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Kevin lifted his hand into the air and pointed at the screen.


Suddenly the screen lit up and a very young version on Nick was seen holding an infant on each hip.


"Where did you get this?" Nick asked.


"It's a vision Nicky. Shut up and watch." AJ told him.


So reluctantly Nick looked to the screen.


"But they don't want me. They want you." The young Nick said and the two infants cried in his arms.


"Get your ass back up stairs." His mom came on the screen. Her speech was heavily slurred and she held a bottle of beer.


"Mom, please, I don't know what to do." He begged her.


"Your dad and I have friends over, we do this every Friday. Now go before I make you sorry." She yelled making the infants cry more.


"Stop. I don't wanna watch this." Nick said looking away from the screen.


"It's the first time you were affected by alcohol." Kevin said.


"Well turn it off. I can't fucking hear them cry for her like that." Nick squeezed his eyes shut.


Kevin raised his hand and paused the screen.


"You were exposed to drinking from the start. You were set up to be an alcoholic." Kevin told him.


"So you're saying it's all my parents fault?" Nick asked.


"No, you see Nick, alcoholism can be genetic. If your mother is an alcoholic you have an increased risk. If your dad is too then your risk is even higher. You should have avoided it all together." Kevin made his first point.


"You didn't avoid it Nicky." AJ added.


"Well no shit." Nick crossed his arms over his chest.


"That brings me to the next clip." Kevin said and pointed his hand at the screen again.


The screen started to show a slightly older version of Nick. He was crowded around some friends in a garage.


"Dude, I scored some drinks from my dad." One of the boys said.


"Awesome man, pass me one." Came another and then the first boy passed him a can of beer.


A few of the others spoke up asking for one. Nick just sat watching.


"Come on Nicky boy, I know you want one too." Someone said giving him a can.


"I dunno, I've seen what this stuff does to my mom and..."


"That's if you drink too much." Someone cut him off.


"Yeah Nicky, one taste wont hurt." Someone laughed.


The young Nick thought for a moment then popped open the can and began to drink.


Kevin raised his hand and stopped the screen, "This was your first taste of alcohol."


"Yeah, I actually remember it. What's your point?" He asked defensive.


"Alcohol is an addictive substance. All it takes is one taste to get hooked." Kevin explained.


"I'm not hooked!" Nick yelled.


"For fuck sake Nickolas, stop being so hard headed!" AJ yelled back.


"Both of you stop." Kevin butted in.


They both got quiet.


"My point here is that you created the problem. You chose to open that can and drink. Your friends might have encouraged you but they didn't force you." Kevin explained.


Nick said nothing.


"Next clip." AJ said then took a sip of beer from his bottle.


Kevin once again pointed to the screen and it flipped to another clip of Nick a little older then before.


"Look that's me!" AJ declared seeing himself.


"Did you get it?" The younger Nick asked the younger AJ.


"I always come threw. Just remember, you didn't get it from me." The young AJ said and handed him a brown paper sack.


"Thanks." Nick said taking it from him.


"What's this?" Nick asked Kevin watching the image fast forward.


"This is the first time you got drunk." Kevin explained as the picture began to show a time laps of Nick and a few guys and girls drinking. The time laps covered almost two hours. When it Kevin finally stopped the image young Nick was too drunk to stand but yet still drinking.


"Do you remember this Nick?" Kevin asked.


"Not at all." Nick replied.


"How about this last clip?" Kevin asked and pointed to the screen.


A new clip came on the screen of Nick in the hospital getting his stomach pumped.


"Yeah, how could I forget?" Nick said not wanting to look at the screen.


"This was the morning after. BJ found you passed out in the garage. Your parents couldn't wake you and they had to have you rushed to the hospital to get your stomach pumped. You had alcohol poisoning." Kevin explained.


"Didn't stick did it?" AJ asked.


Nick said nothing.


"Yeah, thought so." Kevin said.


Suddenly Nick heard a distant voice calling out his name.


AJ snapped his fingers and everything went black.