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Author's Chapter Notes:

will you still love me.... tomorrow...

The room was cooler than Julie remembered it being so she reached down and pulled the covers up under her chin in an attempt to keep the cold out. She felt warmth behind her and moved closer to that spot, colliding with another body. 'Kevin,' she thought as she curled into him and closed her eyes in content.

Her body relaxed more when she felt his body respond to her and move closer, his arm draping over her. Now she felt warm and relaxed and did not want to move from that spot, ever.

“Morning,” Kevin spoke softly as he nuzzled her neck from behind.

“Let's just stay here,” Julie said hoping he would agree. AJ had been found and there was no immediate rush to try to find information to locate him. She didn't care about searching for Nick, someone else should do that anyway especially since he still held a grudge against Kevin and thought Julie was dead.

She cold feel Kevin kissing her shoulders and neck. “Yes, I like that idea.” His kisses continue as his had cupped her breast, squeezing her nipple gently. A small moan escaped her lips as she pressed closer to him. Yearning to see him she rolled over and pulled him to her. She ran her nails gently down his back causing him to shiver.

Kevin pushed away and held himself up over her. “Julie, I love you,” he said holding eye contact with her, a smile playing on his lips.

“I love you, too,” she answered. It felt good to finally be able to admit it. She'd known for so long but now being here with him confirmed it even more. Kevin's smile grew wider and he started kissing her again, moving down to her stomach. He kissed her gently and moved to where the skin was healing from Nick's knife. He kissed all around the wound and moved back up taking her mouth with his.

He broke away and looked at her again. “I am sorry that I was the reason you...” Julie stopped his words by pulling him closer and kissing him.

“It's not your fault,” She replied and kissed him again. Their kisses intensified and soon Julie moved her legs allowing him to enter her. He started out slow but when she arched closer to him his desire for her took over. She pressed her mouth to his as she felt him release and held him tight when he collapsed over her.

Julie kissed him as he moved to lie next to her, his fingers lightly running up and down her arm. “Kevin?” she started.


“When did you know?” She turned on her side to face him, leaning on her elbow.

“Mmmmm,” he rubbed his chin, a playful smirk on his face, as he pondered her question. “When I got that letter from you, I knew you were something special then. But my duty to return you overpowered anything I might have felt. When you showed up in The Library asking about the rogue volunteer, I think that's when I let myself realize that I loved you.”

She playfully squeezed his arm and snuggled closer to him. It was just after that she was asked to work with them in an attempt to get closer to Nick. She remembered the look Kevin gave her, she realized now he didn't want her to lose her memories of him, it was that look that got her to agree.

“What about you?” Kevin broke the brief silence. “I acted like a jerk trying to keep my feelings under wraps, how did you fall in love with me?”

Julie smiled when she remembered the gentleness of his touch after she recovered from the injection; she remembered the look in his eyes as she watched her. It was then she realized the affection she felt for him as well. Then she came back and thought she'd never see him again but when she did she still felt the same even when he argued with her and was a jerk. She couldn't tell him about the future Kevin though, she promised she wouldn't. “It was about the same time. When I saw you in The Library.” She left it at that, she hoped he wouldn't want specifics that she couldn't give.

“I can't help but keep thinking about what Nick was saying about changing history, making things better,” Julie spoke meekly afraid that if she spoke too loudly about the subject it would break the mood and things would be over as quickly as they came together.

“We don't know the impact the smallest changes in history could do to the outcome of the rest of the world. Sure it might be for the better, but what if it lead to something worse?” Kevin stroked her head, and even though she just woke up, Julie found herself drifting off again.

“And I know this, but when I think about being a witness to some of these horrific events in history, I can see why Zoe and Nick and the others would want to change things, to make them better.” Julie thought about her first jump, the horrors she saw and why she didn't like to talk about them. If it hadn't been such a traumatic time she might have talked about it and she would have been returned already. All those innocent Native American women and children of all ages cut down and mutilated in revenge for something a rogue group of Native Americans had committed. Remembering what she saw caused her to shudder, Kevin misreading thought she was cold and pulled the covers tighter around them.

Kevin kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back through the covers. “When you are ready to talk to me, I'll be here.” He whispered before kissing her head again.

Julie wiped away a few tears that had begun to fall and turned her thoughts to the present situation. She sat up suddenly remembering what she had brought back with her besides AJ. She threw the covers off of her and proceeded to find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to throw on over her undergarments. “While AJ and I were on the move, AJ decided to stop and grab some papers that might show what Nick and the others have planned. I grabbed them to give to Brian and ultimately you before I left.” She thew Kevin's clothes to him and then started to throw other items around her room trying to figure out where she left the papers.

“They were talking too, someone said something about Nick being gone and they only mentioned Germany.” Julie found a piece of paper from the camp but it only looked to be a list of items the group might be in need of.

“Germany? Are you sure?” Kevin stood suddenly very energized.

Julie nodded. She remembered that perfectly, it was the only thing any of them said that mentioned anything they were doing. Nick was in Germany. “Why? What do you know?”

“Zoe, her family is Jewish.” He moved around the room and started to help her search for the paperwork. “We've always known he would make a move like this but we never knew when he would make his move.”

“I found this.” Julie handed over a piece of paper, there was only one word on the page, she was sure it wasn't anything. 'Pasewalk' was all she saw.

Kevin looked at the page and grabbed Julie, and hugged her tightly. “This is perfect.”

“What?” She asked running after him as he charged up the stairs into the main part of The Library. She followed him as he made his way into the stacks and grabbed a few books throwing them on the table.

He opened a few pages of one book and found what he was looking for almost immediately. “The hospital Hitler recovered his eyesight from a mustard gas attack was in Pasewalk. He was hospitalized when the first World War ended. He was vocal then about how he felt the Jews were to blame. It's this time that he formed is ideology. The doctor that cured his sight, there was nothing physically wrong with him, he gave Hitler the idea that he was special to God, that he had a power inside of him. It worked to bring his eyesight back but it also created the man who thought that it was his mission to root out those he felt stabbed the country in the back.” Kevin looked up at her and smiled, she was staring at him in shock.

“All volunteers have to know how to research Julie, it shouldn't be that shocking I can research.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled at her.

“So what would he be doing there? Changing his ideology or just killing him?” Julie pondered. Killing him would be the easy thing to do, but if he could change how Hitler thought he could shape Germany differently. There was no denying Hitler's skill as an orator perhaps Nick only wanted to change the way he thought and felt.

Kevin shrugged. “Who cares, we know where he will be and we can stop him.” He looked at the device on his wrist and sighed. Julie could see his desire to leave, to jump after the rogue.

“What's wrong?” She asked.

“I don't know if Brian returned. I can't leave.” He shrugged and started to move back downstairs. “I'm going to look for him, are you coming?” He held his hand out to her and they walked side by side downstairs and towards Brian's room.

Julie was the one to knock, a sleepy Brian answered rubbing his head. “What?” He asked them.

“Thanks,” Julie muttered.

Brian shook his head, but Kevin seemingly did not notice this exchange, he was already talking about what they had discovered.

“We are going after Nick, we discovered a likely place he will be and we are heading back to get prepared. I just wanted to make sure you were here before we left.” Kevin patted his cousin's shoulder then turned to leave.

“What happened?” Julie asked, remaining in the doorway.

Brian shrugged, “nothing more than what I am already doing. Working here, watching over Charles and being the librarian.”

“Come with us,” Julie spoke quickly. “You should come, help us stop Nick.”

Brian shook his head. “If it doesn't work out, I'd be out. Charles said so.”

Julie hugged Brian, startling the other man and when she pulled away she whispered quickly. “We are going to nineteen eighteen Germany a place called Pasewalk. If we don't come back or if you decide to join us, you'll know.” She smiled at him one last time and moved to catch up with Kevin. They held hands as Kevin dialed the device to take them to twenty-thirty.