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Author's Chapter Notes:

Time travel sucks sometimes...make that a lot of times

Julie closed the door and locked it. She approached Kevin and pushed him towards the bed. “After everything I've been through, I am not going to miss an opportunity to be with you. Especially, now since I won't know when I will jump again and what will happen to me on those jumps.”

She pressed her lips to his hungrily. She wasted no time and removed her own shirt, breaking their kiss to lift it over her head. Kevin followed suit, she could see the desire in his eyes. Both shed the rest of their clothing in record time. Julie wrapped both her arms around Kevin's neck, she could feel his hands running up and down her back. She let him pull her over to the bed. He lifted her onto the bed and eased himself over her, kissing her neck, breasts and stomach before she felt him thrust inside of her.

After attacking each other with fervor it wasn't long before Kevin was collapsing next to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. Before Julie got too comfortable, she jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes, then she climbed back into bed and ignoring Kevin's look, pulled his arms back around her.

“Sorry, did Howie fill you in? I might still jump at any moment, and the last thing I need is to jump in the nude.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek before settling in, her eyes starting to close.

“Julie, why do I get the feeling you left something out when you told me about the most recent jumps?” Kevin's breath on Julie's neck gave her goose bumps and she shuddered slightly.

Julie shrugged; did she really want to tell Kevin that she thought she saw Nick? Now that she'd confided in Tessa she wasn't sure she felt the need to tell Kevin and make him worry about her sanity. “I told you everything.”

Kevin sighed and sat up. “Julie, I know we haven't known each other for even a year yet, but I know you are lying. What is going on?”

She sat up next to him, pulling her legs to her chest. “In both of my jumps I swear I saw Nick.” She laid her cheek on her knees and looked towards him. “I thought he was a member of the National Guard when I was there during the Kent State shootings and when I was in New York, I could have sworn he was a man on the street walking towards me. I feel like I'm losing it.”

“We need to tell Howie...” Kevin said looking concerned.

“No,” Julie interrupted him. “I don't want Howie to know about this. I told you this not as a fellow volunteer but as the woman who loves you. I am still determined to capture Steph and if Howie finds out Nick has moved from my dreams and I am now seeing him, he would probably suspend me from missions. Though now that I think of it, I am probably already going to be suspended since I am a liability now.” She sighed and laid back down, her eyes starting to close when her head hit the pillow. She really was quite tired now.

She felt Kevin lay down next to her. “I am going to say something to Howie tomorrow.” He kissed her lips and pulled her close to him before his breathing became the steady pace of being asleep.

Julie bolted straight up, she looked at the clock, she'd been asleep for three hours. Kevin was still fast asleep next to her. She couldn't recall what she dreamed, but she knew Nick was in it. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, laying back down, pulling Kevin closer. He was now wearing boxers; he must have gotten out of bed at some point. She just started to get comfortable again when her stomach started to ache.

“No!” she cried out, Kevin sitting up next to her. He turned to look at her and that was the last thing she saw before her eyes were reopening to see what looked like possibly the middle ages, but she could not tell what country. She quickly moved out of view and into the darkness. Her breathing was heavy as she hid in the shadows.

She crept along the alley ducking behind anything that was there when she heard people coming. They all seemed to be walking towards a certain place so she walked in the opposite direction. Walking along the streets of New York in twenty-eleven to blend in was one thing but that would not work here.

She found a house that was empty, the occupants probably gathering where everyone else was gathering. She made her way inside and found a wardrobe with women's clothing inside. She said a silent 'thanks' and pulled out what was necessary for her to wear.

She ventured out of the room dressed in the clothing of the era and looked around. The home looked quaint, dirty but cozy. She sat on a chair and tossed her clothing from the future into the fire. She hadn't bothered with shoes since she had been in bed before she jumped, she didn't think it would matter if she continued to walk around barefoot now.

The flames licked her t-shirt, something in the pot over the fire was starting to smell good and Julie's stomach reminded her that she was hungry. She stood and looked in the pot; it looked like a stew of some kind. She searched for a bowl or a spoon to eat with when a noise from the back of the house startled her.

She stood frozen in her spot as her brain started to function again and she thought about the room that she was in. A fire was going, food was cooking, this wasn't modern day where you could leave food in a crock pot and go about your day. If there was a fire going someone would need to be nearby to tend it so that it did not burn down the house.

A small face peaked out from behind a wall leading to another room off of the kitchen. Without knowing where she was she did not wish to speak to the little girl to calm her down, speaking in a foreign tongue would frighten the child more. She held her hands out to show her she meant no harm and started to back up towards the door to make her escape.

“Who are you?” a voice came from behind. The words were English, despite sounding strange, she was able to understand them perfectly fine. She spun around to see a man standing in the door way, holding a loaf of bread in his hands. He dropped the bread and grabbed for Julie. She stepped on his foot and elbowed his face before running out the door.

She looked both directions before she started to run towards the direction the crowd was. Perhaps she could find the crowd and blend in. She looked back to see the man only a few paces behind her. When she turned back around she ran right into another person, knocking herself over. The man chasing her caught up to her and grabbed hold of her arms.

Holding her tightly, the man dragged her through the crowd until they reached a man who dressed in royal insignia. The two started talking about Julie; she could understand most of what they were saying, if not the words themselves. She took this time to glance around. She looked up at the buildings and noted their familiarity, what really stuck out were a few banners with what looked like an 'H' and an 'A' intertwined. There was something she read about those letters together, but she couldn't recall what.

The man who held on to her started pulling her harshly and handed her off to the other man. He then started to pull her away from the crowd. As they walked she managed to catch a glimpse of what looked like a stage, blood dripping down the front. Her heat beat faster; she hoped the man was not pulling her to that stage. She had a sinking feeling she was going to be taken up those steps and put in front of the crowd that was slowly dissipating.

Her heart almost jumped from her chest as they passed the stage and towards a smaller building. Her breathing was still quick but her heart stopped beating as rapidly. “That would be too good for you,” The man spoke, knowing what she was thinking, as he directed her into a smaller building and ultimately into a cramped cell.

Nothing was said to her as she was locked into the cell, the man grinned at her and walked back out of the building. Julie sat on the ground next to the door and leaned up against the wall. She had spent so much time in jails and being locked up since she started jumping through time. She started to wonder why she wanted to continue.

A voice at the door caused her to jump. “You will be burned for your thievery in the next few days. Then your soul will join the devil in hell.” The voice sounded angry as the words were spoken.

“Burning a thief?” She questioned. She had never heard of a thief being burned before. “I thought you took a thief's hand.” There was no answer, he was gone.

“Great,” she said to herself. “I am going to sit and wait to be burned, again. I can only hope I jump before then.” She moved to the slit of a window and looked out into the courtyard; the man who brought her into the cell was hammering something into the ground. Since it seemed executions were public, he was probably announcing her execution for those who wished to attend.