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Chapter Twenty

"This place is AWESOME!"

Joe wasn't kidding. The club Kevin had rented was amazing. The lights momentarily blinded you when you walked in. There was a huge dance floor and the bar (serving sodas, thank you) wrapped along one entire wall.

Then there was the cake. It was five layers high, decked out in Mason's high school colors (not surprisingly, blue and white). A large M stood out on top with sixteen candles.

I was wearing one of my plain skirts and the nicest top I had brought along on the trip. I had painstakingly straightened my hair for two hours. I had spent almost as long on my makeup. Looking around at all the other girls, I still felt under-done.

The one bright spot in the whole thing was that Mom had finally thawed a little bit and told my dad that I should have a little freedom tonight.

After all, we were leaving the next day.

"CAKE!" Brayden squealed. Dad grabbed onto him. Mom held onto Tristan, foreshadowing a similar reaction.

"Don't even think about it," dad said calmly.

Ally was looking around, nodding her head to the music. She had brushed her hair a million times and it shone in long ebony layers.

I was pretty sure Joe hadn't even combed his hair today.

I didn't want to seem too eager, but I really wanted to get away from the family for awhile. I was suffocating. I looked over at mom. She smiled.

"Go ahead. I'm sure we'll catch up with you later on."

I didn't hesitate. I dove into the crowd of teens along the dance floor, my eyes peeled for Mason. His whole family had gotten about an hour's head start compared to my family. Of course, the McLeans always ran behind.


I turned. Mason's mom Kristin was standing there, drink in hand smiling warmly at me. She might have been old, but she was still gorgeous. I smiled.

"It's so good to see you again," I said politely.

She gave me a little one-armed hug and then looped her arm through mine.

"Kevin told me about the truck incident," she said. I tried to figure out what the best facial reaction would be. Embarassed? Apologetic?

"I think both of your dads are taking this in the wrong direction," she said simply. I looked at her in surprise. She smiled.

"Don't get me wrong. I'd prefer you and Mason to wait. But if you decide not to, that's your choice and keeping you guys under iron bars isn't going to help. Just do me a favor and play it safe, okay?"

I seriously thought I was dreaming. It was like a savior had rained down upon me that actually understood. I nodded.

"We promise."

Kristin smiled. "He's always had a thing for you."

I blushed. She squeezed my arm and drifted back into the crowd.

What a cool mom. I wondered if all California moms were like that.

If they were, I so wanted to move to Cali.

I decided to pause in my search for Mason. I headed to the bar. After grabbing a drink, I glanced around, surveying the people milling around.

"Look, at what we have here! A Shelby."

I closed my eyes. Only one person had called me 'A Shelby' before, and it was one person that I just couldn't get chummy with. I turned around and grimaced.

"Vanna," I said simply.

Savannah flung her hair over her shoulder and smiled at her mirror image. Sarah smiled and tapped her fingers along her cup.

"This is some party isn't it?" Vanna asked. "Have you seen Mason yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I was actually looking for him."

"He looks gorgeous tonight," Sarah said earnestly.

"Well, I think I'll just excuse myself---"

"What's really going on with you two?"

I looked back at Savannah.

"Why don't you ask him?"

"He won't tell me."

I smirked.

"Well then you're not part of our 'need to know' crowd."

I turned around before she could say anything else. I was just about ready to stand on a chair and start waving an 'SOS' in hopes Mas would see me, when I felt a strong, familiar hand on my arm.

"There you are."

I turned. Sarah had been right. Mason did look gorgeous. The quick stop and shop for an outfit had worked.


His hand fell from my arm and he hugged me tightly. I had been in the same house as him for the last few days but it felt like I hadn't seen him in months.

"You look beautiful," he whispered. I laughed.

"This isn't what I had in mind," I whispered back. We pulled back and he smiled down at me.

"You're beautiful no matter what."

He stole a quick kiss. I sighed. It wasn't fair that we had to be so on guard.

"I talked to your mom," I said. Mason nodded.

"I know. She's totally cool. At least one of our parents understands."

I sighed. "Too bad she's the one that lives across country."

Mason nodded and glanced towards the dance floor. A slow song started.

"Want to dance?"

I smiled. "I'd love to."

He took my hand and we made our way out to the dance floor. I could feel the burning eyes of the 'gab squad' staring me down. Vanna was probably pissing herself over in the corner. I had an immense feeling of satisfaction. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms encircled my waist.

"I can't believe I can't talk to you for an entire month," he said sadly. "Any chance your parents will change their mind?"

I shook my head. "Probably not. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Mason smiled. I savored another quick kiss.

"They can't keep us apart," he said softly.

"Not if I can help it," I said earnestly.

We fell into a comfortable silence as we sailed through the last half of the song. When it was over, there was the crackle of a microphone.

"Mason, can you come up to the front for the cake celebration?" Kevin called out.

Everyone clapped. Mason tugged at me, but I shook my head.



Reluctantly I wove through the crowd with him. I stopped at the outer edge of the circle that had formed. Mason walked up to his cake. Kevin and Kristin were standing beside it. They made a striking pair. I know that after the divorce Kristin had married again, but it hadn't worked out. As I watched her steal a sideways glance up at Kevin's face, I suddenly wondered if she ever regretted losing him.

It was a depressing thought.

"Sixteen years ago today the most beautiful baby boy in all the world was born," Kristin said. Everyone 'aww-ed.' Mason looked embarassed.

"We both couldn't be prouder of you," Kevin added. I spotted my dad in the crowd. He snorted and I saw his lips move. Mom jabbed him in the side.

"Happy Birthday, Mason!"

The crowd launched into a loud rendition of 'Happy Birthday.' After everyone else's voice faded away, Joe continued with the 'Scooby Doo on Channel 2' version. Everyone listened good-naturedly and clapped. Joe gave a bow.

He was such a ham.

"Make a wish!" Kristin said.

Mason looked right at me and I swear my heart got caught in my throat. Even as he blew out the candles, those green eyes were trained right on me.

I had a feeling I knew what he was wishing for.

And parents be damned, I was going to make it come true one way or another.