"Nick, come on watch the movie with us!" Melissa said. "Oh come on, you just want Lauren, because she plans to cheat on her taxes or disenfrancise the average American woman or any woman someday or poor working class person. Come on we can make it work or try." Melissa told me.
"Ok." I said annoying with Melissa, because like always she was "working class" and right, at least more working class than most women I hang with.
"Come on, Nick, give Melissa a chance, not our fault, Lauren embarassed you in front of the class like that today." Eric told me.
"You would be stupid to kick out that woman from Ohio, who went through Hell or may go through more of that Hell because of her love for you; your lack of love for her or Melissa." Eric said. Trying to counsule us.
"Remember Nick, when the going gets tough, the tough make ice tea, then get going." Eric told me. "Ok, you got that mixed up along the way. But ok, I get it with the messed up phrasing, but is that your favorite?" I asked him.
"No, I do that just to get you to stop being mean to people Nick, you can't see how money, fame, greed, lust, and own concitedness have blinded you. Althrough you are in denial." he told me. I was about to beat him; but I felt someone touch me, but I looked behind me, no one was there, and Melissa was sitting down.
"ok" I said to myself. "Ok, what?" Melissa asked. "You can't date a woman who makes 25k or less a year, whoose." She told me.
"Let's just watch the movie." I said politely then turned it on and turned off the lights.
" I will NOT LET YOUR PEOPLE GO!" The King of Egypt said. "The Lord Eloheim said so." He said. "We must go to the dessert and pray to him." Moses made the excuse, and he was a young Moses too. Brown hair, middle eastern skin color and features.
I think just felt pretty warm in my nose and my stomach and fell asleep.
"Yeah, Moses you have me and Howie here working 10 more extra hours than yesterday for that!" I yelled at him. I was wearing the slave outfit as everyone else. All rags and all. "This is wrong!" I said commenting on my life and the outfit. "I know he should set us free." Melissa said. "I know, I can't wait till he does." Eric said as they towed a field with us. "Well, Nick Sith the grain." Kevin told me. "I can't." I told him, "You have to or that dude with the whip will hurt your back with lashes and they hurt dude. Remember AJ and that girl years ago, that was a model in Las Vegas?" he asked me.
"Really?" I asked. "Well, that isn't my fault, it has no bucket." I answered. "Duke, we need a basket for the grain." AJ told him. Tattoos and all exposed and all the women getting all hot for him till they saw Moses and started blessing him. "With that miracle with the river, and those boils on the Egyptians we will be out of this soon." Howie said. "Then we can make tons of money and go to Heaven, and have all the ladies, then have our own workers working for us for money way less than is their actual worth of work and we'll be celebrities." Howie said. "Dude, that is annoying." Eric replied. Howie glared. "Is this why all the countries hate you?" I asked Eric. "Yes, because first we left Egypt, and our people eventually became smarter than the whole world as well as God fullfilling his promises to us." Eric said as he picked the dates off the vine.
Then the a couple plagues later. We were partying as people killed lambs and painted them around doorways or put crosses and "X"s on their slave homes or stayed with friends, because Moses told everyone too.
"What is happening tonight?" I asked Moses. "Curse of the First born, are you guys from Philstania?" He asked me. "You mean Greece." I answered. "You look like your from there." He said. "Well, whomever you are and where your really from, I hope the Lord will help get you home and then I get my notes written down and we can talk about it in Heaven someday." He said with a smile. "Please, do it." He told me. "You do have children in your quarters and all people under my God and that wish to travel with us, should do it." He told me. "Ok." I said.
"He has a whole meal for this to be a "plant day" and for people to under the deliver; the TRUE deliver from him when he comes." He told me. "You mean Jesus?" I asked. "Who?" He asked. "Never mind." I told him. "Well, I think we should get ready for tomorrow, it will be a big day and then a couple of days after that, a HUGE day for you." I told him. "How did you know that?" He asked. "I am on a time travel trip I think." I told him. He just looked at me confused. "God bless you, whomever you are." he said.
As I left, Howie came out. "He doesn't know about the Baal thing on the moutain in Saudi Arabia or the whole golden calf, or all the people whom will cheat on their wives after all that and the massacare there, does he?" Howie asked.
"No." I told him. "Just that, we're not supposed to be here, but he told us to do it anyways, Howie." I told him. "Ok." He said.
That night, I woke up. I saw a person walk by the edge of town, near where we were sleeping with a small family and their 4 children, and 10 goats and sheep in between us. We slept in a small wooden shack and mud hut with cots on the floor. It was dang, we had a small calounder for that area, papyrus, and a broom. Some basic dishes, and self made toothbrushes. We used what we could with honey and basic soap for cleaning and for our teeth and bodies. We all slept together in our big cout since Howie and AJ got scared. But asked them if they were scared like me, they wouldn't admit to it. Melissa and Eric, were across the room.
The angel turned into a swriling light and killed all the first born, adult and children of the Egyptians and not his people.
The next day, "MOSES HAS SPOKE WITH PHAROAH. WE ARE FREE!" He exclaimed, then jumped up and down. It was huge parade of people leaving, it was happy for the first 2 days, then as we began camping, and people even stole back stuff from the Egyptians as their parents blessed them.
After three days, "Moses, how long till we are at the promise land?" People kept asking and asking.
Then a week later, we were at the end of Egypt by moutians and the red sea and could see an island popping up then disappering. "That's weird?" Melissa said to Nick. "I didn't know that. This is real cool." She said. The next day, Pharaoh attacked us all, the immagrants with us, the slaves, everyone, even Moses's army, it was a rag-tag group. But I didn't realize he even had one. Then he did the stuff thing as a light ascended upon him, then boom, the waves whoosed as we all ran across the sea. Then as Pharoah and his troops got sank under the water, then we were at the end. "Everyone was partying but us at the Golden Calf as Moses brought down the commandments. You could see on his face, he was freaking out at the party." I said as I woke up from my dream. The whole room staring at me as the guys from Backstreet Boys and NKOTB walked in, whom were also in my dream, but very quietly hanging with us.
"What?" Brian asked. "You clearly got into the movie." Brian told me as I was waking up.
"My friend, it has been 2 hours!" Eric told me. "Now, come let's get you a snack and some water, and get you and Melissa home, and your BSB friends shall take you to rehearsal." He told me. I looked at him in shock. "No!" I shouted back. "TONIGHT'S MY NIGHT OFF FROM WORK AND COLLEGE!" I freaked. Melissa and the guys all laughed at their prank. "Hey!" I shouted back. "What did I do to?" I asked. "Nick, your a jerk, that is why Lauren loves you. Plus, you never give working girls a chance, not even that nice one from Ohio would have a chance with you and I bet, she loves you and your lying to her online as well." She told me. "You need to grow up and stop being about "You", YOUR NOT 5." She told the whole group and I.