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                                        The Guardian Crusade

                                          Volume II


                                                      Chapter 28


Rayne and AJ walked hand in hand through the quiet, dim streets of Winnol. It was late into the evening and the stores and business were closed but they could here the chatter and laughing from the Taverns echo through out the city. They had been married for three days now and both felt rejuvenated from the time they spent alone with each other.  They now looked forward to spending the night as husband and wife at home in Winnol.


“Hey!” They heard someone shout and they both turned around.  They looked at the person confused, both of them not recognizing him.  Then as he swayed they realized he was a drunk from the Tavern around the corner.


“Let’s go.” Rayne said taking AJ by the arm.


“Do not walk away from me, you destroyed my home!” The man yelled as he stumbled at them, he fell to the ground and AJ stopped.  He walked over to the man and reached down to help him up.  “Get away from me!” The man shouted as he pushed AJ back.  

“Alex.” Rayne shouted out as he fell to the ground and she ran over to him. “Are you alright?” She asked concerned.


“You destroyed my home, everything in it, you do not care about us, or you would not have let her control you!” The man shouted.


“I’m sorry.” Was the only thing AJ could say.


“Sorry? You are a Guardian and you let some Druid take you over like a puppet.” The man barked at him.  “You are not sorry.”


“Come Alex.” Rayne said as the man started crying.  AJ looked at him stunned and confused, slowly he got to his feet, his stare not breaking from the man.


“Yes go, go back to your home!” The man yelled as the two of them started to walk away.


“Are you alright?” Rayne asked as they continued down the street.


“No” AJ said quietly as he fixed his bag.


“He was drunk Alex.” Rayne said with a frown.


“But he’s right; I probably did destroy his home.” AJ said as he stopped walking.  Rayne stopped and quickly looked back to see if the man was following them, he wasn’t to her relief.


“You know that was not you.” Rayne told him as she took him by the hands.


“But they don’t, they need someone to be mad at, they need someone to blame and Rexil’s dead.” AJ said to her as he looked around at the houses.  “They’re going to blame me and they’re not going to want me as their King.”


“Yes they will they just need time, you are still a Guardian.”


“Yeah some Guardian.” AJ mumbled as he started walking again.


“Alex no.” Rayne said grabbing his arm and stopping him.  “Do not let this get too you, it was one Elvaan, one drunk Elvaan.”


“Rayne” AJ sighed.


“You love these people and they love you, you protected them when no one else would or could and as far as you knew this was not even your home.  They needed a King and you gave them one, they need you more than ever now Alex, do not walk away from them.”  Her words echoed those of Avit and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.  “Yes with some of them you will have to rebuild their trust but you will, we will.”


He smiled at her lightly, taking her hand and lightly kissing it, he then wrapped her arm through his and they started walking again. They were greeted with warm welcomes by the guards at the Castle doors.  AJ made sure his hand covered her rings, not wanting any word getting out to soon.


“Did you want to go see your Mom?” AJ asked as they walked up the stairs.


“I can see her tomorrow.” Rayne said with a yawn and it made AJ smile, he wasn’t sure why, it was just one of the things about her that did.


“Remember what I said if you want to have a wedding in Sarila it’s ok, from what Avit said it’s a lot like how we had weddings back home so, it won’t bother me.” He told her as he walked down the hall.


“It is just ceremony.” Rayne said as she moved closer too him.  “I always liked the Elvaan one better.”  AJ smiled at her and gently kissed her.  When they pulled apart they continued to their room and when the door closed behind them they both breathed a sigh of relief that no one had seen them, able to have one more night together.


AJ was the first one to wake up and he quietly got ready for the day, sneaking a quick, light kiss, careful not to wake her before he left.  He walked down the hallways and saw the morning servants walking down the hall.


“Good Morning Sir, welcome back.” They all said with a bow as they stopped in front of him.


“Good Morning.” AJ replied back to them.  “Would one of you be able to tell the cook Rayne and I will be eating in our room this morning?”


“Of course you’re Highness.” The one Female servant said with a bow and then she broke away from the other servants.  He said goodbye to them and then continued down the hall, down the stairs and out of the Castle.  AJ made his way right down to the Healing Springs and he walked up to one of the Priests.


“King Alexander it is good to see you again.” The Priest said with a light smile.


“Is Avit still here?” AJ asked.


“Yes he is and you will be happy to know he will be able to go home today.” The Priest replied.  AJ smiled with a nod and then headed into the cave that Avit was staying in.


“Morning.” AJ said when he saw Avit sitting on the edge the pull.


“Alex, you are back.” Avit said as he went to stand but AJ motioned for him to stay seated and then he joined him by the pool of water.


“Yeah we got back late last night.” AJ said as he sat down.  “I figured you would have been sleeping.”


“Did everything go alright?” Avit asked.


“Yes.” AJ smiled and nodded.


“Then you two are?”


“Married and all that jazz.” AJ said with an even bigger smile.


“That is wonderful news Sir.” Avit said returning the smile.  “I am glad she is doing better.”


“Yeah much better, better than me actually.” AJ said with a sigh.


“What do you mean?” Avit asked.


“I’m still worried about the people, when Rayne and I were walking home last night we ran into a citizen, he was drunk but he started yelling at me, said I destroyed his home.” AJ told him.  “How can these people trust me as King if I took away everything they have?”


“The Guards announced Rexil’s death, they announced that she was behind what happened to you, Queen Rayne’s sickness and everyone in this City knew how she felt about Queen Rayne.” Avit said.


“They did?” AJ said a little surprised.


“A Human Druid does not go unnoticed and someone who was somewhat verbal about their dislike to her, the people are not stupid Sir.” Avit told him.  “They are hurt, help them rebuild, help them heal and they will forgive and let go.”


“I hope you’re right.” AJ said with a light smile.  “So the Priest told me you could go home today.”


“Yes most thankful for that.” Avit smiled.


“I want you to stay at the Castle.” AJ told him.  “The servants can get you anything you need, if you want anything from home I can get them to get it, but this way you can rest.”


“Sir you do not need to do this, what happened to me was not your fault.” Avit told him.


“I know.” AJ said.  “I want too; I take care of my family when they need it.”


“Thank you Alex.” Avit said and the two men hugged.


 “Well let’s see if we can get you out of here now and you can join Rayne and I for breakfast.” AJ said standing up.


“Oh I do not want into impose.” Avit said quickly.


“It’s ok really.” AJ smiled as he helped Avit stand.


AJ went out and saw the Priest who agreed to let Avit go now if he was going to be at the Castle.  So AJ helped his General gather his things and they walked together to the Tree Castle.  When they got there AJ retrieved a servant to let them know Avit would be staying in one of the guest rooms on the second floor and that he would be joining them for breakfast.


“Well I will let you get settled, I’ll send someone when Breakfast arrives.” AJ said as he stood in Avit’s room.


“Thank you again Alex.” Avit said as he sat on the bed.


“No problem.” AJ smiled.  He left the room and walked down to the other end of the hallway, the end where his room was.  Slowly he opened the door wondering if she was still sleeping.


“Hello?” A voice said from the bathroom and a second later she walked out in her robe.  “There you are, where did you go?” She asked with a smile.


“I went to see Avit.” AJ told her as he sat down on the couch.


“How is he?” She asked as she sat down beside him.


“Good the Priest let him out today.” AJ said nodding.


“Well that is great news.” Rayne said with a smile.


“He’s staying here, down the hall actually, I didn’t want him to be alone.” AJ told her.


“That is a good idea; he can recover faster if he can rest.” Rayne said.


“He’s going to have breakfast with us too, figured we’d have a quiet breakfast just the three of us up here.” AJ told her as he brushed her hair off her shoulder.


“What about your friends?” Rayne asked.


“Oh I’ll see them later, I’m sure they’re off doing something with Nick and Nalia.” He told her with a smile.  Just then there was a knock at the door.  “I’ll get it.” AJ said as he stood up.  He walked over to the door and opened it.


“Breakfast King Alexander.” A servant said with a large tray in his arms.


“Sweeet, just set it on the table.” AJ said stepping back.  He waited until the servant had put the tray down.  “Will you tell Sir Avit that Breakfast is ready? He’s in the first guest room.”


“Of course you’re Highness.” The servant said with a bow and then left the room.


“So how are you feeling, it’s been a couple of days since I asked you.” AJ said as he walked back over to her.


“I am fine.” She said with a smile.  “I was worried about us.”


“You were?” AJ said a little confused.


Rayne nodded.  “It is why I wanted to go on that trip you talked about; I did not want to do anything until I knew we were ok.” She said as he took her hand.


“Well I hope you’re not worried anymore.” AJ said as he lifted her ring finger.


“No” She smiled.  “I am not worried about anything anymore.”


“Good.” AJ said when there was a knock at the door.  “Come in.” AJ shouted just enough for the person on the door to hear.  Slowly the door opened and Avit walked in.


“Hey, did you get settled?” AJ asked as he motioned for Avit to sit down at the table.


“Yes I did thank you.” Avit said with a light smile, he then looked at Rayne who was getting up from the couch.  “Rayne it is good to see you looking well.”


“Thank you.” She smiled.  “And thank you for watching out for Alex while I was sick, I am sure it was not easy.” Rayne said looking at AJ with a sly smile.


“No, it was not” Avit said with a laugh.


“Hey” AJ said looking at Avit.  “And here I was being nice to you.” He joked.  “I still can kick you out ya know.”


“I would like to see you try.” Rayne said.  “I have just as much say as you now.”


“Oh crap.” AJ pouted.  Three of them started laughing and continued laughing when someone knocked on the door.  “It’s open!” AJ shouted.


“You really need to learn to get up and answer the door.” Rayne sighed.  Avit and AJ continued laughing as the door slowly opened.


“Hello.” Rayne smiled as she saw Kevin walk in.


“Am I interrupting?” Kevin asked as he walked into the room.


“No we were just sitting down to breakfast.” Rayne told him.


“What’s up man?” AJ asked as he looked up.


“The servant told us you guys were back but you’re having breakfast up here?” Kevin said.


“Yeah Avit just got out today so we’re having a little breakfast, to catch up.” AJ said as he nodded.  “We’ll meet up after breakfast.”


“Oh, ok alright man, we’ll see you after breakfast than.” Kevin said with a nod.  He said goodbye and let himself out.


“I want to say my Congratulations to the both of you.” Avit said as the door closed.


“Thank you.” Rayne and AJ said at the same time.


“It will give the people something to Celebrate.” Avit said as he cut his ham.


“Yes it will.” Rayne said with a smile to AJ.


“I’m ready to party.” AJ said with a sigh and Rayne lightly laughed.


“Me too.” She nodded.


“Really?” Both Elvaans said looking at her.


“Yes” She laughed.  “I have been in bed for almost a month, in water for almost half of one, and spent the last week sulking over a man I despise, I am very ready for an Elvaan celebration.”


“Despise huh?” AJ said looking at her knowing she was talking about Dyn.


“I am a lady and will not say what I really think.” Rayne said looking down at her food.


“Nice, bed talk.” AJ joked and Rayne slapped him on the arm.


Avit smiled and the heaviness over his heart lifted.  They were laughing and joking, looking at each other like they use too.  He swore to Marsa he would watch over both of them.  Sitting there he watched them quietly as they talked about what to do for a Celebration.  It wasn’t an easy job watching over these two but another crisis done and they seem to love each other more because of it.  Avit smiled and continued eating.