"I don't know why I fainted Nick." Howie told me. "It will be ok, Howie." I told him and gave him a big hug. "Are you sure it will work and do we have to do it on St. Patty's day?" AJ asked. "It will work reguardless, but we're doing it for a couple days and St. Patrick's day, which means no drinking for you and I and definately no driving or getting high or too much partying or sinning is out." I told AJ. "Who are you, Brian?" He asked sarcastically.
"It's a perfect plan it will work, then we can party a little and I can get back to life as usual and can celebrate Passover with my new friend, Eric." I told AJ. "Eric is jewish," he said. "cool." He replied back to me with a smile and a hug. As we got all set, we both sighed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The demon screamed again. "What is your plan pray tell?" She asked. "Not allowed to tell you bad ass demon, it's not allowed, you smell too much like bad garlic anyways and garbage." AJ told her off. She left in a huff of dust and decaying green smoke, we both ran out of the venue to the buses at the same time to tell Kevin what happened.
"KEVIN!" We both spoke at once. "Demon, screamed, scary, help." We both said. He just laughed for a minute. "What did you say to her?" He asked. "We told her she smelled like bad garlic and garbage." AJ answered. "Fine, but why do you come in here, your both in your 20's, heck AJ is almost 30's." Kevin answered. "because we missed you." I told him. "We're going to miss you more when your gone and Howie fainted." AJ told him.
"Ok, I'll page someone for him on the walkie phones." Kevin told them. "Now, get back to work, pray extra, and no more partying for a while. Have Nick's new friends help." He bossed us firmly and as politely and cheery as he could. Even if it was just for show to keep us going.
He gave us big hugs. "Now, hang in there guys, see you soon." He told us, then gave us another big hug and ran out behind us. "Why does he do that?" I asked as Kevin ran past us. "I don't know." AJ said, as we ran to catch up and get to Howie.