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Sitting in the surgical lounge waiting room, Kevin Richardson never felt more lost in his life as he did at that moment. His 'little brother' had been rushed off to emergency surgery without any explanations about what was happening or what they were going to be doing to Nick. The promise of Kevin speaking with the trauma surgeon was quickly dismissed as he we led off to the waiting area.

Glancing at his watch, it indicated it was 4 a.m. and as much as Kevin wanted to call his cousin or any of the other men that were considered his brothers, he immediately decided against it. He had nothing to offer if he called; it would only create more worries.

Running a hand through his hair in a defeated gesture, the older man sighed. Nick had been in surgery a little over an hour and a half and still no answers.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Kevin muttered quietly. The sudden ring from the phone at the information desk drew his attention.

"Carter?" a woman said as she looked around the lobby after she answered the phone.

Kevin jumped up from his seat. "Yes, I'm here for Nick Carter," he said as he quickly strode up to the desk. The woman nodded affirmatively, holding her hand up as she returned her attention to the phone.

"Room two," she said after ending the call.

 Kevin looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Room two," she repeated as she pointed to a door marked Consult 2 in small letters. "The doctor will talk to you," she clarified.

Walking into the small, dimly lit room, Kevin took a seat and waited anxiously for the physician to enter the room. As he waited, memories of the previous night flooded his mind. He balled his fists in frustration as he remembered how adamant Nick was when he had begged him to stay and wait the snowstorm out before heading back home.

His vision started to blur as tears pooled in his eyes. He shook his head in grief, wishing that perhaps he should have called one of the guys to help shoulder the burden. Just as he had leaned forward to cradle his head in his hands, the door on the opposite side of the room slid open. Kevin looked up to see a tired looking older man dressed in surgical scrubs, enter.

As the doctor sat down, Kevin sized the man up. He noticed the laminate I.D. that had a smiling picture of the physician with his name and credentials underneath.

"Doctor Schneider," the man paused as he held his hand out.

"Kevin Richardson," Kevin replied as he shook the man's hand.

"I was called in by Dr. Stuart for Mr. Carter's care because of the injuries he received in the car accident.  The physician sighed before he continued. "He has multiple injuries and he currently is in critical condition.  I was called in stabilize a pelvic fracture."

Kevin swallowed hard as he processed the doctor's words. "Nick's going to be okay, isn't he?"

Dr. Schneider shook his head. "I cannot tell you at this point. Nick has not been conscious so no one has been able to fully assess him. I will tell you that I ordered a high dose of methylprednisolone which aids in spinal cord injuries----"

Kevin cut the doctor off, "I thought you just said you don't know how---"

"I said we cannot tell you how Nick is right now but what I can tell you that he has some serious injuries. He has a pelvic fracture and a dislocated thoracic vertebrae which could lead to possible spinal cord injuries. I am giving him the steroids to hopefully prevent additional permanent damage to the cord. Once Nick is awake and we can determine possible injuries to his spine, and then we will be able to treat him. Do you have questions?"

His body instantly going numb, Kevin stared at the doctor; his shock-filled mind blank.

"They will let you know when Nick has been taken up to a room in Neuro ICU."

It wasn't until the doctor left the room that Kevin pulled his cell phone out of his pants pocket with shaking fingers and dialed the familiar numbers that would reach his cousin.