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Chapter 12


“I miscarried.” I finished off my drink before I turned back to look at him. “No doctor really ever pin pointed what happened. I think it was the stress, the loss. I was so very close to my grandmother, she was like my other best friend, and it really hurt me when she past. And my aunt was in that horrible accident and she left so violently, it was so hard, on all of us, actually. And than you all working, and traveling, it was stressful. I was about two months in.”

“Nick knew?”

“Oh, yeah, he knew. He wasn’t the only one.”

“Who else knew?”

“Did Nick ever tell you how he met Terri?” At AJ’s shake, I smiled. “When I got pregnant again, the doctor I saw wasn’t the one I first had, that doctor retired, so I had to go to a new office. Anyways, the, um, receptionist was Terri.”

“You had meet her prior?”

“Oh yeah. The first visit, I was alone, so she didn’t know. But, the last name always catches people. It’s not a common last name. But, she didn’t question me. The second time, she was eating him up! I should have guessed she really liked him, but hell, I was more than used to seeing those looks.” AJ chuckled, and I had to as well. “It was like the fourth visit or something that she was openly flirting with him. Again, I didn’t think much of it. I went in with Nick, two days after I lost it, and that’s when we knew for sure. And that was my breaking point. Nick walked out of the room, not even waiting for me because he was sad, of course. Bumped into her, and from what I saw, she placed her number in his pocket, whispered something in his ear and walked away. That might have really sent me over. That night we had a fight, he..” I shook my head, not wanting to go on.

“He what?”

“No, you had enough of my drama, and if I don’t get your ass to your sound check, I’m gonna be fired.”

“Theresa.” He placed a hand on my arm and drew me into his arms, his lips brushing my hair. “I’m always here for you. Nick is my best friend, my brother, but he’s an ass.” I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

“I’m not going to disagree with you on that.” I gave him a slight squeeze. “Thanks, for listening.”

“Well, it’s liberating. I had a lot of questions, and yet, no one was willing to answer.”

“Nick won’t. He’ll think you’ll hate him.”

“It wasn’t right.”

“No, AJ, it wasn’t. It was the wrong way to handle the situation. But he did it, and we can’t change the past.”

“Hey, Alex, we gotta jet.” Both AJ and I quickly pulled away as we heard Nick. Nick’s eyes raked over me, and if I didn’t know any better, I would have said he looked slightly pissed. But, really, he had no reason to be. Inside though, that made me smile a mile wide!

I stepped on the bus, knowing that once they were done tonight, they would be packing up and leaving the hotel. Yay indeed. I made a quick run through the bunk area and the sitting area, my back towards the door.

“Damn, I have got to tell my brother that he needs to share his goodies!” I froze, not wanting to turned around and see who could possibly be saying such a stupid ass line. I knew it wasn’t one of the guys, and knew it wasn’t my security. So, who? I turned, finally, and saw a flash of blonde hair just fly out the door. I frowned, still not knowing, so I quickly followed, surprised that he kept getting into places that were supposed to be off limits. He finally stopped as he stepped up to Nick. I walked over a tad closer, not believing who that was. “Dude, you have to share.”

“Share what?”

“Your women.” Terri slid up on the other side of Nick and frowned.

“I’m right here, Aaron.” I contained my laugh as Aaron rolled his eyes.

“No, not you. She has black hair, and was on your bus.” I watched as Terri’s eyes open wide and her lip curled up.

“There wasn’t anyone!” she screamed, causing both Nick and Aaron to look at her.

“Uncle Aaron!” Both kids screamed as they came running around the corner and landed straight into Aaron’s arms.

“My lil rugrats.”

“Damn, where is your mother? You just have no respect or discipline. I would lay my hand to your ass! Both of you! Leave him alone, and let the adults talk! Go on! I said NOW!”