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Kat watched as AJ chased the boys between the trees at the farm. She loved this time of the year when she was growing up. The smells, the decorations, the tree, the family being all together; this is what she loved about Christmas. Having a child of her own now, and Ryan joining the family, made it even more special. She made sure to take lots of pictures as AJ raced around and held the boys up so they could touch the top of the trees.

She smiled as AJ finally gave in and collapsed on the ground. The boys piled on top of him and Kat snapped one more photo before she joined them.

“Have you guys picked the perfect one yet?” she asked plopping down the ground next to them.

“I saw a couple towards the back that just might be candidates.”

“Well then get up off your lazy butt and let’s go.”

Kat tried to jump up before he could grab her but she didn’t quite make it. AJ pinned her to the ground and the boys tumbled over laughing. Leaning down, he kissed her gently.

“Get up off my lazy butt huh?”

Kat grinned and kissed him back. “Yup.”

AJ pulled them into a sitting position and then helped her to her feet. “Let’s go pick a winner.”

An hour later, they had the tree strapped to the roof of the truck and were heading on their way home.


AJ let out a sigh of relief when he pulled into the driveway and found it clear of everything. All he could do was cross his fingers that everything had been taken care of and that there were no issues.

“What was the sigh for?” Kat asked.

“Nothing. I’m just glad we’re home, it’s been a long day.”

Kat smiled. “We have to get the little monkeys to wake up.”

AJ looked in the rearview mirror and noticed that the boys were just starting to stir. He was excited that he would be able to spring the surprise on everyone at the same time.

“Let’s get them inside and we can worry about the tree later. I’ll call Nick and ask him to come over and help.”

“You think he’d mind? I mean I could help you…”

“Absolutely not! You are not helping me lift a tree off the truck and carry it inside. And besides, that’s what I keep Nick around for!”

“I’m sure he’d love hearing you say that.”

“I’m just kidding. He’s my baby brother and if I can’t tease him, who can I tease?”

“Just don’t say that to him!”

“Alright, alright!” AJ said with a chuckle. “I think you might be becoming his big sister!”

“Maybe. I never had a brother so it’s kind of nice to have all four of yours!”

“I’ll make sure I tell them that.”

Kat helped AJ unbuckle the boys and get them into the house. She decided to settle the boys down with a video but as she was sitting down with them, she noticed that the slider curtain had been pulled.

“Hey AJ?”


He came around the corner with the last few bags and noticed the look of concern on Kat’s face.

“What’s the matter?”

“Did you close the curtain on the slider?”

AJ looked over and saw that Nick had done what he asked. “Probably.”

“Are you sure? What if someone was in the house?”

“I’m sure no one was in the house Kat.”

“Can you open the curtain and just check the lock?”

“Ok but I’m not doing it myself. What if the boogie man is out there?” AJ answered with a grin.


Kat smacked him in the shoulder and slid the curtain back.

“Oh my God AJ!”