"Class!" Mrs. Jeremny said. "Pencils down." She said. "I hope Mr. Carter did well for his sake." She told the class. I just sighed. 'This isn't what I wanted college to be, what happened to the parties, the bikinis, the naked women?' I thought.
The teacher was making me an example, "Mr. Carter, you got an F." she told me. "If anyone gets an F, I expect improvement within a week or you will not graduate." She told the whole class and I firmly. Melissa and Eric became sad and worried for me.
After the test, "Saint making as done by the Roman Catholic church" on page 60 in your textbooks." she told us. "A saint is cannonized, investigated, and then you must petition the catholic church to have that person officially made one to have them be prayed to at all." She explained.
Someone raised their hand. "How can a human be made someone to pray to for a miracle?" She asked.
"Good question, Maria." Mrs. Jeremeny explained. "We will get to that when we get to geographical, ideological, historical, and political dictating differences in one of our later classes." The teacher answered. "But they believe if you grant 2 or 3 PROVEN beyond a doubt mirales with witnesses, you can become one." she told us. "Next week... We start on Egyptian and Mystery religions and how it infulenced the major religions of the world." The Teacher told us.
I got in my nice clothes, and finally went out on a date with Melissa. "We got the class I hope." I told her. "Yeah" she said sadly. "Nick, are you just taking me out, because you want to not have to deal with anything there later on." She asked. "Yes." I slipped. She slapped me. "Fine, if you won't take your tutoring or me seriously." She said.
I grabbed her hand. "Please, please, please don't go." I told her. "We'll do something fun. We'll go to that museum you wanted to go to." I begged her. "Just don't go, I need to pass this class." I begged her. "fine" she said. "But you got to REAL, AND MEAN IT. Not fake like you are for all those people in the midwest so you can belong to that fruad and sociopathic Sandra hacker chick and the bully army of fans she has after people." She told me. "That may be why, that cute girl, you blame stuff on FOR HER, WON'T LISTEN TO YOU, BSB, OR ANY RICH PERSON. It may also be why she is a witch if she introduced her into thinking that could be a lifestyle or even healthy." She told me firmly.
"If you don't love me, then it will be no dice for the rich, famous, powerful, and educated, especially if they hold others back." She explained.