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Chapter Thirty Six

An hour later when Ashley woke up from her nap she opened her eyes to find Nick still lying there next to her with his arm wrapped around her. She smiled up at him making him smile back in return and he leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Hey sleepy head…”

“Have you been sitting here watching me sleep this entire time?”

“Mm hmm…”

“Wow you must be bored,” Ashley replied, laughing a little.

“Not at all…I could sit here and watch you for hours - no matter what you’re doing. Sleeping or awake I just like watching you.”

“Probably not as much as I like watching you,” Ashley challenged.

“Yeah I saw the way you were looking at me yesterday,” He replied with a cocky smile and he scooped her up so she’s lying on top of him as he lay on his back, his head rested on the pillow as Dakota still lay on the other side of him. He pulled the blanket up on them and he kissed her nose as she smiled up at him. “Your going to get us in trouble one of these days young lady, your lucky Stabler didn’t notice.”

“I’m going to get us in trouble? You’re the one who invited me to take a shower with you this morning Mister, you’re lucky I love you and enjoyed it. You didn’t even lock the bedroom or bathroom door either. What if someone had walked in? Or if Kota had woken up during that time? Then what would you do?”

“Well if it were an adult Id be like don’t look at me, look at her. She started the whole thing. Here I was minding my own business and all of the sudden I turn around to see her entering the tub and insisting we shower together,” Nick teased. “And that whole rape victim act? Don’t let it fool you, she’s naughtier then she lets on.”

“Oh you wouldn’t dare,” Ashley replied, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow and he chuckled a bit and hugged her closer.

“Of course not baby…I love you,” He reassured, kissing her nose again. “I’m just messing with you. I’d take the entire blame for it and even lose my job for you.”

“Like hell you wouldn‘t. Nicky you can’t lose your job. We just need to not get caught.”

“We aren’t going to get caught sweetie I promise. Nor am I going to lose my job…it’ll be just fine I promise. In a few months we will be able to do whatever we want when we want.”

“I can’t wait…” Ashley replied, resting her head against his shoulder and he lay there combing his fingers through her hair.

“Really?” he asked gently. “I was hoping what I said to you earlier before you fell asleep wouldn’t scare you. I’ve been kind of lying here the whole time pondering on whether I should’ve said it or not. You’re a rape victim…I tend to forget that sometimes because of the love I receive from you…”

“Well…it makes me nervous a little bit but I love you and I trust you. I want it to happen on my birthday…just as long as you are careful with me. I’m still a little fragile…”

“Always baby…Id cut off my right hand before I ever hurt you.”

“No cutting off your hand Nicky, I like holding your hand.” Ashley insisted, as she took his hand into hers and laced his fingers with hers. He chuckled a bit and kissed the top of her head. The two of them lay there together for a few moments in silence until suddenly Dakota whimpered beside them.

“Ashee…” Ashley and Nick looked down to find her lying there with tears rolling down her cheek.

“What’s the matter sweetie?” Ashley asked gently, and Nick sat up with Ashley in his lap. She reached over and scooped the four year old into her arms so she is cradling her.

“I hads scary dream…an’ my arm hurts…”

“Awww…poor baby,” Ashley replied sympathetically and she kissed the top of Dakota’s head and hugged her close to her.

“What was your nightmare about this time honey?” Nick asked gently, as he wiped away her tears.

“Sean takes Ashee from us, an’ he was a big meanie head an’ Ashee was scareds.” Dakota answered, hugging Ashley tighter. “Sean can’t takes my mommy aways from me.” Nick sat there speechless at what Dakota had just said. Mommy? He thought to himself. Why is she calling her mommy? Is she really that close to her? Sure he doesn’t blame Dakota for loving Ashley. He loves her too but he never even thought about her being Dakota’s mommy before. It hasn’t even crossed his mind yet. Ashley on the other hand felt the tears beginning to well up in her eyes as she hugged the little girl close to her. Sure it shocks her that Dakota had just called her mommy as the thought never even occurred to her before, but at the same time she doesn’t mind. If that’s what Dakota feels comfortable calling her, than by all means let her. Who has the heart to stop her?

“I’m not going anywhere honey, promise. Nicky would scare him off before he even tried. No one‘s taking me away from you.”

“Why don’t we go downstairs? It’s about time to set up the cafeteria for lunch.” Nick replied softly, as he set Ashley to the side. He got up and so did she. He held out his arms for Dakota but Dakota turned and buried her face in Ashley’s shoulder as she still had a death grip on her. He kissed the top of Dakota’s head and then Ashley’s lips softly, than he leaned over and scooped Lily who was lying on the floor chewing on one of her dog toys up into his arms and he went downstairs, Ashley following him as she continued to hug Dakota close to her and reassure her she’s not going anywhere. When they got downstairs they went into the cafeteria to find Riley, AJ, Howie, Brian, Kevin, and Elenore and Josh in there. Elenore and Josh sneaking dirty looks at each other every chance that they got. Both of them bathed and in clean clothes now. Just looking at her best friend Elenore can tell right off that she isn’t happy about something at all, causing her to momentarily take her mind off of Josh. She didn’t even care about the fact that he was poking her incessantly which annoyed him to no end. Why isn’t she getting angry he thought to himself. Nick went to go talk quietly with Kevin about what’s on his mind and Ashley sat on the cafeteria floor out of the way of everybody with Dakota cradled in her lap. Elenore took this moment of opportunity to run over to Dakota.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Josh called after her. “You’re supposed to be putting chairs around tables, not talking to friends!”

“Put a sock in it, Joshy!” Elenore replied, and she continued to run off, way more concerned about her friend then about chairs and tables right now. When she reached Ashley and Dakota she crouched down in front of them.

“What’s wrong Kota?” She asked worriedly.

“Hads scary dream,” Dakota whimpered. “Bouts Sean taking Ashee aways from me.” Elenore wrapped her arms around Dakota and hugged her tight the same way she did to her the day she was upset.

“Don’ts worry it was just a nightmares. If daddy comes anywhere near Ashee Kevy will beateds him up again.”

“Are you sure? What if he beateds Uncle Kevy up first?” Dakota asked worriedly.

“Then Kevy will hurteds him right back an’ more.” Dakota now slightly convinced calmed down a little bit and she hugged Elenore tightly. Elenore hugged her back settling herself in Ashley’s lap too. Meanwhile, Josh was getting angry. Why didn’t anyone notice Elenore had run off? It is not fair that he has to do all the work while she gets to spend time with her friend. If they aren’t noticing it, then he will make him notice. He went over to Kevin and he tugged on his shirt. Kevin looked down at the little boy midst giving advice to Nick.

“Yes Josh?”

“Ellie isn’t doing her job. She’s over there talking to Kota instead,” Josh tattled, pointing over at Ashley where the girls still sat. Kevin and Nick looked over there and they found the two girls hugging. From there they could still see the tear streaks that are left on Dakota’s cheeks. Kevin sighed heavily.

“Yeah well…Kota is a little upset right now and I think she needs her friend to be there for her…”

“But THAT’S not fair!” Josh demanded.

“Her and I will just have to stay and clean up the cafeteria after lunch then.” Josh scowled and then walked away angry as he went and resumed his job of putting chairs around tables. Elenore who had heard and seen the whole thing rolled her eyes.

“Tattle tale…I’ll shows him,” She insisted, and Dakota couldn’t help but giggle a little bit despite the fact that she is upset.

“Don’ts go an’ gets yourself into anymore trouble, Ellie I don’t likes it when uncle Kevy keeps you upstairs all day cause then I gets lonely.” Dakota rested her forehead against her friend’s as the two of them sat snuggled up together and they watched Josh as he angrily placed chairs around tables.

“I’ll color you a picture while I’m up there. Kevy says I gets to keep a couple of coloring books an’ crayons…an’ some paper to draw on and one Care Bear but that’s it.”

“Uncle Kevy is a meanie head. Doesn’t he knows that he’s punishing me too? I didn’t’s do anything wrong,” Dakota whined. Ashley kissed the top of her head, and then she placed both girls down on the ground before standing up and going over to Nick. Elenore scooted close to Dakota again and Dakota wrapped her arms around her as Elenore did the same to her and she once again rested her head against hers.

“You can always plays with Spencer…”

“Spencer is cool an’ all, an’ fun but he’s not the same as you.” Elenore sighed in frustration - frustration at herself. Why did she have to go and get herself into trouble? Because of her, her best friend is going to be lonely. But that’s me for you right? Elenore the mistake always had a behavior problem. Elenore thought to herself, remembering her mother’s hurtful words when she had first abandoned her at the orphanage. A single tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away in attempt to not let Dakota see it. No such luck.

“Ellie what’s wrong?” Dakota asked confused, and she immediately hugged Elenore tighter.

“I don’ts mean to be a bad girl…I don’ts…”

“I know that Ellie…”

“I needs Kevy…” She announced, and she stood up and walked across the cafeteria to where Kevin, Nick, and Ashley were standing. Dakota got up and followed as she was now highly concerned for her best friend. When Elenore got to Kevin she tugged on his shirt causing him to look down at her. He raised his eyebrow when he saw the tears in her eyes.

“Honey what’s the matter?” He asked gently, and Elenore reached up for him. He leaned over and scooped her up into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed his hand over her back. “Huh? Why are you so upset?” Elenore didn’t reply, she only hugged Kevin tightly. She doesn’t want to talk about it. She just wants her Kevy. She just wants him to hold her and love her and not think that she is a mistake and suddenly up and leave her.

“Daddy,” Dakota suddenly said, reaching up to Nick. He leaned over and gently took her into his arms and he hugged her close to him too as he kissed the top of her head.

“I loves you daddy,” she told him.

“I love you too baby,” He replied. A half n hour later when everybody else had the cafeteria set up and ready for lunch they let the awaiting children in and everybody got their plates. When they did they went and sat at their usual table - all the adults, Elenore, and Josh at one, and Dakota and Spencer at another one. Dakota watching Elenore longingly.

“So Kori…did Wiley bring those stuff you stole from Sean?” Riley questioned.

“Yeah they’re upstairs in my room…I will bring them down after lunch.”

“Okay,” Riley replied. “Are you and Wiley coming with us to Disney World? Ashley told you about Disney World right?”

“Yeah I will definitely be coming with Spencer…I don’t know about Wi though, it depends on when we’re going because Wiley has to go back to Jersey on Monday morning for work,” Kori answered, looking at Wiley who sat next to her at the table. Ashley eyed her sister and Wiley curiously. What is going on between the two of them. She wondered to herself. Out of all her friends from New Jersey she seems to be closest to him. And she doesn’t know Wiley all too well so she’s not quite sure if she’s okay with it or not. Sure she got to know him in New Jersey so he is no way at all involved with the whole Sean thing…but Ashley has a lot of catching up to do on being the protective Little Sister. No way in hell is she going to let someone be with her sister without her knowing him first. As the grownups sat and discussed grownup things, Josh glared at Elenore who sat across the table quietly keeping to herself as she ate her lunch. She is still a little upset over earlier. Her mother and her poisoning words are still on her mind. Josh stared at her for a few moments, and then suddenly he kicked Elenore in the leg. Elenore flinched a little and she looked up at Josh with a very deadly glare. Josh smirked, satisfied that he had finally gotten her attention. She looked under the table to see just exactly where his leg is at, than she began to eat again as she kicked him back just as hard, right in the knee. He once again kicked her. For awhile they had a quiet little kicking war under the table, and then suddenly Josh smirked evilly. He kicked her harder than ever and it took everything in Elenore not to cry out in pain. Then, without her knowing it he lifted both his legs up out of her reach, and she went to kick him, but accidentally kicked someone else instead.

“Ow! Ellie that was my leg,” Brian whined. All eyes were now on Elenore and Brian and Elenore looked surprised at first, then scared that she was once again gonna get in trouble.

“I’m sorry Brian…I didn’ts mean to…I thought that was the table” She quickly made up.

“That was a pretty hard kick for you to be kicking the table,” Brian replied suspiciously. Kevin also now highly suspicious looked over at Josh to see him smirking evilly. Kevin sighed and pulled out the empty chair on the other side of him.

“Ellie…kicking Josh under the table might just cost you Disney World, AND your puppy. This is your warning.” He told her, and he lifted her up and moved her into the other chair so that she wasn’t in kicking range of Josh anymore. He moved her plate over by her too. Tears filled up in Elenore’s eyes as she looked over at Josh with so much hatred and he snickered at the sight of her tears.

“Cry baby,” he mouthed over at her. She angrily pushed her plate away and she hugged her now sore legs close to her chest as the tears suddenly fell from her eyes. Kevin looked at her.

“Not eating isn’t going to do you any good, honey.” Elenore looked away from everybody as she rested her head on her knees and Kevin heard her sniffling. He sighed.

“Ellie…” he began.

“LEAVES ME ALONE!” Elenore shouted, causing several people in the cafeteria to look at her in shock/confusion, and she got up from her chair and ran from the cafeteria crying. Kevin groaned and then got up and went after her. As soon as he was gone, Brian turned and looked at Josh with a firm stare. Josh looked up at him curiously.

“You by any chance weren’t harassing her just now, were you?” he interrogated.

“Of course not. Why would I do that when I am in the middle of being punished for such a thing?” Josh answered innocently.

“You weren’t kicking her under the table just now then?”


“Then why was she kicking you?”

“What can I say? The girl hates me…” Brian eyed Josh suspiciously, than he went back to eating his lunch - but the suspicion never left him.


When Kevin got up to Elenore’s room he found that she had thrown all of her toys around the room in midst of a temper tantrum and is now lying on her bed sobbing. He went over and sat down on the bed next to her.

“Elenore what is going on with you?” He asked her worriedly. Being punished or not, he knows she wouldn’t act like this. Not unless something was really bothering her.

“Why don’ts you ask Josh,” Elenore replied bitterly. He reached out to take her hand, but she swatted his away angrily.

“NO!” She shouted, and she scooted away from him and over to her pillow. She laid down and once again hugged her knees to her chest.

“Ellie I really don’t get why you’re acting like this.”

“Because THAT’S the way I am, Kevy! Don’ts you gets it? My mommy didn’ts want me because I’m a mistake an’ I have a behavior problem an’ I DON’T’S DESERVES TO BE LOVED! SO WHY’S are you wasting your time?”

“Is that what this is all about? Is that what this whole temper tantrum is about? And why you came to me crying earlier?” He asked gently, trying real hard to understand her. Elenore shrugged. She started to get up and go hide in her closet again, but he gently pulled her into his lap instead. He hugged her close to him and even more tears spilled from her eyes.

“Leaves me alone,” She cried.

“Never,” Kevin replied, hugging her even closer. “Never ever Ellie. You’re not a mistake - no matter how many times your mother and father have told you so. They may have given you up but guess what honey…. Its their loss because I find it extremely hard to let you out of my sight for even a second. I know it’s hard for you to believe but I love you. I really truly love you and I am never going to hurt you. I am never going to leave you, and yes sometimes you have a temper and yes you deserve to be grounded today but that doesn’t make me love you any less. You’re my little girl and I am always going to be here for you.” Elenore fell into his arms, suddenly crying and he hugged her even tighter and kissed the top of her head. He rubbed his hand over her back in a slow circular motion. After a long while when she had calmed down he spoke up again.

“Now how about you tell me why you were kicking Josh under the table?” He asked gently. Elenore didn’t reply, she only lifted her pant legs so that he could see the bruises from him kicking her. He winced at the sight of them - he really kicked her hard.

“Sweetie why didn’t you just tell me?” He asked her gently as he lightly rubbed his finger over them.

“Cause you would’ve tolds me that it don’ts matter who started it, I shouldn’t have finished it…”

“And I would’ve been right but at least Josh would’ve been scolded as well and you wouldn’t be getting all of the blame like that,” Kevin replied, immediately feeling horrible for not thinking that Josh could have provoked her. He hugged her close once again and kissed her cheek. “And he will…I promise Brian will know about it. Right away.” He told her, and he got up with her and began to take her downstairs again to finish her lunch and to tell Brian that Josh was yet again, just as guilty.