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Kat woke up the next morning to find AJ sound asleep and snoring next to her. She was touched that he came out to surprise her and happy to be able to sleep in the same bed as him. Curling up closer to him she tried to rest some more. The movement must have shaken AJ out of his sleep because he pulled his head up to look at her.

 "How do you feel? Do you need anything?"

 "You. I just need you."

 AJ smiled and leaned in to kiss her. "You can have me anytime you want me."

 "Are you sure you want to kiss me? You could get sick too."

 "I don't care if I get sick or not. I am not going to wake up next to you and not kiss you. That's just not happening."

 She smiled and kissed him.

 "How long are you guys staying for?"

"For as long as it takes you to get better. I'm not leaving until I know you're completely ok."

 "I really am ok. Teachers get sick all the time, it's one of our perks."

 "Funny. Seriously Kat, I want to make sure you're ok before we leave."

 Kat sighed knowing this was not an argument she would win.


 AJ put his hand on her forehead and then looked her in the eyes. "You have to be really sick to not argue with me."

 Kat elbowed him in the stomach. "I won't pick a fight I can't win."

 "Good to know." He kissed her again. "What would you like for breakfast?"

 "Toast." she said quickly. "Just toast."

 AJ looked at her with a confused look on his face. "Is that all you can eat? I can make something else....." He trailed off when he saw her trying to suppress her laughter. "You're just asking for toast because I can make it without burning your house down aren't you?"

 She burst out laughing and nodded.

 "You're a brat, you know that right?"

 "That's why you love me."

 "That and a million other reasons."

 Kat smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him. "Let's get out of bed before we spend all day in here."


 Brenda saved Kat's house by making breakfast for everyone. She had even offered to take Nick to see a few different things in Boston.

 "You owe me. A lot." Brenda whispered to Kat as she and Nick were heading out.

 "I already owe you and besides, being around a hot guy isn't exactly like torture."

 Brenda blushed. She would never admit to Kat that she thought Nick was cute and she really didn't mind his company.

 "Whatever." she said with a smile as they left.

 AJ got Kat settled on the couch and plopped down next to her. "What'd you want to do today?"

 "Rest. Spend some quality time with you."

 "Sounds like a plan."

They picked out a few movies and AJ slid his body down behind Kat's and wrapped his arms around her. She made it through an hour before she was sound asleep again. He finished the movie and watched one more before he decided it was getting late and he should probably start dinner.

 Nick and Brenda pulled in as he was pulling out stuff for salad and spaghetti.

 "Kat will kill you if you burn down her house before she sells it." Brenda teased him.

 "You heard that story huh?"

 "Absolutely. How long has she been out?" she asked as she pointed towards Kat.

 "A couple of hours. Is she really ok?"

 Brenda smiled and laughed. "She's fine. We all get sick at least once a year and it was her turn this month."

 AJ felt a little better hearing this from Brenda. Kat had tried to make him worry less but he wanted to make sure she wasn't just playing it down.

 "What's for dinner?" Nick asked changing the subject.

 Brenda turned to him with a look of surprise on her face. "Oh my god! You just ate like twenty minutes ago. Is food all you think about?"

"Yeah." Nick said shrugging his shoulders. "What's the matter with that?"

 AJ just shook his head. "Why don't you help me?" he asked and handed Nick the lettuce and tomatoes.

 Brenda sat down and watched the two of them try to fix dinner. Things were going fine until they tried to make the garlic bread and burned it. The smoke detector went off and the voice part kept repeating "Fire, fire, fire."

 Kat's head popped up. "Honey, are you trying to make dinner again?"

 AJ was trying to dismantle the detector as Nick walked around opening windows.

 "I'm blaming this one on Nick. He was supposed to keep an eye on the bread but he was too busy staring at Brenda to pay attention."

 Kat started laughing and watched as both Brenda and Nick swung at AJ. He was trying to avoid them and wound up trying to hide behind her.

 “No fair hiding behind the sick girl!” Nick yelled, catching AJ and putting him in a headlock.

 “Fine, fine, I give.” AJ tapped Nick’s arm.

 “Good because I’m hungry!” Nick said letting him go and walking into the kitchen.

 “When are you not?” AJ, Kat and Brenda yelled in unison.