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Chapter 13

*Nick's POV*

My back ached liked hell. I had no idea why my body felt like a truck had run over it. Slowly I opened my eyes. I discovered I was on the floor.

"What the hell?" I asked myself softly and sat up.

I looked around unsure then glanced at my bed. Anita slept in it and I remembered what had happened. I sat and watched her sleep for a while. She looked so peaceful, I did not want to wake her and bring her back into reality.

She shifted slightly moaning. I held my breath unsure. She didn't wake. The doorbell rang and I sprinted downstairs and swung it open. Julio and Thomas were there.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We came so we can go with you to the hospitle."

"Why are we going to the hospitle?"

"Anita was raped, they have to check her." Julio said stepping in.

Sighing, I followed Thomas and Julio into my room. Julio knelt by the bed and gently woke her.

"Baby, wake up." He whispered stroking her cheek.

Her eyes flew open and she screamed loudly.

"Hey, hey calm down its me." Julio said stepping back.

She gazed at him blankly.

"What are you doing here?"

"You have to go to the hospitle now."

She sat up wincing.

"I don't want to go."

"Honey you have to." I said stepping closer.

Shrugged her slim shoulders. I went into my sisters room and got some clothes for her. I went back to my room, Julio and Thomas were soothing her.

*20 minutes later Anita's POV*

"Someone can come with you into the room if you want." The nurse said.

Nick suddenly looked extremly pale and sick, Thomas was looking down.

"I'll go in with her" Julio said stepping forward.

Slowly I followed to my examining room and lay on the table. They nurse moved me down so my legs were up and over the edge of the table. I was so scared. Julio gripped my hand tightly.

The nurse began to move her hand up to my southern region and I stiffened.

"Just try to relax." She said in a soothing voice.

Julio leaned over me stroking my cheek. I fought back tears, I did not like the feeling of the nurses hand.

Julio glanced down and paled.

"You ok?" I asked worridly.

He nodded his breathing irregular.

I watched him unsure but he tried to remain calm. Soon it was over the rape kit was done and an officer came in.

"Is this your boyfriend?" She asked looking at me and Julio.

"No, he is one of my best friends."

She nodded.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

I gave an unsure look at Julio and then told her everything. A few minutes later they let me dress and Julio and I walked out.

Nick and Thomas got up and greeted us.

"How did it go?" Nicked asked.

Julio shook his head still feeling sick.

Nick hugged me tightly.

"He is going to pay for this." He said into my hair.

I looked up at him wide eyed.

"I sure hope so." I said softly.

Slowly they led me out.

*2 hours later*

The phone rang and I answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"May I please speak with Anita?"

"This is she."

"Anita, I just wanted to call and let you know that your tests turned out ok and also we have Jeffery in custody."

I hung up and began to cry I was so happy. Soon I was being held in Thomas', Julio's and Nick's arms. Everything was going to be ok.