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Author's Chapter Notes:
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Enjoy =)
Chapter Three-Hundred-Fifty-Seven

“You know, Kev is going to be royally pissed off at Marcus when he finds out he secretly turned the cameras in his house on and didn’t even catch Summer,” Nick pointed out when they were halfway to the Skydiving place with AJ in the backseat.

“Yeah well, I’ll tell him it was my doing – he wont get too mad at me, but I honestly believe we will catch her.”

“Are you at least going to warn Jerry of this evasion of privacy?” AJ questioned from the backseat.

“Already been done,” Ashley insisted while looking out the window not bothered by the boys’ disapproval about the evasion of privacy. She is not one to tell them that its not such a big deal since she herself has complained quite a bit about not having enough privacy. “He even volunteered to help set up the cameras.” Nick shook his head.

“It’s your funeral. We Backstreet Boys value our privacy. Its one thing to have security follow us around everywhere we go, but not to our bedrooms and bathrooms with us.”

“They aren’t going to put any in the bathrooms,” Ashley insisted. “Just outside the bathrooms pointing at the door so that they will be able to see if Summer happens to drag Ellie in there against her will. Trust me, I get the whole privacy thing but there is a five year old back there with her entire upper body completely covered in bruises – and I’m sure there are more in other places we can’t see as well,” Ashley insisted pointing back toward the direction of her house. “You know me, this is my passion – to stop child abuse. I have a six sense about the crime and I’m not going to just sit around when I know its being committed – especially to a child I happen to know and love.” Nick reached over and gently took Ashley’s hand in his at the sound of the emotion in her shaky voice and he squeezed it gently. “Privacy is the least of your troubles right now.”

“You are right baby I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so insensitive.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly. “Its your birthday…lets have some fun okay? Marcus and Laney are going to take care of Ellie.” Ashley nodded quietly but continued to stare out the window silently feeling frustrated with Kevin that he could let this happen. She can’t blame him for falling in love, and she knows he doesn’t know what’s going on, but he promised Ellie that nothing would come between them and then Summer did and that she can’t forgive him for because he knows its happening. He sees it; he just doesn’t want to admit it. Ashley shook her head in disgust, pushed Ellie in the back of her mind for later and then scooted to the middle seat so she is next to Nick. She slid her arms around him and rested her head against his shoulder as he drove and Nick planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Are you wearing your seatbelt, Ashley Elaine?” AJ asked sternly. “You know I don’t tolerate you not wearing one.” Ashley rolled her eyes and grabbed the middle seatbelt, pulled it around her waist and snapped it in and she looked at her brother in the rear view mirror who became satisfied at the sound of the click.

“I’m eighteen now Alex, are you going to continue to treat me like I am a baby for the rest of my life?” She asked and AJ could hear the slight irritation in her voice.

“You will always be my baby sister no matter how old you get, so you might as well get used to that now” AJ told her amusedly. “And I think I’m a pretty good big brother. At least I’m not constantly breathing down your neck and telling you what you can or cannot do. I would just prefer you to be safe is all so deal with it.”

“I am safe,” Ashley replied while sliding her arms around Nick but being careful not to disturb his driving and she nestled the top of her head in his neck. “The safest I could ever get.” AJ rolled his eyes.

“Nick may be safe but I can’t say the same for some of the jackass drivers out there so I’m going to continue to try my best and protect you from them whether you like it or not.” When they arrived at the skydiving center, Nick, Ashley, and AJ got out of the car and went inside and while AJ was getting the paperwork, Nick slid his arms around Ashley’s waist and pulled her close to him before resting his forehead against hers.

“Cheer up its your birthday.”

“I’m trying.”

“No trying, just do.” Ashley looked up at him with a scowl.

“No, none of that. If you don’t smile right now like you mean it you are gonna get it.”

“Get what exactly?” Ashley asked with a smirk. Nick grinned at the tiny progress.

“I will start singing the Happy Birthday song to you right here in front of everybody.”

“I bet they would love that.”

“Obnoxiously – and the Beatles version.”

“You are bluffing.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Nick wanted to know.

“You wouldn’t draw attention to yourself like that. Look at all of the teenagers over there,” Ashley informed, and she discretely indicated toward a group of girls on the other side of the room preparing to go skydiving.

“It’s just a few teenage girls, its not like the entire Backstreet CIA is crowding the place or anything” Nick shrugged.

“You and I both know that could change any minute.”

“Fine, I wont sing” Nick replied deciding he doesn’t want the fans bothering them on Ashley’s birthday. “But I have other reinforcements. I know what gets you going.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Ashley insisted when she read the playful look in his eyes – that look he gets when he is about to tickle her. She tried moving away but he tightened his hold on her.

“Try me.”

“If you tickle me the way you do, and get me screaming and giggling that will draw attention to you even more” Ashley warned. Nick sighed when he realized the truth in her warning.

“I will get you to smile one way or another.” He lightly rubbed his fingers over her cheek in a gentle caress.

“Come on baby, we’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time. This is the one day that you are supposed to be happy. It’s going to make me sad if you aren’t.”

“I know Nicky and I’m sorry I really am trying. I’m sure my mood will change as soon as we get to skydiving.”

“Are you nervous?” he questioned, holding her closer to him.

“Not really,” Ashley insisted, and it was the downright truth. “I’m doing this with you. I’m scared of nothing when you are with me.”

“Well I’m nervous,” Nick admitted. “Do you realize how high we will be jumping from?”

“We’ll be okay Nicky I promise,” Ashley insisted tightening her arms around him. “We’ll have a professional with us and everything.”

“Just don’t let go of my hand okay?”

“Not even for the life of me,” Ashley promised.

“Are you cheered up yet?”

“A little bit yeah,” Ashley answered while giggling some. “I love you.”

“I love you too. And just remember that after giving you the most special night ever I’m gonna top it all off with showing you just how much.”

“Oh believe me I haven’t forgotten,” Ashley told him softly and suddenly they heard a voice being cleared from behind Nick. Ashley looked over his shoulder and spotted AJ standing there looking highly unamused at the conversation he over heard. Nick turned and looked at him and AJ silently handed him the papers.

“She wanted you to take her skydiving, so you can fill the forms out and pay for it” he told him, the smile returning to his face and Nick rolled his eyes.

“I’ll pay for me and her, but you are on your own J” Nick informed before taking Ashley’s hand and pulling her toward the chairs. Ashley smiled amusedly at her brother who stared after them in surprise for a couple of moments. He hadn’t expected Nick to throw that back at him. Scoffing in annoyance, he finally followed them. As soon as they got the paper work filled out they turned it in and two professional skydivers joined them and began explaining the rules and helping them into their gear.


“Are you sure you don’t need me at the Orphanage today, Brooke?” Brian asked for the second time as he stood just outside the door with Jerald who had Elenore rested on his right hip. Everybody except for Brooke and Riley had left but they’re getting ready to – Riley needs to be at work and so does Brooke.

“Not until this afternoon. Nick needs you to stay here and get things ready for him and Ashley later on. He’s keeping her out all day because he doesn’t want her to see anything until tonight,” Brooke reminded.

“Okay,” Brian replied and after hugging and kissing Riley goodbye, she and Brooke headed for Jaime’s car where he, Peyton, and Brandon were waiting. They both got in and drove off and Kevin and Summer came to the door.

“Bri are you sure you don’t mind me taking your car? We could walk back to my house…” Kevin double-checked.

“No, go ahead” Brian shrugged not even meeting Kevin’s eyes. He handed over his keys and Kevin looked at Elenore. He reached for her when Jerald gently pulled her away and Kevin raised his eyebrow.

“I would rather Ellie stayed with me.”


“--My niece is staying with me like she always is Kev. Go with Summer…really I don’t mind baby-sitting her.”

“Well I am not leaving her with you if you’re going to have that attitude. She is not always with you.”

“Oh no, you are right” Jerald replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes some. “Sometimes she’s with Brian, Nick, or anyone who will keep an eye on her at the Orphanage too huh? How silly of me for forgetting.”

“Okay, you know what? Fine. Just let me have my daughter then if it’s such a problem.”

“No forget it. Don’t bother,” Jerald insisted while turning and walking into the house. “Oh, by the way…” he added over his shoulder. “Mom is flying in tonight,” he informed, and with that he disappeared around the corner. Kevin raised his eyebrow and looked at Brian with confusion.

“You are in big trouble now cuz,” was all Brian said and he walked in the house and shut the door in his face. Kevin rolled his eyes and turned around and he walked out to Brian’s car where Summer was waiting for him.

“What are we doing now?” Summer wanted to know, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him near.

“Now? We go back to my house where I am going to clean.” Summer now looked up at Kevin with disappointment displayed all over her face.


“Oh yes. Get ready Summer…my mom is visiting,” Kevin told her moodily, and he let go of her and walked around to the driver’s side. Summer looked at Kevin in surprise for a moment not even bothering to hide the fear in her eyes, before opening up her door and getting in. As soon as both of them were settled Kevin drove out of the driveway and headed in the direction of his house and Summer sat there in absolute silence the whole way there. Meanwhile back in Ashley’s house, Brian walked around the corner speaking to his cousin whom he could hear in the kitchen.

“So, why is my amazing aunt flying in, and why are we just finding out about it now?”

“I called her this morning and told her all about what is going on and told her this was a Mom’s situation so she said she would be on the next flight out tonight. She was with your mom and she says she’s coming as well.” Brian froze.


“She decided Riley could use her around to help out.”

“You know, cuz, it was pretty amusing how you sprung that on Kevin just now but you could’ve let me know about this earlier. What did I ever do to you huh?”

“I had other things on my mind, sorry Bri” was all Jerald said as he sat Elenore on the counter and lifted her shirt. He grabbed the first aid kit that he’d been hiding underneath his shirt all a long where Kev wouldn’t see it and he got right to work on trying to put Ellie’s bruises at ease.

“I’m gonna strip you down to your underwear Ellie okay? I just want to try and make things a little easier for you” He explained before doing as to not alarm her. Elenore looked around and when she saw that none of the other kids were in the room she nodded quietly. Brian shook his head in disappointment as he watched his cousin try his hardest to make things better for his niece.

“I hate this. I hate that Kevin allowed this to happen.”

“I don’t want to protect him or anything since I am pretty mad at my brother myself, and this doesn’t excuse him at all, but I do have to point out that he didn’t know its been happening.”

“And he still doesn’t know?” Brian wanted to know, as he has only just heard about what was going on and doesn’t even know the whole story.


“Shouldn’t you tell him? Hold Ellie in front of him and say hey look you dumbass, look what she’s doing to your baby?”

“Oh sure and then watch him blame me or you – or Nick. In his eyes Summer couldn’t possibly do such a terrible thing” Jerald replied moodily.

“So what are you going to do about it?” Brian asked incredulously.

“Security is taking care of it,” Jerald replied, giving Brian a look that he would understand.

“Oh.” By the time Jerald finished and had Elenore dressed again Josh walked into the room full of energy.

“Brian is it true that Gramma is coming?”

“Yes it is” Brian grinned and he leaned over and gathered Josh into his arms and snuggled him close. He may have gotten a lot closer to Chris then he was before these days with lots of help and encouragement from Riley, but Josh will always be his little boy – he never gets tired of lugging him around all over the place. And Josh never gets tired of letting him. “We’re going to go shopping with Jerry here for a few things and come back here and do some things for Nick and then I’m going to take you and your brother home and we’re going to get our house ready okay? And I want both of you to help me.”

“Okay,” Josh agreed readily.

“Make sure your room is spotless – Grandma will wanna see it. She hasn’t seen it fully done yet.”

“Yes sir,” Josh told him with a salute and Brian chuckled.

“Where is Bells? Does Sarah still have her? Is she okay up there?”

“She fell asleep on top of Sarah’s chest and Sarah is unable to get up from her bed in fear that she’ll wake her.” Brian laughed amusedly at this and gently sat Josh on the counter next to Elenore.

“I’ll go help her out,” he informed. “Jer as soon as I get Bella ready will you be ready to go?”

“Mhm. Ready when you are.”

“Cool,” Brian replied and he walked out of the kitchen just as Josh caught sight of the first aid kit.

“What happened?” he demanded noticing the tears in Elenore’s eyes for the first time.


“So what did you want to talk to me about Kor?” Detective Stabler questioned as he walked into the playroom at the Orphanage and joined her and Scott who were sitting near Spencer and Ryan who were playing nicely together for once with action figures.

“I actually wanna ask you permission to do something…” Kori told him, eyeing the detective warily.

“Okay…what’s up?”

“Sit down, make yourself comfortable. Would you like anything to drink? Something to eat? I could make Scott go get you something…” Kori rambled. Scott rolled his eyes and Detective Stabler chuckled amusedly before leaning against one of the shelves and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Just tell me what you want Kori.”

“I…was kind of wondering…if maybe I could take Ash to Jersey with me – for a short visit,” Kori began. She noticed Detective Stabler’s cautious look and hurried on. “I haven’t seen my friends Isabelle and Chris in a long time,” she added. “They can’t come visit me because they’re too busy running my Diner for me so I want to go visit them and see how things are going. Plus, I would really like to show Ash how much I love it there and make her feel welcome so that maybe – hopefully, she will have a change of heart and not feel like she doesn’t belong in my world. I also thought that maybe you would consider me going if I took Ash, because then I would have to come back.”

“Will Nick be going with you on this trip?”

“Do you really think Ash would leave this place without him?”

“Okay…stupid question.”

“Nick and the kids are more then welcome to tag along.”

“How about me?”

“If it will make you feel better about the whole thing.” Detective Stabler thought about it for a long moment and Kori waited there in silence.

“When are we leaving?”

“Well I still have to get Ash to agree with it but I’m hoping tomorrow evening.”

“I will run it by the Craigen and see what he thinks about it. If he wants you to wear an ankle bracelet monitor will you do it? I don’t want to treat you like a prisoner or anything, but you have to admit we will be taking you back to your home. He doesn’t know you like I do he’s not going to want to take any chances.”

“He was okay with me going to Kentucky and out of state with the boys when they had BSB events,” Kori pointed out. “I didn’t have to wear anything then.”

“That’s different, you had somebody with you at all times I made sure of that. You were closely monitored.”

“And you will be there to closely monitor me in Jersey.”

“Yes but we would be letting you go back home, that’s the thing. Where you so desperately want to be. It took me a lot to get him to agree with all of your other trips but I would be pushing it if I asked him to trust you completely with this.”

“If you really want to go visit your friends in Jersey Kori you’ll wear the ankle bracelet. You’ve got nothing to hide right? So prove it” Scott spoke up. “It’s your only chance of going.”

“How will it work?” Kori asked with a sigh.

“As soon as we step foot inside Jersey the ankle bracelet will go on and it will track you everywhere you go. If you were to step one foot outside of Jersey, we would know. If you were to say…disappear on us, we would be able to track you down instantly.”

“Okay…bring it on. Cause I’m not planning on making any escapes.”