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Valerie woke up to the pounding on her door. It was nine in the morning but she worked night shift and was still basking in her bed sleeping well she was until now. “Coming,” she said groggily.

“Val,” Leigh said walking in not caring to say hello. “Howie just called me and…” Leigh just opened her laptop and began to open her internet.

“You woke me up,” Valerie said yawning as she closed the door.

“Well you wouldn’t answer your phone and this is very important. AJ is not a very happy camper right now.” Leigh said not even looking up to see her.

“Well my phone is off,” Valerie said as she went to retrieve her phone and turning it on as she walked back out. “What happened why is AJ not a happy camper?” she said as she saw the many missed calls from him.

“Because of this and the fact that you haven’t answered him.” Leigh said turning her laptop toward her.

Valerie gasped as she saw the pictures being shown on a celebrity gossip site. It was pictures of her with Raul. She took the laptop and began to read what was being said.

[“So it seems AJ’s new girlfriend is now an ex girlfriend. She has moved on clearly seen in these pictures. According to friends close to her she realized that she did not belong in his world so she broke it off. Mean while we contacted AJ’s rep but she had nothing to say about this she claimed it as rumors. SO does that mean AJ is single again ladies.”]

“This is not true,” Valerie said finally putting the laptop down. She felt the tears start forming in her eyes as she began to dial AJ’s number. She was sent into his voicemail. “Alex its me Valerie I just woke up and we need to talk call me back.”

“I had to get here as soon as I could. What were you doing with him anyway?” Leigh asked as she saw the pictures.

“I wasn’t with him it’s not true. I was out eating with Stacy and he happened to be there…” Valerie said sighing deeply.


“Why didn’t you answer her?” Howie asked as he saw AJ ignore the call.

“I don’t want to talk to her right now, she ignored all my calls.” AJ said throwing his phone on the bed.

“I just don’t understand why she was that son of…” Howie sighed instead and took a seat next to him. “You should talk to her, I know for a fact she hates him. Besides you can clearly see by the comment that it can’t be true which friend did they talk to?”

“It’s not that…it’s why was she with him? I mean that one picture… she knows that right now we are in the spot light because of our relationship.” AJ said frustrated.

“Talk to her.” Howie said dialing her number on his phone. He smiled when she heard Val’s voice. “Hey,” he said a she heard that she was clearly expecting someone else’s call.

“Howie how’s AJ?” Valerie asked.

“He’s right here beside me,” Howie said eyeing AJ who was now lighting a cigarette. He handed him his phone and saw AJ just stare at it before he took it in his hands.

“AJ?” Valerie said when she did not hear anything from the other side. “You have to know that’s not true.”

“Really?” AJ finally said exhaling the smoke. “The pictures look pretty compromising Val.”

“I was set up by those damn paparazzi. I was being followed that day when I went out to eat with Stacy and then he showed up at the restaurant. I had already asked him to stay away from me earlier…” Valerie said not thinking clearly at what she was saying.

“What do you mean earlier?” AJ said cutting her off.

Valerie bit her lip realizing what she had said, she sighed. “He has been here in LA for a while he had been looking for him and even went to see my sister to try and find out where I was. He was the one that had sent me those flowers remember? He was stalking me at some point but it was nothing serious.” She took another deep breath not saying anything about the other kiss he had given, “I didn’t say anything because I put him in his place and he had left me alone. He has changed… he just happened to bump in to me yesterday and the paparazzi you know how they work.”

“Why didn’t you tell me he was here? Val answer me something…” AJ said trying not to sound too hurt or angry at her. “Do you still have feelings for him?”

“No,” Valerie said quickly realizing where AJ was going with this. “I hate him I do but he really has changed and all I did yesterday was tell him hello. It wasn’t a kiss on the lips it was just a kiss on the cheek it’s not how it looks on the picture.”

“Val,” AJ said not wanting to hear anymore. “I have to go we’ll talk when I get back. For now how about we just take a break…” he said handing the phone back to Howie not wanting to hear anymore.
“AJ” Valerie said but began to sob when she heard Howie’s voice instead. “He’s hurt isn’t he?”

“How come I didn’t hear about Raul being here earlier either?” Howie asked as he saw AJ walk out his suite.

“Howie please not you too, I know I messed up by not telling anyone and I am sorry. Just please make sure AJ is ok.”
Chapter End Notes:
yay i am on a roll another chapter... enjoy. i know i haven't updated this one in a while sorry but I wold love to hear what you guys think. Review? please. :)