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My alarm went off a couple hours later. I quickly shut it off and slipped out of bed before the others woke up. I shuffled to the kitchen to have my morning cup of tea.

As I stared out the window sipping on my tea, I noticed I felt different. For one, I was wide awake after sleeping maybe three hours. I felt like I could hike up that hill again. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an over exaggeration.

But the real difference I felt was that being stuck in this house and on this show didn’t seem like such a burden anymore. I was actually excited for the challenge today.

Well after the elimination. Apparently, Carson had “prior obligations” and had to leave yesterday right after our hike so we had to cram in both in today.

I had many theories on where he actually was, but I hoped it was to see a doctor to get that sick surgically removed from his ass.

I guess my newfound appreciation didn’t reach enough to include him.

I rinsed out my cup and walked back to my room to start getting ready.

I swear every time I walked in that room, it was like another episode of our own reality show.

Megan was currently doing squats while Eminem was blaring out of her headphones. Candy was wearing a bikini and screaming hysterically at her. And Aspen was still sleeping.

I tapped Candy on the shoulder, “What is going on?”

“Oh em gee! Thank god you’re here Emmy. You can talk some sense into this crazy person. She keeps playing that angry music when I’m trying to get in my happy place,” she wined to me as if I was her mother and she was tattling on a sibling.

Before I even had a chance to answer her, Megan took her headphones off.

“Look, I was a half pound away from my target weight. I have to get this off before elimination.”

What I wanted to tell was that I was sure the decision was already made so she probably should have lost that half pound yesterday. But I was also scared of her, so I kept quiet.

But I didn’t even have to say anything if I wanted to because Candy was busying screaming about how crazy she was.

Weren’t you the one that tackled a woman two days ago? I just grabbed a towel and walked off toward the shower.

“EMMY! Aren’t you going to do something!?” Candy screamed after me.

I just kept walking.

Forty minutes later I found an empty corner of expansive vanity area. I happily singing along with my girl T-Swift while curling my hair.

“Everyone, elimination is set to begin in 20 minutes. See you there!” The intercom announced.

I teased my hair and assaulted it with hairspray, then fluffed again for good measure. Like we say at home, ‘higher the hair, closer to God’.

I walked up next to Aspen as we looked in our shared closet trying to decide what to wear. I was leaning toward my blue Diane von Furstenberg one-shoulder dress, I guessed Aspen was stuck between black dress number one and black dress number two. I guess if you found what worked.

“Someone is in a good mood today. It doesn’t have anything to do with not being able to sleep last night does it?” Aspen smirked at me.

“Uhh, not at all. Why would you say that?” I stammered out.

She just looked at me and smiled, “No reason.”

She just picked up some black boots and waltzed out before announcing she was going to go smoke. What did she know? I could have sworn I saw her in bed when I left last night. But was she there when I got back? I couldn’t remember, I was too wrapped up in my own nighttime rendezvous.

I wasn’t scared of Aspen hurting me, but what if she told someone? What if the other girls found out? It wasn’t even that big of a deal, but I knew they would kill me. I really didn’t want to wake up and find Megan’s eyes staring at me instead of Poster-Nick’s.

I would just have to stay away from Aspen.

With all these thoughts swirling through my head, I started to get nervous. I was starting to pace a little as I waited for Candy to finish getting ready so we could walk to the elimination room together.

“That’s so cute! Emmy, you’re nervous. I’ve never seen you like this!” She said as she hugged me and finished, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You almost won the challenge silly.”

We entered the elimination room and quickly went to our places while the production team were bustling about.

Nick walked in wearing his ‘elimination’ outfit; black pants, white button-up shirt and black jacket. He looked around before he saw me and winked.

If I ever had a chastity belt, that wink would have unlocked it in a second.

I smiled and then quickly looked around to see if anyone saw. Candy was standing next to me with her eyes closed. Jo was standing across the room picking her nails. Kelsey and Landry were busy talking to one another. The others had yet to arrive. Safe so far.

Carson walked in with a surprised look on his face. I quickly looked around thinking that maybe a boob had pooped out or something. Everything was normal.

The rest of the girls started shuffling in and taking their places. One of the production assistants went on with their usual mumbo jumbo. Carson still looked surprised. What the heck was going on?

All of a sudden it hit me. Carson got Botox yesterday! No wonder he had that look on his face, it was stuck. I wished I could tell someone right then. Aspen would find it hilarious. Oh wait, I had decided I was avoiding her.

I was totally talking all about this in my IDI’s later tonight.

I was half paying attention as we went through the same spill as last time. I was mostly laughing to myself as Carson’s frozen face spoke.

I was pulled out of my daze when Nick called my name to come get my CD.

Oh yeah, there was an elimination ceremony going on. I slowly walked down toward Nick and accepted my CD as he pulled me in for a hug.

He smelled amazing. Like soap and man. That sounded stupid even inside my head. This is what Nick Carter was starting to do to my brain.

I walked back and noticed a lot of the others already had their CD’s. I apparently was zoned out for most of the ceremony.

He called up Candy and Landry then was down to the last two.

Megan and Amy.

Shit was about to hit the fan regardless of the outcome.

“The both of you ladies are beautiful and have a great personality but I can only keep one,” he paused to pretend he was in a meaningful thought for the camera.

“Megan please come down here and accept your CD.” Before he could even give what I could only guess was an explanation for Amy she went on a rampage.

“What the fuck!? I won the first challenge! I thought we had a great time on our date. I even told you that I wasn’t wearing panties as a reminder of what you get on the next one!” She screamed.

Well that was a little TMI.

Carson came up to her and escorted her off stage. Nick shook his head while one of the producer pulled him off to the side.

While the rest of us snickered at Amy’s confession, a production assistant came in front and instructed us to go change and make sure we changed our hair and make up so it didn’t look like the same day. Thanks for informing me after I used a half a can of hairspray.

I walked off to go and try to brush through my hair and put it in a braid.

Never a dull day as a reality show contestant.