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“So I heard you had an interesting night.” Marjorie said with a wink as Max made her way into the back of the diner.

She groaned. “My car died.”

“I gathered that since it’s still in the parking lot. I also heard that a fairly nice young man helped you out.”

“Yeah, he showed up as I was starting my walk home.”

“You were gonna walk home?” Marjorie shouted. “Are you crazy? It’s like three miles away!”

“I would have been fine; it’s not a big deal.”

“It absolutely is! It’s a good thing that AJ came by.”

“I guess.” Max answered as she pulled on her apron. “He kind of made me take the ride; he wasn’t going to give up.”

“That’s because his mom raised him right. I told you he was a nice guy and…”

“I appreciate the lecture Marjorie but I said I’m not interested in getting to know anyone and I meant it. He did me a favor and was nice about it; no part of that means I am intent in talking to him nor do I want any more rides.”

“Honey, I get that you have this whole tough girl thing going but it doesn’t do any harm to get help every once in a while.”

“Getting help means involving people in your life; people getting involved just causes more problems.”

Marjorie started to tell her something when the first diner came in. Max dashed off to help and to avoid any mores discussions about AJ or anyone offering help. She wondered what that poor girl had gone through to get so jaded.


AJ swung by later in the day to check and see if Max got to work ok. He found the diner swamped with some tour bus occupants who must have lost their way from the highway. Waiting as the counter, he sipped coffee that Marjorie half threw at him on her way by. The visitors finally made their way and the diner got quiet.

Marjorie leaned against the counter and wiped her brow. “This morning has been nuts!”

“I can tell.” AJ responded with a chuckle.

“I have no idea how they found this place but they tip well so I’m ok with it!”

AJ shook his head. “How’s Max?”

“She’s fine. I heard that you drove her home last night.”

“Yeah but it took some major pleading and begging, also some threatening that I would be like a stalker!”

Marjorie laughed. “Well I’m glad she took it. I told her that she should not be walking home at night by herself. That reminds me, she’s closing tonight and I need to make sure she has a ride.”

“She does.” AJ said quickly. “I can bring her home.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea honey. I think one trip is all you’re gonna get.”

“Well she needs to stay till close, Bob lives next door and you have to go home to your husband. I can make sure she gets home safe and sound.”

She thought for a minute. “You finish eating and let me talk to her.”

AJ nodded and she made her way to the back.


“He’s not taking me home again!”

Max stood with her hands on her hips and a look of anger on her face. Marjorie sighed and shook her head.

“Why are you being so stubborn sweetie? He’s just offering a ride not a marriage proposal!”

“I already told you, I don’t want any part in getting to know him.”

The older woman ignored the continuous protests. “How else are you going to get home tonight?”

“I’ll call a cab.”

“There wasn’t one available last night.”

Damn it, Max thought to herself; why did she tell her that detail.

“Then I’ll walk home.”

“That’s it!”

Marjorie stomped her foot on the floor and it startled Max.

“You are taking a ride from him tonight and I am not taking no for an answer. I will tell him to be here at ten thirty and that’s final.”

She stormed back into the dining area and Max saw her walk up to AJ. He listened to what she was saying and glanced towards the kitchen towards Max. Their eyes connected and she looked away quickly. Maybe Marjorie was right, one more ride would really be all she needed.