"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Kevin asked me behind my back and made me drop my V8 fruit juice drink. I gave him a huge hug; seeing him in his simple dark blue t-shirt and jeans.
"KEVIN!" I shouted giving him a huge hug. "This is Melissa and Eric." As I pointed to them. Leslie was there, getting dinner for the group since she knew what we all liked to eat as
we sat down, the 5 of us and my family at a table and my 2 new friends.
"What happened with Melissa first of all?" Howie asked. "We're friends for now." I answered she still seemed a bit out of it emotionally and slightly depressed. "You know there is this haunting at the college that just started?" I told them.
"Would it have something to do with the lady in green I saw, 2 nights ago?" Kevin asked. "Well, why don't you guys compare stories, I heard of your rumored exploits. Tell us all, why don't we all." Eric said, the group feeling some peer pressure from
him, gave in.
"Ok. 2 night ago..." Kevin started.
"I had just put the baby to bed, then took the bottled milk and put it in the heat container. Then water some flowers for my wife, to surprise her when she got hom. I thought it would delight her and make her feel wonderful about our new family and.." Kevin got a bit frustrated talking about it.
Starting to cry a bit. "..but we have been fighting lately and haven't had a night of just pure US and LOVE in almost a six months." Kevin was about to cry. That is the thing about my friends, their all criers, so you can't really take them to movies like "Titantic" and the women of the group, the married, girlfriends, and friends.
They cry over things, I simply don't understand, or are so sensative to different things, that they don't get each other then turn against each other.
Kevin contiued with his story. "I saw this woman, this 5'5" beautiful, red haired woman, with turn of the century victorian clothes on, with green and gold and a shamrock, and was crying. Then I heard in my head. "I need your gold, Kevin. I need gold from your "Buffy" and your friends from Heaven, give it to me, Kevin. I can fix you and your wife, and then I can be a bride." Then,...
I heard screaming, like people being tortured and tormented horribley." He said with fear and a huge sigh. "I heard her scream and scream and scream and then turn into a dead bride and I couldn't think." He said. Then I must of went into shock, because I ran like crazy to Mason's Nursey." Kevin told us with fear and passion. "I was afraid she would go after him." He told us, then I felt the cold breeze come upon me. Then I heard someone say something in some ancient language and heard her give a frustrated scream at me. Then left.
Then I was in Mason's room till Kristen got home." Kevin finished as he began eating his Talapheia and veggies.
"That was so interesting." Leslie said. "Let me know if you guys are trying to get rid of any ghosts, it sounds fun." She told me, then calmed me down by rubbing my arm like the big sister she is. "My turn." I chimmed in. "I have seen her too at college, I thought it was just me, till last night when we went out." I told them....
"Nick that isn't last night, that is 2 nights ago, like Kevin was." Howie corrected me. My new friends giggled a bit and blushed a little bit. "Well, here goes..." as I began narrating.
"We were in the libary preparing to leave for dinner and to go to home then the club for the rest of the night. Then we all saw her, same woman, but dead!" I began. She had scares up and down her face, glass poked through her, wooden stakes in her, swords in her and in the same outfit and then changed herself into a black and gray hair green, gray, and decaying bride. Screaming and screaming, and screaming. "I want and NEED YOUR GOLD." She screamed and chased Melissa and I, before I called Howie to go out." I told them.
As I remembered her, perfectly, a beautiful, 5'5" woman, red, curly hair like you see in magazines, all done up in an updo bun with shamrocks and pink roses in her hair. In a white and green dress with a gold shamrock, then changed into a woman that was dead incarnate. Decaying skin, bone arms and legs, lacey dress with green ribbions and a gold shamrock in the center, no cross, no heart, no nothing to speak of on her. But screams, begging and begging for gold, constantly crying and crying, and crying.
Melissa looked at Leslie, and they both shivered. "I don't like her either." Leslie told Aaron. "I know she sounds horrible. Is she a banshee demon thing?" He asked. "Besides, when did BSB start doing "Buffy"'s job?" Aaron asked. "I think they started, because that girl needed them to in Ohio a long time ago, and now everyone needs them to, and she is still training them and the fans, but I bet she is a nice girl or wants to be." Leslie said, she could never think the worse of anyone. Her or her husband.
Brian chimmed in, "Mine is the freakiest." Brian said. "No, it's NOT!" Aj almost yelled. "MINE IS." He stated over him. As the 2 of them started to lightly bicker. "Brian, go first." Eric said.
"It was after my birthday..." ,as Brian began to narrate.
"We were out in the park with Baylee, and I saw the same woman, nothing to show she was deceased or a demon, but..." As he thought about that day with Leighanne and Baylee and how those 2 never noticed a thing till much later.
She was walking around outside in her green and white dress, then turned into a bride, a living bride as if she had lost her groom, and began screaming and crying, then horns appeared on her head and nose.
As Leighanne and Brian looked around, and then made sure Baylee was looking the other way towards the parking lot.
As Brian slowed it down again in his mind, her super curly red hair changing into straight hair, and cascading down her dress with those pink and green roses and ivy in it. The heart necklace with a piece of gold nugget at it's center, but yet...
She had eyes greener than any person's eyes ever were alive or in photoshop for that matter. Wondering what she was and how come all they heard was "I NEED the coin of his, I need to get the potato farmers' coin of gold to release me and then I can rule with the chosen of us legion." She sang in the tune of an irish song and flute. Through Brian and Leighanne saw nothing.
As Baylee looked back to see whom sang such a selfish and greedy song. "I need this coin you see, to help us legion, we shall be, ruling over you, with a fake of he. Once I find the coin, one of those singers have, it will set me free. Bridesmaids at his golden wedding to us demons, we shall be, god may never bow down to me, but humans you shall flee once that Irish curse is brought over to you and no longer to me." She sang in a C minor tone.
"That is what happened." He told Leighanne later when they got home and the family began to pray and then Brian called Kevin that night and Howie to let them know what was going on and eventually Nick.
They had all ate the food by then. "Now, can I go, so we can get down to why we are having this meeting?" AJ asked impatiently. "ok." Leighanne answered.
"Last night I had stayed over late for rehersals...." He began narrating.
"Help!" A lady shouted as AJ and some of the grip crew were trying to pick up the stage area. It wasn't unusual for arenas, venues, clubs, and bars where singers and their employees worked to haunted. What made this unusual was this ghost had no reason to be there at all.
"Help!" She continued shouting as AJ ran back to grab his suitcase and back pack and heard her and came to help. "Are you alri-" He tried to say, but saw no one. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed. "He won't marry me like he will you!" The demon banshee screamed then turned into a bride, and cried even more. "NOW GIVE ME YOUR GOLD UP IN HEAVEN." She demanded.
"NO!" AJ replied, "NEVER! I EARNED IT, DAMMIT!" AJ told her off. She got pissed and tried to kill him with a lighting device. But the grip man pushed him out of the way, and luckily all he broke was his leg and AJ was safe.
As Aj finished his story. "So tonight, we all got to do an external exocism and get rid of this woman or find out who can or which fan she is after to get rid of her, otherwise, we might have to call off some shows of the upcoming tour. You guys don't have any antique coins or something that would allow her to come in, do you?" AJ asked us. "No." We all replied. "Maybe." Howie said. We all looked at him. "I'll tell you how I got it tomorrow. I feel sleepy for some reason." Howie said.
Then Howie found a note, that came out of nowhere. It read. "pab kuv os! MUAB KOJ COV NPIB KUB NTAWM LUB CEEB TSHEEJ, HOWIE, THIAB TXHOB MUAJ COV SLAYER UAS YOG TOM QAB ME." and the send was "Singer rau lub tshav ntawm lub teeb" aka a follower demon of the one whom fell from Heaven.
"HELP ME, GIVE ME YOUR GOLD COINS FROM HEAVEN, HOWIE, AND STOP THE SLAYER WHOM IS AFTER ME." the note read in Irish. "Singer to the sun of light" it read in english to Howie and I, since I was next to both him, Aaron, and then Leslie. We all stared in shock.