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“Marcos!” I groaned as I heard someone scream Marcos name. Finally I realized that was me, I opened my eyes and realized it was day time already. I sat up quick and saw the clock on the lamp table say it was seven thirty.

I jumped off my bed and remembered I had to be at work by eight. “I’m up!” I yelled to my mother who was still pounding on my door.

“Mijo are you still feeling under the weather?” she asked me. I laughed to myself as I began to look for my uniform. I was in a hurry, “No I am fine just forgot to put my alarm on!” I answered knowing well I was lying. I sighed in relief as I found the garments that composed my uniform and put them.

I have to say I am used to changing outfits in a fast pace so putting on my uniform was piece of cake. I walked out of my room and headed for the bathroom. That’s when I remembered that my daughter’s had to go to school. “Girls,” I screamed after rinsing my mouth.

“They are at school already Mijo… I took them when I saw that you were still asleep.” My mother told me startling me as I was coming out of the restroom. “Oh… thank you this won’t happen again,” I told her as went back to my room to get my belongings and one specific item I knew I would need for sure… my cell phone.

“Estas seguro que estas bien?” my mother asked me as she extended her hand with a lunch box. I sighed and put on my best smile, “Yes… this won’t happen again.” I told her hesitantly taking the lunch she had prepared for me. “Con cuidado,” she yelled as walked out the house.

I just nodded to her, I knew I needed to be careful but I also knew I had fifteen minutes to get to my job. A job that I as Marcos could not afford to loose, I was going to put my car to the test today.

I was doing great time I thought as I sped through the highway, that was till I saw the red and blue lights flashing behind him. “Great just great!” I yelled to myself as I pulled over. I was so busy thinking of excuses for my tardiness to work I hadn’t notice the officer tapping on my window. “hello office,” I greeted with the best smile I could put on my face.

“Did you know the speed limit is sixty not eighty?” She asked me as she looked at me. I shrugged smiling shyly at her. “I am so sorry and I know I have no excuse for speeding but my day has started horribly already.” I stuttered realizing that this police officer was not bad looking and she was working her police uniform. I smiled as I got a glimpse of her completely.

“License and registration,” she told me with a small smirk on her face. I smiled and went for the glove compartment for the registration and what I hoped would be an insurance card. To my embarrassment the door to the glove compartment fell right out making me blush. I then realized that I was not in my car but in an old piece of tin, “sorry,” I stammered as I handed her the documents and went for my wallet to my license. Then it hit me… I didn’t have a license not with Marcos Flores on it. “Crap,” I said pretending to look for it in my wallet.

“I left at home,” I muttered hoping for the best. The officer glared at me and told me to wait while she went back to her patrol car. I watched her through the mirror as she checked the documents I had handed her. I really was hoping for miracle as I saw that I was supposed to be at work in exactly three minutes.

“Mr. Flores,” I heard Officer Roland tell me as she returned. “I am to let you go with a warning for speeding and for not having your driver license with you. I do expect for you to follow the law from now on.” I sighed in relieve as I heard her, “I will most definitely officer. This won’t happen again.” I gave her my best smile and felt even better when I saw her blush. Was it me or was she digging me?

I waited for her to go and then I began my drive to work. I kept reciting what I was going to say if asked why I was late.

Finally ten minutes later I was parking at Logistics Inc. I could’ve kissed the pavement at that moment but I opted to go punch in. “Mr. Flores,” I heard someone say as I made it to the break room to clock in. “Yes?” I managed to say with a small smile on my face.

“Its good to see you’re back how was your vacation?” the tall much older man asked me. He was bald so that right away told me this was the boss Mr. Patterson. “Good sir,” I manage to say.

“Good,” he told me as he patted my shoulder. “We are glad you finally decided to take your paid vacation. Now that your back I hope your ready to get back it. We had Gus take over the while you were gone but let me tell you he is going to jump with to see your back. How do you do it Marc?” he asked as he walked with to where I assumed was my department.

“Practice and dedication,” I stated not really knowing what to say. The man smiled at me as we entered a different hall and then into a big room with rows and rows of many different parts it seemed.

“Well I let you get back to it and if you have any questions you know where to find,” I heard him tell me as he sighed. I wanted to sigh too as I saw exactly what I did. I was brought back from my thoughts when someone called me.

“Marcos welcome back man,” a redheaded younger than me man said as he approached me with a gadget in hand. “I guess your going to need this back,” He told me handing me the gadget and the clipboard he held.

“Yeah I guess I do,” I told him still trying to understand my job. I knew I had to do inventory but for what? “Thanks for helping out while I was in vacation Gus,” I had assumed that was Gus.

“Hey no problem,” he told me smiling at me. “So how did you like Florida? How did your daughters like Disney world?” he asked me with eagerness.

So that was what Marcos had used to go away few weeks? “Good they want to go back soon.” I managed to say putting on a good poker face.

“That’s good Marcos we were all getting worried about you. I am glad your finally letting go of –“ he paused and didn’t finish his sentence. But I knew what he was going to say so I gave him a weak smile.

“I think its time Gus,” I told him solemnly.

“Good well you know where I am at if you want to talk ok? See you at lunch,” and with that I saw Gus leave me. I looked at his notes on the clipboard and then I went to work…