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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thank you to everyone for reviewing! I love the comments and I appreciate the time it takes for you guys to read the story and leave me feeback. Thank you!

Brian was gone by the time AJ brought Jake back to the house. Kat was in the kitchen with Brenda who had just gotten home.

 “Hey AJ.” Brenda said giving him a hug. “I heard you dropped another surprise on Kat today.”

 “Who me?” AJ said feigning a look of shock. “I never surprise people.”

 “Oh yeah. You’re so against surprises.” Kat said sarcastically.

 Brenda watched as the two of them traded jabs. She could see how much they cared for each other and was as frustrated as everyone else that the two of them couldn’t get out of their own way long enough to tell the other one.

 “Hey Jake! Why don’t we go upstairs and cleanup for dinner? We’ll let Momma and Dada talk.”

 Brenda swept the little boy up in her arms and everyone laughed as he squealed. AJ sat down at the table while Kat finished making dinner.

 “Do you want to stay tonight?”

 “Huh?” AJ asked.

 “Do you want to stay for dinner tonight?”

 “Ah sure.” AJ answered. When he heard her the first time, he had been hoping she meant something else but apparently not. “How did it go with Bri?”

 “Ok. We talked for an hour or so. I told him to wait till you got back but he said he would catch up with you later.”

 “Yeah, we’re gonna to do some work on the new album next week.”

 “A new one? When is it going to be out?”

 “Not for a while so don’t get your hopes up about getting ready of me!” AJ said with a smile.

 “I’m not trying to get rid of you!” Kat protested, throwing a towel at him.

 “Yeah sure. I can take it, I’m a big boy.”

 “Whatever McLean. Why don’t you go wash your hands before we eat?”

 “Ok Mom.” AJ said flicking her with the towel and he left to wash up.

 Kat put her hands on the counter and took a deep breath. She wanted to tell him about what she and Brian had discussed but she couldn’t bring herself to open up that much. It had been hard enough with Bri, a man who she had never had a relationship with. Explaining all of that to AJ would be so much harder and he wouldn’t have been as easygoing as his brother.

 “You ok?” AJ asked, startling her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

 “Jesus AJ! Try not to scare the crap out of the person with the heart problem!” Kat said with a nervous chuckle.

 “That’s not funny Kat.”

 “Sorry.” she replied quietly.

 AJ turned her around so she was facing him and he put his hands on the counter trapping her into the spot.

 “No more joking about that. It upsets me. I care about you and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

 Kat stared into his eyes and saw the sincerity in them. She was so transfixed by his gaze that she didn’t see the fire on the stove until the alarm went off.


 AJ grabbed the pan on the stove and threw it into the sink. He ran over to the smoke detector and started waving his arms around like a madman. It brought back memories of the first time he had tried to cook for Kat and she burst into laughter.

 AJ turned around and watched as Kat sank to the floor in tears. He dove to catch her as she continued to cry. At some point, the tears had turned from laughter to grief and Kat started to sob in his arms. He held her tightly and rocked her until she was quiet.

 “I’m sorry.” she whispered. “I’m so sorry for everything.”

 “It’s ok baby. You don’t have to be sorry.” AJ said holding her tightly. He pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. “I just want to be here for you. Please let me.”

Kat nodded and wrapped her arms around AJ’s waist. She curled her head into his neck and just sat there listening to his heartbeat.

 “Someone is ready for din……” Brenda stopped in the doorway. “What’s going on?”

 “Nothing.” AJ said quietly. “We were just talking.”

 “Usually people don’t do that on the floor.” Brenda said with a raised eyebrow. “Want me to take Jake back upstairs?”

 “No.” Kat said shaking her head. AJ stood up and helped her to her feet. “I think I burned dinner.”

 “I think I helped.” AJ added with a smile.

 “Ok then, takeout it is.” Brenda said reaching for the phonebook. “You two are paying!”