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The bright lights of the Emergency Room hung a few feet about his head and if he was human they would have illuminated his whole body. Yet, he walked down the hallway with ease, passing each human without a second glance. His destination was the fourth room in the pediatric ward. Humans would call him cruel and attempt to damn him to hell. Since the creation of time, death had been part of the living circle - nothing any human can say will change that.

His heavy boots didn't make a sound as he continued on through the hospital. The brightly colored number that he was looking for was just off to his left and it was less a few seconds before he stood in the door way. The sight was as expected. A weeping mother, a pacing father and a child curled up on the bed frightened about what may happen next. His eyes scanned over the rest of the room and spotted a few overnight bags underneath the bed. On the tray table, there was a half eaten peanut butter sandwich that had been cut in some odd shape.

"Let me save this one."

His head perked up and he saw a familiar mousy haired man suddenly appear at the foot of the child's bed. It was enough to smear a look of hatred across his pale face. Angels, always trying to save the humans.

"No." His statement was simple and to the point, the Angel should have expected it.

The Angel moved closer to him and shook his head. "Don't take this child simply because you didn't get to take the two yesterday."

"They were on the list," He sneered at the Angel.

"The list was meant to be edited."