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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's the next chapter.
Enjoy =)
Chapter Three-Hundred-Eighteen

When Conner finally managed to get Rosalie asleep after a very lengthy conversation – in which she skillfully dragged out, he walked out of the room shutting the door just a crack. After doing that, assuming that his and Aaron’s charade ended the moment they stepped foot inside the orphanage, he ignored him and instantly slid his arms around Angel pulling her near.

“Hey” he greeted her as she slid her arms around his neck and he leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly over hers.

“Hey, did you have fun?”

“For the most part yes.”

“What happened?” Angel asked with genuine concern.

“Yeah…I’m wondering the same thing myself,” Aaron added and much to Conner’s surprise he didn’t get a piercing glare from him.

“I got a visit from Max…Sean has a job for me.”

“What?” Angel asked, the slight panic evident in her voice and on her face.

“Relax Angel, it’s nothing dangerous. He just wants me to give this note to Scott…” Conner explained while pulling the folded up piece of paper from his pocket.

“What does it say?”

“I don’t know I didn’t dare read it in front of Max. He seems to think it’s none of our business” Conner replied and he unfolded the paper and Aaron and Angel each leaned over to read it with him.

Piss anymore of my people off and you’ll be sorry. - Sean

“You can’t give that to Scott, you need to give this to Detective Stabler” Angel informed.

“I’m going to. I also have some information for him too.”

“Which is?” Aaron wanted to know.

“According to Max Trevor has been leaving his and Sean’s hiding place every night for an hour and he doesn’t tell Sean or Max where he is going. And he says that when he saw him earlier today he had a bandage around his arm – something happened to him and neither Sean or Trevor are telling him what.”

“You were in that bathroom for an awful long time. You had to be talking about more then that.”

“Yeah well, that is all I am willing to share…” Aaron raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

“Its not important okay?”

“If you ever want to regain my trust back again you withholding information from me is not going to do it for you. I want to know everything that is going on if I am going to help you use me.”

“I don’t want to use you Aaron, I want to be your friend.”

“Then you need to be honest with me. I need to know everything that is going on or I’m going to feel like I am being used.”

“It has nothing to do with you I promise. It was my own personal demons that I’ve been dealing with since I was a kid. Just let it be okay?”

“Fine I’ll let it be but usually friends confide in each other when there is a problem,” Aaron told him and he turned and started to walk away.

“Max has been abusing me since the day he took me and Rosie in when our parents died. Okay?” Conner asked his voice just above a whisper but Aaron still heard him. He paused and looked at Conner.

“Every kind of abuse in the book. Physically, Emotionally, Verbally, and sometimes even sexually if he was drunk enough.”

“What about Rose?”

“He’s never touched Rosie, but he’s threatened to many times if I pissed him off enough.” Aaron suddenly got a horrible feeling in his stomach.

“He didn’t…do anything to you in the bathroom did he?”

“No but he wanted to. I’ve made him afraid to touch me though…for now.”

“How?” Angel spoke up softly and she gently took his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers together. She already knew about the abuse. He told her about it when she found a bruise on him and questioned him about it, and in result to him telling her his sob story, she kind of got carried away in comforting him and that was when Aaron walked in and caught them.

“I told him if he laid a hand on me I would tell Detective Stabler who he is and where to find him.”

“You shouldn’t go around using that threat too much,” Aaron warned. “You might get them thinking that you have.”

“Yes I know, but I like the feeling of having control for the first time in my life.” Aaron regarded him for a moment.

“Come on…Ange and I are going down to the playground to see what surprise Stace has in store for me. Apparently its something she couldn’t come up here for, so I’m curious.” Angel smirked.

“Yes, Yes, lets go see Stacy” She replied while swinging an arm around Aaron’s shoulders and another around Conner’s and she guided them downstairs. When they got down there and were almost to the playground Angel skipped ahead of them cheerily and went outside before them. A moment later Aaron and Conner opened the door and as Aaron had his back turned and was closing the door Conner yelped as he was yanked aside by Angel. Aaron turned around a second later to find himself surrounded by every single child on the playground and they are armed with super soakers and Stacy is in the middle of them all holding her very own super soaker. She is gazing at her boyfriend with a smirk formed on her lips and a devious look in her eyes.

“What the…”

“GET HIM!” she shouted playfully, like an Army Captain giving orders to her soldiers, and right on cue 30 different super soakers started spraying at him at once.

“AHHHH!!!!” Aaron shrieked and he turned to run back inside only to find himself face to face with his twin who was suddenly armed too.

“Going somewhere?” She asked, before spraying him in the face and Aaron whirled around and darted off looking for shelter – or else something to fight back with and all 30 of the armed children and Stacy and Angel chased after him. Aaron climbed up onto the play structure and went to dive through a tunnel only to be caught short by a his niece and Elenore lying on their stomachs inside it with their super soakers pointed at the ready. Before he even had the time to react both of them sprayed their water guns in his face.

“AHHH!!!” he shrieked again, before turning around and running for the slide leaving the two girls giggling in the tunnel. He slid down it headfirst landing in the sand on his stomach with an oomph, but he was on his feet again in a second as his mob was not relenting at all and he is soaked head to toe. Suddenly he spotted the bushes near the tree and he took a run for it before diving behind the bush where he found Conner with a tub of water balloons.

“Dude! Where did you get those?” He asked impressed.

“Just lying around. Thought you could use some help” Conner replied while handing him a couple of water balloons.

“There is no way we’re going to be able to take them. There are like, thirty of them and two of us.”

“Oh Aaaaron!” Stacy called. “Come out, come out wherever you are! You can’t hide forever. We’ll fiiind you” Aaron shuddered.

“God she is hot when she is being devious like this.” Conner chuckled and rolled his eyes.

“Just start throwing balloons – I’ll be right back” He told him when he spotted something. Aaron watched him go reluctantly for a couple of seconds and then he got up on his knees so his attackers could see only his face before pelting them all with balloons. As they got hit one by one, they shrieked and started squirting their guns at him and he would duck as to not get hit with them. A few seconds later Conner suddenly reappeared at his side with the hose and Aaron gaped at him.

“Dude you are genius!”

“I’m going to remember you said that and remind you about it when you’re done taking advantage of my skills,” Conner informed. Aaron smirked.

“You used me, I’m using you. We’ll call it even” was all he said.

“Aaron come on! Come out here and fight us like a man!” Angel spoke up. Aaron and Conner both exchanged looks with one another and then Aaron gathered up water balloons in his shirt and Conner held the hose up at the ready. The two of them then got up and ran out from behind the bushes from separate sides, Conner turning his hose onto full blast and sticking his fingers in front of it so that it goes everywhere while Aaron bombarded them with balloons. Suddenly the sprinklers turned on around the children and the girls (Conner’s doing of course) and they all screamed and scattered and it suddenly turned into a full on water war.


“What in the world?” Nick asked curiously when hearing the shrieks coming from the playground as he and Ashley were lying on their bed together – with Bella between them because Denise had passed her back to Ashley telling her she had to leave. He got up and went to the window and Ashley followed suit and the two of them peered out at it together.

“Well what do ya know… Aaron and Conner working together,” Nick commented, clearly shocked.

“Isn’t there usually a caregiver out there keeping an eye on them?” Ashley asked curiously as she leaned into Nick.

“Usually yeah. Maybe they trusted Angel and Stacy enough to be incharge for a little bit. Maybe they needed a break.” Ashley laughed.

“That’s funny. They trust them with the kids and the second they do a full blown water war breaks out.”

“Well it is my baby sister we’re talking about here,” Nick informed with a hint of pride in his voice. Ashley laughed again and she cupped his cheek in her hand before leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips. “Come on, we should go down there and break it up soon – its in the middle of winter they’re all going to catch colds and then Aaron, Angel, Conner, and Stacy will be taking care of 30 sick children.”

“Kay,” Ashley replied and she went over and gathered Bella into her arms and she grabbed up her blanket and placed it over her before following Nick out into the hall and downstairs to the playground. Just as they came out of the elevator in the lobby Detective Stabler walked in through the main door. He greeted Marcus and Q who were dutifully guarding the doors and keeping track of who comes in out and then walked on past and noticed Nick – just the man he wanted to see.

“Hey Ell, what brings you here?” Nick questioned curiously.

“Sarah” Detective Stabler answered simply as if that explained everything. Nick raised his eyebrow.

“Sarah asked you to come?”

“No actually, she doesn’t know I am here.”

“Is there something wrong?” Ashley asked worriedly.

“No, everything is okay except I’m a little concerned about Sarah. Harold gave me a call shortly after Santa’s visit here at the Orphanage and I’ve been meaning to tell you about it but with everything going on I haven’t had the chance.”

“Well you have the chance now” Nick told him suddenly slipping into worried father mode.

“Yeah…but the thing is, it’s not my place to tell you.”

“This is my daughter we’re talking about Elliot, if you are concerned about her I want to know why.”

“I can’t tell you what I came here to tell you until she confides in you.”

“Yeah well the chance of that happening is pretty slim. I am lucky she is even talking to me at all.”

“Yes, but the thing is…it’s really bothering her and if it doesn’t get taken care of it’s really going to eat her up inside.”

“So what do you suggest I do, Detective?” Nick asked trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice but he didn’t succeed.

“Pull her into a different room and try to gently coax it out of her.”

“Been there done that.”

“Yes but she wasn’t talking then was she? The last time you tried was the day you adopted her and the night she had her nightmare and wanted Ellie. She’s improved a lot since your last confrontation”

“I don’t want to push it out of her.”

“I don’t think you will need to this time. What I heard from Harold, I think she’s ready.”

“Why is it that Harold knows her secret and not me?” Nick asked slightly offended.

“Because she told ‘Santa’,” Ashley replied.

“What if I talked to her first? I think I might be able to talk her into it” Detective Stabler offered.

“Why?” Nick questioned and he raised his eyebrow.

“Because it’s me that has to help Santa see this request through.” Nick eyed Detective Stabler for a couple of minutes and then nodded quietly.

“The kids are on the playground…we were just on our way out there to break up a water fight before we have 30 sick children on our hands” He explained and he wrapped an arm around Ashley who was holding Bella close and placing soft kisses on her forehead. She allowed him to take her outside and Detective Stabler followed suit. When they got out there though, much to their surprise the water fight had already ended. The kids were all playing and the four teenagers were all lying in the grass exhausted.

“Okay kiddies it’s time to get inside you are all going to catch colds!” Nick called out; inwardly thinking they need a whistle for this kind of thing. Everybody paused and looked at him and he heard lots of whining and protests. He turned and looked at Ashley and he gently took Bella from her.

“Ashley is going to get you all some towels and I want all of the older kids who can take care of themselves to go take warm baths you hear me? As for the younger ones who can’t, your caregivers will be with you shortly.” When all of the kids had their instructions and were obeying them he looked at Ashley.

“I’m pretty sure Brooke is in her office. Just go to her and she’ll get you towels and page all of the caregivers to tell them to come fetch their kids.”

“Okay” Ashley replied and he kissed her cheek and she went inside the Orphanage to go see Brooke and Nick made all of the kids stand in a line going sideways in front of him so he could head count them all. He remembered seeing 30 when he was peering out at them through the window. When he got 27 he narrowed his eyes.

“If the three little girls don’t come out from hiding this instant, they’ll be sorry.” When none of them budged he sighed.

“Okay that’s it. Sarah and Kota you are about to lose the surprise we had in store for you later on tonight. Ellie I am calling Kevin and he will be the one to decide your punishment, which I’m pretty sure, will be the same thing – and the loss of your sai. Do you want that?” When none of them replied he continued.

“And my two girls will be sitting in their room all day tomorrow too if they don’t come out – and I’ll block the air vents too so there will be no secret adventures or silly string surprises.” That last bit did the trick.

“I DID NOTS SPRAY JOSHY WITH THE SILLY STRING, DADDY!” Dakota roared, suddenly standing up from behind a tunnel revealing herself and he can hear Elenore making a noise of protest. Nick smirked.

“Yeah, yeah, just like Sarah didn’t protect you at Mc Donalds either.” He heard Sarah let out a huff of exasperation behind the tunnel, but otherwise she didn’t show herself.

“I’m going to count to five and if the three of you aren’t out here that is it”

“He’s bluffing – don’ts you dare listen” he heard Elenore whisper.

“ONE!” Dakota sat down then so he could no longer see her – or did Elenore pull her down?

“TWO! This is a fine way to prove you are a big girl Ellie.” When Elenore didn’t reply he continued.

“THREE! If you stay hidden behind there you won’t get to see who is here to see you.” He looked at Detective Stabler then, giving him a look.

“I guess my buddy Ellie doesn’t want to see me today, huh?” He spoke up. They heard a soft squeal of surprise, but otherwise the stubborn Ninja didn’t budge.

“FOUR!” Nick continued his countdown.

“Looks like I will be doing detective work all on my own tomorrow. And here I thought a certain little girl wanted to join me.”


“THAT’S NOTS FAIR!” Elenore shouted, popping up from behind the tunnel and stomping her foot. Detective Stabler raised his eyebrow.

“Well, I’m sorry Ellie but I only take big girls to work with me.”

“I’M a big girl!” Elenore insisted, suddenly jumping down from the play structure and landing on her feet in the sand and she made a run for it for her favorite Detective stopping just at his feet.

“Please Elliot, please?”

“Let Nick take you upstairs for a bath and I will consider it.” Elenore grimaced at the word bath but otherwise she turned and latched onto Nick’s leg.

“Come on Nickyolas! It’s bath time!” Nick raised his eyebrow at the new nickname, but otherwise made no comment. He looked at his two girls who were still hidden. Now that Detective Stabler had gotten through to Ellie it should be easy to convince Dakota and Sarah.

“I still haven’t said the last number yet girls. Do you really want to be grounded tomorrow?” He asked. He noticed them peeking through at him suddenly but otherwise they stayed put.

“Or do I need to threaten you with something that means more? What if I don’t let certain little girls try out for Belle tomorrow?”

“DADDY NO!!! I HAVES TO BE BELLE, I JUST HAVES TO!” Dakota shrieked, suddenly popping up again and he noticed her eyes watering up. “PLEASE DONTS DADDY, PLEASE!” she wailed.

“Then get down here. Sarah if you wish to be in the play at all I suggest you get down here too.” Dakota instantly obeyed, climbing down from the play structure and Sarah followed suit and a second later both of them were standing in front of them. Ashley handed all three girls – who were the last children on the playground by now their towels and they wrapped themselves up. Dakota is still in tears from the fear of almost losing her part as Belle.

“Now come on” he told them and he led all three girls inside. He took them all up to his room and had them all bathe together letting them play in the warm bath. When they were finished and he had them all three dressed – Elenore in the spare clothes that Kevin had left him with, he brought them downstairs where they met with Detective Stabler again. Detective Stabler kneeled down in front of Sarah and he gave her a small smile.

“Hey Sarah, how about we go into Brooke’s office for a bit? I want to have a chat with you. She has Hot Chocolate and cookies in there for you and everything.” Sarah turned her head and looked up at Nick cautiously and Nick gave her a reassuring smile.

“Go on precious,” he told her gently. “I’ll be right out here if you need me.” Sarah glanced back and fourth from the detective and her father for a couple of moments. She doesn’t know what this is about, but it has to be pretty serious if a detective wants to take her into another room to talk to her. Suddenly making a decision, she reached out and grabbed Elenore by the hand and lightly tugged her in the direction of Brooke’s office. Detective Stabler went with this, as he has a feeling Elenore has become some sort of security type thing for Sarah. But the question is…why?