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“ He must be doing alright, he carried on a conversation without running from her.”
“ Yeah I noticed, he’s ready to go come on.” Howie said heading for the door. Brian sighed and followed the rest of the group from the party, they where able to slip from the party unnoticed. Brian sat down in the car next to Kevin. Kevin was smiling, something they hadn’t seen him do in a very long time.
“ You seem happy.”
“ Yeah, Angela is a wonderful woman. I don’t know how she’s raised her son alone. I was so lost without Beth and Scott.” Kevin said looking at his cousin.
“ Strength comes to people in the strangest of times. You really needed someone around like her a long time ago.” Brian said.
“ It’s true, she’s a real work, and if she helps you then so be it. When are you seeing her again?”
“ I told her when we go on break I asked her to come to the house.” Kevin said beaming.


The months of the tour seemed to come to an end quicker than they had all expected. Howie went home for the holidays spending that time with his family and doing his charity work. AJ went home to his moms for the holiday and was going to spend the time with Howie’s family as well. Nick decided he was going to spend the holiday with his brother, things with his mother weren’t good and he didn’t need that stress during his break, Kevin hurried home with Brian, Brian smiled at his cousin.
“ Are you sure that you don’t want to come with me?” Brian asked looking at his cousin.
“ Yeah I’m sure, just remember I’ll be there on Christmas day with a few extra visitors.” Kevin said looking at him.
“ Alright man, see you in a few weeks.” Brian said hugging him. With that Kevin walked one way out of the airport and Brian went to catch his connecting flight to Alabama to be home with his own family.


Kevin walked into his home. He looked around the dusty house and smiled. It had been four years since a woman had been in his home and he really needed to pick up. He looked towards the mantle and smiled at the picture of him, Elizabeth and Scott. It was a picture that had been taken right after their son was born.
“ Finally some happiness in this home.” Kevin said blowing a kiss to his lovely wife and then went about putting his dirty cloths in the washing machine and proceeded to clean the house. He had received a call earlier in the day, his cellphone. And he spoke to Angela and she said she and Billy would be arriving in a few hours. So he had a short time to clean. Once he had finished with the house, he decided to check on the horses that he had bought right after his son had been born. Walking into the barn he called out to the four horses he had.
“ Well hello boys. Daddy is home. How about I let you out into the pasture and I clean your stalls.” Kevin said walking to each of the horses. Hearing what he hopped was a happy reply he opened the stalls and ushered the horses from the barn and out to the large pasture.

Kevin looked up from his cleaning when he heard what sounded like a car pull into his yard. Walking out to the yard he saw Angela and Billy climb from the cab and the cabbie hand them their bags. Hurrying over to them he paid the cabbie and smiled at Angela.
“ Welcome to my home.” Kevin said sweeping his hand out around the yard and house that was displayed before them.
“ Wow the place is huge.” Billy said looking around. Angela smiled when she saw her son’s eyes light up at the site of the horses in the yard.
“ They friendly?” Billy asked. Kevin turned to what Billy was looking at and smiled.
“ Wouldn’t have them around if they weren’t. The black one is Thunder, the white one is Pearl, the spotted one is Babe and the smaller one is Tiny, he’s my son’s horse. You can ride any one of them that you chose. Bart can help you saddle them up.” Kevin said seeing the older man step from the stables. During the time Kevin was on tour or doing other things Bart tended to the needs of the horses and the up keep of the grounds.
“ Wow can I momma?”
“ Sure go a head.” Angela said.
“ Come on in.” Kevin said as Billy scampered down to the pasture.
“ Sure thanks.” Angela said as Kevin gathered their bags and headed into the house.

Kevin watched as Angela moved around the living room. He had excused himself so he could shower and get changed. He feared he smelled like the barn and when he pulled off his own cloths he was right. Laughing he walked into the living room and watched as Angela looked at everything. Angela picked up a small unicorn statue and looked at it.
“ My wife made that.” Kevin said startling the young woman.
“ Really?”
“ She was big into making things. That picture frame over the mantle she made. She made a lot of things around the house.” Kevin said smiling.
“ Sounds like a wonderful woman.” Angela said looking at Kevin.
“ She was.” Kevin said sitting down.


Kevin stood in the kitchen making dinner. He could hear Angela and Billy talking about his day, the rides he had taken and the fun he’d had. Kevin laughed and continued making the meal. He heard the phone ring and reached for the phone.
“ hello?”
“ He cuz how are things?” Brian asked.
“ Things are good. How are Leigh and Baylee?”
“ Both are doing good. Leigh says hi and says she can’t wait to see you for the holiday.”
“ That’s a few weeks away.” Kevin laughed.
“ You bringing Angela and Billy along?”
“ Yeah I was planning on it you all ok with that?”
“ Yeah it’s fine. See you in a few weeks Kev. Leigh wants to take Baylee out for a while.”
“ Alright cuz have a good day.” Kevin said hanging up. Kevin looked towards the two people in the living room. It had been a long time since he had laughter in his home. Kevin watched them for a while longer and then finally joined them in the living room.
“ There you are.” Angela said looking at him.
“ Sorry, that was Brian.”
“ How is your cousin doing?”
“ Brian and his wife are doing fine. Their son is getting so big.” Kevin said with a smile.
“ Oh that’s right Brian and Leighann have a son.”
“ Yep they do little Baylee and he’s doing wonderful. They wanted to make sure I was coming for Christmas.”
“ Are you?”
“ Of course it’s family but I am bringing two extra special guests.”
“ Thanks.” Angela said smiling.