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"Now...let's get down to business" Derek said.

"Oh here we go" Damien groaned "Shouldn't we be hopping a plane to some secluded island or something?" he asked.

"Later" Derek said to him "First thing's first...we have some unfinished business to take care of" he said.

"What is this business you keep talking about?" Damien asked.

"Come with me" Derek said leading him towards the den.

He threw open the sliding doors a large desk sat in the middle, rollaway bulletin boards stood in the room, pictures of the boys and newspaper clippings tacked up to the board, detailing Damien and Derek's nefarious deeds.

"Oh my god" Damien said in surprise "The hell" he said to himself "What is all this?" he asked looking around the room.

"Just some things I've been saving for this very occasion" Derek said as he entered the room and slid the doors close. "Damien, the reason our respective missions failed was because we both let the thought of revenge cloud our judgement...not to mention you giving me up to the cops" Derek said.

"I knew you would throw that in my face" Damien said angrily.

"It's time you and I started working together" Derek said to him.

"Together?" Damien asked "So we can rule the galaxy as father and son?" Damien asked.

"Are you making fun of me?" Derek asked.

"I wouldn't do that...not to your face anyways" Damien said to him.

"Are you in with me on this or not?" Derek asked irritated.

"Why should I do this?" Damien asked "What will make this time any different?" Damien asked as Derek smiled wickedly at him.


The backdoor opened, Neilson came in hurriedly "Natalie's in charge of a dance and she's going to ask you to help, for god’s sake man move!" he said to Bradley.

Bradley stared at him for a few seconds "Son of a bitch!" Bradley said as they raced to the door that lead to the living room, they opened it to see Natalie leaning against the door frame they yelped in fear and grabbed on to each other.

"Trying to warn him, huh Carter?" she asked Neilson.

"How are you...how did you..." Neilson stuttered "You scare me" Neilson said to her as they still hung on to each other.

"If you want me to stop having fantasies of you guys together, let go of each other" she said to them as they quickly disconnected. "Now...the Halloween dance..." she said as they groaned disapprovingly “Guys come on!" she whined. "I had to practically get on my knees and beg the dance committee to trust me with this, now am I going to have to do it with you guys?"

Bradley and Neilson turned to look at each other, grinning mischievously before turning back to Natalie "Wouldn't hurt" Bradley said to her as they looked at her suggestively.

"You're disgusting, both of you" she said annoyed "If I do a decent job with this they'll let me help plan the prom."

"Oh my god the prom, you hear that Neilson? the prom!" Bradley said as Neilson laughed "What do you want us to do?" he asked.

"Okay well first, I need a DJ" she said.

"Well I don't know if you've heard but there's been this wonderful invention called the internet..." Bradley said to her.

"Yeah the dance committee doesn't have that much money to hire one...will you do it please?" she asked Bradley.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Because!” she whined “Remember that party you guys had here that time? you took care of the music and you were awesome" she said to him. "Right Neilson?" she asked, Bradley turned to look at Neilson.

"Yes Bradley you were wonderful" Neilson said in a deadpan tone of voice.

"Please?" she asked looking at him innocently.

"What's in it for me?" he asked leaning back in the chair, putting his hands on the back of his head.

“Fine, don’t help me” Natalie said to him “But when your dad gets home I would be more than happy to sit down with him and share the message you wanted me to pass along to him while we were in the bathroom during the shooting.”

Bradley's face fell “You wouldn’t” he said.

“Oh I would” she said to him.

He gasped “Blackmail…very smart” he said to he "Alright fine...you win" he said.

“What? You’re going to cave in just like that?” Neilson asked.

“Yes!” Bradley said “Can you imagine what would happen if my dad ever finds I actually like him? I’m not willing to take that risk” Bradley said to him.

"And you" she said getting up and walking towards Neilson "I was hoping you could persuade the art club to construct the haunted maze we're going to set up in the courtyard". "And to thank you..." she said leaning in close to whisper in his ear, his eyes grew wide and he lost his breath "Deal?" she asked.

"Oh you have a deal alright” he said happily.

“Oh what the hell, you wouldn’t have had to resort to blackmail if you just made me that offer” Bradley said to her.

"Hey" Harry said coming into the kitchen.

"Oh Harry, just who I was looking for" Natalie said rushing over to him.

"You were looking for me?" he asked, she nodded "Wow...a beautiful girl looking for me...that never happens" he said opening the refrigerator.

"I was hoping you could do me a favor" she said.

"I was really excited up until the word favor" he said to her.

"Hey! Hey! None of that!" Neilson said to him.

"I'm kidding" he said to him "What's up?" he asked Natalie.

"I need you to take pictures at the Halloween dance, we're going to set up a backdrop for anyone who wants a picture taken and I figured you could print them in the paper" she said to him.

"Oh yeah that's no problem" he said.

"Thank you so much" she said kissing his cheek, he smiled sheepishly and giggled.

"Guys, guys" Kyle said rushing into the house "Where's Adam?" he asked "Adam!" he yelled up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Natalie asked.

"My mom heard from detective Stone" he said as Adam came down the kitchen steps.

"What's up?" he asked.

"My mom just heard from detective Stone" Kyle said to them "She said the remains were positively ID'ed as Damien and his dad" Kyle said.


"Whoo!" they all cheered and high fived each other.

"Let's celebrate" Adam said going to the refrigerator.

"Isn’t it a little morbid to celebrate someone's death?" Harry asked, they all looked at him confused and irritated.

“Not in this case" Bradley said to him.

"Here we are" Adam said handing a soda to everyone "To Damien and Derek Winchester...fuck 'em" Adam said raising his can.

"Cheers!" Bradley said as they raised the cans in the air.

"May they burn in hell" Neilson said.

"Here here" Kyle said.


"Men, you all have your assignments, don't let me down" Derek said to his guards as they stood before him.

"Yes boss."

"Good, you're excused" Derek said to them.

"What exactly are you planning?" Damien asked his father as he sat in his lounge.

"All in good time son, you'll know soon" Derek said cryptically.

"What does that mean?" Damien asked him.

"What's with all the questions?" Derek asked "Just trust me" he said to him.

"You know dad I would but that hasn't really worked for me in the past" Damien said getting up from a chair.

"Like I said, you'll see" Derek growled at him.

"Look dad, as much as I enjoy being part of this unholy alliance..." Damien said "But if you don't start talking, I'm not going to be able to help you" he said irritated.

"Okay fine...then I will just call up the police and tell them where to find you..." Derek said pulling out his cell phone.

"You wouldn't" Damien said.

"Try me" Derek said holding the phone in his hand "Your choice" he said holding it up in Damien's face.

"...fine" Damien said relenting and sitting back down.
Derek pulled a piece of paper from his coat pocket and unfolded it, he then handed it to Damien.

"What's this?" he asked.

"A list of upcoming activities at your old school, go ahead, read" he said.

"Uh parent teacher conferences...back to school night..." Damien read.

"Keep going" Derek said.

"Homecoming...annual Halloween dance" he read.

"Feel like going trick or treating?" Derek asked him as Damien looked at him.


Wendell locked up his office, he passed the reception desk, flipping the light switch and turning the lights off. He pressed the button for the elevator, the doors slowly opened and he stepped inside. It descended to the parking garage and opened, he fumbled with his keys, carrying his coat draped over his arm and his briefcase in one hand. He heard footsteps behind him, they were quickly approaching him, as he walked faster the footsteps became faster.

He sprinted towards his car, trying to put the key in the door, looking over his shoulders nervously. He finally shoved the key into the door's lock, the footsteps suddenly stopped, he looked around seeing the empty garage. His face then went blank and he fell to the ground, his briefcase spilling open, papers floating around him. His eyes were vacant as they stared ahead a drop of blood trailing down his chest. someone stood over his body and slowly pulled him, dragging him away.


"I haven't even shown you the best part of this plan yet" Derek said to Damien.

"It gets better?" Damien asked, Derek pulled a silver briefcase from behind his desk, setting it on top, flipping the latches open. He turned it towards Damien, Damien stood up to see what was inside, he then smiled wickedly at Derek. "I got to hand it to you, you're really going all out" Damien said sitting back in the chair.

"No mistakes this time son" he said.


Later that night Kyle lied on his bed, he looked up at the ceiling, bad memories flooding his mind, he looked at his wrist. A faint scar from the handcuffs was becoming lighter, he put his hand over it and squeezed. His phone lied next to him on the nightstand, it lit up and began to vibrate, he reached over and picked it up.

A simple "Hi" was written in a text message, he looked at it curiously.

"Hello...who's this?" he wrote back.

"Can't tell you that yet ;)" it read.

Kyle smiled to himself "Do we know each other?" he asked in another message.

"I think we do..." it read.

"Have I seen you around school?" he asked.

"You have" it read.

"What grade are you in?" Kyle asked.

"Senior" the message said.

“Me too” Kyle wrote

“Awesome, ttyl” the message read, Kyle smiled to himself.

“He take the bait?” Derek asked Damien who held a cell phone in his hand.

“Hook line and sinker” Damien said smiling wickedly.