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Author's Chapter Notes:

smoke inhalation bad and Egyptian clothing good

Later that night, Julie walked through the city, it was empty but she had to see the damage that had been done to the building. She had to see if there was anything left that would be salvageable. The cool night air felt good whipping through the light fabric of her clothing and she inhaled the different smells as she walked. It was odd that she was walking without a care or concern that anyone would jump out at her. She simply walked the streets.

When she arrived at the harbor she saw a few sailors milling about but none of them paid her any attention as she walked into the still smoking building. The smell of burnt parchment and brick lingered in the air and she covered her nose from the smell. It looked as if those who ran into the building to save the scrolls left nothing that could be saved. Too many scrolls lay on the shelves burned beyond hope.

As she took in the final sights she turned to leave but suddenly felt that she was not alone. She turned back to face the inside of the building and squinted into the darkness. “Who's there?” She called out, hoping that no one would reply. She hoped she was imagining it.

“Julie,” A voice called to her and her skin crawled as a figure stepped forward. It was dark but there was no mistaking the mop of blond hair on his head.

“Nick,” she hissed. How was he here, wasn't he supposed to be dead. “You're dead.”

“So you followed me instead,” he replied smirking at her.

“I didn't follow you, I wanted to see this for myself. How did you survive?” He had stopped walking towards her

“That's too bad; I had a nice trap set for you if you had gone into the camp,” He started moving towards her again, she could see the glint of the knife in his hand. She backed away slowly, she didn't understand how he was there and why he was talking about a camp, she didn't see a camp outside.

“Nick, how are you here?” She repeated. She had to know how he lived through being shot. Had someone found him?

“Julie,” He said again as he advanced with the knife.

She turned and moved towards the exit but found that the door was now closed and try as she might she was unable to open the door. She pushed and pulled but to no avail, it wasn't budging. She felt the heat of the fire before she saw the first flames as it licked through the building. Was it burning again? Who had set it on fire? Why didn't she tell Kevin where she was going?

She couldn't help but breathe in the smoke that surrounded her. Her throat and lungs were burning and her eyes were watering. Unconcerned with Nick, she dropped to the floor and started banging on the door. Someone had to hear her. “Help,” She called out.

She felt herself shaking all over. She knew she was going to die, her body was convulsing. She managed to open her eyes, she had to see, had to make sure Nick was in there burning with her. She didn't see Nick anywhere though, instead she could hear someone talking to her through the door.

“Julie, it's me Kevin. C'mon hun, wake up.” He called out to her.

Wake up? Julie wondered. She couldn't be asleep, this felt all too real to her. The smoke, the heat the stinging eyes. No, she was imagining Kevin's voice, she was going to die. Before she knew what was happening, Kevin was sitting next to her stroking her hair.

“Come back to me, wake up.” He leaned in and kissed her. She could feel his moist lips and the trill in her stomach as he kissed her. Yes, that was real. Slowly the smoke disappeared, there was no more heat and when she blinked the building disappeared and Kevin's face came into focus.

“What the hell was that?” Kevin asked when she touched his face and smiled.

“It felt so real,” She said as she sat up taking in the room that she now remembered falling asleep in. “I was in the library looking around and Nick came out of the shadows. I tried talking to him, but his responses made no sense, I think they were phrases from my conversation with him before he stabbed me.” Julie pulled her knees to her chest and lay her cheek on them looking at Kevin. “Before I knew what was happening the building was on fire and I was inside dying from the smoke. I could feel the smoke entering my body, I could feel the heat. I was never there, how could I know?” She asked him.

“I don't know, we should ask Charles after we return. I don't like how frequent these nightmares are becoming. You should be having them less as time goes on and it seems like you are having them more often.” he stroked her hair before throwing the thin blanket off and pulling his kilt back on.

He turned back to her and held his hand out to her. “Let's get going,” he pulled her up and held her close. The heat from his body felt good even though the morning sun was coming into the room heating it up faster than she thought possible.

She looked up at him and wrapped her hands behind his head pulling him down so that their lips could meet. He responded to her kiss opening his lips slightly. She ran her nails lightly down his back as he pulled her closer moving her back to the bed they just rose out of.

She pushed him down and straddled him, lifting her skirt and his kilt. She chuckled, “easy access for both sexes.”

There was no sweet words, no gentle caresses as they took each other quickly. When they finished Julie own clothes again before she and Kevin sought out Charles.stood up and straightened her dress.

“Okay let's go,” She smirked at Kevin who was still lying on the bed, recovering. She grabbed the jewelry and shoes as those were the only items of clothing she felt she needed to remove before she went to bed. She took her device from Kevin and put it on her wrist and dialed to go back home.

There was no one in the jump room when she arrived which was not uncommon. She made her way to the clothing room so she could get in her own clothes again before she and Kevin sought out Charles. She stood at the door until she saw Kevin return then made her way down the hall.

She pushed open the door, Tessa was not inside but that did not matter. She had been in the room plenty of times without another volunteer and she'd always managed to find clothes and put them back without issue. She pulled her jeans and her t-shirt on quickly, slipping her feet into her sandals before heading out and down to Charles' office. She knew Kevin would meet her there.

“There you are Julie, we just told Kevin.” Erika came running towards her. “I still can't believe it happened.”

“What happened Erika,” the woman was frantic, Julie needed her to calm down and tell her what was going on.

“It's Charles, he's gone.”

“What do you mean gone?” She shot back. Charles never went anywhere.

“Just gone. AJ and I got back from our mission this morning and after we locked our rogue up we went to report to Charles and he wasn't there. We thought he might be meeting with Jessica but when we found Jessica she said she'd not seen him all morning. Papers from the meeting with everyone yesterday morning were still on his desk, we think he's been missing since then but since he usually kept to himself we had no idea until...” The fear in the other woman's eyes was unsettling to Julie. She'd not been here as long as the others but Charles was the brains behind the entire project. If he went missing would they have to stop what they were doing?

A thought shot into Julie's head and she sped off to the holding cells. She threw open the door and slammed her palm into the plexiglass window of Kyle's cell. “Tell me where he is,” She shouted at him, but he continued to lay on the bed unperturbed by her actions.

“I don't know what you mean,” Kyle sat up and looked at her.

“Charles, he's missing.”

Kyle play acted that he was shocked. “Really? That is terrible,” He laughed and layed back down.

“I know Steph is behind this somehow,” Julie was fuming. Steph had to be behind it, she didn't know why she thought that way, but she had to be the one behind it.

“Then you would be wrong,” Kyle responded and closed his eyes. “Now if you don't mind, I would like a nap.”

Julie slammed her hand onto the plexiglass in frustration again and stormed out of the room going to Charles' office. She had to discuss something with Kevin and she knew that is where he would be.

Chapter End Notes:

Yes, men's clothing in Egypt were called Kilts, the Scots did not invent them ;)