Once In A Blue Moon by summer

You love, you lose, you learn...then you learn to love all over again. Because sometimes...the place that may seem like the end...may very well be the beginning.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death, Sexual Content
Series: Beneath The Moon
Chapters: 64 Completed: Yes Word count: 213628 Read: 118446 Published: 01/05/09 Updated: 08/16/11
Chapter Twenty-Eight by summer
Author's Notes:
Jade sure is a bitch, isn't she? LOL thanks for the feedback on that chp. I really wanted Morgan to deck her too, but AJ didn't want her in jail lol. Keep the awesome feedback coming and I'll keep posting the chapters! :) Enjoy this one, btw hehe.


It was early, the sun had yet to rise over the horizon and I was tucked under the blankets barely dozing. For some reason I had woken up early, too early. It was barely five a.m. and sleep was evading me. I knew it’d only be a couple more hours before I’d really have to be up and at ‘em, and that’s why I longed for as much rest and quiet as I could get.

Suddenly a small ping sounded from somewhere in the room and I stilled myself. What was that?

It came again and I tossed the covers from my head, pushing up on one elbow and glancing around.


My eyes were pulled in the direction of the sound and I found myself watching the window. Was someone throwing gravel at my window? It dawned on me who might be doing that this early and I was quickly scrambling from the bed, shivering at the chill on the wood floor and hurrying over to the large window seat. Pulling the curtains back, I lifted the blinds and peered outside.

Alex stood on the lawn below. I had to squint and use the light spilling into the yard from the streetlamp to make sure I was correct, but I was.

So that was why he had wanted to know what window was mine that previous night when he’d finally dropped me back home. I couldn’t help but smile and unlatched the window, lifting it up and leaning outside at him. “What are you doing?” I questioned him in a shouted whisper. I didn’t want to wake everyone. They’d surely wonder why some strange man was in their yard throwing rocks at their house.

“Good morning,” he greeted me with an ear to ear grin.

The cool morning air brought goosebumps to my arms and I shivered. “It’s not morning yet, it’s like…five a.m.; what are you doing?”

“Well, I didn’t want to ring the bell and wake everyone, so I thought this might be my best approach.”

“Why are you here so early?”

He gave a little shrug. “I’m kidnapping you for the day. Get dressed and meet me down here.”

My brows rose despite the grin that formed over my lips. “I can’t just leave. Everyone will wonder where I went.”

“Then leave a note.”

“Where are we going this early? Nothing is open.”

“You’ll see, now c’mon, it’s cold out here.”

I hesitated, but only for a moment before relenting, “Okay, give me a few.”

His smile seemed to grow. “Great, I’ll be in my car. It’s out front.”

I nodded and watched him jog back towards the front yard then withdrew back inside and closed the window. I secured the latch then rubbed my arms and glanced around the room. It was way too early to be going out somewhere, but curiosity was getting the better of me and I was rather interested in where exactly he was going to take me. I didn’t have time to dwell on trying to figure it out. I had to get ready and sneak out of the house without waking anyone.

I couldn’t forget to leave a note either and I just knew the minute I stepped foot back inside the house they’d be alive with questions on why I had left them and where I had gone and who was I with. That almost made me change my mind, but I knew I couldn’t disappoint Alex. I just hoped no one was upset that I wasn’t going to be home. The visitations didn’t start until tomorrow and the funeral was Wednesday and I would definitely be there for those. What were a few hours anyway? If they needed something there were plenty of extra hands around. Besides, I was an adult and I could do what I pleased.

With that thought in mind, I gathered some jeans and a long sleeved tee. Despite it being spring, it was still chilly in Connecticut. Our warmest weather was definitely the summertime, but the north east was famous for being 20 degrees one day and 75 the next. So I grabbed a short sleeved shirt to wear underneath in case the day decided to warm up.

Fifteen minutes later, I was letting myself quietly out of the house and sneaking across the yard to where Alex was waiting. I had pulled my hair up into a simple ponytail and put on a light coat of makeup. My face was washed, teeth were brushed and I was thankful I had showered before bed. I’d also left a note for my parents and stuck it to the fridge, explaining that I was out with a friend and wasn’t sure when I’d be back, but I would return, wished them a good day and gave my love.

Alex leaned over the passenger seat and pushed the door open as I approached. I pulled it wider and slipped into the vehicle. “Okay, I’m here.”

“Hey,” he greeted me and allowed me to get settled before he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and touched his jaw. “Hi.”

A grin tugged at his lips. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” I breathed out softly, my fingers smoothing up over his cheek.

“You’re welcome,” he murmured just before brushing his lips softly over mine.

A soft little sigh escaped my mouth at that simple action and I wouldn’t have protested if he’d wanted to kiss me again.

Instead, he sat back and pulled his seatbelt across his chest. “You ready?”

I buckled my own belt. “Yes, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” He put the car in gear then pulled away from the curb.

We drove along in silence for a few moments, but it was comfortable and I didn’t feel the need to have to speak. Alex’s hand was resting between the two seats as he steered us along with his left one. His fingers drummed the console and I reached over, taking it into mine and stilling his hand. He sent me a warm smile and squeezed my hand before resting it on my leg, our fingers entwined.

It felt natural to ride along like that. Softly, I smoothed my thumb over the soft skin between his own thumb and index finger and when our hands shifted, I lazily traced over the tattoos on his knuckles.

He gave a throaty chuckle. “What are you doing?”

“Looking at your tattoos.”

“Do you like ‘em?”

My eyes lifted and met his gaze and I suddenly felt this admiration filling me. “I think they’re beautiful.”

A smile formed on his lips and his gaze traveled back and forth between me and the road ahead. “All of them?”

My mind went back over the various tattoos he sported on his hands, neck, arms and chest and I gave a nod. “Every single one.”

Instead of a response, he pulled my hand over and pressed my knuckles to his mouth in a warm kiss. Then he rested our hands chest level and watched out at the road ahead.

I rode the rest of the way with a smile on my face.

Soon we had arrived at our destination and I noted the signs welcoming us to Mansfield Hollow State Park. I wondered why he was bringing me to a state park at 5:30 in the morning, but didn’t question him until we had parked and were making our way along the path that directed us toward Mansfield Hollow Lake.

“Are we going swimming, cuz I didn’t bring my suit?”

He chuckled and gave my hand a squeeze, tugging me along with him. “Could be skinny dipping.”

“It’s way too cold for that.” I shivered some at the thought. “It’s way too cold for swimming, period.”

He laughed then shook his head. “We’re not going swimming.”

Despite the fact that the sun hadn’t risen into the sky yet, the path wasn’t completely dark. A few lights from around the park lit the way and Alex had been smart and found a flashlight somewhere. Curiosity was really getting the better of me on what exactly he had planned, but I kept my mouth shut. I knew he wanted it to be a surprise and I didn’t want to spoil anything for him.

Soon, we were coming upon a clearing at the edge of a small hill that overlooked the crisp, clear lake.

“Here we go.” He slowed to a stop and my brows lifted at the tan colored blanket that already flanked the ground.

“What…what’s going on?”

He flicked the flashlight off and small slivers of light began to appear from the sun that was slowly beginning to come up above the crest of the lake. “There’s something I want you to see.” He sank down onto the blanket and patted the spot next to him. “Have a seat.”

I lowered down next to him. “Whose blanket is this?”

“I got it from the hotel.”

“When did you come out here to set it up?”

He leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out before him. “Before I came and got you.”

I tucked my legs under me and watched him with a piqued interest. “What are we doing out here?”

He nodded toward the horizon and my gaze followed.

I inhaled a breath as the first lights from the sun were staring to illuminate the sky with various hues of orange, yellow and pink. The way the colors reflected off the clouds and filled the entire sky, it looked like the heavens were ablaze. Never before had I seen anything so breathtaking, so glorious, so beautiful and it filled me with awe.

As the sun began climbing higher and appearing over the horizon, I reached for Alex’s hand, holding it firmly with mine and seeing tears blur my vision. The upper atmosphere was alive with brilliant colors that continued to streak through the air, the clouds appearing to glow. This warmth began to fill me and we watched in silence as the sun appeared to be born again for the new day.

A new dawn was here and the earth was greeting it with open arms. Colors upon colors spilled overhead; mixing, mingling, coming together to create the perfect sunrise. The air began to warm and, with tears on my face, I finally looked away and over to my companion. I knew exactly why he had brought me here. “Thank you,” I managed out in a strangled whisper.

Alex reached over and wiped my cheeks, his thumbs smoothing along the skin just under my eyes. “You’re welcome,” his tone matched my own.

I reached up and caught his wrist, bringing his hand to my mouth and pressing a slow kiss to his palm.

“No matter what happens,” he spoke quietly, “every single day the sun rises just as beautiful as the day before.”

I gave a slight nod, continuing to press my lips to his palm. My insides were trembling and more tears began spilling down over my cheeks. He had finally shown me what he had been trying to tell me all along; I was still alive. And I could overcome.

“You’re like that sun, Morgan.” His free hand smoothed along my upper arm. “No matter what happens in your life, you just have to continue to rise. Like that sunrise, you’re still beautiful and have so much yet to offer. Even when clouds overtake and hide the sun, you know it’s still there; rising and setting, beating down day after day. It never gives up,” his eyes searched mine, “and neither can you.”

I fell into his embrace at those words and cried into his chest. He was right, truly and completely. I couldn’t give up; I couldn’t just lie down and try to fade away. I was still here and I couldn’t stop the time from continuing on. No matter what tragedies plagued me or tried to pull me under, in the end I was still alive. There was so much of me left to give and just like the sun rose every day, shining strong even amidst the clouds, I knew I could too. It had been buried deep, deep down, but it was finally surfacing. Thanks to this wonderful man who had taken a chance on me. He hadn’t given up and neither could I.


“Ugh, I don’t think I can move a muscle,” I groaned as I lay stretched out on a picnic blanket staring overhead at the clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight.

“No room for dessert?”

I turned my head to see Alex stretched out next to me, an amused expression on his face.

With a chuckle, I shook my head. “Not for awhile at least.”

“I guess I shoulda warned you we had dessert before letting you stuff yourself.”

I reached over and lightly pinched his arm. “You should have.”

It was hours after our sunrise expedition and the two of us had just finished stuffing ourselves with ham and turkey hoagies piled high with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles and onions. Not to mention, the coleslaw, potato salad, fresh fruit and potato chips. I had been starving when we’d set up the picnic, and now I was stuffed to the brim. I probably wouldn’t even want to eat dinner.

After we’d left the state park, he’d driven us to a diner where we’d dined over scrambled eggs and waffles. Then it was off to a stable and we finally had our horseback riding date. Alex had even packed a picnic lunch and that’s what we were doing now; relishing in the fact that we’d both stuffed our faces until we couldn’t move. Our horses were tied off to the side near a small stream we’d come across.

I felt a lot better. That morning had been like an expunging of everything I’d been going through and now it was like a clean start. I felt at peace inside finally. It had been a long and hard road and I was finally at the journey’s end. Now it was time for the next chapter of my life. One that I could go into without holding back.

“Mmm, I think I could nap,” my date murmured from beside me.

I giggled low and lightly pinched his arm again. “No falling asleep.”

“Why not?”

“Cuz I’m not sleepy and if you sleep I’ll be bored.”

He gave a low laugh then rolled onto his side to look at me. “Alright, I won’t nap.”

I matched his grin with one of my own. “Good.”

He watched me a moment before pushing himself up into a sitting position. “There is something I want to talk to you about though.”

I turned my head to the side to see him better. “What’s that?”

“C’mere.” He reached a hand out and gently pulled me up next to him.

I knew it had to be something relatively serious. “What’s going on?”

His eyes darted about nervously and it made a small piece of fear creep up into my tummy.

“Alex,” I reached out and touched his cheek, forcing our eyes to meet, “what is it?”

After a heavy sigh, he finally spoke, “You remember how I told you I was an artist?”

I gave a little nod, thinking back on the various conversations we’d had when we had been getting to know one another at the start of whatever kind of relationship this was.

He wet his bottom lip before continuing, “Well, I wasn’t exactly honest with you on what type of artist I was…”

My brows furrowed just slightly. “What kind are you?” A blink. “Do you do nude photography?”

“No.” He shook his head and chuckled low. “But um…I’m not that kind of an artist.”

I was just a bit confused, but stayed quiet and let him continue.

“I’m…a musician kind of artist.”

“Okay.” Was he trying to get at something here? What was wrong with being a musician? Was he ashamed or embarrassed and think I’d think less of him? I wouldn’t care if he was one of those guys that follows the horses in the parade and scoops their poo. It didn’t matter to me what Alex did for a living.

His soul moving eyes bore into mine and for a moment I thought I saw a flicker of fear.

“Alex,” I took his hand with mine, “what is it?”

“You ever heard of The Backstreet Boys?”

My head gave a nod as I tried to figure out what was going on here. “Yeah, I used to listen to them in high school. But…what do they have to do with you?”

He let out a puff of air. “I’m…one of them.”

I think my eyes grew to the size of saucers and I gaped at him. “You’re….famous?”

It was his turn to nod and he pulled my hand up to his chest, holding it securely. “Yeah…on the celebrity level I’m known as AJ.”

I just stared at him.

“But, I don’t want that to change anything. I just… I had to let you know before things went any further.” His hand stroked mine and he watched me with a look of desperation.

I shook the feeling of shock from my body. “I… understand.”

“Do you really?”

“Yes, of course.” My lips formed a small smile and I touched his cheek with my free hand. “We haven’t had a very regular kind of relationship and,” I could feel a small laugh bubbling up, “I don’t care what you career is. I mean, I care cuz you know, I want you to like what you’re doing…but you could be a pooper scooper and it wouldn’t matter to me.”

He chuckled. “A pooper scooper?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “you know, one of those people who follow the horses in the parades and cleans their poo all up.”

This time he laughed. “That’s disgusting.”

I giggled and shifted closer to him. “It is, but someone has to do it.”

“Definitely not me.” He pulled me into his lap, my back to his chest, and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. “And you really are okay with the fact that I’m a celebrity?”

I relished in his embrace. “It seems very fitting.”

“Whatcha mean?” The hairs on his cheek tickled my skin as he lowered his head next to mine.

I giggled low at the feel. “Well, everything about …us… has felt so surreal and …different. I guess it’s very fitting that you have some …different kind of job.”

“That’s an interesting way to look at it.”

I touched his cheek, melting just a little bit as our eyes met. “Thank you for telling me.”

“Thank you for not freaking out.” His lips formed a crooked grin.

My hand moved down and I traced his bottom lip with my finger. “How come you waited so long to tell me?”

Softly, he kissed my finger. “It just didn’t seem like the right time. And I didn’t want you to freak out and run off or…” he trailed off.

I placed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Or, you didn’t want me to end up becoming one of those chicks that tries to get into the limelight, right?”

His body seemed to relax at that and he nodded. “Right.” A pause. “Are you upset?”

“No, not at all.” I cupped his cheek, my thumb smoothing soft circles on his skin. “Sometimes, you just have to wait for when the moment is right to talk about something. No matter how badly you may want to or not want to.” I was referring to more than just him of course.

He nodded and I was certain he understood that completely. “Exactly.”

I smiled then leaned in and kissed his mouth softly.

He moved a hand to my cheek and pulled me closer, matching my kiss and taking it up a notch. Slowly at first, just letting his mouth gently nip at my lower lip, taking his time as if he was savoring and enjoying, then his tongue teased at my lip until my mouth parted and our tongues met.

The kiss quickly grew more heated. Somehow, he shifted us to face each other and my arms wrapped around his neck, his smoothing to my back. Around us the air grew warmer and I found myself falling into him. His kisses chased all thoughts from my mind and a hard shiver raced down my spine as he teased the roof of my mouth with the tip of his tongue.

I matched his passion with my own and when I heard the tiny groan in his throat, I swept my tongue into his mouth to taste him. He was sweet and spicy all at once and it flooded my senses, urging more from the kiss and him.

He responded and our tongues dueled together, his arms holding me securely against his body. I could feel his hard chest pressed against mine and wondered if he could feel the beating of my heart as it pounded against my ribcage.

Hands began roaming as mouth became more insistent, demanding more heat and fervor from the other. He pushed my shirt up some and the warmth of his hands on my bare skin nearly caused me to crumble. One hand snaked into his hair, fingers curling in the dark locks and as he tore his mouth from mine to place those hot kisses along my throat, I groaned his name with a hot need.

I could feel the shudder run through him at that and he lifted his head, his chest heaving against mine.

When he spoke, his voice was low and throaty, “There’s…still…one more thing we need to do today…”

I forced my eyes open, trying to focus on his face and bring my brain under control so I could comprehend what he was saying.

He chuckled low at my expression and kissed my lips lightly. “Then after, we can continue this because this is something I very much wish to continue.”

I cleared my throat some and found my voice, “What’s that?”

Very gently, Alex shifted me off his lap and back onto the blanket. Then he slipped over to the picnic basket and lifted the lid. “You’ll find out soon enough, but first,” he pulled out two spoons and a little ice chest, “what do you say to having some dessert?”

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9497