Protection by alota_cookin
Past Featured StorySummary:

Three words brought my life to a sudden halt and made me start over, from scratch.
They weren’t “I love you” or “Honey, I’m pregnant”, they were...Witness…Protection…Program!

Hello, my name USED to be Nick Carter.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Completed: Yes Word count: 60576 Read: 71671 Published: 03/11/08 Updated: 10/26/08
Starting to Hate MTV by alota_cookin
Author's Notes:
wow...THANKS! It seems like there are a few of you that really like the story, and I thank you for reading! Special love for those sending my pearls of feedback! *MUAH*

P.S.- Sorry it's a short chapter, but I thought it was a good place to cut it off. I hope you still enjoy it!

I awoke to the combination of sunlight in my eyes and the smell of bacon. Slowly, I stretched out my long arms and legs and then stood to my feet. My eyes glued to the TV hoping to see the news on. Better yet, hoping to see proof that last night was an awful dream.
“Morning, JR,” Steph greeted me with two plated of food.
“Waffles and bacon, yum,” I said giving her only a half smile.
“I know what will make you give me a full smile,” she grinned.
“Here, I recorded something off cable, for you,” she smiled widely and played it for me.
“Good morning, this is MTV News. Yesterday we reported that Nick Carter was currently in the Witness Protection Program after seeing a gang murder and that, Backstreet Boys, AJ McLean and Brian Littrell along with Brian’s son, Baylee had been taken hostage by other members of this gang. Our sources are now saying that Baylee was released from the hostage situation early this morning and has been reunited with his mother and family. The young boy has, thankfully, not been harmed and is only a bit shaken up. Baylee said that the ‘bad men’ were asking his father and AJ for information regarding Nick. At the time of the young boy’s release, Brian and AJ had not been harmed. The gang member’s demands, so far, have been that Nick give himself up. Howard Dorough and Kevin Richardson will be holding a press conference later this afternoon, which will be aired live here on MTV, and they strongly urge that Nick make sure to watch. In other news…” the TV screen went blank and Steph looked at me.
“Wow,” was all I could say. “I am so glad that Baylee is alright. I just hope that Brian and AJ get out of this okay, too.”
“I have the cable set to record the press conference. Unfortunately, we have to get ready for work.”
Do you think I could tell you anything that happened during the day at work? *laughs* Well, I can’t. Steph waited for me to finish my shift (remember she gets out an hour before me) and she came over to watch the press conference with me. We both knew that I would probably need to talk with someone after it was over.
“I don’t know if I am ready for this,” I sighed as we sat on the couch, each with a can of soda.
“It will be okay, JR. I’m right here,” she smiled and squeezed my shoulder. I pressed play.

Kevin: “Thank you all for coming. We are here to address the current situation concerning our band mates.”

Howie: “First of all, we want all three of them to know that we love them. Our thoughts, hearts, and prayers are all with them.”

Kevin: “Nick, wherever you are…stay there. It is not going to help for you to come forward and reveal your location.”

Howie: “These guys are going to do whatever they are going to do, whether you come forward or not. If they want to harm AJ or Brian, they will and you can’t stop it. Please, don’t give them a third member to do it to.”

Kevin: “Howie is right. We are hoping that no harm will be done to AJ or Brian but their odds are the same no matter what. The FBI and police are currently working on the situation. Baylee is safe now and that brings it down to only two members of our family being in danger…if you reveal yourself, we will be back up to three family members being in danger. This is a number we want to keep as low as possible.”

Howie: “Brian and AJ, if you are being able to watch this, we love you guys. Stay strong and know that we are doing everything we can for you. We all have high hopes that God will answer our prayers for you both to be un harmed.”

Reporter: “Mr. Richardson! Mr. Richardson! Are you willing to comply to any demands that are made by the gang members?”

Kevin: *deep breath* “Depending on the demands. I, along with the other members of our large family, am willing to do whatever we can that is within our power.”

Another Reporter: “Mr. Dorough, what do you know about the hostage situation? Have either of the men been hurt?”

Howie: *sigh* “You know everything we know.”

Kevin: “To our knowledge, neither of them have been harmed.”

Another Reporter: “How is Baylee handling all of this?”

Kevin: “Pretty well.”

Howie: “He is still a bit young to know everything that was going on. He is not aware of the severity of the situation.”

Kevin: “He was scared and very shaken but he is doing better now.”

Another Reporter: “Mr. Richardson, do you have anything to say to the men that are holding your friends hostage?”

Kevin: “Do I have…*laughs*…of COURSE I have words that I would LIKE to say.”

Howie: “Like, ‘go to FUCKING hell’, for instance.” *shrugs, looking at Kevin*

Kevin: *looks at Howie* “I was thinking more like, ‘kiss our fucking asses you damn pussies.’!”

Howie: *still looking at Kevin* “Good one. I think AJ would prefer something more like, ‘God damn mother fuckering pussies are gonna fucking pay for this damn shit! I’ma fuckin cut yo asses!” *face growing red with anger*

Kevin: “Ooo, I like that…let’s go with that. Okay so, we have decided on what we would like to say to the men that are keeping our friends…no, our brothers…from us…”


Howie: “That was for you, Aje.”

Kevin: “And, on Brian’s behalf, we would say something like,… ‘May God have mercy on your poor pitiful souls’!”

*loud noise followed by a tone of commotion*

Howie: “HE’S BEEN SHOT! GET AN AMBULANCE IN HERE…NOW! *kneels beside Kevin* Kev, man, talk to me.”

Kevin: *clutching left shoulder* “I think their aim was a bit off, I got it in the shoulder.”

*screen goes blank*

MTV anchor: “Holy shi…Oh, we are sorry but we are experiencing some tech…oh fuck, you know why the hell we cut out! Just watch some music videos and we will update you as soon as we know anything.” *shrugs and waves hand at the camera*

“I am REALLY starting to hate MTV,” I sighed still staring at the screen.
This story archived at