Rated: G
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22
Completed: Yes
Word count: 34777
Read: 31179
Published: 02/19/21
Updated: 06/18/21
1. Prologue by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (916 words)
2. Chapter 1 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1709 words)
3. Chapter 2 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (970 words)
4. Chapter 3 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (2057 words)
5. Chapter 4 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1905 words)
6. Chapter 5 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1235 words)
7. Chapter 6 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1698 words)
8. Chapter 7 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1682 words)
9. Chapter 8 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1135 words)
10. Chapter 9 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1269 words)
11. Chapter 10 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1279 words)
12. Chapter 11 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (2578 words)
13. Chapter 12 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1533 words)
14. Chapter 13 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (2009 words)
15. Chapter 14 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1300 words)
16. Chapter 15 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1372 words)
17. Chapter 16 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1378 words)
18. Chapter 17 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1352 words)
19. Chapter 18 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1850 words)
20. Chapter 19 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1794 words)
21. Chapter 20 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (2249 words)
22. Chapter 21 by DelphinaCarter [ - ] (1507 words)
The concert dialogue is taken directly out of this YouTube video.