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Chapter 83

Nick looked in the mirror of the hotel room as he gelled up his hair, his heart pounding slightly and his stomach flipping. Yes, he was nervous, for tonight, he was really going to have to play the role of a lifetime. He knew Terri’s plans; he saw the drugs there in her suitcase, even knew where she got them for his own two precious kids had over heard her.

So, tonight, to make everything believable, he was treating her to a very special, very expensive dinner. He was going to romance her then bring her back here and make love to her. The whole acting part of this was pretending that he was in love with her.

Oh, sure, when Resa started working again, he didn’t think he would change his feelings about Terri. But he should have known that he wasn’t in love with her. That it was lust. Hell, after 30 plus years, you would think he knew the difference between love and lust. When he started cheating, he knew it would break Resa’s heart, but at the point in time, he just didn’t care. He didn’t think he was in love with his wife anymore.

But having her back in the picture, enjoying the time together, being with the kids, having that family time, it all proved what he really felt and how stupid he was for letting it all go. But he knew that God was giving him a second chance. And he knew damn good and well he couldn’t blow it a second time.

And though he was all acting this out with Terri, he knew it was killing Resa. She had claimed that she never stopped loving him, and in all truth, he could see that. And being honest, he never stopped loving her. That was his first true love, his only love. And if it wasn’t for that scam of a bitch causing so much trouble, he would have left Terri a long time ago. But she had caused some major damage, and he couldn’t just let it go; even if Resa wasn’t the one telling him to do these things. He would have found a way for Terri to hang herself. He was just grateful Resa was there, for he knew if it was up to him, Terri would be stringing him along for way more time than needed.

He sighed, his thoughts going over and over and hating himself for the hurt he had caused not only his family with Resa and the kids, but with the family he called his brothers. Looking back, Terri had really done a number with them and he was so very sorry for that. After all, she tried to frame AJ! How more bitchy could you be?

Nick shook his head as he looked in the mirror, adjusting the deep blue shirt he had on. He had to smile a bit, for he knew it wasn’t one of Terri’s favorites. Granted, it wasn’t probably the smartest thing to wear, but he wanted a part of Resa with them tonight, giving him confidence that he just wasn’t feeling. He pulled the silver chain over his shirt, grabbed his jacket that had the necklace, earring and pin set and walked out of the room, knowing that Terri was getting ready in Leigh’s room. He walked to the elevator, grateful when he saw Theresa there and stepped in with her.

“Are you okay, Nick?” I adjusted his collar, staring into his eyes. He nodded, but he swallowed hard. I rested my hands on this chest, barely rubbing my hands over his silk shirt, realizing it was the one I had bought him. “You’re going to be fine. The set is already bugged, so…” I beamed up at him as I held the walkie talkie up, it being recorded as well. “I can hear everything.”

“You’re going to have that all night?”

“All night! I will be listening sweetie.” Nick nodded again, taking my hands and kissing the backs of them.

“Thank you Resa, for being here. It’s going to be hard…” I let go of his hands and pressed my fingers against his lips to silence him.

“You need to think about loving her. How it once was, what you once felt. Nothing else will work Nick. And for the sake of everyone else, you need to be believable. You’re a great actor; I have total faith that you’re going to be amazing tonight.” I stood up on my toes, giving him a small kiss and stepped out of the elevators, winking at him and going with the group.

He watched her go than walked outside to the awaiting limo and waited for Terri. After a few minutes he checked his watch than heard a giggle and turned around, seeing Terri there. Mentally, he thought she could rival a high paying whore, but he knew that if he didn’t try and pretend, this night would be worthless. So, he caught his breath, exactly like someone who was in love and thought the woman he was with was beautiful, should. He gave her one of his best smiles and held his hand out to her, kissing the back of it, trying to be charming, which made her giggle.

“You look…beautiful hon.” He helped her in the limo, glancing up and into my eyes.

I swallowed my hurt, gave him a huge grin along with a wink, praying that the drug we gave Nick would help counteract Terri’s.