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Author's Chapter Notes:

there better not be anymore shots Howie .... and Kevin knows how to pick locks?

They reached the room and Julie hesitated to sit on the stool Howie indicated. She held tight to Kevin's hand and was comforted that he had not released her hand either. “What are you going to do to me?” Her eyes were wide as Howie turned back and looked at her.

“I have no record of you coming here so I don't know how you stopped randomly jumping, but from your reaction, you've been here before.” He winked and patted the stool again. “I promise no crazy injections this time.”

Julie hesitated but eventually let go of Kevin's hand and took her seat. She could see the two men exchange a look and Kevin turned from her, his face looking slightly ashamed. Howie held a clipboard in front of him and begain to shoot off questions dealing with; year of birth, medical history, and family history. When the questions were over, Howie grabbed what looked like an Ipad and held it out to her.

“Please place your palm flat against the screen.”

Julie complied and began to feel a warm sensation pass through her hand. “This....” she stopped unable to put into words the familiar feeling. She'd felt it when she jumped and she felt it when she had put her palm against the plate at The Library.

Howie nodded and spoke. “This will allow you access to The Library in any time, you simply press your hand to the plate next to the door. It will release the locking mechanism and you will be able to enter. Though, I believe you were already aware of this.” Howie's eyebrow arched as he asked her the question.

Realization struck Julie and she looked at Howie then to Kevin and finally down at her hand. “This has always been my future,” she muttered to herself though Howie nodded his head in agreement.

“It would appear that way.” Howie patted her shoulder and turned towards Kevin. “You can get her a device now.” Julie watched as Howie exited the room. She remained on the stool a few more seconds before turning to Kevin.

“Are you okay?” She asked him.

Kevin chuckled slightly. “You were just sold into slavery in ancient Rome and are about to go back to attempt a rescue of a volunteer as your first assigment and you are asking me if I am okay?”

Julie brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled up at him. “You know what I've been up to, but after Nick forced me to jump what did you do?”

Kevin moved closer and took her hand in his. “I immediately went to work to find a way to get you home.” They stayed like that for a few minutes more, Kevin holding Julie's hand in his own their eyes locked together. It was Julie that broke eye contact and pulled her hand away.

“So about that device. I should get moving if I want to rescue AJ.” She stood from the chair and straightened out her tunic. She was going to have to wear the uniform of a slave girl for a bit longer.

They moved to the room the devices were stored in and she watched as Kevin gently attached the device to her wrist. “What did Nick mean when he asked you how it felt breaking a rule?” She asked him.

Kevin finished attaching the device and kept his eyes away from hers. “You know how to program this? How to use it?”

“Yes,” she whispered remembering the lesson Nick gave her. He still held her arm and finally his eyes looked up and met with hers.

“We have a rule that if you cannot save your displaced you leave. Never sacrifice yourself for one of them.” Kevin looked guilty after speaking the rule.

“Have you ever lost a displaced?” She asked.

Kevin cleared his throat and dropped her hand. “It's probably best you get going.” He turned to the table behind him and handed her some simple tools. “These will, hopefully, help you get AJ out. Have you ever used lockpicks before.”

“In my illustrious career as a cat burgaler you mean?” She rolled her eyes at him.

Crimson crept into Kevin's cheeks as he held the tools out to her. It was nice to see the man could blush. “Let me show you.”

They spent the next few minutes going over how to pick a lock. They hoped the Roman's didn't have advanced locks, with Nick giving them future knowledge they couldn't be sure what he had told them. She watched as Kevin meticulously worked, Julie had to concentrate on watching what he was doing instead of watching him.

“There,” he said turning back to her. “Do you think you can handle that?” He asked holding the tools out to her. She nodded and he locked the door again and moved out of the way so she could attempt to pick the lock.

After several attempts, Julie still could not unlock the door. Kevin crouched down behind her and wrapped his arms around her so that he could direct her hands. “There it goes,” he whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine. “Try again.” He told her, though he dropped his arms she was very aware that his body was still right behind her.

When the mechanism clicked again signaling the door had been unlocked he placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a light squeeze. Julie stood and smiled at the man, happy she was able to catch on. She stood holding the tools in her hand and wondered where she was going to put them. Kevin advanced towards her holding an elastic belt. She nodded realizing that is what she was going to use. She was starting to wonder where that would go when Kevin pushed her up against the table and pulled her right leg up so that it rested on his waist. Slowly he pushed back the tunic, his fingers running lightly up her leg giving her goosebumps. She watched his face as he wrapped the belt around her thigh then took the tools from her and placed them inside.

Kevin looked up from what he was doing and caught her eyes. His fingers still resting on her thigh. She wondered what would happen if she leaned in and kissed him. Would he respond? Would it push him away?

“That's not too tight is it?” He asked, looking at the wall behind her.

She shook her head realizing his hand was still on her leg. “You do realize that if anyone came in here...” she stopped her statement as Kevin knew what she was referring to and removed his hand and moved so that her leg could fall back down.

“Are you ready to do this?” He asked.

“Ready as I'll ever be.” She sighed and started turning the dials on her device.

“Julie,” Kevin started and moved closer to her playing with a strand of her hair. “Put your device in that belt when you get there too.”

He stood over her for a minute or two longer, Julie sent vibes his way for him to just kiss her already but all too soon he was stepping away.

“Here I go.” She said as she pushed the button on the device hurling her back through time. She arrived just outside the door to the manor while it was still dark, the house was quiet except for a few slaves that maintained things during the night. She snuck past them with ease and once in her quarters she removed her device and placed it inside the belt, her fingertips brushing the lock pick tools.

Instead of laying on her cot she decided there was no time like the present to get to AJ and get them both out of there. It was not worth the risk to wait, what if he was gone by morning. She moved through the halls and stopped dead in her tracks. The door to the room AJ was locked in was wide open and it was very obvious that he was not inside.

With her heart beating rapidly in her chest she held out a hope that he had been returned to his quarters. She made it there and rapped quietly on the door, their special knock. When no reply came, rules be dammed, she opened the door and scoured the room for the familiar figure. She didn't see him, but one of the other slaves saw her. He began making erratic hand gestures and speaking slowly in hopes she would understand. She had understood enough.

Shortly after the household was asleep the blond visitor from the other night arrived and requested the locked up slave and her. They handed the man over but when they went to get her she was gone. A search of the house revealed nothing, guards were searching for her. She had better leave quickly and get away if she could.


Now he knew that she had escaped and who knew where he had taken AJ now.