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Kevin was about to turn the light off when something caught his eye on the dresser by the bedroom door. He held up the the thin gold chain and looked at the hearth shaped pendant holding her birthstone of topaz. It was her favorite necklace. It was the one he gave her on the night he told her he was in love with her for the first time. He sighed. He was still in love with her. He had tried to deny it but he was. He screwed up royally.

“Daddy?” Mason's little voice came from down below.

“Yeah buddy?” He said and looked at his son.

“When is Skylar coming home?”

“Sky's not coming home buddy. Daddy messed up.” How do you explain something like this to your child? You can't.

“But you still love her don't you?”

“Of course I do but I don't think she loves me anymore.”

“She loved you lots Daddy. I bet she still does.”

Kid was too smart for his own good sometimes. Maybe he should go see her. No. She hates you now. She thinks you abandoned her and the baby. He wouldn't want to talk to himself. Maybe Nick could tell him how she was at least.”Why don't we go downstairs and you can pick out a DVD while Daddy makes a quick phone call. Then we'll watch it before you go to bed.”

Okay Daddy but just so you know, she will come back.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Cuz she loves you silly.”

He smiled and dropped the necklace back on the dresser. Sometimes you just can't argue a child's logic but only if it were that simple. Then again, maybe all she had needed was a little time and space.”Okay. Let's get started kiddo.” While Mason searched through the massive selection., Kevin dialed Nick's number.”Hey Nick! You got a second?”

“That's about all I've got. What's up?”

I was just wondering how Skylar's doing.”

“Not really sure. I'm seeing her myself for the first time in two weeks myself.”


What's going on Kev? You let her go.”

“I know but I do still care about her. I just want to make sure she was feeling okay.”

“Why wouldn't she? “ Finding the set of keys he'd being searching for frantically.

“She hasn't told you.”

“Hasn't told me what?”

“I think she should tell you. Just make sure you take care of her.”

“Kev, seriously what's going on?”

“Nothing. Really. I've gotta go. Mason's ready to watch his movie. I'll catch ya later.”

“Catch ya later.” Why would he be asking something like that? Whatever it was, maybe she'd tell him tonight.

Skylar rummaged through her jewelry box one last time in the search for her favorite necklace before Nick showed up. It would be their official first date and she was nervous enough as it was. She stopped and went through all the place it could be. Nothing. Then her cell phone rang. Shit! She saw the caller ID. Krista. She didn't know anything yet. Her best friend of all people was the last to know about her perfect life falling apart.

“Hey lady. How's it going?”

“Getting ready to go out actually. I know it's been a long time but I was going to call you tomorrow.”

“No biggie. I've been busy working on my latest adventure anyway.”

“I can't wait to read it. I bet it's hotter than hell as usual.”

“You can count on it. So where you headed tonight?”

She was going to have to tell her eventually and was about to when the doorbell rang; avoiding the question the best she could. ” I hate to do this to you lady but somebody's at the door.” Forgetting that she didn't know about the split.

Um, okay. Maybe just her and Kevin's friends arriving.”So you'll call me when you get home girlie?”

“Sure thing Krista.” She motioned Nick to come in as she was trying to get off the phone with her friend.

“Sky? What's going on?” She'd heard the male voice in the background that wasn't the one she was so used to hearing in Skylar's background. Seriously, what was up?

“I'll tell you later. I promise. Gotta go!” She said and hit the end button. She didn't want to do it but she needed to avoid a long drawn out conversation.”Hello.” She turned to Nick.

“Who was that?”

“My best friend.”

“How is I've never met her?”

“I just didn't want her to fall prey to the Carter charm,”Skylar teased.

“So she's your single friend.”

“I don't see her that way and she doesn't see herself that way either. She has men in her life just as sporadically as you have women. She hasn't settled down yet. So are we ready to do this?” Attempting to avoid any further talk of her drop dead gorgeous friend. Tonight was about them.

“I'm ready to go but I don't think you are.” Looking down at her feet.

“That can be fixed. I'll be right back.” She smiled and left the front room briefly. Returning in the black heels she had chosen for the evening, she said,”Let's go.

Later that evening, they pulled up to the house she was renting. He turned the engine off and turned to Skylar in his seat.”I've had a good time tonight Sky but if we're gonna make this work, you need to be a little more open with me.”

She was beginning to think she didn't want it to work. There wasn't a day that went by that Kevin didn't not cross her mind. She was trying to give it a fair chance but maybe they just weren't meant to be.”Meaning?”

“Meaning Kevin called me tonight before I left the house and asked me how you were feeling. I thought that was kind of weird considering the circumstances and all. I know that everything is still fresh but I told you before we take it at your speed. I'm not going anywhere. So what was he talking about Skylar?”

If they were going to be together any amount of time, she was going to start to show and it couldn't be written off as just getting fat. He would know.”The week before we went up to the cabin, I went in for a checkup with my doctor and by the next day, I found out I was pregnant. I was going to tell Kevin before everybody got up there that week.”

Okay. No wonder Kevin was worried about her. He knew Kevin wouldn't be the kind of guy to just up and leave his child.”And you thought you would tell me when exactly?”

“When it was necessary. This was just our first date Nick. Do we really know if it's going anywhere?”

“I'd like to think we were off to a good start.”


“I don't have the answers anymore than you do Sky. I just know I like being with you but if you don't want to do this-”

She stopped him as she took his hand.”You're right. I didn't give it a fair chance. Maybe we could do lunch in a couple of days?”

“I'd like that.” He really wanted to reach over and kiss her breathless but he knew that he had to let her be the guide with the physical. He got out and went around to open the car door for her and walked her to the front door.

She pulled her keys out, turned the lock and looked back to him. Reaching up, she softly pecked him on the cheek.” I had a good time too. I'll see you Tuesday.” And pushed the door open. Was this really going to work?