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A/N: Hey, guys! We're so sorry! It's been forever since we updated! Well, fear not, for the newest chapter is here! Read, enjoy and review! ~*Stephanie and Anastacia*~

"Pierce...woah...alright..." Ana yelped painfully as Pierce helped her out of the hospital bed into her old wheelchair. Pierce held her right side steady as she shifted all her weight onto her left side, hopping gently toward the chair. She had signed all the paperwork and was finally allowed to leave after a barrage of questions and information given by the doctors and nurses. The cast on her arm would be removed in four weeks, then she would transfer onto crutches for at least a month till her femur completely healed. Till then, Ana would have to depend on her friends for help in ambulation. Ana didn't really think about the possibilities as she eased her already exhausted body into the wheelchair with Pierce by her side. Howie was late and Ana figured that he just wouldn't show. Pierce had been there early and offered to take her to his house since no one else had shown. Ana thought it was the best choice, because her father would be calling soon and would rather hear Pierce in the background than anyone. "Thanks for coming, Pier. I know you've missed a lot of school for me... And can I tell you that I owe you the world for helping me get dressed?"

"You don't owe me anything except wear those nice little bikini's during the summer, okay?" Pierce chuckled, kissing her cheek. "Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready to go and never come back," Ana answered, adjusting the large immobilizer strapped to her right leg.

"Alright, let's get rolling," he started to push Ana out the door when a figure blocked them.

"I signed all the damn papers, I swear!" Ana blurted in surprise.

"I know you did, Baby. It's just me," Howie laughed, coming into view. He had flowers in one hand and a stuffed Orca in the other.

"I thought you weren't coming," Ana answered honestly, glancing back to Pierce with question.

"I'm sorry about being late, had some things to do before coming here. I thought I would be on time."

"It's not a big deal. I was just going to go home with Pier."

"Everyone is waiting for you at my house and I think Mel would kill m if I came back without you."


"The guys, Mella and my family."

"Your family?" Ana squeaked out in surprise, hearing Pierce chuckle behind her. He took a moment to converse with Howie as Ana stayed silent, agreeing for Pierce to place all of Ana's gifts in the back of Howie's car. Pierce excused himself, immediately taking care of the business. Ana just stared at Howie with shock, actually fearing going to his house. "You didn't need to invite everyone. I'm tired and your family... I mean, it's your family, Howie..."

"And they wanted to come and visit you. It's that so bad? They really care about you, and they know how much I love you. My mom already considers you like a daughter. They know you're going to be tired, so it's only going to be for a little bit."

"It's not bad, but it scares me. It's really sweet that they care about me and know that you love me... I get so shy, though... And, even if they care about me, it doesn't mean that they accept the relationship and I can't stand them hating me or anything," Ana sighed, staring at the cast on her arm.

"But they do accept our relationship, that's the thing. None of them hate you and never will," Howie kneeled down and made her look into his eyes.

"I get really shy," Ana whispered again, her cheeks flushing red.

"I know you do, and it's okay," he leaned in and kissed her.

The corner of Ana's lips curved into her impish smile. Howie was too good to be true at times and she knew she was lucky. She ran her fingers through his thick curls, pulling him in for another kiss. "So, what did you have to do before you came here?"

"Well, your presents for one thing, and I was making sure we had everything for dinner tonight," Howie smiled.

"Presents?" Ana groaned.

"I know you don't like getting presents, but... too bad," he teased, kissing her again.

"You give me heart attacks."

"Good heart attacks or bad ones?"

"Good," she answered with a sly laugh. "Are you going to spend the whole day with me?"

"The WHOLE day. You might get sick of me," he chuckled.

"I would never get sick of seeing you for the entire day. I'm in love and need you more than you realize."

"I think I can realize that, because I feel the same way."

"Feel the same way, huh?" she asked with a gentle smile as Howie started to wheel her toward the elevators.

"Definitely the same way," he agreed, kissing the top of her head.

"I get the cast off in three weeks... So, I'll only be in this stupid wheelchair for that long, and then I can start doing stuff for myself on crutches, okay?" Ana decided as Howie hit the button to carry them to the first floor. Once they reached it, Pierce kissed Ana and said his goodbyes, promising to come visit her later in the evening with the rest of the pack.

"Okay, but you better let me help you at times."

"Help me how?"

"Just with little things. Like if you need to get upstairs, grabbing something in the cupboard, getting into the car. Things like that."

"And what if I don't?"

"Then I'll bring you up to the bedroom and torture you by kissing your neck."

"Torture that's also pleasure? Oh yeah, I'll be sure to listen now," Ana quipped sarcastically as Howie wheeled her to his favorite car. She was surprised to see all her items nestled neatly in the backseat by Pierce. She smiled softly.

"I warned ya, I'll leave it at that," he chuckled as they stopped at the passenger door.

"You planning on doing something else, too?"

"Put my good side toward the car, then I can pull myself carefully into the car, but I need you...forget it, just turn me to my good side," Ana suggested.

"Are you sure that's all I need to do?" He asked as he turned her to her good side.

"If I fall down and break my leg again, no big deal, I have a hospital right over there," Ana murmured.

Howie frowned a little at the dry joke. "Tell me what I can do to make sure you don't fall."

"Pick me up yourself?" she guessed, knowing it was impossible with the heavy immobilzer. She wouldn't submit anyone to that kind of torture.

"Okay, on the count of three," Howie bent down and wrapped his arms around her waist. "One--"

"Howie, you're going to hurt yourself!"


"Howie, don't!" Ana cried in shock as Howie easily lifted her into his arms. She winced a little at the abrupt action pulling on her fresh scars and beaten back. Immediately, the heavy immobilizer strapped to her injured femur started to droop. Ana yelped in pain, "Howie! Don't let that drop down!"

Howie placed one arm under her legs and gently placed her in the car. He ran a hand through his hair. "Did I hurt you too much?"

"No, you just surprised me with the initial rush..." Ana wheezed, gently massaging her leg over the immobilizer. She grasped control of her voice, smiling gently at Howie as she reached for his hand, "I would have hurt either way, Babe. Thank you though. It was a lot easier than me hoisting myself up. The immobilizer part was just a folly. Don't worry okay? I just didn't want you to hurt yourself."

"Well, don't worry about me hurting myself, Sweetheart. I just wanted to make sure you didn't hurt yourself worse by doing it all without my help," Howie was panting slightly as he leaned down and kissed her. "Are you ready to get out of here?"

"I did hurt you, didn't I? I may be light, but not that immobilizer..." Ana frowned.

"No, no, I'm okay. Don't worry about it."

"But, Howie---"

She was silenced with another kiss. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Let's get going back to the house, Mella and everyone else are excited to see you."

"Are you going to keep hefting me up?"

"You mean helping you get in and out of your wheelchair? Yes."

"What about upstairs?"

"We'll get you up there."

"I can take the immobilizer off if you can hoist me without it?"

"Yeah, that can work. See? We can always figure out what to do when a problem arises," Howie replied, closing the door after she got her legs inside. He placed her wheelchair in the trunk and went to the dirver's side. He revved up the engine and sped to the house.