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Chapter 9

“ Hey did you hear what happen to Autumn over the weekend.” Summer said as she went over to mail box and checked to see if there was any mail in it.
“ No what happen to her.” I said as I looked over at Nick and saw him slam dunk the ball into the hoop.
“ She was arrested, and it had something to do with a stolen credit card.” Summer said as she looked thru the stack of mail that was in her hand.
“ Oh really, so whose credit card was she trying to use?” I said as I saw him take the ball away from Brian and slam dunk it again.
“ No the cops wouldn’t tell me, but all I know is that she will have to stay in jail until her trail, which will be next Tuesday and man my parents are so pissed at her, I think daddy is going to disinherited her or something like that.” Summer said as she went back into the house and put the mail down on the kitchen counter before going to the fridge and getting a beer.
“ Well I hate to say this but she gets what she deserves, and I think I know whose card that she tried to use, because he reported it missing.” I said as I looked down at what a friend sent me on twitter.
“ Wait are you tell me that she stole the credit card from…. Oh my God, no wonder she can’t leave the jail. Wait how did you know about the card?” Summer asked as she opened the bottle and took a sip of her beer.
“ Well I’m tour with him, and he showed up to my hotel room right after they had a fight and he broke up with her.” I said reading some other stuff from a couple of other people that I’m following.
“ Wait a minute Nick and Autumn aren’t dating any more, she told me that they were still seeing each other, and the reason why she came back home was she had a doctor’s appointment coming up.” Summer said sounding very surprise about the news of the break up.
“ Yeah they are broken up, and he even told her to leave the house and if he comes home and finds the place trashed he was going to see her pay for trashing it, and his sister called him this morning and told him that the credit card that he has set aside for her is missing.” I said as Ron took the ball away from Nick and dunked it.
“ I see so what she told me and my parents were nothing but lies, damn I can’t believe she did that, man if dad really is going to be pissed when he learns the truth about everything.” Summer said as she stirred the home made potato soup.
“ Well I’m sorry that your family will have to be paying for something that she did. Well I better get going because the guys just finished their game of basketball and we need to get ready for lunch.” I said waiting the guys shake hands and pat each other on the butt, as they go over to one of the golf carts and picking up a towel so they could wipe the sweat off their faces.
“ Ok I have to go to, I’m thinking about calling my parents and letting them know what happen.” Summer said as she added the bacon into the soup.
“ Ok, and good luck on that, see you soon when I get home in a couple of weeks.” I said as Nick came up to me so that I can hand him is bottle of water.
“ I’ll see you then and tell Nick I said hey and I hope that he doesn’t hate me for something that my sister did.” Summer said as she put the lid on the pot and turned down the heat to very low.
I hung up my phone and put it into my bag, and shut down my computer and but into my bag as Nick was talking to Q and then he came back over to where I was sitting so I could watch the game.
“ You ready to go and get ready for lunch, I know I need a shower first, so I’ll go and do that and you can do whatever you need to do.” Nick said as I got up from the box that I was sitting on.
“ Ok I think I’ll do the same thing, so what time is lunch?” I asked as we started walking towards the hotel.
“ It’s at 12 pm, and I see you around quarter till so that will give us plenty of time to get ready. Damn what does he want.” Nick said as his phone started ringing and he noticed it was his lawyer.
“ Ok see you then.” I said as we continue to walk and answered his phone.
“ Hello? … um… I don’t know but I will have to talk to Jen and let her know and see what is going on that day, I do know that we have three days off before heading over to Australia….Ok I’ll call you later today to let you know … ok bye.” Nick said as he hung up his phone.
“ What’s going on?” I ask as Q open the door and we started walking through the hotel lobby were there few fans hanging around at.
“ That was my lawyer, and I have to testify against Autumn because she had stolen the credit card, and Angel called again said that a check book was missing and two credit cards, one that is for Angel and the other one is my American Express card that I use unless it’s emergency.” Nick said as we stopped at the elevator and yes the fans did take pictures of us together, so there is going to be a whole lot of questions about us.
“ Damn, let me guess it’s next Tuesday day.” I said as I looked at him just as I felt his arm go behind me.
“ Um… yeah how do you know that?” Nick asked looked down at me in total surprise that I knew about the court date.
“ Well let’s just say her sister called me and told me what had happen, and she asked me to tell you hi, and hope that you are not mad at her and the rest of her family just because of what her sister did.” I said as he put his hand in my back pocket and pulled me a little closer to him.
“ I see, no I’m not mad with them, just because Autumn is a fucking bitch and whore.” Nick said as the bell rang and the elevator doors opened up.
“ That’s great to hear, because she is really worried about that.” I said as Nick removed his hand from my pocket and we got onto the elevator.
Q pushed the number button that our rooms were located on.
“ Well here is my room and I’ll see you at 11:45 ok.” I said as we stopped at my room door.
“ Ok see you then.” Nick said before he leaned down and gave me a kiss before walking away to his room.
I just stood there in total shock in what just happen. I open the door and walked into the room. Going into the bathroom I started the water and put the bath oils that were on the counter. I got undress and climbed into the tub, laying back I just laid there thinking about what just happen, and I started wondering if Nick still had feelings for me just like I still had feelings for him.
Twenty minutes later I got out and got dress and sure enough at 11:45 Nick showed up and we headed downstairs and joined the others for lunch.