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~Brian’s POV~
It really hurt to seeing Leighann lying in that hospital bed. I hated seeing anyone I cared about hurting.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch me or are you going to come talk to me?” Leighann asked.
“Sorry.” I said as I stepped up to the bed.
“You can sit down.”She said and pointed the chair.
I didn’t say anything as I walked around the bed and say down.
“I was surprised, to say the least, when your Mom told me you were coming.” She said. “I didn’t think Hailey would let you.”
“It was Hailey’s idea.” I said. “So wanna tell me what happened?”
“I’ve made a mistake.” She said and sighed.
“You mean sleeping with Brad?” I asked. “Or something else?”
“You know about that?” She asked shocked. “How?”
“He left a message on the answering machine.” I said. “Next time, you might want to delete them before someone hears them, that shouldn’t.”
“I’m not going to apologize for finding someone else.” She said. “We’ve been over for a while now.”
“Then why not let me go?” I asked.
“For anyone other then Hailey.” She said.
“You’re kidding right?” I asked. “Hailey is my best friend. Nothing is going on between us.”
“Well the pictures say different.” She said. “They paint another picture.”
“So what, we’ve kissed. Hailey and I use to make out all the time.” I said.
“So you’re not sleeping with her?” She asked.
“No.” I said.
Good God, I never knew it would be so easy to lie to her. It never has been before.
“That’s not what I’ve heard.” She said. “Lauren tells me you two share a hotel room.”
“That doesn’t mean anything.” I said rolling my eyes. “It’s was just easier that way. We were only at the hotel for a day maybe two.”
“What about Vegas?” She asked.
“She was going to stay with Terri, but then Nick and Laruen broke up.” I said. “Nick stayed with Terri and Hailey stayed with me.”
“You have answers for everything don’t you?” She asked.
“Why do you hate Hailey so much?” I asked.
“She’s everything I’m not.” She said. “And I hate her for it.”
“Is that why you sent her on tour with me?” I asked. “Did you want me to cheat on you?”
“Yes, no, damnit, I don’t know why I asked her to go.” She said.
“Do you still love me?” I asked.
“I will always love you.” She said. “But I’m not in love with you anymore.”
“Then let me go.” I said.
“I just don’t think I can.” She said.
“Tell me the truth is the baby mine?” I asked.
“I really wish I could answer yes to that, but I can’t.” She said. “The baby is Brad’s.”
“I will give you everything that you want, but what is mine, if you just let m go.” I said.
“What about Baylee?” She asked.
“Joint custody.” I said.
“You really love her don’t you?” She asked.
“I just want to be happy.” I said. “Is that to much to ask for?”
“I will not let her win.” She said.
“This isn’t some game.” I said through gritted teeth. “This is my life. God why are you fighting this so hard?”
She didn’t answer me, she just crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the T.V.
“My lawyer will be in touch.” I said standing up. “Don’t fight me on this.”
“What if I do?” She asked.
“You will lose everything.” I said and walked from the room.
I Really didn’t want to go back to the waiting room, just yet. But I also knew that it would be stupid to walk around without any security with this many fans around.
I sighed and headed back to the waiting room.
I walked into the waiting room to find Hailey having a stare down with Brad. This wasn’t good at all. I could tell she was already pissed and getting pushed to her limit.
“Ya know DNA doesn’t make you a father.” Hailey said.
“God why do you have to be such a bitch?” Brad asked.
“Watch what you say around Baylee.” She said through gritted teeth. “Leave now. Don’t make me kick your butt.”
“I would love to see you, Sister Dear.” Brad said pushing Hailey’s buttons.
“I have before, and I will again, now leave.” She said.
“Yes Brad, leave.” I said.
He turned and glared at me. I just raised an eyebrow at him.
“I need to go see Leighann anyways.” Brad said pushing past me.
Hailey’s Mom didn’t say anything as she followed behind Brad.
“You look mad, you okay?” Hailey asked walking over to me.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. “Come on Baylee, let’s go say goodbye to Mom.”
“Okay.” Baylee said walking over to me.
He grabbed my hand and looked up at me.
“We’re going to leave when we get back.” I said to Hailey.
“Okay.” She said.
“We shouldn’t be long.” I said.
“Love you.” She said.
“Love you too.” I said and headed for the door.
“You’re gonna take me with you and Hailey right?” Baylee asked.
“Yes, I don’t’ want to leave you here while Mom’s in the hospital.” I said.
“Good.” He said and smiled up at me.
I smiled down at him as we reached Leighann’s room. I opened the door and let Baylee in.
Brad and his Mom were standing on the other side of the bed.
“Baylee wanted to say goodbye.” I said and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Bye Mom.” Baylee said. and looked back at me. “Can we go now? I miss Uncle Nicky.”
“Yeah we can go.” I said.
“Where are you going?” Leighann asked.
“Salt Lake City. We have a show tomorrow night.” I said. “You are in no condition to watch Baylee, so I’m going to take him with me.”
“Brad and Jane can watch him.” She said.
“Not happening. He wants to go come, so I’m gonna take him.” I said. “Let’s go Baylee.”
“Bye Mom, love you.” Baylee said and headed for the door.
I turned and followed my son out of the room. I could barely keep the smile off my face.
When we got back to the waiting room, Hailey and my Mom were ready to leave.
“Ready?” Hailey asked smiling at me.
“Yeah, you tell security already?” I asked.
“Yeah, Mikey went to get the car.” Hailey said.
“Good.” I said as the door behind m opened.
“We’re all set. Mike just pulled up with the car.” Tommy said.
“We’re ready to leave.” I said looking at him.
“I’ll walk you down.” Tommy said and stepped back out of the room.
“Are you guys going back to the tour?” Mom asked.
“Yeah, Baylee’s coming with us.” I said.
“I figured you wouldn’t leave him here, so I packed a bag for him.” Mom said.
“Thank you so much.” I said and smiled at her. “You just saved me a ton of time.”
“I called and got our flight all set.” Hailey said.
“I’ll drive you back to the hotel so you can get your bags, then I’ll stick around for a few days and makes sure everything is okay.” Mom said.
I walked over to her and hugged her.
“I love you Mom.” I said and kissed her cheek.
“I love you to my Boy.” She said. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”
“Okay.” I said and let her go.
By the time we reached Salt Lake, I was ready to crash. Not getting enough sleep was finally starting to catch up with me. But I couldn’t rest until I knew we were far from Leighann and all that drama, I wanted to go back to the last few days where it was just me and Hailey. But I couldn’t do that now. I had Baylee to worry about.
So far, he seemed to be taking things good, but when the shit hit the fan, it was going to hit hard. I almost didn’t have to the heart to tell him that his mother and I would never be together again.
By the time we got to the hotel Baylee was fast asleep, so I had to carry him up to our room. Hailey tired to get her own room, but I didn’t want her to. I needed to hold her as I slept.
I knew she was worried about Baylee seeing us together, but I had a feeling it won’t bother him as much as she thinks it will.
“Nick said we have a 10am wake up call.” Hailey said breaking me out of my thoughts. “They all agreed to let us sleep in.”
“Okay.” I said and placed Baylee on the couch. “Thank you for being here. I really don’t want to be alone.”
She smiled at me and walked over to me.
I didn’t say anything as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.
“I told you that I’d do anything for you.” She said. “I love you.”
“I know. I just want you to know how much it means to me that you’re here.” I said and kissed her forehead.
“My brother is gonna get us back for what happened at the hospital.” She said.
“He’ll start something that he won’t be able to finish.” I said. “I’m not letting them walk all over me.”
She laughed softly and pulled way from me.
“Come on, let’s get the he-man in bed.” She said. “You look like you could fall over and sleep on the floor.”
“I’m so tired.” I said and followed her in to the bedroom.
“I know you are.” She said.
~Hailey’s POV~
Over the next few days, I began to feel myself start to pull away from Brian. I wasn’t really sure why I was doing so, but I just couldn’t stop.
Another thing that was really starting to bother me was Terri and Nick. They seemed so in love and all over each other. I know I was the one that set them up, but I hated knowing that he’d never be mine again. Which really shouldn’t bother me, seeing as I had Brian, but it bothered me a lot, and I had no idea why.
“You okay?” Howie asked breaking me out of my thoughts.
“Fuck if I know.” I said and looked at him.
“Should I go get AJ?” He asked.
“No.” I said and shook my head. “I gotta get back to the hotel and pack.”
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“I have some interviews to do.” I said and ran my fingers through my hair. “I think it will be good for me if I was a way for a few days.”
“What about Brian?” He asked.
“I have no idea.” I said and sighed. “I really just hate feeling like this. I don’t want to hurt him. Either of them.”
“Then don’t.” He said.
“I can’t help feeling this way.” I said looking at him. “I hate it, I really do, but I can’t stop them from coming every time I look at him.”
“You shut your feelings for me and J off. Why can’t you do the same for Nick?” He asked.
“I’ve tired and I really can’t. I guess deep down I love him, in a very fucked up way.” I said shaking my head. “But I can’t ruin what he has with Terri. One she’d kill me and two I’m the one that pushed them together.”
“Why did you do that when you knew what would happen?” He asked.
“Because I want him to be happy, and I know he wasn’t happy with the way things were.” I said. “And I know she’ll treat him the way he deserves to be treated. Plus she’s hundred times better for him then I ever was or will be.”
“Wow, that was deep.” He said. “But what are you going to do about Brian?”
“I have no idea.” I said and sighed. “I love him, I really do, but for the last few days I’ve been pulling away from him. And I know that he’s seen that.”
“Why though?” He asked.
“God if I knew I’d tell you, but I have no idea.” I said and looked over to where Brian was playing with Baylee and James.
“He loves you.” He said.
“I know. But I think we rushed into this.” I said.
“You’re just scared.” He said.
“No I’m terrified.” I said. “I’ve never just been with one guy at a time. This is all so freaking new to me, I have no idea what to do.”
Before he could say anything Nick walked over to us. He had a huge smile on his face.
“What’s up Nick?” I asked.
“Terri’s taking a nap.” He said and smiled at us.
“Oh.” I said and pulled out my phone.
“You okay there Hailey?” Nick asked. “You’re acting weird again.”
“I’m fine. I gotta go talk to Bri.” I said and walked away.
I walked over to where Brian was playing with Baylee and James. It brought a smile to my face seeing him play with them.
“Hey Baby.” Brian said standing up.
“Hey.” I said smiling at him.
“You feeling okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I guess.” I said and sighed. “Um, Kyle called this morning and I have to fly to LA for a few days.”
“Oh, for what?” He asked.
“Some interviews I guess, I’m not really sure.” I said. “Will you be okay for a few days?”
“Yeah, I mean I have the guys and Baylee.” He said and grinned at me. “Plus we can practice our phone sex.”
“You are so freaking lucky I love you so much.” I said and smiled at him.
“I love you too.” He said and pulled me to him. “I’m gonna miss you though.”
“It’ll only be a few days.” I said and kissed his nose. “I think you can live with no sex for a few days.”
“You’d have phone sex with Nick.” He said and pulled away from me.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Nothing. Have fun in LA.” He said and walked away from me.
I shook my head and walked off in the other direction.
God and men said we were complicated, they are just as, or even more so, complicated then we are.
I walked around backstage until I found Marcus. Yeah I knew that he was AJ’s body guard, but he was one of the few that actually liked me. I guess sometimes I make it hard for them to their jobs, though I have no idea what they are even talking about.
“Hey Marcus.” I said tapping him on the shoulder.
“What up White Girl?” He asked looking up at me.
“Can you take me back to the hotel? I have to pack for LA, and my flight leaves in like five hours.” I said.
“Sure, let me call Tony and let him know.” He said and pulled out his phone.
“Okay.” I said.
I pulled out my phone out and sent a quick text to Brian, telling him that I was leaving and that I would see him when I got back. He didn’t send anything back. I had no idea why he was so pissed.
Didn’t he believe me when I told him that Nick and I were really over? Doesn’t he understand how hard this is for me?
“Ready to go?” Marcus asked breaking me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah.” I said and followed him out to the cars.
Neither of us said anything as we drove to the hotel. That was one thing I loved about him he never asked questions. If it had been anyone else they would have, maybe that’s why he’s been with AJ for so long.
After I was done packing I sat down and wrote Brian a note, I wasn’t even sure if he would read it or not, but I couldn’t leave with out trying to fix things first. I knew he wouldn’t answer my phone calls, so this would have to do. I just really hope that he doesn’t throw it away.
It has been almost three days since I last heard from Brian. I guess he’s not talking to me anymore. I have no idea what did wrong, but he’s pissed at me. I have no idea what I did, but it’s not like I really wanted to leave him. I hated being away from him when he was hurting as bad as he was right now.
God I really hope he doesn’t think I left to cheat on him. Fuck, I wish he’d answer my fucking phone calls. This is driving me crazy.
“You really need to stop pacing so much.” Kyle said.
“Why don’t you go fuck your boyfriend?” I asked glaring at him.
“Because he’s busy with work.” He said and rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong Hailey? I haven’t seen you this up tight, as long as I’ve known you. Did you stop having sex again?”
“Brian’s pissed at me and won’t fucking talk to me.” I said and ran my fingers through my hair. “It’s really starting to piss me off. I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with him. I have a feeling he thinks I’m here because I want to cheat on him.”
“Wait, you’re only seeing one guy right now?” He asked shocked.
“Yes, why are you so shocked?” I asked. “I know how to keep my legs closed.”
“This must really be a first for you.” He said. “I’m proud of you.”
“Fuck off Kyle.” I said. “I really love Brian and I don’t want to hurt him.”
“Babe, he’s just another guy in the long list of guys you’ve fucked.” He said.
“What do you want?” I asked looking at him.
“Go to this party with me. Have fun let loose.” He said. “And for God’s sake get laid.”
“Fine.” I said walking from the room.
“We leave in a half hour.” He yelled after me.
I rolled my eyes and slammed my door.
I knew I really should be going tonight, but damn it he was right I needed to get out and have some fun. I needed to get out of this damn hotel room.
A half hour later, I was walking out of the door with Kyle. I had a bad feeling about going to this party, but I pushed it away. I was done worrying about Brian. He wasn’t talking to me, so why should I worry.
Two hours into the party I was starting to get really bored. All I was doing was standing at the bar drinking myself into oblivion. There was no one at this damn party I wanted to even considering talking to. Fuck, I should have stayed at the hotel.
“Hailey Anderson, you are looking good.” Someone said from behind me.
I turned and looked at him. God did it really have to be him, the one person I’ve been trying to avoid all night.
“What do you want?” I asked grabbing my drink.
“Come dance with me.” He said and grabbed my hand.
“Why would I do something like that?” I asked and down my drink.
“Because you know that you missed me.” He said and pulled me to him. “You know that you want to relive what he had.”
I just looked up at him and got lost in his eyes. Fuck, I was done for.