"Brian how could you do that Prank to me?" I asked him. "You had it coming." He said to me. "Melissa and I broke up, please don't push it." Nick said.
"Why, what happened?" He asked.
4/6/2006 Morning at college 7:35am
"Nick, I want for us is this, kids, being a teacher, a clean house, a car... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,..you not seeing them anymore, yada yada yada yada. I want to change you." Is what I heard.
"Melissa, I don't want to marry you. This is COLLEGE." I explained. "Plus, I think the girl for me might already be there. You never know." I told her. "I am breaking up with you." I told her, of chorse, she ran to the bathroom, missed half of class, and cried her eyes out. Thank God we passed for the quarter.
Then I thought about Jesus at the last supper and being on that cross that night.
33 AD Jersuleam, Israel.
I saw Jesus getting flogged 40 times, carrying his cross down that heavy stone street, it all passed in my mind before my eyes, then being put on that cross with nails and ropes, then his throny crown, then being smeared with vineger to drink as people sold his clothes for what a slave cost, just like Judas sold him out for 30 pieces of sliver or 150 bucks for their time.
Still sad. Then how he had paid for me, althrough I had my doubts; being in music it was natural for me.
Then I thought I saw someone beating the demon outside; but no one was there. Is that why Brian reads his Bible so much? Damn. I smiled then prayed.
And went downstairs to meet Brian and the guys for Eric's passover dinner and to sing at AJ's church here in LA. tonight. Just for fun as special singer guests.
"As long as you love me, baby." Howie finished singing the song for Eric and his whole family. "Thank you my friends." He gave us huge hugs. "I am sorry about you and Melissa not working out, Nick." Eric told us. We smiled and then did a prayer with them, then went to AJ's church for service with him and his girlfriend.
"Jesus lives, and so shall I,
Death! thy sting is gone forever.
He who deigned for me to die,
Lives, the bands of death to sever.
He shall raise me with the just:
Jesus is my hope and trust. " We sang for AJ's chruch. The crowd went crazy. We bowed and enjoyed the service, of chorse US being US.
We cried like babies, then prayed for the demons to go away and leave us for the Holiday at least and make sure our Holiday suppers weren't burnt either and that Eric and Melissa were safe and had a place in the world.