1 week later at the airport
AJ: Where the hell is Nick? He's late.
Brian: He is coming.
AJ: He should. Or I will...
Nick: You will what?
Howie: Nick! Where the hell were you?
Nick: Stupid traffic.
Howie: That explains a lot why you are late.
Nick: Yeah. Alex?
AJ: What?
Nick: Do you remember that MacDonald chick?
AJ: Kelly? Of course. We had a crush on her.
Nick: I saw her 3 weeks ago.
AJ: You did? How is she?
Nick: She's great. And she looks great.
Howie: Oooh Our Nicky is in love.
Nick: Could you stop?
Brian: It's great you have found girl, Nick. I'm happy for you.
AJ: Nick... Listen your buddy Frick. Hold on to her.
Nick: She's seeing someone.
AJ: Who?
Nick: She didn't say. Can we now please go to that fucking plane?
Brian: Nicholas... Don't swear.
Nick: What are you, a father now?
Brian: No. I'm your brother.
Nick: Then act like one.
Brian: Someone need to be like father while Kevin is gone.
Nick: You are not Kevin!
Brian: No I'm not, but I'm his cousin.
Howie: Guys! Please stop! Stop fighting like 10 years old.
Brian and Nick both are quiet and walks to plane.
Howie: AJ... You should sit with Nick.
AJ: You are right. They won't talk to each other for a while. Talk to Brian.
Howie: I will...
Kelly: Excuse me?
Air hostess: Yes Miss?
Kelly: Could I have Ice tea?
Air Hostess: Sure. I'll be right back.
Kelly: One more question.
Air hostess: Yes Miss?
Kelly: What's going on in the first class? Is everything okay?
Air Hostess: One passenger got fever and he's way to hot.
Kelly: I could look at him. I'm nurse.
Air hostess: Please follow me.
Kelly: Okay.
Howie: AJ.. You still cold?
AJ: Yeah. You asked me that minute ago.
Air hostess: Here's someone who can help.
Nick: Kelly?
Kelly: Nick?
Brian: AJ is not feeling good. What we do?
Kelly: Some hot tea or juice. And we need more blankets.
Howie: How we know how high the fever is? Got thermometer any chance?
Kelly: He looks like he go it it very high. How's it going AJ? Member me?
AJ: Hey Kelly.
Kelly: Was he like this at the airport?
Brian: He was fine. Nick can tell you what happened?
Kelly: You were with him, Nick?
Nick: Yeah. He started to shaking and looked really bad.
Kelly: You feel strange yourself, Nick? Your forehead is little warm.
Nick: Little.
Howie: This is fucking great.
Kelly: You two don't have fever. Go to sit on my seat.
Nick: I'm sick too?
Kelly: You were sitting next to him.
AJ: Can you stay here sitting with us?
Kelly: I better sit somewhere else. I might get fever if I stay.
Nick: Did you know that AJ had a crush on you too?
AJ: Shut up, punk.
Kelly: AJ... it's okay. You were very cute then.
Nick: So Kelly...
Kelly: Don't... I really don't want to talk to you.
Nick: Why not?
AJ: Nick... Leave her alone.
Kelly: I'll take care of you while we are in the air. After that you are on your own.
AJ: Very smooth Nick. Very smooth.
Nick: What? Talking won't harm no one.
AJ: Will you sit down?
Air Hostess: Here's empty seat, miss.
Kelly: Thank you. *Sees Robert with Paris Hilton in the plane* Shit...
Air hostess: Something wrong?
Kelly: There's my ex-husband with his new bitch.
Air hostess: That's Paris Hilton.
Kelly: I rather call her as bitch. I need to tell Nick.
Air hostess: Why he needs to know?
Kelly: He use to date her. Excuse me.
Nick: *Snores*
Kelly: Hey AJ... Could you wake up Nick?
AJ: Why?
Kelly: Paris Hilton is in the plane with my ex-husband.
AJ: Oh... Really? Hey Frack... Wakey wakey...
Nick: What? Kelly? Hey...
Kelly: We got a Problem.
Nick: What you mean we got a problem?
AJ: It's totally your problem, Nick.
Nick: What's going on?
Kelly: Paris Hilton is in the plane.
Nick: As long she stays another side of plane, I'm fine.
Kelly: With my ex-husband Robert. You remember Robert right?
Nick: Are you serious?
Kelly: That's why I'm here telling you.
Nick: If she knows I'm here, she wants to talk to me. She wants me back. I know she does.
AJ: And you don't?
Nick: Hell no... She once stole my car drunk and wreck it. I hate her.
Kelly: That's not all...
AJ: What?
Kelly: She's pregnant.
Nick: She is? And you think Robert is the father?
Kelly: I think I want to do something stupid.
Nick: Like what kind of stupid?
Kelly: Give me your pillow.
Nick: Here you go... What's ya...
AJ: Are you pretending to be pregnant to Nick?
Kelly: Why not?
Nick: I'm in.
AJ: I want to play.
Nick: Sure you do. How about you can pretend to be Uncle Alex?
Alex: I'm more like Godfather material.
Kelly: That's fine, but I'll go and you stay. I'll be right back and tell you everything.
Nick: No. I want to come. My fever is not so bad as AJ's. And I want to see Paris' face when she sees us.
Kelly: Fine. See you later Uncle Alex.
AJ: It's Godfather.
Nick: She's just kidding.