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Chapter 10
Kevin watched the scene before him with horror and disbelief.
" That did not just happen" Kevin thought to himself. " Yea that didn't happen it's just a bad nightmare I'll wake up in my bed" He reasoned. Kevin closed his eyes and opened them back up only to see it wasn't a nightmare or just a dream. It was reality a nightmare coming true.
" Whom was I kidding?" He thought bitterly.
Kevin ran to where Chelsea was lying. She was unconscious and lying on her side. A crowd had huddled around her. Kevin pushed his way through and kneeled down.
" Someone call 911 now," He shouted.
A man pulled out his cell phone and told the operator they need an ambulance. Kevin checked for a pulse and felt a faint one.
" Shouldn't we move her over to the sidewalk" A woman asked.
" Absolutely not she could have a bad injury and if we move her it could make it worse or be fatal" Kevin replied.
Tears started filling his eyes. " Hang in their Chelsea you can't leave me now" He whispered.
In the distance he heard a faint sound sounding like an ambulance.

Rachel and AJ ran into the hospital full force. Rachel ran up to the desk.
" Hello we are hear to see Chelsea Tackett could you please tell me what room she is in" Rachel asked out of breath.
AJ and her had been in the middle playtime when AJ cell phone rang. At first AJ didn't answer it but when he saw on the caller ID it was Kevin he thought it might be important. Rachel had watched AJ'S facial expression change from a man who was annoyed with an interruption to one of a worried and scared man. When AJ had got off the phone he told her Kevin called to say that a car had hit Chelsea. That was all Rachel needed to hear. The both of them threw on their clothes and had sped as fast as possible to the hospital. AJ's hair was sticking up everywhere and Rachel knew her own was devilish. People who looked at them knew what they had been doing but there hadn't been time to brush their hairs and UN wrinkle their clothes. Rachel didn't care as far as she was concerned it was none of their business. The nurse at the counter typed in the name on the computer.
" UM she is still with the doctor but you can wait in the waiting room. Rachel thanked the nurse and both her and AJ walked into the waiting room. Everyone was already there. Kevin was pacing around the room while Gina was softly crying in a chair beside Howie who squeezed her hand for support. Nick and Brian sat in a corner talking quietly among them.
" Have you heard anything yet?" Rachel asked to no one particular while taking a seat next to Gina.
" Nope nothing since she was admitted" Howie answered.
" Has anyone called her boyfriend" Kevin asked.
" I did on the way here" Gina replied. " He is on his way".
Rachel laid her head on AJ'S shoulder and quietly started to cry. She prayed nothing would happen to her friend.

Nick sat watching Gina cry and Howie trying to comfort her. For some reason it made his blood boil. He was Jealous that it was Howie not him comforting him. Brian saw the looks he was giving to Gina and Howie.
" Frack what's your problem".
Nick really didn't feel like talking about it.
" Nothing" He lied.
" I know better than that so talk" Brian replied.
Brian always made Nick feel better.
Nick sighed. " I don't like how close Howie is getting to Gina" He replied bitterly.
Nick watched as Gina put her head in Howie's lap. Nick could feel himself get angry.
" You know Nick Howie and Gina are going out" Brian told him.
" What"? Nick asked through gritted teeth
"Yea Nick everyone else knows about it" Brian filled him in.
" Why am I the last to know" He asked annoyed.
" Maybe if we could get a hold of you once in awhile" Brian replied in just as annoyed voice. " Nick you spend all your time with Mandy we never hang out anymore and play basketball".
" I know IM sorry we will spend more time hanging out Mandy will just have to understand that" Nick said.
Nick watched with disgust as Gina sat up and snuggled up with Howie.
" I want to make Gina feel better like I did when we were younger" Nick whined.
" Frack you have to understand that you were the one who was a jerk and never talked to her for five years and broke a promise" Brian commented. " I know Frick that I made a mistake but IM here now," Nick said.
Brian sighed. " You and Gina aren't close yet it's going to take time for her to trust you and be comfortable enough to come to you". " You have to understand that besides I know you haven't spent anytime with her or really done anything to restore what you once had".
Nick knew Brian was right.
" Besides as long as you are dating Mandy you won’t be able to reconnect with Gina because Mandy won’t let you" Brian pointed out.
Nick rolled his eyes. No one in the group liked Mandy. They all said she just wanted Nick for his money and that she was a manipulative little bitch whore. Nick didn't think Mandy would do that to him. Nick made a mental note that as soon as they find out that Chelsea would be OK he was going to make it up to Gina.

Gina couldn't stop crying. Here was one of her best friends was hit by a car and Kevin had said it was a hit and run. The police didn't really have much information just the color and type of car it was. Gina snuggled closer to Howie for comfort. Howie had been so supportive and she was grateful for his willingingness to help but she secretly wished it were Nick.
" Stop it" She scolded herself.
Howie had been there for her where as Nick had not. Gina watched as Nick whispered to Brian about something. Ryan running into the waiting room interrupted Gina's thoughts. Before he could say anything the doctor showed up.
" Are you friends of Chelsea Tackett" He asked.
" Yes we are" Kevin replied.
" How is she" Ryan asked with worry.
" Well she was lucky the only injuries she sustained was a broken arm, two ribs that are broken and four other ribs that are bruised". "Miss Tackett woke up a little bit ago and She can go home tomorrow". He explained.
Everybody breathed a sigh of relief.
" How long till her injuries heal" Ryan asked.
" She will need to wear the cast on her arm for six weeks but her ribs should heal in two" He responded.
" Can we go see her" Kevin asked impatiently.
" Yes you may but only a few at a time" The doctor responded before walking out of the room.

Chelsea sat up in her bed board to all hell. She felt blessed to be alive but Her arm felt like it was detached from her body and her ribs hurt like a son of a bitch. The nurse had been in a few minutes earlier to give her a shot of painkillers but it hadn't done shit for pain. A few seconds later the creaking of the door made her look up. She saw Gina's friendly face peak in.
" Up for some visitors". She asked.
Chelsea smiled. " Of course come on in".
Gina, Howie, Nick, Brian, Rachel and AJ all walked in.
" Hey guys where is Kevin" She asked.
" Kevin and Ryan wanted to see you alone so they will come in after us so how are you feeling" Rachel asked.
" IM feeling good just in a little pain and IM board and anxious to get home" She replied.
" IM glad" Rachel said.
" I think that we should let you rest and give Kevin and your boyfriend a chance so we will see you tomorrow" Gina said as the others headed out the door.
" Ok see you guys later and Rachel".
" Yes" She asked turning around.
" IM glad you and Aj had fun today" Chelsea teased.
" Shut up" She replied and walked out the door.
" You had that coming" Chelsea heard Gina say as Gina followed her out. Chelsea had to laugh. Her friends were crazy. A few minutes later Ryan came rushing to her side.
" Honey are you alright," He asked concerned.
" Yes IM fine".
" Thank god" He whispered and hugged her tightly.
"UM honey broken ribs too tight" She gritted through her teeth.
"Oh IM so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" He apologized.
" Its ok I know you didn't mean too. "
" I was thinking maybe you should come stay at my house so I can take care of you for a couple of days" He asked.
" UM That’s so sweet but I would feel more comfortable in my own place if you don't mind" Chelsea answered.
" Oh OK " Ryan responded hurt.
" IM sorry Ryan please don't be mad" She pleaded.
"IM not mad" He said.
After a few minutes Ryan said "Well I know your friend Kevin wants to see you so IM going to get something in the cafeteria and ILL be back soon ok".
" OK" Chelsea replied softly.
" I love you," He said.
" I love you too" Chelsea whispered.
For some reason saying I love you too didn't mean the same as it used to and Chelsea wasn't sure why. Ryan walked out the door and Kevin walked in slowly looking at the ground. He stopped once the door closed.
" Hi" He mumbled.
" HI Kevin".
Chelsea saw that Kevin looked shy.
" Come on Kevin don't be shy get closer" She urged.
Kevin slowly made his way to the bed and sat at the edge not looking directly at her. Chelsea waited a few minutes than finally asked " Kevin what's wrong".
" Nothing" He lied.
" Kevin I know your lying you won’t look me in the face and since when are you so shy" Chelsea asked with curiosity. "Look at me Kevin".
Kevin looked at her with tears in his eyes.
" Kevin what is the matter" Chelsea asked concerned.
" Its my fault your in here I asked you to come and If I hadn't of been complaining about my mess with Kristen it never would have happened" He sobbed.
Chelsea smiled and cupped Kevin's chin in her hand.
" Kevin listen to me its not your fault the only person at fault is the person that hit me do don't you dare blame yourself got that" She assured him.
Kevin smiled and nodded. " IM glad your ok" He whispered hugging her tightly.