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Chapter 8

“Daddy!” I moved back, shocked that those feelings were so strong, actually in both of us. And he looked just as shocked as I.

“Coming!” He smiled at me. “I better go and tuck them in.”

“Yeah, I think they’re calling for you.”

“Night, Resa.” I nodded my head and turned to head into my room, not closing the door until I heard Nick head out.

“You look way tired.” I grabbed my jacket, two way phone, and the small gun, tucking both phone and gun into my pants pocket.

“Thanks Leigh, you’re a sweet heart.” She chuckled as we walked down to the limo. “Where are the guys?”

“Nick’s room. With all the kids. Brian told LeighAnne he’d take the Baylee, since Nick had the twins. And Kevin is with Kristen and D has James.”

“Wow. That’s a handful for Nick and Brian.” She laughed, and I did a quick glance, seeing nothing out of the ordinary before I climbed in after her.

“Terri is out at the spa, but she’s joining us later.” Inside, I was seething. Did I want to see my enemy, no, but, she was Nick’s girlfriend and by my job alone, I should be protecting her.


“Theresa! Really, she’s not all that bad.” I glanced over at Leigh.

“Befriending her?”

“Okay, it wasn’t smart that she cheated with Nick on you. But, LeighAnne was actually quite rude to her after all that happened, and I felt bad. We got to talking and she’s not that horrible. Now, she’s not my best friend, but, she’s not the wench everyone is making her out to be.”

“Forgive me if I have a rough time accepting her. And I never told LeighAnne or Kristen not to tolerate her or to even dislike her.”

“You know Nick came on to her, right?”

“Leigh, personally, I don’t care who came on to who. Nick and I are done.”

“Right.” I gave her a rather pointed look.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I saw the look you gave Nick the other night.”

“Leigh, you’re a friend, we, the wives here, we’re close, we know what’s going on. I have never loved anyone but Nick. But I want him happy, and if being with her makes him happy, than so be it. My only concern is for those two little kids we have.”

“She’ll make a good mother.”

“Perhaps. But, forgive me; she can try on someone else’s kids.”

“Finally! I have looked all over for you Leigh. Oh, hi, Theresa.”

“Hi Terri.”

“Come, we’re getting ready to wrap up the shopping.”

“Oh, there’s this store, just down the way, I’ve been dying to go in. Do you mind?” Leigh shook her head, and both ladies glanced back at me.

“Not my shopping spree, I’m here only to work.” Leigh smiled, but Terri made a face.

“Hey ladies, wait for me.” I turned, watching as LeighAnne ran towards us, her bodyguard running after her.

“Honey, slow down, poor Rick might just have a heart attack!” She did slow down as she neared. “Girl, what are you doing?”

“I couldn’t leave you alone with the Lion all day long. Sides, Brian has his mini me, so I’m good. A day with the girls doesn’t sound half bad.”

“Thanks, I needed a friend.”

“What about Leigh?” I tugged on LeighAnne’s arm and motioned for Rick to watch the girls. “Out of ear shot?”

“I’m thinking I may not have a friend in Leigh much. In fact, I think she’s all but best friends with Terri.”

“But, she’s…”

“I know. A wife, and we usually have to stick together. She was telling me Terri wasn’t bad, and that she felt sorry for her because both you and Kristen were so horrible to her.”

“May I share something?”

“Of course.”

“I don’t like Terri. Granted, that’s not new, but there are reasons. I love and adore Brian. Nick is Bri’s best friend, so I love and adore Nick. You were Nick’s wife, and I love and adore you. But beyond that, you became one of my best friends.”


“Hold on. I saw something when you were with Nick. He was free; he did things that made the girls fall in love with him. He wasn’t on a tight leash, like all the other females thought. I mean, he was wilder, crazier, sexier when he was with you. Since he’s been with Terri, she just yells at him for doing those things. I read the blogs, I know how the fans think, and really, none like this new Nick, simply because he doesn’t, perform, I guess.”

“I can’t control that.”

“No, but I’m sharing it because I don’t think Terri loves him, for him. I, personally of course, think she’s only using him.”