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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)
Chapter One-Hundred-Seven

When Riley got upstairs, she went down the hall to Kevin's room where she found him and Brian just finishing up on putting Elenore and Josh in bed. They walked out of the room, and Brian looked at Riley curiously.

"I thought that you were talking to Brookie."

"Yeah I was, but now Aje is." Riley answered, and she took his hand into his and gently squeezed it. He reached up and wiped away a left over tear streak and she looked into his eyes sympathetically.

"You two are going to get through this...I promise."

"I really hurt him Ri...I don't blame him one bit. I wouldn't be surprised if he never talked to me again."

"When has Nick ever been able to go long without talking to you?" Kevin questioned while rolling his eyes and placing a comforting hand on his cousin's shoulder.

"I never hurt him like this before though Kev."

"Just give him sometime to cool down and think things over. Try again in the morning..."


"Come on...lets go in our room and i'll make it all better," Riley insisted, and she squeezed his hand gently, before pulling him toward their room. Kevin couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Too much information Ri." Riley stuck her tongue out at him. Just as they were passing the hallway bathroom, the door suddenly opened and Nick and Ashley appeared in the doorway. Nick took one look at Brian standing there and made an attempt to turn around and shut the door again, but Ashley kept a hold of his hand as she pulled him from the bathroom and into their room across the hall, and she patted Brian's shoulder on her way past. When the door was shut behind them Brian looked at Riley and sighed heavily. Riley kissed the back of his hand and led him into their own room just across the hall and she shut the door behind her.


When Nick and Ashley got into their room they discovered that Sarah is asleep and Dakota is sitting up in bed hugging her legs to her chest and she is watching the movie still.

"Is Uncle Aaron here yet daddy?"

"Not yet baby," Nick answered, as he went and sat next to her on the bed and he rubbed his hand over her back. Dakota scooted closer to him and rested her head against his chest allowing him to envelope her in his arms and she glanced up at him worriedly. She can see that he's been crying and she knows why he was crying too. They thought she couldn't hear a word that was said out in the hall - boy were they ever wrong. She could hear the whole thing and at hearing her daddy demand Brian to stay away from her she started crying herself. He can't do that to her, he just can't! It's not fair. She hopes with all her heart that the two of them make up because she can't live her life without her most favorite uncle in it. Brian makes everything better and if he's not around everything will be wrong. She should be mad at Nick for doing this, but she can't help it. She likes to snuggle with her daddy - now more then ever. Nick sat there rubbing her back and eventually it started to relax Dakota - relax her enough to make her sleepy. She told herself that she would stay awake until Aaron, Angel, Leslie, and BJ got there but it's getting very hard. She's been awake for a very long time after all. She lay down with her head against her pillows and Nick continued to lay there rubbing her back knowing exactly what he is doing to her. After thirty minutes of fighting sleep, sleep finally won. Dakota closed her eyes and surrendered. Nick looked over at Ashley who was lying on the other side of Sarah and watching the movie - and Dakota fight sleep at the same time. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and Ashley just smiled a little.

"Told you so." Nick reached over and took Ashley's hand into his and she intertwined their fingers together. They lay there in silence for a few moments, than Ashley broke it.

"Are you really going to stay mad at Brian forever?" She asked softly.

"No...probably not," Nick sighed. "Just for awhile...I have a right to be angry for awhile. As much as I hate to admit it...everybody knows I can't go long without talking to him."

"He really didn't mean it the way it came out...I know he's sorry Nick."

"Yeah well...at the moment I don't care..."


Meanwhile, in Kori and Wiley's room, Kori had just finally gotten Spencer to fall asleep too. It had been a very long and exciting day and he was nowhere near ready to lay down and go to sleep. He still wanted to be up and playing with his friends.

"Are you sure its okay for us to be sleeping in the same room? Let alone same bed together?" Wiley questioned worriedly, as he lay across the foot of the bed with his book in his hand.

"Why wouldn't it be? We share a room back at the Orphanage don't we?"

"Yeah...well...your sister dosn't like it." Kori rolled her eyes.

"So what? she'll get used to it. Like we are really going to do anything with a five year old sleeping RIGHT there." Wiley raised his eyebrow at that comment and Kori realized what she said.

"I mean...if we were dating - which we are not." she corrected herself, and she immediately turned pretending to dig through her bag as she silently cursed at herself.

"Yeah well, I don't like upsetting her. I'm trying to get on her good side...you know?"

"Yes well, where else would you sleep anyway? There aren't anymore rooms." Wiley shrugged his shoulders even though Kori's back is turned and she can't see him do it.

"And anyway, why waste your time trying to get on her good side? She's stubborn and no matter what I say it doesn't seem to phase her."

"Because she's important to you. And anyway, you two have come such a long way - so obviously it does phase her."

"How so? She still gives me dirty looks, and we still argue a lot."

"Isn't that what sisters do? Argue? You dont fight nearly as much anymore and even though she was sarcastic afterward, she was still nice to you earlier when Spencer got sick - that's something isn't it?" Wiley asked, as he was suddenly standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder. Kori shrugged her shoulders and continued to look down at her suitcase full of clothes. She is still a little nervous after that comment she made earlier and now she is stressing over her sister.

"Come on love...come sit down, it's not good for you to be so stressed out. It's getting late why don't you try to get some rest?"

"Because I'm not done packing" Kori insisted stubbornly.

"We'll do it tomorrow. You have been awake since five in the morning. Your going to bed," Wiley demanded lightly, and he started to pull her over to the bed. When they got over there he pulled down the blankets to her side of the bed and she crawled in. He covered her up and got on the bed to crawl over to his side when suddenly the door opened just as he was crawling over her. Both of them looked up to see that it's Ashley who walked in. Ashley froze as she took in the scene before her - what the hell did she almost walk in on? She thought inwardly to herself, though she just grinned widely.

"Hey sis, what's up!" She greeted cheerfuly, though quietly so she doesn't wake her sleeping nephew. Kori stifled a glare.

"Not much...really..." she told her, as Wiley continued to crawl over to his spot - though now slightly embarrassed that they were caught in that position - even though it was very innocent. "What are you doing in here? and have you ever heard of the word knock?" Ashley continued to smile her big innocent smile, as she bounded into the room and crawled into the bed so she is lying next to Kori.

"I just felt like coming to see you, that's all." She answered the first question and naturally, she ignored the second one. Kori rolled her eyes.

"How funny that you should pick now of all times to come visit me." Ashley giggled and rested her head against Kori's as the two of them share a pillow. "Does Nick know you came to visit me now?"

"Yes I told him I was going to. He said it was okay."

"Oh, how nice of him."

"Yup, Yup. So hey Wiley how's it going?" Ashley asked, turning to look at Wiley who she noticed is blushing - this amused her.

"Not much really. Shouldn't you be going to bed by now?"

"Nah, Nicky and I are waiting up for his brother and sisters."

"Oh I see."

"So...Ash....to what do I owe this very random, but nice visit?" Kori asked, with obvious irritation in her voice, though she is smiling and she poked her sister in the nose.

"No reason, no reason at all...do I really need one? I mean your my sister and all."

"No I guess not..."

"But now that you ask...I did want to ask you and Wiley something."


"Kevin and Brian are taking the kiddies on a tour around town tomorrow - and Nick and I are going. I was wondering if maybe you and Mr. Wiley here would want to come."

"And this couldn't be asked earlier tonight? Or tomorrow?"

"Of course we'll go, love." Wiley spoke up immediately and he cowered back a little as he saw Kori give him a look. Ashley smiled a little bit. She may not be too fond of Wiley, but his accent is pretty. She notices that it's always very strong when he says 'love'. She can see why Kori loves him so much. Who doesn't love a gorgeous guy with an british accent?

"Great! It should be fun," Ashley replied, grinning widely and Kori rolled her eyes.

"But we won't be going if you dont get your butt out of our room and let us get some sleep, missy!"

"Hehe okay, okay...I can see my work here is done," She replied, and she leaned over, kissed Spencer's cheek, and then rolled out of the bed and headed for the door.

"Good," Kori replied gratefully, and Ashley turned the light off and left the room again, though she left the door wide open. Kori rolled her eyes and started to get up out of bed to go shut it, when Wiley reached over and stopped her.

"No no no, love let me do it." He told her, and he got up and headed for the door.

"Her work here is done...Pshh...yeah she's successfully annoyed the hell out of her sister." She muttered, while shaking her head. Wiley laughed.

"At least she's being nice."

"In an evil way!" Wiley chuckled and when he had the door shut he went and crawled into bed and over to his spot again.

"I swear, she knew just the right time to come in here. I wouldn't be surprised if she has this room bugged."

"She does not have this room bugged, you are being paranoid."

"Am not."

"Are too. Now go to bed." Kori scowled and then finally settled into her pillow and blankets, though she stared over at Wiley who now has his back turned - shirtless, sexy Wiley who is only a couple of inches away. If only Spencer wasn't in the middle of them...If only...though if she could try anything, she's pretty sure that her sister would barge in - Kori swears that she does have her room bugged. How else could she know just the right moment - or in Kori and Wiley's case, the wrong moment to walk in? She always seemed to barge into their room when they were little too though...it always made Kori very angry and Ashley knows it. Looking back at the memories, she can remember they always drove her parents crazy. She remembers everytime Ashley would barge in when she was with Scott she would scream 'MOM!!!!!! SHES DOING IT AGAIN!!!' at the top of her lungs and her dad would have to come up and literally carry his youngest daughter out of the room. Tears fell down Kori's cheeks at the memory and she looked back at Wiley.



"Are you still awake?"

"I am now...what's up?" he asked, as he rolled over and looked at her. It was then that he noticed the tears and he looked at her with eyes full of worry and concern as he reached over and wiped them away. "Honey what's wrong?" Kori didn't answer, she only took his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers together and she scooted closer to him the best she could with her son lying there between them, and he scooted closer too. He wrapped an arm around her and Spencer both and he rested his forehead against hers. "You were fine just a minute ago...what happened?"

"Nothing...I just want you near, that's all." Kori lied and Wiley continued to lay there watching her with concern. She brought her hand up to her lips and kissed the back of it, before turning it over so she could see his "M" tattoo on the inside of his wrist that stands for Mom. She slowly traced the outline of it and suddenly Wiley understood. He should have known...Kori never cries, and when she does it's because of Ashley or her parents. What in the world made her think of her parents though at that particular moment, he has no clue. Wiley gently lifted Spencer up - being careful not to wake him and he moved him so he lay on the other side of him, than he moved in closer to Kori and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead softly. Kori buried her face in his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him in return. Feeling safe in his arms she closed her eyes and fell asleep in an instant.


Meanwhile, in Ashley and Nick's room, Nick felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket as he and Ashley lay in bed watching TV together. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out to look at the caller ID and he saw that it was Angel's cell phone. He turned it on and placed it to his ear.

"Hey Ange...what's up?"

"We're about there Nick - we'll be there in five minutes."

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you," Nick replied. He said goodbye to his sister and then hung up the phone and he looked at Ashley.

"They're here," he announced, and then got up. He took her hand, helped her out of bed and the two of them left the room to go downstairs to greet his brother and sisters. When they got downstairs they found Harold, Jackie, Brian, and Riley down there drinking hot chocolate and talking quietly amongst themselves. Nick groaned inwardly, though he continued his way down there.

"Hey Nicky...what are you doing down here?" Brian asked softly, and Riley reached over and took his hand into hers and she squeezed it gently.

"My brother and sisters will be here in five minutes," Nick answered indifferently.

"Oh well maybe we should make hot chocolate for them also!" Jackie insisted, and she got up and began to do just that.

"Do you want some hot chocolate Nicky?" Brian immediately asked, as he got up to help his mother out. Nick nodded as he tried his hardest not to make eye contact with Brian.

"Yes please..."

"Coming right up! I'll make it for you Frick Style - just for my Frack." He insisted, and he rushed over and did just that, as he eyed Nick hopefully. Nick sat down at the table and he pulled Ashley next to him.

"Want some too Ash?" Jackie spoke up again.

"Yes please."