Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 16
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Chealyn is only unconscious a few minutes. When the police show up, she’s still lying on the floor of the motel office, shivering in pain. As three of them run for the room she escaped from, the fourth kneels by Chealyn. “Ma’am, an ambulance is on the way. Just lie still. Can you tell me what happened?”
In a hoarse voice, she whispers, “I need to go home. I need to see Kevin, my babies!”
He pats her arm. “Ma’am, we have to get you taken care of first. Now, can you tell me what happened?”
Before she can even begin to tell her tale, one of the other officers comes in. “There’s no one in room six.”
Her eyes widen and she tries to sit up. “NO! Oh God, he got away?”
The man beside her grabs her uninjured arm and holds her down. “Ma’am, who was he?”
She shivers, fear chilling her blood. “He’s…he kidnapped me. His name is Grant Desmond, he works for the United States Marshal Service.”
The other officer says, “We got a bulletin on him from the FBI. They were afraid he’d come into Canada. His parents are Canadian. He has dual citizenship.”
Chealyn’s eyes widen. “The FBI? They know about him?”
The officer nods. “Yes Ma’am. There’s an active manhunt underway for him. For you both actually. I need to report you’ve been found.” He looks out the window. “The ambulance is here. I’m sure by the time the doctors examine you, someone from your government will be here.”
Chealyn sniffles loudly. “I want Kevin! I need my husband, please!”
The officer pats her arm. “Ma’am, we’ll get you home. Just calm down. You’re safe now. He won’t ever hurt you again.”
Once back at Brian’s house, Nick manages to get Kevin to lay down to rest. Once he’s sure his friend is sleeping soundly, he checks on Sophie and DJ, finding them thoroughly enthralled by Mickey Mouse and Uncle AJ’s tattoos.
When he gets to the kitchen, Jenn is on her phone looking excited and Brian is standing close by begging for information. “What Jenn? What’s going on?”
She lowers her phone. “They found her. She’s in Canada. She’s ok.”
Nick and Brian just stare at each other for a full five seconds before they grab each other in a huge hug, cheering loudly. AJ comes running in. “What the hell…” The look on his face tells him all he needs to know. “She’s ok? They found them?”
Brian and Nick nod emphatically and they all high-five each other. Jenn waves her arms to quiet them. “Yes, I understand. We’ll have a plane chartered and up there to bring her home in a couple of hours.” Brian pulls out his phone and starts making arrangements to charter a flight. “Yes Marshal Baker, I understand. No, Kevin won’t be going. He has a concussion and just regained his memory.”
Nick chimes in quickly. “I’m going. Don’t tell Kevin until I’m gone or…”
From the doorway, Kevin asks in a subdued voice, “Don’t tell Kevin what?”
Nick sighs and turns. “Kev…”
All it takes is seeing the look on his friends’ faces. “She’s ok? They found her?”
Nick smiles and nods. “Yes. I’m going to get her and bring her home.”
Kevin steps forward. “I’m coming too!”
They all start shaking their heads. Nick says, “No, you’re staying here with Sophie and DJ and I’ll bring her to you.” When Kevin raises his hand to protest, Nick whispers, “Man, we just got you back. You had a serious concussion. It won’t be long. I’ll fly to Canada, get her on the plane and be back before you know it. Just stay here with the kids and let them know Mommy is coming home.”
Kevin is trembling. He knows Nick is right. Physically he’s exhausted and his head is still throbbing. He manages a weak smile as tears fill his eyes. “Nick…just tell her I love her.”
Nick smiles through his own tears. “Tell her yourself.”
They hug each other tightly. Brian comes over. “Nick, the plane will be ready to take off in half an hour. Go. We’ll take care of Kevin.”
Jenn hangs up her phone and says, “She’s ok. She has a broken arm and a bump on the head, but other than that, she’s ok. The RCMP got her to the hospital and they are helping the FBI guard her until she’s treated and ready to come home.”
Kevin leans heavily against the door as DJ and Sophie come toddling into the room. AJ scoops up Sophie while DJ tries to crawl up his Daddy’s leg. As Kevin gingerly lifts him up he says, “What about Grant?”
Jenn’s smile fades. “He got away. But his face is plastered everywhere in Canada and in the US. He won’t be able to hide forever.”
Kevin lays his head against DJ’s and whispers, “I just want her home.” When DJ pulls back and looks at Kevin smiling, Kevin whispers, “Mommy’s coming home.”
DJ’s squeal of glee makes them all chuckle. He jumps in Kevin’s arms and chants “Mama” over and over. Sophie joins in quietly, mirroring her brother’s excitement.
Nick kisses Sophie’s cheek loudly, making her giggle. “I’ll be back before you know it, Sweet Cheeks. Make sure Daddy naps.”
Sophie giggles and gives Nick a long line of gibberish that has them all laugh. All they know for sure is she’s happy about her Mama and Daddy. Nick kisses DJ on his way out and squeezes Kevin’s arm. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Kevin stops him long enough to pull him into a tight embrace. “Thank you for everything Nick. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you…”
Nick pulls away, cutting him off. “You don’t have you. You’re family. Now go rest. Chealyn…Elena is going to need you when she gets here.” He sees the tears forming again in Kevin’s eyes and he whispers, “I’ll tell her you love her.”
As he jogs from the room, Kevin looks at AJ, Brian and Jenn. “Thank you all. I mean it. I…I’m sorry I kept everything a secret from you…”
Brian smiles at him, wiping his eyes. “Kevin, we understand. We really do.” He clears his throat. “I’m gonna call Howie. He’ll want to be here when Chealyn…Elena comes home.”
Kevin is thoughtful. “Rok…when she comes home…I really want her to come home. I need to go to my house.” He looks down at DJ sucking his thumb. “I want to take my family home.”
Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for your patience. :)
Chapter End Notes:
Please let me know!! :)