"I am scared Nick, what if this doesn't work?" Howie asked. "Howie." Nick told him; "your scared every time we get rid of a demon, your scared they will try to kill us again." I reminded him.
"Do they usually do that?" Howie asked, acting scared for me, more than not knowing or curious, and he knew I knew that, but still was worried for me. You could see it in his rubbery and dimpled face. "Yes, but it will be ok." I told him.
"Stop acting like a Muppet!" I yelled at him. "Chill Nick." AJ told me. "Let's do this, so I can have sex with my honey and protect my friends and employees." Alex went all firm and serious, he must have been upset by seeing the light nearly hit Howie and breaking that guy's leg.
"Kevin, we ok?" I asked. "Do you have the notes, and the prayers we wrote, and my books from my suitcase?" I asked. "Yes, but why did I have to get them?" He asked. "Because I got the snacks." I told him. "We totally got to work on reorganizing this." He told me. "Since when did I do your job?" He told me annoyed. "Kevin, I love you, don't do that. I am sorry, I am bratty and lazy." I told him as my friend.
"Brian, you ready, huh, huh?" I asked. "Nick why don't you do it?" He asked. "Me, do it?" I said in shock. As we all sat at the table AJ had us put up in the group room backstage early on in the day before work even started. "I am barely up, Nick, you do it." Brian told me. "But, but, but..." I said in shock.
"Your 25, it won't kill you, I think, come on." Brian told me. "Fine." I said. The Banshee appeared as a combination of the bride's dress and the dead look and scared the crap out of us. "What are you trying to do?" She asked. "What do you think?" Howie answered her. She screamed the loudest scream I have ever heard till I was almost death.
She screamed till we were almost deaf in the ears. "JESUS!" We all yelled at once. She looked in shock. "Jo sóc d'Irlanda" She screamed back, "STOP IT!" I heard all in my head as the scream continued.
"I praise you in the highest for blessing my family, my land, and my friends, and even some of my enemies whom wish to be my friends." I screamed. "Bless Howie and his coin and break the Banshee free from us back to Hell, we are thankful for everything and forgive us all of our sins and send all demons known and not known to our brains and hearts away from us." I pray. "In Jesus' name, blood, and in the convent of the ark and the flame that was on Mt. Siani and on the burning bush to prove your real to human kind, make it real God." I Prayed shouting. The group repeated. "I LOVE HOWIE, AND THE BACKSTREET BOYS, MY FAMILY, FRIENDS." I prayed harder. "
"Jo estic amb el seu avantpassats, granja, mina d'or, predicador, or, or, or,... ajuda, Irlanda, leaprecauns, deixar de pregar amb ells, Àngels fent yoursleves pretendre el seu-los. Què, què, què, què!" She said looking scared as we all began praying harder.
"Ajuda, ajuda, ajuda!!!!!!!!!" She talked to some little angel whom I saw shrink and turn into a leaprecan right there. As she screamed the end.
"I am related to your ancestors, farm, gold mine, preacher, gold, gold, gold,.........help, Ireland, leaprecauns, stop praying with them, you angels making yoursleves pretend your them. What, what, what, what!
Help, Help, Help!!!!!!!!!" I heard her say in my head. Even through the others couldn't tell what she was saying at all.
As Howie got beat up, and the coin glowed and she screamed as she flashed away in a huge fire that hit her and as black and blue duct tape finally crossed her mouth.
"The lord can claim a win on you." A myster voice said. As quiet, firm, and wise as can be. "No ST. PATRICK, NO!" She screamed as she meet her end to go back to Hell as arrows hit her, through we had no idea where they came from or whom sent them to go after our demons for us. ;)
Then the angels slashed her as she went to Hell for now again. "I will send St. Patrick greetings for you, being his guardian Angel and all, I just occassionally on earth." He said, but he looked like him. Red hair, green eyes, big nose, danity male features, and looked like a hard core friar, which he was.
Then he disappered in a simple blue light. "Remember seek and you shall find." He said quoting the book of John.
Today was awesome, we went to St. Patrick's day party Howie had. It was fun, we had food: chips, cookies, cake, veggie plates, fruit, BBQ, DQ ice cream. Does life get any better? Seriously?
The only drag was we had to go to church to please his girlfriend and her family and go to the St. Patrick's day parade since Howie missed the wonder of seeing it so he could get the nerve to purpose to her. But we haven't been that happy. Eric and Melissa and some of my other college friends LOVED IT.
"I can't wait for Passover." Eric told me. "I hope your coming." He reminded me. "Melissa is coming, you should go at least once in your life." He told me. "Since your religion is based from ours, it may help you." He told me. Then gave me a huge hug. "YAY!" He said with a smile. "Nick said "yes" to my family's Passover Meal in 3 weeks!" He told everyone. Everyone but the guys said "YAY!" "Did you?" AJ asked. "Not yet, but I kind of told him I would go last week." I told him.
"Oh boy." Brian said. "You and telling people things Nick. I swear." Brian said as he ate some diced peaches and a chocolate chip and Green M&Ms cookies with milk.