you going to be able to keep up this schedule if you’re pregnant? Furthermore, how are you going to be able to do everything you’re doing and be a good mother to a newborn baby?”

Shayla looked torn as if she knew that he had her there, but didn’t want to admit it. “I can cut back a little for a baby. I’d figure something out!”

“Just like you’re cutting back now, huh? Instead you keep adding more and more to your plate. When are you going to realize Shayla that you’re not Wonder Woman? You can’t do it all.”

She didn’t respond to this comment, but Nick could tell by the expression on her face that the wheels were turning in her head. Finally after some tense silence she came up with a response. “Okay… Can I just ask you a hypothetical question here?” Nick nodded his head. “I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe it is the wrong time for us to be planning on having a baby, but what happens if by some twist of fate I accidentally do get pregnant? Say we get back to LA and in a few weeks I find out that I’m going to have a child? Then what? Clearly you’re not going to expect me to get an abortion because there’s no way in hell I’m doing that. So, what would you do?”

Nick sighed. This was the same question that Alyssa had posed to him while they were shopping for Shayla’s birthday present and he answered it the same way that he had done with Alyssa. “I guess then I’d have to accept it and we’d work it out. I’d be scared shit, but no I’m not going to like make you have an abortion or something. What kind of person do you think I am? But what’s the point in playing the ‘what if’ game. We know the possibility of that happening is pretty slim. You’re on birth control.”

Shayla just shrugged. “Birth control isn’t always one hundred percent effective. Sometimes you forget to take a dose or two and it can fuck up your whole cycle. Especially when you’re overwhelmed. You tend to get very forgetful.”

Nick’s eyes narrowed. He wasn’t sure if it was just an innocent statement or a veiled threat. You never could quite tell with women. “Is this your way of telling me that you’ve been forgetting to take your birth control pills?” He could already feel his pulse start to quicken and a shaky feeling rumbled throughout his stomach as if he were going to be sick.

“Maybe…” Seeing the frightened look on her husbands face she quickly changed her tune. “Ok, no. I just wanted to see how you’d react. It is possible though.”

Now he was pissed. How dare she try to play games with him like that? He’d had his fair share of mind games with other women he’d dated in the past, but he thought that Shayla wasn’t into things like that. Apparently he’d been mistaken. When it came to desperate women wanting to get pregnant it seemed like they’d stoop to any level. He’d like to believe that Shayla would never go as far as conveniently “forgetting” to take her birth control pills, but now that the seed of doubt had been planted in his mind he couldn’t be too careful. What if she’s stopped taking them for a while now and I just haven’t realized it? His mind thought back to all the sex they’d had so far that week. If he hadn’t felt sick before, now he had to fight back the urge not to vomit.

Without another word he pulled the covers away from him and leapt out of bed as if he couldn’t get out fast enough. All of a sudden he felt the overwhelming need to shower although the damage might have already been done.

“Where are you going?” Shayla asked in a concerned voice.

“I’m taking a shower,” he mumbled as he headed towards the direction of the bathroom.

“Do you want me to join you?” he heard her voice call from back in the bedroom.

“No!” he quickly responded. He himself was surprised with how firm it had sounded. Great, now she’s going to think that I’m like disgusted by her or something.

Shayla sighed to herself as she heard the bathroom door slam behind Nick. She honestly hadn’t meant for her comment to come across like she was plotting to trap Nick into an unwanted pregnancy. That was just psycho and wrong on so many levels.

But she could easily see how he could very well think that. Sometimes, like for instance just now she just had a bad habit of plain not thinking before she spoke.

It was that very same annoying quality that was about to get Shayla’s marriage to Nick into even more hot water when another set of pictures resurfaced, although these were scandalous and damaging in a completely different way than the paparazzi pictures were. These were much more personal.
Chapter 10 - Spring Cleaning by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick comes across some very memorable photographs.

Chapter 10 – Spring Cleaning

“Oh Nickolas… I have a favor to ask of you,” Shayla’s voice sang in that sickingly sweet tone that she only used when she wanted something as she ducked her head into Nick’s office.

It had been a few weeks since the couple had returned back to LA from their vacation in Tahoe and there still was an air of tension between the two of them. At first, after Shayla’s not so subtle hints that in the end it was her who had the power to control whether they had children or not, Nick had lived in a constant fear that any day now she’d turn around and announce that she was pregnant. So far that day hadn’t come and with each day that passed Nick had to admit that he felt more and more relieved. Still there was a part of him who after their conversation in Tahoe, felt like he couldn’t exactly trust her. He had no idea if she was actually taking her birth control pills or conveniently “forgetting” about them. Since there really wasn’t way of forcing her to take them in front of him everyday, he was left no choice, but to distance himself from her just in case. Normally he really wasn’t the type of guy who could live without sex, but after Shayla’s seemingly innocent comments, it was like he was a completely different man. His friends would give him so much shit if they knew the truth, but almost overnight Nick Carter became very good at leading a celibate life style. There was no way he was touching Shayla with a ten foot pole if she was going to play those kinds of games with him.

If Nick’s way of dealing with the obvious tension between the two of them was to avoid her, Shayla’s was to keep her already busy self even busier. Besides returning to work at E! and resuming filming for her television show, she somehow found time on the weekends to devote to a new hobby; interior decorating. Since they’d returned to LA she’d already redone their living room and their master bathroom. She had plans in the works for the dining room and their bedroom, but before that she had her sights set on one other room in the house first.

“I need you to go through all these boxes of junk you have laying around your office in here,” she continued, not even waiting for him to respond. “I want you to get rid of some shit because I want to put new carpet in here and paint the walls and maybe get some artwork or something to spice the room up a bit.”

Nick sighed as he gazed at the piles of cardboard boxes that sat in the corner of the room opposite his desk. He still didn’t understand why Shayla felt the need to redo his office. His office was one of the few places in the house where he felt truly at home in. Besides, no one ever went up there, but him. “Don’t you think I should have any say so in whether or not I want you to redecorate my office?”

Shayla just stared at him blankly. “Nick, you have to be kidding me? This room is a mess! It needs something. No wonder you can never find anything in here. You need to get a system of organization down. Besides nothing goes in this room. It bothers me.”

Nick’s eyes gazed around the room. He had to admit that he had no clue what she was talking about. All the colors seemed to fit in just fine in his eyes. Okay… So maybe the walls were a little too dark for the carpet, but who the hell noticed things like that? Apparently his wife. Not wanting to get into it with her though he grudgingly agreed. “Fine. I didn’t have any other more important plans today anyway. I’ll get right on it.”

She triumphantly smiled; seemingly overjoyed that he had finally seen things her way. “Great! It’s going to look so amazing in here once I’m done!” With one last little overenthusiastic squeal, she closed the door behind her leaving him in privacy at last.

Nick leaned back against his leather desk chair and glared at the mountain of boxes that awaited him to rummage through. He really wasn’t looking forward to the experience. Over the years he’d become sort of a packrat and being in the entertainment business plus the fact that he’d moved around a lot in the last couple of years, meant that he’d accumulated a lot of useless shit that he was unsure of what to do with. He’d always been unsure of what exactly he should keep and what he should throw away, so he usually just kept it all. After he and Shayla got married and moved into their current home he’d sort of just left all his miscellaneous possessions in the corner of his office where they’d been sitting there collecting dust for almost a year now.

Guess I better get this over with, he decided with a sigh as he reluctantly got up from his chair and crossed the room. He grabbed the nearest box from the top of the pile and laid it down on the floor next to him. Plopping himself down on the carpet he began to rifle through the first box which contained several different plaques and awards he’d received throughout his musical career. One by one he pulled out several gold records and statutes from various different award shows. Damn, I could probably make a fortune selling some of this stiff on E-bay, he thought to himself with a smirk. Still, he supposed he should keep all of his Backstreet memorabilia to show off to his children someday. That is if he actually decided on having any.

Right… So not thinking about that, he decided as he reached for another box. This one was full of photo albums from his early days touring with the Boys in Europe. He had to crack a smile at one particularly dorky photo of him and Izzy taken when they were about 14 or 15 outside the Colleseum in Rome. God, I think this had to be taken at like the height of our awkwardness. He was so scrawny in the photograph that even he had trouble believing that it was really himself and Izzy’s wide smile displayed a gleaming mouthful of braces. He’d have to remember to taunt Izzy with this picture next time she came over.

One by one he went through box after box of memories. He flipped through dozens of photo albums immortalizing his history with the rest of the guys. Through pictures, he watched himself grow from a scrawny, awkward looking teenager to the man that he resembled today. He also came across several knickknacks that he had collected from his travels around the world that he really had no use for, but couldn’t bear to part with. About halfway through his rummaging, he looked back down at his piles and realized that very little was going in the pile to be thrown out.

Then he came across the box. The one box he’d almost completely forgotten about, but the one that always came back to haunt him. The Alyssa box.

As soon as he opened it he knew it was the box in which he had packed all the remaining odds and ends that she had left behind in his home because the scent of her perfume immediately intoxicated him. At the top of the box was some clothing she’d left behind when she came to visit him out in LA before they’d broken up. He’d offered to let her leave some of her things with him since the plan was for her to move back out there to be closer to him after the Never Gone tour. That unfortunately hadn’t worked out, and he’d never had the chance to return the clothing. Guess better late than never, he decided as he set it aside. He’d have to remember to return it all the next time he saw her. There was another photo album or two that he flipped through of them during the Black and Blue tour when Alyssa had been one of their backup dancers. He had to smile at the more innocent times those pictures represented. A few special occasion cards and letters that he’d received from her filled the bottom of the box that he just quickly glanced at. He was just about to move on when he felt one more item packed along the back corner of the box. His breath quickened as he pulled out a medium sized manila envelope with a few rubber bands wound tightly around it. Are these what I think they are? he anxiously wondered to himself as if his fingers raced to remove the rubber bands. They had to be. He hadn’t remembered seeing them in a few years at least.

A wide grin grew over his lips as he pulled out the glossy photographs, realizing he had indeed been correct. He doubted that even Alyssa knew that he still had these pictures of her. Right on the top of the pile a younger version of Alyssa at about age 21 or 22, laid sprawled out sexily across what had been his bed in his home in Florida, wearing just a skimpy pink bra trimmed with delicate white lace and matching bikini underwear. He began rifling through the intimate set of pictures, all variations of the original picture in different poses. It was amazing to see the progression between the ones at the beginning to the ones towards the end. The earlier pictures showed her making silly exaggerated faces as if she were not quite sure what she should be doing. But with each additional picture there had been noticeable differences until it became apparent that she’d finally fully relaxed and was comfortable. Any of the pictures that followed that point were just downright sexy.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that he hadn’t had sex in a while, but Nick found himself recalling the afternoon that he had snapped these pictures in very vivid detail. The way that when he had first pulled out the camera, her eyes had widened in shock. The way that she had resisted at first, embarrassed of what would happen if they somehow wound up in the wrong hands. The way that he had slowly persuaded her to change her mind, gently coaxing her along the way. But most importantly how hot it had been once she’d finally completely let her guard down. It was a side of Alyssa that he hadn’t really seen much of in their relationship. A side that was just beginning to emerge throughout the latter part of their first relationship before he had selfishly decided to call it quits after he learned of his parent’s divorce…


“Mmm…” Alyssa moaned against her boyfriend’s lips as his tongue grazed the roof of her mouth. Her left leg was hooked over Nick’s causing the skirt of the pale pink sundress she was wearing to hike up near the top of her thighs. Her teeth latched on to his lower lip nibbling at it gently as his hand traveled up her leg, urging the lightweight cotton garment upwards. Alyssa broke the embrace just long enough to raise her arms to help him pull the dress off her body and throw it to the side of the bed alongside Nick’s shirt that had been discarded only a few minutes prior.

Nick drew in a deep breath as soon as he caught sight of the unfamiliar looking pink and white lace bra and matching underwear with little pink bows.
That has to be new, he decided. He’d never seen Alyssa wear it before. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t forget it if he did.

The stunned expression on his face must have been obvious to Alyssa because she smirked and rolled back over onto her back, allowing him a better view. “You like? I just picked it up yesterday,” she informed him.

“Ah… So that was what was in that Victoria’s Secret bag you brought home yesterday. I was wondering about that.” His fingertips already began to play with her bra straps as he bent down to place a kiss near her shoulder.

Alyssa just grinned up at him. “Yea, I know how excited you get when I walk in the door with that little pink bag.”

“Well, I love it. I think it’s very sexy,” he responded in a husky voice. His head bobbed down lower trailing kisses across the top of his breasts before pulling away with a devilish gleam in his eyes as an idea formed in his mind. “Stay right here,” he commanded, already siding off the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

Alyssa looked at him curiously, but didn’t move from her position, wondering what the hell her boyfriend was up to this time. Her questions were answered a few moments later when he returned to the bedroom pulling his digital camera out of its case.

“Oh, hell no…” was her first response once she realized what he was plotting. “There’s no way that you’re going to get me to-“

Nick slid back down onto the bed and pressed a finger to her lips to interrupt her. “I don’t understand what the big deal is. You look absolutely gorgeous and incredibly sexy right now. You don’t know how much of a turn on this would be for me.”

Alyssa felt her cheeks redden a little bit. She never was one to take compliments well and as many times Nick told her she was beautiful she still sometimes got a little flustered. “You trust me, right?” he continued.

“I trust
you,” she answered honestly. “I just don’t trust what might happen if those pictures wound up in the wrong hands. It wouldn’t be something I’d want my Mother to open up a tabloid and see. Then there’s the fact that I think if they ever got leaked I could probably kiss my entire teaching career goodbye.”

“No one’s going to see them, but us I swear. I won’t even keep them on my laptop if you’re that self conscious about it. I’ll print them out and keep them in a really good hiding spot,” he swore. “Look, let me just take one and if you really hate how it comes out we can delete it right away. Sounds, fair?”

Alyssa still looked skeptical, but seemed to be considering the idea. “You promise you’ll really delete it?”

“I swear,” Nick promised her, crossing his heart for emphasis. “So, will you do this for me?”

A thoughtful look came over her face. The expression on Nick’s face was practically begging. She seemed torn for a moment, but then reluctantly gave in. “All right. I’ll do it, but if I feel too stupid we’re stopping.”

“Fine with me,” he agreed. Alyssa got the impression that he was probably just grateful that he’d been able to convince her at all.

She watched as Nick positioned himself at the end of the bed where he could get the best shot. As he raised the camera, Alyssa was suddenly overcome with an uneasy feeling of shyness. All of a sudden she felt very vulnerable as she struggled to appear calm and relaxed. “How do you want me?” she asked, inwardly wincing as she realized how unsure she probably sounded at the moment.

“However you feel the most comfortable.” It was apparent that Nick was trying to make this as easy on her as possible. “Do whatever feels right.”

Alyssa just nodded and tried to settle herself into a somewhat sexy pose, but after only a moment or two lost it and burst out into giggles. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I just feel really retarded right now.”

“It’s okay,” Nick assured her, trying to sound as patient as possible. “I think that you’re trying to over think it too much. Just do it.”

Of course I’m over thinking it too much. Don’t I always over think everything too much? Alyssa asked herself. Nick was right though. She was getting too hung up on whether or not she was projecting a sexy enough image. She took in a deep breath and repeated Nick’s advice in her mind. Just do it. She bit down a little on her bottom lip and attempted to glare proactively at the camera. The flash went off and her eyes wandered up to Nick’s face waiting for approval. She watched as a smirk grew on his face and he handed the camera to her, so that she could view the picture.

“Oh my God… Please delete it,” she begged as soon as she saw the image on the tiny screen in front of her eyes. The expression on her face just looked ridiculous and instead of a sexy glare, her eyes looked halfway closed. “I look like I’m about to pass out from alcohol poisoning or something.”

Nick just laughed. “Well, at least the lip thing was pretty sexy. How about I delete it and we try one more time? Just be yourself though. You don’t need to try so hard to look hot, because you already are. Just do the lip thing again.”

“You mean this?” she innocently asked again biting down just the slightest bit on her bottom lip.

“Yea, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Alyssa couldn’t help, but to smile a little as she tried not to laugh and before she knew it the flash had went off again. Again she looked up at Nick anxiously for his reaction and this time she knew that the picture had turned out better just by the smile on his face. This time when he showed her the picture she didn’t cringe as soon as she saw it. She had to admit that it had come across as much more natural and seeing it did help her relax a little more. “Now that’s a great picture,” Nick assured her. “Do you mind if I take a few more?”

Alyssa thought about it for a second or two before slowly shaking her head. “Not at all.” She had to admit that by now she was already becoming curious to see how they’d come out.

The camera flashed a few more times and there were still a few pictures where Alyssa found herself making unnatural facial expressions that just didn’t work right on film, but majority of the pictures weren’t actually half bad and with each click of the camera, she felt herself beginning to feel more and more comfortable with the idea of taking them in the first place. Once Nick could see that she had begun to relax, he began to give her some direction, telling her to tilt her head a certain way or to extend her neck a little more. Alyssa did exactly as she was told and within a few more minutes she forgot all about her initial nervousness. If anything, she began to grow slightly bolder with her poses, lowering her fingertips to play with the lacy trim of her bra. She could tell by the look on Nick’s face that he was enjoying her newfound confidence which only gave her more incentive to become more daring. She smirked as she was struck by an idea that she knew would definitely elicit a positive response from him. Nick could tell by the mischievous look on her face that she was up to something, because he shot her a questionable glance. Not changing her expression, she hooked her thumb into the waistband of her underwear, lowering it just enough for her brightly colored butterfly tattoo to peek out over the top. The camera flashed and she watched as Nick looked down to see the image appear on the screen in front of him. Just by the way that his blue eyes had almost immediately widened, Alyssa got the impression that he’d been impressed with the outcome. Getting curious herself as to what it looked like, she crawled up behind him resting her chin on his shoulder to get a better view.

Even Alyssa found herself a little taken back by the intensity of the picture. She found it almost hard to believe that it actually was herself in the photo. She looked… Well, she looked sexy.

As if he were reading her mind, Nick turned his head towards her, leaving only inches apart between their lips. “God, that last picture was hot… I can’t even think of any other way to describe it. I… I’m…”

“Speechless?” she finished for him with a giggle.

“Yea, I guess you could say that.” His lips drew nearer to hers until they were pressing against them intensely. Alyssa could feel his hand travel upwards to the back of her neck as the kiss deepened. She broke away from him just long enough to switch her position so that she was straddling his lap before seeking out his lips again. They didn’t stay there for long on hers. They made almost a painfully slow trail down the front of her neck and her collarbone. She breathed in sharply as his kisses continued to venture lower.

He pulled away with a sly grin on his face. “That last picture is going to be a hard one to outdo, but I’m sure you’ll give me something memorable.” His hands reached around her back and were just about to pull apart the clasp of her bra when she shrugged out of his embrace. “What’s wrong?” he asked, in a concerned voice.

She looked him in the eye very seriously. “I think now would be a good time to put the camera away.”

“But…” he started to protest. “You’re doing great and we’re just getting started. Please let me-“

Alyssa cut him off. “Absolutely not. You should be glad that you got me this far, but this is where I draw the line. I’m definitely not comfortable with naked pictures of myself being out there.”

“I already told you that no one is going to see these, but me,” he tried to convince her. “Trust me.”

“Nick…” Alyssa crossed her arms in front of her chest and just glared at him giving him the indication that she was not going to budge. He knew from experience that at this point he was better off just cutting his losses and being grateful for the pictures that she had allowed him to take.

“Fine,” he reluctantly gave in with a pout as he turned the camera off and slid it back into its bag. “You win.” He tossed the bag off the side of the bed and turned back to her.

“Thank you,” she told him as she began to pick up exactly where they had left off…


The sound of footsteps in the hallway outside of his office jarred Nick out of his daydream. His heartbeat quickened as he heard the doorknob begin to jiggle. All of the pictures of Alyssa were spread across his lap, painting an obviously incriminating scene. In a frenzied panic, he scooped up all the photographs and hid them underneath their envelope just as Shayla entered the room.

“Wow… Looks like you’ve been busy. I can actually make out the corner of the room finally,” she commented as she looked around the room, finally settling her eyes on Nick’s garbage pile and wrinkled her nose. “Although I hoped that you’d be getting rid of a lot more junk than that.”

“I’m working on it,” he quickly replied, already feeling like a kid caught sticking his hand in the cookie jar.

Her eyes continued to scan around the room before settling on the pile of Alyssa’s clothing, lying on the other side of him. “Why do you have a pile of women’s clothing? Where did that come from?”

Shit, Nick silently cursed as he noticed the pile of clothing for the second time. He’d been in such a rush to hide the pictures that he’d forgotten about the clothing and how suspicious it probably looked. Not being able to think up a good enough lie fast enough he had no choice, but to tell the truth. “They’re some old things of Alyssa’s that she forgot at my place when we were together. I must’ve thrown them into one of these boxes with the intention that I’d like mail them to her or something and forgot about them. I thought that since she’s so close now I could finally return them to her.”

“Ahh, I see.” Was it his imagination or did Shayla’s lip tighten at the mention of Alyssa’s mind. He thought that by now Shayla wouldn’t have much of a reason to dislike Alyssa since he’d explained the whole tabloid scandal to her. Apparently he’d been wrong. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you alone and let you finish up in here.” With that she turned on her heels and left the room.

Why didn’t I just tell her that the damn clothes belonged to one of my sisters? Nick asked himself with a sigh. It would have made the moment ten times less awkward. He removed the envelope from the top of the pile of the pictures and gazing down at Alyssa’s sexy pout staring back at him only made one thing clear. He had to do something about these pictures before Shayla discovered them. If she ever got her hands on them it would not be pretty. Nick may have been able to talk his way out of those tabloid pictures, but even he doubted that he could talk his way out of these pictures.

Nick pondered on what exactly he should do with the pictures that he had discovered of Alyssa over the next few days. They were always there in the back of his mind and every time he closed his eyes he could picture each of them in explicit detail. This wasn't good at all. As of right now, the pictures remained hidden inside his desk drawer, but he knew that they wouldn't be safe for long there. If Shayla stumbled upon them... Well, he didn't even want to take that thought any further. Even though the perverted guy part of him wanted to keep the pictures as sort of a trophy, he also knew that keeping them would be risky. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to destroy them even though he assumed that's probably what Alyssa had thought he did with them. He wondered what she would think if she knew that he'd held on to them for so long. Would it freak her out? But then again it wasn't as if he looked at them everyday either. That would just be creepy and not at all healthy. He even went as far as to consider handing them over to Alyssa and let her decide what to do with them. Then they'd be out of his hands and hopefully out of his head. He couldn't decide though if that was too weird or not, though. He supposed it would seem a little odd if an ex who he now had a friendship with randomly decided to give him such intimate photographs that they had come across. It was evident that he was in desperate need of some advice.

And there was only one person that he'd consider going to for their opinion on a matter as strange as this one. If there was one person one earth who had gotten themself into more awkward situations than Nick, it had to be AJ. He'd pretty much been through it all before with the opposite sex, so in situations such as the one he was in now, Nick never hesitated to seek out AJ's advice.

Finally one afternoon a few days after finding the pictures, he found his mind so engrossed in his dilemma that he realized he was getting very little work done. He was at his office in the studio where he conducted majority of his label business and even though he had a bunch of things that needed to be taken care of, his mind wasn't with it. Realizing that he wasn't going to get any work done until he got Alyssa and the pictures out of his head, he picked up his phone and dialed AJ's number.

The phone rang a few times before AJ picked up. "Nick? Hey, what's going on? Haven't heard from you in a while."

"I've been pretty good," he answered. Before he could say anymore AJ interrupted him.

"By the way, I caught those pictures of you and Alyssa in the tabloids. Pretty brutal, huh? How'd Shayla react?"

Nick sighed, not wanting to relive the whole ordeal. Luckily, since they'd returned from Tahoe the picture scandal had been pretty much dying down, but every once in a while he was still questioned about it, even weeks later. "Yea... The paparazzi can be pretty shitty when they want to be. Shayla got really pissed at first because she saw the pictures before I did, but eventually she accepted my explanation. We hid out in our place up in Tahoe until the whole thing blew over, so it wasn't so bad."

"Since when did you Alyssa start hanging out again anyway?"

"Like a month or two ago? It's a long story. Actually, while we're on the topic of pictures of ex girlfriends I kind of could use some advice about something," he expertly changed the subject.

AJ's interest appeared to be peaked. "Sounds interesting. What kind of issue did you get yourself involved in this time, Carter?"

Nick took in a deep breath. "Okay, so let's say hypothetically speaking you took some rather uhm… intimate photographs of an ex of yours... And then the two of you broke up and you sort of just hid the pictures away in a box and almost completely forgot about them. Fast forward a few years later and now you still keep in touch with the ex, but you're both in new, separate, serious relationships. You come across these photos randomly one day while say, cleaning out your office and now you can't get them off your mind. Also, you definitely don't want your current partner to see them because she's already not exactly fond of this ex. What would you do with the pictures?"

"Okay whoa back up there!" AJ sounded as if he was slowly trying to process this information. "Okay I'm assuming that this hypothetical person is none other than you and the unmentionable ex is Alyssa? And the jealous current partner is Shayla?"

"Wow J... Someone should give you a medal for figuring all of that out on your own," Nick sarcastically replied.

"Shut up, Carter. All right exactly how intimate are we talking here?" AJ asked.

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does! There's a lot of ambiguity there. Intimate could refer to anything from very private and tame to like triple x hardcore shit," he pointed out. "I need to know exactly what we're dealing with before I can properly advise you on what to do."

Nick wrinkled his nose. "Come on, this is Alyssa we're talking about. Do you really think she'd let me take pictures of her that were that graphic?"

He could picture AJ shrugging on the other end of the line. "You never know sometimes. It's the one's that you least expect sometimes that are the most willing. Besides, if she's anything like her sister..."

Nick inwardly shuddered not wanting to hear the details about AJ's short romance with Alyssa's older sister Meg, going back a good seven or eight years ago. "Well, sorry to disappoint, but they really weren't that bad I guess. I mean bad enough that Shayla would be pissed that I still have them, but not bad enough to where it would be life destroying for her if they ever got out."

“Are they nudie shots?”

“Of Alyssa? Pfft! I could only wish. You know she’d never have gone for that.”

"So, I'm guessing the pictures were of her in some sort of lingerie or something?" AJ guessed.

"Yea..." Nick slowly admitted. "She was in her bra and underwear."

"So, she was in her skivvies... Was there anything else going on in the pictures?"

Nick rolled his eyes. "Who the hell says skivvies?"

"You're avoiding the question," AJ pointed out. "What was she doing in these so said pictures?"

"Nothing too crazy. They were mostly just kind of teasing. Probably the most scandalous one was her pulling down her underwear a bit to show off her tattoo. Otherwise it wasn't like there was anything pornographic going on."

"Okay... I'm beginning to get a visual here now-"

"Hey, I don't want you envisioning Alyssa half naked!" Nick interrupted. "She'd chop off my dick and hand it to me in a plastic bag if she even knew that I was telling you all this."

"Chill Carter... I was just trying to say that I'm beginning to get an idea of what we're dealing with here. Although if she looks anything like her sister underneath all those clothes-"

"AJ! Remember, you're supposed to be giving me advice. Not commenting on how my ex girlfriend might look naked."

"Oh, right... Well, I think that it would probably be best if you got rid of them. Out of sight, out of mind. And that way you can't worry about Shayla finding out about them," he suggested. "Does Alyssa know that you still have the pictures?"

"Not that I know of. She hasn't asked me about them. They're pretty old... Like from 2002. I think she thinks that I've burned them or something. I don't think she has a clue that I still have them."

"Hmm... How close would you say the two of you are as friends? Is this something you'd be afraid of bringing up with her?" AJ asked.

Nick thought about his friends question for a moment. "I think it probably would be kind of awkward, but I think after everything we've been through together there's very little that I'd feel entirely uncomfortable with bringing up with her. Especially lately. Now that we're not together anymore I feel like we're more open with each other in ways we never were when we were dating."

"So, maybe you should bring the pictures up to her and ask her what she thinks you should do with them. I mean they are of her, so I guess she should have some say so about what happens to them. Just explain that you found the pictures and you don't want Shayla to find out about them, so before you go ahead and destroy them you just figured you'd ask her if it was all right. Who knows? Maybe she'll want to keep them," AJ suggested.

"I'm not sure if I can picture Alyssa wanting to keep them. It was hard enough getting her to take them in the first place."

"You never know with chicks. They can be very unpredictable at times. I still think you should take it up with her and at least get her input before you do anything. And oh yea... Even if she says to destroy them I'd still keep one or two, for posterity of course."

Nick grinned at AJ's last comment, amazed at how he had almost read his mind. He could easily hide one or two of them from Shayla. She definitely wouldn't understand his reasons for hanging on to them. It was after all a man thing. "Thanks for the advice J. Strangely enough; you've actually helped me out."

"Well I'm glad I could've been of service then. Let me know how it works out."

"I will. Anyway I should get back to work. I'm at the studio and I'm swamped with shit I have to get to. Thanks again."


The two men said their goodbyes and Nick focused his attention back on the work in front of him. He did feel a certain sense of relief confiding in somebody else about his dilemma. Still, now he was faced with a bigger reason to worry. How was he going to bring up the pictures to Alyssa? Should he bring the pictures up to Alyssa?

Sure, he'd made it sound as if it would be a piece of cake. That he and Alyssa were completely comfortable with each other and their past, but deep down he had to admit that wasn't entirely true. They'd definitely come a long way, but Nick wasn't quite sure if they were at the right place to have a conversation like the one AJ suggested just yet.

Nick sighed in frustration as he banged his head against the desk. Realizing that he wasn't going to get any more work done that day he finally gave up and grabbed his car keys and a pile of things he could attempt to get done at home. All he knew was that whatever he decided to do about this picture situation he had to do it soon because it was starting to prevent him from getting anything accomplished.

Chapter 11 - Curiosity Killed the Cat by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick hands the photographs over to Alyssa. Shayla makes a startling discovery.

Chapter 11- Curiosity Killed the Cat

Nick took a deep breath as he turned onto the residential street of what was supposed to be Alyssa’s new house. After much internal struggle since his conversation with AJ, he finally decided to do just what his friend had suggested and ask Alyssa for her input on what should be done with the pictures. The more he thought about it, the more he began to feel obligated to include Alyssa in his decision, since obviously they were of her and if anyone ever discovered them she’d probably be the one with the most to lose. He knew that the best way to bring up the pictures would be in person, so he’d given her a call and used the excuse of wanting to return the clothing of hers he’d found, which was at least partly true. He did have every intention of doing just that, but there was nothing wrong with killing two birds with one stone, was there? Alyssa had sounded surprised that he had even bothered to attempt to return the clothing, but hadn’t discouraged him. She suggested that he stop by this afternoon after she came home from work, which was exactly what Nick was doing.

His eyes squinted to see the house numbers since nearly everyone of the houses on the block seemed practically identical. He wondered how Alyssa even managed to find her own home at times. Well, what do you expect? She lives on an army base, he reminded himself. Finally, he spotted her house number and pulled into her driveway, right behind her car. The house seemed nice enough on the outside. It was your average small two story house just the right size for a newly married couple just about ready to start their own family. It seemed to fit Alyssa.

Nick killed the engine and glanced at the cardboard box sitting in the passenger seat beside him. He’d stuffed all the clothing back into the box along with the pictures which were tucked safely on the bottom. He figured that it probably would be best not to bring those up right away. He’d need to work up to them first. He glanced at the digital clock on his dashboard seeing that it was almost four-thirty. Alyssa probably hadn’t been home from work all that long yet, but he knew that she had suggested he come earlier to avoid any run in with Sean. Alyssa’s husband didn’t usually come home for another hour or so and even though Alyssa hadn’t come right out and said it, Nick got the impression that he wasn’t too fond of him.

Guess I better get this over with; he decided as he opened up his door and grabbed the cardboard box in his arms. A few moments later he was standing at the front door ringing Alyssa’s door bell.

“I’m coming!” he could hear a voice from inside call out, and a few seconds later the front door sprang open and Alyssa appeared with a wide smile on her face. “Hi Nick! Come on inside. Don’t mind the mess. I just got in from work maybe ten or fifteen minutes ago.”

“It’s okay,” he assured her as he stepped inside. She hadn’t even had a chance to change out of her work clothes and Nick had to admit that there was something very hot about the black pencil skirt that clung just right around her hips and the thin, white, button down shirt she was wearing. Her dark hair was haphazardly twisted onto the top of her head with one of those large hairclips, loose tendrils already beginning to fall out of its grasp. Completing the look on her feet were a pair of plain black, pointy toed, sling backs. What are you thinking Carter? She’s an elementary school teacher for Gods sake! You’re not supposed to find her outfit hot, he reminded himself. Hell, you shouldn’t even be looking, especially at your happily married ex!

Alyssa’s voice broke through his thoughts. “Why don’t you make yourself at home on the couch while I just run upstairs for a moment to change into something a little more comfortable?”

Without even thinking, Nick found himself protesting. “No, you don’t have to do that. You’re fine just the way you are.” It took all of his willpower for him to not clamp his hand over his mouth after he’d said the words aloud. He definitely hadn’t meant to actually say anything. “I mean, I know you kind of just want to get this over with before Sean gets home and that would just take up more time.” Nice save, he congratulated himself.

Alyssa looked at him a little funny at first, but seemed to accept his explanation. “You’re right,” she told him as she took a seat on the couch. She patted a spot next to her indicating Nick to sit beside her, which he did, placing the large cardboard box between them.

Nick found himself looking around the room at his surroundings as he got himself settled. “Nice little place you have going on here,” he commented.

“Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot that you’ve never been here before,” she admitted, feeling a little embarrassed. “Well, I’d give you the grand tour, but it’s not all that interesting or very grand. This is the living room, kitchen is over that way, bathroom is down the hall, and the laundry room is off the garage. Upstairs we have another bathroom, a guest room, and of course me and Sean’s room. That’s pretty much it. It’s small, but it’s perfect for the two of us.”

He just nodded. “Yea, that’s true. And you have that extra room for the baby.”

“Yea… If it ever happens.” Nick noticed the frown on her face and was about to ask her to elaborate on what exactly she meant by that, but before he had an opportunity to do so she quickly changed the subject, slipping into the role of the perfect hostess. “Can I get you anything to drink? A soda or some juice or something?”

“No, I’m good,” he insisted.

There was an awkward pause for a moment as if neither one of them knew exactly how or where to start. Finally Alyssa broke the silence and started to reach inside the box. “So, let’s see what you have for me.”

Nick helped her remove a few articles of clothing from the box. It mostly contained more summery outfits, more suited for the California weather. She’d decided to leave most of her lighter clothing at Nick’s instead of dragging it back to New York for the month before she was supposed to return to California for good since she definitely wouldn’t have needed it in January. “Well, Shayla wanted me to clean out my office and I had boxes of random crap piled in the corner and in one of the boxes I found your clothes. I know it’s been over three years, but I figured you might want some of them back,” he explained.

Alyssa just laughed as she rifled through the box. “Most of it probably won’t fit anymore. I’ve gained a little bit of weight there, but I’m sure I can salvage some of it.” Nick watched as her eyes lit up when she pulled out a vaguely familiar looking denim skirt and a long, loose fitting purple tube top. “Oh, my God… Last time I wore this was when we went out with Howie, Teri, AJ, and Tricia; the first night I met the girls! We went to that Mexican restaurant and I got really drunk on those margaritas…” Her eyes seemed to glaze over at the memory.

He smirked. “Yea… You were pretty wasted, but I didn’t mind at all. It just made it easier to take advantage of you.”

Alyssa’s eyes widened as the night began to come back to her in more detail. “That’s right! That was the night you dragged me up to that VIP lounge to ‘talk.’” A slow grin grew across her face. “If I remember correctly there was very little talking getting done up there.”

“Well, I wasn’t the one who came right down and told not only Teri, Tricia, and the guys, but almost the whole entire bar, that you and I had just had a ‘quickie’ upstairs.”

Her face reddened a little bit at the memory. Okay, so she’d been more than a little trashed that night. In fact, maybe it was her imagination, but she could almost still smell the scent of the tequila on her clothing. The exact details were a little fuzzy in her head thanks to the alcohol she had consumed, but she could vaguely recall them having a lot of fun with the margarita salt that had lined the rim of her glass. “Not like it wasn’t totally obvious from the way we looked afterwards,” she defended herself. “I was definitely rocking the sex hair.”

It didn’t seem to hit her until just then that she was reminiscing about a sexual encounter with her ex in the very same house that she now lived in with her husband. Now if that didn’t make her feel dirty she didn’t know what else would. Reaching this realization she quickly changed the subject. “That was also the night that Teri, Tricia, Howie, and I signed you and AJ up to sing karaoke to ‘Like a Virgin’ as a joke.”

“Oh yea! I still can’t believe that you guys did that to us. That was pretty messed up.”

“But I must say that you two were very good sports about it. I honestly didn’t think that you guys would actually have the nerve to go up there, but you did and you had fun with it.”

Nick laughed a little bit at the memory of him and AJ doing their most exaggerated, over the top, Madonna impressions at some hole in the wall bar on the outskirts of LA. They’d been embarrassed at first, but decided that if they were stuck in the position of having to sing karaoke to some lame song, they might as well make it entertaining. And entertaining it had been. Howie had recorded the performance on his digital camera and posted it on his My Space page. The fans had gotten quite the kick out of it.

Alyssa continued to remove the other articles of clothing in the box, holding each item up to examine it before folding it up into a neat pile next to her on the couch. “Thanks for bringing all of this back, even though it’s been sitting in a box for like three years. I almost forgot that you had all of this.”

Nick just shrugged. “It was no big deal. I found it and thought that you might want some of this stuff back. You know what they say. Better late than never.”

He was so busy explaining herself that he hadn’t even noticed that Alyssa had reached back into the box and was now holding the manila envelope that contained the infamous pictures. His face paled a little bit because this wasn’t exactly how he had planned bringing them up to her. “What’s this?” she innocently asked. “Is there something else I’m forgetting?”

“Ehh… Not exactly… But it is something else that I found while I was cleaning out my office and I thought that you might want.” He swallowed hard as a confused look knitted across Alyssa’s brow, realizing that this was it. “This is kind of awkward, but do you remember before we first broke up you let me take those pictures of you? I mean of course you probably do. That’s not really something you forget, right?” he sputtered, feeling completely stupid. What was with him? Usually girls were the ones who got flustered around him, not the other way around. Besides, it was just Alyssa.

A small smile grew across Alyssa’s lips as she noticed just how nervous he seemed. For once it seemed as if she held the reins in her hands with him which felt pretty strange to her, but not all too uncomfortable. She decided to go with it and with a burst of confidence she angled her body a little closer to his. There was no harm in a little flirting was there? “Well, if I had forgotten about them that probably wouldn’t reflect very well on you, huh?”

“No, uhmm I guess not,” Nick admitted. “Anyway, yea… I found them cleaning out my office and I had forgotten that I still had them. I guess I kind of just packed them away and forgot about them. I don’t think it’s probably such a great idea if I keep them because you know Shayla would get the wrong impression if she ever stumbled upon them, so I thought that it would only be right to give them back to you.”

Alyssa’s smile quickly turned into frown. This was awkward. When he started to bring up the pictures, she hadn’t anticipated that he’d actually brought them with him to give to her. Was that weird? She wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like she allowed every one of her past boyfriends to take naughty pictures of her. “What exactly am I going to do with them?” she asked.

Nick shrugged. “I don’t know… If you want to get rid of them that’s your decision. I just felt like you should have some sort of say in the matter.”

“Honestly, I thought that you did get rid of them. I mean after we broke up there really wasn’t much reason to keep them, right? You never mentioned still having them. I kind of assumed they were destroyed.” She had to admit that she did feel a little uneasy knowing that this whole time he had kept those pictures of her. Has he looked at them regularly? she wondered.

“I didn’t like keep them on purpose,” he tried to defend himself. “After we broke up I wasn’t quite ready to let go of them yet, so I stuffed them in this box and they’ve pretty much been in there since then. I knew I still had them somewhere, but I wasn’t exactly sure where. I guess I just didn’t think about them after a while. But yea… They’re yours to keep now, so do whatever you want with them.”

With a shaky hand, Alyssa slowly opened the envelope. Was it strange that she felt almost scared to look at them now nearly six years later? Not that she was ashamed of taking them in the first place, but more because she just didn’t want to face the emotions that those photographs would stir up inside her. All sexual feelings aside, the pictures represented a time in which she had completely trusted Nick enough to take such a big risk as taking them in the first place. At that point in their relationship she hadn’t even considered the fact that they’d not wind up together forever. They’d been engaged! And now to look back at those more innocent times and think about how their relationship had really played out was just bound to be painful.

Nick nervously shifted in his seat as he watched Alyssa pull out the pictures. The way that her forehead wrinkled up into a worried expression provided him with enough evidence to figure out that it might actually pain her to be confronted with the memories of the photographs. All of a sudden he wished that he didn’t have to sit and watch her as she rifled through the pictures. Not only was it extremely uncomfortable for him, but it made him fear that being confronted with them might ruin the special friendship that they now shared. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for him to bring them up to her.

As Alyssa flipped through each picture her fears began to subside and instead of being haunted by the past memories attached to them she actually found it almost refreshing to look at them again. Originally, she thought that she might have been a little embarrassed to look at herself like that, but oddly enough she actually found them empowering. It was the strangest thing, but she felt almost proud of herself for actually having the guts to do something like that. And as conceited as it may have sounded she thought she actually looked pretty damn good. The pictures were taken not too long after the Black and Blue tour, so her body was probably in the best shape it had been in, in her entire life. The weeks of dancing in front of an arena full of people every night had definitely helped tone her up. Not that Alyssa was heavy by any means now. She could definitely still be considered slim, but in the last few years she’d slowly lost the definition she’d built up from dancing and gained a good ten or fifteen pounds. As her metabolism slowed down she found all her weight going straight to her hips and thighs and even though many a woman would kill for Alyssa’s size six figure, it was still nice to look back at when she’d been a size two. Maybe she would keep the pictures after all.

Nick noticed the change in Alyssa’s attitude right away just by the grin that had slowly crawled over her lips. He stared at her for a moment almost dumbfounded by her complete change in attitude. It was almost as if she was actually enjoying looking at them, a far cry from the Alyssa he used to know.

“I think maybe I’ll keep these after all,” she slowly responded after a few more moments, sliding them back into the envelope. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all,” he responded. “They’re all yours.”

“You sure you don’t want to keep a couple?” she offered.

“Nahh… If Shayla finds them I’d have a hell of a time explaining them to her.” Besides he’d already taken his favorite shots and scanned them into his laptop. He knew it was a risky thing to do, but no one ever touched his computer, but him and he was pretty sure he had hidden them in a pretty inconspicuous folder. Of course he didn’t tell Alyssa any of this.

“That’s true. I’d probably have a much easier time explaining to Sean why I happen to have half naked pictures of myself laying around then you would have trying to explain to Shayla why you have half naked pictures of your ex girlfriend.”

Nick couldn’t help himself, but to ask the inevitable question that was at the back of his mind. “Just curious… What exactly are you planning to do with those pictures?”

Alyssa just laughed and shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll keep them to show to my kids someday. Like ‘See children… Mommy used to be a sex kitten back in the day, huh?’ Or maybe I’ll save them for after I finally do get pregnant and give birth and have all that baby weight to lose. I can post them in random spots all over the house as motivation.”

“Well, I’d say those are certainly some original ideas,” he smirked.

“Yea… I thought you’d appreciate them.” She grinned, but then looked down at her watch and paled. “Oh shit… Sean should be getting home pretty soon. Where did the time go?”

“I guess that’s my cue to leave?”

Alyssa just gave him a weak smile. “Yea… Not to be rude, but I’d prefer not to have to explain to Sean what you’re doing here. He’s been sort of moody lately and I just don’t want a fight.”

Nick frowned. “Maybe I’m out of line to say this, but if he is so insecure that he has to approve of all your friendships, then that’s not really a sign of a very healthy relationship. I thought that you always said that you wouldn’t stand for a guy who tried to control you, especially with Meg being in an abusive relationship in the past.”

“He’s not controlling me!” she insisted, her eyes nervously shifting around the room. “We’ve just been sort of fighting a lot lately and I just don’t want to give him another reason for him to get angry with me.” She sighed as she noticed the doubtful look on Nick’s face. “I know how it probably sounds Nick, but I swear to God that it’s not what you think. Sean’s really a nice guy and he’s not typically an angry person. He’d never do anything to physically hurt me. We’re just under a lot of stress right now. We have no clue when he’s going to Iraq and then there’s trying to have a baby before then and it’s turning out to be harder than we both anticipated. We’ve just been at each other’s throats a lot lately because everything is so rushed.”

Nick’s face softened at her explanation. He had to admit the stress that Alyssa and Sean were under was enough to cause problems in even the most stable of relationships and it had to be even harder for a couple who wasn’t even married a year yet. Still though he could only feel so much sympathy for them. They couldn’t control certain things like Sean being deployed to Iraq, but the baby thing was a personal choice of theirs. Was it that big of a deal if Alyssa didn’t get pregnant before Sean left for Iraq? Nick just didn’t see the logic in rushing to have a child before a relationship was really ready for one; hence, his current situation with Shayla. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe it wouldn’t be so horrible if you don’t get pregnant before Sean leaves for Iraq? I mean you’re still young and maybe it’s just not the right time for you yet. I just don’t understand what the big rush is for the two of you. It’s only stressing you out and hurting your relationship in the long run because you’re putting so much pressure on yourselves.”

“The big rush is that what happens if he doesn’t come back? What if this his only chance to create a child? He wants the opportunity to leave behind a part of himself so badly and I feel like I’m letting him down by not getting pregnant by now,” she confessed, sounding close to tears. “What if there’s something wrong with me?”

“First off, I see where you’re coming from, but worst case scenario if something does happen to him in Iraq, God forbid, what about you? You’re now not only a widow, but a single mother. Is that really how you want to raise a child?” He took a deep breath. “All I’m saying is my philosophy is that if it happens before he leaves, that’s great! But if it doesn’t, don’t beat yourself up over it. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be for some reason. Maybe it was meant to work out a little differently. And again if something happens to him, you’re still young. I know it sounds cold, but there are other guys out there. I’m sure you’ll become a mother some day. Maybe now just isn’t the right time for you.”

Alyssa sighed, feeling the tingly sensation of frustrated tears burning up against her eyelids. She knew that deep down Nick was right, but she refused to accept it. She hated situations that she had no control over, but the truth was in this case it was all up to the hands of fate. She could do everything in her power to become pregnant, but if it wasn’t meant to happen it wouldn’t no matter what she tried. She knew that Sean felt just as helpless as her and that was probably the source of all of their fighting. They’d been using arguments to hide the fact that they were both scared of their plans not working out as they’d imagined them. Still, it was painful to hear Nick state the truth so bluntly, a truth that she didn’t want to accept.

Nick stood there helpless for a moment, knowing that his words had struck a painful chord in her. Maybe I was wrong in trying to help, he told himself. Obviously this was a very touchy subject for her and he was surprised that she’d opened up to him as much as she just did. I should probably just leave now so she has time to compose herself before Sean gets home. “Look, I know you’re upset right now, so I should probably leave you alone. I’ll give you a call or something and if you ever need to talk I’m around,” he offered. He stood there for another unsure moment before stepping closer to her to give her a hug. She looked like she could’ve used one.

“Thanks,” she told him, leaning her head against his chest. “And thanks for bringing back the clothes… And the pictures.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just glad that you didn’t think it was weird or anything.” Alyssa shook her head and Nick released his grip on her. After an awkward wave he was gone.

Once the door closed behind him, Alyssa collapsed back onto the couch and burst into tears. It was like all the emotion of Nick’s visit had finally hit her. It was a combination of everything. The good and bad memories the clothing had represented, the conflicted emotions over the pictures, and finally her frustration with her inability to become pregnant. It was like everything was pouring out of her at once.

When Sean walked in the door fifteen minutes later that was how he found her. Immediately concerned, he’d rushed over to her and demanded to know what was the matter. Alyssa just shook her head, wiped her eyes, and replied that it was nothing. Probably just PMS. She could see the doubt flicker in Sean’s eyes, but thankfully he backed off. Alyssa managed to compose herself and a few minutes later she was acting as if nothing was wrong.

The next week or so flew by for Nick. He was so engrossed with his work at the label that he had little time to think much about his visit with Alyssa. Finally a few of his artists were scheduled to set foot into the studio within the next few weeks to begin recording and there was a lot to be done. At the moment he was at the studio preparing for a dinner meeting with Kina, the first performer on the label to start on her debut album. He felt pretty confident starting out with her. Her bluesy acoustic sound was very radio friendly and she gave off that whole “girl with a guitar” image that seemed to be so successful with other artists. To him, her music sounded like a cross between Michelle Branch and Amy Winehouse.

He was just making sure that he had all the papers that he would need when he realized that something was missing. “Shit!” he cursed. Somewhere along the line he’d misplaced the tentative recording schedule he’d mapped out for her. All of a sudden he wished he’d thought to bring his laptop into work with him today. He knew he had an extra copy of the schedule saved on it.

He glanced at the time on his work computer. There was no way that he’d have time to head home to pick up an extra copy and make it back in time for his meeting, especially in LA rush hour traffic. The only other thing he could think of to do was to try calling Shayla to see if she could e-mail him a copy. If he was lucky he’d catch her just as she was walking through the door.

Without wasting another moment he dialed Shayla’s cell phone number. “Hello?” she answered after two or three rings.

Nick got right to the point. “Hey babe… I need you to do me a huge favor. Are you home right now?”

“For the moment. I have to be down in Hollywood in like another two or three hours for a movie premiere. Why? What do you need?” Her voice sounded genuinely concerned.

“I lost my copy of the recording schedule for Kina and I’m supposed to meeting with her over dinner about it in like another hour and a half. I don’t have time to run home to print out a new one off my laptop, so I was hoping that maybe you could go into my office and e-mail me a copy from there?” he explained.

“Sure no problem. It’s on your laptop?”

“Yea… I believe it should be in the file labeled Kina. You’re a lifesaver.”

Shayla just grinned on her end of the phone. “Just give me a second,” she told him as she headed directly up to his office and took a seat at his desk where his laptop was plugged in. “I just need to boot up your computer.”

“Take your time. Thanks again.”

“Like I said it’s not a problem. But this is exactly why I keep telling you that you need to be more organized. If you were organized you wouldn’t lose important papers like this,” she giggled. She continued to make small talk with him until the laptop was fully up and running. “Okay, we’re in business now. You said that the file should be labeled Kina?”

“Yea… And I think it’s in a word document titled schedule or something like that,” he directed her.

“All right.” Shayla bit her lip in concentration as she clicked on Nick’s personal folders. She quickly went straight to the K’s and found the folder labeled Kina and clicked on it. Several documents came up, but none of them read “schedule.” She clicked on all of them anyway and found everything from contracts to song lyrics, but nothing that resembled a recording schedule at all.

Nick must’ve realized something wasn’t right because he impatiently asked, “What’s taking so long? Did you find it?”

“No… It’s not in this folder, Nick,” Shayla reported.

“What do you mean it’s not in this folder? It has to be!”

“I checked every file in the Kina folder, Nick! It’s not here! Are you sure you didn’t save it someplace else by accident?”

Nick sighed realizing that was a possibility. As Shayla had just pointed out, he wasn’t exactly the most organized person in the world. “Check some of the other artist’s folders. Maybe I did save it into the wrong folder.”

“Okay,” she agreed as she scanned through his files, looking for names of some of the other artists that she knew Nick was working with. She could find recording schedules for the other artists, but none for Kina. “No luck. I still can’t find it.”

“Shit,” he cursed as he began to panic. “It has to be on that laptop somewhere.”

“Just give me a few minutes and I’ll check some of your other folders,” she offered. “Maybe you were working on it and accidentally just saved it into the last folder that you had open? I do things like that all the time when I’m in a hurry.”

Nick could practically feel all the blood drain from his face. If that’s what he’d done then he was about to be royally screwed. What if he’d accidentally saved Kina’s recording schedule in the same folder that he’d saved the pictures he’d scanned of Alyssa? He’d been so careful to make the folder as inconspicuous looking as possible, titling it with a bunch of random numbers. The more he thought about it, the sicker he felt. It was definitely possibility. He could vaguely remember working on the schedule not very long after he had created the folder containing Alyssa’s pictures. Maybe he had done just what Shayla had suggested and accidentally saved the schedule in the wrong folder. All he knew was that if that was the case he needed to try to convince Shayla to give up her search. He’d be better off calling Kina and rescheduling their appointment. She’d probably be annoyed at him cancelling last minute like this, but nowhere near as pissed as Shayla would be if she caught sight of those pictures.

“You know what Shayla; don’t knock yourself out trying to find it. It’s my fault for being so disorganized anyway. I could just call Kina and cancel for tonight. I’m sure she’d understand,” he tried to tell her, hoping that he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt.

“Don’t be ridiculous Nick! It shouldn’t be too hard to track it down. Why would you cancel over something like this?” Her voice lowered into a taunting, playful tone. “And don’t worry; I won’t get upset over any porn I find.”

If only it was just porn I was worried about her coming across, Nick thought to himself with a sigh. Trying to think optimistically, he realized that there could be a chance that she could find the schedule in the folder with Alyssa’s pictures without actually seeing them or knowing what they were. She’d actually have to click on them for that to happen and with a little luck maybe she’d go right past them without batting an eyelash. Or they could be in another folder entirely.

On the other end of the line, Shayla clicked on a few random folders with no luck. Sometimes she wondered how her husband managed to find anything at all with how messy and disorganized he was. He’d always joked about having ADHD and if she didn’t know any better she wouldn’t doubt it. If I were an important file on Nick’s computer where would I be? she asked herself. Figuring out that in Nick’s world it would probably be in the last place anyone would ever think to look she clicked on one of the least descriptive titled folders, which name was only a series of numbers. Is that supposed to be some code or something? She knew that Nick had some weird fascination with writing secret messages in telephone codes like he’d done in the liner notes for a few of his albums.

The folder appeared to be filled with a bunch of picture images and Shayla was just about to give up when she scrolled down a bit more and discovered a word document titled schedule. Bingo! she thought to herself as she clicked on it. Sure enough, a copy of Kina’s recording schedule filled the screen. “I found it! It was exactly where I thought that it would be. In some non discrete looking folder mixed in with a bunch of picture files,” she announced. “Am I good or am I good?”

“You’re awesome,” Nick responded with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. His throat felt dry. The file had in fact been in the Alyssa folder. Did Shayla look at the pictures? he fearfully wondered for a moment or two. After thinking about the situation more clearly, he breathed a sigh in relief. If Shayla had seen them he doubted she would be able to play it off as if it were nothing. He honestly believed that he’d gotten away with it. That was close… Too close. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

“You definitely do. I’m e-mailing it right now. Anything else you need?” she asked.

“No… Thanks again. I’ll see you tonight sometime.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.” Shayla pressed the end key on her phone and proceeded to attach the recording schedule to an e-mail document and send it to Nick’s e-mail address. Once the document was sent she closed it and sat back in her chair, feeling rather proud that she’d managed to do something to help Nick out. Since Tahoe their relationship had been very strained and she was starting to fear that maybe her comments about wanting a baby had inflicted some permanent damage on their marriage. She’d noticed how since they’d returned to LA Nick had almost been avoiding her, so she felt that him asking her for help had to be a step in the right direction.

She glanced back at the computer screen, realizing that the folder in which the schedule was in was still open. There certainly were a lot of pictures in the folder and curiosity began to get the better of her. Probably porn, she scoffed to herself. She stared at the screen for a moment knowing that it was wrong of her to go snooping through his personal computer files, but she couldn’t help but to wonder exactly what the pictures contained. They had to be something that he had viewed pretty recently if he’d accidentally saved the recording schedule in the same folder. Finally giving into the temptation that was eating away at her; she leaned forward and clicked on one of the images. Let’s see what Nicky looks at when I’m not around.

Nothing could’ve prepared her for the image that appeared on the screen before her. She almost wished that it had been some large breasted porn star or a picture of two girls going at it. That she could handle. But this she couldn’t. These pictures were obviously personal.

The picture in front of her was of Alyssa lying across a bed wearing only a skimpy bra and matching panties. She was staring seductively at the camera, biting her lip ever so slightly. Shayla could just make out the outline of what appeared to be a tattoo peeking out of the waistband of the lacy underwear. Judging from her appearance, Shayla had to assume that these were not recent pictures. The Alyssa in the pictures appeared a few years younger and slightly thinner. Her hair was also shorter and lighter than how it was today.

She closed the image and clicked on another one, and then another… They were all pretty much the same. All of Alyssa and all meant to be somewhat sexual. Not being able to stand torturing herself any longer, Shayla exited the folder and sat back against the chair again, completely stunned. Surprisingly she wasn’t angry, at least not yet. If anything she was more hurt. Hurt and confused.

Why would he have these kinds of pictures on his computer of his ex- girlfriend? she wondered. It would be one thing if it was an ex that he had no relationship with now, but this was Alyssa. Normally she wouldn’t feel threatened, but after those paparazzi pictures and the fact that Nick had been hanging out with her a lot lately, Shayla was beginning to have her doubts. Did Nick really still have feelings for Alyssa? Had he just been denying it this whole time?

Then came the further question. What should she do about them? Should she confront Nick about the pictures? If she did that though, she’d have to admit that she’d been snooping through his things and he’d sure to be pissed about that. Yet, Shayla wasn’t exactly sure that she could sit back and act like she’d never seen them either. She had no clue what to do.

Finally after much consideration she came up with a plan of action for the time being. For now she’d act as if she’d never seen the pictures, but she’d definitely try to keep a much closer eye on both Nick and Alyssa. Maybe there was a logical explanation after all. But something in her gut told her otherwise.

Better off to play innocent, she decided. You never know when your knowledge of those pictures might become useful.
Chapter 12 - Wake Up Call by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa has a dream that sends her reeling.

Chapter 12 – Wake Up Call



The beginning of May was bittersweet for Alyssa. Usually, this time of the year was one of her favorites with the weather steadily growing warmer and summer just within reach. This year though it marked another month of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant.  It was now just about seven months since she and Sean had decided to start trying for a child and the pressure to become pregnant was even more intense than ever. Even though Nick had tried to reassure her that it wasn’t a tragedy if she failed to conceive before Sean’s departure to Iraq, Alyssa was stubborn. She knew how badly Sean wanted a child with her and she knew that they’d been lucky that he hadn’t been deployed yet, but with each month that passed Alyssa knew that they had less and less time to try. In the past few weeks, she’d become almost fanatical with any way she could find to boost her fertility. She scoured website after website looking for any little tip she could find to improve her chances of conceiving. Some ideas had sounded a lot like old wives’ tale’s such as taking your temperature before having sex to tell how fertile you were or only having sex certain times of the day and in certain positions. Still, Alyssa didn’t hesitate to try anything she read about. She’d even changed her entire diet around after she’d discovered that everything she ate could have an impact on her ability to get pregnant.


            There was always Melanie’s offer lingering in the back of Alyssa’s mind, to refer her and Sean to the fertility clinic that she and Kevin had visited before finally becoming pregnant with Julian. At first, the idea had sounded unthinkable. Alyssa couldn’t even fathom the idea of there possibly being something wrong with either her or Sean which would prevent them from conceiving. As the months wore on though, Alyssa actually began to start to consider it as an option. Maybe they should at least make an appointment for a consultation. It couldn’t hurt right? When she’d asked her gynecologist for her opinion at her last visit though a few weeks ago, her doctor had assured her that the success rate for conception in women her age was very high and that very few women in their late twenties have serious problems that prevent them from getting pregnant. She’d also pointed out that normally doctors recommend that a couple try for at least a year before seeking out other options. Alyssa and Sean had only been trying for seven months, but Alyssa doubted that they’d have an entire year to keep trying. As a result, the situation had left her feeling powerless and frustrated and she’d been snippy at everyone lately.


            Everyone picked up on the change in Alyssa’s attitude, but no one seemed to address it outright. She and Sean barely spoke without fighting and whenever they were on good terms they were trying to conceive a child. It began to seem like all they did anymore was fight and have sex. And it wasn’t even good make up sex. As of lately it was beginning to feel routine and mechanical. There was no more excitement or passion. Sex was beginning to seem like a chore that needed to be done in order to hopefully have a child one day. It was at the point now where Alyssa found Sean to be so boring and predictable she could probably have sex with him in her sleep. Some nights she felt like she did. It was not only her relationship with Sean that suffered though. She’d been harder on her students too, raising her voice much louder than usual with them. She’d even begun to blow off her friends. Whenever Teri called and asked her to do wedding stuff with her or Izzy invited her and Sean over for dinner, Alyssa made up some kind of excuse. She just plain wasn’t in the mood.


            Finally one Saturday afternoon not being able to put up with Alyssa hiding away any longer, Teri and Tricia had driven over to Alyssa’s house and pretty much forced her into going out to lunch with them. They hadn’t heard from her in weeks and knew that an afternoon out with the girls full of raunchy conversation and fattening food was just what she probably needed.


            Their first surprise came after they’d arrived at one of their favorite LA restaurants for lunch and Alyssa only ordered a Caesar salad instead of her usual cheeseburger and French fries. “Is that all your eating?” Tricia asked, with raised eyebrows. “You never order just a salad. Are you like on a diet or something?”


            Alyssa just shrugged. “Not really a diet per say. I’ve just been more conscious about what kinds of food I’m putting into my body lately.”


            Teri narrowed her eyes in Alyssa’s direction. “Trust me, hun. You definitely don’t need to worry about watching what you eat. Now considering I’m getting married in five months, I’m a different story.”


            “I’m not trying to lose weight!” she angrily defended herself. “I’ve been doing some research on things that I can do to help improve my chances of getting pregnant, and one of the first things they tell you to do is to change your diet around. I’ve cut out caffeine and I’m trying to eat more vegetables and less carbs. That’s all.” Her explanation was cut off by the sound of loud giggling coming from a table of young women who appeared to be in their early twenties a few feet away. Alyssa wrinkled her nose in disgust and rolled her eyes in their direction. “God, I hope we weren’t that annoying when we were their age.”


            Teri just smirked at Alyssa’s bitchy remark. “For a woman who is supposed to be getting laid as often as you are you sure are in a nasty mood.”


            “Yea, well maybe the getting laid part isn’t as great as it sounds,” she mumbled.


            Her friend’s face softened. “You and Sean still having trouble finding time for the two of you? I remember you saying that was an issue the last time we talked.”


            Alyssa sighed. “It’s getting better as far as finding the time goes, but I don’t know… Lately it’s just been like the same old routine night after night. And nothing seems to be happening in the baby department, so I guess it’s making the both of us more and more discouraged. It’s like the longer it doesn’t happen, the harder he feels like he has to try, and the harder he tries the worse it gets.”


            “Ouch,” Tricia chimed in sympathetically. “Sounds like you guys are in one hell of a rut. Why don’t you try to change it up a little bit? If he isn’t doing it, why don’t you take control? Do a little something different to change the monotony a bit.”


            “Oh, I’ve tried. Teri suggested that I try to take the focus off of the baby for one night and switch it to just the two of us, but every time I try to get his mind off it he has to go bring it up again. It’s like we can’t have sex without him reminding us that we’re trying to have a baby here.”


            “Have you tried talking to him about how you feel?” Teri suggested. “Maybe he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. Or maybe he does, but doesn’t realize the effect it has. Although I don’t see how he can’t. If things are that strained in the bedroom, doesn’t he realize that something needs to change?”


            “I’ve tried talking to him about it. Whenever I bring it up though, he gets so defensive. It becomes another excuse to fight, so I don’t even bother anymore. And as far as him being oblivious to how routine things are getting… Well, let’s just say I’ve learned to become a really good actress,” Alyssa admitted with a blush.


            “You mean you’ve been faking it?” Tricia gasped. “Alyssa! I’m shocked!”


            “Yea I know… Totally not my style and I was always thought that it was a completely dishonest thing to do, but in my situation its just easier to act like I’m enjoying it and just get it over with. I can’t wait until I actually get pregnant and things can finally get back to normal.”


            “Normal? Ha! You think after you’re pregnant your sex life is gong to go back to normal? Ask Melanie, Leighanne, or even Izzy what happens after you have a baby. Not that I’d know from experience, but most of my friends who had kids said that after the baby came along their sex lives chilled significantly,” Teri pointed out. “Hate to be the voice of negativity, but it’s the truth.”


            “Thanks,” Alyssa dryly replied before sighing. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch lately, but I’ve just been really stressed about this whole pregnancy thing and instead of bringing Sean and I closer it’s only wedging a gap between us. Then I haven’t been sleeping very well. I’ve had a lot on my mind and then I had a really strange dream which I don’t know what to make of…”


            “Dream? What kind of dream?” Tricia curiously asked.


            Alyssa froze for a moment. She hadn’t intended on bringing up the dream that had woken her up in the middle of the night in a sweat and had left her feeling so confused and mixed up that she wound up lying awake for pretty much the entire night. It wasn’t until she’d finally crept downstairs and sprawled out on the living room couch, that she’d been able to get any sleep at all. She supposed it had something to do with the fact that Sean had been next to her the entire time, making her even more uneasy. The dream had been haunting her all day no matter how hard she tried to push it into the back of her mind, so she supposed she shouldn’t be too surprised that her subconscious had chosen to mention it. “It’s not important,” she quickly replied. “It was stupid really.”


            Teri shook her head in obvious disagreement “Dreams are never stupid. They’re actually really insightful in a fucked up way. Why don’t you tell us about it? I love interpreting this kind of stuff.”


            “Oh, you’d definitely have a ball with this one,” she muttered. Again the words were out of her mouth before she even realized it.


            “Ok, now you do realize you have to tell us about it or we will just pull it out of you. And you know that I’m very good at doing that. What kind of dream was it? Was it a good dream or a bad dream?”


            Alyssa sighed, knowing that she was defeated. Teri was right. She may just as well tell them. Besides if there was anyone who could help her figure out the meaning behind this dream it was Teri and Tricia. This particular dream was right up their alley. “Depends at how you look at it. It started out really good. Kind of weird, but damn good.”


            “So I’m guessing this was a sexual dream then?” Tricia slyly asked.


            “Yea,” she reluctantly agreed. “But then it got pretty fucked up.”

            Teri raised her eyebrows and stifled a laugh. “Fucked up in a good way or fucked up in a bad way?”


            She just rolled her eyes at her friend. “Not fucked up in some weird, kinky way. Fucked up as in it got really dark, really fast.”


            The two other women looked intrigued now. Teri was the first to speak after a long pause. “Okay… I have to ask. Who was it about?”


            “Nick… And Sean was in it too.”


            Tricia gasped. “You were dreaming about having sex with Nick?” Already her body was leaned forward intently as if she was clinging to every one of Alyssa’s words. “Something tells me this is going to be good.”


            “Actually that doesn’t surprise me too much,” Teri remarked. “But please start from the beginning. I’m curious to know where Sean comes in.”


            Alyssa took in a deep breath as she began describing her dream in further detail. “Well, like I said, it was starting out like your average sex dream, but then the tables turned really fast and it freaked me out big time…”




            The early morning light filtered through the bedroom window, but Alyssa found herself oblivious to the sun’s rays that flooded over her body. She was too preoccupied on the searing kisses that she was currently sharing with the man beside her. Her mind was fuzzy and even though her eyes were closed, making his identity unclear, she could feel their limbs entangling as their mouths meshed together.



Their lips broke apart for a moment, and Alyssa’s eyes opened as she drew in a shaky breath. For the first time her eyes made contact with his and she gasped once she realized who they belonged to. She’d been half expecting to be met with Sean’s light green eyes, but instead found herself gazing into Nick’s blue ones.



 She stared up at him in shock for a moment, but before she could further react his lips were on hers again, and all questions began to slip away from her mind. Her body instinctively reacted as she surrendered to the kiss. Her fingernails lightly dug into his shoulders while his arms snaked their way tighter around her waist. He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him as the kisses once again deepened. Alyssa softly moaned as his mouth made contact with the side of her neck. Her fingers flew up and buried themselves in his hair while her eyes closed, savoring the feeling of his hands over her body.



Nick continued his assault on her neck, nipping and sucking at the delicate area which produced several frustrated cries from Alyssa’s lips. Impatience began to take over her body and her hips rolled up against his almost pleading for him to move on. Sensing her urgency, Nick flipped them back over so their lips were only inches apart. Alyssa hooked her arms around his neck, pulling him down just enough to close up the gap between the two of them. She moaned against his open mouth as his fingertips stole underneath the lacy edge of her bra and brushed against one of her already hardening nipples. A shiver ran through her body when he lowered the material just enough to expose the erect bud before leaning down to swirl his tongue against it. Her back arched in response allowing him to take her more fully into his mouth as he gently sucked against her soft skin. His hand slowly traveled up the top of her thigh and Alyssa writhed uncomfortably feeling it so close to her center. Seeing the effect it had on her, he let his fingertips brush up against her inner thigh, playing with the edge of the black lace boy shorts she was wearing. Another frustrated groan escaped her lips and not being able to stand much more she gripped her hands around his wrist and placed his hand at the top of the waistband, hoping that he would get the hint.



 Seeming pleased with her initiative, he slipped his hand underneath the garment, and Alyssa practically sighed in relief as he dragged a finger up against her. Her hands clenched around the sheets underneath her while he continued to stroke his fingertips against her wet folds. Steadily, he began to rub a little bit harder, leaning down to dip his tongue into her naval. Alyssa bit down hard on her lip as her eyes clenched shut tightly already feeling the heat beginning to rise in her body. Without hesitation, Nick plunged two long fingers inside of her causing Alyssa to gasp loudly. Her body took over automatically moving against each thrust of his fingers as they pumped harder against her. She was so lost in the moment that she didn’t even hear the sound of the bedroom door being kicked open over her increasingly louder cries.



Just as she was beginning to feel the familiar quaking feeling of her orgasm approaching her, she felt Nick stop. Her eyes sprang open in surprise and as she peered over Nick’s shoulder she gasped, this time for an entirely different reason. Standing near the doorway stood an enraged Sean who seemed to be breathing just as heavily as she was; only he looked extremely hurt and pissed off. The wild look in his eyes was enough to sober her as she sat up trying to adjust her rumpled clothing.


I didn't hear what you were saying.
I live on raw emotion baby
I answer questions never maybe
And I'm not kind if you betray me.
So who the hell are you to say we
Never would have made it babe.


“I knew it!” he finally shouted breaking the tense silence. “I knew that you were fucking him behind my back! You kept denying it to me, but I knew that you were lying to me! But in my own bed? That’s fucking low of you Alyssa.”



 Alyssa looked around helplessly her mind scrambling for some kind of explanation, but how could she explain herself when she wasn’t even sure how she’d wound up in the situation in the first place? “I’m sorry,” were the only words she could think of to say, wincing at how pathetic they sounded under the circumstances.



“Sorry? Sorry doesn’t cut it! You made a vow to me Alyssa! Does that not mean anything to you?”



 Again Alyssa just hung her head silently, not being able to defend herself. She’d be the first to admit that she had been wrong, but all she could remember was how right it had felt.



“You know if there was something that you needed that I wasn’t giving you, you really should’ve let me know instead of searching for it in the arms of your ex boyfriend,” Sean continued, all of a sudden sounding almost too calm. “Too bad… Now that you’ve taken something from me, I’m going to have to take something from you.”

Before Alyssa could ask him what he meant by that she caught glimpse of something silver glinting in the sunlight in Sean’s hands. She screamed shrilly when she realized it was a gun.



f you needed love
Well then ask for love
Could have given love
Now I’m taking love
And it’s not my fault
Cause you both deserve
What is coming now
So don’t say a word


The next ten seconds seemed to happen in slow motion for her. Her scream seemed to be frozen in the air and all she could remember was the crazed look in her husband’s eyes. A loud popping sound ricocheted throughout the room like an explosion. It didn’t sink in that Sean had actually fired a shot until she felt Nick’s arms dive around her body, forcing her to duck down beneath the covers for safety. His body covered hers like a shield and Alyssa shrank under the comforter for what felt like forever waiting for her heart to stop pounding.



  Finally getting the courage to open her eyes Alyssa realized that Nick was on top of her. She nudged him with her elbow, but nothing happened. Wriggling out of her position, pinned underneath him she screamed as his body slumped forward. Pulling her hands away she realized they were sticky with warm, red, blood. Her eyes flew up towards Sean who was staring at the gun almost as if he couldn’t believe he had actually shot it. Her attention focused back to Nick who had a clear bullet wound through his back. He’d gotten hit just as he was diving across the bed to protect her. Her hand flew up to her mouth in shock as tears began to flow down her face.



 “Nick… Please be okay!” she begged almost hysterically as she rolled him over, cradling his head in her lap. “You’re fine… Just open your eyes. Please!” Her sobs grew louder once she saw how unresponsive he was, but she refused to accept the fact that he was gone.



  She was so panic stricken that she barely noticed Sean tentatively approach the side of the bed and place his hands on the pulse point near his neck. He looked up at her grimly. “He’s gone, Alyssa. He’s not going to be waking up.”


Wake up call
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed
Don't you care about me anymore?
Don’t you care about me? I don't think so.
Six foot tall
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead
He won't come around here anymore
Come around here? I don't think so.

~ Wake Up Call- Maroon 5




            “Wow… Uhh yea… Now I totally see why you’re so freaked out over this dream,” Tricia said wide eyed after Alyssa finished describing it. “I don’t even know where to start.”


            “I told you girls to have fun with the analyzing. Lord knows there’s plenty of shit in there to talk about,” Alyssa told them, sitting back in her seat. “So, start wherever you please.”


            “Well, first off I think it’s pretty obvious that you still have feelings for Nick,” Teri stated. “Feelings that are more than just friendly. I’d say that you definitely still have sexual feelings about him deep down somewhere.”


            Alyssa opened her mouth to protest, but quickly closed it. She didn’t like to admit to herself that she was still sexually attracted to her ex, but it was kind of hard to deny it if she was having sexual dreams about him. And there had been that little spark she’d felt between them at Tiffany’s with the necklace. She’d brushed it off at the time, but now she had to wonder if it was really attraction she’d felt.


            “And the whole Sean part symbolizes your fear of what could happen if Sean ever realized that you still have these feelings for Nick even though you haven’t acted upon them like in the dream,” Tricia continued before frowning. “You haven’t acted on them, have you?”


            “Do you mean have I done anything with Nick since I’ve been with Sean?” Alyssa asked incredulously. Two pairs of eyes stared at her curiously. “God no! Things between Sean and I are complicated enough right now.”


            “But you’ve thought about it, right?” Teri pressed. “Hypothetically speaking if you could sleep with Nick and get away with it without Sean or Shayla finding out, would you?”


            Alyssa sighed, once again feeling like she was in the hot seat. “That’s not a very realistic situation,” she argued, trying to avoid giving an answer.


            “Just answer the damn question. Hypothetical’s or never realistic. That’s what makes them hypothetical.”


            “All right,” she finally admitted. “I guess based upon where Sean and I are now in our relationship and how crappy our sex life has been lately, if I could do it and get away with it I probably would.” She winced. “That probably makes me a horrible person, right?”


            Teri shrugged. “Not really. At least you’re honest. And it’s not like you’re actually going to do it.”


            “Yea, you’re right,” Alyssa reluctantly agreed. “But I still feel guilty for even thinking it.”


            There was an awkward silence between the three for a moment until a devilish smirk appeared on Tricia’s face. “So, Alyssa… While we’re being honest here and letting loose, who is better in bed? Sean or Nick?”


            Alyssa groaned. “I swear you girls live to torture me by forcing me to admit my deepest darkest secrets.” Knowing that her friends wouldn’t relent until she answered the question she gave in. “Okay. It’s definitely Nick hands down. There’s no contest.”


            “Oooh… Scandalous,” both women hooted.


            “Well, it’s the truth. I mean not that Sean is bad by any means. Yea, right now we’re in the middle of a bit of a rough patch, but usually it’s pretty good. It’s just hard to compare them because they’re just so different. I’ve done things with Sean that I’ve never done with Nick and vice versa. I guess the thing about Sean though is he’s not always consistent. Like one time it’ll be amazing and the next it’ll be like uhh what the fuck was that? But overall it’s usually pretty good,” she confessed.


            “And Nick?” Teri asked.


            A sly look came across Alyssa’s face. “Amazing pretty much all the time. I mean I suppose we’ve had those few times where it could’ve been better, but nine times out of ten it was for lack of a better word, amazing. Let’s just say that I’ve never had to fake anything with him. Shayla’s a lucky woman.”


            The two other women exchanged a glance and laughed as Alyssa continued sounding more serious. “I just sort of wish that I’d had some of the confidence I have in myself now that I lacked back then for him. If I did… Man, I think it would be just unbelievable. But, I guess it wasn’t meant to be.” Her voice trailed off sadly and then it finally hit her enough to make her choke up a little bit. “Fuck. I think I just realized that I’m not as over him as I thought I was.”


            Both women’s faces softened and put their arms around Alyssa who was already beginning to tear up. “I was trying to deny it all this time, but I think my dream proved it. I’m still attracted to him and I think that’s one of the reasons that’s putting a strain on my relationship with Sean and I have no clue what to do about it. I can’t cut Nick out of my life completely because it would mean cutting out nearly all my friends, but the more I hang out with him the harder it is for me to convince myself that I don’t have feelings for him. This could be bad.”


            “Hmm…” Teri pursed her lips. “Well, I’m not denying that you still have feelings for Nick, but if you want my honest opinion, I think that you’re using them as a distraction from your current problems with Sean. In your mind, it would be easier to run back into Nick’s arms then to actually sit down and work shit out with Sean. I can’t tell you who you should be with, but you have to consider Sean and Shayla’s feelings too. You need to at least give things with Sean another shot before making any rash decisions. But you know I’ll support you no matter what you do girl.”


            “You’re right,” Alyssa agreed. “I’m blowing this out of proportion and it’s not like he’s tried to make a move on me or anything. As far as I know this is all in my head. Hell, I don’t even know if he feels the same way. Sometimes I think he might, but other times…”


            “Well, I think that you need to listen to what’s in your heart,” Tricia advised. “If you really, truly think that you and Nick belong together, you need to go for it. You’ve let him slip through your fingertips quite a number of times already. Yea, you’ll probably hurt Sean, but isn’t it even more hurtful to lead him on and believe that you love him when you’re in love with someone else?”


            “I wouldn’t say I’m in love with him, at least not at this point. I just still have an attraction to him and that’s all. It could be completely innocent,” she pointed out.


            “Yea… So innocent that you’re having sex dreams about him.”


            “Tricia… You’re not helping.”


            “Sorry about that,” she apologized. “But yea… Just do what makes you happy. You’re always putting others first before you. Go out and take care of yourself for once.”


            “Thanks for the input ladies, but I’m through talking about me for one afternoon. How are those wedding plans going Teri?”


            Alyssa sat back and listened as Teri began to ramble on about all the unfinished details still left for the wedding, but her mind was a million miles away. If anything her conversation had left her even more confused about her feelings for Nick as well as her feelings for Sean. Was she doing just as Teri suggested and creating these feelings as an excuse to hide from her difficulties with Sean? Or was there honestly something there? And if there was, did she have the balls to do anything about it?

Chapter 13 - Survey Says by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa discusses the topic of cheating with her friends.

Chapter 13 – Survey Says

After her lunch with Teri and Tricia, Alyssa arrived home feeling more confused than ever. Between the afternoon she’d spent with Nick last month, the paparazzi pictures, and him finding the pictures he’d taken of her from a few years ago, things had definitely been a little weird between the two of them. Adding it all up together, Alyssa almost wanted to kick herself for being so blind. Of course she still had feelings for him! Not only was it that little spark she’d felt with the necklace, but looking back Alyssa really began to realize just how much Nick had changed and how close their friendship had grown so quickly. They had been so much more comfortable and relaxed around each other. It was exactly how things should’ve been between them in a perfect world.

But then there was Teri’s opinion too. Was it possible that she was just focusing so much on Nick lately as a way of dodging her problems with Sean? Wasn’t it rather convenient that now that the minute she and Sean began to have difficulties in their relationship all of a sudden she realized she might still have feelings for her ex? Or was it just one big coincidence? Alyssa had to admit though that Teri did have a point. The answer to her and Sean’s problems was definitely not through Nick. That would be taking the easy way out instead of facing those problems head on. Besides, what was happening between her and Sean was probably completely normal under the circumstances. Look at everything they were faced with! While doing some of her research about getting pregnant, Alyssa had stumbled upon more than a few sources warning that in many cases becoming pregnant definitely could take its toll on any relationship; even the healthiest of ones. So what she and Sean were going through was completely normal, right?

Still though, she found herself being throughouly confused about what to do if anything about these newly realized feelings about Nick. On one hand she had one person telling her to go with her gut instinct and live impulsively, while on the other she had someone else telling her that she needed to think things through a lot deeper and take a more calculated approach if she decided to do anything about them. Knowing how it felt to be cheated on, she’d never want to put someone else in that position, but regrettably she had cheated on at least one ex of hers with Nick before. Of course, Dan had been a complete rebound relationship after she’d learned that Nick had married Katie. She’d jumped into things with him rather quickly and although he’d been a very nice guy, she couldn’t say that she had any deep feelings for him. Sean was a completely different animal though. She actually shared a deep connection with him and they were married. Cheating on a husband was a lot more serious than just cheating on a boyfriend. Sean’s words from her dream echoed back at her ominously. Sorry? Sorry doesn’t cut it! You made a vow to me Alyssa! Does that not mean anything to you? Just the memory put a chill through her.

Then there was the fact that Nick was also married, so if anything were to happen between the two of them, they’d be breaking up two marriages. She wasn’t quite certain of the whole situation, but she already knew that there was some tension between Nick and Shayla due to their opposing views on children. Two people, who had strong feelings for each other and were stuck in relationships that left them unsatisfied was a sure recipe for disaster, and it scared Alyssa when she realized how the stage was already beginning to be set. Ultimately, the choice would be hers whether she chose to do the moral thing and stay faithful to her husband, but it was almost too tempting the way that circumstances were setting themselves up.

To some people cheating is the worst thing that you can possibly do, but then you have those people who willingly stay in relationships knowing that their partner is having an affair and they’re completely okay with it, she told herself. How can someone stand that? She never quite understood how people could have affairs and not feel guilty. Obviously cheating was one of those personal topics that everyone seemed to have different opinions on. Suddenly, Alyssa developed a strong interest in polling her friends and family about their feelings on cheating. Maybe their answers would help her sort out her mixed up feelings about the whole issue as well as help her decide exactly what she should do about her situation with Nick.

Surprisingly, Alyssa found the next morning that getting her friends opinions on cheating were actually a lot simpler than she’d anticipated. Almost automatically her first opening was almost handed to her with a hysterical phone call from Izzy.

“I think Tristan is cheating on me,” Izzy announced as soon as Alyssa had answered the phone.

“Whoa! Back that ass up and start from the beginning. What makes you think he’s cheating on you?” she curiously asked. She wasn’t sure what to be more stunned about. The fact that Tristan could be cheating on Izzy or the uncanny fact that Izzy had brought up the one topic that had been obsessing her thought’s lately.

“I feel like Grace and I don’t matter much to him anymore. He’s always pushing us aside for his music… You’d think that he was a fucking Grammy winning artist or something! Okay, so maybe his first album did have a pretty decent success. But this new album he’s just released ranks him right back down with some indie artists. I know he’s stressed because his record label is threatening to drop him, but I feel like he’s taking it all out on me!”

Alyssa bit her lip. “Well, I can see how that would cause some problems in your relationship Iz, but I also don’t see any proof of him cheating on you either.”

“I’m getting to that part,” she warned. “He’s been doing all these small club shows and going out practically every night to promote himself. I hardly ever go with him because someone needs to stay home with Grace. He comes home three or four in the morning… sometimes later reeking of some kind of mixture of perfume, alcohol, and cigarettes. There are some days that poor Grace doesn’t even see him and he’s her father! Then I see all these pictures of him with these random girls on his music My Space.”

“I don’t know Iz… I mean I admit that’s pretty shitty of him to devote so much time to his music when he has a daughter that he should be devoting at least half that time too, but you’ve practically grown up in the music industry. You know how crazy groupies can be and you should know firsthand that not every guy gives into the temptations of a scantily clad body. I mean Kevin turned out pretty normal, and I know that he’s definitely had chances.”

Izzy just scoffed. “Yea, Kevin was one story, but then how do you explain Nick? I love him dearly and he’s one of my best friends, but I’ve seen a lot of things concerning him that I really wish that I hadn’t. Face it. He was quite the man whore at one time. I could probably blame him for my paranoia in assuming that Tristan is cheating,” she admitted.

“Hey, if Nick could turn himself around and settle himself down, then I’d say that there’s hope yet for anyone. I think you’re blowing this all out of proportion.”

“Well, there is one more thing that scares me,” she finally admitted. “We’ve been together for how long now?”

“About the same time that Nick and I first got together…” Alyssa paused counting off the years. “So, that would be approximately eight years ago.”

“Correct. And we’ve been living together for six and have had a daughter now for three. Don’t you think it’s about time he thought about just making it official already and putting a damn ring on my finger?”

“Well, uhh… Have you talked about marriage with him?”

“All the time. And every time I bring it up there’s a different excuse. Mostly his music career, but I don’t buy it. What music career? Going to hole in the wall bars to play for a bunch of college students? There’s no way that excuse is going to work on me. Hello, Kevin gave up his career to be a father even before Julian was born. And look at Brian! He manages to have a music career and still be a damn good father and husband. And their careers are much more lucrative than his. It’s just frustrating!” Izzy let out a muffled scream. “I definitely don’t want to think about a future without him, especially because of Grace, but on the other hand I just feel like I’m wasting my time.”

Alyssa couldn’t help, but to feel sympathetic for her friend. A part of her wanted to reassure Izzy that she and Tristan didn’t need a marriage for their relationship to flourish, but she also knew that if she was in Izzy’s shoe’s she’d be desperately waiting for a ring too. “Would you really leave him though? I can’t imagine you and Tristan not being together.”

Izzy just shrugged on the other end of the phone. “If he was cheating on me? In a heartbeat. I’m sorry, but no offense to you because I know you’ve been this situation with Nick, but cheating is unforgivable in my book. Why do you think it took so long for me to even begin to act civil towards Nick again after what he did to you? I have absolutely no respect for cheaters.”

Just from the venomous tone of her voice, Alyssa was already starting to feel guilty and she didn’t even have anything to really feel guilty about yet. “Wow… Those are pretty strong words there,” she remarked.

“I don’t think so,” Izzy icily replied. “I don’t stand for anyone fucking around on me.”

I guess that’s one for the cheating is wrong under any circumstances column, Alyssa noted to herself as she mentally classified Izzy’s opinion.

The next opportunity for Alyssa to raise the great cheating debate was the following afternoon. After work, she and one of her neighbors, Callie headed over to the hospital to visit a mutual friend of their’s Kim, who had just given birth to a baby boy the day before. The two women had become close friends with Alyssa since her and Sean had moved to California and their husbands were also friends with Sean. The three couples often got together for barbeques and poker nights and things like that.

Visiting Kim in the hospital was a little bittersweet for Alyssa. Naturally, it was painful to have to fake happiness over another woman’s successful birth when Alyssa herself was having problems getting pregnant. Out of the three women, she was the oldest by a few months, but the only one of the three to not yet have any kids of her own. Callie already had two children and this was Kim’s first. Alyssa couldn’t help but to feel a little left out.

When they entered Kim’s hospital room, Alyssa’s lip curled slightly in disgust as she realized that Kim was in the midst of breast feeding. Not seeming phased at all by their entrance she smiled brightly and continued what she was doing, not at all embarrassed. “Hey girls! Come on in! I’m just trying to get the hang of this breast feeding thing down. You don’t mind do you?”

“Not at all,” Callie replied, being the first to enter the room. “Yea, breast feeding is a bitch at first, but after the first few times it just becomes second nature.”

“Good… That makes me feel better. I didn’t think it would be so complicated, but it’s so much healthier for the baby,” she rambled on.

And totally does a number on your boobs, Alyssa thought cynically to herself. Although she was nowhere near being pregnant yet she’d already decided against the idea of breast feeding. She knew all the research about it being healthier and all that, but it just sounded like a bigger pain of the ass than it was worth. She hadn’t been breast fed as a baby and she’d turned out fine. Besides, call it shallow, but she liked her boobs just the way they were.

Picking up on Alyssa’s obvious discomfort, Callie laughed. “I think we’re scaring Alyssa over there.”

“Yea, I think so too,” Kim agreed. “I guess then I probably shouldn’t go into too much detail about how long I was in labor for. She might stop trying to get pregnant altogether.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ve already witnessed my best friend give birth to my Goddaughter and I kid you not, I was with her the whole damn time,” Alyssa pointed out. “So, I’ve pretty much seen it all, although I can imagine it has to be ten times worse when you’re actually the one doing the pushing.”

“Oh, it is! It honestly felt like I was being ripp-“Finally remembering her promise not to go into details, Kim clamped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry Lyss. I forgot.”

“So, do you think that you and Ian are going to want anymore kids in the future?” Alyssa tried to change the subject.

“I think so, although it’s a little too early to tell just yet. We’ll have to see how we do with this one. We both want a big family. At least five or six.”

“Five or six?” Now it was Callie’s turn to pale. “You can so tell that you’re a new Mom. Let, me tell you… Come back in like a month or two and I guarantee you that you’ll change your mind. I used to want a big family too, but now I’m perfectly content with two.”

“Yea… Two seems like a good number,” Alyssa agreed. “Of course I’m having trouble getting pregnant with one, so…”

Both women’s faces softened. “I’m sorry Lyss. I wish there was something I could do to help. It took a little bit for me to get pregnant with Carly, but not this long. Then when Richard came along it happened right away.”

“I got pregnant with Gavin here pretty easily,” Kim chimed in. “I mean we weren’t exactly trying at the time, but we haven’t been married very long either. I guess it also helped that I’m pretty young. Not that you’re old of course. Just older.”

Alyssa just rolled her eyes, not taking offense in the younger woman’s comment. Kim was the youngest of the three of them at twenty-three and the one that Alyssa seemed to bat heads with most. Kim was very opinionated and stubborn as was Alyssa, but Kim sometimes came across as overconfident and at times judgmental. Alyssa assumed that because of her age she lacked experience which led to their differences in opinion, but more than once Callie had to referee the two of them in some heated debate. “Actually, my gynecologist told me that a woman my age has the same chances of getting pregnant as a woman your age Kim. Usually fertility stays pretty consistent between women in their early twenties and women in their late twenties. Although the optimal age to conceive is mid twenties, biologically speaking I still have excellent chances.”

“So, there aren’t any problems fertility-wise?” Callie uncomfortably asked. “She didn’t say that you definitely can’t have children?”

“Only about seven percent of women my age actually have fertility problems that are unrelated to a prior event,” Alyssa firmly reported. The other two women looked at her oddly. “What? I’ve been doing my research. The odds that there’s something wrong with me are extremely low. Yea, I’ve been concerned, but my doctor told me that she doesn’t recommend me going to see a fertility specialist until we’ve been trying for at least a full year.”

“I know… It just really sucks because you and Sean don’t have that much more time,” Callie sympathized. Both women were in the same boat as Alyssa when it came to the threat of their husbands being sent over to Iraq, so they were well aware of the pressures that Alyssa was being faced with.

“It’s okay,” she tried to brush the topic off. “It’ll happen. Let’s see what’s on TV.” She grabbed the remote off of Kim’s nightstand, glad to change the subject. She grinned when she saw the beginnings of the Oprah Winfrey show flash across the screen. She was a big Oprah fan and she was even more delighted when the topic of that day’s show was announced.

“All of our women on our show today are different ages, races, body types, and economic levels, but they all share the same deep, dark secret,” Oprah mysteriously began her introduction. “All of these women have admitted to cheating on their husbands and they’re here today to tell their stories. The reasons for their infidelity are different in each of their cases, but they all have one thing in common. They swore that this would never happen to them. So, how does a seemingly happy married woman turn into an adulteress? Today we’re going to see if we can find out.”

Kim grabbed the remote from Alyssa’s hand and flicked the television off. “I don’t want to watch that crap.”

“Afraid it might give you some ideas?” Alyssa teased, secretly happy that the door for the cheating conversation had been opened for her.
“No.”” Kim made a face. “I just don’t want to hear women scramble to make excuses and try to garner sympathy when they were the ones who chose to ruin their marriages in the first place. I mean okay, I admit that most women have fantasized about having an extramarital affair. Even I have dreamt about cheating on Ian with Orlando Bloom, but that’s just it. It’s a fantasy and although it’s completely healthy and normal, there’s also not a snowballs chance in hell of it happening.”

Alyssa thought about what Kim had just said for a moment. Could it just be the fantasy aspect that had her so sure she still had feelings for Nick? So, she’d dreamt about him? As Kim had just pointed out that there was nothing wrong about just thinking about it. It was actually doing it that brought on trouble. Of course in Alyssa’s case, Nick wasn’t just an unattainable celebrity to her. “Okay, but just playing devil’s advocate here… What if the guy you were fantasizing about was actually somebody that you could plausibly hook up with? Not someone you’re probably never going to meet like Orlando Bloom?”

Kim just shrugged. “Can’t say I’ve been in that position really. Yea, every once in a while I’ll see a guy who is pretty hot, but I just don’t have much desire to even risk letting it get that far. I have too much to lose, especially right now. I just had a baby, so I’m more focused on being a Mom right now. Plus, I’m pretty happy and satisfied with Ian. I’d have no real reason to cheat.”

“I agree with Kim,” Callie cut in. “Only I’m probably a lot more adamant about the whole cheating thing. I’d never cheat on Steve. We’ve been together since high school, so that’s almost ten years now. We have too much history just to throw that away for what? One night of hopefully great sex? It’s not worth it. Kim is right. We’ve got too much to lose. Especially with the threat of Steve being sent to Iraq. That would be like a slap in the face to him.”

Alyssa just nodded and mulled the thought over already feeling guilty for even considering cheating on Sean. Callie was right. Doing something like that while he was risking his life for their country was pretty selfish. She couldn’t do that to Sean.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Kim. “What’s your opinion on the whole cheating thing Alyssa?”

Alyssa felt like she was completely being put in the spot, but bit her lip before thoughtfully responding. “It’s tough because I’ve been on both sides of the fence on this one and it’s honestly a horrible feeling to be cheated on. It leaves you wondering what you could have done to prevent it from happening to you. But on the other hand sometimes you just have stronger feelings for someone else and I guess you just can’t help it. You don’t want to hurt the person you’re with by letting them go, but you can’t deny your feelings either.”

She could tell that the other two women didn’t quite agree with her just by the glance they shared. Finally Callie broke the tense silence with question that even Alyssa was unsure of the answer too. “Would you ever cheat on Sean?”

The question shook her and she nervously licked her lips, not sure of how to answer. At this point, she really wasn’t certain. If someone had asked her the same question a few weeks earlier she’d be offended that they’d even ask, but now she had her doubts. Of course, she couldn’t admit those to Callie and Kim. “Of course I wouldn’t. I love Sean.”

She just hoped that she sounded as convincingly as she thought she did.

That evening Alyssa received an unexpected phone call from her older sister Megan, in New Jersey. The call had been just what she needed to pull her out of her worried mood that she’d been in when she and Callie had left the hospital earlier that afternoon. She and Meg had been extremely close at one time, but now that they were living on two completely opposite coasts it made keeping up a relationship very hard. Alyssa wished that they could live closer, but Meg had a pretty set life in New Jersey with her husband Scott.

“Meg! It’s great to hear from you!” she answered the phone excitedly. “How are you and Scott?”

“We’re doing great,” her older sister responded. “Actually I’m calling with some pretty good news. Now that I’ve finally gotten a degree and I have a pretty steady job in a bank as a mortgage consultant, Scott and I have finally decided that it’s a good time to start thinking about kids.”

“That’s great news Meg.” Alyssa was genuinely happy for her older sister. Meg was unable to have children as a result of a bout with ovarian cancer in her early twenties. Now officially cancer free, but without both of her ovaries, Meg’s options for children were limited. She and Scott had discussed their choices and last Alyssa had heard were considering adopting. “So are you still looking into adoption?”

“We’ve already met with an agency and we’ve reached a decision. It’s really competitive and expensive to adopt a baby within this country and we kind of want it to happen right away, so we’ve decided to adopt from another country. If all goes according to plan, Scott and I will be spending our summer in China and coming home with a baby girl,” Meg proudly reported.

“Aww… That’s such amazing news! I can’t believe that I’m going to be an Aunt in only a few short weeks!”

“Uh huh! I thought I’d let you know, so you can already start shopping for things to spoil her with. What about you though?” Meg asked. “Last I heard from Mom was that I might be becoming an Aunt pretty soon there myself.”

Alyssa sighed. She knew her Mom was probably tickled pink to finally be becoming a grandmother and was probably waiting just as anxiously as Alyssa was for the announcement of her first biological grandbaby. “Yea well, we’re trying, but so far no luck. It’s kind of frustrating, but we’re hoping. My gynecologist is convinced that I have nothing to worry about, but I don’t know… Today a friend and I went to visit another friend who just had a baby and the two of them had no trouble getting pregnant and seemed really surprised that I was having this much trouble. What if there’s something wrong with me and I can’t have kids?”

“I seriously doubt that Lyss. You’re way too young to be worried about these kinds of problems. And outside of me there isn’t any history of anyone in our family having trouble conceiving. Usually those kinds of things are genetic.”

“Didn’t Aunt Rose have trouble getting pregnant?” Alyssa asked. “She had a lot of miscarriages or something.”

“Aunt Rose went on to have three healthy children,” Meg pointed out. “And besides, she was married into the family, so if there was any genetic problem it wouldn’t have affected you.”

Alyssa bit her lip. “Okay… Didn’t Grandma Elizabeth have a miscarriage? And one still born?”

Meg sighed. “Again Grandma Elizabeth went on to deliver healthy children. Miscarriages have nothing to do with not being able to get pregnant. What makes you think the problem is you anyway? Hell, there could be something wrong with Sean too.”

“I highly doubt that. I’d say it’s mostly my job to get pregnant.”

“Yea, but maybe he’s shooting blanks?” she suggested.

“Meg!” Alyssa found herself laughing at her sister’s bluntness. “The chances of that are so slim.”

“But not completely unlikely. You just never know.”

There was a bit of a silent pause and that’s when Alyssa remembered the cheating debate from the conversation with Callie and Kim earlier that day. She’d be interested to hear her sister’s take on the issue. “Hey Meg… Can I ask you something personal?”

“I think you and I have crossed personal a loooong time ago,” her sister answered with a laugh.

Alyssa just smiled weakly. “I know you’re happily married to Scott, but do you ever look at other guys and wonder if you made a mistake?”

She could practically hear her sister frowning on the other end of the line. “Well, yea I look at other guys from time to time, but I can’t say that I’d rather be married to some stranger than Scott. I’m not sure I understand your question.”

She thought a little harder before rephrasing it. “Okay, let’s say if someone like AJ was to walk back in your life tomorrow and you had the chance to run off with him. Would you leave Scott to go back to him?”

“Truthfully? No. I mean those few months or whatever I had with AJ were amazing and exciting and full of passion and all that jazz, but in the end, the minute he heard I had cancer he ran like a bat out of hell. And I know everyone told me he was really fucked up back then and just couldn’t deal with something like that, but actions speak louder than words. Even though I met Scott after the whole cancer thing he was always so supportive and I knew that God forbid it came back or if I have any other health scare in the future he’d be right by my side. It’s those things that make a marriage, so no, I couldn’t do that to him after all he’s done for me.”

“Would you at the very least hook up with him if given the chance? Say it was a free pass type thing and Scott would never find out about it?” Alyssa continued to interrogate, this time using the same question that had been posed to her by Teri and Tricia earlier that weekend.

Meg was quiet for a moment. “As much as I do think about it, I don’t think I could. Abandoning me the way he did was unforgivable in my book. But why all the questions? Are you and Sean having problems or something?”

“No, I was just wondering. That’s all,” Alyssa quickly lied.

“Bullshit… Why are you asking about exes and cheating?” Meg gasped as she put two and two together. “Oh no, honey… This is about Nick again, is it?”

Panicking a bit at how well her sister could read her, Alyssa struggled to form a response. She knew that Meg could tell when she was lying, even on the phone and she wasn’t ready to get into a conversation about her true feelings when even she was confused to how true they really were. “You know what Meg? I’d love to sit and talk longer, but I have another phone call on the other line that I really need to take. It’s a parent of one of my students. Can we talk about this another time?”

“Sure I guess. I’ll talk to you later. Just stay out of trouble please,” her sister warned.

“I’ll try. And congratulations again on the adoption. Bye.” Alyssa clicked the end button on the phone and let out a deep breath. She hated lying to her sister, but she knew if she stayed on the line any longer she’d crack and then have to sit through one of her lectures about the thousand and one reasons she should stay far away from Nick Carter.

Just then the phone rang again in her hand, causing her to jump up in shock. “Hello?” she answered, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Hey Alyssa,” a familiar voice came over the end. “It’s me Nick.”

“Oh, Nick! Sorry I’m just a little out of it at the moment,” she apologized, making a face at how retarded she probably sounded although it was a much better response than her saying she was just thinking about him.

“Is everything all right?” His voice was filled with genuine concern.

“Oh, everything is great! I just got off the phone with Meg and evidently she and Scott were approved to adopt a baby girl from China, so I’m becoming an Aunt in a few weeks.” It wasn’t a lie and it seemed like a good excuse.

“Congratulations,” he told her. “That sounds exciting. I’m happy for them.”

“Yea…” Her voice trailed off. “So, what’s new with you? We haven’t talked since you came by with my stuff.”

“Yea, I know. I’ve been really busy for the last week or two. I don’t know if I mentioned it or not before, but the first of my artists just stepped into the studio this week to start on her album, so I’ve been pretty tied up with that. Actually, that’s kind of why I called.”

“Oh?” Alyssa wasn’t sure what one of his artists beginning to record their album had to do with her, but she tried to sound interested anyway.

“I know we were talking about getting together again sometime with Sean and Shayla and I was just wondering… I’m having a dinner party at my house Friday night to celebrate Kina starting her album. It’ll be a few people from the label, Kina, and some of the guys. I was wondering if maybe you and Sean would like to come?”

A dinner party? The last time Sean and Nick had shared a meal, Sean had been anything, but polite. And based upon her current revelations putting the two men in a room together could be extremely awkward. “I don’t know Nick… I’d have to check with Sean.”

“Please do. It would mean a lot to me if you were there.” Alyssa swallowed hard when she heard the obvious plea in his voice.

Just his tone of voice was enough for her to change her mind. If Sean was as serious as he claimed to be in not getting in the way of her friendship with Nick, he could suck it up for one night and attend the dinner party with him. “You know what Nick, Sean probably is free, so don’t worry about it. We’ll be there.”

“Great. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Can’t wait to see you either,” she echoed, trying to ignore the excited chill that ran down her spine. All she knew was she was more confused about him than ever and judging from the way her emotions had been swinging lately; there was no telling how Friday night would go down.
Chapter 14 - Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Sean attend a dinner party at Nick's.

Chapter 14 – Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me

“Promise me that you’ll going to be on good behavior?” Alyssa asked Sean for about the millionth time after he parked his truck near Nick and Shayla’s home that Friday night.

“Come on Alyssa… Do you really think that I’m going to make a scene in the middle of his house?” Sean rolled his eyes, sounding insulted. “I know how to act. You don’t have to lecture me like a two year old.”

Alyssa sighed as she opened up the passenger side of the car and hopped down, straightening out her skirt. “Just be nice okay? That’s all I’m asking.”

Sean slung his arm around her waist and pressed his lips against her temple as they walked up the driveway. “I’m always nice.”

She just narrowed her eyes at him, but chose to keep her mouth shut as she reached up to ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door was thrust open and Alyssa found herself face to face with Shayla. Her hair was hanging in loose blonde curls and she was wearing a simple, sophisticated black cocktail dress. Most surprising was the almost too friendly smile she greeted them with. “Alyssa! Sean! So glad you could make it!”

Aren’t we the merry hostess, Alyssa thought cynically to herself, but then remembered her advice to Sean about being nice. To be impolite would just be hypocritical of her. “Well, thanks for inviting us,” she simply answered as they stepped inside.

“Oh, I didn’t invite you. Nick did,” she pointed out with just a tinge of iciness in her voice. “But thank you anyway. I’m in the middle of heating some stuff up, but everyone else is in the living room. You can head right in.” With that she spun on her black stiletto heels and left the two of them standing there.

“Uhh, is it just me or did the room temperature just drop a good twenty degrees?” Alyssa muttered as they made their way hand in hand towards the living room.

“What happened to being nice?” Sean snickered, clearly amused at the situation.

“Shut up.”

They just reached the living room when Nick spotted them from across the room and came up to them. “Hey, I’m glad the two of you could make it,” he welcomed Sean with a pat on the back and Alyssa with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” Alyssa told him, reluctantly pulling out of his embrace. Her eyes gazed over the room quickly. “This is some place you have, huh?”

“Yea… It’s not that bad. Anyway I have a few people I want you to meet,” he told her, changing the subject as he led them over to a group of people.

Alyssa tried to be as polite as possible as Nick introduced her to a few people who worked for his label, although she found it nearly impossible to remember all of their names. Finally he approached a tall young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties with thick, curly, medium brown hair and natural looking skin. Even though it was a dinner party and she had assumed the dinner attire was fancy, the woman wore a pair of ripped jeans and a vintage looking t-shirt with a black pin striped vest over it. “And this is our guest of honor for tonight, Kina,” Nick introduced. “Kina, this is a very good friend of mine, Alyssa, and her husband Sean.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Alyssa graciously took her hand and smiled. “Nick has told me so much about you and your music.”

“Uh huh,” Nick agreed. “I think you’d really like some of her stuff Lyss. It’s right up your alley. Sort of bluesy, folkish, pop rock I guess is the best way I can explain it.”

“I’ve been compared vocally with everyone from Alanis Morisette to Amy Winehouse,” Kina chimed in. “With a guitar of course.”

“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Nick tried to teach me once, but I was pretty much hopeless.” Alyssa couldn’t help, but smile as her mind traveled back to that particular afternoon when he’d attempted to help her learn. How he’d pulled her to sit between his legs, with his arms wrapped around her, guiding her hands and fingers to the correct spots on the guitar. Between the closeness of their bodies, his soft touch, and the feeling of his warm breath against her neck, it probably wasn’t very surprising that she had trouble concentrating on what her fingers were supposed to be doing. As patient as he’d been with her, the guitar lesson hadn’t lasted very long before they’d been distracted by ‘other activities.’

She snuck a glance at Nick wondering if he was thinking back to that same afternoon. Judging from the far away look on his face, Alyssa knew he was. Sean’s voice jarred her back into the present. “Wow… That’s a pretty impressive comparison. I’d love to hear some of your stuff sometime.”

Whoa, hold up a minute and rewind? Did I just hear Sean say that he’d like to hear some of her stuff sometime? Since when is Sean into angsty chick rock? Most of his music collection consisted of hard rock and metal with the occasional mainstream rap CD thrown in. Kina definitely did not sound like an artist that Sean would typically be interested in, at least not for her musical talent. Alyssa gave him a confused look, but if he noticed he just ignored her.

“Yea, if you’re interested I have a music My Space that has a few songs on it and as I record I’m sure that Nick wouldn’t mind if you took a listen.”

Nick just nodded in agreement. “It would be good to get some early feedback from a listener’s point of view.”

“That sounds like a good idea to me.” Sean took his Sidekick out of his back pocket. “Hey, maybe you could show me your My Space, so I can add you as a friend?”

Add her as a friend? Is he really serious here? Alyssa was beginning to suspect that Sean’s interests had little to do with her music, but with her exotic looks instead. He’s completely flirting with her right in front of my face! And he has the nerve to be jealous of me and Nick? Her mouth almost hung open in shock as Kina grinned and took the Sidekick from his hands. “That sounds like a great idea to me. And while I have your phone I’ll just put my number into it, in case you ever want to come into the studio and listen to me jam sometime.”

“That sounds great,” Sean enthusiastically replied, in a tone that almost made Alyssa want to throw up. She turned back towards Nick looking for some kind of support. Maybe he could kindly pull his highly attractive female musical artist away from her husband. But at that moment one of the guys Nick had introduced her to earlier approached them and Nick gave them all an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll be right back. Business calls.” Before she could even get out a response he was being pulled away.

Alyssa sighed once she realized that it was now just her, Sean, and Kina. Her two other companions seemed oblivious to us as they engaged in a conversation about their favorite musical artists and she felt a bit like a third wheel trying to join their conversation. Thankfully enough she looked up and spotted Melanie and Leighanne standing off to the corner. The two women spotted her and waved. Politely excusing herself, Alyssa headed over to the two of them and they exchanged welcoming hugs. “I didn’t know that you were going to be here!”

“We just got here,” Melanie explained. “Apparently Nick invited all of the guys, but Howie was busy checking out reception halls or something and I don’t know what AJ was up to.”

“Where are your husbands?”

“They went off to look for Nick and talk to some other people they know,” Leighanne reported with a wave of her hand. “Are you here by yourself?”

“No, I’m here with Sean,” Alyssa answered, realizing that both women had never met Sean before. The last time she’d seen them at Grace’s birthday party, Sean hadn’t come with her. “He’s actually over there on the couch talking to Kina.” She tried to get that last sentence out without clenching her teeth.

Both women’s eyes traveled to the direction of the couch. “Ouch… I take it you’re not too happy with that?” Melanie asked.

Alyssa shrugged, already embarrassed that the first impression that her friends were getting of her husband was of him being a ladies man, especially when under normal circumstances Sean was anything, but. In fact, his flirting with Kina was pretty uncharacteristic of him, and Alyssa wondered exactly where it was coming from. “They’re just talking music and stuff.” Ignoring the two women’s doubtful looks she skillfully changed the subject. “So, just wondering… Was Shayla cold to the two of you at all when you walked in?”

The two women shrugged. “No more than usual,” Leighanne reported. “You have to admit that she’s a little ice queen, but she seemed cordial. Why do you ask?”

“Well, when I walked in she was really friendly, but then when I thanked her for inviting us, she made a big production of stressing that it wasn’t her that invited me, it was Nick. Isn’t that a little funny? I mean I know I don’t know her very well, but the only two other times I’ve spoken with her she seemed to not have a problem with me. It just struck me odd. Did I do something that I’m unaware of?”

Melanie just rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Shayla is a little funny. I mean I have no problem with her specifically. She’s always been polite to me and Nick seems happy with her, but I will admit that she’s definitely a lot less friendly than you are. She’s not really one to socialize with all the other Backstreet wives and girlfriends. Teri and Tricia think she’s a little bit stuck up, but I just think she likes to keep to herself.”

“Maybe you’re reading too much into it,” Leighanne suggested. “Maybe it just came out wrong the way she said it.” This was a typical Leighanne response; she hated to think the worst of people.

Alyssa thought it over for a moment. Perhaps Leighanne was right. She’d been pretty mixed up about her feelings for Nick. Maybe wishful thinking made her hear that bit of bitchiness in her voice, since Alyssa really had no solid reason to dislike Shayla outside of the fact that she was married to Nick. “You could be right,” she admitted. “I just don’t want any weird feelings between the two of us. I mean Nick said that she handled the paparazzi pictures pretty well after he explained them to her, but still I can’t help, but feel that she doesn’t quite trust me.”

“Maybe you should try to get to know her better. Show her how harmless you really are and make realize that you’re not really a threat. I know for a fact that she’s in that kitchen alone trying to get everything set up for dinner, and there has to be at least twenty of us here.”

She had to admit that she did kind of feel bad for Shayla slaving away in the kitchen. No wonder she’d been snippy. She’d probably just been stressed from all the work. “She’s not doing all that cooking, is she?”

“God no! Does she look the type who knows her way around a kitchen?” Melanie laughed. “She and Nick catered most of it, but there are still some odds and ends that need to be done. Setting tables, heating up food, throwing together a salad…”

Alyssa sighed as she realized what she should do in her position. As much as she didn’t want to, she felt like it was up to her to be the bigger person. Besides, maybe Leighanne was right. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get to know Nick’s wife better. Maybe she actually wasn’t so bad, underneath the designer clothes and perfectly painted on makeup. “I think I’m going to go in the kitchen and ask if she needs any help with anything. That should clear the air between us, right?”

The two women both nodded in agreement, and Alyssa walked back towards the direction of the kitchen. When she entered the room she saw Shayla struggling to set up a sterno pan and cursing under her breath. “Hey…” Alyssa tentatively approached her. “I noticed that you’re in here by yourself trying to get dinner ready, so I was just wondering if maybe you’d like an extra pair of hands or something?”

Shayla looked up, obviously surprised by her offer. She stared at her for a moment not quite sure how to react, but after a moment or two she gave in, knowing that she definitely could use the help. “Sure, if you want to help. You can start by going down to the basement and bringing up a few bottles of wine to have with dinner. We could use some more wine glasses too.”

“Okay,” she agreed, not at all impressed with Shayla’s gratitude or rather lack thereof, but reminding herself that she was trying to be the classier person in the situation; she turned on her heels and headed towards the direction of what she assumed was the basement door. Grateful that she had chosen the correct door, she headed down the stairs and flicked on the light switch at the bottom of the stairs. In the dim lighting provided, she approached the fully stocked bar on the other end of the room. Shayla hadn’t actually specified where the wine bottles were, so she decided to locate the glasses first. She went around to the other side of the bar and on one of the shelves underneath found a variety of different types of glasses. She quickly grabbed a dozen or so extra wine goblets and placed them on top of the counter. How she was going to manage to carry all of this upstairs was a mystery to her. She’d definitely have to make a few trips.

She turned around looking at the wall of alcohol behind her, but none of the bottles behind her resembled wine bottles. She was just about to give up and ask Shayla where she should be looking, when out of the corner of her eye she spotted a wine rack in the corner, on the other side of the bar.

Good grief! I must’ve walked past it at least five times already. Am I blind or just stupid? she asked herself as she bent over, to read the labels on the bottles. She wasn’t sure what everyone would like, so she made sure to select three bottles of red wine and three bottles of white.

She was so engrossed in picking out the wine, that she didn’t even notice the sound of someone else coming down the stairs. Nick had purposely snuck down as quietly as possible already knowing that Alyssa was already down there. He’d popped his head into the kitchen for a moment to see how Shayla was doing and she’d asked if he’d go down and help in bringing up the wine glasses since it would be too much for Alyssa to carry. And as promised there was Alyssa bent over the wine rack, seeming to be deep in thought about which bottle to choose. Nick couldn’t help, but to stop and stare at how great her ass looked in the tight black skirt she was wearing, but quickly sobered up once he realized that he was completely checking out his ex girlfriend. He cleared his throat to announce his presence which caused Alyssa to jump up so fast that she hit her head on the corner of the bar.

“Shit!” she cursed, holding a hand up to her head. “Next time can you warn me instead of sneaking up on me like that?”

“I’m sorry,” Nick apologized, looking concerned as he took a step closer to her. “Are you okay?”

“I think I’ll live with hopefully nothing more than a little bump,” she muttered, finally letting go of her head. “Thanks for scaring the daylights out of me.”

“I didn’t mean to,” he insisted. “Shayla thought that you could use some help bring up all the wine glasses and stuff. Did you find everything all right?”

“Yea… I pulled some wine glasses and set them on the corner of the bar over there. That should be enough, right? And I figured I’d get a few bottles of red and few bottles of white, so everyone is satisfied.” She didn’t even realize that she was beginning to ramble at first, but it was just easier for her keep the conversation focused on a relatively safe impersonal topic. With her feelings the way they were, she preferred to avoid any conversation that could lead her into dangerous territory.

“I think that should be fine.”

“I just didn’t know if there was a certain type of wine everyone wanted. I’m not exactly a wine connoisseur, so I guess I’ll leave that task up to you,” she continued.

Nick just grinned as he pulled a few bottles off the rack. “You never really were.” They were silent for a moment as they began to gather up some of the glasses until Nick spoke once again looking at her with a serious expression on his face. “So, how are you doing Alyssa? Truthfully.”

Alyssa was thrown for a loop at his question as she set her wine glasses back down again. “I’m fine. What do you mean by truthfully?”

He looked uncomfortable. “Last time we talked you were pretty upset about the whole baby thing and I know your relationship with Sean isn’t the same lately. I can tell that although you’re trying to be strong, it’s really killing you that you’re not pregnant yet. It’s wedging a gap between you and Sean isn’t it?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” she curtly replied. “I’m doing fine. I’m okay, and Sean and I are doing okay, and I’m just taking everything one day at a time.”

“That’s why Sean’s up there talking to Kina right now, right?” He could tell just by the way her back automatically stiffened that he had struck a nerve.

“Last time I checked you and Shayla weren’t exactly prom king and queen either.”

She had him there. “Touché. But I was asking about you. Is it wrong for me to be worried about you? I mean the last time we talked you practically broke down in front of me, so I thought that maybe you could use someone to talk to.”

Alyssa sighed, trying her best to sound as convincing as possible. There was no way in hell that she could confide in Nick. He was part of the problem in the first place. “For the last time, Sean and I are fine. Yes, we’re definitely in the midst of some rough times right now, but every couple goes through these things. I appreciate you trying to help, but there’s nothing you can do, so just drop it already, okay?” She grabbed a handful of glasses and began to walk away.

Nick was shocked by the way that she’d just snapped at him. That alone told him that she most definitely was not okay, but he knew Alyssa well enough not to press the issue much more. He couldn’t just let her walk away like this, especially when he’d planned this talk with her with an agenda in mind. “Wait, Alyssa.” He grabbed her arm to stop her. “Don’t go yet. Just hear me out for another minute, okay?”

Alyssa looked puzzled, but stopped and set her glasses back down on top of the bar again. “Fine. I’m listening, but this better be good Carter.”

He took in a deep breath. “Listen, I don’t know what’s going at home between you and Sean and I’m not going to pretend that I do. I just have a feeling that as much as you try to deny it to me, things aren’t as peachy as you want me to believe they are.” Alyssa opened her mouth as if to defend herself, but he quickly cut her off. “You don’t have to admit to anything, but I know you’re having problems right now. And sometimes when times are rough you just need to get away for a while. So, I was thinking…” He paused for a moment and dug his hand into his pocket. “Do you remember that condo I bought for you to live in when you moved out to LA, a few years back? Well, I still have it. I never sold it. I just didn’t have the heart to I guess. Anyway sometimes like after when Shayla and I have a fight or something, I go there just to cool down, and it helps.”

Alyssa drew in a deep breath as he took her hand in his. “I wanted to let you know that if you ever feel like you need to disappear for a night or something, the condo is always available to you. And I want you to have this.” She felt a small metal object being pressed into the palm of her hand. She gasped as she looked down and realized that it was a key. A key to the condo.

Her fingers clasped around it. “Nick… I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. You don’t even have to use it unless you really want to. I just wanted to give you the option.”

Alyssa just shakily nodded not sure how to react. She knew that Nick probably meant it with the most innocent of intentions, but it still felt extremely forbidden for her to even accept the key. Still though, she thanked him and tucked the key into her bra as inconspicuously as possible, since she had nowhere else to put it. She blushed a little feeling Nick’s eyes on her. “No pockets,” she tried to explain.

“That’s quite all right,” he told her with a little smirk. And for the first time Alyssa realized just how close they were standing together. She wondered if Nick even realized that her hand was still on her arm. Looking up into his eyes, she knew that she’d just made a big mistake. The familiar pair of clear blue eyes that stared back at her seemed to be nearly piercing, and then there were those lips… He had amazing lips, which what was probably what made him such a great kisser. And she couldn’t help but notice that the distance between those lips and her own was growing smaller each second. Her mind completely shut down as all rational thought slipped out of her head. She wasn’t thinking about Sean, or how wrong this all us, or even where it might lead to. She was acting on pure impulse. Her eyes closed, and her body took over, as their lips softly met.

The kiss was soft at first, but the electric feeling that traveled throughout all her nerves was undeniable. It started out almost too controlled, as if both of them were afraid of what might happen if they truly let go, but as it slowly intensified it almost felt as if a dam had broken between the two of them. Alyssa’s hands flew up around the base of his neck, her fingertips playing with the ends of his hair as it deepened. A moan escaped the back of her throat the moment she felt his tongue push aggressively into her mouth. She welcomed the sensation and continued kissing him just as passionately, leaning her back up against the edge of the bar for support. As corny as it sounded, her knees were already beginning to feel weak.

She nibbled against his lip, very well aware of his fingertips on her waist, stroking a sliver of bare skin from where the hem of her shirt that rode up just slightly over her skirt. She almost shrieked in surprise when she felt herself being lifted up and placed onto the top of the bar, all the time not once breaking contact with him. She was so into the moment that she completely forgot about the wine glasses besides her, and as she set one hand down on the bar to steady herself, she sent one of then knocking to the ground where it shattered in a million pieces underneath them.

The sound of the glass breaking was enough to bring both of them reeling back into the present. They pulled apart from each other breathlessly, both not being able to do much more than to stare at each other in disbelief over what had just happened for almost a full minute. Finally Alyssa broke the silence. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry!” she cried as she slid down from her position on the bar and began to pick up some of the larger pieces of glass from the floor. “I can’t believe I did that! God, I’m clumsy!”

“It’s okay Alyssa,” he assured her. “It’s just a glass. Don’t touch it. I don’t want you to cut yourself. I’ll get a broom or something to clean this up.”

He disappeared out of sight for a moment leaving Alyssa standing there fighting to control the shaky feeling that she was still trying to overcome. That kiss had just been incredible. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d felt anything even remotely close to the feeling. And if I feel this way just after a few kisses, imagine… No, she stopped herself. She refused to let her mind complete the thought. The intensity of the moment scared her big time. There was no denying that now she was even more tempted than ever.

Nick returned a few minutes later with a dust pan and a broom and began to sweep up the broken glass on the floor around them. Alyssa could do nothing more than watch. Neither one of them mentioned what had just happened and she knew that it was an unspoken agreement that they wouldn’t talk about it, at least not tonight. Not until they had time to properly sort out their feelings.

“We should head back upstairs. Shayla will probably send a search party for us any minute now,” he announced once he was done.

“You’re right,” Alyssa agreed. In a frenzied hurry, she grabbed a bottle of wine and some glasses and headed back up the stairs with Nick right behind her. She hoped that the guilt on her face wasn’t completely obvious.

When they reached the foot of the stairs, Shayla was waiting for them, tapping her foot impatiently. “What the hell took you two so long down there? I’ve been waiting for that wine for almost twenty minutes now.”

“I’m sorry,” Alyssa jumped to apologize. “I was having trouble finding everything, so Nick had to help me out.”

“And then you know me. Being as clumsy as I am, I dropped a wine glass and it broke, so we had to clean it up,” Nick continued for her.

Shayla looked suspicious for a moment, but didn’t say anything, instead she chose to rant about the wine goblet some more. “I can’t believe you broke one of our wine glasses Nick! Those were a wedding gift from my Aunt and Uncle. They weren’t freaking cheap!”

“We still have the whole set babe. We’re just one short,” he pointed out, trying to console her.

“Whatever,” she sighed, before storming off in the direction of the kitchen. Alyssa raised her eyebrows and exchanged a look with Nick as if to say, What crawled up her ass?

Nick ignored her glance and headed back downstairs to bring up some more glasses and wine bottles. Silently, Alyssa followed him. They continued the rest of their trips up and down the stairs wordlessly, not at all mentioning what had just happened between them.

When she was finished, Alyssa popped her head back into the kitchen. “Anything else you want me to do?” she asked Shayla.

Shayla didn’t answer right away. She just thrust a baking sheet full of dinner rolls in her direction. “Put these into the basket over there on the counter.”

“Sure,” Alyssa answered. She grabbed a potholder from the counter and quickly got to work. Once she was finished she handed the empty baking sheet over to Shayla. “Here you go. Again I apologize for taking so long with the wine I-“

Shayla just stared at her quizzically, appearing almost bored with her words. Not seeming to care that Alyssa was already talking, Shayla grabbed a napkin from the table and handed it to Alyssa, interrupting her mid sentence. “Your lipstick is smeared… You may want to fix that.” Without waiting for a response she turned her back leaving Alyssa standing there gaping.

Cursing under her breath, Alyssa headed in the direction of the bathroom and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Shayla was right. Her lipstick was smeared. Not horribly, but enough to confirm a suspicion that she’d recently been making out with someone. Fuck, she cursed as she did her best to fix the mess. Was Shayla just calling her bluff? Or did she know more than she let on?

The rest of the evening was all, but ruined for Alyssa. Dinner had been a tense affair, with Shayla practically shooting daggers at her with her eyes, and her and Nick barely able to look at each other period. The tension in the room was getting to her and after the meal she’d whispered into Sean’s ear something about a headache and wanting to head home early.

“You don’t even want to stay for dessert?” he asked, sounding concerned. “Kina’s supposed to play a few songs for us after dinner too, out on the deck.”

At the mention of Kina’s name, Alyssa had just gotten up from the table and grabbed her purse, which had sent Sean with no choice, but to follow after her. Now they were on their way home, and they hadn’t sent a word to each other since they’d entered the car. Finally Sean broke the tense silence.

“What the fuck was that all about, back there? The moment I said Kina’s name you were practically out the door?” he angrily asked. “Seems like you were in a real hurry to leave, which is strange because you were the one who wanted to come in the first place.”

“Please Sean… I don’t want to fight right now,” she honestly told him. She had enough drama on her plate at the moment, and to be completely honest in a way she almost wished Sean really was attracted to Kina. Then at least she’d have a way of justifying kissing Nick tonight to herself.

But Sean wasn’t quite ready to let go so easily. “That’s the excuse that you use every time you know you know you’re wrong in a situation and I’m sick of it! God forbid, I get the tiniest bit concerned over your friendship with Nick and you flip out on me, but the moment you get jealous of me just talking to another woman, you all of a sudden ‘don’t want to talk about it?’ Well, guess what? It doesn’t work that way!”

As soon as he brought up Nick, Alyssa began to lose her cool and all of her sudden her wish to not fight with him tonight was completely forgotten. “Fine! You want to talk about Kina? Let’s talk about Kina! You have absolutely no interest in her type of music, so why were you pretending? Obviously because you found her hot! Which is fine. You’re entitled to your opinions, but then to openly flirt with her in front of me? What the fuck was up with that? You’re not that type of guy Sean and you never were, so why the big show tonight? Was it just to piss me off?”

“Maybe,” he sullenly replied. “Looks like it worked.”

“Why would you flirt with another woman just to get me angry?” she asked, sounding thoroughly confused. “That makes no sense.”

“To show you how it feels,” he countered back. “You know its fine for you to go fawning over Nick right in front of my face! I’m supposed to just sit back and totally be okay with the fact that you’re so chummy with your ex boyfriend, right Alyssa?”

“Oh, my fucking God… I thought we’ve been over this Sean! Nick and I are friends! I don’t know what you’re talking about that I ‘fawn’ over him.”

“And maybe Kina and I want to be friends! You’re not the only one who is allowed to have friends of the opposite sex. And please, you don’t fawn over him?” Sean did his best to imitate Alyssa’s high pitched voice. “Ohh, Nick… Remember that time you taught me to play the guitar and I really sucked at it?” He glared at her, returning to his normal voice. “That’s not fawning?”

“No, it’s not! God, I cannot fucking believe how immature you are, to flirt with a girl just to make me jealous. That’s so high school!”

Thankfully enough they pulled into their driveway at just that moment. Alyssa threw her door open and stormed into the house, not even bothering to wait for Sean. By the time Sean arrived into the house and up the stairs, Alyssa was trudging past him, dragging a pillow and blanket behind her.

“Where the hell are you going?” he asked her, sounding confused.

“I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight,” she firmly replied as she brushed right past him. Behind her she could hear Sean muttering and cursing, but she just tuned him out as she slammed the door behind her.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she sank her back against the door and all her emotions from that night came spilling out of her in a pool of tears. When she’d finally calmed herself down, she began to unbuttoning her shirt and getting ready for bed. While getting undressed, she’d almost forgotten the key that Nick had given her, until she removed her bra and found it laying in one of the cups. She pulled it out and held it in her hands for a moment. Nick only just gave it to me and I already had to almost use it tonight, she thought with a sad smile. She examined the key closer and slowly her lips curled up into she was almost laughing.

Ironically enough the house number written on the front of the key with a small silver disk was 69. How fucking appropriate, she thought with a smirk as she set the key down on the dresser and climbed in between the sheets.
Author's Note/ Disclaimer by Mellz Bellz
Sorry to disappoint you guys who were hoping this was an update. Actually, it's just sort of an Author's Note/ Disclaimer that I feel needs to be read before this story progresses any further because I have some things I feel I need to get off my chest about the directions that I am choosing this story to go in. When I began planning and writing ALTOS, I really wasn't aware just how morally controversial the topic of cheating was going to be. I guess I hadn't thought about it much, never personally being in that position before. Yea, it happens all the time on soaps and nighttime dramas. It's entertaining, I suppose. But to some people, the topic is definitely one that they have very strong feelings about, especially when it concerns cheating on a spouse. I've come to realize in the last week or so, that cheating might just be up there with such heated topics as abortion and the death penalty. On one hand, you have those who believe that under no circumstances is cheating okay, especially when it concerns marriage. Wedding vows are meant to be taken very seriously and breaking them is one of the worst possible sins that you can commit. Yet on the other hand, look at the divorce rate in this country. Look at how many people have admitted to having affairs and cheating on spouses. It's pretty high... Kind of scary. So, obviously it does happen more often than you think, whether you're against the idea or more open to it.

       I'd like to make it very clear that I in no shape or form condone cheating. I for one do think it’s wrong. I've never been in a situation where I was at all tempted to cheat on anyone before, and I'd like to think that if I was, I'd stand my ground. Of course, I'm not going to go all moral because what happens if down the road in my life I do find myself at those crossroads? I don't want to be hypocritical at all, so I'm not passing judgment, just saying personally in most cases I think cheating is selfish.

       So then why write a story in which the two main characters, consciously, selfishly, and consensually, agree to cheat on their spouses with each other? Not only cheat, but have an ongoing affair? Why would Alyssa and Nick do that, especially since A) Alyssa was deeply hurt by Nick cheating on her a number of times and B) Nick is supposedly a different man, who has reformed from his cheating ways? I guess that's a good question. I've thought long and hard about my decisions and I've come up with some sort of conclusion. The whole cheating issue is so complex and deep I think. People cheat for so many different reasons and I think that both parties in a relationship are usually somewhat at fault for one person cheating. I do believe that sometimes cheating isn't as cut and dry as we think it might be and of course those of you who have been fans since UMS know that I am the queen of complexity and angst. I've always been attracted to situations that really eat away at your emotions and are complicated. I love gray areas, because I feel that's real. As much as sometimes people get turned off by my work because I don't write that neat little romance that ends in a perfect marriage and a couple of kids, that's not me. Right now, I'm sort of in a pretty cynical place when it comes to relationships, so for me to write a story like that, I feel like I'm clinging to a false hope. And not to sound all dark and depressed, but this is what I enjoy. Raw emotional pain. Might sound masochistic to some of you and I hope I portray this type of angst in a way that seems a lot lighter than it really is. I really am trying to balance out the dark with the light. My writing will never be a world full of sunshine and daisies, but that doesn't mean it won't have its rainbow at the end of it. I just hope that my faithful readers will stick with it and appreciate the story for its entirety. I realize that there will be points that I may royally piss some of you off, but hey if I can get you to feel that emotion over just a simple piece of fiction that has to say something right?

       I'm kind of going off on a bit of a tangent here (sorry lol I really do have a lot of pent up frustrations about my writing and how people perceive it.) In ALTOS both Alyssa and Nick are going to make mistakes. They're going to do things selfishly and without regard for other people. They're definitely flawed characters. But, it’s those flaws that make them human. Alongside these flaws I'm also hoping to portray some very real emotions that I think often get overlooked in these situations. They'll definitely be guilt, fear, mixed emotions... They're not just going to cheat and then be together. Do you think I'd make it that easy for them? This is going to be a long story and I won't say whether or not it has a happy ending, but I don't think you'll be disappointed. There will be consequences for their actions. They will lose a lot by choosing to be together. And that's what I'm trying to portray. At first it may sound like just lust, excitement, and passion, but it's a lot deeper than you think.

       So, whatever your feelings are on the cheating issue I ask you to try to go into this open minded. I'm trying to write this as objectively as possible. There will be times you'll be pleased and other times not so pleased. I hope that you can handle the road up ahead because it’s going to be emotional and bumpy. I'd love to have everyone stay with it, but I also know from recent experiences that some people's moral objections are just to strong and when you've invested so much time as a reader into a story and it starts going off course from where you wanted it to be, it's a very frustrating feeling. I guess if you really feel that strongly about it, where you just can't read it without getting upset, then you know what you have to do. It's really hard on me to lose not only readers, but for some of you friends, but I also refuse to change my vision and my style of writing because some people don't agree with it. After the ending of UMS I regretted my decision to end it the way I did because so many people felt it was wrong. I even contemplated turning ALTOS into that cheeky little romance every one else wanted, but I'd be miserable. I was actually considering giving up writing completely. Luckily, I changed my mind, but the experience has taught me one valuable lesson. I'm unique. I have my own personal writing style and I need to stay true to what made me popular in the first place.

Thank you for listening to me rant and I hope now that we're on the same page, the story can progress. Thanks for all my readers who have stuck by me and intend to continue to stick by me. You're truly my inspiration for doing what I do!

Luv Mel :)~
Chapter 15 - Joy and Pain by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick gets some surprising news. Alyssa and Sean visit a fertility clinic.

Chapter 15- Joy and Pain

Throughout the entire next two weeks Nick immersed himself into his work at the studio, devoting almost every spare moment he could to Kina and her album. He told himself that he was doing it just because this was the very first of his artists to begin recording and he wanted to make sure her finished product was completely kick ass. In reality though, he knew deep down that he was using his work as a distraction from his personal problems. Number one on that list being the make out session he’d shared with Alyssa at Kina’s dinner party. As much as he tried to push the memory out of his mind, he realized that it was nearly impossible. Every time he closed his eyes he could practically still feel her soft lips pressing hungrily against his and her hands traveling up and down his back and weaving into his hair. God, it had been hot. But also completely wrong. He had to admit that he definitely felt guilty about taking advantage of Alyssa’s weakened emotional state. He knew that she was going through a lot right now with Sean and her struggles to get pregnant and to make a move on her at that moment was pretty shitty of him. But in his defense, the first kiss hadn’t been premeditated at all. It had just been one of those caught up in a moment type things and to be fair she definitely hadn’t pushed him away. If anything she’d encouraged him with her response. Nick didn’t have to wonder at all about whether or not Alyssa had enjoyed their kisses. I think her knocking over and breaking one of the wine glasses was proof enough, he smugly thought.

He hadn’t called or spoken to Alyssa since that night. Nick wasn’t really sure how to go about contacting her again. The old Nick would not have hesitated to call by now and probably would’ve had her in between the sheets and bragging to all his friends about it. Things were different now though. He was older, a little wiser, and oh yea… married. He’d almost forgotten about that one. Although lately the strange relationship that he and Shayla shared seemed nothing like what a proper marriage should be. Granted, compared to Alyssa and Sean’s growing marital problems, his and Shayla’s troubles seemed petty in comparison, but things were tenser between the two of them than ever. In the past few weeks, Shayla had definitely been running hot and cold with him. One minute she’d be distant and aloof, the next she’d be hugging and kissing him. Her behavior had definitely struck him as odd, and experience told him that something was going on in that head of hers, but he just couldn’t quite figure out what it was. He supposed that he couldn’t have been helping very much either. His vow to stay away from any kind of a physical relationship with her after the birth control threat hadn’t exactly worked out according to plan. For the most part he’d done a pretty good job at avoiding any kind of sexual encounters with his wife and he’d been damn proud of himself, but there had been a few occasions where he’d slipped. Being as close as they were, Shayla definitely knew exactly what to do to push all the right buttons, and well… he was only a typical man. He’d spent the last few hours after these said occasions praying to God that she was still taking her birth control pills. As it was, she hadn’t mentioned the pregnancy topic once since they’d came home from Tahoe, which worried Nick a little bit.

So, when Nick came home from the studio early one afternoon and found Shayla sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him with a plateful of cookies, he could practically feel his stomach plummeting. Something told him that the other shoe was about to drop. “Uhh… Hey babe. What are you doing home from work so early?” he asked a little uncertainly. The last time she’d shown up early it was after the paparazzi pictures of him and Alyssa had surfaced. He decided to lighten up the mood by cracking a joke. “I promise I didn’t do anything controversial to earn you another vacation from work this time.”

Shayla just laughed his attempt at humor off. “No, you’re not in the doghouse this time I promise. I decided to take the afternoon off. I think I’m going to start taking a lot of time off actually.”

“Uhmm ok…” he warily responded, wondering what exactly that was supposed to mean. He wanted to ask, but he had a feeling that was exactly what she wanted him to do, so he resisted. Instead he changed the subject approaching the cookies with a critical eye. “You baked?”

“Yup,” she proudly replied. “I made your favorite, macadamia nut.” She pushed the plate of warm cookies underneath his nose as if to tempt him with it. He could tell just by the smell that they hadn’t been out of the oven long.

Finally admitting defeat, he reached out and grabbed one off the plate. “Okay, so like an idiot I’ll bite. Shayla what’s going on? The cookies? The afternoon away from work? You’re not exactly Martha Stewart, you know.”

Shayla just laughed as she stood up from her seat offering it to him. “Is there something wrong with doing something nice for my husband?” she innocently asked.

“No, just you don’t do these kinds of things often.” Only when you want something, he mentally added as he settled down on the chair.

She stood behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. “Okay, you got me,” she finally admitted. “I actually have some news I want to share with you and I’m hoping that you take it well, so I thought if I made you cookies it might soften you up a bit.”

Uh oh… Nick’s heart rate nearly tripled as soon as she mentioned the word ‘news.’ He had a feeling he knew where this was headed and he wasn’t sure if he liked it one bit. Please don’t let her say what I think she’s going to say, he silently begged. Somehow he wasn’t very surprised by the next two words that came out of her mouth.

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out. “I know it’s not what we had planned, but here we are. And I know you weren’t thrilled with the idea originally, but I’m hoping that now that it’s upon us, it kind of grows on you. I’m a little more than a month along. I just found out earlier today.” She paused for a moment to give Nick a chance to respond to the news, but Nick didn’t know what to say. His tongue seemed to be glued to the roof of his mouth. He couldn’t believe this. “Nick? Please say something. You’re scaring me.”

“H-how did this happen?” he stupidly asked, finally finding his will to speak.

Shayla just smirked. “Well Nick, when two people love each other very much –“

“Don’t try to be cute,” he interrupted. “I can figure out that much. I mean how as in how did you get pregnant when you’re supposed to be on birth control to prevent this from happening?”

She shrugged her shoulders innocently. “I don’t know… Birth control isn’t one hundred percent. Things like this happen Nick.”

Nick scowled in her direction. “I just find it pretty damn ironic that just last month you made a comment about birth control not being one hundred percent effective, and now gasp you’re mysteriously pregnant! In fact, if I remember correctly you even said something about forgetting pills?”

“Nick, that was completely a coincidence! Are you trying to insinuate that I purposely got myself pregnant just to piss you off?” Her mock innocence was really beginning to get under his skin.

“Seems rather convenient doesn’t it? And you’re the one who said it, not me! Do you have a guilty conscience or something?”

That’s when Shayla began the water works. “I can’t believe you’re being such an asshole about this!” she began to cry. “Here I am willing to sacrifice my career for this baby and you don’t even seem to want it! It’s not just my fault Nick! I didn’t exactly get pregnant on my own over here. You did your part too.” She made a sniffling sound. “And to think… This baby was probably conceived that week we spent in Tahoe when everything was so great. I can’t believe you’re being so unsupportive! It’s not like we were just messing around and you accidentally knocked me up. We’re married for Gods sake! Is it that big of a deal?”

“It is when I’ve repeatedly told you that I don’t want kids right now! Maybe in a few years, but most definitely not now. I’ve got a huge year up in front of me with my record label and the guys and I have been talking about maybe starting another album. A baby just does not fit in with my plans right now,” he argued.

“Well, you better change your mind, because like it or not the fact of the matter is that I’m pregnant and you’re going to become a father,” she simply stated. “It’s a little too late now to decide that a baby doesn’t ‘fit into your plans.’ And there’s no way I’m having an abortion, so I guess you’re just going to have to get used to the idea.”

Nick sighed as he buried his head in his hands. He had to admit that she did have a point there. He could accuse her of anything he wanted, but the truth was that it wouldn’t change the current situation one bit. She’d still be pregnant, and he’d still be a father. All of a sudden he felt panicked and he knew that he needed to get out of there. He needed some time to do some serious thinking. Without saying another word to Shayla, he got up from his seat and picked his keys up from the table where he’d left them.

“Where are you going? You’re not running out on me right after I just told you I was fucking pregnant, are you?” Shayla frantically asked.

“I need some time alone now,” he muttered. “I need to figure some shit out.”

“So, you’re just going to leave?”

“Yea… Pretty much.” Without bothering to say another word he turned around and marched out the door.

It wasn’t until he was safely in his car and a far enough distance from home that he let himself pound his steering wheel and frustration. What the fuck am I going to do? he wondered. I’m not ready to be a father and Shayla is definitely not ready to be a mother. All he could think about was how fucked up the poor child was probably going to turn out.

“Daddy?” the young girl asked as she entered the room. Nick grinned as soon as he saw her. She looked absolutely ridiculous in a long flowered dress from her dress up collection and a large, floppy, straw hat over her blond curls. Around her neck, arms, and fingers was just about every piece of plastic jewelry from her Pretty, Pretty, Princess game. Topping off the ensemble was a pink feather boa around her shoulders. She was gripping one of her favorite teddy bears and a pink plastic tea cup.

“Yes, princess?” he asked, kneeling down beside her.

“Rusty and me want you to play tea party with us. Puh-lese?” Her cute rosebud lips formed into a perfect pout.

Nick sighed, realizing that he couldn’t possibly say no to that face. His daughter definitely had him wrapped around her little pinky. “Okay Serena,” he agreed. “Lead the way, but only if I get to sit next to Rusty.”

“But Rusty wants to sit next to me,” Serena insisted with a hand on her hip, but then looked thoughtful. “Maybe he
can sit in the middle.”

“I think that’s a good compromise.” He took his daughter’s hand and let her lead him into her bedroom where she already had the entire tea party all set up on her play table. Several of her dolls and stuffed animals were already seated.

“You can sit over there.” She pointed to an empty spot near the head of the table.

Nick kneeled down at his spot and next thing he knew he was pretending to eat plastic muffins and sipping imaginary tea from plastic cups while holding a conversation with the stuffed unicorn on his left. “No Daddy!” Serena cried as she saw him grab his tea cup with both hands. “You have to do it like this!” She expertly picked up the tea cup like a proper young woman with her pinky up in the air and everything.

He laughed, but imitated her much to his daughter’s delight. She clapped her hands together and grinned before snuggling into his chest. “I love you Daddy.”

“I love you too princess.” He went to wrap his arms around her back to complete the hug, but immediately paled as he felt nothing but air.
What the fuck? he wondered, trying again only to get the same result. He glanced down at her and noticed something seemed different about her. She seemed paler… Thinner…

That’s when it hit Nick. His little girl was fading away as if she were only a ghost. Before his eyes she began to appear more and more transparent. “Serena? What’s going on? Serena?” His voice began to rise in panic.

Serena never answered. In a few more short moments she had faded away completely leaving Nick sitting there alone in the bedroom surrounded by stuffed animals and a plastic tea set…

Nick’s eyes popped wide open, the panic from his dream still freshly coursing through his body. He sat up wide in bed for a moment, unsure of where he even was until he realized that he was in the bedroom of the condo where he had crashed the night before. The dream he’d just had was not a new one. It recurred every so often, although as time passed it came less and less frequently. No matter how many times he dreamt it though, it always left him feeling extremely freaked out. He hardly ever dreamt about Serena anymore, so why tonight? Duh asswipe… Your wife just announced to you that she’s pregnant and you’re feeling just a tad bit unsure about taking on the fatherhood role, he reminded himself. He sighed as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. If anything the dream reminded him of exactly why he wouldn’t be a good father. Look at how Serena and her mother, Katie, had wound up. He always found that he dreamt of Serena, but never Katie. Maybe because as close as he had gotten to Katie throughout their short lived marriage of convienence, he’d never loved her.

Pushing all thoughts of the past aside for the moment, he realized that he had bigger problems to tackle in his present. He’d run away to the condo for the night to do some serious thinking about this pregnancy bombshell that Shayla had dropped on him, but he had to admit that he felt just as helpless as when he’d arrived. He still felt that he’d been deceived by his wife, but what could he really do? File for divorce? That would really be shitty under the circumstances even though it was fucked up what she did to him. He vowed to himself that if God forbid he ever did wind up having children, he would do whatever was in his power to be a better parent than what his parents were to him. And to divorce his child’s mother before the child was even brought into the world would be even worse than his parents. He had to at least give things with Shayla another shot. If not for himself, but for the baby Shayla was carrying.

Which would mean he needed to completely forget about Alyssa and those few kisses they had shared. He needed to nip that in the bud before things got even more complicated. He admitted that a slight part of him actually wished that she’d dropped by the condo that night as well by pure coincidence, but she hadn’t. It was probably a good thing she hadn’t. It had been wrong to initiate that first kiss at all, but now with Shayla pregnant with his son or daughter it made him feel even guiltier. Was he actually accepting this fatherhood crap? All he knew was that he needed to set the record straight with Alyssa if he was ever going to feel at ease again around Shayla.

He glanced at the clock. It was a little after nine on a Saturday morning. He hoped that he wouldn’t be waking Alyssa up, but he decided to take the chance in dialing her number. He’d been pretty cowardly in not really offering any explanation to their kissing afterwards, so he figured now was as good as any time to apologize.

The phone rang three times before Alyssa finally picked up. “Hello?” she answered a little groggily.

“Hey Lyss. It’s me. Did I wake you?”

“Not exactly. I was awake. Just lying here. What do you want?” Was it just him or did her tone just sound a little cold there.

“Just to talk,” he explained. “We haven’t spoken since the dinner party. I was just wondering how you were doing.”

“Same old. You?”

Nick hesitated choosing not to tell her about Shayla being pregnant, at least not yet. He knew she’d be upset by the news and didn’t want to bring it up until he had a chance to apologize for kissing her at the dinner party. “Yea… I hear you. Not much here either.” He paused, taking in a deep breath. “Look, I actually called because I know things kind of ended weird with us and I wanted to apologize for that. I don’t know what came over me in the basement, but it was wrong for me to take advantage of the moment like that. I swear I’m not that type of guy anymore and you probably think that I really haven’t changed, right?”

“It’s not just your fault Nick. I didn’t have to respond like I did, so I guess I’m just as guilty.” She sighed. “We both know what we did was wrong even though it certainly didn’t feel that way at the time. I don’t want to cause problems between you and Shayla. I feel like I’ve done enough already.”

“And I don’t want to make things even worse between you and Sean. The two of you have enough complications right now,” he admitted. “I’m not even sure how or why it happened. It just did and I can’t explain it. Maybe we should just chalk it up to being stuck in a moment or weird lighting or something, and put it behind us?”

There was a slight hesitation in her voice. “I think that would probably be for the best. And while we’re on the topic of putting our past behind us, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since the party. This is really a tough decision for me, but I think it’s probably the best thing for the both of us.”

Nick held his breath, knowing Alyssa well enough to know where this was going. She’d changed in so many ways, but in others she was still the same. “I think that maybe this friendship thing that you and I have going on isn’t such a good idea,” she continued. “Izzy was right. You and I, we just can’t be only friends. Maybe if things were different we could, but we’re married! I mean this time yeah, it was only just a few kisses, but what about the next time? You know as well as I do that this is only going to progress the more time we spend around each other. Just look at our history! It happens every damn time. Sean already isn’t thrilled with the amount of time that I’m spending with you, and he’s partly right. It is inappropriate. I know that we’re going to bump into each other from time to time because we’re in the same circle of friends, which is okay. I think we can be cool with each other in social situations. But the phone calls, the hanging out together, the personal conversations… All that needs to end now before we get in over her heads again.”

He sighed, but he had to admit that she had a point there. He already got the impression that Shayla wasn’t thrilled with them hanging out and now with Shayla being pregnant and all, his loyalty had to lay with his wife and child. It was his responsibility as a husband to do the right thing even if it meant sacrificing his friendship with Alyssa. “If that’s what you think is best,” he reluctantly agreed. “I hate to give all that up because you really are a cool person Alyssa, but I also don’t want to sabotage your marriage either. No friendship is worth that.”

“Thanks for being so understanding. I didn’t think that you’d take it this well,” she admitted.

“Yea, well… a lot of things have changed for me in the past twenty-four hours,” he cryptically replied. On the other end of the line Alyssa’s eyebrows rose in confusion, but he continued to explain himself. “Shayla’s pregnant. Personally, I think she conveniently forgot to continue taking her birth control pills, but I can’t prove that. Whether I like it or not, I’m going to be a father, so I have to change my priorities around a little bit.”

Alyssa sat there stunned for a moment trying to digest the news. She knew how devastating this was for Nick who had such strong feelings against fatherhood at this point in his life, but still if faced with the opportunity wanted a chance to do better for his children than his parents did for him. Then there was the fact that this was another constant reminder that everyone else around her, but herself was able to get pregnant without any trouble. “Wow… Nick I don’t know what to say. I’d say congratulations, but I know you’re not very happy about it. You should be though. A child is such a precious gift that unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with. So, next time you’re thinking how unprepared you are and how much you really didn’t want this, take a moment to think about the men who would kill to be in your position right now.” She hadn’t realized how emotional she was getting until she felt her voice break slightly as she tried her hardest to hold back the tears that were threatening to explode.

Nick immediately felt guilty listening to Alyssa’s reaction. How could he be so insensitive to act like he didn’t want this child when Alyssa and Sean were literally trying everything underneath the sun in order to get pregnant? “I’m really sorry Lyss… That was a real asshole thing for me to say. You’re right I should be more grateful. It’s just that I feel a little bit deceived right now. I-“

“Nick I have to go,” she interrupted him, not being able to hold back her tears any longer. Not even bothering to say a proper goodbye, she pressed the button to end the conversation and flung her phone across the bed before burying her head in her pillow and letting the sobs finally escape. It wasn’t fair! Why would God allow Shayla and Nick to be blessed with a child and not her and Sean? They’d have made much more suitable parents. Why was this happening to her?

That was the exactly the position that Sean found her in as he entered the bedroom with a towel around his waist, fresh from the shower he had been taking throughout her conversation with Nick. Since their fight after the dinner party they had reconciled, but their relationship had been tenser and more strained than ever. Seeing his wife sobbing hysterically though filled Sean with concern and he rushed to her side. “Alyssa? What’s wrong? What happened?”

“I just got off the phone with Nick,” she managed to hiccup between sobs.

Sean’s eyebrows immediately knitted into a frown at the mere mention of Nick’s name. “What did that asshole say to you to get you this upset?” he angrily asked, assuming the worst.

“Shayla’s pregnant!” Alyssa tearfully reported. “I don’t get it Sean. Why them? Why not us? We want this so badly, and you want to know the ironic part? Nick doesn’t even really want to be a father! They weren’t even trying and it happened! Meanwhile you and I are doing everything that we possibly can to become pregnant and nothing seems to work for us! I’m getting sick of going through this. Why can’t it just happen already?”

Sean’s expression turned sympathetic as he stroked her hair. “I don’t know babe. I ask myself that all the time. But I guess we just have to be patient. Everything happens for a reason, right? We just have to keep trying and keep up our faith.”

“I can’t even picture Shayla as a mother,” she continued as if she hadn’t even heard what Sean had just said. “I mean she’d probably break a nail or something just picking a baby up. I kind of feel bad for that child.” She paused for a moment, switching gears on the conversation as an awful thought filled her mind again, the same thought that had been lingering in the back of her mind for weeks. “Do you think that maybe the reason why we can’t seem to get pregnant is that maybe there’s something wrong with one of us that’s preventing it from happening?”

“I don’t know,” he honestly answered. “But didn’t your doctor say that we shouldn’t start to panic until we’ve been trying for at least a year?”

Alyssa nodded. “Yea, but I don’t know Sean. I just have this feeling… Melanie offered to give me this name of a fertility clinic that she and Kevin went to. She was able to get pregnant with Julian because of fertility drugs. Maybe we should at least check it out.”

Sean looked wary. “I don’t know Alyssa. Fertility drugs have a lot of side effects. Look at all these women who take them and wind up with like quintuplets or something. How would you handle a multiple birth with me going to Iraq? Even twins would be rough for one person.”

“Okay, maybe fertility drugs aren’t the answer, but there are other options. And maybe there isn’t even anything wrong,” she pointed out. “Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable at least ruling out the possibilities? It wouldn’t hurt just to go for a consultation and find out some more information. Get some tests done and find if we’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

Sean had to admit that she made sense and he could see how important this was to his wife. Even though he wasn’t completely comfortable with being poked and prodded by doctors he’d do it for her and the chance to hopefully conceive a child by the time he was sent to Iraq. “If you feel that strongly about it then I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

Alyssa’s eyes lit up behind her tears. “Thanks for being so supportive Sean. I really feel like this is something we need to do. I’ll give Melanie a call and look into getting an appointment.” She sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. Now that they’d actually made the first step to try and get some help, she had to admit that she did feel much more relieved about the whole baby situation. She had a good feeling about this decision.

Getting an appointment at the Lakewood Fertility Center was a lot more difficult than Alyssa had imagined. Melanie had failed to mention that it was one of the best fertility clinics in the nation and at first when Alyssa had called; the receptionist reported that they wouldn’t be able to see her for a consultation until the beginning of July.

“No, you don’t seem to understand. My husband is being deployed to Iraq and he might be long gone by then,” she tried to argue. “We need something as soon as possible.” She hated dropping the ‘my husband is fighting for our country’ line, but sometimes it did work and she was desperate.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Robinson, but we’re completely booked. You’re going to have to wait like everybody else for an appointment,” the receptionist told her. “So should I pencil you in for July 7th at 2pm?”

Alyssa felt her frustration level beginning to mount and she realized that she only had one last card to play. It was a dirty one and she hated to do it, but she was sure that Melanie and Kevin would forgive her. “You know I’m very disappointed. I was referred here by two very well known friends of mine who had nothing but wonderful things to say about your establishment and how accommodating and helpful you were to them throughout their struggle to become pregnant. You were highly recommended. Guess I’m going to have to tell Melanie and Kevin Richardson just how poorly I was treated. They won’t be very happy, especially with all the money they’ve donated to you.”

“Did you say Richardson? As in Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?”
“I thought I did. Do you have a problem hearing?” Alyssa smiled to herself as she saw her plan was working.

“Not at all. Hold on a moment.” She could hear some faint music being played in the background as she waited patiently. The receptionist returned a few minutes later. “Okay, I have a cancellation for next Wednesday. Is 4:00 good for you?”

“Four is perfect. Thank you very much.” Alyssa hung up the phone and rolled her eyes to herself. Okay, so she’d been a little bitchy, but she’d gotten what she wanted, right? And she knew that Kevin and Melanie wouldn’t be upset that she’d done a little name dropping. It was something she always hated to do back when she was dating Nick, but it did sadly get results.

So a little over a week later when she and Sean were led into the office of Dr. William Beard for their initial consultation, she was more than prepared for it. Sean had even arranged to get out of work a little early today just for the occasion. Dr. Beard was exactly what Alyssa had expected. A tall grey headed man with glasses and much fitting to his name a carefully trimmed grey beard. As they entered his office and he shook both their hands and offered them both a seat at his desk, she knew that she was making the right decision.

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. What brings you here today?” he asked, as he settled behind his desk.

That’s a stupid question, Alyssa thought to herself. Obviously I’m here because I can’t get pregnant. “Well, we’ve been trying to have a child now for a while now and we’re having some more problems than we expected, so we’re just a little concerned about our chances. We want to rule out any unforeseen problems,” she answered.

“I see. How long have you two been trying?”

Alyssa and Sean exchanged a glance. “Almost eight months now,” Sean replied.

Dr. Beard looked at the two of them. “The two of you seem young and in good health. How old are you?”

Alyssa brushed back a lock of hair. “I’m twenty-eight.”


“Any major health problems in the past?”

“No,” they both answered together.

“What was your primary method of birth control before you began trying to become pregnant?”

Alyssa felt as if this was directed at her so she swallowed. “I was on the pill.”

“For how long?”

Alyssa pursed her lips. “I was on it steadily since I was about twenty-five. I was on it previously when I was about twenty-one. I took it for almost two years and then I didn’t really need it anymore, so I went off it.” She blushed a little. Even though he was a doctor and she knew he needed to know these things, she still felt a little funny revealing so much to a perfect stranger.

Dr. Beard sat back on his chair and looked thoughtful. “Well, I’m going to start off by saying that your age and general health are definitely on your side. It’s very rare that I get a couple in their twenties who are already having trouble conceiving, but it does happen from time to time. I know you’re concerned, but just so you know typically most doctors recommend that a couple continues to try for at least a year before seeking help. It’s also recommended that you’re engaging in intercourse at least two or three times a week on a regular basis.”

“I’ve spoken with my gynecologist about my concerns and she’s said pretty much the same thing,” Alyssa interrupted. “We’re just overly concerned because my husband here is in the military and may be deployed to Iraq in the near future, so we were kind of hoping to get pregnant before that happens. We would like to rule out that there are any physical problems that are preventing us from having children together.”

“Understandable,” the doctor nodded. “Although physical problems again are rare at your age, but we’ll do our best to find out what’s going on. Do either of you have a history in your families of any problems conceiving?”

“No,” she answered.

“Your sister can’t have kids though,” Sean reminded her.

“That’s different Sean. That was a result of circumstance. It wasn’t biological.” She turned towards Dr. Beard to explain. “My older sister Megan had both her ovaries removed as part of a treatment for ovarian cancer.”

Dr. Beard nodded. “That would most probably have nothing to do with your chances of conceiving. Well, the next step in the process would be for the two of you to come in for a follow up appointment if you choose. During that time you’ll both be examined and we’ll run a few tests. The tests will take a while for us to get back the results, as we need to send them out to a lab. Usually we recommend you make another appointment in approximately two weeks later to discuss the results and our next course of action based on the results. Any questions?”

“I know you have no idea what could be wrong at this point, but what would those options include?” Alyssa curiously asked.

“Depending on the specific problem, treatment can range dramatically. In most cases we’ll start you off on fertility drugs. If they don’t work there’s always surgery. Worst case scenario, we start thinking about in vitro or the use of a surrogate,” he explained.

In vitro? Alyssa exchanged a frightened look with Sean. She knew how expensive the process was. Could she and Sean actually afford something like that?

Seeing the frightened look on their faces Dr. Beard gave them a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I highly doubt that the two of you will be candidates for in vitro. I see no reason why you shouldn’t have any trouble conceiving naturally albeit maybe with the aid of fertility drugs.”

“Thank you for meeting with us today doctor,” Alyssa graciously told him. “My husband and I need to talk things over a little bit, but you’ve been a big help.”

“Not a problem. Good luck to you and I hope to see the two of you again soon. It was nice meeting you.” The three of them stood up as Dr. Beard ushered them out of his office.

“I think we should do it,” Alyssa whispered to Sean as soon as their feet entered the hallway. “What do we have to lose? So, we go for the tests and hopefully it’s good news.”

“I don’t know Lyss. It sounds a little bit of an arduous process. I might be sent over to Iraq before we even get very far,” Sean pointed out.

“It doesn’t mean we have to stop trying on our own,” she insisted. “Look, we’ve tried pretty much everything else, but this, so it can’t hurt, can it? And okay, say you do get deployed before we get very far. At least we tried, right? So what do you say? Please?”

“Fine,” he insisted, not being able to ignore his wife’s pouting. “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

“Too late!” She threw her arms around him and kissed him. “Come on; let’s go schedule an appointment for us to go for our testing. Hopefully I don’t have to use Kevin and Melanie’s names again to get another appointment before July.” She seemed so happy that she was practically skipping towards the receptionist’s window. Sean had to admit that it was the happiest he’d seen her in a long time.
Chapter 16 - False Alarm by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa suspects she is pregnant. Nick finds out that Shayla has been hiding something from him.

Chapter 16 – False Alarm

Ever since they first visited the fertility clinic, a noticeable improvement in Alyssa’s mood became evident to all of those around her. While before she had been moody and irritable, now she seemed hopeful and energetic. Even her relationship with Sean seemed to improve. They’d recently gone for their first appointment to get tested, but had not been able to get another appointment to discuss the results for another three and a half weeks. This bothered Alyssa a great deal, knowing that her results would be ready in two weeks, but because of a tight schedule she’d have to wait even longer. This time, even using Kevin’s name wasn’t enough to squeeze her and Sean in any sooner. She supposed that it could’ve been worse though. The wait definitely could’ve been longer.

Their decision to go through with the testing had also helped to add a little more vigor to their sex life. Things still definitely were nowhere near mind blowing, but Alyssa could swear she at least began to feel some hint at an emotional connection again. It was like knowing that help was coming for them renewed their efforts to continue trying. And finally, it was beginning to seem like those efforts just may have finally paid off.

It was only a few days after the testing when Alyssa began to notice that she was feeling much more tired and rundown than usual. She’d sit down on the couch after work and wind up nodding off until she was woken up by Sean coming home. She’d definitely been moody and irritable lately these past few weeks, ecstatic one minute, having a meltdown the next. Most importantly her period was late. Only by about a week or so, but still, she couldn’t help but to hope that maybe this was finally it. Maybe she was finally pregnant.

She tried hard not to get her hopes up. It wasn’t like she was already experiencing morning sickness or anything really tell tale. Being tired and irritable could relate to a lot of different ailments. If she was pregnant, it would show up in her test results from the fertility clinic. How ironic would it be if she and Sean showed up to their appointment to discuss their test results, only to have Dr. Beard laugh and say that he couldn’t help them because Alyssa was apparently already pregnant? She tried to be patient and wait for either more symptoms to develop or her test results to come back, but like an anxious child on Christmas Eve, she found herself needing to find out immediately, before she went crazy.

She hadn’t even planned on buying the home pregnancy test. There she was pushing her shopping cart around the pharmacy section of Target after work one day, stocking up on some odds and ends, when she’d passed the pregnancy tests. Curiously, she’d paused, picked a box up and scanned the information written on it. She was about to place it back onto the shelf, but another voice in her head held her back. Instead, she placed it into her shopping cart. She wasn’t exactly sure how reliable the results were, but she couldn’t go on like this until her next doctor appointment.

Alyssa had taken the test almost the minute that she’d walked in the door and she had to admit that waiting for the results had to probably be the longest five minutes of her life. When the time was finally up, she drew in a shaky breath as she finally got the courage to look at the symbol that was pictured on the stick.

As soon as her eyes saw the results she instantly felt hot, frustrated tears forming at the back of her eyelids. Negative? It can’t be! she argued with herself. She had the symptoms… She’d practically convinced herself that this was it. The test has to be wrong, she decided. There’s no way I can’t be pregnant. The denial that flocked her brain was so strong that it blocked out all rational reasoning. Alyssa grabbed the directions and searched them over again. These things can’t be one hundred percent anyway.

Her face fell once she read that although it was possible to get a false positive, it wasn’t possible to get a false negative. Translation: She definitely was not pregnant. “Damn it!” she cried out loud as threw down the stick onto the bathroom counter in disgust. She couldn’t believe how she’d fooled herself into thinking that she could’ve been pregnant. She just had wanted it so badly that she’d created this illusion for herself. Call it crazy, but she could actually swear that her breasts were beginning to feel tender and that she was starting to feel queasy in the morning. The mind was an amazing thing sometimes.

Before long, the tears finally fully hit and she began to sob so hard that her knees gave out and she slid down against the bathroom wall until she was sitting with her knees drawn into her chest on the floor. All the cheer and the positive attitude she’d had since visiting the fertility clinic had vanished. Again her hopes were dashed. She couldn’t put herself through his emotional anguish anymore. She was done; ready to admit defeat. She’d wait and see what Dr. Beard had to say about her results, but she was through with consciously trying to get pregnant. She just wanted things to go back to normal, back to a time when there still had been a spark of excitement between her and Sean. Back to the way things were before they began talking about having a baby. If anything, these past few months taught her that she couldn’t rush the hands of fate. If it was meant for her and Sean to become parents it would happen naturally, when the time was right.

Alyssa was still on the floor sobbing by the time Sean arrived home from work. She was so distressed that she barely even noticed the bathroom door creak open or Sean’s comforting arms around her shoulders. “Alyssa? What’s going on?”

His voice sounded far off to her ears even though she was well aware that he was sitting right next to her. She was too upset to answer though and her only reply came in the form of another choked up sounding sob.

“I’m finding you in this position a lot lately,” he commented. “You’re scaring me baby. What’s this all about?”

Throughout her blurry tears, Alyssa could make out the overly concerned look on his face. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen him this freaked out before. Still she couldn’t find her voice. All she could do was point towards the discarded pregnancy test that lay on the counter.

Sean stood up and looked over the mess, finally putting two and two together. His expression immediately flooded with sympathy. “You thought you were pregnant…” he whispered. “God Lyss… I’m so sorry. I wish that the outcome was different too, but we can’t give up now. It’s only a matter of time. I mean we’re getting our test results back pretty soon. Once we have those things will get so much easier, I promise.”

“No Sean…” Her voice finally broke through her tears. “Suddenly I’m not feeling as optimistic as I was once about those results. I just want this to be over already!”

“It will be soon,” he tried to reassure her. “We just have to be patient. We’re getting closer and I can feel it.”

Alyssa found herself fighting back the urge to roll her eyes at his false hope. “You’re not listening to me Sean! I don’t want to do this anymore! I can’t keep pressuring myself like this. We can see what Dr. Beard has to say about our tests, but as far as trying to have a baby, I’m giving up. If it happens, it happens. Don’t you see the way this is tearing us apart?”

“What do you mean tearing us apart? Yea, it’s been stressful at times, but I wouldn’t say that it’s actually tearing us apart? Aren’t you being a little melodramatic?”

She opened her mouth, all set to start rattling off the reasons why their inability to successfully become pregnant by now was taking its toll on their marriage, but before she could get a word out edgewise, Sean cut her off. “Look Lyss… You’re pretty upset and worked up right now. Maybe you just need to calm down and think things through a little more before we decide on anything rash. We probably just need a little break from trying or something. Maybe we should just drop the baby conversation for a few days and see how it goes?”

Not having the energy or the spirit to argue with him she just weakly nodded her head. He was partly right. She definitely wasn’t in the most level headed state of mind at the moment. Still, she knew deep down that she couldn’t keep putting herself through this hell. It was only a matter of time before she completely snapped.

Little had changed between Nick and Shayla when he’d finally returned home after Shayla had announced her pregnancy to him. They’d reconciled enough for them to at least act civilly around one another, but Nick still did not give her any indication that he supported her pregnancy. Frankly, he wasn’t sure how he felt about it himself. On one hand, he felt betrayed and angry that somehow Shayla had wound up pregnant against his wishes. Yes, he was well aware that he’d definitely contributed to that outcome, but he found it all too coincidental to be considered an accident. He couldn’t seem to get her innocent remarks about ‘forgetting’ to take birth control pills out of his head. Then though there was the part of him that had to admit as fucked up as circumstances were, it wasn’t their child’s fault, and it wasn’t fair for him to make it suffer. It was still his responsibility to be a good role model and he didn’t want to be one of those deadbeat dad’s who refused to even acknowledge their children.

Nick remained on the fence with what to do exactly until he’d decided to confide in Brian for advice on what he should do. Nick had always looked up to and respected Brian for his family values, and although he gave him a lot of crap about it, he had to admit that Brian was a damn good husband and father. He knew that if anyone could push him in the right direction it was Brian.

And Brian had done just that. He’d pretty much told Nick flat out that becoming a father was the best gift he’d ever received and even if Baylee had been conceived under false pretenses, he couldn’t imagine not having him in his life. Nick would be a heartless asshole to not acknowledge Shayla’s pregnancy, if only for the baby, he’d pointed out. Nick had to admit that his friend was right. He owed it to his unborn child. It couldn’t help the fact that its mother was a master manipulator. Knowing what he must do, he cleared his entire schedule for that afternoon. Shayla had mentioned that she had a doctor’s appointment at two, and Nick intended on being there for it.

While he drove to office of Shayla’s doctor where Nick had accompanied her a few times before, he had to admit that the idea of a baby was slowly beginning to grow on him. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to midnight feedings and changing diapers, but he had to make the best out of the hand of cards that had been dealt to him. He smiled a little to himself as he thought about how surprised and happy Shayla would be to see him waiting in the doctor’s office for her. Afterwards, maybe he’d take her out for lunch and hopefully they really could sort things out between the two of them.

He pulled into the parking lot a few minutes before two and headed straight inside. His eyes glanced around the waiting room, but there was no sign yet of Shayla. Maybe she’s running late, he figured as he made himself comfortable on one of the chairs. He sat there and waited staring expectantly at the door every time it swung open. None of the women that entered the office were Shayla though, and after almost twenty minutes of waiting, Nick became concerned.

Maybe she got hold up and she called the office to tell them she’d be late? Nick wondered. Maybe they’ve heard from her. Growing more impatient by the moment, he cautiously approached the front desk.

“Can I help you?” a pretty, redheaded receptionist asked him.

“Yea actually you could. My wife was supposed to have an appointment for a prenatal exam today at two and I was showing up to surprise her, but she hasn’t shown up,” he explained, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I was wondering if maybe I missed her or she may have called to say she was running late?”

“What’s the name?”

“Shayla Carter.” Nick impatiently shifted from one foot to the other as the receptionist entered the name into her computer. She frowned as the schedule came up.

“Are you sure she had an appointment today, Mr. Carter? Because she’s not scheduled. Are you sure it was for today?”

Now it was Nick’s turn to frown. “I’m pretty positive she said it was for today. Was it possible that she called to cancel?”

“I’ve been here all day and I’ve had no cancellations,” she reported. “Let me look though and see if maybe she’s scheduled for another day.” She pressed another few buttons on the keyboard and then a confused look came over her face. “You said she was in for a prenatal exam?”

A worried look came over Nick’s face. “Yes.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Carter, but there must be some kind of mistake. Shayla hasn’t been here for at least a few months now.”

“But she had an appointment just last week,” he insisted.

The receptionist shook her head. “I’m sorry, but if she did it wasn’t at this office. Unless she’s decided to change doctors, but we haven’t gotten any requests to send her files to another office yet.”

Feeling his cheeks grow red Nick muttered a quick apology and strode out of the office his mind trying to process exactly why Shayla would lie to him about having a doctor’s appointment today. Furthermore, why would she neglect to tell him if she’d decided to visit another doctor? Granted, they hadn’t been on the best terms when it came to communicating, but Nick couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something wasn’t adding up.

He was just getting into his car when he felt his Sidekick vibrate against his leg. Opening it up, he saw that he had received a text message from his friend Chris asking him how things were going. Lately Nick had been so busy that he hadn’t had a lot of time to keep up many of his friends and Chris was definitely one of the ones that had suffered. They hadn’t talked or hung out in probably over a month. Nick sighed, realizing that he now had the rest of the afternoon to himself and could probably use something to distract him from Shayla’s suspicious behavior. He quickly texted Chris back and asked if he wanted to meet for lunch. After a few more messages they agreed on arrangements and Nick was on his way to the restaurant that he and Chris had selected.

Being that he was in the general area, Nick arrived first and decided to go on inside and wait for Chris there. He pushed open the door and waited for the hostess to seat him. While he waited his eyes wandered around the restaurant which was relatively empty since most of the lunch crowd had already left by now, but there was one group of four or five women sitting at a table a few feet away. He must’ve stared a little too long because one of the women elbowed one of the others sitting next to her and whispered something in her ear while she continued to look in Nick’s direction. Nick assumed that they were probably fans or something that recognized him which he wasn’t exactly thrilled about. He wasn’t in the mood to do the whole fan thing just then.

Nick quickly changed his mind though once the other blonde headed woman whipped her head around a panicked look in her wide blue eyes. He gladly would’ve welcomed a group of fans over the horrified look on his wife’s face. The group sitting at the table had been Shayla and a few of her friends and judging from the shopping bags that lay at their feet, they’d spent majority of the day shopping. Even more incriminating and shocking to Nick was what appeared to be a Cosmo sitting in front of her with more than a few sips taken out of it.

Anger was already beginning to bubble up inside of him. She lied about her doctor’s appointment to go shopping with her friends? And if she was so gun ho about this pregnancy, why was she drinking alcohol? Not even stopping to think about what he was doing, he approached the table and roughly grabbed Shayla’s shoulders. “I think you and I need to have a talk outside.”

“Nick, I can explain!” she sputtered.

“I’m sure you can and you better,” he coldly responded. “Outside now.”

Shayla didn’t even bother to argue with him. Knowing that she was in trouble she reluctantly followed him outside to the front of the restaurant. As soon as they were outside Nick began to ream into her. “I think you better start talking and explain to me why when I stopped by your doctor’s office to surprise you by showing up for your appointment, you not only never showed, but the receptionist had no record of you coming in at all recently? Then I walk in here to meet up with Chris for lunch, only to find you having a grand old time with your friends, sipping cocktails? Last time I checked pregnant women weren’t supposed to be drinking!”

Finally finding her nerve, Shayla tried her best to turn the subject around. “Since when are you interested in this pregnancy? Ever since I announced it to you, you’ve been everything but supportive! You’ve made it pretty clear that you didn’t give a damn, so why the sudden change in attitude?”

That’s when it finally fully clicked in Nick’s mind what Shayla had done. She hadn’t purposely gotten pregnant at all. In fact she’d done something much worse and much more deceptive. It all began to make sense. Lying about the doctor’s appointment… The cocktail with lunch… How could he have been so blind? “What pregnancy?” he challenged. “Do you really think I’m that fucking stupid that I wouldn’t figure it out?” He could tell just by the guilty look on his wife’s face that he’d hit the nail right on the head. “You were never pregnant in the first place! You lied to me just to give me some kind of test on how I would handle the situation! What was your logic in that? Don’t you think I’d have thought something was up when your stomach didn’t get bigger? Or were you planning on stuffing a pillow in there or something?”

Shayla sniffled, seeing that she was defeated. “I was going to pretend to have a miscarriage,” she quietly admitted.

“Of course! The convenient miscarriage! How soap opera of you,” he sarcastically replied. “I still don’t understand why you’d do something like this? Who actually fakes a pregnancy? What possessed you to do something so psycho?”

She looked up and glared at him completely stone faced. “Let’s just say I had my reasons,” she stiffly answered.

Nick was about to ask her what those reasons were, but quickly realized he really could give a rat’s ass at that point. He actually wasn’t interested in her excuses. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that she’d gone and lied to him in the first place. That was unforgivable to him. “You know what? I don’t even care why you did it anymore! When you first told me that you were pregnant, my first instinct was that you did it on purpose. You made that comment about forgetting your birth control pills, so I just thought this was your way of trapping me. I was really hurt at first, but then I did a lot of thinking and even though I didn’t really want a child, I knew that deep down I couldn’t turn my back on my own flesh and blood. Which is why I was all set to show up and surprise you today. Now as it turns out, you did just the opposite. You lied about being pregnant for some crazy, manipulative reason that only you can figure out. I’d say that this is even worse! Do you realize how upset Alyssa was when I told her you were pregnant? And it’s just some big joke to you!”

“Oh, God forbid we upset Alyssa!” Shayla shot back, not being able to mask her jealously.

“Is this what this is about?” Nick asked, sounding disgusted. “You knew how badly Alyssa wanted to get pregnant, so you figured that if you mysteriously became pregnant it would hurt her?” Shayla remained silent, but crossed her arms over her chest sullenly, giving Nick all the conviction he needed. “Unbelievable… You know you don’t fuck with people’s emotions. Especially by making them believe that they’re going to become a parent. That’s just sick! You disgust me.” Not even having the respect to look at her for another moment he turned around and began walking away.

“Nick!” Shayla attempted to call after him, grabbing his arm.

Nick turned around to face her giving her a warning glance. “Don’t. I’m heading back home and getting my stuff. My lawyer will be sending you over divorce papers as soon as I can draw them up.” Without even bothering to wait for her reaction he turned back around and strode off. In the distance he could hear her muffled tears from behind him, but he had no regrets. He was doing the right thing.

As promised, Sean kept silent about the baby topic for the next two weeks. Neither he nor Alyssa brought it up. It seemed like an unspoken agreement between the two that the subject wouldn’t be mentioned again until their appointment with Dr. Beard to discuss their test results. Alyssa was secretly grateful for this arrangement. It was almost a relief for her to not have to stress over the baby situation constantly hanging over her head. Of course just because the word ‘baby’ seemed to have been eliminated from both of their vocabularies, did not mean that their relationship instantly turned itself around. There was just as much tension between them as ever and whether or not it was consciously or unconsciously, Alyssa found the two of them to be almost politely avoiding each other. It was almost beginning to feel like they were nothing more than roommates, co inhabiting the same space instead of a happily married couple.

Not too surprisingly, Alyssa had gotten her period two days after she’d taken the pregnancy test, sealing the fact that she had been wrong. Afterwards she couldn’t help, but to kick herself for mistaking the symptoms of a really bad case of PMS with the symptoms of pregnancy. She’d moped around for the next few days that followed, but once she realize that she was only making herself feel worse she tried to put on a more cheerful façade, hoping that it would trick her into thinking that she was feeling better. She wasn’t sure if it completely worked, but Sean seemed to buy it. Of course they hadn’t spent very much time together either.

That’s why she was shocked and surprised when he flopped down next to her on the couch that following Friday night while she was curled up with her lesson plan book, trying to map out her daily plans for the remainder of the school year, which was already beginning to dwindle down. Her eyes shot up from her plan book and gave him a questionable glance as soon as she felt his weight next to her. He seemed to have been gone out of his way to steer clear of her for most of the week, so him voluntarily coming to sit beside her seemed a little strange.

Ignoring her suspicious expression, Sean grabbed her legs and pulled them onto his lap, lightly beginning to rub her feet. “Working again?” he playfully teased. “Didn’t you do enough of that today?”

Alyssa appeared blasé to his attempts at pulling her away from her work. “There’s only a few more weeks left of the school year. I’d rather get all my plans intact now so I can concentrate on packing up my classroom for the summer.”

“You have plenty of time for that still,” he insisted, reaching over her to grab her plan book from her hands and setting it on the coffee table in front of them. “It’s Friday night. Surely you can think of something better to do than work on lesson plans.”

Her eyes traveled to the discarded plan book. She was all ready to sail into him for disrupting her work, but something stopped her. This was the most attention he’d devoted to her since the afternoon he’d found her crying on the bathroom floor after the disappointing results of the pregnancy test. She raised her eyebrows and smirked, finally giving in as she slid her body closer to his so that her legs were now dangling off the side of his lap. “Sounds like you have something in mind.”

Sean shrugged. “Not exactly.” He reached out to stroke her dark hair. “I just realized how much I’ve missed being with you lately.”

Alyssa giggled a little bit. “Well, I’ve been right here the whole time. Kind of hard to miss someone when you see them everyday.”

“That’s not what I meant about missing you. Yea, I physically see you everyday, but I just miss the whole emotional connection I guess. Let’s face it, we haven’t been very close lately,” he pointed out. “It’s like we’ve been tiptoeing around each other, and I’m not even sure why exactly.”

She was a little taken aback by his observation. He was saying everything that she had been feeling lately and it made her wonder just a bit where this was all coming from. “Same here. I think that we let so much outside stress get in between us that it really messed up our ability to keep up a solid relationship,” she admitted, trying her best to dance around the baby issue. “I think we sort of started to take each other for granted and kind of stopped communicating there for a while, which definitely was a mistake. Even solid relationships take work to keep them that way and I think we just kind of slacked off. We just became so focused on other things and other people that we forgot to put ourselves first.”

“You’re right,” Sean agreed, tracing circles on the top of her thigh. “I kind of miss the way things were when we first got married. I know the honeymoon doesn’t last forever, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be miserable right? As corny as it sounds I miss those nights we’d just spend on the couch, holding each other.”

Alyssa felt her defenses start to melt. Had he really missed the days before they learned he was being shipped out to Iraq and before they began discussing having a baby, too? “Me too… You know that sounds like a great way to spend my Friday night,” she coyly suggested.

“Better than working on lesson plans?” he teased, as he drew his mouth closer to hers. “Because if you’re really that anxious to get back to them-“

Their lips met before he could even finish the sentence. Pulling away just long enough to get the last word in, she grinned. “This is much better.” Their lips met again, and Alyssa closed her eyes trying to lose herself in his kisses as her hands traveled up to the back of his neck. It felt really good just to sit there and make out with him on the couch like they were a bunch of teenagers. Sadly, Alyssa couldn’t really remember the last time they’d just taken their time with each other. Between trying to get pregnant and both of their overloaded schedules, any alone time they had was always rushed and to the point. So, it definitely was a relief to throw away all sense of time and just relax in each others arms.

Finally Alyssa was beginning to see a glimmer of that emotional connection they once shared and the fact that they were finally bringing the focus back onto each other was definitely a turn on. She couldn’t deny that Sean’s kisses didn’t exactly put the same thrill in her that the fading memory of Nick’s kisses from a few weeks ago, but at the moment his predictability and familiarity seemed comforting and safe. When she felt his fingertips slip underneath the thin material of her tank top, she didn’t hesitate to raise her arms, helping him lift the garment off of her body.

One by one, articles of clothing flew off the couch onto the floor below, until there was nothing separating their skin from each other. Even though it had been a while since they’d really taken things this slowly, Alyssa found herself already growing impatient. She knew that probably seemed pretty ironic since she’d been complaining to Teri and Tricia about how lately her and Sean usually got right down to business, but just the idea of making love without having to worry about whether or not this would be the time she’d get pregnant gave her such a rush. Flipping them over and climbing on top of Sean, she bent down to drop a few light, teasing kisses on his chest as she positioned her body over his. She was just about to sink herself down on him when he gripped her hips, pulling her off of him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he playfully asked.

Alyssa smirked. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

Sean shook his head at her as he switched their positions so that he had her pinned down against the arm rest of the couch. “Not that way. This way is better.”

She looked up at him with a puzzled expression on her face. “Don’t you get sick of the same thing all the time though? I know you’re a control freak and all, but don’t you want to try something different? And why exactly is it ‘better’ this way?”

Sean seemed to hesitate for a moment. “Uhh, well I guess its kind of stupid, but I just heard somewhere that it’s uhmm easier to conceive a baby in this position. Like you’re at a better angle or something.”

As soon as the explanation left Sean’s mouth, Alyssa sighed and pushed him off of her. Everything had been going so great, but the minute he’d brought up the word ‘baby’, it was like flicking a switch off. She sat up and started to gather her clothes. “Thanks. Way to ruin a mood there.”

“What do you mean? What’d I do?” Sean asked, looking genuinely confused.

Alyssa pulled her tank top back over her head before spinning around to face him. “I thought I made it damn clear that I didn’t want to discuss the baby topic anymore. Why is that every goddamn time we have sex you always have to remind me that we’re trying to create a child? Can’t it just be about the two of us for once? Does it always have to be all about the fucking baby?”

“I’m sorry… I didn’t think-“

“That’s exactly the problem! You don’t think!” By now Alyssa was standing up pulling on her jeans. “And I can’t believe that you’d actually buy some line of crap like that about which way is easier to get pregnant. There’s no proof of that! Besides, we’ve been doing in that way for the past eight months and nothing has happened, so maybe there’s a clue right there!” She crossed the room to where her flip flops were sitting by the door and slipped them onto her feet as she grabbed her denim jacket from where it hung across the banister of the stairs.

Sean watched her with his brows knit in concern. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know! I just need some space.” Without even waiting for his reaction she opened up the door and stepped outside, ignoring Sean’s pleas to drive carefully. It was a particularly rainy night and just walking from the porch to her car was enough to leave her thoroughly drenched already. She found herself wishing that she’d thought to grab an umbrella or a jacket that was more suited for the weather, but her stubbornness refused to let her back into that house again and give Sean the opportunity to try to calm her down.

She climbed into the front seat and peeled out of the driveway not sure where she was headed. She knew that she’d be more than welcome to spend the night at Izzy’s or with Teri and Howie, but she really didn’t feel like having to explain her whole argument with Sean. She wanted just to go someplace where she could be alone and just relax. Stopping at a red light, she momentarily considered just checking into a hotel for the night, but then she remembered another option. She reached into her glove compartment and felt relief flood over her as she stumbled upon the key to the condo Nick had given her. She’d stuck it in her car to use in exactly a case like this, knowing it was bound to come in handy sometime. He did say that I can use it anytime I need to just get away for the night. Making up her mind, she plugged the address into her GPS system and sped off in the direction that it indicated.

She arrived at condominium complex about half an hour later. The roads had been pretty flooded and miserable and she was just glad to finally arrive at her destination. Thankfully enough, Alyssa had little problem finding the address and she pulled into the driveway. Even though she had the heat blaring, her clothes were still damp from before and as soon as she stepped out of the car door she was soaked again. It really was a torrential downpour and of course once she reached the door, her hands fumbled with the slippery key. When the door finally sprang open she was so drenched that her clothes seemed to stick to her body like a second skin.

Alyssa stepped inside and immediately took off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the door. Not wasting any time she unbuttoned her rain soaked jeans and let them pool around her legs as she stepped out of them. There was nothing more uncomfortable than wet denim. I’ll just get out of these wet clothes and then look for a blanket or something to warm me up, she figured as she pulled her tank top over her head.

She was so focused on getting out of her wet clothes that she hadn’t even noticed the sounds of another person coming from the living room. Nick had arrived at the condo only a few hours earlier. After his confrontation with Shayla earlier that afternoon, he’d cancelled his lunch plans with Chris, gone home, and packed a suitcase with enough clothes to last at least a few days at the condo. He had absolutely no intentions in returning to his home unless it was to retrieve the rest of his stuff. He’d been vegging out on the couch when he thought he heard the sound of the door opening, so he got up from the couch to investigate.

The sight waiting for him around the corner was enough to make him freeze in both surprise and awe. At the end of the short hallway was Alyssa, and he’d gotten there just in time to watch her cross her arms in front of her and pull her maroon colored tank top over her head until she was standing there in just a pair of black and pink boy shorts with a matching black bra. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her body. Judging from her damp hair and glistening skin, he was able to figure out that she’d probably gotten caught out in the rain and thinking that she was alone, decided to ditch her wet clothes before she caught a chill in the air conditioning. His eyes traveled down her back and spied another one of those newly added tattoos that she’d hinted at; a pair of pink toe shoes peeking out just above the waist of her boy shorts on the right side of her lower back. It was obviously meant to symbolize her long time love of dance. He continued to stare appreciatively, getting a great view of her ass while she bent over to pick up her wet clothes.

He was so transfixed by her half naked appearance that he barely had time to react when she finally turned around noticing him standing there for the first time. Alyssa shrieked in surprise protectively holding her damp clothing over her body as if it were a sight he’d never seen before. “Nick! What the hell are you doing here? You just scared the shit out of me!”
Chapter 17 - Downpour by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Nick seek comfort in each other.

Chapter 17- Downpour

Nick stood there paralyzed for a moment more before fumbling with an explanation to Alyssa’s question. "I told you I come here from time to time when I need to be alone," he calmly explained to her, trying not to make it completely obvious that he was staring. He couldn’t help, but notice her obvious discomfort by the way her arms were protectively crossed over her chest, her wet clothes held up to shield her half naked body. Trying to make light of the situation, he cracked a smile. "You don't have to be embarrassed. It's not like I've never seen you naked before."

Alyssa blushed a little bit, but relaxed her arms. “I guess you have a point there. If you really want to be alone I could just go,” she offered.

"Not on your life, with this kind of weather," he insisted, grabbing her by the arm. "Come on let's see if I can get you some dry clothes and we can stick these in the dryer for the time being."

Alyssa had no choice, but to agree as she followed him deeper into the condo. She definitely hadn't anticipated running into Nick here tonight. It was definitely more than a little awkward, especially because since the last time they’d been around each other had resulted in a very heated make out session and the last time they had talked, she’d pretty much told him that they probably shouldn’t hang out anymore for that very reason. As weird as the situation was, she’d just have to suck it up and deal with it. Nick was right. The roads were bad and she was upset. It was better if she stayed in one place for now until the weather at least calmed down.

“I’m actually staying here for a few days,” his voice interrupted her thoughts. “Long story, I’ll fill you in later, but point is that I have extra clothes on me. So, I’ll just give you a t-shirt or something to hang out in for now and there should be clean towels in the bathroom if you want to dry off a little. Once you’re all settled we can throw your wet clothes in the dryer.”

“Sounds good to me,” Alyssa agreed as Nick went into his suitcase, pulled out a green t-shirt, and handed it to her. She smirked as she saw the picture of a fork and a spoon on the front and the words, Spooning Leads to Forking across the top. “Nice shirt.”

Nick grinned. “I though you might like it. You remember where the bathroom is right?”

Alyssa nodded and headed down the hallway towards the bathroom door. She could already feel goose bumps beginning to form on her arms and legs. She quickly located a fluffy white bath towel and wrapped herself in it for warmth. She gazed at the shower curtain for a moment, contemplating taking a hot shower to warm herself up, but laziness got the better of her. Instead she changed into Nick’s shirt, not being able to help the fact that she was very aware of his scent that lingered onto the material. Once she was done she picked up her damp clothing and left the bathroom, heading for the washer and dryer that she remembered being off of the garage. She tossed her clothes in the dryer and turned it on, before heading back into the living room.

She entered the living room just in time to see Nick coming out of the kitchen gripping a bottle of wine and two paper cups. “I just remembered that we have a few bottles of wine lying around here from the first night we spent in this place. Don’t have any wine glasses though, so paper cups will have to do.”
“Wine in paper cups?” Alyssa giggled. “That’s classy.” She wrinkled her nose. “These bottles of wine have to have been sitting here for over three years now.”

“So?” Nick shrugged. “Wine doesn’t go bad. In fact, it gets better with age, just like me.”

Alyssa couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay if you say so, but I think that’s probably still up for debate.”

Nick gasped pretending to be hurt. “That was pretty mean Alyssa. I’m shocked!”

“Yea, you’ll get over it.” She plopped herself down on the couch and waited for Nick to join her. She watched as he made himself comfortable and poured her a glass of wine. “Thanks,” she told him, taking the cup from his hand. “I could use a drink right about now.”

“You and me both,” he agreed, already taking a sip from his wine. “Looks like we’ve both had a pretty rough day.”

Alyssa just nodded, curling her legs underneath her. “You could say that. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? Did you and Shayla have a fight?”

Nick just snorted in response. “Oh, we had a fight all right.” He paused for a moment as if he was unsure of how to break the news to her. “I guess I should be up front with you now because pretty soon the truth is just going to come out anyway. I’m divorcing Shayla.”

The room was so quiet after those three words that Nick swore he could hear a pin drop. Alyssa looked shocked and surprised at his admission. “You’re what? You’re getting a divorce?” She sat back against the back of the couch appearing stunned. She remembered a time when she had almost prayed for this day back before she and Sean had gotten married. Now that it had come though, Alyssa felt anything but triumphant. Alyssa knew how his parents divorce had affected him, so for him to follow down the same path after only two years of marriage something major must’ve happened. “If you don’t mind me asking, why? Why now? You have a child on the way! This is absolutely the worst time to get a divorce.”

Nick was shocked by her reaction; it wasn’t at all how he had expected her to take the news. She seemed almost angry at him. But then again, he could almost see why. She didn’t know what Shayla had done and she was coming from the perspective of someone who would give almost anything to switch places with him and Shayla. So, considering that she had strong personal feelings on the matter, being a woman who was desperately trying to become pregnant, Nick could understand her outrage that his decision to seek a divorce now of all times when his wife would need him the most. He definitely needed to back up and explain everything to her. “There is no baby,” he slowly admitted.

Now Alyssa looked confused. “No baby? What do you mean no baby? You told me yourself that she was pregnant.”

He took in a deep breath. “She made up the whole thing. She was never really pregnant after all. She only did it to try to trap me into accepting the fatherhood role. That way she could conveniently miscarry and easily persuade me into trying for the real thing.”

“Oh my God…” Alyssa covered her open mouth in shock. “That’s just crazy… Not to be mean, but what a bitch! Who does that outside of desperate women on soap operas?”

“My point exactly. I mean she knew what a big deal it was for me to finally agree to take this pregnancy thing seriously. I was actually almost beginning to look forward to us having a baby,” he confessed. “Crazy, huh?”

Alyssa patted his shoulder sympathetically. “Not at all, Nick! I know how huge of a step that was for you and it really shows how much you’ve changed that you were willing to take on that kind of responsibility even though it wasn’t entirely what you wanted. She’s really a bitch for putting you through all that. If she loved you, she wouldn’t have to manipulate you and play games like that to get you to prove that you love her too. How did you find all this out?”

“Well, at first I really didn’t want anything to do with the whole thing because I originally thought she’d gotten pregnant on purpose just to spite me. Kind of ironic how backwards I had it. Anyway, finally I confided in Brian and he made me realize that even if Shayla had purposely gotten pregnant, it would be unfair to let an innocent child suffer as a result. So, I decided that I should suck it up and accept the fact that I was about to be a father for the baby’s sake. I planned on surprising Shayla by meeting up with her at her doctor’s appointment, but when I got to the office there was no record of her having any sort of appointment recently, which I thought was strange. I didn’t get too concerned though, and I made plans to meet up with Chris for lunch. When I got to the restaurant I found Shayla there with a group of friends. They’d been out shopping all afternoon while she was supposed to be at the doctor and she was drinking a Cosmo.”

“Ouch…” she winced, feeling his pain. “So you pretty much caught her red handed.”

Nick nodded. “I pulled her outside and got her to admit the truth. We had a pretty bad argument which ended in me telling her to expect to be served with divorce papers. So, yea… I figured I’d hide out here for a few days at least. I kind of don’t feel much like facing any of my family or friends just yet.”

“Understandable.” She paused a moment before asking the question that was lingering in her mind. “So, you really are going through with the divorce thing?”

He thought about it for a few seconds before answering. “Yea, I think so. I mean I just can’t imagine staying married to someone who would blatantly lie to me like that. My trust in her is pretty much shattered at this point, and what’s the good in being in a relationship with someone that you can’t trust? It’s pointless.”

“I totally agree.” Alyssa knew firsthand from her prior relationship with Nick that one of the many reasons they had failed had been her lack of trust in him. She’d always been so worried that he’d cheat on her, that she supposed she’d made it pretty clear that she didn’t trust him. Otherwise those fears wouldn’t have been there. Because of all of that Nick had gone ahead and cheated anyway, putting faith into those fears. So, after that experience Alyssa had really began to realize just how important it was for both parties to trust each other in a relationship. “I’m so sorry Nick. I can’t believe that she’d do that to you.”

Nick brushed her apology off with a wave of his hand as he poured himself another cup of wine. “It’s okay. I’ll survive. I’m better off without her anyway.”

Alyssa was unsure of what more she should say at the moment, so she said nothing, focusing on the episode of Family Guy that was playing on the television in front of her. She finished off her wine in silence and then poured herself a second serving as well. Her mind tried to focus on the plot of the episode, but for once not even adult cartoon humor was enough to make her smile. Half the jokes that she would normally laugh out loud over seemed to fly completely over her head. Judging from Nick’s reaction next to her, he was feeling exactly the same.

When the show went to a commercial break, Nick finally broke the silence turning the conversation onto her. “So, now that you know what I’m dong here, what are you doing here?”

Alyssa blushed, feeling a little embarrassed. “It’s pretty stupid and petty compared to your story,” she began. “Sean and I had a fight obviously, but like I said it was really dumb. I just needed to get away from him for a while.”

Nick looked at her intently, but surprisingly didn’t really press the matter. Instead he just made an innocent remark. “You and Sean have been fighting a lot lately, haven’t you? What’s gong on with the two of you? I feel like you’re always only telling me half the story.”

She sighed realizing that he was right. She did tend to sugarcoat a lot of the details around him, and she wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe it was because of their prior relationship, she didn’t want him to think that she couldn’t ever be happy with anyone else. Whatever the reason, she’d only given him a small crack of light on what was really going on between her and Sean that day he’d come over with the pictures. All he really knew was that they were struggling to conceive a child before Sean left for Iraq and were having difficulties. He also knew that this was causing some friction between them, but he had no clue to exactly what degree. After the way he had opened up to her about him and Shayla, she supposed that she only owed it to him to do the same with her and Sean. Nick hadn’t exactly been one to share his personal problems with others, so Alyssa knew just how difficult that had been for him.

“Sean and I have been having our fair share of problems,” she slowly admitted. “I guess it’s just this baby thing is really getting to us, in more ways than one. The first few months weren’t so bad, but after a while it just started getting really frustrating when nothing was happening. We literally tried everything. Even all the crazy things that you think would never work. And still I wasn’t getting pregnant. We just couldn’t understand it. You know that we went to visit a fertility clinic last month?”

Nick shook his head. “No, we haven’t talked in a while, remember?”

“Well, we did,” she clued him in. “It was my idea. I was just so afraid that maybe something was wrong with me and I wouldn’t be able to have children that I just had to find out for sure. I mean even my doctor kept telling me that I was probably just overreacting, but something in my gut told me I needed to do this. Sean seemed pretty supportive of the idea. We had some tests run on us to see what the problem is, if anything. We’re supposed to be getting the results back next week. It’s really nerve wracking.”

“I bet it is. I know how important having kids is to you. I imagine that it must be hard on the both of you.”

“It is.” She paused for a moment already growing bolder and more comfortable sharing the details that she’d hid from most of her close friends for months now. She was finding it to be a bit of a relief to get it all off of her chest. “We actually had a false alarm like two weeks ago. I thought that I might have been pregnant and I got my hopes all up and then I took the test and it turned out negative.” Her face fell at the memory. “Afterwards I was a wreck. I had invested so much time in thinking that I was actually pregnant that it was really hard for me to accept the fact that I wasn’t. Since then Sean and I have sort of been avoiding each other. I told him that I wanted us to stop trying for the time being. It was just getting way too stressful on me and it started to become that trying to have a baby was taking over our entire relationship.”

“How so?” Nick asked curiously.

By this point in the conversation the wine she had been drinking was beginning to go to her head and although she was nowhere near drunk, she definitely was tipsy enough to speak about a topic as intimate as her and Sean’s sex life freely. “Well, it was starting to seem like whenever we had time alone it translated into ‘time to work on making a baby.’ It was getting to the point where our sex life was just entirely focused on this baby that hadn’t even been created yet. We entirely stopped making love. It was just very plain, boring, almost mechanical sex. My heart just wasn’t into it anymore.” She paused for a moment as it finally clicked in her mind that Nick probably wasn’t at all comfortable with her sharing such personal details between her and Sean. “I’m sorry… You probably didn’t need to hear all of that.”

Nick just laughed lightly. “It’s okay Alyssa. Not like I seriously think that you and Sean have a celibate relationship or anything. You are married after all and obviously this is bothering you. Besides, I find it entertaining to hear you talk so openly about sex for once.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes and playfully smacked him on the arm, but continued anyway not even aware that she was beginning to slur some of her words. “The fight we had tonight was kind of about that. I told you we’d been avoiding each other since the pregnancy scare and then tonight he sits down next to me and was telling me about how much he missed me lately and how he wishes that we could go back to how we used to be. So, yea we start kissing and it’s finally beginning to feel like its about just the two of us again, and we’re both completely relaxed, there’s no pressure of whether or not this will be the time that we’ll conceive a child. Then just when things are about to happen he goes and brings it all up again! It’s like he can’t let go of the idea of trying for a baby and just let it happen naturally. I really can’t deal with that pressure, so I got up, got dressed, and left. And now I’m here.”

Nick stared at her a moment not at all sure how to react. He certainly hadn’t expected that kind of explanation from her. He really had no idea all of that was going in her and Sean’s marriage, but it began to make a lot of sense based on some of the things she’d said and done lately. That probably explained why she’d been so eager and receptive to his kisses at Kina’s dinner party. He swallowed hard as the implications of her fight with Sean and her arrival at the condo could lead to. He assumed she had to have some pretty strong pent up sexual frustration over the way things had been with Sean lately. And then there was the image of her arriving soaking wet to the condo and stripping off her clothes in the foyer, still fresh in his mind. Now here she was sitting next to him on the couch wearing his shirt and looking rather enticing in it. It would be completely wrong of him to take advantage of the situation. The Nick of a few years ago would’ve been all over her by now, but it just wouldn’t be right in this case.

“What?” Alyssa interrupted his thoughts. “Why are you staring at me like I have three heads or something?”

He shook his impure thoughts out of his head and grinned. “Nothing. Just find it amusing that you’re already tipsy.”

“I’m not tipsy!” she insisted. Nick raised her eyebrows at her until she finally gave in. “Okay… Maybe I am a little bit. But, wine always hits me pretty hard. Plus, the fact that you try not drinking for eight months and see what happens to you the first time you start drinking again.”

“You barely had two cups,” he pointed out with a laugh. “That’s pathetic.”

“Eight months Nick. Remember I haven’t drank in eight months.” She made an attempt to hold up eight fingers for emphasis, but instead accidentally held up nine.

Nick couldn’t help, but to roar with laughter at her pathetic attempt. “You should probably quit while you’re ahead,” he warned.

“Shut up!” Her foot darted out from underneath her to kick him, but Nick grabbed it before she could hit him. His eyes traveled down to her foot in his hand and he was surprised to find another tattoo, a vine of red roses with dark thorns attached. He ran his hands over the skin wondering to himself why he hadn’t noticed it before.

“When did you get this one?” he asked, changing the subject. “It must have hurt like a bitch.”

Alyssa was a bit surprised with his fascination with the tattoo on her foot, but answered his question. “Actually not all that long after I moved down to North Carolina after we broke up. It hurt so badly, but I kind of had a lot of emotional pain I was going through at the time, so I guess it kind of helped with that. I think its one of my favorites.”

“You mean emotional pain because of me?” Nick looked guilty as his finger continued to trace over it.

“Yes,” she admitted, finding it hard to lie to him. “It was kind of therapeutic in a way I guess.” She shifted uncomfortably finding the whole moment sort of weird and tense. Trying to change the subject she pulled her foot out of his grasp and stood up. “My clothes are probably done drying by now.”

“Let’s go see.” Nick stood up alongside her and followed her into the laundry room. Sure enough, the dryer had ended its cycle and he bent down to open up the door. Since he was closer he reached in to begin pulling out her clothes for her. Ironically enough the first object he pulled from the inside of the dryer was her bra.

Alyssa smirked at the image of Nick dangling her bra by one of the straps. She found it adorable how his face reddened a little by the awkwardness of it all. “I believe this belongs to you,” he told her, reaching out to hand it to her.

“Are you sure? I could’ve sworn I was wearing a red bra when I came in,” she joked. “You must have me confused with someone else.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “Yea because I have pretty half naked girls stopping here every day with wet clothes,” he sarcastically replied.

Alyssa just laughed and grabbed on to strap to take it from him, but she froze when she felt her hand clenching over his. Time seemed to stand still as her eyes drifted up from their joint hands to the hungry expression on his face, and back down to their hands again. There was little space left in between their bodies and she barely even noticed his hand linger up to cup her chin. Her eyes closed just in time to feel his lips press down aggressively over hers. Unlike the last time they had kissed, where it had started off slow and sensual, steadily growing into something more passionate, there was nothing soft about this kiss. Alyssa was taken aback by the roughness of it, but at the same time found it to be exactly what she’d been craving for so long. Her hands forgot all about the bra she was holding as they flew upwards towards his hair. She hardly even noticed the garment fly out of her grasp and onto the floor below them.

They continued to kiss hurriedly and passionately as if they couldn’t get enough of each other. Alyssa couldn’t remember the last time if ever she’d experienced such a frenzy of emotions. Her heart pounded wildly in anticipation of where this might lead as she felt her lower back hit the edge of the dryer. Somewhere in the back of the mind a voice tried to remind her that she had a husband at home and even though he was being a complete asshole at the moment, it wasn’t worth jeopardizing their marriage, but its efforts were in vain. She could almost feel her blood pressure rising. She’d already gotten pretty worked up earlier in the night with Sean, so her body was acting on pure impulse. It didn’t even hit her that her hands had climbed up the bottom of Nick’s shirt and pulled it up over his head until after she’d already done it.

She pulled away for a moment, completely breathless as she drank in the sight of his bare chest. This was her first time seeing him shirtless since he’d lost all that weight after their breakup and she had to admit that he looked damn good. She could definitely tell that he’d been working out based on the newly added definition in his arms and chest that hadn’t been there before. Going in for another searing kiss, she pressed her palms up against his chest, slowly letting them slip down his body. She smirked against his lips as she felt him sharply inhale when she reached his stomach which had always been a sensitive area for him. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of the athletic shorts that he’d been wearing, lightly stroking the skin underneath. Nick groaned impatiently against her lips. The thin material of his shorts did little to hide the fact that he was already growing hard against her leg. She finally took pity on him and tugged them off his waist, helping him step out of them.

Nick stepped closer to her and wrapping his arms around her waist, he lifted her up so she was sitting on top of the dryer. Standing between her legs, his hand slid up the top of her thigh and grabbed the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing in his hands. Alyssa’s arms flew over her head as he removed it from her body, shivering a little as she felt cool air against her skin. Nick’s mouth zeroed in on her neck, and her hands gripped tightly onto the edge of the dryer for support as he nipped and sucked against the delicate area. Alyssa moaned once she felt his hand brush against the inside of her thigh while he worked the boy shorts that she was wearing down her legs. Now completely naked, her hands impatiently flew down to Nick’s waist and slid his boxers down his legs.

Things began to heat up really quickly from that point on. With the intensity of almost every moment, Alyssa knew that neither one of them would probably last through much foreplay. Nick inched her body closer to the edge of the dryer and slung her legs around him before pushing his way inside her. Alyssa actually gasped at the intensity of it. Nick tried not to move for a moment, allowing her to become familiar with the feeling of him again, before he went on. Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, signaling that she was ready. Nick gritted his teeth as he tried to control himself from starting out too fast. He’d fantasized about getting an opportunity like this with Alyssa and he definitely didn’t want to blow it.

Alyssa’s teeth nipped around his earlobe as she pushed her body up against his. She sighed into his ear as their bodies moved in perfect rhythm with each other. It had been way too long since she’d actually gotten any enjoyment out of sex, so this felt long overdue for her. She wasn’t at all thinking how wrong it was to be heading right back into the very same trap that had caused so much grief with Nick previously. She was solely focusing on the pleasure that filled her body. Her fingernails dug so deeply into Nick’s back that she was certain they’d leave marks the next day, as he slid in and out of her. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he seemed to hit all the right spots, producing satisfied moans to echo from the back of her throat.

Nick’s breathing was ragged and a film of sweat had formed along his forehead. Alyssa found the expression on his face to be extremely sexy at the moment. It was clear that he was trying so hard to restrain himself by the way his tongue hung slightly out of his mouth in concentration. She knew from experience that he was already getting close, so she squeezed her legs tighter around him. Nick gasped as he felt her tighten around him. “Don’t do that,” he begged. “Or I’ll be done in like two seconds.”

Alyssa laughed against his neck. She knew that it was taking every ounce of willpower for him to hold himself back and she felt bad for him. Besides, seeing how hard he was trying to be considerate of her as well was definitely very sexy. She pushed her hips against him harder. “It’s okay,” she assured him. “You don’t have to hold back.”

Nick looked relieved at this and reached around to press his hand against the small of her back, pushing himself deeper inside her. Alyssa moaned loudly as she felt him increase the pace. Her hands gripped his shoulders roughly as he thrust harder into her. She could already feel herself beginning to throb around him and knew that he couldn’t possibly last too much longer. As expected Nick’s eyes closed and his breathing accelerated. His body trembled underneath her touch. “Holy shit, Lyss…” he cried as he finally came.

His release was enough to bring Alyssa over the edge, and for the first time in months she finally found herself not having to fake an orgasm. She almost went limp in relief as she rode out the sensation before collapsing against him, trying to control her unsteady breathing. Finally getting the energy to open her eyes again she surveyed the room in almost disbelief. Had she actually just had sex with Nick again? On top of the dryer in the laundry room of the condo she was supposed to have moved into once upon a time, to top it all off. The situation was just so ridiculous that she couldn’t help but to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Nick asked her, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

Alyssa just shook her head. “Just how completely ‘us’ this is. God,” she moaned as she pressed her back flat against the dryer. “I think I need to lie down after that.”

Nick smirked. “Well, there’s always the bedroom.” He offered her his hand and helped her down from the dryer and back onto the floor. Her legs almost immediately buckled beneath her and Nick had to catch her to prevent her from falling. “Damn I must be good if you can barely stand.”

Alyssa just rolled her eyes as she took a shaky step. “Okay, I take the comment about you getting better with age being up for debate back. I think you’ve proven me wrong.”

“I love it when you admit that I’m right,” he teased as he led her into the bedroom. “And just for the record you were just like… wow. I’m not sure I ever saw you so just completely at ease. You can definitely tell that Sean wasn’t doing his job.”

Alyssa flopped across the bed and pulled the covers over her body. Just the mention of Sean’s name made her feel slightly uncomfortable. She knew somewhere in between her clouded thoughts that what she just did with Nick had been wrong, but she was too wrapped up in the afterglow to feel any kind of remorse just yet. Superstitiously though, her fingers tugged at the wedding band on her hand until it twisted off, and she placed it out of sight on the nightstand beside her. Almost instantaneously that little shadow of guilt faded away for the time being.

“You’re awful quiet all of a sudden,” Nick commented as he slid down beside her. “Did I say something wrong?”

She just gave him a tiny half smile, not wanting to confess to him that she just had a bit of an awkward moment. Instead she gave him an answer that was at least partly true. “Just thinking about what you just said about Sean. You’re right. He has been doing a pretty crappy job when it comes to keeping me satisfied.” She rolled onto her side so that she was resting on her elbow and blushed a little. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Nick looked amused at her question. “Go right ahead.”

Alyssa bit her lip and lowered her voice almost as if there could possibly be someone else hiding out in the room with them. “It’s been like months since Sean has gotten me off.”

A surprised expression came over Nick’s face and Alyssa was unsure if he was genuinely shocked by the news or shocked that she had been so honest with him. For a moment or two, she wondered if perhaps that was divulging too much information, but his response reassured her. “Doesn’t he realize that he’s not doing it for you?”

“Well…” She felt her cheeks grow even hotter as she realized that she couldn’t really get around confessing that she had been faking things a bit. “I’ve sort of been doing a lot of acting,” she admitted.

This time Nick found it impossible to hold back his surprise. “You? You’ve been faking it?” he incredulously cried. “You’re like the last person I would never expect… I didn’t think that you’d be the type to go there.” He paused for a moment, trying to process the news and then a horrible thought came across his mind. “By any chance you weren’t faking anything back there just now, were you?”

Alyssa almost wanted to laugh at the worried look on Nick’s face as he waited impatiently for a response. She found his self-doubt to be almost adorable especially when he had absolutely nothing to worry about. “Oh trust me, I wasn’t faking anything before. I didn’t need to. That was a thousand percent real. I admit I’ve had some practice lately, but I don’t think I’m that good of an actress.”

Hearing all of that Nick felt his confidence beginning to rise and his lips rose up into a cocky smirk. Honestly, he really didn’t get any indication that Alyssa was doing any kind of pretending and he knew from experience that she didn’t really need to. He had to admit that although it was shocking to see this side of Alyssa that he had never seen before, he actually liked it. It was strange. They’d dated at two different points in the last eight years, yet during both of those occasions he’d always felt that Alyssa wasn’t entirely comfortable with just being herself. So why now did she finally seem to let go and not care what he thought? Was it some level that she’d reached only in age? Whatever it was Nick was feeling a connection with her that although exciting, also scared him a bit. It really sucked that now that she finally seemed to be the kind of woman he’d always wanted her to be, she was off limits. He’d already probably fucked things up badly enough for her. By sleeping with her, he was just making a bad situation with Sean even worse.

But then there was the other part of him that yearned to explore this new bond he felt between the two of them. Although he knew it was wrong, he wanted to test it to see how far it could go. It was easy for him to justify it to himself. She was broken and neglected by her husband. He was readily available and willing to make up for Sean’s mistakes. There was denying that he cared about her, and she deserved better than what she was getting from Sean. Hearing about how mechanical their sex life had gotten actually angered Nick. How could a guy not be considerate of their female partner’s needs and desires?

A feeling of guilt came over him as he realized that maybe back in the laundry room he’d been a little too aggressive and unrestrained. Alyssa certainly didn’t seem to mind, but after hearing that Sean couldn’t even fully satisfy her, Nick realized that what she really needed was to be made love to, something that she’d been deprived of lately. Something that he could do for her.

He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to his. “Come here,” he told her, brushing her hair out of her face. He let his hand linger down her face until it rested on her chin. He bent forward so that his forehead was touching hers, and ever so softly he pressed his lips against hers.

The kiss started off innocent, but slowly and steadily grew deeper and more intense. Alyssa actually felt a shiver run through her when she felt his tongue break apart her lips. Out of all of her previous relationships, Nick was definitely the best kisser, hands down. He had great lips for one thing, perfectly full and soft. He also kissed with such intensity that she often wound up being left completely breathless, and he knew how to use just the right amount of tongue. Her eyes closed as she savored the moment, kissing back until she absolutely had to pull away to breathe.

“What was that for?” she asked, feeling as if her heart was about to pump right out of her chest.

Nick just innocently grinned and shrugged. “I don’t know… Felt like it, I guess. You looked like you could use that too.”

Alyssa opened her mouth to ask him exactly what he meant by that, but before she could get the words out of her mouth; his lips were on hers again. This time his kisses were deeper and more assertive, but unlike his kisses back in the laundry room, these still had a certain amount of control and softness to them. She could feel herself becoming more and more limp with each kiss. His hands, which had remained fixed on her waist, began to slowly travel up her torso as instinct took over and their bodies began to rub up against each other.

After a few moments of intense kissing, Alyssa found herself more than eager to go for another round. She rolled onto her back pulling Nick halfway on top of her, hoping that he’d get the hint, but he seemed to have other ideas. Instead he shifted his position so that he was lying on his side behind her. She shivered as his hands pushed her hair aside, brushing up against the back of her neck. A sigh escaped the back of her throat when she felt his mouth connect at right behind her ear. There were a lot of spots in this general area that drove her absolutely crazy and Nick was well aware of where they were located. His lips continued a path down the back of her neck, following the path of her spine. She arched her back against him when his mouth reached the center of her shoulder blades, sending tingly waves throughout her nerve endings.

As his lips continued to nip and suck at her neck and shoulders his hand reached up to cup one of her breasts. She drew in a sharp breath once she felt his thumb brush back and forth against the nipple, causing it to harden. The back of her head pressed against his chest as he further teased her by rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. While he continued to do the same to her other breast, Alyssa uncomfortably squirmed against him, begging for more contact.

Sensing her urgency, Nick finally gave in, sliding his hand between her legs. She cried out in relief when she finally felt his fingertips stroking against her wet folds at a slow and steady pace. Feeling his mouth suction to her shoulder, she firmly moved her hips against his fingers, urging him to go faster. Nick seemed to disregard her pleas and continued almost painfully slow, but with more intensity. Alyssa pressed her face against the pillow, muffling her frustrated cries. He was killing her with how controlled and restrained he was being, and not being able to see his face was getting to her even more. Finally his fingertips brushed up against her clit, rubbing it between his fingers which produced a loud, pleading, moan from her. “Nick… please,” she begged.

“I’ll stop if that’s what you really want,” his voice huskily teased against her ear, sending goose bumps up and down her arms.

Before she had a chance to tell him what she wanted, he flipped her onto her back silencing her with a sensual kiss. Her body was still pleading for his touch and she bucked her hips up against his. Ignoring her movement, Nick grabbed her arms by the wrists and pinned them over her head. Breaking apart from her lips, he trailed kisses across her collarbone, and down over her breasts. Alyssa whimpered as his mouth clamped down over one of her nipples and sucked at the delicate flesh. Her back arched, fighting his hold on her, but she was unable to fully free her arms until he moved farther down her body. She noticed Nick smirk as he noticed that she still had her belly button pierced. “You know that you’re going to have to get rid of this thing if you ever do get pregnant,” he pointed out between a few tugs at it with his mouth.

Alyssa bit her lip as she lightly sighed. She had been thinking of getting rid of it lately, but for now she was secretly glad that she hadn’t yet taken it out. “Well, I’m not pregnant yet,” she responded in a throaty voice.

Nick didn’t say anything to this. He continued trailing kisses along her hip bones his hands already sliding down her thighs as he pushed them apart. Alyssa’s heart rate immediately tripled as she realized where he was heading. She was already breathing heavily in anticipation and she wasn’t disappointed when she felt his tongue against her. Her hips jolted upwards and she gasped feeling it swirl around her opening. It had been a really long time since she’d received any kind of oral pleasure, so the sensation almost felt like a brand new experience to her. She definitely wasn’t used to being the center of so much attention and her body was already trembling from it all. “God…” she moaned as she felt the added stimulation of his fingertips rubbing her. Her head tossed from side to side, feeling her climax beginning to build up while her cries grew louder. If he pulled away again now like he had done before she’d probably have to kill him. Thankfully he didn’t, and Alyssa’s body shuddered as she came even stronger than before.

She could only lay there struggling to calm down her now erratic breathing as he made his way back up her body. She was too stunned to say anything for a moment or two before it finally clicked to her that Nick had to be pretty worked up himself. Wanting to return the favor, Alyssa climbed on top of him and began a feather light trail of kisses down his chest. Nick moaned when he felt the tip of her tongue drag across his skin. Realizing where this was heading he shifted in anticipation remembering her comment at lunch about two months earlier, hinting at how things and people could change. I wasn’t that type of girl. But things can change over time, right? Her words echoed back at him and he had to admit that at the time he really had secretly fantasized about getting the opportunity to see whether or not she was serious or just bluffing. Now that the opportunity was right in his grasp it was very difficult to resist the temptation, but a little voice in his head reminded him of his original intentions. As much as he wanted to take advantage of the situation he knew that it would be wrong to do so. Great time for you conscience to kick in Carter, he told himself, but knew that by stopping her he was doing the right thing. He wanted her to see that he really had changed and turning down a potential blowjob had to definitely do the trick.

Before she could get any farther and he lost his nerve, he sat up causing Alyssa to pull back in concern. Her large brown eyes looked up at him seeming worried. “Did I do something wrong?”

Nick just shook his head. “Not at all. In fact, quite the opposite actually.” This response seemed to confuse her even more, so he continued on trying to offer some kind of explanation. “I just don’t want you to worry about me right now.”

“But-“she sputtered a little bit before he placed a fingertip over her lip to cut her off. Was he actually seriously turning down head?

“I want this to be about you.”

Alyssa could practically feel herself soften at his words. There was something so incredibly sexy about the gesture that it made her want him even more now. It really showed just how much he’d grown in the last three years. Not being able to think of a better response she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him so deeply that it shocked even herself. Although he seemed surprised, Nick returned the kiss and grinned against her lips as he got an idea. Scooting himself back a bit, so that he was leaning against the pillows he pulled Alyssa onto his lap. Understanding what he wanted, she swung her legs onto either side of him so that she was straddling him. She adjusted her body so that it was perfectly lined up with his and slowly she sunk down on him, letting him enter her fully.

Being so close face to face like that, Alyssa could tell that just by expression on Nick’s face that he was relieved to finally be inside of her. He hadn’t made any complaints, but she knew that he had to be dying. Not wasting any more time, she began rotating her hips against him, her hands pressing down on his shoulders. She felt his lips against the front of her throat, making her head tilt back and her eyes close as she increased the pressure of her hips.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded in a low voice next to her ear.

Her eyes snapped back open and locked gaze with his for a moment sending a little shiver down her spine. They were just about eye level with each other and their bodies were as close as they possibly could be. Alyssa was the first to break the gaze, a little intimidated by the intensity of it. Instead she focused her attention on trailing a path of kisses along his jaw line as she concentrated on moving up and down against him. She felt his hands dig deeper into her hips and a satisfied groan escaped his lips. He pulled away from her to concentrate at nibbling on her collarbone eliciting another frustrated cry from her. Normally she’d enjoy the intimacy of the moment, but her patience was already wearing thin. Hooking her hands behind his neck, she pressed her feet against the headboard, trying to get him deeper inside her. Nick noticed her impatience and pressed one of his hands against the small of her back. The other one crept up her thigh towards her hip, directing her where he wanted her.

“You almost there?” she rasped out between breaths, her face already appearing flushed.

“Just about,” he answered between gritted teeth. Wanting to make sure that she definitely came before him, he slipped his hand between the two of them, circling her clit with the pad of his thumb. The added stimulation was just enough to send her release flooding through her. Relieved that he’d managed to hang on, he finally collapsed against her shoulder as he came.

Still feeling a little bit shaky from her orgasm, Alyssa rolled off of him and cuddled up against his side. She had a feeling that she’d definitely be feeling it tomorrow morning, both emotionally and physically, but for now she didn’t want to think about it. Her eyes were already feeling like dead weights, so she allowed them to close stifling a yawn.

“Tired?” she heard Nick’s voice ask beside her.

She nodded. “Uh huh. It’s been a long emotional day.”

“You can say that one again,” he agreed. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.”

“Mmhm,” Alyssa replied pulling the blankets over her tighter. It had been an emotionally taxing evening and deep down she knew from experience that it would only be harder tomorrow morning when it finally fully sunk in what she had done. But for now she wanted nothing more than to live in the moment and use an illusion to escape the hard reality in front of her.
End Notes:

Just wanted to thank Tri and Teri for ALL their help on looking through this chapter for me. You were both AWESOME motivators for me and your kind words really helped get my ass in motion. There's hope for me yet! lol

I hope that everyone else notices a huge difference from UMS. I'm very curious to hear what you think and if you notice any interesting changes in Nick and Alyssa from UMS to now.

Chapter 18 - Reality Sets In by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa deals with the aftermath of the previous evening.

Chapter 18 – Reality Sets In

The next morning Alyssa shifted her body as she felt herself begin to awaken. She hadn’t yet opened her eyes, but she already had a dull headache between her temples and her body ached something fierce. Slowly she opened her eyes and realized that she wasn’t in her own bed causing her to shoot up into a sitting position. As she sat up the covers slipped off her chest and she looked down realizing she was naked underneath.

It was then that the details from last night flew back to her. She’d stormed out after that tense fight with Sean and driven out to the condo in the pouring rain, but when she’d arrived, she hadn’t been alone. Her stomach turned as her eyes slowly traveled sideways almost hoping that she wouldn’t be met with the same sight that she knew she would be.

Sure enough, lying beside her was Nick, who was still sleeping peacefully and Alyssa was pretty positive that underneath the sheets he was quite naked there himself. Why should I even be surprised anymore? she wondered to herself with a sigh. Not like this a new look for us at all. How many times had it been that after swearing that she wouldn’t let herself fall into his charms again, she’d woken up in this exact same position? Of course this time things were a lot different. This wasn’t just a harmless hook up, this time. They were a lot older now and married to other people, making what they’d just done pretty much unforgivable in most eyes. Granted, Nick intended on divorcing Shayla, but the papers hadn’t even been drafted up yet, which still made him a married man. And her? There was no excuse. She’d just been selfish. She’d let her dissatisfaction with Sean lead her right back to Nick for nothing more than a quick fix. I’m a horrible person, she realized.

A small part of her though couldn’t deny that the sex last night had just been downright amazing. It actually kind of scared her how intense it had been. As she’d confided in Teri and Tricia a few weeks earlier, she’d always kind of wondered what it would be like between them now that she’d become so much more comfortable with herself and now she certainly had the answer. If she had known that would’ve been the result, she probably would’ve worked a lot harder a lot sooner on all her personal issues. She could tell just by some of Nick’s reactions last night that he was pleasantly surprised by the changes in her. And then there were the changes in Nick too… She’d noticed some personal changes in him just by talking and hanging out with him, but last night she’d seen some even deeper changes. In their previous relationships with each other, he hadn’t always been so considerate and concerned about her enjoyment and that side of him had been such a turn on. She had to admit that she’d been more than a little sexually frustrated the past few months, so it probably wouldn’t have taken much to turn her on anyway, but to actually have a man worry about putting her first for once was just incredible. Then there had been that connection they seemed to have. It was very tempting to further explore that, but she didn’t plan on it. As it was this was going to be complicated enough. She wasn’t sure if it was something that she could put behind her and lock away as a secret.

She wasn’t sure what was going to happen this time around. Last night had made her realize that there was definitely some pretty intense feelings between her and Nick; feelings that could threaten her entire marriage to Sean. It blew her mind just how much one night could change everything. She wasn’t sure where this would lead to. If Nick was serious about divorcing Shayla, Alyssa could feasibly have another chance with him. But could she honestly in good faith leave Sean especially with him heading off to Iraq? He hadn’t been the best husband lately, but Alyssa couldn’t deny that things hadn’t always been this way. Hadn’t he been the one to completely open her up and make her realize that she did have a lot to offer? How ironic was it that he’d invested all that time in effort, only to give her the very confidence she needed to be the type of woman Nick had always wanted her to be? She just couldn’t do that to him, especially at this point in the game. They hadn’t even tried to work out their marital problems. She couldn’t just up and leave him without at least trying something to make things better. And would Nick even want a relationship with her? What if Shayla’s betrayal derailed all his progress and sent him exactly back into the kind of man he was after his breakup with Paris? There was no way that Alyssa was going stand to be reduced to just a fuck buddy this time.

Izzy was right. Nick and I just probably aren’t meant to be friends, she realized. It’s just impossible for us to get along and not wind up sleeping together at some point down the road. This friendship was definitely a mistake.

Knowing what she needed to do; Alyssa slid out from under the covers searching the ground for her clothes, but then remembered that they were still in the laundry room. She groaned a little not wanting to take the chance of waking Nick by using one of the blankets to cover herself. She stood up crossing her arms in front of her to shield her body from the cool air of the room and made her way towards the laundry room. When she reached the room she stepped over the haphazardly strewn articles of clothing on the floor, only stopping to retrieve her undergarments and then opened up the dryer to fish out her jeans and tank top. She hurriedly got dressed and headed for the front door where she’d kicked off her flip flops and thrown her jacket. She grabbed her purse and car keys and was about to step out the front door when she paused for a moment. Maybe I should at least leave him a note or something? she wondered. She quickly dismissed the idea, but something prevented her from fully walking out the door. Knowing that she needed to give herself some sense of closure, she tentatively headed back into the bedroom where Nick still lay sleeping peacefully.

She looked down at him almost feeling guilty for not sticking around and attempting to talk about what had happened. She was definitely taking the cowardly way out, but she was just too confused right now to face him. She needed time to sort out all the complicated feelings going through her head. Hell, he was probably just as confused as she was. Maybe even more so since he was still trying to stomach Shayla’s lies. Not wanting to wake him, she leaned down and dropped a light kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for last night,” she whispered, more for herself than for him to actually hear her. “I wish that things could’ve been different.”

Alyssa turned on her heels and headed out of the room, too afraid that he’d wake up to find her standing over him. Right now she found the overwhelming need to head back home and face Sean. He had to be pretty worried about her by now. She’d turned her cell phone off, so he couldn’t reach her. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but knew that it needed to be done. With a sigh, she took one last look around the condo and headed out the front door.

Nick stirred in his sleep as he thought he felt the presence of another person at his side, but before he could really process it, the feeling was gone and he chalked it up to a dream. He was straddling the line between dreaming and waking up when he was jarred awake by the far off sound of a door closing and a car starting up from outside. He sat up, his eyes immediately drawn to the empty spot beside him where Alyssa had laid only a few hours earlier. Shit… She’s leaving, he realized as he sprang out of bed, hoping to stop her, but soon realized that his efforts were in vain. He couldn’t run out of the house naked and by the time he grabbed at least a fresh pair of boxers from his suitcase, she’d be long gone. “Damn it!” he cursed, collapsing back onto the bed.

He knew that Alyssa had to have woken up, realized the enormity of what they had just done, and freaked out, her first instinct being to run. He’d hoped that they’d have woken up in each others arms and been able to talk about what transpired between them the night before. What had happened last night had definitely been a lot more than sex. He’d felt the almost electric connection between them and knew that it had to account for something. He’d had enough meaningless sex in his lifetime to know the difference. And if he felt it, he was certain that Alyssa had to have felt it too. Why else would she run like a bat out of hell first thing this morning?

He supposed that out of the two of them, she was the one who had the most to lose. He and Shayla were definitely on the outs, so he could honestly care less about betraying her. It couldn’t be any worse than the way she had betrayed him. But unlike with his spouse, Alyssa was struggling to improve things with Sean and Nick had taken advantage of that. He really hadn’t intended to make things more complicated for her. In fact, Nick was still pretty firm in his belief that she needed last night. Despite all his efforts to try and give Sean a fair chance, he just wasn’t impressed with the guy. Still Alyssa seemed to cling onto him and Nick wasn’t exactly sure why. Maybe it had something to do with her feeling as if it was her duty to give him a child in case something happened to him in Iraq. Whatever the case, he knew Alyssa, and he knew that she’d beat herself up over the situation and blame herself for letting her selfish desires control her actions. He wanted to reassure her and let her know that she didn’t have to feel guilty for acting on her impulses. In fact, he found it incredibly hot that she now had the confidence to do so. He’d been shocked by how much less guarded Alyssa had been last night and he definitely felt that her confidence only added to the experience. It made him only want more of her.

He shook his head, trying to erase that thought from his head. What was he thinking? He wasn’t even sure what he wanted right now. He still was in the midst of gathering up the nerve to divorce Shayla. He was in no position to be thinking about a relationship with another woman until that was taken care of. And even when that was settled, Alyssa was still involved with Sean. If he was over in Iraq she wouldn’t exactly have an easy time if she decided to divorce him to be with Nick. And then if something happened to Sean in Iraq he knew that Alyssa couldn’t just run off with him immediately in good conscience.

Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself there? he asked himself. He almost wanted to slap himself with how whipped he was sounding. Since when did one night of sex turn him into this? But with them it wasn’t just one night of sex. It was a continuous cycle. One that he thought had stopped three years ago, but now they’d just given it another spin.

Nick sighed. He had to admit that there was nothing more he could do at the moment, but to give Alyssa her space. He could try giving her a phone call later, but she’d probably block his calls, being too freaked out to handle speaking to him so soon. All he could do was sit around and wait.

Alyssa creaked open the front door of her home, trying to enter as inconspicuously as possible. Of course that was impossible to do with Sean nervously pacing the living room, obviously worried about her whereabouts. As soon as he heard the door, his body stiffened and his head shot up towards the direction of the sound. Alyssa was immediately flooded with guilt when she saw the dark circles and worried expression on his face. The poor guy looked like he hadn’t slept all night. “Where were you?” he demanded, rushing over to embrace her. “I was worried sick about you, especially with the weather we were having. I thought for sure that you’d crashed into a tree or something and was lying dead by the road or at one of the nearby hospitals. I almost started calling a few of them.”

This made Alyssa feel even guiltier and she stood as still as a statue as he hugged her. “I’m sorry,” she quietly apologized. “I just needed to get away for the night.”

“I understand. I just would’ve felt safer if I knew where you were and who you were with. I already know you weren’t at Izzy’s because she was the first person I called and she swore to me that she hadn’t seen you all night.” His eyebrows rose. “So, where were you?”

This was it. If she could convincingly lie her way out of this one, hopefully she could just move on and put the entire previous night behind her. “I spent the night at Teri and Howie’s.” She knew that this was a safe excuse because Sean did not have their number, so he wouldn’t have called there and she knew that she could always depend on Teri to cover for her with no questions asked. “I’m sorry. I should’ve called.”

“Yes, you should have! Then maybe I’d have actually been able to get some sleep last night!”

Alyssa must’ve looked like she was about to break into tears because Sean’s hard expression slowly began to soften. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I was just really concerned about you. You were right. I was an ass to bring up the baby thing again, especially at that particular moment. I think we do need a break from all the baby talk for now, so I promise we won’t talk about it until we go back to the clinic for the results if that’s what you want.”

All she could do was nod her head in agreement. “Thank you,” she whispered all of a sudden feeling very uncomfortable. She felt dirty and transparent and was sure that any minute now Sean was going to see right through her lies and call her out on them. She found that she couldn’t face him just then. “I think I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower.”

“Okay,” Sean agreed. Not giving him a chance to say anything else, Alyssa turned and headed up the stairs, eager to scrub away the sins of the night before. Hopefully afterwards she’d finally feel a little less guilty.

Later on that night, Alyssa was sitting on her and Sean’s bed dressed in a camisole tank top and gym shorts rubbing moisturizer over her legs. After her shower, she’d managed to avoid Sean for most of the day by making an excuse about needing to do some grocery shopping. In reality, she just needed to get out of the house. After spending most of the afternoon running errands, she’d came home and made something for Sean to eat, but she found that she had no appetite. Instead, she’d come upstairs to change and then hoped to curl up in front of the TV for the rest of the night to get her mind off things. She almost wished that it was Sunday night, so that she had work to look forward to in the morning.

She looked up, hearing the bedroom door open and noticed Sean enter the room and sit down beside her on the bed. “Are you feeling all right?” he asked, sounding concerned.

“Yea, I’m fine,” she lied. “Why are you asking?”
Her husband just shrugged. “You’ve just seemed really distant all day today,” he confessed. “Like not yourself. Are you still mad at me?”

Alyssa shook her head. “No. I’m not mad.”

Sean looked relieved. “Good. I’m glad. I’m really sorry about last night again. I guess I really have been putting so much emphasis on a baby that I’ve lost sight of the two of us as a couple. I’ve really been neglecting you,” he admitted, wrapping his arms around her waist and dropping a light kiss on her shoulder blade.

Alyssa wriggled out of his grasp, uncomfortable with the intimate movement. “It’s fine Sean. You already said you wouldn’t bring it up anymore, so I think we’re good. We meet with Dr. Beard next week and hopefully he’ll have good news for us.”

He grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to turn towards him and look him directly in the eye. “I really need you to know that you scared the crap out of me last night. Walking out on me like that… I thought you were walking out for good. I know I haven’t been the best husband lately, but I can’t live without you Alyssa. If I lost you, I don’t know what I’d do. I love you Alyssa.”

He leaned forward and kissed her softly on her lips, but Alyssa felt nothing, but guilt. How could he feel that way about her when in reality she’d betrayed him in the worst way possible with the one person she swore she wouldn’t? There was no way that she could keep up this charade any longer. The tears that she had been bottling up all day long began to flow down her cheeks.

“Lyss I know we’ve been growing through a lot lately, but you don’t need to cry about it,” he tried to comfort her, sweeping away her tears with his thumbs. “We’re going to be okay now. I promise. I’m going to try to be more sensitive to your needs and to be a better husband. I’d even be willing to try marriage counseling if it wasn’t for the fact that I might be deployed soon. I’ve just realized that we could have so little time together and we’re wasting it by letting all this other stupid shit get in the way.”

This is all too little too late! her mind screamed. She tried to come up with some kind of response, but she could only begin to cry harder. She was thankful that Sean thought that she was just so overcome with the emotion of the moment, that she wasn’t sure how else to get her feelings across. She felt his arms wrap around her and gently pull her down so that she was lying right beside him as he stroked her hair and kissed her tears away, but she knew she wasn’t entirely there. She was completely numb to his advances. She could hear him pleading with her not to cry and telling her that everything was going to be better now, but his voice sounded far off to her ears. Before she realized it he was kissing her and she was kissing back, but mostly out of reflex than any real kind of passion. When she felt his hands at the hem of her tank top, her arms almost robotically lifted up over her head to let him remove it. She wasn’t at all in the mood for sex at the moment, but she knew if she turned him away, Sean would only demand some kind of explanation from her.

So for now it was just her going through the motions with him. She knew the routine well enough by now. Even without the so called pressures of working on creating a baby he was being as predictable as always. Better just lay there and at least pretend to somewhat enjoy it. She owed it to him. Besides, it was just easier this way.
Chapter 19 - The Power of Goodbye by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Sean is deployed to Iraq. Shayla confronts Alyssa and they work out an interesting compromise.


Chapter 19 - The Power of Goodbye


            The guilt that Alyssa harbored over cheating on Sean with Nick did not fade away as easily as she'd hoped, and the next few days were harder on her than she'd ever imagined. Thankfully enough once Monday rolled around, Alyssa still had school to distract herself with. There was only about another week or two left before school let out for summer, and Alyssa was beginning to regret choosing not to volunteer to teach summer school. At least it would be something to get her mind off of the mess that was her personal life. Teaching became her escape from reality. Her classroom was the one place she could go and pretend that she was anyone else, but herself.


            She'd successfully managed to avoid Sean as much as she possibly could. So far, if he noticed her irregular behavior, he hadn't brought it up with her. She knew that it was only a matter of time though before he began to realize that something was up, and Alyssa wasn't sure how much longer she could keep the ugly truth inside. She could only pray that something would come up to make her inner struggle easier to fight.


            In some cruel, perverse way, God answered her prayers. It was only a few days before they were due back at the clinic for their follow up appointment to discuss their test results, when Sean arrived home from work one day looking pale and pensive. As soon as she saw the look in his eyes, she knew that the day that they had been fearing since mid- October had finally arrived. So, she wasn't at all surprised when he made the announcement that could potentially change their lives forever.


            "It's official. I'm going to Iraq. I ship out next weekend."


            Alyssa hadn't exactly known how to react. On one hand even though she'd known that him being deployed was inevitable, she couldn't help but to think that somehow this was all her fault, like her unfaithfulness had caused it to happen. Yes, she knew she should be grateful that he hadn't been taken from her sooner, but she couldn't deny the feeling of bad karma when it came to the timing of it all. Then there was actually the part of her that as cold as it sounded was actually relieved. Without him around for a while, it would certainly make it easier on her to put the past behind her. Of course if God forbid anything happened to him over in Iraq, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. The guilt that she'd been carrying would only grow to be ten times worse.


            They'd talked over what exactly they should do about their upcoming doctor's appointment. Sean didn't want anymore bad news before he left for Iraq and he'd pointed out that no matter what the results read there wasn't much they could do at this point to change their fate. Besides, he didn't want to spend what little time they had left together in a doctor's office receiving potentially upsetting news. He urged Alyssa to reschedule the appointment until after he left, so that at least she'd be able to find out what the problem might be for future reference. She'd already called to cancel their appointment, but at the time chose not to reschedule, promising that she would be in touch. She doubted she ever would go back on her own.


            Their last few days together flew by all too quickly for Alyssa. It was strange, but knowing that he was going to be leaving made it easier for her to be around him. All she needed to do was pretend as if nothing had changed between them for a few days and then he'd be out of sight and hopefully at least a little out of mind. Then maybe she could begin to muddle through her confused emotions regarding her feelings for Nick. She hadn't spoken to Nick since sneaking out of the condo that morning, but he'd called her numerous times. There had even been a few calls on her cell that had been from a restricted number who she was more than positive was him trying to reach her. With Sean leaving, she could only deal with one hardship at a time.


            She and Sean's last night together was bittersweet. They'd tried to make it as romantic as possible, opting for a quiet, intimate dinner at home, versus going to a crowded restaurant and being surrounded by happy people. Then of course afterwards Alyssa knew that there was no way that she would be able to excuse herself from the farewell sex that was just expected. This time though, she was able to muster up at least a little bit of eagerness. As dead as their relationship had been as of lately, and as tainted as she felt after sleeping with Nick, she had still cared about Sean a great deal at one time. To think that he could possibly not make it back alive from Iraq was enough for her to be able to temporarily push her guilt aside and make love to him for what could very well be the very last time. She did it more to provide herself with a sense of closure than anything else.


            After it was all over, and the enormity of what was about to happen to him fully hit her, Alyssa couldn't help but to burst into tears. Always one to comfort her, Sean had held her close and stroked her back, trying to console her. But it was impossible. Alyssa was just simply inconsolable. He didn't understand that she wasn't just crying because he was leaving her to fight a dangerous war for their country. She was crying because she'd failed him as a wife. Not only did she disappoint him by not being able to bear any of his children before this point, but she'd gone off and found comfort in the arms of another man; a man that Sean despised. And through it all he didn't suspect for one moment that she'd been unfaithful to him at all. If anything, he thought she was just taking his leaving very roughly. If only he'd known the real reason for her tears.


Finally somewhere in the middle of the night she'd finally cried herself to sleep only to be awoken a few hours later to have to go with him to the airport to see him off. The entire morning passed her by as if she was in a fog, until finally she found herself standing with him at the air force base, realizing that they only had a few precious moments left together.


            "I promise that I'll try to keep on touch the best that I can," Sean began, breaking the awkward silence between them. "I'll call whenever I can get near a phone and I packed my laptop and my webcam, so we can talk through e-mail and instant messages and stuff."


            Alyssa just nodded. She should be used to tearful airport goodbyes by now. Lord knows she'd had more than her share of them from her experience dating Nick in the past. But then again this was a different situation entirely. On each of these occasions when she'd seen Nick off on his next tour or overseas recording session, she always knew that he'd definitely be back eventually. With Sean going over to Iraq, Alyssa didn't have that automatic guarantee. There was always that possibility that he'd return home in a body bag instead.


            Sean sighed at her silent reply. Obviously he seemed frustrated by her lack of words and was beginning to run out of things to say to keep the conversation going. "Lyss, please say something," he begged. "This could be our last five minutes together and I'm already running out of things to say to you. Please tell me what's going on in that head of yours."


            Alyssa sadly looked back up at the pleading expression in his eyes. His cleanly pressed uniform made the reality of the moment that much more severe. If only she could tell him what was really going on in her head at the moment. If only she could admit to him the guilt that she was feeling over his departure. How she felt that this was somehow her punishment for sleeping with Nick. Somehow though, she got the feeling that now was not the time or place to admit to her infidelity, so instead she did the best to push those feelings aside and focus in on the fears that she could admit to him. "I'm sorry I'm so quiet. I guess that it just hasn't really sunk in until just now that this is it. You're really leaving," she tearfully admitted. "It's not like I shouldn't have been prepared. We both knew that this day would come, but now that's it finally here it just feels really surreal."


            Sean looked at her sympathetically as he wrapped his arms protectively around her and pulled her body close to his. "I know. I can barely believe it either. It just feels like a scene out of some bad war movie or something. I don't think it's really going to hit me until I'm on the plane."


            Alyssa broke her gaze with him and focused down on the ground sniffling. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you. I feel like I failed as a wife because I wasn't able to give you the one thing you really wanted."


            He frowned appearing confused. "What do you mean? How did you disappoint me?"


            "I wasn't able to get pregnant. I know how badly you wanted to a child and now you might never get that chance," she explained. "I feel like it's my fault. That I shattered your dream."


            Sean looked startled by her confession and immediately reached down to cup her chin, so that he was sure that she was looking at him straight in the eyes. "Hey, I need you to know that I don't blame you, okay? I'll admit that I really did want a child before this point, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It's just not the right time for us and I'm sure that when I get back and things settle down it'll happen like it's supposed to. Besides..." He paused letting his hands drift down to her stomach. "Who knows? For all we know we could have a little son or daughter in there already and not even know it yet."


            Alyssa tightened her lips, but nodded in agreement as she reached up to brush away a few stray tears that had trickled down her cheeks. She would love to have shared Sean's optimism, but she found it impossible. After eight months of unsuccessfully trying to be become pregnant, she doubted that in the last few weeks it had just magically happened, but she didn't want to tell him this. She was just opening her mouth to say something in response when she heard the sound of Ian's voice a few feet away where he stood with Kim and their newborn son Gavin. "Sean, they're starting to get ready to board so you may want to wrap it up."


            "Thanks man," he shouted back, turning his attention back to Alyssa. Even he sounded a bit choked up. "Well, I guess this is it."


            The tears that Alyssa had fought on and off broke free as she tightened her grip around him. "Please try to stay safe," she begged. "I don't want to see you on the local news unless it's for doing something heroic."


            "I'll try," he promised. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bent down to kiss her softly and as slowly as he possibly could. Alyssa closed her eyes and felt a chill go through her as she realized that this really could be their last kiss. Reluctantly, he pulled away squeezing her hand in his. "God, I'm going to miss you."


            "I'll miss you too," she echoed, as their hands drifted apart.


            "I'll try to talk to you as soon as I can."


            Alyssa just nodded. "Good-"


            Sean held up his hand to stop her. "Don't say goodbye. It's too final. I'm coming back. I promise you that. I just don't want to end it like this."


            "Okay," she agreed, biting her lip. She looked up and saw that other soldiers were beginning to prepare for boarding. Sean just bent down and gave her another light kiss on her cheek before gathering his belongings and shooting her one last smile, turned around and started heading towards the gate.


            Alyssa watched him go through a film of tears. No matter what anyone said she was certain that this was God's way of punishing her for what had happened between her and Nick. All she knew that was of anything happened to him over in Iraq she really would not be able to live with herself. If he was killed, in her eyes it may just as well have been herself that pulled the trigger.




Shayla adjusted her dark designer sunglasses along the bridge of her nose as she killed the engine of her Mercedes. She glared up at the house in front of her knowing exactly what she needed to do. Opening up the car door, she stepped out onto the asphalt driveway, making sure the manila envelope that she had brought with her was carefully tucked under her arm. She hadn't heard a word from Nick in almost two weeks now and nobody seemed to know about his whereabouts, but there was still one person she hadn't tried, and she had the feeling that this person would know exactly where he was hiding.

       Of course getting Alyssa to talk wasn't going to be easy. Shayla wasn't dumb in the least bit. That's why she'd printed off the copies of the pictures she'd found of her on Nick's laptop. She figured that she'd need a little motivation to supply her with the information she wanted. Shayla just knew that there had to be more going on between her husband and his ex-girlfriend, ever since the dinner party where Alyssa had mysteriously came up from the basement with smeared lipstick. She wasn't exactly sure what she would do if Alyssa did in fact confess to having an affair with Nick, but she knew that she couldn't live without him, so some sort of decision would have to be reached.

       Her high heeled sandals click clacked up the driveway until she reached the front door. She rang the doorbell and after only a few moments a surprised Alyssa answered the door. Her eyes looked puffy and had dark circles under them like she hadn't slept very well the night before and she was dressed in sweats with her hair thrown messily on top of her head. "Shayla?" she asked sounding confused. "What are you doing here?"

       "We need to talk," she sharply insisted, nearly knocking Alyssa over as she pushed past her into the house.

       "Uhh ok... But now really isn't the best time. I-"

       "Oh, it's the perfect time," Shayla nastily interrupted. "I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I know you know where Nick is. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you've been hiding him out somewhere, so that you can go and visit him every time your husband has his back turned. By the way, I heard about him being sent to Iraq. You must be relieved. Now you're free to fuck my husband right here in the comforts of your own home!"
       Alyssa gasped, looking as if she'd been slapped. "If you came here to accuse me of hiding Nick from you, please leave. Maybe Nick is hiding from you because you're a lying, manipulative bitch!"

       Shayla looked unfazed. "I find it ironic that you have the audacity to call me a lying bitch when you've done quite a bit of lying yourself there lately. In fact, you're lying to me right now."

       "Get out now before I call the police and they drag you out."

       "Not until you tell me not only where Nick is, but what's been going on between the two of you lately. I know that the two of you have been doing more than just hanging out together."

       Alyssa snorted. "There's nothing going on between Nick and I. But as his friend, I will say that what you did to him, lying about being pregnant, was extremely fucked up and I completely support his decision to divorce your sorry ass!"

       "Of course you support his decision, hun. In fact, you're hoping he divorces me! That way you can squeeze your way right into my place, right?"

       Alyssa had to hold herself back from lunging at the blonde woman in front of her. "For the last time, I'm not interested in Nick like that!"

       "But he is of you," she pointed out.

       Alyssa looked confused. "What is that supposed to mean?"

       Shayla just smirked and for the first time Alyssa noticed a manila envelope in her hands. She watched as Shayla opened the flaps on the envelope and pulled out what appeared to be some kind of photographs. Alyssa paled when her eyes finally came into  contact with the very same compromising pictures of herself that Nick had given her only a month or two ago. "Care to explain what these were doing on Nick's laptop?" she icily asked.

       She sputtered trying to get her mind to formulate a response. "Those pictures are really old. They were taken back when we first started dating. I didn't think that Nick still had them."

       "Bullshit. You probably gave them to him. You're a teacher, right? I wonder what your principal would think if these ever got into the wrong hands? You'd lose your job, wouldn't you?"

       "You wouldn't..." Alyssa gaped.

       "Oh, yes I would. That is unless you start talking and tell me the truth. The whole truth. Or else you won't have a job come September," Shayla threatened. "So, I'll ask you again. Where's Nick?"

       Fuck... Alyssa mouthed to herself, seeing that she was cornered. She had no choice, but to admit the whole truth to Shayla since she held all the cards at the moment. "He's staying at a condo about twenty minutes from here," she sighed. "It's a place he bought for me back when we were dating and I was supposed to move out here. It never wound up happening and he kept the place for himself to go when he needs to."

       "And I take it that you've seen him since he's been at this condo, huh?" she continued to interrogate.

       "Yes... Yes I have," Alyssa carefully admitted.

       She watched Shayla's lips tighten as she attempted to bring up the inevitable question. "And you've slept with him there, haven't you?"

       There it was. The million dollar question and Alyssa was unsure whether or not she should answer truthfully or not. She didn't have much choice she supposed. Every moment that she hesitated made it more and more obvious that the answer was yes. Her eyes floated downwards, not having the courage to meet Shayla's gaze. "I'm sorry Shayla..." Those were the only words she could get out.

       Surprisingly Shayla did not look very shocked. She'd probably mentally prepared herself for that admission. "I knew it! How long has this been going on between the two of you?"

       "Not very long," Alyssa admitted. "We only slept together twice and it was only after Nick decided he was going to divorce you. I swear that nothing happened between us before that point."

       Shayla raised her eyebrows suspiciously. "What about the dinner party last month? How exactly do you explain the fact that you're lipstick was perfectly intact when you went down to the basement to get those wine glasses, but once you came back up it was smeared?"

       Again Alyssa knew that she had been caught in another lie. "Okay. We did share a few kisses down in the basement, but you need to know that at the time I knew that it was wrong and I honestly tried to distance myself from Nick because I was afraid of hurting both you and Sean." The stress of the situation was beginning to eat away at her as her voice rose in distress. "I even told him that we should stop hanging out with each other. We were doing pretty good too until Sean and I had a fight and I ran off to the condo for the night not knowing he was there. That's exactly how it happened."

       The other woman rolled her eyes in disgust. "Sounds rather convenient to me."

       Alyssa sighed already feeling frustrated tears burn under her eyelids. "Nick and I have had a rather complicated past and I've only just recently realized that I don't think that we can be friends without flirting with the idea of something more. It's happened more than once to us, and although it certainly is no excuse for what we've done, it explains a lot. As hard as we try to stay apart from each other, fate just keeps pushing us together again. It's almost like a vicious cycle with us."

       "That's real cute that the two of you can't live without each other, but I'm sure as hell not going to sacrifice him by handing him to you on a silver platter. I love him too and I'm certainly not going to give up on our marriage, divorce or no divorce. So, you see where this could be a bit of a problem?"

       "I'm sorry Shayla. I'm not asking him to choose between me and you. Like I said, I never meant for this to happen between us and if it's easier for me to just cut myself out of his life; I'd do it in a heartbeat. The last thing I want to do is ruin his life or his marriage."

       Now it was Shayla's turn to sigh in defeat. "As much as I'd love that solution, it would never work. I know Nick and the fact that you're even less attainable will make you even more desirable to him." She paused as her eyebrow furrowed as if she was deep in thought. "As much as it pains me to admit this, I don't think that Nick's ever gotten over you and I don't think he ever will. It's obvious he loves you although I have no idea why. But as I said, I also love him and I'm not ready to let go of him either, so I see only one option in mind."

       Alyssa eyed her warily. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

       Shayla just smirked. "We reach a compromise. He's not ready to let go of you, and I'm not ready to let go of him, so the way I see it the only way of ensuring that everyone's happy is if he can have us both..." 

       Nick must've ran just about every red light from the condo to Alyssa's house, because he arrived there in record time. He was actually surprised to have arrived there in one piece and without a speeding ticket. Normally he'd be more cautious, but when Alyssa had phoned him a little while ago, she'd sounded noticeably upset to him. She'd pleaded with him to come by the house because she wanted to see him and the need was quite clear in her voice. He'd at first tried to convince her to come over to the condo, but she'd been quite insistent on him coming to her. Nick decided that if it was that important to her something definitely had to be up. He knew that Sean had just left for Iraq, so maybe she just needed someone to talk to.

       When he got to the door and rang the doorbell though, he was not at all prepared for the Alyssa that met him. Instead of the grieving wife of a husband that had just left for war, he was confronted with a total sex kitten who looked like she'd just stepped off the pages of a Victoria's Secret catalogue. She came to the door clad only in a short purple and black nightie that barely grazed the top of her thighs. Her dark hair cascaded down her back in loose waves and was that a glass of champagne in her hands? This Alyssa seemed anything but upset like she had sounded over the phone. For the first time, Nick wondered if perhaps maybe it had just been a ploy to get him over there.

       Smirking at his stunned response to her appearance Alyssa grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, slamming the front door behind them. "I'm so glad that you're here," she purred, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her body tightly against him. "I've been waiting."

       Before Nick could respond, her mouth enveloped his in a sweltering kiss that caught him completely off guard. He was almost too shocked to respond to the action. This certainly wasn't the reception he'd expected from her, but between the sweet taste of her lips against his, the light floral scent of her perfumed skin, and the thin, satin material of her outfit, he found himself having little problem going along with it. She broke contact with him, just long enough to ditch her champagne class onto the coffee table, finally giving Nick an opportunity to speak.

       "Is everything okay? You sounded pretty upset over the phone earlier," he rasped out.

       Alyssa just waved her hand. "Everything's fine now," she told him stepping closer to embrace him again. "Especially now that you're here." She raised herself onto the balls of her feet, so that her mouth grazed his ear. "I have a surprise for you."

       Nick couldn't help, but to grin wondering what it could be. Based on the way she'd met him at the door and her aggressive greeting, he could only guess that the 'surprise' had to be something sexual. "Oh, yea? What is it?"

       She just shook her head teasing him. "I can't tell you because it would ruin the surprise. It's upstairs though." She led him back towards the foot of the staircase, pausing for another steamy kiss.

       By now Nick was more than curious to see what exactly Alyssa had hiding up her sleeve. He groaned against her lips as he impatiently grabbed her hips and began to pull her up the steps not coming up for air the whole time. Alyssa nipped at his bottom lip as her hands dove under his shirt and tore it off his head, letting it fall somewhere along the middle of the stairs. By the time they reached the top landing, Alyssa was already fiddling with his belt as she backed into the nearest doorway which Nick assumed was the bedroom. Once they were inside it took a moment or two before he felt the presence of a third person in the room. Pulling away, he gasped as his eyes settled on Shayla who was standing near the bed, her hands on her hips. Like Alyssa she was also dressed in bedroom lingerie.

       His eyes darted back and forth between the two of them, not believing what he was seeing. This can't be what it looks like, he told himself. This has to be some kind of set up or something. Any minute or now they're both probably going to turn on me. He actually braced himself expecting the imminent confrontation, but shockingly enough it never came. In fact, the two women actually exchanged a glance and giggled! "Okay uhh can someone please explain what's going on here?"

       This only made Alyssa giggle harder. "Nick you're so adorable when you're clueless! It's very cute."

       "Yea, really," Shayla agreed. "I didn't think that the situation really required much explanation though. To me it seems pretty obvious."

       Nick's jaw actually dropped in shock. "Are you trying to tell me...?" He stumbled over his words already getting flustered. "If this is some kind of joke it's not funny. Please tell me you're not fucking with me?"

       "We're quite serious," Alyssa assured him.

       "Uh huh. We're definitely not fucking with you. At least not yet anyway," Shayla snickered.
       "Holy shit... What? How?" He sputtered.

       The two women exchanged another conspiring glance. "Well, Shayla confronted me about what was going on with you and me and kind of cornered me into confessing that we'd hooked up again," Alyssa admitted.

       "And since it's pretty evident that you don't want to let Alyssa go, but you're still married to me we decided that our best option would be a two for one special," Shayla continued with a smirk.

       "But you hate each other," he pointed out.

       "Pretty much, but if that's the only way to keep you interested in our relationship, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," she confessed. "I'd do anything to ensure that you stick around."

       Another round of giggles escaped from Alyssa. "I think this is a first. Is Nick Carter actually reconsidering a chance for a threesome?"

       Hearing it said outright like that was enough to make Nick realize that both women were very serious about this. Yes, it was an extremely fucked up situation, one that he wouldn't have imagined actually happening in a million years, yet he also found the idea strangely hot in a disturbing way. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he knew exactly how much both women disliked each other, so he was hoping for some fiery passion between the two of them. After swallowing hard, he finally found himself able to respond. "No way. I'm totally fine with it. Seriously!"

       "Now that's more of the reaction I expected." Alyssa stepped closer to him. "Strip," she commanded.

       Nick did exactly what he was told, fumbling with the button to his jeans and pulling them off so clumsily, he was sure that he was a sight to see. He didn't care though. He wasn't completely shocked by Shayla's willingness to a threesome, but Alyssa? He never would've imagined it in his wildest dreams... Okay, maybe he had, but he was pretty damn sure those dreams would never turn into reality. One thing was for sure, she was certainly shocking the hell out of him today.
       Both women grabbed his arms and pulled him down onto the bed between them. Nick lay back against the pillows with a huge grin on his face. He still couldn't believe it, but hey he wasn't going to question what was being handed right to him. His eyes widened as both of them crawled up next to each side of him and leaned across his chest, giving him a perfect view of their mouths drawing nearer and nearer to each other. 

       This is the coolest thing that's ever happened in my life, he decided as their lips just barely touched...

       The loud beeping of his alarm clock sent Nick shooting up into a sitting position in bed, breathing heavily. Oh, my fucking God... Why did the alarm have to go off at precisely that moment? he wondered. His skin felt hot and his heart was still racing from the dream he'd just woken up from. It was probably one of the most fucked up ones he'd ever had, but he couldn't help but to feel disappointed that he'd been woken up just before it had began to get good. Never would happen in a million years, but it certainly would've been interesting.

       He pulled the blankets away from his body and stumbled towards the bathroom. Something told him that a cold shower was definitely in order at the moment.




- In case you hadn't noticed (Which if you didn't what is wrong with you? Do you REALLY think I'd write a threesome? Much less one featuring Alyssa/ Nick/ Shayla? Maybe if I were on crack which many of you probably thought I was while reading this LOL) this is NOT the real Chapter 19. The first scene is from Chapter 19, but the rest was all an alternate chapter I wrote as a joke (Sorry! I couldn't resist!). I hope you thought it was funny. I have kind of a fucked up sense of humor, so I at least thought it would be funny. I'll post the REAL Chapter 19 in the next few days. Thanks for being such good sports! Hopefully I didn't piss anyone off. *hides*


Chapter 19- The Power of Goodbye (Real Version) by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Sean is deployed to Iraq. Nick has a meeting with his publicist.


Chapter 19 - The Power of Goodbye


            The guilt that Alyssa harbored over cheating on Sean with Nick did not fade away as easily as she'd hoped, and the next few days were harder on her than she'd ever imagined. Thankfully enough once Monday rolled around, Alyssa still had school to distract herself with. There was only about another week or two left before school let out for summer, and Alyssa was beginning to regret choosing not to volunteer to teach summer school. At least it would be something to get her mind off of the mess that was her personal life. Teaching became her escape from reality. Her classroom was the one place she could go and pretend that she was anyone else, but herself.


            She'd successfully managed to avoid Sean as much as she possibly could. So far, if he noticed her irregular behavior, he hadn't brought it up with her. She knew that it was only a matter of time though before he began to realize that something was up, and Alyssa wasn't sure how much longer she could keep the ugly truth inside. She could only pray that something would come up to make her inner struggle easier to fight.


            In some cruel, perverse way, God answered her prayers. It was only a few days before they were due back at the clinic for their follow up appointment to discuss their test results, when Sean arrived home from work one day looking pale and pensive. As soon as she saw the look in his eyes, she knew that the day that they had been fearing since mid- October had finally arrived. So, she wasn't at all surprised when he made the announcement that could potentially change their lives forever.


            "It's official. I'm going to Iraq. I ship out next weekend."


            Alyssa hadn't exactly known how to react. On one hand even though she'd known that him being deployed was inevitable, she couldn't help but to think that somehow this was all her fault, like her unfaithfulness had caused it to happen. Yes, she knew she should be grateful that he hadn't been taken from her sooner, but she couldn't deny the feeling of bad karma when it came to the timing of it all. Then there was actually the part of her that as cold as it sounded was actually relieved. Without him around for a while, it would certainly make it easier on her to put the past behind her. Of course if God forbid anything happened to him over in Iraq, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. The guilt that she'd been carrying would only grow to be ten times worse.


            They'd talked over what exactly they should do about their upcoming doctor's appointment. Sean didn't want anymore bad news before he left for Iraq and he'd pointed out that no matter what the results read, there wasn't much they could do at this point to change their fate. Besides, he didn't want to spend what little time they had left together in a doctor's office receiving potentially upsetting news. He urged Alyssa to reschedule the appointment until after he left, so that at least she'd be able to find out what the problem might be for future reference. She'd already called to cancel their appointment, but at the time chose not to reschedule, promising that she would be in touch. She doubted she ever would go back on her own.


            Their last few days together flew by all too quickly for Alyssa. It was strange, but knowing that he was going to be leaving made it easier for her to be around him. All she needed to do was pretend as if nothing had changed between them for a few days and then he'd be out of sight and hopefully at least a little out of mind. Then maybe she could begin to muddle through her confused emotions regarding her feelings for Nick. She hadn't spoken to Nick since sneaking out of the condo that morning, but he'd called her numerous times. There had even been a few calls on her cell that had been from a restricted number who she was more than positive was him trying to reach her. With Sean leaving, she could only deal with one hardship at a time.


            She and Sean's last night together was bittersweet. They'd tried to make it as romantic as possible, opting for a quiet, intimate dinner at home, versus going to a crowded restaurant and being surrounded by happy people. Then of course afterwards Alyssa knew that there was no way that she would be able to excuse herself from the farewell sex that was just expected. This time though, she was able to muster up at least a little bit of eagerness. As dead as their relationship had been as of lately, and as tainted as she felt after sleeping with Nick, she had still cared about Sean a great deal at one time. To think that he could possibly not make it back alive from Iraq was enough for her to be able to temporarily push her guilt aside and make love to him for what could very well be the very last time. She did it more to provide herself with a sense of closure than anything else.


            After it was all over, and the enormity of what was about to happen to him fully hit her, Alyssa couldn't help but to burst into tears. Always one to comfort her, Sean had held her close and stroked her back, trying to console her. But it was impossible. Alyssa was just simply inconsolable. He didn't understand that she wasn't just crying because he was leaving her to fight a dangerous war for their country. She was crying because she'd failed him as a wife. Not only did she disappoint him by not being able to bear any of his children before this point, but she'd gone off and found comfort in the arms of another man; a man that Sean despised. And through it all he didn't suspect for one moment that she'd been unfaithful to him at all. If anything, he thought she was just taking his leaving very roughly. If only he'd known the real reason for her tears.


Finally somewhere in the middle of the night she'd finally cried herself to sleep only to be awoken a few hours later to have to go with him to the airport to see him off. The entire morning passed her by as if she was in a fog, until finally she found herself standing with him at the air force base, realizing that they only had a few precious moments left together.


            "I promise that I'll try to keep on touch the best that I can," Sean began, breaking the awkward silence between them. "I'll call whenever I can get near a phone and I packed my laptop and my webcam, so we can talk through e-mail and instant messages and stuff."


            Alyssa just nodded. She should be used to tearful airport goodbyes by now. Lord knows she'd had more than her share of them from her experience dating Nick in the past. But then again this was a different situation entirely. On each of these occasions when she'd seen Nick off on his next tour or overseas recording session, she always knew that he'd definitely be back eventually. With Sean going over to Iraq, Alyssa didn't have that automatic guarantee. There was always that possibility that he'd return home in a body bag instead.


            Sean sighed at her silent reply. Obviously he seemed frustrated by her lack of words and was beginning to run out of things to say to keep the conversation going. "Lyss, please say something," he begged. "This could be our last five minutes together and I'm already running out of things to say to you. Please tell me what's going on in that head of yours."


            Alyssa sadly looked back up at the pleading expression in his eyes. His cleanly pressed uniform made the reality of the moment that much more severe. If only she could tell him what was really going on in her head at the moment. If only she could admit to him the guilt that she was feeling over his departure. How she felt that this was somehow her punishment for sleeping with Nick. Somehow though, she got the feeling that now was not the time or place to admit to her infidelity, so instead she did the best to push those feelings aside and focus in on the fears that she could admit to him. "I'm sorry I'm so quiet. I guess that it just hasn't really sunk in until just now that this is it. You're really leaving," she tearfully admitted. "It's not like I shouldn't have been prepared. We both knew that this day would come, but now that's it finally here it just feels really surreal."


            Sean looked at her sympathetically as he wrapped his arms protectively around her and pulled her body close to his. "I know. I can barely believe it either. It just feels like a scene out of some bad war movie or something. I don't think it's really going to hit me until I'm on the plane."


            Alyssa broke her gaze with him and focused down on the ground sniffling. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you. I feel like I failed as a wife because I wasn't able to give you the one thing you really wanted."


            He frowned appearing confused. "What do you mean? How did you disappoint me?"


            "I wasn't able to get pregnant. I know how badly you wanted to a child and now you might never get that chance," she explained. "I feel like it's my fault. That I shattered your dream."


            Sean looked startled by her confession and immediately reached down to cup her chin, so that he was sure that she was looking at him straight in the eyes. "Hey, I need you to know that I don't blame you, okay? I'll admit that I really did want a child before this point, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It's just not the right time for us and I'm sure that when I get back and things settle down it'll happen like it's supposed to. Besides..." He paused letting his hands drift down to her stomach. "Who knows? For all we know we could have a little son or daughter in there already and not even know it yet."


            Alyssa tightened her lips, but nodded in agreement as she reached up to brush away a few stray tears that had trickled down her cheeks. She would love to have shared Sean's optimism, but she found it impossible. After eight months of unsuccessfully trying to be become pregnant, she doubted that in the last few weeks it had just magically happened, but she didn't want to tell him this. She was just opening her mouth to say something in response when she heard the sound of Ian's voice a few feet away where he stood with Kim and their newborn son Gavin. "Sean, they're starting to get ready to board so you may want to wrap it up."


            "Thanks man," he shouted back, turning his attention back to Alyssa. Even he sounded a bit choked up. "Well, I guess this is it."


            The tears that Alyssa had fought on and off broke free as she tightened her grip around him. "Please try to stay safe," she begged. "I don't want to see you on the local news unless it's for doing something heroic."


            "I'll try," he promised. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bent down to kiss her softly and as slowly as he possibly could. Alyssa closed her eyes and felt a chill go through her as she realized that this really could be their last kiss. Reluctantly, he pulled away squeezing her hand in his. "God, I'm going to miss you."


            "I'll miss you too," she echoed, as their hands drifted apart.


            "I'll try to talk to you as soon as I can."


            Alyssa just nodded. "Good-"


            Sean held up his hand to stop her. "Don't say goodbye. It's too final. I'm coming back. I promise you that. I just don't want to end it like this."


            "Okay," she agreed, biting her lip. She looked up and saw that other soldiers were beginning to prepare for boarding. Sean just bent down and gave her another light kiss on her cheek before gathering his belongings and shooting her one last smile, turned around and started heading towards the gate.


            Alyssa watched him go through a film of tears. No matter what anyone said she was certain that this was God's way of punishing her for what had happened between her and Nick. All she knew that was of anything happened to him over in Iraq she really would not be able to live with herself. If he was killed, in her eyes it may just as well have been herself that pulled the trigger.

            Nick trudged through the lobby of the office building that housed his publicist Diane Hopkins. Diane, a sharp witted, no nonsense woman, had been managing his career since even before he'd released his solo album and had gotten him through some pretty messy media scandals in the past. He smirked, thinking about all the shit he'd gotten into that Diane had bailed him out of throughout the years. He definitely had made sure that her job was anything, but boring. Between arrests, his partying lifestyle, and of course the whole Paris situation, he'd had to withstand a lot of Diane's ranting lectures in his younger days, but in more recent years he'd definitely calmed down a lot, especially since marrying Shayla. So, when Diane had called him that morning, demanding that he meet with her immediately, he found himself a little confused as to what she wanted. As far as he knew he hadn't done anything that would require "immediate damage control" as she liked to call it, so he was at a loss. But he knew from experience that it was no use arguing with the woman. When she said she needed to speak with him she always meant business.


            Not much had changed for him in the past week or two since he'd discovered that Shayla had lied to him about the baby and he'd hooked up with Alyssa. He was still laying low at the condo although he heard from several of his friends that Shayla was frantic in trying to find out where he was. It might have seemed cowardly, but he still wasn't ready to face her just yet. He'd called his lawyer yesterday to inquire about starting the divorce proceedings between the two of them, but hadn't yet made any solid plans to meet with him about drawing up the papers yet. He wasn't looking forward to it. Somehow he had a feeling that Shayla would do everything in her power to make the process difficult for him. He didn't want a nasty divorce plastered over the tabloids, but he also knew that it would be unrealistic to expect their marriage to end amicably.


            He took the elevator straight up to the floor of Diane's office and the moment he walked in the door, her secretary motioned for him to head right in. When he finally entered her private office, he found her standing behind her desk, her arms firmly crossed in front of her. Feeling as if he was a kid being sent to the principal's office, Nick slunk down in the seat across from her desk. Somehow he got the distinct feeling that whatever this meeting was about it was going to result in him getting bitched out. Trying to break the ice he laughed nervously. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it."


            Diane did not appear amused by his sense of humor. "Yes Nick, I forgot. You never do anything. You just have a remarkable talent for getting yourself into the most compromising situations, while still remaining completely innocent."


            "Well, I try," he sheepishly replied, his eyes darting around the office nervously. "But seriously... What's this all about? I swear I've been good lately. Okay, maybe there were those tabloid pictures of Alyssa and I a few months ago, but that's blown over by now and it wasn't that big of a deal."


            His publicist seemed to ignore his question for the moment just narrowing her eyes at him before she began to explain herself. "I spoke with your lawyer today."


            "Oh?" Nick wasn't exactly sure what her having a conversation with his lawyer had to do with her demanding he come down and speak with her the first thing that morning, but he had a feeling that there had to be some unforeseen crisis he didn't know about.


            "When were you planning on informing me that you were thinking about divorcing your wife?"


            There it was. There was the reason she felt the need to leap into damage control mode. He really should've known better by now than to assume that his publicist wouldn't freak out about his plans to divorce Shayla. Obviously it would have some kind of impact on his public image. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Good news sure travels fast, huh?"


            "Cut the crap Nick and get to the point. What's the deal with you and Shayla?"


            Seeing that he was defeated, Nick took in a deep breath and began his explanation. "Well, without disclosing too many details, Shayla did something to ruin any ounce of trust I did have in her, and I've decided that I can't be married to somebody that I can't trust. I would've told you sooner, but this was only something I decided in the last week or two. Right now I'm staying at one of my other places and I only called my lawyer to inquire about divorce proceedings. Nothing is finalized just yet."


            Diane looked strangely relieved. "Great!" She clapped her hands together. "So, then it's still not too late to talk you out of making a very grave mistake."


            "Talk me out of what?" Nick looked shocked at her reaction. "You dragged my ass down here to try and convince me not to divorce my wife after she did the unthinkable to me all because you think I'm making a mistake?"


            "Oh, I don't think. I know," she confidently replied. "Nick do you realize what marrying Shayla has done for your career? Just a few years ago people saw you as a joke. Just another notorious pop star with a messed up family. Your antics were entertaining, yes, but they didn't exactly win you any brownie points with the media either. Then all of a sudden you meet Shayla and you turn yourself around. You lost weight... Projected a more positive image of yourself... People began to give you a second chance. You and Shayla make a gorgeous couple and people love that. Your approval rating is way up right now. If the two of you were to break it off now... Well, I'm afraid that it would just undo everything you've worked so hard to put behind you."


            Nick just rolled his eyes. "My approval rating? Who the fuck am I? The President?"


            Diane glared at him. "No, but like it or not Nick, you are in the public eye. You and Shayla are both celebrities and even if you don't realize it, people scrutinize every move you make. A divorce would be disastrous to both your careers. Do you really want your personal affairs to be dragged out into the middle of some supermarket tabloid for everyone to read?"


            "Well when you put it that way..."


            The older woman just sighed as she switched tactics, picking up a copy of US Weekly and flipping to a page that contained a picture of him and Shayla, happily smiling at a red carpet event only a few weeks prior. "Read the caption for me," she demanded.


            "Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and his entertainment reporter wife, Shayla showing their faces at the MTV Movie Awards last month in LA," he read in a dull voice. "The couple who just recently celebrated their second anniversary together says that the secret to keeping their relationship so strong is being supportive of one another's careers and keeping open communication with each other." He stopped and snorted. "Yeah, total bullshit."


            "And this one," she continued, opening up another magazine. This picture was a paparazzi photo of him and Shayla shopping in a children's clothing store in downtown LA. The picture was actually from a few months ago and they'd been shopping for Grace's birthday present back in March.


            Nick cleared his throat. "E! news correspondent Shayla Carter and her husband, Nick were recently spotted shopping at Kitson Baby. Sources say that they purchased clothing for a friend's toddler, but they did linger over the infant section. Could there possibly be a baby Carter on the way?"


            "See? America is already waiting for the two of you to start popping out some kids." Nick just bit his lip. The subject of the two of them having children was a very touchy one, especially in light of recent events. He wasn't about to tell Diane though that was the reason he was considering divorcing Shayla. He felt like it would do neither one of them any good to spill their personal matters out into the open like that. He'd prefer to keep the subject as private as possible.


            Diane reached over and opened up one last magazine. She flipped it open and rifled through the pages until she reached the article she was looking for and placed it underneath Nick's nose. The title read, "Ten Hollywood Couples Who Have Exceeded Our Expectations." In the first box on the page, he noticed his own name along with Shayla's in bold red print with a picture of the two of them besides it. Luckily, for this particular excerpt Diane took it upon herself to pick up the magazine and read the words to him. "We have to admit that when he heard that Backstreet Boy Nick Carter was getting married, our bets were that the marriage would last maybe six months tops. It's no secret that that Nick loves to party and let's face it; his past relationships haven't been all that successful. (Paris Hilton, anyone?) Surprisingly enough, married life seems to be suiting Nick well. He and his wife Shayla (who you probably recognize from E! News) just celebrated their second anniversary, shattering most of our expectations. Both Nick and Shayla have had successful years career wise with Nick wrapping up another world tour with the Backstreet Boys and starting his own record label, and Shayla beginning production on her own weekly entertainment show, slated to premiere on E! this fall. And wouldn't you know it? The two of them are actually beginning to grow on us! It should be exciting to see what's next around the corner for this couple.'


            Nick sighed. "Okay. I get it. For once the media actually approves of who I'm with and what I'm doing with my life. They like me with Shayla, but they're only seeing one side of things. They're seeing what they want to see. They don't know what goes on between us behind closed doors at home."


            "You do realize though that if you and Shayla get divorced at this point, you're going to be the one they are going to pin the blame on, right?" Diane pointed out. "Especially since there really haven't been any telltale signs of the two of you having problems. They're going to assume that you being your typical self ran out and cheated on her."


            "I didn't cheat on her!" Nick insisted. Well, at least not before she betrayed me, he silently added, although he didn't exactly consider sleeping with Alyssa ‘cheating' on his side since he'd already at that point told Shayla that he didn't want her in his life. "If anything she's the one to blame. She-"


            Diane held up a hand to cut him off. "I don't know what she did. All I'm trying to say is that I think you should give this whole divorce thing a second thought. I don't care if she cheated on you or whatnot, but there are less drastic measures. Like marriage counseling for instance."


            "And how exactly is the precious media going to react when they find out that Shayla and I are going for marriage counseling?" he challenged.


            The older woman just shrugged. "It could be a positive. It worked for Ryan and Reese. The media had a lot of respect for them when they announced they were seeing a therapist."


            Nick rolled his eyes. "In case you've forgotten counseling didn't work for Ryan and Reese. They're divorced now. So, obviously it couldn't have helped too much."


            "At least they tried, which is more than I can say for you. Nick, you do realize how much bad publicity a divorce is going to give you, right? And maybe it doesn't bother you, but bad publicity for you directly means bad publicity for your label as well. Think about how your artists are going to be affected being so closely tied with your name? It could destroy their careers before they've even started. Do you really think anyone is going to take them seriously?"


            He hadn't thought about that one. He froze for a moment realizing that for once she actually had a valid point there. His mind drifted back to Kina for the moment. They'd been hauling ass to get her album recorded and he was currently pushing for a late fall release, just in time for the holidays. After all the hard work she'd put in, Nick would feel horrible of her album bombed not because it sucked, but because her single didn't get radio play all because people thought he was a joke. He couldn't do that to Kina or to any of the other artists who were preparing to record their albums. Maybe he should hold off on the divorce until at least Kina released her first single?


            Seeing that she'd gotten to him Diane triumphantly grinned. "You see where I'm coming from now, huh? I'm not asking you to think about this to make your life miserable. I just think that you should think this over more carefully. My suggestion would be for you to informally separate for the time being if you need to. Maybe the time apart will be just what you need to fix whatever problems you're going through."


            Nick couldn't think of any more reason to argue with her. He sighed, knowing that he was defeated at least for the time being. In no way was he ready to forgive Shayla, but maybe he would give it a little more time before working on those divorce papers just yet. He wasn't sure if he was quite ready to deal with the media backlash and he sure as hell didn't want it interfering with the emergence of his label. He just needed a little more time to figure out a plan for dealing with the situation when it arose. "Fine you win," he grudgingly admitted. "I'll think it through a little more carefully and get back to you in a few weeks when I decide what I want to do."


            Diane looked smug as she triumphantly grinned. "I knew that you'd see it my way eventually."

            The rest of the month of June was difficult for Alyssa without Sean around. As much as she wished he'd just disappear before being deployed to Iraq, she soon realized the house was empty without him. She'd lived alone for a large chunk of her twenties, so she figured that this shouldn't be much different. Unfortunately, it was much harder than she had originally thought. With the school year now officially finished, Alyssa found that she had nothing but free time on her hands; free time that she spent a large part of playing the blame game with herself. As guilty as she felt, there was that tiny devilish voice in her head that reminded her with Sean gone it would make it so easy for her to explore the new territory that had been opened up to her by sleeping with Nick. It took a lot of willpower, but she managed to somehow ignore it. As tempting as the idea was, it wouldn't be solving anything, just opening up a new can of worms. She'd already caused enough problems in her marriage, so to turn it into a full blown affair would be just asking for trouble. So, she continued to ignore any attempt at contact from Nick and tried to get by day by day.


            Callie and Kim turned out to be a great source of comfort, since the two other women were going through exactly the same thing as her. Both of their husbands had been sent off to Iraq at the same time Sean was and in some ways their situation was even worse because both of them were forced to raise children on their own for the time being. Kim especially was finding it difficult to balance a newborn and a job all on her own. Now that school was out, Alyssa had offered to watch Gavin while Kim went to work during the week, which worked out well for the time being. Once September came though, Kim feared that she'd have to either look into daycare or quit her job.


As awkward as being around an infant was for Alyssa, she actually found her childcare gig comforting in a weird way. She felt good being able to do something to help out a friend, and taking care of Gavin did give her a little bit of something to get her mind off her situation with Sean and Nick. It may have sounded a little crazy, but sometimes Alyssa liked to pretend as if Gavin was really her son. She liked people mistaking her for a mother when she bought him along for her daily errands. It only made her more anxious for the day that she'd have a child of her own to care for.


Before she knew it July had already begun and it was 4th of July weekend. This year the holiday fell on a Saturday and instead of taking up Izzy on her offer of attending a party at her house, Alyssa opted to just invite Callie, Kim, and the kids over for a small barbeque. She was too scared of Nick showing up and she definitely did not want to face him. She figured that she probably couldn't hide from him forever, but it was tempting to try. Her impromptu party had went well and at the moment the three women were sitting on Alyssa's porch, Alyssa and Callie sipping beer as they watched Callie's two children, Richard and Carly, catch lightening bugs on the front lawn in paper cups. Gavin was inside sleeping although Kim had taken the baby monitor outside with her, expecting him to wake up any minute now from the loud noise of the fireworks already beginning to go off.


            A large burst of bright color exploded against the black sky and the women watched as both Carly and Richard gazed up at the sky in astonishment at the sight. Alyssa noticed a sad far away look on Callie's face as she watched the reaction of her children to the fireworks. Their eyes locked and Callie sighed as she took a sip of her beer. "Steve should be here to see this," she wistfully stated. "Yea, I could snap picture after picture to send him, but it still wouldn't be the same."


            Kim and Alyssa just nodded in agreement, both understanding exactly where she was coming from. "How are the kids reacting to Steve being gone?" Alyssa curiously asked. "How did you explain it to them?"


            "It's been a little rough," she explained, playing with her beer bottle. "They're still so young that they don't really fully understand what's going on. Rich is so little that it doesn't seem to affect him too much. He asks where Daddy is every few days and I've just been telling him that Daddy had to go on a trip for work and he won't be back for a long time. He seems to accept that, but Carly is more difficult. She's at that age where she's full of questions." Callie smirked. "Do you know she actually asked me if Steve was on vacation the other day? She got so upset because she thought that ‘Daddy had went off to Disney World' without us. Ironically, he's in the farthest place from Disney World. I tried to explain to her that he wasn't on vacation, but he was actually sent to another country for a few months to try and help the people there. She keeps coming up with new questions to ask and I'm always struggling to find ways to answer them. Now she's having trouble sleeping at night without Daddy to tuck her in... It's been a fun few weeks."


            "Eesh," Kim responded, shaking her head. "It's so sad to see the effect that this stuff has on kids. It's true though. How do you explain to a young child that their father is out fighting in a dangerous war and you may not ever see him again? You must feel bad for sugarcoating it like that, but there's no other way. You want to still protect their innocence."


            "Exactly. I feel guilty not being entirely truthful, but she's only five. I can't tell a five year old that." Callie stopped and sighed. "Sometimes I really hate this country for dragging on this damn war. I know it's fucked up to say, especially on today of all days, but this should've ended years ago. How many more families have to be torn apart before the government decides this is senseless and finally just gives up? I mean look at you for instance Kim. You and Ian just had Gavin barely even a month ago and already he's gone. Now you're struggling to raise an infant on your own and thankfully you have your family and Alyssa and I to help, but its still got to be stressful for you, right?"


            Kim nodded her head. "More than you imagine. I guess I should be thankful because Gavin really is a pretty easy baby. I mean I've heard some mothers having to wake up every hour on the hour, but of course he doesn't sleep through the night yet. At first, Ian was around to get up with me when it came down to feeding, but now that it's just me, it's definitely a lot harder. I'm exhausted almost all of the time. Don't get me wrong... I feel so blessed to have Gavin and I'm still in awe that he belongs to me, but I have to admit that being a mother is a lot harder of a job than I thought it would be. Especially without Ian around to help out. I mean I look at some of my other friends my age and it's like we're in two different worlds. They're finishing up college and starting out their careers, buying themselves nice things... Most of them are still single and kids are the furthest thing on their minds right now. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I was better off not getting married so young and going off to college. Does that make me a selfish person?"


            "Not at all," Alyssa assured her. "I give you credit. When I was twenty-three and twenty-four I couldn't handle everything that you're going through. When I was younger I thought I could. I was even engaged for a bit at twenty-one and twenty-two, but I realize now it was probably a good thing we broke it off. We definitely weren't ready at the time."


            "You were engaged to Sean at that young? What happened?" the younger woman asked curiously. Alyssa winced, almost forgetting that she had kept most of her personal past a secret from her two neighbors.


            She shook her head. "No, I didn't know Sean at the time. It was to someone else. Anyway the point is it's very tough to make a decision like that at such a young age and I think it takes a certain person to handle marriage and a child at your age," she quickly changed the subject. "You're doing a great job."


            Kim looked relieved by the compliment. "Thanks Alyssa. That means a lot to me. It's like the past two or three years of my life just flew by like crazy. One minute I was engaged, and then I got married, and then before I knew it I was already pregnant. I almost wish that things had just happened a little bit slower is all." She paused. "I'm just afraid now that Gavin might grow up never knowing his father."


            "You can't think that way Kim. You have to think positively. I know it's hard because I have the same fears with Rich and Carly, but you have to be strong," Callie urged her.


            Alyssa now felt guiltier than ever sitting in between the two of them. Here these girls are worrying that their children might never get a chance to know their fathers and I'm meanwhile almost glad that Sean is gone for now, she thought to herself, taking a large gulp of her beer. I'm so selfish. I could have it so much worse. "Wow... I don't think I've ever realized just how hard this is on you guys too," she finally spoke up. "I've been so wrapped up in being depressed about not getting pregnant; I guess this might just be a blessing in disguise."


            "Oh, we didn't mean to make it sound like your problems are insignificant compared to ours," Callie jumped to apologize.


            "Absolutely!" Kim agreed, nodding her head. "I mean your situation sucks too. At least we have our children to help us get by and you don't even have that. Plus Sean leaving now really is bad timing for you. You guys haven't even hit the one year mark, right?"


            Alyssa slowly nodded. "It'll be our one year anniversary next weekend. And my birthday is towards the end of the month."


            "Ouch," Callie sympathized. "Well, if you need anyone to distract you, you're welcome to give me a call and we can hang out."


            "Or me! Sometimes it does get a little lonely when Gavin actually is sleeping."


            "Thanks girls. I may just take you up on that offer." Raising her beer bottle she rolled her eyes as she proclaimed a toast. "I guess we can say Happy fucking Birthday America, right?"

            "I'll drink to that!" Callie enthusiastically agreed as she clinked her bottle against Alyssa's and Kim's water bottle.


Chapter 20 - Table For One by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa spends her first anniversary without Sean.


Chapter 20 - Table For One


            The next week leading up to Alyssa and Sean's first wedding anniversary passed by in a blur for Alyssa. Although she finally found herself beginning to adjust to not having Sean around, it did not make her miss him any less. At first, a part of her had felt a little relieved that they'd have some space between them, but after her conversation with Kim and Callie the week before, she'd done a lot of thinking about her feelings for Sean. Right before he left, she'd felt incredibly mixed up; torn between her feelings for him and her feelings for Nick. The guilt associated with sleeping with Nick had still been quite fresh in her mind at the time. Now as time passed the guilt had finally begin to subside slightly. Not to say that she was completely over what had happened between them. She wasn't sure if that would ever happen. She'd just reached a point of understanding where she was able to analyze her relationships with both men and she'd come to the conclusion that although she felt an amazing physical attraction to Nick, she wasn't sure if she could actually see them having a relationship. Sean on the other hand may have lacked that excitement and passion, but underneath all of that was really a very genuine and sweet guy; the kind of guy she knew would take care of her and be a good father someday to their children. Nick had made it quite clear that children just really weren't on his agenda which Alyssa had definite problems with. Sean may not have come off as the better man on the surface, but a part of Alyssa did truly care for him and even loved him. And she'd pissed that all away, sending him off without truly conveying that.


            Alyssa tried to keep herself as busy as possible so that she didn't have the time to dwell on her personal problems. Babysitting Gavin took up a lot of her time and energy. She found that by the time Kim came by to pick him up at the end of the day, she was completely exhausted. She wasn't sure what was wrong with her lately, but she'd come very lethargic and it wasn't as if she was doing a lot. She was much busier during the school year. Now she'd sit down on the couch for a few minutes and next thing she knew she'd be out for a little cat nap. She really needed to start taking more vitamins and eating healthier. Since Sean had been gone, she'd had little desire to cook for just herself, so more often than not she'd pick up some fast food or pop a TV dinner into the microwave if she decided to eat at all.


            Now that the day of her anniversary had arrived, Alyssa was unsure of exactly how she should feel. She'd always imagined that her first wedding anniversary would be full of excitement and romance and overall just a very special, memorable occasion. She supposed she could classify this as memorable at least. The fact that she was spending it alone while her husband was overseas was certainly something that she couldn't forget.


            Even though both Callie and Kim had offered to hang out with her today and get her mind off of Sean, Alyssa had politely declined, instead opting to spend the day by herself. She knew that it would probably be pretty lonely, but she just didn't feel like having to pretend that today was just another day and that everything was perfectly fine. Since it was a Saturday, she didn't have to watch Gavin today, so she'd pulled the covers over her head and spent most of the morning catching up on much needed sleep.


            The shrill sound of the phone ringing around 11:30 forced Alyssa to pop out of the tightly wrapped comforter she had cocooned herself and pick up the phone. "Hello?" she answered groggily.


            "Happy Anniversary baby," Sean's voice greeted her on the other end of the line.


            "Sean?" The sound of his voice was enough to completely perk her right up. "It's so great to hear from you! I didn't think that you'd be able to call today at least I wasn't counting on it."


            She could practically picture him grinning on the other end of the line. "Well, I only have a few minutes, but did you honestly think I'd let our first wedding anniversary go by without doing everything in my power to talk to you?"


            Just hearing his voice was enough to cause Alyssa to be overcome with emotion. Already she could feel tears stinging her eyes and she immediately felt stupid. God, I'm crying at the drop of a hat lately. When did I turn into such a sap? she wondered as she wiped her eyes. "You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice again. I've missed you so much and it's only been what? Two weeks?"


            "I know. I've missed you too. I hope that you're doing okay on the base by yourself. I keep thinking about you all the time. It makes the time pass quicker as corny and cliché as it sounds," he admitted.


            "That's not corny at all," she whispered. "I've been surviving. Callie, Kim, and I have been leaning on each other a lot for support since you all left. I've been helping them out a lot with the kids. I'm watching Gavin during the week for Kim while she works."


            "I hope that's not weird for you being around a baby and all that," Sean commented in a concern voice.


            Alyssa shook her head. "No, it's actually kind of comforting in a way. It makes me even more excited for you to come back, so we can keep trying."


            "Have you made an appointment to go down to the fertility clinic again by yourself to get the results?"


            "No, not yet," she replied. "Everything's just been a little crazy right now, so that's put on hold for a bit."


            Thankfully Sean decided to change the subject. "So, are you doing anything special today to celebrate?"


            Again Alyssa shook her head. "Uh, uh. It just doesn't seem quite right to celebrate without you. I'll probably get up and do some housework or something. Maybe I'll splurge and order a pizza or something tonight. Sounds exciting right? What about you? How is everything going over there?"


            "Not too bad yet. We haven't really been in any combat situations just yet thank God. I heard-" At that point the line was full of static and Alyssa found herself unable to hear what Sean was saying.


            Grr! Damn long distance service, she grumbled to herself as her voice searched for him through the muffled reception. "Sean? Sean? Are you still there?"


            "Alyssa? I can't... too well. I think... cut off." She frowned trying to fill in the blanks with the odd word or two she was able to catch as he was breaking up. "I lov-" Click. The line went dead before he could even finish his sentence.


            Alyssa stared down at the phone in frustration as her fingers dejectedly pressed the end key. It wasn't fair that the first time she'd gotten to talk to him since he'd arrived in Iraq, they had to be separated by a bad connection. And on their anniversary no less.


            Just my luck. She rolled her eyes as she slid out of bed figuring that she may as well get out of bed and at least attempt to do something productive. It was a lot better alternative than sitting around sulking all day.



            A few hours later Alyssa was standing on her kitchen in a pair of raggy sweats and a three quarter sleeved football jersey style shirt with her hair piled messily on top of her head. She was struggling to push the vacuum cleaner across the carpet when she heard her doorbell ring over the loud noise. "I'm coming!" she shouted as she switched off the vacuum and  made her way towards the front door wondering who it was She hoped it wasn't Callie or Kim or any of her other friends stopping by to check up on her. She really wasn't much in the mood for company at all.


            When she opened up the door she was surprised to see a delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers in his arms. "I have a flower delivery for Mrs. Alyssa Robinson," he reported.


            "That's me," she told him as she took the pad and pencil from his hand and signed for the delivery the whole time wondering who they were from. Probably Sean, she thought with a smile. Even though he was halfway around the world he'd still found some way to do something special for her which cheered her up a great deal. He's too sweet.


            The man handed her the bouquet of flowers and nodded his head at her. "Have a great day and congratulations."


            "Thank you." She shut the door behind him and carried the bouquet of flowers back into the kitchen, so that she could get a vase to put them in. Once she located one she started to unwrap the cellophane paper around them until she spotted a card. Setting the flowers down on the table, she picked up the card and opened it gasping at the message that was written inside.


To Alyssa,


            Happy First Anniversary! I know that you're going through a rough time right now and I know that it's tough not having Sean here with you today, so I thought that the flowers might cheer you up. If you ever need a friend to talk to, please give me a call. I know that things have gotten weird between us, but I also don't want to lose you as a friend.


                                                                                                                                  Love, Nick


            Alyssa stood there frozen in shock. She'd never in a million years expect the flowers to have come from Nick. She knew he meant it as an innocent gesture, but after what had went on between them, the move seemed all too coincidental. She hadn't even remembered ever telling Nick the date of her anniversary. Izzy probably mentioned it to him, she deduced. She blew out a huge breath, not sure exactly what she should do. Simple etiquette told her that the polite thing to do would be to call him up and thank him for the flowers, but that would require having a conversation with him, which she was hesitant about. She'd just about convinced herself that her feelings for him were just created out of self doubt over her relationship with Sean. Now that he was sending her flowers and offering her a shoulder to lean on, those feelings of confusion were beginning to creep up on her again. Damn him, she silently cursed as she stared at the phone, wondering what to do.


            After a few moments of considering her options, Alyssa realized how dumb she was being. She couldn't hide from Nick forever and that's exactly what she'd been doing for the past few weeks. She couldn't just cut him out of her life and expect him to vanish into thin air. He was always going to be around and she was going to have to deal with him eventually. Better to clear the air between them now before the situation got any worse. Besides, if she really cared as much about Sean as she seemed to think she did, she should have no problem discussing with Nick the night they had shared and hopefully then she'd finally be able to put the ordeal to rest.


            Very tentatively, she picked up the phone and bit her lip as she dialed Nick's cell phone number. It rang a once or twice before she heard Nick answer on the other end.


            "Ahh, so you're alive after all," he teased. "I was beginning to think that you had vanished off the face of the earth. You know, I thought I was supposed to be the one to run off and not call afterwards, not the other way around. You don't strike me as much of the ‘love em and leave em' type."


            Alyssa just rolled her eyes into the air. "I'm not. I just had a lot of thinking to do. There was a lot of shit I needed to figure out." She quickly remembered her original purpose for calling and momentarily shifted the conversation. "I just wanted to thank you for the flowers. I definitely wasn't expecting them from you, but it was a sweet thing to do."


            "No problem," he told her. "Izzy told me about Sean being deployed and everything and I really thought that you'd probably be pretty bummed today. So, I thought the flowers might brighten up your day a little bit."


            Her expression softened. When did he decide to become so sweet? she wondered. "They were very thoughtful of you."


            "So, how are you holding up? You sound kind of down. Have you heard from Sean at all?"


            "I'm doing okay. As good as can be expected I guess. I'm a little lonely without him around, but I guess that's normal," she reported. "He called earlier and we talked for a few minutes, but then we got disconnected."


            "That sucks," Nick sympathized. "Please tell me that you're at least spending tonight with some friends or something though, right? Sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself is only going to get you more depressed."


            Alyssa hesitated for a moment. "Actually I'm not doing anything tonight. My two neighbors offered to keep me company, but they have their kids and right now I just don't feel like being around all that. It'll be okay though. I'll probably curl up with a book or something to get my mind off of things."


            "That's really not good," he chastised. "You need to be around other people right now. As it is I know since Sean has gone to Iraq you haven't hung out with Izzy or Teri or Tricia. You need your friends now more than ever."


            Since when is he such an expert on what I need? Alyssa wondered, taken back by his criticism. "Well, thanks for your opinion, but I'd rather be alone right now."


            "I'm coming over," he impulsively announced. "I'm coming over to keep you company and I'm going to bring you some dinner and some movies to get your mind off being alone for a while."


            "Nick that's really not necessary... I'll be fine on my own. I'm just really not up to any visitors right now."


            If Nick heard her he just kept talking as if he hadn't. "Should I bring Chinese or should I just do pizza? What are you in the mood for? And definitely a funny movie, right?"


            "Nick! I'm really not in the mood to be around anyone. You're not coming over."


            "Come on Lyss," he begged. "You can't say no because I'll just show up anyway. I'm worried about you." He paused and continued in a more serious tone of voice. "Listen if you're afraid of something happening like the last time we were together, I promise I'm not going to try anything, especially not on your wedding anniversary. That would just be wrong on so many levels."


            Alyssa was silent for a moment as she thought it over. It was so strange him bringing up the last time they were together like it was no big deal really. But he had a point there. Even he realized how fucked up it would be if they hooked up again tonight of all nights. His offer seemed genuine and completely innocent. And Alyssa figured she could use the company of someone else.


            "Come on..." He continued to whine. "I don't bite."


            "You do too, liar," she argued, with just the slightest hint of a grin.


            "Okay. You got me. But to be fair you do too sometimes. But I promise, no biting tonight."


            "Fine," Alyssa reluctantly agreed. "You can come over and keep me company, but bring Chinese food. I want chicken chow mien."


            "As you wish," he told her. "I'll be by in like another hour or so, okay?"


            "Sure." She just hoped that she was doing the right thing and not causing herself any more problems. She couldn't deal with anymore emotional turmoil right now on her plate.



            As promised, Nick showed up at her door a little more than an hour later with a plastic bag full of white square Chinese food cartons and a few movies. Alyssa had decided not to do anything extremely special to make herself look nice, since she really was definitely not looking to impress him. She had kept her sweats on from before and only added just enough makeup to hide the fact that she looked as if she hadn't really been sleeping lately. She'd already set up some plastic utensils and paper plates in the living room and as soon as he arrived and they exchanged hellos, they began digging into the food.


            "So what movies did you bring?" Alyssa asked as she scooped a large spoonful of rice onto her plate.


            "Snakes on a Plane and The Matrix," he replied, already beginning to eat.


            Alyssa rolled her eyes and groaned. "I thought you were going to bring funny movies. Like as in comedies. Not action movies."


            "Snakes on a Plane is a funny movie! Come on, what could be more ridiculous then Samuel L. Jackson saving a plane full of people from highly poisonous snakes while flying across the country? That's pure genius there! And The Matrix is just fucking awesome."


            "Yea... So fucking awesome that I always wind up falling asleep about halfway through it. So, typical of you! Only thinking about yourself," she teased in an overdramatic voice.


            Even though she was just kidding with him, Nick's reaction was quite serious. "I only think for myself? That's not the same way you seemed to feel the last time we were together."


            Alyssa was silent for a few seconds as her mind scrambled in disbelief. She couldn't believe that he'd actually brought up their hooking up so casually like that. It completely threw her off the way he'd mentioned it. She'd walked right into that one. Now if she could just think of something to say!


            Luckily Nick noticed her stunned silence and continued for her. "We can't just pretend like it never happened and not talk about it. It's going to be on the back of our minds until we do, and I don't know about you, but I find it really awkward walking on eggshells around each other."


            "You mean more awkward then the fact that we not only made out with each other in your basement, but we slept together not once, but twice at the condo that I was supposed to move into three years ago? Not to mention the fact that oh yea, we're married to different people?" Alyssa finally managed to blurt out once she found her voice.


            "I guess not," he admitted. "But we wouldn't have to do one if the other hadn't happened." He paused for a moment before asking the one question that had bothered him ever since he woke up that morning. "Why did you sneak out on me like that? What was that all about?"


            Alyssa let out a long sigh. "I don't know... I just woke up and saw what had happened and I guess the enormity of what I'd really done hit me. I was so mixed up and confused and guilty that I just couldn't face you just then. I needed time to process what had really happened. God, it was hard enough facing Sean afterwards. I really needed some time to do some heavy thinking."


            "Okay... but then how come you just continued to ignore me?" he pressed. "I tried giving you space and it was like you'd forgotten that I existed. No offense, but that's not really typical of you."


            "I didn't mean to pretend that you weren't something I had to deal with," she confessed. "The past few weeks have been emotional hell for me. First I wind up hooking up with you, which caused all kind of complications and forced me to reconsider my feelings for Sean. Then just when I'm the most confused, Sean gets deployed to Iraq making me feel even guiltier. Now all of a sudden I'm trying to adjust to a life without him for the time being and it's a really rough transition for me. I guess I just wasn't quite ready to face you on top of everything else."


            Nick placed his hand on her arm and looked her in the eye. "You can't just run away from your problems Alyssa. I know it's really crappy timing, but it happened and we need to deal with it. The way I see it, the ball is in your court here. You're the one who has the most to lose. So, what do you want to do?"


            Alyssa just looked away helplessly. She didn't like being put into this position because she honestly wasn't sure what she wanted. Plus, she wasn't sure how serious Nick was. Did he mean that if she said that she wanted to divorce Sean and be with him, that he'd be open to a relationship with her? Somehow she doubted it. Nick was more of the "let's see where this leads to" type guy. Besides, in all honesty she didn't feel like she could abandon Sean now in good faith. She'd have to wait until he returned and then see where their relationship stood. "I don't know Nick...  I know you're not a big fan of Sean's, but him being deployed really put a lot into perspective for me. He's definitely been neglecting me lately, but I don't think it's necessarily his fault. We've a lot of crap going on with the whole trying to get pregnant thing by a certain deadline thing. I kind of have a feeling that maybe when he comes back from Iraq and there's not as much pressure on us, things will get better."


            Was it her imagination or did Nick actually look a little disappointed? "So, you're saying that you want to give him a second chance?"


            She nodded. "Yea... I think I owe it to him. I mean I'll admit you and I were just incredible, but how many times can we go down the same path? I really want to keep you in m life as a friend, but I'm not sure if that's the wisest decision. Sean is my husband and I can't just walk away from him the very first time I don't feel completely satisfied. I think our best bet would be to just keep this between us and go on like it never happened."


            "If that's what you want... But it seems that no matter how many times we keep saying that we're not going to let it happen again, it does," he pointed out.


            "We're just going to have to be really cautious around each other from here on out. Like I said I don't want to lose you as a friend, so we don't have to completely stop talking, but I think it's probably best if we stay away from any kind of situation that forces us to be completely alone with each other. We should probably only hang out if there's at least one other person there, so the temptation isn't there at all."


            Nick shrugged. "We're alone now."


            "And it's my anniversary and you swore to me that you'd behave yourself," she finished for him. "If that's a problem you could always leave."


            He shook his head vigorously. "Nope. No problem whatsoever. Nothing happened between us and no more alone time. I got it."


            A hint of a smile formed on Alyssa's face. "Good. Now that we've got that over with, how about those movies? I'd like to consider this subject closed."


            "I agree." Nick got up from his seat on the couch and set up Snakes on a Plane first, since Alyssa did have a habit of falling asleep during The Matrix. As the movie progressed, Alyssa found that she was surprisingly enjoying the movie. Just as Nick promised, the plot was so ridiculously farfetched that it came off as more of a spoof of an action movie than an actual action movie. She wasn't a big fan of snakes, but the digitally enhanced creatures looked too fake to really be believable. Of course she found it too ironic not to crack up laughing when the snakes claimed their first victims, a couple who had snuck off for a quick rendezvous in the plane's bathroom.


            "Oh my God! That's too funny! Can you imagine? One minute you'll all like into the moment and then out of nowhere these killer snakes start attacking you? That was genius!" she commented as she tried to control her laughter. "How can you not find that hilarious?'


            She glanced over to Nick who was laughing just as hard as she was. "I don't know, but it's refreshing that someone shares the same sick, twisted, sense of humor that I have. I guess that's why they say not to have sex in horror movies, right?"


            Alyssa nodded her head as she tried to calm down. "You have sex in horror movies, you die. At least that's what they said in Scream but Sydney got off."


            "Oh, she got off all right," Nick snickered.


            "Nickolas! Not like that! Eww you perv..." she giggled. "I meant she got off like as in off the hook. Like she got luc- Never mind. That was another bad example. You know what I meant though."


            He smirked. "Oh, I knew what you meant, but it was too tempting to pass up."


            "Dork." She rolled her eyes at him and continued to watch the movie.


They both continued to crack up at the absurdity of it and when Samuel L. Jackson delivered his famous line. "I'm so tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!" Alyssa again burst into hysterics. It made Nick realize that this was an excellent movie choice because for the first time in a long time it seemed to him as if she was genuinely smiling and laughing, which made him happy, even if it was only because of a really lame movie.


            "How much you want to bet the writers just based this whole storyline around Samuel L. Jackson saying that line?" she asked.


            "It wouldn't surprise me one bit," Nick agreed. "But it was a pretty brilliant idea."


            "Yea really..."


            Finally the movie ended and Alyssa had to admit that she'd actually enjoyed it and found it pretty damn funny. Her good mood was interrupted by Nick springing off the couch and heading towards the DVD player to switch movies. "Okay, Matrix time!"


            Alyssa groaned. "Ugh! Do we have to?"


            "Yes,' he told her. "And I'm going to make you stay awake even if I have to keep pinching you the whole way through the movie. Seriously, how do you fall asleep during this movie?"


            "I think its Keanu Reeves. He's a god awful actor and just something about him just makes me want to conk out. Like I think I have Keanu Reeves narcolepsy."


            Nick just laughed. "Wonder what it says about that one in a medical journal."


            "Seriously have you ever seen him try to do a romance movie? It's like torture. He has no personality," she argued.


            "Oh, shush you. The movie's starting." Nick focused his attention on the screen in front of him as he quickly became absorbed in the movie. Every now and then he gave Alyssa's back a little nudge to make sure she was still awake, but otherwise she was very quiet. About halfway through the movie, he tore his eyes away from the screen only to find Alyssa's head slumped against the arm of the couch and her eyes closed. It looked like she was officially down for the count.


            Nick raised his arm all ready to pinch her as he promised, but he stopped himself when he noticed her slow, shallow, peaceful, breathing. For the first time Nick noticed that she looked tired and it appeared that she was already pretty deep into sleep. Deciding not to bother her, he got up from the couch and turned off the movie. He cleaned up the remains of their Chinese food feast and gathered up all of his belongings. Right before he was about to leave, he noticed an afghan draped over the recliner across the room. Bringing it over the loveseat he gently tucked it over her sleeping body and lingered over her for a moment or two. "Night Lyss," he told her, tucking her hair behind her ear.


            Then before she could wake her up he turned around and headed out the door into the night air. Alone.


Chapter 21 - The Greatest Gift of All by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa gets the news she's been waiting for.


Chapter 21- The Greatest Gift of All


         Alyssa began the morning of her twenty- ninth birthday by sprinting towards the bathroom door and arriving just in time to fall to her knees in front of the toilet, before violently emptying the contents of her stomach. Ugh, she thought as she continued to heave. Usually I end the night of my birthday doing this. She absolutely detested throwing up and usually did everything she could to avoid it. Even when she had the stomach flu, which she suspected what this was, or had drank more alcohol than she could handle, she'd try to hold back. In fact, she very seldom actually got sick from drinking.


Finally feeling as if she was done, she backed away from the toilet feeling shaky and disgusting. She wasn't sure what had happened. She was downstairs, scrambling an egg for breakfast when all of a sudden she was overcome with the violent urge to vomit. It had crept up on her so sneakily that she hadn't been able to fight it and was thankful enough just to make it to the bathroom in time. Damn stomach bugs, she cursed as she slowly stood up and flushed the toilet. Not being able to withstand her yucky puke breath, she grabbed her toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste and began scrubbing away at her teeth.


            Once her mouth had been rinsed clean, she stared at her pale reflection in the mirror and realized that it probably wasn't the best idea for Kim to bring Gavin by today. If this was a stomach bug it was probably highly contagious and she'd hate to pass it on to a poor infant. Besides, she couldn't really take care of a baby if she was running to the bathroom every hour. With that decided she headed downstairs and dialed Kim's number hoping that there was still time for her to make other arrangements for Gavin before she had to be at work.


            "Hey Alyssa," Kim answered. "What's going on? I'm surprised to hear from you so early."


            "I'm really sorry, but I'm not going to be able to watch Gavin today. I think I have the stomach flu or something. I'm sorry to back out on you last minute like this, but it's just hit me now and I don't want to pass it on to him," she hurriedly explained.


            "It's okay," the younger woman assured her. "If you don't feel up to it, don't force yourself. I'll have to see if maybe Callie can take him just for today or something. I hope you feel better soon. Such a shame you're sick on your birthday too."


            "Thanks. Yea, it really sucks! I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I'm like falling apart. Ever since Sean's left I've been feeling really blah and tired and depressed and stuff and now I have the stomach flu..."


            Kim seemed surprised. "You've been feeling tired you said?"


            "Yea... Really tired. Like the littlest task takes so much out of me. I'm constantly taking naps. Maybe I'm like anemic or something."


            "Could be, but..." she stopped and giggled.


            "But what?" Alyssa asked raising her eyebrows.


            "Well, not to get your hopes up or anything," Kim slowly began. "But the whole being tired thing sounds exactly how I felt before I found out I was pregnant with Gavin. And there's the fact that you got sick this morning. Do you think that maybe it wasn't a stomach flu at all, but morning sickness?"


            Alyssa was stunned for a moment or two at just the possibility. "I don't know Kim...  I mean feeling tired doesn't necessarily equal pregnancy. Besides, Sean and I have had so much trouble conceiving that I seriously doubt that something magical happened right before he left, although I guess the timing seems plausible."


            "Is your period late?"


            She thought for a moment and realized that she hadn't had it since after her last pregnancy scare a few weeks ago. "Yea," she admitted. "I've just been under so much stress lately that I wasn't overly concerned. I think I would've been more worried if everything was all regular and normal."


            "Well, I think you should see a doctor or something. Even if it turns out to be something else, you shouldn't be this rundown and tired all the time. It would be best if you got it checked out now, so that you could set your mind at ease," Kim advised.


            "Yea... Maybe you're right," Alyssa agreed, her mind already reeling a million miles a minute. Could she really be pregnant? Or was she just getting her hopes up again only to have them smashed down in the end? She honestly did not know what to believe.




            Alyssa stood in the bathroom later that day staring warily at the pink box in front of her. After Kim had put the idea of her possibly being pregnant in her head that morning, she hadn't been able to concentrate much on anything else. She hadn't been sick again since this morning, further confirming that Kim's suspicion could be right. There was only one way to know for sure, so finally out of sheer impatience she'd run out to buy a home pregnancy test.


            Now that it was staring her in the face she was almost afraid to take it. It wasn't as if this was the first time she'd had to take one. In fact, it had only been maybe six or seven weeks ago that she'd taken the last one. Honestly she was afraid of the results. She didn't want to be left disappointed again like the last time, especially on her birthday. How amazing would it be to find out on today of all days that she was actually pregnant? It would be the most awesome birthday gift ever.


            It's now or never, she realized as she tore open the kit taking a deep breath. After a few minutes she was done with the actual test part and was just nervously waiting her results. She paced around the tiny room, trying her best to avoid glancing at the stick that was lying on the bathroom counter to see what it was doing. Finally after what felt like an excruciatingly long amount of minutes passed by, it was time to check the results. Alyssa crossed her fingers as she picked up the stick very carefully and read the results on the front.


            She gasped once she saw the tiny plus sign on the front and her eyes immediately filled up with happy tears. Somehow despite everything she was indeed pregnant according to this test. Her hands instinctively flew up to her stomach as it fully hit her that there was a human life growing inside of her. In a couple of months she'd be a mother... She'd always dreamed about this day since she was a little girl and now that it was here she almost found it hard to believe. And to receive the news on her birthday made the experience that much sweeter. Who could ask for a better birthday present?


            Her mind immediately began shooting off in a dozen different directions. I can't wait to tell Sean. He's going to be ecstatic, she realized. Her expression sank though when she realized that she might have to wind up telling him through only an e-mail since she never knew when he'd be available to talk to her personally. The thought did put a little bit of a damper on her good mood. A part of her couldn't wait to call up everyone she knew to share her exciting news, but she also felt that it was unfair to let anyone else know before she got a chance to tell Sean first. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to wait long. She wasn't sure if she could keep something like this a secret for very long without blurting it out to someone.




            Luckily for her, Alyssa didn't have to wait as long as she'd originally expected to share her news with Sean. Late that evening she'd signed on to her computer to check her e-mail. It sucked sometimes finding time to talk to Sean because of the time difference. Take now for instance it was fairly early in the morning over in Iraq, Alyssa seriously doubted that Sean would be able to sneak onto his computer for a chat. The best he could do was send her a birthday e-mail which Alyssa quickly read with a smile on her face and just clicked on the button to reply back to him when an instant message popped up in front of her.


USMarineSR4Life: Hey baby! Happy Birthday!


Alyssa's face broke into a huge grin. It made no sense why he'd be on his computer right then, but she was sure glad that she was. She eagerly clicked into the text box and began typing a response.


MissLyssa1980: Hey! Thanks! What are you doing on so early?


USMarineSR4Life: Shh... I snuck on for a few minutes so I could wish you a Happy Birthday properly.


MissLyssa1980: That's really sweet of you. I don't want to get you in trouble or anything though.


USMarineSR4Life: Don't worry. I have to do something to make up for the fact that I really couldn't get you anything.


MissLyssa1980: It's okay. It wound up being a pretty good birthday anyway. And I wouldn't worry so much about not getting me anything...


USMarineSR4Life: ??? What's that supposed to mean?


            Alyssa held back a smirk at her husband's confusion. He really had no clue that she was about to tell him, which made her surprise even more exciting to share. She was already bubbling over with the anticipation of blurting it out just to see his priceless reaction. She bit her lip as her fingers flew over the keyboard.


MissLyssa1980: Can you get onto your webcam?


USMarineSR4Life: Yea... Sure. But I don't get it. Why?


MissLyssa1980: Just do it.


            She gave him a few moments while she adjusted her webcam and then clicked on the box to send him an invitation to a live chat. A few seconds later his face appeared on the screen in front of her, and she found herself amazed for a moment that she was actually seeing him again even though he was halfway around the world. She found herself speechless for a moment or two, almost forgetting her original purpose until Sean broke the silence.


            "So, what's this all about?" he asked curiously, a sly grin on his face. "You seemed pretty adamant about being able to speak with me face to face."


            Alyssa smiled brightly. "I just have to tell you something really important and I felt that it's something that I should tell you face to face because I want to be able to see your reaction."


            "Ok, now you got me curious here. What's going on? It has to be something good because you're practically glowing," he observed.


            "It is," she assured him as she tried to decide exactly how she wanted to go about telling him the news. Already the intensity of the moment was beginning to get her flustered and she already felt tears stinging her eyelids. Now I guess I finally know why I've been crying so much lately, she thought to herself as she fanned her eyes with her fingers. "Sorry... It's just so amazing being able to see you right now and this is just a really huge moment..."


            Sean's brow furrowed in concern. "You're scaring me a little Alyssa. Just tell me what it is."


            Alyssa swallowed hard. Outside of her wedding day this was probably about to be one of the most joyous moments in her life and she wanted to choose her words carefully. "Well, I haven't been feeling so great lately," she started off. "I've been really tired and emotional and just not myself. I even got sick this morning and at first I thought it was just a stomach flu, but Kim convinced me that maybe I was wrong. I took another pregnancy test and... we're going to be parents!"


            She couldn't help but to beam as she watched Sean's expression as his mind processed the news. At first, his mouth gaped in shock, but as soon as the news really sunk in his lips rose into an excited grin. "That's amazing news Alyssa! I'm going to be a father!" he whooped to anyone who would listen to him. "When did you find out?"


            "Only today. It was the best birthday present I could ever ask for."


            "So, you haven't seen a doctor or anything yet, huh?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "Nope. Not yet. I'm going to have to see about making an appointment sometime in the next few days."


            She watched as Sean still seemed stunned by the news. "Wow... I wonder when it happened? Isn't it so weird that it worked out like this? I bet it was that night before I left, right? I just had a really good feeling about that night for some odd reason."


            Alyssa laughed at her husband's excitement. "I don't know yet, but that could very well be. I'm not sure how far along I am yet. I guess we'll find out when I finally see a doctor."


            "Have you told anyone else yet?"


            She shook her head. "Nope. Not a soul. I wanted you to be the first person I shared this with. I guess tomorrow I'll start calling everyone."


            Sean nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Definitely call my folks for me because I can't guarantee when I'll be able to get around to doing it myself."


            "Of course," she told him. "I'm glad that I could at least give you some good news."


            "It's awesome news! Seriously I'm really excited about it. I just wish that I could be closer to you. I'm sorry that I won't be around to be by your side during your pregnancy."


            "Don't apologize," she warned him. "It's not like you don't want to be here. We can't help timing, can we? I have plenty of people back here, who would be willing to help me out, so don't worry about me."


            "I'll try not to, but it's hard." He sighed for a moment as he realized what time it was. "I'm so happy that God finally seemed to have answered our prayers. I wish I could talk longer, but I have to get going now. I just want to thank you."


            "Thank me?" Alyssa squeaked. "Why?"


            "You just gave me another reason to look forward to each day," he simply stated. "No matter how bad it gets here, I know that eventually I'll be back home again and when I do I'll have a family waiting for me."


            As corny as that may have sounded, it was enough to send the waterworks flowing down Alyssa's face once more. She just hoped he was right and he really did make it back home in one piece. All she could do for the time being was to look forward to the day that their little family would finally be reunited again. She didn't want to consider the alternative of having her baby grow up without ever setting eyes on its father.




            Not much had changed for Nick since the night of Alyssa's anniversary when he'd spent the evening camped out on her couch with movies to distract her from Sean's obvious absence. Since he'd left her on the couch, Alyssa had made good on her decision not to go out of her way to contact him. It definitely sucked big time that this had been the consequence of their little tryst a little over a month ago and although Nick seldom did have very many regrets in his life, he was beginning to wonder if it had been worth it in the long run. Yes, the physical connection between the two of them had been overwhelmingly powerful, but if he had known then that it would possibly tear their friendship apart, he'd probably have never gone through with it.


            Now he was holed up in the condo without Alyssa or Shayla. He had to admit that he was getting pretty lonely. He'd distanced himself from most of his other friends in the last few weeks because he didn't want Shayla to get wind of where he was staying. In doing that though, he'd almost cut himself off from most of society. He knew that there was no way he could keep this up permanently, but he just wasn't sure what he wanted anymore. He knew that he owed it to Shayla to come up with some sort of decision about the status of their relationship. After his meeting with Diane, he was having second thoughts about something as rash as divorce just yet, but he definitely thought that some sort of long term separation would probably be the best alternative for them under the circumstances.


            He'd also come across another revelation in thinking over his behavior in the last few weeks. He'd been taking the cowardly way out when it came to his decision to avoid Shayla. He could hide out from her as long as he wanted, but he'd have to face her eventually. Right now he was only delaying the inevitable, which seemed like a pretty childish thing to do. He was supposed to be a mature adult and the responsible thing would be to at least give Shayla a call and let her know that he was at least alive and well. Then maybe he could explain to her more calmly that it might be best if he went back home to get the rest of his things, so that they could spend some much needed time apart while they figured things out.


            As much as Nick realized that speaking to Shayla again was the right thing to do, he procrastinated in picking up the phone to call her for a few days. Finally he literally had to force himself just to go ahead and do it. His hands shook as he dialed her familiar number and his palms grew sweaty against the back of the phone. He wasn't even sure exactly what he was going to say to her and before he could formulate any kind of speech in his head, her relieved voice broke through his thoughts.


            "Nick? Where have you been? I've been so worried about you! I've been looking everywhere for you, but no one seems to have seen you," Shayla blurted out all at once. "I'm so sorry about the pregnancy thing. You're right it was a really fucked up thing to do and I don't know why I even thought it would be a good idea... Just please come home! I promise if you do I won't even mention the baby thing again. I swear!"


            Finally finding an opportunity to break through her rambling, Nick cleared his throat. "I don't know if that's the best idea just yet Shayla. I mean what you did isn't just something I can forget just like that. You lied about something pretty major. If you're willing to lie about being pregnant, what else is there that you could be lying about?"


            "I swear I've never lied to you about anything else!" she frantically promised. "Lying about being pregnant was the stupidest mistake I ever made and living without you these last few weeks has definitely taught me a lesson. I promise if you come back there will be no games or no more schemes. I miss you!"


            Nick just shook his head. A part of him really wanted to believe that Shayla was being sincere with him, but then another part of him was doubtful. He'd been burnt too many times by women in his past to just let this go after only a few weeks. "I just wanted to call you to let you know that I'm going to stop by this week and pick up the rest of my things."


            "What? You're moving out? No...You can't!" her voice cried. "Where have you even been staying?"


            "I'm renting out a hotel suite for the time being," he lied, still not wanting her to know about the condo's existence. "I just think that it's probably for the best if we just separate for a little bit to get our heads on straight."


            "My head is on straight! My mind has never been clearer! I love you Nick and I don't want to lose you!"


            He sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, wishing that she wouldn't make this so difficult for him. "I need some more time," he calmly told her. "So, I just want to get my shit and get settled on my own for a while. Then maybe in another few weeks we can meet again and try to talk things out."


            "You mean you may be willing to give us a second chance?" Her voice soared with hopefulness.


            I didn't say that! He wanted to scream with frustration, but sometimes in situations like this it was better to fill Shayla with false hope. It usually at least shut her up for a bit. "We'll have to see what happens. Right now I just think we need some time away from each other."


            "So, does that mean that you're not thinking about a divorce anymore?"


            Again he sighed. He really wasn't sure. At the time, his first instinct was to head right to his lawyer, but now he was beginning to have his doubts. He really didn't want to go through all the messy legalities and media backlash of a divorce right now. Maybe it would've been different if there had been someone else waiting in the wings for him. A few weeks ago he thought that maybe that could've been Alyssa, but now he realized how foolish he had been. There was no way that Alyssa was going to leave Sean at the moment. For once he was the one who had gotten screwed over and he had to admit that it definitely wasn't a very good feeling. "I don't know," he answered noncommittally. "Right now I just think its better if we separate first before we go making any really rash decisions just yet."


            As if she were reading his mind, Shayla asked the question that he himself had been wondering about ever since he had reached this decision. "Just one question, how are we supposed to explain our sudden separation to the media? I mean we've both been laying pretty low these last few weeks, but they're bound to figure it out sooner or later. Then what do we do? Divorce rumors are going to be just as hard to deal with."


            Nick shrugged. "I guess we just try to put on an act to the media. We're entertainers. Hopefully we can pull it off for at least a little while before anyone figures out that not everything is perfect between us."


            Shayla hesitated on her end of the line seeming doubtful. "I'm not sure if they'll buy it, but I don't see any other option." She stopped and sighed. "Do what you must. If it's going to help us out in the long run, then I guess I'll just have to deal. I hope you're right and it's just that we need some time apart. I really don't want to live without you."


            "We'll just have to play things by ear," he assured her. "So I'll stop over sometime in the next few days while you're at work and I'll give you a call or something in another few weeks."


            "Okay," she sniffled. "Don't be a stranger. Call me anytime."


            "I will." Of course he didn't really plan on it, but he didn't want to crush her feelings anymore than he already had.


            "There's just one more thing I need to know," Shayla's voice suddenly broke through the ending of their conversation as she swallowed hard. "Is there someone else?"


            Now it was Nick's turn to hesitate. "No... There's no one else," he finally managed to get out. It wasn't completely a lie. There might have been someone else, but he certainly didn't stand any kind of serious chance with her. She'd made it quite clear to him that history would no repeat itself again this time.        

Chapter 22 - A Sterile Revelation by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa receives some unsettling information.


Chapter 22 - A Sterile Revelation


        The next day, Alyssa wasted no time in calling up her friends and family members to share the exciting news about her pregnancy. Of course her parents had been overjoyed with the news that they would be becoming grandparents, as were Sean's parents. She couldn't get a hold of Meg just yet since she and Scott had already left for China, but she had left her an e-mail. As for letting Stephanie know that she was going to be an aunt, Alyssa left that up to her parents. It would be over her dead body before she let her younger sister be a part of her child's life.


            Her friends were more than supportive when they heard the news. Kim and Callie were especially happy for her, knowing firsthand how much of a struggle it had been for her to become pregnant in the first place. Already they were offering her everything from old hand me downs, to accompanying her to her doctor's appointments. She'd also called Izzy, who already vowed to be with her in the delivery room just as Alyssa had done for her when Grace was born, and Teri and Tricia who although weren't exactly the children type seemed genuinely happy for her.


            There was just one person that she hadn't called to share her news with and that was Nick. She still wasn't quite sure if she should call him to tell him or just let Izzy or someone else tell him for her. Based on how weird things had been between them lately, she found herself a little uncomfortable with the idea of telling him that she was pregnant. She knew that he'd be happy for her, but it was also had to be a bit of a sore subject for him after Shayla's pregnancy stunt. He had pretty clearly stated that he didn't want kids, but she also could tell that he'd actually began to maybe look forward to a child with Shayla under the circumstances.


            She stared down at the phone in her hands, trying to will her fingers to dial his number when the phone unexpectedly began to ring, causing her to jump back from the shrill vibration. Looking down at the caller id on the front, she realized that she didn't recognize the number. That would have been really freaky if that had just been Nick, she thought to herself with an amused smirk as she answered the call. "Hello?"


            "Hello. May I speak to Alyssa or Sean Robinson, please?" a pleasant sounding voice on the other end of the phone asked.


            "This is Alyssa Robinson," she answered.


            "Hello Mrs. Robinson. This is Paula from the Lakewood Fertility Center. I'm just calling to reschedule an appointment for you and your husband to come down and discuss your test results. I noticed you were supposed to come in a few weeks ago and had to cancel, but you never made a follow up appointment."


            "I'm really sorry about that," Alyssa apologized. "It's been a very crazy last couple of weeks. My husband was just deployed to Iraq, so obviously that came first before setting up another appointment."


            "Well, would you like to care of that now? I don't mean to rush you, but we really can't hold on to your test results for too much longer. Otherwise you'd have to start the whole process all over again," she explained.


            "Actually I'm no longer needing your services. I just found out yesterday that I'm actually pregnant after all, so I guess that the tests really couldn't have been very conclusive anyway."


            The receptionist sounded a little surprised, but still kept her composure. "Oh, congratulations! That doesn't happen very much I suppose, but the world works in mysterious ways, sometimes."


            "Definitely," Alyssa agreed. "But thank you so much for everything. I'm glad that we at least went for the tests. If we didn't, knowing how twisted fate is we probably would still be struggling to conceive."


            The other woman just laughed. "Better be safe than sorry, huh? Well, good luck with everything and I'm glad that we could've been of assistance to you."


            Alyssa thanked the woman again before saying goodbye and ending the call. While she had the phone out, she called up her OB/GYN to make an appointment for her first check up, for the following week. Putting the phone down, she couldn't help but to let out a little bit of an excited squeal as she wrote the appointment down in her date book. The whole pregnancy thing still felt almost a little too good to be true to her, but maybe God had decided to grant her a miracle after all.


            Little did she know that in a few short hours, her optimistic look at her pregnancy would totally be shattered with just four little words.

            It was a little after five that evening, and Alyssa was actually cooking herself dinner, something that she'd neglected to really do since Sean had left for Iraq. Now that she was pregnant she'd made a vow to begin eating better again since she was after all now eating for two. She had decided to make a chicken stir fry and was just cutting up some vegetables for it when the phone rang loudly.


            "Hello?" she answered it brightly, figuring that it maybe was one of her friends or relatives that she hadn't gotten a chance to reach just yet who heard about her pregnancy from someone else.


            Instead of hearing a familiar voice though, she was met with a gruff sounding male voice. "Is this Alyssa Robinson?"


            "Yes, this is she," she answered, frowning uncertainly.


            "This is Dr. Beard calling from the fertility clinic," the voice continued.


            Alyssa's frown grew as she wondered why exactly the doctor had called her up personally. Hadn't she just explained to the receptionist earlier that afternoon that they wouldn't be needing another appointment with them? She'd thought she came across pretty clear, especially in actually telling her that she was now pregnant. Maybe the message had gotten lost somewhere along the way? Whatever the case, Alyssa did her best to hide her confusion. "Oh, yes! Hello, Dr. Beard. What can I do for you?"


            "Paula's told me that she called you today about rescheduling your appointment to discuss you and your husband's test results, but you told her that it wasn't necessary because you're already pregnant?"


            "That's correct." Alyssa felt her eyebrows knit tighter together in confusion. "I just found out yesterday. I guess that Sean and I really were stressing over nothing after all."


            The doctor hesitated for a moment, making her stomach flip flop, and not in the pregnancy sickness type of way. "Have you seen a doctor yet to confirm this pregnancy?"


            "No... Not yet," she slowly answered. "I just made an appointment to see my doctor next week. Why? Is there a problem?"


            Dr. Beard sighed. "Technically I'm not supposed to discuss any test results over the phone with a patient, but when Paula told me that you were pregnant I was a little concerned. I looked over your test results again and it appears to me that there's some discrepancy. See, if you are indeed pregnant there's no way that Sean could be the father." He took a deep breath and then said the four words that changed her life. "Your husband is sterile."


            Alyssa froze, so stunned that she nearly dropped the phone. Her mind raced in a million different directions all at once. It couldn't, she argued with herself. Those tests have to be wrong. I mean what are the chances? I only slept with Nick twice and... Fuck. How could she have been so stupid? The thought of using a condom hadn't even crossed her mind. Quickly she worked out the calculations in her head and she cursed herself for not considering this possibility sooner. It made perfect sense. All those months that she and Sean had been trying to get pregnant with no avail and then of course she slept with Nick and bam! There obviously had to have been something wrong with Sean, but she'd just been in too much denial to really consider it. Her mind drifted back to Meg's suggestion during their phone conversation a month or two beforehand. Yea, but maybe he's shooting blanks? Her older sister had called it right then and there, but still Alyssa had refused to believe it, choosing to pin the blame on herself instead. How could I have been this blind? she wondered.


            Finally finding her voice she managed to sputter out, "What?" Her mind still refused to fully accept the prognosis.


            "His test results show that he is completely sterile," the doctor explained. "The cause is unknown and although it is uncommon in men his age it's not altogether strange. Most likely it could be a result of some kind of illness he had in his past or some kind of environmental effect, but we can't really say exactly. All we do know is that he is unable to bear children naturally. So, it is completely impossible that he could've impregnated you. I'm sorry. Maybe you took a defective pregnancy test or something?"


            She could tell just from the doctor's tone of voice that he was only trying to placate her. Deep down underneath the words he knew how Alyssa had wound up pregnant and it filled her with shame. Not being able to stand another minute of the conversation she hurriedly tried to end the call. "I... I have to go." Without waiting for a response she hung up the phone and let it slip out of her hands onto the floor.


            What the fuck am I going to do? she wondered. The moment she had been looking forward to most in her entire life was now all but ruined for her and now more than ever she was full of regret.

Chapter 23 - Denial Is Not Just a River by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa visits the doctor for the first time. She contemplates telling Nick the truth.


Chapter 23 - Denial Is Not Just a River


Alyssa nervously sat in the waiting area of her doctor's office, jiggling her knee as she surveyed her surroundings. Most of the other women in the waiting area were at various stages of pregnancy, some already even with other young children waiting with them. Her eyes sympathetically glanced at a very pregnant looking woman across the room who was struggling to quiet a pair of crying twins who couldn't have been more than about a year old themselves. I guess things could be worse, she thought wistfully, wondering exactly how the woman could handle soon to be three kids under the age of two.

       It was the date of her first doctor's appointment. The one most women looked forward to in anticipation. She'd have her pregnancy confirmed... Find out how far along she was so far and most likely when the baby was conceived (although she now had no doubts about that one)... Maybe even get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the very first time. Yet Alyssa had to admit that she was anything but excited right now. All the joy and anticipation that she had initially built up had pretty much crumbled since her conversation with Dr. Beard. Instead of looking forward to this pregnancy, Alyssa actually felt a strange sense of dread instead.

       Alyssa's life seemed to dramatically change from the moment that Dr. Beard dropped the shocking bombshell that Sean was unable to have children, confirming the fact that the baby that she was carrying had to belong to Nick. Ever since that fateful phone conversation, Alyssa appeared to move in a stunned haze, too wrapped up in her sticky predicament to really pay much attention to anything around her. She hadn't been able to sleep comfortably in the last couple of nights. Instead she spent most of the time tossing and turning and worrying about what she should do. Callie and Kim had immediately picked up on her change in attitude and had shown some concern. Alyssa had tried to evade their questions by convincing them she was fine, just a little depressed that Sean was so far away and not by her side to experience her pregnancy alongside her. That had seemed to satisfy the two women who had also chalked up her sudden change in moods to a shift in hormones, which they'd already warned her would get much worse as her pregnancy progressed. Just what I need, she'd scoffed. As if I'm not already emotional enough without my hormones going bonkers.

Both Callie and Kim had offered to go with her today for her first appointment, but she'd politely turned both of them down. She didn't want to have to fake excitement and happiness for them when she really felt nothing of the sort. Just kind of an empty hollowness inside herself. She wanted to do this alone.

       Her thoughts were interrupted as the door to the examining rooms opened and a young nurse stuck her head out. "Alyssa Robinson?" she called.

       Alyssa gathered up her things and got up from her chair. She followed the nurse behind the doorway into one of the examining rooms on her left. As she made herself comfortable on the examining table the nurse flipped open her chart. "So, I hear that you just found out you're pregnant?"

       Alyssa nodded and tried to fake an enthusiastic grin. "Yea... Just last week."

       "Congratulations," she told her as she reached over to begin taking her blood pressure. "How have you been feeling? Any fatigue? Soreness? Morning sickness? Moodiness?"

       "Oh yeah..." she laughed. "All of the above. I get so winded from the simplest things. I'm a little worried how I'm going to feel once I actually start getting bigger."

       The nurse just smiled. "Well, Dr. Spencer will be giving you a prescription for prenatal vitamins today and that should help control a little bit of that fatigue. This is your first pregnancy, correct?"

       Again Alyssa nodded. "Uh huh, so I'm a bit nervous," she carefully admitted.

       "Most first time Mom's are. Don't worry though. You're in good hands." The nurse scrubbed her hands in the sink and pulled out a pair of latex gloves. "I'm just going to take a quick blood sample and when I'm done I'll let you change into a gown and Dr. Spencer will be in shortly to examine you. Sound good?"

       "I guess so," Alyssa answered, staring warily at the needle that was about to pierce her flesh. She wasn't a huge fan of giving blood, but she knew that she'd have to do a lot of this throughout her pregnancy. She held out her arm for the nurse and gritted her teeth as she felt the needle poke through her skin. She made a little hissing noise as the nurse drew her blood.

       "Almost done," she assured her as she withdrew the needle and bandaged up her arm. "Not so bad, huh?"

       You're not the one giving the blood here, Alyssa wanted to say, but bit her lip. The nurse handed her a white cotton gown to change into. "Make yourself comfortable and Dr. Spencer will be in to see you shortly."

       She left the room and before she knew it, Alyssa was alone again. She stripped off her clothing and put on the paper gown and lay back down on the examining table, staring up at the ceiling tiles. As the minutes ticked by she could feel her stomach tightening up more and more. She hated all this waiting. All it did was give herself more time to think and to worry about her current predicament.

       She'd obviously been doing a lot of thinking, weighing her options and such. She'd examined the whole messy situation from every possible angle and the only conclusion she'd been able to reach was that no matter what she chose to do, someone was bound to get hurt. It all basically boiled down to which man would be willing to sacrifice their rights as a father. The logical and probably most moral choice would be to confess everything to Sean about the night she'd shared with Nick and his sterility. The aftermath would be ugly though. She didn't even want to imagine how crushed he'd be to learn that he wasn't about to become a father after all along with the fact that he couldn't have kids period. Sean wasn't the type to take cheating lightly; especially cheating with her ex boyfriend who she had sworn to him several times that she no longer had any feelings for him. He'd probably divorce her. She really was no better than Shayla when it came to lies and betrayal.

       Then there was Nick. Alyssa had no idea how he'd react. It was really hard to say because Nick was hard to read at times. Sometimes just when you think you'd have him all figured out, he'd do something completely unexpected. He'd been pretty adamant about not wanting kids, but then he himself had admitted to being a little disappointed to learn that Shayla wasn't really pregnant. Could something have changed? Of course their relationship was complicated enough already. What would happen if she decided to tell him the truth? How would he react? Would he be ecstatic or terrified? Would he want to completely drop Shayla and be with her? There was too much uncertainty there. Yes, Nick had changed a lot in the last four years, but she wasn't sure he had changed that much. News like that would probably send the old Nick running for the hills.

       Really Alyssa could only see three options of how this could play out. Option A would be that she came clean with Sean. Sean probably would not be willing to raise the child on his own knowing that it was not only his, but Nick's and their marriage would end on the spot. Then there was still the question of whether or not Nick would even accept her and her child. That led to a whole other set of worries and concerns which led to Option B. Nick could divorce Shayla and her and Nick could live happily ever after, but Alyssa had her doubts. Although in TV shows and movies, babies seemed to be just the thing to bring two people together, back in the real world Alyssa knew that more than likely they caused the opposite effect. Nick obviously had his reasons for not wanting kids. Being forced into the situation like this definitely could take its toll and destroy the little bit of a friendship they shared. Then there was Option C. It was definitely a risky one, and although completely reprehensible, Alyssa was beginning to wonder if maybe it was the best option for everyone involved. It was a plan that only Shayla could probably appreciate and if it came out, it could hurt her relationships with both men. But it was such a tempting offer. What if she just simply kept her mouth closed? Let both men go on believing that she was pregnant with Sean's baby? Ignorance was bliss, right?  It could go smoothly and neither one would ever know. But, of course Alyssa did have a conscience. Was it really fair to hide a health problem such as Sean's sterility a secret from him? Would it be fair to deny Nick of knowing that he had a son or daughter? And of course would it be fair to the child not to know their real father? Situations like this happened a lot actually. She'd heard of many a person reacting this very same way in her situation. It was selfish and unfair and hurtful, but at the same time she'd only be doing it to protect those that she cared about.

It gave her some consolation that there was at least one other option out there that would be even more selfish and cowardly. Some women placed in her situation might actually go as far as to choose to have an abortion. That was one thing that Alyssa could never do. No matter how unplanned or unexpected and no matter how many problems this baby was causing, she knew that she could never in good conscious choose to end her baby's life before it even began.


The door creaked open interrupting Alyssa's thoughts and in walked Dr. Spencer, a petite blonde woman in her early thirties with a bright smile on her face. "Good afternoon, Alyssa! How are we feeling?"


"Pregnant, I guess," she responded, trying to make a joke.


Dr. Spencer laughed and looked down at her chart. "Well, I think that's a pretty accurate description. I just got done looking at your blood work and you are in fact pregnant. Congratulations! Didn't I tell you that you had nothing to worry about?"


"Yea... That you did," Alyssa answered, trying not to be appear uncomfortable. All along she really didn't have anything to worry about with her personally. It had been Sean who had the problem.


"So, first what I want to do is examine you to make sure that everything seems to be going along okay and also to give me an idea of how far along you are. Then maybe we can try to see if we can get a heartbeat for you."


Alyssa nodded and lay back as Dr. Spencer began her examination. While she was doing this, she asked Alyssa some general questions that she did the best to answer. She tried to pay attention whenever the doctor explained anything to her, but there were just so many things to remember that her brain felt like it was on complete overload. Finally after what felt like forever after lots of poking and prodding, Dr. Spencer pulled away with a grin on her face.


"Well, based on when you told me your last period was and from what I can tell, I'd say that you're about five to six weeks along. You'll be due most likely sometime in March."


Sounds about right, she figured in her head. It had been roughly six weeks since her encounter with Nick at the condo. The timing definitely worked out.


"Everything seems fine so far, but I want to see if I can get a heartbeat for you," the doctor explained as she got the proper equipment ready. "The heart muscles have just begun to develop, so it'll probably be a little hard to hear, but if you listen to it closely you can make it out."


            Alyssa nodded and took a deep breath as she felt the coolness of the stethoscope against her stomach. She glanced over at the fuzzy image on the screen next to her and she found it hard to believe that the little spot of white was her baby. "Ok listen carefully," Dr. Spencer instructed. "It's soft, but it's definitely there."


            Her ears perked up and she could very faintly make out a soft pounding sound. For the first time all week a genuine smile lit up her face and she realized that she was actually amazed. It had finally sunk in that she was really pregnant. In nine months she was going to be a mother. Okay, maybe she did have some major baby daddy drama to figure out, but hearing her unborn baby's heartbeat with her own two ears was almost like a reassurance to her that things were going to work themselves out. Everything was going to be okay.




            When Alyssa left the doctor's office about half an hour later her hands were full of pregnancy pamphlets, a prescription for prenatal vitamins, and a list of foods that she should be eating. She got into her car and headed home, stopping only to drop off her prescription at the drug store. Just as she was stepping inside her door she heard her cell phone ring from inside her purse. She fumbled with the pamphlets in her hand, tossing them onto the nearest table as her hands dug into her purse to fish out her phone. "Hello?" she answered not even bothering to check who was calling.


            "When were you going to tell me that you were pregnant?" a familiar voice demanded on the other end of the line.


            Alyssa's face paled as she recognized Nick's voice. She was confused enough about him and now here he was calling her. She definitely didn't want to spill the beans and confess to him the entire truth about her pregnancy, but she was afraid that he'd see through her act. "Wow... Gossip really travels huh?" she finally managed to stutter out.


            "Izzy called and asked if I was going to send a congratulations gift to you or anything. Being completely clueless I asked why the hell we were congratulating you. Imagine my shock when Izzy explained to me it was because you were pregnant. Why didn't you tell me? You told everyone else apparently?" Nick appeared to sound hurt and a small flash of guilt hit Alyssa.


            "I'm really sorry," she rushed to apologize. "I was going to call you, but things got really crazy and I've been feeling really tired and a little sick and I just haven't been up to it. I figured someone would tell you sooner or later anyway."


            There was a pause and Alyssa was pretty sure that Nick didn't believe a word that she just said, but thankfully he didn't question her on it. "Well, congratulations. You and Sean must be thrilled."


            "Yea... We are," she half-lied. Sean was thrilled. She had been thrilled until she'd found out the results of her and Sean's tests and then all the excitement had been gone, just like that.


            The conversation hit an awkward patch in which neither one of them was quite sure what to say next. Not being able to stand another torturous moment Alyssa quickly scrambled for an excuse to get him off the line. "Thanks for calling me up to congratulate me, but I just got in from the doctor's and I think I'm going to lay down for a bit. I'm feeling a little nauseous."


            "Okay. I hope you feel better and good luck. Give me a call next week or something and maybe we can do something. Maybe I can help you start baby shopping or something."


            Help me baby shop? If Alyssa hadn't felt sick before this definitely did it. There was no way that he was helping her go baby shopping. That would just be weird and awkward on so many levels. But not wanting to hurt his feelings, she quickly brushed him off. "Sure. I'll talk to you soon," she lied, before hanging up the phone.


            She sighed loudly, sinking back onto the couch. Of course now of all times Nick was going to be all Mr. Supportive Best Friend and help her do all the things that Sean couldn't do being away. As if things weren't complicated enough. She wondered if Nick knew that this was actually his baby she was carrying, would he be this dedicated and helpful? Or would he be avoiding her like the plague? Alyssa wasn't sure she wanted to find out. The best thing for the both of them right now would be for her to play the avoiding game, a game that they'd been playing for the last six weeks, but only now had gotten a hell of a lot more interesting.


Chapter 24 - Just Hit Static by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa continues to avoid Nick. Nick receives an interesting phone call from Shayla.


Chapter 24 - Just Hit Static


            Over the next month or so, Alyssa turned avoiding Nick into an art form. Instead of continually stressing over the predicament she was in, she threw herself into preparing for motherhood. By immersing herself in her pregnancy, she found little time to worry about the whole Nick and Sean situation. She'd decided to at least try to put it onto the backburner for a while. She did after all have until March to figure out what she was going to do. In the meantime she devoted herself one hundred percent to her child. Being a first time mother, there was so much to learn. With so many of her friends already being mothers, she had thought that she was pretty knowledgeable about pregnancy, but Alyssa was finding it to be a whole other ball game when she was the pregnant one. She was surprised to find it actually fairly easy to hide from her personal problems if she forced herself to focus on learning as much as possible about the changes going on in her body.


            Her coffee table was now littered with various baby books and magazines that she had picked up recently at Border's, and of course her new bible, What to Expect When You're Expecting, was tucked safely away on her bedroom nightstand. Her refrigerator was now fully stocked with only the kinds of foods that Dr. Spencer had recommended and she usually arranged to go walking with Callie or Kim every day as light exercise. Her spare time was spent posting on an online message board for expectant mothers. It filled her with a bit of a relief being able to talk to other pregnant women. Granted, most of their pregnancies were meticulously planned and there were no surprises when it came to the identity of their baby's fathers, but at least they seemed to be going through the same symptoms that she was and it was nice having someone to commiserate with.


            Besides battling morning sickness which Alyssa began to seriously wonder who coined the term because it seemed as if she was sick at all hours of the day, Alyssa also found herself running to the bathroom a lot more frequently than usual. She'd always thought that the excessive peeing didn't start until later on in her pregnancy, but she quickly learned that it started now and only would get worse in the coming months. Between all her trips to the bathroom and the throwing up, Alyssa wondered how she was going to make it when school started up again next month. Thankfully enough she was assured by many woman on the message board that by then the worst of her morning sickness should be over with. In addition to all of this, even though it was too early for her to really be showing yet, she did notice her pants fitting slightly tighter and a thickening in her middle that hadn't been there before. But the worst were her breasts. Already they were feeling swollen and tender and none of her bras seemed to fit quite right. Lately she'd been finding only sports bras to be comfortable and she figured that she'd probably have to break down sometime next week and go shopping for some more comfortable maternity bras. And to think they're only going to get bigger, she realized with a smirk. Who needs a boob job? By the time I give birth I'll definitely be at least a D cup.


            Everything seemed to be going as well as could be expected under the difficult circumstances. At least until that day in mid August when she received an unexpected package that just brought all the painful memories that she was trying to suppress right back up to the surface. She was babysitting Gavin again for Kim and had just put him down for a nap when a brown UPS truck pulled up in front of her house and she heard her front doorbell ring.


            She hurried to answer it finding a delivery man holding out a brown box. "I have a package for Alyssa Robinson?"


            "That's me," Alyssa answered as she reached out to accept the box and signed his clipboard. She wondered what it was and who it was from. She hadn't ordered anything online recently and there weren't any special occasions looming close by. Not being able to wait another moment after the delivery man disappeared back into his truck; Alyssa brought the package inside and tore open its contents. The first thing that lay on top was an envelope with her name on the front. She ripped it open and pulled out a simple white card with blue lettering across that read Congratulations! On the inside of the card she gasped when she recognized Nick's familiar scrawled handwriting.


Dear Alyssa,


            I wanted to send you a little something special to congratulate you on the baby. I know how much you've been hoping and praying for a child of your own, and I'm glad that your prayers have finally been answered. You're going to make an amazing mother and I can't wait to hopefully be a part of your child's life. In the mean time here's a little something to keep the little squirt snug and warm in.




            Alyssa felt a lump beginning to rise in her throat which she quickly swallowed back down. The tone of the card sent a little bit of a chill through her, particularly the line about not being able to wait to be a part of the baby's life. Oh, trust me... You're a WAY bigger part of this baby's life than you even realize, she thought to herself. She knew that he only meant it to be more like the role of an Uncle, but it was still a painful reminder of the mess that she was currently tangled up in.


            Trying to fight back her emotions, she dug deeper into the box and pulled out a soft yellow fleece baby blanket. She could tell just from the texture of it that it was of very good quality, almost too nice to use for a newborn baby. When did Nick become so thoughtful? she frustratingly thought. They'd dated on and off for almost ten years now and he never once had been so kind and considerate until now of course when it was too late. It figured. She stuffed the blanket back into the box as she blinked away tears. This whole hiding the truth from Nick thing would be SO much easier if he decided to be a selfish asshole. Why was it that now he chose to do the decent thing?


            All Alyssa knew was that she was now more confused than ever. And then she was hit with the chilling revelation that no matter how hard she tried to distract herself with baby books and online pregnancy forums, she couldn't completely hide from the truth. She was going to have to make a major decision and she was going to have to do it soon.




            Later on that same night across LA, Nick was just settling into bed for the night at the condo. He'd been feeling absolutely perplexed and a little hurt at Alyssa's obvious avoidance of him. He wondered if he'd done something wrong that he was unaware of. She hadn't even bothered to tell him herself that she was pregnant and Nick had been pretty sure that he'd be one of the first people she'd call under the circumstances. He just didn't get it. Was she really that wrapped up into her pregnancy that she didn't even have time for their friendship anymore?


            "Women... I'll never understand them," he muttered as he crawled between the covers of the bed and punched his pillow a little to fluff it up. He made himself comfortable and closed his eyes. He was just one step away from a deep sleep when he heard his cell phone ringing far off in the distance of his self consciousness. Groaning a little he tried to ignore it, but the phone kept ringing. Acting on impulse his hand floated over to the nightstand and he picked it up without even bothering to see who was calling, which turned out to be a big mistake. "Hello?" he groggily answered.


            "Hey Nicky! Did I wake you?" Shayla's familiar perky voice invaded his ears.


            Ugh... Speaking of women I don't understand, he thought to himself. "Yea... I was just about to fall asleep," he admitted, ignoring the Nicky comment. Hopefully she'd get the hint.


            "Oops my bad!" she giggled.


Nick could hear a loud thud on the other end of the line that sounded like she had fallen or knocked something over. "Uhh, you ok?" he asked warily.


"Yea, sorry I just tripped going up the stairs. I just got in from this really awesome party at the Playboy Mansion. Too bad you missed it. It was wild! You'd have had a great time. So many really hot, gorgeous, half naked women walking around. I mean I'm completely straight and even I had to admit that I was turned on."


Just by the way her words were slurred and the way she was babbling on, Nick could tell almost immediately that she'd had more than her fair share of alcohol at this party. It all made sense now. She was drunk dialing him, purposely trying to say things to get a rise out of him, so that somehow in her twisted little mind he'd go crawling back to her. He should know better than anyone. How many times had he done the same thing to many a girl, Alyssa included? Drunk dialing was a nasty habit that he'd finally grown out of, but he supposed that this was his punishment for years of offense. Karma was a bitch like that sometimes.


Knowing from experience how to handle drunk dialers he tried to steer the conversation into convincing her to go to bed and sleep it off. He knew damn well that if he hung up she'd only just keep calling. "Sounds like you had a good time. Lot's of alcohol there I bet, huh?"


"Oh, yeah! I'm completely toasted, but I feel great!" He could hear another noise that sounded as if Shayla had flopped across a soft surface such as a couch or a bed. "It must've been those damn jello shots. I think I had about twenty of them, they were so fucking good."


Nick's eyebrows rose in concern. "You didn't drive home, did you?" Even though their relationship had definitely been stilted as of lately, he couldn't be as heartless as to not to worry about whether or not she got into a car drunk. She was still technically his wife, so if anything happened to her he'd have to be the one to pick up the pieces.


"No, of course not. I was on assignment, so I had a driver. Thank God for editing! I hope they won't be able to tell how messed up I was during the parts I filmed," she continued to babble on. "So, what are you doing?"


Nick sighed. "Honestly? I was trying to go to sleep until you called."


"Oh yea... Duh! You did say that. So... does that mean you're in bed?"


He rolled his eyes at the phone quickly losing her patience with her. Dude, did I sound this retarded in my drunk dialing days? he wondered. Even though he knew that it would probably go right over her head, he couldn't fight the urge to answer back sarcastically. "No, I'm in the bathtub."


"The bathtub?" Shayla sounded confused. "Why would you sleep in there? Isn't that uncomfortable?"


I should know better than to use sarcasm on a drunk person. "I was being sarcastic sweetie. It was a joke. I really am in bed."


"Well, you don't have to be so testy about it. Sounds to me like you need to get laid..."


"Oh, you have no idea what I need," he found himself saying before he could even stop himself. Luckily Shayla seemed to interpret his words a little differently, saving him a whole lot of explanation.


"I think that maybe I do," she replied. "I'm lying in bed too and I'm pretty lonely. I miss you not being here." Her voice lowered several octaves. "I'm wearing that gold mini dress you love. The backless one that barely covers my ass. And guess what I have on underneath?" She paused for a moment or two for dramatic effect. "Nothing."


Nick lay there for a moment processing everything that she'd just said and he had to admit, under normal circumstances he'd be really turned on right about now. But there was something about the situation that just wasn't doing it for him. Maybe it was the sloppy way in which she slurred out her words, which totally ruined the effect of her sultry tone of voice. Or maybe it was more than that. Maybe it was the fact that he just simply wasn't attracted to her anymore. Whatever it was, for once he could not think of a single damn thing to say in response, so instead he stayed quiet.


"I really wish you were here right now," Shayla moaned, making Nick wonder what exactly was going on, on the other end of the line. She paused seeming to wait for Nick to come back with some sort of sly response, but it never came. Losing patience, Shayla sighed in frustration. "Are you alive over there Nick? Did I give you a heart attack or something?"


"I'm here," he distantly responded. "I'm just really tired though. I think I should just go to bed and you probably should too."


He could practically picture Shayla's mouth gaping in indignation. "Are you serious?" she asked. "You seriously want me to stop? Are you feeling okay Nick?"


"Yea, I'm fine. Just tired. And you're drunk. We shouldn't be doing this."


He heard her snort on the other end of the line. "Since when did you become such a gentleman?"


Nick's voice rose a little as he began to lose his patience. "I just don't think that this is the answer to our problems. You're drunk and probably have no clue what you're saying and doing and I think that things are complicated enough already between us. Get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow morning when you're sober if you want."


That's when the dam burst open and the waterworks began to pour out, further confirming to Nick that she was completely unfit to have this conversation. "I just miss you Nick!" she sniffled. "It's really hard for me you know. Now all your stuff is gone and it just seems so real. You're never coming back, are you?"


Nick sighed, not wanting to go down this road tonight. "I didn't say that. I just need a little more time."


"More time? You've had almost three fucking months! I can't live like this anymore Nick. You have to make up your fucking mind! If you're going to divorce me just do it already and get it over with! Don't leave me dangling here with false hope."


He sat there silently not wanting to admit that even in her drunken stupor she was completely right. He wasn't being fair to her, but he just wasn't sure what he wanted. He was pretty sure he didn't feel the same way he once did about her, especially after his night with Alyssa, but as selfish as it sounded he didn't want to completely let her go either. As it was Alyssa had all but completely abandoned him. He didn't want to end up completely alone. "We'll talk about this another day," he tried to assure her. "I'm going to hang up now. Try and get some rest."


Before she could get another word in edgewise Nick ended the call and lay back down. He needed to make some major decisions in his life and soon. If he didn't decide what he wanted to do about this Shayla situation it was only going to get worse.


Little did he know that his life was about to get a hell of a lot more complicated and his relationship with Shayla was about to become the least of his worries.





End Notes:
Thanks to Tri for helping out with this! I've missed our writing parties!
Chapter 25 - You Can Run But You Can't Hide by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick confronts Alyssa.


Chapter 25- You Can Run But You Can't Hide


            The summer was just about gone before Nick even realized. He had been so wrapped up in his problems with Shayla and then of course the whole Alyssa drama that he had admittedly missed out on one of his favorite times of year. Not much had changed in the past two weeks. Unlike what he had promised Shayla, he hadn't called her back and he was a little surprised that she didn't try contacting him again. Maybe she was finally giving up on him for good this time. As for Alyssa there had also been no change. He knew that by now she'd have to have at least received his card and the baby blanket he had sent her. If she had, she had done nothing to indicate it and didn't even seem the least bit thankful. That was unlike Alyssa. She usually was the queen of the etiquette; the type of person who sent out thank you cards in the mail anytime she received any kind of gift from anyone else. Something was definitely up with her, but he was having a really hard time figuring what it was when she seemed to be going to great lengths to avoid him. He really was beginning to wonder what her issue was. Was she still upset about them hooking up back in June?


            With Labor Day around the corner, Nick saw a perfect opportunity to finally be able to pull her aside and find out what was really going on with her. Izzy was having a Labor Day barbeque at her house and of course had invited both Nick and Alyssa. Izzy had no idea that the two of them had hooked up earlier that summer. Alyssa had distanced herself a lot from her old crowd as of lately. Nick was pretty sure that she kept their night a secret between the two of them. For a moment or two he actually wondered if he should confide in Izzy, but then quickly decided against it. She and Tristan were struggling enough and he was pretty sure she wouldn't take the fact that they'd both broken their wedding vows very lightly. Anyway he was hoping that the little get together would give him a chance to see her again.


            Unfortunately, Izzy was disappointed to report back to him that Alyssa wouldn't be attending the barbeque after all. According to her, Alyssa had claimed that she had already been invited to another barbeque with two of her neighbors and their children. Izzy had explained that since Sean had left for Iraq she'd grown close to these other two women who were also military wives. Apparently they were a good source of comfort for her or something.


            Izzy had seemed to buy the excuse, but Nick found the fact that she already seemed to have plans awfully coincidental. Maybe it was just him being paranoid, but something in his gut made him doubt her. He began to obsess over it until he knew that there was only one thing he could do to ease his fears. As psycho as it sounded, he planned on driving by her house before stopping by Izzy's that afternoon. If she really wasn't home he could rest assured that she really was telling the truth. If not, he planned on confronting her about it. She couldn't hide from him if he cornered her in her home, right?


            As he drove over to her house he tried to tell himself how crazy he was being. This is such a chick thing to do, checking up on her like this. I hate to be this sneaky, but if it's the only way to get her to open up to me, so be it. He hated to think that she was lying, but the truth was that something had to have been bothering her lately and he had the sneaky suspicion that it somehow had to do with him.


            He slowed his BMW down to a crawl as he turned onto her block. As expected her black Jetta sat parked in her driveway, giving more evidence to the fact that she was indeed home after all. Not necessarily, he argued with himself. If the barbeque was at a neighbor's house she could've very well walked. Why waste the gas? There was only one way to know for sure if she was at home or not and that would be for him to get out and actually knock on her door. Before he lost his nerve, he pulled over towards the curb and got out of his car. Hesitantly he walked up the driveway and approached the front door if the house. With a shaky hand, he raised his finger up to press the doorbell and he waited.


            He could hear the electronic noise reverberate throughout the house and stood for a moment or two waiting with no response. He was just about to give up and go back to his vehicle when he heard the door knob being twisted open. He froze when the door opened up to reveal Alyssa standing there in a loose pair of capri pajama pants and a matching tank top. The expression on her face appeared to match the same shocked one that he knew must've been on his own.


            She lied. She REALLY lied to us. But why? he wondered. He didn't have a chance to debate this question any further because Alyssa's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Nick? What are you doing here?" she asked, sounding slightly defensive.


            It took a moment or two for him to find his voice. "I just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing. You've been avoiding me lately and I know that you turned down Izzy's invitation the barbeque-"


            "So you were checking up on me?" Her nostrils flared in indignation. "Real nice. I bet you were just hoping to catch me red handed, huh?"


            "Well, no offense, but you told Izzy that you were going to a neighbor's barbeque. It doesn't look like you're going anywhere today to me," he retorted, glancing over her frumpy appearance. "Why would you lie about something like that?"


            "Why would you think you have to check out my story like a fucking detective?" she shot back. "And if you must know the barbeque was cancelled. One of Callie's kids is sick, so she called it off."


            Nick didn't buy the excuse one bit. "Get off it Alyssa. That's a lie and you know it. Why don't you just admit that the real reason you didn't want to go to Izzy's barbeque because you didn't want to have to deal with seeing me, right?"


            Alyssa's eyes flickered a little and Nick knew that he had struck a nerve. "We should take this inside," she told him as she opened up the door for him. "If we're going to fight I don't want my entire block to get a free show. They're all horrible gossips anyway."


            Nick followed her inside, but once they were far enough into the house where he knew he couldn't be heard he turned on her again. "Why the fuck are you trying so hard to avoid me lately?"


            "I don't know what you're talking about. I've done nothing of the sort," she denied, but Nick couldn't help but notice how she refused to make any eye contact with him.


            "Are you trying to say that you haven't been avoiding me? That's strange because the last time I saw you was your anniversary and I had to practically invite myself over in order to see you. Since then anytime I call you rush me off the phone. You haven't even acknowledged the fact that I sent you a congratulations gift for the baby. Hell, you told everyone else that you were pregnant, but me! I had to find it out through the grapevine from Izzy like I didn't even matter to you or something. What gives! I thought that we were closer than that."


            "I've been really busy Nick. Ask Izzy or Teri or Tricia if I've hung out with them once since Sean left for Iraq?" Alyssa tried to defend herself. "It's been really rough without him and then I found out I was pregnant and it's just been non stop. Between doctors appointments and baby planning... I just don't have a lot of free time right now."


            "Since when the hell are you so reliant on Sean? If I remember correctly before he left you had nothing but complaints about him. About how he was so obsessed about getting you pregnant that he was treating you like a machine instead of a person? How he was forgetting all about your needs? How he did nothing at all to satisfy you? If I remember correctly, you came crying on my shoulder begging for comfort, which I more than readily gave you, and now you actually have the nerve to forget all of that because he's temporarily out of the picture? You'd rather pine away over that asshole than be with your friends who have been with you for way longer than he has?"


            "My husband is over in Iraq fighting for our country! What the fuck are you doing right now Nick? Playing in a recording studio with a bunch of no name hopefuls?" As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. She knew that had been an unfair remark to make and she really hadn't meant a word of it, but it was too late to take it back now.


            She watched as Nick's face turned red in anger. "Don't you fucking dare try to compare me to him! And don't try to make him out to be some great hero or something. Admit it, deep down you're glad that he's gone. Now you don't have to feel guilty every time you look at his face because you know what you've done to him."


            "Why would I feel guilty?" Alyssa challenged, trying her best to act distant and oblivious. "It was a mistake and I'm over it. Completely."


            "Bullshit! You think you're so put together and collected, but let me tell you something; you're completely transparent! You still haven't gotten over the fact that we slept together. You think that if you just act like it never happened it'll just magically be erased. But the truth is that you do think about it. A lot more often than you want to admit. And if you could you'd do it again too. You feel guilty because I kept you more satisfied than your husband! Why don't you just drop the act and just admit that it was the best sex that you'd had in a long time."


            Alyssa's mouth hung in shock and she felt her blood pressure begin to spike. Okay, maybe everything he just said had been true, but she wasn't about to let him have the satisfaction of being right. "Do you listen to yourself? How much more of an overconfident prick could you sound like right now?"


            Nick stepped closer to her. "Admit it," he demanded, grabbing her arms. "You still have feelings for me."


            Alyssa shrank back a bit almost afraid that he might hit her. You're being ridiculous, she chastised. Nick would never hit a pregnant woman. Still her stubbornness continued to fight. "For you? Please. You just caught me at a weak moment."


            "Then prove it." He tightened his grip on her wrists and pulled her closer to him, sweeping her lips up against his roughly. The movement was so unexpected and her body was still pounding with adrenaline that she was caught completely off guard and her body responded before her mind could. She returned the kiss just as roughly, twisting her arms out of his grasp and pressing her hands hard against his back. Her heart was racing a mile a minute and when common sense finally kicked in and she pulled away she found it hard to hide the fact that she was left trembling from the passionate moment.


            Nick shot her an arrogant smirk. "Yea... That's what I thought."


            He almost expected her to smack him. Or start screaming at him. Kick him out of her house. But instead she did the most unexpected thing. She backed away, took a deep breath and then began to cry. Not little tears either. Emotional gut wrenching sobs. Shit, what did I just do? he wondered. He knew pregnant women could be emotional train wrecks, but he wasn't quite sure if he'd seen anyone flip moods like that so quickly. He stood here helplessly for a moment as he watched Alyssa collapse back onto the couch, her head in her hands.


            Don't just stand there. Apologize! he told himself as he slid down next to her putting an arm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Alyssa. I shouldn't have done that. I was way out of line. You're right. It was a pretty prickish thing to do."


            Alyssa just shook her head still crying. "It's just such a fucked up situation. How did we get ourselves into this mess?"


            Nick wasn't sure how to answer that, but quickly found out that it was a rhetorical question because Alyssa continued to ramble on clearly in the midst of some sort of mini meltdown. "I'll admit it. I did enjoy our night together. Very much. But things are different now. We can't just casually continue to hook up anytime we're feeling restless. There are other people involved now. Lord knows I fucked up enough just by this time alone. I was so happy when I found out that I was pregnant. Then I found that Sean is sterile..."


            Sean is sterile? Wait, hold up! If he's sterile he can't have kids which means... Oh, fuck. Nick's mind finally connected the dots, but he refused to fully believe it. "What do you mean Sean is sterile?"


            "He can't have kids," Alyssa tearfully explained. "Apparently they found out when we went to the fertility clinic to get those tests done."


            "Then that means..." Nick paused, practically gulping for air. "That means that the baby is mine?"


            Alyssa could only nod before bursting into another set of tears. "I'm so sorry Nick. This was entirely not the way I wanted you to find out."


            Nick sat back feeling completely stunned. That baby in there was his? He was really going to be a father? For real this time? The more he thought about the more sense it made. The avoided phone calls... The obvious distance she'd drawn between them... Of course Sean wasn't doing the job because he was shooting blanks the whole time. How ironic... It was Alyssa's frustration with not being able to get pregnant that had sent her into his arms in the first place. And they'd created a baby that night. It was way too much for him to process. Just as he had reacted when Shayla had told him she was pregnant his instinct to run took over and he shot up from the couch. "I need to think about this. I'm sorry, but I have to go."


            Not even waiting to see the hurt and abandonment in her eyes he was out the door in a flash. Once he was in the safety of his car and far enough away from her house he finally allowed his emotions to get the better of him.

Chapter 26 - Emotion Sickness by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa reaches a big desicion.


Chapter 26 - Emotion Sickness


Nick gazed out at the clear blue ocean that stretched out in front of him from the deck of his boat and loudly sighed. It was the next day and he was still trying to recover from the bombshell that Alyssa had dropped on him the previous afternoon. He'd been absolutely stunned ever since she'd told him the truth and of course just like had it been with Shayla his first instinct was to run. He needed time to think and make sense of it all. Even now twenty-four hours later it still felt like some kind of sick joke. But Alyssa wouldn't lie about something like that, he rationalized. Why would she? She'd seemed completely distraught over the situation and no one was that good of an actress.


He'd lain awake almost all night, staring up at ceiling like a zombie, his thoughts rushing at him faster than he could process. Finally realizing that he needed to really think this out as clearly as possible, he'd decided to take his boat out today. He hadn't done that in awhile and he had to admit that he did some of his best thinking while he was out on the water. It was the perfect day to be out on the water too. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the early September sun was just warm enough.


He wished that on the inside he felt just as peaceful as the weather today. Instead he had so much turmoil balled up inside of him. Honestly, he wasn't sure what his next step should be or much less what he wanted it to be. For the second time this year, he found himself faced with the scary reality of fatherhood looming before him, only this time he knew that it was the real deal. Being a father wasn't really a role that he really wanted to accept at this point in his life. But with Alyssa? He had to admit that he'd considered her to be probably the only one of his serious relationships he'd even imagined possibly having a child with someday. When he had been dating Mandy, they were both young and kids were the last thing on either one of their minds. Then he'd dated Alyssa and he'd actually kind of been thrust into fatherhood with Katie. As bad as things had wound up with Katie, when he and Alyssa got back together and they'd gotten engaged, he definitely could picture a family in their future. His parents divorce had ruined that illusion for him. His next serious relationship had been Paris and kids hadn't even been a discussion for them. Anything that could jeopardize her stick like figure was an automatic no. And now with Shayla? He just couldn't picture her as the motherly type. She was too career oriented.


He knew how badly Alyssa had wanted to become pregnant, but of course not like this. How ironic was it for Sean to be unable to have kids all along? If he hadn't been sterile, Alyssa probably would have gotten pregnant a lot sooner and not have been as frustrated with Sean. If everything had just worked out the way they were supposed to he began to seriously wonder if the night they had shared together ever would've happened at all?


There was no way that he ever could've imagined that on that particular night they'd actually go as far as to create a baby. It was just so crazy how fate turned out. He wanted Alyssa to become pregnant to make her happy, but he certainly hadn't planned on himself to be the one to be responsible. Things had just happened to work out that way though. And now he was being faced with the decision of what to do now.


He supposed Alyssa was the one with the hardest burden to bear. Stupid him hadn't even stuck around long enough to find out what exactly she planned on doing about the baby. He realized that in the end it was her ultimate decision whether or not she wanted him to be a part of their baby's life. He was well aware about how badly Sean wanted this child, so for him to find out that it wasn't his after all, sure would be devastating for him. He seriously doubted that Sean would be the type who would be okay in raising his baby. It would mean that Nick would constantly be involved in Alyssa's life, and he doubted Sean could stomach that. But what other option was there? For a moment or two he pictured Alyssa leaving Sean and him leaving Shayla and the two of them running off and making a new life for each other, but he quickly shook the image from his head. Not only was it completely unrealistic and way too neat and tidy, it just sounded like something out of some cheesy movie. With much hesitation, he had to admit that the only thing he really could do at this point would be to stand by Alyssa and support whatever decision she decided to make.


There was one thing he needed to do though. He needed to let Alyssa know all of this. He hated to think how upset she probably was after the way he had just ran out like that on her the day before. He needed to apologize for his actions and let her know that he'd stick by whatever choice she made. He dug into his pocket and fished out his cell phone taking a deep breath before he dialed Alyssa's now familiar phone number.


The phone rang a few times before he heard Alyssa's voice on the other end. "Hello?" she answered, her voice sounding tired and small.


"Hey Lyss... It's Nick." He didn't give her time to respond before he rushed to continue his little speech. "Look, I really want to apologize for last night. I shouldn't have run out on you like that. It was a pretty asshole kind of thing to do under the circumstances."


"It's all right. I probably would've done the same thing in your shoes too I guess," Alyssa admitted.


"I think that we should get together and talk about this now that we've both had some time to think things over I guess. Probably face to face would be best," he continued. "I'm out on my boat right now and it's a beautiful day. It's nice and private, so it might be a good place to talk. Could you maybe meet me at the arena in like forty-five minutes? I'll turn around and pick you up."


He could hear Alyssa swallow on the other end of the phone. "All right. That sounds like a good idea. I'll pack us some sandwiches or something."


"Sounds good. I'll see you then," he told her before hanging up the phone. He stared out at the ocean one last time before preparing to head back to shore to pick Alyssa up. His stomach knotted in nervousness. As much as he didn't want to have the conversation that lay ahead of him, he knew it was necessary. He just wondered what exactly was going on in Alyssa's head at the moment.




By the time he pulled back into the dock, Alyssa was already standing there waiting for him dressed in a pair of denim Bermuda shorts and a long, flowy grey and green cotton tank top that was fitted on top. On her feet were a pair of green flip flops and a pair of sunglasses were placed on top of her loose wavy hair. In her hands she was holding a blue beach cooler.


"You're early," Nick remarked in surprise as he anchored the boat.


"Yea I know. I wasn't waiting very long though. I just got here a few minutes ago," she explained, avoiding making direct eye contact with him.


"You look nice," he told her, trying to break the ice a little bit between them.


"Thanks." There was another awkward pause until Nick stepped forward and held out her hand to help her onto the boat. A few moments later she was all aboard and dropped Nick's hand as if it were on fire.


"You ready?" he asked as he began to steer the boat back away from the dock.


Alyssa just nodded and turned her attention back out onto the water. The two of them remained silent for about twenty minutes as Nick piloted them a reasonable distance out into the ocean, the whole time Alyssa seeming very interested in the water below her. Finally when Nick seemed satisfied with their location, he dropped the anchor and let them drift a little bit with the current.


"I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hungry," he hinted, eying the cooler sitting in Alyssa's lap. "What did you bring?"


"Turkey, cheese, and mayo," Alyssa answered. "And bottled water. Is that okay?"


"That's fine," he assured her, grabbing the cooler from her. "If you want I think I have a blanket inside the cabin that we can spread the food out on."


"I'll go check," she offered, seeming grateful for an excuse to leave him out on the deck for the moment. A few moments later she reappeared with a red and blue plaid blanket in her hands. She laid it out flat on the deck and made herself comfortable on it.


Nick, who had already helped himself to his sandwich and bottle of water, plopped down beside her as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Mmm... Not bad."


Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him. "Nick it's a turkey sandwich. They all pretty much taste the same no matter who makes them."


"Okay you're right," he admitted. "I was just trying to find something to say to make this less awkward."


She sighed, her gaze shifting back out onto the ocean. "I don't think that there's anything you really could say to make this less weird."


"Right again. So, let's not try to dance around the topic any longer." Nick took a swig of his water bottle, wishing that it contained vodka instead. Lord knew he probably could use some to help him get through this. "I just want to let you know that I've done a lot of thinking since I ran out on you last night. Again I apologize, but if you haven't realized by now that's kind of me when I get unexpected news. My first instinct is to run away and hide until the news has really sunk in and I'm prepared to deal with it. Well, I've thought about it and I'm now prepared to deal with it. As much as this is the last thing either of us expected to happen as a result of that night, it happened and it's my responsibility to own up to the consequences. I know that this really is your decision in the end and I just want to let you know that whatever you decide, I'm willing to cooperate one hundred percent."


Alyssa's eyes glistened with tears in the sunlight as she turned to look at him for the first time since he'd picked her up. Obviously his words had struck some kind of painful chord in her. "Whatever I decide, huh?" she asked. "You'd really be cool with anything I wanted?"


Nick shifted on the blanket uncomfortably feeling like this was some sort of trick question. "Well, I guess just about anything. I mean it's your body and you have more to lose than me with Sean and all. Unless you're thinking about getting an abortion or something... I wouldn't want you to do that especially because I know how badly you want a baby even if its father isn't exactly the same man that you planned on it being." He stopped once he realized that he was babbling.


Alyssa's eyes narrowed at him again. "You honestly think I could go into an abortion in good faith? I'm one hundred percent against the idea. Besides, it's getting too late for that anyway. I'm almost done with my first trimester already."


"So, have you thought at all about what you do want to do?" he tentatively asked.


She paused looking back down at her fingers. "It's really complicated. Sean seems so thrilled about this baby. He keeps leaving me e-mails about all the things the three of us are going to do as a family when he comes home from Iraq." She looked back up at him, tears streaking her cheeks. "He's so clueless it's heartbreaking. He has no idea that this baby I'm carrying is yours and that the truth is that he can't have kids naturally on his own. How am I supposed to break that to him? Especially when I can't even have the decency to do it in person, face to face? I can't just be like oh yeah; on second thought you're not going to be a father. I've never seen a man so grateful for this opportunity before."


Nick could already feel his stomach drop knowing exactly where this was heading. "What are you thinking of doing?"


Alyssa sighed, giving Nick the indication that this was an extremely difficult decision for her. One that she had given a lot of thought to and although it would be hurtful to him, it would be the best for everyone involved. "This is really a shitty situation and I'm so sorry to place you in the middle of this. At first I thought about not even telling you period, but that would be extremely unfair. You should know that you have a child out there somewhere. It's not fair to deny you of that. And I want you to be a part of this child's life. You deserve that much, but-"


"What are you trying to say?" His heart was hammering in his chest so hard that he didn't even realize that he had interrupted her.


She took a deep breath. "Look, you've made it pretty clear that you aren't a fan of having kids of your own right now and that's fine. That's your choice. It's not fair that because of one night of too much wine or whatever you have to be forced into a situation that you want no part of. Sean wants this so badly Nick. Much more than you do. I know this is asking you to make the ultimate sacrifice, but could you keep this a secret? Let the world believe that this baby does belong to Sean. Then after it's born I can think of some way to let Sean know that he's infertile. Maybe let him believe that it's a result from some chemical over in Iraq. But please let him have just this one chance."


Nick could do little to hide the fact that he was stunned. Completely and utterly stunned. Of all the possibilities, this was the one option that he hadn't even thought about. The one option he was almost sure of that Alyssa would never consider. Desperation really brings out the worst in people, he realized. He had to admit, part of him was appalled that she'd even ask him to give up his rights like this, but as much as he wanted to scream at her and really ream into her for even thinking he would be okay with the idea, he also knew this wasn't a decision that she'd reached without considering every other option. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't consider her to be a selfish bitch. He knew Alyssa and he knew she was doing this because she cared more about those around her than herself, so ironically enough this seemingly selfish act was completely unselfish. He knew how Alyssa's mind worked and he knew the guilt that would eat away at her every time she saw Sean hold his baby. It would haunt her for the rest of her life. But that was the price she was willing to pay just to protect her husband.


Still was he willing to give up his chance at fatherhood for Sean? Alyssa had been right. He hadn't wanted her baby to be his. He didn't really want kids, but knowing that he had a son or a daughter right underneath his nose was kind of hard to ignore. It hurt big time that Alyssa just had assumed that he didn't want the responsibility, so they might as well turn it over to someone who did want it. Okay, maybe he wasn't jumping up and down like Sean was, but did that make him any less of a person? Yea, he'd have other opportunities for children. Hell, if he really wanted, he could run right back home to Shayla and work on having their own child and she'd be just ecstatic. But it wasn't the same. He'd created something so special with Alyssa, probably the most influential woman in his life, and to have her ask him to give it up just like that was pretty much just a slap in the face.


"Nick please say something," she tearfully begged, her eyes pleading with his. "This really is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I hate all these lies and deceptions, but it's for the best. It could never work with you and me. You know that and I know that. Like I said I want you to be a part of this baby's life. You're definitely be the Godfather. I'm not going to deny you from spending time with him or her."


Yea, Godfather, Nick scoffed to himself. What a joke!


"Besides Nick... You did say that you would support my decision no matter what I decided, right?" she continued.


"Yea." He swallowed hard. "I did say that." He looked away almost embarrassed to feel tears well up in the corner of his eyes. "Do what you have to do," he told her in a choked up voice as he stood up from the blanket knowing he wouldn't be able to hold it together much longer. "I'm going to go inside for a bit," he muttered as he headed into the cabin.


Alyssa turned and watched him go before drawing her knees up to her chest and burying her head into her legs as she cried. She knew that she had hurt Nick very badly. It hurt her to see him so upset and to know that for once she'd been the one to cause him pain. But it really was the best thing to do. In the end, she had to be loyal to her husband. She just hoped that in time he'd learn to understand and hopefully forgive her.




            Nick slammed down his cocktail glass for the third time onto the hotel suite nightstand, before grabbing the half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's he had grabbed from the hotel mini bar, and refilling his glass again. He'd been long awaiting the chance to drink himself until he felt so numb that he couldn't feel the emotional pain that Alyssa had put him through earlier that afternoon. He'd wasted no time in heading back to the marina where Alyssa had been smart enough to exit his boat without even bothering to say goodbye. After he'd secured his boat to the dock, he'd driven straight to the condo and headed in just long enough to grab his things. He knew he couldn't stay there with all the memories of his night with Alyssa there to haunt him. He'd checked in to the nearest four star hotel for the night while he cleared his head, which is where he was presently.


            He was just at the point where he was beginning to feel a nice little buzz beginning. He could feel the numbness in his hands and feet and laid his head back onto the bed in relief. His arm brushed against the outline of his cell phone in his pocket and he pulled it out and flipped it open, having the urge to talk to someone, but he wasn't sure who. He flipped through his contacts and then stopped when he saw his wife's name highlighted.


            That's when he knew what he had to do. It was pretty obvious that what had happened between him and Alyssa was not going to happen again and she'd hurt him just as badly as Shayla had. He realized for the first time that he was no longer angry with Shayla. He dialed her number before he lost his nerve and waited as the phone rang.


            "Nick!" Shayla's voice broke through the line. "I'm so glad to hear from you! Where are you?"


            Nick took in a deep breath. "I'm in a hotel suite at Chateau Marmont... Do you think you could stop by?"


            "Of course. I'm cancelling all my meetings right now," she assured him. "What's the hurry? You sound urgent."


            "It is. I want to come home."

Chapter 27 - Girls Behaving Badly by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa spends the night partying with the girls for Teri's bachelorette party.


Chapter 27- Girls Behaving Badly


            Another few weeks passed by and with it Alyssa began her second trimester of her pregnancy. It almost blew her mind how fast the time was going by. Now that morning sickness was officially behind her, this new phase of her pregnancy brought up some new things to look forward too. Although she still wasn't very large, she was just beginning to sport a very slight baby bump underneath her clothes. It all depended on what top she wore and what angle she was caught from, but several of her friends and coworkers were beginning to take notice of the change in her body. Making it to this point in her pregnancy sent a large sense of relief through her. Statistically, she'd heard that the first trimester was usually the most likely point for anything to go wrong, so making it through that point helped her relax a little bit.


            She also felt a little more relaxed now that everything was out in the open with Nick about the baby. They hadn't spoken since the day after Labor Day and Alyssa knew that he was upset with her. She still hated herself for being so cruel to him, but she had to make the decision that was best for her child. For a guy who didn't want kids he seemed awfully upset at Alyssa's decision to raise the baby as Sean's, prompting Alyssa to wonder if perhaps there was more to the story. Could Shayla's fake pregnancy scare really have changed Nick's mind? But if he really wasn't okay with the idea why didn't he just say something? she wondered to herself. How was she supposed to know what was going on in his head if he didn't tell her?


            She'd heard through the grapevine that he and Shayla had gotten back together. He'd moved back in not on after she'd told him the truth about the baby. She knew Nick well enough to know that underneath the exterior he really had only gotten back with Shayla because he was upset at her. Nick simply couldn't be alone. He needed a woman to take care of him, and Shayla was more than willing to provide him with that. Plus, Alyssa figured it would be hypocritical for him not to forgive Shayla after she'd gone and hurt him equally as bad. Whatever... she'd told herself. Maybe it's for the best. It might be safer if he hates my guts. Things were easier before we decided to try being friends again anyway.


            Unfortunately, with Teri and Howie's wedding right around the corner, and them both being in a bridal party, they were going to have to see each other soon. The wedding was only a week away now. What made the situation even more awkward was that no one else knew the whole story between them or even knew that they were no longer talking. It certainly was set to be an interesting wedding. Alyssa just hoped that they could try to politely avoid each other. She wouldn't want any drama to take away from Teri's wedding day.


            She hadn't hung out with the girls very much since Sean had left for Iraq and she'd found out she was pregnant. She hadn't socialized much with anyone. Even her contact with Sean had been limited. Things were beginning to start to get more serious over in Iraq and he'd warned her that he wouldn't be able to get online very much for the time being. Although she'd relented, Teri had insisted though that Alyssa join her, Tricia, and the rest of the bridal party for her bachelorette party. Alyssa really hadn't been too enthusiastic about the idea. She was never one for the typical male stripper bachelorette party, and being pregnant definitely made her feel even more out of place at one. It wasn't like she could drink anyway.


            But Teri had been stubborn and in the end had convinced Alyssa to change her mind. Surprisingly, Teri had decided on something much more low key and enjoyable for her bachelorette party. She'd booked a spa afternoon, followed by dinner at a popular downtown LA restaurant, and then possibly a stop at a bar afterwards for a few drinks. Alyssa had managed to excuse herself from the bar part, but had agreed to the first two events, especially after Teri had told her that the spa offered a special pregnancy massage for expectant mothers that was supposed to be to die for. It had been a long time since Alyssa had let her hair down and partied with the girls and with all the drama going on in her life the past few months she figured she could use a ladies night.


            Alyssa knew she had made the right decision the moment that she arrived at the spa and her massage began. As the masseuse worked on kneading the tense muscles of her back, she instantly felt all the stress of the past three months temporarily get pushed aside. She closed her eyes and for the first time in a long time she actually felt relaxed.


            "So how did your final dress fitting go?" Teri asked, from the next massage table over sounding a little worried. "Were they able to fix it to make up for the baby weight you've gained?"


            "Yea... It fits perfectly," Alyssa assured her. "I was sweating it too, but thankfully I still haven't gained too much weight lately. Sorry to panic you the last minute like that. I think I'd have had a stroke if I found out a week before my wedding that one of my bridesmaid's dresses might not fit the bridesmaid. You took it quite well."


            "You know I'm not the Bridezilla type. Things always work out in the end, so why stress? That's my philosophy." Teri was quiet for a moment or two before speaking up again. "So, how've you been doing lately? I feel like I haven't seen you much at all these past few months."


            "Well, pregnancy has kind of taken a lot out of me," she half-lied. "I've just been busy with doctor's appointments and I haven't really been feeling the best with morning sickness and all that fun stuff. Then I just started work again last month and I've been pretty much exhausted. I have a really difficult class this year, so they suck a lot of my energy from me. Plus, it's a lot harder having to do everything for myself without Sean around to help."


            "That certainly does sound like a lot going on," the other woman admitted. "I've just missed hanging around with you lately. I'm really glad that you decided to come out with us. I hope that once you become a mother you don't forget all about the girls."


            Alyssa laughed a little at her friend's insecurity. "I promise I'll try to squeeze in some girl time. All I need is a reliable baby sitter and I'm set. But how are you doing? I mean you're the one getting married next week. How are you so calm? I was a nervous wreck at this point before my wedding."


            Teri just shrugged her shoulders a little bit. "I don't know. I guess it's because I'm not exactly the ‘typical bride.' I mean I was never the type of girl who spent most of her childhood imagining her wedding day. I don't think I ever really counted on getting married period. I was perfectly content in just being in a relationship with somebody and if it happened, it happened. The great thing about not ever planning on getting married is that I don't have any expectations about the big day. So, I'm not really worried about anything."


            "That's a good way of looking at it." Alyssa sighed. Teri's explanation did make a lot of sense. "I was just the opposite though. I was the girl planning her wedding since she was four and I actually wound up a little disappointed in the end."


            "Really?" Teri asked. "How so?"


            "I wanted everything just so and sometimes it just doesn't realistically work out that way. I had to settle for a lot and I was a little disappointed. That's why it probably is better to have lower expectations. The best advice that I can give to you is to just enjoy the day and let everything happen naturally. I really wish that I had let myself enjoy myself more. Sometimes I wish I could rewind time and do it over again," she wistfully explained.


            "You can always do it over again," Teri pointed out. "Look at how many couples renew their vows. Besides you never know what the future holds for you."


            Alyssa frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"


            "Nothing," she replied in a sing song voice. "I was just saying." She paused for a moment before changing the subject. "So, I take it you've heard that Nick and Shayla are back together now?"


            Alyssa felt her back stiffen at the mention of Nick's name, but tried to keep her cool. "Yea, I may have heard something about it."


            "So, what are your feelings on it?" Teri casually asked.


            Alyssa just shrugged. "None of my business. As long as he's happy. He's a big boy now. He makes his own decisions."


            Teri seemed amused by her response. "Well, I personally think it's a mistake. I don't exactly know the details about why they separated exactly myself, but I'm just not a fan of hers. There's something very fake about her."


            "I thought you said she wasn't so bad?" Alyssa asked, remembering the exact words that Teri had said to her when they were all urging her to go up to congratulate Shayla and Nick at their wedding.


            "That's what I thought originally. She seemed okay at first, but after she and Nick got married she seemed to grow a major stick up her ass or something. I mean I'll admit I've always been closest too you and Tricia. I don't exactly have loads in common with Melanie or Leighanne outside of dating a Backstreet Boy, but when I'm around them we're friendly and we get along decently. But Shayla... I don't know. She just rubs me and Tricia the wrong way. Okay, none of us have as exciting careers as she does, but she just acts like because she's a television personality she's so much better than any of us. And the way she's always hanging on Nick whenever she is around? It's just kind of sickening. She's not very friendly at all."


            Hmm... Alyssa wondered. This was now the second member of the Backstreet family to confide in her about Shayla's superiority complex when it came to the other Backstreet wives and girlfriends. Melanie and Leighanne had already hinted to her that they weren't big fans of Shayla's. Alyssa began to seriously wonder if there really was good reason to dislike the woman other than her being married to Nick. "Well, I've only met her like three times actually. Once was at her and Nick's wedding, then when I bumped into her and Nick at Koi, and finally at Nick's dinner party he threw for Kina. The first two times she seemed nice, but almost too nice like it was an act. Then the last time she was very cold to me, so I don't know. She seems very moody, but who am I to judge? If she makes Nick happy..."


            "So, it doesn't bother you that he's with her?" Teri continued to press.


            "Why should it? It's not like I still have feelings for him or anything," she snapped. "I really don't care what he does as far as his marriage. In case you've forgotten, I'm married too. Happily married."


The more she rambled on the more it began to sound as if she was trying to convince herself of that and she hoped that Teri didn't catch on at all. Teri didn't reply back to her, which made Alyssa feel slightly nervous. At that moment, both of their massages just finished up and Teri sat up, clutching her white spa towel around her chest. Alyssa felt her eyes on her as she herself sat up. "What?" she asked, not being able to stand another moment.


"Nothing," Teri quickly replied as she looked away.




            After a few more spa treatments including facials, manicures, and pedicures, Teri, Alyssa, and the rest of the girls in Teri's bridal party left the spa and piled into the black stretch limo they had rented for the night. "Now that we got all the beauty stuff out of the way the real party can begin," Teri announced as they pulled away from the curb. "There's a bottle of champagne in the ice bucket and I think there should be some sparkling cider for you Alyssa."


            The rest of the girls began pouring glasses of champagne and passing them down until everyone had a glass. Alyssa was grateful to see that there was indeed a bottle of sparkling cider for herself. She was very impressed that the girls had tried their best to include her as much as possible. When everyone had a glass in their hand, they made a quick toast to Teri, promising to get her completely fucked up. Alyssa grinned as Tricia took the honor of pulling out a variety of embarrassing bachelorette accessories of a large shopping bag and all the girls cheered and snapped pictures as Teri proudly adorned everything. Tricia clearly hadn't spared any expense to make her friend look absolutely ridiculous and Alyssa couldn't help but laugh at the result. She definitely could sympathize. She could still remember her own bachelorette party that Meg had been in charge of. Although she'd been grateful that Meg had listened to her one request of no cheesy strippers, she must've figured she'd have to go all out with party favors to make up for it. The last time I put Meg in charge of anything, she thought with a smirk.


            Her attention was pulled back to the present as Teri already reached for the champagne bottle again to refill her glass, clearly in the mood to party. They were now on their way to dinner. "Hey, you know what I want to do?" she asked Tricia and Alyssa her eyes lighting up mischievously. "I want to listen to the Backstreet Boys!"


            Tricia giggled. "Well, it just so happens that I did bring along some Backstreet Boy CDs. Alyssa, could you reach into that bag next to you? The CDs are in there and the CD player is right by you."


            "Sure," Alyssa agreed, as she fished into the bag next to her and pulled out the newest Backstreet Boys CD Unbreakable. She had to admit that she hadn't listened to the CD even though it had been out for a long time now. She tended to steer clear of painful reminders of Nick. It was just easier for her that way. She laid the CD case out onto her lap as she pulled out the CD with her right hand, balancing her champagne glass in her left. As she leaned forward to push the CD into the CD player, the case shut close between her thighs. Once the CD was in place she sat back against her seat catching Tricia and Teri both red faced and snickering.


            "What's so funny?" Alyssa asked, looking confused.


            This caused both girls to laugh harder and Alyssa began to wonder if maybe there was something more in their glasses than just champagne. Finally Tricia managed to compose herself enough to answer Alyssa's question. "Sorry. It's just Teri pointed out that you have Nick between your legs right now and I just find that really funny."


            "Wouldn't be the first time!" Teri blurted out trying to control her laughter.


            Alyssa looked down at the CD case and pulled it out of her lap and back into the bag now completely red faced herself. "You guys suck," she muttered.


            ""Aww... Come on lighten up," Teri insisted. "What good is a bachelorette party without corny sex jokes? Take one for the team."


            "Oooh... I love this song! Turn it up," Tricia interrupted, as she leaned over Alyssa to adjust the volume as an up tempo dance beat flowed out of the speakers.


Walking along the sky
Chasing a glimpse of you
Painting a world with stars I found inside your eyes
Up here above the haze
Everything looks so clear
Wondering what it would be like if you were here


And time takes time
But I can't wait
To tell you how I feel


            "Oh you're the calm when my world is crashing... My heart, my blood, my passion... Whyyyy, tell me whyyyy... You're everything but mine..." Tricia began to sing along with the track.


            "I hold you close when it all goes crazy... And through it all, you'll be my lady...  Whyyy tell me whyyyy... You're everything but mine," Teri chimed in to join her.


            As the two women continued to sing along with the song, Alyssa listened carefully to the lyrics, which as usual with most Backstreet Boy songs always struck a chord with her and this was no exception. Even though it was up tempo and reminded her of something you'd hear in a club, it still hauntingly enough reminded her of her relationship with Nick.


            She must have looked a little dazed because as the song ended she was jarred back into the present by the sound of Tricia's voice calling her name. "Alyssa? Are you okay? You look a little out of it."


            "I'm fine," she insisted, painting a fake smile on her face. "Really."


            "You're not still pissed about the joke I made about Nick are you?" Teri asked.


            "I wasn't pissed in the first place Ter. I'm fine. I promise," she insisted.


            Both girls looked at her doubtfully, but thankfully let the subject drop. The rest of the limo ride passed by uneventfully and before Alyssa knew it they had arrived at the restaurant for dinner. After they got out of the limo they were ushered into a private back room and once they were settled in a waiter came around to take their drink orders. The women perused the menu for a few more minutes and by the time their drinks arrived they were ready to order their meals.


            After the waiter took all of their orders and was out of sight Teri looked around at the faces of the other women at the table mischievously from her seat at the head. "So, I figure what's a party without goodie bags? Which is why I bought a little something for all of you girls. Take it as a little thank you gift for all of you for being in my bridal party on my special day. I hope you like it." She paused to smirk as she grabbed a large shopping bag from her feet. "I know you'll definitely enjoy at least one part of the gift."


            Uh oh... Alyssa thought, knowing Teri to well to know that at least one of the items in the little pink gift bags that were making their way down the table had to be something dirty. At first Alyssa was surprised when she got her bag and first pulled out a white square jewelry box with a gorgeous silver and purple bracelet that would match their bridesmaid's gowns perfectly. But the bag still wasn't empty yet and once Alyssa pulled out the second object she couldn't help but to laugh. "Gee thanks, Teri. Exactly what every pregnant woman needs, a vibrator."


            Teri cracked up at Alyssa's reaction and just shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows? The baby might like it."


            "Actually..." Teri's cousin, Lisa spoke up from her spot at the table. "I have two kids so I speak from experience. You'd be very surprised. Once those pregnancy hormones really hit you'll be doing things you never imagined you'd do. How far along are you again?"


            "A little more than four months," Alyssa answered.


            "Mmhmm..." Lisa nodded with a smirk. "It's that second trimester. I'm telling you."


            " I dunno..." she doubtfully answered. "I can't imagine feeling the least bit sexy with a big ole belly. Besides my husband is overseas-"


            "Then I'd hold on to that vibrator," Lisa interrupted her. "Trust me on this."


            "Uhh ok..." Alyssa answered with a polite smile. She'd heard all sorts of tales about raging hormones throughout pregnancy, but the only kind of hormones she was feeling lately were the emotional ones that turned her into a total basket case. That's totally not going to be me.


            "Alyssa might be okay. She might just shock us all and get herself a little booty call on the side," Teri announced shooting her a knowing glance.


            "What?" Whatever gave Teri that idea? she wondered as she realized that this had been the second or third time that night that Teri had made a comment that had gotten under her skin. Was it possible that she knew more than what she let on?


            "I was just kidding. Relax Lyss," Teri assured her.


            It's a little hard to relax when she's making not so innocent comments like that all day. Alyssa made a mental note to pull her aside later and ask her what exactly was going on. There definitely had to be more to this story.




            After dinner was finished, Alyssa excused herself to get up and use the bathroom. After she was done and excited the stall she was met with both Teri and Tricia at the sink waiting for her. "What's going on?" she asked as she turned on the water to begin washing her hands.


            "We could ask you the same thing," Teri countered, her hands on her hips. "You've been acting all weird and uptight all night. Especially whenever I bring up Nick. I thought the two of you were all best friends lately?"


            "We were never best friends," she tried to argue. "We were just hanging out."


            "But you did admit to us that you were still a little physically attracted to him and if you had the opportunity to sleep with him and get away with it, you would," Tricia reminded her.


            "So?" Alyssa turned off the faucet and grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands. "Yea I did, but it wasn't like it was serious. It was one of those hypothetical things. Not like it was actually going to happen." She attempted to push past the two girls to get through the door, but they blocked her exit.


            Teri stood with her arms firmly crossed over her chest. "Come on Alyssa. The two of you were really close and now we're hearing that since he got back with Shayla the two of you haven't spoken? Something tells me there's more to this story than you're letting on."


            "You know that you can tell us anything Lyss. Like seriously Teri and I are probably the world's least judgmental people. I don't think there's much that you could tell us that would shock us beyond belief," Tricia added.


            Alyssa sighed wanting so much to confess the current mess she was entangled in with someone, but knew that the idea was not a smart one. The more people who knew the situation the more of a chance there was of it exploding in her face. "I don't know anything. Nick and I just stopped talking because Shayla and I aren't fond of each other," she quickly lied.


            "You slept with him didn't you?" Teri boldly accused.


            "No, why would you think that?" she answered a little too quickly.


            "Because I know you and Nick. I know your past and I know that there's definitely been a lot of tension between the two of you. Factor in the fact that Sean is away and you've got to be feeling pretty lonely, I'd say it's pretty obvious."


            Both women glared up at her expectantly and Alyssa knew that there was no way that she could hold up any longer without cracking. Even though she hadn't known Teri and Tricia as long as she'd known Izzy or any of the other girls, they just had a way of reading her way too well. She'd never been able to convincingly lie to them, so what on earth made her think she could start now? "Fine," she admitted throwing up her hands. "I slept with him. Are you happy now?" Not even having the nerve to look at their reactions she grabbed another paper towel to dab away the frustrated tears that she already felt forming under her eyelids.


            It was eerily quiet in the bathroom; so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The silence scared her and she desperately wished that someone would say something to break the tension.


            As if to answer her prayers Teri's voice was the first to speak. "So, how was it?"


            "What?" Alyssa was so shocked by Teri's reaction that she was forced to look up at her face. "Did you seriously just ask me how it was? You mean you're not going to tell me what a horrible person I am for cheating on my husband with my ex boyfriend?"


            "Not unless you want me to. Remember, I'm non-judgmental. Besides... I've always been more interested in the juicy, intimate details anyway."


            Alyssa laughed through her tears. The response was just so Teri. "It was amazing," she admitted. "He's so different from back when we were dating a few years ago. He's so much more attentive and caring, which of course makes him even sexier. You would've been proud of me." The corners of her mouth lifted up into a smirk at the memory. "We did it right on top of the dryer in laundry room in the condo that he originally bought for me when I was supposed to move out here."


            "He still has that place?"


            "And how do you have attentive and caring sex on top of a dryer?" Tricia piped up who had remained quiet for the most part throughout Alyssa's admission.


            Again Alyssa laughed a little, feeling more at ease already. The two women weren't out to judge her. It was beginning to feel like old times again with the three of them swamping outrageous sex stories. "Yea, he still has the condo. He hung on to it as sort of a hideout whenever he needed to get away. That's where he was staying while he and Shayla were separated. And to answer Tricia's question, no we didn't have attentive, caring, sex on top of the dryer. That time was pretty much just crazy and passionate and really, really, hot."


            Teri's eyes widened. "How many times did you do it?"


            "Only twice. Each time was completely opposite too, but both equally amazing in their own way. Like I said the dryer sex was really wild and totally heat of the moment. Then afterwards the second time was slower and more restrained, but like I said he was very attentive which was something that I wasn't used to."


            "Especially because Sean was all like wham, bam, thank you ma'am," Tricia filled in. "It's a wonder he was even able to get you pregnant at all."


As soon as the words left her mouth she froze for a moment and Alyssa noticed her exchange a glance with Teri. Alyssa shifted her weight uncomfortably as her hands involuntarily floated up to her stomach.


‘H...how long ago was this?" Teri hesitantly asked.


Knowing that there was no use in lying now Alyssa looked away as she answered. "June..."


She could practically hear them counting off the months in their heads and knew they were done once she heard them both gasp. "This baby? It's not Sean's, is it?" Tricia delicately questioned.


Alyssa could only shake her head in response before the tears returned. Sensing how emotional this was getting for her, both women stepped forward to embrace her as Alyssa let herself cry. She felt their hands stroke her back trying to calm her down. Finally managing to control herself Alyssa pulled back, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm a basket case lately. All I ever do is cry anymore."


"With good reason. Most pregnant women cry at the drop of a hat anyway, but with everything you've got going on, I think it would be weirder if you weren't so emotional," Teri sympathized.


"So, who knows about this? Does Sean? What about Nick? How did you find out?" Tricia asked her all in one breath.


"Sean and I went to a fertility clinic to find out why we weren't conceiving after we'd been trying so long," she started to explain. "We had some tests done, but before we could get the results back, Sean was deployed to Iraq. Shortly after I find out I was pregnant and when I told Sean he was overjoyed. We just thought it was like some weird twist of fate or something. Anyway a few days after I found out I was pregnant, the clinic called me. Turns out that the reason I was having so much problems getting pregnant was because Sean is sterile."


"Ouch. What a way to find out," Teri commented.


"Yea... So that kind of explains my distantness from all of you I guess. I had so much on my mind that I just needed some time by myself to process it all."


Tricia looked at her sadly. "So, what are you going to do now?"


Alyssa shrugged her shoulders. "I told Nick and it didn't go so well. Well, the actual telling him part wasn't all that bad. He took that part pretty well, maybe a little too well. I think he was expecting me to divorce Sean because he felt obligated to take care of me, but that's just it. He feels obligated. He doesn't really want this. The man has been pretty vocal about how he doesn't want kids. Meanwhile Sean is willing to give anything to be a father."


"So, can't you just tell Sean the truth?" Teri suggested. "I mean just because he's not the biological father doesn't mean that he can't raise the child like he's the father. If fatherhood is that important to him he'll learn to adapt to the situation."


            Alyssa shook her head. "Not Sean. First off he'd be devastated if he found out that I cheated on him. But to find out that I cheated on him with Nick? He's made it quite clear that he's not a fan of his. In fact, I've actually sworn to him that there was nothing still there between the two of us. So, he wouldn't take it very lightly at all. Then there's the fact that he's so set upon us having a baby. Our own baby. It would kill him to know that this was a child I created with another man. Anyway, it's too late now."


            "What do you mean it's too late?" Tricia asked.


            She sighed. "I already told Nick that I wanted to raise the baby as Sean's and let Sean believe he was the father. I'll figure the rest out when the time comes. I know it's horrible of me right? I think I really hurt Nick's feelings. In a strange way I think he almost wanted the baby, but then why did he make such a big show telling Shayla he didn't want kids? I really fucked up our friendship big time and now he doesn't even want to talk to me."


            Both women looked shocked before they remembered they were supposed to be non-judgmental and support whatever decision Alyssa made regardless of whether or not they agreed with it or not. "I don't think you totally fucked it up, Lyss. All you have to do is talk to him," Teri assured her. "Tell him you changed your mind."


            "But I haven't changed my mind! I still think that it would be best for everyone if Sean thought he was the father. Sean and I are married and Nick and I? Well, we might have amazing physical chemistry, but we just don't work together in a relationship. Every time we try it only gets messed up in the end."

            "You're older now though," Tricia argued. "Maybe things are different."


            "I thought that when we tried getting back together four years ago and guess what? They weren't. Face it. Nick and I just don't work together. I'm better off with Sean. There's more security with him and he's more responsible. It's a better environment for a child," she pointed out.


            Noticing things were getting heated, Teri put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "Well, whatever you decide to do we'll be by your side because now more than ever I think you need some faithful friends. But you're going to have to face him next week at the wedding Alyssa. He's one of Howie's groomsmen. I know I'm a very laidback bride, but I don't want any unnecessary drama at my wedding."


            "Don't worry. We're not going to ruin your wedding day," Alyssa assured her. "We'll deal with it. In the meantime thank you so much for listening to me girls. I already feel a little less stressed since I've confided in you. It's felt like I was carrying around this huge weight on my shoulders."


            "Don't sweat it. Stress isn't good for the baby and despite all the baby daddy drama you got going on, you have to remember that your main goal in all of this is to deliver a healthy baby boy or girl. If you ever need to talk, you can always call on Tricia and I. Just not on my honeymoon. I'm going to be a little busy ‘getting busy' if you know what I mean." Teri wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.


            Alyssa laughed before giving the two women one last hug. "Thank you so much for everything. Now let's go back out there and celebrate. The other girls are going to start getting worried about us pretty soon."


            Teri and Tricia agreed and the three linked arms as they exited the bathroom. This is why I love these girls, Alyssa thought to herself. They always seemed to know exactly what to say to make her feel better. Now if only all my friends could be this supportive and non judgmental. Sadly Alyssa realized that majority of her friends would not be as forgiving, which only reaffirmed her decision to keep the identity of her baby's real father a secret.

Chapter 28 - Going to the Chapel by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa reflects on some old memories before Teri's wedding.


Chapter 28 - Going to the Chapel


            The day of Teri and Howie's wedding arrived in a blur and just from the way that Alyssa was nervously pacing the back of the church, it seemed as if she were the one getting married. In fact, even Teri appeared more calm and collected than she did at the moment as they waited for the ceremony to begin.


            "How are you not nervous?" Alyssa asked her. "Hell, I'm already married and I'm nervous for you."


            Teri just shrugged her shoulders innocently. "I'm just not. But then again..." she paused to smirk. "I'm not worried about any encounters with an old flame."


            Alyssa rolled her eyes at her friend. "Thanks a lot by the way for switching it so that Nick and I are partners. For someone who didn't want any drama at her wedding you're certainly doing everything you possibly can to make it awkward."


            "I just like to keep things interesting. You need to talk to him anyway, so this gives you a perfect opportunity. Besides I couldn't resist the urge to watch Shayla squirm having to watch you and Nick walk down the aisle together," she replied with a mischievous glimmer in her green eyes.


            Alyssa sighed as her eyes traveled up towards the front of the church. Nick was already up there talking to Howie. As soon as the bridal party had arrived at the church, Nick had made a point of distancing himself from her and headed right up to the front of the alter with Howie. If he can barely be in the same room with me, how exactly does Teri expect us to walk down the aisle with each other like everything is fine? She definitely was not looking forward to this.


            Not like it would be the first time they'd been paired up in a bridal party. Back when Kevin and Melanie had gotten married they'd been partners and ironically enough at the time they were also in two separate relationships. Nick had been married to Katie, and Alyssa had been casually dating, Dan, a friend of Tristan's. The wedding had been one of the first times they had seen each other since their bitter argument on the beach in the Bahamas after Alyssa rejected his proposal. It was scary how well the circumstances mirrored what was going on in the present.


            There had been one big difference though. That night had been one of the most emotional ones of her entire life. The guilt stemming from that one night had plagued her in a way that could only be matched by the guilt that she felt over cheating on Sean with Nick. In a way that night was even harder for her to get over. Not only had it been just another example of how her attraction to Nick had interfered with her relationship with another man, but she also couldn't shake the feeling that because of her and Nick's selfishness, an innocent person had to pay...




            Alyssa nervously shifted her weight as she approached the hotel room door. What am I doing? she asked herself as she tried to muster up the courage to knock. She knew that Nick had to still be awake because she could still make out a flood of light from the crack underneath the door. This was crazy!


After Kevin and Melanie's wedding had ended, she and Dan had headed back to their hotel room. Alyssa had decided to hop into the shower to wash all the styling products out of her hair. By the time she had gotten out, Dan had already fallen asleep waiting for her. She'd attempted to fall asleep beside him, but once she'd gotten into bed she became extremely restless. Her mind kept playing over the wedding that had just taken place. It had definitely been weird since this had been the first time she'd seen Nick since she'd found out about his marriage to Katie. The whole experience was made even weirder by the fact that her and Nick had been partnered up in the bridal party. They'd gotten through the awkward experience with overly polite attitudes making things seem forced at best. She knew that she didn't want things to be that way forever between the two of them. Granted, they hadn't worked out after all, and although it hurt like hell at first, they were both involved with other people. Why shouldn't they at least be able to act somewhat normal again around each other?


            Finally realizing that she wasn't going to get any rest until she did something to clear the air with Nick for her own peace of mind, she'd thrown on her robe and headed across the hall to Nick's hotel room where she now stood. She told herself she'd just go to see if he was still up, but now that the light was on she had no excuse, not to knock.


            Biting her lip, she raised her arm and softly rapped against the door. She could hear Nick's muffled reply from the inside of the room, and a few moments later he appeared at the door, his eyes wide in surprise to find her. Alyssa was almost just as shocked as the sight for him. His suit jacket had gone missing and his dress shirt was half untucked with the first couple of buttons undone. His tie still hung loosely around his neck and his blonde hair appeared to be sticking out in several different directions as if he'd been running his hand through it. As disheveled as he appeared, there was something that she found very sexy about the look.


            "Alyssa?" he asked in a surprised voice. "What are you doing here?"


            "I just wanted to stop by to talk," she shyly responded, her jaw trembling slightly. "Can I come in?"


            "Uhh, sure..." Nick stepped back from the doorway allowing her to gain entrance to the room. Across the room she saw Nick's laptop set up on a table indicating that he was probably just surfing the internet when she had knocked.


            "Where's Katie?" she asked as she entered the room. She'd vaguely noticed her leave the reception early. She thought that she'd seen Nick kiss her goodbye and put her into a black town car, but she couldn't really be certain of the exact details.


            "She's heading back to Tampa tonight," he explained. "Her best friend from Sweden is flying in tomorrow morning, so she wanted to be there to welcome her. She insisted that I stay and enjoy the wedding though and fly back tomorrow with everyone else."


            "Oh I see."




            The conversation went flat right there and Alyssa figured that it would probably be best just to cut right to the chase and get down to the reason she dropped by the first place. "Look Nick... I really wanted to stop by because I know things were pretty weird and stuff between us tonight and I don't want it to be like that. I think enough time has passed for us to accept that things didn't work out between us. I mean now you and Katie are married and expecting a child together pretty soon and I've been seeing Dan... I just want us to be able to be friends. You've obviously had a huge impact on my life and we've shared some great memories. I don't regret any of it. I guess it just wasn't meant to be with us. So, yea... Friends?"


            Nick stood there appearing a little taken back by her speech. "Of course we can be friends Lyss. I think it's only inevitable that we're going to bump into each other from time to time. We're just in two totally different places in life right now. I mean not to downplay anything going on in your life, but I'm about to come a father. It just wouldn't have worked with us. It wouldn't have been fair to you to have to take responsibility for my mistake, especially when you're still so young."


            Alyssa rolled her eyes a little bit. "Not like you're that much older. There's only like what? Six months between us?"


            "Still... It's one thing for me to take responsibility because I got myself into this mess. You shouldn't have to pay for my stupid decisions is all I'm saying," he clarified.


            "Well, as long as you're happy with Katie." Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him in a serious glance. "You are happy with her, right?"


            "As happy as I can be I guess." Was it just her or did he not sound completely convincing? "And you're happy with Dan, right?"


            "He's a nice guy. Very sweet," was all that she could think of to reply.


            "Then I guess we're cool then. As least as cool as we can be."


            "Yea... I'm glad we got a chance to have this talk. I know it sounds stupid, but I felt like I couldn't fall asleep tonight until I got this cleared up with you. Lame, right?"


            Nick shook his head in disagreement. "Not at all. I'm glad we had this talk too. It had to happen sooner or later, so better sooner than later."


            "Yea... Well, now that I got that off my chest I guess I'll let you go to bed or whatever." She stood there a little uncomfortably for a moment or two before deciding to give him an awkward hug. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."


            "Yea... See you." Again, Alyssa wasn't sure if it was her imagination or not, but his hands seemed to linger at her waist as he reluctantly broke the embrace and he seemed to pull her in just a little tighter than necessary.


            Alyssa shrugged out of his grasp and turned towards the door. "Goodnight Nick," she called over her shoulder.


            She almost made it to the door when she felt his hand clamp down on her arm. "Alyssa, wait," he begged. She whirled around and the minute she did she knew she'd just made a huge mistake. His blue eyes appeared stormy and intense as she felt them take in her appearance. The short purple kimono robe she was wearing wasn't very heavy and she knew that her skin still smelled fresh from her shower. All of a sudden she felt very self conscious. "Don't go just yet," he continued his voice low and husky.


            At that moment Alyssa knew that the right thing to do would be to drop his hand and just run, but she was frozen. She continued to stay rooted to her spot on the floor as he stepped closer to her and stroked her hair with the palm of his hand. His hands lingered down to her chin and she willingly let him tilt her head upwards to meet his awaiting lips.


            As soon as their mouths connected, Alyssa instantly could feel a major difference between Nick's kiss and the way that Dan usually kissed her. Sometimes kissing Dan could almost feel like kissing a brother. There just wasn't really much of a spark there. But Nick was an entirely different story. From the moment his lips touched hers, Alyssa felt a chill over her body. Her mind went blank and her body took over, her hands instinctively snaking up to the back of his neck as the kiss deepened.        


            Her fingernails dragged lightly against the base of his neck while she felt her back being pressed against the wall behind her. Their kisses were becoming increasingly more intense by the moment and Alyssa knew that there was absolutely no turning back now, especially after Nick's hands found their way to the belt of her robe, his fingers eagerly playing with the knot that kept it closed. She made no attempt to stop him and within moments he'd gotten it open and was pushing the silky material off of her shoulders, revealing the black camisole tank top with pink trim and matching boy shorts that she'd had on underneath. This must look like to him like it was so planned, but it really wasn't, she thought to herself with a smirk.


            His lips wandered down to her neck and it wasn't long before she became completely oblivious to the fact that her current boyfriend was asleep across the hall while she was in the midst of a very heavy make out session with her ex. She was past the point of thinking. Her body was simply on autopilot. They continued to kiss each other hungrily, their hands freely roaming each others bodies. The thin material of her clothing did little to shield her from the heat of his touch and she moaned against his lips when she felt his thumb brush across her breast.


            Secretly she had to admit that since she and Nick had parted ways after their trip to the Bahamas, she'd had this fantasy about them hooking up again, and now that it was actually happening Alyssa couldn't help but to think that this was all too good to be true. Wanting to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasted, Alyssa grew bolder and broke away from his lips for a moment, an enticing smirk on her lips. She wedged herself away from the wall and playfully tugged on the bottom of his tie, pulling him slightly towards the direction of the bed...




            The shrill sound of the telephone ringing woke Alyssa up from a deep sleep. She opened her eyes, confused for a second or two about her surroundings and then she remembered showing up at Nick's hotel room door earlier that night. She felt a surge of panic go through her as she saw the time on the digital alarm clock on the dresser. She definitely hadn't gone into Nick's room with the intention of them actually sleeping together, nor did she go in with the intention of spending the night. She must've dozed off after they'd had sex. Although it made her very satisfied to know that she'd in her own way gotten her revenge on Katie by sleeping with Nick, (karma was definitely a bitch the way it came back around) she also felt guilty for cheating on Dan. It wasn't very long into their relationship that Alyssa had come to the conclusion that she didn't exactly have very deep feelings for Dan. He was just a nice guy who seemed to worship the ground she walked on and she'd definitely taken advantage of that fact. Truth of the matter was that she had been a total bitch for stringing him along like she had. She hadn't been ready for another relationship, she just was searching for a replacement for Nick and she'd pretty much just confirmed that nobody could replace Nick in her heart.


            She heard Nick grumbling besides her, still half asleep himself. "Who is calling the room so late?" He reached over to grab the phone sitting on the nightstand. "Hello?"


            While Nick was on the phone, Alyssa took the opportunity to gather up her clothes and start getting dressed again. With a little luck she could get back into her hotel room and in bed with Dan without him even knowing she was ever gone. As she slipped her clothes back on though she could clearly hear Nick's side of the conversation. She frowned. She was unsure of who it was on the other end, but she could tell just by the look on Nick's face and the panic in his voice that it was serious.


            "Ok... Yes... Where is she...? I'll be right there." He hung up the phone with a dazed expression on his face.


            "What's wrong?" she asked sounding concerned. "Who was that on the phone?"


            Nick looked up at her his brows knitted in worry and a mixture of some other emotion. Guilt maybe? "There was an accident... Katie..." His voice broke off not even being able to finish the sentence. "I need to get down to the hospital right away."


            Even though he hadn't said it, Alyssa could tell just by the expression on his face that this was serious. And now she felt even guiltier about what her and Nick had just done. "Wait. I'll go with you," she offered.




            "Earth to Alyssa! We're going to start in like another five minutes. Are you okay?" Teri asked in a concerned voice. "You kind of just zoned out on me there."


            "Sorry about that," she apologized. "I was just got caught up in an old memory, I guess."


            "An old memory about Nick?" she pressed.


            "Yea... I was just thinking about Kevin's wedding. It's just weird how history repeats itself," Alyssa explained.


            "What do you mean?"


            Alyssa shrugged. "We were partnered up in the bridal party and it was when he was married to Katie. We hooked up." She laughed. "What a good little Catholic girl huh? I'm probably going to hell now."


            Teri laughed. "If you're going to hell then I'll probably already be there. It'll be a party. Besides, I'm only Catholic in name and the only reason I'm getting married in a church because Howie's parents would be devastated if we didn't. Anyway you little minx you've been holding out on me! Where did you hook up with Nick at Kevin's wedding? In a confessional? That's totally hot."


            Alyssa just gave Teri a bewildered look. "What are you talking about?"


            "You said you hooked up with Nick at Kevin's wedding. Where did you guys do it?  It had to be pretty scandalous if you're talking about going to hell for it. I want the details!"


            Alyssa just burst out laughing. "Teri! We didn't do it at the church! Come on... This is me we're talking about. Talk about going to hell... I just meant that I'm going to hell for thinking about sex in church and now after this conversation I think I need to make confession although now I'll never be able to look at a confessional the same way again. We hooked up after the wedding. At the hotel. It's a long story. I won't bore you with the details. It was like eight or nine years ago."


            "Oops..." Teri placed a hand over her mouth. "Wow that was embarrassing, but definitely makes to an interesting start to my wedding."


            Before anyone could say anything further, Alyssa saw Nick finally heading towards the back of the church. They would have to probably start lining up any minute now. "Well, I guess this is it," she told her friend, giving her a quick hug. "Good luck and don't trip on your way down the aisle."


            "Good luck to you too," Teri whispered as she stole a glance at Nick. "You may be needing it." She smirked not being able to resist one last jab. "The confessional is always avalible if you need to ‘talk.'"


            "It's a good thing that we're in church, so I can't say what I really want to say to you right now," she joked. Taking a deep breath she smoothed her hands over her stomach and made her way bravely towards Nick. It was now or never and she figured it was up to her to break the ice.


            "Hi," she greeted him with a small smile as she got into her place in line next to Nick. "Feels kind of like déjà vu, huh?"


            Nick looked over at her and for a moment or two Alyssa was afraid that he'd just ignore her, but after a moments hesitation he decided to save face and be polite. "Yea... It does. So, you ready to do this again?"


            "Yea I think so," she told him still smiling. In that moment she knew that things could probably only get better between them.


Chapter 29 - You May Now Kiss the Bridesmaid by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick tells Alyssa how he really feels.


Chapter 29 - You May Now Kiss the Bridesmaid


            The ceremony went off without a hitch and before Alyssa realized it, the actual wedding part was over and the bridal party was posing for pictures outside of the church. Teri had really looked gorgeous and it had been a beautiful ceremony. And surprisingly she and Nick had made it down the aisle as politely and professionally as possible. Evidently they must've pulled it off well because Shayla still shot her a dirty look as they'd past her by. Alyssa had just given her a wide smile in return.


            Now it was time to head over to the reception hall. They'd all piled back into the limos where they took more pictures. And then when they'd finally arrived at the reception still more pictures. Finally just when Alyssa thought that her mouth was going to be permanently frozen into a smile position it came time for the bridal party to finally make their entrance. Again she faked enthusiasm to be walking into the reception arm in arm with her ex boyfriend (and now she could add father to her child to the list) while a DJ announced them. But she was doing it for Teri and Howie, so she made the best of it for them.


            There was one wedding ritual she'd forgotten about though, the bride and groom's first dance. The wedding party would be expected to stand around for the first minute or so watching the happy couple dance to their slow song of choice for the first time as husband and wife. Then they'd be invited to join in, meaning Alyssa would have to slow dance with Nick until at least the DJ invited everyone onto the floor and Shayla had a chance to break them up. Any close contact with Nick was weird right now, but there was no getting out of it. You only have to dance with him for like a minute, she told herself. Surely you can stand that much. Besides you danced with him at his own wedding. This can't be any worse.


            She stood there watching from her spot on the dance floor as the DJ announced the new Mr. and Mrs. Dorough. She smiled, genuinely happy for her two friends. Then of course the beginning notes of "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain began to play. All eyes were on Teri and Howie as they took center stage of the dance floor and began to sway back and forth in each others arms to the music. Then came the awkward moment that she was dreading.


            "Our new couple now would like to invite the rest of the bridal party to join them in their first dance as husband and wife," the DJ announced. "Grab your partner and go out and join them."


            Nick grabbed her hands first. "Shall we?"


            Alyssa shrugged. "Guess we don't really have much choice." She followed him out to the center of the dance floor and tensely raised her arms up to his shoulders. She tried to find a comfortable position for her body, but with her growing stomach in between them it made it hard to get too close.


            "Sorry," she apologized, glancing down at her growing baby bump. "This is really awkward."


            Nick gave her a weak smile. "It's okay. You're pregnant. It's understandable."


            The two unsteadily rocked back and forth silently for a moment or two before Nick interrupted again. "I can't believe how big you've gotten since the last time I saw you." His cheeks immediately flushed as soon as he heard the way it had came out. "Not that I'm trying to say that you got fat or anything. I mean duh, you're pregnant. You're supposed to get bigger, right? I was just trying to say that it's just weird seeing you because you weren't really showing a few weeks ago and now you are." You're a fucking idiot Carter, he told himself realizing that he probably wasn't making himself sound any better.


            Luckily Alyssa didn't seem to be offended. She just lightly laughed. "It's okay Nick. I have been putting on weight lately and everyone seems amazed now that I'm actually beginning to look pregnant. Truthfully I do feel a bit like a whale and I'm not even at the halfway mark yet."


            "No, you don't. You look beautiful. Pregnancy definitely becomes you." Everything he said was absolutely true. Despite the extra weight around her middle, there was something radiant looking about her. Her skin seemed to glow healthier and her eyes shone a little brighter. Then of course there was the fact that her breasts were already beginning to look fuller. Ok, so he shouldn't be looking, but the keyhole neckline of the plum colored bridesmaids dress she was wearing automatically drew his eyes to the area. It was kind of hard not to notice.


            Alyssa shifted a little uncomfortably under his gaze. She could easily recognize the familiar look of longing in his blue eyes and quickly focused her eyes away from his. She knew that if she looked at him just then he'd only suck her back in to wanting him and things between them were complicated enough for the moment. "Thank you," she told him in a low voice.


            Just then she felt someone nudge her shoulder and she looked up to find Shayla standing next to her. "Do you mind if I take over now?" Nick's wife asked.


            Alyssa looked around the dance floor and noticed that finally other wedding guests were beginning to flood out on to the dance floor to join the bridal party. Couples were beginning to break apart and make new ones and it was now safe for her and Nick to part ways. The most awkward part of the evening was officially over with. "Of course. He's all yours," she responded, reluctantly letting go of his hands. "Thanks for the dance Nick."


            Before he could reply, Alyssa walked away off the dance floor. With Sean overseas she'd opted to attend the wedding stag. Well, actually she had bought Izzy along as her "date," but she was pretty sure that they'd make a funny couple slow dancing among the other couples. She headed back to the table where Izzy was sitting and plopped down next to her. "Well, that was sufficiently awkward," she announced.


            "I think a better term would be mildly entertaining," Izzy disagreed. "You didn't see the way that Shayla was shooting daggers at you the whole entire time. What's going on there? I thought she was cool with you and Nick still being friends?"


            Alyssa sighed, remembering that Izzy had no idea about everything that had really going on between her and Nick. There once was a time where she felt like she could tell Izzy anything, but when it came to this she just really wasn't sure how her best friend would react. Better off to pretend as if she was just as clueless as Izzy herself. "No idea. Maybe she's jealous because I'm pregnant? She's made it quite clear that she wanted a child."


            "Yea... Maybe that's it," Izzy echoed. "Whatever the case she looked pissed at you."


            "Whatever." Alyssa waved her hand. "I could care less." As her eyes focused in on Nick and Shayla dancing closely together on the dance floor, Alyssa knew that she was only lying to herself. It was obvious that Shayla was making a big show of marking her territory by the way her body was pressed up against Nick's and how she bent his head down to meet hers in a slow, sensual looking kiss. For the first time in a long time, Alyssa had to admit that the sight bothered her even though there was nothing wrong with it.




            The first part of the reception passed by pretty quickly. There was a little bit of dancing before dinner was brought out and before everyone began to eat it was of course time to toast the newly married couple. Usually at most weddings this was typically the job of the best man, so Alyssa was surprised when she saw Nick was the one the DJ handed the microphone to as he stood up with his glass of champagne. She hadn't known that he was the one who was going to be making the speech, but she supposed it made sense since he knew both the bride and groom fairly well.


            "So, no one really wanted to make the toast, so all the groomsmen drew straws and well I lost," Nick nervously began with a joke. A few chuckles could be heard from various parts of the reception hall. "But seriously folks," he continued. "I've known Howie since I was all of thirteen years old. And for a long time there I seriously doubted his masculinity. Has anyone seen how many hair products this guy uses a day? He's the only guy I know who can spend longer than some of my girlfriends in front of the mirror, and that's saying a lot. He's been the butt of many of my practical jokes back in the day and he's always been a good sport, no matter what I put on him while he was sleeping. So, any guy who could put up with me drawing embarrassing body parts all over their faces has to be a pretty amazing man."


            "Truthfully throughout the years Howie has become more than just a band mate or a friend to me. He's become not only a brother, but the only guy who can call me Nicky without getting his ass kicked. I have to admit that when he first introduced me to Teri over here, I almost laughed in his face. AJ and I were taking bets on how long it would last because the two of them seemed like just two complete polar opposites. But you know what? The two of them shocked all of us. I'll spare all of you the wild details, but let's just say that I was subjected to way too much personal information between the two of them, and I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Howie the same again as a result." There were more laughs, but then Nick turned serious. "Howie and Teri taught me an important lesson though about love. You can't control who you fall in love with. Even if it seems like on the outside you have nothing in common, sometimes two people just click and I truly believe that's what happened with these two. Sometimes you're not exactly sure why you love a person, but you just do. It's unexplainable, but it just feels right. I know that the love that these two share is very unique and the kind of love that everyone hopes to experience at some point in their life, but few are really lucky enough to find it. If you are as fortunate as Teri and Howie then you should consider yourself truly blessed. Don't let go of it. It's worth fighting for. Anyway I'm honored to wish Howie and Teri a huge congratulations on their wedding and I hope that their future is long and bright together." He raised his glass in the air as everyone else clinked theirs together before taking a sip.


            Alyssa took in a shaky breath as she swallowed her glass of sparkling cider. Nick's speech had definitely thrown her for a loop. Maybe it was her imagination, but she could've sworn she'd seen his eyes focus in her direction at several points throughout the toast. It almost seemed as if he was speaking those words directly to her, but no... she had to just be paranoid. Nick had seemed pretty pissed at her a few weeks ago. And he was back with Shayla now. Why would he hint that he was still in love with Alyssa yet voluntarily go back to his wife? Still all the talk about unexplainable feelings and fighting for true love hit way too close to home to her. Since when was Nick so poetic?


            She looked up again to find Nick's eyes glued on her. All it took was one glance to confirm her fears. He had indeed been talking about her. And something about the way he looked at her told her that he was ready to fight for her and the child that she was carrying.




            After dinner, Alyssa was too shaken by Nick's speech to really enjoy herself. Instead of losing herself on the dance floor with the rest of her friends, she opted to sit by herself, her mind racing to process this new turn of events. She felt panicked by the possibility of having to face Nick again and already felt her heart pound rapidly with just the mere thought of it. This stress isn't good for the baby, she realized as she felt almost as if the walls of the room were beginning to close in on her. I need to step outside to get some air and calm down.


            Getting up from her table, she grabbed the matching plum colored wrap that went with her dress and wrapped it around her shoulders. She headed outside the reception hall onto the terrace just outside. There were all sorts of benches, gazebos, and gardens that lay out in front of her, perfect for snapping wedding pictures. Thankfully it provided enough privacy for her to be alone for a minute or two while she gathered herself together.


            Or so she thought. She just wrapped her shrug tighter around her shoulders to shield herself from the crisp night air when she felt a shadow fall over her body. Spinning around she found herself face to face with the absolute last person she wanted to see at the moment. "Nick! What are you doing out here? You almost gave me a heart attack, sneaking up on me like that!"


            "Sorry," he immediately apologized. "I just saw you come out this way and I thought I'd follow you. You seemed upset. Are you okay?"


            "I'm fine," she lied. "I just needed some air."


            Nick looked down at his hands nervously. "I wanted a chance to talk to you anyway and it's nice and private out here. Maybe we can take a little walk?"


            Alyssa hesitated for a minute or two. She'd really come out here to be alone and get away from Nick, but her efforts appeared to only be in vain. She couldn't seem to come up with a polite way to brush him off, so she just shrugged her shoulders. "Sure I guess so."


            Nick took her by the arm and led her towards one of the nearby gazebos. Its rounded top offered them plenty of privacy, but they were still close enough to the hall to hear the music playing from inside. He helped her sit down on the bench inside before he plopped down beside her. "I want to apologize for acting like such an ass to you after you told me about the baby," he began cutting right to the chase.


            "Nick, its fine. You had every right to be pissed. I'd probably feel exactly the same way if I were you." She sighed. "I hate doing this to you. I know I'm being a really big bitch, but in the long run it's the best thing for the both of us. I mean like I've said, Sean is really excited about this whole fatherhood thing and now you're back together with Shayla... It's really how it has to be, unless you want to destroy your marriage. I for one think I've hurt Sean enough already. I can't make things any worse."


            "I forgive you Alyssa. Can't say I'm happy with your decision, but I forgive you."


            Alyssa frowned, obviously upset by his act of forgiveness. Why was he being so understanding? It only made things harder. "Why are you acting like your okay with this Nick? I mean can't you just hate me? It would make it a lot easier. In fact, you should hate me. Here I am playing with your emotions and dangling the idea of a child in your face only to snatch it away in the end. I'm a major bitch! You have every right to hate me."


            Nick just shrugged. "I don't hate you Alyssa. I don't think I've ever hate you at any point in our relationship. Frustrated as hell at you, but never hated. I don't think I could hate you, no matter what you do to me."


            "Why did you and Shayla get back together?" She suddenly asked changing the subject. "I mean up until recently you were all set to divorce her. Then I drop the baby bombshell on you and you jump right back into your arms. I'm not stupid Nick. I know you didn't coincidentally decide to forgive her out of the blue sky."


            He took a deep breath. "Honestly? You're right. I got back together with her because I felt betrayed by you. In a sense you almost hurt me just as bad as she did. You didn't lie to me about being pregnant, but you did give me the false hope that I was going to be a father and then rip it away from me exactly like she did. I figured if I was able to forgive you after all of that surely I could forgive her, but I was wrong."


            "What do you mean, you were wrong?"


            "I don't love her anymore. It's not the same as when we first got together. Yea, we put on a show for everyone around us and the media, but truthfully speaking I'm not really attracted to her anymore," he confessed. "Well, physically, yes... But emotionally no. My heart is somewhere else."


            Alyssa's breath caught in her throat again and before she could further inquire about exactly where it was that his heart was, she felt an eerie chill travel down her spine as she heard the familiar notes of a very fitting song float from inside the reception hall. Okay this is almost too much for me, she thought as she began to realize where this all was heading.


            Nick smirked as he too recognized the song. "Want to dance?"


            "Dance? Out here?" she asked.


            "Yea, why not?" He pulled her up to her feet and wrapped his arms around her body tightly. This time there was no awkwardness, at least on his end, and with no one around to see them he pulled her body as close to his as he could.


This romeo is bleeding
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up

It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see I've always been a fighter
But without you I give up


            Allowing herself to finally relax in his arms, she very tentatively let her guard down enough to momentarily push any thoughts about Sean and how wrong this was out of her head. In that moment, as she laid her head comfortably against his chest, she closed her eyes and let herself pretend that they'd traveled back to happier times. Times before Sean, before Shayla, and before she'd gotten pregnant.


Now I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always


            She opened her eyes and realized that this had to be the epitome of cheesiness. Here she was dancing with her ex boyfriend in a gazebo to Bon Jovi? This definitely rated up there with chick flick fluffiness. Although Alyssa considered herself a closet romantic, very rarely was she used to moments like these and she couldn't allow herself just to fully appreciate the moment. Especially when those lingering thoughts of Sean that she'd been trying so hard to push aside kept slipping back into her mind. The words of the next verse made her feel even more uncomfortable.


Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man


            Nick on the other hand was completely caught up in the moment which was new for him. In the past he was always the one who was holding back, but as of lately he'd been a lot more open and aware of his feelings for Alyssa. It was true. At first he was unbelievably hurt by Alyssa's decision to hide the fact that her baby was actually his. His feelings even confused him a bit, because it wasn't like he wanted a baby at this point in his life, but it still had happened and he was hurt that he wasn't given a say so in the matter. He'd felt so betrayed that he'd run right back into Shayla's arms in hopes that act alone would be enough payback to Alyssa. In the end though, the only person he'd hurt was himself. Alyssa seemed almost relieved that he and Shayla were back together now. The first week or two of them getting back together had been great, almost like a second honeymoon for them. But of course things couldn't stay that way forever and when the dust settled Nick realized that not much had changed about Shayla. The same problems that they'd been struggling with all along were starting to resurface. Then there was the fact that he couldn't get Alyssa out of his head. Finally he'd reached the inevitable conclusion that he had been denying for weeks now. He was still in love with Alyssa. Even more so now knowing that she was carrying his child.


When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time


            Of course he knew that Alyssa didn't feel the same about him. Yes, there definitely was attraction between the two of them. That was undeniable. But just the guilt and the way that Alyssa was so broken up about betraying Sean was enough evidence for Nick to realize that he'd just caught her at a moment of weakness. Despite all the physical attraction in the world, her heart belonged to Sean which damn near killed him. Throughout their years together he'd taken for granted how readily available she'd always been to him. Usually he was the one who was wrapped up in someone else. He'd never once stopped to think that maybe someday another man would step in and take his place in her life. He'd been selfish in his younger years and now that he'd finally pulled his head out of his ass and realized how badly he wanted her, it was too late.


Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you


            Maybe it was the closeness of her body at the moment. The scent of her skin. Or maybe it was the intensity of the lyrics of the song. Whatever it was Nick finally realized that he couldn't bottle his feelings up inside any longer. He needed to let her know how he felt about her. Granted, he knew it would be a long shot for her to actually accept his feelings, but he needed to get them out there even if it would only complicate things further. She deserved to know how he really felt about her. "Alyssa?" he spoke her name softly. "There's something I need to tell you."


            Alyssa's head shot up, her brow already knitted in concern as if she knew what was coming. "What?" she asked her voice deep with worry.


            Nick nervously pulled away for a moment so that he could look her in the eye as he gripped her hand in his. He nervously licked his lips before beginning his off the top of his head speech. "You know how you've been saying that it's best to let Sean to continue to believe that this baby is his because he wants it so badly and I really don't want kids?" Alyssa slowly nodded her head. "Well, you're right. I didn't want kids. A child doesn't exactly fit into my current plans, but that doesn't mean that I never wanted them." He stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts as Alyssa gave him a confused look. "Actually there's only one woman that I even could see myself having kids with and that woman is you. So, I have to be honest. This playing off the baby as Sean's is not okay with me. I know I agreed to it at first, but I just can't go through with it in good faith. Not only because it's not fair to Sean, but..." He paused and took in a deep breath. "I'm still in love with you Alyssa. I just didn't realize it until after you told me about the baby. Yea, I was stupid and I went back to Shayla, but like I said I'm not in love with her anymore. I love you. You do realize that almost my entire toast earlier, yea was about Teri and Howie, but in my own subtle way I as referring to us, right? The whole thing about feeling this unexplainable connection to another person and not being able to understand why you're attracted to them is totally how I feel about you and me. We've made some huge mistakes in our pasts, but things are different now! We're older and I think that we have things more in perspective now. Just please give me another chance?"


Well, there ain't no luck
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines


Alyssa sighed and Nick could already make out the glint of tears in her eyes. "You're not in love with me Nick," she insisted. "You just feel like you have to be because I'm carrying your child. That's it."


            "No, that's not it at all!" he argued. "I do love you. I know I've tossed around those words pretty meaninglessly before with you, but this time I swear it's for real. I'm ready now, I promise."


            The tears that Alyssa tried to hold back now spilled freely down her cheeks. Why did he have to wait to now to tell her that he was in love with her? Why couldn't he have figured this out four years ago? "Nick, even if you are telling me the truth I'm sorry, but it's too little too late. I'm married to Sean and I have no intentions of breaking things off with him especially now. I love him and it's not worth giving that up for another chance with you where I'll probably only wind up hurt in the end."


            "I'm different now though! I swear I've changed! Just give me this chance. You could divorce Sean and I could leave Shayla and we could pick up someplace new. It could work this time!"


            Alyssa froze deep in thought for a moment as she considered his suggestion. She tried to imagine the two of them running off together with their child and living happily ever after, but found the image too blurry for her. How she'd loved to have trusted him, but he'd hurt her way too many times. Plus it just seemed almost too perfect. It was ironic because in the past she'd always been the one begging for them to be together. Now the tables have turned and Alyssa wanted no part of it. Sure Nick definitely had changed a lot these recent years, but she was still unsure if he had changed enough for them to successfully be together. The man did have a horrible track record in relationships. Maybe he was the problem.


            "Please," he continued to beg. "Let's just give this a chance. Let me show you how much I've changed." Before he could say anymore his fingertips slid up her neck to her chin and tilted her head towards his, pressing his lips gently against hers as his thumbs brushed away the tears that wandered down her cheeks. Caught off guard by the kiss, Alyssa automatically responded, opening her mouth up wider as it deepened. An excited chill went through her body, but then she froze once she realized the full effect his kiss had on her. Deep down there somewhere she had feelings for him too and she knew that if she didn't get herself out of this situation quickly, she'd only wind up doing something that she'd later regret.


            Reluctantly, she wrenched herself out of his grasp, breathing heavily from the intensity of the kiss. "I'm sorry Nick, but I just can't do this anymore." Before he could do or say anything else she turned her back and fled from him, running as fast as a pregnant woman possibly could in heels which wasn't very fast. Nick could've very easily caught up with her, but he let her go. Probably figured that it would only make a bad situation worse.


            Nick watched her run off, frustrated with how forward he'd been. Damn it! He silently cursed as he threw his fist down onto the wooden railing of the gazebo. Now I only fucked things up even worse between us. He sighed and say back down on the bench his head in his hands as he tried to pull himself together. He'd have to head back into the reception and he knew that Shayla had to have been looking for him by now. He just hoped he hadn't completely shattered any last chance he had at least still having a friendship with Alyssa.


And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

~ Always by Bon Jovi




            By the time that Nick reentered the reception, Alyssa was nowhere to be found. After a quick conversation with Tricia and AJ, he learned that Alyssa and Izzy had just left a few minutes earlier. Alyssa had made some excuse about not feeling well, and being pregnant everyone seemed to understand and urged her to go home and rest. It was just as well. He really hadn't been in the mood to face her right now anyway.


            It wasn't long before Shayla had found him and after mumbling some excuse to her about catching up with an old friend outside (not a complete lie) they'd headed over to the bar where Nick got a much needed beer. He probably should've opted for something stronger, but he didn't want to wind up getting trashed at one of his best friends weddings.


            "Ooh... Teri's about to throw the bouquet!" Shayla squealed. "Let's move closer. I want to see this."


            "Why? Not like you can go up there and catch it," Nick pointed out. "You're married."


            "I know. I just find it very entertaining to watch girls scramble over themselves to catch a stupid bouquet of flowers. I don't know what all the fuss is about. You'd think it really meant that they'd be the next to get married."


            Nick had to agree. At their own wedding, Izzy had caught the bouquet and had been almost certain that Tristan would pop up and propose to her any minute. Over two years later, Izzy had yet to see an engagement ring and both Alyssa and now Teri had beat her to the alter. But he did suppose that it could be interesting to watch a bunch of single woman fight over a bouquet of flowers. One could only hope that maybe it would result in a fist fight.


            "All right," he agreed as he steered her towards a perfect spot near the edge of the dance floor where they'd have a perfect view of the festivities. There was already a small crowd of impatient women gathered there pushing there way to be closer.


            They both watched as Teri turned her back to the crowd and at the count of three tossed the bouquet over her shoulder. The flowers landed on the ground in the center of the crowd of women along with several of them diving to retrieve the bouquet. There seemed to be a bit of a struggle and just as Nick was beginning to think that maybe his wishes for a cat fight had become true, a gorgeous looking blonde who Nick thought he remembered as one of Teri's friends from college gripping the flowers over her head in victory. It didn't seem to matter to her that her carefully styled hair had now come slightly undone and one of her dress straps were slipping off her shoulder.


            "Now it's time for Howie to throw the garter, so all you single men please make your way to the dance floor," the DJ announced. "And let me just say whoever who catches this one is one lucky man."


            "Dude I'm so there!" AJ announced from his spot him and Shayla.


            "Uhh... In case you've forgotten you have a girlfriend J," Nick reminded him with a laugh as he gestured towards Tricia. "And I thought you didn't believe in the idea of marriage?"


            "I do have a girlfriend and I don't believe in marriage, but did you see that girl? Those legs? She's fucking hot!"


            Nick just looked at Tricia who just shrugged. "She is hot," she admitted. "And if AJ wants to try for an opportunity to slip a garter on her leg then let him. At least he's honest about it."


            "See, that's why I love this woman!" AJ wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and dropped a light kiss on her head. "She never gets jealous."


            "Okay, Don Juan, you better get out there if you want a chance to feel up Blondie's leg because they're about to start," Tricia laughed.


            Nick stared at the two of them a little jealously for a moment, wishing that Shayla could be as secure with him as Tricia was with AJ. His thoughts were interrupted though as AJ rushed on to the dance floor just as Howie had turned his back.


            "Over here Howie!" he heard AJ's voice shout as he jumped up and down. "I'm wide open! Straight to your left!"


            If there was one thing that Howie admittedly wasn't the greatest it was anything athletic, including throwing objects in a specific direction. Wanting to help his friend out, he threw the garter over his shoulder, trying to angle his direction to the left. Unfortunately, instead of heading straight back, it curved all the way left away from the dance floor. Nick watched in shock as the garter seemed to head right towards him. Even he was amazed at the probability when the garter landed not at his feet, but straight around the neck of his beer bottle.


            Howie whirled around to see where his shot had wound up and pressed his hand to his mouth trying not to laugh when he saw Nick's bewildered expression. "How come you're never that good at ring toss at the carnival?" Teri's voice teased from the sidelines.


            Nick's mouth was still frozen in shock. Seriously what were the chances of that happening? Like one in two billion? He was brought back to the present as he heard AJ stamp his feet. "No fair! Carter is already married! He can't catch the garter! Why does he always get the hot chicks?"


            Nick laughed at AJ's tantrum and removed the garter from his beer bottle. "Quit your whining. You can have it." He tossed the lacy piece of elastic towards AJ which caused his eyes to light up. God, sometimes he really thought AJ was worse than a little kid.


            Shayla looked up at him rather amused. "So you caught the garter."


            "I did not catch the garter. The garter caught me. Or rather my beer bottle," he argued.


            Her eyes continued to twinkle, a smug expression on her face. "You know what it means though? Legend has it that the man who catches the garter is the next man to get married."


            "Well, that can't be true because I'm already married. Besides I thought you said that those beliefs were a load of crap anyway?"


            Shayla laughed. "Relax Nick. I'm only teasing you. Let's go sit down. They're going to cut the cake soon."


            "Fine," Nick agreed. "But I think I'm going to get another beer first. I don't think I want my lips touching anything that's been touched by something that was touching the inside of Teri's thigh. That's just nasty."


            Shayla giggled at his joke as she led him away from the dance floor. Even though he'd played it off like it was no big deal the fact that the garter had chosen his beer bottle to land on filled him with a funny feeling. Nick wasn't someone who searched for signs very much in life, but he couldn't help but to feel like that garter meant something and was a hell of a lot more than a coincidence.

End Notes:
Thanks to Steph, Tri, and Teri for looking over parts of this chapter for me!
Chapter 30 - Damage Control by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa makes a rash desicion at work. Nick comes to the rescue.


Chapter 30 - Damage Control


            Alyssa knew that she was in for one of those days from the moment she arrived at school on Monday morning after the wedding. Already waiting in her mailbox was a telephone message from one of the more difficult parents to deal with. She knew that she should be thankful that there was at least one child in her class that had a parent who cared about their academic performance, but Mrs. Martinez had a habit of questioning every decision Alyssa made which of course frustrated her. "Great," she muttered under her breath as she stuck the note between her attendance folder and lunch cards.


            Her next clue that today was going to be rough was when she arrived at the cafeteria to pick up her students. All the special education students were dropped off by mini bus directly to the cafeteria where they got breakfast and then their teacher walked them back to the classroom together. This year Alyssa had an entirely different group of students than she did last year. This year she definitely had a rough bunch and behavior was always a big issue. One student in particular, Carlos, had constantly been a thorn in her side this year. He had frequent meltdowns where he'd throw tantrums and tear the room apart. Of course there were a lot of underlying emotional issues going on outside of school. Still, Alyssa was in the process of trying to get his parents to agree to transfer him into a more structured classroom dealing specifically with emotional and behavior issues. So far, the parents were fighting Alyssa accusing her of trying to get rid of their son because she couldn't handle him, where in reality her learning disabled classroom just simply did not provide Carlos with the tightly run structure and intense behavior management he needed. As it was he was taking time away from Alyssa's other students and a few of them began to act out as well for the attention. All in all it had been a very interesting year so far and school had barely been in session for two months. Sadly Alyssa found herself almost glad that once March rolled around she'd be out on maternity leave until at least the end of May  or beginning of June.


            Most of her students had arrived and were already eating breakfast as Alyssa took care of her morning business such as attendance and lunch count. "What would you like for lunch today Carlos? Chicken nuggets or turkey sandwich?" Her eyes looked up at Carlos who hadn't answered her. He hadn't even bothered to touch his cereal and appeared to be ignoring her. "Carlos? Wake up, sweetie. Do you want help opening your cereal?"


            Again no response and Alyssa sighed. Usually when Carlos was quiet it was never a good sign. It meant that something had probably happened at home before and he was just looking for an opportunity to start trouble. She walked around to his side of the table and pulled off the tab covering his cereal. "Now are you going to tell me what you want to eat?" Again nothing. "Fine. I guess I'll put you down for chicken nuggets. You better hurry up with your breakfast though. We have gym early today."


            Still Carlos made no move to eat his cereal, so Alyssa knew that she'd have to be firmer. "Carlos, you need to eat that cereal right now or else I'll tell Mr. Armstrong that you have to sit out of gym today." Usually that threat was enough to work because Carlos loved gym. He stared at her defiantly and Alyssa just stared back with her hands on her hips. "What's it going to be Carlos? Make the right choice." She gave him the evil eye for a moment or two more before he dejectedly grabbed his spoon and dug into his Apple Jacks.


            Mrs. Robinson one, Carlos zero, she thought triumphantly to herself as she gathered up the student's homework folders. Her good mood didn't last for long though. As usual, every child had their homework folder, but Carlos. "Carlos, where's your homework folder?"


            Carlos just shrugged his shoulders which irritated the hell out of Alyssa. Sometimes she couldn't believe the attitude these kids came in with. If she'd ever shrugged her shoulders at one of her teachers... Getting disgusted now she knelt down over Carlos. "Answer me. Where is your homework?"


            Again Carlos shrugged, but this time actually responded in words. "I don't know... I don't care. Home I guess."


            "Well, then you shouldn't care that your recess today is mine," she toughly replied back.


            "Can I earn I back?" he immediately asked.


            "You know my rule about recess. If you lose it because of behavior and you turn it around, then yes. But if you choose not to complete your homework then it's a no."


            Carlos angrily kicked the chair next to him in frustration and before he could go on a full on tantrum, Alyssa moved the chair away from him. "Hey! You know that's not going to help the situation any. Now turn around, push your chair in and keep your legs under the table before we make it two days."


            Carlos did what he was told, but Alyssa could tell inside that he was seething. She normally wasn't a very strict teacher, but with Carlos she'd quickly learned that she had to be on him every second of the day. If she gave him one inch, he'd cause complete chaos.


            She looked back up again to find Carlos tilting back on his chair so that the front two legs were now off the floor. They hadn't even made it through breakfast and he was already pushing it. "Carlos! Please sit the right way or I'll take the chair away from you and you can eat standing up."


            "Why can't I sit this way?" he challenged.


            "Because you're going to tilt back too far and hit your head on the table behind you and probably crack it open and I really don't want to have to visit you in the hospital for something like that," she calmly explained as she looked at the clock on the cafeteria wall. "Anyway we need to head back to the classroom and unpack before gym."


            She quickly instructed her students to throw their trays away and line up. Naturally Carlos purposely dragged his feet and moved at a snails pace just to be a nudge. Alyssa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose already feeling a headache coming on. She had to admit that as of lately with her hormones going up and down she was definitely a lot less patient with her students.


            Finally they reached the classroom door where her TA, Donna was already waiting for them. As the students got right down to unpacking their backpacks Alyssa walked over to Donna muffling her voice with her attendance cards. "Keep an eye out on Carlos. He's got that look in his eyes like he's going to go off at some point today and he was really pushing it at breakfast."


            Donna just laughed. "I noticed the look on his face the moment he walked in. He's definitely stewing. The question isn't if. It's where and when."


            "Exactly," Alyssa agreed. Her eyes traveled back in his direction. Carlos still had his backpack and jacket on and was playing with a wrestling figure that he'd pulled out of his desk. "Carlos! Put the wrestler away and unpack! If I see it again it becomes mine. Got it?" She sighed again turning her attention back to Donna. "Is it bad to say that, that boy is going to be the death of me?"


            Again Donna just laughed and patted her arm. "It's okay. You're pregnant. I think we can forgive you."




            Alyssa's question of when and where was answered later on that morning during reading groups. Alyssa was working with one group at the back table while Donna worked with another group on the carpet. Carlos was in Alyssa's group and he'd continued to do everything to make himself more and more distracting to her. He was constantly talking while others were reading, fooling around with another student to his right, and doing very little work. Finally when he purposely flicked his pencil across the table Alyssa lost her patience.


            "Carlos! I've warned you about three times already to calm down. You know that one of our rules is no throwing things in the classroom, so you just lost a privilege. When we have free time later you're not allowed to use the computer." The computer was one of Carlos' favorite activities, so she knew it was definitely an appropriate punishment.


            "What? That's not fair! Why can't I use the computer?"


            "It's very fair Carlos. All day today you haven't been doing your best job and I've had to speak to you several times. I've had it! You need to learn to make better choices."


            Carlos stood up from the table knocking his chair to the ground. "That's messed up Mrs. Robinson! Please let me have my computer time back? I promise I'll be good!"


            Alyssa knew from experience that by giving into him he was only going to continue to act up. He couldn't be trusted enough to be granted a second chance. "I'm sorry Carlos. You had your chances. Tomorrow is a new day."


            She instantly recognized the familiar way that Carlos' nostrils flared in anger. Oh no... Here it comes, she thought, already bracing herself. Sure enough with an angry yell he swept his arm across the table, spilling all the students reading books to fall to the floor. "No it's not! I want to use the computer today!"


            Ignoring his temper tantrum Alyssa spoke to him as calmly as she could. "Pick up everything that you threw on the floor right now and apologize to your classmates."


            "No!" Carlos stamped his feet. "I'm not picking up the books!"


            Donna stood up from her spot on the carpet to jump in to help, but Alyssa held up her hand signaling that she had it. "Pick up the books now or you'll lose computer privileges for the whole week. It's your choice. Make the right decision."


            "I said I'm not doing it!" Carlos picked a book off the floor and threw it at Alyssa, missing her head by mere inches. Alyssa stood up from the table obviously reaching her breaking point. "Miss Donna can you please buzz Mr. Kirkland. I think Carlos is going to need to spend some time in his office today."


            Donna hurried over to the wall intercom to buzz the front office. Meanwhile Carlos appeared even more enraged. "I don't want to see Mr. Kirkland! I hate him! I hate you! And I hate this entire school!" Angrily he headed over to the desks and proceeded to throw over chairs and knock over desks. The other students stood there open mouthed as they watched Carlos destroy the classroom.


            Alyssa took a deep breath trying her best to remain calm. As much as she wanted to scream at Carlos she knew it would only make him angrier. She turned to her other students. "Take your reading books and head across the hall to Mrs. Ackerman's class." The students knew the drill by now. Whenever Carlos had one of his meltdowns the first step was always to get the other students out before one of them got hurt.


            The other students obliged and as they headed out the door Donna lingered at the door. "Do you want me to help you?"


            "No, I got it," she insisted as she carefully approached Carlos from behind and put a hand on his shoulder. "Carlos you need to stop and calm down. Getting angry and making a mess is not going to help anything." Once she saw the perfect opportunity she wrapped her arms around his body to restrain him from doing anymore damage.


            "Let me go!" he struggled to get out of her grasp, but Alyssa only pulled him tighter.


            "Mr. Kirkland is already on his way down with Mrs. Sutton," she warned, speaking of the principal and the school psychologist. "You need to get yourself together."


            "No, I don't! Now let me go you stupid bitch!" Before Alyssa could react he jabbed her hard with his elbow right into her stomach. The force of the blow was enough to not only make her loosen her grasp, but to knock her straight on her ass. Alyssa saw stars as she painfully gripped her stomach in complete shock of what happened.


            Seeing what he had just done, Carlos bolted towards the door as Donna rushed to help Alyssa.  Luckily he didn't get very far. He'd only reached the doorway just in time to come face to face with Mr. Kirkland and Mrs. Sutton.


            "What just happened?" Mr. Kirkland asked as his eyes surveyed the room and Alyssa on the ground holding her stomach.


            "Alyssa went to wrap him and he elbowed her in the stomach," Donna reported.


            "Okay, young man," Mr. Kirkland grabbed Carlos by the arm. "You and I need to take a walk down to my office and call your parents. You are never to hit a teacher, especially a female teacher who is pregnant. Do you realize that you could've done harm to Mrs. Robinson's baby?"


            Carlos face paled at the thought. "No... I'm sorry... Did I hurt her?" He immediately burst into tears. "Am I going to go to jail now? I didn't mean to do it! I swear!"


            Mrs. Sutton put a comforting hand on his arm. "No, you're not going to jail, but I'm afraid that you will be in some pretty serious trouble for this. Let's get you down to the office."


            As Mrs. Sutton led Carlos out of the classroom, Mr. Kirkland pulled out a walkie talkie from his belt. "We're going to need the nurse to report to Alyssa Robinson's room with a wheelchair. A student had a meltdown and accidentally hit her in the stomach."


            Alyssa just looked around panic stricken as she clutched her stomach. Honestly in the moment where she was trying to restrain Carlos she hadn't stopped to remember that she was pregnant. Could he really have harmed the baby? She thought she was pretty much out of the woods for a miscarriage, but what if she was wrong? What if something happened to the baby? It would be all her fault. She could already feel worried tears welling up in her eyes.


            As if reading her mind Donna knelt down beside her. "What were you thinking trying to go after him like that in your condition? You should've left it up to me to take care of," she chastised.


            "I know," she tearfully replied. "I just wasn't thinking. I reacted on impulse and made a really stupid decision. Do you think the baby is going to be okay?"


            Donna looked at her helplessly. "Most probably, but you'll probably want to go right down to your doctor for an emergency checkup just in case."


            Before Alyssa could say anything else, Sheila, the nurse rushed in the room with a wheelchair to take her down to the nurse's office. Rushing to Alyssa's side, both she and Donna helped her into the wheelchair and started to wheel her out into the hall. Please let the baby be okay, she silently prayed the whole way.




            "Well, everything seems to be okay, but I strongly urge that you leave school for the day and head down to see you OB/GYN for a more thorough examination," Sheila reported about fifteen minutes later from the cubicle where Alyssa was laying. "You can never be too careful with these things and it's certainly better to be safe than sorry. I've already spoken to Mr. Kirkland and he's going to split your class up for the afternoon."


            Alyssa let out a sigh of a relief that everything seemed to check out okay. The pain in her stomach had subsided, but naturally she was left feeling very shook up by the eventful morning.


            "I wouldn't recommend you driving home though just in case," she continued. "Is there someone that I can call to come pick you up? I know that your husband is away, but maybe a friend or a neighbor?"


            Alyssa bit her lip as she thought through her options. She knew that Izzy would be down there as soon as she could, but she worked almost forty- five minutes from the school, and with traffic it would definitely be awhile until she arrived. The same went for Teri or Tricia, who although she loved, she wasn't sure if the two of them would be the right people to be by her side when it came to this. She knew Kim would be unable to get out of work and Callie had mentioned that Rich had been sick and Carly seemed to be coming down with the same thing. It wouldn't be fair to make her drag two sick children out to sit around in a doctor's office. For the first time since she found out she was pregnant, Alyssa was panicked to realize exactly how alone she really was.


            Sheila immediately picked up on Alyssa's hesitation. "If you don't have anyone I'm going to have to call an ambulance to take you down to the hospital."


            Alyssa definitely didn't want that. Not only would it raise a lot of concern with the students to see an ambulance parked outside their school, taking one of their teachers away, but going to a hospital would mean that she'd probably have to see an on call OB/GYN and Alyssa was uncomfortable with a stranger examining her. If she was going to receive bad news she at least wanted Dr. Spencer to be the one to give it to her. With a sigh Alyssa realized that there was only one other person she knew who had the flexibility of dropping everything in a heartbeat to come down and pick her up and of course it was the last person she wanted to see. Swallowing her pride she finally spoke up. "Can you please call Nick Carter? He's a friend of mine." She rattled off his cell phone number the best she could from memory.


            Sheila nodded her head and disappeared through the curtains. Alyssa stared up at the ceiling tiles knowing that she'd made the right choice no matter how difficult or weird it was. Nick definitely did have a right to know if anything went wrong with the baby. Things had definitely ended on a sour note between them after the wedding, but she knew that Nick was the only person she wanted by her side right now.


A few minutes later Sheila returned. "I just spoke to Mr. Carter and he's on his way. He'll be here as soon as he can."


"Thank you," Alyssa weakly responded. In the meantime she let her eyes closed and tried her hardest to relax and remain calm until he arrived.




"So let me get this straight... This kid threw a book at your head, knocked over a few desks, and you being pregnant thought it was a good idea to grab him? What were you thinking Alyssa?" Nick angrily asked as he pulled out of the school parking lot.


"I wasn't, okay? Please Nick, I don't need to be lectured. I already feel guilty enough. It was a stupid thing to do and I'm worried sick enough about the consequences," Alyssa answered back sounding close to tears.


Nick's face softened a bit when he saw how upset she was. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. You probably have heard enough flack already." Alyssa just nodded her head slowly. "What kind of kids are you dealing with though? I mean granted I only went to school up until seventh or eighth grade, but if you hit a teacher and cursed at them you'd probably get kicked out of school."


"It's different with special ed kids. Usually there's more going on that causes them to act out. Not to say that what he did was excusable and he'll probably be getting suspended for a few days, but we have to deal with it. Maybe this will be enough to convince his mother that he really needs to be transferred to that ED class," she tried to explain.


"ED?" Nick asked sounding confused.


Alyssa laughed a little forgetting that not everyone was familiar with educational lingo. "Emotionally Disturbed. ED classes are smaller in size and place a greater emphasis on behavior skills and socialization. Where I can have up to fifteen in my class, I think the cut off is nine in those classes. It's a lot more structured of an environment."


"Ahh... I see." It was just another example of how very different both of their careers were. Nick still couldn't imagine putting himself in an environment where he'd have to deal with children who had such severe behavior problems on a daily basis. He'd probably go nuts after a week. "I hope our child doesn't turn out like that."


Alyssa froze for a moment, completely thrown by the our child remark. This really was the first time that Nick had referred to her baby using our and it left her feeling very unsettled. She decided that for now she should just ignore it. "Well, usually the reason why a child turns out like that has a lot to do with their home life and the parents. A lot of these children's anger issues stems from abuse, but not always. Usually there's always something more going on underneath the surface." Alyssa pulled out her cell phone from her pocketbook. "I better call Dr. Spencer and let her know that we're on our way."


"Already done. I called her on my way over here," Nick assured her.


"You did?" Alyssa had to admit that she was surprised. "I don't think I ever gave you her number."


"Uh huh. And you didn't." Nick blushed. "I had to do a little bit of detective work. I remember you said that Melanie recommended her, so I called her up to get the number."


"Well, thank you. That saves a lot of time." Alyssa was floored by how serious Nick seemed to be taking all of this.


"Yea... They said they'd be expecting us and they'd rush you right in. How are you feeling by the way?"


"I'm feeling pretty okay now. At first it hurt like a mofo, but I guess because I wasn't expecting it. Now I'm okay though. Just shaken up and worried," she honestly replied.


"You don't have any cramping do you?" he asked. "Because cramping is supposed to be a bad sign, or at least that's what I read."


Alyssa stared at him for a moment in disbelief. Was this really Nick who had picked her up? She wasn't sure what was more shocking. The fact that he had voluntarily been reading up on pregnancy or the fact that he'd actually retained some of that knowledge. "No, no cramping thankfully." She gave him a small smile. "You've been reading up on pregnancy?"


Nick shrugged looking slightly embarrassed. "Just a little bit," he admitted. "I just thought that you know, it would be important for me to know a thing or two about it given the situation. A little knowledge never hurt."


"Wow Carter! I must admit that I'm impressed!" She really was, but then she frowned. She found it very sweet that he was taking this fatherhood thing so seriously, but she didn't want him to take it so seriously that he got attached. Whenever Sean came back from Iraq, he was going to be the one to be the proud father. Based upon everything that Nick had told her at Teri's wedding, she began to wonder if maybe he was only spouting all this pregnancy knowledge to convince Alyssa that he really could be just as good as a father as Sean. Before Alyssa could contemplate the idea any further though they'd pulled into the parking lot of Dr. Spencer's office.




            "The baby seems perfectly fine," Dr. Spencer reported about half an hour later. "Its heartbeat is strong and there appears to be no spotting. I'd say that everything is great. I would like to perform an ultrasound though just as a precaution, but I see no reason as to why it should show us anything too surprising."


Nick squeezed Alyssa's hand reassuringly. "That's great news! See, I knew everything would be okay in the end."


"Yea... "Alyssa echoed. She'd been a little on edge since Nick had insisted on going into the exam room with her. As much as she appreciated having him by her side, it was just a little bit awkward. At first, Dr. Spencer had actually assumed that Nick was her husband until Alyssa explained that he was only a friend and reminded her that Sean was over in Iraq. It was an honest mistake, but still it left her feeling just a little unnerved. "I just was afraid that they'd find something wrong."


"Well, I don't think that we'll find anything wrong, but we might be able to find out the sex of the baby today," the doctor announced as she prepared Alyssa for the ultrasound. "That is if you'd like to know."


Alyssa exchanged a look with Nick. She knew a lot of couples; her parents included who thought it wasn't a good idea to find out the sex before birth because they felt that it ruined the element of surprise. But Alyssa knew that she'd never be able to wait until the end of her pregnancy especially when she could know right at that moment. It also would make things so much easier once it came to buying things for the baby and setting it up the nursery. Plus she was kind of getting sick of referring to the baby as ‘it.' "I'd like to know the sex," she announced.


Nick just nodded his head in agreement. "Yea, I think that's a good idea."


"Okay," Dr. Spencer agreed as she began the ultrasound. "Let's see what I can tell you." Alyssa turned her head towards the image on the screen beside her still not being able to believe that the snowy image was actually her child. "The baby looks like it's in a perfect position. You still want to know?"


"Yes, please," Alyssa answered, not being able to withstand the suspense any longer.


"Well, from the looks of things I would say that it's a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations."


Alyssa almost immediately felt overcome with emotion. "Aww... It's a girl Nick," she repeated, not caring how stupid she probably sounded. "I'm having a baby girl."


Nick looked just as amazed. He could clearly remember the day when Katie had delivered the very same news to him. Now he knew more than ever that he couldn't lose out on this baby in the same way that he lost out on Serena. He couldn't just give up his daughter this easily. His determination was almost burst though as soon as he heard Alyssa's next words.


"I can't wait to tell Sean. He's going to be so excited."


"Yea..." Nick's expression immediately changed and he dropped her hand. If Alyssa noticed his change in attitude she didn't show it. She was probably too overjoyed to notice at the moment.


Dr. Spencer's voice interrupted his thoughts. "As expected everything else seems fine. I'd advise you though to take it easy for the rest of the day though. The baby is fine, but you've been under quite a bit of stress today. I want you to sit back and relax tonight and I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to return to work tomorrow. Just be careful from now on when handling those children."


"Oh I will," Alyssa agreed. "I think I'll have my TA be in charge of restraining any out of control students. I've learned my lesson."


"Good." Dr. Spencer smiled as she stood up. "I'll see you next month for your next checkup. Congratulations again."


"Thank you." Alyssa smiled over at Nick as the doctor left the room. "You want to wait outside while I get dressed? Then you can take me home?"


"Sure," Nick agreed as he exited the exam room and closed the door behind him. He still couldn't believe that Alyssa was having their daughter. Knowing the sex of the baby made the situation entirely more real to him. Now more than ever he knew that he couldn't allow her to let the world believe it was Sean's. That baby was his and he was willing to fight for it. Of course the idea of a custody battle did not sit well with him. It probably would not only destroy both of their marriages, but their friendship as well. Alyssa trusted him and to betray her by taking her to court over this would ensure her never speaking to him again. No, there were other ways to win her over... And he was pretty sure that just by being with her today he had earned some major points with her. Yes, Sean may have been her husband, but he was halfway around the world at the moment. Nick was the one who was by her side when she needed support the most and he knew that had to count for something at least.




            "Thanks for everything you've done for me today Nick," Alyssa told him after he'd dropped her off at her house and helped her inside over to the couch. "I don't know what I'd of done without you today."


            "It was no problem," he honestly replied. "As long as both you and the baby are okay I couldn't be happier to help you out. Is there anything else I can do for you? Make you dinner? What about your car?"


            Alyssa laughed at his over eagerness to help. "Thanks for offering Nick, but I think I can manage. I have a frozen pizza in the fridge that I can just throw in the oven. It won't take too much effort. And as far as my car I think it'll be okay in the school lot for the night. They have security going around and the night janitors will be there. Kim, my neighbor can just give me a ride to school tomorrow morning on her way to work."


            "Okay." Nick looked a little defeated, but he angled himself so that he was facing her and patted her on her knee. "You take care of yourself. I'm only a phone call away. If you need anything in the least bit call me. I'll be right there."


            Alyssa just raised her eyebrows, very aware of his hand on her leg. "You mean Shayla is willing to let you off that leash she has you on to come to help out little ole me?"


            "What are you talking about?" Nick asked confused. "There's no leash. I can do whatever I want."


            "Okay Nick..." Alyssa rolled her eyes.


            "Seriously! Look, I don't care what she thinks. I may not necessarily agree with how you're handling this pregnancy and truthfully speaking I hope you change your mind. But in the meantime the reality of it is that you're pregnant and living all by yourself and there are certain times when you're going to need a man's help. Since Sean isn't around to handle most of the typical father things, such as running out at three am for ice cream and painting the nursery, I'm the next best thing you've got. I'm willing to help. All you have to do is ask."


            Alyssa just smirked at him. "You're really willing to run out and buy me double stuff Oreo's in the middle of the night?"


            "If that's what you want then yea. Whatever I can do to make your life easier I'm there," he promised.


            She just laughed. "Wow... You really know how to turn a pregnant woman on." Nick's eyebrows flew up in surprise and she could already see him beginning to get flustered. "Relax, Nick. I was just kidding."


            "Yea, uhmm I knew that," he stammered.


            "Honestly though..." She paused and grabbed his hand. "I really do appreciate the offer to help and as awkward as it is, you're right. I can't do it alone no matter how hard I try. It would definitely help to have a male's help during the next few months. So, I'll definitely take you up on that. You were a huge help today just by being there."


            "Thanks," he told her as he looked up into her warm brown eyes which were filled with sincerity. Their eyes locked uncomfortably for a moment and Nick could tell that she was rethinking their conversation at the wedding. Knowing that it was a bad idea, but not being able to at least try to see how she'd react, he set his hand back on her thigh and slowly inched forward. Surprisingly, Alyssa did not immediately back away and taking this as a green light he used his other hand to guide her head down towards his until their lips were gently pressing together.


            Surprising him even further Alyssa did not pull away. In fact, she closed her eyes and seemed to almost savor the moment. Sensing this as encouragement, Nick took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, parting her lips with his tongue. Alyssa eagerly responded to the move, her hands moving up to cup his chin as she reciprocated. She wasn't sure why she was encouraging him, especially after their tense showdown at Teri's wedding, but his kiss just tasted so right. Besides he'd been saying all the right things today so far and being uncharacteristically sweet to her. Perhaps her joke about turning a pregnant woman on wasn't all that far off base.


            Just as Alyssa was really getting into the kiss, she felt a fluttering in her stomach that she knew wasn't just from Nick's lips. She pushed it aside and tried to ignore it, but the fluttering continued. Then it hit her what exactly that fluttering sensation was. She pulled away breathlessly and pressed her palms against her stomach. Sure enough she felt the sensation again. Her baby was kicking!


            Nick looked at her obviously confused and a bit concerned. "What's going on? Are you okay?"


            "She's kicking Nick! Here..." She reached over and grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "Feel."


            Nick's hand stood still for a moment or two and then his face lit up as he felt it too. "Wow... That's amazing. Is that the first time she's done that?"


            "The first that I've noticed. This is so exciting! Now I definitely know she's all right." Her face broke out in a grin as she felt the baby kick again. "Maybe she'll be blessed with your height and my dancing ability and she'll grow up and be a Rockette." Alyssa froze when the words came out of her mouth. As innocent as the comment was, it was just another reminder of the fact that although this baby shared both of their DNA; Nick would not get any credit for it. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I just meant-"


            "I know what you meant," Nick interrupted her not really caring to hear her awkward explanation. "It's cool. Anyway you're supposed to be resting, so I guess I'll just leave you to it. Remember... Anything you need and I'm there."


            "Thanks Nick." She leaned over to give him a hug and a light kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you soon."


            Nick waved a quick little goodbye and then disappeared out the door. Once he'd left, Alyssa stretched her legs out on the couch and sighed reviewing the last ten minutes in her head. Why had she allowed him to kiss her again and furthermore why had she kissed back? Besides the fact that she was lonely and he was a good kisser, she really thought that getting into this situation in the first place would be enough to stay far away from his advances, especially after he very clearly told her that he still had feelings for her. It was very dangerous territory to be grazing in, but honestly after everything he had done for her today, she had definitely softened up to him big time. She knew that it wasn't like Sean had a choice in not being by her side throughout the pregnancy, but having Nick by her side today she could already begin to feel a special bond growing between the two of them. She laid her head back against the arm rest and sighed. All she knew was that she was more confused than ever and for the first time she realized that maybe her feelings for Nick weren't as cut and dry as she'd first thought.


Chapter 31 - Hormonal Overdrive by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa's hormones are causing some very erratic behavior.



Chapter 31- Hormonal Overdrive


            Alyssa's fifth month of pregnancy rolled in just around November and with it came the arrival of some very bizarre hormones. She'd already noticed some differences in the way she'd been acting at earlier points in her pregnancy. She was definitely a lot moodier, more impatient, and cried a lot easier, but by month number five she was a certifiable basket case. All it took was for someone to look at her the wrong way and she'd burst into tears. She'd get angry over the littlest things. One day she'd screamed so loudly at her class that a few of the other teachers had stuck their heads in to make sure everything was okay. Whenever she wasn't angry or depressed, she found herself at the entirely opposite end of the spectrum. Yes, as Teri's cousin Lisa had warned her, those lovely hormones had definitely taken control over her mind and body, and Alyssa found herself ping ponging from clinically depressed to unbelievably horny several times a day. She was mentally kicking herself for thinking that she'd never get as bad as Lisa had warned. If anything she felt worse.


            As if her life wasn't complicated enough sans hormones, they only made things ten times more confusing for her. With these new batch of hormones came the sudden emergence of some very vivid, very real feeling, sexual dreams. The kind that woke her up in the middle of the night in a deep sweat and panting heavily. The kind that made her blush just thinking about them. But, the worst part was that they were all about Nick. As if things between them weren't weird enough. Thankfully after doing some research on some of the pregnancy forums that she frequented online, Alyssa quickly was reassured that it was actually quite common to be having sex dreams about old boyfriends at this point in her pregnancy. Something about how it reaffirmed that although you're not at your most attractive at this point, but you could still be considered desirable to other men. She was actually a little surprised to find out how many women were gong through the same thing. Only of course their situations were a little bit different in that the ex boyfriend they were dreaming about wasn't actually the baby's father.


            Dreaming about Nick made actually being around him extremely difficult for Alyssa. He was almost always stopping by, even when Alyssa didn't ask him to. Sometimes it really felt to her like he might just as well move in and take up Sean's place in the closet because he was there so often. He was always doing things for her like helping her with housework, or taking her shopping, or helping her cook dinner. Alyssa appreciated the help, but she also wondered what Shayla thought about Nick playing house with another woman. Of course him doing so much for her only made her appreciate him more, so factor in those dreams, and some out of control hormones and it made being around him almost unbearable. And she'd thought the sexual tension between them had been bad before? It couldn't even compare to this.


            Alyssa tried to limit her contact with him as much as possible, but it was very hard when he seemed to always be around. She did her best to avoid him when she could, but of course every time she looked at him she found herself nine times out of ten imagining him doing something dirty to her. It was driving her absolutely crazy.


            It amazed her the range of emotions that she could go through all in one afternoon, how the littlest things could turn her into a sobbing mess. The afternoon of the first Saturday in November was no exception. Needing badly to get out of the house and away from Nick, she, Kim, Callie, and their children had walked over to a nearby park for the afternoon. Thankfully the weather was still warm enough for Callie's children to play on the playground and burn off some energy. The three women had parked themselves on a bench where they had a good view of Carly and Rich.


            "Are you happy that it's a girl?" Kim questioned as she rocked Gavin's stroller with her feet.


            "Yea... I mean I didn't really care what it was as long as it's healthy," Alyssa admitted. "But it is a bit of a relief to know what I'm having. One less thing to worry about, you know?"


            "Uh huh... And she and Gavin will be close in age. Who knows? Maybe they'll grow up with each other and fall in love someday," she dreamily predicted. "We could be in laws."


            Ugh, gag me... Alyssa thought. Kim was a good friend of hers, but honestly sometimes she really could grate on her last nerve and the fact that she was apparently already planning on her daughter marrying her son before she was even born was definitely a little irritating. She wasn't sure if she could stand having Kim as an in law some day. "Well, let's just wait and let the poor thing enter the world first before we start planning her future, ok?"


            Her reply must have come out sounding too bitchy because Callie just laughed. "Ahh... The joys of pregnancy. I'm so glad I'm done with that!"


            Kim nodded her head and agreed. "I'll let you go this time only because it wasn't that long ago for me, but you do have to tell me one thing. Who is that blonde guy who is over at your house like every day?" She smirked. "Is he like your secret lover or something?"


            "How do you know who's been coming and going from my house?" Alyssa asked sounding a little defensively. "Do you like spy on me or something? And why is it that he has to be my ‘lover'?"


            Kim just laughed. "Relax Lyss. I was just joking about that. I know you'd never do that to Sean. And I've just seen him around a lot. I do only live across the street, you know. It's kind of hard not to notice at times."


            Alyssa looked away for a moment, feeling guilty. It almost made her feel worse to know that her friends assumed that she'd never dream to ever cheat on Sean with another man. "It's just my friend Nick. He's been coming around and helping me out with things around the house since Sean is away. He's really a big help with me being pregnant and all."


            "That's great that you have someone to help you," Callie told her. "I couldn't imagine going through my pregnancies without Steve around."


            "Yea same here," Kim agreed. "I give you so much credit for doing this without Sean. You must be going insane."


            More than you probably realize, Alyssa thought to herself. Before she could say anything more she was interrupted by the sound of Gavin crying from his stroller. "He must've just woke up," Kim explained as she lifted him out of the stroller and attempted to calm him down. She glanced at her watch. "He's probably pretty hungry. It's about that time of day. There, there buddy... Mommy's going to feed you one second." She bounced him on her knee as she lowered her top with one hand just enough to discreetly breast feed him.


            Alyssa's nose wrinkled uncomfortably. She'd always had a problem with women who breast fed in public. She knew it was completely natural and healthy, but it wasn't something that she thought should be displayed for everyone to see either. It wasn't something that she'd necessarily want an older child seeing. Normally she'd keep her mouth shut, but she wasn't in the best mood. She was cranky and irritable and overtired thanks to a certain blonde who happened to be haunting her dreams. "Do you have to do that out here? They have restrooms for that."


            Kim looked up at her surprised, but her eyebrows her knitted into a tight frown. "There isn't anyone around. And besides breast feeding is perfectly normal and natural. I can't exactly control where or when my son decides he wants to eat."


            "I just meant that you could take it into the bathroom or something. I just think it's rude to breast feed in public. Not everybody wants to see that," Alyssa argued.


            Kim now looked upset. "I used to feel like that too, but just wait until you have a screaming infant and you have no other choice. You'll be whipping out your boobs too."


            "Which is exactly why I'm not going to breast feed."


            She looked at Alyssa like she had two heads. "What do you mean you're not going to breast feed? Why wouldn't you?"


            Alyssa just shrugged. "Because I don't want to."


            "Do you have some kind of health problem preventing you from breast feeding? Because otherwise there's really no excuse why you shouldn't. It's so much healthier for the baby and it helps with bonding. Plus, its less expensive than formula. I don't see any disadvantages to breast feeding."


            "Number one, it means that I'm pretty much the only person who can do the feeding unless I pump extra milk into bottles which doesn't sound very appealing to me. Number two, I have to continue to be conscious of everything I put into my body. Number three, it does a number on your boobs and as selfish as it may seem I like my boobs just the way they are," Alyssa ticked off on her fingers. "Look, trust me I know the statistics. I'm a freakin elementary school teacher. I've had to take quite a few child development classes throughout college. I know breast milk is much healthier blah blah, but it's also a personal choice and I choose not to. My Mom didn't breast feed me or my two sisters and we came out just fine."


            "Those are really stupid reasons. In fact they're pretty shallow and selfish reasons. They all seem to relate back to you and as a mother you should be doing what is best for your child and putting their needs before yours. And by the way I hope you do realize that regardless of whether you breast feed or not your boobs are never going to be the same, so there goes one reason right there," the younger woman pointed out.


            "Are you trying to imply that I'm going to be a bad mother just because I decide not to breast feed in my child?" Alyssa crossed her arms over her chest, her dark eyes storming with anger.


            "It's the first major decision that you have to make in her life! Even if you only breast feed for three months, it'll boost her immune system and ensure her a healthier childhood. How could you be so selfish as to take that chance from her?" Kim fired back.


            Alyssa couldn't take it anymore. She finally blew up at her friend. "So now I'm selfish? Keep it coming Kim! Tell me what a horrible, selfish person I am! I'm so selfish that I tried to get pregnant for eight months with no results. I put myself through hell to get where I am right now! But still I'm going to be a horrible mother all because I don't want to breast feed my daughter? Never mind the fact that I'm working my ass off to try to give this child the best life I possibly can. But I forgot. You're perfect! You're mother of the year and you do everything right. What happens though when you're faced in a situation where you have no control over, huh? When there's no answer to your question in one of your parenting books? Then what do you do?"


            Seeing that this was getting heated, Callie stepped in trying to be the peacemaker. "Girls, this is getting out of hand now. You both need to calm down and respect each others opinions. Breast feeding is a very personal choice and it's up to the individual to decide what they're comfortable with. It's not a matter of being selfish or not selfish or a good or bad parent."


            But Kim was too angered at that moment to give in. "There's no reason to attack me because I choose to breast fed my son in public. Just because you're not secure enough with your body to do so, says a lot about you as a person."


            "And now I have body issues!" Alyssa threw up her hands as she stood up. "You know what I don't fucking need this. I'm so fucking sick of you and your self righteous bull shit! You think you have all the answers Kim, but guess what? You don't. You may have more experience in being a mother, but I have a hell of a lot more life experience than you, so don't you dare try to judge me and throw me under the bus all because I don't agree with your personal opinions! A real friend would support my decision, but I forgot you aren't a real friend." She turned around and began to walk away her blood pressure racing so hard she thought that she was going to explode.


            "Alyssa, calm down," Callie begged. "Don't leave."


            Alyssa whirled around for a moment. "I think I better before I do or say something that I really regret."




            By the time Alyssa had arrived back home her anger had subsided and now all that was left was the hurt that Kim had done to her emotions. Doing what any other pregnant woman in her situation would do, she collapsed on the couch and burst into tears.


            Was she really a selfish person all because she decided not to breast feed her child? Did that make her an awful person? Was she on the path to becoming a horrible mother? As most expectant mothers, she feared whether or not she'd do a good job as a parent or if she'd ultimately fuck up her baby's life, sending it on a path of self destruction and years worth of therapy. She was already doubtful enough with all the daddy drama she had going on. Maybe Kim was right. Maybe she was setting herself to be an awful mother. And she was selfish. She was asking Nick to lie to cover up her mistake. She truly was a terrible person.


            Is it really all worth it? she wondered to herself. As it was, she hadn't heard from Sean in several weeks. She knew that he probably was just really busy. Maybe he was even working on some special mission. But of course the crazy irrational side of her told herself that he suspected that something wasn't exactly kosher with her pregnancy and was avoiding her. There was no possible way that he could know the truth, but she was still overly paranoid. Maybe he'd changed his mind about the baby? Maybe he didn't love her anymore?


            Her pity party was interrupted by the sound of her front door creaking open and Nick entering balancing a plastic grocery bag in his hands. Lately Nick popped by so often unannounced that they were at the stage where it was perfectly acceptable for him to waltz right into her home without knocking. Usually she saw no problem with this arrangement, but of course she was a bit embarrassed for him to catch her in the midst of a crying gag. Thankfully Nick didn't immediately notice her tears at first as he closed the door behind him and began digging into his bag which gave Alyssa a moment to pull herself together a bit.


            "Hey Lyss!" he greeted. "I stopped by the supermarket on my way here and I picked you up some more double stuff Oreos. I also bought you peanut butter to dip them in. Blech!" He made a disgusted voice. "I don't know what I find stranger. The fact that you actually claim that double stuffed Oreos taste better with peanut butter, or the fact that just the smell of peanut butter used to disgust you before you were pregnant." He stopped and froze was he caught sight of Alyssa quickly wiping her red rimmed eyes. "Lyss? Have you been crying? What's going on? Did something happen to Sean?" He asked in a concerned voice before plopping down next to her on the couch.


            Alyssa just shook her head as she sniffled. "It's nothing Nick. You'd think I was psycho getting upset over something so dumb anyway. Thanks for the Oreos."


            Nick refused to take no for an answer though. He just leaned forward looking more and more worried as he grabbed her shoulders. "Obviously it has to be something to get you this upset. It might help to talk about it."


            Damn him, she thought. Why did he have to be so goddamn understanding? "It's not a big deal Nick. I'm pregnant. I cry over reruns of The Bachelor for Gods sake. It really doesn't take much to make me cry. I only do it like I dunno? Twenty-five times a day?" she tried to joke.


            "Well, I want to hear about it. If it's something stupid we can laugh about it together afterwards," he insisted.


            Seeing that she wasn't going to win this battle she finally gave in. "Okay. I'll tell you, but don't say that I didn't warn you. Kim and I got into a fight earlier this afternoon and it got pretty ugly. She said some really hurtful things and I just took it way too personally."

            "That's not bad! Better than saying you cried over The Bachelor," Nick pointed out with a laugh. "What was the fight over?"


            Alyssa felt her cheeks redden when she realized how stupid this was going to sound. "Breast feeding."


            "Breast feeding?" Nick sounded surprised. "Since when is that such a controversial debate topic?"


            "Since I told Kim that I didn't plan on doing it." Alyssa took a deep breath and started back up from the beginning. "Kim, Callie, and I took the kids to the park this afternoon and while we were there Gavin started crying, so Kim just started breast feeding him right there and I didn't mean to sound rude or judgmental, but I was just in a cranky mood, so I suggested she take the show into the bathroom or something. Next thing I know she's all getting defensive about how it's a beautiful, natural thing and that I'll probably do the same thing when my baby is born. So, I told her that I wasn't planning on breast feeding and she totally flipped out! She began spouting out all these statistics and reasons why I should change my mind and then denounced every reason that I did have for deciding against it." The dam of tears that she'd been holding back came flooding open again as she relived the argument. "She told me that I was being selfish and only thinking for myself and that I should put my child's needs before mine. She made it sound like I was a terrible mother all because I made the personal choice not to breast feed my child. Like she knows everything!"


            "Wow!" Nick sat back against the edge of the couch looking almost sorry that he asked, but quickly seemed to remember that he'd already offered to help make her feel better, so he had to continue acting concerned. "That's pretty crazy all right."


            His reaction only caused Alyssa to cry harder. "See? I told you that you'd think I was psycho!"


            Nick's eyes quickly darted around the room as he tried to think of some way to calm her down. "Well, I'm sure that you have your reasons for deciding not to do it. Like you said, it is a personal choice."


            Alyssa nodded her head vigorously. "I do have my reasons. I don't want to be the only person in charge of feeding all the time. I don't want to have to constantly pump milk from my body in advance for any time I can't be there. And I don't want to have to analyze everything I put in my body. I've been doing that for over a year now! Then of course there are my boobs..."


            "Your boobs?" Nick knew he was probably asking for it, but any conversation involving boobs definitely caught his attention.


            "Yes... Breast feeding does a number on them and its painful and uncomfortable and I don't want to do it! Kim says though that they're going to get fucked up anyway from being pregnant, which I know, but I think breast feeding would make them worse." Not even realizing she was rambling she continued on her tirade getting more and more hysterical with each sentence. "And speaking of boobs, I heard that after Christina Aguilera had her son she went up to an E cup! A fucking E cup! She couldn't have been more than a C before, right? I'm a C! I knew that they'd get bigger like to maybe a D, but not a fucking E!"


            Nick shifted in his seat a little uncomfortably now cursing himself for opening up a can of worms. He really didn't see the problem. Boobs were boobs and the bigger the better at least from a guy's point of view. But it probably would be better if he changed the subject. "Well, it sounds to me like Kim doesn't know you very well if she thinks that you're going to be a horrible mother because I think you're going to make a great one."


            Alyssa's face softened and she appeared to calm down a little. "Really? You really think so?"


            "Of course!" he honestly responded. "I mean first off you're really patient. Hell, you had to be putting up with me for so long. And the way you handled that situation with Carlos? I heard that you kept calm and really had a clear head throughout the whole situation. Most people would have lost it, but you really kept your cool. You're great with kids. Firm when you need to be, but not overbearingly strict. And I don't think you're selfish. Maybe you don't always do the right thing, but you usually only make bad choices for yourself to protect those around you."


            Hearing him say all that to her seemed to instantly turn her mood completely around. Her tears dried up and a small smile crept over her lips. "Thanks Nick. I really needed to hear that today. I've just been doubting myself a lot lately and that fight with Kim really made me question whether or not she was right. You're absolutely on the money about her. Honestly Kim and I tend to butt heads a lot. We have such opposite strong personalities and really if it weren't for the fact that both our husbands are in the military we probably would never be friends. I guess I shouldn't let what she says bother me so much."


            "You shouldn't. You're a great woman Alyssa and I know that you're going to make an even better mother."


            Alyssa stared at him for a moment. Not only had her mood done an entire one eighty, but she was very easily being almost seduced at his words. It was no secret that pregnancy could do a number on a woman's self-esteem, so hearing him compliment her was actually quite a bit of a turn on. Not like it took much anyway these days. "What did I do to deserve you being so great?" she asked. "I mean I'm a total bitch to you. I'm pretty much taking your child away and you're still by my side going out and buying me Oreos... Helping me around the house... Listening to me when I'm a crazy, hormonal, rambling mess? I just don't deserve you."


            "I'm still your friend Alyssa and I'm still the baby's father. It's my responsibility to be there for you. I'm just doing the decent thing," he replied.


            Alyssa slid over closer to him on the couch and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I really appreciate it Nick. So much..." She lingered in his embrace as she buried her face in his neck. He smelled really good and she had to admit that she really missed any kind of intimacy with a man. She'd been tempted before, but never so much as she was right at this moment to take advantage of the situation. It was bizarre to her because usually Nick was the one catching her at a weak moment, not the other way around.


            Maybe it was because earlier she'd practically convinced herself that Sean didn't care anymore. Maybe it was because Nick was there and Sean wasn't. Or maybe it was because of those damn hormones taking control of her body. Whatever the reason, Alyssa grew very bold and leaned over firmly and confidently pressing her lips against his.


            Nick seemed surprised, but didn't falter. He eagerly returned the kiss, letting his hands hook around her waist. Just the feeling of his lips on hers was enough for Alyssa to crave more. She swung her left leg over his lap, so that she was straddling him as she begged for the kiss to grow deeper. As their mouths widened she was very aware of Nick's hand traveling up the top of her thigh. Meanwhile, her hands slid up his neck and raked through his hair. She was very satisfied to hear a low groan of approval when she lightly nipped at his bottom lip. His hands floated up her hips and down towards her butt. Her hips automatically grinded up against his, pleading for more contact. This was a very dangerous situation to be in, one that was getting more and more volatile by the second. Alyssa knew that she should put an end to this, but it felt much too good to stop.


            She could feel the cool touch of Nick's fingertips inching up underneath the hem of her shirt. It was almost as if they were a bunch of teenagers making out in their parents basement, which Alyssa loved. It had been a long time since she'd felt so much anticipation about where a few kisses could lead. She pulled away from his mouth, grinning before she moved over to suck at a spot on his neck. She pressed her hips deeper into his, almost challenging him to make the next move.


            She moaned against his neck when she felt his hand squeeze against her breast. She wasn't prepared though for the effect that his next movement would have on her. Her head shot up and she almost gasped in surprise when his fingers crept underneath her bra and rubbed against her extra sensitive nipples. She herself was a little shocked at how much pregnancy made every touch seem almost a thousand more times more intensified. Seeing the effect that this had on Alyssa, Nick smirked and continued to stroke against the hardened buds with his fingertips. "Oh my God, Nick..." she breathed in, her fingernails digging into the back of his neck.


            Finding her response completely hot, Nick hooked his arm around on of her legs and shifted their position so that she was laying flat on the couch with him over her. Pressing his lips aggressively over hers he continued stroking and caressing the sensitive area. Just by the strangled noises escaping from Alyssa's throat he could tell she was going crazy. He really wondered if he could get her to orgasm just from this. Her eyes pleaded with his to move on though, so he moved one hand down to the button of her jeans and was just fumbling with it when they were interrupted with shrill sound of Alyssa's phone ringing.


            "You don't have to answer it," Nick urged her breathlessly.


            He'd forgotten though that Alyssa's house phone was one of those that announced who was calling without having to look at the caller ID. "Phone call from Anthony Martinelli," the electronic device announced.


            Alyssa groaned. "It's my parents. I have to answer," she sat up trying to control her breathing before she got up from the couch and grabbed the phone on the fourth ring. "Hi Mom. How are you doing?"


            Nick frustratingly punched the couch. Why was it that parents always seemed to have a sixth sense for these kinds of things? In a way it probably was a good thing that they did stop. Things were messed up enough already and if Alyssa's mother hadn't called they probably would've been damn near fucking by now. He blew out a big burst of air as he glanced over at Alyssa who seemed to be discussing upcoming plans for Thanksgiving. "Mom! It's perfectly okay for me to travel. You know that! There's no reason why I can't fly out to New York for Thanksgiving," he heard her arguing. He could tell that the discussion was going to take awhile. It would probably be best for both of them if he left.


            He stood up and followed Alyssa who was now in the kitchen with the phone. "I don't see why all of you should come out here. It'll be expensive and I don't want to have to be in charge of making dinner." Nick tapped her on the shoulder. "Hold on a minute, Mom."


            "I'm going to get going. I'll talk to you later or something."


            Alyssa nodded her head. "Okay. Thanks for everything today." She paused biting her lip. "And I do mean everything."


            "Not a problem at all. Bye." He bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before turning around and heading out the door obviously pleased with the way things had turned out.


            Relax Carter. Don't celebrate yet. She's overly hormonal in case you hadn't noticed. She'd probably try to make a move on anything at this point. Still though he couldn't help, but to feel just a little bit accomplished. His plan was working along perfectly. If things kept progressing at this rate by the end of her pregnancy she'd be asking Sean who?


            For the first time in a long time, Nick felt very optimistic about where things were heading.




Chapter 32 - Flirting With Temptation by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

After a fight with Sean, Alyssa accepts a dinner date with Nick.


Chapter 32 - Flirting With Temptation


            At first, Alyssa had thought that maybe after the short, steamy, make out session she'd shared with Nick, her curiosity would be satisfied and that would be the end of it. She quickly realized that she couldn't have been more wrong. It was like every time she closed her eyes, all she could think about was the way his lips had felt against hers and his fingertips on her skin. Just the mere thought of it made her heart pound rapidly in her chest. She'd had moments of temptation with Nick before, but never like this. Now it was more than just a strange curiosity. Maybe it was her hormones again, causing all of her senses to become more heightened. Or maybe it was the fact that Sean was over in Iraq and she was beginning to get lonely. Whatever the case, she found herself actually craving physical intimacy and of course Nick was the logical object of lust. As terrible as it seemed, Alyssa was beginning to let her hormones take over like some horny teenage boy.


            It was horrible, but lately all she could think about was sex. Never being an extremely sexual person in the first place, Alyssa found this sudden change a little unsettling. Her pregnancy forums had assured her that pregnancy, especially in the second trimester, definitely could cause very erratic mood swings, and many women found themselves to become more aroused at this point. Quite a few women had left posts boasting that they were currently having some of the best sex of their lives, which of course only intrigued Alyssa more. Why did Sean have to be thousands of miles away right now? Now she understood what Teri's cousin had been talking about when she'd suggested that she hold on to that vibrator.


            Isn't there some kind of technicality that if you and your partner are in different countries, it's okay to cheat? she found herself wondering. Once she realized how twisted her logic was, she mentally kicked herself. If that was the case, her and Nick probably never would've broken up. She had to admit that she felt a tiny bit of guilt over how hypocritical she was being. But I'm pregnant and my husband is ALLLL the way in Iraq, she argued. That should grant me a get out of jail free card in itself!


            Nick must've been feeling the same intensity that she was because she noticed in the next week that his visits had definitely been limited. In fact, he'd only stopped in once or twice to check in on her and only stayed about five minutes. Pretty sad that he only have a five minute threshold before we wind up completely making out like teenagers, she shamefully thought to herself. Nick had claimed that he just had been busy at the studio. Kina's album was being released after Thanksgiving and they were working on putting together a promo tour for her, so he was wrapped up in that. Alyssa got the feeling though that he was using Kina as an excuse to put a little bit of a buffer between them in hopes that things would cool down between the two of them. Based on how she was feeling, Alyssa didn't see things cooling down between the two of them at all any time soon.


            She did her best though to fight through her hormones and make the best of her situation. It did help a little bit that she had finally heard from Sean again. Not hearing from him for long periods of time only made her more tempted because it would start to feel as if he didn't even exist. She found herself needing those little reminders that he was still a part of her life.


            One night during that next week after she'd woken up from another particularly graphically detailed dream about a certain blonde who remained nameless, she found her heart racing so fast that she found it almost impossible to go back to sleep. Knowing that she'd be exhausted at work the next day, she finally gave up on lying there with her eyes wide open, and grabbed her laptop, heading downstairs with it. She figured she may as well check her e-mail and see if there was any advice on any of the pregnancy forums about how to get herself to fall back asleep again.


            She was surprised when after she powered up her laptop and AIM automatically loaded to hear the familiar sound of an IM popping up on her screen. Clicking on it she was surprised to see Sean's screen name.


USMarineSR4Life: Hey babe... What are you doing on so late? Isn't it like the middle of the night by you?


            Almost relieved that she had something to distract her from any more impure thoughts about Nick, she immediately started typing a response.


MissLyssa1980: Yea... I couldn't sleep.


USMarineSR4Life: Is the baby kicking?


            Alyssa's hand flew over to her stomach which was now still. The baby had been kicking earlier that night, but since she'd gone to bed, the baby had stopped and had been quiet. She's probably sleeping, Alyssa figured. Still though, not wanting to get into the real reason that she couldn't sleep, she bit her lip and just went with it.


MissLyssa1980: Yea... I think we definitely have a future dancer on our hands.


USMarineSR4Life: Nice... Wouldn't surprise me because it's probably in her genes.


MissLyssa1980: Yea...


            For once Alyssa wasn't exactly sure what to say to her husband. There was nothing going on in her life that she felt comfortable sharing with him. Right now her biggest problem was her raging hormones and she wasn't about to confess all of that to Sean although it would be an interesting conversation.


USMarineSR4Life: So Ian heard from Kim today.


MissLyssa1980: Oh?


USMarineSR4Life: Yea... He told me that Kim told him that the two of you had a big fight last week. What happened?


            Alyssa sighed. It would figure that Kim wouldn't waste any time telling Ian who would tell Sean. The two women hadn't talked since their showdown in the park leaving Callie to be the middleman between the two of them. She did owe Sean an explanation though.


MissLyssa1980: It was really stupid. She's pissed because I decided that I wasn't going to breast feed the baby. She kept trying to preach to me all the reasons I should and then when I tried to give her my reasons for not wanting to, she shot them all down and basically said I was being selfish. She thinks I'm already an unfit mother because I'm depriving my daughter of breast milk. *rolls eyes*


USMarineSR4Life: Well, it is supposed to be healthier right? Maybe you should think a little harder about it.


            Alyssa could immediately feel her blood begin to boil. Was Sean actually taking Kim's side in this? And really in the end it wasn't his decision. He wasn't the one sacrificing his body. Her short temper immediately took over.


MissLyssa1980: I've made my decision. It's my body and I choose not to. I don't understand what the big deal is? I know it's healthier, but why am I criticized for my personal choice? Kim has no right to act all high and mighty with me. If I can handle a classroom full of elementary schoolers I should have no problem handling a baby. She can take her breast pump and shove it up her ass for all I care.


USMarineSR4Life: That's harsh Lyss. Don't you think you're being just a little unreasonable here?


MissLyssa1980: Me? Unreasonable? Hello! I'm pregnant! I'm supposed to be unreasonable! What's her excuse? Honestly I've just had with her judgmental bullshit. Who the hell does she think she is to give me parenting advice?


USMarineSR4Life: Ian is one of my best friends. And Kim is his wife. Can't the two of you just get along?


MissLyssa1980: She fucking told me that I wasn't going to be a good mother! And you think I should just forgive her for that? Are you serious? Whose side are you on here?


USMarineSR4Life: I have to take sides now? That's real mature Lyss.


MissLyssa1980: Now I'm immature? Nice Sean. Tell your friend to have his wife apologize to me. Then maybe we can talk about getting along.


            Without having the patience to continue the argument any longer, she closed the IM and signed off AIM. She couldn't believe the nerve of him! Taking Kim's side over hers? What was that all about? "Fucking men," she cursed as she shut down her laptop. Now she was pissed and the adrenaline shooting through her body made her feel even more awake. From the looks of it she wasn't getting any sleep that night.




            By Friday, she was still pissed at Sean. She hated to leave things on such a sour note, especially when she knew what danger he was in. They should've been making every second count just in case it was their last, instead of wasting time fighting. But she was stubborn by nature and being pregnant made her even more so. Her pride made it impossible for her to let herself be the first to crumble and beg for forgiveness.


            Of course not getting enough sleep had made her cranky and overtired and by Friday afternoon when she'd arrived home she'd pretty much had it. She needed to sit back and relax this weekend. She vowed to make it a point to do something special to indulge herself.


            As she was walking in the door from work, her cell phone began to ring. Digging it out of her bag she stared at the screen and her heart actually did a little leap. It was Nick. He hadn't called her in a few days and she had begun to wonder if perhaps maybe she had been too forward the week before when she'd kissed him. At the time he seemed to enjoy it, but maybe she'd freaked him out? She wondered what he wanted.


            "Hey stranger," she answered. "Where've you been?"


            Nick just laughed on his end of the line. "I told you I've been busy doing label stuff. Kina's album is dropping and I just want to make sure that it's a success and people take her seriously."


            "Spending time with another woman?" she joked. "I think I'm getting jealous." Her flirting even surprised herself a little.


            "Believe me, it's strictly business." There was that low throaty laugh again. Damn, he sounded sexy. "Also Shayla's kind of been demanding my attention lately."


            Just at the mention of Shayla's name, Alyssa's entire mood had just been killed. "Oh? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"


            "She's just being extra clingy for some reason. I don't know... I'll never figure that woman out. But I'm free from her this weekend. She's in New York covering some big film festival or something. She wanted me to go with her, but I just have way too much work to do with Kina back here," he innocently replied.


            Alyssa laughed lightly. "Yea sure Carter... You just wanted an excuse to stay back here and take me out tonight." After she said it she froze when she realized how forward and completely unlike her it had come out. "I mean, you don't have to. I just didn't have such a great week and I'm dying to get out of here."


            "Hmm... Well, you're in luck. I think I can probably squeeze you in for dinner between all this work I have to do," he flirted back.


            "You're full of shit. You have nothing planned and you know it."


            "Ok, you got me," Nick admitted. "But if you really want to do dinner let me know. I'm a single man this weekend, so I'll make us a reservation somewhere nice and classy."


            "Really?" Alyssa asked. The offer was so tempting she found it hard to resist. "Well, a pregnant woman can't turn down food, so I guess I'm going to have to accept."


            "Awesome. I'll make the reservation for like seven, so I'll pick you up at about a quarter after six. I just have one request though... Well, actually two. Wear something sexy and if I'm single this weekend, so are you."


            Alyssa's mind immediately went into overdrive trying to interpret his last comment. She wasn't sure if Nick was just acting flirty because he was being Nick and only kidding around or if he was serious. His tone had been hard to decipher. You're probably making of it then what he actually intended, she told herself, again blaming her raging hormones for over thinking his words. The words had already been planted in her head though and it was going to be pretty hard for her to get rid of them. Almost feeling as if she was signing a deal with the devil she accepted his terms. "Done. I'll see you tonight."




            It wasn't easy for a pregnant woman to look sexy at five months, but Alyssa thought she'd done as best as she could with what she had to work with. And judging from the way Nick's eyes widened when he first saw her appearance after he'd arrived to pick her up, she knew that her attempt had been successful. She'd decided on a black cocktail dress with gold chain link straps. A thick gold sequined band hung underneath her breasts creating an empire waist and the bottom off the dress flared out in loose ruffled layers, which did a fairly good job at disguising her baby bump. On her feet were a pair of low heeled, gold sandals and gold dangly earrings hung from her ears. Her hair hung in loose curls over her shoulders and her makeup was done in various shades of gold and bronze.


            "You look amazing," Nick breathed in as soon as he set his eyes on her.


            "Not too shabby for a pregnant woman, huh?" she asked with a smirk.


            "Not at all..." It was very obvious that Nick's gaze was focused not on her face, but on the tops of her breasts that threatened to spill over the top of her dress.


            "Hey Carter, I'm up here," she redirected his gaze back upwards with a little wave.


            Nick's face flushed in embarrassment, looking as if he were a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I know... I just uhh... never mind. Are you ready?"


            Deciding to let him go on his wandering eyes she held out her arm to him. "Oh, I'm ready. Where are we headed?"


            Nick linked arms with her and lead her out the front door and down her porch. "I made reservations for this place right outside of LA. It's pretty quiet and not one of those places where celebrities usually hang out although it is pretty high class. It's nice and intimate and there's definitely less of a chance of running into any paparazzi there."


            "Oh, yea paparazzi would not be a good thing," she agreed. Her eyes lit up and she smiled once she saw that he'd taken the BMW for the night. She'd had some great memories from her last trip to LA to visit him connected to this car.


            The ride to the restaurant went by pretty uneventfully with the two of them just making small talk the whole way. When they arrived at their destination, Alyssa was relieved to see that the place Nick had selected did seem a little more removed from the typical high class LA eateries that most celebrities tended to frequent, yet was still fancy. Nick had requested a table near the back to ensure them more privacy. Their section was almost empty which made her even more thankful. Even though they were just outside of LA you never could tell who was lurking around and she certainly didn't want to wind up with Nick in another tabloid.


            After they'd sat down and taken a few minutes to peruse the menu and order their meals, Nick sat back and looked over across the table at her intently. "So, what happened?"


            His question threw her for a loop. "What do you mean what happened?" she asked sounding confused.


            "You said you had a rough week earlier. What's been going on?"


            Alyssa felt her cheeks flush a little bit. It had been a rough week and he was part of the reason why it had been so rough. How could she tell him that she hadn't been able to get him and the kisses they had shared off her mind all week? Never mind the added bonus of her out of control hormones wrecking havoc over her thoughts. Yea, that would most certainly be awkward. She really didn't want to bring up her fight with Sean to him. For tonight she wanted to do nothing more than to momentarily forget that he was in the picture at all as cold as that sounded. She knew that she needed to give him some kind of answer, so she used the one subject that she knew was safe with him; her students. She shrugged her shoulders. "Just my kids at school have been off the wall lately. And it doesn't help that my patience is a little on the thin side being pregnant and all. I've been sort of a raging bitch to my students lately, but they've definitely been pushing buttons."


            "Ahh, I see," Nick answered. "Whatever happened to that boy who hit you in the stomach a few weeks ago?"


            "Carlos? Well, after that incident the principal had a meeting with his mother and pretty much told her what I'd been trying to tell her all along. That my classroom was not the right setting for him, and he would do better in an ED classroom. I guess he kind of put the scare in her that God forbid if I had been hurt or if something had happened to the baby they could be held liable, so she didn't put up much of a fight. He was transferred to another building in the district last week," she reported.


            "So, your classroom should be a little quieter now, right?"


            Alyssa shrugged. "You'd think so, but not really. Although Carlos was the most extreme I have a few other behavior problems in the class. There's one group of like three boys in particular. Just this week alone they threatened to beat up a student from another class on the playground and were caught throwing spitballs in the boy's bathroom. I've really had it with them and its not even Thanksgiving yet."


            "Wow... And how old are these kids again?" Nick asked.


            "Fourth grade, so nine or ten? Makes me kind of glad I'm not having a boy," she joked.


            "Girls aren't always that much better. Sometimes they can get themselves into even more trouble."


            "Yea... True. It's all in how they're brought up. Parents these days let their children get away with murder. If this one ever talks to an adult like some of my students do she can assure that I'll kick her ass in," Alyssa threatened as she patted her stomach. "I won't stand for disrespect."


            Nick just smiled in her direction. He knew that Alyssa would make an excellent mother because although she came off as being very laidback and flexible she was also very no nonsense. He on the other hand, could see himself as being too much of a pushover to be much of a good father. He'd never really been very good at that tough love kind of thing that Kevin had tried to instill on him. Deciding to change the subject he bought up the topic that he knew Alyssa had been upset over the week before. "How are things with Kim? Did you guys ever get over the fight you two had last week?"


            Just by the way Alyssa's eyes immediately darkened at the mention of her ex- friend's name, Nick knew the answer was no. "We're still not talking. We've been avoiding each other like the plague, and I don't intend on speaking to her again until she apologizes to me."


            Nick just nodded his head. He knew from experience just how stubborn Alyssa could be, so he believed her. "Have you heard from Sean lately?" He really didn't want to bring him up, but he knew that it was the polite thing to do.


            Alyssa reaction completely caught him off guard. A smirk grew across her lips. "Sean?" she asked almost as if she didn't know who he was talking about.


            He furrowed his brow in confusion. Was he really so removed from her life that she could just forget him like that? "Uhh, yea... You know Sean... Your husband?"


            Alyssa's grin only grew wider, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I don't have a husband. At least not for tonight anyway..." Her voice trailed off and Nick was shocked to find the burning hot feeling of her hand on his leg, under the table. Then he remembered what he'd said to her on the phone earlier. He hadn't completely been serious, but if that was the game she wanted to play he supposed that he could play along with it. He was scrambling to think of a flirty comeback, but before he could the waiter had arrived back at the table with their food.


Alyssa's hand dropped from its spot on his leg as soon as her plate was set down in front of her.  As soon as the waiter walked away she turned the conversation around to him. "So, what have you been up to? How are things going on Kina's album?"


            "Oh... uhh... they're going great," he uncomfortably responded as he began cutting up his food. Noticing that she seemed to be listening intently to his every word, he launched into a longer more detailed discussion about his plans for the album and promoting it. She seemed to be hanging onto his every word which only made Nick feel more distracted. He just hoped that he was making sense and not rambling. This was a strange position for him, especially with Alyssa. Typically in their relationship Nick had always felt like he had all the control. There really hadn't been many points where he'd felt the least bit intimidated by Alyssa, but tonight was completely different. Her behavior definitely seemed to be much more flirty and alluring than usual. It struck him as a little odd, but he wasn't questioning it. Even though he was talking about his plans for Kina's album all he was really thinking about was the heated make out session they'd had last week. As wrong as it was, he began to wonder if maybe they'd get the opportunity to continue what they'd started.


            Meanwhile across the table, Alyssa's thoughts were along the same lines. She nodded her head and made the occasional comment as she picked at her food, but in reality she was having a hard time paying attention to what he was actually saying. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the way the dim lighting of the restaurant played shadows over his face and how cute he looked when he rambled. Then there was the way he licked his lips without even realizing that he was doing it. Her eyes lingered at the tie around his neck. She'd always found him in a tie to be extremely sexy and he'd taken to wearing them a lot lately. Part of this whole new preppy style he had going on that she just loved.


            Both of them seemed to pick up on the definite change in the air and neither one of them knowing how to handle it, they continued to make awkward, polite conversation while they finished off their meals.


            Nick felt almost relieved when the waiter finally approached them to clear away their plates. He couldn't wait to get out of there and see where the night led them next. "Can I interest you in any dessert or do you just want the check?" the waiter asked.


            Nick opened his mouth to say ask for the check, but before he could get the words out Alyssa had already started to speak. "Actually a dessert menu would be nice." She gave Nick a small apologetic smile. "Sorry, but a pregnant woman cannot possibly turn down dessert."


            "Of course," he told her, trying not to grit his teeth in impatience. "Order anything you want." He half wondered if maybe she was only doing this to watch him squirm a little. He then realized that he probably was being a little irrational. She was pregnant after all and she had always had a bit of a sweet tooth.


            The waiter plopped a dessert menu that had been tucked underneath his arm in front of her. Alyssa's eyes scanned the list and then lit up about halfway down the page. "Ooh! They have dark chocolate mousse cake! That's what I want."


            The waiter scribbled down Alyssa's order and turned towards Nick. "And for you?"


            Nick just shook his head. "Nothing for me. I'm good."


            "He can share with me," Alyssa ordered.


            The waiter nodded and left. A few minutes later he reappeared with Alyssa's mousse cake which was topped with dark chocolate shavings and whipped cream and drizzled in chocolate sauce. "Oh my God, that looks almost too good to eat," she responded as the waiter set the plate down in front of her.


            "It looks really fattening," Nick teased.


            Alyssa just rolled her eyes at him. "Shut up. I'm pregnant. I'm allowed to eat fattening things. I'm eating for two." She dug her fork into the cake and closed her eyes as she savored the taste in her mouth. "Mmmm.... This cake is amazing! I think I just died and went to heaven."


            He just laughed at the expression on her face. "It's just cake Alyssa. You don't need to have a chocogasm there."


            Now it was Alyssa's turn to laugh. "A chocogasm?"


            "Yea, you know... Like an orgasm over chocolate?"


            "Ahh," she giggled. "Pretty clever there Carter. How long did it take you to think of that one?"


            He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know? Four minutes?"


            "Well, I'll have you know that this cake might just be almost as good as sex. Maybe even better considering it's been awhile for me," she rambled. "You sure you don't want a taste?" She scooped up another forkful of cake and enticingly waved it in his direction. "You know you want it."


            Who could resist that? He certainly couldn't, especially now that she'd tied in sex to it. He found himself wondering if perhaps she was really talking about more than just chocolate cake. It certainly almost sounded like it. "Fine. I'll have a piece," he finally gave in.


            Instead of handing the fork over to him though, she scooted forward on her seat and held her fork out towards the direction of his mouth. Nick opened his lips and allowed her to feed him the piece of cake. Since his weight loss, he'd tried to avoid foods like this, but even he had to admit that it may just have been the best damn piece of chocolate mousse that he'd ever tasted. "It is good," he admitted, after he'd swallowed it down.


            Alyssa grinned. "I told you so."


            The two froze for a moment. Alyssa was still leaned across the table which gave Nick a more than generous view down the top of her dress. She was close enough for him to smell the sweet scent of her perfume drifting off of her skin and her lips looked full and inviting. Not being able to resist any longer, he leaned forward until his lips were fully pressed against hers. His hand wandered up to the side of her face, his fingertips tickling her earlobe. Alyssa made no move to back away. She moaned lightly and Nick took complete advantage of the moment to force his tongue into her mouth. The kiss deepened until they both felt so breathless that they needed to come up for air.


            "You taste like chocolate," Nick told her as he pulled away, a smirk on her face.


            Alyssa sat back against her seat looking almost stunned by the intensity of the kiss. All of a sudden she seemed to be in a big hurry to get out of there. "Maybe we should get the check now," she suggested.


            Nick had no arguments there. He quickly spotted their waiter and flagged him over. Within a few short minutes, their bill was taken care of and the two of them were heading back out to the parking lot hand in hand.




Chapter 33 - Too Close for Comfort by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Things between Alyssa and Nick heat up.


Chapter 33- Too Close for Comfort


            Alyssa had never felt so relieved to reach a car in her life. Her mind had been reeling ever since the moment her lips had pulled away from Nick's. The moments from when he had asked for the check and they'd finally arrived at the doors of his BMW seemed to pass by painfully slow. The feeling of his fingertips intertwined with hers made her heart pound heavily in her chest with anticipation. Anticipation of what exactly, she wasn't sure, but after the kiss they'd shared back at the restaurant her mind was racing with possibilities.


            Nick reluctantly pulled his hand from hers and actually leaned over her to open up the passenger door for her. "Thanks," she told him in a low voice, a little surprised at his gallant behavior.


            "Not a problem," he responded. Once she was safely seated inside, he slammed her door shut for her and headed around to the driver's side of the car. He took a moment to get settled in the driver's seat before inserting his keys into the ignition. "So..." he began, turning towards Alyssa. "Where to now?"


            "What do you mean where to now?" she asked, sounding a little confused.


            Nick shrugged his shoulders. "You wanted to hang out with me tonight, so you're in charge. Wherever you want to go and whatever you want to do is perfectly fine by me. You just have to steer me in the right direction."


            Alyssa chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully for a second or two. He was leaving this decision completely up to her? It was almost too tempting of an offer. "So you're saying that we can do anything I want?"


            "Anything. The night is yours," he clarified.


            Alyssa's eyes lit up. She knew exactly what she really wanted to do; it was all just a matter of mustering up enough courage to do so. Her body was telling her one thing, but her mind was telling her something else. You're single for tonight, she reminded herself. Sean doesn't exist. Tonight is about doing what you really want for yourself. With that in mind, she took in a deep breath and painted a playful grin across her lips. Growing more confident, she reached up until her hands tugged lightly at the bottom of his tie, causing him to bring his face closer to hers. When he was close enough, her arms snaked around his neck. By now they were so close that their foreheads were touching. Before she lost her nerve, Alyssa aggressively pressed her lips up against his roughly. At first Nick's body stiffened in surprise as if he was completely unprepared for the move, but he quickly recovered and returned the kiss with just as much vigor. All the pent up tension that had been thickening between them so far the entire night was now being released full force. Hungrily, they kissed each other, their hands boldly sliding over each others bodies. Alyssa's mind grew fuzzy as his weight leaned over her, pinning her against the door as his lips zeroed in on her neck. She moaned lightly very aware of the feeling of his hand creeping up her thigh underneath her dress.


            Meanwhile Nick's mind was already miles ahead, trying to figure out the logistics of how this could work. Between the extra space of her stomach and the damn console separating the two of them, he was growing increasingly frustrated. He was considering suggesting that they take it to the backseat, but there wasn't a hell of a lot more room back there either and he wasn't sure how comfortable it would be for Alyssa. As hot as the idea of fooling around right there in the car was, if anything was going to happen he wanted it to be in someplace roomier than the backseat of his BMW.


            Sensing his frustration, Alyssa breathlessly pulled away as if she was reading his mind. "This isn't going to work is it?"


            Nick just shook his head as he sighed. "We need to get out of here."


            Alyssa sat up and straightened out the hem of her dress. "Your place is closer," she suggested.


            He was a little surprised at how she'd taken charge of the situation like that, but did little to argue as he wasted no time in starting up the engine. "My place it is then."


He peeled out of the restaurant's parking lot, anxious to get back to his place and continue what they had just started. He'd only been driving a short while when he felt the warm feeling of a hand creeping up his thigh. He turned and looked over at Alyssa who was devilishly smirking back at him. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, choosing to ignore the obvious presence of her hand. Seeing that she wasn't getting much of a reaction out of him, Alyssa lightly began to rub her thumb along the top of his leg. Nick tried his best to ignore the sensation, but found that after only about five minutes it was beginning to drive him crazy. His foot accelerated on the gas. In his mind, he couldn't get home fast enough.


"Slow down there. We want to make it one piece, right?" Alyssa asked as her hand slid further up his thigh. Her tone was low and seductive and very enticing. Although he was enjoying this unfamiliar side of her, he sill estimated that they had a good fifteen to twenty minute ride ahead of them. There was no way that he'd be able to control himself for that long if she kept this up.


Slowing down at a red light he placed his hand over hers and gently pulled it off of his leg. Alyssa's expression immediately changed into one of uncertainty. "Did I do something wrong?" It was evident that she was afraid that she'd come on to strong or something.


Nick just laughed. "Not at all. Quite the opposite in fact." His face flushed a little bit. "Just we still got a bit of a ride ahead of us..."


Finally realizing the effect that she was having on him, Alyssa felt her cheeks beginning to turn crimson. "I got it. Sorry," she apologized, pulling her hand away. There was a tense, uncomfortable silence between them for a few minutes until Alyssa broke it, grinning up at him. "You know what this reminds me of?"


"What?" Nick asked.


"Remember when I was living in New York City and you came to visit for the weekend when my car got stolen? We went out to that bar and I got pretty wasted," she reminisced.


"How could I forget? That was the night we..." His voice trailed off not exactly sure how to describe what had happened between them that night.


"First hooked up after our break up?" she finished for him.


"Yea... That." He sighed and grinned at the memory that had transpired four years ago. Even though it had set in motion the same chain of events that not only destroyed their relationship, but also nearly crushed their friendship, that night had been pretty memorable in his mind. In some respects he could totally see the similarities. Alyssa had been uncharacteristically aggressive then as well.


"This reminds me of on the way back to my apartment in the cab," she continued, forcing him to recall the memory. They'd had quite a hot make out session in the back of the cab and if it weren't for the driver arriving back at Alyssa's apartment when he did, he had no doubt in his mind that they'd have given him quite a show.


Nick smirked at the steamy memory. "Unfortunately, this time I'm driving, so things will have to be a little different."


The conversation died there and both were silent for the rest of the ride, but the tension between the two of them hung thicker than ever now that they both had a sense of where this was going to be heading. The two of them occasionally stole a quick glance at the other and it soon became obvious that both sides were growing restless. Of course this made the ride seem even longer. All Alyssa knew was that she was relieved when they finally pulled up into the driveway of Nick's home.


Not even giving him time to unbuckle his seat belt, her lips were back over his again the moment he shut off the engine. They spent a few moments exchanging heated kisses, but quickly found themselves craving more contact. The two of them broke apart just long enough to get themselves out of the car before heading up the driveway stopping every few feet to steal another kiss. Finally they reached the door and stumbled inside their bodies already entangled in each others arms.


Once inside Nick slammed the door behind them and immediately backed Alyssa against the nearest wall a little more gently than he would have liked. He pinned her there placing a hand on either side of her as his lips attacked her neck and shoulders. She let out a low sigh, her fingers already getting to work on his tie and tearing into the buttons of his shirt.


"We should take this upstairs," she suggested into his ear, already finding her position against the wall not very comfortable. It would certainly be interesting trying to figure out how to maneuver herself to accommodate her growing belly. There was no way at five months pregnant she could manage having sex in a standing position.


Nick just nodded and backed them into the direction of the stairs. They carefully made their way up in which time Alyssa had successfully managed to undo the rest of his shirt buttons. By the time they made it into Nick's room, she was already working on his pants.


Nick's mouth lowered to a spot on her neck as his hands wandered around her back and found the zipper on the back of her dress. His fingers fumbled with it for a moment or two until it easily fell down. Alyssa cooperatively helped push the straps off her shoulders, letting the dress pool at her feet. She kicked off her sandals before stepping out of it leaving her standing there in only a black strapless bra and matching underwear. Nick stood back a little wide eyed at her appearance as this was the first time he was seeing her bare pregnant stomach.


If Alyssa noticed his gawking, she completely ignored it. Instead she stepped forward, claiming his lips once again as she helped him remove the khakis he'd been wearing revealing a pair of black boxer briefs underneath. "We match," she told him with a smirk.


"What?" Nick asked sounding a little distracted by her appearance.


"Never mind," she quickly answered already growing impatient. Her arms hooked around his neck and she sank back against the soft mattress underneath her pulling Nick along beside her. She moaned lightly against his lips when their bodies touched as he scooted them up closer to the middle of the bed. Already her heartbeat was quickening and she was anxious to get down to business.


But Nick had other plans. His lips grazed down over her neck and shoulders as his hand reached around to unhook her bra. Alyssa shivered a little as the piece of material was torn from her body. She looked up to see his reaction to her new body, especially after she'd caught him sneaking more than a few peeks at her chest throughout the night. He did not look the least bit disappointed and wasted no time in reaching up to gently knead one of her breasts in his hand. She bit back a moan as his thumb brushed against her nipple. Seeing the reaction he got out of her, he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger until it hardened from his touch. When he was finally satisfied with it, he bent his head down and swirled his tongue around the hardened bud producing a loud, frustrated cry from Alyssa's lips. Her hands flew to the back of his head, burying her fingertips in his hair while his fingers wandered over to her other breast teasing the other nipple with his fingertips. He moved over to the other side, flicking his tongue against her causing her hips to jolt up against him. "Nick..." she impatiently pleaded. "Just get on with it."


Nick smirked, seeing that he was really getting to her. "You really want me to get on with it?"


Alyssa vigorously nodded her head, but Nick did nothing to move. "Say please," he told her, leaving teasing kisses between her breasts.


"Please," she begged, already trying to push his head further down her body.


This time Nick obliged, leaving a trail of kisses down over the crest of her stomach. He placed his palm flat against the middle of it, almost amazed at the change in her body since the last time he'd seen it back in June. He was so used to her flat, toned stomach with the naval piercing that she'd had as long as they'd first started dating. Now the piece of jewelry was gone and her stomach had begun to round. But most importantly, inside there was his child. The thought still completely blew his mind.


He could tell by the way that Alyssa was whimpering and shifting around beneath him that she was too impatient to share in the marvel of the moment. Taking pity on her, he lowered one of his hands between her legs, rubbing her intimately through the thin fabric of her underwear. He could already clearly feel that she was more than ready for him. He now understood her frustration and wasted little time sliding the garment down her legs. Now completely naked before him he dragged a long finger against her, causing a wave of pleasure to shudder over her. His fingers continued to stroke and tease her until Alyssa was unsure if she cold withstand much more. Her back arched and she gasped in relief when she felt the tip of his tongue plunge into her.


            Her eyes closed and she focused in on the pleasure that ran throughout her body. She was finding it quite amazing how almost every movement that Nick made felt a hundred times more intense in her heightened state. Her breaths became more shallow and uneven and in a way she was almost glad that she couldn't see him very well over the swell of her stomach. She knew very well that if she did steal a glance at him it would stir up feelings that she'd been fighting very hard to suppress. This is only taking care of a need; she struggled to remind herself in her clouded mind.


            Nick pulled away for a moment, replacing his mouth with his fingers for the moment as he looked over at her, anxious to see her reaction. Her gaze met with is for a split second, but before they could really connect her eyes quickly darted downwards trying to avoid eye contact. "Lyss... Look at me," he begged. Before she could turn her head again, Nick reached across her body, cupping her chin in his hand so that she was forced to meet his gaze. She froze once their eyes locked. The intensity on his face was so strong that it almost frightened her while his other hand was still in between their bodies, stroking against her. It was almost a challenge to see who would look away first. Alyssa shuddered as she felt a chill down her spine. Just as she thought that she couldn't take anymore, Nick broke the gaze and let go of her chin, switching it up once more. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her and the sensation was enough to make her toes curl. Her eyes closed again, but every time they did she could not get his intense expression out of her mind. The more she thought about it, the harder her heart began to pound. It wasn't long before she reached her release, so strongly that her body literally shook with the intensity of it.


            She collapsed back against the pillows struggling for a moment to catch her breath, her body still pounding from the high that she'd just come off from. Nick's body hovered over hers, almost a pained expression on his face. "Lyssa... I can't wait any longer," he breathed. "I need you."


            Alyssa just nodded and adjusted her position, sliding further up towards the head of the bed. Nick took this opportunity to shed himself of his boxer briefs, and within moments he was pushing her legs apart. Alyssa squirmed impatiently beneath him once she felt the tip of him against her opening. Then she made a very grave mistake. She pressed her arms against his back and looked back up at him right before he slid into her. At the same time, Nick looked up as well and their eyes locked again sending a shiver of her. She could clearly see the desire mirrored in his expression and the emotion scared her. She couldn't do this with him, not when things were complicated enough between them. It was at that moment that Alyssa knew that she couldn't go through with this.


            The decision seemed pretty contradictory based on the fact that she'd already let him get her off not even five minutes earlier, but it was completely different. Fooling around was one thing. It definitely was still cheating and wrong for her to do, but she could separate the emotion in that and allow herself to believe that it was purely physical. When it came to actual sex though, the emotional connection that they shared could not be ignored. The act was way too intimate and as hypocritical as it made her seem, she couldn't put herself through the guilt of having slept with him again.


            It was unfair though for her to back out now on Nick, especially when he was obviously very aroused and she'd already been taken care of. She didn't want to leave him high and dry and she definitely did not want to make a big production over the fact that she'd changed her mind at the last minute. Trying to play the moment off, she gripped Nick's shoulders and rolled them over so that he was flat on his back and she was straddling his chest. This isn't necessarily cheating; she tried to justify her actions to herself as she pressed her lips aggressively against his. It's more like returning a favor.


"Lyss, what are you-"Nick tried to ask before she silenced him with another kiss. He clearly seemed surprised by her sudden change in plans. Surprised and maybe a little confused.


            "Don't ask questions," she told him in a firm voice. "Just relax. It's your turn now."


            Nick's mouth gaped open as if he were about to say something, but before he could, Alyssa leaned over and placed a finger over his lips to silence him. "Don't," she repeated. Not giving him another chance to respond, her lips wandered down in a slow, tantalizing, trail of kisses down the front of his chest. She could feel his rib cage contract inwards as he drew in a surprised breath, but she knew that he wouldn't ask any more questions at this point. As her head bobbed down lower, she adjusted her body position so that she was kneeling between his legs. Growing bolder now that she was the one in control, her hand left its spot on the top of his thigh and her fingertips wrapped around him. A loud moan of approval reverberated from the back of his throat giving her even more confidence as she worked her hand up and down his hardened length. So far, I their few recent encounters, Alyssa hadn't gotten much of a chance to please him and she was eager to show him that she had learned a thing or two throughout their time apart.


            She continued to stroke him while her mouth made its way further south, pausing only when she reached just above his hips. Her head shot up for a moment, sneaking a glance at his reaction. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted as he seemed to be struggling for breath. Not wanting to prolong things any longer, she lowered her head, and replaced her hand with her lips. Very slowly, knowing that she was driving him crazy, she took him further into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him. The frustrated groan that escaped his lips was encouragement enough for her, so she continued to work her mouth against him in the same fashion. His hands wandered into her hair, pulling her head closer to him so that she could slide him further into her mouth. He tugged lightly at her hair between his fingertips causing Alyssa to moan as well up against him.


            Alyssa could tell that he was getting pretty close by the way his hands dug roughly into her shoulders and the increasingly louder and louder noises he was making. "Fuck... Lyss," he moaned between gritted teeth. Just hearing the way that he said her name was making her feel more empowered by the second. She moved her lips up and down him more quickly knowing that it wouldn't be much longer now. Sure enough, a few seconds later she felt his body quake beneath her and her lips pulled away just before he reached his release.


            Nick lay there for a moment panting as he tried to process the events of the last few minutes. One minute they were just seconds away from having sex, but then she'd unexpectedly switched it up on him and he'd found himself on the receiving end of a blowjob. Talk about bizarre behavior, especially coming from Alyssa. He was not about to complain about it at all though. Based on just a few subtle hints he'd picked up from her recently, he'd gotten the impression that a lot had changed with her. He had to admit; he'd been very curious as to what a blowjob from her would be like now and he wasn't left the least bit disappointed. She'd never seemed that confident from what he could remember of her in the past.


            His arm stretched out to his side wanting nothing more than to feel Alyssa's soft skin beneath his fingertips. He was disappointed to find her not laying by his side as he had anticipated. He pulled himself into a sitting position to find Alyssa sitting at the foot of the bed, looking strangely detached from what had just happened. She appeared more interested in scanning the ground for her clothing than paying much attention to him. That was definitely weird. Alyssa had always been the cuddling type from what he remembered.


            "Where are you going?" he asked, pulling on her arm as she stood up.


            "Getting dressed," she simply replied. "What does it look like I'm doing?"


            "There's no rush," he insisted as he patted the spot next to him in bed. "Stay here for a bit."


            Alyssa gazed at the empty spot of the bed warily, but gave in, lying back against the sheets. Her body immediately stiffened as she felt Nick's arms drape across her stomach, his palms resting on her pregnant belly.


            "What's up with you?" he asked in a concerned voice apparently completely confused by her hot and cold signals.


            "Nothing. I'm fine," she lied. "Really I'm great." In reality what had just happened between the two of them had confused her to no end. She'd definitely felt a very strong attraction to him and after this last encounter she wasn't sure that she could continue to lie to Sean for very much longer. They hadn't even had sex just now. Things were only going to continue to get more heated until they finally did. Alyssa was torn. As great as Nick always made her feel, she wasn't quite sure if she was ready to give up on Sean just because he simply wasn't there.


            The feeling of Nick's lips against her shoulder sent her crashing back into the present. "When did you learn to use your tongue like that?" he asked with a sexy smirk on his face. "That was like a thousand times better than I remembered it being."


            Alyssa just shrugged, glad that she was facing away from him at the moment. The electric passion of the moment was all but gone by now and her anticipation had now been replaced with guilt. So she'd had another argument with Sean. Was that really any reason to act the way that she had tonight? Pregnancy hormones or not, what she had done was still wrong no matter how good it had felt.


            Picking up on her obvious lack of enthusiasm, Nick moved his hands to her arms. "Can I ask you something? Why didn't you want to let me have sex with you? I mean you had no problem with other things," he pointed out.


            Alyssa sighed. She knew that this was going to come up and she hadn't wanted to have to explain it to Nick when she barely understood it herself, but she owed the poor guy some kind of explanation. She adjusted her position so that she was now lying face to face beside him. "I guess I'm scared," she slowly admitted. "I mean fooling around is one thing, but sex is completely different. I'm not ready to deal with that kind of emotion again, right now. I'm confused enough already. That would only add more confusion for me."


            "But you want to? Am I right?" Nick prodded.


            She shook her head. "I don't know what I want. My mind lately has been dictated by stupid hormones. One minute I want it, and then the next I'm upset and full of regrets. I'm not in the best position to be answering that question right now."


            Nick lay back against his pillow. He hadn't realized just how mixed up Alyssa was feeling and the effect their relationship was having on her. The more time he spent with her the more he wanted her and the less desire he had for his own wife. It was different for her though. Sean wasn't around for her to compare both of their relationships with her. In a way it made the situation that much more complicated and volatile because it was much easier for her to simply use the fact that he was not there as an excuse for cheating. For the first time, he almost felt guilty for encouraging her, but then again that was his baby inside of her; not Sean's. Clearly that had to mean something.


            He decided not to press the issue any further tonight though. For now he wanted to pretend like Sean and Shayla didn't exist and that they were a proper couple expecting their first child together. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and dropped a light kiss on her temple. "Stay with me tonight?" he asked.


            She shifted uncomfortably in his arms. "I don't know Nick... It just doesn't feel right."


            "It's late though. And quite frankly I really don't feel like getting dressed and driving you home tonight, so you're kind of stuck here," he argued.


            He had a point there. He had picked her up, so Alyssa had no other way of getting home. "Fine," she sighed. "You win. You're such a baby."


            Nick just laughed as he stroked her hair. "Go to sleep. You've had a rough week."


            Surprisingly Alyssa didn't argue and her eyes shut as her head instinctively tilted against his chest. Within a few minutes her breathing grew shallower and Nick noticed that she had drifted off asleep.


            Nick shut his eyes too, grinning a bit when he felt what he thought was the baby kicking underneath his arms. He couldn't help but to think that this was exactly how things should be.

Chapter 34 - Sweetest Sin by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

A foot massage goes off course.


Chapter 34 - Sweetest Sin


            The days after her extended dinner date with Nick, were full of confusion and guilt for Alyssa. It wasn't until after everything was said and done, that the full ramifications of what she had done really hit her. Again she'd cheated on her husband, and although this time things hadn't gone as far as they had previously, it was almost made worse by the fact that this time she hadn't really had a reason. When she had slept with Nick back in June, it had been after a major fight with Sean as well as months of the two of them failing to connect within their marriage. This time though there hadn't been much of a good reason besides the fact that she was lonely and pregnant. Two both very selfish reasons. Granted, she'd had a fight with Sean earlier that week and that had played its role, but for the most part it had been her own selfish choice to take things as far as she had with Nick.


            As much as she tried to deny it to herself, the physical attraction she had for Nick was insurmountable and the feelings that ran through her every time they touched were unlike anything she'd ever felt in the past for Sean. It was unlike anything she felt even previously with Nick. She wasn't sure if it was just the fact that she knew that she was carrying his child or if it was because they both had matured so much throughout the last few years. Of course she was certain that her out of control pregnancy hormones had a lot to do with as well, but she honestly felt like their connection had more to it than just her crazy emotions.


            She'd analyzed her relationships with both men from every angle and had come to a frightening conclusion. She'd been talking on the phone with Teri about long distance relationships a few days earlier. Both women knew exactly what it felt like to be involved with someone who wasn't always immediately at their side. Alyssa, of course not only with Sean being over in Iraq at the moment, but in her past relationship in Nick while he was on tour, and Teri's experiences with Howie.


 "The situation with Sean and I is just so seriously fucked up. Like he's over in Iraq and because he's so far away and not always readily available for me to contact him it makes it easier and easier for me to forget that he even exists. Does that make me a horrible person?" she'd asked.


"Not necessarily," Teri had responded. "You shouldn't stop living because he's not around. Sitting around moping about him being gone isn't going to do you any good at all. If it's easier to pretend for the moment that he's not in the picture, then you do what you have to do."


"But that's not even the half of it," she argued. "If that's not bad enough, factor in the fact that while Sean is noticeably absent and has left a huge hole in my life, Nick is conveniently around to fill it for me. Not only is the situation complicated enough by the fact that this baby is his, but he does everything for me. Everything that Sean should be doing, but can't. It's a very dangerous situation."


            "Dangerous?" Alyssa could practically picture Teri raising her eyebrows. "Why exactly would that be dangerous? Unless... You're still attracted to him, aren't you?"


            Alyssa sighed, seeing that Teri had once again hit the nail right on the end. It was almost eerie how she could always guess at what was eating away at her. "I guess I am. I mean at first I was thinking it was just the pregnancy hormones trying to cause trouble. I mean I'm five months pregnant, I'm very easily turned on by the littlest things, and my husband is thousands of miles away. Of course I'm going to be tempted. Having Nick around so much is torture sometimes. But he really is doing so much for me and the fact that he's so concerned about me is really sexy. It's really hard to ignore sometimes..."


            "What are you trying to tell me Alyssa? Are you saying that stuff has been going on between you two again? If they are I want details, so spill," her friend commanded.


            Alyssa rolled her eyes on her end of the phone. "Seriously Teri... Either your psychic or you secretly spy on me or something."


            Teri laughed. "No, I just know you and Nick. So, what's been going on? Has he been helping you alleviate some of those pesky hormones?"


            "I guess you could kind of say that. No... We're not sleeping together," she answered before Teri could even ask the question. "It hasn't gotten to that point, at least not yet. We've just shared a few really steamy make out sessions and then well... last week we kind of fooled around a bit."


            "Define fooled around... Like who did what?"


            Alyssa felt herself blush. "We went out to dinner and afterwards things got really out of hand. We were both being really flirty. Anyway we wound up going back to his place and one thing led to another and next thing I know he's going down on me."


            Teri snickered. "I don't know what's more unbelievable? That you actually had oral sex with your ex boyfriend? Or that you actually used the phrase ‘go down on.'"


            "Shut up! There aren't exactly a lot of other phrases to use for the situation," she pointed out. "I mean think about it. There are like five thousand words for blowjob, but your choices are pretty slim when it comes to cunnilingus."


            "Lip service, giving lip, eating out, poon job..." Teri rattled off. "Should I continue? They only get worse."


            "It's okay. Spare me the details." Alyssa made a face and shuddered. "I've always hated the whole ‘eating' term. It sounds like you're about to be devoured or something."


            "So, back to the subject at hand..." Teri paused as she giggled at the unintentional pun she'd just made. "Was there any reciprocal action going on? Or did it just end there?"


            Again Alyssa felt her face redden. "No, I returned the favor."


            "Go you! Miss ‘I'm not completely comfortable giving head.' Bet he enjoyed it huh?"


            She rolled her eyes again. "That was almost four years ago. A lot has changed. He seemed impressed though. Asked where I learned to work my tongue like that," she shyly admitted.


            "So, you guys haven't..."


            "No," Alyssa cut her off, knowing what she was about to ask. "I couldn't. We almost, but it didn't feel right."


            "So, oral was no problem, but actual sex is where the moral line is drawn?" Teri asked.


            She sighed. "I know that sounds messed up, right? It's still cheating either way. But sex is just such an emotional thing and I'm not sure if I'm ready for this to go down that path yet. It's not fair to Sean."


            Teri's next comment surprised her. "Why are you so concerned with Sean for?"


            "Because he's my husband," she sputtered. "I'm supposed to be concerned with him."


            "Bullshit. Let me hold up a mirror for you right now. You're saying that Sean is a thousand miles away, but you can't help but feel further and further of a disconnect between the two of you. Meanwhile, Nick is right by your side doing anything and everything he can for you and of course you're starting to rely on him. All I can tell you is that from my experience, when Howie and I have been apart for long periods of time because of his touring schedule and all that, I don't even think about looking at another man. Our time apart only makes our love stronger once we're back together again. If your eyes are wandering maybe there's a reason for that."


            Alyssa frowned still unsure of what she was getting at. "I still don't follow you."


            Teri sighed in exasperation. "Are you that blind Alyssa? Before he left, your relationship with Sean was not exactly daises and sunshine. For months he became so obsessed with the idea of having a baby that he completely and utterly neglected your needs and desires. He refused to listen when you tried to bring it up with him. There was no communication. He was treating you like a baby making machine. And I know he's a nice guy and all, but you deserve a man who is willing to put you first every once in a while. Then on the other hand you have Nick, who you already know you have amazing chemistry with. Besides all that, look at all he's done for you in the past few months? You would have to be an ice queen not to start to fall back in love with him again."


            Alyssa froze at Teri's last sentence. She had been suspecting that she still had feelings for Nick, but was she really falling in love with him again? Then a frightening realization hit her. Yes, she was not only falling back in love with him, but she was beginning to wonder if she had ever stopped in the first place. He'd hurt her in one of the worst ways possible and she had done everything that she possibly could to erase him from her life. She'd moved to a completely new state, immersed herself in a new job, and attempted to forge a new relationship with Sean. Looking back at that time period in retrospect she realized that she'd only settled for Sean. The emotional wounds that Nick had inflicted on her were barely healed, yet she let herself jump into things with him. At the time she'd seen it as moving on. She couldn't sit there and cry over Nick forever, so better to try her luck with someone else since they just probably were not meant to be. Sean had never made her feel the exact way that Nick had, but he'd always treated her with respect and was a genuinely nice guy. At one time she thought that she was in love with him, but as of lately she found herself doubting that love. Was it possible that she'd never really, truly, loved him after all, but had just been settling because she couldn't be with Nick?


            Teri's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Alyssa? Are you still there?"


            "Yea... I'm here," she dully echoed, too shaken by her realization to say much more.


            "You got really quiet. I'm sorry if I upset you. That was pretty harsh and I probably shouldn't be trying to put ideas like that in your head," she scrambled to apologize.


            "No..." Alyssa shook her head. "Don't apologize. You were only speaking the truth."


            "What do you mean?"


            She drew in a deep breath. If there was one person that she could admit her true feelings to, she knew that it was Teri. "You're right. Things between Sean and I were never exactly the way they should have been, but I don't think it's as much his fault as it is mine. He's always been more in love with me than I have been with him. My heart was always somewhere else throughout our whole relationship. I haven't been seeing it until just recently, but I'm beginning to realize that I really just settled with Sean. I really had thought that I was going to spend my entire life with Nick, so in comparison no other guy could live up to that in my head. Sean's a decent guy though. He's polite and outside of just recently he's always been pretty considerate. He seemed like an all around nice guy, so I figured why not? He's dependable and exactly the type of guy who you know is going to be a good husband and father."


            "But there was no passion or chemistry between the two of you, so all his good qualities almost didn't matter in the end," Teri continued for her.


            "Exactly!" Alyssa felt herself relax a little when she realized that her friend understood exactly what she was trying to say. "All the dependability and decency in the world doesn't matter if there isn't that spark there in the first place. I just can't believe I didn't see that up until all this stuff has been happening recently with Nick. He just makes me feel amazing and I used to think that was a bad thing. Like too much fire and passion and all that is too volatile to really work out, but now I'm beginning to think that maybe that's exactly what love is supposed to feel like."


            "Fire and passion are not bad things at all. Sex is an important part of any relationship and I really feel that without them the entire relationship goes stale. I truly believe that how a couple communicates in the bedroom says a lot about their entire relationship as a whole. Take you and Sean for instance. A few months ago you told me that overall he was a pretty inconsistent lover, right?"


            Alyssa nodded into the phone. "Yea... I mean not saying it wasn't ever good. There were some times that he surprised me, but there were also times where it almost felt as if he were trying too hard. Like while I was trying to get pregnant."


            "That all holds true for your relationship too," she pointed out. "Your marriage so far has seemed very inconsistent. One minute you're happy, and then once obstacles are thrown your way such as him getting deployed and the two of you having a hard time conceiving, you start to fall apart. I think in general Sean tries too hard to be the perfect husband for you and in doing that he only turns you away from him. Now with Nick from what you've told me lately he's been very considerate to you."


            "He has," Alyssa agreed. "And not just sexually. I mean I pretty much told the guy, ‘Guess what? You're going to be a father, but not really because I want you to give up all your rights, so that I can let my husband believe it's his.' Any other guy would've wanted nothing to do with me after that, but not Nick. I know he's hurt and disappointed, but he's still by my side helping me out in any way he can. For a guy who claimed to never want kids, he seems to be really into this pregnancy. Seeing this side of him is just frustrating because it makes me want to be with him even more. I guess I still do love him, but now that we're both married we can't just run away and be together. We're both too tied down right now."


            "So you'd rather stay with Sean and be miserable? You can't hide this whole affair thing you guys have going on for too much longer. He's going to find out sooner or later. Shayla is probably already pretty suspicious herself."


            "I know." Alyssa sighed. "I just don't know what to do. I can't tell Sean that I'm not sure if I'm in love with him over the phone or through e-mail. That's shitty. If I'm going to break the poor guy's heart I at least owe it to him to do it in person. But I also can't stop seeing Nick. He really does a lot for me and without him I'm not sure how I'd get through this pregnancy. And the more time I spend with him the closer I come to acting on my feelings for him. Either way sucks. Besides, what if Nick doesn't feel the same about me?"


            "If he still finds you sexy while you're growing bigger by the second, I'd say that he has to be pretty infatuated with you," Teri predicted. "I wish I could give you better advice, but as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, go with your heart. And right now it certainly sounds to me like your heart is pointing in the opposite direction of your marriage. You can't fight these kinds of things because your willpower is going to falter sooner or later."


            "You're right," she admitted. "I wish there was just a way to solve this without anyone getting hurt."


            "Unfortunately, that's impossible. It's too late for that. Now you just have to do what makes you happy and screw what anyone else thinks."


            "That's selfish though."


            "It's not selfish if it makes you happy."


            Those eight words may just have been the most valuable piece of advice that anyone had ever given for. Teri had been right. It was time that Alyssa stopped putting everyone else's needs before hers and took care of herself for once.




            The following Friday night, exactly one week from their dinner date, Alyssa was having a much more low key evening than the previous week. She'd come home from work, totally and utterly exhausted. Being on her feet for most of the day was difficult for her and even though she was only in the middle of her fifth month, she was already finding even the lowest of her heels uncomfortable. All she knew was that her feet and ankles were so swollen that she couldn't stand to be on them for another moment once she'd arrived home from work. She'd barely made it upstairs to her bedroom where she'd ditched her uncomfortable work clothes for a pair of gym shorts, and a tank top. She'd immediately taken a two hour nap and was disappointed when she awoke to find that her feet were still almost throbbing in pain. Too lazy to get up to even think about getting something for dinner, she'd grabbed one of the pregnancy books from her nightstand and started to flip through it. Maybe there would be some good tips in there about dealing with swollen feet.


            She'd only been reading for about fifteen minutes when she heard the sound of her front door creaking open from downstairs. "Alyssa?" she heard Nick's familiar voice call. "Where are you?"


            "Upstairs," she yelled back. "In my room. You can come right up."


            A few moments later Nick emerged in the doorway. Alyssa had left it open this whole time too lazy to shut it once she'd first came home from work. He looked a little concerned as soon as he saw Alyssa flopped across her bed reading. "Are you okay?" he asked. "The doctor didn't like put you on bed rest or anything, did she?"


            Alyssa just laughed at the way in which he seemed to dote over her. "No, I'm fine. Just a little tired and my feet are killing me, so I took a little nap and I don't feel like moving just yet. What brings you by here?"


            Nick shrugged. "Shayla had one of her things tonight and I really didn't want to go. I didn't want to be bored at home though by myself, so I thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to get some food or something."


            "That's sweet of you," she genuinely told him. "But you didn't have to stop over. You could've just called. I don't really feel like going out tonight. I feel too pregnant."

            "I did call, but you didn't pick up your phone."


            "Oops! I was probably sleeping when you called. Sorry about that."


            "It's okay," he told her. "So, you haven't eaten yet?"


            "Nope. Not yet. I'm too lazy to get up and go downstairs to grab something. Plus my feet hurt like a mother."


            "If you want I could go downstairs and throw something together really quick for us," he offered.


            Alyssa shook her head. "It's okay Nick. I'm not really very hungry."


            But Nick wasn't taking no for an answer. "Uh uh. You have to eat something, at least for the baby." He bent down to drop a light kiss on her cheek. "You stay here and I'll be back before you even realize it."


            "Okay," was all that Alyssa could say in response, knowing that she wasn't going to win this one. She was a little curious to see what Nick could rustle up in her kitchen. She normally did her food shopping for the week on the weekend, so by Friday her selections were usually pretty limited. Figuring that he may be a while, she picked her book back up and continued to read from the spot she just left off.


            About twenty minutes later Nick reappeared balancing two plates and with two bottles of water tucked under his arms. "I made you a grilled chicken salad sandwich. Is that okay?" he asked as he placed the plates on the bed in front of him.


            "That actually sounds really good." She pulled herself into a sitting position, so that there was room for him to join her. She picked up her plate and balanced it on her lap. The sandwich actually looked like Nick had put a lot of effort in making it. The lettuce was neatly arranged on the roll and he'd even taken the time to cut the sandwich into two equal halves. She grabbed her first half and bit into it, a little surprised at how delicious it was. "Wow... This is pretty good. I forgot I had any cans of chicken salad lying around in the pantry."


            "You didn't. It's fresh. I sliced up the chicken and grilled it myself," Nick proudly informed her.


            Alyssa almost choked after he said that, she was so surprised. "Since when do you cook?"


            Nick just shrugged. "Do you think Shayla cooks? One of us had to learn. I mean we eat out mostly, but every once in a while I'll whip up something."


            "Well, you learn something new every day." She continued to eat her sandwich and sip her water, surprised to find that she was actually a lot hungrier than she'd thought she was. Nick asked her about how her day had went at school and the conversation turned to small talk about the students in her class. Before she knew it, she had finished her sandwich completely and all that was left was a pile of crumbs.


            "For someone who wasn't hungry you did pretty good on that sandwich," Nick commented as he grabbed the empty plate for her.


            "It was really good. Who knew that you had such a talent for chicken salad?" she teased.


            Nick smirked. "I have a lot of secret talents you don't know about. I'll bring these plates downstairs for you if you want."


            "No, you can just leave them on the nightstand and I'll get them later," she told him.


            "You sure? It's really not a problem. I just want to do whatever I can to help you out."


            A playful grin slowly spread out over Alyssa's lips as she got an idea. It may be asking for trouble, but her feet really did still hurt and he had said he'd do anything to help her out. "Well, there is one thing you could do for me..."


            "What's that?" Nick asked.


            "Are you still good at giving foot rubs?" she innocently asked. "Because as I said my feet are killing me and if I remember correctly you've got magic hands when it comes to these things."


            Nick looked a little surprised at her boldness. Typically Alyssa never would ask out right for anything, rather she'd drop little hints for him. "Well, I'll admit that I am a little bit rusty, but I'll see what I can do for you," he offered with a sly grin. He grabbed her left foot in his hand and Alyssa adjusted her position so that she was lying back, propped up on her elbows. Just from holding her foot in his hands, he could feel how swollen it was and he could only imagine how much it probably hurt. He immediately got to work, focusing on the middle of her foot first where most of her pain came from. His thumbs worked in a circular motion over the top of her foot while the rest of his hand rubbed against the bottom. Alyssa immediately closed her eyes and a small sigh of contentment left her lips. For the first time that day she finally began herself to begin to fully relax.


            Nick grinned at her reaction. "Yep, looks like I still got it." He continued to move his hands up and down over her feet, but then he got an idea as his eyes connected with a bottle of body lotion on her nightstand next to the bed. He dropped her foot for the moment to reach over and grab the bottle.


            "What are you doing?" Alyssa asked, her eyes still closed.


            "You'll see," he mysteriously told her as he squeezed out a small amount of lotion onto his hands. Alyssa winced a little when she felt the cold liquid against her skin, but quickly relaxed again as he began to rub it in. The extra lubrication of the lotion made it easier for him to massage her sore muscles and combined with the heat of his hands it made it feel all that much more pleasurable. She was practically purring with satisfaction, especially when his hands reached her heel and wrapped around her ankle.         


            After spending a few more minutes on that foot, he switched over to give her right foot equal attention. A small shiver of pleasure tickled down her spine as he lathered lotion over the sensitive underside of her foot. The scent of the coconut lotion wafted up to her nostrils relaxing her even more so. "Mmmm..." she breathed as his knuckles rolled from the ball of her foot to the heel. "God, this feels good..." This was even better than getting a pedicure. Her eyes snuck open in time to watch him trace the twisting vine of the tattoo on the top of her foot with his thumbs. She closed them again and found herself imagining doing the same with his lips. Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all...


            She felt his hands momentarily pull away for a moment. "No... Don't stop," she begged, not even thinking about how sexual it sounded.


            Nick laughed at her impatience, realizing what this was doing to her. "I'm not,' he insisted. He lathered up more lotion onto his hands, but this time traveling further up her legs to her calves. Come to think of it, they'd been pretty sore too. She couldn't help but to moan as she felt his hands knead into the delicate tissue. Why did everything have to feel so good? He really did have amazing hands.


            Nick switched his focus back onto her other leg and as he rubbed and massaged, he stole a quick glance at the expression on Alyssa's face. Her dark hair was fanned out against her pillow and her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted. The expression on her face was one of pure bliss and he couldn't help, but be a little turned on by it. Not only were the noises that she was making sound a little sexual, but the expression on her face was almost the exact same expression she'd make during sex. It was hard not to get carried away in this situation.


            She asked for this, he had to remind himself as he debated on whether or not he should try to make a move on her. He didn't exactly want to take advantage of the situation, but it was so tempting. Maybe he'd just push a few buttons to see how she'd react. Even though he had no reason to, he slid his hand further up her leg, so that it rested on her thigh, and teased the skin on the inside with his fingertips. He felt Alyssa breathe in sharply beneath him giving him the confidence to go on. He leaned over her body and his lips zeroed in on a spot at the side of her neck. Alyssa didn't pull away at all. In fact, she tilted her head to the side slightly allowing him more access to the area moaning lightly at the feeling of his mouth against her skin. Moving almost painfully slow, he kissed up the side of her neck, up until her ear. This time Alyssa pulled away and cradled his chin in her hands, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes seemed to beg with his for him to properly kiss her, so without hesitation he firmly pressed his lips against hers, raising his hand to stroke against her hair.


            He was surprised with how aggressively Alyssa returned the kiss. Her hands floated around his back, lightly scratching her fingernails against the thin material of his shirt while her tongue ran against his bottom lip. He definitely was expecting her to be more reluctant, especially after their last encounter, last week. Perhaps that foot rub really had done wonders. He was very curious to see at what point she would draw the line this time, if at all. Deciding to test out his theory, he dragged his hand down over her body until he was back down on her inner thigh. Moving his hand a little to the left, he slipped it under the baggy leg of her gym shorts, fingering the edge of her underwear. It became very obvious to him that she'd enjoyed his foot rub very much. His fingers were just about to slip underneath the thin fabric when he felt Alyssa stiffen up under his touch and pull away. So this was her breaking point...


            "Nick, maybe this isn't exactly the best idea," she breathlessly tried to tell him.


            But Nick had other ideas. He couldn't help, but notice that there wasn't much conviction in her voice. It was as if she was only saying it because she felt like she was obligated to. He had a feeling that she really wanted to continue this as much as she did. All she needed was some careful prodding. He cupped her chin and forced his eyes to focus on him. "No... Please Lyssa," he begged. "Please let me make love to you."


            Alyssa's eyes widened a little in shock. She wasn't sure what was more surprising. The fact that he was actually asking her for permission or the fact that he had said that he wanted to ‘make love to her?' Her body trembled with emotion and she knew in that moment she was done. There was no way that she could say no. As Teri had predicted she could no longer fight the way she truly felt about him. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words would come out. All she could do was nod her head.


            "I'm guessing that's a yes?" Nick uncertainly asked.


            "Yes..." she whispered finally finding her voice.


            Nick didn't waste anymore time asking questions. His lips pressed so forcefully against hers that Alyssa thought that her lungs would give out any second. His hands inched her tank top up her waist and his fingertips tickled the skin beneath. Alyssa raised her arms over her head giving him permission to remove the material from her body. She hadn't been wearing a bra, so Nick was greeted with the sight of her nipples reacting to the cool air.  Sensing his urgency, Alyssa scrunched the material at the back of his shirt with her fingers pulling it upwards. With a little assistance from him, she pulled it up over his head and let it fall off to the side.


Growing a little more aggressive, she pulled herself into a sitting position not breaking contact between their lips. She continued to kiss him fervently while she traced her fingers in circular patterns down his chest. Finally resting her hands on the top of his jeans she wasted no time in unbuttoning and unzipping them. Nick helped her by wriggling out of them as she pulled them off his legs.


Nick had already hooked his thumbs into the waist of her shorts. He didn't want to move too fast, but he was also half afraid that if he moved too slowly she'd realize exactly what they were doing and back out at the last minute like the week before. He needed to move things along quickly enough that she wouldn't have a chance to stop and question anything. Not wanting to waste any time longer than necessary he pulled down both her shorts and her underwear in one swift move, leaving her completely exposed to him. Anxious to feel every inch of him on her, Alyssa pulled at his boxers until they too were lying in a pile on the floor.


            Nick walked his arms forward forcing Alyssa back down against the bed with short, light kisses. He was growing more and more impatient by the second and decided that he should probably just make his move then. Watching Alyssa's reactions to his foot rub had been foreplay enough for him and he was pretty sure it had been for her too. He grabbed one of her legs, inching it up so that it bent at the knee. Knowing what he wanted, Alyssa automatically bent her other leg for him. His hand slid up to her knee cap as he lined his body up with hers. He was a little concerned with her being pregnant and all. He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. He positioned himself up against her and slowly slid himself inside.


            This time Alyssa did nothing to try and stop him. It was like she'd finally just given into him. She bit her lip and moaned lightly in his ear as he filled her. Her fingernails dug into his back as he started to move. His motions were a little awkward as he tried to get used to the extra bit of room between her bodies because of her growing stomach. He glanced down at Alyssa to see how she was adapting. Her face was scrunched up a little bit in discomfort and her body shifted beneath him as she struggled to meet his movements.


            "How are you doing?" he asked her, his voice full of concern. "Are you okay?"


            Alyssa's eyes opened and looked up at him. The tone of his voice and his worried expression made it very clear to her that he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible. It almost reminded her of the very first time they'd made love; her very first time. He'd been just as concerned and worried about hurting her back then too. It was strange to think about how so much had changed between them since then, but some very basic things had stayed the same such as the way that he looked out for her. Maybe some of the qualities she was only seeing in him now that they were older had been there all along and he just hadn't shown them as often back then. His concern for her made her feel safe. "Actually this isn't really the most comfortable position for me right now," she shyly admitted. "I thought that maybe, but it's not working for me."


            Nick immediately stopped what he was doing. "It's okay," he assured her as he moved next to her and dropped a light kiss on her shoulder. "We just have to be a little more creative, that's all."


            Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm not getting on top. I'm way too fat."


            He laughed at her self -consciousness. "You don't have to. I'll think of something.' His mind quickly scrambled for an idea and as soon as Alyssa saw his eyes light up she knew that he had came up with an idea. "Come over here," he motioned, patting a spot in front of him.


            Alyssa climbed over to where he had wanted her, curious to see what he had up his sleeve. His hands snaked up around her waist from behind her, pulling her onto her knees. He adjusted his position behind her so that he was about level with her. Alyssa gasped when she unexpectedly felt him plunge into her. It took a moment or two to get used to the new position as he slowly began to move in and out of her.


            "I don't think I've ever done it like this before," she admitted as she leaned her back up against his chest.


            "Feels a little weird, huh? You'll get used to it and love it," Nick promised her, his voice tickling her ear.


            Her eyes opened as she sank back down on him and for the first time she realized that this particular position left them in perfect view of the mirror that hung above her dresser. She froze up a little and looked away, too embarrassed to see their reflection looking back at her. She may have grown a little bit more confidence in recent years, but still not that much yet. She slid her knees slightly, trying to move them little by little away from the mirror.


            Nick picked up on her fidgeting and firmly gripped her hips, so that she couldn't move. "Lyss... where are you going?" he breathed out.


            Alyssa felt her cheeks redden a little. "The mirror is right there. It's making me uncomfortable," she confessed.


            Nick's eyes glanced up at the mirror not at all bothered by it. He hadn't realized how it could play into what they were doing, so he just considered it an added bonus. "I think it's kind of hot," he disagreed. "Besides..." his voice lowered as he continued to try and convince her. "Then you can see everything I do to you. Like this..." His hand wandered up to her breast and rolled her nipple between two of his fingers. "Or this..." His other hand drifted off her hips and slipped in between her legs.


            Alyssa moaned as his hands wandered her body still though making sure her gaze was not fixated on the mirror. Obviously this was a big turn on for Nick and she didn't want to be a bitch and take it away from him just because she was a little shyer. She'd just look someplace else or close her eyes or something. As if to show him she wasn't going to complain any more, she tilted her head over her shoulder, so that she was looking back at him. Her hands flew above her into his hair as her lips zeroed in on the hollow of his throat, sucking at it gently. She could tell that Nick found the move very pleasurable because he sped up his movements and his hands gripped her body tightly. Her hand lowered to the base of his neck lightly running her fingernails against the sensitive area making him shudder.


            Nick reluctantly pulled away from her. He definitely had been surprised with her initiative, but being that this was her first time having sex since she was pregnant he wanted to shift the focus back onto her. His hands wandered over her upper body as he planted a light trail of kisses across her two shoulders. Alyssa's back arched against his lips and her fingernails dug into his thighs. He continued spreading kisses along the side of her neck, sweeping her hair off to one side, so that the tattoo on the back of her neck became visible. His lips connected with the row of stars, sucking lightly along the design causing Alyssa to cry out. His hands rested on her breasts, teasing her nipples as he pulled away. Through the mirror he could see that Alyssa's eyes were closed, but by the look on her face he could tell that she was really enjoying herself.


            "Lyss... just open your eyes for a second," he pleaded with her. "Please? For me?"


            Alyssa could hear the urgency in his voice and she could tell how badly he wanted to see her reaction to the two of them in the mirror. Very tentatively she decided to open her eyes maybe to just take a quick peek for him. Her heart was pounding as her eyes opened and she found herself face to face with the mirror. She could see them moving together in perfect rhythm and Nick's face behind her was scrunched up in pleasure. She had to admit that she had missed not being able to see his face and this was one way that she could. She watched as she saw his thumb brush back and forth against her nipple and she had to admit to herself that it was a bit of a turn on to see. Nick grinned and let his hands drop back down to her stomach once he saw that she'd listened to his plea. "Like what you see?" he smirked.


            Alyssa could only nod her head, the image of his hands moving in a circular motion on her pregnant stomach striking a particularly powerful chord of emotion within her. Nick's hands wandered down to her hips knowing that they both couldn't be too far away now. His arms steered her hips exactly where he needed her to be. Alyssa moved up and down on him more quickly than before her breathing increasing as she felt herself contract around him. Her head swiveled back around to see his face, but Nick grabbed her chin forcing her head back towards the mirror. "I want you to look at me through the mirror," he demanded.


            Alyssa had no choice, but to do what he asked of her. It was killing her not being able to see his face and the only way to do that in their position was through the mirror. Damn him, she thought to herself. How is that he always manages to manipulate me into what he wants to do? Her desire to see his face definitely outweighed her modesty. Her eyes focused straight on to the mirror, catching his gaze from behind her. When she felt her eyes connect with his in the mirror, it was the strangest feeling to be looking at him yet their bodies as well the whole time. Her body shook and trembled feeling her orgasm begin to shake through her body. She cried out loudly as she rode out the sensation. Once he felt Alyssa reach her release, Nick let himself go right behind her.


            Alyssa collapsed back against his arms almost stunned by the intensity of what had just happened. She wasn't sure if it had to do with the hormones, her attraction to Nick, or the fact that they just seemed to have amazing physical chemistry together, but now she was more and more certain that Sean was a mistake. How could she even compare her sex life with Sean to that? She couldn't. There was no contest.


            Nick laid them back against the sheets and dropped a light kiss on her temple. "Was that better for you?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned with whether or not she enjoyed herself or not.


            She grinned up at him. "It was more than better. You're right. I loved it. I think I just found a new favorite position," she giggled.


            Nick's face lit up. He seemed to feel very accomplished that he'd been able to satisfy her so fully. "I told you that you'd love it. I figured that it would be less awkward because the baby wouldn't be in the way. By the way, how are the feet doing?"


            Alyssa could only smirk in response. "Honestly? I can't even feel them right now." Her hands hooked around his neck and she pressed her lips up against his to show her appreciation. This time, unlike last week she showed absolutely no remorse for what she'd just done.

Chapter 35 - Still My Addiction by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Nick begin to get careless.


Chapter 35- Still My Addiction


            For the next week or two leading up to Thanksgiving, Alyssa was happier than she'd been throughout her entire pregnancy so far. Her entire demeanor seemed to change. She was calmer and less uptight than she'd remembered feeling in a long time. There was only one explanation for her sudden change in attitude, Nick. Ever since that night they had slept together, Alyssa almost felt like a brand new person. She quickly realized that her admittance to Teri about still being in love with him was the complete truth. She had to be. There was no way that any other guy had ever made her feel this happy before. It was completely wrong, but Alyssa had practically wiped any thought of Sean clean from her mind at the moment. She purposely did not open his e-mails and luckily enough he hadn't called her since. She knew that she wasn't being fair to him, but she also felt that it would be unfair to tell him that she was falling in love with someone else in an e-mail. As soon as he comes back from Iraq I'll tell him, she vowed.


            In the meantime Alyssa had continued to see Nick and not just for friendly dinners and to shop for baby stuff. It was like finally giving in to him had opened up these gigantic floodgates of emotion and the two of them literally could not keep their hands off each other. Okay, maybe pregnancy hormones played their part too, but every time they were near each other they continued to hook up. You would think that they really were the happy committed couple anxiously awaiting the birth of their first child that they made themselves out to be. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Alyssa knew that it was wrong to continually sleep with a man other than her husband even if she cared more about Nick than she did for Sean, yet chose to do it anyway since nothing could really be done to change their situation at the moment. Both her and Nick seemed perfectly content with the way things had been for the past week or two Neither one of them had made a move to discuss what this thing going on between them meant because they both were afraid to consider that this could actually lead to something long term.


            But the more comfortable they were around each other the more and more careless they became. Nick came by just about every day now and almost every time they wound up either having sex or doing some sort of fooling around. Alyssa wasn't sure what exactly he was telling Shayla, but whatever it was so far she hadn't seemed too suspicious. Nick would sometimes wind up falling asleep and having to sneak out early in the morning. Other times he'd leave late at night. Neither one of them ever stopped to consider how suspicious it probably looked to Alyssa's neighbors.


            One day Nick had surprised her by already being at her door when she'd arrived home from work. Catching her completely off guard, she hadn't even stepped into the doorway when he'd wrapped his arms around her waist and greeted her with a kiss that was so demanding it almost completely pulled her breath away. Momentarily forgetting that they weren't even fully in the house and they were completely visible to anyone who passed by, Alyssa closed her eyes and submitted to the kiss until common sense got the better of her and she reluctantly pulled away. "What was that all about?" she slyly asked.


            Nick just shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "I don't know... Felt like it I guess."


            "If only I could be welcomed home from work like this every day," she told him, but then froze when she realized that they were right out in plain sight. "Maybe we should take this inside."


            "Good idea," Nick agreed as they stepped inside the doorway. "I have some things I want to show you anyway."


            As soon as Alyssa stepped inside she saw a few Babies' R Us bags sitting on her couch. "Oh no... Tell me you didn't buy all this for the baby already. Nick, you didn't have to do all this..."


            "But I wanted to," he stubbornly insisted. "I just went in to look and yea I wound up buying almost the whole store."


            Alyssa sat down on the couch and rifled through the bags. Surprisingly Nick had actually thought to buy some very necessary items such as some pink receiving blankets, a few packages of onesies, and a package of baby bottles. Of course he'd thrown in some other items such as a few cute outfits, some stuffed animals, and a rattle. "Wow... I'm not even going to need have a baby shower with you around," she joked.


            "Speaking of baby showers after Thanksgiving we should take you somewhere to start a gift registry, so people who want to give you any gifts for the baby know what to get. Oh yea... and you know how you said you were thinking of doing a princess theme for the nursery? They had tons of different kinds of furniture and stuff. We should go look at it and start ordering it now just in case it's on back order or something."


            Alyssa just listened to him ramble on almost shocked to hear what was coming out of his mouth. "Oh my God..." she interrupted him. "You're actually really into this."


            "Me? No, I'm just trying to help you out and-" Nick sputtered.


            "Bullshit. You're all excited and talking about nursery themes and gift registries... For a man who didn't want kids you sound more excited about all of this than I am," she teased.


            "Okay," Nick admitted, his face growing a little red. "This baby thing kind of grows on you after a while I guess. I just want her to have nothing, but the best. There's nothing wrong with that, right?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "She's not even born yet and you're already spoiling her rotten. I hate to see how you're going to be once she's actually born."


            "Don't worry I got you something too." He reached over and grabbed another bag from the couch.


            "Oh, you did, did you?" she asked, wondering what in the world he could've picked up for her.


            "I saw it on the internet and I immediately thought of you, so I had to order it," he explained. "Open it."


            Alyssa opened up the bag and pulled out a white ribbed tank top with the words Future M.I.L.F. spelled out on it in black print across the top. She laughed as soon as she saw it. She and Nick had always shared a love of shirts with ridiculous sayings and the more perverted the better. The shirt definitely fit her since she'd always joked about how one day she was going to be a hot mama. "Oh my God... I love it Nick. It's hilarious!"


            "Yea, I thought you might," he told her with a grin. "I got it a little larger so you can wear it now during your pregnancy."


            "Thank you." Alyssa leaned over to give him a hug. She was genuinely floored by his thoughtfulness. "That was really sweet of you." She looked back at the shirt and smirked at him. "Mom I'd like to fuck, huh? A little late for that, don't you think?"


            "See, I thought it stood for Mom I like to fuck," Nick played along with her as his hands snaked around her neck.


            Alyssa just laughed at him. "You're such a cornball, but if that's the case then it's perfect." She leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. "In fact, why don't you show me just how much you like it?" she asked him her voice becoming low and seductive.


            "My pleasure," Nick told her as he deepened the kiss and slowly lowered her body against the length of the couch.




            The following afternoon Alyssa arrived home from work to a completely different kind of greeting by the last person she expected. As soon as she'd slammed her car door shut, she'd looked up to see Kim coming down the driveway of her house across the street pushing Gavin in a stroller. Not caring much about her neighbor and ex-friend, Alyssa adjusted her tote bag and her purse over her shoulder and turned on her feet to head inside. She was just about at the door when she heard Kim's voice from behind her. "Alyssa, wait!"


            Alyssa set her things onto the porch and whirled around to see Kim coming up her own driveway now. "What do you want?" she icily replied, not even bothering to be civil.


            "To apologize," the younger woman simply stated. "I guess I was kind out of line the other day in the park when I told you that you were selfish and that you weren't going to be a good mother. I guess I kind of forgot what it feels like to be in your shoes even though it wasn't all that long ago for me. When you're pregnant it's such a scary, confusing, time and you're always worrying about what's going to happen when the baby arrives. I shouldn't have clouded your mind with anymore doubt then there probably already is going through there. I know you're just scared and hormonal and it was wrong for me to say those things to you."


            Alyssa stood there for a moment almost shocked at Kim's apology. It had been over two weeks now since their argument in the park, and in that time they hadn't spoken to each other at all. Callie probably suggested that she apologize, Alyssa figured. Still Alyssa figured the best thing would be to just accept her apology. Why continue on a grudge over something as petty as breast feeding? "You're right," she finally spoke. "It was messed up of you to say those things to me. I really thought that you of all people would think twice because you were only in my shoes, what? A year ago? But we are neighbors and our husbands are like best friends, so I really don't want to fight with you any more, especially over something as dumb as this."


            Kim's face broke into a grin. "Thanks Lyss. I'm glad that we can be friends again. I know I can be kind of pushy at times and stubborn, but I'm only trying to help you out. I may be younger, but I do have a six month old, so I kind of have experience when it comes to motherhood."


            Alyssa wasn't exactly sure how to take that comment, but figured that in Kim's own way she hadn't meant it to put her down. "Thanks Kim. You and Callie both have been great at giving me advice and all that."


            Kim dug into her purse and pulled out what looked to be a business card from her wallet. "Look, I hope you think I'm not intruding in your business or anything, but I've been thinking about what you said about not wanting to breastfeed and I realize that a lot of women who are first time mothers have the same kind of fears and doubts about it. If you're worried about like not being able to get the hang of it or something I can recommend you to my lactate consultant."


            "Lactate consultant?" Alyssa's eyebrows rose. She'd never heard of such a thing before in her life.


            Kim nodded. "Yea... A lot of new Mom's have a bit of trouble getting a handle on breast feeding at first, so they go see a lactate consultant. This woman I went to see does it right out of her home and you pay per session, however many you need. Basically she watches you breast feed and gives you tips and pointers on what you're doing right or wrong. She helped me out a lot, so I thought that maybe she could help you too."


            She handed Alyssa over the business card and Alyssa stared at it for a moment feeling a bubble of rage go through her. Who did Kim think she was? One minute she was apologizing to her for her inappropriate comments two weeks ago, and the next she was back on the breast feeding bandwagon. What part of this did she not understand that Alyssa was not going to change her mind? "Thanks, but no thanks," she tried to say in her sweetest voice possible as she handed the card back to Kim. "Not interested."


            "She'll work with you until you get it down, Alyssa. She's awesome. There's no reason why you can't change your mind. She-"


            That's when Alyssa lost her cool. "You're really unbelievable, you know that?" she interrupted. "You just don't get it. Maybe I need to say this nice and slow for you. I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. BREAST. FEED. End of story! I'm not changing my mind, so you can take your fucking lactate specialist or whatever and shove it!"


            Kim looked as if she'd been slapped. "You don't even have any good reasons not to. All the ones you have are all about you and not about the child."


            "Here we go again with me being selfish again, right? Actually, I have been doing some further research on the matter and I did actually come up with some better reasons not too. Would you like to hear them?" Without even waiting for Kim's response, she began ticking the reasons off on her fingers. "One, there's no way of knowing exactly how much the baby is actually getting. It's all estimating. What if they're getting too much? What if they're getting too little? You can't exactly measure it like in a bottle. Two, some babies have a really hard time being weaned off of breast milk. They can't breast feed forever. Three, some women's milk doesn't even come in right away. That could be a problem." Alyssa sighed, realizing how pointless this all was. "Why am I even trying to justify myself to you? You're just going to knock down everything I say anyway and go all La Leche League on me. So what's the point?"


            Kim continued to look hurt, but her features quickly twisted in anger to hide her hurt at Alyssa's words. "You're right. What is the point? You and I obviously were brought up quite differently. On an entirely different set of morals it seems."


            Alyssa frowned. "So now because I'm not breast feeding I'm immoral?"


            "No, you're just immoral because while your husband is away fighting for our country you're here entertaining other men in his home. Wonder how Sean would feel about that?"


            Alyssa immediately felt her back stiffen. It had been a very low blow by Kim, but she couldn't let Kim know that she'd gotten to her. For all she knew Kim could be just calling her bluff. "What do you know about anything that is going on behind my doors?" she shakily replied.


            Seeing that she'd struck a nerve Kim grinned. "Oh please Alyssa! Do you think this whole neighborhood is that blind? This is an army base. Most of our husbands are off in Iraq right now. Yet, your friend Nick is over here almost all the time." Alyssa opened her mouth to protest, but before she could Kim held up a hand to quiet her. "And don't try to give me that line of shit about him being around to help you with baby stuff. I've seen him leave your house early in the morning when his car has been there all night. He comes and goes at all hours. There's something not kosher going on."


            "What do you do? Spy on me or something?" Alyssa asked, sounding outraged.


            "No, I don't spy. You're just not as secretive as you seem to think you are. Don't worry; I won't say anything for now. I'm hoping that you'll get your head out of your ass and do the right thing in the end. Just thought you might want to know that we're on to you," she bitchily replied.


Without another word she turned her stroller around and headed back down the driveway leaving Alyssa standing there, her mouth gaping. Was Kim right? Were people really beginning to suspect that her and Nick were actually having an affair? This was a pretty tight knot community. All she needed was for someone to mention to their husband that they'd seen Nick over a lot at her house and for it to somehow get back to Sean. Finding out that way would be even worse than if she told him herself through an e-mail. She and Nick would just have to be a whole lot more secretive and careful for the time being.




            "We need to start being more careful. We're starting to get sloppy," Alyssa told Nick the next afternoon. They were lying under the sheets of the bed in Alyssa's guest room. Nick had originally come over to look at the guest room which Alyssa had planned to convert into the baby's room. They had been trying to make a list of everything that needed to be done in there, but somewhere along the line they'd gotten a little distracted, which led to clothes being removed, which of course led to sex on the closest available surface.


            Nick frowned as his fingers absentmindedly traced down her arms. "What do you mean?"


            Alyssa sighed. "Kim across the street made a comment to me about you being over here so much. She didn't exactly accuse me of anything, but she did mention that she found it strange that you've been coming and going at all different hours and that you've spent the night here before and stuff. I just don't want her to say something to her husband who might say something to Sean. I don't want him to find out like that. So, we need to cool things a bit. Like the other day when you kissed me right out on the porch? That can't happen."


            "You're right," Nick agreed as he realized just how much they'd began to let their guard down around each other in the last week or so. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I just wasn't thinking."


            "It's not your fault," she assured him. "Just because it's an army base and everyone knows one another it's kind of risky for us to keep meeting here."


            Nick nodded his head. "Well, there's always the condo. It's still sitting there unoccupied and no one else knows about it, but us. We'll just start meeting there."


            That was actually a very clever idea. Alyssa had almost completely forgotten about the condo. They probably should've kept their visits limited to over there even before things had started to happen between them. "That sounds smart. And whenever you do come over here for something, we have to make a big show about you only coming over to help me out. Nothing more happens in this house after today. And you're not leaving at any weird times without a good cover story."


            "Sounds like a solid plan," he agreed. "This is getting complicated, huh?"


            Alyssa nodded her head. "Yea... It is, but this is just until Sean gets back from Iraq. Then things will be different."


            It was the first time that she'd openly spoken about where this all was headed and Nick realized that the door had just been opened for conversation about their future. Even though it seemed like a perfect opportunity, he decided to pass on it for the time being. He could tell that Alyssa was shaken enough about almost being caught and quite frankly he was a little worried about what she wanted. For the time being he still kept Shayla in his life because it was just easier than divorcing her. Then there was the sense of security his life with her held. He wasn't making a move until he heard exactly what Alyssa intended on doing. As of lately he really began to feel that maybe she did plan on coming clean with Sean about not only her feelings for him, but also about the true paternity of the baby. But you never could tell. He wasn't sure if even Alyssa knew what she wanted to do just yet. It was too soon into their relationship to think about all of this right away. Maybe after Thanksgiving.


            Speaking of Thanksgiving, Nick decided that moment would be a good time to change the subject to their respective plans for the upcoming holiday. He brushed back a piece of hair that had fallen into her hair as if to calm her down. "Let's not think about that right now. What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you going to New York to see your family?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "Actually, they're coming to me. Even though Dr. Spencer told me that I'm perfectly okay to travel on a plane, they think a cross country flight would be too much for me. So, the whole clan is flying out here on Wednesday."


            "You don't sound too happy about that," Nick observed.


            "I'm not." Alyssa sighed. "I didn't want to be responsible for hosting Thanksgiving. I know that everyone is going to pitch in and help, but I'm still going to have five extra adults and one infant staying here when there isn't much room to begin with. I don't know where I'm going to fit everyone. I'm probably going to wind up putting my parents and in my room and Meg and Scott in here. Callie is lending me a crib for Kristina."


            "Who's Kristina?" Nick asked, sounding a little confused.


            Alyssa laughed a little, forgetting that she'd never told Nick about her. "Kristina is my brand new niece that I haven't even gotten a chance to meet yet. Remember I told you that Meg and Scott were adopting a baby from China?"


            "Oh yea... Vaguely. That was a few months ago, right?"


            "Yea... They went over the summer. Anyway Meg's sent me a ton of pictures, and she's absolutely gorgeous, so I'm itching to finally meet her."


            "That sounds nice." Nick thought for a second and frowned. "You said five people though. Is Steph coming?"


            Alyssa made a face. "Unfortunately. I don't really want her here, but my parents wouldn't accept me not inviting her. Guess I'm just going to have to make the best of it. I can ignore her all weekend."


            "You still don't talk to her, huh?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "Not since I left Australia. Maybe I said two or three words to her at my wedding. That's about it. I can't trust her anymore, so we're better off not talking."


            Nick looked at her sadly. "Does she even know that you're pregnant?"


            "Of course. My parents probably told her. I didn't, but I'm sure she's heard by now from someone."


            "Do you think you'll ever forgive her?"


            Alyssa thought about it for a moment. "I don't think so. I just can't find it in my heart to forgive her for going behind my back like that."


            "But you forgave me," Nick pointed out. "And I was just as much as fault. Maybe even more so because I didn't put a stop to it."


            Even though he had a very valid point Alyssa waved her hand as if to dismiss his comment. "It's still different. She's my sister. Sisters don't do crap like that to each other. I would never think to move into her territory like that, especially after everything I did for her! I mean I took her into our home because she felt like she had nowhere else to go, and look at how she repaid me?"


            "That was seven years ago Alyssa. She was only sixteen back then. You can't hold something she did as a fucked up teenager while she was under the influence of alcohol and God only knows what else," he tried to argue. "She's not the same person she was back then. Even you told me that she was starting to turn her life around. As someone who didn't talk to my siblings for a really long time, I just think that in the end life is too short to waste time hating each other for things that happened in the past. I really regret now missing out on all the time I didn't speak to my sisters or Aaron. That's time that you can never get back. And especially now that you have a baby on the way you should want to bury the hatchet more than ever. Is it really fair for you to deny your child the chance to get to know her Aunt?"


            Alyssa was quiet for a moment as she thought about what Nick had just said. He was right in a way. He was coming from the point of view of someone who did have the unfortunate experience of being estranged from his siblings, and she knew how much he regretted not spending that time with them now. Stephanie was now almost twenty-three. Was it fair to shut her out over a choice she had made when she was sixteen? The way Nick had put it about denying her child the chance to get to know Stephanie as an Aunt did make her feel guilty. "I don't know Nick... Maybe you're right, but we haven't talked in almost four years now. I'm not even sure how to go about forgiving her if I wanted to."


            "You had no problem forgiving me. Look, I'm not forcing you to do anything here. I just think that you may want to think things over about her a little more carefully," Nick suggested. "It can't hurt it, can it?"


            Alyssa sighed, realizing that he was probably right. "Okay, fine... I'll at least think about it, but I'm not making any promises. What about you though?" she asked cuddling up closer to him. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"


            Nick shrugged. "Nothing too special. Shayla and I are having my siblings over. Dad is spending it with his family and Mom... well we still don't really talk to her too much."


            "That's too bad," Alyssa sympathized. "But at least now you have each other."


            "Yea... It's not so bad. It sounds crazy, but we've gotten so much closer since we've done the reality show. And they really get along with Shayla because she worked so closely with us on House of Carters."


            "Oh, that's great." She tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible, but it was hard when it came to conversation about Nick's wife. She immediately felt a tiny pang of jealously. Even though she had a much longer history with Nick than Shayla, the only sibling that Alyssa had really gotten to know had been Aaron, and that had been in the earlier part of their relationship. She'd met his sisters once or twice, but at the time their relationship with Nick hadn't been the closest. It felt weird to her to think that Nick's siblings actually felt closer to Shayla than to her.


            "Yea, so it should be fun..." Nick's voice trailed off as he realized how uncomfortable Alyssa looked. Time to change the subject again. "Hey, so we should probably try to give this nursery planning thing another go. We're going to have to start deciding what color we want to paint it and where we may want to put everything."


            "All right," Alyssa agreed as she sat up in bed. "But no funny business this time, you got it? Remember we're not supposed to be doing anything here anymore."


            Nick pulled a face. "I thought you said that didn't start until tomorrow?"


            "I changed my mind. We have to get this nursery going and at this rate the baby will be here and have no place to sleep."


            "You're no fun," he teased as he searched the floor for his boxers and after he found them pulled them back onto his body.


            Alyssa gathered up the rest of her clothes and they spent the rest of the evening making lists of everything they needed to do and what they still needed to buy. They made loose plans to continue working on the nursery after Thanksgiving, next month. They ordered a pizza for dinner and then before it got too late she made sure that he left. Before he did though, they agreed that after Thanksgiving weekend they'd meet up at the condo for some one on one time. One could never be too careful.


Chapter 36 - Family Matters by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa's family comes from NY for Thanksgiving.


Chapter 36 - Family Matters


            "Look at you!" Patricia Martinelli squealed as soon as she caught sight of her daughter's pregnant figure waiting at the other end of the security checkpoint of LAX. "You're already so big! Are you sure there isn't more than one in there?"


            Alyssa's cheeks reddened at the scene her mother was making. "I'm pretty sure it's only one," she replied.


            "But you're not even at six months, right?" her mother continued to question.


            "I'm getting pretty close to the six month mark. Next week."


            Sensing her younger sister's embarrassment, Meg who was right behind her jumped in to save her. "Alyssa has always been pretty tiny though. I'm not too surprised that she's all baby. You look great by the way!" She leaned over to kiss her sister the best she could while cradling the infant that was in her arms.


            "Thanks. So do you," Alyssa answered honestly before she focused in on the baby that Meg was carrying. "Is this my little niece over here?"


            Meg nodded as she held out the baby for Alyssa to hold. "Yep... This is Kristina. This is your Aunt Alyssa," she explained to her daughter as she handed her over. "She must like you. Usually she screams the first time we hand her over to someone new."


            Alyssa smiled down at her niece. Meg had been right. She was beautiful. Even though she looked nothing like either Meg or Scott it was still amazing to think that she was theirs, especially after everything they'd gone through. "She's beautiful Meg."


            "I know... Here let me take her back for now because the rest of the crew is waiting to say hello." Alyssa carefully handed Kristina back to Meg's arms and then looked up to see the rest of her family standing in front of her. She quickly greeted both her father and her brother- in law with a few hugs and kisses. Standing off to the side looking very uncomfortable was Stephanie. She did look much more mature and grown up since the last time Alyssa had seen her at her and Sean's wedding. Her hairstyle which was constantly changing was now cut into a choppy chin length bob and was dyed a deep, dark, ruby red color. She looked as if she'd lost some weight and was dressed a little more conservatively than she remembered, but still managed to look edgy and fashionable. Alyssa wasn't sure how to greet her, so she just flashed her a small weak smile.


            "So, I guess we should try to find all of your luggage," Alyssa suggested, breaking the tense moment.


            Everyone seemed to be in agreement as they headed towards the baggage carousel to retrieve their suitcases. As Alyssa looked back and saw Stephanie hanging back behind the rest of them she instantly felt bad. Maybe Nick had been right. Maybe she did owe it to her younger sister to give her a second chance. She had forgiven Nick after all...  She'd have to give the idea a little more thought.




            The ride back to Alyssa's house turned out to be very cramped. She'd borrowed Sean's truck which she absolutely hated driving to pick up her family, but it was still a tight squeeze. Alyssa began to regret not asking Izzy to come with her in her car and at least drive Meg, Scott, and Kristina back to her house. She was very relieved when they finally pulled into her driveway.


            The first thing she did was show her family around her and Sean's home, since they hadn't been out to see it yet, even though she'd been living there for over a year already. Just as she'd told Nick, she put her parents up in her and Sean's bedroom, but when she tried to put Meg, Scott, and Kristina in the guest room they'd refused.


            "Where are you going to sleep?" Meg asked her, sounding concerned.


            Alyssa shrugged. "One of the couches turns into a pull out and then there's a futon in the basement. I can sleep on either one."


            Meg just shook her head. "There's no way that you're sleeping on a pull out bed or a futon. You'll kill your back. You're pregnant. So you take the guest room. You need to be comfortable. Scott and I can manage on the pull out for the weekend."


            "But what about Kristina? I thought that it would be better to give you the guest room in case she wakes up in the middle of the night or something," Alyssa tried to argue.


            "She's actually a pretty good sleeper by now. We'll just set her crib up in the living room or something. Steph can take the futon downstairs, and everyone else will be upstairs so if she cries she won't wake anyone up except us."


            So in the end Meg had won out and Alyssa wound up in the guest room after all. Once everyone was settled, Meg, Alyssa, and Patricia surveyed everything that Alyssa had already bought for Thanksgiving dinner the following day and made a list of any last minute things they still needed. They then headed for the supermarket to purchase everything they had been missing. When they returned home, Alyssa and the rest of her family went out to dinner, so that nobody had to cook that night. They would all be doing plenty of that the next morning. The rest of their evening was spent sitting around and talking, trying to catch up on each other's lives. They all decided to go to bed relatively early since the next day was going to be a big one for them.




            "Do you remember when we were younger and Mom used to sit us down and make us all watch the parade?" Meg mused to Alyssa the next morning. Alyssa, Meg, and Patricia were all lounged across Alyssa's living room watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a long running Thanksgiving morning tradition in the Martinelli family.


            "How could I forget?" Alyssa responded with a laugh. "Thanksgiving morning was all about eating pancakes, watching the parade to see Santa Claus, and afterwards licking the left over batter from Mom's crème puffs off of the egg beaters."


            Patricia grinned at the memory of her two daughters when they were younger. "You two were always very big traditionalists. Now Stephanie on the other hand, I could never get her to sit still long enough to watch the parade. Even as a baby she was never interested in it. She'd rather sleep late, like today for instance." Her eyes glanced down towards the basement door, where Stephanie was still sleeping. "But even when the two of you were infants, I'd put you in your little baby seats and you'd watch the parade with me, just like Kristina is doing now."


            "Aww... Are you going to make a big deal about Santa Claus to her like Mom used to do with us?" Alyssa teased her older sister.


            "Of course," Meg laughed. "You will too next year when your little one is the one sitting here watching the parade for the first time. It's like in our genes."


            Alyssa looked longingly down at her stomach. It was hard to believe that next Thanksgiving she really would have her own daughter to sit and watch the parade with just as her own mother had done with her. Sensing Alyssa's disbelief, Patricia interrupted her thoughts almost reading her mind.


            "Would you believe that we're now sitting here with three generations of us girls watching the parade? I wasn't sure when I'd ever see this day. A few months ago I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to me a Grandma and now I have one beautiful granddaughter and another on the way. It's so exciting for me. I just wished the two of you lived a little closer."


            "Well, New Jersey isn't that far away," Meg pointed out. "Yea, it's a two hour ride, but it's still close enough that we can visit a lot."


            "Yea, it's better than California," Alyssa agreed. "Thankfully so many of my friends wound up out here, but I'm pretty isolated from any family."


            "You're right... Maybe you should think about coming back with us to New York at least until the baby is born or until Sean comes home," her mother gently suggested. "It would help to have us around to help you out and everything in the beginning."


            Alyssa's stomach turned with just the thought of being dragged to New York to stay with her parents. Not only would that ensure her no privacy whatsoever, but it would mean her not being able to see Nick at all. There was no way that she could let that happen. "I appreciate the offer Mom, but I'm pretty settled out here. I really like my doctor and feel comfortable with her, so I wouldn't want anyone else taking over my case, especially at this point in the game. Plus, weren't you the one who didn't want me to travel all the way to New York? I have lots of people out here helping me out. Izzy's been great and she's been through all this before, so she's been really helpful and Nick's been helping me a lot around the house and stuff." As soon as the words left her mouth, she froze when she realized just how much she had just revealed.


            Her Mother's face wrinkled up. "Nick? As in your ex boyfriend Nick? I didn't think that you two still talked."


            Alyssa bit her lip, trying to think fast. "Yea, we keep in touch still. He lives maybe half an hour away. He's been kind of helping me out a bit by doing all the manly stuff around here that Sean used to do." She inwardly winced afterwards when she heard how bad that had just sounded. Keep digging yourself into that hole, she criticized herself.


            Patricia raised her eyebrows. "And how does Sean feel about that?"


            He doesn't know, she silently answered. Instead she tried to play it off the best she could. "Mom! He's married! And so am I! It's not like there's anything still going on between us. He's just helping a friend out, that's all." She hated lying to her mother like this, but it was for the best. She just hoped that she was being halfway convincing.


            Patricia looked unconvinced, but didn't press the matter much further. "All I'm saying Lyss is that you need to be careful. I'm sure that the two of you have the purest of intentions, but you have to think about what it looks like to other people. You don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about you, do you?"


            Too late for that, she thought thinking about her recent confrontation with Kim a few days prior. "I know," she answered in a small voice. Even though getting upset only made her look more suspicious, she already felt frustrated tears burning her eyelids. "He really is a big help to me though."


            Meg exchanged a worried glance with her, automatically knowing that there was more to this story than she was actually letting on. Her mother though, took Alyssa's tears as an entirely different sign. "Oh honey, I know you probably miss Sean, right? I imagine that the holidays would be the hardest for you, especially in your condition. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm sorry," Patricia apologized.


            Alyssa just shook her head, the mention of Sean's name making her feel even guiltier causing the tears to flow more freely. She needed to get out of there before her mother and sister caught on to what was really upsetting her. "I'm sorry," she mumbled as she stood up from the couch. "I just need to be alone for a while."


Without waiting for their response, she turned on her heels and fled upstairs towards the guest bedroom. Behind her she could just about make out the concerned voices of her mother and Meg. "Maybe I should go after her?" Meg was asking.


"It's probably just pregnancy hormones," she heard Patricia dismiss. "I bet she misses Sean and just got a little over emotional. She'll be fine once she lets it all out."


I wish that was all this was, she thought sniffling to herself as she collapsed onto the bed of the guest room. She could hear water running from the bathroom and knew that her father must be in the shower. She didn't want him to overhear her and have to come up with some excuse for her crying. I really am a horrible person, she told herself as she thought about Sean in Iraq and how he probably was spending his Thanksgiving. Today was probably just another day for him. Why are you so worried about him though? another voice in her head asked. Hadn't she pretty clearly figured out that her heart was way more invested in Nick than it was in Sean? Even so she realized that she couldn't just be completely heartless towards Sean. They had after all had their own relationship and their own memories and although it was pretty obvious to which man she preferred, she did at least care about Sean. How was she going to keep this up until Sean returned from Iraq?


A few minutes later just as she'd feared there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" she warily asked, lifting her head up from the pillows.


"It's me Meg. Can I come in?"


"Doors open," she replied, glad that it was her sister at the door and not her mother.

Meg stepped inside the room just in time to see Alyssa quickly rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands to hide her tears. "Oh, get off it Alyssa. You don't need to pretend like nothing is wrong around me. I know more secrets of yours then I can count." She sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. "In fact, I know you so well that I know the reason why you came up here crying isn't because you miss Sean, right? Judging from how upset you got when Mom questioned you about Nick, I'm going to have to say this had to do with him right?"


At just the mention of his name, Alyssa's face crumpled again, further confirming her sister's suspicions. "Let me guess..." she continued. "You've fallen for his charm once again and there actually is more going on than you want to admit, right?"


Alyssa just nodded her head, looking defeated. "How do you know me so well?" she tearfully asked.


Meg just shrugged and grinned. "I don't know... This only happens what? Every four years? It's like leap year or the Olympics or something. You just learn to expect it after a while. Plus the fact that when we talked on the phone a few months ago you were asking some very interesting, hypothetical questions about cheating... I knew this was about Nick all along. So, let me guess? You started hanging out again, there was a bit of attraction still there, so while Sean is away you're lonely and pregnant, so you start hooking up with Nick again. Am I getting warm?"


Alyssa sighed as she stared up at the ceiling, a pillow hugged tightly to her chest. "That's not even the half of it. If only the situation were that shallow and easy to explain."


"Well, we got all day. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me everything and I do mean everything." Meg crossed her arms defiantly across her chest. "And don't try to lie because I know you better than that."


"Okay..." Alyssa took in a deep breath. "Well, I guess this all started while I was trying to get pregnant."


"Go on..." her older sister encouraged, listening intently.


"You know that Sean and I were having some trouble, right?" Meg just nodded her head, remembering Alyssa's prior phone conversations with her. "Well, it really took its toll on us and our relationship. Things got pretty bad. We totally stopped communicating to each other. Our sex life was horrible. Sean became so obsessed with the idea of getting me pregnant that he almost tried too hard, which made it more awkward. I guess it's partly my fault too because I didn't try as hard as I could've to make him realize what was going on. Anyway everything seemed to be falling apart between us. I wasn't getting pregnant and our relationship was self destructing. That's when I started hanging around Nick more and he's such a different person now. I could tell that he was still attracted to me and I was to him. I guess one night curiosity got the better of us. I'd just had a big fight with Sean and he was pissed at his wife, so we kind of wound up comforting each other. It was incredible. Like so different from when we'd been together previously. He was so caring and attentive... Anyway of course afterwards I felt horrible and I swore it wouldn't happen again. Then I found out I was pregnant."


Meg gasped as her mind connected the dots. "You mean this baby isn't Sean's?"


Alyssa shook her head, fighting back tears. "Not long after I'd found out I was pregnant I discovered that Sean was sterile. We'd went to this fertility clinic to find out why I was having so much trouble getting pregnant, and well that sure explains it. Of course I'd already told him about my pregnancy by this point and he was super excited about it. I just couldn't tell him the truth at that point. He wanted this too badly."


"You know I told you that he was probably shooting blanks Lyss. I just had this feeling. You should've listened to me after all." Meg smirked, but then turned sheepish once she realized that this probably wasn't what her younger sister needed to be hearing at this point. "Sorry," she apologized. "It's not funny and I shouldn't joke like that. So, does Nick know about the baby?"


Alyssa nodded. "I couldn't keep it from him. That would be pretty fucked up and would probably ruin our friendship. He took it pretty well, but I told him that I wanted to keep this a secret between us. Sean was so excited about being a father that I couldn't take this opportunity away from him because of one night. Nick seemed pretty hurt about my decision. He agreed, but I could tell that he wasn't very happy. He still has feelings for me and I guess even more so now that he knows I'm carrying his child."


"So, what's going on now? You said he's still around all the time to help you out. It's not just completely innocent, is it?"


Again Alyssa shook her head. "I could sit here and blame the pregnancy hormones or blame the fact that Sean is so far away, but the truth is I've come to the realization that I'm still in love with him. In fact, I'm not sure if I ever really, truly loved Sean. Yes, I care about him a great deal, but he's always just been second best to me. At first, I tried telling myself that Sean was better for me. He's more reliable, more stable, Mom and Dad adore him. He just seemed like the safer choice, but it's just not there between us. Not like it is with Nick and I. Once I realized that, there was no way that I could hold back my feelings any longer."


"So, this whole time the two of you have been like having an affair?" Meg's face looked shocked as if she'd never expected to hear all of this coming out of Alyssa's mouth.


"Not the whole time. Nothing was even going on at all up until this past month. It started off innocently enough. A few kisses here and there. But of course that led to bigger things eventually. We've been sleeping with each other for almost two weeks now," she confessed.


"Wow..." Meg flopped her back down onto the bed as she realized the severity of the situation her sister was in. No wonder she was so upset! "What are you going to do?" she asked after what felt like several minutes of shocked silence. "You can't go on like this forever. You have to choose one man or the other."


"I know..." Alyssa sighed. "I think when Sean comes back from Iraq I'm going to have to tell him the truth. It was hard enough hiding one night from him, never mind a full blown affair. I'd never be able to act the same around him again. It's just waiting for him to come back. I can't tell him all this in an e-mail or over the phone. That's totally callous. In the mean time though, I know that I'm not going to be able to stop seeing Nick."


"This sure is a doozy of a situation... Maybe you might be better going back to New York with Mom and Dad until Sean comes back. It'll put some distance between you and Nick for the time being. You can get your shit together and once you have everything taken care of you can come back and be with Nick if that's what you really want."


Alyssa turned to look at her sister, surprised by her suggestion. "I can't do that Meg. My life is out here. My job is here. Yea, I get maternity leave, but I'm not even tenured yet. If I take a leave of absence, I may not have a job to come back to. Besides, all my friends are here. I really don't want to move back in with Mommy and Daddy when I'm almost thirty years old."


"True... Sorry I didn't think about that." Meg sighed. "So, what does Nick think about the situation? He's married too. Does he have any intentions of leaving his wife?"


"I'm not sure..." Alyssa winced as soon as the words left her mouth knowing that she was going to hear it.




"We haven't talked about it. We've kind of been dancing around the issue..."


"You have to have the ‘where is this heading talk,' Lyss!" Meg argued. "For all you know Nick may have no intentions of leaving Shayla and is completely comfortable getting it from the both of you."


"Nick's not like that," she cut in. "At least not anymore. He's changed Meg. A lot."


Meg just shrugged. "All I'm saying is that based on his track record it wouldn't surprise me. I mean I like Nick and all, but let's face it Lyss, the guy can't keep it in his pants."


"I'm no angel either," she tried to point out. "I mean every other relationship I've ever tried to have with anyone else outside of Nick has led to me going right back to him. That has to mean something."


"Yea, that you're stupid." As soon as the words left her mouth she saw Alyssa's lip begin to quiver and she realized that she was being too hard on her sister. She may not have agreed with what was going on, but Alyssa was still her sister and needed all the support that she could get. "I'm sorry. That was out of line. I shouldn't judge you like that. Lord knows that you'll be getting enough of that happening once this all comes out into the open."


"What do you mean?" Alyssa looked up at her innocently.


Meg looked at her like she was joking. "Are you kidding me Alyssa? Do you think that you're just going to run off into the sun set with Nick and your love child and live happily ever after? This is going to get ugly. I don't mean to scare you, but it's always harder for the woman in these situations. She's the one who everyone looks at and assumes that she's this big whore or something. It's even worse because of Nick being famous. This is going to be a huge tabloid scandal! You're going to have paparazzi snapping your picture everywhere you go. You know how vicious Nick's fans can get. They are going to be posting so much shit about you on the internet. People are constantly going to be judging you. Hell, you know how Dad feels about this stuff. You're lucky if he doesn't disown you."


Alyssa's face paled as she listened to Meg's description about her future if she pursued things with Nick. Was she really ready for all that? To risk her privacy, her career, her family, just to be with Nick? "I hadn't thought about all that..." she said in a small voice, feeling sicker by the second.


Seeing how this was only making Alyssa feel worse, Meg's face softened as she put a comforting arm around her. "I don't mean to scare you. I just want you to be sure this is what you really want. No matter what you decide to do I'm still going to be your sister and I'm still going to love and support you. I just want you to be happy."


"Do you think Daddy would really disown me?" she tearfully asked. Anthony Martinelli was very old school Italian and had raised his three daughters very strictly. For the most part the three girls had grown up to be very respectful and maintain good values, but each girl had also had their own little period of rebellion. Meg had dropped out of college and ran off with her first boyfriend who had turned out to be abusive. Stephanie had gotten herself involved with the wrong crowd at a young age and began abusing drugs and alcohol by the age of sixteen. Then there was herself, who had actually been the most reserved of the three, who got herself wrapped into Nick. Anthony had never been a big fan of Nick's and hadn't ever tried to hide the fact. Combined with the fact that she'd not only cheated on Sean with him, but would be seeking a divorce from Sean as well, she was a little fearful of her father's reaction. He'd raised his daughters to believe that marriage was a permanent arrangement. The only excuse for a divorce would be if the relationship became abusive.


Meg hugged her closer and lightly laughed, trying to make a joke of the situation. "I don't know... After everything Steph's done, I don't think that this is much worse. And he's forgiven her."


"But I haven't..." Alyssa sighed. "I guess I should probably try to mend fences with her, huh?"


"Well, it would be nice. You haven't spoken to the girl in four years, yet you've forgiven Nick enough where you can sleep with him. If you ask me that is a bit of a double standard. But seriously, I can tell she's sorry about what happened and she misses you. We've talked about it. She's grown up so much since then. She's come a really long way. I think it's about time you made peace. "


Alyssa nodded. "Yea, it's probably really awkward and uncomfortable for her being here. Honestly, right now I have bigger problems them worrying about upholding a stupid grudge with her."


"Then you should talk to her," Meg suggested. "Pull her aside later and tell her that you're done being mad at her for something happened seven years ago."


"Maybe..." Alyssa sighed once she realized how long they've been up there for. "I guess we better go back downstairs and help before they send up a search party for us."


Meg shook her head. "I'll go down. You can stay here and rest a little. Pull yourself together. Maybe take a little nap to recharge. I'll tell Mom and Dad that you aren't feeling very well. They'll buy it."


"You sure?" Meg nodded. "Thanks a lot. A nap sounds like a good idea. Even though all I've done today is cry, I'm exhausted."


"It takes a lot out of you," she sympathized. "I'll see you later. Think about what I said."


A few moments later, Meg had left the room and Alyssa was left alone. Utterly exhausted from her emotional release, she closed her eyes and within a few moments she was asleep.

End Notes:
Thanks to Teri and Darby for reading over parts of this for me!
Chapter 37 - Seeds of Doubt by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa talks to Stephanie. Nick confides in Angel.


Chapter 37- Seeds of Doubt


Alyssa was surprised to find that she slept for a good two and a half hours. She was awoken by the delicious aroma of the turkey already cooking in the oven downstairs. She felt a little guilty not participating in the cooking, especially because this was her home, but she was pretty pathetic in the kitchen.


            She headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, feeling relaxed and revitalized afterwards. Before heading downstairs she changed into a pair of black dressy pants and a loose fitting maternity top. She piled her hair on top of her head with a clip and then she was ready to go.


            "Oh, how pretty we look," Patricia commented when Alyssa had reached the foot of the stairs. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"


            "Better," Alyssa honestly answered. "I had a bit of a headache, so I took something for it and squeezed in a little nap and a hot shower. Now I'm good as new. Is there anything I can do to help?"


            Her mother immediately but her to work in the kitchen and Alyssa found that since cooking took up almost her whole concentration, she had little time to think about her current situation. Her kitchen was bustling between herself, her mother, Meg, and Stephanie all working on different tasks while her Dad and Scott watched football in the living room. Finally, they sat down to eat at around four- thirty. Dinner commenced with her father's annual holiday toast as it did before any holiday meal.


            "I'd like to say that I'm very grateful that we could all be together on this Thanksgiving. This past year has been a very lucky one for our family. All my girls have had an exciting last couple of months. Megan and Scott adopted their first child this past summer, giving me my first grandchild, Kristina. Alyssa is expecting her first child in March. Stephanie is set to graduate this spring from FIT. As a family, we've been through our share of ups and downs, but we're clearly at a very high point right now. I couldn't be happier and more proud of my three daughters then I am now. So here's to my girls," he announced.


            Everyone clinked glasses, but Alyssa found it very hard to look her family members in the eyes. Hearing her father say that he was proud of her automatically made her feel guilty because she knew that if he knew the whole truth he'd be anything, but. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, her father continued to speak.


            "I also want to propose a second toast to salute my son-in-law Sean who is over in Iraq fighting for our country. May God watch over him, protect him, and send him home to us safely."


            Everybody clinked their glasses together again for a second time, and Alyssa managed to squeeze out a weak smile to her family. On the inside though, she felt nothing but guilt. Knowing exactly how she felt Meg shot her a sympathetic glance. Luckily by then the moment had passed and everyone began to pass around the food.


            Dinner was pretty much uneventful after that. Conversation flowed pretty well and remained light. The food turned out to be just as delicious as it had smelled earlier that day. Alyssa was thankful for no other drama. She wasn't sure how much more she could take from her family. Once everyone was finished, Alyssa almost jumped up out of her seat to begin clearing off the table for her family.


            "Alyssa, honey... You don't have to do that," her mother tried to insist. "We'll take care of it. You shouldn't be doing that in your condition."


            "My condition? Mom, I'm pregnant. I'm not crippled. Besides, I hardly did any of the cooking. The least I can do is to clean up and get dessert out," she pointed out.


            "I just don't think it's fair for you to do all the work," Patricia fretted.


            Alyssa noticed out of the corner of her eye, Meg nudge Stephanie under the table and shoot her a knowing look. "Oh, I'll help Alyssa," the youngest of the women volunteered. "You guys should just relax in the living room for a bit. Maybe watch a movie or something. We'll call you when dessert is ready."


            Patricia glanced at her two daughters warily. She knew that there had been some bad blood between the two girls, but she was unsure of the exact details. The most she could get from any of the girls was that Alyssa had found out that Stephanie had done something for her to lose trust in her. Although she'd tried to search for further details, no one dared to elaborate any further on the matter. The fact that the two girls were willing to work together on something though gave her hope that maybe whatever feud that was going on between the two of them would be buried. "Okay, we'll be in the living room. Call us if you need any help," she finally caved in.


            The two sisters worked in silence while the rest of the family left the dining room and settled into the living room. Alyssa carried a pile of dishes into the kitchen and began loading them into the dishwasher. Stephanie was right behind her balancing some glasses in her arms. They continued to work side by side, not talking until Alyssa finally got the courage to break the ice between them. "So, FIT huh? What happened to NYU?"


            Stephanie just shrugged. "Wasn't for me I guess. I dropped out after my semester abroad. I decided that I was more interested in something art related."


            "Like fashion?" Alyssa pressed. "I never knew you were into that."


            Again her younger sister shrugged. "There's a lot you don't know about me. Of course, when you don't talk to me for four years what more can I expect?"


            Ouch, Alyssa thought looking away guiltily. Of course Steph had to be hurt that Alyssa had abandoned her. Even at the time she realized how unfair it was to blame Stephanie for the incident with Nick. It had been three years after the fact. Stephanie had moved on from it. Alyssa had just been shocked hearing the truth from Nick on top of learning that he had cheated on her. Of course she'd lashed out at the wrong person because it was just easier at the time to pin the blame on someone else. "You have a point there," she sadly agreed. "You're right. I have no right to ask."


            Stephanie sighed as she went over to the sink and began rinsing off the extra dinnerware that couldn't fit in the dishwasher. "I've always loved to draw and I've always been into clothes. I figured why not put both together and get into fashion design? I've learned a lot and I hope to maybe start my own clothing line in the future."


            "Are you any good?" Alyssa dubiously asked. She didn't want to hurt Stephanie's feelings, but the fashion world was very competitive. She wasn't sure if this was just a hobby or an actual God given talent that could be pursued.


            A small grin came over Stephanie's lips as she turned to face her older sister, placing a hand on her hips. "Well, see this dress I'm wearing?" Alyssa nodded at the bold, blue and white colored dress her sister was currently wearing. It had a sort of retro looking print to it and Alyssa could tell by the way the fabric was draped it probably had been pretty expensive. "I made it."


            Alyssa's mouth hung open in shock. "You designed this?"


            Stephanie nodded. "Designed and put it together. Does that answer your question?"


            "I'm sorry if I doubted you Steph. It's just that the fashion industry is tough to crack. You really have to have talent."


            "I know... Believe me it took a while to convince Mom and Dad that this was what I really wanted to do, but they're coming around." She paused for a moment as she realized that she was beginning to sound almost too friendly. Almost immediately her guard flew back up. "Not that you really care anyway. You're only trying to act like you care because Meg probably begged you to talk to me."


            "That's not the reason." Alyssa turned around to face her sister looking serious. "I won't lie. Meg did suggest I talk things out with you, but I'm not doing this just because she asked me to. I won't get into details, but the last few months have put a lot in perspective for me and I realized what should be important to me. I'm going to be a mother in a few more months and I'd like it if you could be a part of my daughter's life. It seems so dumb to hold a grudge against you for fooling around with my ex boyfriend. Not like anything ever came out of it. It's just not worth being angry over anymore."


            Stephanie stood there for a moment with her arms crossed over her chest as she seemed to digest her older sister's words. "You're right. It is stupid." She sighed. "Maybe I should've come clean to you sooner. Nick and I both should have. But, it's too late for that now. Honestly, I don't know why I did it. I was such a little shit back then. I wasn't even attracted to Nick! He's not my type at all. I was drunk and well, I guess I was a little jealous of you..."


            "Jealous of me? Why would you be jealous of me?" Alyssa asked, sounding surprised.


            "You have to understand that when both you and Meg moved out, it was really hard on me. I looked up to the two of you so much, and you were always so close with each other, but not so much with me. I kind of felt a little abandoned after you moved down to Florida. That's when I started to get into so much trouble. Mom and Dad were a lot more relaxed with me I guess since I was the youngest. You were down in Florida and your life seemed to be perfect. You went down there just for college and you wind up with this famous, rich, boyfriend. You had a beautiful home and you were engaged... It was like you didn't need us anymore," she tried to explain. "That's one of the reasons I decided to drop myself on your doorstep. I wanted a piece of that life. You and Nick were so solid and in love at the time. I was jealous of that relationship you had. Yea, I had no problem meeting guys, but they were always the wrong ones. I guess in my self -consciousness I almost tried to sabotage your relationship with Nick and that's why I manipulated him like that. I wasn't interested in him at all. I just wanted to shake your life up a little." By now Stephanie's eyes blinked with tears and she furiously tried to wipe them away. "I've never admitted that before. I was such a horrible person back then."


            Alyssa's face softened as she saw how hard this was for Stephanie to admit to her. "Oh, Steph..." She wrapped her arms around her and consolingly rubbed her back. "You can't be so hard on yourself. That was a very selfish and cold hearted thing you did to me back then, but it wasn't you. Your judgment was clouded by drugs and alcohol and you were full of hurt. I have no idea why you were so jealous of Nick and I. I mean I admit that by the time you came to live with us, our relationship was actually at one of its strongest points, but it wasn't always perfect. We had a lot of problems and looking back I'm kind of glad we didn't wind up getting married back then. We weren't ready. We weren't even ready back four years ago."


            "I was always afraid that I was the reason you two never got married. That Nick broke off the engagement with you because he felt guilty about what we did." Stephanie hung her head in shame, not even able to look Alyssa in the eye.


            Alyssa shook her head. "Steph, the reason Nick called off the engagement had nothing to do with you. Nick was going through some rough stuff with his family. His parents divorce got nasty and it scared him. So, if we want to blame anyone for us not getting married, we could blame his parents, but I do believe everything happens for a reason. I don't think either one of us would be where we are today if things hadn't played out the way they had."

            Stephanie finally looked up, her face full of relief. "Do you still talk to him?"


            There it was. The million dollar question again. Alyssa chewed her lip thoughtfully as she decided how she should answer her sister's question. "Yes, we still do talk. We're friends now, but we're both involved with other people. Maybe in another time, another place, but it just wasn't in the cards for us." She hated lying to Stephanie, but she still didn't feel comfortable confessing the truth to her younger sister. Meg was different. They'd shared all kinds of secrets, but Alyssa had always been a little hesitant to confide in Stephanie. Plus, the less people that knew the truth right now, the better. "Anyway," she quickly changed the subject. "I forgive you and I'm hoping that you'll accept my forgiveness by doing me the honor of being my daughter's Godmother." The sentence was out of her mouth before she'd even really thought about it. Originally she'd thought about having Meg or Izzy, but under the circumstances this just seemed right.


            Stephanie looked shocked. "You want me to be your baby's Godmother?"


            "If you'll accept the job," Alyssa offered with a smile on her face.


            "Duh, of course I will!" She threw her arms around Alyssa gratefully. "I can't believe that you want me of all people. After everything I've done to you."


            "Shh... It's in the past now. Let's worry about the future. Now how about we start getting dessert going before the rest of the family starts coming in to see what's taking so long."


            Stephanie just nodded as she wiped away her tears and the two women began setting up dessert onto serving plates. Deep down, Alyssa knew that she had made the right decision and she had to admit that a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders.



            Thanksgiving at Nick and Shayla's had been completely different than Thanksgiving with Alyssa and her family. The Carter's weren't exactly what you would consider traditional by any means. Since the idea of cooking an entire Thanksgiving feast was unthinkable to Shayla, she'd catered the whole meal and had it delivered that morning. All that she needed to do was stick it in the oven to reheat it, which she had no problems with doing that at least.


            Nick did find it a relief to see his siblings again. Since their reality show had wrapped, he made more of a conscious effort to gather the family up for holidays and whatnot. He didn't want them to ever fall apart like they had previously and being the oldest he felt like it was his responsibility to hold everyone together. Typically, any Carter family holiday resulted in at least one screaming match, but this year Thanksgiving seemed relatively calm. The most awkward part of the whole meal had been Nick having to sit next to Shayla and pretend to act as if nothing was wrong with their relationship. In reality, since they'd gotten back together a wall had begun to form between the two of them and he was sure that even Shayla had to be noticing it now. As usual, his wife immersed herself further into her career to avoid facing problems, but she could only do that for so long. If Shayla was beginning to suspect that Nick was being unfaithful, she'd played it off remaining poised and confident to the outside world. Nick knew though that there was only a matter of time before she cracked. He just hoped it wouldn't be too soon.


            As he had mentioned to Alyssa, his siblings were actually quite fond of Shayla. They of course were unaware of the devious, manipulative side she hid so well. They still looked upon Shayla as the fresh, young, producer that had worked behind the scenes with them on House of Carters. She'd become not only a friend to Nick, but a friend to the rest of his family as well. His siblings were proud of how far her career had gone since then and seemed amazed at her glamorous transformation. Sometimes they seemed more interested than what she had to say than what Nick did. That particular moment was a perfect example. She was sitting at the head of the table describing one of the most recent parties she'd attended, while his four other siblings listened attentively. Knowing that he wouldn't be missed, Nick quickly excused himself and headed up the stairs to his office, needing to get away for a few minutes.


            I wonder what Alyssa is doing now, he found himself wondering as he flopped down on his desk chair and booted up his computer. He wondered if her family was driving her crazy yet. He wondered if she'd reconciled with Stephanie like he had urged her to do. His hand lingered over the cradle of his office phone, half tempted to pick it up and give her a call, but he quickly stopped himself. It wouldn't be right to call her when she was with her family. Instead his hands wandered over to the mouse on his laptop and before he even knew what he was doing he was clicking on the hidden folder that contained the few pictures he had secretly kept from the one's he had found in this very office only a few months earlier. Instantly one of the images blew up onto the screen in front of him. His eyes lingered over the details of the picture only strangely enough this time he didn't find his gaze to be fixated on her body, but more on her face which had relatively stayed the same. The deep brown of her eyes, the sharp arch of her eyebrows, the long flirty eyelashes, the pouting of her lips... He was so drawn into the photo that he barely even heard the sound of another person enter the room until he heard the sound of a throat clearing. His head shot up to find his youngest sister, Angel, staring over him curiously.


            "I was wondering where you went to. What are you doing up here?" she asked.


            Nick shrugged. "Just wanted to be alone," he muttered.


            Angel raised her eyebrows at him. Even though she was among the youngest of his siblings, she and Nick shared an especially strong bond, maybe because they were so much alike. Whatever the case was Nick always found that Angel always understood him the best. She smirked mischievously. "What are you doing on the computer? Whatever it was you were so into it that you didn't even hear me come in." Before Nick could close the image from his screen, Angel had already craned her neck around his desk just in time to see the scantily clad photo. "Looking at porn. I should've figured, you perv," she teased in a disgusted voice. "Some host you are."


            Nick felt himself turning red, but before he could defend himself he noticed Angel's eyes squint as she took in the photo more carefully. "Wait a minute... Is that who I think that is?"


            "Uhh..." Nick stammered. He wasn't sure if Angel would recognize Alyssa or not. The two had never met in person, but Angel had definitely seen more than enough pictures of her throughout the years. "Depends on who you think it is."


            "Your ex girlfriend... Alyssa, right?" Her eyes narrowed and her hands floated to her hips. "Is there a reason why you're looking at half naked pictures of her when your wife is right downstairs? Or do you just happen to have pictures like that of all your ex girlfriends?"


            "It's really not a big deal Angel," he lied as he quickly closed out the image. "I was just looking through my files and I forgot I had these on here."


            Angel just shook her head. "Sorry Nick. I'm not buying it." She made herself comfortable on a nearby chair and straddled it. "I'm not leaving until I hear the truth. What's going on? Are you and Shayla having trouble? I noticed that the two of you barely spoke during dinner."


            Nick sighed. He supposed he really could use a female perspective on the situation and Angel was the perfect person to confide in. He knew that he could trust her and she would give an honest opinion, but most importantly she could keep a secret. "Okay, if I tell you I need you to swear that you won't tell anyone else, okay? Not BJ or Leslie or Aaron and especially not Shayla, got it?"


            "Of course," Angel agreed, cocking her head forward a bit, appearing interested. "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"


            "Why do you think that I'm in trouble?" he immediately asked, feeling offended.


            "Because it's what you do best," his younger sister pointed out. "Now spill."


            Nick took in a deep breath as he began. "Okay... I admit I did get myself into a mess, but I'm not sure if it's as big of a mess as it might seem on the outside. I think that maybe it's for the best. Like someone is trying to tell me something."


            Angel frowned. "What do you mean?"


            Nick paused for a moment unsure of exactly where to begin. "Well, you are right. Shayla and I have been having some problems lately. I guess it all started when she told me that she wanted to try having kids. I wasn't thrilled with the idea to say the least. I just didn't feel like I was ready to become a father just yet. I had just started up my label and she'd just gotten her show... It was a bad time to bring kids into the mix. She got really upset and made some not so veiled threats about purposely forgetting to take her birth control pills. It started to get pretty ugly between us."


            "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that. I mean women tend to say some pretty crazy stuff when they're upset. Most of the time they don't mean it," Angel interrupted to defend her sister-in-law.


            Nick shrugged. "I don't know Angel. You don't know Shayla like I do. She's a lot more manipulative than you seem to think."


            Angel just rolled her eyes. "I don't know Nick. I think you're just paranoid. Don't you think it's strange that every girl you've ever dated can be described as manipulative in one way or another? Maybe you have some sort of complex or something."


            He could feel himself start to lose his patience with his sister. "Okay, so faking a pregnancy just to get my reaction of what I would do in case it ever happened accidentally isn't sneaky or manipulative in your book?" he blurted out.


            "Whoa! What? Please back up and explain." Angel's expression looked completely shocked at his outburst.


            Nick took another deep breath trying to calm himself down. "She told me that she was pregnant a few months ago. It freaked me out big time. I went through all these different emotions until I finally realized that the right thing for me to do would be to support her because it was my responsibility to do so. It was too late to change anything at that point. Just when I'd finally decided to accept the fact that I was going to be a father, I caught her having lunch with a few of her friends, chugging down Cosmos. We had a huge fight and she admitted to faking the whole thing."


            "Wow..." Angel sat back continuing to look stunned. "I can't believe Shayla would do that." She looked almost betrayed, as if someone had just told her that Santa Claus wasn't real. "I thought she was so sweet and genuine. So different from any of your other girlfriends... I looked up to her!"


            "Sorry to shatter your illusion of her. She's a good actress."


            "So, then why are you still with her? I don't understand..."


            Nick sighed. "This is where it gets hard to explain. When I first heard that she had made that all up, I wanted nothing more to do with her. I was all prepared to divorce her. Now during this time I'd started talking to Alyssa again."


            "I knew she had to be involved in this somehow! Please don't tell me you did what I think you did." Nick looked away, not being able to meet his sister's gaze. "Oh my God, you did. I don't know why I should be surprised. When are you going to learn that going out and sleeping with someone else for revenge only makes things worse and makes you just as guilty?"


            "It was a complicated situation. Her husband is a Marine and he'd just gotten stationed out here -"


            "Her husband? She's married too?" Angel just shook her head. "God, Nick you weren't kidding when you said this was fucked up."


            "Will you just let me finish?" he interrupted her. He continued with the story with no further commentary from Angel. He explained to her about how he and Alyssa had bumped into each other at Koi and then again at Grace's birthday party. How their friendship had continued to grow from that point on. He then went on to describe Alyssa and Sean's fertility problems and the toll it was beginning to take on their marriage. Finally, he described the circumstances that had led up to them sleeping together at the condo.


            When he was finished, Angel looked wide eyed. "Wow... How long ago was this?"


            "June," he honestly replied.


            "That was months ago. What happened afterwards? Did you just go back to Shayla and her to Sean and that was it?"


            "Not exactly." Nick nervously licked her lips. "Alyssa found out a few weeks later she was pregnant."


            Angel's mouth gaped open. "But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's yours, right?"


            Nick shook his head. "It is. She and Sean had gone to a fertility clinic and Sean was deployed to Iraq before the results came back. Turns out Sean is sterile, which is why she had such a hard time getting pregnant."


            "So, you're going to be a father?" she asked in a shocked voice.


            "Well, scientifically yes. In reality? I'm working on that."


            Angel looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"


            "Alyssa thinks it might be best if we let Sean continue to believe that he's the father. He apparently really wants this and she seems to think that because of everything I've told her about not wanting kids with Shayla that I'm kind of neutral about the whole thing. I have to admit that definitely hurt like a bitch. That's when I went back to Shayla. I was hurt and a little pissed at Alyssa," he explained.


            "That's fucked up! That makes her just as bad as Shayla. Maybe even a little worse... She knew how hurt you were when Shayla lied about the baby. To tell you that you're going to be a father, but then go ‘Oh, wait! Actually let's let my husband think he's the father because he wants it more and I want to cover my own ass,' is really shitty and selfish of her. What about what you want? Does she realize that you could drag her ass into court over this?" Angel's eyes flashed in anger.


            Nick just shook his head. "I could, but I'm not going to. As much as you may disagree, I don't want to ruin my friendship with her. Instead I've come up with another plan."


            Angel rolled her eyes. "Oh God, lets hear it."


            "She needs me. Especially now that Sean is away. I step in whenever she needs a helping hand. I give her the attention that Sean doesn't. Anything she needs, I'm there for her. It works like a charm. I really think she's coming around."


            His sister frowned again. "I'm not sure if I follow Nick. Are you looking to manipulate her or do you honestly want to be with her again?"


            Nick thought carefully about his answer before he spoke. "I do want to give us another try. I feel like this all happened for a reason. She's so different now. So much less uptight and more relaxed and funny. I'm still in love with her I guess. And the more time I spend with her the less and less I want to be with Shayla."


            "So, here's an idea," she sarcastically replied. "In the meantime divorce Shayla. It's not fair to lead her on."


            He shook his head. "I'm waiting to hear what Alyssa is going to do. She says she's going to tell Sean about us, but she doesn't want to do it until he comes home which I can understand. I don't want to make a move until she does."


            Angel sighed. "You just don't want to divorce Shayla in case Alyssa changes her mind because you'd rather be in a loveless marriage then completely alone," she analyzed. "Yet, in the meantime you continue to sleep with Alyssa, who if you ask my opinion could very well screw you over big time. Yea... That's quite a mess there Nick."


            "Alyssa isn't going to screw me over," he argued. "She's not like that."


            Angel shrugged. "You didn't think Shayla would screw you over either. Face it Nick. This time around, she's the one who holds all the cards. She's the one with the baby. I just don't have a good feeling about this situation."


            Nick sighed. He valued Angel's opinion, but this time he had to disagree with his sister. Maybe it was growing up in the Carter household during some of the worst years, but he noticed that Angel was a lot more hardened than he was in some ways. She'd learned to expect the worse from the people. He supposed he couldn't be too surprised that Angel felt this way.


            "Thanks for your opinion. I'll consider it," he promised just to make her feel better. "In the meantime this doesn't leave this room, got it?"


            "You can trust me Nick. I may not agree with it, but you can trust me," she swore. "I just may not ever be able to look at Shayla the same and if I ever meet Alyssa I'm not sure if I can be all that friendly to her."


            "I appreciate your honesty, but for now you have to act like you know nothing, okay? I don't want Shayla to become suspicious. Now let's go back downstairs and pretend we never had this conversation," he suggested.


            "Fine," Angel reluctantly agreed.


            As Nick followed his sister back down the stairs he had to admit that he was now more confused than ever.  Before his conversation with Angel he'd been nothing, but confident about Alyssa's feelings for him and her intentions about what she wanted. Now though those seeds of doubt had been planted into this mind. What if she really did try to screw him over? What if she was just telling him what he wanted to hear and then in the end she was going to go running right back to Sean? For the first time, Nick realized just how murky their future seemed. They needed to talk about this and it needed to happen soon.


Chapter 38 - What's In a Name? by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Nick get into a fight over baby names.


Chapter 38 - What's In a Name?


            The remainder of Thanksgiving weekend flew by relatively painlessly for Alyssa. She'd spent the last few days catching up with her sisters, bonding with her new niece, and most importantly of all, shrugging any suspicion of what was really going on with her and Nick to the side. By early Sunday afternoon when she'd finally dropped her family off at the airport to return back home, she had to admit that a part of her was almost glad to see them go. Constantly walking on eggshells around them was becoming both physically and mentally exhausting. As soon as she'd arrived back to Sean's truck, she'd sat in the parking lot for a minute or so, staring at her phone that sat in the cup holder. She hadn't gotten a chance to speak to Nick all weekend long and all of a sudden she felt the urge to see him. She needed to relieve the tension of the past few days. Without a second thought, she dialed his cell phone number and waited for him to pick up.


            "Hey," he answered after two or three rings. "What's up?"


            "Nothing. I just dropped my family off at the airport," she coolly reported.


            "Awesome. What are you doing now?"


            Alyssa smirked into the phone as she used the rearview mirror to fix her hair and check her appearance. "I was thinking of taking a ride out to the condo and I was hoping that you'd meet me there."


            Nick hardly hesitated. "Yea, I'll be there. I'll meet you as soon as I can."


            "Perfect. Can't wait." With that she clicked her phone closed and started up the engine of Sean's truck. She drove out of the parking area with a small little grin on her face. After the weekend she'd had, she could use some alone time with Nick, preferably alone time that required very little talking.




            Nick arrived at the door of the condo a little while later, seeing that Alyssa's car was already parked in the driveway, signaling that she'd arrived before him. He'd anticipated this to be the case since he was farther away and he'd had to come up with an excuse to give Shayla for his absence. He'd told her that he was going to hit the gym for the afternoon to work off some of that extra food he'd consumed this weekend. Thankfully, Shayla had seemed to buy it. He'd been sort of glad that Alyssa had called him. Not only was he just as eager to get out of the house after spending the weekend with his siblings, but he'd also seen this as the perfect opportunity to finally sit Alyssa down and have a serious talk with her. He realized after his talk with Angel that he really needed to lay out his intentions for her and find out what hers were to him before this went any further. They needed to decide where exactly this thing between the two of them was heading.


            As he opened the door and stepped inside the dimly lit hallway of the condo, he realized that Alyssa seemed to have other plans in mind. He had barely closed the door behind him when she appeared almost demure like in a sea foam green sweater that highlighted the now fully noticeable roundness of her stomach and a pair of jeans. Her dark hair hung loose and wavy, just the way he liked it the most. She may have looked innocent from a far, but her greeting of him was anything, but. Her arms immediately hooked themselves around his neck and her lips pressed against his roughly as she pressed her pregnant body up as tightly as she possibly could against his. Nick was completely caught off guard by her welcome, but surrendered himself to the kiss, bringing his hand to the back of her head to play with her thick hair. Alyssa moved backwards, not breaking their embrace as she guided them further into the condo until they were at the entry point of the living room. Once they reached there, Nick reluctantly broke the kiss and smirked at her.


            "That certainly wasn't exactly the hello I was expecting to receive."


            Alyssa just shrugged, still not letting go of him. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Her hands were now wrapped around his waist, stroking his lower back. "I missed you," she breathlessly confessed as she reached up to kiss him once again, this time even more aggressively than she had at the door a few minutes earlier. Nick was very surprised at her boldness. He definitely wasn't used to her being this confident with him or being much of the one in control. He had to fight to remind himself that he had come to see with more of a purpose than just getting laid and once he felt her hands creep underneath the hem of his t-shirt, and the tip of her tongue against the roof of his mouth, he pulled back again, hoping to get the intended conversation out of the way before things got too much further.


            "Lyss, we need to talk," he managed to get out between heavy breaths.


            Alyssa shook her head, not caring to acknowledge his request. She placed a finger over his lips. "No. No talking..." She silenced him with another kiss before pushing him down onto the couch behind him. "I don't want to talk, right now."


            Nick watched her, looking a little shocked as she climbed on top of his lap and her lips fiercely captured his again. Only this time they didn't stay there for long. She reluctantly strayed from his lips to begin a trail of kisses along his jaw line, heading towards his neck. "How was... your... Thanksgiving?" he scrambled to ask.


            Alyssa ripped her lips away from him and stared at him as if he were crazy for even asking. "Well... Let's see... I just spent the last five days with my entire family at my house and it's been about a week since the last time I saw you." While she spoke her hands were already working on the button of his jeans. "I've gotten pretty used to having you around, so not seeing you for that length of time really has been killing me." She successfully undid his pants and rubbed the growing bulge that was forming underneath his boxers and smirked. "Seems like it was killing you too, huh? So no, my Thanksgiving actually wasn't all that great, yours?"


            Nick swallowed hard, almost not believing what was actually happening. He replied with the first word that came to mind which was exactly how he was feeling at the moment. "Super..."


            Alyssa bit her lip to keep from laughing at his reaction. "That's good." Her hands slid up his torso underneath his shirt and tore the material away from his body. She crossed her arms in front of her, pulling her own sweater up over her head just as quickly revealing a bra of the similar color. She wasted no time in leaning over him to place kisses up and down his chest while her hands got to work on tugging his jeans off his legs. "How about we seriously cut the conversation and just let me show you how much I missed you, okay?"


            There was nothing more that Nick could do, but nod. It was becoming glaringly obvious that they wouldn't be having the conversation he had hoped anytime soon from the looks of things, but he was beginning to care less and less. Even pregnant, he found the idea of Alyssa being so aggressive very hot to him and he was more than willing to submit himself to her. His hands tugged at the legs of her pants as well, signaling that he wanted them off. Alyssa stood up in front of him, letting them pool around her feet as she stepped out of them and kicked them aside. She leaned up over him, sucking across his collarbone as his hands reached around to stroke the small of her back. As her lips traveled downwards towards his chest and stomach, she adjusted her position, so that she was kneeling on the floor between his legs. Her hand wandered in through the front flap of his boxers and wrapped around him, moving her hand up and down his shaft as her tongue darted out to swirl against his chest. She grinned in satisfaction as she felt Nick shudder beneath her as he sank deeper against the back of the couch. She continued down his stomach, smirking when she felt his muscles clenching underneath her lips. She stopped at the waist band of his boxers, giving him a preview of what was to come by running her tongue against the row of skin right above the elastic which produced a frustrated groan from his lips.


            "Lyss... come on," he begged, thrusting his hips closer to her, hoping she'd get the hint.


            Alyssa giggled at his impatience. "Okay relax. I'm getting there. I promise."


Giving into him, she pulled his boxers down his legs and off of his body. Her fingertips traveled up his legs until her hands rested on his thighs and she was level with his midsection. Her head bobbed down and her lips slowly surrounded him until he was completely in her mouth. She felt Nick's hands immediately grab hold of her hair as she moved her lips up and down his length, guiding her where he wanted her. As she took him in further his fingers rubbed harder against her scalp causing her heart to pound faster and her breathing to become shallower. The vibrations of her erratic breathing made the experience more enjoyable for him and he dug his hands roughly into her shoulders as she sped up her movements. Alyssa shuddered when she felt his fingers scratch against the side of her neck. For once, she was actually beginning to feel as if she was getting off as much on this as he was.


She could tell by the frustrated growls emanating from the back of his throat that he wasn't going to last much longer. She pulled away from him breathing almost as heavily as he was. She was getting impatient and needed things to progress at a little bit of a faster pace. Ignoring Nick's confused glances; she pulled the afghan off the end of the couch and spread it out over the floor, figuring that would give them the most room. She pulled a few pillows off the couch too in case this didn't work out the way she had planned it to. "Get on the floor," she ordered him.


Nick did exactly what she asked him too, fascinated at this new, demanding side of Alyssa that he'd never seen before. He watched as she shed her panties and then pushed his chest back, so that he was lying on his back. His eyes widened as she straddled him. "I thought you said that you were too big to be on top?"


Alyssa just raised an eyebrow at him. "If this is a problem for you we can stop. I thought that maybe we could try it out, but we don't have to." She made a move to swing her leg back over, so that she was no longer on top of him, but his hands gripped her waist preventing her from moving.


"Uh uh," he argued. "There's no problem at all. Stay right where you are."


"That's what I thought you'd say," she told him with a smirk as she sunk down on him. Her head flew back and she let out a satisfied moan as he filled her up. His hands flew up against her hipbones as she began to move against him in a circular motion. It wasn't as easy for her to move against him in too extreme of a pattern, but Nick didn't care. It was enough of a turn on of her to even be so controlling in the first place. She'd been in such a hurry to get him inside of her that she was still wearing her bra. Nick reached up and unhooked the unnecessary piece of material, pulling it down her arms. His hands floated up to her full breasts, rubbing his thumbs against her stimulated nipples. Alyssa shuddered and increased the speed of her movements against him. Nick followed her lead, mimicking her pace with the way he touched her. Alyssa gave him a loud cry of approval and attempted to tilt her body forward for further satisfaction, but grew more frustrated when she realized her stomach prevented her from hitting the exact angle she wanted.


After a few moments of watching Alyssa squirm uncomfortably on top of him, Nick pulled himself into a sitting position and pulled Alyssa against him as closely as he could. One of his hands pushed against her lower back, allowing him to enter her more deeply. Alyssa's legs were now parallel with his waist as she rocked against him. He grabbed one of her legs and guided them around his waist which was a much more comfortable position for her. His lips zeroed in one her neck and Alyssa sighed as he nipped at the delicate area. She wasn't all that pleased that she'd lost control of the situation, but there wasn't much that she could do in her state.


Nick continued down the front of her throat and over her collarbone towards her breasts. Alyssa felt her heart pound as she thrust harder against him. His left hand traveled upwards to cup one of them and he lowered his head just enough to take the erected nipple into his mouth and suck gently on it. Alyssa's back instantly arched in pleasure which worked in his advantage, as he was able to take her more fully into his mouth. Her movements grew quicker and her cries grew louder as she neared her orgasm. He slipped his other hand in between the two of them, rubbing her clit along with the motions of their bodies while he continued to suck at her breasts. Alyssa tightly gripped onto his back as her release hit, sending Nick over the edge as well right behind her.


They both rode out their orgasms and Alyssa slid off of him breathing heavily. She reached over to the grab the corner of the afghan, wrapping it tightly around them like a cocoon. They were both silent for a moment as they struggled to calm themselves down. Nick looked down at Alyssa and was surprised to find that she actually looked almost disappointed. After that? he asked himself, wrinkling his nose up in confusion. Was he losing his touch or something? She didn't seem the least bit disappointed a few minutes earlier, he tried to console his ego. He finally decided to ask her outright. "What's wrong? You look disappointed."


Alyssa looked away, all of a sudden seeming to be consumed by shyness. "It's nothing. It's stupid really."


"Nothing is stupid," he insisted, pressing his forehead against hers. "Come on Lyss... This is me here."


Alyssa sighed as she looked down at her fingers which were playing with the frayed edge of the afghan. "It's just that I'm frustrated with myself I guess. Being pregnant is starting to suck a bit."


Nick looked surprised at her admission. He could swear that Alyssa loved being pregnant. What had brought this on? "What do you mean by that?"


"My body is a mess. I can't move the way I want. I'm getting bigger and bigger everyday. I can't even please you the way I really want... Soon I'll be so big we probably won't even be able to have sex," she darkly confessed.


"And that's such a bad thing?"


Alyssa looked up, surprised at his answer. "Well, yea... I mean let's face it. Sex has always been pretty important to you."


"Touché... You're right. I won't lie. It has always been important to me, but you can't be so hard on yourself. You're practically six months pregnant. I'm not expecting you to pull out any porn star moves or anything crazy like that." A small smile crept over Alyssa's lips, and Nick knew that she was trying not to laugh. "Honestly... for sex with a six month pregnant woman that was pretty hot," he admitted.


Alyssa just rolled her eyes, pretending not to believe him. "You're just saying that because you're trying to boost my confidence up."


"Well, is it working? Because you were pretty damn confident back a few minutes ago. It was incredibly sexy how you were being all forceful and everything. I've been fantasizing about you taking control like that for a long time."


"Really?" she asked, now sounding intrigued. "You really found it to be a turn on?"


Nick just stared at her. "I'd be crazy not too. So, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Yea, you're getting bigger, but that has its advantages too."


Alyssa looked at him. "You mean the hormones driving me crazy?"


"That and the boobs," he honestly replied.


She just laughed as she playfully swatted his arm. "It figures you'd say that, you horn dog."


Nick couldn't help, but join in her laughter and as they settled down he saw an opportunity to fulfill his original purpose for coming over there. He decided starting on Thanksgiving might be a good way to segue into the conversation. "So, was your Thanksgiving really that bad?"


Alyssa shrugged. "It was just okay. A little emotional and stressful, putting on an act for my family and all that. I took your advice and talked to Steph. We're good now."


"That's great," he responded. "So, you didn't tell anyone about us?"


"Of course, not! Well... Okay... I did tell Meg, but is that really news to you?"


Nick made a face. "Not really... How'd she take the news?"


Instead of confiding him like he had hoped, Alyssa shut down. "I really don't want to talk about this right now Nick. I'd rather just take a break from the family stuff and focus on you."


"This is kind of important though, Lyss," he gently prodded. "It's bothering you and we're going to have to deal with it eventually."


"Eventually... Just not today. Can't we just pop in a movie, relax?" Her face fixated into a pout and Nick knew that she wasn't going to give in today. Perhaps it would be better to have this conversation at another time. A time where they weren't as distracted by each other.


"Fine. You win," he finally caved.


The rest of the evening was spent still curled up in the blanket, not really paying attention to the movie that was playing on the screen in front of them because they were too distracted with each other. They had sex one more time before he told her that he had to go and he reluctantly got dressed and left. Without fulfilling his main purpose for meeting up with her that afternoon.


Little did he know that they were about to have the conversation he had been trying to angle her into very soon in one of the worst ways possible.




            It was now about a week later, and Alyssa and Nick were now sprawled across the floor of the old guest room of Alyssa's house which was now actually becoming to look more and more like a nursery. Over Thanksgiving weekend, her father and Scott had moved out all of the furniture out of the room before they had left. A few days earlier, her and Nick had started to shop for baby furniture and Nick had come over to paint the room for her. Alyssa had decided on a princess theme for the room, so the walls were painted a deep, royal, purple with a yellow border going around with the room and purple glittery crowns. The crib had yet to come in yet, but Alyssa had already bought a mobile that had crowns and wands coming down from it. So, far the only piece of furniture that they'd bought to take home was the changing table which was laying in pieces in front of them, screws all over the carpet and the assembly directions spread out in front of them. Alyssa was reading from the instruction booklet has Nick put everything together. After what felt like forever the object standing in front of them was actually beginning to resemble a changing table.


            "So, have you thought about any names yet? Because I think it's about time we give her and a name instead of referring to her as ‘she,' ‘her,' or ‘it,'" Nick asked, trying to make conversation as he worked. "Personally speaking, I like something a little unconventional. Like Zoey. Don't you think Zoey is a cute name?"


            Alyssa had to admit that she kind of liked the quirkiness of a name like Zoey, but she'd already settled on a name. "Actually Sean likes Katherine Elizabeth. After both of our maternal grandma's."


            Nick wrinkled his nose. "Katherine Elizabeth Robinson. Can that sound any WASPier?"


            Alyssa shrugged. "It's what he likes."


            Nick frowned. "And what do you like?"


            "Katherine is a little bland," she admitted. "But family names are a big tradition in Sean's family."


            Nick narrowed his eyes as he thought about Alyssa's response. Why the hell was she letting Sean get his way with a name that she wasn't really crazy about? Was it out of guilt? And why did he get any so in the matter? Hadn't Alyssa alluded to the fact that when Sean returned from Iraq they were splitsville? The more he thought about the issue the angrier he became. His mind thought back to his conversation with Angel that he'd had over Thanksgiving. He almost gasped when he realized that maybe she'd had a point. Alyssa certainly wasn't acting as if she had any plans to leave Sean and be with him. Hell, they were putting the nursery together in Sean's house! Maybe she was just stringing him along and using him for her own convenience. Perhaps when Sean came back from Iraq, he'd be the one to look like a fool.


            "Nick? Are you listening? I just gave you the directions for the next step," Alyssa's voice pulled him back to the present.


            He set down the electric screwdriver he was using and stood up leaving Alyssa to look up at him in confusion. "I don't see how Sean has any right whatsoever when it comes to naming this baby. This is my child and I say that I should have some input on the matter."


            "Nick... Sean and I had discussed baby names before I even got pregnant. He just sort of assumed that Katherine was what we were going with," she tried to defend herself.


            "Well, maybe he should unassume it! Especially if you're as serious about coming clean to him about us, as you claim," he thundered.


            "I am serious about it! I've told you though that I can't do anything about it until Sean comes back from Iraq. What if the baby is born before then? I can't just switch the name up on him."


            "Bullshit... You so can. How is he going to stop you from halfway around the world? He won't even be around to sign the damn birth certificate, giving you the control to name the kid Sassafras if you wanted to," he pointed out. "That's a cop out!"


            "It's not right," she said in a small voice. "We agreed-"


            "You agreed? Funny... If I recall correctly you already broke the biggest agreement you ever had with him, with me!" Nick cut her off.


            Alyssa's dark eyes flashed with anger as she slowly rose to her feet, the instruction booklet tumbling to the ground from her lap. "Oh, and you're so innocent? If I correctly recall I'm not the only one cheating on a spouse here, okay?"


            "At least I own up to it! You make excuses and hide behind the fact that Sean isn't right in front of your face, so that you don't have to make a solid commitment. I bet that you aren't even planning to leave him, you're just telling me what I want to hear, right?"


            "That's not true," she shakily replied.


            "You say one thing, but your actions say completely another! Look at this nursery even! Why the hell are we setting it up here if you're only going to tell Sean the truth anyway? Do you honestly think he's going to be perfectly fine with the two of you living in his home after you cheated on him? Get real Alyssa! We should be doing this at the condo or something. It's like you're desperately trying to cling on to him for some Godforsaken reason!"


            "I'm not!" she shook her head. "I just-"


            "Want to have this room ready in case the baby arrives before Sean does," he finished for her. "Frankly Alyssa, I'm getting a little sick of playing hot and cold with you. We need to decide where the fuck this is going between us. If you want to be with me, great! If you'd rather cling on to your faithful Marine, go right ahead! But, you can't have it both ways. You need to make a decision here before we take one more step further, so what is it going to be? Me or him?"


            Alyssa looked helplessly around the room, the pressure mounting on her was enough to make her crack and she burst into tears. "It's not that simple!" she cried. "Honestly, I'm more attracted to you, but let's face it Nick, I don't mean to insult you, but you haven't been the most dependable guy in my life. I've given you chance after chance and you continually manage to screw it up! Yea, Sean isn't as exciting or as charming, and he definitely can't make me feel anywhere near as good as you do, but he's ready for this Nick. You? I don't know about. Sometimes I think you might be and other times... Well. I'm just afraid you're going to stick a knife in my back."


            Nick hung his head feeling a little guilty. He had to admit that she had a point there. His track record spoke for itself. "I'm a different person now Lyss... I swear to you. A lot has changed in my life. I'm a different man. I want to show you how much I've changed. I want a life with you, if you'd just give me a chance."


            "You're a different man, yet you're cheating again. What's to say that you won't start a life with me and then cheat on me again when the first conflict arises?" she pointed out.


            "You're right," he admitted. "All I can give you is my word. I've fucked up a lot in the past, especially with you, but I feel like I've been placed in this situation with you for a reason. I want to right all the wrong I've done to you."


            Alyssa looked up staring him square in the eye. "So, what are your intentions? What do you plan on doing about Shayla?"


            Nick shrugged. "It's up to you. You leave Sean, I leave Shayla. I understand that you're kind of in a stalemate until Sean comes back home. I completely understand your reasons for not wanting to hurt him by doing it over the phone or whatever, so I can wait. I just need to know that you're serious about this and you're not going to fuck me over in the end and back out."


            Alyssa sighed, her brow creased in deep thought. "Nick, I want to be with you so bad, but I'm just afraid of what other people are going to think."


            "Screw what everyone else thinks! All that matters is us and whether or not we're happy," he interrupted.


            She just shook her head. "No, Nick. Meg made an excellent point to me. No matter how much in love we are with each other when people find out that you're leaving Shayla for your pregnant ex girlfriend who just happens to be carrying your child, all hell is going to break loose. The media will be up in our faces, but you've dealt with that before. I haven't. Besides that our friends and family are going to learn the truth. I could not only lose my job, but lose my teaching career for good. There's a lot more at stake than I think both of us realize and we really need to think this through a little more before we make any decisions."


            "Is that what you're afraid of? The backlash?" Nick asked her in a concerned voice.


            Alyssa nodded and wiped her eyes. "Yea... I don't know if I'm strong enough to be labeled a whore and hear people say all these nasty things about me."


            "So you'd rather stay with Sean and be miserable?" pointed out. "I mean I won't lie. I'm sure the backlash is going to hurt like hell, but I need you to know if you do decide with me that I'll be right by your side. It's not just you going up against the world. It's us. And I'm sure we'll have the support of at least some of our friends and family. I know that Teri and Tricia have your back regardless of anything you do and Izzy may be upset at first, but she'll come around too. You two have been friends too long to let this stop you. Besides if it weren't for her I'd never have met you anyway. And you'll have your sisters to support you."


            Alyssa sniffled back some tears as she realized for the first time that every word that came out of his mouth had been true. "Since when have you been the one pushing for us to be in a relationship?"


            Nick shrugged. "Since when have you been the one to use sex as a way of avoiding problems?"


            "I don't use sex to avoid my problems," she argued.


            He raised his eyebrows at her. "What about last Sunday at the condo? Anytime I tried to bring up us you tried to distract me with your womanly ways."


            Alyssa blushed as she realized what he said was true. "Well, it worked didn't it? Okay... So maybe the roles have switched up a little bit." She sighed as she raked her hands through her hands. "Okay..."


            "Okay, what?" Nick asked.


            "I'm definitely going to come clean to Sean when he comes home and then ask for a divorce, if he doesn't ask me for one first. I expect you to do the same with Shayla, at that time. In the meantime, I guess he can just keep doing what we're doing. Keep us on the down low and just be really cautious."


            "What about this?" he nodded to the half completed nursery. "And the name issue?"


            "We just proceed with setting it up. We already started to put it together and ordered pretty much everything. Not much we can do now," she decided. "As for the name issue well, we have time to discuss that still. But I will consider the name Zoey."


            Nick looked thoughtful as he considered it. Even though it seemed on the outside like they hadn't really accomplished much, it felt like a huge relief to get everything all out in the open between them. And he'd finally gotten an honest answer from her and they seemed to both be now on the same page. "Well, I guess that's about the best I can expect for now." He stepped closer to her, taking her into his arms. "I love you," he told her dropping a light kiss on her lips.


            Alyssa was a little taken back at how easily the term fell off of his lips and how natural it sounded. Was this really the same Nick, who a few years ago had held those three words back until finally it had been much too late when he'd actually finally said them. "I love you too," she found herself responding against his lips.


            "Now how about we get back to putting this bad boy together? Maybe we'll have a changing table sometime tonight." Nick pulled away and settled back down on the floor. "Where did we leave off?"


            Alyssa scrambled to the floor and picked up the assembly pamphlet. "I think right about here," she answered pointing to the spot in the directions.


            The two spent the rest of the afternoon working together to put together the changing table. It was almost as if nothing unusual had transpired between them, but in reality everything had changed.

Chapter 39 - I Won't be Home for Christmas by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick offers to have Alyssa over for Christmas.


Chapter 39 - I Won't be Home for Christmas


            It always seemed to Alyssa that the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas seemed to fly by especially fast. She remembered being a young child impatiently looking forward to Santa bringing her presents. Back then the weeks leading up to Christmas seemed like months to her. Now as an adult, when she had a house to decorate and a lot more Christmas gifts to be responsible for, time seemed to travel by in a flash. This year was going to be especially rough for her. Not only was Sean over in Iraq, but she'd just found out that her family hadn't been able to book a flight into LAX to make it out for Christmas. Something about the flights already being overbooked for the holidays. Alyssa had offered to see if she could get a flight into New York, since it probably would be easier for her to secure a single ticket, but they'd been insistent that she stay in California and spend the holidays with her friends instead. They didn't want her to take any chances on an overcrowded, cross country flight.


            Alyssa knew that she'd be welcome at almost any of her friend's holiday gatherings. Callie had already offered her to spend Christmas at her house with her Mother and kids, which right now was looking like her best option. She hadn't yet mentioned her plans to Nick. She was trying not to mention it until it came up because she was sure that he would then insist on inviting her to spend the holidays with him. She didn't want it to seem like she was fishing for an invitation and the idea of spending Christmas with both Nick and Shayla was not exactly a cozy one to her.


            At the moment, Alyssa was with Nick trying to squeeze in some Christmas shopping. It was a Saturday afternoon and the mall was crowded with people, just crowded enough so that they were able to blend in fairly anonymously. Just in case though, Nick was partially disguised by a hat. There were so many other shoppers who seemed so engrossed in their holiday errands that the two even felt comfortable enough to hold hands as they walked through Macy's.


            "I don't know what to get everyone this year," Alyssa sighed as she looked down at her shopping bags. There were a lot less in her hands than she had hoped to have. "So far, the easiest to shop for has been Kristina and that's only because she's too young to really care much about what she gets. The rest of my family I'm just clueless about."


            "Hmm..." Nick pressed his lips together tightly as he helped think of something for Alyssa. It had been a while since he'd last seen Alyssa's family, so he could only go off of what Alyssa had told him and his vague memories of them the few times he'd met them. "Isn't your Mom really into like décor and stuff? Maybe one of those really fancy, large vases?"


            Alyssa looked like she was considering the idea for a moment or two, but then quickly shook her head. "That's a good idea, but I don't want to risk it not getting to New York in one piece. It's not the easiest gift to ship."


            "Ship?" Nick looked confused. "Why would you need to ship it? Isn't your family coming back out here for the holidays?"


            It was only then that Alyssa realized her slip up. She froze, realizing that now she had no choice, but to tell Nick the truth. "They couldn't get a flight out. They're staying out in New York and told me that I should stay here and celebrate the holidays with my friends. Callie invited me to her place for Christmas, so that's what I'll probably end up doing," she quickly added.


            Nick shook his head. "I can't believe you didn't tell me. Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know that you're always welcome at my house for the holidays."


            "I know, but..." Alyssa looked away. "It's just probably not the best idea. I mean don't you think that it'll be weird with Shayla and all that?"


            He thought about her question for a second. "Yea... It would be, but I just can't stand to think of you spending Christmas alone."


            "I'm not spending it alone. I'll be with Callie and her kids," she pointed out.


            "It's not the same," he argued. "You barely know them. Please, why don't you spend the holidays at my place? All my siblings are coming. They'll make you feel welcome."


            "I don't know Nick... Shayla isn't going to like it and it's going to be really hard to act platonically around her."


            Nick gripped her by the shoulders, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Fuck Shayla. She doesn't like the situation, oh well. It's my house and I can choose who I want to invite to spend Christmas with. If I remember correctly there was a time when I had no one to spend the holidays with and even though I hadn't been the greatest person to you at the time, you invited me to spend Christmas with your family in New York. It was awkward for you and caused some friction between you and your family, but you went ahead with it anyway because you didn't want me to be alone. That was so generous and unselfish of you and I swore to myself that one day I'd return the favor. Well, now you have no one to spend Christmas with and I have a family that can only make room at the table for one more. Please, let me make this up to you, Lyss. What is it that you said your Mom used to say? What's one extra plate?"


            Alyssa slowly nodded and sighed. She was genuinely touched by Nick's little speech. How can I say no after that? she asked herself. She simply couldn't. "Fine," she gave in. "I'll spend Christmas at your house, but you really are going to have to keep Shayla and I apart."


            "We'll work around it," he promised. "My sisters can be a buffer between the two of you."


            "Now I have to worry about five more Christmas presents. Thanks Nick," she lightly joked.


            "No, thank you," he told her. "I wanted nothing more than to spend my Christmas with you and you just made my wish come true. I couldn't be happier."


            Alyssa grinned up at him even though it sounded completely cheesy. She had this intense urge to reach up and kiss him, but knew that it was too risky with so many people around. Getting an idea, she pulled him back behind a rack of clothing where they were well concealed and pressed her lips fully against his. As Nick slowly kissed her back she couldn't help but feel as if she'd made the right decision, no matter how tense it might be.



The next afternoon Alyssa arrived at the condo to find Nick already waiting for her. Sundays had automatically begun to become an ideal day for them to meet up and the condo had now become their unofficial love nest. When she opened up the door she was surprised to find Nick bent over a large plastic storage bin pulling out various different Christmas decorations. "What's all this?" she asked sounding surprised as she looked around.


Nick dropped what was in his hands and went over to her to greet her with a light kiss. "I thought that it would be fun if we maybe put up some decorations around here for the holidays to liven it up a bit and get you in the holiday spirit. You haven't seemed too thrilled about the holidays. You haven't even put lights up on your own house."


Alyssa raised her eyebrows. "You expect me to climb up on the roof and string lights like this?" She gestured towards her large stomach. "In all honesty though, I just don't see the point of putting up decorations for just me. It's too much work."


            "I don't see why you continue to stay in that house. You should just temporarily move in here. It'll save you the trouble of having to move out once Sean gets home," he suggested. "I assume that once he does come home and you tell him your decision you'll need somewhere to stay."


            "I can't do that Nick. We already are halfway done with the nursery and besides it would look really odd to my neighbors that I'm apparently living somewhere else. All I need is to give Kim more evidence to use against me." She sighed. "It's a great idea and I probably will wind up here after I speak with Sean, but I just can't now."


            Nick realized that she did have a point. He was sorry he had brought it up to her just then because now he could tell just by the way her forehead creased that he had upset her by bringing it up. She looked like she definitely could use some cheering up. He thought for a moment about the surprise he had been planning for her. He wanted to wait until closer to Christmas to show her, but something in his gut told him to do it now. "Well, I do have an answer to the nursery problem," he quietly spoke up.


            Alyssa looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?"


            "Here... Follow me," he instructed, leading her down the hallway. He stopped in front of the closed door of what had been the smaller bedroom. "I was planning on showing you this right before Christmas, but I can't wait that long. So, consider it an early Christmas present." He ignored Alyssa's quizzical look and pushed the door open, pulling her inside the open room.


            Alyssa gasped as her eyes scanned the sight in front of her. Nick had duplicated the exact same nursery layout that she had in her and Sean's home right down to the bordering on the walls and the furniture. "How did you...?"


            "Do it?" he finished for her with a laugh. "It wasn't too hard. It's a little slow at the label right now, so I've been getting a lot done during the day while Shayla's at work. I wanted to surprise you. That way when Sean does come back and if the baby is already here you have a place for her and you don't need to worry about moving everything."


            Alyssa's eyes lit up as the sweetness of his gesture fully hit her. She reached up, threw her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips against his to thank him. "Thank you so much, Nick," she told him as she slowly pulled away. "This was incredibly thoughtful of you and very sweet." Was it just him or were her eyes actually brimming with tears? They must've been because she quickly brought her fingers up to eyelids as if to brush them away. "I can't believe you did all of this. It was a wonderful idea."


            "It was my pleasure to do it," he honestly replied. "Anyway, I have other plans for us right now. I was thinking that you and I can go out and do some tree shopping?"


            "Tree shopping? For where?"


            "For here, silly. I thought that it would be nice to go pick out a fresh Christmas tree for just the two of us."


            Alyssa laughed a little bit. Nick had always been a big kid when it came to the holidays. "Are you sure it's worth it? Besides, shouldn't you be taking Shayla Christmas tree shopping?"


            Nick shook his head. "Shayla get a real Christmas tree? No way. She's all about the artificial tree. No pine needles to vacuum up afterwards is what she says."


            Alyssa continued to laugh. Just picturing Shayla touting around a vacuum cleaner and bitching about pine needles on the carpet was enough to paint a definite smile on her face. "All right, but I might need some help cleaning up those pesky, pine needles from the floor," she finally agreed.


            "I swear that I'll clean them up," Nick promised. "You won't even have to raise a pinky."


            Alyssa's eyebrows rose. She wasn't sure who would look funnier with a vacuum cleaner, Shayla or Nick? "If you say, but I will hold you to that. Come on..." She grabbed his hand.  "Let's go find the perfect Christmas tree."




            About an hour later, the two of them were walking through their third Christmas tree stand in their search for just the right Christmas tree. Alyssa sighed as Nick examined what seemed to be like the two hundredth tree, so far. "God, you're worse than my Dad when it comes to picking out a tree," she complained.


            "Finding just the right Christmas tree takes a lot of time. It needs to meet all the correct criteria," Nick pointed out.


            "A tree's a tree in my book."


            Nick shook his head in disagreement. "See, that's where you're wrong. There's lot's of things you need to take in consideration. Height... Fullness... Point.... Room at the bottom... It's not as easy as a decision as you might think."


            Alyssa just shook her head. "You're such a dork... Growing up my Dad always insisted that we have a real tree. Supposedly, he never had a real tree growing up. His family always had an artificial one. And do you know what the worst part was?" Nick shook his head. "It wasn't even green. It was one of those tacky white and silver ones."


            Nick laughed. "Who buys one of those?"


            "They were Italian," was the only explanation Alyssa gave. "They had plastic on their furniture. What more do you expect? Anyway, because of this every year for as long as I can remember, he's dragged my Mom, my sisters and I out to go tree shopping. This went on from the moment I was born up until I moved down to Florida, and continued after I moved back to New York. As far as I know he still drags my Mom out and I guess maybe Stephanie. It was such a pain in the ass because we all had to be there and we all had to agree on the same tree. You can imagine how hard it was to find a day and time where we were all available, especially when we got to be teenagers. And how often do five people ever agree on anything?"


            "Rarely," Nick answered for her, thinking about himself and his siblings. One of the reasons they fought so much was for that very reason.


            "I grew to hate Christmas tree shopping. I just didn't have much of the patience for it," she confessed. "I always swore that when I grew up and moved out I'd never get another real tree. Yet, here I am."


            "We never had a real Christmas tree growing up either," Nick shared. "At first when I was younger it was too expensive to buy a new tree every year and then later on after we finally did have the money, I was never around to help pick one out. After I moved out on my own, I've always tried to find time to pick up a real tree when I could. I was pretty bummed out when it came down for me and Shayla's first Christmas together and she told me that she'd rather get an artificial tree. Everything about her sometimes seems artificial. She didn't even cook for Thanksgiving. The only reason we're having a home cooked Christmas meal is because BJ is taking care of it."


            Alyssa stared at him sympathetically. It had been the first time he'd really verbalized his unhappiness with Shayla to her on that level. From what little she'd seen of the woman she could definitely understand where Nick was coming from. She herself might not exactly be Suzy Homemaker, but at least she tried, which was more than Shayla did. Not knowing exactly what she should say to him, she decided to change the subject. She spotted a nice, full, looking tree on her left. "What about that tree over there?" Alyssa pointed.


            As if on cue, on of the men working the stand popped out of nowhere. "Would you like a take a closer look at anything?" he asked.


            Nick nodded. "Can you hold up that tree over there?" He pointed to the same one that Alyssa had just showed him.


            "Of course." The man lifted the tree up out of its stand and held it up straight, so that Nick and Alyssa could get a better look. They both walked around it surveying it. It seemed to have all the points that Nick had mentioned earlier. It was neither too tall nor too short. Not too skinny or too fat. Its branches were not the least bit sparse and it had the perfect point at top in which to place a star.


            "What do you think?" she asked him.


            "I think you picked a pretty good one. We'll take it," he told the man holding up the tree.


            "Finally!" Alyssa melodramatically cried, trying to make him laugh.


The man dragged the tree towards the front of the stand for them to wrap it up. "I'm going to bring the car around for them to tie it up," Nick told her dropping a light kiss on her cheek. "I'll be right back."


"Okay," Alyssa smiled as she watched him disappear. She turned away and watched the man cut down the bottom of the tree and slide it through the machine that would wrap it up in netting for the time being. The man looked up at her and grinned.


"Such a nice young couple," he commented. "How long have you two been married?"


"Married? Oh..." Alyssa laughed. "Sorry, we're not married."


The man's eyes floated down to her pregnant stomach and she realized exactly what he probably had been thinking. "Sorry, my mistake," he apologized. "I should know better in this day and age."


If only he was just my boyfriend who just happened to knock me up, Alyssa thought with a sigh. She wished the truth was that simple, but of course she'd let this man go on believing whatever he thought. She shot him a weak smile. "It's okay. Happens all the time," she lied.


By that time Nick had arrived back with the car. She hopped into the passenger seat of his Escalade while Nick got out and helped the man secure the tree onto the luggage rack of the SUV. Within a few minutes the tree was all ready to go and Nick was handing the man a few crisp looking bills. "Merry Christmas!" she heard the man wish Nick. Before she knew it Nick was getting into the car and starting out again towards the street.


"That guy asked me how long we've been married," Alyssa reported with a snicker as they began their drive back to the condo.


"What?" Nick asked. "Why would he think that?"


"I don't know... Maybe it had something to do with the fact that we were all holding hands and then of course me looking like a human blob... I guess it's not that hard to get the wrong impression," she sarcastically replied.


"Shush... You don't look like a blob. You're beautiful."


She rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that because you have too."


"No, I'm not," he insisted. "I mean it."


Alyssa still gave him a yea sure look, but let the subject drop. The rest of the ride back to the condo was overall quiet between the two of them.




            By the time Nick walked back into his house that evening it was nearly nine pm. He hadn't anticipated spending that much time with Alyssa, but he'd lost track of the time. They hadn't gotten back with the tree until almost five and then it had taken time to get it down from his car and set up in the living room. They'd spent most of the evening working alongside each other to trim the tree and decorate the rest of the house with the bin of decorations Nick had brought over. They'd ordered a pizza for dinner while they worked. Afterwards when the tree was all completed, they'd spent some time cuddling underneath the glow of its lights, which of course had led to other things... Nick had been shocked when he finally realized how late it really was and had scrambled to throw his clothes back on and rush home. He already knew that Shayla would not be pleased and he still needed to tell her that Alyssa would be joining them for the holidays.


            "Nick is that you?" he heard Shayla's voice call as he walked in the door.


            ‘Yea I'm home. Sorry I'm late I just had a lot of Christmas shopping to do and-"


            Shayla frowned as he entered the living room where she was sitting watching TV. "You've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping lately," she remarked.


            "Yea, well I want to make sure I get only the best," he quickly replied, hoping his eyes weren't darting from side to side as he spoke. He knew that he needed to tell Shayla about his invitation to Alyssa, but now didn't seem like the best time. Then again she was already pissed at him. What more did he have to lose? He took a deep breath. "There's something I need to tell you."


            "What?" The word flew sharply off of Shayla's tongue and it was obvious that she was expecting to hear something that she wouldn't like.


            Nick licked his lips. "Well, you remember Alyssa, right?"


            Shayla rolled her eyes. "How could I forget?"


            "Well, you know how her husband is in Iraq right now?" He didn't wait for an answer. "She just found out that the rest of her family can't get out here for the holidays and she has no one to spend Christmas with, so I sort of offered her to spend the holidays with us."


            The room was so silent for a moment that Nick was sure that he could hear the sound of his own heartbeat. "You're inviting your ex-girlfriend over to spend Christmas with us and you expect me to be okay with this?" Shayla finally asked, breaking the silence. "Are you serious?"


            "No, I'm not asking you if you're okay with this," Nick firmly stood his ground. "I'm telling you that I invited her and she's coming. End of story."


            "That's bullshit Nick! You're not going to ruin my Christmas by inviting her into this house. I'm not having it!"


            Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Then that's just too bad then. I can't turn around and tell her no now."


            "I can't believe that you did this without even consulting me, first! Don't I have any say so in the matter? What about my feelings? You know I don't like her Nick, but you keep on trying to throw us together," she continued to rant.


            "I don't see why you dislike her so much. Outside of date me, has she ever done anything to cause you not like her?"


            "Honestly Nick?" Her blue eyes flashed in anger. "You want to know why I don't like her?  Let me give you the reasons. Number one I don't trust her as far as I can throw a stick. She's always been wayyy flirty with you, even in front of my face. Two, you spend more time with her than you do with me -"


            "That's not true," Nick cut in.


            "It so is true! You sneak over to see her almost everyday. Sometimes to bring her cookies or other times to take her shopping," she pointed out in condescending voice. "You do everything for her! I've never met a more helpless woman in my life!"


            You're pretty helpless yourself there. Nick had to force himself not to verbalize his thoughts out loud. "She's not helpless. She's pregnant and all alone. I'm just being a good friend."


            "What about being a good husband?" she shot back. "I mean I find it hysterical that you refuse to have children, yet you're so willing to dote over Alyssa like you're the fucking father! What about me?"


            Nick froze a little when he heard just how close she was to the truth. "I can't believe that you're jealous of her Shayla. But I forgot. What would you know about friendship?"


            "What's that supposed to mean?" she angrily asked.


            "Come  on! You don't even have any true friends. That group of bitches you hang out are even more two-faced than you are, if that's actually possible."


            Shayla's features twisted up in fury. "That was uncalled for! I think that I'm perfectly justifiable in being suspicious of the two of you. You were with her all day today, weren't you?"


            Nick's face totally gave it away and he knew that he couldn't completely lie. "I was helping her do some Christmas shopping and then some decorating around her house. She can't exactly put lights up or anything, so I was doing that for her."


            "I'm sure," Shayla said in a disgusted voice. "All I know is that I want you to uninvite her for Christmas. I don't care what you have to tell her. Make something up, you're good at that! I refuse to have her here."


            That's when Nick snapped and he crossed his arms over his chest, playing the one card that he knew would give him the win. "I'm not doing that! She's coming, whether you like it or not. If it's such a problem for you then you can get the fuck out and spend your Christmas alone on some beach on Tahiti for all I care!" He angrily huffed for another moment or two knowing that he had her now. As much as Shayla hated the situation and as tough as she tried to make herself sound, Nick knew that she was too weak to stand her ground. She wouldn't leave. She'd stay around and suck it up. She'd be a bitch to Alyssa of course, but that would be the extent of her damage. "Now I'm going to go take a shower," he announced as he pounded up the stairs leaving her standing there her mouth gaping open.


            Shayla watched him go and then angrily grabbed a pillow off the couch and hurled it across the room in fury. She couldn't believe that he actually chose Alyssa over her, his own wife. Her cool demeanor quickly melted away and she transformed into a sobbing, blubbering mess, her head in her hands.


            Oh sure, the signs had been right in front of her for a long time now. She should've nipped this in the bud that very first night she'd seen Alyssa come up from the basement with him with her lipstick smeared. Instead, she'd kept denying the possibility that her husband could be cheating on her. Yea, she'd kept Alyssa at a distance, but she refused to believe that Nick would do this to her. These types of things weren't supposed to happen to women like her. She and Nick were supposed to be indestructible. The perfect Hollywood couple. Yea, she'd known all about his past with cheating, but she convinced herself that he was over all that.


            She'd turned her back to a lot of the signs. She'd thrown herself into her work to get her mind off of the possibility that her perfect marriage very well could be falling apart. She'd been so happy when Nick had made the decision to return home after their separation earlier that year. At first, it had been great. Things seemed back to normal. Maybe even better than normal. It was almost like a second honeymoon again. Then all of a sudden it just stopped. It had been months since Nick had taken any kind of sexual interest in her. Her friends had tried to tell her that all signs pointed to him having an affair, but still she defended him. Now, she was beginning to really fear that they were right all along.


            She stood up from the couch and went over to her pocket book lying on the table. She opened up her wallet and pulled out the stiff white business card her friend, Sandra had given her. She needed to know the truth and there was only way for her to find out what she needed to know for sure. Ronald Harris- Private Investigator, it read on the front in red lettering. Sandra had used this guy when she'd suspected that her boyfriend of five years had been cheating on her. Not only had she found out that he was cheating on her, but he had also been seeing three different women at the same time. According to Sandra he also had experience working with high profile couples before. "He's good. He'll get to the bottom of things no matter what," she had told Shayla. Maybe it is about time I gave Detective Harris a call, she tearfully thought.


            She took a deep breath trying to control her emotions. Once she was confident that she could speak calmly and confidently, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed the number. As expected she got a voicemail message that instructed her to leave her name and number and Detective Harris would get back to her as soon as possible. The machine beeped and Shayla fumbled a little bit before she began to speak. "Hi... My name is..." She thought for a second about giving a fake name, but the guy was a detective. Giving him a fake name would not help the investigation. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "My name is Shayla Carter... And I think my husband might be having an affair."



End Notes:
Thanks you Darby for your awesome idea!!! Also I'm having a REALLY hard time thinking about what Alyssa should get Sean for Christmas. Any suggestions?
Chapter 40 - Naughty or Nice by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa spends Christmas Eve with the Carters. Shayla has a special surprise for Nick.


Chapter 40 - Naughty or Nice


            Alyssa stared out the window of Nick's Escalade as they pulled away from the condo. It was Christmas Eve and Nick had insisted on coming to pick her up to bring her to his house for the night. She would be staying overnight and he'd drive her back home Christmas night. She supposed there had been a method to his madness in picking her up at the condo. It was closer to him than her house and ensured them a little bit of privacy, something that they probably wouldn't get much of this holiday.


            "You didn't have to come pick me up," she insisted for what felt like the hundredth time.


            "Well, it got me out of the house," Nick explained. "Don't worry. Everything is under control. My siblings are already there and BJ is already working on dinner for tonight." He glanced at her out of the corner of the eye noticing a look of apprehension cross over her delicate features. "What's wrong?"


            "I guess I'm just a little nervous... I've never really met your sisters before and it's been years since the last time I saw Aaron. I'd be surprised if he even remembers me," Alyssa shyly admitted.


            "He remembers you, trust me," Nick assured her. "And the girls are usually pretty friendly. Leslie will probably take you right under her wing. So, you have no reason to be worried." It was a slight exaggeration on his part. He really was not at all worried about Leslie and Alyssa getting along. BJ could be a little standoffish at first, but he knew that once she really got to know Alyssa there would be no problem. He was the most worried about Angel's reaction. She'd made it very clear that she wasn't impressed with Alyssa when Nick had made her aware of their situation over Thanksgiving. Sometimes Angel could be snotty, especially when she felt the need to protect her older brother.


            "Then of course there's Shayla..." she continued. "I still don't understand how you got her to agree to let me spend Christmas with you all."


            Nick smirked. "It wasn't easy. I kind of basically just told her that you were coming and that was that. If she didn't like it she was more than welcome to make other arrangements for Christmas."


            Alyssa looked surprised. "You didn't..."


            He just nodded. "I swear to God... That's exactly what I told her."


            "I didn't want to cause any problems for you. If she's going to be a bitch to me these next two days, I don't have to come."


            "Uh uh..." Nick shook his head. "You're coming home with me, end of story. Shayla will be on her best behavior. I promise."


            "She better be. I don't really think she wants to piss off a hormonal pregnant woman," Alyssa toughly replied. "She'll be sorry if she does."


            Nick just laughed at her attitude. "I love it when you sound all feisty."


            Alyssa just rolled her eyes. "You better not talk like that in front of anyone else or you'll blow our cover."


            "I'll have to try my hardest," he promised as he continued to speed in the direction of his home.




            They arrived back at Nick's house a little while later and Alyssa timidly followed Nick in through the door, almost hiding behind him. "I'm back!" he shouted.


            The only one of the Carter siblings to immediately appear was Aaron. Alyssa found him almost unrecognizable compared to the young teenager she remembered him as. He'd shot up in height and was now nearly as tall as Nick. "Wow... You're a lot bigger than I remember," he remarked, taking in the sight of her large, pregnant stomach, but then immediately reddened when he realized how it had come out sounding. "I mean, you're supposed to because you're pregnant. It's just a bit of a shock," he clarified.


            Alyssa just laughed, knowing that Aaron hadn't meant it as an insult. "And you're a lot taller than I remember," she told him as she leaned forward to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "What happened? You look like a beanpole!"


            "Aaron apparently never was blessed with big ole Carter gut like I was, that lucky bastard," Nick explained.


            "Oh, stop!" She told him slapping him on the shoulder.


            Before Nick would respond back, a blonde headed girl rushed towards them who Alyssa assumed was either BJ or Leslie. Behind her sulked in a darker headed girl who Alyssa knew from was Angel from Nick's descriptions. "Hi, I'm Leslie," the blonde introduced herself as she approached Alyssa. "You must be Alyssa." Her eyes settled on Alyssa's stomach and they lit up. Without thinking, Leslie stepped closer and put her hands over her protruding belly. "Nick told us that you're pregnant. You're having a girl, right?"


            "Yea," Alyssa proudly replied. She wasn't too uncomfortable because she was beginning to get used to random people coming up to her and wanting to touch her stomach. "If you're pretty still she may even kick for you."


            "Really?" Leslie asked. She stood still and sure enough a few moments later an excited grin came over her face. "Oh, wow! I really felt it. That's so cool! Angel, you've got to feel this," she instructed to her younger sister.


            Angel crossed her arms over her chest. "No thanks. I'll pass," she coolly replied. Was it Alyssa's imagination or was she glaring at her a little?


            "This of course is my youngest sister Angel," Nick quickly jumped in to introduce, relieving the tense moment.


            "Yea, I kind of figured that," Alyssa told him with a nervous laugh. "It's very nice to meet you, Angel. Nick has told me a lot about you." She extended her hand towards hers, but Angel made no move to accept it.


            "Nick's told me a lot about you too." Again there was no denying the icy glare she gave Alyssa. Did I say or do something to offend her? Alyssa found herself wondering. Maybe she's just really close with Shayla and she feels like I'm stepping on her territory? That was probably it. She'd probably warm up throughout the next few hours.


            "Where's Beej?" Nick asked.


            "She's in the kitchen," Leslie reported. "She's still working on dinner."


            "And Shayla?"


            "She's upstairs. Doing her makeup or something," Angel told him with also a hint of disdain in her voice. Was it possible that she just didn't seem like anyone that her brother was involved with?


            "Come on. I'll introduce you to BJ," Nick told her, leading her deeper into the house into the kitchen. Standing by stove, hunched over a mixing bowl was another taller blonde woman. "Beej, I have someone I want you to meet."


            BJ looked up from what she was doing and turned around towards both Nick and Alyssa. "This is my friend Alyssa, Alyssa this is BJ," he quickly introduced.


            "Hello." Alyssa gave her a friendly wave. "It's great to finally meet you."


            "Yea. You too." Alyssa couldn't help, but notice BJ's eyes warily giving her the once over before turning her focus back onto her cooking. Alyssa was a little surprised by her lack of friendliness. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea coming over here for Christmas. So far outside of Nick, only Aaron and Leslie had made her feel even the slightest bit welcome.


            Sensing Alyssa's disappointment Nick put his hands on her shoulders. "Don't mind BJ. She's just not very trusting of people at first. Once she gets to know you, she'll be a lot friendlier. You just kind of have to make the first step," he whispered to her, so that BJ couldn't hear. In a louder voice he announced, "Well, I guess I better go see how Shayla is doing. I'll take your bags upstairs to one of the guestrooms, okay?"


            "Okay," Alyssa agreed. A few moments later Nick was gone and she was left alone with BJ, feeling pretty awkward. Nick said that you'd have to make the first move, she reminded herself as she slowly approached the other woman. "Is there anything I can do to help you out? I'm not the best in the kitchen, but I can try."


            BJ looked up seeming rather surprised and maybe even a little impressed by the offer. "Sure... If you want start peeling those potatoes over there that would be a huge help."


            "I can think I can handle that," she told her as she grabbed a potato peeler and got down to work feeling like she may have just won a small victory.


            "You know... I didn't think that Nick hung out with any girls that were willing to get their hands a little dirty in the kitchen," BJ commented.


            Alyssa just shrugged. "Like I said, I wouldn't say that I'm extremely domesticated by any means, but I do try. I feel bad that you're in here all by yourself."


            "Yea, well Leslie and Angel wind up doing more arguing than helping and Shayla? Well, she's pretty much useless. At least you know how to peel potatoes." Was that actually a little smile she'd just gotten from BJ?


            At that moment Alyssa knew that BJ wasn't as unfriendly as she first feared. It seemed like besides Shayla, the only other member of the Carter clan that had an issue with her seemed to be Angel. She made a mental note to ask Nick about what her damage was later on.




            Alyssa spend the next few hours helping BJ prepare dinner and set the table while Shayla sat around talking to Nick, Aaron, Angel, and Leslie. The two women hadn't exchanged a word outside of very fake hello and how are you's, as if they were desperately trying to save face.  She wondered if anyone else besides Nick could see right through it. She couldn't help, but notice how whenever Shayla caught sight of Alyssa, she'd automatically cuddle up next to Nick or interlock her fingers over his or rest her hand on his thigh. Does she honestly think that's going to upset me? Alyssa wondered. By now she was more than confident that those types of gestures meant nothing to Nick. She just held her head up high and pretended not to notice.


            Dinner passed by pretty uneventfully. The food was actually very delicious and she made a point of letting BJ now. While she was helping her out in the kitchen, Alyssa had learned that BJ was currently attending culinary school and had hopes of becoming a chef and opening up her own five star restaurant in LA someday. The only awkward part of the meal had been when Shayla had tried to make some small talk with her.


            "So, you and Nick have been spending a lot of time together I've noticed," she innocently commented. "It's such a shame that your husband is so far away, huh? It has to make the holidays very rough."


            "It is tough. Especially being pregnant and all, but that's why I'm so glad to have Nick. He's been such an outstanding friend these past few months and he's definitely gone above and beyond for me. I mean I don't know what I'd do without him, especially trying to set up the nursery... That baby furniture is so heavy!" she expertly played off, outsmarting Shayla at her own game. There was no way that she was going to fall into her trap.


            Seeing that she'd been outwitted, Shayla gave up for the moment and dinner had continued on peacefully. After dinner and dessert Nick began explaining a Christmas Eve tradition of their own to Alyssa. "I know in your family you guys don't open any presents on Christmas Eve, but we all open up one of our presents tonight and we save the rest for tomorrow. What we do is we write everyone's name on a piece of paper and everyone picks one name. That name is the person that they receive their gift from tonight. Sounds good?"


            "That sounds like a cute idea! I'm in," Alyssa enthusiastically agreed.


            After the table was cleared off and all the dishes loaded into the dishwasher, they all piled into the living room where the presents already had been piled under the tree. Naturally of course Shayla made big production of pulling Nick onto the loveseat where there would be no room for Alyssa. Alyssa shrugged it off and took a seat on the couch between Leslie and BJ. Nick passed around sheets of paper and pens for them all to write their names and then the pieces of paper where placed in an empty candy tin. The tin was passed around the room until everyone had received a piece of paper. "We usually go youngest to oldest, so we start with Aaron," Nick continued to explain. "Who did you get?"


            Aaron unfolded his paper slowly. "Leslie," he read.


            Leslie got up from the couch and searched under the tree until she found her package to Aaron. It was pretty small in size and sort of an odd shape. Not quite flat, but not really round either. Aaron tore it open to find a new pair of designer sunglasses. "Thanks. These are hot," he told his sister.


            Angel picked Shayla and rolled her eyes a little as she read the name. She opened her package to find a chic looking sundress. "You loved the one that I have like this so much that I thought I'd get you your own," she explained.


            "Yea, so I can look just like you. What I always wanted," she replied with a sneer. Shayla looked hurt, but played it off. Surprisingly Nick did nothing to make her apologize. Interesting, Alyssa noted.


            Leslie picked Angel, who bought her a really pretty coral bracelet and BJ picked Nick who had bought her a special bag designed to carry all of her cooking equipment to and from class. Alyssa almost choked when she heard that Shayla had picked her name. She'd had a hard time figuring out what to buy her since she literally was the girl who had everything and had very expensive taste. Finally, Alyssa had settled on a pair of funky looking brown chandelier earrings she had seen in Lord and Taylor. Of course even Shayla's reaction to the gift couldn't be complete without a little dig at Alyssa.


            "Ooh how cute! Costume jewelry! These look just like all the teenagers are wearing now from, what is that store called again? Oh yes, Claire's!" Shayla exclaimed. "Thanks Alyssa."


            What an ungrateful bitch, Alyssa thought to herself as she unfolded her own paper. She got BJ who bought her a set of fancy silver photo frames that had different baby engravings on them. "I thought that these would be a nice idea. I don't know you very well and I just remember Nick telling me you were pregnant," she explained.


            "They're perfect. Thank you so much. I can definitely use these," Alyssa assured her.


            Finally Nick opened up his slip of paper with Aaron's name on it. Aaron got him a pair of pajama pants with reindeers on them as a joke and a new video game for his PSP. After all the presents had been exchanged, everyone sat around the living room for a little while talking until some yawns began to escape mouths around the room. One by one, everyone retired to their rooms for the night. Nick had set Alyssa up in one of the guest rooms down the hall from him and Shayla.

     "You have your own bath off the room, so if you want to freshen up or take a shower or anything you can," he offered her. "If you need anything at all you can just barge in and ask me."

     "All right. Thanks Nick..." she told him. "Good night." She leaned forward to give him a light kiss on the cheek before she closed the door for the night.

     Nick stood outside for a moment or two wishing that he could spend the night in there with her. For a second or two, he contemplated sneaking into her room later on after Shayla fell asleep, but he quickly changed his mind. It was much too risky. He was being bold enough just by having her here in the first place.

     He headed back in the direction of his own room and closed the door. Shayla had headed up a few minutes earlier and he could tell that she was in their bathroom by the crack of light underneath the door. Too tired to wait for her, he pulled his shirt over his head and began to change into a white wifebeater and the reindeer pajama pants that Aaron had gotten him. He had just finished getting changed for bed when the adjourning door to their bathroom swung open and a flood of light fell over Nick. He looked up to see Shayla's figure in the doorway and froze not sure whether to laugh, be turned on, or be terrified. His wife was provocatively leaned against the door frame dressed in a skimpy red nightie complete with fake white fur trim and a matching Santa hat on her blonde hair. The look actually bordered on ridiculous and for a moment or two Nick almost found himself laughing out loud at the sight. Then he realized that this was no joke. She was completely serious.

     "Santa told me that you've been a real naughty boy this year," she purred as she sauntered over to him. She pushed him onto the bed so that he was in a sitting position and swung herself onto his lap. Her hand slid down the side of his face. "Is that true?"

     Is she for real? Nick wondered. He wasn't sure if he could even play along if he wanted to without cracking up. The outfit definitely was not exactly his idea of sexy and the cheesy lines were totally not Shayla's style at all. What is she doing?

     Shayla was staring at him expectantly for an answer, so Nick had to scramble to think of something to say. "Uhh... I guess so," he managed to squeeze out. I had to have been pretty bad to get THIS a present, he mentally added.

     Shayla's arms hooked around his neck and played with the hairs on the back of his neck. Her mouth suctioned on to his neck, kissing upwards until she reached his earlobe. "Why don't you show me just how naughty you can be?" she whispered, grinding her hips into his teasingly.

     "Uhh... Shayla..." he tried to protest. He wracked his head trying to come up with some kind of excuse to get him out of going through and having sex with her. "You know we have guests and it just doesn't feel right. It's kind of rude."

     She froze for a moment and gave him an odd look. "Since when are you so concerned with etiquette? Besides, it's your siblings. They're all adults. They know we're married and shockingly enough that we actually do have sex occasionally." Her voice dropped an octave or two lower. "Although I think I need a reminder of what it feels like again because it's been awhile."

     "Oh, really?" Nick's voice squeaked. "I hadn't noticed, I guess."

     Shayla raised her eyebrows, but let his comment slide. "Silly boy," she teased with a smirk as her lips drew nearer to his. Aggressively, she pressed her mouth against his, her tongue boldly breaking through his closed lips. Nick couldn't help, but to compare even the way she kissed to Alyssa. Alyssa was much more of a slow, sensual kisser. Even when she was trying to be aggressive, she still was able to maintain a certain level of softness. Shayla on the other hand, tended to become sloppier when she was in control, almost as if she were trying too hard to turn him on. This time was no exception. She continued to roughly kiss him as she rubbed herself in a circular motion over his crotch. For one of the very few times in his life, Nick felt nothing from the movement.
     Shayla pulled away for a moment once she noticed that nothing seemed to be going on down below. Looking almost puzzled, she stuck her hand down into his pajama pants and started to rub her hand up and down against him. Still nothing seemed to be happening. "Are you feeling okay, Nick?" she asked sounding concerned. "This has never happened before."
     Before Nick could open his mouth to respond, he heard the sound of their bedroom door creak open. "Nick, I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't fi-" Alyssa stood frozen in front of them her mouth gaping in horror as her eyes fell on Shayla and her trashy Santa outfit straddled across Nick's lap, her hand still down the front of his pants. Nick tried to pull Shayla off of him, but it was too late. "Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" Alyssa cried, her face already bright red as she covered her eyes. "Never mind it's not important. I'll just uhh leave you guys alone." As soon as the words left her mouth she was out of the room like a flash of lightening.

     "Alyssa, wait!" Nick called after her, practically throwing Shayla off of his lap. "Shit!" he cursed as he pulled himself off of the bed.

     "Don't tell me you're actually going to go after her now?" Shayla firmly crossed her hands over his chest.

     "I think I should. She's probably mortified. I should apologize or something," he muttered.

     'Apologize? For having a little fun with your wife? It wasn't like we were doing anything she hasn't already done with Sean," she argued.

Somehow I don't think Alyssa has ever dressed up in a sexy Santa outfit for Sean or any other guy for that matter, Nick thought to himself with a smirk. Alyssa never had been a one for tacky dress up outfits. Some classy lingerie, yes. But definitely not to Shayla's extreme. He just ignored Shayla's pleas and stumbled out into the hallway in search of Alyssa. He traveled down the hall to the bedroom she was staying in and stuck his head in. The room appeared empty, but the door to the bathroom was open and he could see Alyssa inside at the sink, splashing water onto her face.

     "I'm sorry you had to see that," he started off, apologizing as he closed the door behind him for privacy. "I swear it wasn't what it looked like." This wasn't the first time that Alyssa had caught him in a position like that and in the past she had a tendency of flipping out on him. He wasn't sure if she was upset at the moment or just extremely embarrassed.

     Alyssa looked up. The expression on her face was unreadable. "You don't have to apologize for anything. I mean I can't tell you that you can't have sex with your wife if you wish." An amused smirk came over her lips. "I just didn't know you were into any of those trashy outfits, but if that's what turns you on I'll have to just keep that in mind."


            Now it was Nick's turn to turn red. "I'm not," he insisted. "That was the problem."


            "There was a problem?" Alyssa raised her eyebrows. "There didn't look like there were any problems going on in there when I walked in."


            "Well..." Nick paused as he tried to think of a way to explain the reality of the situation to her without further embarrassing himself because the truth was rather embarrassing in the first place. This is Alyssa though, a voice in his head pointed out. She's seen you at you absolute worst and hasn't held it against you, so I don't think she'll be too turned off over this. Still he was flustered as he attempted to explain what had really been going on in front of her eyes. "Let's just say that the whole sexy Santa look wasn't really doing it for me..."


            Alyssa gasped as she sank back down on the bed and tried to keep herself from laughing when she realized what he was getting at. "You mean that you couldn't...?"


            "Yea..." he quickly answered her before she could complete her question as he looked away, his cheeks flaming.


            "Wow... She must've been pretty pissed," Alyssa sympathetically commented, feeling his embarrassment. "That's never happened before, at least not with me." She smirked in his direction trying to assure him that she wasn't the least bit upset with him. It gave her a strange sense of satisfaction to hear that Shayla was unable to get him aroused, something that Alyssa had never seemed to have a problem with. "But then again red silk and faux white trim don't exactly make a very sexy combination. I'd probably be turned off too."


            Nick relaxed and lightly laughed seeming relieved that Alyssa was neither mad nor disgusted at him. He plopped down next to her on the bed. "Yea... I don't think I'll ever to be able to look at a picture of Santa Claus the same way ever again."


            Now it was Alyssa's turn to laugh. "I never knew that Shayla was such a fan of dress up. She strikes me as way too classy for that. Where did she get that outfit? The seasonal lingerie department of Wal-mart?"


            Nick shrugged. "No clue and honestly this is the first time she's ever done anything like that. It shocked the hell out of me and not in a good way."


            "Sure..." Alyssa's voice teased. "I'm sure she has an entire closet full of kinky little outfits. Like a pleather French maid uniform and one of those naughty flight attendant get ups."


            "If she does I certainly don't know about it," he insisted. "Seriously though... You know that's not what I like. The only night of the entire year you can pull off one of those is Halloween."


            Alyssa eyed him flirtatiously. "So then what do you like?"


            Nick was a little thrown by the forwardness of her question. "Uhh... In all honesty? I'm good with just a real simple, sexy piece of lingerie." He stopped and smirked. "Or just bare skin."


            Alyssa grinned as she turned towards him. "Now that definitely sounds more like my style." Her voice dropped down into a sultry tone and she pressed her hands on top of his thighs, her mouth slowly moving towards his.


            Nick closed his eyes, his mind being swept up in old, intimate memories the two of them had shared. Alyssa was right. She'd always been very classy, sexy. Never the least bit trashy. He could smell the scent of her skin as she neared closer to him. He felt the heat of her breath against his mouth as their lips now were only half an inch or so apart. All he'd have to do is move just a tiny bit closer... Then he remembered that they were still in the guest room of his house and his wife was just down the hall. If he allowed himself even one kiss he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop. Very reluctantly he pulled away with a sigh. Alyssa looked up at him with questioning eyes. "We can't do this here. It's not a good idea," he explained. "Too risky."


            Alyssa just slowly nodded. "I understand. You should get back to Shayla."


            "Yea, she's going to start getting suspicious of why I'm in here so long." He stood up from the bed. "Goodnight Lyss. See you tomorrow morning."


            "Night." Alyssa smirked and tried to stifle a little chuckle as she noticed the tent that had formed under his pajama pants. Obviously the problem wasn't Nick at all. Alyssa had barely done anything and she'd managed to get more of a reaction out of him than Shayla.


            Nick must have noticed her amused expression because he just looked at her. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"


            "Nothing," she managed to say without laughing. "Goodnight Nick."


            Nick left the room and crept back into his bedroom which was now silent. Shayla was already in bed her back faced away from him. She's changed out of her ridiculous Santa outfit into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She appeared to already be asleep. Whatever, he thought to himself as he slipped into bed beside her. Just as well. I don't feel like dealing with her right now anyway. Just to appease her though he curled up next to her body. He closed his eyes and within a few minutes he was drifting towards sleep.


            Shayla was wide awake the whole time and the moment she felt Nick get underneath the covers her eyes flew open and her mouth fell in shock. He really hadn't left for that long of a time, but Shayla immediately felt one major difference. He's hard, she realized. He couldn't get it up for me, but he goes in to see his pregnant ex-girlfriend for a few minutes and it's instant hard on? Something definitely wasn't adding up here. He couldn't have lost any bit of physical attraction he'd ever had for her, could he?


            What am I doing wrong? she wondered as frustrated tears burned her eyelids.

Chapter 41 - Giving is Half the Fun by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa has a special gift for Nick.


Chapter 41- Giving is Half the Fun


            When Shayla awoke late Christmas morning she was disappointed, but not altogether surprised to find Nick's half of the bed empty. She rolled over to glance at the alarm clock on the edge of night table and saw that it was almost already a quarter to eleven. Typically now that all the Carter siblings were older, Christmas morning was all about sleeping in late and opening gifts after a late brunch. Curious to see what Nick was up to, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and adjusted her shorts. Then she headed down the stairs to see who else was up.


            She froze as she reached the bottom of the stairs and heard voices from the kitchen. The undeniable sound of a high pitched female giggle and Nick's own familiar voice emanated from that direction. Almost as if she were trying to punish herself, she followed the noise to right outside the entranceway to the kitchen. There stood both Alyssa and Nick leaned over the stove working on what looked to be pancakes. The smell of bacon and sausage wafted up through her nostrils. Shayla just stood there watching the two of them and wondered if they were even aware of their subtle interactions with one another. Her eyes immediately zeroed in on his hand at the small of her back. They were both sharing smiles and the way they seemed to steal sideway glances at each other made her instantly feel jealous. She couldn't even remember the last time Nick had looked at her like that.


            Her mind wandered back to the night before and she felt her facial muscles frown at the upsetting memory. She no longer could deny that something was not right between her and Nick. They hadn't made love in weeks and then when she'd attempted to make a move the night before he seemed not at all interested in her. She couldn't even turn him on! Yet, after he'd run out to talk to Alyssa he mysteriously had come back to bed aroused. It definitely made Shayla's mind wonder. He hadn't really been gone long enough for anything really substantial to have happened, but knowing that Alyssa had that kind of effect on him was definitely a major blow to her ego. And then there was the fact that he really didn't seem to care if she realized it or not. She still couldn't understand as to why Nick had gotten into bed with her directly afterwards. Did he want her to know that Alyssa was doing something for him that she wasn't? Was he trying to send her some kind of message? Or it could be the opposite. Maybe he was just so enamored with Alyssa that he wasn't thinking clearly. Maybe he just really didn't care if she figured it out or not, and that's the thought that disturbed her the most.


            Not being able withstand putting herself through much more torture, she cleared her throat announcing her presence as she entered the kitchen. It was amazing how fast the two of them jumped apart and appeared to be working innocently side by side. "Good morning," she greeted the two of them. "What are you two up to?"


            "I thought it would be a nice idea to surprise all of you with breakfast, but Nick woke up and caught me before I could get very far, so he's been helping me," Alyssa answered. "I didn't know that you guys liked to sleep so late on Christmas morning."


            "Oh yea... Well we don't get to sleep late very often with our schedules so we seize the moment when we can," Shayla dryly replied before turning to Nick. "Is anyone else up yet?"


            "Leslie just woke up a few minutes ago. She's in the living room watching TV. The rest of the gang should be trickling in shortly," Nick explained.


            "Oh, okay. Cool." Shayla froze uncomfortably. It felt awkward being in the kitchen with the two of them, but she also didn't want to leave the two of them alone while she joined Leslie in the living room.


            After a few moments of tense silence Alyssa made the decision for her, probably feeling just as uncomfortable. "Why don't you help Nick finish up in here?" she suggested. "We're almost done. I'll go hang out with Leslie for a bit." Without saying another word she left the kitchen not giving Shayla any further choice.


            Shayla looked up at Nick hoping that maybe he'd open up and give her some kind of explanation, but instead he just turned his back and began to scoop the stack of pancakes onto a large serving platter. "Why don't you set the table for me?"


            "Sure," she answered dully as she grabbed a stack of plates from the cabinet still not being able to get over the lack of communication between the two of them. It was almost beginning to feel like he'd fully checked out on their marriage and was already beginning to look for a new relationship.




            As Nick had predicted in the next twenty minutes or so the remaining three Carter siblings slowly woke up and made their way downstairs to discover breakfast waiting for them. Once they were all awake, the seven of them sat down to eat together. Everyone seemed appreciative of Alyssa's efforts in the kitchen. Everyone that was except Shayla who ate with a permanent scowl etched on her face and Angel who purposely only picked at her food and made a comment about the pancakes being burnt when no one else seemed to find any fault with them.


            Once breakfast was over they headed into the living room to finish exchanging Christmas gifts. Alyssa was a little worried that Nick's siblings wouldn't enjoy their gifts. Being unsure of what exactly to buy them she'd opted for turquoise bracelet and earring sets for the girls and an iTunes gift card for Aaron. BJ and Leslie seemed to love the jewelry, but Angel just wrinkled her nose up at her set, commenting that she already had something very similar. Then of course she found something to say about Aaron's gift. "Gift cards are so impersonal," she announced as Aaron had opened up his present.


            Nick even appeared annoyed at her ungrateful comment and stepped in to defend Alyssa. "Hey, she did what she could. She only has a teacher's salary to shop with and she barely knows you guys. It's the thought that counts."


            Aaron looked up noticing the hurt in Alyssa's eyes as he chimed in. "Yea and this is a great gift. There are some new albums I've been looking to download anyway. Thanks Alyssa," he made a point of saying.


            Aaron's appreciation of her small gift made her feel a little better. She was very pleased with her gifts from Nick's siblings. Leslie and Angel had chipped in to present her with a spa certificate for a complete day of pampering. "We figured that with the baby coming you could use a little stress relief," Leslie explained.


Aaron had gotten her a really cute pair of the tiniest pair of pink and black checkerboard Vans that she'd ever seen. "For the baby," he told her. "I wasn't sure what to get you, so I figured something for the baby would be a safe bet and I saw these and thought they were adorable."

Alyssa laughed. The shoes were completely impractical and probably cost nearly as much as an adult pair. She knew they'd probably wind up lost within a few days of the baby wearing then, but it was very much an Aaron gift and they really were adorable. "Thanks Aaron," she told him. "They're very cute."


From Shayla she received probably the oddest present. It had come in a flat envelope and when Alyssa first opened it up she looked confused as she read the paper in her hand. "You bought me a gym membership?" she asked, not sure how to react to the gift.


            Shayla smiled wickedly and nodded her head. "I figured what with you giving birth pretty soon you'll have plenty of baby weight to work off. You know a lot of women never completely go back to the way their bodies were pre baby."


            Alyssa bit her lip stopping herself from saying something she'd regret. Kill her with kindness, she reminded herself as she forced a fake smile over her face. "What a thoughtful gift! You know I planned on working out after the baby, but this makes it so much easier for me. My goal is to get down to what I was back in my dancing days." She almost laughed in satisfaction as Shayla's face darkened at her reaction.


            She'd struggled with what to buy Nick. She'd wanted to give him something meaningful, but she knew that whatever it was it had to be something that he could give to him in front of Shayla and his siblings without them becoming suspicious. That factor had pretty much eliminated most of her ideas. Finally she'd settled on a more generic gift to give him in front of everyone else with a more personal gift to give him later in private. For now, she'd bought him a new surfing shirt which she'd learned was known as a rash guard. Who knew? Nick's face seemed to light up when he opened the box. "How did you know I needed a new one?" he gleefully asked.


            "I didn't," she honestly answered. "I just know that you're into surfing now on your downtime, so I figured I'd get you something related to that. I went to a surf shop and they recommended this.  I figured it couldn't hurt to have an extra or two."


            She couldn't help but to secretly beam on the inside as she noticed Shayla's steamed look. Nick seemed to be more excited over Alyssa's gift than the Movado watch she'd bought him and that had certainly cost way more.


            Nick had in turn bought her a complete scrap booking set to start a baby scrapbook for their daughter. Alyssa was surprised by the thoughtfulness behind the gift. It definitely wasn't his style. In addition to the scrap booking set he'd even bought a little baby outfit for the baby. Shayla of course had stuck her nose up in the air, announcing that it was "ridiculous to buy a Christmas gift for an unborn baby."


            The final gift given out was Nick's gift to Shayla. Shayla opened up the large box and immediately started to squeal as she lifted out the latest Fendi bag out of the tissue paper. Alyssa had seen the very same bag in the latest issue of Vogue and knew that it was damn near twelve hundred dollars. Must be nice, she thought as she glared at Shayla's reaction. "Oh my god! Nick, where did you get your hands on this? This is like the bag of the moment. Everyone I know is on waiting lists for this baby. My friends are going to be so jealous when they see this!" She slung the bag over her shoulder, admiring the way it looked on her arm.


Materialistic much? Alyssa wondered. She looked up at Nick and their gaze met for a moment or two. Nick just rolled her eyes at her, which made Alyssa laugh. Shayla was too intrigued with her new purse to notice the interaction between the two. Finally her head shot up as if she'd only just remembered to thank her husband. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard, probably more for Alyssa's sake than Nick's. Alyssa could tell just by the expression on Nick's face that he was surprised by the move. "Thanks baby," she told him smiling seductively. "This is the best Christmas present ever."


Completely and utterly disgusted by Shayla's performance Alyssa began to gather up her presents and excused herself to put them away in her overnight bag. She only wished that she could placate Sean with an over the top Christmas gift. It seemed that now that Shayla had gotten her bag she was more than willing to overlook the events of the night before.




            "I got thirty points which makes me the Scattergories champ... again," Alyssa proudly announced. It was later that night and after dinner they'd all piled into the living room for a game which apparently was another Carter tradition. Everyone that was except Angel, who had made an excuse about having a headache and had gone upstairs. Alyssa suspected that her "headache" was an excuse to avoid her. She wasn't sure what she'd done to piss Nick's younger sister off, but it certainly seemed as if Angel had something personal against her.


            "Leave it to Nick to invite a fucking genius over for Christmas," Aaron grumbled.


            Alyssa just laughed. "I'm not a genius. I just have an extensive vocabulary. You're just sore because I wouldn't accept marijuana as a type of tree."


            "It's a legitimate answer!" he argued.


            "Whatever..." Alyssa said rolling her eyes as she stood up. "You guys can start the next game without me if you want. I need to run up to the bathroom. I swear this baby is laying right on my bladder." Without waiting for a response she hurried up the stairs towards the bathroom. Lately she felt like she was constantly running to the bathroom and it would probably only get worse in subsequent months as she got even bigger.


            She reached the bathroom and took care of her business quickly. When she was done she opened the door to find herself face to face with Angel who was wearing a robe and carrying some towels with the obvious intent of taking a shower. "You should really watch where you're going," she snottily replied. "You almost hit me in the face with the door."


            Alyssa stood in the doorway glaring at the younger woman. Over the course of the previous day and today she'd gotten to know BJ, Leslie, and Aaron, and had finally began to feel comfortable with them. Angel was still an enigma to her. She just couldn't figure out why Nick's youngest sister would have so much animosity towards her when they'd never even met before. Alyssa was sick of Angel's cattiness towards her and decided that it was time that someone finally called her out on it. "Excuse me, but what is your problem?"


            Angel looked surprised at Alyssa's question. "My problem? I have no problem at all. Seems to me you're the one with the problem." Her eyes made an obvious glance towards Alyssa's swollen stomach. "Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to take a shower if you don't mind?"


            But Alyssa refused to move. She crossed her arms over her chest, blocking Angel's entrance into the bathroom. "I'm not moving until you tell me what exactly it is that you have against me and why you've been such a major bitch to me from the moment you set eyes on me."


            "I don't know what you're talking about," Angel quickly deflected her request.


            "I think you do and trust me I can be just as stubborn as you," she warned. "If it takes all night so be it. You've been nothing, but rude and disrespectful from the moment you laid eyes on me and I don't know what I possibly could've done to offend you so please, enlighten me."


            Angel sighed, realizing that she was completely serious. "I know."


            Alyssa squirmed a bit in discomfort at her vague answer. "Know what?" She knew that she probably meant that she knew more about her and Nick than she'd originally thought, but how much was still a mystery.


            "Nick told me everything about the two of you. Every last detail.  How you're manipulating him and playing with his emotions," she sneered.


            Alyssa's mouth gaped open. She really couldn't be upset that Nick had confided in Angel because she'd done the same thing with Meg. She was though upset at the way that Angel seemed to interpret things. Did Nick really think that she was playing games with him? Where would she get that idea from? "I don't think I understand what you're getting at. How am I manipulating Nick?"


            Angel rolled her eyes as if to say you mean you don't know? "I know that baby is Nick's and I think it's really shitty of you to put him through what you're doing. He's doing everything that he can for you and you're planning on passing the baby off as your husband's! Not only is that extremely manipulative and selfish, but it's unfair to everyone involved. It's sneaky and deceitful and I believe that the only person that you're concerned about in the situation is yourself!"


            Alyssa reeled backwards almost as if she'd been slapped. Angel's words stung. "I'm sorry Angel, but I really don't think you're in a position to judge when you've only heard one side of the story," she started, trying to defend herself.


            "Why should I listen to your side? How do I know that you're not going to lie to me? You're apparently very good at that. Nick is my brother and I trust him. I'm going to believe him over you any day."

            She sighed. "I'm not saying that you should believe me over Nick. I'm just saying that there's probably more to the story that Nick didn't tell you. When did he tell you everything anyway? A lot may have changed between then and now."


            "Thanksgiving," Angel answered firmly.


            Alyssa just shook her head. "That was a month ago! Look, I admire the fact that you are looking out for Nick's best interests. If I was in your position I'd probably want to do the same exact thing, but I promise you I'm not looking to purposely use Nick or screw him over. I appreciate everything he does for me and trust me, I never ask him to do anything he does for me. That's all voluntarily. The situation between Nick and I is very complicated." She looked down at her hands. "I admit that at one point I did plan on keeping the baby's true paternity under wraps, but I now realize how unfair and selfish a decision that was. I can tell that Nick wants this baby. We've discussed it since Thanksgiving. Once Sean returns home from Iraq I'm going to come clean and leave him. That's the honest truth."


            Angel still looked at her warily. "Why should I believe that? Who's to say that as soon as Sean comes back that you won't lose your nerve and decide that you can't go through with it after all? Then what happens? I'm sorry Alyssa, but until I see some action from you, I just can't trust you."


            Alyssa looked away as she realized that she couldn't really blame Angel for thinking that way. She knew that she was very overprotective of Nick and had seen him hurt by too many girls in the past. It was probably easy for her to jump to conclusions and assume that Alyssa was just using Nick. She realized that getting Angel to warm up to her was something that couldn't be done as quickly as it had with Nick's other siblings. The only way for her to get Angel to like her would be to prove her wrong. She'd have to earn her respect; something that could take a long time.


"Angel, I know it's hard for you to trust me, but I'm different from other girls Nick has dated." She sighed. "I really do genuinely care about your brother and I want to be with him when the time is right. I'd never do anything to vindictively hurt him and I hope you realize that."


Angel just glared at her stone faced. "Then prove it." Without another word she finally managed to push past Alyssa and slammed the door in her face.


Alyssa looked up at the closed door and sighed. As much as the conversation had seemed to have little effect on the way in which Angel viewed her, Alyssa felt a small bit of triumph. Now more than ever she felt a desire to prove not only Angel wrong, but everyone who had been telling her that things with Nick would never work out. She thought about the present she had waiting to give Nick later and smiled. After this confrontation, she knew that her gift to him would be just one step in the right direction to show just how serious she was about him and their relationship.




            "Why don't you come inside for a little bit?" Alyssa suggested as she slowly pulled away from Nick's lips. It was later that night and Nick had just pulled into her driveway to drop her back off at her house. Not having much privacy the past couple of days, they hadn't been able to resist taking advantage of Nick's tinted windows to steal a few kisses.


            Nick impishly smirked. "I thought you said that we had to be more careful with me coming over?" his voice teased.


            Alyssa shrugged playing along with him. "Okay... Your loss then, but I guess I can't give you the other half of your Christmas gift if you won't come inside..."


            "Well, I don't see why I have to come inside for that. Sure it may be a little tight here, but I'm sure we can manage."


            Alyssa rolled her eyes and playfully swatted his arm. "Sorry to let you down, but that wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I really do have some more presents inside for you. I just thought they'd be better to give to you in private. They're not exactly things that I would have been comfortable giving to you in front of Shayla and your family for obvious reasons."


            "It's okay. I actually have something else for you too that I was waiting to give you in private," he agreed, all of a sudden turning serious as he pulled out a small square box wrapped in brightly colored red paper from his pocket.


            "Nick you didn't have to buy me anything extra," she insisted as she took the box from him.


            "And neither did you," he pointed out. "It's just what I really wanted to give you for Christmas."


            She leaned over to give him another light kiss. "Let's go inside and I'll open it up in there." She opened up the car door and began to walk up the concrete driveway with Nick at her heels. She fumbled for a moment or two with her key in the lock until it sprang open. "Wait here," she told him, gesturing to the couch. "I'm just going to run upstairs and get your presents."


            Nick did as he was told and made himself comfortable on the couch. A few minutes later, Alyssa appeared downstairs again holding a gift bag and a flat green envelope. "Open yours first," he begged as soon as she sat down beside him.


            "Okay," Alyssa agreed, picking up Nick's gift from the coffee table where she had left it. She tore open the wrapping paper to discover a small white jewelry box. She picked off the lid to find a shiny gold locket laying delicately against the white cotton lining.


            "Open it," he prompted.


            Alyssa popped open the locket to find on one side a picture of her and Nick already in place. It was an old picture taken a few years ago from when she had gone to visit Nick out in LA after Christmas. The other side was empty.


            "I figured that after the baby is born we can put a picture of her on the other side," Nick explained.


            Alyssa looked up at him her eyes wide with appreciation. "It's beautiful Nick! And such a sweet idea. I love it! Thank you so much." It may not have cost as much as Shayla's Fendi bag, but the thought behind it was so much more meaningful. She knew Nick had just picked the bag up for Shayla only because she wanted it. With her present he'd actually put some thought into it which made a huge difference in her eyes.


            "Wow... Now my presents seem kind of cheap in comparison," she nervously laughed as she handed him the gift bag first.


            "I'm sure I'll love them. It's the thought that counts, right?" Nick assured her as he dug into the gift bag. He pulled out two black t-shirts. One read Drummers Bang Harder and the other Guitar Players Finger Better.


            "I saw these online and I immediately thought of you. Plus I had to one up the Future MILF shirt you got me," she nervously laughed. "I just wanted to give you them in private because yea... Shayla would've gotten the wrong idea."


            Nick just laughed as he held out the shirts. "Well, I think you succeeded. Hmm..." He raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to tell me something?"


            Alyssa just innocently shrugged. "Take it as you please. I do have one more gift for you. Well, it isn't exactly a gift, but..." Her voice trailed off and her face reddened. "Just open it." She thrust the envelope into his hand.


            Nick tore it open and pulled out a plain looking white greeting card. He opened up the card and a copy of Alyssa's latest sonogram picture came spilling out onto his lap. "You have to read what's inside the card first," she explained.


            His eyes floated to the top of the card that was covered with Alyssa's neat, dainty cursive and he began reading the card just as Alyssa had instructed.


Dear Nick,

            I'm not sure how exactly I can thank you for doing everything you've done for me these past few months. Not only have you shown me that you're the man that I was meant to be with all along, but you've also been an outstanding friend to me. I know that I have been insensitive to your feelings and how this situation has affected you, and for that I am truly sorry. You've been nothing, but understanding and for that I thank you. I now realize how much this baby means to you and I know that you are going to make a wonderful father. Our daughter is lucky to have someone like you to call Daddy. I'm sorry if I ever doubted you. I now know that you love me and you're no longer the same man you were in the past. I'm ready for us to become a family and to show you how serious I am about this commitment I've enclosed the latest picture of our daughter, since I've just realized that you don't have one yet. Thank you again for being there for me. I can't wait to start a future with you.

                                                                                                                        Love, Alyssa


PS: Look on the back of the picture.


            Nick felt his heart swell with pride as his eyes swept over the words. Finally, this was what he had been waiting to hear from her since almost the first moment she'd told him that the baby was his.  He picked up the sonogram picture from his lap and flipped it over as she had instructed and he actually felt his eyes brim with tears as he read the inscription on the back. Zoey Michelle Carter. He looked up at Alyssa questionably. "Does this mean...?"


            Alyssa nodded. "Yea... I want her to have the name you wanted."


            Nick swallowed hard, trying to put up a manly front and not let the proud tears that he was trying to hold back show, but he wasn't sure if he was doing such a great job. "I don't even know what to say Lyss..." he started off in a choked up voice. "This is probably the best Christmas gift I've ever received." By now he couldn't hold back the teardrops that fell down his cheek and he quickly tried to wipe them away, embarrassed to be caught crying.


            Alyssa grabbed his hands, so that he couldn't hide his tears from her and cupped his chin so that he was forced to look at her. "All you have to do is say thank you," she told him. He noticed that her eyes were also red rimmed.


            "Thank you," he told her. "I mean it. You really have no idea what this means to me."


            Alyssa grinned through her own tears. "I think I can based on your reaction. I'm just happy that I was able to do something special for you. Merry Christmas Nick."


            "Merry Christmas," he repeated, before burying his head against the crevice of her neck. They stayed in that position just holding each other for what seemed like hours before Nick finally pulled away once he realized how late it was. Alyssa sighed, finding herself impatiently waiting for the day that he wouldn't have to leave her to go back home to his wife. The day that he'd be able to call wherever she was home.

Chapter 42 -Another Auld Lang Syne by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa reflects on the past year of her life while Nick spends New Years Eve in Las Vegas with Shayla.


Chapter 42 - Another Auld Lang Syne


            Nick glanced up at one of the full screen plasma televisions that hung on the wall of the crowded Las Vegas nightclub. 11:32pm, the time in the bottom right hand corner read, already calculating the remaining time left before the New Year began. He looked around at all the other celebrities mingling about him. Everyone seemed to be laughing, drinking, dancing, and generally having a great time. Everyone that was except Nick. He really hadn't wanted to spend the New Year here in Vegas doing the celebrity thing. He'd have been quite content to spend it at home or better yet, snuggled up in the condo with Alyssa. Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards for him. Shayla had been invited to cover this party as the season finale of her show and had thought it would be a good idea for ratings if he made an appearance. He hadn't been able to come up with an excuse to get out of it. So far the night had been pretty boring. Shayla had been shooting some segments on and off throughout the night, leaving Nick pretty much alone. The plan was for her to get most of her interviews and stuff done before midnight and before many people were too drunk to give them. At that particular moment, Shayla seemed more than preoccupied interviewing Rihanna in the far corner of the club. Seizing the opportunity, Nick crept towards the exit, anxious to get away from the crowd for a few minutes.


            Once he was safely outside he leaned his head back against the cool brick wall behind him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a small group of people off to his right smoking cigarettes. Nick had gave up smoking a few years earlier, but at times like this he had to admit that he was sometimes tempted. He dug into his pocket to retrieve his phone checking the time again on the screen. It was now 11:40. Only twenty more minutes until the start of a brand new year. He began to wonder what Alyssa was doing at that moment. He hadn't gotten much of an opportunity to see her very often since Christmas night. His siblings had stayed for a few extra days and he'd began to notice that Shayla had seemed to become very territorial of him, almost never letting him out of her sight. It made stealing away for any length of time to be with Alyssa almost impossible. When he'd last spoken to her on the phone a few days ago she wasn't sure of her plans for the night yet, but he'd promised to give her a call sometime before midnight. He decided that now was as good as time as any to speak with her. He had just picked up his phone again and began punching in her number when he was interrupted by a pair of arms coming up behind him to encircle his waist.


            "What are you doing out here, baby?" Shayla's almost too sweet voice asked. "We've only got like fifteen minutes until midnight."


            Nick tried not to wince at her referring to him as baby. "Just wanted a little air," he lied. "I thought you were busy filming?"


            "I just finished my last segment for now. We're going to wait and resume after twelve-thirty, so for the next forty-five minutes or so you're all mine." She looked down and noticing the cell phone in his hands. "Oh no..." she told him as she grabbed the phone from his hands and tucked it away in her purse. "The phone can wait."


            "But-"Nick sputtered. How was he going to be able to wish Alyssa a Happy New Years now?


            "You can have it back later," she promised as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "But for the time being I want all your attention to be on me, okay?" She emphasized this with a firm kiss on his lips.


            Seeing that he was defeated, Nick sighed. There really wasn't much he could do for the moment besides give in to her. It sucked, but Shayla was still his wife and lately he hadn't been too discreet around her. He realized that if he kept things up the way that he had been she'd have everything figured out in no time. No, he needed to do a little damage control no matter how much it killed him. "Fine," he reluctantly agreed. "Let's go back inside. We don't want to miss the ball dropping."


            Shayla smiled looking victorious and laced her hand in his as they headed back inside the club. Nick inwardly sighed as they made their way back towards the crowds of people. It really sucked to think that once midnight hit the woman that he'd be kissing wouldn't be the one that he wished he could.




            Back in California, Alyssa was curled up alone on the couch with a half empty carton of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked in front of her. Her television was blaring scenes from Times Square in the background, but she wasn't really paying much attention to it. She sighed, hating the fact that she was all alone. Sure, Callie and invited her over to her house, but Alyssa suspected that Kim would be there who she was still trying to avoid. Plus, she knew exactly how New Years Eve at Callie's would turn out. Callie and Kim would get all misty eyed about Steve and Ian and how this new year was so unpredictable. Would their husbands come back from Iraq in one piece? Alyssa knew that she just couldn't sit there and pretend to act upset for them. She definitely wanted Sean to return back home safe when the time came, but she also knew that she was no longer in love with him. It was almost too much of a burden to pretend anymore. So, she'd declined, making up an excuse that she wasn't feeling well.


            She was still lonely as hell spending the holiday alone. This may have probably been the first New Years in her nearly thirty years that she'd spent completely alone without any friends or family members. She missed Nick. Shayla had dragged him to Vegas to ring in the New Year and although Alyssa was jealous she understood why he had to go. They'd been spending too much time together and him not enough time with Shayla. It stung, but she knew that it was important for him to be seen with her to throw any suspicion away from his extramarital activities. He'd told her that he would call, but it was already close to midnight and her phone hadn't rung once. He's probably just having too good of a time at the party, she told herself, trying not to get too upset or disappointed. But trying to tell a highly hormonal pregnant woman not to get upset was like trying to tell a starving person not to be hungry. It was almost impossible.


            She sighed as she rubbed her enlarged stomach. Now even Zoey had seemed to stop kicking, leaving her truly alone. She'd always hated New Years. For some reason she found it to be one of the most depressing holidays of the year, right behind Valentine's Day when she was single. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because it became a night to reflect back on the events of the past year and regret the things she hadn't done, or the things she did, but wished she hadn't. This past year had been a tumultuous one, full of many changes. In this past year alone she'd rekindled her friendship with Nick, seen her marriage fall almost completely apart all over trying to have a baby, slept with Nick, gotten pregnant, seen Sean get deployed to Iraq... And that was only maybe the first six months! Then of course there had been the second half of the year in which she constantly felt confused between the changes in her body due to her pregnancy and her growing feelings towards Nick. Did she have any regrets? Maybe a few. She wished that she'd have been more up front with both men in the first place. She wished that she realized her feelings for Nick sooner and had ended things with Sean before she got involved with Nick. She wished that she hadn't put Nick in this position in the first place. But did she regret actually sleeping with him and creating the baby she was now carrying? Oddly enough she didn't. For things to work out the way they had she was convinced that there had to be some sort of reason. She never exactly considered herself a highly spiritual person, but she couldn't help but to feel as if her pregnancy had some kind of higher reason behind it. Maybe it really was meant to bring her and Nick closer together.


            New Years was also a time to look ahead on the future. Another year stretched out in front of her and after a year as crazy as this past one, it looked pretty scary. She was on the verge of so many big changes in her life that she felt almost as if she was diving into this dark, unknown abyss. In this upcoming year Sean would most likely return home from Iraq and she'd have to confess her unfaithfulness to him, something she was not looking forward to doing even though she knew it had to be done. She had to admit that she was scared of his reaction, but she's promised Nick she would do it, so she'd just have to be brave. She also would be becoming a mother, something that she'd been preparing herself for months now, but was still afraid that she may not be ready for. Finally, there was Nick. Their future was unknown at this point. They'd made plans to be with each other, but would they work out? One could never tell. And if they did they would both have to go through divorces. Something told her that if they did decide to be together it wouldn't be as smooth as they first hoped.


            Alyssa sighed, her head aching with all these overwhelming thoughts. It was the first time she'd ever really stopped and thought about all this so deeply. She had to admit that she was terrified of what the future was about to bring. Tears stung her eyes and she hardly noticed the sound of Dick Clark's voice counting down to the New Year. "Ten... Nine...Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Happy New Year!"


            Alyssa was startled as she heard the sounds of Auld Lang Syne playing in the background and was greeted with the sights of people kissing and hugging and blowing noisemakers as confetti streamed down upon them on the television. All of a sudden she felt overwhelmingly alone and wished that she had someone else with her to celebrate with.


            "Happy New Year Zoey," she softly said as she placed her hands over her stomach. "Hopefully 2010 is all that we hope for it to be."




            Much later that same evening a giggling Shayla and an equally intoxicated Nick stumbled into their hotel suite at the Bellagio. It had to be close to four in the morning and they were just getting back in from their night of partying. From the moment Nick returned to the club with Shayla just before midnight he'd decided that the only way he was going to be able to halfway enjoy the beginning of 2010 would be with alcohol in his system, and being New Years Eve there was plenty of it avalible. He'd drank so much in the past few hours that he'd lost count of how much he'd actually consumed. A few glasses of champagne, some shots, and possibly a beer or two was all that he could recall. He was pretty sure that he was going to be paying for it tomorrow morning, but it was all worth it since it had gotten him through the night relatively unscathed.


            Shayla had also had her fair share of alcohol that night. Once her last interview had wound up she'd headed right for the bar and had gulped down drink after drink. Strangely enough the two had actually seemed to get along better than they had in months. The alcohol made it easier for them to pretend to the rest of the world that they were still the Hollywood golden couple that the public expected them to be. Diane would be happy to see the paparazzi pictures of them that would be sure to appear in magazines next week.


            Even though Shayla had begun drinking later than Nick, she appeared to be in a little worse shape than him. He wasn't sure if it had to do with the fact that she was smaller or the fact that he'd just learned to hide his drunkenness better. Whatever the case, she'd been very loud and giggly on their way back to the hotel, but now she'd quieted down almost completely. Nick figured that she was just probably tired. Still, she seemed very unsteady on her four inch stilettos and her arms were gripped tightly around Nick's waist for support.


            Nick dragged her towards the bedroom, knowing that she probably just needed someplace to pass out and sleep off the alcohol. He had to let go of her for a moment to push open the bedroom door and when Shayla attempted to step forward on her own she stumbled, causing Nick to almost have to dive to catch her. "Whoa there..." he warned. "We're almost there. Just a few steps."


            "Sorry," Shayla apologized as she gripped tightly onto his shoulders.


The bed was only a few feet away, but Shayla was not even bothering to pick up her feet at this point making his job even harder. She was hanging on him like a scared child and he found himself having to practically drag her along. Finally, he reached the foot of the bed. He was just about to set her down when she again stumbled backwards and fell down onto the bed behind them, pulling him on top of her.


            She lay there for a moment giggling at her clumsiness. "Wow... I think this is the closest we've been in a long time," she only half-joked.


            Nick wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so he just shot her a weak smile and quickly began to roll off of her. He didn't get very far before Shayla stopped him by wrapping her legs possessively around his waist so that he couldn't move. "I miss being this close to you," she confessed in a low voice. Her hands reached up to play with his hair.


            The intimacy of the moment made Nick uncomfortable. He tried to pull away, but her grip on him was too strong. "Shayla... I-"he sputtered.


            "Shh..." she told him, placing a finger over his lips before silencing him with a light kiss. "Don't say anything." She reached up to kiss him again a little more aggressively, her hips grinding into his. It wasn't very long into the kiss that Shayla began to notice that she was doing most of the digging. Nick responded to the kiss but almost half heartedly as if he was acting purely on reflex than any kind of emotion. She pulled away, and rolled over to her side sending Nick along with her, all of a sudden seeming very serious. "Nick, can I ask you something?" she questioned carefully as she played with the tie hanging from his neck.


            "Sure," he answered, trying to sound as laidback and open as possible even though secretly his stomach was in knots. He knew somehow that this wasn't going to be good.


            "You love me, right? And you still find me as attractive as the day we first met?"

            Nick found himself floored by her question. He hadn't at all been expecting a question like that and truthfully he wasn't sure how he should answer it. If he were to be completely honest his attraction towards his wife had definitely waned in the past few months and he was pretty sure that he'd almost completely fallen out of love with her. Now he seemed more focused on Alyssa and their child. Of course he couldn't admit all of this to Shayla, especially not now when she had been drinking and seemed so vulnerable and needy. His best bet would just be to play dumb. "I'm not sure what you mean by that Shayla. Why all of a sudden are you asking all these questions?"


            Shayla just sighed. "I just can't help but notice since we've gotten back together, things just haven't been the same between us. I feel like we're growing apart. You're hardly ever around and when you are all we do is fight." She sniffled a little, tears beginning to well up in her blue eyes. "We haven't even had sex or anything in ages!"


            Nick frowned. "Is this about Christmas Eve? Because if it is -"


            Shayla shook her head in confusion. "No... I mean yes... Maybe a little bit. I don't know... It's just that every time I put myself out there its like you reject me. It makes me wonder if you just don't find me attractive anymore. I mean is there something I'm doing wrong? Or something I'm not doing at all? You have to let me know Nick. I-"


            Seeing how visibly upset she was getting put Nick into a panic. He definitely did not want to have this conversation with her right now especially with her growing more emotional by the second. Acting on impulse he did the only thing he could think of to calm her down. He cut her off mid sentence with was meant to be a reassuring kiss.


            The kiss seemed to be exactly what Shayla needed. Even though Nick hadn't started it out very forcefully, Shayla quickly demanded control of it, deepening it as if she couldn't kiss him hard enough. It was clearly a move of desperation on her part and not at all what Nick was expecting. He finally managed to wrench himself away only to see Shayla's face fall in disappointment. "Please Nick..." she begged."Don't..."


            Nick looked into her pleading eyes. Her blonde hair was slightly mussed and the dangly diamond earrings she had been wearing still hung from her earlobes. The royal purple and rhinestone halter dress that she was wearing hiked up provocatively on her thighs. Even desperate, there was no denying she was beautiful, but Nick had to admit he really didn't feel much desire for her. He could appreciate her beauty, but that was as far as it went. Still, she looked so broken and almost pathetic in a way. He actually felt a slight bit of sympathy towards her. He hadn't been fair to her at all these past few months. He'd been so wrapped up in Alyssa that he'd totally neglected Shayla and now she was beginning to grow suspicious. If nothing else his next move was dictated by pure guilt. He reached over to cup her chin and then leaned down to kiss her once more. It was all the encouragement she needed. Hungrily, she returned his kiss and boldly grabbed his hands placing one on her hip, the other on her breast, leaving no doubt in his mind what she wanted. Shayla was his wife and he was supposed to want to have sex with her, right? It's not like I'm cheating on Alyssa, he reassured himself as he continued to kiss her. She herself even told me that I have every right to do whatever I want with Shayla and this is nothing more than a pity fuck.


            Shayla's fingers were already tearing at the buttons on his shirt and stripping away his tie. She wasted no time in roughly pulling it off his shoulders. Their eyes locked for a moment and Nick momentarily froze. He knew that this was the breaking point. It was either he made a move and gave into her or he put a stop to things as they were. He wasn't sure which scenario would be worse. He didn't exactly relish the idea of having sex with her, but if he turned her away it would only make things worse. You can do this Carter, he told himself. Since when are you such a pussy? Before he lost his nerve, he grabbed her arms and pressed his lips against hers. Forcing himself to make his next move, he flattened the palm of his hand against her breast all the while trying to convince himself that this was for the best in the long run. We used to have pretty decent sex before Alyssa came along. Surely we're not completely incompatible.


            Shayla seemed thrilled by just even the slightest bit of attention she was receiving. She deepened the kiss and adjusted her body so that she was straddling his waist. Nick continued to tease her breast with his fingertips, discovering very quickly that there wasn't anything underneath the silky material of her dress but skin. Under normal circumstances the discovery would probably turn him on, but this time it seemed to have little effect on him. The whole time, he couldn't help but to find himself comparing her body to Alyssa's. He found himself unsatisfied, missing the feeling of Alyssa's rounder much fuller breasts underneath his hands. He hadn't realized just how much he'd gotten so used to her in such a short period of time.


            Shayla's arms reached up around the back of her neck to untie the halter back of her dress. The two delicate ribbons of material split away from her body revealing that she was indeed braless underneath. Her head bobbed down towards his chest attempting a trail of kisses down towards his stomach as she fumbled with his belt and pants buttons. Nick was aware of her hips grinding in a circular motion against his, but still wasn't as aroused as he knew he should be. There was only one thing he knew that he could try. He clenched his eyes closed tightly and tried his hardest to imagine that it was Alyssa on top of him at the moment, her body rubbing up against his. Thank God, he thought to himself, finally beginning to feel himself grow hard. It was pretty deceitful, but he had to do what he had to do.


            If Shayla noticed anything out of the ordinary she seemed to completely dismiss it. By the time Nick's eyes flew back open, Shayla was already working his pants down his legs. Now that he was just about ready to go, he was losing patience in her. A part of him just wanted to get it done and over with. He really wasn't much in the mood to put on very much of a show. His old groupie days flashed before his eyes as he tugged at the hem of her dress, wriggling it off of her hips. It was pretty fucked up to be comparing sex with his wife to the quick, detached groupie sex of his past where his only goal had been to get himself off, but that's what this was beginning to feel like. He probably felt as much affection towards his wife as he did for most of those groupies.


            Impatiently, his fingers wandered underneath the elastic of her black lacy underwear more to feel whether or not she was ready for him than to give her any sort of actual pleasure. He spent a few moments stroking her folds, but as soon as Shayla let out a low moan of approval he pulled his hand away, almost as if it were on fire.


            Shayla looked up at him seeming almost hurt at his rejection. Nick ignored her pleading glance, reaching down to tug off his own boxer briefs. Looking almost unsure of what she was supposed to be doing, Shayla followed suit, removing her last piece of clothing. Nick attempted to shift his body, so that he was laying on his side, pulling Shayla down beside him by the hips, so that she was facing away from each him. He'd rather not have to look into her eyes because his guilt was just way too strong. Shayla surprised him though by moving faster and rolling onto her back, forcing Nick down onto her, her arms locked around his back.


            Nick cursed silently. This wasn't exactly what that he'd been planning on. He'd rather not be stuck in such an intimate position with her, but judging from the pleading in her eyes and the tight, almost desperate grip she had on his body, he realized that this was all part of the deal. You can do this, he coached himself. Just don't focus on her. Anywhere but her. He didn't understand why this was so hard for him. He'd had lots of meaningless sex in his life. He should be an expert at it by now.


            Trying to focus his gaze on the headboard in front of him he positioned himself over her and slowly eased his way into her. It had been about two or three months since the last time they'd had sex and Nick couldn't believe how in that short amount of time she felt so foreign to him. Maybe again it had to do with the fact that he'd grown so used to Alyssa, but the way their bodies seemed to line up just seemed almost awkward to him. As he began to slowly thrust in and out of her, he couldn't help but feel more and more frustrated. He just seemed to fit better with Alyssa and it drove him nuts that he was unable to feel the same way with Shayla.


            He snuck a quick glance at Shayla's face just to see if she too felt as if something was definitely off between them. Her brow was furrowed into a determined expression and her teeth bit down on her lip as she tried to adjust her body into a more comfortable position. Just by the creasing in her forehead he could tell that she was just as frustrated as he was. She finally caught his gaze and moved her arms up so that her hands were at the back of his head, forcing him to look straight at her. "Nice for you to see how I'm doing. I didn't know the headboard was so interesting. Would it kill you to look at me?" Even though her words were dripping with sarcasm she still maintained a playful, teasing smile as if she was trying her hardest to pretend as if nothing was wrong between them.


            "Sorry," Nick muttered now realizing that he was forced to look at her. He tried to divert his gaze over towards the open space of the pillow just over her right shoulder. It worked for a moment or two, but just when he finally felt as if he was falling into a comfortable rhythm, his eyes would travel sideways, and he'd catch a glimpse of her and immediately freeze up. This pattern continued another two or three times until Nick inwardly sighed to himself. At this rate neither one of them were going to be able to get off.


            This isn't going to work; he realized his frustrating only mounting. There was no way that he was going to be able to come this way. There was only one option that he knew would do it for him and asking Shayla to stop what she was doing to blow him would be like the ultimate slap in the face. He knew she'd do it just based upon how desperate she seemed to be, but he also knew how much it would kill her to hear him verbalize that request. Maybe he could give her the hint in a much more subtle way.


            Very carefully he turned over on his back pulling Shayla along on top of him. Shayla's face lit up for a moment thinking that he wanted to switch positions. She gladly straddled his hips, hovering only inches over him. Before she could get any farther though, Nick pulled her head down towards him. Shayla misconstrued the signal and began to trail light, teasing kisses over his chest thinking that was what he wanted. Pulling out one of the oldest tricks in the book, he very stealthy buried his hands through her hair until he had a firm grip on her head. Then he slowly eased her head further and further south. It didn't take very long at all for Shayla to catch on to what he wanted. Her head popped up and the wounded look in her eyes said it all. She looked at him almost in disbelief and Nick was almost sure that he may have even seen a glint of a tear in her cold, blue, eyes. He quickly closed his own eyes to erase the sight from his mind. As expected, he felt her moving her body downwards into a more comfortable position and a few seconds later the warm feeling of her lips wrapping around him.


            Nick almost sighed in relief as he lay back against the pillows and enjoyed the sensation of her mouth on him. It was so much easier this way not having to look at her and fake any kind of feelings towards her. This way was so much less personal, and as much of an asshole as it made him sound, easier to pretend that she was someone else. Like Alyssa...


            Alyssa... The mere reminder of her name made his breath grow shallower and his body rush with adrenaline. He moistened his lips with his tongue and imagined that it was her mouth that was moving up and down against him. Imagining those perfectly shaped rosebud lips and that delicate but purposeful tongue of hers caused his fingers to clench the edge of the pillowcases. The more detail that he conjured up of her, the closer he began to feel. It didn't seem to matter that Shayla's idea of a blowjob and Alyssa's were two different things. Where Shayla was usually very rough and sloppy, Alyssa was very slow and careful, almost tentative and it drove him crazy. His body quaked and he bit down hard onto his lip so that he wouldn't accidentally call out her name as he came.


            Shayla still had not even fully finished swallowing, when Nick still red faced and breathing heavily sat up and felt the floor for his discarded boxer briefs. He quickly pulled them on and stood up from the bed leaving Shayla's eyes to grow wide in surprise and disappointment. "Where are you going?" she finally asked, once her mouth was clear. Her expression clearly read, Is that it?


            "To take a shower," he simply and coldly replied. Without waiting for her response he headed towards the bathroom leaving Shayla still sitting on the bed mouth gaping.


            "Hold on. I'm coming too!" she insisted as she sprang up from the bed. By the time she reached the bathroom door though it was too late. It had just closed and Shayla found that when she tried to twist the knob it was locked. As soon as she heard the spray of the shower start up through the door she knew in that one moment that her marriage was over.

Chapter 43 -Fallen Soldier by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Someone close to Alyssa is killed overseas.


Chapter 43 - Fallen Soldier


            Alyssa slammed her car door shut and struggled to balance the two large grocery bags that she held in her arms. It was about a week or so into the New Year and she'd just arrived home that Saturday afternoon from doing a little food shopping. This certainly is a lot easier when Nick is around, she thought to herself as she made her way towards her porch. Since both hands were full she'd have to set at least one package down on the ground while she searched her purse for her house key. "Ugh," she groaned as she placed one of the bags on the ground and then straightened up, gripping her lower back. Even simple tasks such as bending over were beginning to become almost impossible tasks as she continued to grow bigger. She wished that Nick could've come shopping with her, but since he'd returned back from Vegas they'd barely had time to spend together. Things at the label were beginning to pick back up again and Alyssa was already busy trying to organize her lesson plans for her sub once she went out maternity leave. Having experience as a substitute teacher herself, she knew that the transition to a new teacher in the classroom would be easier on not only the students, but the sub as well if everything was laid out as organized as possible beforehand. As it was she feared her students would give any sub a run for their money, so if the lesson plans were laid out already that would be one less thing to worry about.


            At first Alyssa had worried a bit about Nick's sudden lack of attention towards her. Is he getting cold feet? she had wondered. She'd been particularly upset when he hadn't called her until later on New Years Day to wish her a Happy New Year. He'd sounded apologetic though, claiming that Shayla had confiscated his cell preventing him from making the call sooner. Alyssa had accepted his excuse and they'd made plans to see each other once he returned back to LA. Since then they'd only had the opportunity for one or two very brief meetings. She hoped that things would clear up soon for the both of them. She hadn't realized just how much she missed not having him around until only recently.


            Finding her key, she stuck it into the lock and turned the knob. The door sprang open and she stepped inside to place the package in her hands on the table. Remembering the remaining package outside she headed back out to the porch to retrieve it. As she picked it up from the ground her eyes fell across the street towards Kim's house. There appeared to be a lot of cars parked in front of it. Odd, she thought to herself. Maybe she's having a party? Since their last encounter before Thanksgiving, the two women hadn't spoken, so it was a possibility although Alyssa was sure that Callie, who was still friendly with the both of them would've mentioned it. Oh, well. None of my business, she decided as she tore her eyes away and headed back inside. She started to unpack her groceries and put them away in the kitchen when the phone rang loudly, making he jump.


            "Hello?" she breathlessly answered after she'd hurried to get it. She'd been in such a hurry she hadn't even checked the caller ID.


            "Where have you been?" Callie's frantic voice screamed over the other end of the line. "I've been trying to get you all day long! You weren't even answering your cell. You had me worried!"


            "Sorry," she apologized with a nervous laugh. "My battery was dead on my cell, so I had it charging and I was out all afternoon running errands. What's up? You sound really wired. Are the kids driving you crazy?"


            "No, they're at my Mom's." There was a pause and then a sigh from her friend's mouth. "I take it that you haven't heard yet about Ian then, huh?"


            "Ian?" Her breath caught in the throat at the mention of the name of Kim's husband and one of Sean's best friends. "No, what happened?" she asked, already feeling a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.


            There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment and then a sound that Alyssa could only picture as Callie moistening her lips as if she was about to deliver some bad news. "He's dead. His vehicle got bombed yesterday afternoon I guess."


            Alyssa gasped in shock. She'd almost expected Callie to deliver the tragic message, but hearing it made it all too real for her. Ian, such a handsome young man with so much yet to live for was gone. He couldn't have been more than twenty-seven. He had a wife and an infant son who he'd barely gotten to bond with. Now that poor child would grow up never knowing his birth father. It just simply wasn't fair that God had chosen to take him of all people. "Oh my God..." How's Kim taking it?" She may not like the woman very much, but at that moment all of their petty differences seemed to be pushed to the side. Alyssa could only feel sympathy for her neighbor and knew that now more than ever she was going to need all the support she could get. Besides, it could very well have been her husband that was killed and she knew that both women would be there for her under the circumstances.


            "Not good," Callie sadly reported. "She's a wreck as you'd probably expect. Her family and Ian's family are over there right now. She can barely take care of Gavin. She's in pretty bad shape."


            Alyssa sighed as she wandered over to her window and peered out across the street. I guess that explains all the cars, she thought to herself. "We should go over and see her. See if there's anything we can do for her. Maybe offer to watch Gavin for her or something."


            "I was just going to suggest the same thing. I'll be over at your house in like five minutes and we'll go over together."


            "Okay. Sounds good." Alyssa hung up the phone and stared blankly ahead for a moment the news still not sinking in that one of their own would not be returning back home with the rest of his fellow Marines. It very well easily could have been Steve... Or Sean. She'd forgotten to ask if Callie had heard anything about who else may have been involved in the incident or if she had heard from Steve. Come to think of it she hadn't heard from Sean in awhile... Her heart raced in panic and she found herself struggling to breathe.


            This was the position that Callie found her in when she arrived at the house a few minutes later. "Alyssa? Are you okay? What's the matter?" she asked, rushing to her side.


            Alyssa couldn't speak for a moment or two and when she finally did find her voice it cracked with tears. "That could've been Sean," she whispered. "I could be Kim right now."


            Callie looked at her sympathetically, obviously struggling with the same kind of guilt. "But it wasn't. It was Ian and the best thing that we can do right now is to be there for Kim and support her. Right now what she needs is her friends and we're going to do all we can to help her. I know how scary it is, believe me. I feel the same way about Steve, but we need to be strong for her." Seeing that her words were beginning to have a calming effect on Alyssa as her breathing began to return to normal, Callie grabbed her arm. "Come on, let's go see Kim."




            Just as Callie had described, Kim was indeed an emotional wreck. The two women had headed directly across the street to her house and were greeted by a woman who looked to be in about her mid-fifties who introduced herself as Kim's mother. "She's upstairs in her room," she sadly explained. "She's been refusing to get out of bed since she's heard the news. She hasn't even seen Gavin. I think it's probably just too painful for her to look at him right now. It's so good of the two of you too stop by to see her. Maybe you can cheer her up a little bit."


            "We'll do our best," Callie promised, offering the woman a small sympathetic smile before moving past her and entering the doorway. Alyssa uncomfortably followed behind her through the hallway and up the staircase. Kim and Ian's bedroom was near the top of the stairs and Alyssa could already clearly hear the sound of muffled sobs as she reached the top of the landing. The bedroom door was not quite shut and a small sliver of light from the room spilled out on the carpet from where it was just slightly cracked open.


            The two women exchanged a worried glance, not at all sure what sight they'd be met with when they entered the room. Taking a deep breath, Callie took the lead and tentatively pushed the door open. "Kim? It's me Callie. Alyssa is here too with me. We wanted to stop by to see how you were doing."


            Alyssa followed Callie into the room hanging back a little shyly. She was never good in these situations. She never seemed to know what to say or how to act. Really there was nothing that could be said. Kim would only be able to get over losing Ian with time. All she could really do was listen.


            Kim looked up for the first time since they'd entered the room and Alyssa had to bite her lip not to gasp at her friend's ghastly appearance. Kim, who was never seen without makeup on her face or a hair out of place, was pale and tired looking. Her eyes were red rimmed and bloodshot with recent tears. At that moment she looked much older than her twenty-four years. Dark bags had formed underneath her eyes indicating that she probably hadn't slept a wink since hearing the news. She was dressed in ratty old sweats and a t-shirt that looked like it had belonged to Ian. Her hair was mussed and oily looking as if she hadn't washed it in a day or so. Her wedding album hung open on her lap, a smiling picture of her and Ian facing up at her. Alyssa couldn't help, but notice the fresh tearstains marking the plastic sleeves. "How do you think I'm doing? I just found out my husband just died. Why does everyone expect me to be okay with this?"


            "We don't expect you to be okay, Kim," Alyssa softly interrupted. "I want to say that I'm very sorry for your loss. Ian was a good man." Her voice choked up a little on the last sentence, but she swallowed the lump in her throat down. "We're just concerned about you. I know you probably must feel totally incomplete right now, but you still have a son that you need to take care of and be strong for."


            Kim just shook her head helplessly. "I can't be around Gavin right now. It's too painful. He reminds me so much of Ian..." She sighed. "What am I going to do without him? I mean I've been without him since July, but at least I knew he was coming home. Now he's not. I never thought that I'd be a widow at twenty-four. I can't do this on my own. How am I going to raise a child and provide for him all on my own?"


            "You'll do it," Callie confidently told her. "You'll get some kind of settlement from the government and that'll make at least the financial side of things a little easier for a while. As far as help taking care of Gavin and juggling the roles of both a mother and a father you have us to help you out. Plus your family and I'm sure Ian's family will want to be a part of Gavin's life."


            Alyssa nodded in agreement. "Of course. I mean I know we've had our differences lately, but if you ever need me to watch Gavin I'll do it in a heartbeat. In fact, if you want me to take him home with me until everything calms down a little I'd be more than happy too. I have the nursery and everything all set up. It'll be good practice for me."


            Kim exchanged a glance with Alyssa like she seemed to be considering the idea. The moment was tense and she could tell just by the expression on the younger woman's face that she wasn't completely relishing the idea of her son spending a few days with her. She's probably afraid that I'll expose him to something scandalous, Alyssa scoffed to herself, but quickly brushed the thought away. She was supposed to be supportive here. "That's okay. It wouldn't be fair to you. Thanks for the offer, but I think Ian's parents might take him for a few days. He seems to be the one thing that's holding them together."


            "Okay just thought I'd offer." Alyssa slid back a little bit feeling even more uncomfortable than before. Luckily Callie swooped in to the rescue.


            "Point is that you are going to get through this. I know that it sounds impossible to you right now, but you will once the time is right. You're so young still. You don't know what else is up ahead for you. Don't let yourself die with him. You need to keep on living."


            Kim just stared at her as if she'd suggested that she run into a crowded mall wielding a gun and shoot innocent people. "Are you honestly trying to tell me that I need to move on with my life and forget about Ian?"


            "No, of course not.  I just meant -"


            She didn't let Callie finish. "I've known Ian since I was a senior in high school. He was the first and only guy I've ever seriously loved. I did everything with him. I can't even fathom life with another man. How could you even suggest such a thing?"


            "All she was trying to say is not to count anyone out in the future," Alyssa tried to explain. "She's not telling you to run out and find someone else this very moment, but you are young and very attractive. If you wanted to you probably wouldn't have much trouble finding anyone is all."


            "Yea, I mean okay Steve and I were high school sweethearts, but we broke up for a year or so after high school and dated other people. Look at Alyssa... She's had other relationships before she met Sean. You may be surprised in who you meet," Callie explained.


            Alyssa felt a little guilty being referenced like that especially when in reality she completely contradicted Callie's example. Callie was trying to make the point that your first love isn't always the only love of your life, yet here she was secretly making plans to leave Sean to be with Nick, her first love. She tried though for the sake of the situation, to remain stoic and just nod in agreement with Callie even though it killed her to do so.


            "Yea..." Kim's eyes now flashed with self-pitying anger. "Because lot's of guys in their twenties are thrilled to meet a girl that not only has a kid, but is also already a widow. That's such a big turn on. Face it, my romantic life died the moment that Ian did."


            Callie and Alyssa exchanged uncomfortable glances and realized that it was probably for the best if they left. Kim obviously was in no mood to be comforted. Eventually she'd become so mentally and emotionally exhausted that she'd have to sleep. Taking her cue from Callie, Alyssa bent forward to give her friend a comforting hug. "We should let you try and get some rest. Remember give us a call if you need anything."


            "Anything at all," Callie chimed in. "Remember I'm right around the corner and Alyssa is right across the street."


            Kim just nodded and the two women silently left the room. They paused for a few minutes once they reached downstairs to update Kim's mother on her condition. Then they continued on their way out the door.


            It wasn't until they were halfway down the driveway that Callie snickered. "I know this is going to sound horrible, but that whole ‘my romantic life died when Ian died' line is bullshit. You know as soon as she's done grieving and things return somewhat back to normal she's not going to stay by herself. She's so young and there are tons of single guys her age out there. I know there's no way that I could go another possibly forty- fifty years without sex!"


            Alyssa laughed even though it was completely inappropriate. "Probably, but you know Kim. She's going to milk this for all its worth. But I still feel horrible for her."


            "Oh, me too. I can't stop thinking to myself how it could have been Steve. I mean at least Gavin is too young to ask questions about Ian. Carly and Rich on the other hand... How do you explain something like that to them?"


            "I dunno..." Alyssa shrugged honestly not having an answer. "But I've been thinking the same thing. What if it was Sean?"


            Callie looked at her sympathetically. "That would've been really hard too. I mean at least Ian was there to see Gavin when he was born. Not being able to ever see much less hold you own child is really tragic."


            "Yea..." Alyssa sighed and looked down at her feet now feeling even guiltier than ever. She felt frustrated tears burning her eyelids and glanced over at Callie discreetly. For a brief moment in time, Alyssa almost felt compelled to come clean to the other woman. To tell her the entire truth. To tell her that she was living a lie. But the moment flickered by faster than she could capture it and common sense kicked in. Who was she kidding? Callie probably wouldn't be as sympathetic to her as Teri and Tricia or Meg had been.


            So she bit her lip and kept silent, but that still did nothing to ease the immense amount of guilt that was eating away at her.




            "It was horrible. She was so bitter and depressed. And there I was, having to pat her on the back and assure her that everything was okay, but it's not okay. The poor thing just lost the one person she loves most in the world. And the saddest part of it all? She's not even twenty-five yet. Can you imagine?"


            It was the next evening and Alyssa was sprawled out on the couch of the condo in Nick's arms as she recounted her awkward visit the previous day with Kim. The two had managed to squeeze a little bit of time in for each other, but instead of ripping each others clothes off the moment they entered the door as they usually did, Alyssa had been much more subdued and reflective. Ian's death had obviously struck a little too close to home to her and Nick could tell that she needed to talk about it.


            "No, I can't," Nick truthfully admitted. His mind wandered back to himself at Kim's age. It was right around the time he'd been dating Paris and he'd bounced out of that relationship partying hard to ease his hurt emotions. He'd been such a child himself at twenty-four, so to imagine Kim now having to not only grieve for her deceased husband, but to raise an infant herself was crazy to him.


            "I mean I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye on things lately and I said some really bitchy things about her, but I never would've wished this to happen to her in a million years. Ian was a nice guy. He was very good to Kim and he would've made a damn good father." Her eyes watered up and her fingers flew up to keep the tears from falling.


            Nick immediately noticed her start to cry and he grabbed her shoulders forcing her to turn around and look at him. "Hey, you can't blame yourself for this. You didn't do anything to cause this to happen."


            "I know," she sniffled. "But everything we've been fighting over just seems so petty now in retrospect."


            Nick stared at her carefully. He knew her well enough to see that behind her brown eyes there was something else that was bothering her about Ian's death that she was just too scared to admit to him. "Something else is bothering you. I can see it. You're not this upset because you and Kim have had a pretty crappy last couple of months."


            Alyssa sighed as she wiped her eyes. "I just can't help but to think that it could've been Sean."


            His back stiffened at the mention of her husband's name, but he knew that he had to remain calm and attentive. Of course he couldn't expect her to be completely heartless towards him. As little he felt anymore for Shayla, he wouldn't necessarily wish anything harmful to happen to her. "But it wasn't."


            "It could've though," she pointed out with more conviction in her voice. "I mean in a way it would be almost a relief because then I wouldn't have to do any kind of explaining to anybody. Sean would never know the truth about this baby. But on the other hand if he died I would somehow feel responsible. Like it was karma coming around to get me."


            Nick wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he stroked the top of her hair to indicate that he was still listening. "Just Ian's death made me realize just how easily everything could fall apart in the blink of an eye. Sean is over there right now going through hell and back and probably the only thing that keeps him going is returning home to me and who he thinks is his daughter. Meanwhile I'm here with you preparing to turn his whole world upside down. I'm a horrible person."


            "No, you're not Lyss. We're in this together, so if anything we're both horrible people. You can't take full blame of this," he tried to reassure her.


            "I'm more to blame than you. I'm the woman. I should know better. I just feel so guilty. I don't want to hurt him, but I don't see any other alternative. Plus, Kim losing Ian is going to make her reaction to me leaving Sean that much angrier. She's lost her husband and I'm just throwing mine away!"


            Nick frowned, unsure of what she was trying to get at. "Are you trying to tell me that you're having second thoughts about us?"


            Alyssa sighed obviously frustrated and confused with her feelings. "No, I didn't say that... I just hate this situation! I hate that Sean is halfway around the world and I have to let him go on believing that I'm still in love with him. I wish I could just divorce him already and be done with it! I wish that he'd come home soon, so that I don't have to keep living this double life. It's taking its toll on me."


            "Well, you still could always just tell him the truth over the phone or something," Nick gently suggested. "I know that's not the ideal way you pictured doing it, but if it's bothering you that much... It might actually be easier if you can't see his reaction. Might be safer too."


            She just shook her head. "I can't... I owe it to him to do it the right way, not the flaky, cowardly way. No, I'm just going to have to suck it up and wait it out."


            "Are you sure? You do realize that if you need me to I can back off a little, right? All you need to do is say the word."


            Alyssa looked up at him with a surprised glance. "You'd be okay with cooling things off for a little bit? "


            "Truthfully? No..." Nick honestly answered. "But I'd do it if you needed me to. We have all the time in the world to be together once you get everything you need to sorted out. I just don't want you having a breakdown or anything. And all this stress isn't good for the baby."


            Alyssa seemed thoughtful for a moment. "I'll have to think about it. Right now though I'm completely and utterly exhausted. This week is going to be tough. I'm going to have to miss at least one day of work for the funeral..."


            Nick placed a finger over her lips. "Don't stress about it. Just relax, okay?" He began to gently knead his fingers into her tense shoulders. "You're all in knots."


            "I know," she sighed, but closed her eyes and surrendered herself to his massage. It did feel good and she swore that she could practically feel the stress melting away. She needed to do exactly what Nick had suggested and relax. She could worry about Sean another day. He was completely right. Not only were these types of thoughts not good for the baby, but for her sanity as well.

End Notes:
Haha how many of you thought from the chapter title that Sean was going to die?
Chapter 44 - You Know I'm No Good by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa begins to feel guilty over her and Nick's affair.


Chapter 44 - You Know I'm No Good


Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy
He's in a place, but I can't get joy
Thinking on you in the final throes
This is when my buzzer goes

~ Amy Winehouse -"You Know I'm No Good"


            Alyssa pulled her black and white houndstooth jacket tighter around her body to warm herself from the chilly January wind. It was a particularly cold winter day for California although it was nothing compared to the much harsher New York winters that she was used to. The wide open space of the cemetery made it even windier and seem much colder than it actually was. She shivered as she tried to pay close attention to the funeral ceremony going on in front of her. Ian of course was being given a proper military burial which Alyssa had never witnessed before, but quickly decided that she wasn't a fan. Although it was a beautiful ceremony (well as beautiful as a funeral could be) it was long and drawn out and crowded. Alyssa would've much rather preferred a small intimate burial for only close family and friends in Kim's position.


            Poor Kim... Her eyes scanned the crowd towards where Kim was sitting up front with her parents and Ian's family. Alyssa hadn't had a chance to speak with her when she'd arrived because she had been surrounded by people offering their condolences to her, but she had made it a point to check out her appearance. The younger woman looked a little bit better since the last time she'd seen her. Someone had obviously forced her to do something with her hair and she did have a little bit of makeup on, but it looked as if it were applied half heartedly within the span of five minutes. There was still no denying though that she had been doing quite a bit of crying in the past few days. She still looked exhausted and only like a shadow of her former self, but there was definitely a slight improvement in her appearance.


            Alyssa's eyes shifted sideways towards Callie who was seated next to her. Callie's face was somber and her gaze was fixated straight ahead like a robot. Alyssa wondered how she could appear so calm and removed from the situation. While her friend sat up straight and appeared to be hanging on to every word, she couldn't help but to shift in her seat uncomfortably like a restless child and let her eyes wander about the crowd of people. She hated funerals. Luckily she hadn't had to attend very many of them in her life. She just never knew how to act, what to say, or how she should feel...




            Alyssa paused from her position a few feet away as she watched the last of the funeral goers offer their condolences before leaving the cemetery. She looked back unsurely at Izzy who was standing behind her for reassurance. Izzy jus nodded her head as if to remind her that she was doing the right thing before turning away and leaving herself.


            Taking in a deep breath, Alyssa crossed over to where he was standing before she lost her nerve. His back was to her and he was staring solemnly down at the black coffin. She didn't have to see his face to know that he felt guilty because she felt the very same way. Very softly she approached him, placing a warm hand on his back. "I'm very sorry for your loss," she said in a voice barely over a whisper.


            Nick whirled around to find her standing there. "Losses," he corrected. "My losses."


            "Your losses," she repeated. "I'm so sorry Nick. I never meant for this to happen. I-"


            Nick held up a hand to silence her. "You don't have to apologize. It's not like your responsible or anything. That bastard got away without a scratch."


            "I know I'm not responsible, but we were... you know," her voice trailed off almost embarrassed to bring up what they had been doing. This had been the first time they'd seen each other since that night. "I can't help but feel like this is like karma or something."


            He nodded in agreement. "I know... I feel the same way. It's like we're being punished for making an impulsive decision. Well more me than you, but..."


            Alyssa shook her head. "I admit that you probably have it worse, but this has definitely taken a lot out of me mentally. I just can't help but think if things would've been different if I'd never went to your room that night."


            Nick shrugged. "Probably not. It was already done by then. Well, not done, but the events were already set into motion. I doubt the outcome would've been any different regardless."


            "You still can't help, but wonder what if? And you still can't help but to feel horrible to think about that while we were together, she -"her voice choked up and she realized that she couldn't even bear to finish her sentence.


            He gave her a small sympathetic look and wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "I know... I can't stop thinking about the same thing. Do you know that I was actually kind of looking forward to becoming a father? Guess I fucked that one up, huh?"


            "No," she shook her head. "Like you said it's not either one of our faults. Just bad timing I guess. It wasn't meant to be for you just now."




            "Alyssa? Wake up, everyone's leaving," Callie's insistent voice pulled her back into the present.


            Alyssa's eyes flew around the area and realized that Callie was indeed right. People were beginning to get out of their seats and pay their final respects before leaving. She had been so caught up in thinking about one of the previous funerals that she'd attended that she'd completely zoned out on the ending of this one. Her little flashback had her unnerved as she realized that there were almost frighteningly similar details surrounding that funeral and this one. Both events had occurred after she and Nick had cheated on a current partner together and they both involved a strong sense of lingering guilt. The guilt this time around though was different. It wasn't as if she was very close to Ian at all. No, this time her guilt had to do with the realization that it just as easily could've been Sean in that coffin right now. She couldn't get the thought or picture out of her mind and it sent an eerie chill down her spine.


            "What's the matter with you? You looked like you were off in la la land?" Callie continued to probe.


            "I'm fine," Alyssa lied. "Just not feeling very well I guess. I'm really tired. It's been an emotional couple of days."


            Callie just nodded sympathetically. "Yea and I'm sure being pregnant isn't helping very much. These last three months are a killer."


            "Uh huh," she agreed. There were certain advantages of being pregnant and Alyssa had quickly learned that all she needed to say is that she wasn't feeling well and she as able to get herself out of nearly everything.


            "We should go say our goodbyes and get going. Do you think that you're going to go to the luncheon?" her friend asked.


            Alyssa shrugged. She really didn't feel much like going. She felt too numb and had too much on her mind to have to sit through lunch with most of these people. As it was it was getting harder and harder to look at Kim especially now. She could see out of the corner of her eye, Kim collapsing in sobs against her father's shoulder as it really hit her that this was it. "Probably not," she replied, trying to divert her gaze from the painful sight. "Like I said I'm not really feeling up to it. I'll probably just go home and take a nap or something."


             Callie nodded. "I feel like at least one of us should go, so I guess it's going to be me. You should get home and rest. All this isn't good for the baby anyway."


            "I know." Alyssa knew that she was putting herself under a crazy amount of stress and she needed to calm herself down. She'd read that stress was one of the top reasons that led to premature delivery and she knew that her daughter couldn't possibly be ready to face the world yet at only a little over seven months.


            The two women approached the casket and were silent for a moment as they both said their last goodbyes to their deceased friend. Sean should be here, Alyssa thought fiercely. It wasn't fair that after his best friend's death he was expected to keep on fighting. He probably didn't even have time to properly grieve himself. She sighed, not wanting to dwell on the matter any further. She looked over at Callie who also appeared to have just finished her prayer. The two of them hugged and promised to call each other in a few days before going their separate ways.


            On her way back towards her car, Alyssa passed Kim who looked overwhelmed with the amount of people coming up to comfort her. The last thing she needs is another person surrounding her, she reasoned. I'll stop over in a few days to see how she's doing.


            Once Alyssa had arrived back to her vehicle she rested her forehead against the steering wheel and for the first time all day the frustrated tears that she'd been hiding all day came pouring out. Why am I so upset? she wondered. It's not like I was very close with Ian. It's not like he was my husband.


            That was exactly it though. She was crying for her husband. Her husband who was over in Iraq fighting for their country and putting his own life in very grave danger. Would he meet the same fate as his friend? Meanwhile in the past few months she seemed to have almost cared less about him. She'd acted as if he hadn't even existed. The way that she'd been carrying on with Nick was despicable, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. She definitely was no longer in love with Sean, but she supposed that a small part of her did love him, just in a different way that she loved Nick.


            Confusion clouded her brain and against her better judgment, she dug into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Before she had even realized what she was doing she'd dialed Nick's phone number and was listening to it ring.


            "Alyssa?" Nick answered on the third ring. "What's going on? How was the funeral?"


            At first Alyssa couldn't even will herself to speak. The only noise she could seem to make were some pitiful sniffling sounds. "Lyss?" Nick now sounded overly concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need me to come and get you? What's wrong?"


            "I need to see you," she finally blurted out. "Please... I know you're working now, but is there any way that you could possibly leave early and meet me at the condo?"


            "Of course I can. Let me just cancel all my appointments and I'll meet you there," he agreed. "You sound upset.'


            "It's just you know... Funerals... They take a lot out of you. I just really want to spend sometime with you right now."


            "You got it. We'll talk more when you get there. Be careful driving. Calm yourself down before you get on the road."


            "Of course. I'll talk to you later. Bye."




            By the time Alyssa arrived at the condo, Nick was already there nervously awaiting her arrival. She'd sounded horrible over the phone and he'd immediately grown concerned about her. He knew that she'd been going through some extremely rough times emotionally based upon their conversation the last time he'd seen her. He knew that Ian's death was a painful reminder of the fact that she couldn't just forget about Sean and act as if he never existed. Factor in the stress of keeping their affair a secret and the fact that she was now in her last trimester of her pregnancy, Nick grew fearful that she really might take his offer to keep things cool between them. He knew it was the decent thing to do. If she loved him as much as she said she did, she would return to him after she got things straightened out with Sean, but still he was fearful. It could be a while until Sean returned. How was he supposed to keep his hands off her in that time? He knew that it would be quite a challenge. One that he did not really look forward to.


            When he heard the front door open he almost jumped out of her skin. Alyssa entered the foyer and continued on toward where he was in the living room. She slipped off her jacket wordlessly, revealing a simple three quarter sleeve, black, wraparound dress that came to about her knees. The expression on her face was shielded by an oversized pair of black sunglasses that were so large they nearly covered her whole face. She placed her coat over the arm of the couch and slowly removed her sunglasses. Underneath her eyes looked tired and puffy as if she were crying recently.


            He knew that no words were needed right now. He just walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, burying his head into her shoulder as he rubbed her back. The two stayed in that position for what felt like minutes silently, until Nick spoke up. "Rough day, huh?'


            Alyssa just nodded. "You could say that. It was just very draining. Kim was a mess as can be expected and then the funeral was this huge military ceremony... It was just exhausting and I just want to do nothing more than relax and forget about it right now."


            "Why don't you go into the bedroom and freshen up a bit. I can go run you a nice hot bath or something," Nick offered.


            "Thanks," she told him. "That sounds perfect to me."


            "I'll be right back," he promised before disappearing in the direction of the bathroom. He turned on the water in the tub and adjusted the faucets until the water was just the right temperature that Alyssa liked. He wished that he had some bath salts or something else to throw in to make it more relaxing for her, but since they really weren't there very often they hadn't bothered to stock up the bathroom with much more than necessities. He'd have to make a mental note to bring some over for the future.


            Once the tub was full, he headed back into the living room to find Alyssa already gone. He could hear some rustling down the hall and followed the sound back towards the bedroom. He creaked open the half closed door to find Alyssa sitting on the bed just tugging off her stockings. "I hate wearing those things," she complained, throwing them to the floor for the time being.


            "They don't exactly look comfortable," Nick agreed as he eyed the nylon material bunched up on the floor. "Your bath is all ready whenever you are."


            "All right. Thank you again." She stood up from the bed and made her way to the mirror just a few short feet away. Her dark hair was coiled tightly into a sleek, sophisticated bun, parted sideways. She reached up and began pulling out hairpins and placing them on the dresser until her hair was hanging free and loose around her shoulders. She ran her fingers through it, trying to tame the waves that it had acquired from being up for most of the day. Nick watched her as she did this, growing more and more frustrated when it wasn't doing what she wanted until she burst into tears.


            "Hey, there's no need to get upset, Lyss," he told her, quickly crossing over to her and placing an arm on her shoulder. "It's just hair and trust me... I've seen you look a lot worse and I'm still around."


            "It's not about my hair," she cried, between sobs. "It's just everything. God, I just want to not have to think about Kim or Ian or Sean, but I can't get them out of my head. I feel like I'm just going to explode or something. I need to do something..." By now she was visibly shaking and Nick recognized the beginning of the signs of what could very easily turn into a panic attack any moment.


            "Lyss... You need to calm down okay? Getting this upset is only going to make yourself sick." He grabbed her by bother her shoulders so she was forced to look at him. Again he wrapped his arms around her tightly and let her continue to cry against his chest. Maybe she just needed to get it all out.


            She continued to cry for another minute or two until finally her sobs began to subside and she slowly looked up at him her eyes tearstained and pleading as they snaked around his neck. Almost as if the past few minutes had never happened she pressed her lips hungrily against his, catching Nick completely off guard.


            Nick finally managed to pull away from her a few brief seconds, totally floored by the unexpected move. He knew that she was confused and upset, but he hadn't really anticipated this sort of reaction from her. "Lyss, maybe this isn't the best idea right now... You're upset and I-"


            Alyssa interrupted him by placing a finger over his lips. "It is," she insisted with another kiss. "Please Nick... I need this right now. I need you."


Without even giving him a chance to let him talk her out of it, she pressed her lips against his for a third time, on this occasion grabbing the back of his head, so that he couldn't pull away. As the kiss deepened, Nick felt his resolve start to melt away. Deep down, he knew that it wasn't the best idea for him to take advantage of her desperate, emotional state even if she was practically begging for it. On the other hand though, he couldn't ignore her pleas for physical intimacy. It wasn't like Alyssa to be very aggressive, especially under these circumstances. It seemed as if she only wanted to find some sort of solace in his arms to help her momentarily forget the last few painful hours of her day. Finally giving in to her, he let one of his hands trace down the curve of her body until it came to rest on her hip, directly over the knot of her dress. It came undone easily in his hand and he pushed the material off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor behind her.


            Alyssa was already tugging his shirt over his upper body. Once it disappeared over his head she started moving backwards until the back of her knees hit the side of the bed. Nick gently pushed her down so that she was sitting at the edge and she pulled on his arm so that he could join her. He angled his body so that he was facing her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He couldn't deny how needy and helpless she looked in that moment. He knew that now was one of those times that she was going to need him to put her first. He needed for every move to be tender and comforting to her; to prove that he really did care about her as much as he claimed he did. His lips claimed hers with so much emotion that it almost took his own breath away. Needing a break, he continued downwards along her neck, trailing kisses from right underneath her earlobe to the bottom of her collarbone. Normally, he knew that the move drove her crazy, but this time it seemed to have little effect on Alyssa. He shrugged the realization off as he slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders and lowered his path of kisses over the tops of her breasts.


            Alyssa seemed to have other ideas than his slow, comforting, plan. Surprisingly, she seemed to have little patience for it at the moment. Her arms boldly reached upwards and grabbed his wrists, forcing his hands off her shoulders and down into her lap on the tops of her thighs. Nick pulled away and looked at her questionably, a little thrown off by her actions. "I don't want to do all that right now. I just want to get going," she explained, tracing her fingernails along his back.


            Nick could feel his heart rate speeding up as he processed her words. It was rare for Alyssa to ever beg him to get right down to business and as wrong as a set of circumstances this seemed to be, he couldn't help but to find her request extremely hot. Not wanting to disappoint her he leaned over her for another searing kiss, while his hands pulled her knees apart. He slipped a hand in between her thighs and gently rubbed against the delicate fabric of her underwear until he was satisfied that she was ready enough. Then he worked the material down her legs as he slid off of the bed. He knew that she was impatient, but he still wanted this to be mostly about her. He grabbed hold of her ankles and positioned her legs so that her feet were on top of the bed and her knees were facing up to the ceiling. Understanding where this was going, Alyssa laid back against the sheets beneath her, already breathing unsteadily in anticipation. She was confident that in another minute or so she wouldn't even remember that she had attended a funeral earlier.


            Her breath caught in her throat when she finally felt Nick's tongue move against her and she involuntarily shuddered at the sensation. Her first few moments of pleasure though seemed to be short lived. As soon as she'd gotten over her initial reaction she quickly realized that she was having a more difficult time than she had originally thought she would when it came to blocking out all of her other thoughts. The moment that her eyes closed all she could see flash across her mind was Ian's casket, Kim's crying face, and then most disturbing of all Sean. She quickly opened her eyes and tried to focus all of her concentration on Nick and the pleasure that was making its way through her body. The tactic worked for maybe another minute or so. Just as Alyssa finally began to let herself relax again, the thoughts had returned, only this time they were much stronger than before. So strong, in fact that Alyssa was beginning to feel increasingly numb towards what was going on between her and Nick at the moment and more and more uncomfortable with the situation. They shouldn't be doing this. She'd just buried Sean's best friend... How could she think for even a second that being with Nick would make her feel any better?


            That never stopped you before; a voice in her head reminded her. How many times have you used sex with Nick to hide from your problems with Sean? Why should it bother you so much now? Isn't it a little too late to be developing a guilty conscience? She had to admit that much was true. It was almost hypocritical of her to all of a sudden think of Sean. Maybe it was because of all the mixed emotions about him that had been stirred up after Ian's death that made him hard to ignore in her mind this time. Whatever it was a shaky, nervous feeling began to grow in a pit of her stomach that she knew couldn't be mistaken as the beginning of an orgasm. She had to put a stop to this before it got any farther. As it was the only image in her head was Sean's face with a hurt, betrayed look on it. This was wrong and as long as Sean was so far away she couldn't deal with this sneaking around any longer.


            It didn't take long for Nick to notice the fact that while her body seemed to acting on instinct, her mind seemed completely disengaged. To him, it seemed like a total one-eighty from the same woman who only a few minutes ago had begged him to get right down to it. He pulled away for a moment, a look of obvious concern etched in his face. "Lyss? Are you-"


            Before he could finish asking her if she was okay, Alyssa had sat up and was pushing him out of the way in a hurry to locate all of her clothing that had been removed. Her words flew out of her mouth in a frantic rush. "I can't do this Nick. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. I just... This is wrong. I can't..." Her cheeks felt hot and she could barely look him in his eye as she stood up and slipped her dress back on over her shoulders.


            Nick just stared at her dumbfounded for a moment as he watched her dress. He knew that she'd had an emotional roller coaster of a day and he had a feeling that pregnancy hormones probably had something to do with her hot and cold actions, but he was left feeling confused as if the entire earlier exchange had never happened. He also felt as if it was his entire fault. Was he losing his touch or something? First Shayla, now Alyssa. As dumb as it seemed, it was starting to feel like maybe he'd began to lose a bit of his mojo. She said it's not you, it's her, he found him having to remind himself.


            His thoughts were pulled back to the present by the sight of Alyssa out of the corner of his eye slipping her shoes on her feet. "I have to go," she mumbled as she practically flew out of the room.


            It took a moment for the fact that she was actually leaving to sink in to Nick, but once it did he jumped to his feet. I can't let her leave like this, he realized. I need to find out what made her freak like that out of the blue. Not bothering to grab his shirt, he raced out of the bedroom and down the hall just in time to see a teary eyed Alyssa pulling on her jacket. "Alyssa, wait!" he called out after her. "Don't leave like this!"


            "I'm sorry, Nick. It's for the best," she assured him through her tears as she headed for the door.


            Being larger and faster, Nick was easily able to get around her to block her path. When Alyssa tried to sidestep around him, he firmly gripped her forearms, so that she couldn't move. "You're not getting into a car like this. Not until you calm yourself down and explain to me what the hell that just was back there? You're too upset to be driving and I don't want to risk losing you and my unborn daughter."


            Alyssa looked up at him a chill running down her spine at the eeriness of his words. He was right. She didn't want history to repeat itself again. "Fine you win," she gave in with a sigh.


            Nick led her back over to the couch and helped remove her coat from her shoulders. Wordlessly he sat down next to her and waited for a moment of silence until he began to speak. "So, how about you clue me in on what's exactly going on in that mind of yours because I can't even begin to start to figure it out on my own."


            Alyssa just sniffled and wiped her eyes and then in a very calm voice said the words that Nick dreaded hearing the most. "I can't do this anymore Nick. I can't put myself in this position. This whole Ian thing has put so much in perspective for me and it really made me realize how fucked up I'm being to Sean. He deserves better than this. I really, truly, am not in love with him anymore in a romantic sense and I honestly do want a future with you, but this is the wrong way to do it. We're not being fair to Sean or Shayla. All this lying, and sneaking around, and the secrets... yea, at first I'll admit it was a big turn on. But now it's just so much unwanted stress. It's constantly being afraid of getting caught or what's going to happen when everyone else finds out. It's too much pressure."


            Nick's eyes darkened. "So, what are you trying to say? That you don't want to be with me anymore?"


            "No, I do!" Her voice rang higher with insistence. "I do want to be with you. Just I really think that we need to keep things platonic between us until Sean comes back home. I know it's almost too late for that because that line was crossed months ago, but I really think it's the best option for all of us involved."


            "You know that we can't do that," he reminded her. "Anytime we've tried it's never worked out for us."


            Alyssa firmly crossed her hands over her chest. "It has to this time. I can't keep doing this Nick. I can't! I have to worry about keeping this baby healthy, and it's not going to happen if I let myself continue to undergo all this stress."


            Nick unhappily scowled in her direction. "What caused this sudden epiphany? If I remember correctly not even ten minutes ago you were begging me to make love to you. Then as soon as I touch you it was like you couldn't get away from me fast enough. Talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! What was that all about?"


            Alyssa looked away realizing that he did have a point there. She couldn't blame him for coming out feeling confused and a little frustrated at her sudden change in attitude. "Again I apologize for sending out mixed messages. I thought that maybe if I just tried to be with you it would make me forget all about Sean because usually when I'm with you I do forget. This time it was different though. Every time I started to enjoy myself my mind went back to Sean. I couldn't go on like that. I wasn't enjoying myself and it's not because of anything you did or didn't do. It was just me. Something tells me this is the right thing to do."


            Nick stared down at the floor, his elbows on his knees. Deep down, he knew that it probably was a good idea if they cooled things between them for a bit. Their relationship was getting much too intense and Shayla was already beginning to have very strong suspicions. If their relationship was discovered and came out in the media before Alyssa had a chance to speak with Sean, it would only make them both look worse in the long run. He just didn't know if he could be around her if she was off limits to him.


            "You're the one who gave me the option in the first place," she reminded him.


            He sighed. She was right. He had suggested it to her last week, but he'd done it more out of obligation than actual sincerity. He couldn't go back on it now though. He'd made the offer and now he'd have to follow through no matter how much it killed him to do so. "So, if we're platonic we can still see each other, right?"


            "Only as friends. No kissing, no touching, nothing sexual of any kind," she firmly stated.


            "Friends can still hug, right? And cuddle?"


            Alyssa chewed her lip. "I don't know about that one. Normally they can, but based on our track record it might be best if we don't touch at all."


            Nick just shook his head. "I give us two days max."


            Alyssa just shrugged. "Then I guess our only other option is to not see each other at all."


            "No," Nick firmly insisted. By now he knew that her feelings for her were too strong to go without seeing her everyday. Not having her around would be enough to drive him crazy which might make the situation even worse. He'd have to man up and learn to love her without touching her. Once Sean returned home and everything was out in the open, he could be free to do whatever, whenever we wanted to her. But, for now he had no choice. "Fine. Platonic friends it is."


            He couldn't help, but notice the look of relief flood Alyssa's face and already it seemed as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. You made the right decision, man. Think of it as a challenge of sorts. Not having any physical contact with her after all this time could only make it even hotter when they finally could be together, right? Besides, how much longer could it possibly before Sean returned home?


            He could only hope that the answer was soon. Very soon.


End Notes:
Thanks Darby for helping me out with this one!
Chapter 45 - Coming Home by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Sean returns home from Iraq.


Chapter 45 - Coming Home


            "Ugh," Alyssa groaned as she watched Katherine Heigl scream out in pain during the delivery scene of Knocked Up. "I think I'm starting to have my doubts about having this baby. I'm not sure that I want to go through that after all."


            Nick just laughed from his position next to her on the couch of her home. "I'd say that it's probably a little too late for that now."


            "Of all movies to bring over, why'd you have to pick this one?" she asked, her hands on her hips.


            "It's funny. And I thought that you could relate to it being pregnant and all," he honestly replied. It was the Friday after Ian's funeral and Nick was trying to take his new role as platonic friend as serious as possible by surprising Alyssa at her home with Taco Bell (which she'd texted him all day about how she was craving a chicken quesadilla) and a movie. They'd managed to get through most of the film without too many awkward moments and Nick was quite proud of the way that he was handling himself. Don't get too cocky, he warned himself. It's only been about an hour and a half.


            "It is funny," she admitted. "Just a little scary to think how that's going to be in another two and a half months."


            Nick gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sure that they've probably exaggerated it a bit for humor. Plus, weren't you in the delivery room when Izzy had Grace? I'm sure that couldn't have been any worse."


            "It was pretty bad." Alyssa shook her head as the memory of Grace's birth came back into her mind. "Actually, thinking back on it I'm realizing I should've remembered the experience back when I first decided to try getting pregnant," she joked.


            "Well, you'll get through it. I know you will." Before Nick could say another word he was interrupted by what sounded like footsteps coming up the front porch and a rattling noise as if someone was just outside the door.


            "Did you hear that?" Alyssa interrupted looking alarmed. "It sounds like someone is on the porch."


            Nick just nodded as the noise continued. "Are your doors locked?" he asked in a low voice already getting up from the couch.


            Alyssa shook her head fearfully. "No, I don't lock them if I'm home except when I'm sleeping of course." Her stomach sank as she realized just how easily anyone could walk into her house unwanted when she was home alone. There were so many sickos out there that you just never knew.


            "Stay here. I'm going to go check it out," Nick instructed. His eyes frantically searched the room for something to use as a weapon if need be. His gaze fell on an empty vase that was sitting on the coffee table and he grabbed it over his head as he tentatively made his way over the door. He could see the doorknob twisting now. Someone was definitely trying to make their way inside and it was up to him to defend not only Alyssa, but his unborn child as well. He raised the vase higher and braced himself to smash it over the head of the trespasser the minute they walked in from the porch. The door slowly creaked open and Nick took a deep breath.


            "Wait, Nick! Don't hit him!" Alyssa's frightened voice rang out. "It's Sean!"


            Sean? Nick set his arms down only seconds before he was about to bring the vase crashing over Alyssa's husband's head. Now that would be something, knocking him out as soon as he steps in the door. Talk about marking your territory. He shook his head in disbelief as he saw that it was indeed Sean that had walked in the door, dressed in his Marine uniform and he was using a cane to lean his weight on. Oh, shit... Nick realized.


            Alyssa had already sprung up from the couch to give her a husband a welcoming embrace. "Sean, I can't believe that you're really here! How come you didn't tell me that you were coming home? Is your tour finally up? Did they decide to send your troop home?" Her gaze fell down to the cane that he was leaning on and gasped. "You're hurt!"


            Sean just laughed at all her questions as he pulled away, ignoring them for a moment. "It's good to be home," he said, taking in her appearance. "You look beautiful. I didn't think I was going to get the chance to see you pregnant." He placed his two hands over her protruding stomach.


Nick rolled his eyes almost wanting to vomit at the scene in front of him. His blood boiled with jealously, especially at the sight of his hands on Alyssa's stomach. He wanted to scream out, Hands off... That's MY daughter in there, buddy! But he somehow managed to suppress the urge. He didn't like the sight one bit though.


Alyssa just blushed. "No, I don't. I look like crap." She was dressed very comfortably in a pair of ratty looking sweats and a pink t-shirt that Nick had bought her that read, I'm Not Fat... I'm Just Knocked Up on it. Her hair was piled on the top of her head in a messy bun.


            "How's little Katherine doing?" he asked not pulling his hands away from her stomach.


            "She's fine," Alyssa quickly answered, not bothering to explain that ‘Katherine' had been renamed to Zoey behind his back. She could feel Nick giving her a dirty look, but she just did her best to ignore it. Now was not the time to get into the name debate.


            Sean turned around, finally seeming to acknowledge Nick's presence in the room. "Hello Nick," he coolly greeted. "I wasn't expecting to find you here."


            "He came over to keep me company," Alyssa quickly explained. "He thought it would be nice to bring me over some food and a movie."


            "Yea, I've been keeping your wife company a lot lately," Nick couldn't resist throwing in. "You know... Doing all the things that you couldn't do since you've been gone."


            Alyssa shot him a dangerous look warning him to stop right there. "Yea, Nick's been pretty helpful, but so have all my friends. They've really pulled together for me."


            "That's great." Sean turned back towards Nick. "I hate to be rude, but it's been almost eight months since I've last seen my wife. Do you think that you could maybe let us have some time together?"


            Nick bit his lip. He didn't want to leave Alyssa alone with that asshole, but he really didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. Staying could be just as bad. "Yea, I guess," he dejectedly replied.


            "I'll give you a call tomorrow," Alyssa promised.


            They said their quick goodbyes and as soon as the front door closed behind Nick, Sean eyed her suspiciously. "What was that all about?" he asked.


            Alyssa practically gulped. "What was what about?"


            "Nick... I never was a fan of his anyway, but he almost tried to kill me!"


            Alyssa tried not to laugh. "Sean, it wasn't personal. We heard you out on the porch and we thought that you could've been an intruder. I know this is a military base, but you never know... Nick was just doing the noble thing and trying to protect me, that's all. You'd have done it too. So, are you going to tell me why you're using that cane?" she expertly changed the subject making herself comfortable on the couch.


            Sean eased himself down on the couch beside her. "It's shrapnel in my leg," he seriously explained. "From the same blast that killed Ian. I saw Ian get into that truck and I just had this really bad feeling like something wasn't right." His eyes closed at the painful memory. "I started to run towards him to tell him to get out of there, but it was too late... I got hit by some debris from the blast and next thing I know I was waking up in a military hospital."


            Alyssa wasn't sure whether to feel sympathetic and dote over his injury or seem relieved that it hadn't been any worse. "That had to have been scary as hell for you. How are you doing now?"


            "I'm doing fine," he reported. "Really I'm beginning to think that this injury was a blessing in disguise." Alyssa shot him a look as if to ask, how so? "I mean after it really sunk in about Ian the last thing I wanted to do is pretend as if it hadn't happened at all and go on fighting. I underwent surgery to remove most of the shrapnel and my doctors said that I should make a full recovery." He gestured to the cane in his hands. "This is just a temporary thing to help keep some weight off the leg while it heals. It should be gone in another week or so. I was really lucky. There were some guys in the hospital that had both their legs blown off. I think I got off pretty easy with nothing more than maybe a slight limp. And the best part of all is that it's not a life changing injury, but serious enough to get me discharged and home to you in time for our daughter's birth."


            "Yea, that's great," was the only way that Alyssa could think to reply. Thankfully enough Sean seemed to think that she was in too much shock to react with much more emotion. She quickly changed the subject though to ease her own guilt. "How come you didn't try to contact me and tell me what happened? How come you didn't let me know you were coming home?"


            Sean looked away a little ashamed. "I had my reasons. Mainly because I didn't want you to worry about me because I know you would, but also because I wanted to surprise you. Did it work?"


            "Oh, yea it worked all right. I was really surprised." More than you realize, she mentally added.


            His next question caught her completely off guard. "So, you've been hanging out with Nick a lot since I've been gone, huh?"


            Alyssa just shrugged trying to play it off as coolly as she could. "Yea, I guess you could say that. He's been almost like a brother to me. He comes around and helps me out whenever I need a man's strength, but as I mentioned before everyone has been a help. Callie, Kim, and I have formed a little support group, and Izzy is always ready to offer parenting advice. All my friends have helped out in their own little way.


            "I'm glad that you had so many people around to help you out. I felt horrible enough leaving you alone by yourself and then to make it even harder on me, I find out that you were pregnant. I was really worried about you Lyss..."


            Alyssa shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "You didn't have to worry. I was fine." Wanting to break the tense moment she laced her hand into his and jumped up from the couch. "You have to come see the nursery. It's really cute! I did a whole princess theme with crowns and jewels. Everything is purple and yellow. You're going to love it!"


            "I guess I'm going to have to go check it out then," Sean agreed with a laugh.


            Alyssa practically dragged him up the stairs and into the nursery. She wasted no time in launching in a long winded explanation of every piece of furniture in the room. She even showed him the few outfits and things that various people had already bought for her. Anything that she could do to keep the conversation focused on the baby and not themselves. It wasn't long though until she ran out of things to say and she found herself staring up at Sean for a reaction.


            "It's perfect," he told her. "I can't believe that you got this all set up and everything already. Our little Katherine is going to love it."


            At the second mention of the name that Sean had selected for her daughter Alyssa bit her lip. It was to the point that she actually quite despised the name Katherine. "I know we agreed on Katherine before I became pregnant, but just for curiosity's sake... What do you think of Zoey?" The question flew out of her mouth before she even realized she had asked it.


            Sean narrowed his eyes. "Zoey? You want to name our daughter Zoey? It sounds like a dog's name. Not for a little girl. Besides, Katherine is a family name and I thought we wanted to do family names?"


            "Yes, you're right. It was just an idea. I'm sorry I suggested it." His reaction to the name she and Nick had picked out only solidified her decision. Tomorrow morning she was going to have to sit him down and tell him the honest truth. It was sure to be ugly, but it needed to be done.




            An hour or so later the couple was finally ready for bed. Alyssa felt very funny about sharing a bed with Sean under the circumstances, but it would be too suspicious if she didn't. Besides, he'd never hear of her sleeping on the pull out downstairs by herself. She finished brushing her teeth and emerged from the bathroom into the bedroom wearing a pair of boxer shorts and one of Sean's t-shirts. Sean was already in bed staring up at her. "What?" she asked all of a sudden feeling self-conscious.


            "Nothing," Sean replied. "I just can't get over seeing you pregnant. It's like the craziest thing."


            Alyssa just shrugged, the thrill of herself having a belly long gone by now as she slipped between the sheets. "It's not all that amazing. I'm fat and nothing seems to fit right. I feel like a whale..."


            "No, you're beautiful," he assured her as he reached over to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "I really missed you while I was in Iraq." His arms circled around her waist and his lips sought out her neck. "Just thinking about coming back and being able to hold you in my arms again was the only thing that kept me going sometimes."


            Alyssa uncomfortably wrenched herself out of his hands. She knew what he wanted, but she just couldn't bring herself to give in to him. It didn't feel right and she felt little to no desire for him anymore. Besides, she couldn't possibly let herself have sex with him and then the very next morning break it off with him. That just wasn't right. "Not tonight Sean," she told him, scooting closer to her side of the bed. "I'm just really tired and not really in the mood right now."


            "Well, I could change that for you," he persisted, playfully grabbing her arms. "Come on... Is it because you're self conscious about being pregnant?"


            "No, it's because I'm tired like I said," she firmly stated. "And it's not that I'm self conscious, but at this point in my pregnancy I'm not exactly feeling sexy."


            Sean sighed as he rolled over on her back. "Fine... You win tonight, but cut a guy some slack here. I haven't had sex in almost eight months. Do you know what that does to a guy?"


            "Yea, yea... Goodnight Sean." Alyssa rolled over and curled up into a comfortable position, pulling the blankets nearly up to her chin. She had to admit that she was tempted to use the whole, ‘you have a hand, use it' line on him, but she had to be at least another nice. This was his first night home and tomorrow she was going to be hurtful enough to him.


            Tomorrow... As reality sunk in of what she was really about to do, Alyssa began to panic. She had no idea what she was going to say or how she was going to start out. She almost wished that she had come up with a script for herself sooner. Now, as she scrambled to prepare how she was going to tell him in her head, nothing seemed to be very clear to her. Her thoughts were all jumbled up and she realized that she was going to have a very hard time falling asleep that night.


            She tossed and turned for what felt like hours and finally just as she seemed to be drifting off to sleep she was awoken to a start by Sean's voice beside her. She shot up in bed and looked at the alarm clock by her bed. 2:26am, it read. Her eyes zeroed in on Sean who was thrashing around in his sleep as he babbled almost incoherently. "Ian... No... Don't do it... Ian... Don't leave me like this... Come on man..." His arms were moving wildly almost as if he was fighting with an invisible enemy. Alyssa shrieked back in fright when one of his flailing arms came within inches of her face. She'd never seen Sean have a nightmare as bad as this. Hell, she never saw anyone have a nightmare as violent as this. Maybe I should try to wake him up? she wondered. But how? She was too scared of him accidentally hurting her or something.


            Doing the only other thing she could think of to do under the circumstances, she grabbed her pillow from beneath her and slammed it down over his face just hard enough to wake him out of his creepy stupor. Sean's eyes fluttered open in confusion as he sat up in bed, shaking and sweaty. "What the fuck, Alyssa? Why'd you hit me with a pillow for?"


            "You mean you don't realize what you were doing?" she asked in a shocked voice. "You were having a nightmare or something."


            Sean slid a hand over his face. "Yea... I know I was, but did you have to hit me with a pillow?"


            Alyssa looked at him fearfully. "It was more than that Sean... You were thrashing around like you were trying to fight with someone. You nearly smacked me in the face. That's not normal. It was almost like you were having a fit."


            Sean sighed, turning his head away from her. "I'm sorry Lyss. I didn't mean to scare you. I just get these nightmares sometimes about Iraq. I've seen things that would haunt any man for the rest of their lives..."


            "Was it about Ian? You kept saying his name and telling him not to leave you and stuff," she sympathetically asked.


            He nodded. "I've been dreaming about him a lot lately. Pretty much every night since I woke up in the hospital. At least when I was in the hospital though every time I had a nightmare the nurses would run in and jack me up on sedatives or something. Every time I close my eyes all I can do is picture Ian's truck exploding. It plays in my mind over and over and over again on repeat. And every time I find myself frustrated to think that I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. Do you know what it's like to watch one of your best friend's get blown to pieces in front of your very own eyes? It's probably the most horrifying thing that I've ever had to witness."


            Alyssa placed a comforting hand over his. She wasn't sure how to react or what to say to him after his confession. She hadn't realized just how much of an effect his time in Iraq had taken on him. She knew that he'd be probably a little shell shocked, but she had no idea that he had actually seen Ian be killed right before his eyes. It was in that moment that she knew that Sean had much bigger health issues than just some shrapnel in his leg. How am I supposed to add the shock of telling him that his wife had an affair with her ex boyfriend while he was away, and the daughter that he thought was his, not only belongs to someone else, but he can't have kids on his own? The news would surely send him over the deep edge at this point. Somehow Alyssa got the feeling that she was going to have to put her confession on hold for the time being. Nick would not be happy, but she wasn't sure if she had much of a choice otherwise. She wanted to do all that she could to let Sean down as gently as possible and by telling him now she'd only do just the opposite. She had a lot of thinking to do.


            "You know I think it maybe it might be best if I went downstairs and slept on the pull out," she gently suggested. "I don't want to have to keep waking you up and I'm just a little concerned that you might accidentally hit me or something in your sleep and with the baby and all that's just too dangerous."


            Sean's expression looked crestfallen. "You know that I'd never intentionally hurt you."


            She gave him a weak smile. "I know that, but if you're having a nightmare you can't always control what's going on."


            Sean swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Stay here. I'll sleep on the couch. I'm used to sleeping in uncomfortable places. Besides you need the rest more than I do."


            "You sure?" Alyssa asked uncertainly.


            "Positive." He leaned over her and gave her a light kiss on the lips. "Goodnight baby."


            "Night..." Alyssa watched him leave the room and heard him padding down the stairs to the living room. She sighed as she stared up at the ceiling now more wide awake than ever. All that she knew was that she was now more confused than ever before on what to do about her situation.




            "So are the rumors true?" Callie asked her the next morning as they sat down on the park bench, meeting for their annual Saturday morning walk.


            "What rumors?" Alyssa asked, too tired from lack of sleep to even guess at what Callie was talking about.


            "Kim told me that she thought she saw Sean out in your driveway this morning. I said no, it couldn't be, but you know stranger things have happened..."


            Of course she would be spying on me; Alyssa thought almost rolling her eyes. Some grieving housewife she is. "Kim's right. He came home last night, very unexpectedly may I add."


            "What?" Callie practically screeched in shock. "He's home now? What happened? Is he all right? You only get discharged like that if you're injured."


            "He was... Very minor injury," Alyssa quickly clarified before Callie could interrupt. "A piece of shrapnel was lodged in his leg and he had to have surgery to remove it. It takes a little bit of recovery time, so they discharged him. He decided to show up on my doorstep last night and surprise me."


            "Aww, how romantic!" Callie squealed. "And it's so perfect now because he's here in time for the baby to be born."


            "Yea... I guess." Try as she could it was very hard for Alyssa to feign much enthusiasm towards the matter.


            "What's a matter?" her friend asked, instantly picking up on Alyssa's dull tone. "Is there something wrong? Did you two have a fight?"


            Alyssa just sighed. "Not exactly." For a moment or two she contemplated sharing her unsettling experience with Sean last night. She knew that it probably wasn't exactly the type of thing that he wanted spread around, but if anyone could relate to her in any way it definitely would be Callie. She couldn't get the emotion in his voice out of her head when he spoke of Ian, and she knew that she needed to get all her thoughts out to someone. "I just guess I hadn't realized the effect that Iraq was going to have on him. He's a lot more damaged than I thought he'd be."


            Callie frowned. "What exactly do you mean? How is he different?"


            "Well," she began almost embarrassed to tell the story. She didn't want Callie to think that her husband was a nut case or anything. "Last night he had a nightmare about Ian, only it was almost more than a nightmare. He kept saying his name over and over and talking his sleep. But, the scariest part was that he was thrashing around like he was actually in combat with someone else. He came very close to hitting me. I had to throw a pillow in his face to wake him up. The weirdest part was that he had no recollection of even doing anything. It kind of freaked me out."


            Callie just nodded. "I've heard about things like that happening when a soldier returns back from a war. My Dad was in Vietnam and I remember him telling me stories about how whenever he'd hear a loud noise like thunder or a car backfiring he'd hide under his bed thinking that he was being bombed. It's a hard transition back into civilian life."


            Alyssa shook her head. "It's a little more than that. Do you know that he saw Ian's death right before his eyes? He said that he saw Ian get into the truck and he had this sinking feeling his stomach like something bad was going to happen. He tried to get closer to the truck to tell him to get out of there, but it was too late. He saw the blast happen right in front of him. He seemed pretty traumatized by it all. I mean he sounded close to tears last night and I don't think I've ever seen the man cry in all the time I've known him."


            "He's probably got some form of PTSD," Callie diagnosed.


            "PTSD?" The acronym sounded familiar to Alyssa, but she was unable to recall what the letters stood for at the moment.


            "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder," she clarified. "It's very common in people who have been exposed to extremely traumatic situations like war for instance. A fairly large amount of soldiers coming back from Iraq are being diagnosed with it. It's an anxiety disorder. It can affect different people in different ways of course, but common symptoms can be erratic mood swings, trouble focusing, depression, nightmares... It can be pretty debilitating if left untreated."


            Alyssa bit her lip. She had heard of the disorder before although it was a little soon to jump to the conclusion that Sean might have developed it. Still, based on his behavior last night he certainly seemed to fit the symptoms. "How exactly is it treated?"


            "Through therapy and over time. He's going to need all the support from you he can get if this is the case. If you're really that interested I can give you some more information. Or you could just google it and a ton of websites should come up."


            "Thanks... I just might do that," Alyssa told her.


            "If you are really that concerned maybe you can try to talk Sean into making an appointment with a psychologist at the VA hospital. They have plenty of experience dealing with men in Sean's condition. They'll be able to determine if he's suffering from it," Callie suggested.


            Alyssa shook her head. "Sean wouldn't agree to that especially so soon. He's too proud to want help from a shrink."


            Callie gave her a sad smile. "Then the only advice I can give you is to give him time and just stick by his side. Try not to make him feel any more unsettled than he already is. He's going to need your support now more than ever."


            Alyssa looked away guiltily feeling a tear trickle down her cheek. There was no way she had anticipated Sean coming back home so broken and lost. She couldn't possibly shake things up and upset him even more so by announcing to him that he was leaving him for Nick. It sucked because she knew that Nick probably wouldn't be as understanding about the situation as she hoped he would be. Now she was stuck in a more difficult decision that ever. Should she turn Sean's world upside down and just pray that he was strong enough to handle the news without trying to harm himself? Or should she risk losing Nick by once again putting off their plans to be together? Either choice was going to be painful and Alyssa had no idea which path she should chose.




Shayla pressed her foot down harder on the gas pedal of her Mercedes and impatiently tapped her fingertips against her steering wheel as she drove towards her destination. Finally, the day that she had been both looking forward to and yet dreading at the same time had finally arrived. Last night she'd received a message on her cell phone from the private investigator that she had hired to look into the possibility of Nick having an affair. Honestly, she'd began to think that the guy was just a con artist looking to squeeze money out of her. She hadn't heard a word from him since she'd wrote him out that last check. Finally, he'd called her back, apologizing for the delay in any information. (Some shit about the holidays interfering and all that.) He hadn't been able to tell her much over the phone, but he did say that he had found some pretty substantial information and had wanted her to drop by his office today to discuss it. This worried Shayla... If it was substantial it had to mean that he was cheating, right?

       Of course he's cheating, she practically screamed to herself. Even you can't be so blind as to ignore the signs that are right in front of you. Things had progressively gotten worse between her and Nick since she'd hired Detective Harris. There was the whole Christmas Eve fiasco and then of course the extremely awkward sex (if you could even call it that) that they'd had in Vegas over New Years. Something definitely wasn't right and Shayla was desperate to get to the bottom if it so that they could work it out. If he was cheating on her, she could hopefully come up with some way to confront him and remedy the situation. She wasn't the type of woman who was going to let her husband go without a fight. She was determined to set things right between them again, no matter what the circumstances. Everyone deserved second chances, right?

       She pulled into the parking lot of the address that had been printed on the Detective's business card. Parking her car and getting out of the vehicle, she took in the sight of the rundown looking place. It definitely looked a little on the shady side. Not at all the type of place that she'd find herself dead in normally. She supposed though that an undercover detective had to fade into obscurity a little. Taking a nervous breath, she grabbed her purse and headed towards the small building.

       When she entered the office she was met with a middle aged secretary sitting at a desk. "Hi," she tentatively approached. "My name is Shayla Carter and I have an appointment to see Detective Harris."

       "Oh, yes. Mrs. Carter... Detective Harris is expecting you. You can go right in through those doors over there," the woman instructed, pointing towards a set of doors to her left.

       "Thank you," Shayla politely replied as she turned the knob and stepped inside what she presumed to be the detective's office. There was a man seated at a desk who she knew had to be Detective Harris. "Hi, I'm Shayla," she quickly introduced herself holding out her hand.

       The man took it firmly. "I'm Ronald Harris. It's nice to finally be able to put a face to the woman that I've been speaking with on the telephone."

       Cut the crap, Shayla wanted to tell him, but quickly remembered her manners and took a seat in a chair in front of his desk. "Why don't we get right down to business and tell me what you've been able to dig up on my husband."

       "I appreciate your eagerness," Harris complimented as he opened up a large manila folder. "Well, this certainly was an interesting case and I came up with some information that you may find a little bit surprising." Shayla's eyebrows rose with interest, but Harris continued to speak. "The first thing I usually do when I'm asked to investigate someone is I run a little background check on the individual of my own. I look into not only their personal history, but their financial and property history as well. Property history can give a very good indication that there may be some extramarital activities going on because very often a man purchases a separate home for him and his mistress. A home away from home of sorts. Anyway, you indicated to me previously that you and your husband own a home in LA and a vacation home in Tahoe. Correct?"

       Shayla nodded her head slowly. "Yes. Those are the only two properties that I'm aware of."

       "Well, when I did a scan of your husband's assets I came across a third property that he still has ownership of. A condo on the outskirts of the LA area that he purchased back in early 2006. Does this ring a bell to you at all?"

       Shayla frowned. "No, it doesn't. I don't even know why he'd buy a condo. I mean I hadn't yet met him at the time, but as far as I know he had a perfectly nice home out here. There would be no real reason for him to buy it."

       "I thought it was a little strange myself. I mean it could've been perfectly legit. Maybe he purchased the condo to rent out on the side for extra cash, but since this did raise an immediate red flag I decided to check it out for myself to see if anyone was living there. I talked to a few of the neighbors in the area and they reported seeing Mr. Carter coming and going every so often with a small, brunette woman. One of the neighbors said that she was pretty sure that the woman was pregnant. Ring any bells?"

       Shayla gasped. "Alyssa! I knew it! I knew there was something going on between them!"

       Harris narrowed his eyes at Shayla. "So, I take it that you know Mrs. Robinson?"

       She nodded. "Alyssa is Nick's ex girlfriend before he met me. They've had quite the rocky past and it ended up pretty badly. After we were married, she wound up moving out here. Her husband is in the military or something and got transferred. She and Nick have been pretty chummy since. Supposedly they are only friends, but I've had some serious doubts about that as of lately."
       "Well, after receiving this information I decided to hang around the condominium complex hoping to catch sight of the couple," he continued. "It didn't take very long for them to show up. I'd say that it was probably on about my second or third day of visiting the complex. The two of them drove up in separate cars and went on inside within a few minutes from each other almost as if they had set up a prearranged meeting. They were inside together for about an hour or so, but unfortunately all the shades were drawn on the windows, so I couldn't get a view of what was going on. They left hand in hand from the condo and got into his car." He paused and grabbed a black and white picture of the two of them doing exactly what he had just mentioned.

       "That's definitely them. You did trail them from there, right?" Shayla anxiously asked.

       "Of course I did." Harris sounded almost slightly insulted at her even asking. "I followed them to a doctor's office not far from the condo. It appeared to be the office of Alyssa's OB/GYN. I hung out in the waiting room while they were waiting. They seemed to be very carefree and looking forward to the appointment. Pretty much what you might expect from any first time parents. When Alyssa was called, Nick went in with her."

       Shayla wrinkled her nose up in confusion. "Why would he go into her appointment with her? That's kind of weird for him to do. It's not like he's the father or anything." As soon as the words left her mouth she felt the color drain from her face. Was there more going on than she had originally realized? She looked up at Detective Harris, her eyes begging with his to continue. Was this what he meant when he said that he had found out substantial information?

       "There's more," he hinted. "When they came out of the examining room to pay for her visit and to schedule her next appointment, Nick gave them his credit card."

       "He's paying for her doctor appointments?" she cried, starting to lose her calm exterior.

       "Apparently. Anyway I followed them outside and managed to snap some more pictures. I think you might find these pretty interesting." He thrust another few photographs towards her.

       Shayla rifled through the pile feeling herself start to grow more and more upset with each picture she looked at. She began to feel sick as she noticed the way that Nick seemed to look at Alyssa, sharing a smile that could only mean that he was infatuated her. There was one shot of the two of them actually engaged in a liplock, but even that wasn't as painful as the shot of Nick's hands on her pregnant stomach, an amazed look on his face. Since when did Nick "I don't want kids in my lifetime" Carter find the miracle of life so fascinating. Her arms visibly began to shake as she slowly began to connect the dots.

       "Do you by any chance know if this baby is somehow his?" It pained her to have to ask that question, but she needed to know. With all the evidence piling up she was beginning to think that maybe Nick had been lying to her about a whole lot more than just cheating on her.

       Harris sadly shook his head. "From what I've gathered up it definitely seems like he has a very strong interest in Mrs. Robinson's pregnancy, but I haven't been able to locate anything solid confirming that he is the father."

       "Well, get something solid," she told him a low, threatening voice. "And do it quickly. I need to know the truth."

       "It's not that simple, Mrs. Carter," Harris insisted. "Unless I overhear them saying something about it or I get some kind of written proof, there's not much that I can do."

       "I'm paying you enough, aren't I? Can't you somehow tap into his cell phone calls or hack into her medical records or something?" Shayla's voice rose in desperation.

       "Both of which are completely illegal and an invasion of privacy," he reminded her. "I admit that this isn't exactly the most moralistic fields that I am in, but I do have my boundaries."

       "How much can I give you to get you to change your mind?" Shayla was already scrambling for her checkbook and a pen. "Five thousand? Ten thousand?"

       Harris held up his hand to stop her. "I'm sorry Mrs. Carter, but there's nothing more that I can do to help you. You asked me to find out if you're husband is indeed having an affair and I supplied you with that information. You're on your own now."

       Shayla stood up indignantly and swung her purse over her shoulder. "Fine, that's the way you want to play it, so be it. I will find out exactly what I'm looking for on my own. I don't need your help!"

       "I wish you the best of luck."

       She ignored his well wishes and stormed out of his office and out the front door, her high heels angrily clacking on the pavement as she approached her car. The nerve of that man refusing to help her out when she'd been willing to offer him a more than generous sum of money! It was okay though. She had all the information she needed to begin a little investigation of her own. In the meantime she needed a plan to try to throw suspicion off of the fact that she was on to both Nick and Alyssa. Also to show the outside world that even though her marriage was crumbling apart in pieces from the inside, everything was still perfect on the surface. She bit her lip as started up her engine and pulled out of the parking lot. The best way to reach the outside world was through the media and if there was one thing that Shayla was an expert on it was attracting media attention, but how?

       She stopped at a red light and a light bulb went off in her head. A party! She could throw a party! But, not just any party... A star studded, posh, Hollywood bash that would be sure to make all the headlines. Nick's birthday was right around the corner. He would be thirty which would be the perfect landmark age to throw a special surprise party. Clearly, the media would have to believe that everything was well in the Carter house if she were giving him a huge celebration. And of course she could always kill two birds with one stone by inviting Alyssa. It would provide her the opportunity to observe the two of them action and maybe give her the chance to have a little chat with her husband's friend. The more she thought about it, the better the idea seemed, but she'd have to move quickly. She literally had maybe two weeks to throw this all together.
       First thing she would need is a location. Hmm... Where could she find a big enough venue that would be available on such short notice? She'd have to know someone to get a reservation with only two weeks to spare...

       A second light bulb hit her. She vaguely remembered Nick mentioning something about Howie recently purchasing a new night club out in LA. His Orlando night club had been pretty successful, so he wanted to see if lightening could strike twice in LA. So, far the place had yet to open, but Shayla was positive that Howie would be able to pull some strings and get it ready to host Nick's party. He would do anything for his friend, plus who could deny the free publicity that it would get? They'd both make out on the deal. Feeling quite proud of herself if she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Howie's number.

       "Hello, Howie?" she answered when he picked up the phone. "It's Shayla. Listen, I kind of need a favor... I want to do something special for Nick for his birthday because you know thirty is a big year and all. I want to throw him a surprise party and I was thinking that maybe it would be nice if we could throw it at your new club...?"
Chapter 46 - Hot and Cold by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa recieves a surprising invitation.


Chapter 46 - Hot and Cold


            Over the next couple of days Alyssa carefully observed Sean's behavior and the more time she spent with him the more she realized that she barely even recognized him anymore. Something definitely had changed in him. He continued to sleep downstairs on the pull out and continued to have nightmares. Alyssa only knew this because out of curiosity she would peek downstairs to check on him whenever she woke up in the middle night to use the bathroom. During the day he was restless and irritable. Sometimes he would snap at her for some of the most insignificant things such as picking up the wrong cereal at the grocery store or not having done a load of laundry. He'd never been much of a drinker, but since he'd been home from Iraq he'd been gulping down beers like they were water. The more changes she observed in him, the more worried she became. She'd done just as Callie had suggested and googled some information on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Sean seemed to be meeting the criteria. The few times when she tried to get him to talk to her about his experiences either avoid the subject or refuse to comment. In fact, he hadn't mentioned a word about Iraq since that first night he returned home.


            His new behavior of course made what Alyssa had to tell him about her and Nick extremely hard. She was now almost afraid to be honest with him. She'd read online that some people with PTSD were known have trouble managing their anger. Sean had never been the violent type, but he'd also never been one to have a short temper, which was beginning to show itself more and more lately. She was just beginning to get a little afraid that when she did finally tell him he might go off on a violent rampage and seriously hurt her. There were always stories in the news about men killing their wives in a fit of rage. She doubted Sean was capable of that, but you just never knew.


            Of course delaying the inevitable wasn't a very realistic option. She knew that Nick was impatiently waiting for her to make the next move like she had promised. She'd been purposely dodging his calls to give herself more time to weigh out her options. She knew that Nick wasn't going to be happy when she told him that she needed more time with Sean. That conversation was not something that she was looking forward to. She seemed intent on putting it off for as long as she possibly could.


            But she could only ignore Nick for so long until he caught her off guard. Alyssa fell into the very same conversation that she was dreading by picking up a phone call from a restricted number. She wanted to curse herself once she realized how careless she had been when she heard Nick's voice on the other end of the phone. "Wow... So you haven't fallen off the face of planet earth after all."


            Alyssa's face immediately reddened when she heard Nick's sarcastic reply. "No, I've been here just been really busy. You know with Sean returning and all," she fumbled. "He's just demanded a lot of my attention."


            "I'm sure he has."


Alyssa frowned, unsure of how she was supposed to interpret that remark. She quickly glanced around and saw that Sean was still sitting in the living room glued to the football game that was playing on the television. Knowing that he was too involved in his game to notice her disappearance, she headed up the stairs for more privacy speaking in a hushed tone. "What is this all about Nick? What do you want?"


"I want to know when exactly you plan on telling Sean about us," he firmly stated. "You promised me that you'd do it the minute he came home and it's been like four days now. What are you waiting for?" The tone of his voice sounded impatient, annoyed, and possibly a little hurt. Alyssa sighed as she ducked into the nursery and shut the door behind her just in case. She knew that Nick wasn't going to like what she was about to say, but it really was for the best.


"Listen Nick... About that... I'm sorry, but I can't drop this on Sean right now. I need more time. It's complicated, but he-"


"You're fucking kidding me, right? This has to be some kind of joke Alyssa," he interrupted. "You can't fucking do this to me! We made plans... I thought we had an agreement."


"I know Nick. And we do have an agreement. It's just that you don't understand... Sean's not himself right now. He can't handle me telling him something like this. He's really fucked up from Iraq and-"


"Don't tell me you are falling for that bullshit! The guy walks in with a cane and a slight limp and now all of a sudden you are making excuses for him? Is that all it takes?"


"It's a lot more than that!" she cried, her voice rising. "He just watched his best friend get blown up right in front of his face! He's dealing with a lot of emotional shit right now. How am I supposed to add to all the crap he has to deal with by confessing to him that I cheated on him? Never mind the fact that this baby isn't his. It would push him over the edge right now. He can't handle the news at this point."


"For a woman who claims that she's not in love with him anymore, you sure seem to care an awful lot about hurting him," Nick coldly commented. "Isn't that something you should've thought about before you slept with me?"


"Don't you dare pull that card on me! Don't make it sound as if I was the one who practically forced you to have sex with me! You know that you are just as much as fault, so don't try to pin this all on me." Alyssa's body was practically trembling with anger after her outburst. "And I'm not in love with him," she added. "But I do care about the guy and what happens to him. I wouldn't want to be the one responsible if he decided to do something stupid."


            She could practically picture Nick rolling his eyes into the phone. "Oh yea... Because we wouldn't want to have to worry about poor Sean putting a gun to his head all because of you."


            Alyssa almost gasped at the insensitiveness of Nick's remark. She knew that he was angry and frustrated and purposely saying things like this to make her feel bad, but it still stung. Especially coming from him. The way he was talking now was reminding herself more and more of the old Nick. "Nick! You don't realize what you're saying! Sean just returned from a very traumatic experience. War does crazy shit to people. You never know how he might react to something like this! I just want to wait for him to settle back into things a little more before I spring this on him."


            "And how much longer will that take?" he fired back at her. "A few weeks? Months? A year? And then what happens with the baby? She grows up becoming attached to Sean and calling him Daddy?"


            Alyssa just shook her head helplessly, tears already forming in her eyes. "I can't tell you... I don't even know myself. We just have to take it day by day..."


            She heard a loud, exasperated sigh escape Nick's lips. "You know, Angel was right about you. I tried to convince her that you had only my best intentions at heart, but in reality she really had you pegged. You were planning to screw me over like this all along, weren't you?"


            "What?" Alyssa screeched in surprise. "Screw you over? Nick, no... I-"


            "Yes! You never really planned to leave Sean at all, right? You were just telling me what I wanted to hear," he continued. "Every word out of your mouth to me was probably a lie! You just used me to keep your bed warm at night while Sean was away. All I am to you is a glorified sperm donor!"


            Alyssa backed up against the door as if she had been slapped. His ugly words hurt her in a way that she couldn't even describe and by now she couldn't try to disguise the sound of her strangled sobs. How did they get to this point? How did two people who loved each other this much, get caught in a mess such as this? "That's not true Nick... I never lied to you... I love you," she sobbed.


            "Don't..." he warned her. "Look, you may be the one with the baby, so you have the power now, but so help me God, if this baby is born before you tell Sean the truth, I will fight you for custody. I already lost one daughter and I'll be damned if I'm going to lose another..."


            Her heart almost stopped at his threat. "You wouldn't... You value my friendship too much to betray me like that."


            "Friendship? What friendship?" he scoffed. "Friends keep their promises. They don't make excuses about why they can't." He paused. "You have two and a half more months to tell him the truth. If you don't, you will be hearing from my lawyer." Without even saying goodbye Alyssa heard a click and the line went dead.


            Alyssa placed the phone down shakily on the changing table still not even being able to truly believe the conversation she'd just had. Did Nick really threaten to fight her for custody of their daughter? She couldn't let that happen. If that was the case and Nick did get custody she'd lose not only her daughter, but both men as well. Yet, she knew deep down that she couldn't tell Sean just yet. Maybe soon, but she needed to figure out the best approach first.


            How did I get myself into this? she tearfully wondered to herself. All I wanted to do was to keep people from getting hurt.


            It was then she realized that no matter what decision she made, someone was bound to get hurt by her actions. There was no easy way around it. Just like every war had its casualties, she was about to lose somebody that she loved.




            The next day, Alyssa's argument with Nick was still fresh in her mind, but she had to put on a brave front like nothing was wrong even though his threats still shook her to her core. She knew from experience that Nick was notorious for making empty threats just to hurt others, especially when he himself felt hurt, but something like this was different. She had to consider the possibility that he could be very serious about taking her daughter away and she knew that if the truth came out in court about their affair she'd be the one who would look the worst in a judge's eye. Nick definitely could have a shot if he chose to take it to that extreme.


            As if Alyssa wasn't feeling guilty enough, Sean suggested that they stop by Kim's for a little bit that afternoon. Sean had yet to pay his respects to Kim and Kim was finally beginning to reach the point in her grieving process where she welcomed visitors. The visit had been awkward for Alyssa, especially the way that Kim seemed to look at Sean and then back at her as if to challenge her not to mention Nick's name. Alyssa was glad when it came time to leave. She was starting to feel as if Kim was examining her every interaction with Sean under a microscope.


            After they crossed the street back towards their house, Alyssa stopped at the mailbox retrieve their mail for the day. As she and Sean stepped inside she rifled through the mail separating what was addressed to her and what was addressed to Sean into two neat piles.


            "Anything interesting?" Sean asked, peering over her shoulder.


            Alyssa came across a fancy looking envelope addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Sean Robinson." Just by the texture of the envelope and the formal address line she knew that it had to be an invitation of some sorts. "Looks like we've been invited to a party or something," she reported as she placed it on the table.


            Sean grabbed the envelope and impatiently tore into it. "Wonder who it's for? Maybe a wedding?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "No... None of my friends are engaged right now. Teri got married in October." Her brow furrowed in thought. "Oh, wait! One of the teachers in my school is engaged, but I thought she said that she wasn't inviting the people from work."


            She watched as Sean's face darkened and is jaw clench as he read the invitation. "You're wrong. It's your friend Nick. His wife is throwing him a surprise party. He's going to be thirty... Old man huh?"


            Was it just her imagination or did Sean say the word ‘friend' almost condescendingly? And the old man comment? It almost sounded as if he were jealous... But she was probably just reading too much into it out of guilt. She had to admit that she was surprised at the invitation. Shayla made it quite clear that she didn't quite trust her, so why would she invite her to her husband's surprise party? It seemed a little odd, but Alyssa didn't want to question it. She craned her neck to get a better look at the invitation and saw that it was being held at the new nightclub that Howie had just invested in. She recognized his number as the one to RSVP too. He and Teri were probably the ones who thought to invite me, she figured.


            "We're going, right?" she asked. True, she was very pissed at Nick at the moment, but attending his party would mean that she'd get the opportunity to speak with him face to face and she hoped that maybe in person she could reason better with him. She didn't want to leave things like the way she had with him and she wanted to clear things up between them before it got to the point of a vicious custody battle. If she could only talk to him in person, she could hopefully try to get him to hear her out.


            "I don't think so..." Sean looked back down at the invitation. "It's a Thursday night. You have work the next morning."


            "So?" Alyssa shrugged. "I'll just use a personal day for Friday and take a long weekend."


            "No way... You're going to need save up all your extra days to tack on to your maternity leave," he firmly pointed out. "You can't go."


            Alyssa's mouth gaped. If there was one thing that drove her crazy it was her husband telling her that she wasn't allowed to do something. "Excuse me? Who are you? My father? It's my job." She pointed to herself for emphasis. "I think I'm entitled to use my paid time off the way I want to."


            Sean narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. "I don't understand why it's so important for you to go to this stupid party anyway? I mean you're almost eight months pregnant, Lyss! You are in no condition to go partying at some nightclub like a twenty-one year old."


            "Nick is a very close friend of mine and he's done a lot for me while you were away. I owe it to him to be there," she stubbornly insisted, not entirely sure why she should even be defending him at the moment.


            "Yea, I'm sure he did," she heard Sean mutter under his breath.


            Alyssa's hands dropped to her hips and she stared squarely at him. "What was that?"


            "Listen, you know how I feel about that guy. I think that the only reason he was so helpful to you while I was gone was because he was hoping to get in your pants!" he accused.


            Her jaw dropped. "That's not at all true!" she lied. "Why would you say something like that? He's married for Christ sakes!" Inwardly, Alyssa trembled when she realized just how close to the truth Sean really was.


            "Oh, get off it Alyssa! I've seen the way he looks at you! Even the other night when I first came home and he was here... He's holding some kind of torch for you and you're encouraging him!"


            "How am I encouraging him?" she fearfully asked. She wasn't aware that she had done anything to make Sean suspicious of her, but you never knew.


            "By taking him up every time he offers to do something for you, for one thing." Alyssa opened her mouth to defend herself, but he quickly cut her off. "And don't tell me that you needed a guys help for some things. This base is full of men that I know would help if you really needed anything, and I trust them a lot more than I do Nick. I mean you're extremely over eager to attend this party. It really makes me wonder..."


            "What are you trying to say?" Her stomach turned as she realized just how close to the truth he really was.


            Sean sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm trying to say that you're not going to this party. End of story. Case closed."


            Alyssa jutted out her chin in a pout. "That's not fair. You can't control me and tell me what I can or can't do. I'm not a child."


            Unexpectedly Sean slammed his fist on the table with so much force that it made Alyssa jump in surprise of the sudden movement. "You're my wife and as my wife it is your duty to respect my wishes and obey them! Now you are not going to the party, so just get over it! Are we clear?"


            "Crystal," Alyssa mumbled in a low voice.




            On the Monday before Nick's birthday, Alyssa had just dropped her students off at art class when she plopped down at her desk dreading the mountain of lesson planning she had in front of her. She only had a few more weeks to get everything together for her sub. Hell, she had to find out who her sub was going to be. She kind of hoped that it would be Pamela, the permanent sub in her building. That way she could meet with her before time and explain her whole classroom routine to her.


            She was just about to attack the paperwork in front of her when she heard her cell phone beeping from her purse. Welcoming the distraction, she retrieved it from her bag and saw that she had a new voice message. She quickly dialed her inbox and heard Teri's voice. "Hey Alyssa... It's about ten-thirty on Monday morning. I know that you are probably at work, but I was just calling because I noticed that you haven't yet RSVPed for Nick's party on Thursday night. I just wanted to know if you planned on attending or not, so please give me a call later on today sometime. Bye!"


            Alyssa inwardly groaned. Since her argument with Sean over attending the party, she'd tried to avoid the subject at all costs, which even meant not replying back to Howie and Teri with an answer. As much as she didn't want to get into her reasons why she wouldn't be attending with her friend, plain etiquette told her that the proper thing to do would be to call up to formally decline. With a sigh she dialed Teri's number and waited for her to pick up.


            "Oh, hi Alyssa," Teri answered. "I'm surprised to hear from you so soon. I thought you'd be teaching."


            "I'm on prep right now. My kids are at art, so I have fifty minutes to myself," she explained.


            "Nice... So, I was worried because I haven't received your RSVP. You and Sean are coming, right?"


            Alyssa hesitated as nervously bent a paper clip out of shape. "I'm afraid we're not going to be able to attend after all."


            "What?" Teri asked in a surprised voice. "I thought you two were definites! Why aren't you coming?"


            Alyssa bit her lip and considered for a moment or two lying to her friend and making up a previous commitment, but she knew that Teri knew her too well to buy a lie. She also wasn't sure if she should tell her that Sean had discouraged her from going because of his hatred for Nick. Finally she decided to give the truth in the wittiest way she could think of. "The wicked husband has forbidden me to attend the ball," she dryly replied.


            "What?" she asked for a second time. "You've got to be kidding me? He honestly won't let you go?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "Uh, huh... He thinks Nick and I have this thing going on."


            "Well..." Teri giggled. "You do have a thing going on."


            "Yea, we do, but I haven't told him about it yet. He's been pretty schizo since he's come back from Iraq, and to be honest I'm a little afraid of how he might react," she admitted.


            "Yikes..." her friend sympathized. "How's Nick taking it? Didn't you promise to come clean to Sean as soon as he came home?"


            ‘Yea, I did and Nick isn't taking it well." She sighed. "That's one of the main reasons I wanted to go to the party. I wanted to be able to talk to Nick and set things straight since he kind of flipped out on me pretty badly over the phone when I told him I needed more time." She decided that it was probably best not to reveal all the details of her phone conversation with Nick, especially when she hoped that he really didn't mean most of the things he had said and that they were just out of anger.


            "So? Go anyway! Sean can't fucking stop you! You're almost thirty years old. Hell, you are older than him, so you shouldn't have to listen to him."


            "He'll probably barricade me in my room and like chain me to my bed," she sarcastically replied.


            "Sounds kinky, but somehow it loses its effect when we're talking about Sean," Teri laughed. "But seriously... Like if you need to lie, do it. I mean I know it's pretty unethical, but at this point it can't be too much worse than anything else you've done right?"


            "That's true," Alyssa agreed. "And I really want to go to this party and see Nick... God, I feel like I'm sixteen again and my Dad grounded me and I can't go to the Homecoming Dance."


            Teri laughed again. "So, here's what you do. Come up with a cover story for Sean. Tell him you're helping out one of the neighbors or something. Instead drive over to my house, get ready there, and Howie and I will take you to the party. If you want, and you can think of an excuse you can even spend the night."


            "Hmm..." Alyssa considered the idea for a moment or two. "I guess I could tell Sean that Callie has some kind of benefit she has to attend for work and asked me to stay over to watch her kids. "


            "That could work... So, are you in?"


            Alyssa paused for a moment feeling almost as if she was making a deal with the devil himself. "Yea, count me in," she finally agreed.


            "Awesome! I can't wait! I'll see you Thursday night then. Bye!"


            "Bye," she echoed as she clicked off the phone.


            Little did Alyssa know exactly what she was getting herself into. The night of Nick's birthday was set to be a night that nobody would surely ever forget.


Chapter 47 - Your Love is a Lie by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Nick's surprise party turns out a lot more dramatic than planned.


Chapter 47 - Your Love is a Lie


You look so innocent
But the guilt in your voice gives you away
Yeah you know what I mean
How does it feel when you kiss when you know that I trust you
And do you think about me when he fucks you?
Could you be more obscene?


So dont try to say you're sorry
Or try to make it right
Don't waste your breath because it's too late, it's too late.

~ Your Love is a Lie - Simple Plan


            Alyssa squished the last of her belongings into the small, overstuffed, duffel bag that she planned to take with her to Teri and Howie's that evening. It was finally Thursday night, and the night of Nick's birthday. Alyssa had to admit that her nerves were beginning to get the best of her as she critically eyed the bag laying on her bed. She'd needed enough room to squeeze in her party attire, makeup, and other necessary accessories, plus everyday necessities that she would need to spend the night, but she was beginning to fear that perhaps the bag looked just a little too bulky for just an overnight babysitting gig. I should have packed a separate bag earlier and planted it in my car, she realized. She was pretty sure that Sean might find the size of her bag suspicious, but perhaps it was just her nerves getting the best of her.


            As if on cue, Sean entered the room just in time to catch her attempting to lift the heavy bag off the bed. Immediately, he jumped in to assist her. "Damn woman... What did you pack in here? Rocks?"


            "Ha-ha, funny..." she retorted, playing off his observation.


            Sean seemed unconvinced. "Seriously though... You're staying over there one night. Do you really need to bring all this stuff just to spend the night around the corner babysitting Callie's kids? Are you like expecting to go into labor in the middle of the night or something? Maybe you should tell Callie to just drop the kids off here for the night."


            "No!" Alyssa froze when she realized how alarmed she had sounded at the idea. Like that wasn't at all suspicious. She was beginning to wish that she had the common sense to at least think up a better cover story for her whereabouts that night. The babysitting excuse she was beginning to realize was a little flimsy and lame. Thinking quickly, she rushed out the first reasonable explanation she could think of. "Where are we going to fit two kids for the night, here? Plus Callie warned me that Rich is going through this whole phase where he refuses to sleep in any unfamiliar environment. If he's not in his own bedroom he screams his head off, so it's just easier for me to sleep over there."


            He still looked at her warily. ""Are you sure that you don't want me to come with you?"


            Alyssa frowned as she wondered if maybe she was a little too transparent. Did Sean somehow sense that she wasn't really going to baby-sit her neighbor's children, but attend Nick's party instead? She'd thought that she'd been pretty convincing in her lie, but you never knew. "That's really not necessary Sean. I can handle the kids by myself. Besides since you've came home we've been practically attached at the hip. I love you and all, but I could use some time apart, no offense." It was partly true. Now that Sean was on disability he was always home. The only time she ever got a break from him was when she was at work.


            "Fine," he finally gave in. "But at least let me help you get this into your car."


            Alyssa couldn't find a good excuse to turn him down, so she just nodded and followed him down the stairs and out the front door. She unlocked her car doors and Sean loaded her duffel bag into the backseat for her. Before Sean could voice any other suspicions she quickly stepped forward to give him a light kiss. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine with the kids. I'm going to have to leave Callie's and go straight to work tomorrow morning, so I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, okay?"


            "Okay," his worried voice echoed. "I'll miss you. Be safe."


            "I will be," she promised although his comment struck her as kind of odd. Without looking back she got into her car and settled herself behind the wheel. Once she had pulled out of the driveway and driven enough of a distance away, she loudly sighed feeling ashamed and guilty about lying like that to Sean. Sure, it had been nothing new, but Alyssa was beginning to realize that with the more lies she told him the deeper she was digging herself into a hole. I have to tell him the truth, she realized. I need to tell him before he catches on. As it was the other night he had bordered very dangerously onto it. She wasn't sure though if he actually suspected her of cheating on him with Nick or he was just being overly paranoid as a result of his mental state. Paranoia was one of the symptoms that some people with PTSD displayed, she had learned throughout her research on the topic.


            I'd rather be safe than sorry. Tomorrow night I'm going to tell him everything, she finally decided. She couldn't keep this up any longer. But for tonight she was going to have fun and enjoy herself.




            Meanwhile on the other side of LA, Shayla and Nick were in the midst of getting ready for what Nick thought was just dinner reservations to celebrate his birthday. In actuality, dinner was just a part of the elaborate scheme that Shayla had cooked up to get Nick to Howie's club for his surprise party. The plan was that they'd go out to dinner to throw suspicion off any other kind of celebration and that Howie would call in the middle of their meal inviting Nick and Shayla to drop by and see how his new club was coming along. As far as Nick knew the place wasn't open yet, so it seemed to be the perfect plan.


            For once, Shayla was pretty much dressed and ready while Nick had yet to even shower. "Nick, if you don't get a move on we're going to be late and lose our reservation," she anxiously reminded him. "You still have to get dressed."


            "Relax," he told her. "I'm jumping in the shower right now. It'll take me two minutes to get dressed and then I just have to run a little gel in my hair. We'll make it, I promise." He disappeared into the bathroom before Shayla even had a chance to shoot him one of her evil glances.


            Shayla sighed in relief once she heard the bathroom door click close. She knew that now she had only five to ten minutes to do what she needed to do. It frustrated her to no end that despite her best efforts to find some kind of proof that Nick was the real father of Alyssa's baby, she was still coming up empty handed. While Nick was at work she'd searched his office, but hadn't discovered anything. Same thing for the bedroom. The search was beginning to become more and more discouraging and she had to admit that even she was beginning to wonder if this whole thing was only in her head.


            You can't give up, she convinced herself. You have another few minutes to do some searching. It would be ideal if she could go into this party tonight knowing the full truth. Feeling a renewed energy towards her search she began to quickly rifle through a pile of Nick's things. After a minute or two, she sighed in frustration. Nick wasn't exactly the neatest person in the world which made finding anything that much harder. She was just about to give up when as if God himself was sending her a sign, an object tumbled off the dresser and landed at her feet. She bent down to retrieve it, recognizing Nick's black leather wallet. Feeling a strange burst of inspiration, without even thinking about it, she unfolded the wallet and looked inside of it. Ironically a folded up piece of paper flew out onto her lap. When Shayla unfolded it she realized it wasn't a paper at all, but a picture. A picture that looked like a sonogram image. She stared at it in shock for a moment or two when she noticed handwriting on the back. She flipped it over and read the inscription. Zoey Michelle Carter. Shayla gasped. This was it. This was the proof that she had been looking for. This confirmed it. Her husband was having a baby with someone, obviously and Shayla was very positive that she knew exactly who it was.


            Hearing the water from the shower turn off, brought Shayla back to the present and she scrambled to fold the picture back up and place it back into Nick's wallet before he came out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. All she knew was that this party tonight was going to get really interesting. She'd just have to have a little chat with Alyssa and let her know that she on to her game.




            Throughout dinner, Shayla had been able to uphold a calm, collective front and as far as she could tell, Nick had no way of even suspecting that anything had changed while he was in the shower earlier. On the inside though, she was definitely stewing as she thought over the predicament. As much as she should be mad at Nick, she couldn't help but to feel like perhaps he had been a bit victimized by Alyssa. He was a man and he'd obviously had feelings for Alyssa at one point in time. She'd probably manipulated those feelings and somehow seduced him for whatever reason. Shayla was even beginning to wonder if perhaps Alyssa's plan was to get pregnant all along or if the baby was really Nick's at all. For all she knew, Alyssa could've lied to Nick just to ruin their marriage. Really, the only person to really blame in the situation was Alyssa. Nick had probably just gotten caught in her trap. She almost couldn't wait to see her later so that she can call her out on all of this and get to the bottom of it.


            In the meantime though, Shayla played the part of being entirely clueless flawlessly. Dinner had gone quite well and she was sure that Nick didn't suspect a thing. As planned Howie had called to invite them to check out his new club and after a little bit of pleading on her part he'd given in although he'd looked a little surprised at her insistence. Normally she wasn't very comfortable hanging out with his friends, but she'd rattled off some excuse about how she was anxious to see how it measured up to other LA hotspots. Now they were about a block or so away from the nightclub and Nick seemed to not have a clue about the surprise she had waiting for him. She couldn't help, but to feel a little excited as they approached their destination. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he saw what she'd put together for him. She knew that he was going to love it.


            "So I guess we just walk in?" Nick unsurely asked as they approached the club. The front doors were closed tightly and the place looked almost abandoned, but then again it wasn't technically open yet.


            "Yea, I'm sure that Howie is inside somewhere already. Let's go." Shayla opened up the door and casually walked in the door with Nick behind her.


            "This is a little creepy," Nick said with a laugh as they made their way through the entranceway of the club. "This reminds me of something out of an old horror movie or something. Why is it so dark?" Already he was having images of walking in to find Howie's bloody corpse hanging from the ceiling or something. You watch waaayyy too many horror movies Carter, he told himself.


            "Stop being such a pussy," Shayla teased him. "God, you'd never guess that you're thirty today. Are you ever going to grow up?"


            Before Nick could answer that question they stepped into the main area of the club that seemed to be pitch black. As soon as they entered the room, lights flashed on and a group of easily two hundred people yelled out, "Surprise!" Nick looked around cluelessly, the realization that this was all for him, not really sinking in until he began to identify several familiar faces in the crowd.


            "Are you surprised baby?" Shayla anxiously asked, looking up at him for approval.


            Nick stood there still stunned, not sure how to respond to her question. Upon closer inspection he realized that only a small percentage of the guests were actually friends or family members of his. In fact, if anything the guest list seemed to be more of a "Who's who of young Hollywood." There were people there who Nick knew hadn't come with the intention of celebrating his birthday at all, but had just wanted to get their pictures in next weeks entertainment news magazines. He had little to no doubt that Shayla had also made sure to invite several photographers. He wouldn't be surprised if she had even sold the rights to the event to a particular magazine. The whole party seemed like nothing more than an overblown publicity stunt. It was exactly how he didn't want to spend his thirtieth birthday, but of course he knew that he'd have to paint a smile on his face and at least give the impression that he was happy with the surprise. "Oh yea... I wasn't expecting this at all," he finally admitted. "How'd you pull it off?"


            Shayla seemed to proudly beam. "Well, obviously I had Howie's help. It was something I sort of cooked up last minute, so we had to hustle. I did most of the inviting and Howie and Teri collected RSVP's for me. Then of course I pulled a few favors to cover the other things. I'm so glad that you were surprised." She reached up to plant what felt like a completely staged kiss on his lips. Sure enough, as soon as Nick noticed the flash of a camera out of the corner of his eye she pulled away. Before Nick could say anything else he found himself being swarmed with party guests coming up to wish him a Happy Birthday.


            As Nick circulated around the nightclub, attempting to stop at each group of people and thank them for coming he couldn't help, but to be reminded of his twenty-fourth birthday, six years earlier. He'd been dating Paris at the time and like Shayla, she had used his birthday as a way to get herself in the tabloids by showing up to the studio he had been recording at with a birthday cake (with her face on it) and a small army of paparazzi. Just like Paris, Shayla seemed to have planned this party with some kind of hidden agenda in mind. If she really genuinely had wanted to surprise him, she would've planned a much lower key, private party, with just his close friends and family and no media. The media coverage was what bothered him the most. It was almost as if Shayla wanted the world to see what she'd done for him as if she had something to prove. Even now as he mingled with his guests, Shayla remained glued at his side, her arms possessively wrapped around his waist. When he finally did reach his siblings and the rest of the guys, he'd barely gotten a chance to greet them when Shayla was impatiently tugging on his arm insisting that they go over and talk to someone else.


            Finally he had enough of Shayla's incessant clinging and was getting sick of her shuffling him around from group to group of people that he knew could care less about him. What he really wanted to do was hang out with his friends and his siblings. He'd stopped caring about being seen with other celebrities after he'd put his partying days behind him. Now at thirty he could care less. "I'm going to run to the bathroom," he shouted into Shayla's ear, detaching himself from her grip. "I'll find you when I get out."


            "Okay," Shayla reluctantly agreed. "Hurry back."


            Yea... Okay, he thought as he rolled his eyes to himself and disappeared into the crowd. That was one good thing about Shayla inviting so many people. It was so crowded that he could easily lose her for a bit and just claim that he had gotten caught up in conversation with other guests. Instead of heading towards the bathroom like he had told her he was going to, he stopped at the bar and ordered himself a beer. The bartender had just handed him the bottle when he looked up and spotted Izzy waving to him a few feet away from the bar. He grinned and started to head towards his friend who he hadn't seen in quite a while, but then froze in mid step. Izzy wasn't alone. Standing next to her he was shocked and surprised to find Alyssa looking practically angelic in a loose fitting white dress. Her dark hair hung in loose curls around her face and she looked almost uncomfortable being there especially with her bulging stomach. He didn't think that Shayla would invite her, especially when she had made it very clear that she felt as if Alyssa was a threat to her. Furthermore, he was surprised that she had even decided to come after their conversation on the phone almost two weeks earlier. He wondered if Sean had come with her.


            He sighed as he contemplated how to act around her. He honestly was still hurt and angry at her for seemingly choosing Sean over him. She hadn't fulfilled her end of the bargain and he felt betrayed. Seeing her in front of him brought back all of the mixed emotions that he'd tried so hard to repress since they'd last spoken. She's using you, he had to remind himself. Now that Sean's back in the picture she has no more use for you. The realization stung like hell because he realized in that moment, that despite everything she had done to him, he was in love with her. He'd lashed out on her over the phone to protect himself. In a way, he felt justified in saying everything he had to her. Would he really go as far as to fight her for custody of the baby? Probably not... He'd only wanted to scare her, to make her realize that the baby was just as much his as it was hers. That he had a right to be a father to Zoey, if that was even going remain her name now.  In reality, that phone call was an emotionally fueled event that had transpired because he felt abandoned by her and was scared of losing everything they had built. His goal was to hurt her with his words just like she'd hurt him with her actions. He knew that she didn't love Sean, that she didn't want to be with him, but he couldn't understand exactly what it was that made her stay with him. 


Alyssa spotted him at that moment and gave him a small, weak smile. Was it just him or did he see just a hint of regret in her eyes? Her expression gave him at least enough encouragement to approach the two women. "Hey Izzy... It's great to see you again," he greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I feel like I never see you anymore since Kevin left the group." He purposely ignored Alyssa for the moment, focusing his attention on his childhood friend.


            "Well, you can always pick up the telephone and I don't know... Call me every once in a while, maybe?" she sarcastically joked. "Happy Birthday by the way. How does it feel to be thirty, old man?"


            "I don't know... Why don't you get back to me after your birthday?" he teased. "You're heading towards the big 3-0 yourself."


            Izzy dramatically groaned. "Ugh, don't remind me Oh, there's Tristan with my drink," she announced as she spotted her boyfriend juggling two drinks in his hands coming from the direction of the bar. "He looks like he needs a little help there." Immediately, she ran over to help him leaving Nick in the awkward position of being alone with Alyssa. He knew that he should say something, but she was unsure of what.


            Finally he cleared his throat and started to say the first words that he could think of "Listen, Alyssa I-"


            At the same time Alyssa began speaking as well. "You're right. I've been -"


            They both stopped at the same time when they realized that they were only talking over one another. Alyssa nervously laughed. "I think we really need to talk. Maybe we could go somewhere a little more private and discuss things?"


            Nick swallowed hard knowing that she was right. They did need to talk face to face. "I'd like that," he agreed.




            Sean had just settled down on the couch in front of the television when the phone rang forcing him to get up and answer it.  "I'm coming," he grumbled. Before he picked up the phone he glanced down at the caller ID noticing Callie's home number flash across the screen. His heart pounded a little bit in panic. He knew that Alyssa was over there and his mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. What if she went into early labor or something? he wondered. He was already grabbing the keys for his truck when he answered the phone. "Alyssa?" he asked. "What's up? Are you okay?"


            "This isn't Alyssa," Callie's confused voice answered on the other end. "It's Callie. I guess she's not home, huh?"


            Sean frowned for a moment before replying back just as confused. "No, I thought she was supposed to be at your house. What are you doing home? I thought you had some work thing tonight."


            "No, I'm totally free tonight. Why would Alyssa be at my house? I've been trying to call her, but her cell is off," she explained. "Are you sure that you're feeling okay Sean?"


            "I'm fine," he insisted. "She told me that she was spending the night at your house because you had some benefit thing for your job tonight and she was going to watch the kids."


            "No," Callie repeated beginning to sound a little worried. "I'm sorry Sean, but I don't have any idea where she is. All I know is that she's not here."


            Sean froze for a moment feeling rather humiliated that not only did Alyssa lie to him about her whereabouts, but now Callie knew that she had lied to him. Why would she lie to me about something like this? he wondered. The anxiety he had felt a few moments ago had now only multiplied. Alyssa was nearly eight months pregnant. It wasn't safe for her to be out somewhere on her own for the night.


            Sensing his fear Callie tried to be sympathetic. "Sean? Is there anything I can do? Would you like me to help you look for her? I could call up some of her other friends if you want."


            It was at that moment Sean spotted the thick, white, envelope sitting on the dining room table. He picked it up and pulled out the invitation from the inside. When his eyes glanced over the date he began to put two and two together and slowly his anxiety began to bubble into rage. "No, Callie," he almost too calmly responded. "I have a feeling that I know exactly where she is. Thanks for your help though." Without waiting for her to respond he clicked off the phone and slammed the receiver back down into its cradle. He stuffed the invitation back into its envelope, grabbed his keys, and was out the door and in his truck in a flash.


            I can't believe she'd do this to me... I can't believe that fucking bitch would do this to me... That was the one thought that played over and over again as he furiously drove towards the address on the invitation. Originally he thought that he was only being paranoid in his observations, that Alyssa would never do anything to betray him, but now with her going as far as to lie to him... It made one thing abundantly clear. Alyssa had to have had something going on with Nick... Something that far surpassed any friendship.


            All Sean knew was that he was going down to that party and pulling his wife out kicking and screaming if he had to, but not before he found out the truth once and for all.




            Nick had led Alyssa outside the back door of the club and onto the deck where in warmer weather it would've probably been jam packed with people, but since it was January and a bit of a cooler night, outside of a few smokers, it was relatively private and much quieter than back inside. Alyssa shivered a bit in the cool night air as she and Nick took seats at the outdoor bar which was closed for the night.


            "Cold?" Nick asked, noticing goosebumps beginning to pop up on her bare arms.


            "Yea, a little," Alyssa admitted.


            Without hesitation, Nick pulled the blazer he was wearing off of his shoulders and wrapped it around her. He may have been a little upset at her at the moment, but she was still carrying his daughter and he didn't need her getting sick and jeopardizing the health of his daughter. "Thanks," she told him as she wrapped the blazer tighter around her body.


            "I'm sorry I went off on you like that on the phone," he began after a few moments of tense silence. "I said a lot of pretty hurtful and fucked up things and I was probably pretty harsh towards you. But I do think that some of what I said needed to be said. You did make a promise to me and then you went ahead and broke it. I put myself out on the line like you've always wanted me to and you made me feel like an ass. If you're just going to stay with Sean, please tell me now. Don't dangle false hope in front of me."


            Alyssa glanced downwards looking almost ashamed at her behavior. "You're right. I did break my promise to you, but there really are some extenuating circumstances I think you need to know about. I don't want to stay with Sean, but I'm also afraid to leave him. Since he's came back from Iraq he's changed. He's not himself. I think he's suffering from PTSD to tell you the truth. He has horrible mood swings and his behavior is pretty unpredictable. Do you know that he didn't want me to even come to this party tonight?"


            "What?" Nick asked, unsure if he'd heard correctly. "He didn't want you to come? Well, you're here, so it must not be too bad, right?"


            Alyssa's face reddened. "He doesn't know I'm here," she admitted in a quiet voice. "I lied to him. I told him I was babysitting for Callie."


            Nick looked at her stunned for a moment. Things had to be pretty bad if Alyssa had to lie to her husband just to attend his party. "Why didn't he want you to go?"


            She looked down at her feet. "He's beginning to have his suspicions about you and I. Not about the baby, but I think he's starting to wonder if maybe while he was away there more was going between the two of us than just a friendship. Right now, I just think it's him being paranoid, but you never know..."


            Nick frowned. "But that's a good thing if he's figuring it out, right? It might make it less of a surprise when you actually do tell him. Maybe he's already beginning to process it all in his mind."


            She shook her head. "I don't think so. He's just so unpredictable lately. I'm afraid that when I do tell him he's going to just snap and do something to hurt me or the baby." Her eyes were wide in both fear and honesty and he could tell that she honestly was terrified. For the first time since Sean had returned home Nick could honestly say that he believed her. No one was able to pull off that look if they were only acting. "I'm scared of how he's going to react. He's never been like abusive to me, but he's never been controlling or possessive either."


            Just the thought of Sean putting a hand on her made Nick's fist curl up into balls as he tried to control his anger. He knew that what he and Alyssa had done was wrong on many levels, but under no circumstances did it make it okay for him to have his kind of fear over Alyssa. "So, that's why you haven't told him, yet?" he gently asked. Alyssa just nodded and Nick sighed, disliking the guy even more so now. After a few moments of thinking he came up with some sort of solution. "Okay... What if we do it together? What if I'm with you when you tell him? We can even do it in a public place, so that if he makes a scene, he looks like the ass. If he wants to hurt you he'll have to get through me first. How does that sound?"


            But Alyssa wasn't paying attention to his suggestion. Instead her gaze had fixated over his shoulder and appeared to be looking at some kind of commotion going on back inside the nightclub. Her face immediately paled and she slid off the barstool her eyes searching desperately for someplace to hide.


            "Lyss?" he asked her in a concerned voice. "What's going on?"


            "He's here," she managed to get out even though she was visibly trembling. "I don't know how he found out, but he's here looking for me and he looks pissed. There's got to be a way out of here..." Her eyes continued to scan the deck, but the whole area was fenced off blocking any additional exit from the deck.


            Nick wasn't sure that he'd ever seen Alyssa look so scared in her life. He turned around and could see Sean who looked like he was exchanging angry words with Izzy and Tristan from back inside the club. At that moment he looked up and their eyes met, a look of pure hatred twisting his features. Within moments the door to the deck swung open and Sean stepped out onto the deck. His eyes swept from Nick to Alyssa, not failing to notice the fact that she was wearing Nick's blazer. Completely ignoring Nick, he turned towards Alyssa. "Let's go. You're coming home with me now," he sharply ordered.


            Alyssa just shook her head, wrapping her arms tighter around her body. "No. Please don't do this Sean... Not here."


            Sean's eyes darkened. "Give your little boy toy over there his jacket back and let's get going. You and I have a lot of talking to do."


            "I'm not going with you Sean," she said in a firmer voice.


            "Unfuckingbelievable!" Sean cursed, finally beginning to lose his cool. "You're the bitch who's been lying to me for months now and yet here I'm the bad guy? Do you realize that I was worried sick about you? But, I guess I shouldn't have bothered. You seem to be in great hands. Probably the same great hands that have been all over you since the moment I left!"


            Alyssa looked as if she had been slapped, but still scrambled to maintain her composure. "Sean, it's not like that... If you'd just let me explain..."


            "Oh, don't worry about owing me any explanations sweetheart," he sarcastically replied. "You make think that you come off as so innocent, but I can tell just by the tone of your voice that you're guiltier than sin. Let me just ask you one thing though, did you ever even think about me when he fucked you?"


            Alyssa loudly gasped in shock and her mouth opened and closed a few times as she struggled to think of a way to respond to his question. The harshness in his voice had certainly caught her completely off guard and hot tears of embarrassment stung her eyes.


            "You don't have to answer that Lyss," Nick's voice finally spoke up sounding as if he was struggling to do the classy thing and not completely blow up at Sean. "A question as disgusting as that doesn't even justify an answer."


            "How cute... He even defends your honor. How noble of him." Sean turned towards Nick. "How about you stay out of this for now and let her fight her own battles, okay?"


            Alyssa looked helplessly between both men, frustrated tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. This wasn't at all the way she had wanted things to go and now that she was in the moment she found herself completely unprepared for it.


            Luckily, Nick stepped in again to save her, noticing her obvious distress. "Lyss, why don't you go back inside and let me handle this man to man. This isn't good for you or the baby being in such a stressful situation. Your husband should know better."


            Alyssa stood there for a moment almost afraid to leave the two men alone with each other. Sean was obviously not in a very stable state and his body was still conditioned for combat. As a Marine she knew that he definitely knew how to defend himself. Nick, on the other hand had always had a bad temper especially when he felt threatened in some way. She remembered watching him beat the shit out of his friend Chris when he'd thought that he had been flirting with her a few years ago. The situation could get very ugly if it came to blows and Alyssa was willing to do whatever she could to keep it from getting that far.


            "Please Lyss, just go inside," he continued to beg. "I'll handle it. I don't need you getting yourself upset. Do it for the baby." His blue eyes seemed to plead with hers.


            "Fine," she reluctantly agreed, but only because of the fact that she had to keep in mind that she was pregnant. She didn't want to upset herself to the point where she caused herself to go into early labor. Alyssa walked back inside visibly shaken and in tears. She knew she looked like a total mess, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she needed to get this fight broken up before it started and before any of the press found out what was going on.


            "Alyssa!" She looked up and saw both Teri and Tricia rushing towards her, their eyes filled with genuine concern. "What's going on out there?" Teri asked. "Izzy told us that Sean crashed the party and that he demanded that she and Tristan tell him where you and Nick were. Are the two of them still out there?"


            Alyssa nodded as she tried to get herself in check before she got to emotional She was already teetering on the edge and she had to regain control of the situation. "Nick sent me inside because he didn't want me to get anymore upset...and I think he wants to settle this with Sean...He doesn't want me to hear.  He said he's worried about the baby, which I know he is, but that isn't all..." she managed to sniffle out, stopping for a moment as thoughts rushed through her head. She continued, almost thinking out loud, "This is my problem. Nick doesn't need to take care of it for me. I am a big girl. I can handle Sean. Plus, I'm more worried about the two of them being out there alone, all hell could break loose.  You know how Nick gets. He has an awful temper and Sean's a loose cannon lately," Alyssa finished as she headed back toward the door that the two men were on the other side of.


            "Wait..." Tricia grabbed Alyssa by the shoulders before she could take another step out those doors. "Don't tell me that you're actually going to go back out there?"


            "I have to," Alyssa insisted. "I have to put a stop to this before it gets any worse."


            Teri shook her head and attempted to reason with her. "Alyssa, just stop one minute and think about this. Let's just say God forbid it does come to blows. What can you do in that situation? You can't very well break it up yourself. What happens if one of them accidentally hits you in the stomach? Listen, Izzy already went to go find Kevin and he AJ and Tristan are going to go out there and break it up. Let the guys handle this for now. I understand that this is your battle and all, but I think that everyone involved is probably just too high strung to settle this calmly right now."


            "But I can't just stand here and wait for someone to do something!" She was already a bundle of nerves and she knew that being so close to both men, but not being able to do a thing to stop it herself was only going to make herself more upset. Already she could feel herself beginning to get a little lightheaded.


            "I think the best thing right now for you to do is to remove yourself from the situation," Teri calmly suggested. "You look a little pale. Why don't you let Tricia and I take you upstairs to Howie's office so that you can calm down a little bit? Like I said I'm sure the guys are not going to let anything happen to Nick, especially Kevin. They've got it under control. Right now you need to think about what's best for your baby.

            Alyssa sighed, finally realizing that her friends were right. She would be no help to either of them by working herself up into an emotional wreck. She needed to calm herself down, so that when it did come time to face them again later she could do it without stressing herself out. "You're right," she agreed. "I do need to calm down."


            "Come with us," Tricia urged, leading her by the arm and weaving through the crowd. "We'll take good care of you, I promise."


            Reluctantly, she gave in and allowed her friends to lead her in the direction of the stairs leading up to Howie's office. Little did she realize though that only a few feet away Shayla had been standing and had just witnessed the entire scene. It wasn't the most opportune time, but she saw the perfect opening to confront Alyssa about the baby. Maybe I can get her to reveal more when she's already upset, Shayla thought to herself as she turned on her heels and followed the three women towards the stairs at a safe distance behind them.




            Nick stared at Sean squarely in the face while he waited for Alyssa to leave the patio. Once he was sure that she had, he spoke almost so calmly that he surprised even himself how he was able to maintain such control when he really wanted to slug the guy for even daring to speak to Alyssa in such a manner. "You shouldn't talk like such a prick to her, man. She is your wife. What we did was wrong and I'm going to be the first to admit it, but that's no excuse for you to embarrass her like that."


            "Funny that you're worried about her being embarrassed," Sean snarled back at him. "I bet neither one of you even ever stopped to think about whether or not I would feel embarrassed. Do you know that I looked like a damn fool tonight in front of my friend's wife when I realized that Alyssa lied to me tonight?"


            Nick just shrugged not being able to resist one little jab. "Should've let her come to the party," he smirked. "Then she wouldn't have had to lie."


            He noticed Sean clench his fists a little tighter as he tried to restrain himself. "Not like that would've made a big difference. The bitch has been lying to me for months now apparently." He paused and now it was his turn to smirk. "So, I have to ask... How did it feel to be me while I was gone?"


            "I wouldn't know," Nick smoothly retorted. "See, unlike you I'm actually considerate of Alyssa and her needs."


            "Her needs? What exactly do you mean by that? The way I see it, I got that all covered. I provide for her, give her a comfortable home, I'm a loyal husband," he ticked off one by one on his hand. "I don't understand what more there is out there that I can give her to make her happy."


            "Well, you can at least start with an orgasm." Okay, it was a low blow, but the opportunity was just too good for Nick to pass up.


            He watched as Sean's face reddened in anger. Now that Nick had unlocked that box there was no telling where this conversation would go next. "You son of a bitch..." he cursed. "How dare you insinuate that I don't know how to please my wife?"


            Because you don't? Nick responded in his head, but decided this needed to be handled in a more precise manner. "If she was so happy with you then why do you think she came to me?"


            He could tell that he'd gotten to Sean by the way his voice slightly wavered. "She didn't come to you. She wouldn't... You destroyed every bit of self confidence she had in herself! It took me months to build her back up again. Why would she turn to you? I bet that you took advantage of the fact that I was gone to lure her back into bed because you've never really gotten over her."


            Nick quickly realized that Sean had no idea of exactly how long things had actually been going on between them and he was afraid if the conversation continued in this direction he would divulge too much information. It wasn't his place to give away all the details of their affair without Alyssa's consent. Instead he responded from a different angle that definitely struck a chord in him. "What do you know about what I've done to her in the past?" he asked, getting slightly defensive.


            Sean wickedly smirked. "Everything. She told me the whole story. You know I really shouldn't be surprised because you've always seemed to have a problem staying faithful. How many times was it that you cheated on her in the past? And then having to see it happen right in front of her own eyes? That was four years ago to this date actually, huh?"


            Nick bit the inside of his lip trying to keep his cool. That night in Australia four years ago was definitely his Achilles heel; a constant reminder of how badly he'd fucked things up with Alyssa. For the longest time there hadn't been a day that went by when he hadn't replayed that night in his head and wished that he had done something differently. If only he had gone straight back to his hotel room after the concert instead of going to the hotel bar... If only he had picked up the phone when she'd texted him... If only he hadn't been so stupid as to let himself be manipulated by some sleazy groupie... Being reminded of the night definitely was enough for him to start to crumble. "You don't know shit..."


            Seeing that he got to him only made Sean smirk wider. "Oh, I know all about it. Every last detail down to Alyssa's surprise for you that night. I think she said that she was wearing a red nightie?"


            Being reminded of the night in such vivid detail was enough to make Nick snap and completely forget that it had little to do with what they had originally been fighting about. Maybe this was Sean's plan all along. Maybe he was just looking to provoke him into throwing the first punch. Whatever his purpose was Nick fell for it and lunged at Sean angrily. "You piece of shit..." he angrily swore.


            But before he could get a good swing at him he felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around him and pulling him away from Sean. Nick looked up to find himself in Kevin's grasp. "I see not much has changed, little man," he joked. "I'm still bailing your ass out of trouble."


            "He started it," Nick started to argue, but then quickly gave up when he realized how immature he sounded. This definitely wasn't the impression he wanted to give Kevin of his behavior since he'd left the group.


            Looking up he realized that Tristan and AJ had grabbed Sean and were struggling to hold him back as well. The two men glared at each other before Kevin being ever the one in charge took control of the situation. "The two of you need to knock it off, right now. Whatever the issue is you have Alyssa in tears and she's very shaken up. Now is not the time or place to settle whatever is going on here. There are reporters right inside. All both of you need is to wind up as a front page story in next week's In Touch magazine, especially you," he warned, pointing at Nick. His attention focused back onto Sean. "Now I think its best that you probably leave before we have the cops escort you off the premises."


            No sooner had the words left his mouth when a very pale looking Brian burst onto the back deck. His brow was creased with worry and he looked overly distressed about something. "I hate to interrupt the pow wow going on out here, but you all need to come inside now. Something's wrong..."




            A still very shaky Alyssa reached the top landing of the stairs sandwiched between both Teri and Tricia. She took a look at her surroundings. It was quite obvious that the upstairs area was still being remodeled. "This is going to be a VIP area," Teri explained, noticing Alyssa's glance at the unfinished area. "Those doors over there are bathrooms and the one on the left is Howie's office. We can go in there for a little until you calm down. It's nice and private."


            "Okay..." Alyssa nodded and began to follow Teri towards the office when the sound of a fourth pair of heels came clicking up the stairs and Alyssa heard the sound of a throat being cleared.


            "We've got company," Tricia announced, sounding slightly annoyed.


            Teri spun around finding herself face to face with Shayla. "I'm sorry, but this is a private area Shayla," she told her with a hand on her hips. "You're going to have to go back downstairs with the rest of the guests."


            Shayla just wrinkled her nose. "I planned this party. I think that gives me just as much right to be up here as anyone else. Besides I was just looking to talk to Alyssa for a moment."


            You've got to be kidding me, Alyssa thought to herself. From one disaster to another. What the hell does she want? "Can you just make this quick Shayla? Unless it's really important it's going to have to wait," she told the younger woman glad that at least she'd stopped crying, but she was still sure that she looked visibly upset.


            "Oh, it's important all right," Shayla assured her before turning her attention towards Teri and Tricia. "Would you mind giving us some privacy? This is something I think Alyssa and I need to discuss on our own."


            Both women exchanged worried glances. They were fully aware of the predicament Alyssa was involved in and knew that any discussion between Alyssa and Shayla could not be good, especially when Alyssa was already shaken up. "I'm not sure this is the best time," Teri stepped in to defend her friend. "Alyssa's really not feeling well right now."


            Alyssa held up her hand to cut Teri off. "It's okay Ter. You and Trish can head downstairs. I got this covered."


            Teri looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure Lyss? I mean we can stay up here if you want. If you're not feeling up to this, Shayla can wait."


            Alyssa slowly nodded. In reality she felt nowhere near prepared to have this conversation with Shayla, but the way she looked at it Shayla was only going to find out the truth soon enough anyway. Better to just face the music now. She had a feeling that after tonight both her and Nick's marriages would be in shambles anyway. "I need to fight my own battles," she reminded her friends. "I love that you have my back, but this is something I need to do on my own."


            The two women again looked a little hesitant, but finally they both reluctantly gave in. "We'll be right downstairs if you need us," Tricia promised her with a small squeeze of her hand as the two women made their way slowly down the stairs.


            "Oh, how cute," Shayla sarcastically replied. "That was just so damn touching I think I need to check that my mascara isn't running."


            "What do you want Shayla?" Alyssa asked, not at all in the mood for her little games. "If you have something to say to me, say it."


            Shayla stared her down placing her hands squarely on her tiny hips. "I just wanted to let you know that I know all about you and Nick and this little ‘thing' the two of you have had going on for months now."


            "Okay... Would you like some sort of prize?" Even Alyssa herself was taken back at her own aloofness towards the matter. She hadn't expected herself to respond the way she had until the words left her mouth and judging from the shocked expression on Shayla's face neither had she. Her reaction left herself feeling quite proud of the way she had handled it. If only she could deal with Sean this easily.


            "You mean you're not even going to deny it?" Shayla's outraged voice cried.


            Alyssa shrugged. "What's the point? You've figured it out... Sean's figured it out... Not much left to hide, is there? I'm actually quite surprised it took you this long to figure it out." She quickly realized that Shayla expected her to collapse into a blubbering mess, so the more unapologetic she acted, the more it would only infuriate the younger woman.


            Seeing that she wasn't upsetting Alyssa, Shayla pulled out her next card. "I know about the baby too. Does Sean know that you're actually carrying Nick's baby in there? Or are you lying to him too? Do you even know who the father is?"


            Alyssa froze for a moment, losing her small sense of victory. She wasn't sure if Shayla actually had proof of this or if she was just calling her bluff. Choosing her words carefully so not to fall in her trap, Alyssa responded, "I know exactly who my baby's father is thank you very much, and I don't see how it's any business of yours whatsoever."


            "It is when it's my husband," Shayla glared back at her.


            Alyssa frowned. "And what makes you so sure that this baby belongs to him?"


            "I found the sonogram picture in his wallet," she simply explained. "It had the name Zoey Michelle Carter written on the back. Nice work... And here I thought I was manipulative, but I'd never think to lie about a baby's paternity just to steal someone else's husband."


            Alyssa quickly found her temper beginning to rise at the accusation and as much as she wanted to handle this as maturely as possible, if a bitch fight is what Shayla wanted; she was surely going to get it. "At least I didn't have to lie about being pregnant! That didn't work out for you so well, right? If I remember correctly it only sent him right back to me, so maybe I should thank you. If it weren't for you I probably wouldn't be pregnant at all."


            "How do you know about that?" Shayla asked sharply, stepping closer towards Alyssa.


            "Nick told me," she confidently answered back, not at all fazed by Shayla's tactics of intimidation. "He was really hurt and betrayed that you'd stoop so low. I mean who honestly would think the ‘fake pregnancy' trick works anywhere else besides daytime television?"


            "I didn't think that seducing an old boyfriend and purposely getting pregnant worked that well in the real world either," she curtly responded.


            "Trust me... I didn't have to seduce him. He was pretty willing." Again it was a dirty card to play, but Alyssa knew from experience that the best way of dealing with bitches like Shayla was to beat them at their own game.


            Shayla continued to move closer into Alyssa until she was practically in her face. "Don't think for one minute that I'm letting Nick go that easily. You may think you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger, but he's not going anywhere. You're nothing!" she spat, barely realizing that she had backed them both even closer to the edge of the landing. "You have nothing to offer him! He's got a great life with me, one that I don't see him giving up anytime soon."


Shayla's eyes were so wild with anger that Alyssa could tell that she'd lost all reason and was now not thinking clearly at all. As if to emphasize her point, Shayla nudged Alyssa's shoulders with her fingertips to send a clear message to back off. Unfortunately, for Alyssa she was completely unprepared for the move and being pregnant, her center of gravity was already off. She felt herself lose her balance and only realized before it was too late how close to the edge of the stairs she was. Fear gripped through her as she felt herself begin to fall.


The next ten seconds seemed to happen in slow motion. Her eyes desperately pleaded with Shayla's to do something to help her, to stick out a hand and try to prevent her from plummeting down the steps. She distinctively remembered the look of pure terror in Shayla's wide eyes when she realized exactly what she had just done. It was obvious that this had not been part of the plan. Her hands flew to her mouth in shock and that was the last thing Alyssa remembered seeing before she began to tumble down the stairs.


Instinctively her hands flew to her stomach, her primary concern to protect the growing infant still inside of her. She found the task to be much harder than she anticipated as her body clanked down the staircase quicker than she could react. Somewhere on the way down, her head slammed hard against one of the steps and then everything went black.


The last sound she could remember hearing was that of people screaming in horror from down below.


Chapter 48 - The Waiting Game by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Everyone waits to hear news on Alyssa and the baby.


Chapter 48 - The Waiting Game


            Nick sighed for what felt like the twelve millionth time since he'd arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center a little over an hour and a half an hour ago. He'd seen Alyssa be whisked in on a gurney to an examining room when he first arrived, but so far there was no word on her condition. He replayed the last chilling few hours of his life in his mind from the moment that Kevin had pulled him and Sean apart to where he now stood. After Brian had told them something was wrong inside his gut immediately had told him it was Alyssa. He'd feared that the stressful situation had maybe perhaps caused her to have early labor pains. He wasn't at all prepared for the truth. Seeing her laying there so lifeless and pale at the bottom of the stairs with a crowd of onlookers surrounding her scared the shit out of him. Nothing though was more frightening than the blood that had began to stain her white dress. That was not a good sign. Blood could only mean that something was wrong with the baby.


            Howie had already been on the phone calling for an ambulance and Shayla was standing at the foot of the stairs in tears. "I don't know what happened!" she had cried. "I was standing at the top of the stairs one minute talking to her and the next she just lost her balance. I tried to grab her arm to keep her from falling, but it was too late. I hope she's going to be okay!"


            Everything had been a blur after that. Paramedics had flocked the scene and immediately gotten Alyssa onto a stretcher and carried her out to the ambulance. Thankfully, the reporters present had more class than to even bother snapping any photos. Nick barely remembered who had even driven him down to the hospital. It might have been Kevin and Melanie. All he knew was the waiting room was packed with the rest of the guys and their significant others, plus Sean, Shayla, Izzy, and Tristan. Everyone looked worried for Alyssa and on edge. They'd seen the severity of her fall and mostly everyone held themselves at least a little responsible in their own way.


            "They should be coming in with some news in a few minutes now." Kevin patted him on the shoulder from his seat next to him, trying to ease his nerves.


            "Something's wrong with the baby Kev... I know there has to be. There's no way Alyssa could've gotten through a fall like that and not hurt her in some way," he fearfully stated.


            "You've got to think positively, little man. God has a mysterious way of working sometimes."


            "I can't lose her... I can't lose her or Alyssa," he repeated as he rested his forehead in his hands.


            "What did you say?" Kevin asked, frowning a little bit. "You're talking like it's your daughter that's in danger instead of Sean's. You're not making sense Nick."


            "Nothing," he quickly replied, remembering that none of the other guys knew that Alyssa was carrying his child. He sighed again, the minutes ticking away like hours. Out of the corner of his eye, he snatched a sideways glance of Sean who was being consoled by Izzy and Tristan who looked just as concerned as he did. Then he realized that Sean still had not figured out that he was not the father of Alyssa's baby.


            He looked up and leapt to his feet when he caught sight of Alyssa's OB/GYN, Dr. Spencer approaching them, her blonde ponytail swishing as she walked. It had been a relief to him that she had happened to be at the hospital that night and had just gotten finished with a delivery when Alyssa had been admitted. It did at least help a little bit to have a comforting face at hand. "Dr. Spencer?" he called out to her. "Do you have any news on Alyssa, yet?"


            "Hello Nick," she greeted him, recognizing him from the few doctor's appointments he'd attended with Alyssa with a tight lipped smile that could only mean grim news. "I do have some news for you -"


            Before she could finish her sentence, Sean had approached the two of them and stuck out his hand to introduce himself. "You must be Dr. Spencer, Alyssa's doctor. I'm her husband, Sean."


            "Pleased to meet you Sean," she greeted.  "I wasn't aware that you were home from Iraq yet."


            "I just got home a little over two weeks ago," he explained. "Is there any news on my wife?"


            Dr. Spencer nodded her head looking very serious. "From an initial examination it appears that Alyssa may have several injuries, but the extent of the damage has yet to be determined. Obviously our primary concern right now is the hemorrhaging and the health of the baby. We've managed to stop most of the bleeding which is a good sign, but we're not out of the woods yet. We performed an ultrasound and although we were able to still locate a heartbeat it wasn't as strong as I would've liked. Based on the ultrasound and the hemorrhaging it looks like to me that Alyssa's placenta has ruptured."


            "That can't be good, can it?" Sean asked his eyes wide with worry.


            "It depends on the extent of the damage. At this point in Alyssa's pregnancy it's very hard to tell, but based on the amount of blood she's lost and the fall she took it's highly likely that it could've ruptured entirely."


            "But the placenta is how the baby gets all it's food and oxygen," Nick pointed out, remembering what he had read from the few pregnancy books of Alyssa's he had browsed through. "So, if that ruptured do you mean to tell me that the baby is basically suffocating inside the womb?"


            Dr. Spencer just gravely nodded. "Essentially yes. This is why time is of the essence. I'm going to recommend that we perform an emergency c-section. The sooner we get the baby out of the womb, the better chance it has for survival."


            "But, she's not due for like another nine weeks," Sean argued. "She's not even eight months pregnant. How is the baby supposed to survive being delivered this early?"


            "Right now it's the only choice we have. That's a risk we're going to have to take. Many babies are born prematurely and with the proper care can continue to grow and develop at a healthy rate and be just fine. I'm just going to need your consent before I do anything."


            Sean sighed. "Do what you must. Am I at least allowed in the delivery room?"


            "Considering that this going to be a very complicated delivery, I'm going to have to ask that you wait out here. A lot could go wrong and we don't need an extra body in the room. I'll have a nurse bring over a consent form for you to sign and we'll start prepping her for surgery."


            Nick collapsed back onto the waiting room chair, too stunned to by the doctor's prognosis to have much of a reaction. It took a moment or two for her words to really sink in to his brain, but once they did he was met with a crippling thought. She'd said that it was going to be a complicated delivery. Did that mean that there was a chance that Alyssa might not be able to make it through? He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the answer, but morbid curiosity forced him to ask the question that was ravaging his thoughts. "Dr. Spencer... Before you leave I just need to know something." He swallowed hard, having trouble even forcing himself to ask the question at the back of his mind. "Alyssa shouldn't have any trouble making it through the surgery, should she?"


            Dr. Spencer gave him a small, sympathetic look, but behind her eyes she looked very serious and bluntly honest. "If everything stays the way it is now, she should have no problem. If she starts hemorrhaging again though, there is a small chance she could bleed out on the operating table." Nick's face instantly paled and she quickly tried to smooth over her last sentence. "There will be plenty of people on hand in the operating room ready to jump into action if need be. I seriously doubt there will be a problem."


            But it was too late. The thought had already been planted into the back of his mind. Nick knew that now that he was aware of the possibility of complication he'd be even more on edge. If he lost Alyssa... Well, he wasn't sure what he'd do. All he knew was that he would have no choice, but to hold himself a little responsible. He sat back and watched Dr. Spencer hurry back towards the examination area to start getting Alyssa ready for surgery. He definitely was not looking forward to long wait ahead of him and he wished that he could fast forward time until after Alyssa's surgery, so he would save himself anymore emotional torture in awaiting to hear the fate of her and his unborn daughter.




            A little over another hour later, Alyssa's surgery had just gotten underway and the whole crowd had relocated to a different waiting area, closer to the delivery room where it was taking place. Tensions were high and every person in their group looked almost equally nervous and anxious to hear some positive news. Everyone seemed to be praying for Alyssa in their own little way. Nick, who normally was not at all a spiritual person in the least bit found himself bargaining with God in his own head. Please let she and the baby pull through this okay... If you just let her get through this, I'll do anything. I'll leave Shayla in a heartbeat.


            He looked over at his wife who was sitting next to him, her eyes bloodshot and an almost catatonic expression on her face. Shayla had not said one word since they'd arrived at the hospital. Nick would've loved to find out what was going in that head of hers, but he knew that now was not the time to pull the information from her. All he knew of her side of the story that she and Alyssa had been upstairs talking near the top of the stairs when Alyssa had lost her balance and fallen backwards much too quickly for Shayla to do anything to stop it from happening. What the conversation had been about, he couldn't be sure, but he supposed that Shayla did feel a little responsible for the incident and perhaps a certain degree of guilt. He knew that she was the obvious source of blame for this whole situation, but as of right now he was far too concerned about Alyssa to point any fingers just yet. He had bigger problems to worry about anyway.


            It was finally slowly beginning to sink into him that right at that moment, behind the double doors that led towards the delivery room, his daughter was about to be born. This was an event that Nick had been totally unprepared for. He wasn't expecting this to happen for at least another two months. Unfortunately, these circumstances were nothing like the one's that he had imagined. He'd always thought that Alyssa would carry the baby to full term and then eventually when the time was right, go into labor naturally and have a pretty standard, routine birth. This was not the case. Because of something that had happened in literally a blink of an eye, Alyssa was being forced to give birth almost a full ten weeks ahead of schedule in an emergency operation where almost anything could happen. His daughter was in an extremely perilous situation and she hadn't even yet left the womb. It pained him that already she was fighting for life. This wasn't how he had intended for her to make her entrance into the world. There was a very good chance that her life could be over for it even got a chance to begin. Then even if Zoey did make it through the delivery, she'd have to continue to fight for survival in an incubator as her small, underdeveloped body continued to grow stronger. This wasn't what he had wanted, but at this point he just wanted her safe and alive.


            Then there was Alyssa herself. He knew that as scared as she was about the actual birth that she wanted to be awake to experience it. She actually wanted to go through all the pushing and the breathing, just to be able to say she did it. She wanted to be able to hold her baby in its first few minutes of life. She wouldn't be able to get any of that now. She was still unconscious. Nick wasn't even sure what other injuries she'd sustained in her fall. She had to have done some damage to her body. It was unclear when she'd even get to see their daughter. It was also unclear if she'd ever get to see her daughter.


            Don't think like that, he quickly chastised herself. Dr. Spencer said that the chances of any complications during the delivery were minimal. Still, it was hard not to consider the possibility. He wasn't sure what he'd do without Alyssa. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to raise their daughter on his own. He refused to let his mind go any further down that route. She was going to make it through.


            Then on top of all of this was the reminder that Sean was still present on the other side of the waiting room, and still convinced that this child belonged to him. At first, when Sean had crashed his party earlier that evening, Nick had assumed that not only did he know about the affair, but the pregnancy as well. Luckily, Nick had caught on pretty quickly that he was still in the dark about that detail. Now with the baby on its way and the affair beginning to come out into the open, he knew that it was only a matter of time until that bombshell was dropped. He wasn't looking forward to Sean's reaction to that one. Meanwhile though, it was very frustrating for Nick to sit back and watch Sean play the role of the frightened father. He could tell just by looking at him that the thoughts going through Sean's head were many of the very same ones that he had as well. Unfortunately, unlike Sean, he had to keep everything bottled up inside even though it took almost every fiber of his being not to stand up and announce the truth to everyone. Out of all the guys, Nick hadn't confided his secret to any of them, but he knew that Alyssa had told Tricia and Teri. Had they let word slip to AJ and Howie? Nick hadn't spoken to Kevin in months, but from the way Kevin kept looking at him he knew that Kevin was probably beginning to pull together the pieces. Thankfully though, if he had figured it out yet, he hadn't bothered to question him about it. Now simply was not the right time.


            Across the waiting room, Sean nervously fiddled with his fingertips while his eyes seemed to remain glued to the clock hanging over the entrance to the area. Little was he aware that Nick could completely relate to exactly how he was feeling. He had to admit that he'd definitely been enraged at Alyssa earlier that evening after finding out that his suspicions about her relationship with Nick were true, but all of that seemed insignificant now. He still wasn't sure what he intended on doing about their marriage. That was something they needed to discuss together. Now that he'd calmed down some, he realized that Alyssa deserved the chance to be able to defend herself and tell him her side of the story. He just hoped that she'd make it through this delivery to be able to do that.


As hurt and betrayed as he felt because of her though, she was the mother of his child, and right now that child was fighting for its life. If there was one thing above all else that had made his relationship with Alyssa worthwhile through all this crap, it was knowing that she was carrying his daughter. Being a father was one of the most precious gifts that he knew he'd ever receive and he that no matter how bad things got between him and Alyssa, they'd always have that special bond of a child between them. He simply could not lose his daughter this way. Over in Iraq, she was the one thing that had kept him going at times.  How many nights had there been where he'd lay awake thinking about her? How many times in combat when he just wanted to give up, he'd remind himself that he had a daughter on the way and it would immediately renew his energy? He'd struggled through hell to be able to make it back to meet her, and it would most definitely be a cruel twist of fate if she weren't able to make it. Please God... Please don't take the one bright spot I seem to have left in my life away from me. If he lost this child and then was unable to work things out with Alyssa, he really wasn't sure if he could honestly go on living.


The only other person in the room who could say that they were almost as worried about what was going to happen to Alyssa and the baby as Sean and Nick, was Shayla and that was only because she had the most to lose in the situation. If anything at all went wrong in that delivery room, she knew that she would be the one held responsible. In all honesty, she had no intention of harming Alyssa when she had chosen to confront her on the top of the stairs. She'd just meant to call her out on the whole affair and give her a few choice words. Somehow though, the situation had escalated and Shayla had let her anger get the best of her. She hadn't even realized what she was doing when she had first put her hands on Alyssa. It had happened so quickly and so naturally, it was almost as if she'd completely blacked out. She'd never known herself to be a particularly angry or violent person, but she supposed that the shock of finding the truth out about the baby combined with her already prior knowledge of the affair was enough to send her over the edge. As soon as her hands had left Alyssa's shoulders and she'd seen her stagger backwards, Shayla's anger immediately had disappeared and quickly was replaced with sheer horror. She'd never forget watching Alyssa helplessly begin to tumble down the stairs and all that she could do was watch dumbly, too frozen in shock of what she'd done to actually do anything to stop it from happening. As much as she despised Alyssa, Shayla would've never purposely pushed a pregnant woman down a flight of stairs. She wasn't a heartless monster. It had just been a very unfortunate accident.


She knew though if either Alyssa or the baby did not make it out of this situation alive, suspicion would float towards her. Everyone knew that Alyssa was a rival of hers and coincidentally enough she had been the last person to talk to Alyssa before she fell. Teri and Tricia had witnessed enough to know that the situation was probably going to be confrontational. She was pretty sure just by the dubious stares that she was getting from everyone else that they held her responsible. For the mean time, Shayla had lied to save her own ass and told everyone that Alyssa had merely tripped and fallen backwards. She wasn't sure how many people bought the story, but no one had questioned it so far. They probably were just too concerned with Alyssa's health to care very much about the details just yet, which Shayla was thankful for. It gave her more time to perfect her story. She wasn't sure whether or not Alyssa would remember the details if or when she recovered. Shayla knew that she'd have to work hard to convince Alyssa that she hadn't pushed her, so it would make it much easier if she could get everyone else to believe her side. It was a sneaky and underhanded thing to do, but she simply couldn't let the truth of what had really happened get out. Not only could it ruin her reputation, her career, and any chance she still had left with Nick, but if Alyssa didn't make it through the delivery she was pretty sure that she could be brought up on criminal charges. Hell, even if Alyssa did pull through she could be charged with attempted murder, right? The act hadn't been premeditated, but what proof of that did she have? She certainly had more than enough motive or so it seemed.


No, no one can find out what really happened or my life is over, she silently swore to herself. If only she could rewind time and stop herself from making such a stupid mistake...


She looked up at the clock and realized now that it was well past midnight. All around her the rest of Alyssa and Nick's friends were already beginning to nod off. It seemed like next to impossible to try to sleep under the circumstances, but the one advantage was that it would make the time tick by that much faster. She tucked her legs underneath her on the waiting room chair and rested her head against Nick's shoulder. Closing her eyes she prayed for sleep to come take her and rescue her from the nightmare of her own thoughts.




            When Nick first heard the ringing noise of his cell phone coming from the nightstand table, he rubbed his eyes sleepily and rolled over to glance at the alarm clock. It was close to three in the morning. Too late for the call to be anything, but bad news. Trying to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach he picked up the phone and answered shakily. "Hello?"


            "Is this Mr. Carter?" a brisk voice asked on the other end of the line.


            "Uhh yea... This is he. Can I help you?" As he grew more awake for the first time he noticed the sleeping form beside him rustling about as she slowly awoke. He recognized Alyssa instantly and then it slowly began to come back to him. Her showing up at his hotel room after the wedding earlier that night... The two of them talking things over and deciding that they were better off with their current partners... The two of them kissing... The two of them having sex... Shit, he cursed to himself. What had they done?


            "I'm from Lexington Memorial Hospital. I'm calling in regards to your wife, Katie."


Nick's breath caught in his throat and his face paled as his heart hammered in his chest. He knew that this couldn't be good. "What's going on?" Alyssa's sleepy voice asked as she sat up in bed, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. A look of genuine concern etched her face.


Nick ignored her. "What about her?" he fearfully asked.


"She was admitted here not very long ago. She was involved in an automobile accident and is listed as being in critical condition," the woman reported. "I don't have any more information to give you at this time, but it's advised that you get down here as soon as you possibly can."


He didn't need any further explanation. He was already grabbing his boxers off the floor and pulling them back on. "I'm on my way," he quickly told her, before clicking the phone off.


"Who was that?" Alyssa curiously asked. She had also started to pull her clothes from before back on.


Nick sighed, running a nervous hand through his hair. "There was an accident... Katie..." He swallowed hard not even being able to complete his sentence. "I have to get down to the hospital."


Alyssa seemed to immediately sense his anxiety and perhaps felt even a little guilty herself about the circumstances. It was definitely hard to accept that unbeknownst to them while they had been in the throes of passion, a pregnant Katie had been fighting for her life. "Wait, I'll come with you," she offered.


Nick critically eyed the skimpy looking boy shorts and matching camisole tank top she was wearing. "You're going to have to wear more than that if you want to come with me."


Alyssa looked down at her appearance and her face reddened a little when she realized that the rest of her clothes were back in her own hotel room. "We'll just have to stop by my room and I'll throw something else on. If you want you can go down to the lobby and wait for me there. I'll be like two minutes. I just don't want you going there on your own."


The translation was clear. She was worried about how Nick was taking all of this and knew that he could use someone at his side for moral support. At this point, Nick had no idea just how bad things were. He knew no other details about the accident or Katie's condition. The woman he had spoken to on the phone hadn't even mentioned Serena. That alone gave him a very bad feeling in his gut. "Okay... I'll meet you down there," he finally agreed.


A few minutes later he was down in the lobby and asking the concierge desk for directions to the hospital. He looked up just in time to catch Alyssa stepping off of the elevator wearing a pair of jeans and a rumpled t-shirt. "You ready?" she asked as she approached him.


Nick just nodded and they hurried out into the hotel parking lot towards Nick's rental car. Nick's adrenaline was pounding and his nerves were so on edge that it took him three tries just to unlock the door. Picking up on his frazzled state, Alyssa came up behind him and grabbed the keys from his hand. "I'm driving," she insisted.


"But it's a rental," he tried to argue, but Alyssa wasn't hearing it.


"Don't argue Nick. I can tell that you're too upset to drive. It won't do Katie or Serena any good if we can't get there in one piece. I think it's for the best if I drive."


Nick did have the energy to continue to reason with her. He just wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible and he knew that his emotions were too high right now. Knowing him he'd speed the whole way there putting both himself and Alyssa in jeopardy. She was right. It was better this way. Giving in, he headed back around to the passenger side and climbed into the vehicle. Alyssa popped into the drivers seat, and within a few moments they were pulling out of the hotel and onto the highway.


Nick looked out the window and sighed. All he could do was wonder what had happened and what was going on with Katie and Serena at the moment. He had to admit that he was pretty scared. In all honesty, he'd really never been in love with Katie, but she had gotten to be a good friend of his. His decision to marry her was a stupid, impulsive move on his part, but it had worked out to be a convenient arrangement. It ensured that Katie would be able to stay in the United States and it was the responsible thing to do with Serena on the way. Just because he didn't love her in a romantic sense though did not mean that he didn't care about her. Katie had a special place in his heart. The way he felt about her was much different than the way he cared for Alyssa. He saw Katie as more of a very close friend; someone who had placed in his life for a specific reason. If it weren't for Katie, he would've never been about to become a father for one thing, but furthermore he almost was beginning to feel like without her, he and Alyssa would never be where they were today. He had become pretty sure that if their relationship had developed normally without the interruption of Katie, eventually things would've fizzled out and died. The whole experience had made them stronger, and even though they were no longer together, after tonight Nick had to admit that he was definitely still attracted her. He'd been shocked himself how receptive Alyssa had been to his advances. It had been very clear in her actions that she was also still attracted to him. Of course he had been intimate with Katie, even recently, but it was so different with Alyssa. He definitely felt more of a physical connection with her than with Katie.


It did pain him to realize that he'd been in the arms of another woman when the accident had occurred and he couldn't help, but to feel like it was bad karma coming around to get him. Whether or not his marriage to Katie was one of convenience or not was irrelevant in the situation. She was still his wife and the mother of his future daughter. He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to either one of them and even though he knew that even if he hadn't been with Alyssa at the time, it probably wouldn't have changed the outcome, he still felt responsible somehow. He just wished he knew what he was dealing with here. The nurse had said that Katie was in critical condition. He knew that wasn't a good thing, but a lot of people who were listed in critical condition pulled through, right? He just wished he had more information. He wished he knew more about the extent of her injuries. Did she have internal bleeding? Was she going to need surgery? What about Serena? How had the accident impacted her? It was just so frustrating being so in the dark like this!


As if she could sense his frustration level, Alyssa reached over and placed a comforting hand over his. "We're almost there Nick. Just a few more minutes," her gentle voice soothed.


"I just wish I knew what was going on," he shared, clenching his fingers anxiously. "They didn't tell me anything. Just that it was a car accident."


"I'm sure they'll be okay," she tried to assure him. "Look, there's the hospital up ahead." She pointed towards an upcoming sign on their right with a very large brick building behind it. "Do you want me to let you off while I find a parking spot?"


Nick thought about it for a moment and shook his head. "No, I don't want to go in by myself. I'll wait for you."


"All right," Alyssa agreed as she turned into the hospital complex. They rode around in silence until Alyssa was able to find a parking spot. She quickly pulled into the stall and shut off the engine. Within moments they were rushing into the hospital entrance looking overwhelmed by the size of the building and where they should be heading. "Do you know what floor she's on?"


Again Nick shook his head. "No, they didn't tell me." Immediately he began to panic. How the hell were they ever going to find her in this place?


Thank God for Alyssa though. Being the clearer headed one out of the two of them she approached the front desk very calmly. "Excuse me?" she asked one of the nurses behind the counter. "We're looking for a patient that was just admitted within the past few hours, but we're not sure what floor she's on."


"What's the patient's name?" the nurse asked, sitting down in front of a computer screen in front of her.


"Katie Carter."


The nurse punched Katie's name into the computer. "Mrs. Carter was admitted right into the ICU. Take the elevator up to the second floor and make a left," she directed them.


"Thank you," Alyssa told the woman as she grabbed Nick's arm and led him towards the elevator. "Let's go."


Nick was still stunned as the two of them boarded the elevator. "ICU isn't good, is it? Isn't that where they bring patient's that are like really bad off?" he fearfully asked.


Alyssa bit her lip as if she were choosing her words carefully. "It's where they bring patients so that they can be monitored more closely." The elevator made a dinging sound as the doors to the second floor opened. "This is us."


Nick followed her off the elevator and down the hall past a set of double doors that read Intensive Care Unit. He was very thankful to have Alyssa with him who somehow seemed to know exactly what to do every step of the way. Maybe it was because she had gotten used to navigating hospitals since Meg had been diagnosed with cancer. She went right up to the ICU information desk in very much the same way she had downstairs. "Hi... We're looking to see if there's any information about the condition of Katie Carter? She's a patient who was just admitted here earlier."


He could tell by the flicker in the nurse's eye that the name sounded very familiar. Nick tried to read her facial expression for any indication of her current state, but he came up unsuccessful. "Are you family members? We can only release information to family."


"I'm her husband," Nick spoke up.


The nurse nodded and picked up a phone that was sitting on the counter. "Let me page her doctor and he can come up and give you more information. You can have a seat over there." She gestured towards a small waiting area to her left.


Alyssa and Nick made there way over to the waiting area and took seats. As soon as he sat down, Nick's knee began to nervously bounce up and down and he found that he could do nothing to stop it. He looked up apologetically at Alyssa and she just gave him a small reassuring smile and a pat on the back.


After ten excruciatingly long minutes of waiting, a tall middle aged doctor approached them. "Mr. Carter?" he uncertainly asked.


"That's me." Nick sprang up from his seat. "What's going on with Katie? Is she okay? What about the baby? Is the baby okay?"


The doctor gave him a pitying look. "My name is Dr. Stevens. I've been overseeing Katie's case since she's been admitted," he quickly introduced before answering Nick's questions. "Katie was brought into us earlier tonight from an automobile accident. The only details that I received from the police and the paramedics were that it appeared to be a drunk driver, weaving in and out of traffic. The other car hit the town car Katie was riding in on the drivers side, killing the driver instantly. The impact sent the car spinning off the road and into a tree. When police arrived on the scene Katie was unconscious and had to be pulled from the vehicle."


"How is she now though?" he impatiently asked. "All I was told that she was in critical condition. And what about the baby? No one has mentioned her."


Dr. Stevens looked somber. "We lost the baby in the crash. Katie was barely hanging on by the time we got her to the hospital. There was quite a bit of internal injuries. We suspect that she may have hit her head at some point in the crash because there was quite a bit of swelling around the brain. We really did all we could, but..."


Nick was completely in shock with how fast he was receiving all this news. He simply could not seem to process it all at once. He was still trying to digest the fact that Serena was gone. Then it finally sunk in what the doctor was trying to tell him. "Are you trying to tell me that Katie didn't make it either?" he asked, almost refusing that this was really happening.


The doctor sadly shook his head. "We lost her only about half an hour ago."


Nick quickly calculated the timing in his head. She had to have passed on only a few short minutes after he had first received the phone call. "No..." he insisted as he finally began to process it all. "No! They're not both gone... They can't be... No!"


"Nick... Calm down," Alyssa's voice gently pleaded. "You have to calm down..."




            "No... No!" Nick muttered in his sleep as his head tossed restlessly from side to side. "They're not gone... They're not!"


            "Nick? Wake up... Nick, you're having a bad dream. Open your eyes," a gruff sounding voice demanded as a hand nudged his shoulder. Since when does Alyssa have such a deep voice, Nick sleepily wondered as he slowly felt himself begin to awaken. His eyes popped open only to see Kevin's familiar face looking down at him and he almost jumped ten feet in surprise.


            "What was that all about?" Kevin asked, sounding concerned at his younger friend's disturbing nightmare.


            "Katie," he muttered. "I was dreaming about the night I found out about her and Serena."


            Kevin gave him a sympathetic look. "I can definitely see why that night would pop back up into your head. The situations are a little bit similar I guess and they were both at about the same point in their pregnancies." He looked around the waiting room and saw that mostly everyone else was sleeping. "Why don't we move down a bit and have a little talk?"


            Normally a talk with Kevin usually was never a very comfortable situation to be in, but he'd be happy with anything that would distract him from his waiting. He wasn't even sure how long he'd been sleeping for and how long Alyssa had been in surgery for. Very carefully unpinning himself from Shayla who had fallen asleep half on top of him, he slid up from his chair and stretched. It did feel good to stand up after what felt like hours of being crammed into his uncomfortable sleeping position on the chair.


            Kevin had already slid down to a seat in the corner of the room far enough away from everyone else in the room to give them some privacy and was patting a seat next to him. Nick reluctantly made his way over and plopped down beside him. "Do you remember the night I told you that I was leaving the group?" Kevin asked him, seemingly out of the blue.


            "Yea... How could I forget," Nick told him, not sure where this was going. "That was the night I told you to go fuck yourself and then I proceeded to tear my entire bedroom apart in anger. Not the most mature reaction I guess," he admitted.


            "Do you remember before that though? Melanie and I came over for dinner and Alyssa was visiting from New York at the time."


            Nick slowly nodded his head. "Yea... Melanie was pregnant at the time and she demanded that you go out and buy her ice cream. I came along with you and that's when you told me that you were leaving."


            "And do you remember what I said to you as we were checking out?" Kevin continued. Nick just looked at him blankly. "You know... about Alyssa?"


            Nick grinned lightly as the memory came back to him. "Something about how someday I'd be the one running out to buy her ice cream at all sorts of weird hours of the night." He softly laughed. "Alyssa's more about double stuff Oreo's and dark chocolate than ice cream though."


            Kevin just nodded as he noticed the way that Nick's eyes seemed to light up when he talked about Alyssa. He also noticed how Nick seemed to know so many details about her, right down to which foods she'd craved most. "I also told you that I thought she was one of the best things that ever happened to you, right?" he reminded him.


            "Yea, you did. You said that you thought that I finally found the "one" and warned me not to fuck it up. And what did I do? I fucked it up as usual." He sighed at the realization. "I've always fucked up with her, haven't I?"


            Surprisingly Kevin shook his head in disagreement. "Not always. You had your moments where you were actually pretty decent. Especially recently taking such good care of her while Sean was away in Iraq. I can see how you could compare the situation she's in now with Katie and Serena. You are afraid that history might repeat itself, right?"


            "Sort of..." Nick admitted, finally letting his true feelings rush out. "Sean doesn't deserve her! We just have so much history together and well... I love her. I always have. I've just tried to use other women to move past her, but it never works. I always wind up right back with her. If anything happens to her I don't know what I'd do. She's been by my side throughout so much. I can't picture a life without her."


            His words only seemed to confirm the suspicion that had bothered Kevin all night so far. And he found himself having to ask the question that had been on his mind all night. "That baby that Alyssa is carrying... It's yours, isn't it?"


            Nick looked away finding himself unable to lie to Kevin especially when he'd asked him outright so bluntly. "What gave it away?" he sighed.


            Kevin grinned. "Maybe you grumbling about how you can't lose the both of them for starters. That and the fact that I know you and Alyssa. Then there was the argument with Sean that I had to break up... It wasn't too hard to figure it out. Sean doesn't know, does he?"


            "No, he doesn't," he honestly confessed. "Do you think anyone else knows?"


            "I don't think so," Kevin assured him. "Well, I guess congratulations are in order. Looks like you're about to become a father."


            Nick almost recoiled back in shock. "You mean that you're not going to lecture me about messing around with another man's wife?"


            Kevin just shook his head. "Nahh... I got to save up all my lectures for my son, plus I decided to retire from giving you lectures once I retired from the group. Why? Would you like one? I'm sure I could come up with something on the spot if you'd like," he joked.


            "No, that's perfectly all right," he quickly declined. "You must really approve of Alyssa."


            "She's my cousin's best friend. I know she's a good woman and I see how much she's changed you for the better. Those are all pluses in my book."


            "Thanks man," Nick told him, patting him on the shoulder.


He looked up just in time to see a nurse enter the waiting room. She cleared her throat before she began her announcement. "I just word that they've finished up Mrs. Robinson's surgery. Dr. Spencer should be out shortly to speak you about how it went."


Nick could feel his heart begin to hammer nervously in his chest. One by one everyone in the group began to slowly awake and herd together as they continued to wait. No one dare said a word, but he could tell that everyone else was just as anxious as he was about the news they were just about to receive. Nick himself couldn't help, but wonder if he was officially a Daddy or would he have his hopes crushed for a second time?


Finally after what seemed like nearly forever, Dr. Spencer rounded the corner into the waiting room a serious expression etched on her face. She looked tired and just as stressed out as the thirteen pairs of eyes staring questionably up at her. Everyone could tell it had been a difficult surgery by what looked to be like bloodstains on her scrubs top. "I'm sorry," she began. "We did all we could..."


Chapter 49 - The Hardest Thing by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa and Nick begin to deal with their loss.


Chapter 49 - The Hardest Thing


            The room was so silent after Dr. Spencer's admission that you could probably hear a pin drop. Everyone stared back at her for a moment or two in pure shock, completely unprepared to hear what they just had. Already Nick began to see reactions from a few of his friends. Izzy buried her head into Tristan's shoulder and he could tell just by the way her shoulders shook that she was crying. Sean turned his back on the group for a moment, fighting to keep himself together, and Shayla look wide eyed and horrified. Nick though, remained relatively cool and calm. He refused to believe anything until he heard the words come directly out of the doctor's mouth.


            "The delivery went off pretty routinely, but by the time that we got to the baby it was too late," she solemnly continued. "The placenta had ruptured as we had feared and we simply just weren't fast enough. I am very sorry. I want you to know that I really did try my best, but we just didn't have time on our side."


            Nick swallowed hard before asking the one question that still remained unanswered. "What about Alyssa? Did she make it through?" He needed to know the full extent of his loss before it could really hit him that he'd lost yet another daughter to an unforeseen accident.


            The entire room seemed to hold its breath while they waited for Dr. Spencer's reply. "Alyssa made it through the delivery just fine." Sighs of relief could be heard all around the room. "Right now she's being moved to a recovery room and a few other doctors are examining her other injuries. As of right now though, it looks like she'll be able to make a full recovery. Outside of a concussion, some cracked ribs, and a broken wrist, she's just banged up. We're going to keep her here obviously a few days to rest up and recover from the c-section, but she should be able to go home later in the week if everything goes well. Right now she's still out from the operation and we're going to keep up pretty sedated with pain meds for the next twenty-four hours or so. Depending on how she responds we'll begin weaning her off after that."


            "She doesn't know about the baby then, does she?" Izzy softly piped up.


            Dr. Spencer shook her head. "No, she doesn't. She's been out pretty much the whole time since she's been in the hospital. I anticipate that her memory is going to be a little fuzzy when she first wakes up, so she probably will be a little confused at first. We're going to have to explain everything to her when she does wake up. But, let's take one step at a time first."


            "When can we go in and see her?" Sean anxiously asked.


            "Well, as I said before, right now she's got some other doctors checking her over. She's going to need a cast put on that wrist and her ribs are going to need to be bandaged up. She's going to be pretty out of it, but if all goes well I'm sure that you'll be able to at least sit with her by this afternoon. Any other questions?"


            Nobody spoke, so Dr. Spencer took it upon herself to wrap up the conversation. "In that case, I am going to get going. I will be around to check up on Alyssa later. If you need anything at all just let me know. Again I am very sorry about the baby. The important thing is that Alyssa is going to be okay." With that she turned on her heels and headed out of the waiting area leaving everyone else stunned, hurt, and a little angry with the decision that God had decided to make.


            "How can she act so cold and calm about this?" Nick cried, the moment she left. "How can she stand there and say she's sorry that Alyssa lost the baby, but it's okay because Alyssa is fine? Alyssa is not going to be ‘fine' when she finds out about the baby. She's going to be a mess!"


            Kevin put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's her job Nick. I'm sure she feels horrible enough delivering news like this to us, but as a doctor she can't let her emotions get the better of her. I'm sure she doesn't mean to come off as cold, but sometimes that's just how it's got to be," he explained.


            "I can't believe she lost the baby. She's going to be so devastated," Izzy predicted. "She's been looking forward to becoming a mother so badly. It's not fair."


            Sean loudly sighed and just from the expression on his face it looked like he was close to tears. The light in his eyes had completely faded and he looked like any moment now he was going to completely fall apart. "I need to get out of here for a bit. Get some air or something," he muttered as he strode out of the waiting area.


            Nick let out a huge breath in almost relief. Now that Sean had left the room he could finally let himself properly grieve without having to worry about holding back. He knew that Alyssa would want to be the one to tell Sean the truth about who the baby's father was, so he was afraid of saying too much in front of him. The last thing they needed was to continue their brawl in the middle of the hospital. "I don't understand it!" he angrily exclaimed, slamming his palms into the waiting room wall. "I know that I haven't always been the best person in life. I know I've made a lot of mistakes and done a lot of stupid things. But I still can't understand why God would dangle two opportunities for fatherhood right in front of my face and then choose to slam the door shut once I finally started to look forward to it! This is the second time I've lost a daughter! What the fuck are the odds of that? Why did this happen? It's so scary because Alyssa was just a few weeks ahead of Katie when she and Serena were killed. Why does this shit happen to me?"


            "God works in strange ways," Brian cryptically tried to answer. "He must have some larger plan in store. Maybe he decided to take Alyssa's daughter for a reason. I know it's hard for you to see just yet, but I'm sure eventually you'll be able to look back and understand."


            Deep down he knew that Brian was only trying to help, but he was just too angry and frustrated right now to listen. "Don't you dare try to use your religious psycho babble about how this is all part of ‘God's plan' to make me feel better!" he shouted at Brian. "After this I think I can honestly say that any ounce of belief I had towards God is shattered! How could Alyssa losing the baby be a good thing?"


            "All Brian is trying to say is that maybe it just wasn't meant to be," Leighanne pointed out, trying to defend her husband. "She's probably in a better place now. If she had lived, she would have been premature and may have had further health problems that would have caused her to suffer in the long run. You can't blame God for something like this."


            "Then who can I blame, huh?" Nick asked. "Someone has to be held accountable for this! What was Alyssa even doing upstairs in the first place?"


            Tricia's face immediately reddened with guilt as she meekly spoke up. "Teri and I took Alyssa upstairs to calm her down after you sent her back inside. She was really shaken up and upset that you and Sean were going to hurt each other, so Teri suggested we take her upstairs to Howie's office until things cooled down," she confessed.


            Nick's eyes darkened as he glared in the direction of the two women standing next to each other. "So, where were the two of you when Alyssa fell?"


            "When we got her upstairs, Shayla had followed us and wanted to talk to Alyssa," Teri spoke up to defend herself. "We went back downstairs to give them some privacy."


            "Why did you leave her?" he demanded. "If both of you had been up there with her, there would've been less a chance of her falling!"


            Teri's voice rose in indignation. "We asked Alyssa if she wanted us to stay, but she insisted that we go. She said that she could handle things with Shayla on her own. Maybe instead of trying to pin the blame on Tricia and I, you should ask your wife what the fuck she said to get Alyssa, so upset that she'd fall down a flight of stairs!"


            Nick turned his wrath towards his wife. "What about you? You were up there with her. What happened? And why didn't you do anything to stop it?"


            "I tried!" she insisted. "But like I told you, it just happened so fast! I tried to grab her arm, but she'd already fallen too far."


            "What did the two of you possibly have to talk about upstairs alone, anyway?" He eyed her suspiciously. "It had to have gotten her pretty upset for her to trip over her own two feet and fall down a flight of stairs."


            Shayla's eyes pleaded with Nick's, her face already bright red with embarrassment as all of Nick's friends looked on. "Nick, don't do this here," she begged, through clenched teeth. "Not in front of everyone."


            But Nick wasn't listening. He just continued to lash out against her. ""So, are you going to tell me why you needed to talk to Alyssa so badly right before she fell? I mean the two of you have never exactly been friends, so I'm sure you didn't want to talk to her to find out what she was so upset about, right? It just seems suspicious to me that you'd want to speak with her privately," he sarcastically replied.


            Shayla sighed as she ran a hand through her now flattened blonde hair. An uncomfortable silence washed over the room as everyone stared at her, wondering what her answer to Nick's question would be.  She knew that now was the time to tell Nick that she was well aware of his affair with Alyssa. As much as she had dreaded the moment it was either now or never, she wasn't willing to embarrass herself and air the details of her husband's indiscretion in front of the group. She did after all have some pride remaining. "I know," she confessed in a voice that sounded almost too calm as she looked directly at Nick. She watched as Nick's jaw dropped in shock, but before Nick could say another word she cut him off. "We'll talk about it later."


            Sensing, how uncomfortable the situation was getting, Kevin immediately jumped into action, grabbing Nick by the arm. He knew that now wasn't the right time nor place to be getting into this, especially so soon after Nick had received the devastating news about his daughter. He needed to sort all of that out first before he could even begin to live up to his mistakes. "Come on Nick... You've had a rough few hours. Let's just drop this for now and we'll take a walk to the cafeteria. You could probably use something to eat and it'll be good to get out of this waiting room for a while."


            Nick glared warily towards Shayla, but finally gave in to Kevin mostly out of sheer emotional exhaustion. Kevin was right... He really wasn't feeling up to having a showdown with Shayla just yet. That could wait. Right now he needed to prepare himself for facing Alyssa. She was the one person who he knew could completely understand what he was going through and he needed to be strong for her. "Fine," he reluctantly agreed as he let his older brother lead him out into the hallway.




            As promised, by the following afternoon, Dr. Spencer announced that Alyssa seemed to be responding well to the medication that she was on and had lowered her dosage. It was very likely that she would be awakening within the next few hours and Nick was determined to be at her side the moment that she awoke. The last forty-eight hours or so had been an emotional rollercoaster for him. Since he'd received the gut wrenching news about Alyssa losing their daughter, he'd wanted nothing more to curl himself in a ball and just allow himself to finally cry, but he found that he couldn't. Too many of his friends were around trying to comfort him to the point where he felt almost stifled. It wasn't until Kevin had finally coerced him into stopping home just long enough for him to shower and change his clothes that he allowed himself to grieve. There underneath the spray of the showerhead, he finally allowed himself to shed a few tears. Of course as soon as he'd angrily slammed his fist against the tile wall in frustration, Kevin had begun pounding on the bathroom door, begging to know if he was okay. Nick was just sick of people asking him if he was okay. Right now the only person he wanted to be with was Alyssa.


            By the time he had arrived back at the hospital, Alyssa was finally allowed to start having visitors. Taking complete advantage of the fact that Sean had been nowhere to be seen since the tragic news had been delivered, Nick rushed to her side and sat beside her bed for hours. Even though she was still heavily sedated from all the pain medication she was on, he still spoke to her as if she were really awake, lacing her fingers with his and lightly stroking her hair. At some point in the evening, Kevin and Brian had pulled him out very reluctantly. Sean had evidently showed back up and wanted to spend some time with his wife.


            With no other reason to stick around, the rest of the guys had convinced him just to call it a night and get some rest. As it was, he'd barely gotten an hour or two of sleep the night before. The whole time he'd steered clear of Shayla, not caring what impression he was giving to everyone else. His crumbling relationship with his wife remained at the bottom of his list of current concerns. He just simply did not have the energy to get into an explanation of his unfaithfulness to her. It almost seemed pointless now. Shayla had eventually given up and headed back home while Nick was in with Alyssa. Not wanting to face her, he agreed to spend the night at Howie and Teri's house, since no one wanted him spending the night alone.


            Sleep did little to make him feel better. He only got slightly more of it than the previous night and then they were back at the hospital again. The news of Alyssa's potential awakening did put him in a slightly better mood, but he knew that once she found out about the baby she was sure to take it very hard, which would only remind himself of the fresh pain in his own heart. Shayla had called him to ask if he wanted her to come down to the hospital to wait with him. He told her that he didn't care. She'd shown up anyway, but Nick still ignored her, purposely sitting as far as away from her as possible.


            As the hours ticked by Nick was getting more and antsier in his seat. Sean had been in with Alyssa all afternoon and he was getting very impatient. What right does that asshole have to be in with her when she wakes up? he angrily wondered. How long can he really sit there with her?


            His question was answered sometime around two thirty when Sean finally ducked into the waiting room to announce that he was going to grab a sandwich from the cafeteria and asked for someone to find him if Alyssa woke up. Nick leapt to his feet and was sitting by Alyssa's side in only a matter of minutes.


            Please wake up, he silently pleaded with her as he gently squeezed her left hand, the one that did not have the cast on it. He knew that once Sean came back from grabbing his lunch he'd probably demand that he leave. Nick figured that he probably only had maybe an hour with her at best. She looked strangely peaceful as he watched her chest rise up and down with each even breath she took. He squeezed her hand a little bit harder only this time he could've sworn he saw her begin to stir a little. Was she really beginning to wake up or was he just imagining things? Just in case he called out her name. "Alyssa? If you can hear me baby please open your eyes for me."


            This time there was no denying it. Alyssa's body definitely did twitch a little in response. Her eyelids fluttered before finally opening, her eyebrows arched into a confused frown. "Nick?" she asked as he watched her eyes move back and forth around her surroundings in confusion. "Where am I? What's going on?" Her hands instinctively flew to her stomach, but she gasped once she realized that something didn't feel right. Her stomach was flatter, not as rounded as she had last remembered it being. Panic gripped her and she struggled to try to sit up to further investigate. "Something isn't right!" she cried.


            Nick looked down at her almost unsure of how to react. He really wanted to burst into tears right then and there, but he knew that he had to be strong for her sake. He gently grabbed her shoulder and tried to push her back into a laying position. "Lyss, you need to lay still and calm down, okay? You shouldn't be moving around like this."


            As if on cue, a sharp pain hit her in her side and she collapsed again against the pillows beneath her breathing heavily. "Why can't I sit up? Nick, what's going on? What happened to the baby? Where's the baby?"


            Nick looked at her sadly, unsure of where to begin. He was no expert at this. Maybe he should go and get a doctor or something? No, he argued. If you were in this position you'd rather be told by someone you care about than a complete stranger. He could always get a doctor later after he'd told her first. "There's been an accident," he began, shuddering at how cliché it sounded.


            Alyssa's eyes widened, her eyes glancing back down at her stomach and back at him. "No..." she insisted, her eyes brimming with tears. "Please, tell me the baby is okay. She's fine, right? She's got to be."


            Nick could no longer uphold his strong, brave front for her. His head lowered, so that he could hide the tears already beginning to fall down his own face. "I'm so sorry Lyss..." his voice cracked. "The doctors tried... They did all they could, but..."


            Alyssa stared at him in shock for a moment or two until the news fully processed in her head. Once she realized that this wasn't just some awful nightmare she pressed a hand up against her mouth and began to sob. The sound of her crying was enough to break Nick's heart. Not entirely sure what to do he relied on his instincts, wrapping his arms around her shaking body while she continued to cry into his shoulder. He rubbed her back as he let her get all her emotions out and for the first time since receiving the news himself, Nick finally unleashed the dam of tears that he had been struggling to hold back all this time. For about a full five minutes they stayed like that, the only sound emanating through the room being their own strangled sobs.


            Finally shaky breathed and tearstained, Alyssa was able to pull away long enough to ask the inevitable next question. "H-how did this happen?"


            Nick pulled away so that they were eye to eye as he smoothed back a stray piece of her dark hair. "I'm not sure how much you remember, but you were at my surprise party. Do you remember that much?"


            Slowly Alyssa nodded as the night began to come back to her. Her sneaking out on Sean, Sean showing up at the party, the awful things he had said to both her and Nick... She remembered being extremely upset and emotional, but anything else from the night seemed fuzzy to her. She wasn't sure if it was because she was so worked up emotionally at the time, or if it had to do with the drugs she was probably on. Maybe it was a combination of both?


            "You were talking near the top of the stairs with Shayla and I guess you probably just fell or something. That's what she says happened," he continued.


            Alyssa frowned as she struggled to remember for herself. She vaguely could recall Teri and Tricia dragging her up the stairs to calm her down and then Shayla confronting them. Then she and Shayla had been alone and she knew that they had argued, but she honestly couldn't recall much more than that. She remembered the helpless, sinking feeling of fear right before she began to fall and the horrified look on Shayla's face, but that was it. How she had actually managed to fall was still a mystery to her. "I don't really remember," she confessed. "I think I hit my head on the way down or something."


            Nick just nodded. "The doctor said you had a minor concussion. You've been out for almost two days."


            "Two days?" she cried. "What day is it today?"


            "Saturday afternoon," he replied.


            Alyssa immediately began to panic again. "Oh my God... What about work on Monday? I need to call my principal. I need to arrange for a sub. I'm not even sure how long I'll be out of work. I..."


            She just found out she lost her baby and she's worried about work on Monday? Nick wondered to himself, very confused by her reaction, but then it hit him that she was probably in shock and overwhelmed by so much drastic news at once. "Don't worry about that. I think Sean already took care of that."


            "What about my family? Do they know? Did anyone call them?" she fired out.


            Honestly Nick had no idea. He'd been so upset himself the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. He was going to have to suck it up and discuss this all calmly and rationally with Sean later. "Don't worry about any of that babe. We've got it covered," he told her to ease her worries.


            "I don't want them here," she firmly stated. "I don't want them to see me like this. You know how they are. They'll freak."


            "They won't," he promised her. He looked back down at Alyssa and noticed that she was visibly beginning to tremble. "Lyss? Are you all right?"


            "I... I don't know..." she cried, her voice rising with panic. "I just... I can't breathe," she wheezed out. One of the alarms on the monitor next to her bed began to go off causing Nick to jump in panic. She didn't look as if she was suffocating, but her blood pressure had definitely spiked. Before Nick could think of what to do, a nurse burst into the room and rushed over to the machine.


            "How long has she been awake?" the nurse asked him.


            "Maybe fifteen minutes... I told her about the baby and then she began to panic. She told me that she couldn't breathe," he reported. "Is she going to be okay?"


            "Sounds like an anxiety attack to me. It's very common when someone receives upsetting news like this. She's probably just in shock. We'll give her some oxygen and a sedative to calm her down. She'll probably be in and out of consciousness for the next few hours," she explained.


            "Can I stay here with her?"


            The nurse gave him a tight lipped smile. "It's probably better for now for her to get some rest. She's going to need it. I'd suggest coming back tomorrow. She's going to be pretty groggy from the sedative and its best not to upset her right now."


            Nick didn't really want to leave her, but the nurse was beginning to shoot him the evil eye. He reached over to give her hand one last squeeze as the nurse placed an oxygen mask over her face. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise. Get some rest. We'll talk more later."


            Alyssa just nodded and Nick turned to leave the room. He'd thought that actually telling her the news would the hardest part, but now he was beginning to realize that the hard part was only just beginning...


Chapter 50 -Sick As My Secrets by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa decides to come clean to Sean.


Chapter 50 - Sick As My Secrets


            Not long after the nurse had injected her IV line with the sedative, as expected Alyssa fell into a deep slumber. She welcomed the sensation that sleep provided her with. At least when she was sleeping she couldn't reflect on the shocking news that Nick had just delivered. It was almost too much to process. She didn't want to believe that in an instant she'd just lost one of the few things that had been keeping her going these last few months. She'd done so much research and preparation in order to be a good mother, and it seemed cruel for fate to rob her of that chance when she was only weeks away from her due date.


            It felt good to be welcomed into a state of nothingness, but every so often she'd feel herself awakening up near the surface, usually just long enough to catch a glimpse of a visitor or one of the nurses standing over her, checking her vitals. Occasionally she'd even find herself in a moment of coherency, where she could understand what others were saying to her, but only for a minute or two before grogginess overtook her and forced her back down into sleep.


The first time she awoke, she found herself staring into Sean's concerned eyes, but before she could will herself to open her mouth he patted her hand and lightly shushed her. "Don't say anything," he instructed. "You've been through a lot these past few hours and I just want you to concentrate on getting better. Once you're stronger then we can talk about us, but for now it's more important that you take care of yourself." Before she could even nod her head to react, she felt herself drifting back towards sleep.


She awoke again, sometime in what she assumed to be the middle of the night, because the room was dark and her window shades were drawn. A nurse was standing over her injecting something into her IV. She really wanted to ask her for something to drink because her throat felt parched and dry, but fell back to sleep before she could form the words.


The next thing she remembered was opening her eyes surprised to find it not only morning again, but a very distraught looking Shayla pacing at her bedside. Am I dreaming this? she wondered. She had to be. Why would Shayla be there to see her? "I'm really sorry Alyssa," she heard her apologize. "I never meant for this to happen... You've got to believe me! One minute we were arguing and the next you were falling..." The younger woman sniffled as if she was trying to hold back tears. "I wanted to try and grab you, but I just didn't have time. It happened so fast!" Not having the energy or the brain power at the moment to try to understand Shayla's blubbering, Alyssa closed her eyes again.


Whatever sedative they had given her must've been wearing off, because when she awoke the next time, she finally felt awake and somewhat refreshed. This time she had enough energy to prop herself up in bed slightly just as she noticed Dr. Spencer entering the room.


"Good afternoon, Alyssa! It's nice to see you awake finally," the blonde doctor greeted her. "How are you feeling today?"


"I guess okay... I've been in and out of sleep all night and pretty groggy. I'm also pretty thirsty. And sore," she added.


Dr. Spencer just laughed a bit as she poured her a glass of water from the pitcher on her nightstand. "That's all normal. It was probably the sedatives that made you drift in and out of consciousness. And I'd definitely imagine that you'd be sore. Not only are you banged and bruised from your fall down those stairs, but you also just had a c-section early Friday morning."


"I did?" Alyssa asked as she accepted the glass from her doctor. For the first time she realized that outside of the fact that she had lost the baby and she'd fallen down the flight of stairs, she really had no clue what had really happened to her. Nick hadn't gotten into specific details with her. He'd mentioned something about a concussion and she'd noticed the cast on her right arm, but that was it.


Dr. Spencer nodded. "I heard that Nick told you about the baby, right?"                   


Now it was Alyssa's turn to sadly nod. "Yea... It's just so hard to accept that she's gone," she sniffled. "I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and I'm going to find out that this all a dream." She looked up at her doctor, half praying that she'd announce that the baby was after all delivered safely and was up in the neo-natal unit right now resting comfortably. Unfortunately, that explanation never came.


"It is hard," Dr. Spencer admitted. "But we really did all we could for her. You were in a very perilous situation, Alyssa. It could've been just as dangerous for you as it was for your baby. I don't mean to scare you, but when they brought you in you were hemorrhaging pretty badly. If we weren't able to stop it, you could've very easily bled to death."


Alyssa shuddered as she realized just how close she herself could've been to death. As much as she didn't want to talk about it, she knew that it was important for her to fully understand the situation she had been in, so that she could start to deal with it. "What exactly happened?" she tentatively asked.


"When you fell it caused your placenta to rupture entirely. You know of course that without the placenta intact there's no way for a baby to receive food and oxygen. The only thing we could do was to take the risk of delivering the baby early. The sooner we could get the baby out of the womb, the better its chances of survival," she explained. "Unfortunately, we just weren't quite fast enough. By the time we got to the baby it was too late..."


Alyssa was quiet for the moment not sure how she should react. She couldn't believe that she'd actually given birth and had no recollection of it at all. It blew her mind. Luckily before she could think of anything else to say, Dr. Spencer continued on. "Losing a child is a very traumatic experience for anyone and everyone deals with it in their own way. The good news is that I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to go on and have other successful pregnancies in the future. Some couples even find it helpful to start trying again right away."


Alyssa just shook her head. Trying again was not an option for her at this point. Hell, she wasn't even sure what was going on between her and Nick and her and Sean. Everything had seemed to be put on hold for the moment, but Alyssa knew that she was going to have to face both men soon enough. Trying to change the subject, before she got herself even more upset Alyssa gestured towards the cast on her wrist. "What about all this other stuff?"


"In addition to the baby you suffered a minor concussion, a broken wrist, and some cracked ribs," she went on to report. Ahh... So that was why it had hurt so much to sit up. "You were very lucky though. All three injuries could've been much worse. The ribs will heal in time, you'll just have to take it easy for the next month or so and you'll have to have the cast on for about four to six weeks, but after that you should be as good as new."


"How long until I'm out of here?" was her next question.


"It really depends on your progress. You seem to be a lot more alert today. We're going to try to get you back on to solid foods and walking around again. If you continue to progress I'd say we could have you out by maybe Tuesday at the earliest."


Alyssa nodded as she lay back against her pillows. "Thank you Doctor."


"I'll be in to check on you again in another few hours. Meanwhile we'll get the nurses to bring you something semi-solid to eat." Dr. Spencer turned on her heels and began to head towards the door, but then turned around and stopped. "You have a lot that you are dealing with right now. Sometimes it's helpful to talk to someone about it. If you'd like I could arrange to have someone from the psych department come up and speak with you?"


"No, that's not necessary," Alyssa quickly answered. The last thing she wanted to do right now is to unload her problems to some shrink. She'd much rather grieve on her own and privately. She didn't want to discuss it except maybe with Nick.


Dr. Spencer gave her small, sympathetic smile, but it did not push the matter. "If you change your mind, just let me know. The offer still stands."


Alyssa didn't answer. She just closed her eyes and pretended to fall back asleep. She couldn't deal with people feeling sorry for her right now. It must've worked because her doctor left the room leaving Alyssa with frustrated tears streaming down her cheeks. This time around though, she found that sleep was no longer a comfort. She simply could not sleep any longer.




            Just as he'd promised, early that evening, Nick showed up in Alyssa's hospital room. "How are you feeling?" he greeted her. "Dr. Spencer says that you've been up and alert today." Getting no answer from her, he stepped further into the room to see Alyssa blankly staring into space, fresh tearstains on her cheeks. "Lyss, are you okay? Do you want me to get a nurse or something?"


            Alyssa slowly turned her head towards him, acknowledging his presence in the room for the first time. She ignored his question. Instead she asked him one of her own. "Do you know what the name Zoey means in Greek?" Without giving him a chance to answer she went ahead and told him. "Life... Pretty ironic that even with a name like that her life was ended before it even really began."


            Nick had to admit that he hadn't known the meaning behind Zoey's name and found the definition to be just as cryptic as Alyssa had. A chill ran through him as he made himself comfortable in the chair beside her bed. "That's a pretty freaky coincidence," he remarked.


            Alyssa just nodded her head. "Dr. Spencer told me everything. About the c-section and how my placenta had ruptured. She said that I could've bled out on them."


            Nick just sighed. "It was pretty scary," he admitted. "I was worried sick not only about the baby, but about you too."


            "It's not fair!" she cried. "Why did this have to happen to us? I can't believe I was so stupid to hold a conversation right at the top of the stairs. I shouldn't have even been wearing those ridiculous heels I had on. I was just asking for trouble. You must hate me."


            "I can't hate you, Lyss. As much as I wanted to pin the blame on someone else at first, this is just as much my fault as it is yours." He looked away, almost embarrassed. "If I hadn't acted like such a testosterone fueled, hot headed man with Sean, you'd never have been so upset in the first place. I should've handled things with him better."


            "This is our punishment, isn't it?" she asked, almost completely out of the blue.


            Nick frowned. "Punishment? Lyss, I'm not sure I understand you."


            "Our punishment for being together! The only reason I probably became pregnant in the first place was for someone to teach us a lesson! We were wrong in cheating on both Shayla and Sean, but we did it anyway because it felt good. Now we've lost the one precious thing that was holding us together. It's karma," she tried to explain even though it seemed to her own ears like she was babbling incoherently.


            "You can't think like that Lyss," he tried to argue with her.


            "But it's true! This wouldn't have happened if we were a proper couple!" she insisted. "I wouldn't have had to sneak out to attend your party, Sean wouldn't have shown up and caused a scene, I wouldn't have gotten so upset, and Shayla and I wouldn't have gotten into in it on top of the stairs." She ticked off each chain of event with her fingers. "See? I never would've fallen and then Zoey would still be alive."


            Nick just stared at her pitifully. It was easy to see where she was coming from, but he couldn't allow himself to think that way. At least one of them had to be the strong one, even if it was only on the outside.


            "I've decided that I'm going to tell Sean the truth tomorrow morning," she announced. "The whole truth. I'm sick of lying. It hasn't done me one bit of good."


            "Everything? Even about how he can't have children?" Nick asked warily.


            Alyssa nodded. "I want it all out in the open. No more secrets. I'm sick of it!"


            "Are you sure that's the best idea?" He gently stroked the top of her hand. "I thought you said that you were afraid to tell him because of how he'd react?"


            She just rolled her eyes. "He can't do anything to me in a hospital bed. All I have to do is press the call button and I'll have a team of nurses in my room within a minute flat. It's actually probably the safest scenario."


            Nick sighed although he had to admit that she had a point there. "Do you want me to be there when you tell him?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "I appreciate the offer, but it's probably for the best if I just tell him on my own. Where he can't go after me, there's nothing stopping him going after you. I just think it's for the best if I handle this."


            Nick nodded in agreement. "Fair enough. So, after you talk to him, it'll finally be all settled. I'll speak with my attorney, so that we can start discussing divorce proceedings for Shayla and I. Meanwhile, I can start moving stuff in the condo, so by the time you're released, we'll be good to go."


            "Whoa... Hold up... What do you mean, ‘we'll be good to go,' Nick?" Alyssa held up a hand to cut him off and looked at him curiously. "Don't you think you're moving just a tad bit too fast here?"


            Nick's stomach plummeted as he realized that he and Alyssa weren't exactly on the same page when it came it cam down to how quickly they should pursue a relationship together. "Well, that was the plan, right?" he nervously asked, chewing on his lip. "You come clean to Sean, ask for a divorce, I divorce Shayla, and then we move in with each other. I mean I know things have changed in the past few days at all, but I don't see why we have to change our plans. We can finally be together and not have to hide anything anymore. Isn't that what you wanted?"


            "I can't believe you," she told him, her voice rising in disbelief. "I just lost our baby and all you can care about right now is going through with a set of plans that we made months ago? Things were completely different back then! Now, I'm not sure what I want! I can barely deal with losing Zoey right now... I can't keep adding shit to my plate."


            "You're not the only one who lost Zoey," he reminded her. "I did too and I know it might not seem that way, but I'm hurting too. We can help each other through this, Lyss..."


            Alyssa shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know about that Nick... I have so much that I know I need to figure out and deal with before I can even think about jumping into a relationship. I just don't think this is the right time."


            Nick sighed, not being able to believe the sudden change in Alyssa's attitude. It has to be that she's just overwhelmed and emotional right now. She'll come around, he tried to tell himself. The best thing for both of them would be to end the conversation for now and pick it back up at a later time when Alyssa was feeling more up to it. "We don't have to reach any decisions just yet. I know that you're upset right now and you're feeling a little lost, but I just want you to think about it, okay? Clear things up with Sean first and in the meantime I'm going to talk to Shayla."


            "I don't want this to get out farther than just friends and family right now," she warned him. "I don't want to have to deal with all this coming out in the media, especially right now.


            "I'll make sure Shayla keeps her mouth closed," he promised as he bent down to drop a light kiss on her cheek. "Why don't you get some rest? You're going to need it for tomorrow. I'll see you then."


            Alyssa just nodded as she lay back against her pillows. "I'm sorry if I was a bitch to you."


            "It's okay," he assured her. "You're going through a lot, so I can forgive you. Think about what I said." Before she could reply back he was out the door, already heading down the hallway at a brisk pace, He had some business of his own to attend to at home.





            For the first time since the night of Alyssa's accident, Nick arrived back at his home with the intention of doing more than just grabbing a shower and a change of clothes. As soon as he walked in the front door he could already feel his nerves eating away at him, but he knew that this was something that he had to do. Even if he hadn't had his earlier conversation with Alyssa, he'd have to face Shayla sooner or later and for the first time in months he finally realized what he needed to do about their marriage. Getting a sudden burst of confidence he made his way further into the house, searching for Shayla. He knew that she was at home because her car was parked in the driveway.


            He didn't have to look very far to find her. By the time he reached the living room Shayla popped out from the kitchen. Has she actually been cooking? he wondered as he caught sight of her drying her hands with a dish towel. "Nick... It's nice to see you home," she greeted him with a hug. "How's Alyssa doing?"


            Nick just shrugged. "As good as can be expected. I mean she just found out she lost her daughter in some stupid, freak accident that she can hardly remember, along with a few other injuries. She's pretty upset and emotional right now, but can you really blame her?"


            "So, she doesn't remember anything about the fall?" Shayla asked, sounding almost anxious. Why is she so interested? Nick wondered as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.


            "No, she doesn't," he honestly answered her. "But maybe you can enlighten me? What were the two of you talking about upstairs before she fell? Must've been something pretty upsetting..."


            Shayla's eyes widened a little in surprise at his suspicion. ""I didn't push her down the stairs if that's what you are trying to imply," she shakily replied. "I don't know why you would even think that I would do something like that. That really hurts Nick." Okay, so it was a complete lie. She had pushed Alyssa, but it hadn't been like that. It wasn't the least bit premeditated. But she knew that Nick would certainly not buy that one. It was scaring her enough already that he seemed to be stumbling so close to the truth. Or maybe she was just paranoid as a result of a guilty conscience. "For the five millionth time... She slipped and I went to grab her, but I just couldn't get to her in time."


            Nick raised his eyebrows in her direction giving her the impression that perhaps she'd already said too much. "I'm not accusing you of anything," he innocently replied. "Who said that I thought you pushed her? I just want to know why you insisted on talking to her alone is all."


            Shayla sighed as she realized that there was no more use in holding back what she already knew. She'd already alluded to the fact that she knew about his affair with Alyssa after he had found out about the baby, but had told him that they could discuss it at a another time and another place. Well, the time and the place seemed to be upon them now and there was no more stalling that could be done. They were finally going to have to get into the truth. "We need to talk," she announced as she moved into the living room and collapsed on the couch behind her. She patted the area next to her, signaling Nick to come join her.


            Nick just nodded and sat down beside her, making himself as comfortable as he could for such an uncomfortable conversation. Before he could even open up his mouth to open up the discussion, Shayla had already begun. "I know everything that has been going on between you and Alyssa. It's not really important how I found out, but I did. Let's just say I finally figured it out on my own and leave it at that."


            She stopped there to give Nick the opening to defend himself, but surprisingly he remained absolutely quiet. "You don't even have anything to say for yourself?" she asked incredulously after a minute or so of silence. "You're not going to try to give me any kind of explanation?"


Nick just shrugged. "What's there to say Shayla? I'm not going to lie or make excuses for what I've done. I'm not going to deny it because right now it seems pretty pointless. Everything is going to come out now anyway. Sean already knows that I've been seeing Alyssa while he was gone. There's no sense in hiding it any longer."


            Shayla was taken back by her husband's completely unapologetic attitude towards the whole affair. That wasn't at all how she had anticipated him to react and it baffled her a bit. Maybe it was time to take it a step further. "I also know about the baby. It's yours, not Sean's. I saw the sonogram picture in your wallet. It fell off the dresser and the picture fell out. "


            Nick's face darkened. "It was mine. Doesn't matter whose it was anymore."


That's when Shayla began to crack. Nick seemed like he just could care less how she reacted. He didn't seem at all sorry or ashamed for what he had done. She could feel tears brimming behind her eyelids. "You really don't care, do you?"


            Again he shrugged. "Like I said it's pretty much all out in the open now. There's no sense fighting it." He briefly paused. "So, let me guess? You wanted to talk to Alyssa in private to confront her about the truth?"


            "Something like that..." Shayla turned her head away from him so that he couldn't see the tears beginning to fall down her cheeks and braced herself for the impending explosion that was sure to happen. She wasn't disappointed.


            "Dammit, Shayla!" Nick cried, pounding his fist against the arm of the couch. "Why would you do something like that? Why didn't you just come to me first? She was already upset and vulnerable and you completely took advantage of the situation! You probably said something to upset her which caused her not to pay attention to where she was going and trip! You probably may as well have pushed her!"


            His words stung her and forced her to whirl her head around not caring if he saw her with a face full of tears. "Because if I came to you first, you wouldn't have told me the truth! The only reason that you're so open about it now is because of everything that just happened. If Alyssa hadn't fallen and if Sean was still clueless about the two of you, it would still be under wraps, wouldn't it?"


            Nick shook his head. "You're wrong... You don't even know what me and Alyssa's plans were! If you want to know the truth, Alyssa was about to tell Sean the truth about us anyway and as soon as she did we were both going to file for divorce!"


            Shayla's jaw dropped once she processed what he had just said. "You were going to divorce me?" she shakily asked. "Was that your plan all along?"


            "Not all along," he admitted. "Shayla, you have to admit that things between us haven't been completely right for almost a year now. This isn't working out."


            Still Shayla stubbornly shook her head. "You're just giving up too easy! We can fix this! I'm willing to forgive you. We can try marriage counseling or something. You can't just give up on us!"


            Nick ignored her desperate pleas, and in a moment of clarity he stood up knowing exactly what he needed to do. He looked down at her giving her an almost pitying look. ""I'm sorry Shayla, but we're over... No amount of marriage counseling is going to change the fact that I'm just not in love with you anymore. I hate to sound cold, but that's the truth. Right now, I have bigger things on my mind then you and me. I just lost my daughter and I've barely had any time to start working through that. The only person who can possibly understand what I'm going through right now is Alyssa."


            "So, what are you trying to say? That you're going to run off and go be with her now?" she cried, her voice rising with panic.


            Nick shook his head. "I'm not sure... It's a little too soon to say. Alyssa's got shit she needs to figure out first and so do I." He took a deep breath before making his announcement, a little voice of encouragement ringing through his head. "I'm moving out."


            "What?" Shayla gasped in surprise. "Nick, you can't do that to me. I love you! You can't end things like this!"


            "I can and I'm going to," he confidently replied. "Sorry Shayla, but this is it. I'm going upstairs and packing my shit."


            Shayla shook her head in disbelief. "No, it's not," she insisted, sounding close to tears. "You'll be back! Just like the last time. When Alyssa rejects you, you'll come crawling back to me again. You're not going to divorce me. You don't have the guts to!"


            Nick turned back around to face her. "I don't?" he innocently asked.


            "Nope," she stubbornly answered. "If you did, you'd have done it months ago. You're a coward! You're nothing without me! If this comes out in the media, you're going to come out looking like the bad guy, not me. So go ahead and leave!"


            He glared at her for a moment knowing Shayla well enough to know that her threats were empty. She'd say anything out of desperation to get him to stay. Hell, this was the same woman after all who had faked a pregnancy to get him to stay with her. He knew that Shayla was looking for a fight if nothing else and he refused to give it to her. "You're right. I'm not going to divorce you, or at least not yet, but for one reason and one reason only. Alyssa. She's going through a lot of emotional shit right now and I'm not about to drag her into some media scandal which I'm sure is what you'll turn this into. So for now, no I'm not making any rash moves until I know she's ready. But I wouldn't get my hopes up about me returning either."


            Before she could say another word, he walked away and headed up the stairs to their bedroom, locking the door behind him. He grabbed a large suitcase out of his closet and began to cram as much as he could into it. He'd definitely have to make another trip back here later, but this was definitely enough to get him through at least a few days. He wasn't sure where he was going this time. The condo was out because he had a feeling that after Alyssa spoke with Sean, she was going to need a place to stay herself and the least he could do was to offer up the condo to her. She'd made it quite clear that she didn't want the two of them staying together just yet, and under the circumstances Nick had no choice but to follow her wishes. He'd been spending the past few days crashing in the guestroom at Howie's house which is where he assumed he'd probably hang around for at least the next few weeks until Alyssa got her head on straight. He'd rather be around his friends at a time like this than holed up in a hotel suite by himself anyway.


            He finished his packing and zipped up his suitcase. He picked it up off the bed and headed to his office to pack up his laptop and other necessities. Once he was sure he had everything that he would need for at least a week or so he headed back down the stairs. As expected, Shayla was waiting at the foot of the stairs, her eyes brimming with tears and looking up at him pleadingly. "Please don't do this Nick," she begged. "Don't leave me!"


            Nick just ignored her as he continued out the front door for good this time. Her words did not bother him. By now he'd heard it all before anyway.


End Notes:
Ding dong the witch is dead! Or is she? Well, for this story this is probably the last of her, but she'll be back in the sequel!
Chapter 51 - The Truth About Lies by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

The truth is revealed...


Chapter 51- The Truth About Lies


            The next morning Alyssa sat up in bed mentally rehearsing in her head exactly what she had planned to tell Sean when he came in to see her later. She'd talked to him briefly over the phone the night before and requested to see him today saying that she thought it would be a good idea if they talked. Sean had agreed. They hadn't yet had the opportunity to discuss her infidelity and she hoped that now that he had a few days for the news to sink in that he would be calm enough to discuss it rationally. She was unsure how he was going to react to the news of the baby. She knew that he was sure to be angry, but she hoped that being that she was choosing to have the conversation in the hospital would ensure that he hold back on his aggression.


            Honestly, she wasn't sure how he had been handling himself the past couple of days. He'd been to see her a few times, but definitely not as much as Nick had. As far as she knew the two men had been avoiding each other like the plague, which she was thankful for. She just hoped that Sean wasn't engaging in any counterproductive behavior. She knew that he was probably upset about the baby and dealing with it on his own. She just hoped that didn't mean finding solace in a bottle of alcohol, although she had a bad feeling that may have been the reason that had been keeping him away in the first place.


            Although she did not feel much better emotionally about the loss of her daughter, her doctors and nurses seemed pleased with the rate at which she was physically mending. Yesterday she'd been allowed to get out of bed for the first time since she'd woken up and the nurse had made her take a short walk. Actually it had been more of a painful shuffle for Alyssa between the soreness from her ribs and the aching in her stomach from the c-section. As much of a struggle as it had been, the nurse had insisted that it was important for her to get up and walk around so that she did not develop blood clots. Alyssa wasn't sure what those were, but they didn't sound good and she knew that she had enough health problems at the moment to worry about adding something else to the list. Dr. Spencer still insisted that she should be ready to go home within the next day or two, but Alyssa wasn't sure if she could see how. Hell, after the way things were probably going to go down with Sean she'd be lucky if she'd have a place to go home to.


            The sound of footsteps outside her door jarred Alyssa from her thoughts. She looked up just in time to see Sean enter the door looking slightly uncomfortable with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "These are for you," he told her. "Thought they'd make you feel better."


            "How sweet..." Alyssa gave him a half smile, feeling guilty that while was preparing to pretty much rip his heart right out of his chest, he was bringing her flowers. "You can put them on the windowsill where all the others are," she instructed, pointing towards the various cards and flowers she'd accumulated in the past few days from friends and family members.


            Sean crossed the room to put the flowers away making sure to close the door behind them so that they could have some privacy. Once the flowers were on the windowsill he went back around to her bedside and settled into a chair next to her bed giving her a serious look. "So, I think you and I need to have a serious talk here."


            Alyssa just nodded in agreement. Just be honest and don't hold anything back, she mentally coached herself. She'd already prepared herself for the most obvious questions that she knew he was going to ask. The hard part would be telling him about the baby though; especially when he'd already spent the past two or three days grieving her.


            The way he started though was not at all how she expected. Instead of asking the inevitable questions that she had been expecting from him, he came right out with an unexpected zinger of his own. "I bumped into Dr. Spencer in the hall on my way here."


            "Oh?" Alyssa asked slightly uneasily, not sure where this was heading.


            "Yea... It was pretty interesting. I know this is probably is the last thing you want to hear about right now, but I stopped her to ask who I'd speak with about making any arrangements for Katherine. Imagine my surprise when she frowned and said ‘Katherine? Don't you mean Zoey?' Care to explain what that was all about?" Sean's eyes narrowed in her direction.


            Alyssa could practically feel her stomach flip flop. This wasn't at all how she wanted the baby subject to come up, but it looked like she had no choice, but to give him some sort of explanation. If Dr. Spencer had suspected anything strange about her friendship with Nick (and how could she not, he'd came with her to almost all of her appointments) she kept her suspicions to herself. It was almost as if the two women had a very strict don't ask, don't tell policy. She had a feeling that Dr. Spencer knew more than she let on, but she seemed to take her doctor/patient confidentiality very seriously. When Alyssa had awoke and was asked what name she wanted on the birth certificate, she'd gone with her instinct and went with Zoey Michelle Carter, the name she and Nick had agreed on together. She'd left the father's name blank on purpose for the time being. At that moment, she knew for sure that Dr. Spencer knew of her situation, but thankfully the older woman had not questioned her decision. That's why she honestly felt that this was an honest mistake from her. She just wasn't sure how to go about in answering her husband's question.


            "Why did you change the name we agreed on like that?" he continued to question. "It just strikes me as shady. Between this and the shit with Nick? I feel like I don't even know you anymore."


            Alyssa sighed and looked over at him and was surprised to find his expression more pleading than angry. He genuinely seemed to want to know the truth and she knew him well enough to know that deep down he was clinging on to hope that she'd have a perfectly logical explanation for him that was far from what he feared to be the truth. She had no choice, but to tear his hope apart. "Sean... The reason why I switched the name on you is because..." she paused, staring down at her fingers before blurting out the awful truth. "The baby, she wasn't yours."


            She watched slowly as a thousand emotions seemed to come over Sean's face. First shock, then disappointment, and then anger. "Are you trying to fucking tell me that this thing you had going on with Nick started even before I was deployed?"


            Alyssa slowly nodded already feeling tears stinging her eyes. "I'm so sorry Sean. I didn't know when I first told you and then you were so happy I didn't know how to break it to you when I did find out. Plus, I didn't want to tell you about Nick over the phone or through an e-mail and since flying out to Iraq was out of the question it had to wait until I could see you again."


            Sean stood up and pushed the chair backwards with so much force that it almost hit the wall behind him. Not being able to bear to look at her he strode over to the window, gazing out at the view below him. "I can't fucking believe this," he murmured, almost to himself. "How? How did you find this all out? Obviously you've known for quite a while now. How do you know it's his? Maybe it is mine, after all. Not like you could've had a paternity test while the baby wasn't even born yet!"


            This was the part that she was regretting telling him the most. "Remember when we went to the fertility clinic and had those tests done? Well, not long after I discovered I was pregnant I got a phone call inquiring about rescheduling our follow up appointment. I told them that we didn't need the appointment because I had just found out that I was pregnant. An hour or so later Dr. Beard called me personally. He asked if I was sure I was pregnant because our tests indicated that you... Oh God, Sean I'm so sorry!"


            "That I what? What did the tests say? Tell me God dammit!" his voice thundered.


            "That you can't have children! You're sterile Sean!" There she'd said it, but it did not make her feel at all any better.


            The expression on Sean's face looked as if someone had just stabbed him the gut. All the color drained out of his face and he looked completely shocked. "You're lying," he accused her. "That can't be. You're just saying that because you wanted Nick to be the father. You're making all this up! It's not true!"


            "Sean, you can call them up if you'd like or seek a second opinion, but the reality of it is that we tried for eight months and nothing happened. What are the chances that we were just magically able to conceive the night before you left for Iraq? One in a million?" she softly told him. "Face it Sean... It makes sense."


            "No... No... I refuse to believe that shit!" he pounded his fist angrily against the window ledge beside him. "It's not fair that you've been fucking him behind my back all this time now and he's the one that gets you pregnant! It's fucked up. It's totally fucked up! How long have you been doing this anyway? Ever since we bumped into him and his wife on our anniversary?"


            "No," she honestly replied. At least this was one question she had been prepared to answer. "It actually wasn't until back in June. Do you remember that night we had the big fight a few weeks after I had that false alarm? The night I ran out?"


            "You ran right into his fucking arms?" he cried. "That's so completely sleazy!"


            "It wasn't like that!" she insisted. "He has this condo that he bought for me back when we used to date. I was supposed to move into it, but then we broke up. Anyway he still has it and gave me the key if I ever needed anyplace to stay, so I went there and he just happened to be there as well."


            "How convenient," he spat. "He was probably just waiting for you to show up so that he could pounce on you!"


            Alyssa knew that she had to keep herself together while still defending herself to him. She knew that she had been wrong in what she done, but she needed to be the bigger person and take responsibility for her own actions and not pin all the blame on Nick. "You're wrong. It actually went quite differently than that. It was both very mutual."


            Sean sighed, the frustration on his face quite evident. "I guess my big question is why? Why him? Why then? What was it that drew you to him? I mean I can almost understand why you would be unfaithful to me after I left. I was halfway around the world... You were lonely... He was available... I don't accept it, but I can at least see your logic. But right under my fucking nose? Why? It wasn't like I was denying you anything! We were having plenty of sex!"


            "That was just it Sean! I know this is going to sound really hurtful to you, but I need to be honest here!  I don't think you realized it, but everything turned into ‘let's try to have a baby' and ‘we have to keep working at it' that our entire relationship became centered on trying to produce a baby that as it turns out was impossible to produce after all! Do you know the pressure that was put on me because of that? With every failed attempt I felt worse and worse because I thought that it was my fault somehow. Sex entirely stopped being a way to express how we feel about each other and became a ‘job' to do. You didn't even seem to care if I enjoyed it or not! Just as long as I got pregnant!"


            "How come you didn't tell me about this before?" he shot back. "If I wasn't doing something for you, all you had to do was fucking tell me!"


            "I tried! You wouldn't listen! You let your fucking ego get in the way. Face it Sean, you dug your own grave. It was only a matter of time before this happened." Alyssa sighed, choosing her next words carefully. "I'm not intending to throw anything in your face or put you down, but Nick was way more attentive to me than you had been in months!  I honestly felt like shit afterwards about it, but as selfish as it sounds it was something I needed."


            Sean seemed to give up trying to defend himself and quickly changed tactics. "I don't see what he could've possibly done that I haven't ever done for you. He practically broke you Alyssa! It took me months to get you to the point that you could trust me enough to be truly intimate with you. I didn't put all that work on you, just so that you could try out your new found confidence on him!"


            "You put shit on me... In the end, I was the one who decided to ultimately let my guard down, so don't pin medals on yourself," she reminded him.


            "So, he did everything that I didn't huh? He went down on you? Did you suck him off?"


            "I don't think that's any business of yours," she briskly answered, feeling her cheeks redden with how ugly he made it all seem.


            "Tell me, dammit!" he demanded sending one of the vases of flowers on her windowsill to come crashing down to the floor below and breaking into a million pieces. "You apparently have nothing to hide, so tell me!"


            Alyssa swallowed hard, knowing that he wouldn't let up until she gave in. It was probably just easier to answer him. "Yes," she just simply replied. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"


            "Did you ever fuck him in our home?" was his next question.


            "I don't understand why you want to know all this," she commented, trying to avoid the question he was directing at her. It was almost as if he was like asking for all the details on purpose. Why would he want to know these things?


            "Answer the damn question!" he growled.


            Alyssa sighed; feeling tears of guilt escape the corners of her eyes. Feeling like a criminal she gave in. "Yes."


            "Where? Did you fuck him in our bed?"


            Finally losing her patience with him she exploded, giving him exactly the reaction he was looking for. "Yes! I fucked him in our bed! Are you happy now? I fucked him all over our house. In the guest bedroom, in the bathroom, on the couch, on the floor... Everywhere! Why are you fucking doing this?"


            Sean just a pompous looking smirk on his face as he rubbed his hands together, obviously pleased she had given him the reaction he had been looking for. "Makes you feel a lot like a whore when you put it that way doesn't it? That's all you are anyway. Only whores cheat on their husbands. And to think... I was out fighting for our country and you were at home fucking your ex -boyfriend.  You had me fooled. Here I thought you were such a sweet, genuine, girl and you turned out to be some trashy, low class, lying, whore!"


            Alyssa finally had enough of his slandering abuse. He definitely was making her feel more and more degraded by the minute and she knew that she didn't have to put up with this any longer. "Please, get the fuck out of here before I get security to drag you out," she very calmly threatened.


            "Oh, but I'm just getting started," he responded with a wild look in his eyes. He was beginning to lose it and before he could do anything crazy, her fingers dove for the call button beside her bed. Thankfully, within a few moments a tough looking, heavyset nurse had arrived at the door, prying it open.


            "Is everything all right in here, Mrs. Robinson?" the nurse asked, eying Sean suspiciously.


            "Actually no, it's not. I was hoping we could get security to escort my husband off the premises. He's harassing me," she reported in a clear, businesslike voice.


            The nurse eyed Sean and Sean held up his hands willingly as he backed away from her. "No need for that. I'm leaving on my own." He started heading for the door, but turned around last minute. "I don't care where you go once you're released, but it's not going to be back home with me. Have one of your great friends stop by to pick up all your shit. Expect a call from my lawyer about divorce papers. Have a fantastic life!" With that said he was out the door.


            As soon as he exited the room Alyssa couldn't help, but to burst into tears, the intensity of the showdown being too much for her to handle. "Are you okay?" the nurse asked, sympathetically patting her on the shoulder. "He's not blaming you for the baby, is he?"


            Alyssa just shook her head, not wanting to blurt out her personal business to a perfect stranger. "No, it's a long story. Is there anyway that you can prevent him from coming back while I am here?" She wasn't worried about herself as much as she was worried about him hanging around to start shit with Nick or any of her other friends.


            "I'll see what I can do," the nurse replied as she headed for the door. "You should get some rest though. All this stress is just going to delay the healing process."


            "You're right," Alyssa agreed. "I'll try to do that." She closed her eyes as she waited for the nurse to exit the room and then sighed loudly, opening them again. There was definitely no way that she could possibly get any sleep when her argument with Sean playing on constant rewind in her head. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't seem to get his awful words out of her mind. Finally with tears still slipping down her cheeks she forced her eyes closed and willed all her concentration to focus on falling asleep.




            After laying there for almost half an hour, Alyssa finally managed to slip into unconsciousness, but didn't get much rest. She was haunted by bad dreams and squirmed restlessly in her sleep. When she finally did open her eyes an hour or so later, she was surprised to find Nick sitting beside her bed obviously waiting for her to wake up so that he could hear how her conversation with Sean had went.


            "Hey," he greeted softly as he watched her awaken. "I'm glad you finally woke up."


            Alyssa sat up, stretched, and rubbed her still puffy eyes with her hands. "Hi," she echoed back. "Sorry... I was just trying to get a little rest."


            "That's perfectly fine. What you should be doing." He looked at her for a moment in obvious concern. She definitely looked a lot more tired and rundown then she had yesterday. Her face was pale and her eyes looked swollen from more than just sleep. Judging from the dark circles underneath them and the blotchiness in her cheeks, it almost looked as if she'd been crying recently. "How did things go with Sean?" he tentatively asked.


            Just at the mention of her husband's name, Alyssa seemed to go limp and Nick could tell just by her reaction that the confrontation hadn't gone well. "It went," she dully replied. "We're done."


            Even though Nick knew that she probably didn't want to talk about it right now, the matter needed to be discussed. He needed to be made aware of what had gone on between the two of them. "So, I'm guessing you told him everything, huh? How'd he take it?"


            Alyssa sighed, seeming more interested in the pattern on her hospital gown than looking at him. "It started off with him taking it pretty well, as well as could be expected I guess. He already knew something was up with the baby because I didn't name her Katherine like he wanted me to. When I told him about him not being able to have children, he kind of flipped and accused me of making up lies, and it kind of just downhill from there." Already she could feel fresh tears building up in her eyes.


            "What did he say to you?" Nick demanded.


            She just shook her head, this time turning away from him and burying her head in her pillow as she began to cry. She couldn't bear to look at him and repeat the awful things he had said to her. She was almost embarrassed at how dirty he had made her feel, how ugly he had made their actions out to sound. "It was horrible," she muttered. "He was such an asshole."


            "You can tell me Lyss," he assured her, reaching over to rub her back. "It might help to get it all out."


            She took in a deep breath before everything came spilling out of her. "He wanted to know everything. First it was why and I knew that it was going to be like a complete blow to his ego, but I had to be honest. He needed to know the truth. Only that just infuriated him more I guess, so then he just kind of went crazy. He kept asking me all these horrible questions and demanded that I answered them. He wanted to know what we did and where we did it and he wouldn't stop until I gave him answers. He made me feel really dirty, like he was trying to degrade me or something. He even called me a whore. He said that ‘only whores cheat on their husbands.'"


            Nick could already feel his blood begin to boil. What he and Alyssa had done to Sean was fucked up, but there was no reason for him to be so vulgar to her. There was no excuse for a man to ever talk to a woman like that, and even though Nick knew he would be calling himself a hypocrite if he claimed to be the type of guy who had always treated women with respect, he knew better now. Even though he had said some hurtful things to Shayla, he thought that he had handled the situation with class and dignity, two things that Sean obviously did not have. "Please tell me you got security to haul his ass out? Because if I see him anywhere within ten feet of this hospital -"


            "I handled it," she insisted, cutting Nick off before he could finish making his threat. "I called one of the nurses to get security, but when he saw that I wasn't joking he left willingly. Of course not without warning me that I'd be hearing from his lawyer and that I'd better send someone over to the house to pick up all my belongings because he's throwing me out. Nice, right? Like I don't have enough shit right now to stress over."


            "Well, you know that you're completely welcome to move into the condo for the time being. The place was supposed to be yours originally and you're going to have to stay somewhere," he offered. "And I'm sure a few of the guys wouldn't mind stopping over to get your things and moving them into the condo for you."


            "Thanks," she told him. She wasn't thrilled about moving in the condo where so many fresh memories of their affair would be sure to haunt her, but it wasn't like she had a hell of a lot of other options available either. It would be good enough for her at least while she recovered. "I just fucking hate this," she sighed.


            Nick frowned, not sure what she was getting at. "What do you mean? Being kicked out of your own home?"


            "It's more than that... I was never so embarrassed in my life then this morning when I had to actually ask to have Sean escorted out of the building," Alyssa confessed. "I know the doctors and the nurses here don't know the full story, but they've got to be wondering what's going on by now. I'm probably the talk of the nurse's station on this floor! I just hate having all my dirty laundry aired out for everyone to see! It's not me! I hate being talked about and gossiped about."


            Nick looked at her sympathetically. "It sucks Lyss, but it's not like you've never been gossiped about before. Remember back when we first started dating? It took you a while to get used to all the fans hating on you for no reason. And when you started dancing with us on tour? You remember how cruel the other dancers were to you because they were jealous of you and thought you were getting special treatment."


            "That was different Nick! I didn't do anything wrong in either case. It was just ignorant people who chose not to like me for superficial reasons beyond my control," she pointed out. "This is completely the opposite. This time I did do something wrong and I already feel like I'm being wrongly judged because of it. And then to add insult to injury I'm trying to get over losing my daughter which is bad enough alone, but now I have to deal with all this external pressure of everything falling apart all at once! I'm going through such a rough time as it is, I don't need an audience!"


            Nick pursed his lips together and then sighed. He could see exactly where she was coming from, but he couldn't exactly relate. Yea, he knew what it felt like to be under constant scrutiny from the public. Not a day of his life did not go by where he wasn't judged by somebody. That was just part of the entertainment world. When he'd become famous he'd been forced to very quickly develop a thick skin and learn to ignore what people said about him. Sometimes he forgot that not everybody was the same way and although Alyssa had seemed to have made leaps and bounds from the insecurities that had haunted them in the past, they were still a part of her and no matter how much she changed, they could still flare up in situations like this where she felt powerless. If this was how she was reacting about a few raised eyebrows from nurses how was she going to be able to handle a relationship with him once the whole world learned about their affair? "I know where you're coming from Lyss and I don't want to scare you, but this is just the beginning. It's going to get a lot worse, before it gets better. This hasn't even hit the media yet and it doesn't have to right away, but as soon as we become ‘official' there's not going to be any looking back. It's going to be brutal and people will be talking shit about you. You need to toughen up or you're never going to get through this."


            Instead of taking it the way he had intended though, Alyssa immediately misconstrued his words and took them to be a personal insult. "Toughen up? I just lost my fucking daughter and you tell me that I need to toughen up? Like I'm just supposed to all of a sudden be over it? Maybe you can get over these types of things in like two seconds, but I can't!"


            Her reaction was not at all like the one that Nick had expected. He knew that Alyssa was going through a lot between the baby, Sean, him, and trying to recuperate from her injuries, but quite frankly he was starting to lose his patience with her. He felt her pain, but that was just it. She had been so self involved since she'd woken up that she hadn't stopped to consider the fact that he was just as upset as her. He finally felt like he'd reached the point where he had to speak his mind. "Who says that I'm already over it? Correction, we lost our daughter! You've just been so busy throwing yourself one big pity party that you can't see past yourself! I'm hurting just as much as you are! Maybe even more so because this is the second time I've gone through this. I know that you're the one that carried her around all these months, but that doesn't mean that you are the only one affected by losing her!"


            "You don't seem to show it," she threw back at him. "I haven't seen you break down and cry, yet!"


            "Because I've had to be strong for you! You don't see me when I leave here. Ask Howie and Teri! I've been spending the past few days at their house. Have them tell you about how they had to drag me out of bed at first or how they had to sit around comforting me! Maybe I haven't showed it in front of you, but I'm going through just as much as you are!"


            Alyssa did not seem to want to hear what he was saying. "You just didn't have your marriage completely fall apart on you, today!" she shouted, almost seeming like she was searching for a way to one up him.


            "Oh, get off it Alyssa!" He was getting more and more disgusted with her by the second. "You and Sean have been over for months now. He just finally made it official. Oh, and by the way..." he added. "I told Shayla we were through last night and that I was moving out. I did it for you, but you don't seem to want to acknowledge that fact at all."


            "Look at the way we're disagreeing already?" she pointed out, sniffling back tears. "We obviously aren't seeing eye to eye about all of this. I think we both need to do a lot of personal reflection on our own before we can even think about getting back together."


            That's when Nick finally lost it. He knew that the words that were about to come out of his mouth were sure to be hurtful ones, but she needed someone to set her straight. "You're always putting us off, huh? How ironic because if I remember correctly a few years ago I was the one running away from us. Funny, how some things change huh?" He paused, knowing the worst was only just about to come out. "You know, a lot of people warned me that you were always selfish, always thinking about yourself, but I always jumped to your defense. Not anymore... You think that you're the only person who matters in this situation? That your feelings are the only ones that counts? That's bullshit, and you know it!" He looked down at her almost pityingly as he said his final words before storming out of her hospital room. "You know, you really are selfish. I'm just sorry that it took me this long to realize it."


            Alyssa watched as he left her without looking back before frustratingly collapsing into her pillow in a fit of tears. Somehow, in just one day she'd managed to put an end to not only her past with Sean, but potentially cause major damage to her future with Nick. She may have been growing stronger physically, but mentally and emotionally she was beginning to break down and revert to her old ways which was a part of herself that she'd swore she'd never let free again. Once again, she had failed.




            The following afternoon was when Dr. Spencer gave her the news that she was anxiously awaiting to hear. The older woman had just pulled Alyssa's hospital gown back down over her stomach after examining how her stitches seemed to be holding up when she made a note or two on her clipboard and smiled brightly.


            "Well, I'm pleased to say that you seem to be healing wonderfully and I see no reason to keep you here any longer than necessary. I'm going to recommend that you be discharged and you're free to go home as soon as we finish up the discharge papers," she announced.


            Alyssa wasn't sure if she should feel relieved or saddened at the prospect of finally being released from the hospital. She wasn't exactly going ‘home.' She wasn't sure where she could even consider her home at this point. She supposed the condo, but it felt weird to be heading there without Nick. She was beginning to find the hospital environment a bit stifling though and knew that she'd be thankful to be on her own again and not have to deal with being poked and prodded by doctors and nurses who were probably gossiping about her behind her back when they wee finished.


            "Of course I have a few instructions for you when you do arrive home," her doctor continued. "Just because you're being released does not mean that I want you returning back to your daily activities. You're still going to be pretty sore and the first week or so is probably going to be rough for you. Take it easy at home; you'll probably need some help getting around the house and such. Get lots of rest, but do get up and move around from time to time. Like I've told you we don't want you to develop blood clots. Definitely for the first two to three weeks you should refrain from any exercise. After that time, you can start with something light like walking. Avoid lifting anything heavy because this could cause your stitches to tear. The stitches should dissolve on their own as your incision heals, but if there's any problem at all, any tearing or unnecessary swelling, please call me right away." She took out her prescription pad and began to scrawl something across it. "I'm going to prescribe you a painkiller to help with the soreness for the first week or so. I want to see you in my office in about six weeks for a follow up appointment. Any questions?"


            Alyssa was quiet for a moment as she struggled to try to process all the information that had just been thrown at her. "How long will it be until I'm back to normal?" she asked, once she was sure had everything.


            "Most women take about six to eight weeks to completely heal from a c-section. With your ribs it might take you slightly longer, but the wrist should only take four to six weeks. I'll be able to let you know more at your follow up appointment," she explained.


            Ugh... Eight weeks seemed like an eternity to her, especially in her current condition. At least if she actually was bringing home a baby, it would make the weeks fly by faster, but she had a bad feeling that now they would drag on relentlessly. "Thanks, Dr. Spencer. I'll call the office to make an appointment when I get home."


            Dr. Spencer just nodded and paused uncomfortably in front of her for a moment. "There is one more thing I'd like to talk to you about Alyssa," she slowly began.


            "Yes?" Alyssa could already feel her stomach clenching. Why did she have a feeling that just based upon the tone of her doctor's voice she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear?


            "I know we talked about how sometimes in situations like yours it helps to have someone to talk to. I hope that maybe you've done a little more thinking about it, since then. I think that you might find it beneficial to get all your feelings off of your chest."


            Alyssa's cheeks grew red with embarrassment. She wasn't some charity case here or anything. Besides, wasn't she humiliated enough? All she needed was to blurt out all her problems to some stranger who she probably couldn't trust for shit.  No, she'd gotten herself into this mess; she'd get herself out... somehow. "I'm sorry Dr., but as I told you before, I'm not interested."


            Dr. Spencer just gave her a small, tight, smile. She was used to this reaction from many mother's who had lost a child due to complications in childbirth and knew that oftentimes they did come around on their own accord. "Well, I'm going to give you the name and number of Julia Phillips. She's a great therapist with a specific focus on grief counseling. I've referred quite a few patients of mine to her and they found her very helpful. You can do what you want with it, but I think it's a good idea to at least have someone you could call if you do change your mind."


            Alyssa sighed, but didn't argue. She was positive that she wouldn't need any help from any therapist telling her that she needed to have a more positive attitude, but some things just weren't worth arguing over. She'd take the number to appease her doctor, but that did not mean that she would have to call it.

Chapter 52 -Wake Me Up When It's Over by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa is released from the hospital.


Chapter 52 - Wake Me Up When It's Over


            Alyssa gazed out the window of Izzy's Audi blankly as they pulled into the condominium complex's gates. It felt weird coming here to stay permanently. Usually when she'd go over to meet Nick at the condo, they'd only be there for a few hours tops. Very rarely had they spent the night even, so spending any length of time there by herself just felt strange to her. Still it was better than the hospital. At least here she'd have some sort of privacy.


            "When Nick told us about you and Sean, a bunch of us, me, Tristan, Teri, Howie, Tricia, AJ... We all went over to your house to pack up your things and we dropped them off. We haven't unpacked yet though, so you're going to see a lot of boxes around, but don't sweat it. We'll take care of everything for you," Izzy promised as she pulled into the driveway behind Alyssa's own car that was already sitting there. "Teri even drove your car over here from her and Howie's, so you're all set."


            Alyssa didn't say a word as Izzy parked the car, got out, and went around to the passenger side to help her out of the car and into the condo. When it came time for someone to pick her up from the hospital, Alyssa could only think of calling Izzy to come get her. Under better circumstances she would've called Nick, but after their argument the previous afternoon, he had made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with her at the moment, so Izzy became the next logical choice. Their friendship had been a little strained and Alyssa got the feeling that Izzy was hurt that she had kept her affair with Nick a secret from her, but the two women had yet to approach the subject. They'd have plenty of time though. Izzy had immediately insisted that she couldn't possibly leave her to fend for herself in the condo while still recovering from her injuries. So for the next week at least, Izzy had insisted on staying with Alyssa on the couch. She did after all owe it to her friend after she'd stayed with her and helped take care of her right before she'd given birth to Grace almost five years ago.


            Alyssa grunted in pain as she pulled herself into a standing position from the car. Getting from one place to another was still a bitch and a half, and she needed some assistance. She hated feeling so helpless. It frustrated her to no end. Izzy rushed over to her and grabbed her arm, looking concerned. "Are you okay, Lyss?"


            She just nodded. "I just got up too fast. Let's go inside."


            Izzy helped guide her up the driveway and into the condo. It took several minutes just to reach the door and Alyssa could already feel hot, frustrated tears brimming underneath her eyelids. She felt like an old woman or something. When they finally reached inside, she looked around and just as Izzy had described there were cardboard boxes piled up everywhere. It was hard to accept that everything she owned was packed up in those boxes. If that sight wasn't depressing enough to her, everywhere she looked she saw Nick. By now they'd shared so many memories in this place it was hard not to think about him. They hadn't spoken since he'd stormed out of her hospital room the other day and she wasn't sure when she would again. She was sure that they would speak again eventually. They never could seem to stay mad at each other, but Alyssa had the feeling that he expected her to make the first move this time, something that she just plain didn't have the energy to do right now.


            "Do you want me to help you get comfortable on the couch?" Izzy's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Are you hungry? I could make you up something to eat. You're probably sick of hospital food."


            Alyssa shook her head. She had no appetite whatsoever right now. The only thing she wanted to do at the moment was to curl up in bed and pull the blankets over her head. "Can you just help me to the bedroom?" she wearily asked. "I just want to sleep."


            "But you've been sleeping pretty much for the past few days at the hospital," her friend tried to argue, but quickly gave up once she realized that her efforts were in vain. Alyssa was stubborn and it was impossible to change her mind once it was set on it. With a sigh, she helped Alyssa down the hall towards the bedroom. Once they were inside Izzy bent down to pull back the comforter for Alyssa and with her help, Alyssa settled herself in between the soft sheets almost sighing in relief. The king sized bed felt a thousand times more comfortable than the one she had been sleeping on in the hospital. Without even giving her friend a word of thanks Alyssa buried her face into one of the pillows and pretended to fall right asleep. She really wanted to be left alone right now, if only Izzy would take the hint and leave.


            Instead, Izzy sat down on the edge of the bed and reached over to stroke Alyssa's hair. "I know that you're not really sleeping," she matter of factually stated. "But I also know that no matter how much I accuse you of being awake, you won't open your eyes, so I'm just going to say what I need to say anyway." She paused taking a deep breath before she began. "I have to admit that I was pretty hurt when I found out about you and Nick and who the father of the baby really was. We've been friends for such a long time now; I just assumed that you would have told me about something as big as that. It really stung that you kept it a secret from me, especially because I know that you told Teri and Tricia. I'm pretty hurt that you seemed to be afraid to tell me the truth. I guess that maybe you were afraid that I would like judge you or something. I admit, I am totally against the idea of cheating, and I'd probably advise for you and Nick to come clean to Sean and Shayla as soon as things got underway, but I'd never like stop being your friend over something like this. Even though you might make some decisions that I don't entirely agree with you're still one of my best friends. Besides, I'm the one who introduced you and Nick in the first place, so I guess I'm probably partly to blame for the fact that the two of you can't seem to be able to keep your hands off each other. I just hope that after all you've been through together that you don't do something stupid like push him away now that you can finally be together. He's hurting too Lyss... You need to let him in."


            With that said, Izzy stood up and looked down at her. "Please think about what I just said." Then she turned around and once Alyssa heard the bedroom door close behind her she opened her eyes and sighed in relief. She'd honestly never meant to hurt her best friend by keeping secrets from her. She'd just figured that the less people that knew about her and Nick, the better. And okay... Maybe she had just been a tad bit fearful of what Izzy might think especially when she'd clearly shared her feelings on cheating to be a non negotiable. Izzy sometimes could be just a little judgmental, but she should have realized that her best friend wouldn't stop loving her because she had made some mistakes in her life.


            Then there had been her advice about Nick that had really struck her. It was true that Izzy had been the one to bring them together. They were two of her best friends in life and Alyssa could understand why Izzy felt almost responsible for their actions. They had been through hell together the past few months and deep down Alyssa knew that she wasn't being fair to him, but she just knew that she couldn't commit herself into a relationship with him right away like he wanted her to. She knew she needed to sort a few things out on her own, mainly the loss of their child and the guilt she had for being so careless in the first place. Right now everyone was begging her to open up to them, to talk about what was bothering her, but Alyssa had no desire to. A part of her seemed to have died right along with Zoey. Maybe she was being selfish just as Nick had called her out on being, but until at least she began to recover, she wanted just to be left alone...




            Over the next few days Nick found himself also beginning to become more and more listless. Dealing with losing Zoey had made him upset enough, but Alyssa's obvious rejection of him made the whole situation that much harder to handle. Everyone dealt with things differently. Even in his own past, he'd gone through tough times where he had done exactly what Alyssa was doing right now in pushing everyone away. It definitely sucked to be on the other side of the fence this time. Still, he didn't regret saying what he had to Alyssa. He felt that someone had to tell her how ridiculous she was being. He doubted that it would sink in right away, but he hoped that with the more that he avoided her, eventually she'd wake up one day and realize that she needed to make some changes. Call it tough love, but it was the only way he knew to get through to her. He just hoped that it would work. The idea of being alone after everything that had just happened terrified him.


            Howie and Teri picked up on his change of mood and had tried to be as supportive as possible. Alyssa had been home from the hospital at least a few days now and Nick was trying to fight the urge to call and check up on her. It was partly because he wanted to teach her a lesson, but the deeper reason being that he didn't want to face the chance that she wouldn't want to speak to him. He was honestly a little worried about her now that she was on her own. Of course Izzy was with her now, but Izzy couldn't stay with her forever. What was going to happen when Alyssa was all on her own? She couldn't just lay in bed all day crying for the rest of her life. He understood better than anyone that grief was a process, but sometimes you had to force yourself to appreciate those things that you still had left. Alyssa may have lost her child, her marriage, and her home, but she still had most of her friends, her family, and most importantly him. If only she'd wake up from the self pitying funk that she was in and realize all of that.


            "You should call her," Teri suggested one evening after dinner. She, him, and Howie were sitting around the table, but had yet to clear any of the dishes away.


            Nick, who had not said a word all evening looked up at her thrown by the seemingly randomness of her comment. He decided to play dumb as if to ignore the fact that he couldn't stop thinking of her. "Call who?"


            Teri just glared at him. "You know who. Alyssa... I can tell that she's been on you mind ever since she was released from the hospital. Why don't you just get it over with and talk to her already?"


            Nick sighed, realizing that he had no choice but to get involved in this topic now. "Because why should I? She should be the one calling me. She's the one who is acting like such a bitch."


            "You may have a point there, but if you're holding out for her to call you, you're going to be waiting a long time," Howie pointed out. "I'm not saying that you were wrong to go off on her like you did, but I don't think Alyssa is going to just snap out of this on her own. I think it's going to take some perseverance on your part. You have the most impact on her out of all of us."


            "But why do I have to be the one to give in to her all the time? I mean I'm going through the same shit, but she acts like she has it so much worse. Why do I have to be the one to hide how I feel and coax her out of her depression?"


            Howie just gave him a look that seemed to say duh, you should know this by now. "Because she's a woman Nick. They are always right, even when they are wrong."


            "Hey!" Teri interrupted, looking insulted. "I resent that! But seriously Nick, I know that you don't want to be the one that gives in all the time, but this is really traumatic for Alyssa and she thinks she can do this alone, but she can't. I think that you need to keep trying. Don't push a relationship right now. That's probably the furthest thing from her mind and it's just going to stress her out more. Just assure her that you're there for her and tell her that you don't want to sit around and watch her do this to herself. She'll be angry at first, but eventually she'll crack. She can't stay mad at you. Trust me on this."


            Nick sat back and thought Teri's advice over for a moment. Maybe it was a good idea to just drop the relationship issue for now and focus on getting her back to being semi-normal. They always seemed to find themselves drawn together when there was no pressure involved. He just had to have faith that they'd naturally fall back together. There really was no reason to rush it, he supposed. Of course Alyssa's mental health should be the first concern. Like he had told her, one of them had to be the stronger one in the relationship, so he assumed that it was going to have to be him.


            "The best way for the both of you to get through this is together," Howie added. "Not necessarily as a couple, but at least as friends. I think it's going to take some time and patience with her, but you've got to keep trying. At least call to see if she's made any improvements or if she is still moping around."


            "What if you just call Izzy up and see how she's doing?" Teri suggested. "You don't even have to talk to Alyssa just yet. Just so you have piece of mind of what's going on with her. Then you can decide what to do next from there."


            Her idea did sound like a good one to Nick, but he needed some time to think about it some more. "I'll think it over," he promised as he stood up from the table. "I think I'm just going to go upstairs now and watch a movie or something." He headed up the stairs towards the guest room he was staying in, and collapsed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He had a lot of thinking to do. Teri and Howie had made some excellent points and now Nick was more confused than ever. Maybe he was being a bit selfish himself in some respects. Maybe he'd call her... But not tonight.




            It wasn't until a few days later that Nick finally got the courage to call Alyssa. She was now home from the hospital for about a week and he was hoping for at least some sort of improvement in her attitude. Just in case though, Nick decided to call the number to the condo. That way if Alyssa picked up, he knew that it would be a good sign, and if Izzy picked up he'd at least the get the opportunity to find out how Alyssa was feeling first hand.


            The phone rang three times before he heard Izzy's familiar voice answer on the other end. "Hello?"


            "Hey Iz," he greeted her. "It's Nick. How are you doing?"


            "As good as I can be," she replied. "It's been a rough week."


            Nick felt his stomach flip flop at her words. That couldn't have been a good sign, could it? "I bet. How is Alyssa been holding up?" he tentatively asked. He held onto his breath as he waited for her answer, fearing that it would not be good.


            He heard Izzy's voice sigh on the other end of the line. This couldn't be good news at all, could it? "I'm worried about her," she confessed. "Since she's come home from the hospital she's barely gotten out of bed. All she does most of the day is watch TV, cry, and sleep. I have to practically force food down her mouth. The other day I made her get up and take a shower, but otherwise it's like she doesn't care at all what she looks like. I'd have her talk to you, but she's refused to accept any phone calls. She won't talk to her Mom or her sisters. Meg was almost ready to hop on the first plane out here yesterday, but I talked her out of it. I don't want her family seeing her like this, especially her Mother. They'd drag her right back home to New York with them. I'm not sure what to do about her, Nick. She barely talks to me and only because she has to. She's refused to have any other visitors. Honestly, I'm thinking about calling her doctor. This isn't healthy. It's like she's having a mental breakdown or something."


            "Don't do that," he begged. "They'll just throw her back in the hospital and force her to be evaluated by some shrink. She'd be really pissed at us."


            "She needs to talk someone Nick!" Izzy argued. "She can't go on like this. Maybe she does need a psychiatric evaluation. She needs help!"


            "I agree that she should talk to someone, but I just know from experience that no one can force you into it. If you're not willingly ready to accept help, then you can talk to as many professionals as you want, but it won't do you any good. She needs to want to be helped."


            "But she's never going to realize that on her own. I mean I'm not even sure if she listens to me when I talk to her. Half the time I think she's just tuning me out. Maybe you could try. She might listen more to you, than she does me."


            Nick considered her suggestion for a moment or two. He probably could get through to her better than Izzy, but the question was could he put up with any more of her ‘poor me' act? You need to keep trying, he told himself, remembering the advice that Howie and Teri had given him. She can't stay like this forever. Eventually she's got to snap out of this. "Okay, I'll stop by and try to talk to her." The words were out of his mouth before he'd even realized what he had agreed to.


            "You will? Thank you so much Nick. I know she'll listen to you," Izzy babbled on.


            "Yea, give me like an hour and I'll be there." He had no clue what he was going to say to her, but he hoped that he'd come up with something. He wasn't sure how many of these confrontations he could keep having with Alyssa before he gave up completely.




            When Nick arrived at the condo a little over an hour later, he wasn't sure what kind of state he'd find Alyssa in. Izzy met him at the door looking relieved to see him. "She's in the bedroom," she told him, as she greeted him with a quick hug. "She hasn't been out all day today. I really hope that you can talk some sense into that girl."


            "I'll see what I can do," he promised as he headed down the hall to the bedroom. The door was closed of course, but not locked, so Nick was able to open it easily. There laying in the middle of the king sized bed, Alyssa was sprawled out her head barely peeking out of the covers. Her hair lay frizzy and tangled in her face as if it hadn't been combed in days. Nick wasn't sure if she was actually really sleeping or not, but he was about to wake her. He stood in the doorway for a moment or two while he decided what his approach should be.


            He thought for a moment about the way that Izzy had been handling things with her. If he knew Izzy she had probably been begging Alyssa to wake up and get out of bed, but as the mother of a four year old she probably should've known that begging never worked. Sometimes you just had to use a little bit of force. Anger and frustration began to run through him and all of a sudden he knew what he had to do. They didn't call it tough love for nothing. He loved her and he hated to see her do this to herself. Hopefully someday she'd forgive him for this.


            He strode over to the bed and with one swift movement grabbed the comforter and ripped it away from her body, throwing the blankets to the side. Surprised by the movement Alyssa shot up in bed, dressed in a pair of baggy sweats and a loose fitting long sleeved shirt. "Why the hell did you do that for?" she cried. "I was trying to sleep."


            "You'll live. From what I hear you've been doing enough of that lately anyway. No one needs that much sleep."


            She stared at him glowering. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought that I was too ‘selfish' for you to care about?"


            "For some strange reason I actually do care about you and because I care about you I'm demanding that you get your ass out of bed, take a shower, and at least change your clothes. You look like you've been in the same outfit all week," he ordered.


            Alyssa just shrugged. "What's the point?"


            "The point is I know that you are upset about Zoey. I am too! But the world isn't going to stop revolving. You're not the only person who lost a daughter that night! I'm grieving too, but you don't see me hiding in my bed all day and alienating my family and friends," he argued. "Unlike you, I've realized that the only way I'm going to get through this to rely on my friends for support. In case you haven't noticed you have a ton of friends that are worried sick about you, a concerned family, and you even have me, although you probably don't deserve me. You have way more of a support system than most people and you're pushing everyone away! One day you'll going to wake up and realize that you have no one left. Do you want that?"


            Alyssa just shook her head and sighed. "Sounds like something I told you like five years ago."


            "And what did I do?" he challenged. "I realized I was destructing my life, I woke up, and I changed! Okay, it wasn't exactly the same thing, but you can't keep doing this to yourself Lyss! You have to face the world sooner or later. No one is expecting you to just get over it right away, but you're not even doing anything to try! Do you know that Izzy is thinking of calling up Dr. Spencer and trying to see if she can have you admitted back into the hospital? She's worried that you're having a mental breakdown. She thinks that maybe you needed to be examined by a psychiatrist. I'm starting to wonder if maybe she's right."


            "No!" Alyssa broke in, looking horrified at even the idea. "I'm not going back to the hospital and I am certainly not being evaluated by some shrink! I'm not crazy!"


            "Then you really need to stop feeling so sorry for yourself and act like a human being. If you're not crazy then prove it by at least getting out of bed and doing something, even if it's just going into the living room to watch a movie with Izzy. You can't do this to yourself anymore Alyssa! So many people want to help you, but you refuse to let anyone in. You can't do this to yourself!"


            Alyssa stared at him long and hard as the realization hit her that Nick was completely right. Once it sunk in how much she had hurt all those others around her who had only been trying to help, she couldn't help, but to begin to tear up. "What have I done?" she asked out loud as she began to cry harder. Before she realized it her body was shaking with sobs. "I'm so sorry Nick," she apologized. "You were right. I've been nothing but a selfish little bitch throughout this whole thing."


            Nick looked down at her sympathetically. He wasn't quite sure, but he had a feeling that he might just be witnessing a major breakthrough with her. Dropping his tough act he sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Immediately her head dropped to his shoulder and he held her consolingly, much like he had when he had first told her about Zoey. "I've been so unfair to you," she continued on sobbing.


            "Shh..." he told her as he held her tighter to him and stroked her back. "Let's not talk about this now. We'll do that another day." He pulled away for a second and cupped her chin so that they were eye to eye. "Just promise me that you're going to start taking care of yourself, okay? I couldn't bear to lose both you and Zoey."


            Alyssa just nodded her head and for the first time in a week finally felt as if things weren't as bleak as they had originally seemed. "I promise," she told him and this time she meant it.

End Notes:

Just one last thing (well actually two.) First off I just got an idea for a prequel/spin off kind of story about Nick and Alyssa. It won't EXACTLY be a prequel because it'll focus on their relationship on the B&B tour specifically. Just basically how they get their relationship back on course after Katie and the situations they face while on the road. There's also a nice Mean Girls element to it because Alyssa gets harassed a little by the other dancers and it'll tap into some of her insecurities. I thought it could be interesting, but I'm not sure if you all woul be interested in reading that or find it overkill. So, let me know if you like the idea and I'll start working on it because I have plenty of ideas. I am also outlining the next story When My World is Crashing and I was wondering if there is anything specific that you might want to see happen in that story (besides Alyssa and Nick getting married and having another baby cuz I know you all want that lol) Thanks guys!

Chapter 53 - One Step at a Time by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa seeks the help of a therapist.


Chapter 53 - One Step at a Time


            Ever since that day that Nick had showed up at the condo and literally forced Alyssa out of bed, there had been a slight improvement in her attitude. Of course she wasn't completely back to being her normal, bubbly self, but she was at least getting out of bed for a few hours each day. She still had a long way to go, but Izzy seemed relieved to at least see her come this far as small of a baby step as it was. Alyssa began to finally start to care about her appearance again; everyday forcing herself into the shower and to change into fresh clothes even though some days she didn't feel like it was worth it. She started to finally accept phone calls. She talked to her sisters and her parents, which was difficult for her, but thankfully enough they did not press her to talk about the baby. Instead they seemed more concerned with how she was doing mentally and physically. Izzy must've warned them not to bring it up. She even spoke to Donna, her classroom TA to find out how her class was adapting to her sub. Donna had assured her that the woman that they had hired to take over for her while she recovered seemed to know what she was doing and had good control of the students. Thankfully, Alyssa had done much of her future planning ahead of time, so she did have enough lesson plans to last at least until the end of April. Right now, Alyssa couldn't be sure if she'd be returning or not by the end of the school year. Originally, she hadn't planned on going out on maternity leave until the beginning of March and had planned on coming back the end of May, or beginning of June. She'd need at least another six weeks or so to completely recover and then she wasn't sure if she could handle coming back to school just yet. She still had a lot of things to take care of to get herself back on track and it might be better if she did put off work again until next September.


            But of course not everyday after that was a good one. She did have her setbacks. She still did sleep a lot, but sometimes her body definitely did need it. Doing simple things seemed to drain her. It surprised her out of shape she'd gotten in such a little time. Then of course there were reminders of everything that she was trying so hard to leave behind. For instance, when the day before Valentine's Day she ironically enough received the divorce papers that Sean had promised her were coming. "Happy fucking Valentine's Day to me," she'd muttered as she signed the papers willingly. There really wasn't anything of Sean's she wanted and the terms that he had drawn up were fair. It seemed that he wanted as much of a clean break from her as she wanted from him. With no reason to contest anything, all Alyssa needed to do was wait six months for it to become official and she'd once again be considered a single woman.


            After signing the papers that entire day and into the next, she'd been sullen and irritable. It wasn't the fact that she was depressed that Sean was officially out of her life because their marriage had seemed to be over months ago. It was more of the fact that it was a reminder of just how much she had messed up, plus it being so close to Valentine's Day, such a romantic holiday drove a knife through her heart. She'd always hated the holiday... There had been few years where she'd actually had someone special in her life to celebrate it with. Most of the time she'd spent it crying on the couch, feeling miserable in her younger teenage years or later on between her relationships with Nick and Sean, trying to spend the holiday with single friends. This year though it seemed like she was going to spend it alone. After spending almost two weeks with Alyssa, Izzy had been itching to get home to spend some quality time with Tristan. Izzy had tried to convince her to call Nick and invite him over to at least watch a movie with her, but Alyssa had relented. They hadn't talked again since that day she had wound up crying in his arms. She knew that Nick was only trying to give her space and if she called him, he would be over in a heartbeat, but for some strange reason she felt very shy about it. It had almost regressed to that awkward point when they had first been dating.


            So that was why when she heard the doorbell to the condo ring, she almost jumped a mile. She looked down at her rumpled appearance. Lately she'd been sticking to a pretty strict wardrobe of baggy sweats and oversized t-shirts and hoodies. Most of her maternity clothes were now too big, but her normal clothes were too small, so sweats were the most comfortable. She sat there frozen for a second not sure if she should answer or not. Who would be stopping by tonight to see her? The door bell rang a second time and she realized that whoever who was at the door was not giving up. With a sigh, she pulled herself off the couch and headed towards the door.


            She almost gasped in shock to find Nick standing there on her porch. Not only was he dressed up, but he was holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. "What are you doing here?" she asked.


            "Hello to you too," he greeted, trying not to laugh. "I thought that with it being Valentine's Day and you being all alone tonight that we could do something special to celebrate." He immediately noticed the hesitation in her face and continued to speak. "That is celebrate with no pressure. We don't have to do all that couple stuff if you don't want to, so don't sweat that. I'd be happy with just taking you out to dinner, so we can talk a little bit."


            Alyssa still stood there hesitating. She knew that it was inevitable that she and Nick would have to talk again eventually, but she was still almost dreading the moment. Then there was the fact that she had yet to leave the condo since she had returned home from the hospital. She was now feeling well enough that she knew that she'd be able to at least go out long enough to grab a bite to eat, but just the idea of stepping out into the outside world and surrounding herself with other human beings terrified her. "I don't know Nick..." she began. "I'm not sure if I'm up to going out just yet. It's so soon."


            "It's been two weeks," he pointed out. "You can't stay in here for the rest of your life, Lyss. You're going to have to leave sooner or later. We won't be gone for long. We'll just grab dinner at a nice place and come right home, I promise."


            Alyssa looked down at her rumpled appearance, feeling very much like Cinderella before she got ready for the ball. "I'm not at all ready to go out," she argued. "I mean I look like a mess. I'd need to shower and then find something to wear... Nothing fits."


            "Go ahead." Nick sat down on the couch and made himself comfortable. "Do what you need to do to get gorgeous. I figured I'd catch you off guard, so we have about two hours before our reservation. I'll entertain myself while you get ready."


            Alyssa's mouth gaped open. "You rat! You planned this! You had dinner reservations planned in advance?"


            He just nodded a familiar grin lighting up his face. "Well, I wasn't taking no for am answer. Now don't just stand there. Start getting ready! We only have two hours."


            Realizing that there was no way out of the situation; Alyssa sighed and headed right towards the direction of the bathroom. She'd shower first and then try to find something suitable to wear. She stripped off her sweatpants and hooded sweatshirt, wrapped a plastic garbage bag around her wrist to keep her cast dry, and stepped under the spray of the showerhead. She showered as quickly as she could with pretty much the use of only one hand. When she got out, she scrunched some mousse into her wet hair deciding to wear it curly rather than waste the time even trying to fight with a blow dryer. She wrapped a towel around herself and then continued across the hall to her bedroom to look for something to wear.


            She looked around her room helplessly for a few minutes. She assumed that wherever Nick was taking her would probably be at least semi-dressy, so it had to look nice, but Alyssa had yet to drop much of her baby weight and was not feeling particularly confident in her body at the moment. She thumbed through her closet, occasionally pulling out a dress and then wrinkling her nose up in disgust at it. Everything was either too small or obviously maternity wear. She was just about to give up when she picked up a loose fitting purple and black sundress. She'd bought it before she'd gotten pregnant, but once she had gotten home was unimpressed with the way it just seemed to hang on her. She'd planned on returning it, but had forgotten about it until now. It was just loose enough to the point where it might still fit her and still manage to hide the fact that she was packing some extra weight.


            Thankfully when she put the dress on, it fit well enough for her to get away with it. She paired it with a pair of low heel black sandals and even felt inspired enough to throw on a little bit of makeup, which she hadn't used in weeks. When she was done getting ready and looked at herself in the mirror, she had to admit that even she was surprised to see that she looked better than she had in over two weeks. By accepting Nick's invitation to dinner, she realized what a giant step she was taking towards moving on after losing Zoey. In a way it scared her, but in another way she almost felt proud of herself, knowing that deep down she was taking one baby step in the right direction.


            She grabbed her purse and headed back out to the living room where she was greeted by Nick whistling at her appreciatively. "I was beginning to forget that you actually look pretty good when you get all cleaned up," he joked.


            Alyssa felt her cheeks heat up as he admired her appearance, almost feeling self conscious under his gaze. "No, I don't," she mumbled. "I look like crap. I still feel like a whale... okay maybe I'm down to a cow. I-"


            "You're beautiful," he simply told her, cutting her off as he stood up from his position on the couch. "Now if you're ready we better get going. We still have to get there and I don't want to lose our reservation."


            Alyssa just nodded and followed him out the door. She was feeling both apprehensive and a little scared to leave the safety of the condo's walls, but she knew that it was something that needed to be done. She just hoped that dinner would be painless and relaxed, although she knew that was probably asking for too much. She'd have to confront her grief head on sooner or later and she had a feeling that was going to start tonight.



            Nick wound up ironically enough taking her to the same restaurant he'd taken her a few months earlier on that first night that they had wound up back at his place afterwards. Although they hadn't exactly had sex that night, Alyssa still considered that to be the birthplace of their entire affair. It was at that point that she'd first realized that she was in way over her head with him and couldn't just walk away anymore. She'd wondered if he planned it this way on purpose. He probably had.


            Unlike their last meal at this place, the restaurant was crowded with other couples who were out celebrating their relationships for Valentine's Day. It was just crowded enough where they could almost fade completely into the background and go relatively unnoticed. Everyone else in the room seemed to be too engrossed in their dates to notice anyone else anyway. Their conversation on the way to the restaurant had been polite, but stilted as if they both seemed to be dancing around the larger issues that they would've liked to discuss. After they had arrived, they'd ordered their food and continued their awkward conversation. Thankfully enough Nick had ordered them a bottle of wine which was one of the few things that was making the whole ordeal somewhat bearable for Alyssa. By the time their meal had arrived, she had only drunk about a glass and a half, but she was already beginning to feel slightly more relaxed. She hadn't drunk since the night that Zoey had been conceived, so it was definitely hitting her quickly.


            "How's your dinner?" Nick politely asked her, interrupting the awkward silence that had passed over the two of them.


            "Oh, it's good," she answered. "Yours?"




            "That's good..." Her voice trailed off and they found themselves again right back where they were in awkward silence. Was this going to be the way it was going to be between them from now on? You'd never have guessed that they'd been so completely in love only a few weeks earlier.


            Nick seemed to be thinking the same thing because finally growing frustrated he sighed, pushing his only half eaten plate away. "We need to talk Alyssa. We can't keep doing this and pretending like nothing ever happened. We need to talk about things."


            "Things?" she nervously squeaked out as she reached out for her wine glass and took a long sip. She knew damn well what those ‘things' were of course and she had to admit that Nick did have a point, but couldn't he just allow her to enjoy her first night out on the town since her surgery without any painful reminders?


            "Yes, things." He shot her a glaring look, but then his eyes softened in concern. "How are you doing Lyss? Really... I've been worried about you lately. I don't like seeing you so depressed. Lately it just seems like you've checked out on life. I mean I know that I've been harsh on you lately, but only because I love you and I can't stand to see you do this stuff to yourself. We've both already lost Zoey... I'd hate to lose you too. You need to start dealing with all of this or else you're never going to be able to move on."

            Alyssa sighed as she looked away now realizing that it was too late to avoid the conversation anymore. "I know," she quietly replied. "I realized that the day that you came over and practically pulled me out of bed. I suppose I have been a little selfish, but it's really hard. I mean I carried this life in me for months now and in the span of only a few short seconds she was gone, and I have no one to blame but myself. I shouldn't have been standing so close to those stairs. I should have been more careful. Maybe if I had she'd still be alive now. So you see, it's all my fault." She grabbed her napkin and reached up to dab the tears that were now beginning to well up in her eyes.


            Nick reached over the table to grab her hands reassuringly as he shook his head. "It's not your fault Lyss. I admit that when I first heard the news my first reaction was to pin the blame on everyone and everybody that I could; Sean, Shayla, Teri, Tricia, God... Then after I thought about it longer I realized that I wasn't innocent either. I was the one that sent you back inside in the first place. If I had just handled things more maturely with Sean, you wouldn't have been so upset in the first place and you wouldn't have even been upstairs at all. So, if you want to play the blame game, blame me."


            Alyssa looked up surprised at his admission. "I don't blame you Nick. How could I? Sean never would've been there in the first place if I hadn't lied to him."


            "I think that we both have a lot of things to feel guilty about. We got ourselves into this mess, and who knows? Maybe it is karma coming around to teach us a lesson. We can't just give up though. We need to learn to try to move past this and grow stronger together because of it. We can't do that if you keep blaming yourself."


            She narrowed her eyes at him and his suggestion. "It's not that easy Nick. It's hard to just stop blaming myself. I mean I've been making progress. Hell, I'm out here with you tonight aren't I? But I just can't see things going magically back to the way they were before the accident. There's no way."


            "I understand all that," Nick told her in a sympathetic voice. "I don't expect it to happen all by itself or even on your own." He paused nervously and licked his lips. "I've been thinking... I think that maybe it might be helpful for you to talk to someone. Like a therapist or something. They can help you sort out all your feelings and help you get your life back on track."


            Alyssa stared at him skeptically. "A therapist? You want me to tell my innermost thoughts to a perfect stranger? Not only do I have major trust issues about that, but the last year or so of my life has been like one big scandal. I don't want to deal with someone judging me based on the decisions I've made. I'm paying enough as it is for them. I really don't think it would help."


            "You'd be surprised. I used to think the same way, but then once I actually let my guard down enough to give it a try I realized just how helpful it was to have someone to help you sort out your issues," he explained.


            Her eyebrows rose in surprise. "You mean that you've been seeing a therapist?"


            Nick's face flushed a little in embarrassment. "Well, I used to. When we were filming House of Carters my siblings and I had some group therapy sessions. They were actually really insightful and made me realize a lot of things that I hadn't before. Afterwards I continued to go on my own for a little bit. Now I go less frequently, but whenever I feel the need to talk to someone I stop in for an appointment. It really does help Alyssa."


            Alyssa seemed to be considering what he had been saying because she looked to be deep in thought. Finally she spoke, breaking the awkward silence. "I never knew that you were seeing a therapist... Have you gone recently? Like since we've lost Zoey?"


            Nick shook his head truthfully. "No, I haven't, but I think that one of the reasons why I didn't feel the need to go was because over time and throughout my sessions I learned how to cope with these kinds of things. I'm not saying that it has been easy for me at all, but I think that because of therapy I was better equipped to deal with situations like this if that makes sense. It's helped me out a lot and I think it could help you too Lyss. If you want we can even do it together if you're scared."


            Alyssa contemplated his suggestion for a few more moments. Nick's confession had surprised her although it definitely did help explain the changes that she had noticed in him since she'd moved out to California. It did make sense what he was saying, but she wasn't sure if she was strong enough to take that step just yet. "Dr. Spencer suggested I talk to someone too you know. She even gave me a referral to a woman who has treated some of her other patients."


            "So why don't you give her a call? Make an appointment to at least meet her. You don't have to tell her anything personal right away. Just talk to her for a little bit and see if you feel comfortable," Nick gently coaxed. "At least give it a chance. It can't hurt, right? And it'll get you out of the house for a bit. Like I said, I'll go with you if you want."


            She shook her head stubbornly. "No... I appreciate you offering, but this is something that I think I need to do on my own. I obviously have some issues that I need to work out by myself before I can even consider things going back to the way they were before the accident. This is something that you can't do for me; I have to do it for myself."


            "So, does that mean you'll do it? You'll at least give therapy a try?" he asked.


            Alyssa bit her lip. "It means I'll think about it," she cautiously replied. "I'm not going to make any promises right off the bat. Let's just say I'm beginning to warm up to the idea, but I'm not quite there yet."


            Nick warmly smiled. "It's not a yes, but it's a step in the right direction. I'll take it." He squeezed her hand in his. "I'm proud of you. I think that you're finally on your way."


            Alyssa returned the smile, but felt anything, but pride in herself. She wasn't looking to celebrate any small victories yet. She knew that this was just a baby step in her recovery. There were much harder hurdles she'd have to cross before she could really go back to the way things were.




            It took Alyssa another whole week of weighing out the pros and cons of seeking out the help of a therapist until she finally summoned up the courage to call the number on the business card that Dr. Spencer had provided her with. After she had called it took another week on top of that to secure an appointment, so it wasn't until almost the end of February that she found herself sitting in the office of Julia Philips, the therapist that she had been referred to. Julia turned out to be a friendly looking woman in about her mid forties with brown highlighted hair and smart looking black glasses. As soon as Alyssa took a seat in her office, she'd immediately greeted her with a warm, comforting smile as she walked over to take her hand. "I'm Julia," she introduced. "And you must be Alyssa, right?"


            Alyssa just nervously nodded her head sure that Julia could feel the obvious tension in her handshake. "I was referred to you by my OB/GYN," she softly explained.


            "Yes... Regina Spencer is a close friend of mine. I see a lot of her patients for a variety of different reasons. Everything from post partum depression, to dealing with a child who has been born with special needs." She noticed the way that Alyssa's back seemed to stiffen and gave her a reassuring look. "Would you like anything to drink? Coffee? Tea? Water?"


            "Uhhm... A water would be good," she answered a little uncomfortably.


            Julia nodded and headed towards a water cooler that was sitting in the corner of her office and proceeded to pour Alyssa's serving into a paper cup. "You look a little tense over there," she casually observed. "There's no reason to feel uncomfortable or uptight here. I can assure you that everything we talk about will be held in strict confidence. I promise that I am not going to judge you or form any sort of negative opinion about you based on whatever you say to me. I'm just here to listen and to help you sort through your emotions. Occasionally I may make a suggestion or two, but in the end it is your ultimate decision to take whatever you feel is most helpful from each session."


            Alyssa looked up at her wide eyed as the woman handed her the cup of water. "How did you know that was what I was thinking?"


            Julia just laughed. "I'm very good at reading people, plus I can assure you that the fears that you probably have are the very same fears that most people have during their first session. Nobody wants to be judged and I understand how difficult it can be to talk about things that bother us. Everyone moves at their own pace. For some people it takes longer than others to open up about our feelings. I just need you to feel comfortable here and with me because otherwise we're never going to accomplish anything."


            Alyssa just slowly nodded. "That makes sense..."


            "So..." Julia began, making herself comfortable in a chair across from Alyssa. "Regina tells me that you just had a very unfortunate accident which caused you to lose the daughter that you were carrying. That must have been very difficult for you. How long ago has this been?"


            "Almost a month now," she cooperatively responded. "I was at a friend's birthday party talking near the stairs with his wife and I guess I lost my balance and fell." As of right now she decided to keep her love life out of the equation and just discuss Zoey until she felt more comfortable around Julia. Even though Julia had assured her that she would remain non- biased, Alyssa still was a little wary admitting her affair with Nick to a perfect stranger. She had to admit that it did sort of seem like something out of an episode of Days of Our Life or something. "Apparently when I fell, my placenta ruptured and they had to perform an emergency c-section. It was a race against time and the doctors just couldn't get to her quickly enough. She wound up being a stillborn."


            Julia's face filled with sympathy. "I'm very sorry to hear that. That had to be devastating for you as a mother. Was this your first?"


            Alyssa nodded. "Yes it was. I'd been trying to get pregnant for a really long time and then to have it end up like the way it had was really hard for me to deal with. For a while there I pushed away all my friends and family and I became pretty self absorbed in my own grief. I kind of cut myself off of reality for a bit. When I came home from the hospital I think I shut myself away in my bedroom for almost a week straight. It wasn't until a friend of mine really forced me to open my eyes and realize what I was doing to myself was completely unhealthy and counterproductive to my recovery."


            "Well, that's great that someone cared enough to make you see that. What about your husband? How did he handle the loss?" Alyssa's face paled a little and Julia quickly backed off realizing that it might be a subject that she wasn't prepared to discuss just yet. "I'm sorry... That was presumptuous for me to ask. I mean I don't even know if you have a husband or not or if you even have any relationship to the baby's father."


            "My husband and I are in the process of a divorce," Alyssa finally answered honestly. "I just signed the papers about two weeks ago. We're just waiting for it to become official now."


            "That must make this whole process a hundred times more difficult for you then, right? I don't mean to pry, but does this have anything with you losing the baby? Many couples struggle to reconnect after a loss like this. They wind up blaming themselves and each other and it's very hard for them to work together to overcome their loss."


            Alyssa shook her head. "We've been having problems for a while now. It's a long story, one that I really don't feel like getting into today."


            Julia just nodded understandably. "That's perfectly okay. We don't have to talk about anything that you don't want to, although the more you do tell me the better I can help you. Like I mentioned earlier, I know that it takes time to warm up to someone new so I don't expect you to tell me all your deepest darkest secrets just yet. Maybe it's better for the rest of today's session if we just focus on getting to know each other better. Tell me a little bit about yourself."


            Alyssa took in a relieved breath and finally began to relax a little bit as she launched into an explanation of what she did for a living and a little bit about her family. It was much easier for her to recite her basic history than it was to do any kind of personal reflection. She noticed that Julia seemed to be listening intently, every once in a while interrupting to add her own little anecdotal story. It seemed as if the two women were casually getting to know each other over coffee rather than have a therapy session. By the time the hour was up, Alyssa was surprised to realize that an hour had gone by. She no longer felt threatened or nervous. Sure, she still wasn't sure if she felt comfortable enough to blurt out the fact that the reason why Sean was divorcing her was because she was having an affair with her ex boyfriend, but she definitely did feel more relaxed in Julia's presence. Maybe not right away, but she was sure that in time she could see herself maybe opening up to this woman.


            "I think we made great progress today for a first session," Julia reported with a smile as she stood up from her seat. "It probably doesn't seem like much to you, but today's goal was just to get you talking. Believe it or not I have some clients that spend the whole hour staring at me, so I am pleased with your work today. I think that it might benefit you to come see me once every week or so, if that's okay with you."


            "It sounds good," Alyssa reluctantly agreed standing up as well.


            "You can make your next appointment with Shelly on your way out. It was a pleasure to meet you Alyssa. Remember, things will get easier... You just have to take one step at a time."


            "Thank you," she told her as she exited the office. On her way out the door she stopped at the receptionist's desk to make her next appointment. So far there had been no earth shattering revelations, but Rome wasn't built in a day, right? She would confess everything to Julia, but only in due time.




            Two more weeks flew by and with it came the benchmarks of two important milestones in Alyssa's recovery. One being the removal of the cast on her wrist, the other being her six week post operation check up with Dr. Spencer. It was nerve wracking for Alyssa to be seated in the waiting room full of other expectant mothers and seeing the joy in their eyes at the prospect of motherhood that lay out in front of them, made tears start to form underneath her eyes. Luckily she didn't have to wait very long before she was called into an examination room.


            She changed into the paper gown silently, realizing how strange it felt to be there without Nick. He'd attended the last couple of her doctor appointments with her and she'd kind of gotten used to him being there. Since Valentine's Day they hadn't really seen or spoken each other outside of a few friendly phone calls here and there. She knew that he was trying his hardest to give her the space that they both knew deep down she desperately needed to put herself back together again. It sucked, but she herself had said that as supportive as she knew Nick would be, this was something that she could only do on her own.


            She hopped up on the examining table and waited a few short minutes until Dr. Spencer arrived in the room. "Hello Alyssa," she greeted. "I'm very glad to see you up and about. How have you been feeling? I see the cast is finally gone."


            "Yea, I just got it removed a few days ago," she reported. "I guess I'm hanging in there. Physically I'm getting stronger every day. Emotionally? Well, it's been a struggle. I have both my good days and my bad days, but I guess that's normal, right?"


            "Completely. No one is expecting you to get over your loss just like that. It's going to take time. Time and a strong support system. So let's take a look at you and see how you've been healing."


            Alyssa lay back against the examining table and focused her eyes up towards the ceiling as Dr. Spencer lifted up her gown to examine the scar that she now had as a result of her c-section. To keep her mind off of the poking and prodding she attempted to strike up a conversation with her doctor. "So, I finally took your suggestion and gave Julia a call."


            "You did?" Dr. Spencer looked up at her and smiled. "I had a feeling that you would change your mind. She's great, isn't she?"


            "Well, I've only had like two sessions with her so far, but I think that it'll be good for me. So far we haven't gotten into anything too deep, but she's made me realize that the things that I've been going through aren't all that uncommon after all. I mean I still have a long way to go and plenty of things I still haven't delved into with her, but I think that in the end, it will help me."


            "Oh, absolutely! It's nice to see you on the right track though. I was a little worried about you after you were released from the hospital, but you seem to be progressing well all things considering," her doctor shared.


            "Well, I admit it did take awhile." Alyssa felt her cheeks burning with the memory. "The first week or so I pretty much refused to get out of bed, but eventually I came around with the help of my friends. It took a little tough love, but eventually it sunk in."


            "All normal. There are different phases of grief and some people linger in certain ones longer than others. I'm sure that Julia explained all of this to you, right?"


            Alyssa nodded. Their last session in fact had been devoted to the grieving process and the way that Alyssa had acted in each one of those phases. That actually had been pretty insightful to her. "Yea... We talked about that. I know it was a normal human reaction, but I can't help feeling a little ashamed for acting so selfishly."


            Dr. Spencer just nodded as she continued her examination. A few minutes later she pulled away looking satisfied with the results of the check up. "Well Alyssa, everything looks great. Your incision is just about healed. I still wouldn't recommend any heavy duty lifting, but I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to slowly begin to transition back into your normal activities. Obviously, you want to take it easy in the beginning. Your body will tell you when it's had enough, so don't push it. You're welcome to begin some light exercise and within the next two to three weeks you should be prepared to engage in more high intensity workouts. I'm sure that you are just itching to get your body back into shape again."


            "Oh, you have no idea," Alyssa answered. "I feel disgusting with all this extra weight still."


            Her doctor just laughed, but then turned serious. "There is one more thing and I know that it's probably the last thing that you want to discuss right now, but it needs to be addressed.

Remember back in the hospital I explained to you that there doesn't appear to be any permanent damage to your reproductive organs and that you should be able to conceive normally in the future?"


            She nodded her head slowly looking a little nervous. "Yes... Did that change?"


            "No not at all!" Dr. Spencer assured her. "You're fine. I just wanted to know what your plans were. A lot of couples like to start trying again right away and the sooner you start the better your chances are of conceiving immediately. You are okay to resume any normal sexual activity by now if you'd like. If you're not feeling up to trying again right now though, I'll be more than happy to write you out a new prescription of birth control pills."


            Alyssa bit her lip thoughtfully. It wasn't something that she really wanted to consider just yet. She knew that she was in no condition right now to begin trying for another child, especially when her relationship with Nick was in such disarray. Someday she'd like to try again, but not anywhere in the distant future. She'd prefer to be a lot more settled and wait until after things calmed down which she feared might be a long time off. "I'll take the prescription," she finally decided. "I don't think I'm quite ready just yet to start trying again."


            "All right... I'll write that out for you while you get dressed. It was a pleasure getting to know you and I wish you all of the best of luck in the future." She stuck her hand out towards Alyssa and then closed the door behind her as she left, leaving Alyssa the privacy to redress herself.


            Alyssa had been surprised just how quickly the last six weeks had passed by, but she knew that even though physically she was pretty healed, transitioning back into her life before the accident was going to be the hardest part of her recovery. Now more than ever she was going to need to stay strong and positive and fight to not let herself slip back into her old ways. It was a scary prospect to think about, but she knew that it needed to be done if she was ever going to allow herself to be happy again.


End Notes:
Thanks for sticking with this. I promise next chapter will have a humorous element to it to make up for all the doom and gloom. Also if you haven't already, check out What Makes You Different which is the prequel/spin off to UMS.
Chapter 54 - Bringing Sexy Back by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Alyssa tries a new exercise routine.


Chapter 54 - Bringing Sexy Back


            "Ugh!" Alyssa cried in frustration as she struggled with the button on the pair of jeans that she was trying on. When she finally did manage to secure the stubborn top bottom she critically examined her reflection in the mirror not being able to ignore the obvious roll of skin that still hung over the top of the waistband. This can't be right; she tried to convince herself as she double checked the tag again. Maybe I picked up the wrong size? Sure enough though they were a size eight.


            "This is crazy," she mumbled to herself under her breath. "There is no way that I'm a size ten." Previous to her pregnancy she'd been a pretty solid size six. In her early twenties she'd been a two. She knew that becoming pregnant would take its toll on her body, but she certainly didn't expect to go up two whole sizes. Not only did she gain weight from her pregnancy, but since she'd spent the past few weeks just laying around mostly she'd possibly gained a few pounds. Not that being a size ten was horrible. She knew a lot of woman who would be happy with that, but Alyssa was petite to begin with and had always been thin. Watching her weight skyrocket like it had the past few months had been difficult for her and now that she was no longer pregnant she no longer had an excuse to justify her weight gain. She was just getting fat plain and simple.


            A knock at the dressing room door interrupted her thoughts. "Alyssa? Are you okay in there? You've been in there a while now and all you bought in was one pair of jeans," Teri's voice asked in a concerned tone. "Do you need me to get you another size or something?"


            "No, that's okay... Uhmm, I don't really like this style anyway," she lied trying to hold back the frustrated tears that burned under her eyelids. She was having a bitch of a time trying to find clothes lately since very few of her pre-pregnancy or ‘skinny' clothes seemed to fit. She refused to buy anything in a size ten especially when she was so determined to lose weight. It sucked, but in the last few weeks since she'd had her final checkup with Dr. Spencer it had really hit her how out of shape she was. Her self-esteem had definitely begun to suffer big time. She was just beginning to feel like she was maybe starting to get over Zoey, but now seeing how much her body had suffered and not even having a child to show for it, brought back a lot of rough emotions for her. She'd been talking over her new found body issues with Julia in therapy, at first feeling selfish for caring so much about what she looked like. Julia had explained to her that it was a normal female reaction to be depressed about a change in their bodies such as this, especially when they'd like Alyssa never had any weight problems before. Still, it made Alyssa insecure at a time when she was already feeling down about herself. She should be focusing on trying to decide what she wanted with Nick, but she was afraid that with the way she was looking now Nick wouldn't find her at all attractive anymore. She'd let herself go since the accident and truthfully in her current state she felt anything but sexy and attractive.


            She changed back into the jeans that she had worn out that day; the only pair she had left that still fit her well and dejectedly exited the dressing room stall. Teri immediately noticed her sulky expression. "What's wrong Lyss? You look upset?"


            "I'm fat," she flatly announced. "Those jeans? I could barely button them and when I did I had major muffin top going on. It was not attractive at all in the least bit."


            Teri glared at her and just rolled her eyes. "You're not fat. Most women would kill for curves like yours. You're completely average."


            "Average is fat to me. I've always been skinny. I mean I know that like the average woman is like a size fourteen or something, but the average woman is also like at least 5'4. I'm three inches below that, making me resemble a balloon." She sighed. "I'm just not loving my body right now."


            "Well, Tricia just texted me while you were in the dressing room. She's over at Victoria's Secret now so I told her we'd meet her there. Usually shopping for sexy lingerie always makes me feel better about myself."


            Alyssa just sighed, but followed her friend anyway. Usually she herself loved lingerie shopping with her friends, but lately the novelty of it had seemed to wear off. She felt way too disgusting for anything sexy and it wasn't like she really had anybody to wear it for right now. Despite her negativity about her body though, the two women left the current store they were shopping in and headed out into the crowded mall. This shopping excursion hadn't been Alyssa's idea. Teri and Tricia had decided to drag her out to cheer her up a little bit, but if anything their plan was doing just the opposite.


            They arrived at Victoria's Secret a few minutes later and already found Tricia already rifling through a rack of lacy looking nighties. Teri immediately went over to join her and within a few moments the two women were plucking off a few different styles that they seemed interested in. Uncomfortably, Alyssa wandered off on her own towards a display of bras. She could probably use a few new ones. Even her old bras didn't seem to fit. She suspected between her weight gain and the pregnancy she'd gone up about a cup size. I should probably have one of the salesgirls measure me, she thought to herself as her eyes searched the area for one.


            Before she could find one though, Teri approached her holding out a ruffled plaid babydoll with matching panties. "Okay, so I know that you really aren't feeling anything sexy, but you can't leave without buying something. This is cute. What do you think?"


            Alyssa wrinkled her nose at it. Under normal circumstances it would make good lounge wear, but the way she was feeling lately it seemed a little ridiculous compared to the more practical sweatshirts and baggy t-shirts she'd been living in lately. "No," she simply answered.


            "But it covers your stomach and it's pretty flowy," her friend tried to point out.


            "Yea, and perfectly highlights my thunder thighs. Face it; I think my lingerie days are over."


            Teri just rolled her eyes at her. "Stop being overdramatic. We're not letting you leave until you buy at least something." She grabbed Alyssa's hand and dragged her back over to where she and Tricia had been looking.


            Alyssa thumbed through the rack more to appease her friends than with the intention of actually finding anything. Really, most of the stuff was pretty ridiculous and not very practical. "I never realized until now how stupid some of this stuff is." She gestured to a skimpy, sheer, black, cut out teddy. "Like seriously? Who wears something like this? It's trashy."


            Tricia's cheeks reddened as she held out the exact same teddy that she already had in her arms. "I thought that AJ would like it. Guess that makes me trashy, huh?"


            Teri jumped in and placed a hand on Tricia's arm. "If you like it that's all that matters. Don't listen to Alyssa. She's just in a bitchy mood because she thinks that she's too fat to buy lingerie anymore."


            Tricia's eyes widened as she looked over at Alyssa. "Oh, puh-lese! I know you're feeling down and out about your weight, but you definitely can still pull off lingerie. Buy yourself something ridiculous. I guarantee you the minute you put it in you'll feel sexy again in an instant."


            "That's what I told her," Teri chimed in.


            Finally getting sick of the two women talking about her as if she wasn't there Alyssa jumped in to defend herself. "Lingerie is a pointless expense for me right now. I'm out of work and money is tight and I just simply can't afford to spend money on something that I have no reason to buy."


            "Yet, you had enough money to buy three pairs of shoes earlier in Macy's," Teri pointed out.


            A sheepish expression came over her face. "That's different. Shoe's are the one thing that no matter how fat you get still fit."


            Tricia rolled her eyes. "And what do you mean you have no reason to buy lingerie? What's going with you and Nick?"


            Alyssa sighed. "I don't even know... I'm trying to figure shit out first before I decide what's going on with Nick. Things are weird now. He's giving me space to get my head on straight and then who knows? The way I look now if he saw me in lingerie he'd probably beg me to put more clothes on."


            Teri just laughed. "Alyssa no offense, but the man still found you incredibly sexy while you were pregnant. I think that if he still found you attractive with a big, round belly he'll find you attractive no matter what you look like."


            Alyssa just shook her head in disagreement. "That was different. When I was pregnant he knew that I was carrying our child and that was a turn on to him. Now what's my excuse? I'm flabbier and I have stretch marks. Besides, all those hormones I had going on when I was pregnant made me really not give much of a damn of what I looked like. Sometimes I actually miss those damn hormones."


            "Well, I think you're being ridiculous Alyssa," Tricia judged. "I mean not to sound heartless, but instead of whining about how unhappy you are with your body why don't you do something about it? I mean when we go to the gym you hardly even try to push yourself. You're not going to break if you sweat a little."


            Alyssa sighed, knowing that deep down her friend was right. In therapy Julia had suggested that she do something to try to actively lose weight such as join a gym or Weight Watchers. It was then that she remembered Shayla's Christmas gift to her, so after that session she had began to put it to use. Teri and Tricia had also signed up with her for moral support. Unfortunately, working out with her friends turned out to be more discouraging than motivating. Both women were in much better shape than Alyssa and after being pretty inactive throughout her pregnancy, Alyssa realized that she was having difficulty keeping up with them. While both women could easily run three miles on the treadmill, Alyssa found it a struggle to power walk a mile and a half. When she did try to muster up a run she could only make it for maybe two minutes tops before having to stop and rest. It frustrated her that someone who used to be in such excellent physical condition now could barely keep up. The gap in her abilities and those of Teri and Tricia's was too large for her to compete with. She found herself not even bothering to push herself anymore because she knew that no matter how hard she pushed she still wouldn't be close to them. Still, she couldn't give her friends the satisfaction of admitting that they were right.


            "I just had a c-section in January! That's still considered pretty serious abdominal surgery. I don't want to injure myself even further, so I have to be careful not to push it." The excuse was the best that she could come up with for the time being.


            "Yea... You did have a c-section. In January. We are now in April. I'm pretty sure that you're pretty recovered by now," Tricia shot back, not buying it. "I don't know what you're scared of, but maybe if you just had a better attitude, you'd drop the weight!"


            Not wanting to continue the fight any longer, Alyssa randomly picked up a light blue cotton chemise. "I'm going to go pay for this. Now you can't complain that I didn't buy anything." With that she angrily strode away towards the front of the store to pay for her purchase.


            "What is her problem?" Tricia asked Teri in a frustrated voice. "Like I know she's going through a lot, but things are never going to get better between her and Nick if she keeps that attitude up. It's like she's been regressing ever since the accident."


            Teri just looked over at Alyssa sympathetically and sighed. "She's having a hard time with all this weight stuff. She's never had to watch what she ate before, so it's pretty big for her I guess. I admit there are times I want to throttle her too, but she really needs our help now more than ever. We need to think of someway to get her to feel good about herself again..."


            "I thought lingerie shopping would be good. I mean she needs to believe that she still can be sexy and desirable, but I guess that kind of backfired, huh?"


            Teri didn't answer though. Her eyebrows were knitted together deep in thought and all of a sudden a wide smirk spread out on her lips. Tricia knew the expression very well. "Oh oh... What are you thinking? You have that, ‘I just got a major brainstorm' look on your face."


            Teri just continued to grin. "I think you were on to something with the whole making her feel sexy and desirable thing. We just need to trick her into believing that."


            Tricia frowned. "Trick her? How are we going to do that? I don't think I understand what you are getting at."


            "We need to get her to do something that not only makes her feel more confident in herself and her body, but that reminds her that she's still sexy. It's a little crazy, and a little out there. She's totally going to freak at first, but I think I have just the right idea..."


            Tricia looked even more curious now, but listened carefully as Teri shared the details of Operation Bringing Sexy Back, as Teri had decided to call it. The plan was definitely a crazy one, but it was very them and hopefully just crazy enough to actually work...




            Later that week, Alyssa pulled her car into the gym parking lot and hoisted her gym bag over her shoulder as she got out and began to head towards the entrance. She was meeting Teri and Tricia for another work out session, but this time they'd decided to try one of the aerobics classes that the gym offered. Alyssa hadn't yet had a chance to try out any classes yet, but her friends had and had promised Alyssa that it was the kind of work out she'd enjoy. Having an instructor there to push her sounded like exactly what she needed and an aerobics class sounded like something she'd be a lot better at then running on a treadmill or working on the weight machines.


            All that Teri had told her was to bring water and be sure to dress in layers. This didn't strike Alyssa as odd because she knew from her dancing days that sometimes the studios could be especially cold at first, but as the classes wore on and you began to work up a sweat it was a good idea to wear layers that you could just toss off as you went along. She had dressed for the occasion in black tight fitting exercise leggings with a pair of boxer shorts over them, a tank top and a white zip up hoodie.


            She opened the door of the gym, flashed her gym membership card at the front desk and headed straight for the locker room. Once she had locked all her belongings in a locker, she threw her hair up in a messy bun and headed out into the gym area in search of Teri and Tricia. It was about half an hour until the class was about to start, so they had planned to do a little bit of working out on their own first. Finally she spotted them over by the elliptical machines and headed over to them waving.


            "Hey," Tricia enthusiastically greeted. "We weren't sure if you were going to show up."


            "Why?" Alyssa asked, sounding confused. "I'm actually really excited to be trying something new. I mean I think aerobics might be good for me. I need to have an instructor pushing me. At least I know I'll be getting a proper workout. Plus, aerobics is sort of like dance, right? I might be good at it."


            "Oh yea... Your dancing skills will probably be very useful for this class," Teri snickered.


            Alyssa frowned, not quite sure what Teri meant by that, but chose to ignore it stepping on to an elliptical right next to her. "So, does the instructor move really fast? How intense of a workout would you say it is?"


            Teri and Tricia exchanged amused glances. "Well, the instructor pretty much breaks everything down for you. As far as keeping up? Well, it's kind of work at your own pace," Tricia explained in an amused voice. "It's pretty intense though. It really works your whole body."


            "Uh huh," Teri agreed. "It's a pretty unique kind of workout."


            "Do you mean unique like Jazzercise?" she innocently asked.


            The other two women exchanged another look and laughed. "Not exactly," Teri supplied. "You'll see what we mean once the class starts."


            Alyssa gave up on trying to decode their cryptic responses, deciding that the aerobics class that they were about to take was certainly going to be an interesting one. Instead she popped in her ear phones to her iPod and began pedaling on the elliptical, letting her music distract her from the pain in her legs that she started to feel within a few minutes. She ignored it and went on for about fifteen minutes until she felt Teri tap her on the shoulder. "We're going to get going now into the studio. We want some time to get settled and stuff."


            Alyssa nodded and climbed off of her elliptical, tossing her iPod into the pocket of her hoodie. She followed her two friends down a hallway into another area of the gym that had studios set up for different kinds of aerobics, yoga, and pilates classes. They stopped outside of one of the studio doors and right before they went in Alyssa was struck with a strange feeling. She couldn't ignore the mischievous smirks painted on her friend's faces and that's when she knew that something was up. Still, she was not at all prepared for the sight that lay before her as they entered the studio. Scattered about the room were stainless steel poles that ran floor to ceiling; poles that strangely resembled the types that strippers used to dance on.


            "Oh, hell no..." were the first words out of Alyssa's mouth. She turned to walk right out of the studio, but Teri and Tricia anticipated her move and jumped in front of her to block her path.


            "Come on Lyss! Don't be such a prude!" Tricia insisted. "At least give it a try before you completely write it off. It really is a phenomenal workout. I know it sounds pretty crazy, but it works."


            "I'm sorry... There's no way that you're getting my fat ass to swirl around a pole like a fucking stripper. Even when I was like twenty pounds lighter I'd think you were insane," Alyssa told her. Sure, she'd heard of the whole striptease aerobics phenomenon. It was one of the newest exercise crazes in LA, but that didn't mean that she was ready to buy into it. She had her doubts about how much swinging on a pole could really be considered a workout anyway.


            "I agree with Tricia," Teri jumped in. "You can't judge it until you try it. What happened to being adventurous and trying new things? Tricia is right. It works out every muscle in your body and you feel sexy doing it too. Really now... What other workout can you honestly say that you feel sexy doing?"


            Alyssa just shrugged. Teri had her there. Exercising definitely did not make her feel anything close to sexy. More like sweaty and discouraged. But then again there wasn't much that did make her feel sexy lately.


            "Besides if there's one thing that you need more than anything right now it's feeling sexy," Teri continued. "So, you're going to at least give this class a try today. I promise if you absolutely hate it I won't force you to go again. Just try it this once is all I ask."


            Alyssa groaned. She really should have seen this one coming. Really, leave it up to the two of them to come up with some crazy scheme like this. She should know better by now. The whole ‘dress in layers' comment, their giggling at her naïveté... It all made sense now. She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, I guess I have no choice do I?" Her two friends shook their heads. "Fine, I'll do it, but I can't promise that I'll be able to take it seriously."


            Teri and Tricia slapped each other high fives and pulled Alyssa over to the nearest three poles they could find, so that they could stand together. Alyssa eyed her pole warily. It certainly looked easy enough in those bad VH1 reality TV shows, but she was already having visions of herself losing her balance and falling on her head or something else equally embarrassing. "So, you guys have taken this class before?" she tentatively asked.


            Both of her friends nodded. "Yea, we decided to give it a try last week," Tricia told her. "Don't worry... It's not anything that you can't handle."


            "Yea, there are a lot of different ability levels, so the instructor breaks everything down really simple for people like you who have never taken a class before," Teri added. "Sometimes she'll give you the option to simplify a more complicated move, so in that case you'll just do the basics."


            Alyssa just nodded, when Teri put it that way it almost sounded like any other aerobic class. She glanced up at the clock hanging over the wall of the studio, seeing that there was only another five minutes or so left before the class. You can do this; she mentally coached as she preoccupied herself with stretching out her tight muscles. All she knew was that she was probably in for the most interesting hour of her life. Just wait until she got her hands on her two friends, for this.




            When class ended an hour later Alyssa had to admit that she was wiped. Who knew that sliding down a pole required so much upper body strength? As Teri had promised almost every muscle in her body seemed to have gotten a workout and she knew for a fact that she'd be paying for it tomorrow morning.


            "So?" Teri asked, coming up beside her as they excited the room. "What did you think?"


            "I think that I've developed a new found respect for strippers," she answered completely straight faced which made the other two women burst into laughter. "Seriously! Like it's a lot harder than it looks and I totally understand now what you were saying about it being a pretty intensive workout. I'll be lucky if I can walk tomorrow."


            "Would you do it again?" This question came from Tricia. "I mean you seemed to do pretty well. A little stiff at first, but towards the end I think that you were starting to get the hang of it a little bit."


            Alyssa paused to think it over as they headed through the locker room doors. She had to admit that for almost the first half of the class she'd probably resembled a deer frozen in headlights. She'd been nervous and of course not expecting that it would take a few tries to even nail the most basic of moves on the pole. Somewhere towards the middle though she'd realized that her uptightness was only hindering her performance and if she wanted to not look like a complete idiot she was going to definitely have to relax herself. Surprisingly, she realized that once she'd actually loosened up a little, everything became that much easier. She even dared to say that by the end of the class she was almost enjoying herself. A sense of determination had come over her to be able to execute the provocative moves, because lets face it, she wasn't exactly the kind of woman that one thought of when they pictured pole dancing. The challenge of trying to learn something that would be considered unexpected for her did put a certain amount of thrill in her, a thrill that she had to admit she hadn't felt in a long time.


            "It actually wasn't so bad," she slowly admitted. "I'd do it again I guess. A shot of tequila before class would've made the experience much easier, but once I finally loosened up it was almost kind of fun. It seemed to be an awesome workout and I am willing to try anything at this point to shed all this extra baby weight. If it works, I'm there."


            A dark haired woman about their age looked over towards them from the corner of the locker room as she raised her foot onto the bench to tie her tennis shoe. Alyssa vaguely remembered her being in the same class with them a few minutes earlier. Realizing that she had been noticed, the woman's face reddened. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she apologized. "But, that class is an amazing way to tone up and lose weight. I just had my first child in the fall and I gained like thirty pounds that just refused to come off. I was feeling really down about myself and that plus the addition of a baby was really impacting my relationship with my husband. So, I decided to try the class out on a whim and its done wonders for me. Not only have I finally dropped all that weight, but I'm feeling so much more confident and so much more comfortable with my body. Plus, it's definitely had an impact on the connection I have with my husband. Like the sex is ten times more amazing than it was pre-baby."


            "See!" Teri elbowed Alyssa in her side. "I told you it's amazing!"


            Alyssa felt her cheeks redden. "Thanks," she told the woman. "I'm kind of in the same situation in myself." She purposely kept the details vague, not wanting to spill out her life story to a perfect stranger. "I had a c-section in January and was out of commission for a while which I think caused me to gain more weight and I feel pretty disgusting right about now."


            The woman nodded her head understandably. "Take this class two to three times a week and just try to eat better and I promise you you'll see results. Nice meeting you ladies. See you next week." She picked up her gym bag and strode out of the locker room.


            "Well, the testimonial speaks for itself," Tricia announced. "So, are you in?"


            Alyssa sighed, still feeling a tiny bit of trepidation, but it was too late to back out now. Besides, maybe this was exactly what she needed. Something absolutely crazy and unlike her to focus her energy on and get her mind off of Zoey. If it helped improve her plummeting self-esteem, rebuild her confidence, and make her lose weight throughout the whole process then those were just added bonuses, right? "All right... I'm in. But if either of you breathe a word of this to Nick you're dead," she threatened.




            "So Alyssa, let's get back to your body issues. I know that one of the last times we spoke you told me that you were unhappy with the way your body has changed since your pregnancy," Julia began their next therapy session a week or so later. "I remember we talked about doing something to improve your self image while losing weight and maybe interacting with new people. How has that been going for you? Have you gotten involved in any new activities since then?"


            "Well... I've been going to the gym," she started off. "Two of my girl friends joined up with me, so we've been working out together, but it was beginning to get a little discouraging."


            "Discouraging how?" Julia prompted.


            "They're a lot more athletic than I am. I was getting discouraged because I'd be pushing myself, but even at that I wasn't anywhere near the level that they were at. I was becoming frustrated that they could spend over half an hour on the elliptical, barely breaking a sweat, and meanwhile fifteen minutes for me and I felt like I was going to die," she explained. "I know that everyone works at their own pace and that I can't expect myself to immediately be able to run three miles with no problem after being out of commission for the last few months, but I felt myself just kind of giving up too easily."


            "Maybe you should find someone else to work out with? Someone closer to your ability level?" the older woman suggested. "Or maybe take the whole working out idea from another angle? Maybe instead of working on the machines, you should sign up for a guided class. Does your gym offer any kind or aerobics or yoga classes?"


            Alyssa nodded her head. "Actually, we did uhm sort of take an aerobics class," she sheepishly admitted, feeling her cheeks already start to turn red.


            "Good for you! And how was it?"


            "It was interesting." Alyssa made sure to pick her words carefully. "It was a lot different from any kind of exercising that I had ever done before."


            "And is that a good thing or a bad thing?"


            "A good thing." She frowned. "I think..."


            "Well, what kind of class was it?" Julia continued to curiously pry.


            Alyssa's face continued to redden as she looked away. "Does it really matter? It's a little embarrassing."


            Julia shook her head. "Nothing is embarrassing. Remember, I'm not here to judge you in the least bit. As long as whatever you did made you feel better about yourself and your body than I'd say that it was successful. That's what we want to achieve right?"


            Alyssa slowly nodded her head. "All right," she reluctantly gave in. "My friends dragged me to a strip aerobics class where they like teach you how to pole dance and stuff." Even though Julia had promised not to judge her, Alyssa still inwardly winced expecting a disgusted reaction from her therapist, but Julia's reaction was just the opposite.


            "That sounds like a great idea to me!"


            Alyssa looked up at the woman in surprise. "You do?" Julia definitely did not look like the type who would approve of something like that, but she guessed appearances could be deceiving.


            Julia nodded her head. "Absolutely! I mean it sounds like exactly what you need right now. It provides you with an excellent workout I'd assume which is only going to help you lose weight, and I'm sure that it forces a certain degree of confidence out of you, and of course makes you feel a little sexy. These are all things that you're trying to work on, right? Plus, it provides you with something new to get your mind off of your personal problems. How did it go? Did you enjoy it?"


            "Yea... I think I did," Alyssa shared, finally beginning to relax a little now that she knew that Julia was on her side. "At first it was really weird and I felt kind of stupid, but once I forced myself to relax it got a lot easier and it really did get my mind off of my problems. I sort of enjoyed the challenge of learning something new and doing something that I never in a million years thought I'd do." She paused for a moment. "It was almost empowering in a way."


            Julia smiled, obviously pleased with Alyssa's response. "And I'd imagine that it was a turn on for you because it was something that is normally considered to be ‘naughty', right?"


            Just when Alyssa had felt that she was beginning to relax again she immediately turned bright red again. One subject that she and Julia had yet to discuss was her sex life and to be completely honest talking about sex with her therapist sort of reminded her of talking about sex with her mother. It just felt awkward. "Uhmm, yea... I guess a little bit," she awkwardly agreed.


            Julia just laughed. "Alyssa, you don't have to look so mortified. I may be older than you, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy sex as much as the next person. There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Human beings are sexual creatures. I am glad that you seem to be doing something to actively lose weight and feel better about yourself, but I am starting to think that maybe you're self confidence issues stem deeper than just gaining a bunch of weight during your pregnancy. Have you had a history of self-esteem issues?"


            Alyssa's back stiffened; almost amazed at the way that Julia seemed to read her so well. She sighed in defeat, knowing that she was caught. "I guess you can say I've struggled with being comfortable with who I was on and off for the last fifteen years of my life. I was kind of awkward as a teenager. Meg, my sister was always the pretty one. I was the cute, funny one. I wasn't very popular with boys in high school. I mean yea... I had a few guys interested in me I guess, but it just never worked out. I didn't even get involved in my first relationship until I was nineteen and it was a very rough one. You name it, it happened."


            "Why don't you tell me about it?" Julia sympathetically asked. "We've never talked about any of your relationships with men. It may not sound like it has anything to do with why you are seeing me, but you'd be surprised what you might learn about yourself from just looking back into the past."


            Alyssa nodded and launched into the long winded story of her relationship with Nick from the beginning. She told Julia all about how Izzy had introduced them and how excited she had been with him at first when everything was just a new and fresh experience between them. She told her about the night before he left for Sweden and how he'd wanted to sleep with her for the first time, but how she had refused, not wanting to take such a big step in their relationship when he'd be gone for so many weeks. That of course led into her explanation of Nick cheating on her with Katie and Katie later announcing that she'd become pregnant. She talked about Nick wanting to marry her so that they could have custody of Katie's child and her refusal, his marriage to Katie, and her rebound relationship with Dan. She mentioned Katie's death and the guilt she felt about it. She discussed their relationship on tour and the issues she'd went through during that time period to try to become the woman she thought that Nick wanted her to be. Finally, she told her about their seemingly happy engagement, and Nick only a few months later throwing that engagement ring into the ocean, too hung up on his parent's divorce to handle a committed relationship. By the time she was done, she'd felt as if she had shed a gallon of tears, but she did feel lighter almost. And to think that was just Phase One of their complicated relationship.


            Their hour must've been almost up because Julia held up a hand to interrupt her. "I'm very glad that you are opening up so much to me and it is very insightful to why you probably are the woman you are today, but we are running out of time for today's session. I definitely want to continue this conversation next time I see you, but before you go I just want to share with you what I've managed to pull together from your story."


            "Okay..." Alyssa leaned forward, genuinely interested in hearing Julia's analysis of her relationship with Nick.


            "First off I can definitely begin to see how your self-esteem issues played into this relationship. It's always very hard when you get into a relationship with somebody who you feel is more attractive than you and even harder when they are involved in something like the music business. I can definitely see how you would feel pressured to look and behave a certain way because you feel that is what is expected of you. Obviously though, Nick must've seen something in you that he liked originally to initiate a relationship with you in the first place. I definitely think that the birthplace for all your doubts in your relationship with him was that night you decided not to sleep with him. Your reasons were very justifiable and I can see how you very easily convinced yourself that because you did not have sex with him that particular night that is the only reason he cheated on you. That is not the case. I don't believe that he cheated on you for that reason alone. It was understandable. Sex is a big step in any relationship, but an especially big one if it is your first time like it was in your case. I think it was smart of you to wait until he came back from Europe. Of course though whenever a partner cheats it was normal for a person to blame themselves and think, ‘What did I do wrong?' "What was I not doing?' You definitely went through that phase, but you convinced yourself that he cheated on you because he did not find you sexually attractive, right?"


            "Sort of," she agreed. "I mean I knew he was attracted to me. If he wasn't he wouldn't have tried to make a move in the first place. I just kept comparing myself to other girls and I started to convince myself that because I was inexperienced and had no idea what I was doing that he wanted a girl who knew how to please him better than I could. Even later on in our relationship after we had finally slept with each other the thought manifested into well, I'm not as wild as other girls. Maybe he'd rather be with someone who was more adventurous in bed than I was. It certainly didn't help seeing girls throwing themselves at him and offering him the craziest things. It was tough... For a while I tried doing things I wasn't comfortable with just to impress him, but then I realized that I was only making myself feel worse because it wasn't me. My early twenties were a very confusing time period for me."


            Julia looked delighted with her self analysis. "You pretty much summed up everything else I wanted to touch upon. I think that you are very aware of the mistakes you made in your first relationship. You sound like you've matured a lot since then. The early twenties is a confusing time to most people in terms of who you are and what you like. I also feel like maybe you blame yourself for Nick breaking off your engagement."


            "I did at first," she honestly answered. "I didn't buy into the him being afraid of ending up like his parents excuse or the whole wanting to be single and independent thing. He never really had gotten much of a chance to go through that whole single male, string of casual one night stands phase that most guys go through. He'd been in a serious relationship since he was seventeen with a girl and they only broke up a few months before he met me. He'd had a few flings in between the two of us, but he pretty much went from one serious relationship to another. I think I understand the need for him to be independent for a period a lot better now that I am older. I mean I'd never really known anyone else, but him, so it didn't bother me as much as I guess. Plus, we got the chance to discuss the whole engagement thing a few years later and we both agreed that it was probably for the best."


            Julia looked at her watch and sighed. "I'm sorry Alyssa, but we're now out of time. I definitely would like to pick up with that conversation the two of you had in our next session if that is okay with you. I'm very proud of your work today. I think that we're finally beginning to get somewhere with you and I'm glad that you are beginning to open up a lot more towards me. Just remember, there's nothing that you can tell me that I will find absolutely terrible. Good job."


            "Thank you," Alyssa told her as she got up off the couch and exited the office. Julia had been right about one thing. By beginning to unravel the complicated past that was her and Nick, she'd finally opened the door towards ultimately confessing their affair to Julia which would only help her further get over the loss of their daughter. For the first time since starting therapy she felt on the verge of a breakthrough.

Chapter 55 - A Change Would Do You Good by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

Here's the next chapter and it's pretty long. Turned out a lot different than I had planned and because of me trying to cram too much in one chapter I had to do some adjustments so there will still be two more chapters left of this. I hope you all are still interested. I know that it hasn't been the most exciting story lately, but things will pick up again in the sequel. Please leave your thoughts if you are still reading. Last chapter I had the lowest number of reviews I'd seen in a LONG time :(


Chapter 55 - A Change Would Do You Good


            As April turned into May, Alyssa continued to progress both in and out of therapy. It was almost like with the introduction of spring and nature's own rebirth, Alyssa herself was being reborn into a whole new, hopefully better person. She continued to attend the strip aerobics class with Teri and Tricia twice a week and was actually beginning to find it a good sort of release for her and all the stress she was under. This time of year was hard with everything being fresh and new it was hard not to picture herself pushing Zoey's stroller through the park as she probably would be doing by now, had everything worked out the way it was supposed to. So far since taking the class she'd only shed a few pounds, but those two or three pounds felt like twenty or thirty to her. Seeing herself actually beginning to lose motivated her to work harder in the gym when she was on her own and to eat healthier. All in all she definitely felt like things in her life were definitely starting to look up on a positive note again.


            She arrived at her next therapy session feeling confident and prepared to finally confide fully into Julia. She'd decided that this was going to be the session where she finally came clean about her affair with Nick and the fact that he was Zoey's father. She felt that it was the final step to bringing everything full circle. Of course before she could even get into that, there was a lot more that she needed to explain to Julia and she was fearful that an hour would not be enough time.


            As soon as the session started and the two women made themselves comfortable in their usual positions, Alyssa on the couch and Julia seated across from her in an office chair, Alyssa decided in the interest of time to just start talking. "There's a lot that I want to talk to you about today," she began. "I think that last time when we started talking about my relationship with Nick was really beneficial for me, but there's also a lot more to the story that's led me to where I am today. I think I'm finally ready to discuss it with you."


            Julia raised her eyebrows, seeming a little surprised with Alyssa's eagerness to talk about her past. Usually she'd have to pry things out of her in order to get the conversational ball rolling. Still, she did not give any indication of discouragement. "I'm very happy to see you taking the initiative today. Our last session was very insightful and taught me a lot about you, but unfortunately, we ran out of time just as we seemed to be getting somewhere. So, let's pick up where we left off. You had just finished telling me about your breakup with Nick. How would you say you coped with handling that?"


            "Not very well," Alyssa admitted, sheepishly. "You'd think that I'd have been more prepared since we'd had our own series of mini- breakups throughout our relationship, but this time I just knew that things weren't going to naturally fall back together after a few weeks or months. I was very upset at first. I took Nick wanting his independence as him wanting to be free to sleep with other women. As we talked about last week, that was again my insecurities about myself coming to haunt me. I convinced myself that he must be bored with me and wanted to look for something more exciting, when really he just got scared once he realized how serious we were and what we were getting ourselves into. I decided to move back home to New York and go back to college there. I couldn't stand to stay in Florida with all the memories. Of course before I left I did something really stupid."


            "Which was?" Julia asked curiously.


            Alyssa sighed. "The night before I left to return home to New York, Izzy and a few friends took me out as sort of a goodbye party I guess. We just happened to run into Nick who was already with another girl. It was only three days after he broke it off with me and I know that she was meaningless to him, but it still hurt a lot. Seeing how he was able to just carry on with another girl like that so soon just really got to me. So, I decided in that moment if he could mess around with someone else within days of us breaking up, I could do the same. I naively thought that was the quickest way to get over someone. I left the bar later with some guy who had shown some interest in me thinking that all I needed was rebound sex and I'd be fine. But I wasn't. I found the entire experience just to be very awkward and emotionless and just very business like. I thought the guy was good looking, but other than that there wasn't any real attraction. I left Florida feeling almost like a whore and ashamed at myself for going against my own morals. To top it all off I still felt no better about my breakup with Nick."


            "That's a very common reaction to have after a breakup, so I wouldn't say that it was a stupid thing to do," Julia assured her. "A lot of us think that the best way to almost erase a person from our systems is to jump right into bed with someone else. For some people, like Nick probably, sex can be a good distraction for the way they really feel. Other people though, they just can't seem to separate the physical and the emotional aspects of sex, so this course of action isn't the best choice for them, and that is the category that I think you fit into. There's nothing wrong with either one, just we're all programmed differently, so we deal with things in different ways. Did you continue to try to use other men to distract yourself with once you returned back to New York?"


            "I did," she confessed. "Just because I'm stupid and wasn't sure enough after the last time. After I had some time to think about it more, I decided that maybe the guy in Florida was just bad in bed period. Maybe I needed to give it another try with someone else. Looking back I'm not sure what I was looking for. I think the stupid, naïve side of me had that fantasy of having this glorified one night stand that would ultimately turn into something more. Of course, once again I was left disappointed and then it hit me that the only person I was hurting in the situation was myself. I was putting myself through more anguish just by forcing myself to be someone who I wasn't comfortable with. I was never one of those girls who went home with guys regularly and was able to just have sex. Unfortunately, I had to be one of the girls whose conscience would always get the better of her and then afterwards I'd feel guilty. So, after the second time I decided that this wasn't a healthy way for me to deal with my emotions. Instead I threw myself into my schoolwork and concentrated on graduating college."


            "That's an important realization to come to. For many women it takes a lot more than two empty one night stands for them to realize that this is not for them. You were lucky in that respect. So, throughout college you remained single and focused on getting your degree?"


            Alyssa nodded. "Yea, pretty much. I didn't graduate until I was twenty-four. Then that summer I moved to New York City and that's when things got interesting and confusing again." She proceeded to explain to Julia about Nick being reintroduced into her life just when she'd finally felt as if she'd gotten her life together again. She explained their unique friendship which had started off platonically, but over time had slowly begun to wander into the friends with benefits territory. She shared the confusion that she had went through during that time period of knowing that Nick didn't want them to go back to being serious, but still selfishly wanting to be with him exclusively. "I know that he didn't want a commitment, but I went through that stupid phase of thinking that I could be the one who ‘saves' him. I was no longer angry at him, but instead I pitied him. I made excuses for him like, ‘he's only this way because of his parents,' and ‘he wants to change, but he just doesn't know how.' Sometimes I swore I saw glances of the old Nick that I first fell in love with and that kept me going. I think ultimately we did begin to fall back in love with each other, but we were both too scared to take it to that next level."


            "Ahh... The whole ‘I can change this man and be the one who finally tames him' belief..." Julia just nodded her head understandingly. "That's one of the oldest wives tales in the book."


            "Yea, I know..." Alyssa admitted with a laugh. "I realize that now."


            "A lot of women believe they can change a man, especially when it comes to someone special to them, such as a first love. The reality of it is that men can change, but it has to be on their own accord. You could turn cartwheels around them and it won't change anything. Nick had to have that ‘aha!' moment on his own and not to say that you couldn't have influenced him into reaching that point, but you couldn't force him to change. Do you see what I'm saying?"


            Alyssa nodded. "It's the whole you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink idea. I had to show him what he could have with me, but that's it. He had to decide if he wanted it or not on his own."


            "Exactly! Sometimes it takes one person walking away for the other to realize what they've missed out on." Julia noticed the look in Alyssa's eyes that told her that this struck a certain chord with her. "You look like you know what I'm talking about from experience?"


            "I do actually. That's exactly what happened between me and Nick." She took a deep breath before launching into the whole explanation of how they were going to attempt to make a relationship between them work after his tour and ending with her surprising Nick in his hotel room and finding him with another girl. "In that moment I knew that he wasn't going to change. We could pretend to be a proper couple all we wanted, but eventually we were bound to screw it up. So, I walked away. My confidence was all but shattered at that point, but I knew deep down it was for the best."


            Julia nodded. "As I've been saying... The pieces of the puzzle are definitely becoming clearer to me. I think it's amazing that you can look back on this experience and gauge so much from it. It makes sense that you'd fall back in love with Nick because your confidence probably convinced yourself that he was the only one who could be interested in you. And of course it makes sense that you'd fall into that casual sex pattern with him for a while because on your side at least there was enough history between the two of you where you felt safe. When it all blew up though, I can definitely understand why it hurt so much. Not only was it the sting of seeing him with another woman, but it took a lot of courage for you to put yourself in a position that was new to you. Normally, you were always too insecure about yourself to put yourself in that seductress role, so by doing that for him you were sending a strong signal that you were finally ready to start letting your guard down with him. Unfortunately though, putting yourself out there like that made you vulnerable, and in this case it got you burned. I think it's understandable why this was such a painful experience for you. I'd imagine his rejection had an impact on your next relationship, right? Let's talk about that."


            "Well, my next relationship was with my husband or I guess I should say soon to be ex-husband," she began. "After the break up with Nick I moved again." She stopped and laughed. "Do you see a pattern developing?" She went on to explain how she'd moved to North Carolina and how she'd met Sean. "It was weird in the beginning for us because I was still so hung up on Nick and like you said my self confidence was shot. I was back to the same person I was in the beginning of my dating experience where I felt that I wasn't enough of a sexual person to interest anyone. It definitely led to some awkward first encounters between the two of us. Eventually, we reached the point where Sean demanded to know what my issues were, so I told him everything I've pretty much told you. It definitely improved our relationship and he was very patient with me. It took some time, but I started to realize that there is someone who wants me and I can be less inhibited when I just let my guard down. We were only dating about a year when he asked me to marry him and I felt at the time that it was the right decision. I was twenty-seven, I had a stable job, and I was ready. Then we found out that Sean was being transferred out to California in July, so we decided to get married as soon as possible. It all just happened very fast for me and before I knew it, we were married and moving across the country."


            "So, a lot of big changes in a short amount of time," Julia sympathized. "So, how long were the two of you married before deciding to have a baby? Or was it a surprise?"


            Alyssa shook her head. "No, it was very meticulously planned actually. Part of the reason things ended the way they did. We were only married maybe three months when Sean found out that his troop was being prepared to be sent to Iraq. We weren't sure when or how long we had until he was deployed. Of course, Sean wanted to start trying for a baby right away, just in case something happened in Iraq he wanted that piece of him left behind. I was a little more hesitant. Children were definitely on my agenda, but not this soon into our marriage. Under the circumstances though, I finally agreed and we began trying. We tried, and we tried, and we tried. Months went by and absolutely nothing."


            "That had to be hard for you especially under those circumstances. A lot of women in that position first blame themselves because it's engrained in our heads that is our job to get pregnant."


            "That is exactly how I felt Julia. I felt like I was letting Sean down. I thought that there was something wrong with me. I mean I remember going to be gynecologist and pleading to know what I was doing wrong and there really was no answer. It was very frustrating and you are right. I felt like it was my fault for not getting pregnant," she shared.


            "Well, obviously eventually you did become pregnant. Can you tell me about that? Did it just sort of happen one day? Or was there something specific that you felt you did?"


            Alyssa looked down at her lap and sighed knowing that this was where the story got complicated. "I did become pregnant, but there's a lot more to the story. The circumstances behind it were rather unique."


            Julia looked over at the clock. "We still have half an hour, so go right ahead."


            "Okay well I guess I need to backtrack a bit. During the time that I met Sean, Nick also met someone else and got married. When we moved out here of course it being a small world it was inevitable that we'd bump into each other. We still kind of traveled in the same social circles. Anyway, it was apparent to me the moment I laid eyes on Nick again that he had finally changed. I'd heard things from mutual friends, but he was like a whole new man, the kind of man I had wanted him to be when we were together. He'd lost weight, stopped smoking, cut down on the partying, settled down with one woman... It was very strange almost, seeing him like that. Of course, having many of the same friends we sort of were forced to see each other and became friendly again. Platonically speaking that is."


            "And how did Sean react? What about Nick's wife?" Julia curiously asked.


            "Sean wasn't pleased. I mean I guess you can't blame him. All he knew of Nick was the asshole who had pretty much destroyed all the faith I had in myself. He was really upset that I'd even give him the time of day much less consider him as a friend. The way I saw it though was that it was all water under the bridge. Obviously, Nick was a different person now, so why bother holding grudges. We were both happily married, so to me there was no harm in being friends. As far as Shayla goes I don't think she was ever a fan of me. We're very different. Shayla is very much the typical Hollywood wife, and I'm more down to earth I guess. She was jealous of Sean and I because we were trying to get pregnant. She wanted her and Nick to start trying, but Nick wasn't interested in kids just then. Anyway Sean and I continued to try, but then things just starting getting weird between us."


            "Weird, how?"


            "Trying to have a baby really was taking its toll on our relationship. We weren't connecting on that emotional level anymore. The sex became so routine and mechanical that literally I felt like I could just lie there," she explained. "I tried to think of ways to liven things up, to get the focus off of the baby and back onto each other, but Sean was so impatient. I guess he was feeling the pressure and was worried that we wouldn't conceive before he left for Iraq. Finally, we actually even visited a fertility clinic."


            "Did that help any?"


            Alyssa held up her hand. "I'll get back to that in a minute. It's just here is where it gets confusing and I want to be sure that I can word this right for you. Of course with things with Sean being so awkward my mind began to wander back towards Nick. I knew it was wrong and how off limits he was, so I just reminded myself that we were both married and it never was going to happen. Still, it was tempting. As I got closer with Nick again I finally realized how much he had changed. It was me walking out on his life that made him realize he needed to get his act together. That was very appealing to me. Anyway, I guess it's probably not much of a surprise to you that one night after a bad fight with Sean we wound up sleeping together." She looked away a guilty expression on her face. "It was completely wrong, but of course felt completely right. It was everything that had been missing between Sean and I, and I think the fact that we were both older and surer of ourselves played into all of that. Anyway, that was the night Zoey was conceived. I know because after I found out that I was pregnant, I also found out that the reason why Sean and I had so much difficulty was because he's sterile."


            "And how did Sean take all of that?" Julia surprisingly did not show much reaction from the bombshell she'd just dropped. Maybe she was reserving any judgment until after the story was complete or maybe she just simply wasn't all that surprised.


            "Well, you see during the time that Nick and I hooked up and the time I found out that I was actually pregnant, Sean was deployed to Iraq. At first, I thought that the baby may have been some miracle that had happened the night before he left. I'd already told him that I was pregnant by the time I got the call from the fertility clinic telling me that he was sterile. He was so ecstatic about being a Dad that I just couldn't bring myself to tell him otherwise. So, for the time being I said nothing," she guiltily admitted. "I thought that maybe if I kept quiet no one would know the difference."


            "And how did that work out for you?"


            Alyssa sighed. "It didn't. I felt horrible hiding the news from Nick. Even though I knew kids weren't on his to do list I felt like he had a right to know. I told him, and at first he was really pissed at me because I wanted him to keep it quiet. We didn't talk for a month or so. Then of course we wound up seeing each other again at a friend's wedding. It very clearly started to become evident that Nick was willing to take this whole fatherhood thing seriously. His relationship with his wife was very rocky and I guess that I was a way out for him. I mean he really did care about me, just now he had an excuse to end things with Shayla."


            "But you still were married to Sean who was all the way over in Iraq at the time," Julia clarified.


            She nodded her head. "It was a very confusing time," she admitted beginning to feel the tears start to well up in her eyes. "Especially because it was around this point in my pregnancy of course that my hormones are going up and down and I wasn't sure what I wanted half the time. Nick was always there doing the sweetest things for me, things that Sean probably would've done if he had been home. I guess it was no wonder that after a while we really started to fall in love with each other again. I knew that it was wrong to take advantage of Sean's absence, but I also realized that the only reason I married Sean in the first place was because things didn't work out with Nick. I never thought in a million years that we'd find ourselves on the same page again and that he'd actually change into the man I wanted him to be. We talked about a future together and decided that as soon as Sean returned back from Iraq we'd come clean to him and Shayla both and become our own little family. But of course karma had to come around and bite us in the ass and take away the one thing that was most precious to us. It was probably our punishment for being so selfish in the first place."


            Sensing how painful this was getting for Alyssa, Julia jumped in and tried to steer the conversation for her. "Tell me about the circumstances leading up to the accident."


            Alyssa took a deep breath. "Sean was discharged in the beginning of January and he kind of just popped in and surprised me. He was hit by a piece of debris in an explosion that killed his best friend and had shrapnel lodged in his leg. I was going to tell him about Nick and I, but then I started noticing that he was acting very strangely. I think he had some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He was having very vivid nightmares, erratic mood swings, paranoia... I couldn't drop the news on him when he was like that. Nick got pissed at me of course because he thought that I was double crossing him. Anyway, Shayla decided that she was going to throw Nick a surprise 30th birthday party and Sean and I were invited. Sean didn't want me to go of course because he was beginning to catch on that there was something going on between Nick and I. So, stupid me decided that I was going anyway and I kind of lied to Sean and snuck out to go to the party instead. Sean caught me in the lie and decided to show up and I guess drag me out of there. He and Nick got into it outside and naturally I was a wreck. The party was held at a friend's night club, so two of my friends brought me upstairs to rest and calm down while a few of the guys broke up the argument. While this was all going on and I was still upset, Shayla followed up the stairs and insisted that she had to talk to me. My friends tried to tell he that now wasn't a good time, but she wasn't taking no for an answer, so I sent them away. Apparently Shayla had found out about Nick and I, and had wanted to confront me on the matter. We were arguing at the top of the stairs and I guess that I was just so upset that I forgot how close we were to the edge. All I remember is falling. Shayla told me that I slipped and she tried to grab me, but she was too late." She sighed, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. "I just wish I remembered for myself what had happened. I can't believe that I'd do something as stupid as to trip. I should've been more careful."

            Julia gave her a sympathetic look as she handed her a box of tissues from her desk. "You can't blame yourself for something like this Alyssa. It was probably nothing more than an accident. These things do unfortunately happen and I know that you want to blame yourself because of the pretenses that Zoey was conceived under and all the lies you've told to Sean, but I think it's just a coincidence. I don't think that karma was coming to punish you or anything like that. It was an accident. For whatever reason, you fell. It just wasn't meant to be and I know that sounds heartless and clichéd to you at this point in your recovery, but I think that in hindsight you will be able to at least assess some good out of this predicament."


            Alyssa just shook her head as she dabbed her eyes. "It's hard not to blame myself. I keep thinking what if I hadn't lied to Sean and went to the party? What if I hadn't gone back inside while Nick and Sean were arguing? What if I hadn't gone up those stairs in the first place? I shouldn't have sent Teri and Tricia away. I shouldn't have agreed to talk to Shayla knowing that I was already upset. There are so many little factors that I could've changed that would have led to a more positive outcome. I don't know how to think about any of it as good."


            "What is going on with you and Nick now after losing the baby? How has that affected your relationship with each other?" she asked, trying a different angle.


            "Well, you know that Sean and I are getting a divorce. Obviously he found everything out after I lost the baby. It was really a tough conversation to have with him and of course he was extremely angry. It got ugly, but I don't think it could've gone any other way under the circumstances. At least the divorce is going smoothly. He doesn't want anything and neither do I. We just want it over. As for me and Nick...  Things have definitely been awkward with us and it's more myself holding back than him for once."


            Julia's eyebrows rose curiously. "How so?"


            "Like as soon as he heard that I was being released from the hospital and Sean was divorcing him he had us all moving in together and jumping into a relationship and it was the last thing on my mind at the time. All I could think about was losing Zoey that I truly didn't believe that I should be happy with Nick. I thought that I didn't deserve to be happy with him."


            "And now?"


            "Now..." she paused and sighed. "Now, I don't know... I mean he's being really sweet and understanding and all giving me space. He knows that I need to get my head on straight first. He was actually the one who suggested I give this therapy thing a try. I guess the ball is in my court right now. I just have to decide to make that first move. It's a big commitment because as soon as I agree to be with him, that's it. When he divorces Shayla the shit is going to hit the fan, and I'm not sure if I'm strong enough yet to deal with all that backlash yet. I don't know how it's going to affect my reputation, my job, my relationship with my family..."


            "Those are all scary factors to consider Alyssa, but you have to think about whether the risks outweigh the opportunity to finally be with him. From what you've told me today it seems like no matter what happens the two of you always seem to find your way back together. A love like that is rare and I personally think that the answer of what you should do is right in front of you if you just take a look at your past." Julia looked up at the clock on the wall. "Looks like we've ran a little over. This was an amazing session Alyssa. Our best yet. I am very pleased with you and I think that you are making tremendous progress. I want you to think about what I said, okay? Maybe try hanging out with Nick casually and talk amongst yourselves about where you stand. I think that will be great for you."


            Alyssa nodded as she stood up from the couch. "I will do that. Thank you Julia, for everything. Mostly for not judging me. You've really helped me so much."


            The older woman just gave her a warm smile. "That's what I'm here for."




            Alyssa took Julia's advice and called up Nick the very next day. They'd made some small talk in which Alyssa confessed to him that she had been exercising (although she conveniently left out the details of her new exercise program) in order to try and lose some of that baby weight that had been plaguing her. Nick, who was full of workout tips since losing so much weight himself in the past two years or so, invited her to go running with him that following morning. He told her that he liked to wake up earlier a few times a week to go for a run on the beach when he could. He said that it cleared his head and actually was a pretty strenuous work out because of the resistance that the sand gave. Alyssa wasn't too thrilled about an early morning run, but she missed spending time with him and wanted to see him again, plus the workout probably wouldn't hurt her too much.


            They hadn't talked much at first. Nick wasn't exactly a morning person and neither was she. Silently they ran, Alyssa struggling to keep up with Nick's much longer limbs. She knew that Nick was slowing himself down for her, but she wasn't used to running at all and after only about half a mile she found herself gasping for breath. Feeling like her lungs were going to explode and her legs aching, she slowed to a stop, putting her hands on her knees as she struggled to take a good even breath.


            Finally noticing that Alyssa had stopped, Nick also slowed down his pace and trotted back over to her. "Stopping already?" he asked in an amused voice.


            "Guess I'm going to have to work up to that mile," she said in a dejected voice as she crumbled to the sand. "I'm pathetic."


            "Nahh..." Nick plopped himself down beside her. "If it makes you feel better when I first started working out I couldn't run 100 feet without stopping for a breather."


            "Yea, and you were a smoker. What's my excuse?" she joked.


            "It gets easier. You have to build up your endurance, that's all," he tried to explain.


            "You make it look so easy." Alyssa sighed. "I never thought I'd see the day that you'd be the one trying to whip my ass into shape. I think all the weight you lost went straight to me."


            Nick chuckled. "Yea, it is pretty ironic I guess. But don't be so down on yourself. I mean you were pregnant, so you kind of had to gain weight."


            "I'm beginning to lose, but it's a slow process. Unfortunately, women drop weight a lot slower than you men. You know that commercial where the cartoon woman is like ‘I gave up carbs and I lost two pounds, he gave up carbs and he lost ten? Yea... That's how it is. I'm trying to diet and exercise more."


            "Yea, I've heard," he snickered. "So, should I install a stripper pole in the condo? Maybe some full length mirrors? Buy you some clear heels?"


            Alyssa's face immediately turned beet red. "Who told you?"


            "Teri of course. Come on... Did you really think that she was going to keep something like that to herself?" he asked with a smirk.


            "I'm gonna kill her! I specifically told her not to tell anyone; especially you because I know that you'd never let me hear the end of it."


            "Why?" he asked. "Seriously, Lyss... There is nothing to be ashamed about. Okay, I admit that its fun to tease you and it's not something that I'd expect of you to do to lose weight, but that just makes it even hotter in a way. I'm all for it, and if you ever need an audience..."


            Alyssa just rolled her eyes and playfully swatted his arm before he could get any further. "I highly doubt that I'm going to be giving out any free shows, especially the way I look now. Maybe after I lose another fifteen pounds."


            "Shh... You look fine," he assured her. The two of them were quiet for a moment before Nick stretched out his legs in front of him and looked over at her. "So, seriously though... How are you doing Lyss? You definitely look to be in better spirits and if you're working out that sounds like a plus."


            "I guess I'm doing much better than I had been," she finally admitted after thinking over his observation. "I've been seeing a therapist like you suggested."


            "Oh?" Nick's eyebrows rose in interest. "And?"


            "It's actually been helping a lot. Immensely, actually. Her name is Julia and Dr. Spencer referred me to her. I feel like we're finally getting somewhere. In our last session I finally told her all about everything that happened with us." Her eyes looked up to meet his for approval. "I hope that you don't mind."


            Nick shook his head. "It probably does you more harm to hold information like that back. If you don't mind me asking what did she have to say?"


            "About the accident? Well, she said that I needed to stop blaming myself. That it wasn't my fault. Sometimes bad things just happen, and it's not karma or God punishing us. She said that eventually I will be able to find some good in the situation, but as of right now I still can't. It's hard to stop thinking that I did nothing to cause this. I guess the only slightly positive thing I see in all of this right now is if Zoey somehow had survived, I'm not sure if she would've been healthy enough to face the world so soon," she confessed.


            "Well, that's at least a start," he agreed with a sigh. "Did she say anything about us?"


            Alyssa hesitated, a little unsure of how much she should reveal to him. "She did. She said something along the lines of the fact that we keep winding up back together must mean something and it's pretty rare to find someone like that."


            Nick gently smiled. "And do you agree with that?"


            "I do," she slowly admitted. "But I still don't think I'm fully ready yet. Almost, but I still have a few little things I need to work out first with Julia. I promise you though that when I am, you'll be the first to know."


            She watched as Nick sighed, clearly not pleased with her response, but also still managing to sound somewhat sympathetic. "Lyss, you know that I'm willing to wait for you as long as it's reasonable. I can't wait another six months, but if you need another six weeks I guess I have to respect that. Good things come to those who wait, or so they say. I just want you to know though that I haven't made any move on the divorce proceedings with Shayla and I'm not going to until you give me the green light. Because once I start the process there's no holding back and I want to make sure that you're ready to handle all the media backlash."


            Alyssa nodded understandably. She knew that Nick was waiting for her not because he didn't want to be alone like before, but because he honestly cared about her and wanted her to be strong enough to handle anything that popped into their way. "Thank you Nick," she told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck to embrace him. "Like I said, once I figure all this shit out, you'll be the first person I tell."


            The two of them stayed in that position just holding each other for a few straight minutes before reluctantly pulling away from each other. "So, do you think you can run the other half of the mile back?" Nick asked, as he stood up brushing the sand off of his shorts.


            "Ugh!" Alyssa groaned as she did the same. "You're killing me here Nick!"


            Nick just grinned. "Hey, you're the one who wants to lose weight here, and it's not going to happen by us sitting here and talking all day. Come on you can do it!"


            Alyssa just shook her head and having no other choice she took off running behind Nick in the direction that they had just came from. Even though she knew that she'd be exhausted again in a few minutes she had the feeling that agreeing to come out with him today was one of the best decisions she had made in a long time.




            A week later she was back in therapy with Julia, only this therapy session started off a little bit differently than most of her previous ones had. When she'd arrived, Julia had requested that she lay back on the couch instead of sitting up on it. "What's going on?" she nervously laughed. "Are you going to like hypnotize me or something?"


            Julia just laughed. "Not exactly. I've been thinking about what you were saying last week about how you wished that you could remember what happened when you fell. The mind works in strange ways and I know that you hit your head when you fell which definitely could've affected your memory. It's frustrating not to be able to remember things for yourself, isn't it? Especially something as big as this."


            Alyssa nodded. "That's for sure. I mean I guess it's possible that it all just happened so fast that I never got a chance to process what actually happened. It does bother me though. I mean I don't want to say that Shayla was lying, but it's not like me to just trip over my own two feet, and that's what frustrates me. I just wish I knew for myself what had happened. Somehow I just get a feeling that there's more to the story then what Shayla told everyone."


            Julia nodded. "Well, the only people who know for sure what happened up there are you and Shayla. I've been reading about how a person's brain represses certain details in a traumatic event like an accident. The memories are there, but because of a variety of unknown reasons they become buried and the person, ‘forgets.' What I would like to do with you today is to help uncover those memories of exactly what happened at the top of those stairs. We may discover that Shayla was right and you simply tripped after all and if that's the case we'll begin to deal with it, but either way I think that this is going to help bring you some sort of closure on your loss."


            "How are you going to do that?" Alyssa curiously asked, beginning to think that maybe her hypnosis prediction wasn't entirely that far off base.


            "I'm going to lead you through a guided visualization," Julia explained. "It's actually not as scary as it sounds. I'm going to lead you through some breathing exercises to relax you and then I am gong to ask you to close your eyes concentrate on certain details leading up to your fall. I want you to visualize what went on in your head almost as if you were watching it on a movie screen. You're going to explain to me what you see and hopefully it'll make things clearer for you. The hardest part is just removing yourself from the situation and looking at it from an outsider's perspective."


            "Uhmm ok..." Alyssa reluctantly agreed. She had to admit that the whole thing sounded more than a little crazy to her, but she tried to keep an open mind as Julia led her though a calming set of breathing exercises. She'd trusted her therapist this far, hadn't she?


            Once Julia seemed confident that she was calm she began the exercise. "Ok, Alyssa... First off I would like you to picture yourself at the party. Describe to me in as much detail as you can what you were wearing, what you looked like, who or what you saw... Tell me everything you can."


            Alyssa obliged and concentrated hard on the visual behind her eyes. She described everything that she saw to Julia with as much detail as she could. Julia continued to guide her throughout the night from her conversation with Nick out on the deck, to Sean and Nick's argument. Finally Julia had just gotten to the point where Shayla had approached her at the top of the stairs with Teri and Tricia. "What happened after Shayla asked if she could talk to you?"


            "Teri and Tricia tried to jump in and defend me, saying that I was too upset to speak with her at that point, but Shayla wasn't taking no for an answer. I realized that there was no use avoiding her. I had a feeling she wanted to confront me about Nick and since Sean already knew I figured that there was no use in delaying the inevitable. So, I sent the girls downstairs and told them that this was something that I had to handle on my own," she described.


            "What did Shayla say to you once they left?" Julia continued.


            To the best of her ability, Alyssa proceeded to recite their argument line by line her voice inflecting almost as if she was actually there in the moment again. She could feel her body rushing with adrenaline and oddly enough she actually seemed to forget where she was and feel as if she were reliving the whole experience. She could almost feel Shayla getting into her face as she continued to insult her, causing her to take a few steps backwards towards the edge of the stairs. "Don't think for one minute that I'm letting Nick go that easily. You may think you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger, but he's not going anywhere. You're nothing! You have nothing to offer him! He's got a great life with me, one that I don't see him giving up anytime soon!" Shayla's threatening tone of voice rang fresh in her ears as she recalled the way that she had tried to intimidate her. What happened next wasn't so familiar to her eyes. She actually gasped when she saw Shayla reach out and push her backwards. It wasn't a hard shove, probably more for intimidation than to actually hurt her, but it was enough force to send the image of herself tumbling down the stairs.


            "What's going on Alyssa?" asked Julia in a concerned voice once she heard her gasp. "What do you see?"


            "Shayla... She... She pushed me. She pushed me down the stairs! One minute she was all in my face screaming at me and then she just shoved me!" Alyssa cried out, not wanting to believe what she was seeing.


            "Okay Alyssa... I want you to open your eyes and sit up for me please," her therapist instructed. "Let's talk about what you saw. Are you positive that you did visualize Shayla pushing you down the stairs?"


            Alyssa sat up and wiped her eyes that were already full of tears of shock and nodded her head. "One hundred percent. We were arguing and she was getting into my face to I guess scare me or something. Then she kind of shoved me with her fingertips and I fell."


            "Did she shove you like she wanted to push you down the stairs? Or do you think she did it instinctively as a way to show you she was in control? Do you feel that it was premeditated? Or just an accident?"


            Alyssa bit her lip as she thought that one over, still shaken from this new revelation. One clear memory that did haunt her was the look of frozen horror on Shayla's face as she had fallen. There was no way that she could fake that expression. Alyssa had to admit that even though she didn't trust Shayla as far as she could throw her, she'd seen fear in her eyes which was the most emotion she'd ever seen the woman show. Besides she refused to believe that anyone even Shayla would be that cruel to purposely push a pregnant woman down a flight of stairs. "I don't think it was on purpose. I think that things just got heated and she just wasn't thinking. She looked really scared when I fell because I think she realized in that moment how much trouble she was in. But Shayla is a master manipulator and before I could tell my side of the story she convinced everyone and myself that I fell on my own. I couldn't remember and I was more concerned with Zoey at the time that I just believed her I guess..." She sighed feeling even more frustrated than before. "So, now I know the truth, but I almost wished I didn't because now I have no clue what to do about it."


            "Well, the way I see it you have two options. You could go ahead and press charges against her, although I will warn you that taking legal action will be very emotionally draining especially if you take it to trial. I'm not sure if that's something that you want on your plate right now. Your other option is to just let it go, which I also know is hard because you probably want some sort of retribution from you. I'm not telling you what to do, but you really need to weigh out both options before making any rash decisions," Julia advised. "What I do suggest though is that you talk this over with Nick. He needs to know what Shayla did to you and then I think collectively the two of you should decide on your next course of action."


            "What if he doesn't believe me?" Alyssa fearfully asked. "Doesn't it seem a little weird that all of a sudden I just ‘remembered' that Shayla pushed me?"


            Julia frowned. "If your relationship with Nick is as strong as what you've shared with me then I don't see any reason why he would doubt you. He doesn't have any reason to believe Shayla over you. I think you're just afraid of his reaction because you aren't sure how he's going to take the news."


            "I guess..." she agreed. "It's just so crazy... I can't believe that she'd do that to me and then lie about it to my face like that!" Alyssa felt herself start to get angrier the more she thought about it. "I mean she was never the nicest person, but that's just horrible! I'm not sure if I could forgive her for something like that, even if it was an accident."


            Julia held up her hand. "Let's not talk about forgiveness just yet. I understand that you are very angry, and rightfully so. That is a normal human emotion, but I think you need some time to talk things out with Nick and think about this in a more calm and rational matter. I can see that you are very upset, so I'm going to end things early today. I want you to really think about this, ok?"


            Alyssa just nodded as she stood up and thanked Julia for her time. Her mind was still racing and now that she had visualized the scene in her head it played on constant rewind in her mind. Now more than ever Alyssa realized how much she disliked Shayla. She'd proven to be no better than her and Nick, in fact she was probably even worse because she lied to cover up her mistakes. At least she and Nick had admitted to theirs.


            At least there was one positive thing about this new discovery. Alyssa could no longer blame herself for Zoey's death. She now had a scapegoat.


Chapter 56 - Blindsided by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:
New chapter up already and only one more after this!  My goal is to finish this story over the weekend, let's see if I actually stick to it. Things are starting to come together in this chapter and I think a lot of you will be happy lil campers. I like to call this chapter the mini climax because well you'll see...

Chapter 56 - Blindsided


            Alyssa nervously entered the coffee shop that she had arranged to meet Nick at and immediately headed towards the counter to order herself a latte and a pastry to nibble on while she waited for him to arrive. It had only been a little over twenty-four hours since her last therapy session with Julia and her realization that Shayla had been the one responsible for her fall. She'd weighed the situation out carefully, so carefully in fact that she'd barely gotten an hour of sleep last night. Even after all that consideration she was still not sure what to do about it. One side of her was full of hate and contempt for the woman, wanting to make her pay for practically stealing her daughter away from her. She wanted to see Shayla pay for what she'd done, to ruin her life the same way that she had ruined her and Nick's. Then of course though there was the softer human side of her. Deep down she knew that Shayla had never intended to hurt her or Zoey. Shayla may have been many things, but Alyssa seriously doubted that a murderer was one of them. She'd been raised to forgive others and it would be almost hypocritical of her to press charges when she hoped that she and Nick would be forgiven for their own indiscretions. She knew though that no matter how conflicted she was on the inside, she needed to let Nick know what was going on and maybe together they could finally decide what their best option was. She just wasn't sure how Nick was going to react to the news.


            She settled down at a table in the corner and a few minutes later Nick walked in through the door and spotted her. She gave him a friendly wave and waited while he ordered his own coffee and joined her on the opposite end of the table. "Hey, what's going on?" he casually greeted. Alyssa could tell though that underneath his eyes he really seemed to be wondering exactly what it was she had called him to talk about.


            "Not much," she answered, playing nervously with the stirrer in her latte. There was no use forcing any awkward small talk. She might just as well cut to the chase. "There's actually something that I needed to talk to you about face to face, something pretty important."


            "All right... I'm listening," he told her, leaning forward attentively.


            "Well, you know how I've been going to therapy and all?" Nick just nodded as she continued. "I had a session with Julia yesterday that was actually pretty eye opening. It made me realize something that I hadn't before that I think you need to know about." She cringed a little when she saw Nick's face light up, immediately realizing that her words almost sounded as if she was finally going to tell him that she was finally ready to be with him. He was going to very disappointed once she told him the truth. "About Shayla," she clarified.


            She watched as Nick's expression fell into a confused frown. "You had a revelation about Shayla? What does she have to do with any of this?"


            Alyssa sighed in preparation for her explanation. "You know how I kept blaming myself for falling? How upset I was that I apparently ‘tripped' and couldn't remember it? Well, I guess I never completely bought Shayla's story. We weren't just talking up there. We were arguing about you. She somehow found out about us and Zoey and was confronting me about it. Anyway, since it was such a big roadblock for me in trying to gain any closure over the incident, it was an issue that Julia wanted to tackle in therapy. In yesterday's session she did this thing called a guided visualization with me to try to put together all the fuzzy pieces of what went on right before I fell. During the visualization I realized that I didn't trip. Shayla pushed me."


            She anxiously searched Nick's face for his reaction. Wordlessly, he slunk back against his seat in almost disbelief. Appearing shocked he finally found his voice. "What? Alyssa, are you sure? I mean that's a pretty serious allegation there."


            "I'm positive!" she insisted, her voice rising with conviction. "She pushed me Nick! I saw it perfectly in my head when I really focused in on what happened. I know it sounds crazy that bam, one day in therapy I'd just automatically remember, but I swear to you that's what happened. You have to believe me!"


            Nick held up a hand to calm her down. "I didn't say I didn't believe you Lyss... It's just wow... I almost don't want to believe it. When you say that she pushed you, do you mean like on purpose?"


            Alyssa shook her head realizing that she letting her emotions interfere with her explaining the situation. It was no wonder Nick seemed confused. "No, I don't think that it was on purpose. We were fighting at the top of the stairs. I told you she was confronting me about you, and I admit I was being a little bit of a smart ass just because I knew that it would get her pissed. I didn't think that it would get her that worked up though. I bought up the whole lying about being pregnant thing, so then she told me that at least she didn't seduce her married ex boyfriend and purposely gotten pregnant. You know how I have a bad habit of not thinking before I say things, so I told her that I didn't have to seduce anyone which of course pushed the wrong buttons. Next thing I know she was getting into my face, screaming at me about how I'm nothing and that you'd never leave her for me. Then she kind of shoved me a little with her fingertips, not hard, but enough to make me lose my balance. I wasn't at all prepared for that so I went tumbling down the stairs. I think if she had pushed harder I could've been hurt a lot worse. If she wanted to really hurt me, she could've, but I think she was just trying to scare me."


            "So, let me get this straight. The two of you were fighting, things got heated, words were exchanged, and she gives you a little unnecessary nudge and you fall?" he tried to clarify.


            "Pretty much," she nodded. "I really don't think it was premeditated, just one of those in the heat of the moment things. I remember as I was falling she genuinely looked shocked and well... scared. She totally had this ‘oh, shit' look on her face. I really think that maybe I just pushed her too far and she blacked out."


            "Yea, but she should've had enough common sense not to lay her hands on a pregnant woman. Even if you weren't on the top of the stairs and she pushed you something as small as a simple push could've caused your water to break and sent you into early labor," Nick pointed out. "Like she should've known that. It's not rocket science."


            "I think she was just at the end of her rope Nick. She was losing it. You know how important image is to her. It was obvious that she was always more in love with Nick and Shayla, perfect Hollywood couple, than Nick Carter. She would be willing to forgive and forget everything that happened between you and me as long as it meant that the world could go on believing that your guys had the perfect marriage. She's terrified of what the media is going to say when they do find out that you two are getting divorced. She had been trying so hard to keep everything together, but your relationship was crumbling too quickly for her to do damage control." Alyssa was surprised at herself even with her analysis of where Shayla had been coming from throughout this ordeal. Was it possible that she almost felt bad for Shayla?


            Nick looked thoughtful as he considered what she had just said. He supposed that she was right. Shayla definitely had been acting stranger and stranger over the past few months. As if the whole pregnancy lie hadn't been crazy enough there had been the whole Santa outfit nightmare on Christmas Eve. Then there had been the way that she'd practically begged him to sleep with her in Vegas. Even the fact that she'd thrown him the party in the first place had made him believe that she had some sort of ulterior motive in mind. He knew that Shayla was very concerned with media perception, so Alyssa's theory had made sense. Maybe she had just let all the stress get to her and snapped. "I guess it would make sense that she'd lie about it to cover her own ass. You know something definitely didn't seem right about her story, but I never fully pushed it. And the few times I did ask her to elaborate she did seem very jumpy. I think once or twice she even said, ‘It's not like I pushed her down the stairs.' Sounds to me like she had a guilty complex."


            "Definitely..." Alyssa agreed. "And of course she'd cover her own ass. She's not stupid. She knows that if she admitted it we'd probably press charges and then not only would she lose you, but her career would be in the toilet as well."


            Nick just sighed still not wanting to fully believe that Shayla would stoop to that level. "I still don't want to buy it. This isn't the same woman I agreed to marry almost three years ago. I don't know what happened to the old Shayla, the sweet, down to earth, producer who I met while I was filming my show. She's changed so much... It's like she's become a completely different person."


            Alyssa glanced at him sympathetically, knowing how difficult it was for Nick to realize that his wife wasn't the same woman that he had originally married. She just shrugged. "Fame does that to people I guess. She all of a sudden was in all these tabloids and everyone seemed to love her... I guess I can see how that could change a person if they're not careful."


            "So, what do you want to do about this?" he asked, finally finding the nerve to ask the question that they needed to answer. "Do you want to press charges?"


            She sighed, still no closer to reaching an answer than before. "Honestly, I'm not sure Nick. I mean she definitely deserves to be thrown in jail and have her life ruined, but I'm just not sure if I can bring myself to do that to her even after all she's done to me. She's already lost you and that's going to damage her career. I almost think that's enough punishment for her. Like I said, it wasn't vindictive and when all is said and done I think I actually do pity her a bit."


            "You're a much better person than I am because if I was in your position I'm not sure that I could be so forgiving," he told her. "But knowing Shayla I do see your point. She's not a murderer. A manipulative bitch, yes, but a murderer, no. Plus, you need to keep in mind that if we do press charges a trial would only lead to a bigger media scandal which is exactly what we don't want. And you never know how she's going to try to spin this. I mean you even admitted that you kind of egged her on a bit. Knowing her she'd try to claim that you hit her and it was self defense or something like that."


            "So then what do you suggest?" Alyssa asked.


            "I think our best course of action for now is to just sit on this. It stays between us and we let Shayla go on believing that we've accepted her version of the story. We show that we're bigger people and not even mention it to the media or anything."


            "You really think that we should just let it go, like that?" Alyssa seemed surprised at his decision.


            "Not exactly," he clarified. "For now we let it go, but something tells me that knowing Shayla she's going to try pulling some crap once our divorce leaks into the media. It'll be useful for us to have something to hold against her in case she does do something crazy. Sort of like a bargaining chip. If we all of a sudden leak the fact that she pushed you down a flight of stairs while you were pregnant causing you to lose the baby, it would be a devastating blow for her. If we save that piece of information to use against her, there's really no way that we could lose."


            Alyssa's eyes widened as Nick explained his reasoning for keeping the news quiet for the time being. "Nickolas Carter! I would never expect you to come up with something so manipulative."


            Nick just shrugged and smirked. "What can I say? I was married to the best and I learned everything I know from her. We have to beat her at her own game."


            A worried crease wrinkled above her brow. "But wouldn't it seem weird if all of a sudden months later we finally decide to take it to court? Isn't there like a time limit between the actual incident and when you can press charges?"


            "Shayla doesn't know that. I think if we just threaten her she'd be so scared that we'd leak it to the media that she'd do anything we asked. Really, we have the advantage here."


            "All right then. I'm in," she agreed.


            Now that they had finally reached a decision about what to do about the Shayla situation and now that Alyssa had finally had the closure of knowing how the accident had happened, she realized that she felt almost a million times better. Now there was just one more thing standing in the way of her progress, and he was sitting right across from her. Her next focus needed to be on really considering whether or not she was ready to take the plunge with Nick. Admittedly, she had let her other problems get in the way of figuring out what she wanted to do about him. She loved him; there was no doubt about that. The only part that was still holding her back was her fear of the road ahead for them. She knew that it wouldn't be easy. Their relationship would be tested in ways that it never had before, and with such a rocky history as their's, one could never tell what could happen. She knew that there was no way to hide the mistakes that they had made from the media. Everything was going to come out eventually. She could lose her job... She hated to think of what her family would think... But most of all she wasn't sure if she was ready for her private life to become public. That was going to have to be something that she focused a lot of thought on in the next few days.




            "I took your advice and talked to Nick," Alyssa reported at her next therapy session the following week. "I told him about what Shayla did to me and we reached a decision."


            "Excellent. I know you were worried that he wouldn't believe you. How did he take the news?" Julia asked.


            "Better than I thought. I mean at first he was a little wary, but I think that it was more that he didn't want to believe that Shayla would do something like that than actually not believing me. He was just very disappointed that someone that he had at one time thought he loved would turn out to be such an ugly person," she explained.


            Julia nodded her head. "I would say that's a pretty normal reaction. It has to be hard on him to hear because he probably at one time really did love her. From what you've told me about her, it seems like she's turned into almost a completely different person."


            Alyssa had to agree. "She has. I mean I never really got to know her previously, but like even from meeting her very briefly at her and Nick's wedding I can see a difference. Evidently before she started working in front of the camera she was a lot different. Then once she got promoted and married Nick, people started to recognize her, and she was in all the magazines, she really changed." She paused to laugh a little. "I don't know if it's all these therapy sessions or what, but I actually can look at her now and almost pity her because I realize just how many issues she has herself."


            "That's definitely progress. I agree that it sounds like she has her own set of problems, but we're not here to analyze her. We're here to talk about you. Let's get back to your decision. What did the two of you decide to do?"


            "We decided for the time being not to do anything," she answered truthfully. "Both Nick and I realize that she didn't do it with the intention to really hurt me. It was something that she did without thinking. I mean don't get me wrong, we're both hurt and angry, but we just think that pressing charges would add a whole new layer onto all of this drama that neither one of us needs. Bad enough, things are going to get crazy with his divorce because I know that Shayla is going to milk whatever she can from it, and then when the media gets involved it'll be a circus. It would just be too much. I'd like to see Shayla pay, but I think having her career and her marriage destroyed is probably punishment enough."


            "That's a very mature decision Alyssa," Julia praised. "A lot of people would not be so sympathetic, but you do make sense. It seems like you've both thought this out very carefully. Pressing charges is a big decision and it would in your situation probably complicate things much further. You are right, the road up ahead is going to be bumpy enough already. Have you and Nick put any thought into where the two of you are headed at this point?"


            Alyssa froze up. There was the one question that she didn't even know herself. "Yes and no," she carefully replied. "I mean we've talked about it and basically the ball is n my court now. He knows that I had some issues to work out and he's been giving me the space to do so, but I know that I can't leave him hanging forever. I feel bad because I'm kind of holding him up from divorcing Shayla because he wants to make sure that I'm ready to handle the media backlash once it happens."


            "And what do you think is holding you back, honestly?"


            She sighed, feeling more and more frustration build up inside her. "I don't know... I love him, I really do. I've always wanted to spend my whole life with him. I guess it's just that we've been through so much and I'd just gotten to the point where I accepted that it would never wok out between us, and here we are again. Like now it's a real possibility and I'm just not sure that I want to go through the hurt of having my heart broken by him again." After she had said it she shocked herself at how she had never admitted that to herself. Instead she had been covering it up with the excuse about the media, which of course was part of it, but the larger issue was she was afraid of being hurt.


            "That's a very valid way to feel in your situation," Julia sympathized. "Especially based upon your past. But, you can't leave him hanging like you are now. You just can't. It's not fair to him or Shayla. I understand that you are scared, I bet he is too, but after all you've been through together this time around is it worth it to waste all that because you're scared?"


            Alyssa thought about that. She thought about their relationship while she had been pregnant. How he'd taken care of her, stopping by to bring her food or just to watch a movie with her. How he'd been by her side at almost every doctor's appointment. The little things he did to show her he cared. Not to mention the strong physical connection that they had shared. It had been almost perfect, the way she'd wished it would have always been. Obviously they were both two very different people now and just maybe this time around things very well could be different. She'd never know unless she tried, right? "God, this is all so stupid!" she exclaimed. "What am I doing here? I have this great guy right underneath my nose and instead of letting myself just be happy with him, I'm sitting here too scared to make a move because I'm too afraid that it's not going to work out! You're totally right... Nick and I survived one of the hardest things any couple can go through and we're still on speaking terms. Not very many couples could go through all we did and still get along. When I first came out of the hospital and wanted to do nothing more than lock myself in my room and cry and feel sorry for myself, he was the one who practically dragged me out of bed. Hell, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him. He's the one who suggested I talk to someone. How could've I have been so blind? Most guys would've given up on me ages ago!" Without even bothering to think what she was doing next she got up and stood from the couch.


            "Wait, Alyssa? Where are you going? We still have another twenty minutes left of our session." Julia looked almost baffled at Alyssa's sudden revelation even though she was glad that it seemed as if Alyssa had finally figured out exactly what she needed to do about her relationship with Nick.


            "I have to go... I need to tell Nick how I feel before it's too late." She was already halfway out the door at this point.


            "And it can't wait another twenty minutes? I'm sure that Nick is not going to decide to give up on you by the end of this session. He's waited this long for you, hasn't he?" Seeing the impatient, but determined glance in Alyssa's eyes finally forced Julia to give in. "Fine... You go have fun and tell that man how you really feel. That will top on her agenda for next week," she joked with a smile.


            "Thank you so much!" Before she could give Julia another moment to reply she'd flown out the door and had already pulled her cell phone out of her purse. Her fingers had just connected with the button to dial Nick's number when she stopped. First off, something of this magnitude would be better said in person than over the phone. Secondly, this was starting to sound a little too much like a bad chick flick with the heroine rushing over to the man of her dreams for the big declaration of love. No, she needed to handle this in a much different more thoughtful way to show him that she was finally ready to dive into a real relationship with him.


            Like lightening, she was all of a sudden struck by the perfect idea just as she reached her car. With one of the most genuine smiles on her face since January, she dialed Nick's number and held her breath anxiously as she waited for him to pick up.


            "Hey Lyss," his voice greeted. "What's up?"


            "Hi Nick. Look I can't talk very long, but I was just wondering if you'd like to come over to the condo for dinner tonight?" It was taking all of her self restraint not to blurt out her real intentions for calling him.


            "Yea... Dinner sounds great. I think Howie and Teri are getting sick of me being the third wheel around here every night, so it'll be good to get out. What time?"


            "How's eight for you?"


            "Perfect. I'll see you then," he told her.


            "Awesome. I have some errands to do right now, so I have to run, but I will definitely see you tonight. Bye!" She clicked off the phone, an excited buzz of energy running through her. Her plan was set. Now all she needed was to get everything that she would need and set it all up. Looking at the digital clock on her car stereo as she started it up she realized she was going to have to hurry if she wanted to get all her shopping done, shower, cook dinner, and make herself look absolutely perfect by eight.


            For the first time in months Alyssa could honestly say that she saw more clearer now than ever.

Chapter 57 - Getting To Know Me More by Mellz Bellz
Author's Notes:

*sniff sniff* This is the last chapter and I must say that this was completely written for you guys because I think this is the cheesiest crap I have ever written LOL j.k But seriously it's more romantic than what I'm used to, but it fits based on everything I've put Alyssa and Nick through. I'm also going to be posting my thank you's and and final Author's Note and all that jazz shortly. I hope you enjoy!

Oh yea! The lyrics at the end of the story is from a song called Gardenia by Mandy Moore. I thought it REALLY fit the scene especially cuz its all about like learning about who you are among the ruins of failed relationships. I strongly suggest you do give it a listen because it really describes Alyssa's character arc beautifully. Here's a youtube link YouTube - Mandy Moore


Chapter 57 - Getting to Know Me More


        Nick was seldom on time for anything, but as promised he had arrived on the doorstep of the condo at eight pm sharp. Something about the eagerness in Alyssa's voice when she had called to invite him gave him the slight hunch that just maybe perhaps there was more to her dinner invitation than what it originally had appeared to be. Of course he'd gotten his hopes up with Alyssa before, only to have them crashing down on him, so he tried not to seem too excited. He looked over his appearance one last time, adjusting the collar of his green Lacoste polo shirt and smoothing out his khaki shorts as he raised his finger to ring the doorbell. Normally he'd walk right in, but tonight for some reason he figured that formality was best.


            After he pressed the round button near the door, he heard its chime echoing through the other side. Quickly he ran a hand through his perfectly spiked hair just before Alyssa opened the door in front of him with a bright smile on her face. "Hey!" she enthusiastically greeted him, stepping aside so that he could enter through the doorway. "I'm glad that you're here. And you're on time too? I'm impressed!"


            Nick just rolled his eyes and chuckled as his arms wrapped around her waist to hug her and he dropped a light kiss near the corner of her mouth. "I'm not always late," he defended. He took a step back from her and for the first time since he walked in the room really took in her appearance. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a red patterned lace camisole tank top and a black shrug over it. Her feet were bare and her cheeks seemed a little flushed, as if she were in an extremely pleasant mood. Nick was about to question her on it when she led him deeper into the condo. The first thing Nick noticed was that the furniture in the living room had been pushed over to the side and in the middle of the room laid out a blanket and a few pillows. He stared up at her oddly as if to ask her what was going on.


            "I just thought it would be something different if we had ourselves a little indoor picnic," she explained. "I'm grilling up some steaks right now and they should be done shortly. In the meantime would you like a glass of wine?"


            "Uhh... Sure," Nick agreed. Alyssa grabbed a wine glass off the counter and poured some wine out of a bottle that had been lying next to it. Her own half drank glass sat a few feet away and Nick wondered if maybe it was just the wine that was contributing to her sudden exuberant mood.


            "Here you go." She handed him his wine glass and then gestured towards the living room. "Why don't you go inside and make yourself comfortable while I finish up in here?"


            "Okay," Nick agreed as he accepted the glass and disappeared from the kitchen. Alyssa watched him make himself comfortable in the living room through the opening between the kitchen counter and the cupboard shelves, a wide grin spreading over her lips. Now that she seemed to have finally sorted out her feelings for Nick, seeing him right there in front of her was making it harder and harder not to just blurt out her feelings impulsively. There would be a time to tell him how she felt, but she figured that she should at least wait until after dinner for the heavy conversation.


            So far her plan to recreate the first night that they had spent in the condo over four years ago seemed so subtle that she wasn't even sure if Nick had made the connection yet himself. That first night that Nick had showed her the condo and surprised her with the fact that he'd bought it with her in mind, Alyssa had insisted that they spend that very night there. Since there hadn't been any furniture in the place yet, they'd grilled some steaks for dinner, bought a bottle of a wine, and ate dinner right on the living room floor. They'd spent the rest of their night cuddling with each other, talking, and then of course they'd had to ‘christen' her new place. She couldn't guarantee that there would be any of that going on tonight, but one could never tell, especially when it came to them. Just laying her eyes on him, made a giddy feeling bubble up inside Alyssa and as stupid as it may have sounded she actually felt like she was all of nineteen again and she'd only just met Nick. That same nervous, but excited energy seemed to be flowing through her. Don't be ridiculous, she scolded herself. It's Nick. By now you shouldn't feel this nervous rush around him. You've known him too long. Still though, the feelings lingered, giving her the indication that maybe they weren't so bad after all.


            A few minutes later the steaks were done grilling. Alyssa grabbed two paper plates and placed a steak on each one. She grabbed some utensils and balancing both plates, plus her glass of wine, she headed into the living room.


            "Want me to help you with that?" Nick offered, already beginning to stand from his spot on the floor.


            Alyssa shook her head. "No, I've got it." She kneeled down across from him and handed him his steak. "There you go. Fresh off the grill."


            Nick accepted his plate, but laughed when he saw that it was disposable. "Very classy," he joked.


            Alyssa just rolled her eyes playfully. "Shut up... I don't feel like doing dishes tonight." Not to mention the fact that it was a throwback to the very night she was hoping to recreate. They'd been forced to eat on paper plates since Alyssa hadn't yet at any real dinnerware yet. But Alyssa kept this quiet. She wanted Nick to come to the realization on his own.


            Nick cut into his piece of meat and Alyssa watched as he raised his fork to his lips to take his first bite. She searched his face for approval as he chewed. She never was exactly known for her cooking ability, so she hoped that it had came out good, but then again it was hard to really mess up steak unless you burned it. "Wow... This is really good Lyss," he commented. "Very tender and flavorful."


            "Thanks," she told him, taking a bite of it herself. "I marinated it in this new steak sauce I've been wanting to try."


            Conversation continued to flow between the two of them as they ate their meal. They talked about relatively light subjects. Nick asked her about how therapy was going and she proceeded to tell him a little about how Julia was helping her see things in an entirely different light, but purposely kept the details vague. Luckily, the conversation shifted to Nick recounting some humorous stories about temporarily living with Teri and Howie. Apparently the honeymoon phase had ended for the two of them and now they were beginning to already fight like an old married couple. "I know that it's out of love and all, but they fight over the stupidest shit! Like the other night Teri made cupcakes and she wanted to use this stupid cupcake holder that her parents like bought them or something. I mean like I didn't know there was even such a thing as a cupcake holder. Anyway, so she asked Howie to put it together for her and the dumbass winds up breaking it. Oh my God... It was like World War three. I don't think I've ever seen Teri so pissed in my life. And all over a goddamn cupcake holder that retails at about, $24.99."


            Alyssa laughed as she tried to picture her friend getting upset over something so trivial. "That is pretty crazy," she agreed. "That doesn't sound like the Teri I know at all."


            Nick just shrugged. "Marriage does weird shit to people I guess. Plus, she was PMSing, overstressed from work, and hadn't been getting any from Howie in a while apparently. Yes... I hear it all, living under the same roof as them. More than I ever wanted to know actually." He shuddered just at the thought.


            Alyssa continued to laugh, the wine making her extra giggly. "Poor you, you're probably traumatized! I wouldn't want to be around Teri when she's not getting any, either."


            "Oh, it's bad," he agreed. "Very bad... Then they try to pull me in the middle of their little spats and it's like I try to stay neutral, but they always trap me into saying something that causes me to stick my foot in my mouth. Let's just say that I was very happy when you called me up inviting me over tonight. I really could've used a night away from them."


            "Well, I'm glad that I could help you out there," she told him with a grin. "Are you done with your steak?"


            "Yea..." Nick nodded as he gathered up his plate. "Want me to take care of this?"


            "Absolutely not..." she scolded him, placing her hand over his. "You're the guest here, so I'll take care of clean up. You just stay right here and I'll be back in two minutes."


            Before she gave Nick a chance to react, she was up on her feet and was carrying both of their plates back into the kitchen to throw into the trash. After throwing their utensils in the sink she came back into the living room and boldly repositioned herself across from him, only this time with her legs bridged across his which were lying straight out in front of him. Nick just raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything for a moment or two. Finally after a short period of silence he finally spoke. "So, is it just me or does this kind of feel strangely like déjà vu?"


            Alyssa innocently smile and shrugged. "Possibly... Why? What does this remind you of?"


            Nick rolled his eyes seeing right through Alyssa's innocent façade. "I don't know..." he played along. "Being here... A picnic on the living room floor... The steak... The wine... If I didn't know any better I'd start to think that you were trying to get me thinking about the first night we spent here together."


            "Hmm..." She cocked her head to the side. "I admit that I do see the similarities."


            "You can drop the coy act with me," he told her. "I know that you planned it this way on purpose."


            She just shrugged. "Well, it certainly took you long enough to connect the dots. I was beginning to think that you'd never get it."


            "I'm blonde, what can I say?" he joked. "But seriously, what's with the trip down memory lane?"


            "I don't know," she lied as she scooted her body closer to his so that she was now sitting between his legs. "I guess I just thought that it would be nice to be reminded of simpler times." This wasn't exactly how she intended things to go on, but she went with the sudden burst of confidence she was feeling and let her instincts dictate what was to happen next. She reached up and hooked her arms around his neck where they fell naturally to her even though it had been months since they'd found themselves in such an intimate position.


            She could feel Nick breathe in sharply when he felt her hands clasp behind his neck. She could tell that he had all of a sudden become very aware of the sudden closeness in their bodies. His expression seemed to be etched with a bit of confusion, but in his eyes she could see a familiar desire building up behind them. Her eyes fell to his lips, so soft and inviting. Had it really been almost six months since she'd even felt them on her own? She knew that it would only delay what she was trying to tell him, but being this close to him was making her willpower begin to crumble. Maybe I can start by showing him how I feel, she reasoned to herself. Before she lost her nerve she tilted her head slightly and gently pressed her lips against his. The kiss started out softly, but within only a few short moments familiarity set in and it continued to grow more passionate. Alyssa's fingertips reached upwards to lightly play with the hair on the back of his neck and she felt Nick's hand press around the small of her back, pulling her closer to him.


            Almost as quickly as it happened, Nick reluctantly broke the kiss, pulling away slightly looking almost stunned by what had just happened. They hadn't had any physical contact since December at least, so he was quite surprised by how naturally she had initiated the kiss almost as if the past few months had been nothing, but a drawn out nightmare for the two of them. He hadn't wanted to stop, but he felt like it was his responsibility to put on the brakes and make sure that Alyssa realized what she was doing. Too many times in their past had they given into moments like this and only lived to regret them. "Lyss... What are we doing?" he asked her, looking her straight in the eye.


            "I'm not entirely sure myself," she honestly replied, her mouth merely inches away from his. "Just go with it." Before he could reply again her lips were back over his more forcefully than before and Alyssa knew that he wasn't about to do any further questioning based on how feverishly he returned the kiss.


            The two continued to exchange kisses, their hands reacquainting themselves with each others bodies. Feeling like it was up to her to make the first move; Alyssa found her hands at the hem of his shirt. Her fingers played with the edge of the material slowly inching it up his stomach. Realizing what she was doing, Nick cooperatively raised his arms to help her rid the polo from his chest. Alyssa slid her hands back down the smoothness of his bare back while his lips zeroed in on her neck and collarbone. She moaned softly as his hands reached up to push her shrug off of her shoulders and down her arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps.


            Nick pulled away just long enough to steady his gaze so that his eyes connected with hers and his hands rested on her shoulders. "Are you sure you're ready to do this again, Lyss?" he asked in a concerned voice before they continued any further.


            Alyssa just nodded her head. "Yes... I'm finally ready. I want this." Her declaration was all the motivation he needed. Hearing those words from her mouth was exactly what Nick had been waiting to hear for months now. Hungrily he pressed his lips against hers and smoothed her hair back with his hand. His other hand lowered down to her shoulder, twisting the thin red strap of her camisole with his fingers. Alyssa's heart pounded a little nervously as Nick leaned his body over her, forcing her down onto the back against the blanket. His hands immediately went for the space where her shirt had already begun to ride up over her jeans. She held in a deep breath a little anxious about Nick seeing her body in it's less than perfect shape, but was relieved when after he pulled her top over her head he seemed more interested in her red, lacy bra than the slight pouch that formed in her stomach.


            Her hands reached up to grip his hips and slid in between them as she unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, pulling them down his legs. She softly sighed, feeling his lips trail a path of kisses along the tops of her breasts while his hands fumbled with buttons of her jeans. She lifted her hips up off the floor against his to help him pull them off of her. The contact between the two of their bodies made her heart race, and as long as it had been since the last time they'd had the chance to be together she found herself just wanting to feel him inside of her. Her last few months of self imposed celibacy were now beginning to catch up with her all at once. In a way it was almost a relief to feel any kind of desire. For a while there she was beginning to think she never would be able to feel that way again.


            They rid each other of their remaining clothes quickly both sensing the same sort of urgency. Alyssa pulled Nick back down against her, engulfing her mouth against his as she positioned her body up against him, begging him to fill her, but for some reason Nick seemed to hesitate.


            "What's wrong?" she groaned, as her hands pulled his waist closer to hers impatiently.


            Nick looked a little sheepish as if he wasn't sure how to bring up his concern without opening fresh wounds and completely ruining the moment. "I should probably go grab a condom real quickly."


            Alyssa grabbed his arm to stop him. "It's okay," she assured him. "We're good. I've been back on my birth control since like March."


            Relief seemed to sweep over Nick's face. Neither one of them really wanted to contemplate the idea of another child so soon after the loss of Zoey, which they still were struggling to work through. Alyssa impatiently squirmed beneath him, her eyes pleading with his to just get on with it already. This time Nick gave in to her, hovering himself over her and finally sliding himself inside. Alyssa sighed in contentment when she felt him, but quickly grew frustrated once he started to move at an almost painfully slow pace. Her hips rolled up against his begging him to move faster, but he ignored her subtle hint and continued to thrust in and out of her slowly and purposely which was already beginning to drive her crazy. To make matters worse they were so close that his forehead pressed lightly against hers making it everything seem that much more intense to her. Their breathing increased and the intimacy of their position almost became too much for her. Her back arched and she tried to adjust her body, begging to feel him deeper within her. Getting an idea, Alyssa reached back to grab a pillow to lean up against and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. The slight change in angle made all the difference. She cried out as she finally felt Nick begin to speed things up, digging her nails roughly against his back. Her head buried into his shoulder as her release hit her full force. A few more thrusts from Nick and he too finally came behind her. The two of them collapsed back against the blankets both breathing heavily.


            Alyssa grabbed an extra blanket and pulled it over the two of them as she laid back trying to calm herself down from the high that she'd just come off of. Just as she'd expected Nick broke the silence a minute or two later by asking the inevitable follow up question. "So, does this mean what I think it means?"


            Alyssa just playfully smiled. "Depends on what you think it means."


            "That you're ready to do this? You're finally ready to be with me?" he hopefully asked.


            Alyssa hesitated slightly before answering his question. She felt as if she owed him a larger explanation than just a simple yes or no reply. She quickly scrambled to collect her thoughts as she rolled over onto her side so that she was facing him. Something about the intimacy of the moment made it all seem like it was the perfect opportunity to finally confess to him her feelings. Now that the moment that she had been waiting for was here she was almost unsure of how to say it. Just go with your heart, a voice inside her head urged.


            "Nick, there's something that I need to tell you," she began. "You know how I've been going to therapy and stuff since we uhh lost Zoey, and it has helped me out so unbelievably much. Not only has it helped make dealing with Zoey easier, but it's taught me a lot about myself and the kind of woman that I am."


            Nick appeared to be hanging on to her every word, but she couldn't help, but notice the slightly worried expression on his face that seemed to read where is she going with this?


She took a deep breath and continued on with her speech. "In therapy Julia and I have been discussing my past especially concerning relationships and such. Obviously I told her the whole story about what's been going on with us. I kind of had to. Anyway it really was eye opening to have someone help me analyze just how much I've changed from when I first met you up until now. A lot has happened in that amount of time; a lot of big events and big changes. It's kind of hard to believe that we've known each other over ten years now. It's frightening actually in a way. When I first met you I was a completely different person. I was just this naïve nineteen year old girl who was both excited and terrified to be getting into her first real ‘relationship.' I'd spent all these years of my life prior to that trying to prepare myself to fall in love someday, but ironically when it actually happened I don't think I really was all that ready. Going into that relationship I had no idea of who I was. I guess I hadn't really figured myself out yet. As a result I think that was part of the reason things didn't work out with us at first. At the time I was devastated. I blamed myself completely for the breakup. I constantly told myself ‘if only I'd done this' or ‘if only I'd said that.' It really took a long time for me to realize that our breakup was just a part of my growth as a person and our first relationship was trying to teach me about who I was on the inside."


"I don't think I really reached the point of understanding who I was until only very recently. I'd say maybe like up until the last two years of my life I was constantly struggling to be comfortable with who I was. When I was living in New York and we were hooking up? Looking back at it now I realized that I handled that completely wrong. I was pushing for a relationship back then that you weren't ready for and neither was I probably. I guess it was inevitable that it wouldn't work out because we were just in two different places in life at the time. If it hadn't happened in Australia it would've happened at another point in time. After that period in our lives, I guess we both finally started to really grow up. You did the reality show with your siblings, stopped smoking, and lost all that weight... I moved down to North Carolina, finally got my career stated, and met Sean... I think somewhere during that break was when we both kind of came into our own and finally realized who we were."


            "Of course though as fate would have it, we were apparently destined to cross paths again which in a way almost sucked, because I think that we could immediately see the differences in each other, but at that point we were too tied down with other people to really explore those differences. I have to admit though that I was very curious and kept asking myself ‘What if we were to say hook up again? What would it be like?'" Her face flushed a little at this admission, but she continued on. "And well throughout circumstances that maybe we self consciously created on our own, we got that opportunity. It was amazing now that I think we were both so much more aware of ourselves and I know for me personally it was like a whole new experience now that I was no longer worrying about impressing you so much. It definitely took a lot of the pressure off and it was liberating in a way to finally be with you without anything standing in the way."


 "But of course there were things standing in the way, only this time it wasn't ourselves, it was other people. We had Sean and Shayla to consider and it just really seemed like some cruel, ironic, joke that was being played on us. Julia has told me time and time again that she doesn't think that it was karma that played into me getting pregnant that night or us ultimately losing the baby. She doesn't think that we were being punished or anything like that, it just happened. That's been a hard thing for me to accept especially under the circumstances. I felt guilty enough for what I was doing to Sean. I knew it was wrong and selfish and completely against my own morals, but this whole time I realized that my heart still belonged to you. It always had. After losing Zoey I thought that I didn't deserve to be with you. That losing her was a sign that we shouldn't be together. I of course was going through a lot of other confusing, emotional things at the time. Depression, grief, my hormones were still out of control, body issues... It bought a lot of old feelings back to the surface of my younger days and I regressed a bit. All this time though you never gave up on me. You pulled me out of bed, urged me to get the help I so desperately needed, and gave me space to work out my issues. You've been nothing but patient with me and I'd been almost completely oblivious to that until now. I was sitting in therapy today talking to Julia about you and then it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I finally realized how ridiculous I was being. So many people go through life never finding someone who cares about them as much as you care about me, and I was completely pushing you away. I got so used to you automatically being there that I guess I began to take you for granted." She sniffled as it hit her just how close that she could've came to losing him. "I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for you. Who knows where I'd be now if you hadn't been there to knock some sense into me." Her emotions were beginning to finally catch up with her and she buried her head into his shoulder as she started to cry.


"You certainly didn't make it easy," Nick confessed as he consolingly stroked her hair. "Do you realize how stubborn you can be?" Alyssa just looked up and laughed a little through her tears. "But seriously, I will admit there were definitely times where I considered walking away. I tried to be as understanding as I could be, but some days you really made it difficult, especially in the beginning. You seemed to forget that Zoey was my daughter too. You acted as if you were the only person affected by her death which was almost like a slap in the face to me. Then after you were released from the hospital, seeing you so low scared me. I'd never seen you that lifeless before and I was definitely afraid that I was going to lose you too. Everyone around you was so concerned about you, but you refused to listen to anyone, so they begged me to give it a try because they knew that I was the only one able to get through to you. That day when I pulled the covers off of you and you broke down was the day that I decided that maybe I could stick around a little longer. I knew from that point on that it would be a painfully slow process and one that I couldn't really rush you through, but you would need my support to keep you going. It wasn't easy, but I gave you your space you needed and every time I saw you getting a little bit stronger was a reminder to me that someday I'd be rewarded for my patience. You never quite answered my question though. Is this it? Are you really ready to do this and finally give things another try?"


Alyssa nodded her head confidently. "I'm ready. I know it's going to be hard in the beginning. I've made an immense amount of progress in the last few months and I've really discovered a lot about who I am on the inside. I know that we still have to deal with the backlash from the media once all this stuff about Shayla hits and I'm aware that it's going to pretty much turn my world upside down, but there's no use hiding from it anymore. It's going to happen eventually, we might as well just brace ourselves and face it down together. We'll be much stronger together than we would be apart anyway."


"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say those words," Nick told her with a grin as he pressed his forehead against hers and slowly found his way to her lips. The newly defined couple lost themselves in their first official kiss and Alyssa couldn't help but to feel like this truly was a new beginning for them.


There was just one thing missing from the moment and Alyssa actually felt a little foolish once she realized what it was. She'd just poured out her heart and soul to him yet she'd almost completely forgotten the most important words that she knew he needed to hear. After all of that it almost seemed dumb to sum everything up in just three tiny words, but it needed to be said out loud. Reluctantly, she pulled herself away from his lips and laid the side of her head back down against the pillow so that she was at about eye level with him. "I love you." The words were simple, stripped down, but completely to the point.


She watched Nick's face for his reaction as his face lit up, overjoyed to finally hear those words come from her mouth. "Can you say that again for me?" he asked, his mouth forming into a wide smile.


Alyssa looked up at him surprised by his need for her to repeat the phrase, but did so anyway. "I love you."


This only made Nick's smile grow if that was even possible. "I could never get tired of hearing you say those words." He brushed back a piece of her hair. "I love you too." His lips pressed against hers for a second time and Alyssa slowly savored the kiss wishing that it could last forever. Unfortunately, it ended all too quickly as Nick pulled away with an impish smirk on his face. "So, how soon can I move in here with you?"


Alyssa just laughed at his impatience raising an eyebrow. "We move fast, don't we?"


"Well, if you want the truth I just can't stand another minute living under the same roof as The Cleaver's..." Alyssa shot him a questioning look, so he clarified. "Howie and Teri."


The comparison left Alyssa in a fit of giggles. "I'd never think to compare Howie and Teri to The Cleaver's. Maybe Brian and Leighanne, but not Howie and Teri."


"Point is they are driving me nuts and I kind of have nowhere else to go, so you kind of have to take me in." Nick jutted out his bottom lip in a puppy dog face. "Please? Don't make me beg here."


"Well, I guess I have no choice in the matter especially since this is technically your place," she played along.


"That's true! If you don't allow me to move in I'll just evict you," he joked.


"Fine," she dramatically sighed. "I guess I have to let you move in. What a sacrifice that's going to be."


"If it's going to be such a sacrifice for you I can always just sleep on the couch or something," he snarkily suggested. "I wouldn't want to impose on you or anything..."


"No!" Alyssa interrupted with a little more passion in her voice than she had originally intended. Looking a little embarrassed she quickly composed herself. "I mean that's really not necessary. I'm sure that I can make some room for you in my bed."


"Oh, how generous of you." Nick's eyebrows rose up devilishly. "Maybe we should go test that out. You know, make sure there's definitely room for the two of us." He'd already sat up and was pushing the blanket off of him.


Alyssa just laughed and rolled her eyes, but followed him down the hall towards the direction of the bedroom. The two of them definitely weren't completely out of the woods yet. There were still plenty of obstacles they'd still have to face in the upcoming weeks and months as far as the media and dealing with the fallout of their affair, but tonight was not a time to worry about any of that. Tonight was all about celebrating their new beginning. They could worry about the rest of the world in the morning.



Well, I put so much thought into getting ready
Now I know that was the best part
It's so easy to get caught up in what I'm regretting
Forget what I got from a wounded heart


I'm the one who likes Gardenia
I'm the one who likes to make love on the floor
I don't want to hang up the phone yet
It's been good
Getting to know me more


I've been seeing all my old friends in the city
Walking alone in Central Park
Doing all the things that I've neglected
Traded 'em all in
To be in your arms


I'm the one who likes Gardenia
I'm the one who likes to make love on the floor
I don't want to hang up the phone yet
It's been good
Getting to know me more


Well, I hear my own voice
Sounds so silly
Keep on telling my story all around
Everything I lost seems so different
Well, this is how everybody gets found


I'm the one who likes Gardenia
I'm the one who likes to make love on the floor
I don't want to hang up the phone yet
It's been good
Getting to know me more

~ Gardenia by Mandy Moore

Author's Notes & Thank You's by Mellz Bellz

I'd like to start out by first sharing how amazed I am with the accomplishments of this story. Just the difference in writing between Under My Skin and A Little Taste of Sin even blows me away. By the time I finished Under My Skin nearly a year ago I was not in the best place with my writing. I realized just how flawed my characters were and I got a few grumbles about certain choices I had made in that story. It's not one of my proudest works. I internalized all that negative feedback, some of it even coming from my closest friends, and realized that there was only one thing that I could do. Use all of that to my advantage and write a better story. I'd had the idea for A Little Taste of Sin pretty much together in my head although with a few slight differences. For instance at first Sean was originally supposed to just be a businessman or an architect, but I decided to make him a Marine over in Iraq one day while listening to Weird World. You know the whole lyric, "Back here it's her and me and we're having our first baby/ He's out there taking them on?" Well, yea I got an instant brainstorm and loved how that seemed to make the situation that more complex and just added to Alyssa's internal struggle between right and wrong. The UMS backlash though definitely made me aware that I needed to develop my characters further in this story (especially Alyssa) and I hope I've accomplished this. Yea, she will still piss many of you off from time to time, but I think that she's grown up so much throughout this story and I am really proud of the journey I've sent her on.


It didn't take me long in writing A Little Taste of Sin to realize that I was getting into controversial waters. Whether it be cheating, lying about a baby's paternity, even breastfeeding, everyone seemed to have an opinion. I quickly learned that as a writer I could not please everyone and once I stopped thinking that I could was when I feel that it really seemed to come together for me. This story has definitely exceeded all my expectations. In just one year (actually slightly less) I've written a story nearly 80,000 words longer than Under my Skin, and received more than 950 reviews. I doubt I will ever be able to match that success again with a single story. I am very proud of what I've managed to create. Although parts of it (particularly near the end) were very difficult to write I got through them with at least half my readers still with me. I know that many of my readers were disappointed with my decision to have Alyssa lose the baby and in my defense I never intended this story to be a happy little romance with a happy little family. That's not my style and I wanted the main focus to be on Alyssa and Nick. Not to say that there won't be other chances for children in the sequel, but the timing was not right. I was very surprised at how seriously readers took this and I do apologize.


On a lighter note I have a few people that I'd like to thank who did stick with this story and continue to be an amazing support system for me as a writer. First off, I have to thank Teri. You've been betaing for me every since UMS and although this last year has been a turbulent one for us I am so glad that everything worked out. Your character analysis was always a huge help and you oftentimes had ways of looking at things that I myself didn't even see. You were a great support when it came to the Zoey stuff since I know you've been in the same boat with Always Something. So, thanks for listening to me when I doubted making the right decision about having Alyssa lose the baby. And yes I finally feel like you've passed the torch to a certain extent to me with those sex scenes! LOL


            To my other beta Darby - I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you throughout this last half of my story. You've been so helpful to me by contributing your ideas and opinions and a great source of research for me when it came to all things pregnancy related lol. You've been like an older sister to me these past few months, so I'd like to thank you for your help not only with the story, but for listening to me vent about my personal life.


            To my wonderful readers that I've befriended while I've been working on this story; Steph, Brandy, Misty, Leigh-Anna... It's been a pleasure getting to know you not only through the wonderful feedback I've received from you, but also through My Space and AIM. I hope our friendship continues on into the next story.


            To the steady reviewers who have stuck by me throughout UMS and throughout this story; Bsbfreak411, blueleeryan, TantilisnTeaser, Mary, brian_fan_4eva... To stay with me throughout over two years of writing shows just how dedicated you are! I just realized now that many of you I don't know your real names, so I apologize if I butchered your pen names.


            Uhh... last but not least Izzy... Meg... I know we don't talk as much as we used to anymore, but it means a lot when you pop up and say Oh, yea... I've been reading your story! If I am forgetting anyone else important I do apologize... It's late and I just got home from work.


            Oh yea! There is one more person who I'd like to thank (well actually a small group). Those of you who put me down. Those who challenged my writing ability. Who told me that my characters were shallow and my writing was too "depressing." Who told others not to read my stories. I'd like to thank them. Without them this story would've never came out as strongly as it had, so thanks for making me a hell of a lot stronger in the long run.


            I hope to start the next story When My World is Crashing very shortly. I may have to take a short break because I am going to North Carolina this weekend which may be a life altering trip. (I'm thinking about moving down there, so this is a HUGE decision for me. Right now it's go back to school with a new major or move, so lot's of pressure is riding on me.) I promise to start the next installment as soon as I can. (And as soon as I get the banner, Miss Teresa lol j/k You know I love you!) All I will say about it is that its focus is going to be more Alyssa and Nick against the world. Thank you again!


Luv Mel :)~


PS: Don't forget to check out What Makes You Different. It's sort of a prequel to Under My Skin. It got a pretty good number of reviews on the first chapter, but not so much on the other two, so if you haven't checked it out go ahead!

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8686